Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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' bsbsx.
'Teak aid Drag-, ai ictult of Indif.
.;" feren( Cablei.
'or-toa Laek of Rapport too Boy
pr SleV Wheat Opens l,ntr
O Reaiorta fro a
' v OMAHA. Jsn. 11. 1.
Tne market -wan weak nd dragged heavy
result pf weak and Indifferent foreign
table. Bull Internal pave been heavy eell
tr antt thero was a decided lack of aupport
on tho buying aide.
Whet opened lower on off cable and
Indifferent bid from foreign market. Aa
a result Belling waa predominate on lha
local market and valuea fell off consider
ably, with llt,tle or no r ml stance from lha
May wheat opened at $1.00t and cloned at
Corn atarted. fairly firm and had a much
better tone than wheat, but lagged when
.-able rama weak and wheat began to
trop. There li a slackening of demand on
easier valuea and very little trading; waa
lune toward the cloee. May corn opened
It 8f.o ami closed at 5oSc.
Ctata vahiea were fairly sustained after
the - advance made yesterday and held
near to tha previous close, being affected
little by tha slower wheat and corn market.
May oat opened at WSc and cloaed at
W'.y .
Primary wheat receipt were Tt.W
buahela and ahipinenta were 2t4,O0O buahela,
against recelpta laat year of Nt.OuO buabela
and shipment of 264.000 buahela.
Corn recelpta were l,M7.0i buahela and
hlpmenta were 6e3.O0O buahela. against
recelpta ' laat year of TW.wO buahela and
hlpmenta of 4xA.oM buahela.
Clearance were 14C.0UO buahela of enrn.
bushel of oata and wheat and flour
equal to W,O0O bushels.
Liverpool cloaed Sf'd lower on wheat
and V'ad lower on corn.
Local unfa of optlona:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.! Tes'y.
Wheat j
May... July...
May... July...
1 0f 1 Of, 9 t9
S eV M We,
1V 1 91
66 6fi, tVll f.t
W1 m m I.V,
M 64 tas MS
S3V Mi ,83A KSV
47 . 47 4T 4V
3 314 t f4 Kl
1 004
0aaa Cask lrteoa.
WHEAT No. hard, SfrT17e; No. 3
, Jiard, tHo; No. 4 hard, WMc; No. t
h. spring. SUcfcSl.W; no grade. JMJUV.
(X)RN-No, J. 52c; No. 4, 51W)fc: .no
grade. tO'StaV; No. yellow, 6.1c; No. I
i. , yellow. 6-V,iM,c; No. 3 white, 6aic.
,. OATS-No. S mixed, 4M.47'4C; N'o. S
white. 47lyr4c: No. 4 white, 17c47jo;
atandard. 47lpHlc.
f HYE No. 8. Tli-; No. , 7c.
Co riot Iteeeiar.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
... M 311 W
... M M ll
Chicago ....
Features at tha Tradlaa; aa Cloala
Prlcea an Board at Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. IB. t-arre primary re
elpta and a decline of Id In the price of
wheat at Liverpool caused weakneaa today
In the local market, the May delivery olos
Ina; at a net loss of lc. Corn waa down
S8V. were 4o lower and provisions
were from 10c to 8fe lower.
The wheat market opened weak a a
reault of a break at Liverpool and on sell
ln brought out by more liberal recelpta
In the northwest. Aa tradlne; progressed
other newa of bearish character developed,
which resulted In a still greater wvaknen.
Peverat of the leading conimlsslon houses
were free sellers. There waa also a cloae
aelllng by pit tradera, who were willing to
take the "ahort" side of the market. Much
of the late sHHng waa due to an Argentina
rtlapafeh 'Whlrh anaerted that recelpta of
wheat from tha Interior were Increasing
ami the interior eport movement waa also
showing a decided gain In volume, hut an
Increase In the movemi-nt In this coupntry
, had perhapa greater Influence In depress
ing prices. Tho market cloaed weak. May
opened SfiSc lower at il.u4vrl.04S. sold off
to II.U3S and closed at il.CtfVk- Incomplete
figures on clearances of wheat and flour
were ftal.uOO bu. Primary receipts were
OO bu.. compared with rtf.OQO the corre
ermnUlnjt day a year ago. Minneapolis
Ixtlut h ' ant Chicago reported recelpta of
4m v'ra. aa against 248 last week and IM
h year. ago.
Tim corn market waa Inclined to be weak
all day. though receiving good aupport from
"sta houses, who bought freely, on reporta
of light acceptances in the coimtry. Thta
' demand, however, waa lnauff Iclent to off
aet the effect of selling brought out by a
. heavy primary movement and by sharp
break In wheat. An official forecast of a
cold wave for the corn belt also caused
some- aelllng. -The market cloaed easy.
May opened unchanged to Sc lower at
L,aA.Sc, sold off to 'So and closed at
O'Vfitfi'ac. Local recelpta were .111 cara,
with one of contract grade.
Trade In oats was the smallest recorded
for some time past. The market waa a
trifle easier, becauae of the weakneaa of
wheal and corn. May opened a ahade lower
at S'4c, aold between oHV and 64So and
closed at 6(c. Local receipts wre 99 cars.
pTovtHlona wera week throughout the en
lire day. despite a iVulOe, advance In live
hoge. Trade was active, wlih pit traders
and local packers leading In Hie Belling.
Weakneaa f the grain market waa the
most Influential factor tending to depress
provision. At the eleae May pork was
down at ill 4?v lard waa off 10c at
iv "-Htl'OJ grid rlba were JOjUTic lower at
IT ITS. ; . -
tsil Kated receipts for tdinorrow: Wheat,
n car; corn, 44 cars; oats. 1S1 cars; hoga, hem).
The leading future ranged aa follows: .
Articles fOpen. High. I Low. Close ! Tes'y.
aMav lMv
Jan. Mjv
1 ard
.lail Mar
Jau .
1 041 St
- I--irtv
tiSI .
sst 1
1 f4a4
.v .
' -1
Ht, I
MS -r
H M,tj
7.i 47,
4oS' 44
15 74'
i: ?,!
1J 57S1
7Sl n
OCS! t
17S! T
U 1(1
13 t'S
' 1 57S
i I
7 rsi
I 074 1
7 s;
a C7V,!
No. J. a tld. h New.
Cash uuotations were aa follows
' r M K Steady : winter patents, MJf
. I 7S: straights. M XVh4 Tt: spring patents
"-t3i'i0. atraighta. 44vjilJ; bakra, i3.3i
fi I
W MEAT No. J sprtng. 12; No. 3
nrnc. fj 17; N.. i red. !.S;H'.
RN-No. 3. 5-n'toSc; No. 2 yellow. 1
' tAT8-No. 2. 50c; No. I while. 4ST-.
' HVK-No. t. Ci-. ,
HHlKTKis to choice malting, SBc3
r fx1 ,
L'( TP FTaxT No. 1 north western, ill.
prune timothy, 4. llover, contract
aiad. I7f
Pl'OVI8IONS 8hort rlba. sidee flose
t-lt'IS Mesa r""'. rr bhl.. tl2.K7Wtf
IiJiV. Iird. per KO lta . . Short clear
rVllolrg were the recelpta and ship-
, ments of flour and gram:
'! . , Jleoeipta Shipments.
' Mour. bbla .-U.
'Wheat, bu Sl. 4J.0
t uiii. bu...
ia. bu.r 2v: M4.ft
- tle. bu 10,V
. Uarley. bu 21. V
On the Produce exchange today tha but-
"'er market was s(edv; crrameriea. Sft
tA.c: dairies. srv. Kgs. sleady: at mark
iikI Included. flrsta, !4c; lriRie
- rata, tuc;
ex ire.
Cheese, steady, ll-j
Toledo Mavrk-et.
' TOI.EXM"). Jan. IS fF7IS Clover, cash
und Ja.uiary- ild-iTS; March. 1:4 4fc; April.
1 10 47. Timothy, jTiiria. 62.36. Alaike, piuae,
Uololk Grata tavrV;
IHXfTH, llita. Jaa. 16. WTUaVAICNo.
1 Bunhrm. ti or, t'o. I ttortne'V. iXOeS;
May. H.ifc-n; July, ll.a,
alsMinlii Irwmim Market.
!V.K'1.!, Jau- 16-WHUT-M.y.
a-li-V, J-i. l k. No. 1 tard. iXllgXliVfc;
No 1 norfhern. II (Wl No. t northern,
ll.7il (T7S; No. I northern, il. PS-SI f.
Us4lif t'waaaaaajltlee,
NEW YORK. Jan. 11-rLOVR-Re-ceipta
. bhls : exports. 13 J7 bbla. Mar
ket dull and harely atady; Minn -sot a
patnta 5.44tr.?Q; Minnesota bakra,
40j l&: winter patents, t4.&rt & ?S;
w inter straights, 4 lofH.71; winter ex
tras, ).7'0 4 2O; winter low grades, tl i
t4 lv. Kre flour, atoadv; fair to good.
l40frIS; rholce to fancy. IS:05 4.
buckwheat flour, quet, IS.0O per li loa.
COKNMEAI Hteady; fine white end
fellow. 11.4091 iO; coarse. l!i?U7H;
lln dried, li J0 ISO.
RT i Firm ; No. I western, MSc, t. o. b.
New York.
W HEAT Recelpta. SI.OOo bu.; exporta,
X7.S4 bu. Spot market eaay; N'o. t red.
II ho S. elevator, and M .07, f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern. Uuluth, ll 21S. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 hard winter. il.l7V4. f. o. b.
afloat. A renewal of active liquidation
broke wheat prlcea fully ISc today and
final quotations showed TtfylSo net loss,
"entlment was Influenced by weak cable,
larger northwest receipts and reduced esti
mates of world a requirements. May,
II .10 1S-10&1.11V closed at tl.U; July. IUS
Cd.0S, closed at il.rtiS-
CORN Receipts, 06.9)0 bu. Spot market
easy; No. 2, 74c, elevator, and wise, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 white, HSc; No. 2 yellow,
WSc. f. o. b. afloat. Optlona were wlthowt
transactions, closing So net lower. May
closed at &Sc and Jnly closed at ftSc.
OA T8 Receipts. W.(Q bu, Spot market
steady; mixed oata, M to 32 lha., C3Hc; na
tural white, 26 to lbs., M4tf54oe; clipped
white S2 to 40 lbs., fxS72c
HAY Firm; good to choice, il.O&ffl.lO.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
107 crop. l01c; 190 crop, 4c-. Pa
cific coaat, 1907 crop, 8llo; 1106 crop,
. HIDES Quiet; Bogota, lc; Central
America, le.
LEATHER Quiet: acid. 24tf!7c.
PROV18IONB-Beef. easy: family. H5.nfV9
16 6i; mess, 10 SOtni fiO: beef hams, S24.5'?
M.60; packet, I12.(Kai2.W: city extra India
mesa, fctf.Sutr22.W. Cut meats, steady; pick
led hama, 19.00; pickled belllee, 7.7&ftfS.50.
Lard, eaay; western prime. I7.9sfi.06; re
fined, bareh- steady; continent. Is SO: South
America, 9.1fi; compound. 17.127.17.
Pork, quiet; family. llT.&Cala.OO; short clear,
115 SoQlfi 75: mess. tl4.SiaiS.fli.
TALLOW Steady ; city (12 per pkg ), 6tc;
country fpkga. free). 64fSc.
BUTTER Firm: western factory, com
mon to flrsta, 1613;.
EfJGS Firm; western firsts, 75ir; sec
onds, 24fu2!c.
POULTRY Alive, eaay: western chick
ens, 11c: fowla. l.ic: turkeva. 13c; dressed,
dull: western chickens, 13gy0c; turkeys, 11
frKSc; fowls. ltK414c.
Mark Calder for Tharaday, Saya tke
OMAHA. Jan. 15. 190.
A trough of low pressure extends from
Lake Superior southwest across the central
valleya to the extreme southweat. This
depression has succeeded the high that
overhung the central valleya Tuesday
morning, and is accompanied by warmer
weather In the lake region, the Ohio, Mis
sissippi and lower Missouri valleys, and
south to the gulf. An area of high pressure
with a cold wave has spread over the ex
treme northwest and upper Missouri val
ley, and the cold wave will extend over
thla vicinity tonight, followed by continued
cole Thursday, with generally fair
Omaha record of temperature and precipi
tation compared with the corresponding
day of the laat three years:
1907. lW. HQS.
Minimum temperature... X 4 2 7
Precipitation i '". .00
Normal temperature for today, 20 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation alnce March 1.
7.72 Inche.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1107,
1.90 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1904.
2 81 Inches.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
St. Loals Oearral Market.
ST. IX5UI3. Jan. 15. "WHEAT Lower:
track. No. 2 red, cash. fl.OIVdl WS; No. 2
hard. 11. 00-5 1.06; May. 11.03'-, aLOSW; July.
4 WK-weak; track, no. z cash, seefMHc;
May. 67Si67Sc: July. 87Sc; No. 2 white.
67S574C. '
OATS Firm; track. No. 2 cash. 60&c;
May, 52Hc; No. I white. Hljfltic.
i i . i r. . j . . . ' i . . ;.
r lyj l iv oirnuj , itu wimrr patents.
4.tRiU4.9o; extra fancy and straight, H.Sf
4 Mi; clear. l3.7Mf-4.O0.
SEEIW-Timothy, steady: U.WSt.SB.
tttllNMKAL-Steady; 12.90.
BRAN Steady: Backed, east track. tl.C
HAY Steady: timothy. I12.OOS317.00:
prairie. .(.K(ili.
1 KclN COTTON TIES 1.10,
B A Oil I NO lose
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobbing.
11.1.00. Lard, lower; prime ateain. I7.&S.
Dry aalt meata, ateady; boxed extra shorta,
17.75: clear rlba, 7.tSL'S; short clears, I7.7S.
Kacon. ateady; boxed extra shorts, Is.62:
clear rlba. W.oO: ahort cleara, 18.76.
POULTRY Firm : chickens. Sc: SDrinas.
HM; turkeys, HSo; ducks. 9c; geese. Sc
llt'TTER Firm: creameries. 24)V4C.
WKj-fli; zic. case count.
Recelpta. SlvlDmenta.
Flour, bills... f.OfiO
WTieat. bu M.0i H.OuO
Corn, bu 107.000 S9.000
Oau, bu 94.000 105.000
Kaaaaa Cltr Grata aael Provlsloas.
KAN8A8 CITY. Jan. 15. WHEAT Mar
ket lc lower: May, wc; July. 81Sc; caah.
No. ! hard. lOcftil.OI: No. t 91c8tt.OO; No. 2
red. II (VVil.olS; No. S, 97ctl.OO.
CORV-Markei S'&'io higher: May and
Tut. HiUj.- H V 4 i.t aa.. v
MSfSMrc; No. 2 white, 64I4C; No. I white,
OATS Market unchanred: No. 1 white
itt'ifHc; No. I mixed. 49i60c.
H Y r. mfaaoc.
HAY choice timothy, steady. 112.003
I2.fc: choice prairie. 18 &O0.OO.
Bl'TTKR rlrm; creamery. Sic: packlnr.
EQaB-Sc lower; extras, rc; flrsla, 20c.
Roelota. Shinmenta
Wheat-bu 4.onn ai wi
Corn, btt , M.O 41,0X1
Oats, bu 10.0M 17.000
I.lverttasal Grata aael ProTlaloas.
LIVERPOOL. Jaa 15.-WHE AT-Steady ;
No. 2 led western, winter. 5a lid. Futures.
dull; March. 6a HSd; May. 5a 6Sd-
i.xi K. tJMU, aieaoy: prime mixed Amer
ican, paw. 6a. svd: prime mixed American,
old. 5a 7V1- Futures, quiet; January, 6s
4Sd; March, 6s 4Sd.
. Peoria Grata Market.
iiniini a lit l.n ix cinv o.
No. 3 yellow. 644JjtSc; No. J. 54VtKv5c; No!
4. 60Wc; no grade. 45 V-
OATS Steady; No. I white, 5C-fhySc; No
4 white. 4MHc.
WHISKY 11-35.
Ullwaake Grata Market.
northern. tl.lUil.US: No. 2 northern, lievt
Vl"S: Mav. II 03-4.
HRI EY No. i tl.OJ: sample. 70ctHYi
CORN May, tfSc. Md.
Wool Market.
ROSTOV, Masa. Jan. 16 The quietness In
the local woo! market continues, and man
ufacturer ahow no Inclination to buy more
than their usual needs, although prevail
ing price aeem to offer inducements to ac
cumulated stocks. The recent financial
situation leada to the belief that a revival
In the wool trade will soon be felt. The
lesding domestic quotationa range aa fol
lows: Domaito woola. Choice and Penn
sylvania fleeces XX. MKe; No. 1 washed
;H0c: fine unwashed. 3ftrt7c: kalf blood
clothing. 27f-e: half blood comblna. tSfi
kc; three-eighLha blood combing. Og&So;
quarter blood combing. "OSlc: dela'ne
washed. Vr c ; delaine unwashed, tlbiic
Michigan. Washington. New Tork fleeces:
Fine unwashed. 9.-i: delaine onwaahed.
half blood, unwashed. It G Sic Ken
tuckv, Indiana and Missouri three-eirhth
bloods. CilUc, quarter blood. iMc. Texaa
ana eorg;a rine. iz moat ha. :ae3fc; fine,
to s months. ?l23c: fine fall iA--e
Sooured valuea: Texas, fine. 12 months, tie)
7:c: fine. to I inomha. CoOtic; fine fall
Sj-.Jc California, northern. &c: mlrtd'e
cwuniy, -aw-c; souiaern. ibfvtc. Oregon
eastern No. 1 staple A. 70c; eaatera No 1
clothing. aMjriac; esstern average. TAc'
valley No. 1. cjt;e. Territory (scoured
baairV fmo staple. 70iT2c: fine medium ata
pie. aSSXic: fine clothing. Cbj:c: fine
dium clothing. wJc-, half blood 56Ca.
Pulled ewfra. c70c; fine A, kaO; A 8u-
1 RT liOns. Mo.. Jan. tt. WOOL-tea4y
medtom gradoe, combing and rlothinr 11
ac; light fine. 13 lie; heavy fine, lalc
tub washed, S.niSo. .
kasrar aaal Molaaooa.
f NEW YORK. Jan. 6 SUGAR Raw
ui; lair rerining lco; centrifugal. K
... -w. . n.vMiw auacar, H7c: rflned
sieady: No 6. 4i-c: No. T, 1 45c: No. 1
4 4-; No. . A3fx-; No. 1. 4 No 11
A; No. 1!. 4 lie; No. U. 4 JOr; No 1A
4 nfcc: or. n feci loners' A. 4 70r. mould A, I Ec
cut leaf. 6 70r- crushed. 6ac: pwdare. 5c-gramiLat'-d
4 Ke: -.-uboa. t,iir.
MOLAtsHi-iit4i, optt kctlta, pood to
cLci-e, iri j L-c
Reactionary Movement More Pro
nounced and Pricei Drop.
Decrease la Earnings of Railways la
Clvra More Atteatloa kg Tradera
loelag N Tone Is
NEW YORK. Jan. 15-The reactionary
movement of the market became more pro
nounced today and prices gave way rather
decisively. The fall was not precipitate,
however, and the measures of support
were not abandoned. There were points of
strength hero and there In the market.
The marking up of individual stocks was
Intended rather obviously for sustaining
effect against the profit taking sales which
were In progreas. The turn in the course
of the market was not attended by any
marked change In the tenor of the newa,
but was accounted for rather on technical
grounds, tho advance havtng run a suffi
cient length to bring out sales to take
profits while the buyers were not disposed
to follow prices to a higher level for the
present on the basis of such Improvement
in condition as has already occurred.
Evidences of the rapid accumulation of
banking facilities waa no less striking than
laat week. Interest rates were lower for
all classes of loans and the call loan rate
at the Stock. exchange showed a rapid ap
proach to absolute ease. No official Infor
mation Is obtainable as to the clearing
house loan certificate Issue. but it Is
admitted that theae Inatrumenta are In
progress of rapid retirement, the rate of
which has been sufficient since laat Satur
day's bank statement to Insure the total
extinction of the whole Issues In a few
days' time. The violence of the reflux of
funds to bsnking reserve centerg deprives
the discussion of the unfavorable course of
the government revenues of any disturb
ing effect. The growth of the deficit in
the government revenues which has now
reached 112,000.000 for the fiscal year, com
pared with a surplus over expenditures for
the same period last year of J5U .
while the free cash In the treasury Is lesa
than t8.000.0u0, makes It certain that large
calls must be made on the banks for sur
render of government deposits in a short
time. From other Indications It Is evident
that not only are banking deposits return
ing freely to New York, but thousands of
the circulation are contracting materially.
Current redemptions of national bank njtes
are running very large, the total thus far
In January, according to yesterday'a state
ment of the United tSates treasury opera
tions, having reached nearly 111.000.000, or
conaiderablv over Il.0ii0.0u0 a day. Today's
debt balance of 12.245.223 of the subtreaa
ury at the New York clearing house was
quite half of .it accounted for by hank
notes presented for redemption. These
notes are capable of relsaue by the replen
ishment of the 5 per cent redemption fund
with the treasury. The circulation, how
ever, has set in with some force, as shown
by the figures of the deposit of lawful
money at Washington by the banks for that
Piirpose. Yesterday's treasury statement
showed the total retirement thus far in
the present month to have reached the
sum of 12.347.032 and this figure marks
the first occaalon on which advaniace has
been taken of laat winter's provision of
the law extending the limit of the per
mitted retirement of bank notes In anv
one month from I3.000.0ft0 to 19,000.000. With
the month still but half gone It will be
seen that contraction of the enormous ex
pansion of circulation following the panic
has actively set In. Under these circum
stances withdrawal of government deposits
from the banka in moderate amounts Is
not expected to affect the money market
unfavorably. The significance of the Inflow
of money as an exhibit of trade contraction
received more attention In the prevailing
mood of the financial diatrlct today.
The continued reports of declining rail
road earnings and of retrenchment of ex
penditure by the railroads and other
great corporations was given considera
tion. The action expected tomorr3w on the
Amalgamated Copper dividend is awaited
with Interest In view of the example of
reduced disbursements on copper securities
which have been offered. Reading was bid
up with great determination In the last half
hour of the trading with a recovery of
more than Ita dividend and tho low prlcea
to1 which atocka fell in -the close of 1 he
selling were partly repaired in aympathy
with the public demonstration. The closing
tone, however, waa Irregular.
Bonad were irregular. Total sales, par
value. 13.872.000. United States 3a de
clined S per cent on call.
Number of salea and quotations on stocks
wero as fellows:
alas. HIB. L. Clost.
Adam Cxprest
Amalgamate Copper ..
Am. c. at F
Am. C. A r. pM
Am. Cottoa Oil..
Am. Cocum Oil f4
Amarfoaa Kxprea
Am. H. a L pfi......
Amerteaa Ice
Am. LlDased Oil
Am. Unseed Oil pta...
Am. l.ocomottT
Am. lromotlva pfa...
Am. R
Am. s. R. ptd
Am. Sussr Refining ...
Am. Tobacco pfa cits..
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atchlsoa pfa
AtlanUo Coaat Una....
Baltimore at Ohio
BaJ. Ohio pfd
Brooklya Rapid TT
Canadlaa Paclflo
aml ot N. J
Chowpaaa A Ohio
Chlosga Ot. W
Chicago at N. W
C . at. St. t
Chicago T. A T
14 0 6$, t &2't
, ti r.' K
, 1.SUW M4 lit !,"
o us i:.S
Law i: its
' a
lam 4
it ant K'i ti ?
4(0 MS t.) '
. 1 . n -o lu s us
11. uo
iiioo 'ii ' "ii" 44
14S 1"
c. c . r. t. u ti us "
Cetarad T. A 1 41.1" XJS 21S, it
Colorado Southern M S Si US
Cole. to. 1st pfd Its 6!
Colo. A so. M pfd C"' 41 S 43S 41
Consolidated Oaa 400 104 104S l'S
Cora Frodusta 14S l;iS US
Cora Frodurt pfd C5S
Delaoara A Hudeoe t 14S 1S lltS
Del.. U W ..... ..... sin
l-rnrar R o 4U0 US tl 'S
D. A B. O. pfA t
PlMlllanV securities too Ms S
Krte MO 14S liS 14
Brio 1st pfd U
Kn td pfd 1X0 ihs tS -IS
Ooaoral Bleetrls 1.4CU 1 1S ltS
Illinois Caatral ' 41U HIS MIS U1S
latamauloaai Papar tui 1V, S 1
1st. Paear pfd 1.10 44 1S 4l
Int. Pump l.llu It 1S l7S
let. eamp pfd I t s
low Coatral 1.40J U !r l;s
loara Central pfd l.W Sns S
Kaaaaa Cttr so 4a Z!S -5 tS
K. C. so pfd " tl a;s Ss
UautaTiii a N koa lftl ls PS
steilcaa Osatral n )s 1!s IIS
Minn M. U 1 S 3 :s
M., St. r. A g. 6. at S -'S '
at . 6t. P. A g. at. pta.. 111S 1'
Mlaaoart PmelBs t "M 4s 44S
at , K. A T 4 7W n MS 2S
M , K. A T. pfd I.O4 Ms, las
NaUaaal Lead 1 KW 12 S 41 S 41 S
N. B. R. ad at. pfd 4J
N. T. Coatral ll.l lS I'S 1IS
k. r . o. w i.m iis s is
KortoiB A W I1 74) S aav,
W. A W. pfd i
Kona Amerteaa 3-0 US -J fcS
Paciaa stall Ki S fS f
Poanarlvanta M 4 117 lls nS
FeAoio'a tMa s
P . C C A gt. L a
hmi 4 Btaol Car 1.14 S tl
Pf 1 1 1 1 1 s. c. ptd i 7S 4
Pallsua Palac Car 1
Baaaiag. aa-die lI.H ice Ills K
Beadiaa 1st pfd lu II (1 HI
Haaatng M pld tl
Repaklla Boet . f 1S 14S S
Beeatai Eleat pfd are tIS TS "
Bora lalaad Co I.O I 14S lS
Rock lalaad Co pfd !. SSS tS -
su L. a s P M si :vs
at- Latu 8 W I PM us 1S 1-
i. u a. w pfd 1 00 tis
soa(hara Paclso I.aa "s TtS 1
Oa. Partor pfd ON l'S 1"N l''
Bo. Palloar lie It S 1S
Bo. BsJlamr Pf I IS) U U
Teaaa A Psclte I.fcO Zl S tl
T., at. L. A IS
T .k. u t w. pfd i nv rr us
tahaa Paeiao us ltS
V alea Pacia !4 u
V F.iseoaa.
C A Bealtr 14
C. A BuW
V. Rakt)
f. has.
Bf. a-4i.. .
14 S
"iai "
17 w
t. A luel pf
V a. -Carol las Cttaaatead
Va.-Oara. Ckaaa. a4 ..
W aaaaO l
Weile-faree bseeaa .
W aailagaouaa kicctrts
Weebeia L'aiem
Wkeaiuia A U B ....
Wiscaaaia Oawtrai .
la. Ceatral pfd
Kenkera Fa.-lte
Caalral Leather
Caaurel LMtasr '4 ..
... it.r
.. J.WO
.. ia
.. U
!K4 U
074aU SterUMTB pI4....
laiaraorouaB Met. ....
1st Met. pre
M.BA is
In s A
Tui eauea tea- tha 47. TTlka share.
li a aael awl ri a4ew-
NETW YORK. Jan. ISTbe director of
tho Illinois Central ralmi.d declared a
rsgular arana-annuaJ dividend u pj
cent lodav
PHlLAittLPHIA. Jaa. U.-Tb Board of
lMretoi-s of the Reading rnrvpany t a
meeting this afternoon dlared the semi
annual dividend of t pr cent on the pre
ferred stock.
Mow York Aloaey Market.
NBW YORK. Jan. IS. MONEY -On call.
Steady at 4i4 per cent; ruling rate. I per
een; closing bhl. I4j per cent; offered at
i per cent; time loans, soft: sixty and nlnetv
days. 14 per cent; six months, 61 pr ceni.
8TERUNO rCXCHANOB-Steady. with
actual business In bankers 1.1 11 a at It S!t
4.BMR for demand and at 14 l4Ajr mys for
Blxty-day bll'a; commercial bills, 14146.
Sll.VKR Har, Rcc: Mexican dollars. 44c,
BUNDS Government, easy; railroad. Ir
regular. t losing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows: r. . ref. is, rag .. isas Hoc Val. 4S ......
do ectipoa 104s L. A M anl. 4s :
V. . aa. reg 'WS , c ( 4a 3S
do coupon 1"1S Mn. Central 4 7
"f. . a. 4a. reg ..l's "Jo 1st lor 1..
do raupoa Ish1lnn. A at. U u .. T7
Am. Tobacco 4a 4 at.. K A T. 4i
o VS o ts (t'S
AtcMsoo gea. a...... 7S N. R. R. of M. e. 4 77
do ad). 4. Ks . T. C. g. IS S
Bal. a Ohio 4a S N. 1. C. J. I It
do IS 11 S No Paclfje 4 44 S
Brk. R. T. e. 4a 0s do S to
Central of Oa. b tot It. w. c. 4a Ml
do 1st toe ; an o 8. U rfdg. 4s 4
do M lae as pnn ct. is 4
do M lac 14 Reading gen. 4a 4S
Che. A OM S. Lil. e. ta.lOS
Chlcgo A A IS.. t M. L. A R y. rg 4.. t4i
C. B. A d. n. 4a MS U 8. W. e. 4... 44S
C. R. I. A r. 4a..... : 8aboard A. U 48.... II
do aol. la , 74 . Pacific U
mc. A St. U a. 4s. s do let 4s ctf S
Col. lad Is, nr. A. M So. Rallw.r on ax
Ctolo. Mid. 4a l Teia( A PaclBc ls .l'ifS
Colo A So. 4 A T . it. L. A W. 4s.. Tl
:tiba 6a na VbIoo PaclSa u IS
P. A R. O. 4a. 4 do er. e 7
ni.tiliera' Bee. as ... T5S P. . iteel td la..... m
Krle p. I. 4s 14 s Wabaah la 10
do r-o 4a 7 ln deb. B 44
Japan 4a 7 OWeMrra Md. 4 4
do 4S cff. rS W. dUI. 4a t3S
i2 "" ,4, Central 4a 63S
Bid. Ottered. Km- Interest.
Roatoa Stocka and Bonds.
Tlrfa-fnv . - ... , . . . .
.-'.j . tfaii. 10. v.aii loajis. B-ytr per
cent; time loans, 64i per cent. Official
..... B vll p in il aim uvnai:
Atcnlsoa ad). 4 aS Atlantic Its
4s MS Blrgham 4
M Central 4a T3s i.SI. A Hoc la ISO
AtrJileon 71S Centennial r7
PI S Copper Range tl
Bostoa A Albany 13 ttr Weat a 14
Boston A Maine 1J5 Franklin S
Boston Elevated Oradhr
rit-hbarg pfd ISO tale Royal JJ
N. N. H. A H....13JS Mass. Mining 4
tnlon PaclBc ij Mlrhlean 11
Am. Arg. chm lis Mohaoh uu
do ptd ,n Mont. C. A C IS
Am. Fneu. Tuba I Old Dominion :s
Anier. Sugar Ill Osceola M
do pfd 11214 Parrot ' us
Am. T. A T .Mfis Oulhcj 2
Amse. Woolen It Shannon US
do pfd tl Tamarack 70
nomlnln I. A a i Trtollj i;a-
Bdleeo Eler 1 1 I.e. . . . i Cnlted Conner ... 7
Oeneral Electric ...UJSC. S. M.nlng.......t. ;ts
Maaa Electric 11 f. S. Oil 1S
o pfd 4s I'tah &sTt
Mass. Osa 7S Vlrtoria 5i
fnlted Krutt Illi, Wlnon iv
V'nlted 8. 4S ' .Iverine 127
B'd' 14 North Butte 4Si
V. 8. steel Jin, Butte coalliloa ...... 17
' MS Nevada lis
Adventure ts t'l. a Arltnna ws
Allooea 11 Arfsona Com 17s
Amalgamated aJS
Bid. El-dividend, ee i.kri
London Closing atocka.
IXIXDO.V. Jan. 15. Closing; quotations on
stocks were:
Consol. money I't M., K. A T . . . !
(to a. count U 16-14 N V fentral 044
Anapon t, Nnrtola W : 71
Atrblaon. ei-alr 7Sa do fd s
P' Ontario A W MU
Baltlmor A Ohio.... t Pennavlvaai o
('anadlas Paclse le4, Vnd Mloee HL
Chesapeake Oblo... U Rtsdlnf U
('hlcasj Ot. W ts, outi:era Rallwa; . . . Kfi
t. M. A St. P nut, do pi'j s
De Beere 1414 Southern ri-:ne Tl'4
Denver A R. O tin fnion PaclBc VZ
P' 44 do pM
Erl lti t. a. Hteel si
00 1st pfd Si4 do pfd 17.
do li pfd ar,v, wbh ia
Grand Trunk lit, do pfd
llllnola Central IM Rpanlah 4 ov
Loularllle A N 1 Amat. Copper .. . bi
8IUVKK Bar. steady. 15 ll-lki per oz
MONEY-afM per jent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 4S-54S per cent; for time
loans, 4Va per cent. . -
New Tork Mfnlna; Stocks.
NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Closing quotations
on mining; stocks were:
Aitatms Cos. : - tAtt" Chief I
A Ilea X . flr.tarl JOl
"reeea I Ophir . 119
Brunawtrk Coa II Potoal u '
Comt.jek Tunnel 14 aaTtrc ,7
Con. Cal A V 14 Sierra Keeada
Hora Sliver 14 Smell Hop M
Iron gllrer Tl Standard 110
Leadvllle Coa
Treasory Statemeat.
WAPHIXOTO.V. D. C. Jan. l&.-Todav'a
sts.tement of the treasury balance in the
general fund, exclusive of the lloft.cyiO y1
gold reserve, allow: Available cash bal-
fio'-w e', 'M-,!r,; ROJd co,n " bullion,
f39.j4f.316; gold certificates. K1.2S.515.
l.ondoa Stock Market.
LONDON. Jan. IS. A merles n securliies
opened with an easier tendencv todav
Tompared with yesterdava New York
closlnr first nricea wera x.ft.- in..
during the first hour there was no im
provement. Bank Clearlaars.
OMAHA. Jan. 15 Bank clearintrs for to
day were 31.9fi9.424 55 and for the corre
apondlng date last year. ",7o4.H7.40.
Metal Market.
NPV YORK. Jan. 15. M ETA LA The
London tin market was a little loaer to
day, a Dot closing at a;125 10s and futures
at 131 Locally the market was dull with
ouotatiom ranging front 127.50 to 127 s;i-i.
t opper was higher in the English market.
Willi spot quoted at S4 ha end futtirea at
64 K. Locally no change w-a report,,
with the market steady. Ik.- Is rinotetl
at I13.;pei4.uv. electrolvtic at i;t.2iMhis g;u
and casting at IIS S7fl3.Ki. Leid was
unchanged at 14 7a tk in the London mar
ket, but It was stady and a shade higher
locally at U704iS.75. Spelter advanced to
Cat "s Id In lymdon. Ixsrally the nisrk-t
was steady and unchnnged at t4 4Mi!55
Iron was unchanged to lSd lilvher. with
standard foundry quoted at 47 and Cleve
land warrants at 4s d In the English
market. There was no rhanve rtoor'ed
localiy. No. I northern founder. 1.2S
11.75; No. 2 northern foundry, 17 75JjlliS;
e?U,,tl"rn Vo- 1 southern soft
ST. IOCT?. Jan. 15.-METAL3 Ld
rirrn, tlta. Spelter, firm. H..VI.
Ktaporated Apnlea aaal llrled Ira It a.
i;'mLVf.'.nil' kJ,n lh EVAPORATED
ArlLKS-Market la a little stead'er in
tone, dwmg 10 a better demand. Karcy
are quoted at K'Millc: rholce. V4ilt ;
prime. 1tlnV'. and VJt' fruit nt 7&1VV
r R I ED KRCITS-Prunea are unsettled
and some pressure to ll Is reported In
certain directions. Quotation range froti
5c to 16c fr,r Califom'a fruit, and from 7c
lo , ,o for rreon fsw-Vis. Apricots are 11 n
rhanrd; choice. Ti .': extra choice
ISc. and fancy at i4tr-. Peaches are' cor..
fWlently held, with choice ouoted at llUJir
KV; etra rbclre. I2!vii13'c: fancv ;v
and extra fxnev at I4il4a,c. Falsin
are unaettled. m-tth loose muscatcle at SV
7c: seejteH -"J-'-n at tvSc. ,nd Iindon
layers at ILCtYl K.
Oils and Hoala. .
NEW YORK. Jan. 1f.-OIL Tottoneel.
firm; pr'me crude, S'itir; prime yellow
"c. Petroleum, ateadv v.l
j York. 7i: VMiadelrMa and Baltimore.
7i.; hiadeinhla and Baltimore, bulk
14 M. Turpentine, firm: '. . .
j ROtnvs t..,iy; strained. common to
fMIl SI JfU u.
SAVANNAH. Jan. l-.-ILr-Turrentine.
tteaile Me
Pfle f V Flem Qrrote It C P IT
f: o usn h rj 435- t 73. k-
OIL f ITT. t.e 1I.OTf Ore-4t, .),,
fl T: tiif roiO: a 1 erase, i7 ! Bhip
ments. 19P.T1S bbla: averave. 157,777 bbla.
Cottoa Market.'
NEW TOPK, Ja- 1' -COTTGV-T-,,.
lures oeeed steely 'snui't ta an,..
March najy.. Ar,r)t jo w!c: M. U Cc in Sac CV-toher. offered at 10 He
"not closed stesdv. I neit, hieher- id
dl'ig tisHrta li.e-c; middling gulf 'l'lv
sales. 441 rales. " " '
,jOI,',7 J"' WTOMtedv
rrddltnar. 11W. Palea. ll bales: rece-e
t)Seb,'': ,'',,ne,,, Rn; stock. 1S0'
Bteady at HSc.
. CoaToo Stwfcet.
clesrj ateady set nnchae.gvd. SoIeS were
reporred ef UOOt Vjoara tl"-iil!n taneoey
at I7V-, March at 100c. Mar at to, V.b
tember ot and netre-rnber at tV- gpt
r,"J1r: No' T R- '-" N"4X 4 Pantos, Sc.'
Mild. Bteady.
Py trtiitg tho vartoj deparLment of The
Bo T'ant A4 Page you got fj.uicli rrtitrns
at a otr.a!! exprnse.
Cattle of All Kindt Stcidy to a Little
bewlrable Fat beep and l.aaana Fall If
Active and Generally Ateady, wltk
t'osasaoaer Klads Slow and
A Mttlo Easier.
Receipts were: CaJtie. Hop:s. Bheep.
Official UnnHi.
.;' e.e o .-'
itrrt,.iui isiui.'.
TT73 . . 11 9.SUU t.t'W
Kstlmate Wednesday
Three day tills week..l7.25 ri.lll
Fame days last week....l.M7 4t.ol 1K.T9
Same daya t weeks a0.. tV-'Ta la.Vti
Hanie dim t weeks ao.. 1Q.5 l.Hs
eme days 4 weeks ar ..ll.TS4 IS-nlrt ll.
Barnn daya last year ls.Ui 19.674 35.524
The following table shows the receipts "f
csttle, bogs and aheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year:
1W-. )n7. Inc. Dec.
Cattle' 4&.9M K.:'l .7ra
Hoirs 141.21 61.A34
Sheep Sl,7;i8 Jt.tlM i9M
The tollowtnit table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the Inst
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 190.. 19r..!l!ajo.;i6.!l't. 11903. H2.
1 a; 4 471
6 17 4 46
4 ! 8 Ml
4 I I X4
I J4
I 14
t 04
( 4 6vi 4 So, 401
5 rS i 4 6i 6 4P
6 r. 4 Rll 4 Kit 81
I 40
4 til 4
4 751 6 48
4 7i J7I 11
4 69; 41 U
The oUlcial number of ears of stock
brouaht In today by ach road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'e.
C. M. A Bt. P Ry. 6 3
Wabasli 1 2
Mo. Paoiflc Ky & 2
I'nlon Paclfk- 44' .11 1
C. & N. V. teasl). 1- 3
'. & N. W. twesU.CS 35
V.. Pt. P. M. A O. 14 . 3 9
C, B. A Q. least 1.. 1 4 ...
C, B. at y. twesti. 51 3i 14 1
C R. I. A F. teast) 8 6
C. li. I. P. tWeet) 2 S
Illinois Central ... 2 3
C. J. W 4 2 11
Total receipts ...3)8 133 Si 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purcnaetng the num
ber of head indicated:
Callle. Hogs. 8heep.
Omaha Packing Co 7:t l.:-46 l.ittl
Swift & Co 8J 2.r 1.171
Cudahy Packing Co 873 i.-'43 '.Mill
Ormour Co l.S.T 2.81S l.Otm
Yansant & Co 3i)
Carey Sc Benton si
Ixibman A Co 7ti .... ....
McCreary & Carey 13S
W. I. Stephen 77
Hill A Bon XJU .... ....
Hill A Son IM
K. P. Lewis 61
Huston Ac Co 115 .... ....
Hamilton A Kothschild.. 7:1
I t'. Huai 'i
U Wolf ' lit
J. 11. Bulla 2 .... ....
Mike Haggerty k
T. B. Inetiram. 14
Irlimer Bros .... ....
Krey Packing Co 4
l. & 1 it!
C. Bros 147
Other buyers 3V1
Total 6.S40 8.3C8 6,;t
CATTLlv The cattle trace Una morning
wss in a favorable condition for the selling
Interests. Receipts, while llbrral. were ap
parently none too large to meet tho re
quirements of the trade. While there were
some pretty good cattla here the receipt
for the most part consisted of medium
kinds, with a large percentage of cow
There was; no noteworthy change in the
market for beef steers. Packers all seemed
to want a few and as there were also
shipping orders on hand the demand was
sufficiently brisk to create a good, ateady
to strong market with the trade reasonably
active at current prices. Among the offer
ings were cattle good enough to bring 15.66.
the beat price paid at thla point in some
little time.
Cowa hnd heifers were good free Belters,
the same as tiiey have been all this week.
The shipping demand continues good In ad
dition to the local demand and the market
waa reasonably active at steady prices.
The big bulk of the offerings changed
bands in good season In the morning.
Although there were quits a good many
feeders in S'glit. speculators having a good
many on band In addition to the treh re
ceipts, still the demand waa good for the
desirable kinds, which sold freely at prices
a little stronger even man yesterday.
Quotations on -aU)e: Good to choice
! cornfed steers. tn.u&'fiii.iS; fair to good
j cornfed steers. 4.5cii 5.-S: common to fair
1 cornfed steers. 3.7i'!i4..Vt: good to choice
: cows and heiftrs. fi 7.Vir4 .50; fair to good
j cows and heifers. Ii,7ir3.76; common to
j fair cowa and heifers. 11.754:!. 75; good to
choice Blockers and feeders, 14 O0if4.n0; fair
to good stockrs and feeders. Jl.xyTit.OO;
common to fair Blockers and feeder.
Representative sales:
SI ...
12 ...
I ...
II ...
4 ...
I ...
T ...
IB ..
II ...
7. . . ,
4 ...
H ...
4 ...
17. ..
.. .
14, ...
I ...
11 ...
I ...
.... :t
.... Si
.... "7
.... f.l
.... t'l
.... ft
.... 74
.... .'
. ..ltll
.... s5
... 10
.... Ui
. . . IT.
.... 4
.... 77
.... ;t:
.... 4
.... i
.... M
.... I4
.... 717
.... Bit
.... 17;
. .. an
. .15.
. . U M
. ..!!
... li
... 140
.... :
. ... 44J
.... Hk
.... in
. . 1037
. ..I-K4
4 Ifi
4 M
4 (
4 7
4 75
4 M
4 11
4 n
4 U
I n
i t
I 10
I 14
I 10
t el
I 74
t 4'.
t II
i in
i i
t t
t M
1 n
) 4a
1 71
t 71
3 71
I Ti
i 14
a i
4 on
4 1
a 4i
a 41
a f
4 1
4 v
4 u
I 40
4 00
4 II
4 t
4 I
4 :&
4 ?
4 j'
4 to
4 4"
4 40
14 .
4P .
41 ...
4. .
: ..
4 41
4 4
I St
ie. .
J ..
n .,
1 .
11 ...
i 4
t 4
I !
I 7.
t H
1 ;
1 it
t r.
1 i
I is
I 11
t 35
1 ss
S ti
a 4
.. .114-1
. . . ': 1
. . .!
. .!--4
. . . 1 & i
.. .list
... I'Jt
... M
... Sf.4
... T4
... BS
... 117
.. 11
. . .171
... fx
.17 1
.. 1M
.. 2:74
i .
l. .
s it
J 4 '-
2 71 4 ....
2 in :
: i 7 ....
1 is 3
.1 v izi
IM 5
1 ...
a m
a ie
1 m
I e
I 75
i I)
: ti
1 en
a if 1...
4 ii 1 ..
t I....
1 :s
I w : ...
I Ti ! ...
4 ..
t ..
I .
14. . .
It ..
1! ...
1 ;t
1 73
t 7$
I t
4 W
I V.
.. w
.. lit
1-.7 a
I ()
t 2e
l! .
7 .
I .
24 .
t .
i (X)
4 t
4 0
4 fi
4 14
4 ii
4 l
1 :
t li
I ie
a 4-1
a 7n
a Ti
a tt;
a ii
a i
. 1.1
. 7
. 7 ft
. 47T
. fiT
. 444
. I. a
. 7:.4
. tM
. "4
a ii
Mourt itugs oij B'Tl.c higher this morn
ing, but the market was not very si-tive
at tiie advance. Packer seemed unwilling
lo put on and were inclined to bold back,
while, on me other hand, eeleamen were
determined to force price upward and hung
out for the advance noted, fit ill the moat
of Ihem were Quoting the market only a
big ic higher. The early sale were largely
at 14.254. 3o. wth a few up to 14 St and a
top at 14 40. Yeaterdav the buik of the
t og brought I4.17V&4 JIH. with a top at
14 in. Sinppe-ra were free buyers and hoga
that would anewt-r 'hair purpooea were In
meat caaea fully 10- tuner. It was snore
d"flrnlt to realise the full measure of tt
advant-e on the Mght especially the
bigh mixed ktule. Toward the close tbe
market snowed soma weakness on the lea
desirable Icada.
Kepreaer ta'.ive sale:
afa. A f r
T4 IM a 4 t:'4
7i4 U 4 t.
f. lu 4n 4 : .
... ' 4 5 4 t-
-". t 4 fi -
-. ; : 4 -4
Jan. t..;. sji
Jan. 6.... 4S0 I
Jan. 7.... 4 3Si 141
Jan. .... 4 ,
Jan. .... 4 f3i
Jan. iu... i ziHj l IM'if
Jan. 11 I 4 It J t 221 4 M
Jan. 12.. I 6 3Ui 6 r, 4 2
Jan. 13... 4 X 4 a
Jan. 14... 4 1' ( 2D' 4 0
Jn. 15 I i fi
Jf. At. t.. pr
4; 11 If 4 tt'i
7 : 4 ... v-4,
ti ! I a lit
-"i 4
1-4 7-4 K-l I T 4
T JUa U i - -
The Updike Grain Co.
TOO to 714 Drnndcis Dido
OMAHA. -:- -:- -:- NED.
Tstlaption Dougta S479
? IM ... IIS
Tl 1 4 ti
M It; ... r,
tt til no it;
it . . in
S IM 10 4
I! 171 ... 4
14 ... 4 tt
Tt 14 (W 4 15
1 171 ... 4 K
m i in
1 1M .. 4 ts
t 101 is 4 ts
TO til 4 4 r
41 1 ... 4 JTU
JS . . . . ,
...w l trt
.. .104 ... 4
...tM ... 4M
. . . tSJ I" 4 II
..III 40 4 11
Tl IM ... 4 it
14 lit ... 4 J.
IV I ... 4 SO
l til ... 4 10
74 til ... 4
tl JOT ... 4 1
77 14 ... IX
T' 141 4t 4 I
f4 4.14 ... 4
40 lit ... 4 J
71 J1 4 1
41 Ml e 4 rn
71 tit 11 4 17 H
41 17 ... 4 if,
TJ tit ... 4 ",
4J . . 4 1".
3 tit J' i i
I'.l .. IS'
II tti 49 4 3".
7! It . . 4 U
US " i: 4 SI
I m i ... 4 rr
74 3 10 4 tts
f SA ... 4 I7S
n 111 ... t "7V,
tM IO 4 S?H
67 40 4 l;t4j
s :ii ... 4 .is
0 tit ... 4P7W,
14 . . 4 rv,
4 IM 4 11
II JT . 4 !74
!( 0 4 i7V U 171 ... 4 40
SHEEP The market this morning was
In decent condition throughout. The re
ceipts were fair' and as there- was a goul
demand, the offerings Were pretty much
dlspoaed of In good season In the morning.
The trade was not quite as active as on
some days and some buyers were talking
a little lower, but still the general market
was steady with yeaterdav. Oood lambs
Bold up to 17.00, with wethers at IS.60 and
ewes as high as 15 .20.
Quotations on good to choice fed sheep
and lambs: Lambs, 14 7o3?7. lo ; yearling
wethers. 15 fHagti.OO; ; wethers, t6.8fi5.30;
ewes. 15.104)6 25
No. Av; Pr
no western lambs 61 6 75
E04 western ewes N 5
X4 western ewes I 4 76
4 western ewes : ISO R W
83 western ewes 101 4 TS
IIS western ewe pin I ftt .
7 western lambs ..." lTi .
I B3 western lambs TS 7 00
4. western lambs ..IM 6 2)
BID western wethers at y'I'gs 2 ! S'i
7 western lambs M - 00
II western Is nibs r 7 00
ITS western wethers 121 6 &
4 western yearling wethers 117 t 70
3ft) weeterr. ewes K7 6 01
243 western yearllnas 4 Oil ,
6 western yearlings ItsJ to
106 western wethers ...107 6 SI
M western ewes A I 15
17 western ewes Ill 4 "0
41 western lambs 7 00
14 western ewes and wether If 5 I.
364 Wyoming lambs M 4 So
120 Wyoming ewes 91 4 36
43 western lambs 04 li
lis western yearlings -7 0
4t4 western wethers 104 h ro
357 western Ian bs M Si
114 western lamb '! tU
2SI western lambs 70 140
Cattle aid Hoaja Steady ftheea sad
I. a tuts steady to Stroaa.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15 CATTLB Receipt.
18 Of vl bead; market ateadv: steer. 14 l"' jf
S.35: cowa. U.7.Vp4.50: heifera. U.Uio.Js;
bulla, I.' 8644. in; calves, I3..3 25; Blockers
and feeders. t-.tat)4.ufl.
HOGS Receipts. 38.000 bead; market
steady; choice heavy shipping. t4.Go64.rfl:
butcher. 14 4jij4.r.7H; llgiit mixed. I4.a.i4.j;
choice light. Hirwitti; packer. 4On4.o0;
pigs. KtA.'ii: bulk of sales. Uii.b
bead; market steadv to strong: sheep 4.0fit j
d.tu; lamoa, o.itmi.ji; yearungs, 4.-O,0.0.
Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 10,000 head, including S.ar0 south
erns; market, ateady to 10c higher; choice
export and dressed beef steers, t5.2afj6.6n:
fair to good. t4.15'flS.Io; western steers. 14 CO
ti6 L-5; dockers and feeders. t3.eo64.50:
southern steers. I4.O0&4.76; southern cows,
tM'.V3.7: nailve cows. ti.4nn7 4 60; native
heifera. C.2i,'fl6.00; bulls. I3.2WI.90; calves,
HOO8 Receipts. 11.500 bead: market. lAi
10c higher) top. 14 56; bulk of sales. 4 3V
e.tK); heavy. 4.46i4bB: packers, 14. X 64.61 V;
pics and lights. 13. 75414 50.
I?H EBP AND UMB8- Receipts.
head; market. lotiHtc lower: lambs. fi.Soft
t.9('; ewe and yearlings. I4.2&U6.6-J; west
ern veariings. t5.604i.3; western sheen.
M; Blockers and feeders, I3.3tu4 50.
It. LoaU Live Stock HarketX
ST. LOi"I& Mo., Jan. 13. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 3.6t4 head: including M0 Texan-;
market for natives steady: Texans strong
to a shade higher: native shlnplnr and e-
1 port steers. ta.lfii10: dressed beef and
1 butcher steers. I5.507i6.65; steers under l.oi'O
ponnas U.ZOOU4..0; sttn-kers and feeders.
.'.604.; cows and heifer. t3.0.aa.i5;
tanners li.fGii2.4B: bulls. r.'.OOI.BO; calves
I3..'tj7.a: Texas and Indian steers, IJ.hi
6.iV. cows and heifers. I1.76i3.75.
HfwlB Receipts 10.000 head: market
steady; p'.gs and lights. t4.2tAM.8O; packers
J4VX TJ 41.:0; butchers and bst heavy. It 45r
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head
market, steadv; native muttons, triors 'i:
lambs. I3.tefia.:ri: culls and bucks. SLOVR eo:
Blockers. 3.0'i4.06.
t. Joaeyh l.lTe Stock Market.
ST. JO8EPH. Mo.. Jan. 16.-CATTLE
Recelpta. 23 bead: market stesdy to
strong; natives. 13 778.76; cows and heif
era. I0r&4.b0; stockera and .feeders, t3.6Vff
HOGS Receipt . 11 147 head: market 10c
to IFe hloher; top. H.60; bulk pf salea
14 42U4T4.M.
head: market steady; lambs. Xi.Kfal 10'
yearlings. d.Wft;.10.
' Sloas City Lire Stavek Market.
SIOIX CITY. Jan. IS fgpechl Tele
gram.! CATTLE Receipts. 1..V0 head:
market steady; Blockers strong: beeves,
14 oft'"6. 70: eows and beifer. I ttet In'
stockera aed feeders, n.OCfjS.&O; calves and
Mr"ri ti:rt,SiV.
HOOil Keceli Is. .ry head: market !
Vf hgher. selling at S4.r4.St. balk of
! Stork la Slaht.
Receipts r.f live ato-k ut the six principal
; western oiarae'a yesterrjay:
Sheen. :
l.KM i
ll.Oi.l 1
j South Omaha
1 Sioux Citv ...
1 Kevnsaa City
! Pt. Joseph ...
Kt. liuis
! Chicago
. .. 6 "
... I.eO.
... 2r-J
.. . S.rv,
. Total
F;-;-4-Fresh selling exgs, candled, 16a
BL'TfER Couirr.tin. 14V. fancy tub and
rolls. i7'c; cieamery, D0c.
CHEF.8E New foil crean. Wisconsin
twins. 17'c; n full cream brick. 17c; di
roe tic new Swiss. 18c; new limburger. lt
lt: your.g Americans. 17c
LIVE prjl'LTRY-fiprings. ic; hens, ec;
roorter. Ic; durks. Sc; geea. C; turkey.
U'c: pijrenna. 4 c per dox.
DRESSED I OULTRT Soring fney. c;
bens, sc; rot stert . 4c; ducks, c; gees,
iw; turkey. Hailc.
HAY Choic No. ; ::p'.a.-d tlt.od; medium
t00: No. 1 bottom. taOOl off grade, from
S5ikM. Ry Craw, 17.01 No. 1 al
falfa. in 00
ORANGES Fancy Wahltigton navels,
all sixes,' per box, 2 73; extra fancv 8un
f lower, elf slses. per bog. 13 00; California
Tangerines, 1X) la and smaller, per bog.
13 a.
GRAPES Malaga, choice, per keg. 14.00;
Malaga, extra faucr. 14 60; extra rholoo.
pr keg. 14.26; extra fancy, extra heavy,
ORAPR FRUIT-Florlda. tl and SO si in,
per box. M on.
B A N A NA ft Port IJmon, owing to aiae.
ar bun' b. fl.!s to 13 0. faucy winter Nellie, per
box IJ.J3. '
crown, pet lb., 14Sc: Irnvrni Cis. g.
rown. .r !b.. I'.nl'm: eirnvrria f'aa, i
noma, te-r lb, Ivjrlle; California igs. boxse.
IS curt. .n ec-. 'iifr.r(na i, cin
for .-:.!. s.x-; California f t, bulk, per lb,
6 ; ttaliuwi dta. irr I'., c: aii-adrawl
Ce-.t. i-er lt. i . Sir o.'...-x ! IL.. hx:
Fard date. It-lb boxea, per lb. to.
CrtANBEJtKlfeS-Extra fancy Boll and
Bugle, per bbl., tlrt.iO, extra fancy Jersey,
per bbl., S.iai; extra tancy Jersey, per box,
1.EMON8 Extra fancy 8oUtherlnd
Beauty. Soo and slxe, per box, 4.uu; ex
tra mole Jusuite, 3 and 360 aute, pel
box, 13 76.
ArPLESf-WashlngloR Snow, per box,
1.ik; aaiiliigtoii Jonathans, ier box, 11.75;
Washington Roman Beauties, per box, 11.76;
WasiiiUKton Alexanders, ;r bo. fl.7o;
Washington Blue i'earmalna. per box, 11.76;
Washington Red Cheek Prpplns, per box,
11.75; Washington Kings, per box, 11.76;
Washington Bailey Sweet, per bex, fi 75;
Washington No. ISpy. pet box. 11.75; Cali
fornia lied t'eBrmums. 4-ller, per box, 12.00;
Callfortila Belleflowers, 4-tler, per box,
I20; New York Baldwins, per bbl.. 14 60;
New York Northera tuples. r bbl.. 14.10;
New York assorted varieties, per bbl.. 14.50.
P0TATUE8-Per bu.. ttr'.fce.
SWtET 1'UTATOitS Kansas, per bbl..
TOM ATOE3 Florida, extra fsncv. per
baaket crate, tiVOO; choice, per basket orate,
4.oo; Cuban fancy, per 4V-basket crate. 14.00.
I.ET'I L'CL Florida iiead, per hamper,
1' til; per r!of , 41k?.
CCCrMBICRB Hot house. 2 doa. fancy,
per box, IJ.wi; 1 dox. choice, per box, II 50.
RAD18HEl4-Hol lituiae. per doaen, tuc.
PARSLEY Per dox., 4tc.
PEPPERS Fiorliw t-bgsket crates, pet
crate, H 00.
PARSMPS-Old, per bbl.. 2 2S.
BEETS Old. per bhl., fc.25.
$?. 00; Canada Rutahages. per lb., lic.
CABBAUE-Wlsconsin Holland Seed, per
lb.. iuc.
ONIONS Spanish, per era Is. 11.60; Wlf
corsln Red Ulobe, per lb.. H4c.
CAI 1.1FIX)WEH-Per 2-dos. crate. S3 00
HOFfSERADDlHH Per doa.,' 0c.
KCMQC ATS Owing to quality, per qt.,
!e to 4flc. .
SHALLOTS-Per dox . 0c.
BHI'SPEL SPROUTS, per ql.. 20c.
STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality. SOa
to V. ,
CKLKRT Michigan, per bunch. JfttSSe.
NAVT BEANS Pet bu.. No. a. I3.M;
Lima, 7c per lb.
lb: No. 1. 13V:; No. 2. 11c; No. I, 7Hc.
Iiln: No. 1, 19c; No. J. 13c; No. 3, ki-n
Chuck: No. 1. c; No.' 2, 5Vc; No. J. W
Hound: No. I, K4c; No. 2, "tic; No. t, e.
Plate: No. 1. 6c; No. 2. 5c; No. . 44c
re somewhat unsettled by freer offerings
from second hands, who aeem desirous c(
moving supplies of Immcdlste gradea. Quo
tationa range from oc to 9c tor California
fruit and from fc to ic for Oregon.
Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellow
quoted at 13Hc.
16.40; beet, to.00; cut lotif. c; cubes, Jc;
powdered. 1.16c. ., 1 '
BL'OAR Uranulated. cane. per Back.
NUTS California No. 1 8. S. walnut, pet
lb., 17Vrc; Imported Tarragona almonds, per
lb., ISc; filbert. Brattle and Jumbo pecans,
I. V; .butternuts, per lb., 12c; No. 1 H. P.
peanuts, ruaatea, tic; raw, ec: salted pea
nuts, per box, 11.16; Italian chestnuts, per
!b., 10c.
CANNED GOODS Corn, stahdard weit.
em, Tao. Tomatoea, lancy. s-pound cana
II. 45; atandard, S-pound cans. 11.30. Pine
apples, (.rated, 2-pound. l-'.:i-&iJ0. elloed.
tLTESiSS. Clln opple-. rCallforni.
apricots, l-.564iiig. Pear. iz.MtKlh.
Peaches, ll.evcl.u. L. C. peaches, St lOtl
1.15. Alaska salmon, red. 11.40; fancy
Chinook, flat, e.lo; fancy locKayi, flat,
$2.16. Sardines, quarter oil, 11.60, three
quarters mustard. 13.35. Sweet potatoes, 135. Sauerkraut, S5q. Pumpkins, too
CILOO. Lima beans, 1-pound. 76ctlll.2t.
Boakeil beana. I-pound. C5c; fancy, 11.2631 b.
COPFEE Roasted, No. 36, Mc; No. 3u.
Oc; No. i6, lSic; No. 20. 14Hc.
FISH Halibut. 11c; tiout. 13c; pickerel,
luc; pike. 14c; pike, fresh, fro ten, 12c; white,
fish, 14'ulfc; buffalo, 14c; bt'.libeads, skinned
and dreaaed. 13c; catfish. d:esrd, 17c; white
perch, 7c; white bass, 16c; black bass. 26c;
Bunflsh. fic; crsppiea. uoiK.'; large crappiea,
16c; herring, freau froxen, 6c. whlteflait.
frozen, 13'al5c; pickerel, fresh frosen, lie;
red an a riper, l'.'c; flounuers,, mackerel, le
S5c per fish; codfish, freeh fiozen, lie; had
dock, fresh froxen, 12c; smells, lie; shad
toe, 46o per lb.; frog legs. Sic per do.,
green sea turtlq meat. ISc per lb
HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen salted.
No. 1, oc; No. 2, 4c; bull lades,. 3c; srreen
uncalled, No. 1, 4c; green unaailed. o 2,
Sc; horse hides, Il.004l2.6w; snatep t.lm to
ajll.Oo. Tall. No. 1. 4ftc; Nv. I tc.
Wool, 147-4. ,
Boy Tries to Work Pa for Kuk
to eklra Carcase Back
"I frequently receive telegram from
anxious futher or mothers Inquiring if
such and such a young man ild In thin
city recently." said Chief of Police Dona
hue. "1 usually turn them over to Ihj
Board of Health for investigation, and In
variably no such person bus died.
"Sometime ago t received such a tele
gram and the young man uppoed to bs
dead happened to be an acquaintance of
mine.' I determined to look Into the mat
ter and went and saw Mm. I shorn ed him
the telegram and asked him what It meant
At first he pretended not to know, but
after some questioning he admitted be bad
got hard up and aent a message t his
father announcing bis own death, signing
tho name of an imaginary friend ti the
message and asking that the father remit
the necessary money to ship the corps
home. The young fellow intended to col
lect his own funersi expense when the
money came. But bis old dad was evi
dently next lo the boy irlck and took
the precaution to verify the telegram. The
game works In many cases, though, and
the excited father or mother will wire a
large amount to rover undertakers' ex
pense and the cost of shipping the corpse,
and possibly a hotel bill the deceased
"The nerve of some of these prodigal
sons is something fearful and wonder
latest Faakloa la to (rack Safe aaal
The Harry sad Tell tke
Offerer F.yan of the police fcrc "nearly
fell dead." aa the saying goes, when a man
thrusting a huge bundle at titm and giving
j the nan e of TJave No'an, walked , up to
I hl-n WrJnesday and said; ,
j "I have Just robbed a Snuth Omaha
! bank." . v
The bundle, he said, waa the plunder.
"Hete only yesterday, or tbe day be
fore, a thap ralla up the etatloa by 'phone
to report that tie and his pal have Jut
cracked a safe, and now here come thla
fellow, knocking me over with tho moat
polite announcement you. ever heard that
he had Juat robbed a bank and alth a
cargo of moiicy on his shoulder." said the
officer. ;-Hcly emoke, . 1 thought, and
what's coming next. Sure. I didn't know
that it waa me or not :.n 1 tieord those
words fj-om that chap'a luoutb. I thought
light away of Uabrid and the en4f tha
world, the whatetiuuiiu alllt melenniuin."
Investigation proved (Vlonel Nolan had
a bundle of old rlothea, which, be said,
waa the money he totk from the bank, and
tuat be la uj-,jve4l to b tjanisttnaJu