Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1908, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily
DifTate ia Japanese Csbiset Over
liMaciil Affair.
ro iarars
Kiiditer tf riaajife V ca
tion Bet
Xiksio ei ea to Accept Be " om
f Prime jiter.
rrrrancxs oyte iaxatios
rrvpntl Rrliw Appropriations
'foe late-rwal lupmi estate Caeee
frl wast tstoct tow Thrwegheet
TKIO. Jen" 14 A cebmet rrtsis Is ho
rn tnerrt. A f -r m conference of the ceenrie
ministers this morning Marquis S Wr.Ja L
the prim minister, visited the enipcr- at
lb palace thi nfic loon and was quickly
followed ' IMiint It.
It ta understood, thst difficulties exist
over the budget which ere trreoonCUable
This evening It was announced that
Toerjire ektenl, minister of finuii. and
laahur amagat a. minister of commutii
cation hav resigned from the dWiirt.
Their resignations bare a en accepted
The resignation ot Marquis Seionjal, the
prime minister, ha tjwti refuse.
Masahlse Kttxuda. minister of Justice,
ill combine the portfolio of finance, and
Kefharn. mm 4.eT of the Interior, win cara
bine that of tha n mister ef communica
tion. Tht Hyaena the cabinet without any
tew alemeul and removes the disputants,
-te tare been the disturbing fart ore frr
some time peat. The Infnrrmukm about the
relgr,Ure of Isebur Yamarsts aa sn)n
ieiei' irf eommuntralkma. ennoanred by tre
AKMtrtatd Pripf m January 11, waa e-l-drn:
H wrm. find the ofrirtaJ denial made
m the followhii; lay waa jirona-blr t
1ened ta tide em the period durinir
which there u a poaiTlhlltty f an adjust
ment. The wbele mattt-r now li believed te be
evltled. There prokatly will be irm
vhatta of Hems In the budret and prob
ably the o emtmrit may deride not te
tnrreaae taxation, but Inntead reduce the
apprdprtstlnna for the wrtry and navy
It 1j pomlhle that tt may t dwidd to
leaae a luaa te nrmr te drfkiiency. '
Meatei Detaav tm Meetlas.
TYie cabinet t:ouual this tnctrnlnjr jra-e
rtae ta Him tieaUtd d-batea. Tama-ata In
it4 upra the realcnaTlrma e Bukatanl, ,
wbe 1e reapm-Hiible for the budjrrl. which
wig be Introduoed In the Itet ti5r and
wbe ta biaoied by ttie cabinet minim era and
the. vubUe becaaae ta lMfi be ftromlaed that
there imM la tie irirreaee made te tha
ta.xatioD nor wauld there be any resort ta
a fnrelgn loan In lnK.
Aa U-vauratKiB rf the financial altua
TJkm (tom lnt-ed the rahlnet offloers and eildflr '
iariuri 'i.kt n araa en tbc tsjLallod. '
tr la lieu thfireof a foreign loan would be
' unavoidable. Eakatani endeavored ta re
dune th appronrlattfln tor the army and
tiavy te w-bkeb Uieae tartiona berted and
finally sucoeeded In rarrjinf; theJr point.
Sakatani thereupoa attenipted to reduce
the appropriations tor railroads and to this
Tama (a a raised as oierttoti. Sakatani
t he birre.ajn-d the srcneral taxation, but this
Teund (Imiuout objections antonir the lead
ins tnerctiants and bankers Sakatani
finally drridnd to reetim and also snslsled
that his resignation should lie accepted.
t i wit rasa Derided Oa.
VI a route Saninjl. who was responsible as
the head of the cabinet then decided to
lendrr rcsc;na.tion and the other mem
bers of the ruNtirl wiie atrreed finally de
cided tin the followlna: procrajn:
The Marquis BaJonJI's reaitmatlon would
riret te orfered. If tbe eonperor declined to
arcrpt It, then the resignation of Bakatani
and Tamaicala would be offered. Uatauda
and Hara ctmMmtlii to oombine tbctr port
folios In ttie pursuance of tills afTeement
Premier Saionji and Prince It waited oa
th emperor this afternoon. Tti eonperor
TeJused to acoeTH the nmifmation of Batonji,
but axicepied the resienstions of Sakatani
and Tamacata.
DMrtt A rise Over Tazattaa.
Pshle lefitrhe received from Toklo
during the past monlli have Indicated that
th fiaiimjai ministry was meet trig lth
Crowaic ppuithiin thrvurhout ttie ooun
try particularly Iwcauae of tlie reductions
ao by it aiapropriattmns tor develop
ment purposes. Tli elections in Japan are
approaoblnc and the opposition has been
ndeaeortn ta arouse a atrotic aentlment
favelxist the ralunet by a nemspaper cam
tmgn s! pnucipaUy th covero
ment's policy of increasing taxation. Tb
flnanriaJ prucrsm waa formally settled at
meeting of tbe oeuncll of elder states
jnew, ield Deoejnbcir 37. It waa one of re
trenchment ana involvwd reductions.
ataltotta; t atled aaaute trutw
frnkea riae la Keatwkr
FRANKFV'rST. Kt Jas 14 Balloting
for I'ntted Ktatea senator was begun here
teday. each houw voting separately. Ttie
firet ballot left former Goeemor Beckham
three votes abort of an election
Vote, in aenate: Berkhara. II; Bradley.
18: Charts K. W heeler. 1; J oh a B Caetle
miu.. 1: Jchn I Imdd. 1; t. H. Itnlth. 1.
Vnte tu the houar: IK-kliam. 4t. Btadiey,
k. James N. Kriioe. rtst-id W. Ha ltd. 1
(ii repuhlican waa abcent and Liliard
idHiKx rati did net vote.
He Dewlaoe lasjer t afewadew He is
4 aersete avatlro Tlaaa t
WASlflNGTOK. Jan. 1A Secretary Taft
.'day Indira ted that he waated ta be quoted
as aaytng tlist there Is abaelutery ne foun
dation for the rumors that be la t resign
front the cabinet. The printed story was
te tlie eflect that Secretary Taft would re-
rn at.d oeete bis entire anentioa te his
. ; in ftw tha npirimstiaei for president.
BTe -anti Be l aaklt a lawk at the
De-atoattaai ml Biewjaaaia Hvr-
WASH1KOTSN. Jan. V4 Vice preaideat
Pairbacks today invited President Ranee
wan 1 make tbe wrtoHpal address at the
tfatiraiiirn nf ths BenJamlB Harneea tnee
at Indlanapol aext suamrr. Tbe
we drat indicated liiai k would b bB-
f jt bun . keat
4 tlit t3BI
aarr la, IMI.
STK.' fas' TSZ, mta TWS TTJ ?
1 2 34
JjO Z 8 9 10 11
12 13 11 15 16 IZ IS
1920 21 222324 23
26 2? 28 2930 31
WlNITy-Fatr Wdnedv.
ff'R VEBfUf LA Generally fair and
ucotr Wettoieadav.
wet pf.TT.Kiii Mdwa.r.
Tm"w(ii,i --,,,,- veslerflar:
fifrie. teT.
a. tti a
a. Tn V
' a. m 3
a. m a
v en. 27
r a. m R4
'1 a. Hi
U m
1 p. TO f.
I p. m T
P m
p tn Mt
5 p. m
p. m . r. i
T p. Tft 44 J
t ft. tn 42
p. m ..... as
Nearly le persons aere killed in tbe
theater panic at Boyert ea-n. Pa., ttie de
tails cf the disarter proving fun of many
pathetic rtori. Iao 1
Evidence 4f Insanity In Thaw's family
and of early traits of his peculiar disposi
tion were introduced at the murder trial.
Pars X
An Albany. N. T professor baa dis
covered a system of Instructing imheuile
children. ta 1
The Atlantic rate ws.r ha been livened
p by a cut made by several English com
panies, rag I
Korimr Lincoln editor has been fined
and eentenced to Jail In Ohio on a charge
of fraud in aecurlng a certificate to prao
tlve law. par 1
Governor Haskell 1 on his way te at
tend the derocK-rstir banouet in Lincoln
this week. Pag
Kleroentary teachers are xtretneJy
scarce in Oiicago. Pag X
James Beds Howe leads an army of un
employed persons to the city hail in Pt.
Louis asking for work Pag X
T. 1. Liea-le 1 named president of the
Cnlted Mine Workers t- a jarge vote.
Pag X
Arguments in the tValaa trial by tbe
.state are that the banker in in tbe same
p.lfTlit a a apeculatitig caehier. Pag X
Furmt r Governor Beckham cf Kentucky
is only three votes short of being selected
X'ttJted Ftates senator on first ballot.
Pag X
Indian republioana) declare for Fair
banks. Pag X
eien-retary Taft oenie be will rtmlcrn
frora tbe cabinet ta devst Ills entire time
ta the campaign. Pag X
Onmt voa Kanitid, in the German
Heichstag. declares tb assault upon the
trusts n the t'nlted Ptates by president
Tlo uTelt ewfpotjettfi Xw Tlie Trrouetatry
altuation in this country and lti'his own.
Pag t
BraxU extends a cordial welcome lu the
American fleet. Ambassador Imdlry giv.
lug an elaborate reocptHm to tbe ofTlcers
and diplomat. Pag 1
T minister of tbe Sapancse cahlnK
resign. Imt the prime minister retain bis
poffolie and it Is believed the crisis is
ver Pag X
t'nun Bonl admits he spat in tbe lace
of Pritce Helle. Pags X
Greav Britain takes steps to make
Johannesburg a warn t.ia-e for all
orientals. Pars t
HulaJ Hafld sends a deputation to aris
j representing himself In full jicacr In
Morocco and willing to obey the AJgexira
conference. Pag
coxocxxcxAXi Avars unuiimL.
Live stock nmrkats. Pag T
Grain market. Pag a T
stocks and bunds. Pag T
rwrt. Arrttraa. Salle.
irtW' TrtftK .... Carawnla.
HVEKef kil Canaoa.
PLVVCMTH X P. wtlbalm.. prsa. Uanalu.
pHIULlEU"Hia. bavertord.
GIBIt.Ai.TF". rrif..
GTBHALTEH .... r ar Qi
SAPtra bamaala.
OUAHOoa K A Victoria. . Terk.
TklHFTE .Itelumlua
ST JltlM . alaaatnuth.
aREMEV lanlaa Iubm.
P. E. Hanpnt, raaklar af Xorth Artle
bora Caaveeva, Bad Aewiawats witb
Aererml Irakera.
The fact that rrederk-k E. Bargt. the
late cashier of tb Jeweler National bank
of Nona Attlebora. which is now in tha
bands of a reoeiear. bad been hypothecating
th funds of th bank beoam deflnlialy
known today ata tS surery company
which furnished r"s bonds paid ct-er te the
i reoeh-er of th bank the sum of KKi.Ml. th
! ..11 w.nt.. auf
Tlit payment of tb bond will ad graatly
ia paying the Depositors of tb bank, and
a is now hoped that ail depositor will be
paid in full. Th payment of VXtOO by the
Roger Williams Insurance company a weok
or two ag and th payment of the cash
ier a bond have swelled the visible aesets
by MSa.m.
Tbe examination of tbe cashier s personal
affairs has shewn that h bad accounts
with several Boston brakerag boueea. and
it is believed thai he lost heavily la apecu
alia la aYalah Caae Kara
aaakrr Is la Attitaae of ipwa
letiag Oaaetal.
CHICAGO. Jan. M-Joha R. Walab's ai-
mAi1milatinria nf the fiinAa nf tit
Cbtoage National bank were onmrarei w!.h
the typothetical offenae of a back cayiiier
whs speculates oa tbe stock exchange tn
the course cf the flay s argument ta the
Jury on behalf of tbe government tn tb
Walsh ease. Assistant District Attornry
Francis Heochert. conducting the second
representation of the case against tbe ac
cused baaker. told the Jury that the only
question that remained far them ti
upon waa that of latent.
ariarfetr Peak Cmrt Umm rtaatf-
NEW TORK. Jan. 14 Pines of 1 cent
each were tmpoeed by Magistrate Kuat
yeeierdsy an eighty p nan-cart men ar
raigned before him m trie I ar 1 Market
eouit Tn strictly nominal amount ef tit
finea the magteiraie explained, aas Ui ooit
sieerstlna e! the Urt times. Meat cf (lie
prisoners aere mecnariina. 11 wa learned,
wbe bad take ut peeduag I rnnaa of ta
tayij et got watA aa Utmjt U
BrUIiint Eecfptioa te 05ocn of
Azcfricu Fleet is Boutlltsi.
Aaaaassadst ttwdley Gl Elafcerale
rete aui retrpalla, rSMrrlelpite
la by fMpsraapt
rlala f Cmmmtrr.
IUO JAICE3RO. Jan. H-Tlie first of tb
many offiriaj functions to be given In honor
of th vial ting American naval office
during their nay took place yesterday.
Th firt event was a visit 1 the Brasilia
minister of marine. Admtral A ten car, and
this was followed by a reception by the
president of the republic, Ir. Penna. and
a banquet by the American ambassador.
Irrln B. ludley. tr. Penna cordially wel
oomed the visitors te BraxU. The ambaese
dora function was a brilliant affair.
la live aflemson th officers went out
to Pwtropoiu. the bom of the diplomatic
corps, twenty-two mile distant from the
capital. They were aooempanted by many
high rrraa111an rfimala and representatives
of the verlous tne-aUona. At the railroad
station of this suburb tliey were received
bv th private secretary of Ambassador
Dudley and Joined shortly afterward by
the ambaeeedor .himself. The party then
proceeded to the ressdonce of the president.
Mr. Imdley presented Admiral Thomas to
the president and then introduced each
officer In tura Jeeplying to an address
made by Mr. Thorn. Dr. I'rcna said:
2 am extremely gratified at the presence
here of the offloers commanding tbe pow
erful fleet sent to these waters by the
friendly ttattnn of tbe north, a nation te
a hlrh we are united by bonds of stron
MeTMlBhlp 1 congratulate you upon your
aWitty as raviraior and express my ad
miration Tou have arrived pimctuailv at
your destination in spite of the great diffi
culties preeented by your undertaking. To
are cordially welcomed here and J tebst
lliat your slay in Braetl will be happy.
In response Admiral Thomas made a
abort, speech of thanks.
t'pon leaving the residence of Dr. Pemia
the offioers were driven to tbe borne of
Mr. Imdley. Tbe banquet was superb. The
entire house and grounds were Illuminated
by Venetian lam and colored electric
light. Within the salons were ablase -tth
graceful illumination and colored flowers.
The table were laid tn two of the salons
and were united by an are of flowers.
They were decorated with cut glass. lau
tlful silverware and more flowers. Among
those present were all th admiral the
commanding officers of each battleship,
the Braxillan minister of marine, the Bra
silian minister of war. the 'chief of the
naval staff, an official representing the
minister of foreign affairs. Baron de Rio
Branca, and a number of deputies and
Pve tender "1 Tar
r mt Mewrt erata
Parte Maklat
PARIS. Jan. 14. A commission from
Mulal Hafld. the newly-procleimed eul
taa f Muwhoa eu isted.m farts aamigfcL
ft imnsiet if M.ulal TlaTid a private secre
tary, a farmer French naval oiritrer
named Poll. M. Pollet declares that the
holy war in Morocco Is not directed
spat net foreigners, but against Ahd-1-Axlx
and tbe governing board cf Morocco, and
that Mulal Hafld 111 scrupulously observe
the treaty signed previous to hi being
declared snlta. including the Ageclras
act. Continuing. M. Pollet says that
Mulal Hafld has with 1i1m OHO rerular
troops and lO.PdO tribesmen. In addition
there are 10. 00(1 tribesmen before Moga
j dor. 1 00C before Maxapan and ".&(( be
i fore Casablanca. Mulal d need
I neither men nor money, Pollet says. M.
Juarex. the scHialist leader, introduced an
Interpellation on the Moroccan question
to the Chamber cf Iwputles.
Caaadlaa L.tae Make ahetaattaJ Oate
la Caarsree far Elaatwara Paa
eeg X-ivi i aaal.
MONTREAL. Jan. It Folio wmg" the
action of tbe White Star and Canard lines
in cutting rate, representative of the
Allen. DominiciB and Canadian Pacific
steamship companies at a conference held
here today decided yesterday to make a
rut tn eastward rates m second cabin and
steerage to Liverpool and Bcsndlna vlan '
polrts. The reductions are from Ij to i
per cent, second rate to Liverpool being
cut from MZ.&0 to tm.
That Is case. He a a. Why He
pat ta Pace mt Prtaew Helle
4e aaaa a.
PARIS. Jan. 14 -Count Bonl de Cast el
lane, ths divorced bushand of Anna GuuM.
and Count Jean de Castellane; his lrother,
appeared tn court today to answer ta the
chars of aaaault brought by Prince Hel e
de Began, their ooueln. Count Bon ad
mitted that be ban spat in his csualn'a
faoa. but only after provocation.
Owing to tbe abaeno of the count a at
torney, further bearing was postponed
to February 4.
leer's Recrslla This Year
Place evltfe Eaarrw
Asseai Throaaai tllaeaa.
FT. PETERSBURG. Jan. 14 John W.
Riddle, the American ambassador, and
the staff of ths ertrhaasy went cut 4 c
Tsarakoe-Relo this evening for the annual
New Tear reception. For tbe first time
in several year the err. is aa did not take
part In th ceremony. This was on ac
count of bar Illness She aas represented
by tbe dowager empress.
British Sti
ST. JOHNS. It. F Jan. 14 Tbe Brtt:aa
steamer Tolaeby. bound from Galveston far
Havre, went saner during heavy anow
atoerm last night at FTeaheathar Point.
Cape Baca. Jt la thougbt the saai win
be a total loea The crew la safe.
Coaweatlaeu ta ladlama DceAaee for
Him tor Pt a4lea aaarvelt
INTL1XAPTLU. Jan. 1A Republican
la Indiana ta district oortveetlnn selected
mambers ef tb srtst committee a-hlch aill
snsna- th coining preaidnntlal campaign
ta lnd.ana. Each district oscventto
adopted rasoJutietis mdoreltig Vice Preet
deoat Cbariee W, Fairbanks for the presi
dential ctomination. The adn-lnletraiicia of
Pt-asVaamt taueeeatt mlA Oaveraer brnmif
Mare Talk et atate rwlltlee. Haw
vr( Ttaae ef tbe Mrraa
rrvnm a Ptsff J-rritilen1
LINCOLN. Neh.. .If-.. 14 rwiaJ Tele
gram i Demorrst t-nti to srrrve Jotngtrt
and tlte headQuanere at the Lincoln hotel
iias taken cm ttie '0 cod entinn appear
ance. Of the speaker only Hon. M. P.
Harrington ha arrived, and he refused to
talk snout that roverr.ment ownrlilp
MHuru he and Bbmr Howard and Harry
Brome organised When asked for a stsie
ment. he replied:
l ra too busy te idierus it. Come to
tbe banquet tomorrow nlcrht and I will
ten an about it."
Mayor Imhlman la here boosting for
Omaha for tl state convention and he has
hopes of success. He is In favor t.f an
optional primary for the selection of dt le
gates to the state von vent Ion. That 1 1f
any county cannot agree upon ttie dele
gates he i in favor of thai county holding
a primary. In teiartae county he said be
beliTed the party would be able 1e get
together on th delegation and Twommend
a candidate for d'Jrate-at-large. The
mayor i a prwperVTr candidate for gov
ernor and If A. C. Flialleiiharger slay out
of the race he is liable te compete with
Gorge V. Bvrge. tlicugh tonigbt be saitf
it is too early le talk rf gubernatorial can
didates. From appearance looks like tlie popu
lists hare kicked tl.i r last kirk and will
be atisorbed for goo-land at! at thts meet
ing Colonel Tibbie t bere. but it meeting
with the dmcrticTj-inTi imiilt
tee. Senator James rafty id lie did not
know nether the fippnlists would hold a
committee meet bib. but opined that the
democrats would hav everything their own
wsy. Delegates to the national convention
are not being talked wf openly, but before
the comtnftte meeting tomorrow it 1 ex
pected the medicine erfll be mixed.
The committee appointed last fall to
make plans for crgaaixing the state met
tonight and dlecussed arsys and mean cf
doing business, bat avrthmg definite a as
The only announced candidate on the
ground 1 E. O. Osrrxtt of Fremont, a ho
wants te be lieutenant governor. Garrett
announced himself tonbrht and said be ex
pected to make a fight for the place,
W. H Thompson came in late tonight.
but was too tired, he aaid. to mix a-lth tlie
croa-d and retired early.
George Rogers is bore from Omaha,
meeting with ttie organisation committee.
Today over l.v scats at tlie banquet had
been disposed of and ever 300 people had
been turned away, so Chairman Allen aaid.
Oh law MeuiT ef State tbecliaa
Tsjewry Prlaaarp lav la Sal
A pa. Una Vie,
COLfMBrB. tk. Jan. IX. (Special.
"That question cannot come before, this
department for consideration." aaid Sec
retary of State Thompson today when th
opinion cf lawyers at Washington to the
effect that delegates te the national pen
vrntion -culd not be cliosea la the districts
by primary elections under the Bronson
primary election law, -was shown htm.
"Tha action ratin;afTect a state con
vention in any way'! "The fact of th mat
ter is that the-Bronson law neither gives
nor withhold authority to select district
delegates to the national convention."
CLEVELAND. O.. Jan. lS.-The county
board of elections today declined to take
any action In th repobllcan factional war
j until Thursday. By that time 1t i expected
i that Secretary of State Thompson will
i have rendered a decision as te bis Juris
' diction 1n the matter.
Secretary of State Thompson todav heard
representatives 01 toe tnree Tactions jn
Clei-eland regarumg their laims In the
Taft-Foraker fight 10 be recognized as the
bona fide committee of the county. S-
retary Thompson intimated that he will
probably refer the matter to the state cen-
jtral committee and let It decide a to the
legality of the committee, and then he will
I art. This is understood to be favored by
th Taft people, but the Foraker faction."1 oasnmr.
strenuously oblerts to tlie r,ln
Cliairman Walter Brown of Tiiledo spent
ttie mornlne: trvinr to b-lr,e h,..t mnmm
sort of catnrr.rn.lHe in the matter, but hej
That . new ci,n
be elected at the presidential prlmarie.
This is favored by the Tuft people, but the
Foraker element, turned It doa-n.
Aataarltie Obliged to lal Papils i
Heme frwea laablllty te - j
rare laatrarter.
I CHICAGO. Jan. 14 -Th situation caused
bv scarcity of teacher In the Chicairn
public achools reached a climax yesterday
! In seventy-three rooms, chiefly In ele -
I mentary schools, th official, found it lm-
I possible te provide teachers and had te fit-
, miss tbe pupils for the day. More than
' X.MW achool children sxwnt the day at boma
More than 140 vacancies were reported.
Almost half of these were filled through
the assignment of substitute or by sub
stitutes who took charge of the disabled
H' "'Tr. "i'll. and h . abnormal In every
MARSH ALLTO WN , la-. Jan. H. (Special
Telegram.) A telegram received here thi
aflemooa said that Harrison Weeka, a
former resident cf Green Mountain, this
county, and a large lend owner, was mur-
, dered at Hay Center. Neh . today. ii
i details are given. Se far as known Week
j ha ne relative living here now He left
1 here several year ago and only recently
eold a large farm be ewned
lIs Oaeael by Ireaaarr
part -seat Shew a. H. aTelee
Uw Mia.
tFmm a Staff Correspondent-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 (Special Tele
gram Bid for th construction cf th !
Tork public building were opened today by
the Treeaury department and these bid
aere disclosed: B J. Jobet Omaha rtC;
Robert Butka Omaha. Ma7fi; J. H. Waiae,
South Omaha. l! 412. Sl.auel A Ashep.
marker. Lincoln, e-,; Bart let t at Kltng.
Cedar Rapid. Ba.hifp; C. W. Oindele com
pany. Chicago, eie.440.
laaaa Parle t niaa of Barma.
CHICAGO ILL. Jan 14 A der-.eieh to
tlie Raooro-Heral4 from Peoria. J .1, says
Mine Lucia Aeoerson fir tnre years ar.
Inn. ate .f tlie Rarotvilie Itiaane aavlum.
cies last mtm in tlie asylum hospiial of
burrte received four hours earlier
Mis Anderson came from a wealthy
y in C2-JtP-Sn Count e:d Waa tL
a jawaUW "-Jir't aa jartinarttL
S-ritrier Kde Vice Prexideiit cf Ke
braska Fatio&al Vice L S. Seed,
All tbe aattama aad aeaae Other
Beaks la ffsaaba aad tb
OaaaVa Held Their Aa.
aaal MeMisga
Netiosl banks cf Omaha and pVutfc
Omaha held annual meeting Tuesday, and
changes were made ha the boards of direc
tors of the Nebraska National bank and
the Omaha National bank. Changes In the
officers were made in the vice presidency
of the Nebraska Nations 1 lienk. a'here
Warren Swltaler succeeds L B. Reed, but
Mr. Reed remains en tlie board of direc
tors. Irving Allison of the Ft-st National
bank was ejected an assistant ceRtiicr. x
Henry W. Tate aa re-elected preeldont
of tbe Nebraeka National hank; VT. B.
Shexitierd, cashier, and H. Wr. Tate. Jr.
aaRlstant cashier Tii dividend period cf
tbe tnk ended November 1.1W7.
K C. Barton aad L C. Vash are new
members of the board of directors of the
Omaha National bank. Mr. Barton succeed
ing Guy C. Barton. The board ia now a
follows: J. H. MIHard. W. M. Burgess. Wil
liam Wallace. K. C. Barton. C. H. Frown.
I. W. Carpetilcr. C. F. McGrew. A. J.
Simpson, J. K. Baum. W. H. Buchols and
L. C. Nash. The officer are: J. H, Mil
lerdr president; William Wallace and C. F.
JdoGrew, vice president: W. H. Buchols.
cashier, and Frarik Bcyd. assistant cashier.
Th Merchants National bank cf Omaha
held its annual meeting at 10 a m. Tbe
officers and directors were re-elected and
tt was reported that XWl OOti had been added
to tbe eurplu during the year of limT. Th
directors cf the bank are Luther Drake,
John F. Coed. George E Pritchett. Frank
T. Hamilton and Q. B. Rogera. The officers
are Luther Drake, president; Frank T.
Hamilton, vice president; F. P. Hamilton
and B. H. Melle. assistant cashiers. The
bank has had no peebler for several year.
erh Oauka Chaaugwa.
The South Omaha NationaJ bank also
held It meeting at 10 a. m. The ( per cent
semi-annual dividend was declared and the
o'd officer" and directors re-elected a fol
lows: H. C. Bostwlck. president; E. .V
Cudahy and Truman Buck, rk president;
J. C. French, cashier: H. C. Miller. J. S
King and J. B. Owen, assistant cashiers. -
Tlie I'nlted States National l.i.k held
the meeting, during the afternoon. No
changes were made. Tlie present oflcers
are: M. T. Barlow, president; G. W. Wat
tle and Victor B. Caldwell, vice presi
dents; Alfred Millard, cashier: L. M. Tal
mtge, W. E. Khoades and G. E. Baver
si oca, assistant cashier. Tlie board of di
rectors consists of M. T. Barlow, Guy C
Barton. Jf. A. Duff, S. 8. Caldwell. V. B
Caldwell. Thomas A. Fry, C. W. Lymaa,
Alfred Millard. Euclid Martin. E. M. Mcrs
man. A. L. Heed. W. A. Smith. B. F.
Smith. G. W. Wattles and C. E. Tost.
Irving Allison, aho ha been acting for
th -cashier at the First National bank,
was made an assistant cashier at the aa-
rwl uieiitrng rf he olwictors
rhaiiSH were made Vn the ff loera or board
of the First National. Ihe presejit offl
oers and directors belne: C. T. Kountra
president: F. H. Davis, vice' president;
L. L. Kountse. cashier: T. L. TavlB,
assistant currier: C. B. Kountse. VV. 8.
Poppieton. J. D. Creighton. W. A. Pavton,
jr., and E. M. Andreescn.
Packer Declare IMvloradU
-After declaring a 4 per cent seml-snnual
dividend, the Packers National bsnk of
' South Omaha re-elected the present offl-
innow. j. r. vxiaa. presiaent, ana
i r- J- Moriarty. cashier. The Union Stock
Tarda National bank held the meeting
aurlng the afternoon, declaring a 8 per
",nl semi-annual dividend and re-electtng
tn "f'rer and director a-lthout change,
! Th Present officer are: F. H Davis,
! Preaioent; E. F. Folfia. vice president; F.
' R' Heflrlck. cashier; N. F. Rsckard. assiet-
i Besides the national banks tbe City
VI bank held the annual meeting
' 1 "a rv-eiecteu ootn orn-
'rwnor ft-Uows: John F.
jr laauav, iiT-Piur:u , . runafTlaltlQ, V)fnf
president; William 8. Hlllis, treasurer; R.
i2 rrfck- Rob'rt rempster. John R. Web-
Z. Drake. Robert Dempster, John R. Web
ster. C. C. George aad George F. Glhnore.
De-relape Tank,
mru Deflclea. la Hesaark-
able Maaaer.
VFW TORK, Jan. U. Ppeechlees for six
teen years. Gusta Laut ha in ten month
j "rT"'3 t0 t,;k nuently. During the same
! Period be ha developed from an abnormal.
i t"a",'1ned. almoet Imbecile bey, into an
i Jrt' rt,v- embtttoua person, he ha
1 TPWB fmjT taob" lB helt. permanent
I ttth h,v TOm t0 h1 mst an the
1 iiwnif n uie onuai j 1 1 ii 1 ion, ana ne
new g.'vee promise cf becoming a hee'tby
normal man. Hie development is the re
sult cf erperlments of, Ir. Campbell of
Albany, X. T.. an instructor 1n music, who j
treated tbe boy according te theories ef
his own theories which be beHeves will
cur the deaf and even the blind and put
an end te Imbecility.
When the boy first came to his notice.
Prof. Campbell said all of bis habits ware
way. firs body waa undeveloped, aa was
fcls brain. Prof. Campbell began by caus
ing the bey te wiggle one of his toea, an
operation whioh required several waeka
Gradually the principle was extended, mus
cle were stimulated, and with the'.r atlma
latlnn cam a response from lung and
heart. Circulation waa quickened and
finally the boy was taught te apeak. He
became amruliou to gre through college
and meka up for loan time.
Campbell brought Laut to New Tork
I for the purpose ef damnnstraiing his
I theory of actentUic development of the
I abnormal.
Meet Caere' Tabaoro
feaaaee la Healerkr la plt
mt Deaaaaala.
LEXI?3TON, Ky., Jan. 14 A spar 11
from Flenitngsburg today save that taalve
men armed with KTa--Jortrensec rtTies are
guarding the towa and the turnpikes lead
ing there te prevent a threatened attack
by nlgnt rider Tobacco la being received
at all warehoueee, but the rtty council
ordered that buyers cssse purchasing, and
thla has been dona Aaanrmmii cornmunl
catlnca have been rwoetved that unlexa
Mauaer, tbe Ametican Trttiacoe enmpanv
1 stint 11 '.a-l v. leave by Sunday, Jaiuary
JT, aerehotises win be burned le the
ground The request ef as' at a duty age
ta Governor Wiilaon fae
I '
4 nast3.bcrs AJTB amorj tlA gvmr&K -
'St. Innate ailllleaaire Trasap Ciaerta
r Wake A aerta tiea
far IsaprevesaeBta.
fT. LOVIS.- Mo, Jan 14 Hungrj Lnd ,
cut of ork. H'O tliinly-clsd men mnrch"d
through the snoa and cold te tSe city '
hall today s-vk'n Waver Wei. In or-
der to make appllcstlon for his assistan'.-e j
In securli g employment I
James Ead Howe. pMlanthroptst and
erion cf a prominent family, who proudly
style himself a "hobo." led iht prorse- ,
el or and the Welfare association, of ahlch
he Is the founder and benefactor. fvrmc-3
the nut leu of the "army."
When the si art wa made from the
arbitration headquarters h"C men were In
line, ,1th J. Millsra. a eocl.llst le.der of
Cincinnati acting a marhal. A meal of
bread and black coffee was served Just
before th start, each man getting two
slices of bread and a tin cur of coffee.
At first tlie wlumn moved on the side
walk, but soon they went to the center
of tbe street. The leaders shoved Invita
tions to men on the sidewalk to join the
ranks of the unemployed and soon tbe
ranks a ere swelled te KU.
All tbe way the men acre orderly and
a special police force had nothing to do.
Whli ths hungry horde Mned up 1n the
city hall ground, a committee represent
ing th "army" waited on Msyor Wells
Msyor Wells assured the men that he
would do all In hi power to give them
employment If he could find the city had
-oi k to be don. "1 cannot give yon char
ity work." said Mr. Wells. "1'nder present
conditions the only thing I can do is to
divide the work now being done by th
city and give part to pou."
This met with the approval cf the com
mittee and after its departure Mayor Wells
Instructed Street Commissioner Travilla
to prepare an ordinance calling for an ap
propriation of tlQ.IHiO for street a ork. th
ordinance to be Introduced In the bouse of
Pish ptwr aad . Tewlify He u
Irratletaml aa a May laaaaity la
the Fasally.
NEW TORK. Jan. 14. The attorneys for
Harry K. Tlisw at hi trial today began
relentlessly to build up the case of !cfl
insanity ahlch they have Interposed in his
behalf as a defense for the killing cf Stan
ford Wl He. Tlie tn principal witnesses cf
the dsy were Prof. Charles H. Kohler of
Winona. Minn., who acted a instructor to
Thsw In the Wooster, O.. university In 1N
and "Mrs. Amy Grossette of San Mateo.
Cel.. win attended Thaw as a trained
nurse at Monte Carlo, in IRPT. They both
told of the young man's eccentricities and
declared that his manner always a an Irra
tional. Dr. John T. Deemar of Kittanning. Pa.,
one of tbe Thaw family physicians, also wa
heard,- as were the attendant physiciaps cf
three instrtaUrms for tbe insane ahere
members of tbe Thaw family, on both
paternal and maternal sides were confined.
Instrirt Attorney Jerome by unexpectedly
Invoking tlie sacred privilege of physician
and patient blocked much of tbe testimony
aa te unsoundness cf mind in the Thaw
family. Mr. Jerome txplaincd that tlie law
cotrsjinlled lilm to objoci is such testimony
sheet era apre watrer from tlie patumt.
Kve tbe nurse who attended Thaw a-aa
not allowed to testify tuntll Thaw person
ally bad made a a a. ver of the confidential
privileges In open court.
Jartlc !trarterBvrr fleas Order Direct
lag fccaator Piatt ta Great
Inspect taa af Pasters.
ouil for Mae
NEW TOKK. Jan. 1
1 " eu:. 11.1 uivi..i,r
1 Senator ioni t. i'lai't. wcjrea an wo-r
from Justice Newhcrger today directing
' ihe senator to turn over all letters and
papers pertaining to the case to the plain
tiff's attorneys fr inspection. Upon grant
ing of this they aere subrnltled to the
court. Mae Wood asserts that she was
married to the senator In IWtt. The senator i
denies any wedding
atieae Ciaard Aeaoctatiaa Recwm
aaeada (aaaxre la Dick Bill
ta Briaa This Reaalt.
BOSTON. Jan. M The National Guard
association of the I'nlted State at Its an-
; nual meeting here today adopted a report
of the legialative comrr.iaEion ahlch recom-
mended a chunpe In the Dick las. so an i
to make state mtllt'.as prsoilcaHy an In- ;
tegral prt of the rerular irttiy and as such i
have them sujiported and controlled by ths
federal government.
Vice Prealdeat of I ailed Miae -ere
eviaa la Raw for Prewioeat
Over Wileaa.
WHEELING W. Va.. Jan. 14 A prrrate
trlepram -received here from Indiana po!!r
a-hlcfe is said te toe authoritative says that
T , . . . rx. '
, T L. Lewis, cf Bridgeport, Oluo, vice pre-
aident of the United Mine Workers cf
W. B. Wilson by a majority of' sixty thou-
sand in a vote of m.m.
Se-aater Aaetla leatesrel at Cwlam
feas oa Ckarwe mt FVaad la Gel.
(lag Lawtrr's OrtlSeate.
COLUMBUS. O. Jan. 14 -The supreme "'" w" ,:,m' lu
cwrt today eontenotd former Suprenw ! ""en and chilflten who otherwise
Court Clerk Lawmn K. Eruereon te ten j t"v' cai-ed the f.amr were foroed back
davs In JaU and State Senator Austin of 'tlfl trampled upon.
Toledo to ten days In Jail and.ti fine ir. j Particularly aaa tin Die rase of thee
connection with the charge of aecurlng tbe j i,a w,"r cl;:,t "n Ul' stsiraij' The
larter's certificate 10 practice law In this i ni,ia scran, ble for the rr't aas aimply
r.te without proper examination. 1 indescrit.ahle Tn seaker one aer
brurhed aside and tn many Instance
GOVERNOR HASKELL ON WAY ; f"11' 10 d,t,h r"Tr r T-erao
j the second fitK.r. seeing the saful Jam aa
Oklahaaae'a fthlef Elerallir Has ' the stairway, rii.ked their live hy Jump
started oa Trljt te Llaewla I lng fram the ainuoaa In tm aay several
far Brya ' Xrlaaer. I were o hacr injured that tf.ey Oiad be-
1 j for reaching at.y of the numeroa tera
KANSAS C1TT. Jan. 14 Governor I pcrary hosjittalf.
Charles N. Haskell of Oklahoma arrived Jra laat Their Heads,
here today enroutt to Lincoln, Neb . to at- j Boyertewn is a tc-n of aboul S.jRI pee
tend the Bryan dinner tomorro night, j arms, tnd th-t i riceLv s ho.isf in the
The governor will be the gueat cf hvuyr little town that hat not been affliced by
tonight at an Informal dinner at the Kan- j last Bight's visitation of fire Kei ben W.
aaa City club, tendered him by 1-iral demo- ! Steven, en of those a-h-. escapes toe
crstr. I flame. In speaking of the fire today, raid:
! "When the enl'nti occurred t -re aere
STANDARD HAS GRIP ON WEST I at least thirty t.y and girl on th,- t.'.age.
Teotlaaaair at Sea Verk Beeeale roa
waar ta (atrl ta Tee r
Otl Fields.
NEW TORK. Jan. 14 -More than per
cert of the oil bualness in Colorado. W;e
mstig, Utai., New Mexico is controiied Vjr
the Standard Oil company, according te
testimony ad duced at tbe government ult
-bat acrrpaj- p4x
! Hundred SiXtT-Srvta Bodiea Takra
frcn Boytrtcwn Tbeatrr.
CorOEff BflifTf tiat SfTefal ICort
"Will Be round.
flrnw c,-. J v t
mo" Ij ZtCtpt cf
Gai from Picture Kctine.
Appsrete mm Way te Fire ralltde
with Tree aad Oae Plre
aaaa ia laataslly
e. Dr. X Sroh. pastor of tn. Stark
XVntbaraa obarch of Omaba, waa a real.
eat of Sorertew-B, Pa, for aor tbaa
twenty -frr years. urlag aQ of which
time ha waa pastor ef pt. foka'a X.ntharaa
chuvh there. Tnie is tha ooiurrraiea
under th ansptoes of wbioh tbe entertal.
xeest waa being fives wbea the aheates
fire and panic aeewned Monday ziigkv
"X waa horrified at hearing the aewa of
tbe catastrophe which fee came mpon the
people of my eld hem." aaid Dr. area a
a lepuitea for The Bee. '1 knew a early
aJX tha people wh are asaear the aaad
aad Injured. They war ary eld ant dee
frieaos. Many of them I baptised aad
onfiimed. My deepest sympathy gees
st ta them. May ed feels them la theht
Dt. wrea left Devertewa ta leal, feat hat
auad aereral trips ta his alt beaaa sbbm
the. Me waa back there last year. The
St. John's church there fees war IMC
members of the beat people of that thriv
ing ooaimsTitty.
BOTERTOWN. p.. jsn 14 At edock
this s ft -moon 1C bodie had been recov
ered from the ruin of the opera bouse.
Ttie coroner stated st thst hour that be be
lieved that a number more would be found.
Tbe chief or the Pot tat own fire depart
ment, alio Investigated tlie cause cf tb
disaster, says the first rush toward the
stage aas caused by several men and
aomen becoming frightened ahen the hose
connecting the moving picture machine and
the tank supplying the llpht aiinped off
its connection and made n hissing noise.
The tank itself did not explode, be aa),
until t he flames reached It.
In going to the ftre the Boyertoan com
pany collided with a tree and one of the
firemen, alio aas throan from tlie ap
paratus and landed heavily agnlnst a tree,
was Instantly killed. All tbe saloons are
ordered closed today, a the rough ekancst
la becoming unruly.
X-let ml the Dead..
Tit list cf known dead follow:
I 'ft. t.HAIiLES J&iTLii. AT1 XjAV-GH-TKR.
MI05. lUi'HAKli 'ITRSER.
, jofg j j
CiillJ 'REN.
cora rain.
Hall a Blaalas Pauraaca.
It is estimated that there were 400
aons in the play house alien Ue aaploalaa
of the ga tank occurred. Tlie tank wa
being used in connection with picture.
An amateur jwrformanoe of "Scot dab
Reformation'' for the benefit of 6L John's
Lutheran Sunday school a-as bel-t pro-
. H 1 nut m . U' 1h v.lriMfn atia i i M
, , . ... ,
somensie j-elivd ' fire, and in almost lee
time than it takes to tell it. th canter cf
the ciera house wa a biasing furnace
! Th' P'7 "hif-'h
" cuH"d b U
Uamp used a the footligtit by some of
the persons on the stage who endeavored
lo aiiay tlie frightened children and quiet
! the audienor. But eien the men seemed te
lose all cortrtil of themselves and fought
aith the aomen and children whe euro-
pnaed The g'-eater J.arl of tb audience te
wT.Ue many more were bet .r.i tl. e' ene
Without a-arnitig there a 1e ;?ir ex
plosion, which teemed o l.ake in ahoe
bufJdir.g Immediately ttier wa a a-. id
rush for tb exits Th peTiii en ti.e
stag Jurr4ied ever the fitljrh' irto l.
aud-ence. Ail a-imed to have lost control
ef themselvea Trie fiames first eonsuml
the eoentrry and cam toward lb croa
lik a great wave a fir ant Tcndi