Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Tito Omaha Daily Bee
' Kntered at Omaha Poatoffics as second
tlua matter.
Pally Bee (without Sunday , ons eer..HJJ
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Sunday B, on year f
Saturday B, on year
Dally Be (Includlnt Sunday). p week..l
I'ally Bee (without Sunday), pet
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per wee so
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week . o
Aedreta all romplalnta of Irregularities
in delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Be Riilldln(.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 15 Boott Street.
Chicago IMO Vnlverslty Building.
New York-lSt Home Life Insurance
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Communlcatlnna relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed. Omaha
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payable to The Bee Publishing company.
Only 2-cent stamp received In payment or
mail accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, sa.:
George B. Tsschuck, treasurer of The.
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of December, 1907, was as fol-
I SS.400 IT M.840
t : tT.iso it se,eao
a 37.S79 It W.M0
4 S7.BM ' t .
37,390 tl M.BB0
, 22 86 300
T 87,00 . 28. .400
I M.800 24 3S,90
1 8S,30 . 25.......... 88,800
18 87,080 24 88,880
11 97,000 IT 36,890.
II 88,740 21 36,380
II 37,889 29 85,800
it 88,810 iO.i...- 88,110
II 88,850 II.. 38,610
II M.880 i
ToUls ...,...,..1,188,880
Li unsold and returned copies. 8,804
Net total 1,199.774
Dally average 36,444
' Treasurer.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 2d day of January, lfc.
'' 1 , Notary Public.
Subscriber leaving- tat elfr esar
no rarity shaald sit The Bee
Mailed, to them. Aedrens will be
chsBSadtaa often as reoaeste.
The Kentucky night riders should
have sworn off from burning tobacco
in bulk.
The life insurance game la a great
game when played by those who are up
to snuff.
With hia lariat baited with, a certi
fied check for 1200, Mayor "Jim"' had
bo difficulty in roping In that demo
cratic state convention.
J. Plerpont Morgan is being criti
cised for visiting Washington. Mr
Morgan has a right to . Inspect con
gress, even if It is not creditable to his
taste. , ' , ,
Beckham democrats wish now they
could believe what they were saying
a little while ago about the opposition
of Colonel Watterson being a help to
Secretary Tafi has suffered the loss
of an overcoat by theft. Colonel Bryan
ii not suspected. Mr. Taft's overcoat
would be much too large, for the Ne
Senator . roraker doubtless agrees
with the Nebraska democrat! who are
enthusiastic for the theory of open
primaries, but opposed to them la
It is a little surprising to read of
the large loss occasioned by the burn
ing of the Union depot at Kansas City
We had no idea that a blue print was
so valuable.
Having brought the democratic state
convention home with him, Mayor
"Jim's" candidacy for governor may
be considered duly launched with the
seal of Colonel Bryan'a approval.
The enforcement of the Sunday clos
ing law has now been Interposed in
court as a defense against the collec
tion of a debt.v Sunday closing may
yet have ltajusefulness In unthought-of
Those who caused the Druce coffin
to bo exhun?d In London expected to
And a box filiod with lead Instead of
a human bi;ly. The Investigation
f roved that ft ace did not die in Ken
"In it desirable for a youuj girl to
play the mandolin?" asks a corre-
8ondent. Purely a matter of taste,
It Is a safe wager, however, that skill
with a waffle Iron will make her quite
as popular.
An applicant for a marriage license
In . Chicago gave his occupation
"hard labor,". The police courts often
pass a sentence of that kind, but
Is a little unusual for a court of xnatrl
mony to do it. .
The railway mail service Is bound to
be reorganized soon on a basis of re
arranged divisions and Omaha Is the
natural location for the headquarters
of one of the new divisions. It Is up
to our delegation In congress to see to
it that this division headquarters Is
placed where it belongs.
The advent of gero weather meaaj
extra strain upon stoves, furnaces and
beating apparatus, which are the pro
lific sources of fires and conflagrations
Every householder should make sure
that all flues are in good working or
der and that. there are no inflammables
exposed to Ignition. A stitch la time
saajr save a fire alarm.
After all the hue and cry about dem
ocratic devotion to the direct primary
nd all the crocodile tears Bhed In the
emocratlc organs pretending sym
pathy for the republican malcontents
who were demanding a statewide pres
idential preference Tote, the democratic
state committee has put up a fake pri
mary which Is not even worthy of the
The democratic call apportions the
delegates to the state convention In
lolation of the direct primary law and
then provides that In any county In
which a petition signed by fifty demo
cratic voters Is presented asking for a
primary election the county committee
shall arrange, not for a primary vote
on president, but for a primary to elect
delegates to a count?" convention,
which shall in turn select delegates to
the state convention. Of course, no
democratic primaries will be held any
where, because the privilege of going
to the state convention will not be con
sidered worth fighting for.
The democratic plan of optional pri
mary furthermore makes it absolutely
Impossible to hold a primary through
out the state, even if every democratic
Voter should join In asking for it In
his respective county. According to
the vote cast In Nebraska for Alton B.
Parker four years ago, nine counties
out of ninety failed to show up fifty
democrats, and if a vote for Parker Is
the test of demderacy one-tenth of the
counties in Nebraska are absolutely de
barred from holding primaries Irre
spective of their wishes.
It goes without saying, however,
that the fake primary set up by the
democrats will in no way interfere
with the result. The great majority
of Nebraska democrats are thoroughly
committed to the candidacy of Mr.
Bryan and there is not a shadow of a
doubt that the Nebraska delegation to
Denver will be not only solid for
Bryan, but practically selected accord
ing to his personal preferences. If
the law permitted it the committee
could Just as well have passed a reso
lution asking Mr. Bryan to commission
sixteen delegates from Nebraska to
represent him at Denver and thus have
saved all further trouble and expense.
The practically complete deatruc-.
tlon of a thirteen-story "fireproof"
building in New York by fire, in which
four firemen were killed, a score of
persons more or less seriously Injured
and property of immense value totally
destroyed, serves to emphasize . the
warnings Issued recently against the
claims of builders that such skyscrap
ers can be made fireproof. The com
mission recently appointed in New
York adopted a recommendation limit
ing the height of office buildings to
100 feet, hut the municipal authorities
failed to enact the recommendation
Into law. The high price of real estate
is he potent argument used In favor
of removing the height limit from
buildings and structures i like the
Singer building of forty-two stories
are going up all the time, with even
taller buildings being planned.
Perhaps the greatest danger result
ing from the1 construction of these
towering buildings is In the reliance
placed upon the word of contractors
that the structures are "unburnable."
On account of such assurances owners
and tenants fail to take the ordinary
precautions against fire, with the re
sult that they are absolutely helpless
when a conflagration occurs. The de
struction of the thirteen-story sky
scraper furnishes but a hint of the dls
astrous results that might follow a
fire In a towering office building thirty
or more stories In height and filled
with thousands of tenants. The sub
ject la one that must compel the atten
tion of municipal authorities every
where and lead to a better study of
building and building conditions, too
often neglected. It is a matter of
record that little improvement has
been made In the -character of our
buildings, and the danger .from this
source increases as. cities grow bigger
and buildings grow taller.
While Colonel Bryan will doubtless
appreciate the expressions of enthusi
asm over his candidacy that rise with
the smoke of post-prandlal cigars at
dollar dinners through the west, be
cannot view with complacency the in
difference, amounting in so mo cases to
open opposition with which his can
didacy is being received in the east.
It is formally announced, on the au
thority of "Flnsy" Connors, as chair
man of the New York democratic state
committee, that the Empire State will
send an unpledged delegation to Den
ver next July. Chairman Connors as
Berts that Tammany hall, the Influen
tial leaders In New York City and
practically all the woikers of the or
ganization agree that the delegation
will go to Denver as a free lance and
vote according to its judgment as
emergencies may arise, without refer
ence Jo the candidacy of the Nebraska
Colonel Bryan may argue that the
New York democrats do not usually
cut much figure in democratic national
conventions, but the fact remains that
New York has been a considerable
factor in every election from which the
democrats have come out victorious
New York democrats made Mr. Cleve
land president In 1884. ,. The party In
the Empire atate balked In 1896 when
Qolonel Bryan was nominated and
male little effort to help him at the
polfa In 1900, It Is true that a New
York democrat was nominated In
1904. but It was practically after Colo
nel Br) an left the field one for any
democrat who would accept the uoin-
Ination. Judge Farker was defeated
before he was nominated and the men
who named him knew It He was re
garded as a sacrifice to pave the way
for greater harmony In the party ranks
and a possible reorganization for the
fight of 1908, but that object has ap
parently not been accomplished. An
unlnstructed delegation to the conven
tion at Denver Will be evidence that
the party workers in the Empire state
are not to get highly enthusiastic over
ColoYiel Bryan's nomination.
The attitude of the New York demo
crats will not injure Colonel Bryan's
hances In the Denver convention. The
opposition of Tammany hall and demo
crats of the Conners-Murphy type will
help make Bryan's nomination more
unanimous, but the significant fact
will remain that with these New York
ers indifferent .the democratic chances
of carrying the state will be as slim as
they were in 1900 or in 1904.
Official announcement is made- by
the Interstate Commerce commission
of intention to make a most thorough
nvestlgation of the allegations made
by George S. Loftus of the Minnesota
Railroad commission, who is asking
that the rates charged by the Pullman
company be reduced 25 per cent and
that upper berths be sold for one-
half the price of lower berths. The
Loftus petition declares that the Pull
man company has N actually Invested
about $28,000,000, but pays regular
dividends on $125,000,000 and has to
divide a lot of extra millions every few
years to keep from Increasing Its
dividend rate. He has presented sta
tistics to show that a Pullman car
costs about $16,000 and pays for Itself
in earnings every two years.
Officials of every state in the union
and the traveling public generally will
watch these proceedings before the In
terstate Commerce commission with
keen interest. The question of regu
lating sleeping car charges Ib always
a live one at every legislative session,
but the results accomplished have not
been particularly satisfactory. In the
present proceedings the Pullman com
pany has offered its old defense that
It Is not a common carrier, and upon
the decision on that point will hinge
the future relations between the com
pany and the federal authorities.
Aside from illuminating the company's
relation to the government, the de
cision will be instructive If It goes Into
the earning powers of the corporation
and contrasts its findings with the pov
erty pleas usually made by the com
pany's attorneys before legislative
committees. Even if charges for the
upper berth do not come down, the
curtain is apt to be drawn on a lot of
things heretofore kept covered up.
"Mike" Harrington has let the po
litical cat out of the bag la formally
inviting the republican malcontents to
come over and play in the democratic
back yard. Harrington is always cour
ageous in advising republicans to sup
port democratic nominees, but has not
the courage of his own convictions to
support a fair and square republican
against an untrustworthy democrat.
Two years ago he denounced Shallen
berger as a corporation tool, riding
around on free passes, but he did not
have nerve enough to come out In the
open and support Sheldon, whom he
admitted to be clean, capably and in
dependent. In bis address at the Bryan democ
racy dinner at Danville, Mr. Bryan
There is not a plank in the platform
laid down at Chicago in 1896 that Is not
stronger now, and there is not a plank
in the republican platform of that year
that Is not weaker.
For instance, that plank in the Chi
cago platform of 1896, reading, "We
demand the free and unlimited coin
age of both' silver and. gold" Is so much
stronger than it was then that no
party or' party leader even thinks of
supporting It.
"Sheer timidity of the leaders and
the sheer apathy of the masses will
probably land Colonel Bryan an easy
winner at Denver and an easy loser at
the polls," says John Temple Graves,
the editor : of Hearst's New York
American. Is it possible that Mr,
HearBt is going to be a mere Innocent
bystander Instead of having a reserved
seat In the wagon?
Our old friend, Dr. George L. Miller,
has been asaln honored with election
as president of the Nebraska Historical
society, No man in Nebraska knows
as much about the history of this state
by personal observation .and participa
tion as does Dr. Miller all of which
makes him pre-eminently the man to
bead the historical society.
Senators Foraker and Dick are
amusing themselves by defeating the
confirmation of postmasters and other
Ohio officials appointed by the presl
dent. The pastime pleases the Ohio
senators and does not hurt anyone
It will be another week or two be
fore eastern papers ret tired of com
menting on the fact that a man named
Yeast In Nebraska owes his downfall
to his attempt to rise in the world by
dlckertag In government lands.
The "ex" In front of former Con
gressman McCarthy's name may fur
nlsh the key, although it should also
be considered In connection with the
fact that he was born in Wisconsin snd
educated in the Badger state.
The steady increase of the royalty
nald by the Omaha Gas company, both
la Omaha and South Omaha, indicates
a constantly, increasing consumption of
gas for Illuminating and heating pur
poses, which must rest upon a growing
population. It is fairly to be presumed
that the use of electricity for lighting
has also been Increased with at least
the same rapidity. These are pretty
good Indices of population expansion.
The Farmers' union wants the gov
ernment to lend $500,000,000 direct
to the people. That is silly, as It
would amount to only a little more
than $6 per capita. Why not get
plenty while they're getting?
The populists of Nebraska will hold
their state convention In Omaha at the
same time as the democratic meeting.
It will not be necessary, however, to
engage the Auditorium to accommo
date the populists. .
:' A local demo-pop organ predicts
that Bryan "will sweep Nebraska like
tr-a flames of a prairie fire." It has
been some years since a prairie fire
has been able to cause much devasta
tion in Nebraska.
Qnnlnt Banners to Come.
New York Post.
The White House has now been besieged
by the canners who want to use bentoate
of soda in their wares. We have yet to see
a single parade of clt liens with banners,
Give us benzoate or we perish."
No Room to Root In.
Kansas City Star.
According to Dun's annual review, the
agricultural products of last year, at the
actual market prices, were worth more
than 17,000,000,000. It isn't strange that
monetary stringency failed to take deep
root when prosperity had such a posses
sion of he soil.
i Back to Old Crow.
Corn crops In this country wilt Increase
rapidly. The women have resolved to wear
no feathers on their hats except those of
the crow. No woman will show the white
feather, and the crows will be, rapidly ex
terminated. The principal occupation of
the crow is extracting seed corn from the
ground, and when -hi wings are trans
ferred to milady's hat the cornfield will
yield several more bushels per acre.
Fire Prrlla In Skyscrapers.
Philadelphia Record.
A thirteen-story "fire-proof skyscraper
was burned In New York on Friday night.
The fire originated on the sixth floor and
worked its way upward until "It was out
of reach of the utmpst range of the water
towers." One man killed; fifteen injured;
property loss, 11,000,000. A rather costly
and Impressive commentary on the danger
of too much uplift In building construction.
It save ground spare to live and do busi
ness In towers, but the. risk Is very great.
Repaired While Too Wait.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The doctors even think that they can re
place the diseased organs of men with
healthy organs removed from animals and
set the man upon his feet again, like an
old plans' with new strings and keyboard.
The possibilities of that sort of bodily re
construction are simply amatlng not to
say appalling. The only' drawback Is that
11 the cats which were fitted out with
their neighbors' kidneys died. Soma of
them lasted a week and one of them lived
thirty-five days. No "'doubt the doctors
will learn thoir Job better with practice,
iut, with that record of feline mortality
before his eyes, the man who desires to
swap his worn-out stomach with an os
trich or his weak heart with an ox will
hostltate a good while before he goes upon
the operating table. The time may como
when we can all be built over in sections.
like a boy's jackknlfe. but for the present
it Is safer to take pretty good care of the
vital organs we have.
Some Troths of Nature Smile at n
Buy World.
New York Tribune.
The remarkable statement is put forth,
on the authority of a well-known professor
of biology in one of our most conservative
and trustworthy universities, that milk
when it reaches the consumer is "fairly
teeming -with germs, most of
which are harmless, while some even aid
the digestive processes and are healthful."
Truly, wonders will never cease while
man maintains his ability to search out
the recondite truths of nature. The an
nouncement whioh we have quoted will, of
course, cause all biologists In fhe world to
sit up and take notice, and In order that
they may not be too lonely It may be well
to bracket with It some other equally novel
and startling propositions In other depart
ments of science.
Thus metallurgists will be intensely In
terested to learn that a method has been
discovered of alloying copper and slno so as
to produce another metal to which the name
of brass has been given. It Is also re
ported on the authority of reputable chem
ists that the mixing together of aqueous
solutions of tartarlo acid and bicarbonate
of soda will produce a marked effer
vescence. Moreover though we repeat tho
story with due reserve It is said that there
Is mathematical authority for the asser
tion that the sum of two and two Is four.
The world will now proceed with Its
much admired occupation of spinning down
the ringing grooves of change.
An Eastern View of Ills Efforts at
Self. Adjust men t.
Boston Transcript.
Chancellor B. Benjamin Andrews of the
Nebraska university, who is said to be on
the point of withdrawing from that Inatl
utlon, seems to be unfortunate In his ef
forts to adjust himself. As president of
Brown, .he was too enthuslastlo an advo
cate of the free silver doctrine introduced
by Bryan in 1S96 to satisfy the conservative
sentiment of that Institution and section,
and the severance of his connection natu
rally followed. He became superintendent
of the Chicago schools, but these were In
the hands of a partisan administration and
his honest efforts to raise the standard of
Instruction caused so much friction between
him and the school board that In two
years he sent In his' resignation and ac
cepted the position In Nebraska which he
baa since occupied. For a time he found
himself In more sympathetic environ
ment, but his ultimata championship of
John D. Rockefeller, coupled with solicits
tlon of endowment funds from him, has
procured a reaction In the sentiment of the
university toward him. Bo far as echoes
of his outgiving on that point have
reached the east ha has not been so pro
nounced as Chancellor Day of Syracuse
university, and ha has not sought the soft
side of the oU king more assiduously than
the head of Chicago university, though
perhaps less tactfully. Dr. Andrews has
sometimes been right and sometimes wrong
In these experiences. He has a certain a
sertlve streak of radicalism which fre
quently manifests itself at inopportune
times; but hta character and abilities re
main unquestioned, and he has even re
ceived an honorary degree from Brown
since Waving It.
Ripples on Ike Current of Life In Ike
A striking Illustration of the manner In
which receiverships In New York swallow
the aiseta and leave creditors holding the
sack was afforded by a report filed In
court recently. The receivership began In
June, 1900. Then the aanets of the concern
were appraised at $PO4.O0O. In a little over
seven years the assets were turned into
cash, netting IZ7B.000. Out of this sum the
receiver was paid $14,000, lawyers and
"other expenses" took 1179,000. and $.10,000,
for some Inscrutable reason, was left for
the creditors, netting them six rents on
the dollar. The receiver's report criticises
the statutes which permit such expensive
administration and says: "It should in
fairness be said that the administration
of this property was In nowise different
from or relatively more expensive than
that of the average receivership In New
York state today."
Cabs which register the fare auto
matically are to be operated in every large
city In the United States before the end
of the year. It the plans of a group of
New York men who are fighting cab ex
tortion meet with the success whioh a pre
liminary Investigation promises The plan
of these men Is not -to operate rival cab
companies in other cities, but to make it
possible for every cabman In the United
States to equip his rig with a taxameter
device. The question of the popularity of
the taxameter, or, as some call them.
"cash register" cabs In America has, tha
cab experts believe, been settled by their
success , in New York from the start. Al
though they have been In operation only
few months In this country, the taxa-
metera have already put the nlghthawk
and pirate cabman on the run; and there
is now on foot ' In the cabmen's associa
tion a movement looking to the general
adoption of the automatic fare register on
alt public vehicles. The cabmen are al
ready finding that the taxameter system,
which guarantees that only the regular
rate will be charged, has led to steady
business at legal rates, and that this Is
far more lucrative than occasional ex
cessive fares from those who can be
mulcted. Already In New York City, where
last month mora than 80,000 people rode
In taxameter vehicles, it is estimated that
from $5,000 to $8,000 a day, or more than
$1,000,000 a year, in overcharges has been
saved to the public.
After years of waiting under-river travel
from New York to Brooklyn Is at last a
fact. The new tube carried over 30,000
passengers an hour during the rush last
Saturday, and reduced the crush on the
Brooklyn bridge about 30 per cent. Instead
of 70,000 passengers crossing the old bridge
in an hour In slowly moving elevated
trains and trolleys the number was re
duced to 60,000. About 60,000 of the 100.000
people who have been coming over the
bridge every morning took to the subway,
and, beside Tiding more comfortably, saved
at least 15 minutes by the new route. The
length of the river tube is one and one
quarter miles. The tunnel trains will
travel at the rate of 30 miles an hour and
under a two-minute headway. According
to subway officials trains could travel at
a far greater speed. Trains have been run
through at 60 miles an hour. Human In
genuity has been heavily taxed to safe
guard the patrons of , the tunnel. To
guard against fire there is a reel of hose
and water connections every 300 feet. Along
each side of the tubo are what the en
gineers calll "safety benches." These are
to be used by passengers In case of a
blockade. Despite the fact that the tube
has no . opening for a mile, englneeca de
clare that the "ventilation Is perfect. The
trains aro tho ventilators. They act as
pistons, force the foul air before them and
draw the fresh air In behind then.
A lobtiter emporium with a roof garden
In the exact style of the Trianon at Ver
sailles Is planned to occupy the entire
block on Broadway, between Forty-third
and Forty-fourth streets. It will be the
largest restaurant in tho world, according
to present designs, and wilt have a seating
capacity of 8,000. Tho backers of the ven
ture aro said to be wealthy coal oper
ators of Pennsylvania. Nearly $4,000,000
will be involved in 21 years' rental from
the Astor estate, while the reconstruction
of the building and the decorations will
cost at least $5,000,000 more. The place
will be open next winter.
A well dressed young woman got on a
Broadway car going north at Twenty-third
street and handed the conductor a shiny
new half dollar. (
"Ain't you got a nickel or a dime?"
asked tho conductor, but the young woman
only held out her hand for her change.
Reluctantly he handed her a quarter and
two dimes and then hs retired to the rear
platform, where he proceeded to bite at
the new coin. He wasn't satisfied and took
out his knife to cut at it.
The young woman began to get embar
rassed and when the conductor entered
the car again she stopped htm.
'If you are not satisfied," said she, "take
the fare out of this," and she handed him
a $5 bill.
Apparently much relieved tha conductor
gave her the new half dollar and $4.96 In
change. At the next corner the young
woman got off. A block up the street the
conductor remembered that she had not
returned to him the change he first gave
It was no countryman, but a New Yorker,
who dropped Into the "automatlo shoe
polish parlor" to see what a machine made
polish was like. He strode bravely up to
one of the electric contrivances that are
ranged about the wall, shoved his right
foot into the proper aperture and thrust his
nickel down the slot.
The machine began to hum and rattle.
Looking at hi foot the man saw revolving
brushes march up and back, whisking the
dust from toe and then from Instep. But
when a spray of liquid shot out over the
leather he jerked his foot out of the ma
chine as If he had stepped on cactus. As
he raised his head a sign right above the
machine stared at him through hU con
"For Black Bhoes Only." i
His were tans. It cost him 20 cents to
have a hand bootblack scrape the stuff off,
There Is a new kiss In Gotham. It is a
rapturous, blissful and long-drawn-out one
The new labial tonic la called the "Louise
kiss," and Is given by Oacar Hammer-
stein's latest prima donna, Mary Garden,
to his tenor, Charles Dalmores. This ador
ing and delicious caress takes twenty-ftv
seconds to complete. It Is not like the
Nethersole, Sapho, Emma Abbott, or any
of the other much-exploited brands. This
one has been imported direct from Paris.
The kiss occurs In the third act of "Louise."
The prima donna steals upon the unsus
pectlng tenor, and before he knows It the
kiss 'begins. While It is . going on the
audience holds Its breath. It causes fluffy
haired girls to glance wonderlngly at their
escorts, and wives to frown at their hus
bands, while husbands shift uneasily In
their seats. Then, when It Is all over, Uje
audience sighs sadly. ,T1i new kiss Is a
Millions Brew Trouble.
. 8t. Louis Times. ,
Tills country has sent millions abroad In
exchange for tltlee, but the chief result
has been renewed activity In jA'e intnr-
nauimai uivorvo mirifb f
Claude Wetmore of Bt. IOuls mentioned
iS a writer of marine atnrlea. aava th Jan.
anese will wreck the fleet. Doubtless that
Is his latest marine atonr.
Assistant Postmaster Nixon of Sua
isn thinks that before another genera
Mi Basses awav averr man. vnmiit inA
child In Porte Rico will speak the English
James Ilancork. who dlnd In
Mass., this week, at the age of ninety-four,
was not an exceptional Instance of longev
ity In these days, but the distinction of
leaving two nieces, one elahtv-nlne and th
ether ninety-one. Is certainly unique.
Charles K. Wolf, a Texan who Innkad Ilk
Bryan, Is dead at his home In Dallas. Hia
resemblance to the "peerless Nebraskan"
was so great that a number of time Mr.
Wolf, who was a traveling salesman, was
called upon at railroad stations to make a
speecn. tie always responded, giving his
correct name after holding the audience
General Schaff has In hia nnuAanlnn n
number of drawings made by students st
West Point, many of whom htva atnv
those days attained considerable promin
ence in the army,. and some of whom have
died. They were found in an old trunk h.
longing to an army officer and were for
warded to General Bohaff as memorabilia
t oid-tlme West Point days. In recognition
f hia Interesting sketches of army life.
The homestead of John Allien and Prla-
cllla Mullins. his wife, at Duxbury, which
was sold at auction under foreclosure, a
few days ago, was bought by the Alden
Kindred association of America, and will
be preserved as a memorial, after lust ao
much restoration as to preserve It. The
house was built In 1S53, and ever since it
as been Inhabited bv descendants in the
direct line of those Mayflower immigrants.
Hew tke Powder Trust la Vlctlmlslna
It Victims.
Indianapolis News.
Settlements made by the Powder trust
with the victims of the recent exDlosInn
of its Fontanet mill are Interesting. The
company recently settled its thirteenth
death claim for $500. The employe whose
death was thus paid for left a wife and
four children. It paid $52S for the death
of another employe who la survived by a
70-year-old mother who was entirely de
pendent on htm. One woman whose eight
room house was badly damaged, and who
lost an ear in the explosion, "setyed" for
$300. Adjustments have been made with
persons still In the hospital, the extent of
whose Injuries has not yet been determined.
The company appointed appraisers, paying
them $10 a day, who wore to determine
what was fairly due to the sufferers. In
very many cases the award falls far short
of the amount necessary to restore the
property. But the owner Is told that he
must accept the award, or get nothing.
Many of the wrecked buildings are still In
ruins, and the contractors are leaving Fon
tanet. The cases of many minors, acting
by their next friend, have been settled at
ridiculously low amounts. And In no In
stance, except In cases of minors or the
heirs of a dead man, are the settlements
made a matter of record. Here Is the way
the business has usually been done:
As the settlements are reported in .the
press, the uninformed reader gets the Im
pression that an administrator appointed
to look after the Interests of the heirs
brings suit for $1,600 or $2,000 and that a
compromise settlement Is effected. As a
matter of fact, the administrators are two
or three lawyers who are not appointed
administrators until settlement has been
effected by special agents of the company
sent there for the purpose. The flllna of
the suit and confession of judgment a a
formal matter In the Interest of the powder
Yet tho coroner has found that tho com
pany was wholly responsible for ths acci
dent, and there is also a statute making
the officers criminally liable. No steps
have been taken to .prosecute the officers,
and there have been no settlements, ex
cept In the cases of influential people, such
as Bishop Chatard, who brought suit for
the destruction of a church, that have been
even half way decent.
It Is such performances as this, quite as
much as crooked and dishonest methods,
that have roused the people against cor
porations. Railroads have occasionally
shown the tame heartlessness In "com
promising'' with those Injured In accidents.
But we are Inclined to think that the Pow
der trust Is entitled to the pre-eminence.
It would be hard to beat the payment of
$600 to the widow and four children of an
employe killed In an explosion for which
the company has legally been held to
Don't Bake Beans
With all your trouble you can't get
anything half so good as Van Camp's
It isn't your fault, but you lack the facilities.
It requires a fierce heat to break down the fibre of beans,
and you cannot apply it.
That is why home-cooked beans are hard to digest.
That is why you regard them as heavy food.
Beans, above all foods, need to be factory cooked.
Our ovens are heated to 245 degrees
That's why our beans are digestible
And we bake in live steam, so all are baked well without
browning or breaking. That's why they are mealy, yet nutty.
They are baked in the cans the beans, the tomato sauce
and the pork all together. Thus their delicious blend.
You can't do as we do, because you lack the facilities.
Why bother to try it? Let us cook for you.
Van Camp's pork and beans
baked with tomato sauce
' We use Michigan beans, picked over by hand from the -
choicest part of the crop.
Only the whitest, the plumpest, the fullest-grown.
Our tomatoes are not picked creen and ripened in ship
ment, but ripened in full on the vines.
That gives to our sauce its superlative nest.
We could buy beans for one -seventh,
and sauce for one -fifth what we pay
We pay $2.10 per bushel for our beans, though beans are
sold as low as thirty cents.
We could buy tomato sauce, ready made, for exactly
one-fifth what we spend to make it.
No wonder if some brands sell cheaper than ours. ; But
you will never accept them after you once try Van Csmp'a.
10, IS and 20f er can.
Van Camp Packing Company, Indianapolis ni
Comklnntloua Warned Acalnal t rnwd-
Inaj the Consumer.
Wall Street Journal.
The tendency of prosperity Is to forfet
the consumer in whom the spring cf a 1
business welfare must finally be found. It
Is Ms demand which alone In effectual.
He calls for the products of Industry,
whether of the farm or the factory. Ili.i
needs give value to the products of labor
In all kind of utilities, and his purchasing
power la the source upon which all ent-i-prises
must depend for their profits.
Among all official Inquiries It 1s raie li
ft nd one devoted to the consumer's point
of view, excepting, of cnure, the yeaily
reports on the cost of living. The pro
ducer and the distributer are frequently
considered, but the consumer la mors apt
to be forgotten. It Is taken for grante:l
that he can take care of himself. Rut n
assumption In modern time more con
trary to fact than the Idea that the In
dividual consumer, pitted against Inrje
combinations In control of the nrrriHr;e
of life. Is a match for them In any rense f
the word.
It must be recognised once f,r all nin
ths older conditions f frerr cmnpttiilo-t
have probably passed beyond recover.'.
Rut that Is no reason why the rtahts of
the consumer should be forgotten In tint
evolution of the mechanism of pmdurilo i
In the direction of monopoly. It must re
main for the people themselves to decld
when that tendency shall have gone ftr
enough for the general Rood. And the jen-
"Dearest, you are jut 11. e i. e l r h i
editor's bride."
"Why so, darling?"
"Becauso you're Idenl copy -Is. i t u ,,1
sweet." Baltimore American.
"Your Honor," snld the lawyer. ' I iicU
the dismissal of my client on the ar jun I
that the warrant falls to ntnte tlmt lie h!i
Bill Jones with malicious Intent."
"This Court." replied the country justice,
"ain't a graduate of none of your teclinl'-nl
schools. I don't csre what he hit , Rill
with. Tho pint Is, did he lilt him? l'e.--ceed."
Philadelphia. Ledger.
Anxious Mother O. John, I'm afraid IhIv
has the whooping cough! What oualit I
to dot
Bachelor Brother him whoop, Mi
randa. Do you want to take awav thn
only amusement the little fellow has?
Philadelphia Press.
""Did prohibition work In your town? "
"To a certain extent," answered the ir
responsible character.
"What do you mean?"
"Them as got drinks was prohibited
from sayln' anything about it." Washing
ton Star.
"I admire that parrot of yours." remarked
the visitor, rising to take his departure.
"It's the most sensible bird I've seen for
a long time."
"Why, he hasn't uttered a single word
since you came In," said the owner of the
"I know It. That s why I admire him."
Chicago Tribune.
J. W. Foley in New York Times.
Six o'clock in th tower and street.
The tune and tramp of hurrying feet.
The feeble flicker of smoke-dimmed stars,
The clatter and clang of cabs and cars;
A splash of blood from the dying sun,
Life with Its duties shirked or done,
A battle lost or a battle won,
And people hurrying home.
Six o'clock by the mists and marts.
By the murky wave where the ferry darts.
By the lights, like stars, that grow and
By the ebbing tides of the human stream;
By thn clicking flags and the hearthstones
Where the joys of waiting households are,
By the tasks laid by that make or mar,
And people hurrying home.
Six o'clock by the forge grown cold,
By the steel come chill and tha hollow
By the halted column and half-reared
The dying blase of the dampened fire;
Six o'clock by the linen grown deep
In the adder's brow; by the shades that
creep '
To the crest of day from the caves of
And people hurrying home.
Six o'clock and a mantel spread
By the snowy flakes lor the day now
Six o'clock by the dreams and deeds.
By the laugh that leaps and tho heart
that bleeds;
Six o'clock by tho lights that shlare
In a distant window yours or mine.
By the emptying gluss of the bubbling
And people hurrying home.
Six o'clock and the tangled webs
Of the day lay snarled, but the folk tide
From the pebbled shore to the sea out
And the beach of the street lies bleak and
Six o'clock snd the great piles there
Close shut, like prison cells for Care,
Whose hollow eyes through gratings stare,
And people hurrying home.