10 TOE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1903. EUCLID MARTIN IS ELECTED Bck in. Fotition of Commercial Club Executive Committee Chairman. L, M. TA1MAQE IS TREASURER 'Ak-auB, BmM at Trad ! lararfcaua ItavJlwar Select Officers la Svaaaa at Aaaaal . This U the season of annual mpctlrm. Euclid Martin.' wh rv4 chairman of tha anttv committee of the Com mercial club saweral yasrs sgo, was elected la th: fcoalt!n Twsday to prfwldo over the nw omrimrrte frf twenty-flvo for the coming jrear; Wi M. Olaaswss nominated for thv foeltton, but promptly withdrew and Mr. Martin' election waa -made unani mous. Mr. Martin aurceeda W. l Yetter, who waf'tlfceitM president of the club. L. iM. Talmags elected treasurer. P. N. Clarke, who lis held the position for a 'number of years, waa an active candidate, i Mr. Talma waa ake4 to take the place I by a number of the committee and his (election aw Mr. Clarke resulted. Charles 'H. Brown was elected secretary and J. M. Ouild te-Iected commtssionsr. Z. T. IJndeey. Who was elected a mem ber of -the executive committee last week, I sent In Ma resignation and H was sccepted. ' r. W. Judson and J. B. Rahm, directors of the club, had an equal number of votes jfor a plaew on the executive committee. I Mr. Judaen withdrew at the meeting; Tues 'day and Mr. Rahm was declared a member of the oammlttee. A resolution was passed to strike from the list the names of old members who had J left th city or others who had failed to ! resign 'and keep up membership. "Get rid of all dead timber and start the year In with. Jive ones," wss the expression ' used. H. M.. Gouldlng was elected a member of the club. The report of the financial com mittee will be presented at the next meet ins of the committee, 0av-r Aaaaal Meeting. Arthur C. Smith and Joseph M. Cudahy ware elected to the Board of Oovemers of the Kniglrta of Ak-Sar-Ben at the annual meeting;, which was held Monday night at itha Omaha club. They succeed O. W. ) Wattles and Frank Morlarlty, whose terms .expired. Charles H. Pickens was elected to succeed himself. The board will be or ganised for tha coming year at a meeting ' which will be held at the Omaha club next Monday night. At the annual meeting of the Omaha & ' Southwestern Interurban Railroad com ; pany, held Tuesday morning, O. W. Wat itlee, F. T. Hamilton, W. V. Morse. C. R. Tyler, K. C ' Barton, Luther Drake and 31. A. Duff were elected as the board of directors. Tha board then elected O. W. Wattles president, Frank T. Hamilton vice president, B, A. Leusaler 'secretary and treasurer. The officers then appointed W. ' A. Smith general manager and R. A. Leuss. ller assistant general manager. At tha annual meeting of the Omaha jtioara vx jraaw mununy nicuiuwn inqbo officers were elected; Henry E. Palmer, president; W. A. Koenlg, vice president; B. M. Mersman, Jr., treasurer; Miss Har ding, secretary This is Captain Palmer's leurth term as president of the board. Directors were elected a few days ago. 'They are W. J. ConnelU H. T. Clark and F. J. Adams. tfWO TRAVELERS NOW ONE Marry Williams mt Claclaaatl u . Mrs. W. O. Cratclcett ot Omaha Are Married. Two of the raoet popular members of the "traveling colony" that goes In and out of Omaha, a great deal, have succeeded In giving their friends a great surprise. Without pretending to say when the plot was laid, the denouement was ef i footed Saturday night at Trinity cathedral and iRjbv. George A. Beecher, dean, was a party to It. It was .not until Sunday morning that j th friends of Harry Williams of Cincln I natl and Mrs. W. C. Crockett of Omaha, awoke to th fact that they were married. Th "news" broke from Its secret con fines at the Her Grand hotel, where Mr. and Mrs. Williams are stopping and which will b their home In future. Mrs. Williams Is an evangel ot trade for th Nevada Standard Mining and Milling corn pany, and is known throughout the west for the remarkable success she has achieved In business ventures. A woman f remarkable business acumen and tact, ah la ale one of striking beauty. Mr. Williams represents his own firm, th Fstsdusdown company of Cincinnati. He and Mrs. Williams will continue "on the road", making Omaha their place of resi dence. When a : crowd of' Jolly "drummers" cornered "Harry" Williams In the hotel lobby after they found but what he had don and .demanded an explanation, he Imply said V . "Boys, you know I have made some good deal In my time; I've never had the name of letting a good . bargain get by me. Well, I saw a ohaao to male th best deal of my life and I took th chance, that's all, ' , kJaaed from Heavd Heel wm Ben Pool. Threet, Ala., when dragged ovr a gravel roadway; but Bucklen's Ar blcA Salve cured him. 2?o. For sale by Beaton Drug .Co, i . OVERLAND MEN ON THE FLY Heglra. f TJalaa Facifle Officials Takes Depwtsaeat Heads Oat f .- . a City. y. An hagtra -f Ualon Paolflo officials has occurred, , which, though not with any de sign at . deserting the old headquarters Buildings has. taken many heads ot depart tnants oat of - th. dly at th same tlma, Tbes departures have been taken: Vlc-prealdent and . General Manager Mohlar Freight Tralflo Manager Munroe, Superintendent. Park and Assistant Gen eral Freight- Agent, ln have flown to Denver. ' t . General Passenger - Agent Lsmax, Gen f ral Freight Agent Wood and Oeneral Ad vertising Agent Darlew have found refuge In Chicago. ' Assistant Oaoerai Passenger Agent Mur ray baa lit as far away as ClncJunaU and will radial from there to surrounding points. ".' " Assistant General Passenger Agent Baa singer, is - looking ' after business In Bt Paul. Company business takes the officials way. Mr. Wood will extend his adcenc after Sunday for th greater part of four months In attendance upon th meetings of th uniform classification committee In Chicago. A Car. - This Is ta cftttfr that all druggists are MMisilsod to refund your money If Foley tbail and Tar falls to our your cough or Triil It stops tha cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cares la grlpp coughs and prrata pneumonia and consumption. Contains n plates. Ths genuine Is In a yellow pack age. 'Retus substitutes. AU druggists. jWWaat Ado Thajr -bring results, iff. gojj Al! CLEARING SALE SPECIAL! Choice of Thoosands of Women's Flannelette (light Gowns, 29c Wortti up to TSc Each. .Long full blue and pink striped flannelette gowns, blue and pink striped Moth er Hubbard styles with yokes, braid trimmings, all sizes good warm gowns that are actually worth up to 75c each, at, each We are clearing at great reduc tions all our robes, sacques, ki monos, bouse dresses Negligee section. You can get genuine big bargains bere this month. Dressing Sacques worth up to $2, at 08 Dressing Sacques worth up to $1, at 50- Wrappers worth up to $2 at 9S to S1.S5 Women's Short Knit Skirts, 29c These trarm knit skirts are in wide striped effects, scal loped bottoms cut very full a great vari ety of colors worth $1.00 each, extra special at Heatherblooni Petticoats Qenulne Colored Heath- aq erbloom Petticoats, Hril worth to $2.60, at. . . . tfWV Flee New Lots Brought Forward Big Bargains Muslin Underwear Sale Menvouung Fanilei Night Shirts Worth op to 75c Mala Floor, Old Store, 39c Here's a big January bargain. These night shirts are good, warm and ser- jr viceable just the kind you're used ) i to paying 75c foy, at - Specials in White Goods Sale Sheer white goods, in all the newest plaids and checks, cordei effects, at, yard 19c, 26c. 29o, 86c, 46c and up to $1.00. Embroidered White Swisses, 46o quality, at, yard, 26c. White Madras, in small pin dots and floral designs, would be a bargain at 26c yard, Monday, at yard, 16c. White Dotted Swisses, 26c quality, at, l6o yard. 40-lnch Victoria Lawns, 18c quality, at, yard 12c, . India Llnons, 26c quality, at, yard, loo. Linen finish Suitings, yard. 12 c and 16c. January Sale of Sheeting and Sheets 90x90 plain or hem stitched Utica sheets a special purchase of 100 dosen en ables us to offer these during the . January sale at each. .O JC 6, 6, 8 end 10 yard lengths b 1 e ached Sheeting, equal to Pepperell or Lock wood, will be sold yard........ 18C ' -pn OMAHA WOMAN JURY ON WOMAN CASE First and Only Instance of Panel En tirely of Fair Onei. VEXDICT IS AGAINST THEIK SEX Issae is kin Tailor Bars to Re cover for Gowa aaa Pa fro a Sara It Dmi Not Fit She Gets Evea. "I are at a coroner's Inquest 'In Omaha the Jury was composed entirely of colored men." said A. W. Leslie a business man of Denver at tha Paxton hotel. "That Is tha first colored Jury I have ever hard of, but probably there have been others. But I think the first woman' Jury any ona over heard of. and the ' first to be sum moned anywhere, was chosen tha other day In Denver to decide a case between a society woman and her . tailor. "The woman had ordered a swell gown and after she had worn It .a while decided tt didn't fit and refused to pay for It. and ths taller sued her. Ths Issues In the esse were lsrfely matters of fact tto be de were largely matters of fact to be de cided by the jury aad tha judge recognised ttet th whole qutcUon waa going to Knlttop Petticoats $1.60 Knlttop Petticoats. .98 $2.00 Knlttop Petticoats 1.25 $2.60 Knlttop Petticoats 1.50 The assortment of under muslins is greater now than at any .other time of the year the bargains are bigger, too. January is the month to buy muslin underwear and Brandeis is the store to buy in. Combination Suits of Muslin Underwear at . . .2.98-$4.08 Thousands of well ' bade, daintily trim tiled gowns, skirts, chemises, drawers and corset covers, worth as high as $2.00 in three big lots, at ... . 39c 75c 95c Women's Drawers Ample cut, neatly trlnpned and well made, worth up to 60c, at 15c 40 Inch white lawns new lot for Wednesday, up to 16c ralues at yard hinge whether or not tha gown was a good fit. lie also' knew not on man In 1.000 could tell whether a woman's dress fit her or not and so he called In twelve wo man to sit on the Jury. During the trial he ordered the defendant to retire to an adjoining room and put on the sown, which she did. Then she went on the witness stand and told her version of the case. "According to her story the gxwn con tained all of the defects that gowns are heir to and the tailor was tha very genius of Incompetency. She said th gown kicked up behind, swung six ways from the center, was too narrow In front and too broad In the rear, too long on on side and not long enough eo th other and was altogether calculated to make th wearer the laughing- stock of friends and enemies." "Then the tailor told his side ot It. He was apparently a meek and longauffertng little man. He said he had fitted the gown ten times and made twelve alterations and ha Invited tha jury to Inspect the result of bis labors. The Jury ' gathered around tha fair defendent, ; had ',ier bend aver. stand "- erect, walk across the room, sit down, 'stand arms akimbo and turn around. Then the Jurors 'retired to the Jury room and in sis minutes returned with a verdict In favor of the tailor. "I have understood since that the de fendant got even with members of the Jury by giving a swellsvening party sndleav- lug them, out.-' 5c WHITE CARNIVAL AIID BLACK SILK WEEK TTVNTTiTVTTV 17 WHITE 2AJ AND SPECIAL The White Carnival has been the most gratlfylngly successful of any White Sale we ever planned to conduct. To say that this sale surpasses our highest anticipation Is not to Indulge in a li censed utterance, but to state a fact. In Vndermiisllns, White Waists, choir Imported Linens, White CkxKls, Knibroldpiies, liacp and Everything for wear or adornment there are heaps on heaps of matrlUeaa bargains for Uie early chopper. Our lllr.ck Hllk Sale promises to be a time marker. Over and above the special bargain prices quoted for silks of quality, we undertake to make up Silk Petticoats from purchases, ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge, guaranteeing perfect fit, style and satisfaction. SALE of SKIRTS KIMONA.S An Extra Special Bargain Sale $2.98 Flannelette Klmon-i 1.49 as, long and short. , $1.98 long and short Klmonas, . ..v,.... 99c $1.48 Flannelette Kl- n a monas, long and Bhort.. tC CORSETS Assther lagisg Cleaaap Sale M Flae Corsets We have the corset business In Omaha. We have. built it up by strenuouB quality b a rgaln giving. Wednes day for quick clean-up, we offer 600 corsets well known American brands, every de- sign, shape - and size, at " ,.' 200 Ropa Shopping Bag, in black and ' brown, worth 25o each v 100 Full count A dm In tine pins, per doz. papers ....... 100 All widths of Lenox white twilled tape, 4 pieces for,... So Black Darning Cot ton, 45 yard spools, one dozen spools for lOo ' Numbers S, S and 4 white n a I n sook dress shields, worth up to 15c pair at Bo Pin cubes, worth 60, 3 cubes' for.... 60 21c BIG CHINA' SALE WEDNESDAY Salad Bowls," Cracker Jars, Chop Plates, Chocolate Jugs,. Sugars and Creams, Plates, Cupsstnd Saucers, srt values up tacit. bo cnoice Wednesday each Come early. Only 1209 pieces to well at thin price. COAL Capitol Coal goes as far as any coal at $9.00 clean tire, no clinkers, per ton. . . . 100 flreen Traritns- Sfamnu with onch ton Cherokee Nut and You Would Not Accept Coun terfeit Money, Why Accept Counterfeit Goods. ' Good money Is made by the gov ernmeat, in which yon have im plicit faith and confidence. Good goods are made by manufacturers , who art wining to stake their reputations on the quality of the material offered to you through the medium of fheir advertisement In The Bee. Counterfeit goods are not advertised. The reason for It is,' they will not bear the close scrutiny to wmcn genuine goods are subjected. Counterfeit money pays more profit to the counterfeiter. V Counterfeit goods are offered to you for the same reason. Inalat oa the Genalne , Reject the Counterfeit. HAIR ON A WOMAN'S FACE NECK, ARMS or SHOULDERS is not considered attractive. La Jeune Depilatory Liquid will remova hair from any part of the body in 6 to 10 minutes leaving skin soft and white no smarting or burning 75c per bottle. By mall, sealed, 11.00. Circu lars free. iiiskii k acoooanrzix.Xi smvo co.. Cor. ISth and Dodge, Omaha. 07L sxua CO., Cor. 16th and Harney. MAIM DO S mwa. mmmmrMmmu 1 , airrr.aMr sr mw silaury k. Lara ai.sa, eaaaple lSe. Seaa tar kMklet free. Madame Josephine Le Fevre. ISSS Ckwlast Ik. Pkllaaa.. Ba Bold br BMtoa Store Drug Dept.. B.&toa Drug Co.. lSlh and Karnam. Tta Banaatt Compear, Mth and Harnay, Tha Ball Drai Co., UK Parnaro, atrara-Dlllon Drug Ca.. Kth aad raraaaa, J. II. Schmidt. Kth aad Cuming. -Ckaa m. Lataroj). 1124 No. 2h. Find a Customer Brwy thing ya hat t sell la waaUfl 9 KmeMr it prtos 4 qoahty are tight A Be Wast Ad wffl s5& S3 w v TrarmFTisr Ti CARNIVAL BLACK SILK SALES at ONE-THIRD OFF ALL SKIR.TS IN STOCK Voiles, Panamas and Taffeta. Skirts Box Pleated, Side Pleated and Gore Flare Models: $19.50 Skirts for $13.50 $15.00 Skirts for $10.00 $10.00 Skirts for $6.67 $7.50 Skirts for $5.00 $5.00 Skirts for $3.33 AND BATH ROBES 88c Flannelette Bhort 49c 3.25 2.49 Klmonas. j $6.50 Eiderdown and Blanket Bath Robes. , $4.98 Eiderdown and Blanket Bath Robes , January Notion Sale A Rea.1 Prict Flurry Household pin cards, 'containing a com plete assortment of all pins, worth 10c, sale price .2 cards for 60 Sample Thread worth 6c a spool, two spools for...... So Finest quality per fect black Royal EnglUh Pins, worth 6c . paper, at.. . lo Feather stitch braid, large assortment of new patterns, worth 6c, 2 pieces for Bo Family sewing thread in black and white, per dosen spools So MASKS Tor Mask Balls at Wnolssals Prices Hundreds to close out Gauze Masks, 10c values for Bo AH sorts of comics, at 3o TOY SUCTION ' Hecond Floor. Lump at $6 and $6.25 al WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKES - Special for Wednesday only . . lvC All women know how popular the White Mountain Cakes are. The ones we offer Wednesday are of the Balduff high quality. A regular home-made family cake; made from a delicious silver cake mixture and decorated with rich chocolate. Rich In flavor Delicious and appetizing Baked In oblong loaves. Remember they are on special sale for Wednesday only, each 10c. a u f ck The Store for Primary 1S18-20 Farnam Ht., 'Phone loug. 711. iaamj1... vjiwi ,.hin t r . i v u jy, y kin; Fascial frf waK na nervous men w who nnd their power te Ma rVn workt and youthful vigor 03 sons as a result of '.ver work cr mental exertion should take CRAY'S NERVE FOOD PIL.L3. They will giaks you eat and sleep snd be a man asaln 91 Box; 3 boxes SS.60 by mall. tXSSMAJI- Si MoOOITHBLL DIDO CO, Oorner 18th aad Xodg- SIS. OWL DlUa OOaTFAKT, Oar. 16th aad Karaay sta. O is aba. Waa. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. H. La RaxnaceiottL) ASSISTAjrT BTATK YMTXMimAMXAM. Office aad Baspltal. 38 IS Xasom , traoi. Calls Promptly Answered at All Hours. Taoaa Offlos Mersey 997. ft-.l, Uak awa. sootrias 43a. lulU, USD. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DCLLEVUE COLLEGE COULECt Claaaieal. acl.BUte. Mloaasalcal aawsaa. ACAUfcatT As aooradllad higk soSaol araaans aaf li.ll.ua ar nj elbar colif er aaarail. aoKMAi. SCHOOL Klam.olarr and 4HI4I eowra. Ortlflcataa graalaa. CONaa-HVATOHY-Thaonr a( swala. atua, aaaaa. alaila. .alacutioa aad art. amaHA CONNCCTIONA ElaotrU Vaa aad BarUaa 11-.. roar ataAars DorsUtartaa. 1 mm rraaUaad Waaawarta. aatiaaaaa a 1 January Clearance With Many Specially Interesting Bargains Men's Pints, IT Manufacturer's Samples, Worth to Ik, at $1.90 THK RKLJABLK TRB EXTRA SPECIALS WEDNESDAY 7 He Apron Checks J 12 Vc Amoskeag Outing.... 7 J 10c Outing Flannels 5 18c Towel 8Ht 1 2 He Towels .7M 10c Towels 5 SPECIAL PEARL BUTTON SALE WEDNESDAY 1,000 gross of First Quality Pearl Buttons, in sizes 14. 16. 18 and 20. reg- - ular Go to 10c dozen values; on sale Wednesday at, dozen 2H They'rv Just the Button you'll need for your white sewing soon. Uoa", miss thin bargain opportunity. WATCH FOR THK BIO LACK HALF. THURSDAY. RUG AND CARPET BARGAINS WEDNESDAY Klght Very Special Values for the Pay's Selling. $6.00 Clover Art Squares, 6x size; special, at $3.49 $10.00 Pro BriiBttelS Rugs, 9x12 size; special, at $6.08 $7.00 Wool Ingrain Art Squares, 9x9 size; sale price. $4.75 7-foot Window Shades, best water col ors, good rollers; at, each 30 See our great advance shotvins Let us figure with you. , Big Canned Goods Safe Wednesday0 &'rI:V tMard Gallon cans fancy New York Apples.. 35c Oallon cans fancy Maryland Tomatoes 85o Gallon cans fancy Illinois Custard Pump kin at the Gallon cans fancy Strlngless Beans.... 35c Gallon cans fancy Muscat Grapes ....35c Gallon cans fancy Pie Plums 36c Gallon cans fancy Pin Peaches 35c Gallon cans fancy Tablo Syrup 3Rc Quart cans Boston Baked Beans ....7 He Quart cans fancy Pin Pumpkins 7 Ho Quart cans fancy Bauer Kraut 7Hc Quart cans fancy Lye Hominy 7Hc Quart cans fancy Tomatoes 9o Quart cans fancy Egg or Greengage Plums at w lfo Quart cans fancy Table Peaches In heavy syrup at 17Ho 2-lb. cans fancy Blackberries, Raspberries or Gooseberries, in heavy syrup. .. .12 Ho 2-lb. cans Sweet Sujgar Corn Ro 2-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes 7 Ho W HMDENS' SSE A Large Office With Burglar Proof Vault ce is 18x32 feet and ia located on the 2d floor, facing 17th Street. It is but a short distance from the ele vator and the corridor, with its outlook on the beautiful court, makes a most atractive approach. It has a very large vault. The Bee Building la the snly office building In Omaha in which the vaults are planned as a part of the building. They are not flimsy affaire, made of fire tile, but the walls of the vaults are brick and are two feet thick. This Is the most desirable feature for a firm having valuable records and papers. Even If the furniture In the office should catch fire and burn, there would be absolutely no danger te the centents of the vault. A large corner office will be available January 1st. Now' Is ths tiros to make application, as oarnir afloea are tha mast dastrable, For office space apply to R. W. Baker, Sup't. Ream 415. Bee Building. S3.50 SHOES Our line of $3.50 Men's Shoes meet every require ment of a moderaje priced shoe. You can choose from several smart, shapely styles having all the appearance of it $5.00 shoe. x The stock is velour calf, ' patent colt and gun metal calf. The shapes are the same as higher priced shoes. $3.50 is a very popular price for Men's Shoes these days. AVe were bound to have the best and WE'VE GOT THEM. smms-iiH li FRY SHOE CO. .tbs mom 16th and Douglas Streets. READ THE BEST PAPER Tb Ossaaa, Daily Bee, Continues VJednesday Men's, Ladies 0 S3 and $5.50 Shoes, All Odd Lots at. Pair, $1.90 .3 Unbleached Shefts. 60c grade 3f)t Unbleached Sheet. 7f gTade 45 7 He Red Prints 7 He Indigo Blue Prints. ,, .Qg 10,000 yards Wool Dress Goods, worth from lhc to It. 60 yard to clean up. yard. 2.V, lfo, ,v and . . 1SH Body Brussels and Velvet Hassocks, worth up to $1.00; sale price.. 50 $12.60 Kashmir Rugs, reversible, si 7-6x10-6; sale price $0.00 6c Brass Sash Rods; on sale at TWO von 50 16c Extension Rods, brass ends, 30x64 size; each 7H of spring styles in Rugs and Camels. 2-lb. cans Karly June Peas 7 Ho 2-lb. cans fancy Wax Beans 7 Ho 2-lb. cans fancy String Beans ..7Ho 2-lb. cans fancy Stringiest Beans ....7 Ho 12-os. cans Pet Cream 7 Ho 1-lb. cans fresh Herring 7 Ho 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups ........,.7Ho 1-lb. cans Boneless Herring 7 Ho 1-lb. cans Shredded Codfish ........ 7 He 4 -lb. cans Mustard Sardines 7H Snyder's Catsup, pint bottle ..lfto 21 -lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10-lb. sacks best granulated White or Tellow Cornmeal ', .......... 150 S lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans... 25o Our regular low prices on all Fresh Vegetabls and Fruits Omaha's greatest market. DonA miss the great stock reducing Psalcson canned goods. BAILEY & MACH DENTISTS , THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16tb and Farnam Streets. Best equipped Dental office la the mlddfe west, Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, Just like the tooth. WHY YOU SHOULD DRINK COFFEE Because it Is an easily digested and nourishing Food Drink that helps to digest other foods and makes you better fitted for your task, be it with brain or muscle. Pure coffee is a wholesome, refreshing beverage at aU times. ' ' The coffee you will want Is The German-American put up In sealed packages with the Coffee Bird on each package. This Is a pure mountain coffee always pure, always the same Use German-American Coffee and your breakfast will be good. Ask your Grocer for it. HOTELS. J Iak r at ' ' LEXINGTON HOTEL aoaaiaui ara-eraof. M tcklsas Bit . aaa Sal St . Cktcaao. Karuaaa alaa. Kooma. H aer a aad wi4 laa Uaili!la appaali aaaaLkallf at Itrilaa and uoaliu, aa4 itwM aaiii( a uniai. h'lae. Ilka autal. aaiil, aecaalbia to ilia laaater au aaaa. slug ainrlfi 10 rooma all ailtli But au4 eoi4 waiaf and lars elotr cloaaia :a ruoma ana arl.iia aai aUracllva cales al aioucrata aricea -aicatleal an oa aaa atllaiua. For turUiaff aartlculara an4 Informa. srtta aianaaer O.iiJ aaa oparalaS br 1NTSIU STATS HOTEL COMPANY. B K. Ortlaa, trml . U, ClUaa, V. a-.t a ak a aa i 1