Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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- liElAfc ESTATE
. (Continued.
0 . New. 7-r Room House
f . -. ' l' ' ''
M Kfta tWwey Af'V.whaye just finished
roxt 7-room Jiovlov llai reception hall
rlth euiiv foliar, living room, den,
Dining; room and kitchen with large pantry,
rood bed rooms.Mlhen.' cliwt unci bath
pom. .Iraa nd electric combination flx
u'r. vfurnara, ttlll tellar,: tfninit walks.
Javed, atreet, first-class neighborhood;
price, 4,2SO; easy terms. Immediate pos
lesslotV -''f '; -
, West Harney Home
Hv you en that flhe lintiee at aouth
Vet edroer 35th and Harney? If not, taka
look at It.., It la one nf(th, most modern
lip-to-dt houses built ' recently: every
thing of the beat construction,-choice neighborhood,-
fcro6drmr lot' and only one
. ploek to Farnam car. We don't believe
OU,tw'di):.M ,';odd."for. Jll.OOO lr the city,
taoalww you through' jvow any time.
Th Byron Reed Co.
rrtni'ou Zfc t2 Bo. 14th.
'....' .... (19)-6T517
lATe-hayevforraal a feet -frontage on
-th Boulevard' between 2uth and SOth,
Cbttagjoi d Davenport streets. These Iota
are en grade and In a locality where there
la demand, for . bew. residences, and where
vain -of land 4a increaxina. You can
. htiltdftv' godr dwellings on thla piece of
ground. vrroating three on the Houlevai-u
and-two- on Chicago atreet.
Th three 80-foot kfronta oh the Boulevard
oiifht to be cheap at 11,080 each, and the
two front on- Chicago atreet ahould bring
et-leant ll.JOO, -bat vwora needa some money
pretty hadly and. we will aubmlt an offer
of 13.200 'caah for the five lota.
City- water, aower and gas In Chicago
atreet read fori and curbing 4n place.
For cloea-ln property. . think at aiirh
a price you -ar getting-. mow than your
moneyaPwoMh, but come In and talk It
over with u. Owner anxious to eel).
' Rathe sell, ah., whole, piece, but might
'.V.'flylafcder' &vCo.,
5-"P- "JHij T. Ufa Bulkllng.
' ,: Wa'-orfer at 111 i 8. Slat St.
' tn-f pftot 'toyfZ with : good. ,
UkM!'-in , jot, all in -f irst
;1h condition, for the sum
of .i7.6w; , " . '
thla la a complete, and up- '
'' to-date" 110010' In' all reBpecta.'
74 Special ,, .. aro . ajl paid.
. ' TUo-ht ob ara4le. 'Cast front.
hf ' 1ocaH(jfi. (5-nrr . vlll
'""'ca-try IOpO, .hian on the prop
. erty for three years at 6 per
. ,'-."ceijt Balance .cash.
'i j,r hA. Jf iTSTJtttY SON., ',
' -44i-4SBofd of Trad Bid.
i , ' yhoua IlWl 3181. . ,
' r..- :i ,-,v,t .- .''. ' ()-8a m
. ,;:.;v new cottage -dtt-WRT
st.;:near 24th.
. TTaalfitlJ;' porcelain ' tmtfiV' marble wash
howl, -hot ahd cold water, gas and electric
fixtures; floors nicely-polished: south front
jo,: 0xll5; cement walk. $100 cash, bal
ance monthly. $2,500.
TVteajl Block, 18th and Farnam.
- . U9J 41531, 18
" $5 500 '
'Hoaaw-3021,Davonrx)rt St.; baa veatihuln
entrapee,- ' reception . hall, parlor, dining
room and kitchen on first floor, finished In
oak, oak floors; four , rooma and bath on
aocond .floor; large full-bricked basement,
outsld cellar eu trance; . cement walks,
aephl paved etreet, close to Central
boulevard; the location Is very desirable
rid ' walking distance down town; Owner
haa put Hio price down In order to make a
quick aale; .house is ready to move Into.
HASTINGS. &.HEVI)kn, m Farnam St.
Vi rv ,-. . .' ' ' i (19)--D33 1
1 ,y. ': tr w ! 1 1
. , '1'1 11 ...
fou intend to build . a new house In ac
cordance with ypop iii . rdeaa aome day;
!o, better be paylli on your lot now. We
lave the fipes,t, . most sightly and beat
ncated lota fer- $126 up . to $.".0 anywhere
o be found. Pay $10 cash and balance $6
Mr mokrh. You won't miss these small
uma and aoon hava the lot Tald for; over
10 frdm which to aelect. W can aurely
r lease you. Call or 'phone us, and we'll
aka you o aee, the Iota at any time.
. 431-34. Ram( ;-Bjaf-. .t 15th and Harney.
(1-64S 15
on 41st St. and Farnam. a 6-room all
Wtodern nouae; lot 4Sxni).. Price, $6,roo.
4-r. pari. modern, lot 4ixl30. Trice, $1,60).
4r. liqiiae' fart' moderB. corner lot. cloae
VJ car.. TTica tx.i'v. v ery easy terms.
:v ;";w,rf. FRANK,
. V " ' .'T 324 Nevilia Blk. '
. . . ." ' ' i-... -. 1I-M 17
, 1 ',-'',- n r i
New, house .at; 1684-Pratt St., first floor
has recepyon, , hall, ; parlor, dining room,
kitchen, pantry and vestibule; second floor
lias . three . large, bed rooms, four closets
gnd large: bath -rooni:-double floors, both
tip and .tjowrtniairs:, tire best furnace that
Could, be bought, combination gas and elec
Irio. ftaturea. extra fine shade, paved St.,
eminent walk, two blocks -from street ear;
tle house In full two stories and flrst
clusa in every reBpeci; nelghborliood the
ry best ,$20 if. syld thia week,
. . . r ' t-
(191-573 lax
With-lot 012S. -on corner; haa 6-room
house and room, to, build two more: want
offer. Price, 12.1. ; '
Wod JJl. ' ISth and Farnam.
119)-M1S2 14
FOR- SALE Lot 17. block 32. ArbrlghVs
choirs add.. Mouth Omaha: (Uu. J. I.
T. Al. OoRaclne, Wis. .
. ;.. v.J. 119) M-'IO 17
.. I5.MB
ill buy. f vtll rity lot. 6xli larse brick
barn. auJ small cottage, next to northeart
corner. lit ltt-u mi. 4 l-eavenwurlb Sis.
ROorn 1 New York Life Building.
- il-103
. i r .
- , SNAP. .
Nlne-ruofn lions, inodern except heat;
has .-eWttna -ImUts; plenty of ftult; tn
Bvtlh th, .south yt litke.. $2,600.
., . , F, V. WfcAD.
Wesd BhKk. 18th and Fa
tU'J-MaJO 16
LlaT ,yuc Trpey with Carts Boyer. rd
and CUinhuni tu. u9 iI
lit. iTompt eervloe. vet our price.
1T1 Farnam (1 MUI
W1IKN yon write
to advertiser, kindly
mention The Hee.
FOR BATUJAIN8 In western Nebraaka
lands, either Improved or unimproved,
aee B. tX Blorer & Co., 411 Bee bull. ling.
Xtrik DaJieta.
(,0W acres of Golden valley. North Dakota
land, 110 per acre. JJ. J. McMahon, 212
fendlcolt Bldf., BU Paul. Minn.
(20 MO lfx
will aell a two-thlrda Intereat In 4.000
acre of pine timber land for Ho.000. These
lands have .uuu.uo leei or rine wnite pine
lumber, well located. Land valuable after
cutting timber. Title perfect. Address XV.
i. Cook. Lumber exchange building, Port
land, Oregon. t;u) m48 (eo.iux
LANDS Lands Lands Wa have aome
valuable Improved and unimproved lands
that must be converted Into cash. Theae
lands were taken to secure Indebtedness
by thla bank. Call or writ ClUiene
Etate Bank, Cadott. Wli.
r (20)-MS 1SX
HEN writing to ad verflsera. . remember
It takes but an extra stroke or two of
the pen to mention the fact that you saw
the ad in The Bee. -
Crop payment plan; two crops pay for
land, while the land la doubling in value.
C81-6S2 Brandela Building.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Vead,
W'ead Bldf., lbtti and Farnam.
WANTED City loans. Petera
Trust Co.
. (22;-34
WANTED City loans and warrants. XV.
Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St,
Money to loa on Improved Omaha city
property and farm lands In Cass, Sarpy
Douglas and Washington counties. .
BC3 First National Bank Bids.
(22) M655 16x
PRIVATE money to loan; no delaya. J.
H. Sherwood, 618-617 Brandela Bldg.
Paxton Block.
LOAN8 on
O Keefe R.
Improved Omaha property.
E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real
estate, is. P. Dodge & Co.,. 1714 far
nam St. (2D Ifco
Will nay cash for from 3 to acres with
improvements, mate location and price
Addreaa S 824 Bee. (251-M55S 19
WAlCTED To buy aecond-hand furniture.
cook and heating eiovea, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, qu.lis
and all kinds of tools;-or will buy the
furniture of your house complete. The
highest price paid. Call the right man
Tel. Doug. 871. (26 M774 Feb.
SECOND-HAND feed sacka. No amount
too large or too small. Wagner, 801 N. 16.
CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoea
etc. sun is. istn tst. lei. nea m.o.
- - t)-361
WANTED To buy. aecond-hand furniture
cook and heating atoves. carpets, lino
' leuina, office furniture, old clothes and
Ihoes. pianos. feathers. bed ulllows,
quilts, and all klnda of tools; or will buy
the furniture or (your house complete
the highest prices paid. Call the right
man. Tel. Doug. 3971. (25) M90 Fi
DAY WOMEN furnished
Telephone Douglaa 1U2.
ef charge
WANTED Work In Omaha by young
man; beet references; ex-school teacher
position must have future. L. M. Meeker
Box M. Lincoln, Neh. (271 MSo4 19x
POSITION wanted by all round clerk, ten
years experience in general merchandise.
capable of inanaHement, reasonable
wages, beat references. Address Y 131,
care Bee. (S7l M200 16r
COMPETENT accountant, experienced In
all details of mercantile and corporation
accounting, creaita, correapondence, open
lug and closing books, auditing, maxing
financial statements anu balance alieets,
caDable of simplifying cumbersome meth
ods, devising economical systems and
eliminating superfluities, wants employ
ment in Omaha or elsewhere. Address
D IW Bee. (27)-M2Wl 17x
WANTED By student, young man, plac
to work for board anil room. Address t
call, T. J.. Boylaa college. (27) 6o 17x
WANTBIV-Work of any kind by colored
gentleman : can give good references. Ad
dress A 861. care Bee. (7 M4 22x
YOt-'NO lady wishes position as house
keener; no objection to children; refer.
ences exchanged. Address 3010 Avenue A
Council Bluffs, la. (27) MoSO Is
MAN and wire wants work in notel or
rooming house. Address C 81-!, rare
Omaha B e. (27) M604 li,x
Brldve Builders and Material Men Jules
burg. Colo.. Jan. 7. 1:"4. Sealed proposan
will be received Ly the Board of County
Commissioners of Senawlck county, 1010
rado, up to 12 o'clock noon of the i!th day
of Januarv. for llu, eonmlcle construe.
tlon of u pile bridge, nbout 1,-aV) feet long
acrosa a portion or the South Platte liver
exicnd'.itK li 011, tne soutti end of the new
State bridge at Juleshuig to the south bank
01 inn bouin 'iatte nir.
Sealed nroiiosals will l.e received by th
Board of Couolv- Coi.uiitssioners of Kejg
wick county, (.'"olorad). uu to li o'clox
noon of tho 'jTtu dnv of January, to
ti e f ui nl.siuiiK of all mutt-rial to build
pile bridge about l.lnO feeL loue. said ma
lerihl to be delivered at t lie north end of
tt jit port lull of. Ihu ataie bndgu now buiU
at J uiesij.ii , Colorado, acroaa the bulitl
l'latte nvtr.
bt jtled preputials will also br recrivud by
;iui, ooara up to l. o clock noon t tin
i'aii iUy vt January. lJot. for the buildh
and furnishing of all lunor in tho building
of a pile brhise about l.Ua) fl lung ucrosa
a porrion ot 11 o noulu t'la'.te rivir, cMenu
in friro iii south end of the new St t
htidge at J jlesburg tu the south hank o
the South PUtie river.
All pruptsais to bo filed with tho count
clerk, al her office In Julesburg, Colorado,
at which ulflte further information in le
gard to such brldse and woia and a copy
or ine pians ana ktwctttcations and amoun
of. material required for said bridge will
b kepi and can he seen by any person
liitarvaied. v.
The wild Board of County Commissioners
reserve the riht ta reject any and all
Luis .offered.
By order of the Board of County Com
nilsMortete of Sedgwick county, (Colorado.
By CW, WlUTiS, Cbairmaa.
htof yiirterma1"r s t ti'li-e, federal
ulldlna. t'hlrnau. Illinois. January II.
IWis Haled proposals. In triplicate, subject
o the usual ron.llllons. will be received nt
nia offw-e until 12 o'clock, immi. Januarv
11. 19"". and thin oienert. for furnishing
nl dellverlne et ell her I he ChlraKo. N
nrk or I'hlladelphla Uerot "f the Wur-
ermaster's Iiepartment. I'. P. Army, -.."o
iillons Neatsfdni Oil: stililrct to l.-u-rease
In quantity of from I'd P'-r cent to (111 per
Cent, If desired by thla 1 eparrment. The
right la reserved to retej or accept any or
II proposals or any part thereof, rreicr-
noe will bo given to article or domestic
manufacture, conditions of quality anil
price Including in the price of foreign pro-
notion or manufacture, the uuty inereoni
elng eaual. Ppeclf icatlons. hlnnks for
proosala and full Information will be f'ir-
islied upon application at this office, t.n-
elopea contalnlnir proposal to be Indorsed
Proposals for Neatsfoot Oil. to oe ownea
anuarv 21. !"." W. XV. Robinson, Jr.,
Chief Quartermaster. J16-16-17-1S
Philip S. Reed to
Itced Bros., lots 1.
6 and 21. block
in, and other lots.
West Albriaht -
Lewis R. Heed and wife to same, lols
13, 14, 15 J", block 1, and other lots,
West Albrlglit 2
Matilda Bolsen and husband, et al., to
Philip 8. Reed, lota Id and 19, block
10. West AlhriKht
Oscar J. Plckard and wife to Ijewls t.
Reed, lots 13, 14. 16. M. block 10,
and other lots. West Albright 250
Charles L. Thomas to Philip S. Heed.
lot 21. block 10. West Albright ..... . 15
C. B. Burrows and wife to Charles L.
Thomas, same 16
Lucy A. Edwards, et al., to John F.
J .arson, eso feet, lot , block in. i,. v.
Smith's addition 2.075
Frank A. Kuray, county treasurer, to
K. hi. Ua loll, lota iO, bKK'k a, iioae -Hill
Sidney 8. Montgomery and wife to
Mia laliy, lot 11, block ;o, Kountze
Place 4,200
Benton SHIoway and wife to the Mid
way Investment company, lots z ann
3, block 4, Person'a & Berry'a addi
tion 135
Solomon J. Firestone and wife to Sadie
Rector, lot 69, Firestone a sub-division
Jurgen Thomsen and wife to Fli"3t
f-"ngllsh Kvangcllat Lutheran church,
Benson. Neb., lots ti and 24, block
14. Halcyon Heights 760
George Forgan and wife to J. R. .
Gilliam and wife, lot 7, block 12,
Clifton Hill 1.640
Helene Reuman to Km II Heuman, part
lot 1.- Uartlett'a addition 2
George XV. Burton and wife to B. R.
Burke, lot 7, block 57, Albright's
Choice 2.010
William 9.' Brooks to Paul W. Kuhns,
lot 7. Vinton Place 1
W. IT. Gates and wife to same, lot 8.
Vinton Place ... 1
Walter XV. Martin and wife to John
Hofmann and wife, lot W, block 1,
Drexel's sub-division i 2.W0
Victor H. t'offman and wife to Park
way Real Estate company, lot 44,
Auburn Hill t
Emma O. Devrles to Miriam Patterson,
lot 3. block 5. Comer 1
C. M. Allen to same, part lot 17, block
2. TllniebaiiBh's addition 3
Highland Realty company to same,
lots 6 and 6. block 14, and other lots.
Central Park 160
Some to aame. lot 2, block 2, Hanscom
lark and other lota 100
Same to aame, lots 1 to 4 and 9 to 1!,
block 6. Fayette Park m
Robert O. Fink to Prudential Real
Kstate comnany, lots 4 and 6, block 4,
Institute Place .....'
Charles W. Hayes and wife to Park
way Real Ketate comnany, lot 22.
block 2, Patterson's suh-dlvlslon 30
I'nloa Pactflcit
Leave. Arrive.
The Overland- Limited. .a 8:W) am a 8:40 pm
The Colorado Kxpress. .a i:W) prn,.a d:uu pm
Atlarrtlo Express alrtilS am
The Oregon Express. .. .a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
The Loa Angelea Llm....al2:55 pm a 9:16 pm
The Fast Mall a am a o: pm
The China & Japan Mail a4:00 prn - a 5:60 pm
Cnla-Chlcaao 8oeclal....al2:10 am a 7:06 am
Beat e 6 Stroma'g L'cal.bl2:30 pm b 1:40 pin
North Platto Local...., a 7:42 am a 4:40 pm
Chicago A Northwesters).
Chicago Daylight. ...... .a 7:25 am all:48 pm
St. Paul-Minn, ixpresa.a :auaiu im
Chicago Local all:30 am a 6:28 pm
Sioux City rasaenger...a l.w an : pin
Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pin a 8:45 am
Chicago special a s:uu pm a s:u am
St. Paul-Minn. Limlted.a b:i.' pm a N:0 am
Loa Angeles Limited.... a 8:30 pm all:3i pm
Overland Limited... .... alO :)0 pm ;flni
Fast Mail a :tn am
Sioux City Local a :w pin a :9) am
Fast Mall a ::iu pm
Twin City Limited a 8:!!. pm a H:00 am
Norfolk - Bonesteel a i.m am a e:w pm
Lincoln-Long Pine b 7:60 am alO:36 am
Deadwood . Lincoln a :uo pm a 0 iu pin
Casper - Bhoshonl. pm a 6:40 pm
Hastings - superior a c:v ;sn o :w jjin
Fremont - Albion.. b 6:3 pm t 1: pm
Illinois Ceatral.
Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 8:45 pm
Minn. A St. rnui n;xn..n i:m am a b on pm
Chicago Ltmlted a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am
Minn, as nl. faui xinio.a o.ou (tut k o.ju nui
Cblcago, Rock Island A Pactfle.
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all:05 pm
Iowa Local ...a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Local bll:40 am b 8:66 pm
Chicago (Eaatern Ex). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:10 pm a 8:35 am
Rockv Mountain L't 4..all:15 pm a 8:60 am
Cola tnd Cel. Ex a 1:10 pm a 4:80 pm
Okl. and Texaa Exp.. ..a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pin
Chicago Great Writers.
St. Paul-Minneapolis
8.3C pm
7:30 am
:'6 pm
7:30 am
1:30 pm
7:30 am
11:85 pm
b:27 am
11.35 pm
3:30 pm
a 8:46 am
a 6 &'J pm
Bt. Paul-Minneapolis
Chicago Limited
Chicago Express
Chicago Express
Missouri Pacific.
K C. St. L. Exp a 9:00 am
uv c. e Bt. L. Exp alias pm
6t. Louis Express a 8:30 piu a 1:30 am
bt. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 8:80 am all;15 pm
Btanberry Local (front
Council Bluffs) b S:00 pm bl0:16 am
Chicago, Milwaukee Jt St. rani.
Chic. & Colo. Special... a 7:25 am all:60prn
Cal ec ore. iixpiea....o C:w) pm a d:2u pm
Overland Llmiieti :i pm a 6:30 am
perry Local a 6:ii pm ull:w am
Leave. Arrive.
Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm a 3:40 pm
Nortuwest Special a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pro
Black HiUs ..a4:lt)pm a 8:0 pm
Northwest Express all;W pm al0:15 pm
Nebraska points a 8:45 am a 6:10 pm
Nebraska a 8:15 am a 6:10 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:45 pm al.Mi ym
Lincoln Local ,.. b :A am
Lincoln Looal al0:13 pm
Lincoln Local a 7:50 pm
Schuyler plaltsmouth.b 3:10 pm blO:) am
Beilevue PlaUsinulh.a 8.00 pm a 8:&0 am
pisttsmout h-lowa b 8:38 am
Bellevue-Plattsmouth b 1:30 pm
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 7:1:5 am
Chicago Special a 7:40 am all:45 pm
Chicago Kxpiess a 4:20 pm a 3 55 pm
Chicago Flyer a b:30 pm a 8:30 am
Iowa Local a 8:15 am all:30am
St. Louis Expiess a 4:45 pm all:in am
Kansas City St. Joe..al0:45 pm a t in am
Kansas City Ik Si. Joe. .a 9:15 ai.i a 6:10 pm
Kansas City & Si. Joe. .a 4:45 pm -
Chicago, St.
Paul, Mlaneapolle
Twin City passenger b 6:30 am
Sioux City Fai.senger...a 2:06 pm
Emerson Loet.1 c a, a
b 9 10 pm
al0:.V) urn
0 S:55 pm
Mlasonrl PnciBe.
Aubura Iocal 3.50 pm I U-35 am
a Dally, b Dally exc rt Sunday c Sun
day only, d Dally excel l Svturdav, a Dally
except Monday.
D. C. SCOTT, D. V.S.
'Suocessor to Dr. H. L. Ra'macclotti.
Office and Hospital. B810 Vaaoa
Calls Promptly Answered at All Hours.
The Twentieth Century Farmer
I Bast earsa Pansr ahacrlbe law.
Captain of Last Tear's St. LouiaJIeam
Comei to Omaha.
Job any Header, htitd'He Cwasplee
ledlelae at t relghlon, Will Be
4latant toaeh of Foot
Ball 'Quad.
Robert Magirl will
Crelghton university
be explain of
football lean
next fall. Clarence J..Jcnn.v, captain or
last year a St. lunula I'niverslty team, will
be coach and either Johnny Bender or Cap
tain Draper of the Notre Dame team or
John Schneider of the St. Louts team will
bo assistant coach.
Thla waa decided upon at a meeting of
the athletic association of Crelghton uni
versity held Tuesday night when consider
able enthusiasm was- manifested over tho
prospects for next year. Magirl. who wss
honored with the captaincy, finishes In the
literary department this summer, and will
enter the law department In the fall. He
is a heady player, and was one of the
mainstay of ttie team ihirlng the last season-
, . .
Players allotted the C sweater Mr meri
torious work on the gridiron, were McCor
mlch, Wagoner, Bloedorn, Morganthaler.
Lamphler, Marrln, Brome, Magirl, Har
mon, Stevens. Stratton, S.icha. McKenna.
Hronek, CWrlgan, Rooney and Vrurpihart.
Plana for tho netv campus which is pro
posed, were discussed, and . the men were
most enthusiastic over the prospects of
having ample room for carrying on the
athletic branch of the school. A pillow
given to the team, was allowed to Chuck
Brome, who broke his leg in the last game
of the season, but who is mending fast.
An advisory board for the supervision of
athlectlcs was practlc.llly decided upon,
although tho complete plana" for carrying
out the Idea where not formulated. The
present plan Is to have a member on the
advisory board from each of the fl-e de
partments of tho school and One from the
Because of lack or room, Crelghton does
not maintain a basket ball team, but the
atudenta are alreatdy planning for the
base ball team which will be sent forth In
the spring. With a double coach system,
and loth of them good men, the foot ball
enthusiasts have great hopes for Crclgh
ton's prowess on the gridiron next year.
The prospect of Johnny Bender being as
sistant coach, rests upon the hope that he
will decide to take his medical course at
Crelghton. He has decided on completing
this course, but Is divided ns between the
University of Nebraska and Crelghton-
Yale ond Mlchlgnn Mars Have
Chances In Washington.
SPOKANB, Wash., jnn. 14.t3(.'clal.)
F. C. Rockwell, Yale,, ull-American qtrir
lerhack and assistant couch hist year; A.
C. Ollhert. Yale, pole vau'.tcr and track
and gymnasium man, and A. Graham Hold,
Michigan, hammer thrower, base hall
player and foot' balllst, are being consid
ered by a committee, headed by A. W.
Helndrlcks, facultv dlmcttir of nthlelica
of Whitman college at Walla Wnlln,
Wash., southwest of SiKiUane, and two of
them will be chosen 10 coach the track
and field teams. This Is1 In keeping with
the enlargement of the crtllege as planned
by n committee 'directing the raising Of
$1.00(1.000 endowment fund.'
Rockwell and Gilbert are both western
nien and are anxious to Wcate In the north
west. Rockwell, boweliH. la wanted again
ai raie ror tne
l,l it ntimh.i, . .-T I... 1
Illliu staft, nnd also
"f.Wfer which - Will
probably outbid that tVe ipade by Whit
man, jieiu is oeiieveil ,10 ftv tne most
likely choice for fool, ball and base ball
coach, and It js possihU (that lut may come
west this, spring . to. lake charge of the
base ball team.
Ollbert IS widely known In the north
west, having represented the Multnomah
club In Spokane, at the frtinons tracJt meet
of Juno 23, IM. when Dan Kellv ran the
100-yard daah In 9 seconds. Gilbert had
little dlrflcully In winning the polo voult,
ult hough he did not ahow within a foot of
his record, which Is J2 feet. .4 inches. He Is
said to he one of the :flnest gymnasium
men In-the country, which, with his trick
ability, would make him an almost Ideal
man for winter nnd spring sports at Whit
man, leaving for Rockwell or Reld the
care of the foot ball and base ball teams.
Reld was a member of the Yost machine
in lif! and 'caught on the. bnse hall team
the following spring. Hp was also the
collcffo hatnmef thrower, with a record
around 140 feet, although lie weighs onlv
about 16S pounds.. He left Michigan and
spent two years ua coach at Simpson col
lege, lndianola, In., which turned out auch
stars as John Mlddleton, F. (. Kennedy,
Arthur Rogers and Owen Crlm. favorahlv
known to foot ball In the Pacific northwest,
and then Went back to.Mlehlgnn to finish
his law course. Ijist fall he turned out the
state college champions of Illinois at Mon
mouth college with a . team averaging 163
pounds. ....
The record 0 Rockwell la perhaps still
better known, as the- Yale man was re
garded as one of the greatest quarter
backs the Blue ever produced. At base
ball Rockwell played the outfield brilliantly
and had offera from several eastern profes
sional teams. He spent-, last fall as as
sistant on. the coaching staff under Wil
liam Knox, having been graduated In the
ttprlng of J906.
Burns and War Ragle Denoslt Five
Hundred Dullars Kach.
Farmer Burns and War Eagle, put up In
cash. !o00 aplete, hi the hands of T. J
O'Brien, of the llenshaw. at that hotel
this morning as the side bets la their
catch-as-cstch-cnn wrestle, at the Aydltor
lum Friday night. Aside from this, ths
wrestlers will share In the gate receipts,
r;mii KianK. tne omana wrestler, acts as
War Kugie'a manager, and Burns as- his
own. Both men are In training in the city
for their great match.
War Eagle, a full blooded. Black Foot
Indian. Is a monster of 280 pounds, weigh
lng ninety pounds more than tho old Far
mer. Ho is an all-rouud athlete. His name
Is Joe Schlldt. He was a member of the
famous Carlisle foot ball team of lStiD, and
also played with the great Reliance team
of Sun Franclrco. In his wrestles he has
met and vanquished some of the best men
on the mat. He threw Roebole a few
nights ago at Milwaukee, and recently
gave Frank tiutch, champion or America
a tough time. Gotch won one fall In forty
Sandy Grlswald will referee the. match
Friday night. This match Is expected tu
draw the biggest crowd that ever attended
a wrestle in Omaha. Farmer Burns will
prohaly be the favorite, at- least from a
sentimental standpoint, since he is ths
most popular man who ever wrestled In
this city and he will make the Eagle go,
If he dors not win. The Indian feels
serenely confident of results, however.
War Eagle Is a graduale nt Carlisle and
therefore a well educated young man. He,
of coprse, sneak English fluently, though
vhtl thry drink
al the
Waldorf-Ajtoria Hotel
ThaVl'alJorf Importation Comptnjr
WUorf-Ajrori Hotel'
Is a man of few words and flfsllmt Mhm
rigmnl traits. I
At the llenshaw. someone twitted Burn
about being a terror tt ranr his thumh Id
a foe's eye.
"Voull hsve lo look out for that," he
said to War Fjigle.
"N, don't you believe It." Instantly
retorted the old sage of Big Rock, whd
looit it on the level. "I'm a clean, fair
wrestler, ain't I?" he said of a newspaper
"If he sticks It In my mouth. 1 11 blta It
off ", dryly remarked the Indian.
Belle "Ironte Wins Fourth Race 1st
Close Flnlih at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. La., Jan. 15.-ln a
finish at the Fair Grounds track that waa
ao close that none but the judges could
determine with any degree' of accuracy
which had won, Belle fltrome, an odds-on
favorite, won the fourth rare In a driving
finish with Miss Strome. Belle Strome had
speed enough for pacemaklng. while Miss
Strome was outrun In the early psrt. The
latter came with a rush at the finish,
caught the favorite tiring aiid had passed
her one Jump past the finish. Black Man
tilla got third. V. Powera Is keeping up
his good rldjng, out of five mounts he
piloted home three winners and two plsce
horses. Weather clear; track fast,
tsr.i -,,. . tiiree fnrloncs: Sea Swfl
.' i . 1 i.nn- Tom Holla
liw t .y iiium ft - . ,.1,,. 11,1
41,1 , ti-i.ii, 1 second: Patilol, nil
I,ee,. 6 to 1, third. Time: 0M. "v'c:
nice, Intervene, Dick Coghlll. Douglas. Joe
Howell. Mlsfortunate. Claiborne. Tonv
Fustaclnn. George Guyon. O Brlen
and Hammock Hoy also ran.
Second race, five and a half f":
1 g7-i,,.i, iirt i"Pnm'rsl K tO 1. Won,
Ionald. 110 (Heimel). 6 to 6, ?"!
Lady, 110 (Baker). 80 H th '1. 1 '"J'
1:1!S My Love. Speed. Marvel. FAshlon.
Glen vllle. Adelaide Royer Helen Hoi Inn .
Mannle May. Miss Isabele. Tinker Bell.
Depoct. Clint and Kllaabeth Frances ran.
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Lucy
Marie. 100 (Rosen). 8 to 1. won ; Fli e .Opal,
loo (McCahey), 6 to 1, second; r,on",n.,.yi'
110 .Powers), 18 to 6. th ltd. 1 line 1 ..11.
Bose. of Pink. Klainc. Kdlth M l"rW.
Stella Perkins. Sulu. Cut Glass, Maaonla
and Lady Franklin also ".. ,.
Kourtli race, six furlongs, selling. Belle
Strome. I'd (McCahey). 8 to 5. won Miss
Strome, W (Dea, -born). . 8 to 1.
Black Mantilla. 109 (Powers). 7 to 1, ( thlid.
Time: l:17Hi- Zinfandel, Anna Scott. Al
legra, Helen Lucas. Klameeha II. Tyrollan
and Tres Joll also ran. , ,i
Fifth race, seven furlorigs: Comedienne.
113 (Vowers). 3 to 6, won: .Leo BBch. 109
(Morganl, 6Mi to 1, second; Rebel Qt een.
f.R (Hufringle). 8 to ,.h,rdV, 'lmtln:
Kvelyn 8.. Peolry. Bitter Miss, Tilekllns
and Golden Pheasant also ran.
Sixth race, one mile and a,.01?' J!JT
lng: Docile. 105 (Powers), to 1. won,
Ivanhoe, 104 (McCahey). S to t. J
Flavigny, H'2 (Sumter), IS to 5. third. Hm"
1 lsv Rio Grande. Lord Stanhope and
Tribes Hill also ran.
Keaolta at Oakland.
OAKLAND. Jan. 15.-Results:
First race, five and a half furlongs:
Heatherscott. 110 (Hayes), 8 to 6. won; Crys
tal Wsve, 106 (Melntyre), 10 to 1. econd; G, mi (L'arToll), 8 to 1. third. Time:
l lO' Bonheur, Galmoore, Ban Lord, Mar
garet Randolph. Lord Fillgrane, Patriotic,
Insurance and Ilerlves also ran.
u.nnn rnee three furlongs, purse: W001-
lander HOUPosD, 8 to 1, won; nawara or
nioncie' l"4 (MeClaln). 3 to 1, second; Hai
let 110 (Mclntyrei, 16 to 5. third. Time:
fi.iTiu matter nas. Who, isarraior, inn-
V-"' :.. tt-t.i. ivn.i,K.. ill
Kee, IMC, joniiiiy , im, ,,,
Enton nnd Yellow r oot aiso ran.
Third race, one nine ana inree Bui'-rTmiit,
I'lling: Beechwood. 109 (Miller). 10 to 1,
won; n iivengni, v ui mu.
Lone Wolf, 109 (Williams), 13 to lb. third.
Time: 2:(5. Alarlc, Routrou, Macbeth
and Rovul Red also ran.
Fourth race, one mile and twenty yards.
Richmond hardlcap: Miss Officious. M
(Kellv), 8 to 6, won; A. Musltoday, 114 (Mil
ler). 8 to 6, seconu: f uueun, oirmu-i-ton),
6 to 1, third. Time: 1:4SV. Bryan also
ran. .. , '
Fifth race, one nine, sciung: nana .
Down, 7 (Fulton), 18. to 6, won; v arnen
Yell, 104 (Haves). 7 to 5, second: Cocytus,
98 (Butler), 12 to 1, third. Time: l;4:rt. Con
tribution, Bohny Bliaiter, uiuy ataina,
Astoria Belle, Rustler and Parasol also ran.
Sixth race. Futurity course: uraco u, lei
fHeatherton).- 1 to t. won; Down Patrick.
102 (Menlry), loft to 1, second; Bloody
Time: 1:13. Sil-
mi:illl rer, IF in vim, .
ver Hue. mcvatton, Kum
and Neva W also ran.
W, Legal Form
Results at sals Anita Park.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. lo.-Santa
Anita Park restilta:
First race, one mile; selling: Timothy
Wen (104, Martin, 1 to 1!) won; Rlrkfleld
Belle (101, Burns. 12 to 1) second; Gateway,
(ill, Bnlnnd, 7 to 2) third. Time: 1:4(4.
Phil I no. Sam Bernard, The Don, Paul i.
Crepps Beckham finished as named.
Hecono race, mree iiiriongs, purse:
Hampass (110, Schilling, 8 to 1) won; Fred
Mater, (110, Boland. 7 to l second; C. W.
Riley (110, Gullet, 2 to 1) tlilrd. lime: 0::t.
Marlon 'Del Dime, Royal Stone, J. W.
Furer, Right sort, Key Kininero, nioaena,
Palo Alto, Btroke. Becleus. Roy Junior
and Orphan Boy finished as named.
Third race, six and a nair lunongs:
George B. Davis ln6, Goldstein, 10 to 1)
won; 11. Ball .tro, uugan. B lo n secona;
Giillavant (lo2, Ross, 1 to 8) third. Time:
l:2tti- I'retenslon, wateroury, Kcarreo,
Headanlo and Preen finished aa named.
Fourth race. aeven rurionga ourse:
Creston (94, Dtigan, 11 to 6) won; Magazine
(105. Burns, 1 to 2) second; Dixon Helle 9H.
Musgrave, 60 to 1) third. Time 1:2KA. Burt
G. lewis and Saint Dore finished as
Fifth race, one mile and three-slxteenlha;
purse: Sir Kdward (18. Musgrave, 9 to 1)
won; J. R. Laughrey (112, Knapp, 7 to 1)
second; Livius (108, Ross. 16 to 1) third.
Time: 2M. Perry Wlckes. Royal River,
Big Bow, Woodsman finished as named.
Sixth race, five furlongs; selling: Ben
Stone (102. Dugan, 10 to 1) woti; Liridington
(105, Musgrave, 7 to 2) second; Orlflamme
(110, Burns, 8 to 2) third. Time: 1:01. Dr.
Slinrall, Sir Angus, The Hammer, George
Byrne, Billowy, Decorator, Saint Agnes.
Volante. Pontex, Costly, Lancashler Lad
finished as named. ,
High Hchoola of (Mate Disagree Over
Manner of lloldlnw Meet.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Jan. lS.-Seclal.)-The
High School Athletic association of ths
state of Iowa Is on the verge of a breakup.
The difficulty has arisen over the location
of the annual state meet. In 1904 the state
high school meet was held in Iowa City
for the first time and It has been retaained
ever since.. Previous to that time the meet
has been changed from place to place. The
university has managed the affair, paid all
of the expenses and collected enough mora
in galo uilmlKStous to turn over a auo
stantlal balance to the state association.
Kver since t lie meet waa held here, rep
resentatives of the other colleges and
universities In the state have been
actively working In an attempt to have the
meet moved from one school to auotner.
As far as possible this work has been
secretly done, the agents of the colleges
Instigating the high school representatives
to demand that the location of the meet
be changed. The reason for this action
the belief that the state university has an
uniair ciiance to Induce the high sshool stu
ilents to attend that institution. All of the
oilier colleges are willing to have the meet
moved anywhere, provided that there
Is a confidential understanding that
they will get in their turn Drake university
In Des Moines; Grlnnell college at Griu
nell and the State Agricultural college
ai vAmea uuve, Deen the active agencies In
the fight.
The four high schools In Des Molnea have
been most active In their opposition to the
continuance of the meet at lowa City. The
matter waa to have been decided by the
executive committee ef the association at
its meeting in Des Moines last December.
but owing to the high feeling at that time
li was impossible, it Is expected that-they
will reach a decision this week. In the
event that the meet Is left In lowa City
It Is expected that the four Des Moines
high schools will withdraw from the atate
association and hold a rump meet In Des
Moines. Inviting suoh other Iowa high
schools to compete as care to. That threat
has been made and It I Is possible that It
will be carried Into execution. The action
of the university authorities In case the
meet Is moved from Iowa City hss not been
announced. It hss been rumored that an
Invltst'on meet would be held under the
authority or the university, but that romo
haa not been confirmed aa yet.
I.aagford and Barry right Draw
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 15. Sam Lang,
ford .of Boston and J(m Barry of Colorado
fought ten rounds before the paciflo Ath
letlo olub last night. Neither man had
aufflctent advantage to juatiry a decision.
Most Woaderfol Healing.
After suffering many years with a sore
Amos King, Fort Byron, N. Y., was cured
by Burklen's Arnica Balve. J&e. . For
aale by Beaton Drug Co.
By using the various departments of Ths
Baa Want Ad Pages you get qulck'returtis
at a small spans.
Gate City Bowlers Make High Score
in Fire-Men Class.
Paatoa at Dea Melnes Makes Highest
Individual rore and Beat In
Mae Games, for Cap
8IOCX CITT. la., Jan. 16.-1 he first an
nual tournament of the Iowa and North!
western Bowling association closed yester
day wlt,h distribution of over $500 In prlsea
to the winnera In the five-men and two
men events, and In the Individuals
Sixty-five men ahared in the winnings,
moat of them being- from Omaha, Doe
Moines and Blotix city. Frank Fanton c,f
Des Moines waa the individual star, win
ning the honors In the Individual event,
and also making the highest ecore for nine
games. His score In Individuals was K14,
and for the nine games, 1,719. For the
nine-games honor he was presented a allver
cup. Aa his prize In the Individuals he re
ceived 27. The first prise of S70 In the five
men event went to the Omaha Mixers, with
a arore of 2.786. The second, of 100, went to
the Crack Des Molnea team, and the third,
of $45. to the Brewed Malts of Sioux City.
Moors and Berger of Omaha, with 1.240
pins, won. the first prise of $40 In th
doubles. The place of the next tourna
ment has not been decided.
The Gate Cltys won two games from the
Indians at the association alleys last night.
The totals were good, as the pins were
brand new and heavy. GJerde carried off
ihe honor of the evening with an eiror
less series for a total of ST.9 and a single
game of 334. Tonight's teams are the Stori
Blues and Mets Bros. Scares:
' i Is'. 21. 3d. Total.
French 127 16J 141 430
Johnson 1M 'no 213 617
Conrad 1D4 ad 197 bi2
Bengele 19! l 121 41
Zimmerman 164 So0 19.' 658
80S 811
, . . .201
3d., Total.
GJerde ..
178 H7
Totals 930 xttt 8)7 2,715
The Letups Falstafls wenf after th-
Omaha Bicycle company team last night
irom me siari and took the first two
games, in their seconi getting an even
1.000, and would have taken the third only
ior a nine iiaru iuck lor one oi llie men
This la the first time this aeason the Hi-
cycles have lost two. Klauck of the Fal
siaffs had high single game with 22.1 and
Berger Just beat him out twelve pins for
high totals. Tonight Cole McKenhas
against, jeiier uoin Tops, scores:
. . 1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Klauck 22 lt 167 &S6
Berger 1B9 211 218 Jot
Neilson 18 ;04 138 fi
Beselin 146 200 .163 . 609
Jay 171 191 181 ,53
Totals ...8S 1,000 877 2,778
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Keyte 1H1 J90 1S8 bM
Hinrlcks ' ;.14 172 17 493
Gflbreath '. 151 209 l.w '508
Drlnkwater h'i2 170 21 ;t " 645
Hull ,v 202 162 180 , 644
Totals ...845 894 818 . 2,(47
Outfielder, Explains Ills Actions Satis
factarlly to Plttsbara Manager.
P1TTSUCRO. Pa.. Jan. 16.-Thomas W.
Leach, outfielder of ihe Pittsburg base
ball club, came hero today to "square '
himself with Mr. Dreyfuss in connection
with Cincinnati's reported efforts to se
cure the player.
resell exonerated August Herrmann or.
the charge of violating league rules by- ne
gotiating direct with a player, saying he
ad called Herrmann by telephone, ito as-
aured Mr. Herrmann of his loyalty to the
Pirates, although anxious to Improve his
position if he can. He said he had no In
tention of violating rules in calling the
Cincinnati owner, hut was anxious to learn
the situation so far as It affects him.
There has been much gossip aboui this
deal, but so far no one on behalf of the
Reds has msde any proposition to the
Pirate management either to buy or trade
ror Leach.
Dreyfuss was much pleased with I-each s
visit and statement and ' gave the out
fielder authority to communicate freely
with the Cincinnati people to the end that
tha deal may either bo Immediately con
summated or called off.
Glade May Not Slsra t'n.
GRAND ISLAND, Jan. 15.-Frd Glade,
the famoua Grand Island pitcher1. Is now
negotiating with the management of the
New York American team. Mr. Glade Is
not aa yet certain that he will continue on
the diamond. As he Is Interested In the
milling business, with a comfortable Invest
ment, and having married last year, the
work on the diamond nae perhaps not the
attraction for him at present that It once
had. though he lias orten expressed to
friends here th desire to get Into a differ
ent team. He haa purchased residence
property near tne parental nnme, as huve
also his brothers Phil and Art, both base
ball enthusiasts, and haa plans for the con
struction of a 85.000 residence during the
coming seaaon. Phil haa purchased a 84.000
property and tne younger Drotner has also
m , b k
Look for the word
Woodford Co., Ky.
DR; HtGBEW CO., 215 So.
We Cure
. . 3
Just One Glass
of Cook's Imperial
will prove to you that
its delicate flavor and
bouquet is equal it
the Old World'a-fceat
vintages, -f - -
Strrtd Evemhmi
5 -1V. iSi,
PK t?"t T
plana for the conatruotlon of a $4,000 res),
oence property. ' Together with another
brother. Ous, and their father. '-Henry
Glade, they are Interested In flooring nitlls
here and elsewhere.
Dnbnqnc Clan Tied Vo by Injunction
nnd Annnal Meeting: Is Postpone!..
CHICAGO? Jan. 'l3.-flio u'nnvar TitecMng
of the Thiee-I base ball league, which
convened here today, waa adjourned with
out the transaction of any buaijies.1, of im
portance because of the status of, the
Dubunue club. An Injunction -std! filed
against the, league-by certain Interest ai.
Dubuque Is' pending and the club nwnef
decided that they might .put thameclvts in
contempt of court by either rccoghlzlhg or
refusing to recognise or by ism, ring th"
delegate from that City. The meeting con
sequent Iv adjourned ,mibeul to call by. the
president of .the league.. , F.f fori n will l
made to have the Dnbugile case put to a
conclusion as the league merhbev (eel that
the Interests of the organljallon will swt '
fur tuiless plans tut the cumins season are
formulated soon. . . ,-, ' '
" Sportlnar &"tl. ''''. '". ' ''
Strange, Holmes allowed J Jncoln.'to ; re
tain Jack Thomas. '. ' ' ' - ' ' r
What will Lincoln do to vlmcVy.'wlieiVlil
team from Sioux City plays Ihc-ve?- ;
Thus far there Isn't any Imlicittlon. Vhat
Omaha has the slightest ohiince to-miss
the pennant "of "the Weatorn leagtie nnln
this year. -What strentft henlnit haa.ljeen
done bv other teams has not been auch us
would warrant the- belief- that .anyone, could
capture the flag. .- ; t -
It Is to bo hoped Farhier Buriie and Fred
Beell can he brought together nt the Afirll
torlum this winter. It probably wonld' be
the fiercest match that couhf . pii)led
off. Dwyer Bud Gotch thluk Burn would
get away Willi Beell, whllo Other notables
take the Beell end,
Now It appears Dick: Cooley hack
with Tonekit thla -year; not that' lie dtdn t
make good with IxnilKvilte; tltt-'ol't veteran
made good a dozen iiifrerent ways, nut, im
and his partner. Crew, hava adjusted their
differences, and Cooley- hopes to be able
to buv out Crow. giVhig him sole 'owner
ship. In which e"ent lie w III fro 'back to
Topeka. ' -. . .
Fewer pennants', Yierhaps. hav been won
around tho stove; this winter than In n?
preceding midseasoii.' yhlsr Im doubtless
due to the fact that manngor are medially .
at work preparing to wm real pttmints
the coming season. Jfvthe American and
National . leaguea dob'J see the Neatest
fights of their history for. the flag): many
fans will bo surprised.. ' "', . ' ,
Now. since- Kansas flly- (Mo )-' Is. going
to wipe out the atate line and make the
two Kansas Oltys. one city In one aiAle. .
there might srise a pew coptpllcutlon In
the' matter of p4brrig -a Wesierrtl lengue
team In the.-KArtgn iviTle only way
for this universe to do. In planning n
any Innovation. Is to wait and ace what ;
new thing Kansas City has done. ..-
Henry' Cliadwlck created -aif uinOfatlon
In the Issuance of Bpalding's OfflclaW Base
Ball Record. As Its name Indicates tha
book Is essentially statistical, presenting-'
records as far bauk As IS7l,'hl. therefore
fulfilling a mission much craved by old
fans for many years. The Record doea not
do away with. Spalding's Official Base Ball
Guide, They ara two distinct I'oltltnes.
The Cubs are billed lo leave Chicago
March 4. and Stay at. West Baden until
March 14. They wtlf then go to Vlckshurg
for ten idays,-Montgomery twv days, At
luiita two days. Chattanooga nno day,''
Birmingham three days; Mentphls. April
4. 6: Nashville. Anril 6. 7. and ' then work
around at Terr Halite,-' Fort' Wayfie. 'fn
dlaivapolia, Dayton aJl .. Cincinnati .April
it, ior tne opening ot tne season.
General Manager of dnlla- Align tty
Injured In. W'rrt-k In
Pennsylvania. '
new private car of General Manager Mo
Keen of ths Vandajia division -of tu .
Pennsylvania rsilroad, attached - to th
rear of westbound train iNo. 5,, Jumped
the track here tonight. Th train wti
running at a high rate of speed and all
on the car were bruised, but po one was
seriously hurt. .' , V ,r ...
Benjamin McKeen la a brother ef W. H.
McKeen, Jr., auperlntepdent of motive
power and machinery of trie Union 'Pa
cific system.
x 1
V j
l' '
' f - ,
RYE" In red on label
Riley Bros. Co.Ornaha
"ltn Pay Our Fee
Mml When Cured
tim. is h-
Our treatment embodies the beat in all tya
tem, and if you inveBtigstw ouf plan It will
suit you. After a' clear nodrBtaudlng of each
case,' a fair, honest price if agreed a pon be
tween patleut and doctor. Vou pay wheii rured.
We Have Devoted 25 Tcsrs itr tmaha ,
to thla taak before our methods werp perfo;ted
to produce results that satisfied us. Our aim
is not what FEB can wo get, but how marjy'
can we cure by the quickest m?t,hod .known.
We will cure you for ! mouv.j than - any
other specialist, and accept thp niQncy in any
way you wish to pay. "
Elxsmlnatlon and consultation Write
for ay atem ' blank, for .home ir'-tincru.
14th St.,
Ictweea Faraaat
Omaha, Nib:
as4 Daagla