Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee
...... . -
t. , . .
t' Kntered at Omaha I'ostofflce as econd
lass matter.
T!Ir Be (without Hunday). ore year..!1"
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Saturday Bee, one yar
Tally Pea (Including Sunday ), per week..l!!
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livening Bee (with Sunday), per week... 10c
Address all rnmplnlnt of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Department.
; Omaha The Be Building.
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' Chicago ltvtO Cnivf rally Building.
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Communication relating to newa and edi
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payable to The Be Publishing company.
Only a-rent at am pi received in payment of
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Plata of Nebraska. Douglas County, u.:
George B. Tzschuck, treasurer of The
Pee Publishing Company, being duly sworn.
iays that the actual number of full end
c-omptpte copies of The ally. Morning,
JSveping and Sunday Bee printed during
he month of December, 1307, wea aa fol
low: 1 86,400 IT 36,840
X 37,160 II 18,690
S 87,370 II 30.640
' 4 ... 37,990 20 36,580
I i 37,330 II 36,380
, f 36,960 SI 86.300
T 87,090 .. 21 36,400
I 36,900 24 36,890
' ... 36,930- 25 . . 36,600
1 87,030 26 86,680
11 37,000 ' 17 86,890
U. . 36,740 21 36,360
1.... 37,630 21 36300
14 8610 10 36,110
I. ......... 36,960 II 36,610
Hi 36,960 -
Total 1,12,980
C"s unsold and returned copies. 9,304
L Net total 1.139.776
tlly average 36,444
I ' Treaurer.
t Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before me this 2d day of January,
Notary Public.
! Bafcaorlbers leaving; the city teas.
' gtoimrlly- should bar The Be
walled ( them. Addrea will be
. caaag mm aftea aa reqaeated.
Ml , f
I Brazilians arts getting a good look
i the Monroe doctrine.
The 'Washington Herald has a Beau
tiful faith. It sees dally evidences of
In "crumbling of the Taft boom." ,
If Senator Burkett does not want to
o as a delegate to the Chicago con
tention no attempt will be made to
forca him.
! Milwaukee is straggling along un
ifier sixteen Inches of snow and an in
crease In the price of beer. , Troubles
diever tome singly.
..i-.r.- i It !.' i '
i'. "The army needs looking after,"
pay the New York 8un. History
ahows that the army has always been
bla to look after itself.
According to latest telegraphic ad
fices. God reigns and the government
t Washington still lives. In spite of
Jiatronaga differences ' between senators.
, Most of the editors who are calling
attention to "faults in the Aid rich bill"
Apparently agree that one chief fault
la that it was drawn by Senator Al-
flrldi. -
, now a statewide Bryan club is
a) be formed. What for? Is there
Sty Question as to whether the ma
jority' of Nebraska democrats are really
og Bryant
(fudge Parker warns the country
gnat It would be dangerous to put "un
tutored Idealism" in charge of national
Affairs. Wonder whom the Judge is
miming at? '
( Senator Reed Smoot says the num
per of Mormons living in polygamy in
XJtah' has been greatly reduced In the
last two years. . Due to the Increased
ost of living T
The humor of the local postofflce
situation, la to be found in the specta
fcle of an ex-confed coming to the front
to help keep the Job in the possession
1 fef the Qw A. R
"Pittsburg reports an Increased de
mand for pig iron, that sensitive busi
ness barometer which reflects the ac
tivity or depression of every branch of
the building Industry. ' '
The proceedings of the State His
torical, society Just concluding Its 'an
nual seseioa emphasizes the persistence
of that comforting and comfortable
frule, "de mortuta nil nisi bonum,"
"Of course I would accept the dem
rcratlo presidential nomination," says
atudson Harmon ot OLlo. Mr Harmon
a scheduled for a telegram from Un
to In saying. "Of course you won't."
John Sharp Williams has been
ooked BOlid for Chautauqua engage
ments next summer. It may develop,
sifter all. that Mr. DeArtqond was only
acting a the press agent of Mr. Wil
liams. -
The claim of admiring democrats
that Mr.' Bryan was defeated In 1896
because he was not known rounds all
right, if tt did not recall the fact that
he was defeated In 1900 because he
was known.
The state of Kentucky U furnishing
another graphic object, lewon In the
way of a senatorial deadUxl; to .sup
port the growing demand for the elee
tlon of United States senators by dl-
rtKt popular vote. -
bmsaTor A9 tir.LlQATta.
According to dispatches from Wssh
ington, Senator Burkett has reconsid
ered his expressed desire to represent
Nebraska. In the Chlcsgo convention as
one of the delegates-at-large, giving
as his reason "misgivings as to the pro
priety of one who tins been honored by
public office 'being a candidate for del
egate." There has always been more
or less debste on this subject, the real
point Involved being the wholesome
rule that honors should be passed
around Instead of being all hcnpod up
on one man. and that those who have
served the party without emolument
or reward should occasionally have
recognition In the party councils.
If, however, Senator Burkett's newly
taken position Is Intended to rule out
at the same time, as It is plainly in
tended to do, both Ms colleague, Sen
ator Brown, and Governor Sheldon, we
doubt whether It will be accepted by
the republicans of this state as a hard
and fast rule. No one should be forced
to serve as a delegate to the national
convention who does not want to go,
but because Senator Burkett has con
cluded that he does not want to go
need not invalidate the claims of any
one else,' even though likewise "hon
ored by public office." If to avoM
having men already honored we have
to go to the other extreme of selecting
delegates-at-large unknown outside of
their own localities, who would be lott
In the convention hall nothing what
ever would be gained.
The fact is that the great national
conventions are meeting places of the
leaders of each political party. The
democratic convention as well aa the
republican convention will count in its
membership representative men from
every state in the union, including
governors and senators and congress
men, and men distinguished in all
walks of life. In the last republican
national convention held at Chicago
Illinois was represented by delegates-
at-large, consisting of the two United
States senators, the speaker of the
house and the governor. Iowa was
represented by the two United States
senators and its governor. Massachu
setts was represented by the two
United States senators and a former
secretary of the navy. Minnesota by
the, two United States senators and the
governor, New Jersey by the two
United States senators and the gov
ernor. New York by the two United
States senators, the governor and
a former governor, Ohlov by the
two United States senators and the
governor, and so on in the great ma
jority of the states in which repub
licans are in control. In the demo
cratic national convention at St. Louis
a similar situation was presented.
The idea rightly govornlng the
make-up of national convention dele
gations ,1s to send thn strongest men
to the front to give each state its
proper standing through those who
have the widest acquaintance and
greatest Influence. In the selection of
these men, whether to represent Ne
braska at Chicago or at Denver, the
respective political parties should con
sider "not only the individual claims
and merits, but also what is best cal
culated to keep Nebraska to the fo:e
and to secure for this state the recog
nition in national party councils that
it deserves.
The political world, which knows
William Randolph Hearst, editor of a
chain of more or less sensational news
papers between New York and San
Francisco, will have to sit up and take
notice of a change which has appar
ently come over the spirit ot the
dreams of this stormy petrel of Ameri
can Journalism and politics. Ameri
cans with memories that survive
through a dozen years can not fall to
recall the Hearst part in bringing on
the war with 8paln, his abuse of Presi
dent McKlnley and his assaults upon
President Roosevelt. In view, of this
record, nothing but wonder and aston
ishment can follow reading of the let
ter he sent recently to a conference of
the leaders ot the Independence league
at Indianapolis. The letter was over
6,000 words in lengjh. but here are
some of the salient excerpts from it:
I firmly believe that all reforms uhould
be made with as little disturbance of ex
isting conditions as possible. -Business
condition are in a certain way like the
condition under which life exists on this
planet If those renditions are too Mud
denly disturbed. ' life is destroyed, anil If
business conditions are too suddenly dis
turbed, prosperity It) destroyed.
I do not believe that tt would be wise
at this time to further disturb business
condition, and I think the plan to Issue
a flexible currency through the banks is
a good one and as much an we ran ac
complish In the near future.
An Immediate and radical revision of the
tariff would certainly upuet buslmms In
terests and probably do more harm than
It is something of a gasp-producing
proposition to find Mr. Hearst insist
ing that "all reforms should be made
with as little disturbance; of existing
conditions as possible." Heretofore
he has been wont to demand that the
existing order of governments, empires
and worlds be changed over night to
suit his fancy. That be should "about
face" so suddenly Is more significant
than would appear from surface Indi
cations, and he need not be surprised
if the political public shows some curi
osity as to the reasons for the change.
Mr. Bryan, for Instance, may be at a
loss to understand the kaleidoscopic
change. He and -Mr. Hearst have
fought with and against each other in
the political arena and are now living
under the terms of, an' agreement for
armed neutrality. ' While Mr. Hearst
has declared that he Is out of politics,
his Independence league is working
overtime. In every state in the union.
It Is barely poaafble that Mr. Hearst
at last realizes that a majority of the
American prople are fundamentally
conservative snd may be training for
the role of heir apparent when the
democratic party wakes up to this fact.
Nearly every important rstlroad In
the Unified States is Involved in the
action of Attorney General Bonsparte
In directing federal district attorneys
to Institute suits for penalties for vio
lations of the safety appliance law.
The suits will turn for the most part
on whether the number of airbrakes
employed on freight trains is adequate
to the protection ot the lives and limbs
of employes.
The institution of this . proceeding
serves to call attention again to the
culpability of railway companies in
deferring compliance with the law un
til forced to do so by action through
the courts. When the law requiring
the use ot airbrakes on frelsht trains
was passed by congress, the railroads
rrade the defense that It would be
physically impossible to add. the
needed equipment ' within the pre
scribed time. An extension o. time
was granted and the Interstate Com
merce commission finally made a rul
ing to the effect that "at least" one
half the cars In, a train should be thus
equipped. The railroads ars now con
tei'ding that compliance wits this 53
r-ef cent equipment order is all "hat
Is necessary. Evidence shows thai 'a
5'.i per cent equipment permits a train
to "buckle" and that serious accld-ints
frequently follow, while the la v re
quires airbrakes in sufficient Quantity
to keep the train under control.
The public will not be specially con
cerned about the technicalities ot the
dispute between the law officers of the
government and the 'railroads. TLe
mortality list resulting from the opera
tion of American railroads, however,
amply supports the contention that
railroads should be require! to euilp
freight trains and other rolling stock
with every approved safety appliance,
to the last car. If necessary, to insure
tn passenger and employe the greatest
measure of protection against acci
dents. Until the railroads Iook upon
safety appliances from this viewpoint
they will have little sympathy from
the public in any litigation for enforc
ing safety appliance legislation.
The Chicago Inter Ocean makes th
astounding discovery that the republi
cans of the middle west have become
convinced that "If the rural voters
can't get a candidate who will con
tinue Roosevelt's policy, they will vote
for W. J. Bryan." The Inter Ocean is
making no sweeping assertion on the
subject, but insists that it bases its
opinion on 'letters received from repub
licans and that "about 15 or 20 per
cent of the men who vdted for' Mr.
Roosevelt in 1904 will vote for Mr.
Bryan in 1908 if a republican reaction
ary la nominated at the Chicago con
vention." All this might be more or less Im
portant,, if true, but the Inter Ocean
Incurs the mistake ot asserting that
this policy, so strenuously demanded
by the republicans ot the middle west,
and labeled as the "Roosevelt policy"
Is "the policy of agitation which
brought on the panic." If any con
siderable number of republicans or
democrats for that matter In the
middle west have been found who be
lieve or assert that the panic -was
caused by the Roosevelt policies It
would be an Important discovery.
That edifying fiction had its origin in
the east among those who have profited
enormously by corporate over-capitalization,
stock watering and stock Job
bing, manipulation ot bank and trust
funds and expert practice of frenzied
finance generally. The west has not
been disposed to label .as a panic
breeder any person who helped to ex
pose corrupt conditions in order to ap
ply the cure for it.
At the same time, the west does not
demand a perpetual "policy of agita
tion." It is satisfied that the disclos
ures made within the last year will
prevent recurrence of the evils which
have aroused such public Indignation
and that the enforcement of laws
passed wlthlri the last four years is all
that Is needed to safeguard the future
against return to conditions that pre
viously existed. The west would
doubtless resent the nomination of a
reactionary on the republican ticket,
but it has too much faith In the logic
of events and In the integrity of the
party to promise to embrace Bryanlte
democracy as the alternative.
The . democratic World - Herald
amuses itself by pretending that Sec
retary Taft declared in his Cooper
Union speech that the time has not
yet come when the tariff "can be abol
ished or remedied." But this Is only
another example of putting into a
man's mouth something he never said
In order to contradict him. The words
"or remedied" have been interpolated
by the. Imaginative reporter of some
hostile newspaper and do not appear
In the accounts of the speech In the
most reliablo New York papers. There
Is nothing easier than putting up a
straw man to knock htm down, and
that is a ravorite trick of the World
Herald's. John S. McDonald ot Boston has bet
Thomas Shevlln of New York $5,000
that If Governor Johnson of Minnesota
is nominated for the presidency he will
be elected. Mr. Shevlln need lose so
sleep over his bet.
After they have practiced up on one
another sufficiently our county com
missioners and our city councllmen
may be expected to sally forth to the
middle of the street for a fistic scrim
mage to determine whether the cham
pionship belt should go to the city hall
or to the court house.
"Ho, every one that thlrsteth," was
the announced theme ot an Atlanta
preacher's aermon the Sunday follow
ing the Initial enforcement of the state
prohibition law. Still It seems hardly
a Christian spirit to add humiliation
to suffering.
Speaker Cannon Is said to have used
violent language on a newspaper cor
respondent who asked him, "Do you
drink?" The correspondent was evi
dently new to Washington or he would
have changed his question to, "Will
you drink?"
What is to be done in the way of in
spection of Omaha theaters to prevent
some terrible catastrophe like that In
Pennsylvania? Should Omaha have a
theater holocaust after all warning
the community will be guilty of crim
inal negligence. . . v
A Nebraska naval cadet wants to be
transferred from Annapolis to West
Point to avoid being consigned to per
petual sea-sickness. A practice cruise
may yet be a necessary" part oJ
the entrance examination for admis
sion to the naval academy.
"The government lost at every
point," says the attorney for Oberlin
M. Carter. The fact that Carter
served four years in prison and mas
forced to return $400,000 to the fed
eral treasury shows that the govern
ment is a pretty good loser.
It had to come. The New York
Commercial asserts that "although it
Is winter, the Thaw season is here."
The worst feature ot the case Is that,
like extortion in Sfn Francisco, there
Is no law against it.
A Japanese widow baa sued a Chi
nese bachelor In New York for breach
of promise. However, pessimists will
continue to assert that the orientals
are slow in assimilating American
ideas of civilization.
"Senator Scott of West Virginia,"
says the Washington Herald, "is not
the most approachable man in the sen
ate." In these days of suspicion and
charges it is a little mean to use that
adjective in referring to a man in pub
lic life.
Worth the Price of Admission.
Minneapolis Journal.
When General Miles and Admiral Brown
son meet, we would like to be there.
Xow Von See It, Perhaps.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The inventor of the wireless telephone
say the difference between the sparkling
wireless waves an. hi damped wireless
wave accounts for Ills success In having
a conversation 250 miles away without the
aid ot wires. In this Invention, as In
other ot an elect flo nature, the explana
tion leave the Inquiring mind as wise aa
Gov. Ma stood 'a New Year Itecejitloa.
Springfield Republican.
The New Tear's reception at Havana
by Governor Magoon of Nebraska was bril
liant, for such receptions always are. This
one was peculiar, In addition, Inasmuch as
the Cubans, In very many cases, bent the
knee before the ruler and occasionally a
man went clear to the floor In his genu
flections. The good Magoon could not stop
It. He received literally like a king. What
alls the Cubans?
Soger Trust See the Light.
Philadelphia Record.
Secrecy was all right under former con
dition, say the present managers of the
American Sugar Refining company, or
Sugar trust, btft now 'conditions have
changed" and a policy of publicity seems
to be advisable. Quite so. Even the Stand
ard Oil company has begun to do a lot of
talking. If not to give full publicity to Its
financial ,affalrs, and we may soon begin
to hear from the Amalgamated Copper
company, another of those offensive "blind
pools" whose secrecy has done so much to
arouse the public agalnat the trusts.
A simple .method of preventing shooting
affray would be to enforce the law against
carrying concealed weapons.
Ecuador had a railroad wreck the other
day In which twenty persons were killed
and forty were Injured. South America Is
not so backward.
The spectator of a play at Lynn, Mas.,
jumped upon the stage, whipped th vil
lain, rescued th distressed heroine and all
he got out of it was what the press agent
had arranged to give.
Representative Bird 8. MacGulre of Okla
horns has been a wanderer. Born tn Illi
nois, he went to Missouri with hi parents
when 10 years of age, then to Kansas, and
later to Indian Territory, and finally to his
present state.
James C. Courts, who lias received a re
appointment as clerk of the appropriations
committee of the house of representatives,
1 now servtnT his thirtieth year In the
employ of the house, having first been
appointed by Representative Atkins of
Tennessee In 1877.
After the new senator from Florida,
William Jame Bryan, took th oath of of
fice last Thursday and entered Upon hi
senatorial duties, he was assigned to a
seat next to Senator .William Pinkney
Whyte. the oldest of the senators. Mr.
Bryan I the youngest member of the sen
Omega Oil
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Mlaor Srenea aad Ineldeat kerhed
n the jiiot.
lnce order went forth about a
year requiring an eight-hour day of
the department employe", a succession of
kick have been registered by tho em
ploye and the press of Washington against
.what was termed "the oppressive demands
of the government." Seven hours of labor
was deemed the limit of department en
durance. Another hour, the victims as
serted, would bend the camel's back to
the breaking point. The extension of
the time limit ha not materially Increased
the output of the department factories and
another effort I being made to accomplish
the object. The plan reported by the Keep
commission to congress contemplate the
retirement of the aged and Infirm and the
substitution of young blood and muscle.
A pension system 1 proposed for tha
benefit of the retired employe, the funds
for which will bo secured by retaining a
percentage of the salaries ot all department
employe. It proposed to empower tha sec
retary of the Interior to Invest such fund
In recognlxed bonds, either municipal or In
dustrial, and that when payment I made
to a government, employe only suoh In
terest shall be paid to him aa the bonds
representing his share shall have earned.
The recommendation of the Keep commis
sion, which has the support of most of
the employe In the executive department
In Washington, will go to the committee
on reform of the civil service, of which
Representative Qlllett of Massachusetts ia
chairman. ,
The last row of seats on the democratic
side of the senate, say the Washington
Herald, 1 remarkable at this session ot
congress. In that every one of It occupant
I distinguished by some unusual charac
teristic. In the seat next the center aisle sit Sen
ator Jeff Davis, the Iconoclast of the sen
ate, who ha already fractured the pre
cedents of that august body respecting
the conduct of new solons, and would put
an end to trust and to trading In futures.
On his left sits "Fiddling Bob" Taylor,
senator from Tennessee, famed for his
abilities aa a raconteur as for ills aptness
In playing the fiddle.
Then comes the youngest senator, Wil
liam Jamrs Bryan of Florida, who Is Just
33 years old, and enjoys the privilege of
being the Adohls of the upper house, as
well as Its most youthful member. Right
beside him sits Senator Whyte of Mary
land, the oldest senator, who In more than
a half century older than Senator Bryan.
Next Is Senator Gore of Oklahoma, the
blind senator, and on his left sits his col
league, Senator Owen, In whose veins run
the blood of a long line of chiefs of the
Cherokee Indian Nation.
The row Will be completed by Senator
Bankhead of Alabama, who ran for the
house and found himself In the senate
when the race was' over.
There has been for some time a warm
contest among senators as to whose state
grow the very best apple In the world.
Benator Ankeny of Washlngtpn started It
by shipping Into the capltol a number of
boxes of excellent specimens of that state'
abilities In the apple growing line. Then,
In the opinion of many apple connoisseurs.
Senator Bourne of Oregon went him one
better by flooding the senate cloak rooms
and press gallery with a consignment of
the fine red Hood Valley Spltzbergens, ac
companied by a letter challenging the
world to beat them.
Senator Johnston of Alabama owns a
beautiful home In Birmingham and takes
great delight In donning a pair of overalls
and a split hickory hat and working in the
garden. One day shortly after the expira
tion of his last term a governor a fash
ionably dressed woman, who had resided In
Birmingham only a short time and had
never seen Johnston, called on hi wife.
No one answered the bell, so he walked
out among the flowerbeds where the ex
governor was hoeing some geraniums. He
bowed and she asked him how long he had
worked for the Johnstons.
"A good many years, madam," he re
piled. "Do they pay you well?"
"About all I get out of it is my clothes
and keep."
"Why, come and work for me," she said.
"I'll do that and pay you so much a month
"I thank you madam," he replied, bow
ing very low, "but I signed up with Mrs.
Johnston for life."
"Why, no such contract ia binding. That
1 peonage."
"Some may call it that, but I have al
ways called It marriage."
An exquisite member of the fair srx was
taken down to see how , the house does
things by one of the representative the
other day, and she was Introduced to a
large number of congressmen. She did not
pay much attention to names, for she was
too busy acquiring knowledge.
Finally she had a short, slender, deep
voiced man presented to her, and she
caught the title "congressman."
"Oh." she said, "and were you here when
the Wllllam-De Armond scrap was pulled
off the other day?"
"Perhaps," suggested the congressman,
with dignity, "you did not catch my
"Your name? Why, I don't believe I
did," she replied, with engaging frank
ness. "My name." continued the congressman,
"is DeArmond."
.Representative Charles G. Edwards of
Savannah, who achieved a certain amoiyit
of a certain kind of fame recently by re
fusing to shake hands with a delegation
of colored postmasters from Georgia on
the alleged ground that he did not repre
sent negroes, added to his laurel In the
house with a very brief speech.
"Mr. Speaker," he said, "earlier In the
afternoon I voted twice against a certain
dam bill which provided for the granting
of certain valuable privileges on the Snake
river In the state of Washington to a
private corporation. I now winh to an
nounce that I am opposod to any other
dam bill which interferes with states'
Only seventeen state have furnished
speakers of the house of representatives.
Pennsylvania leads with five, Massa
chusetts, Virginia and Kentucky coming
next with four each. Other states have
been represented aa follow: New York,
three; Indiana, three; Tennessee, two; New
Jersey, two; Georgia, two; Maine, two;
South Carolina, two, and Connecticut,
Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa
and Illinois have each sent a man to the
speakers' chair.
Sinners Welcomed Home.
New York Sun.
Mr. Bryan now say that he feel no re
sentment toward democrat who opposed
him In 1S9S and 1800, and he declare a gen
eral amnesty.' A Mr. Bryan never con
cealed hi resentment until recently and
has been in the habit of serving notice on
conservative candidate that they could
not be regarded a democrat because they
did not aupport him In lt'M and ltoo, doe
not hi eleventh hour tolerance look auspi
ciously like the overture of a candidate
who fear that If he fail to conciliate th
conservative element tn his party he may
lose the coveted nomination after all?
una m
militant tf
T. I. . . .1 ...
ai h yui. up uuuer ine
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physicians and chemists.
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a 1,000.00 gives tor any snbalaac fa
iurlou to health found ia Calnaaet.
Emphatic and Coaraseoua.
New York Evening Post (ind.).
Mr. Taft appeared to exoellent advan
tage In hi addree at Cooper Union last
night. He stood up as hi own man to
express his cwu views, and they were
In th main sound and pertinent. No one
can make a long speech on capital and
labor without saying a great many undis
puted thing In a solemn way, and the sec
retary said them. But on ,the chief point
at issue, and especially those which have
been made against his own presidential
candidacy on the basis of his decisions
when a judge, he spoke with emphasis and
A I.acld Exposition.
New York Herald (Ind ).
Talent for lucid exposition was displayed
In the speech delivered by Secretary Taft
at Cooper Vnlon last evening. The origin
of private property, the growth of capital
and the relation between capital and
labor, the rights and wrongs of corporate
and Individual employers and employes
were presented in such form a made the
matter clear to even the least Intelligent
of his hearers. His purpose In selecting
this toplo for discussion at the present
time appears from . the closing words of
his address. As an effect ot the recent
monetary panio ho argues that we must
expect Industrial depression which mav
be fruitful In labor controversies, and, by
Inducing both side to adopt a more cen
ervative and conciliatory attitude, he
would avoid the destructive truggles of
the pas)., , ,, . ,
Broad Lesson of Tolerance.
Philadelphia Public Ledger (Ind ).
Mr. Taft has come before the country
with no past to explain away and with
no obligation but to discuss on their merit
and according to his light the national
problems awaiting solution. The only
trace of organised opposition to him, other
than the natural preference of partisans
for other potential candidates, has come
from the ranks of organized labor, and ha
been based upon some supposed antagon
ism on his .part as revealed In hi de
cisions from thd bench In cases where the
labor unions and the burning questions of
the Injunction were involved. This op
position has-been united and persistent,
and while It might be possible to exag
gerate It Importance as a controlling poli
tical factor. It has been a source of anxiety
to those who believe that Mr. Taft Is the
best man available for the republican
nomination next June. It Is this circum
stance which gave Mr. Tal't'a speech In
New York Its great significance, and those
who looked to him tor a masterly exposi
tion of sound and reasonable views on the,
subject of capital and labor were not dis
appointed. There was no demagogic ap
peal to prejudice by denunciations or evil- i
doing on either side, but a calm statement
of the principles governing the relations
of the two essential element of Industrial
existence, and of the policies and mean
by which Just relations are tn be main
tained and the Interests of both employer
and employed conserved and advanced.
Broad lessons of toleranoe, needed by the
arrogant among the employer a well as
among labor leaders, were temporarily laid
down, and a sane and Just exposition given
of the real meaning of the processes of the
law they are commonly Invoked In labor
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"Your daughter," said the jollying friend
"has such a comprehensive sweep upon
the piano."
"T '!h," muttered the overworks
mother,"ahe had that same about 'tin
house." Baltimore American.
"Well," said the obedient husband,' "now
that I am In politics, 1 hope you are satis
fied." "Getting In politics," replied hi amhi
tlous wife, "Is comparatively easy. Get
ting out araln gracefully Is what counts
these days.'' Chicago Record-Herald.
"What sort of a time did you have at th
"Perfectly lovely," answered young Mrs.
Torklns. "Some ef the scenes were so pu
thetlc that I wept, and others were so
funny that I laughed till I cried." Wa;i
Ington Star.
"Some people say 'lunch' and snn'u
'luncheon," and yet, of course, both i.
the same thing."
"I don't think ao. My Idea Is that 'It
Is masculine and 'luncheon' femlnli:
Philadelphia Press.
Mabel Weren't you scared to death wh' ii
you asked Harry to marry you?
Nell Not so much that dear bov, he was
so simple and willing not a bit of coyness
or coquetry about his shy answer. But
oh. Gladys, It was Just dreadful asking his
mother and answering all her stern ques
tions of how I expected to support Harry.
Baltimore American.
"I don't know who that woman is, Yu;
thev tell me she Is a Mrs. Soiuebodv. 81.. '
certainly I an awful flirt; I wonder hn
husband doesn't keep her In better order.
Doesn't he try to?"
"Why doesn't he?"
"Because, you see. his wife Is a widow."
Philadelphia Press.
"I suppose you have studied the United
States constitution?"
"Of course." answered the statesman of
highly modern tendencies. "I have beer
obliged to study the conHtitutlon in ordei
to point out reasons for not paving anv
particular attention to it." Washington
"It is hard," said th state's attornev.
"to get positive evidence against tliesu
railroad officials of rebating."
"I can give positive evidence against una
railroad official," said the mild young
. "Sure?" asked the state attorney
"Yes, sure. I saw him out fishing do It
with his hook. Baltimore American. ,
New York Sun.
Thn houso is full of medicine
And mystery profound;
We cannot even run about
Or make the slightest 'sound ; '
They keep the big piano ehut.
We cannot strike a note;
The doctor' been here twenty Units
Since father rode the goat.
He Joined the lodge a Week ago
Got In at 4 a. rn..
And sixteen members brouglit him home
Though, lie say he brouglit llie.m.
His leg was sprained, and one bin rip
Had rent his Sunday coat
The members had a Jolly time,
When father rode the goat.
He's resting on the couch today
And practising the sign
The hailing, signal call, and grip
And other monkey shines;
He titters pasiiwords 'neath his breath
And other things he'll quote
The members had an evening's work
When father rode the goat.
He has a brilliant uniform,
All red and white and Iblue.
A hat with plumes, and scarlet braid,
And golden badges, too.
But, i somehow, when we mention it.
His visage waxes grim
We wonder if he rode the goat
Or If the goat rede him.
Merchandise 'is offered for