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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1908)
THE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1D03. f DEMOCRATS AGREE ON OMAHA Stat CoaTention Will B Held in Thit City KMth Fire. ERTAN LEAGUE IS 0RGAJTIZEJ5 Atteraey Make a Plea ( Gev tlirr (orBirkn rntntln af ladeaeadeat ' Teleahaae Nra. (From a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN. Jan. 14. (6pcial Telegram.) Democrat of the state will hold their conventloa for 1He selection of" delegates to the national . convention in Omaha, March (. This m decided today at a meeting sf the atata central committee. An optional primary plan was agreed on almilar that voted by the republican committee, only the democrats roust hava a request for a primary signed by fifty democrats In each county before any roimty chairman sanctions the procedure tn selecting- delegates to the state conven tion. The basis, ef representation for the state convention was fixed at one delegate for every hundred votes csst for Tarker for president and two additional dclegates-at-large for each county, which will give. approximately, l.onn delegates. Chris tiuenther of Columbus was elected secre tary of the committee and A. 8. Tlbbetts tvf asurere. Heirlsi I.lacola's Cenplalat. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Prouty waa here today to lliiten to evi dence In the complaint of the city of Lincoln against the railroads for alleged discrimination against Lincoln and In favor of Omaha la freight ratea from the south. The creamery' men complained recently to the railroad commission about service afforded them for handling- cream at the Union station. Today waa the time set for an additional hearing-. Up to noon the railroad men had not put In an ap- pea ranee. I'le-a far Barker. Judge Hamer today asked oGvemor Sheldon for a reprocve for six months for Prank Barker, condemned to be hanged 'Friday, ao that he might make the leg-al application for commutation of sentence. The application is baaed on the allegation that Barker la mentally defective, border Ing on insanity, and has been In the peni tentiary four years and therefore suffl lntly punished, and that he has been a model prisoner. Judge Hamer will resume Curious Error Gives Magazine's Fat Readers Much Joy - A mistake occured In a recent issue of one of the large monthly periodicals that had moat aurlou rsults. At the present time this magazine Is publishing a serial novel by a famous au thor and also a beauty culture page that Ij conducted by one of Philadelphia's most noted specialists. In the number referred to these two sections of reading- matter tot mixed. In the novel the portly chaperons of the heroine, hurrying- after her charge up the narrow, winding- stairway , of an old .French mansion, sticks fast on the landing and can neither get "JP nor down. In an ar to her appeal tor Information how. to g-ct oat of her fix, the laughing girl above it made to aay"Fat folka shouldn't exec else violently, 'nieir hearts are weak and it la dangeroua Neither should they adopt atarvatlon methods, for they are Injurious to the stomach. The ty best way to re duca flesh quickly la to take the following simple home prescription: ounce Mar' inola ,V ounce Fluid Cascara Aromatic and SH ounces Syrup Simples. Thla. taken In teaspoonful doses after meala and at bedtime for three or four weeks will re duce the flesh ten to sixteen ounces a day. It Is perfectly harmless, will not Injure, but Improve, the health, and. being a nat ural reducer of fat does not cause wrlnk lea. The ingredients are to be found I any good drug store, and are not expen si vs." i Of courae. this Item had been written by the specialist for Insertion on the beauty page, but through an error on the part of 1 the printer It found thla most appropriate place In the story. Now comes the sequel. Hundreds of fan men readers, who were closely follom-ing- the fortunes of the hero las from month to month, but who, man like, never gave the beauty page so much as a glance, came to tills practical Hem and were first astonished, then impressed. and finally stirred to action, with the re ailt that during the last month hundred have written the editor saying that they lid,trled the heroine's receipt and found tt did the work splendidly. They all agreed that paragraph at the best thin the novelist ever wrote. JANUARY SPECIAL Black or Blue Gieviot or Thibet Suit With Extra Trousers of same or strip ed material. 2 Suit and txtri Trousers 52 S tt S4S It Keeps Our Tailors Busy. iTA0LE3 WILLIAM JKKKMS' SOXS. SOIMI So. IStb St. TOUOW TKS riVaO" THROUGH CARS TO MOBILE ALA. ieaing Omaha via the WABASH I-VS. 4th, enroute to palmetto Imacn. Ala. St Bill.-a across tlie My. Kle gnt new Hotel. boating. Bathing. Kisliing In .February Think of it' Tii must chariot n aiaco on the gulf cot. for descriptive matter. ratea. sleeper auuc etc. call Wabash City OfftvK, lata and i-aruaiit. or addrrsa. HARRY E. MOORES, . A. V. Wsttask aV. . Osxaka, . e Bssl A4UMMtt l Is argumelnt tomorrow morning st t clock, the governor having continued the earing until that hour. Letters from Jury men In the Insanity proceeding's and Judges the supreme court were submitted. The judges of the supreme court slated ere wss evidence Barker waa not of sound mind and this question was not brought up for the supreme court to psss upon an Its merits. Freleht Maveaaeat larreaaea. The movement of freight In Nebraska has greatly Increased this month according to he car reports at the state railway com- isslon for the week ending January i. Frelght movements for that week, corn ered with those of the previous week, how an Increaae of about tn per cent. The stock car report ahows that M cars ere ordered for January S. against 672 for anuary 1; l.RsJ cars were on hand at last port, against S.JR8 the previous week, and T2 tats vf stink were loaded against 31. Grain shipments showed a big Increase. V.1 cars belg loaded the last week reported. gainst during the preceding week. Of her merchandise K5 cars were loaded for the first week tn January, against 7X4 for he preceding week. Holiday shipments are generally lighter In stock and grain but gain Is so noticeable aa to excite com ment. aaeaeaaeat Teleaaeae Coaveattoa. The Independent telephone m-n of Ne braska began their annual session at the Indell hotel this afternoon with about JDO tn attendance. When the meeting loses Frldsy afternoon the visitors will II take' a trip over the Burlington to Omaha to get acquainted with the big city. Among the visitors are: It. Mi Henry of Jefferson City. Mo., president J of the Missouri association; W. H. Nel son of Smith Center, Kan., president of the Kansaa association; P. C. Holdocgel of Rockwell ICty, la., president of the owa saociatlon, and E. P. Buck of Hud son, 8. D., secretary of the South Dakota association. Thla la the first year the chief operators will meet with the asso- latlon. and a special meeting- will be held tomorrow morning, at which a chief elephone operators' association will be organised. State Hteterlcal Society. The officera of the Nebraska State His torical society were re-elected at the bus- ness meeting last night, as follows: Dr. George I.,. Miller of Omaha, presi dent; Robert Harvey of St. Paul, first vice president; James E. North of Col- timbus, second vice president; Clarence H. Paine of Lincoln, secretary; Stephen L. Geisthardt of Lincoln, treasurer. H. H. Wilson read a report on the condition of the society and made a recommendat ion that Immediate steps be taken toward he securing of a suitable location for historical building in which to hou le the records and historical collections of the society. The business meeting was followed by the closing program of the Nebraska His torical society and the Nebraska Terri torial Pioneers' association. The princi pal speaker waa Judge Horace E. D.-emer of, the supreme court of the state of Iowa. His subject was "The Part of Iowa in the Organisation of Nebraska." Followi ng- several musical numbers, another In teresting- address waa given by William Z. Taylor of Culbertson. who told of the last fight between the Pawnee and Sioux Indians in the valley of Frencnmaa's creek, to which he vu an eye witness. Seeks ta Rrainc Wajae OMrlala. Elmer E. Thomas, attorney for the Anti-Saloon league of Wayne, intends to file an application with Governor She! don for the removal of the city council of Wayne. He will charg-e that the coun rll refused to revoke the license of a sa loonkeeper who was convicted of selling liquor ta minora. . The aaloonman ap pealed to the district court and his appeal was thrown- ouv-- .,- - .- Park aat Forestry Meetl a g. The Nebraska Park and Forestry society rill meet at the music room of the Temple building, Lincoln, January 3,1p.m. Some of the best speakers In the state have been secured and an excellent program Is ar ranged. v This society ha sanaimmense amount of work to do. Nebraska Is away behind a state wtlhout parka. The sandhills are In vlting pine trees. That desolate region is to be tranaformed. This society hss no state appropriation, but must rely on member ship fees of $1 per year to do ita work. Send $1 to the president. C. B. Harrison and receive last year's report, showing how you csn rslse bull pines as easily as you can peas, also the complete work on ever greens, the result of over thirty years' experience In Nebraska. These are worth more than the C Our secretary, L. D. Slilson, Is dying with Bright's disease, ao send to the president. C. 8. HARRISON. President Nebraska Park and Forestry Society. MIRDKR EAR HATES CENTER Harrlaaa Weeks Killed by laaaae Mas Over laaaaiaarr Clalas. HAYES CENTER, Neb., Jan. 15. Spe- ctal Telegram.) Harrison Weeks was killed Monday evening- by Herbert A. Robb. He was shot with a muzzle-loading gun. The charge entered his left eye and shattered that aide of his head. The murderer was Insane and wanted Weeks to settle an imaginary claim. He demanded two, a quarter section af land and' twenty bead of cattle. Weeka laughed at him. The murderer then told him to say his prayers as he waa about to die and then shot him. Robb was captured and bouad aver to district court for trial. Weeks waa buried at Hayes Center touay. CrasTora Bailed Beside Wlfa. HA8TINGS. Neb., Jan. 15. (Special Tel egram. The body of Alonso II. Crafford, chef at Hastings college, who committed suicide Monday night, haa been taken to Washington, Kan., for burial by the aide of his wife, who died ten months sgo. Rel atives who came here today deny the re port of the elopment of Crafford s , daughter. She was with her father In Lincoln soma montha ago. but he. Induced ber to go to relatives near Wymore. A man with whom The General Demand tt the Wen-Informed of the World ha always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known ralue; a laxative which, physicians could sanction for family use because ita com ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. x In supplying that demand with it ex cellent combination of Syrup of Fip and Dixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies im the merits of the laxative for its remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Dixir of Senna is givea the preference by the Well-informed To get its beneficial eOeets always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for aak by all leading, drugs', Price fifty cents per bet 'ila. FREE TOJIIE SICK Prominent Physician Gives His Best Prescriptions ta Sick Peapte YVithcut Charge. Nearly all diseases or ailments ate caused primarily by poor circulation of the blood no matter whether it is the kidneys, or the heart, or tha-stomach, or liver, or whatever organ may be affected poor circulation Is the primary cause. A famous physician, after years of study and experiments, hss finally dis covered a remedy which If used In con nection with certsln other well-known drugs and mixed with correct proportions. will cure the most stubborn allny:-nta. Of courso the same Ingredients are not used In all diseases and lt would require too much space here to give each prescrip tion in detail but a there is one basic principle Involved In all diseases so there Is one basic remedy In all these piesertp tlons namely. Concentrated Lecto Com pound. This remedy Is ss Its name im plies a concentration of the most valua ble agents known to science for stimu Isting the circulation thua striking at the root of the evil. The doctor has arranged with the manu facturers of Concentrated I.ecto Com pound to enclose with each package of their preparation a full series of his orlg Inal prescriptions In detail so that any alck person will secure free of charge exactly the same formula that the doctor would give If one called at his office. The prescriptions Include scparste formulas for kidney and heart trouble stomach and bowel troubles, malaria and liver troubles, blood and skin diseases, and If you get a one-ounce bottle of Lecto at the drug- store usually sold at about 0 cents, you can readily select the proper prescription for your ailment and mix the medicine yourself. All Ingredients prescribed by the doctor are vegetable and non-poisonous . If your druggist Is unable to supply Lecto send his name on a postal to "Lecto" .110 Verona avenue Newark N. J. and you will be promptly advised where It can be secured. she becsme scqusinted In Lincoln gave her a number of presents, and last week wrote the girl's father demanding their return. Mr. Crafford consulted the county attorney with a view to securing an order to prohibit the man from further Interference. There appeared to be no basis for official action Red Willow Contest Voder Way. M'COOK, Neb., Jan. 15. (Special.) The Hiller-Pkalla contest, Involving the county clerkship of lied Willow county came up before County Judge Moore to day. After several hours of vocal sparring- between the lawyers on both sides. a motion to require Hlller to give addi tional bond was granted. A motion was taken under advisement to strike out portion of the complaint. The contest Is Just fairly tinder way. Nebraska News Notes. BEATRICE Frank H. Finher and Miss Elsie Novotny, both of Oketo. Kan., were married here yesterday by Judge epauora. PljATTSMOUTH The parlors of the Ne braska Masonic home in this city will be own to visitors on Wednesdays from 7 to p. m. HASTINGS The county Board of Su. pervlsors haa reorganised with trie election of u. II. w em won n oy unanimous vota chairman.- -. , - - . i 1'L.ATTSMOUTH In a good game of basket ball In Turner hall laat evening the Turners defeated the high school team by a score of 5 to 10. PI,ATTSMOl"TII County Assessor H M. Soennichsen haa sppointed P. E. Ruff ner assessor for Plattsmouth and deputies for the rest of this county. BEATRICE The Kle"" art exhibit has arrived from Superior, Wis. The collection is wortli about SXUti. and will be shown at the u nity church next week. BEATitlCE Mrs. H. F. Hackman mother of Mrs. M. L. Kors and H. F. Hackman of this city, died yesterday a Arensvlile. 111., aged S4 years. PLATTSMOUTH Earl Rhoden and Mine Chloe Carter were united in marriage in the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Bert Wilson performing the ceremony. NEBRASKA CITY Walter Selby. th boy who shot himself in the arm on lat Saturday, while rabbit hunting. Is at th hospital and the indications are that it will not be necessary to amputate the arm, PL,ATTBMOT'TH-Mrs. William Oorde pesaed away at her home In Watertown Wis. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Fred Gocder. sr., of this city and an aunt of Mayor rrert uorfler of eeplng Water, PAPIIJilON The 3-year-old girl of Peter Tim was badly burned today playln with matches. Her clothes cautrht fir Her face and rams were badly burned, but Doctor Margret thinks he can save her lire. PAPILIION Papllllon lodge No. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will give an oyster s-ipper January is for th benefit of the wives, mothers and sisters of Maauna Senator Patrick will be the prin clpal speaker. BEATRICE The saloon of James Hroch at Wymore was entered by burglars who secured about $100 from the till. The officials helleve that the burg-lars took th- loot and boarded a southbound train for St. Joseph or Kansas City. NEBRASKA CITY Major Blrkner Mon day evening inspected Company C. N9 brasak National Guard, and tirarirel the officers snd the men for the creditable showing they made. This Is one of the strong companies in the state. BEATRICE Fred Tanner, a prominent farmer living near this city, was called to uwight. III., yesterday by a telearsm sn nouncing the sudden death of hia mother, Mrs. William Tanner, which occurred at Dwight- She was W years of age. BEATRICE The wives of the members of the Beatrice Military band gave them a surprise in the form of a banquet at the court house last evening afier band re hearsal. . J nere were (.bout fifty guests present, and a very pleasant evening was spent. BEATRICE Albert Mitlnmskl and Miss Rosa Bodanskl were united in marriage this morning at a o'clock at St. Joxeph'a Catholic church. Father Petraach officiat ing. They have lived here for a long time and will continue to make Beatrice their home. , NEBRASKA CITT-Ths Travelers . Pro tective association will attempt to secure more members in tins city as a "flying squadron" will be here Friday and Satur day. The local members have arranged to give them a hearty welcome and aid them In their work. BH'E HII-At the wolf hunt on Tues day northeast of Blue Hill about 10 men were In the line, and one wolf was gotten In the ring and eeeaped. Manv others were seen, but were not captured. In a few days snother hunt will be held, and it la nopea mat oeiier results will be had. BEATRICE Announcement was received here yesterday of the marriage of Martin Bchidlowakl. Jr., a former Beatrice resi dent, and Miss Pad it- Struhle. which oc curred at Lincoln. Mr. Schlldlowekl Is employed as messenger on the Burlington, with a run between Lincoln and Hastings. HEBRON The storeroom in the First National bank building recently occupied by the Willy Mualc company Is being re modeled and will be occupied next week by the Bun Ton restaurant. A new grocery stock will be put Into the building the Bon Ton vacates by Hoa-ard Hathaway and John Ay era HEBRON B. F. Bpokesfleld died the home of bis daughter Mrs. c. M Weth eraid. In this city Tuesday night. For many years Mr. Spokesrield waa a rldent of Red Cloud, and has made hia home with hia daughter aince the death of his wife last autumn. The funeral will be held Thursday at I.J. NEBRASKA CITY The body of a man whose Mt-niliv haa notyfeen disclosed was found Tuesday afternoon four miles from Hamubrg. The man had evidently bee stealing a ride on the Burlington and fell off. An Inquest will be held at Hamburg, but it U doubtful If the identity of the man will be learned. BEATRICE Frank Bowers, who disap peared rather mysteriously the other dy tuie out Luitlug near OdaJ, .and .who wrote to his wife the next day from Bt. rwenlv Mo., stating that he had been kid naped by two men. left d-ll veaterday overland with his family for Oklahoma. where he owns a farm. TOR K The Benevolent Protective Order f Klks of York are advertising In the eastern carpenter Journals and Omaha and Uncoln paper for he new i-,ik Home to be built at Tork. This will be one of the nest and largest buildings erected In the ty of York. The FJks will expend be- ween J-S.Owl snd SW.OXI. PITTSMOCTH On sccount of the sb- sence of County Attorney Rawls from this Ity the rase of the state against Dr. A. Barnes hss Keen continued until jan- ary Z7. He Is charged with having vio lated the law by practiceing as a vetren- rian without having a certificate from tho examtnelng board. DAVID CITY Word reached this city Tuesday from rVattle, announcing the sud den death of William Fox. who died Sun day of heart trouhle. Mr. Fox was one of David City's young men. who went to Seat- le this spring. His father was at his pert- side when death came. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Seattle. VAIJvET The board of directors of the Valley State bank. C. I. Rogers, Frank nhltmore, Morris Johnson, A. H. Norton snd Frank C. Kennedy, recently re-elected at the meeting of the stockholders, held heir annus! meeting and elected C. I. Rogers, president: Frank Whltmore. vice president, and Frank C Kennedy, cashier. NKHRASKA CITY Frank Thomaa has a force of men and teams at work hauling rock and cutting brush to be used by the Burlington in ripranping the east bank of the river to protect the Burlington. Mr. Johnson. .who haa charge of the work, will begin labors in a day or two. This time nearly a mile of the bsnk will be protected. 1JNWOOD- The flnei spring weather haa caught cold. There was s fall of 2S degrees since last evening to this morning. A cold northwest wind Is blowing and it is grttig solder fast. The ice men have been nervous, but think this will help then out. Farmers have done a great deal of their spring work during the nice weather. NEBRASKA CITT The town has been flooded with circulsrs snd buttons boom ing L,aFollctte for president. It la reported thst sn effort wll be made to organise a LaFollette club here, but If there are no more members than there are those who are wearing his button there will not be enough to fill the orfice of eecretsry, tressurer and president. BEATRICE At the annual meeting of the Mennonlte church congregation, among the Important matters considered were plans for a Mennonlte hospital for Beat rice. The matter 'will come up for final action at the annual conference to be held In this city next fall, which will bring to Beatrice hundreds of Mennonites from all parts of the country- BEATRICE The remains of William M Hamilton, who died in Omaha Myidny, were brought here today over the Burling ton for interment. The members of the Odd Frllews' lodge had charge of the services, and the remains were conveyed from the depot to Kverareen Home cem etery, where brief services were held and Where the body was laid to rest. PLATTSMOHTTH-While working with the Burlington bridge gang today at the big bridge that spans the Missouri river at this point a large timber fell on Guy A. Hodges an dcrushed his body very badly. Mr. Hodges was removed to his home in tills city and th-. Ijvingstnn did all that he could to relieve his suffering, but It Is thought thsr lie cannot recover. BLl'H H1I,U At a meeting on Monday of the t armors fcjevalor coniDanv the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensu ing year: Jacob Ooll. prenldent; F. C. Buschow. secretsry. and E. McBrlde. tress urer: directors. R. Armstrong. W. Kort. E. McBrido. J. Ooll, F. C. Buschow. An In teresting meeting waa held and a good busi ness reported done for the year 3W. YORK Work has ben commenced on tl, women's rest rooms In the southwest corner of the court house. A beautiful suite of rooms will be fitted tip for them It was through the work of the Commer cial club that the county set aside these rooms for the purpose-of providing a rest room for the ladles who come to York. The rooms will be furnished by the Commer cial club. PT. PAt'L Tuesdsr morning shout oVlock fire broke out in the beer vault of tlfe Sclillts Brewing company near the Burlington tracks In the northesst part of the city, and the part of the building above the basement was ouickly consumed. There were no goods in the building at the time The loss is estimated st between Sl.O'irt and tl.WK). The fire is believed to be of incen diary origin. DAVID CITY A' Bryan e-luh was organ ised tn David Cityt.-"Tuesday afternoon. A large number of democrats from different parts of tho county were here. 'Matt Miller was elected president and J. Ira Duncan as secretary-treasurer. That was about all the business that wns done. Just as Mr.. Miller was makine his speech, the big fire broke out In the Derby hotel, hreaklng up the meeting. VAIXEY-The Royal H-l'lnr.ders of Vsl- ley eirao tntalled the rollo"rt"g recent y elected orficers: N. 1. Thorpe. I, P.; Charles Rice. C. C: Mrs. Klawhammer. W. E-; Mrs. - Margaret Holdsworth. secretary and treasurer; Harry Smith. S. : tSeorge McNight,W.: and Frank Whltmore, Morris Johnson anil Alfred Hubbard, board of managers. V'he installation exercises were followed by a banquet. TBCl'MSEH The funeral of A. G. Blau ser, who died of pneumonia last Friiav was held at the Presbyterian church this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The attendance -was large, the Knlchts and Indies of Security, of which the deceased was a member, attending in a body. The sermon was by Rev. R. Pearson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which Mr. , Blauser waa a member. BLl'E HILXr-lnstallatlon of officers of the Degree of Honor was held Tuesdsy evening, and the following officer wero Installed: Mrs. Buxsard. C. or H. : Mrs. D. W. Fay. P. C. of H.; Mrs. J. fichunk. I, of H.: Mrs. C. Paugh. C. of C; Mrs. Bark r, recorder; Mrs. F. P. Hull, financier: P. Merten. receiver; Mrs. H. Boenitje. usher; Mrs. A. Marten. I. W; Mrs. K. W. Mc Kencle, O. W. The officers were installed by Mra K. W. McKensie. DAVID CITY During the last two year In Butler county the official records show: Number of estates filed for administration, forty-five: , number of new guardians ap pointed, eighty-one: number of guardian's reports filed, examined and approved and recorded, 112; number of marriage Uienses issued. 249: number of ceremonies per formed, thirty-nine; amount of fines col lected and paid to county treasurer, till. TORK At a meetlna- of the Bonrd of Supervisors yesterday. Mr. W. W. Wyckoff. chairman for the year 1907. was presented with a beautiful Elk's watch charm, on which was Inscribed: "Presented to W. VW. Wyckoff by members of the York counts board of commiHsioners for the year IS -7." Mr. Wyckoff has made a most ex cellent chairman and his services were highly appreciated. Mr. Fred Steffin of Waco was elected chairman of the new board. NEBRASKA CITT-3rant McFsrlanfl who lives near Dunbar, swore out a writ of habeas corpus beiore Jodae Travis aeatrs' I-illie Nlse and the Crsillne sls'ers of York, for the body of Clarence McFartand a 13-year-old hov, whom the plaintiff al leges Is unlawfully detained. It Is clalmel that the hov Is a son of John McFarland. who was killed several years sgo in Iowa. and was given by the mother to rOant Mc Farland to raise. The sheriff was Sent sfter the boy. NEBRASKA CITT A peculiar case has been reported from school illmrict No. SI. There a woman teacher detained a number of the pupila after the school hours because they had been imperfect In their recita tions and several of the farmers whose children attended the school filed a protest with the county superintendent, claiming that they wanted their children at home "so they could do the chores." The children 9 There is said to be 50,000 cases in New York. Scott's Emulsion will strengthen and fortify you against the Grippe, and if you have had it, it will . build you up aulcker than any other known remedy. aUDrssgiaa wll have to study better If they want to 'oo the chores," the teacher said. NEBRASKA CITY-Nebraska City will have a new high .school building and hether the people of this city will M willing to voe M.o tn bonds Is the ques tion now before the people, ss the Board of Education last evening submitted a proposition to vote that mum for tne erec tion of a high school building, it is pro posed to purchase three more lots in the block and this will give the board the en tire block wtlh the exception of the lot on which is situated the public library. KEBRASKA CITT-At the meeting of the Oloe County Bar association P. W. Liv ingston was elected president; William Hay ward, vice president; A. A. Biachof. secretsry and treasurer, snd the executive committee consists of Paul Jessen, W. H. litaer and C. Vy. Heymour. The legisla tive committee Is J. C. Watson. William Hayward and W. F. Moran: Inquiry, w. W. Wilson. W. F. Moran and E. F. War ren. A committee was also appointed to make arrangements for a banquet to be held the last of this month. NEBRASKA CITY-Countv Assessor William Dunn today made the following appointments: To sssess sll real estate o( Nebraska City, Robert fayne: f irst ward. Jackson Estley; Second. K. Ieiber; Third. T. C. Dunn; Fourth, John Crlchton; Four Mile and Belmont precincts, Henry Vtlnton; Wyoming and Berlin, Lewis Qanxel; Lvia ware and office work. F. R. Roos; village of Syracuse, John W. Stnng; Syracuse and North Branch. J. W. McCormick; Russell, O., W. Branch; Palmyra. O. C. Parker; Hendricks and South Branch; J. C. Math era: 0ave and McWIIIIhiiin. R. J. Beers: Rock Creek and Otoe; E. E. Boudera; office deputy. George R. McCallum. BEATRICE The countv board met yes terday and pared down some of the bills tncurreo In the Khumway murder case. The attorneys' allowances were reduced from IJ60 to t2no each, and the claims of Missouri witnesses were reduced from a total of tX-JH to li'S. By a resolution offered by Campbell all the claims certified to bv Judge Kelllgsr were allowed. The board ordered that Saline county should be re- immirsed ror one-half or the cost of a bridge on the county line. The old board adjourned and the new board was orcan Ised by the election of Wlllism Atwater or Beatrice as chairman. There sre only two chsnges In the membership of the board. J. R. Montgomery succeeds Louis erner, snd j. S. McCleery succeeds L. E. Austin. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAYl Qaalat and Cartons Feat a res af Life la a Rapidly Growlaa , Mat. Columbus Item Platte county Is entitled 1 to twelve delegates in the republican con vention for the state, that meets In Omaha. There are not many passes In the county new. and the boys are not hunting for the job to go. Then and Now A twenty-year-old item In the Norfolk News states thst the "street car company Is trying tij keep the children from jumping on snd off the street cars while In motion." The street car company Isn't worrying much about the children of today, as the danger from being run over by Norfolk street cars Just now Isn't st sll menacing. Nebraska City Press. And tho Mule !s Limping There Is a mighty force In a mule's hind foot, and when It's spplled to a man's Jaw It is quite likely to bring disaster and pain to the man. To all, this Jim Cosard can certify, for ie was kicked on the Jaw by a mule on Thursday of last week, but as Jim Is a man of great vitality, he Is now able to be about his work. Table RoCk Argus. Turk's In Danger Harry Wisner hss a contraband turkey visiting at his home. He strolled In one day and refused to leave. Mr. Wlsner has so fsr stood out manfully against the temptation, but every time he looks st that gobbler he feels the weakness of the flesh Is gaining upon him and he announces that If the rightful owner doesn't soon come sad claim his own thst old turk will go the wsy of his fathers about four days hence.-oott's Bluff Stsr. Muscular Christianity Needed If some of the young kids of the town were taught a few good manners It would not hurt them In the least. Last Sunday evening during the services at. the Congregational church some boy came up to the church about every five minutes and sent a pierc ing whistle In st the door. A young min thst has no better bringing up than that should be tied up on Sunday evenings, or sent out In the country some place where he can blow Die peaks off the sand hills. Long Pine Journal. COUNTY GRAND JURY DRAWN I'aael Selected ta Begla Its Slttlags la District Coart Teata at Actt Moata. A grand jury, to begin Its sittings Feb ruary 10. was drawn Wednesday afternoon by District Judge Troup. District Clerk Smith and County Clerk Hsverly. The Jury was the first drawn from the new list pre pared by the county board Tuesdsy. The district Judges had intended calling the grand Jury together February S, the first day of the term, but owing to a delay In making up the Jury list. It was decided to postpone the opening of the term one week. County Attorney English declares he haa nothing of a special nature to bring before the Jury. While it Is in session, however. It will hear all preliminary trials in felony cases which now are heard in police or Justice courlt,. Twenty-three names mere drawn from the box and from this list sixteen will be selected to sit on the grand jury. The panel is as follows: Peter Dsveney, 173 South Twenty-second street. South Omaha: Fred Krebs, Jr . 4S Railroad avenue. 8outh Omaha; 8. K. 'r i-ni 1131 RiMith Thirtv-flrst street; A. J. Love, Benson, Neb.; Charles Sexton. IHiii laue street; 1 nomas Dee, zm n siren, South Omaha: R. Ft. Carlln. 4630 North Fortieth street; O. S. Lee. 913 North Twen-tv-first street: M. DowllnK. 132J South Thirty-first street; George A. Powell. ISW Franklin street; C. Hanson. 1311 fcoulh Twenty-fifth street; Charles Call. SI'S North Twenty-elgih avenue; P. J. Oamrhn. 241 P street. South Omaha: D. B. Giuner. H.2 South Seventeenlh street: Pen Jacobaen. Valley; Fred Cronmeyor. 2311 North Twenty-eighth avenue; J. H. Peterson. Id South Sixth street; Kd P. Roggen. 2J0B A street. SoT.n Omaha: J. M. Fversole, Twentv-thlrd and W si reels. South Omaha; Andrew Jenten. 318 North Twenty-fourth street; J. V. Gibbons, 4"5 North Thirty ninth street; Henry XF. SMoltenberg. Flor ence; W. H. Crary, 142 Hpencer street. FEAR OF JURY FORCES PLEA Talef I oa teases Rather Taaa Face 1'aarl teat Caavlcte Hia la Fwrsaer Case. Marvin Delore, one of the party of young nien and boys which broke Into the Glen cue mills snd stole some sacks which they afterward sold, plesded guilty to burglary Wednesday morning before Judge Troup, and was sentenced to two snd a half years In the penitentiary. Only two weeks before the robbery of the mill, Ik-lore had been acquitted of a burglary' charge by the same Jury panel that is now serving. Rather than go be fore the same men the second time on s similar charge, he pleaded guilty. It waa Delore who sold the sacks to a Junk dealer who afterwards tried to sell them back to the mill from which they were stolen. This led to the arrest of the entire gang. County Attorney English has nollled the case against C. K. Stephenson, who waa charged with embezzling money from the Jewell Tea company for which he worked. He was manager of the local branch of the company and It was charged he di verted some of ths funds to Ills owa usa. Lack ef evidence was given as the reason for dismissing the charge. Be Waal Ads Tbty bring reiu.ta, January Furniture Regular January Price SaK Trice. 125.00 Golden Oak Chair, leather seat and back 15.0rt $13.50 Early English Rocker. Spanish leather, loose cushions. .fO.TK $20.00 Mahogany Rocker, loose cushion seat .18.7ft S 22.50 Early English Chair, leather neat and bark 914.50 112.00 Mahogany Finished Chair, loose green silk velour rush's 12..10 158.00 Mahogany Chair , ..929.00 I 6.60 Golden Oak Rocker $4.75 14.75 Golden Rocker . . . $.1.5 $12.00 Weathered Oak Rocker, leather seat f 7.2ft $27.60 Rocker, Spanish leather seat and bark $17.75 $9.50 Weathered Oak Chair. Spanish leather seat and back $0.75 $30.00 Leather Turkish Rocker $22.75 $65.00 Leather Turkish Rocker ...$3A.OO $62.00 Leather Turkish Rocker $30.50 Orchard & Wilhelm JJiq.i6.lS So. 16th St. PEOPLE REVOLT AT TAXES This it Whole Cause of Cabinet Crisis in Japan. C0MHEBCIAL CLASSES TO FORE Immlgratlea Qnestlaa Is Scarcely Mcatlenea- la tea CeatroTersr " Appeal Caaatry Likely. TOKIO, Jan. 15. Any accurate prediction concerning the political life of Marquis SaonJI cabinet Is Impossible. The govern ment Is trying to avert a climax and ths resignations of the ministers of flnsnce and communications hss created a situa tion approaching a political panic. Even those best Informed sre unable to forecast tomorrow's developments with any degree of certelnty. The consensus of opinion Is to the effect that the present cabinet, either with double portfolios or with possible sdditions, will face the new Diet, which, after the general elections of the spring, will open July C The posts of minister of tinance and min ister of communications were made vacant yesterday. They were at once filled tear porarily by the minister of Justice, taking up also the duties of the former snd the minister of ths Interior taking up also the duties of the latter. An effort Is being made to fill these va cancies, but There Is a difficulty encoun tered In securing the consent of statesmen to accept the responsibility under existing circumstances. The opposition and even the friends of the government are sppar ently determined to force the government to appeal to the country. Ks Refereace to Inatlgratloa, There Is no reason to doubt that ths present situation Is dua, entirely to. the financial problem. The Immigration ques tion Is absolutely unaffected and had noth ing to do with hastening the climax. It la believed on sll sides thst ths Immigration questions which exist with America and Canada will be settled amicably. In fact. since ths present critical situation devel oped the Immigration question has been hardly mentioned. , An interesting feature of the situstlon Is the increasing Influence of the commercial classes In the politics of Japan. Toshlro Shakatani, ex-minister of finance, la the son-in-law of Baron Shlbushawa, who bit terly opposed the proposition to Increase the taxation, la common with other prom inent business1 men, who were antagonistic to the continued hesvy expenditures on the army maintained st present, which, it is claimed. Is not warranted by the present situation. Nakashoko, vice minister of communica tions, resigned today. He will bo suc ceeded by Musuka of the railrosd bureau foaatr Seat Fight Reaewed. ABERDEEN, 8. D.. Jan. 15. (Special.) Through the circulation of a petition the town of Selby expects to gain by peaceful methods the honor of being the county sest of Walworth county, something It failed to accomplish when, some time sgo, its cltisens forcibly seised the records st Bangor and carried them to their town. A legal battle followed and Selby was com pelled to return the records and make good comes into thousands of homes every morniujr, bringing rosy health, steady nerves and : clear brain POSTUM This wholesome breakfast drink has all the good qualities of a morning beverage warmth, aroma, sustainin power minus the caffeine and tannin of coffee and tea. 10 imjt (rial will convince you Sale In this sale is a large line of fur niture for the living room, the com fortable, well-built kind. Here is a suggestion of the bargains included: Arm Korker-(Llke cut. Best quarter awed oak, rich golden polish finish. Large and roomy, with broad, shaped arms. Has loose cushion seat and panel back, of green Spanish leather. Leather nails ruaJte a pretty finish for the back. A rocker that sella regularly at $18.00 offered In th Jan uary sale, at, each 813.00 the damage done to the county building. Selby. however, had no Intention of giving up the fight and now It t -Industriously circulating a petition asking that the- mat ter be submitted to a vote of the people. If this plan succeeds Bangor undoubtedly will lose, as thst place Is now nothing nioie than a hamlet with about three houses and a store. The town of Java has ambitions snd It Is quite, likely sn organised move ment will begin tn an attempt to upset Selby's latest plan. COLD WAVE FLAG UNFURLED Flrajl Tlaae Thla W later Haaaer vt Frigidity la Hoisted la Osaaha. For the first time this winter the cold wave flag is unfurled In Omaha. It Was hoisted en the federal building at t o'clock Wednesday by Weather Forecaster Welsh, who detected In the molecules of the air what hs construed to be signs of cold weather, or at least a temporary cessation of the Indlsn summer. The temperature was 24 at 7 a. in. and falling. Colonel Welsh ssld the prospect wss for close to sero last night, with con tinued cold Thursday and probably a rising temperature by Friday. 1 The change toward winter began wttli sn attempt at snow during Tuesday night. The cold wave Is coming from the north west, where below zero temperatures pre vail. Five-inch Ice Is reported on some of the takes In this vicinity, but ths river affords little comfort as an Ice producer thus far. Some thin floating Ice Is reported at Bloug City and sbove, but there Is very llttis) shore Ice thus fsr. The river Is at tlis lowest stage it haa been for thirty years. The ordinary stage of the river at this season Is seven s.nd eight feet, but measurements taken Mon day show a stage of but four feet - and seven-tenths and that figure has been per ceptibly lowered since then. BOY GIVES MOTHER A SCARE Gets OAT Car rsaelleed at I'nloa ta loa is She at the Borl lagtoa. "Oh. where Is my boy." cried a young matron as she arose to get off a Farnsm street car at the Burlington station. Ring ing her hands and crying out in agony, aha searched the neighborhood with her ey and no boy waa In sight. They were enroute to Lincoln snd the young woman. Intent in her Inmoit thoughts, hsd imsglned her boy by her side, but 'when she was ready to slight from the car at the station no boy was In sight. Etie celled upon the rdale passen gers of the csr to help her out, but noc seemed to r able to render the needed as sistance. Finjlly a thin voice said: "Madam, I think your boy got off th ' car at Vnlon station; I saw a httle boy et off the car there." A hurry trip to that station revealed ths boy In the arms of a big policeman. It ap peared that when the conductor crk-4 "Union station" he had hurried off the car. unnoticed by his mother, the conductor and all except the young woman with the thin voice. The Yellew Peril, Jaundice malaria biliouaneas. - vanishes when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 25c For sale 'by Beaton Drug Co. "Thoro's a Reason" 1