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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1908)
1 THF. OMAHA' DAILY V.TT,-. MrtN'l) Y. .lANTAHY ' .r W . .. 1 PERSONAL ran ti-rt- ny .if -.a. a-ri).- -') - la.- "n - U'a. -.. ( . ... , ., ..... ..... - mi, ;n fOrVO. V.OMF..N c-o-ni'-g . o-v,)-a w ri-r irn ir.nin ; o Vr'a-I IK. Y ,-. Wrr,a, ""'tian ota';cn r"-n-. u r.i b. dl- "arrantr Pi. ' tanard na nlca f otherwi aes'rted. TTUXGt"-. roVr s-vd. be ma'l; cut r V" . f"T1I v "" t-eAalog-u. Mri lrui t o , u-naEa. RKXT. rrxlr !l r-ad's for eld Nh, Cycle Co . nr. Wlns; tnaehinee. ;"' n1 liar racy. HOME-Mrv It. Kir. If; I N. :r,t. ;aoinirr Ronm 1. Ui-I Karnam au i HOMK for arsrnta lnr1n ppntjlfl. fine! fir hatie woara (riaM-.era wnnot oar for Uvm, a4o4rr IjM. 4.C BarK-raft ltiona Loue Hit Ffb CI 4 EXT a-ith ; lo i."M) lnvt In oicaha imrroiKl rrrirt-. tf a bargain. liAAI' X. VVATF'IN". ptiona Douf laa SM. 171 Fmm ft ( M47f VKUIX!PT' wanl fin inf. iprinc: 'tl la-h trf-sir.n'ra rinWy. AUrM F7 H. c;S T4 REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATE DEALERS. PATXB 1XY. Ioujtla 171. co.. in. Tioor X. T I. fa o ;4i JXO. T. EAKTLTTT. fil lat Xt rt B 'df. PETE H3 TRVST CO T. Life B'Jf. (if. -in GtX'P.CB A CO. Jl rarr.a citv raoroxiiTT row MIK It 17. .Wk II AittiiWi , ouin Ooiara. tlai. 1 1. C.. Kaciti. Wit. !? m: 17 thvU- aril, fas- T. M w 1! Ml iiy kt, or.xlil. lr brick barn aad rnnaK tottaa. to t arrar of 1". h and La-avenworth Sta. THOMAS BR EX NAN. r.onm 1 New Tork L.f Buildfn. , (ilt-l LIST roui" nriapFrly arHh Ciiri Povar. f:d and Cummin Kt. t'.Ji M TIKA!, KSTATB TITLE TRUST pfk CHAR E. WILLIAMSON. Pr. VV7- l.-44 THK REED ABSTRACT CO.. aaUbltahFal i I6C. Prnropt aarvloc Oat our rrloa IT1 Farnam (ll MIX REAL ESTATE FARM -A. HA A rOR IALB I ntaaaaata. IJ TOl WANT to uae a homeatead or 'or, and timber right addr- A. Fi. LUen Aahawa. Minn. iMt-HUl Jix Nebraaka. FOR RALE Beau til ul arnall farru. of aerea haa 5 aero of fine fruit; fin btnld loga; A mi la aou'heaM of Paano City. Neb.; will taka tJa0 lr-ga per acre than tha place 1 worth if aold before Maruh 1.. liaaL Addrcca California U. Omaha, Neb. (A' Ml lix .1 ACRES four mile frooi Florence. sS; no inuimaeiuani.. .V. R WaU. Florence. Neb. PtvTO Florence and 1141 ran MCI ilk M acre. W milca fiom lm-oln, ord land, niie Uonie, very cheep if taken at one. . X AT1UXA L 1 X VESTMENT COMI'AXY ,'.: rrn.lcla Bids. Tong tVS-L ar4h lkakotax. ja" acre of J.llen vlley. " laiM ia aero. -T. J. l.-Glowtt IIMr. Pt. Puul. Nortli Iakota M Mahon. Ill Minn. M43 lx Oregaa. A FN A P IX ORE JON TIMBER. I ;f If. a tao-lhiiila liitertai in t.OJU UMs tf pine timber land lor 4.'. Thee U:irt have ' ft of fine) whit pine ( inil-j. aril l ateU. Land valuable afur ruiihig tlrnbrr. 'fill' 5erfxT. Addret W. I Cook. .timber cul.aiip- building. Port land, Uregou uOt MM lb Hot - TtEXAS EXCi atelON. . Tuesday. Je K. we run a car from Omaha loea direct to Broarnsvilla wltho'it riuniF. -r v low ratc-a tor round trip. in a4 au-e Jknanta new winter rrsnrt, who land U-a are IncreaiFUig rapidly. tioMI M mi paywat-Bta. CeH or . a iarea 1 Fiki Laarid ana lnimiratari Co.. Sa tee Hldg. ('At M4J U aWlaaaawalax. U.VD9-laiMl-lansW " hatr ome valuable in proved and unimproved isnd that most be convened tnto cash. The lands were laker) to aetur Indebtedness y I his bank. Ca'l or wriia Clt.aer.a Mat Hark. Cadoti. l. . . isft-ins Hi Miaeeltaaeawa. WK Lav a number of good farm and ranch (l v1--"' J-1 afit'ia Xeiraaa.a aiMt pft.pertiea cf T1 k.m's at mi,cui tlaKa. ee a before you Inresi. B. E. erex a Co 4.1 at iUiig. .. 1M 14x WESTERN FARM LANDS. Ciop lei I lac. ia cropa paya far latiU. . Mt lhe lar.d is doub'Tg in lue. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. Uel-icj Brandut Lui- Ui-g- i (J?l-M4y REAL ESTATE LOANS s- 10 H '' ' prompily. F. D. Wfad, IVciJ brat-, lta al Set cam 2J -Mii: WANTED-CKjr loaas. f-eten Trust Co. ti; : Vf ASTED-City bvaea anJ warranta W. Farr.ani einua at Co. lfi sat '.am St PPIVATE MONET-NO PEI-AT GAKVi.N ERuS., itM FARXAM i-L't FRIVATE iiior.ey to luaai. no delay. J Hv sxitcrsA oyd. H6-45U Lraodeui L d. HOXHY H bjaa on tir.proted Omaha prop- "1y W. J DEFODT IXV. t . Tel. I'oug. il . N. T l t.-M3a LOWEST P.ATES-Erla. PajLloa Bock. L41AN on O Eeefa K 1nrccved Omaha property. E. Co.. 1VI N. T. Ufa bldg. MONEY TO LOAX-Payna Inveatment Co t2r-sss PRIVATE ruoe.ey t roan on tmprovej real eel at N P. Dodg aV Co . 1H Far Pam et iJ1 ! WANTED TO BUY ; WANTED To buy seooai-haJBd faraitur, ok a ml baatmg sieve, carpels. Uao laauia. affica f urnUiua, aid ioua and a'-tra. naaoa. fraiJMra t-aal M - a 4K(4r aa aj k aa oi tool, ar .! uy u - furrwiiMa af year h eoainlcte, Tia V'XOaat praoa paid. ,ail lha lht aaao. Tel. Doug. ftL liir-M7.4 Feb a? ICON D-H AND . laa :: to feed sack. No ainount Lakl. -wagmar. UN It, e- e-al CASH raid for ev-onj 1 and cVo.hi'r. saoea. ad. M t, UU Mi. Isi, . - . . xii aa . WANPHBUL.; ; WANTFD-T H'-r. wj T.-fl furnt' ;rt owk awd V'ni -.i,va, -;-ia lr. 1 ; ! irn. sT"' f urn .!. n! ! t'Mt.f st " W piano-i. f;iir. bd pi'l". t' rw r.1 J lr'--.1 of 1a; fir w.l' V-i-ht Tamil :? f !. .-"! emT-l'. the h 1 ie me ri 1 CO f- rv. WANTED SITUATIONS pT WOMEN f.t-Uih.t Tlrtior LicanUa 1.11. f nr- TAXTF.rv P.UrTi crrtjirdrt. rnkepr or hr ofL'-e rfc. by rctd fl r-1 man: rtK! f tklna ifirj" of frv-; at prii rapljl. hi ht.H to niak? a chacce- f. O. WAXTFTD Yfr)t in Miiu by rurf man; rrtrn; -ftcvil farhr-r. rxMiitiOTi r"U". l-aT luturr', I. M Mkrr, Jiiox lAn Xrt.. ir) M.VM 1 PO?IT10X by T'n-Vini c!r ln 3ar' ipmM)i in anr! fhprrhan5a. fip1l nf rlaaitIlr:t. raoutabl . best rffrrrTic-i. AJrrwi T l4 car i. r-M;ir . . . . . i. T?nlTKX wr?t-1 y ti'rlTO!"i and .ijonnikff. W. Rajmocd, Xw Ptiarrm. COMPCTEXT 'oriini3(nl. n prricnrl in t.U dM!la o mrcanli'ia ard rorporatinn arid cif'T rnk. audiUnir. B-.kli Tfoan'ial atal'rrHr an1 balance wla. rapat') of r mpi.fylr ( ruTib-acm rct h-t-'.n. dM-iF:rf (-rnornica) a) tn.a . and -l:rrinUMt i;j?T!ui;V. . wanla mr,l- ntn In Orr.ara or f)ahf-T. A1Jp 1 WAXTKD PaaHinij aa oampanion and - in lcl:t houakFTprg by rfinF our.(t wxman of ; ptaaaaiti hona m.-r trr.porlant than waF; firl-;a rf'r fw raxhanred. Addra M. Jo. ! or.. Clay Vo N. ?T 14x LEGAL NOTICES NT!t? TO PRU);?: CONTRACTOR" lir'djf Lulldfraaud JsUltiU) Mn Juir--liiiS. Colo, JiJU 7. t'"t ira!ed profiaala tiiii ba rFT-eivnJ by l"! Hard of County "o-.m:irtn ra of Mm k k toiinty. Colit lad". vip to 1! o'cIk k iinn of thF rth oay f-4 January. lrF. (or i..e oni') i canatru'" tn r-f a pil bnJt-. alut l.if f't inar. ecr a p rlkin ol' tt.e fV.ul h Jatte rlter. n-r'rtia(t Irain 1iie aouin end of th nw Walo br : at Juk-hur tv Hi aouth barn if th- South Plall rlvrr. ar-d rcp'kls 1I V fof:rt-d by tip Hoard of County Comm;iri-ra of ed xk cooniy. ("cloradta. up to 12 o lev of the J7th Oar of January, l1. ibe fvrtnalitac of ail material to bu.i.l a pile biius about . 1 .'W fa( kn. fiki "a tar'al ta ba-Hr-rd at e north ftv! of Uj a l- portion of Ih Hlata brtdaw rurw btiiit Ft Jmatitum, Colorado, acroaa tbe Bemh llaita rivtr. . taiJ propoaala aii a'a r received by raid -board up to T3 aVIurH noon of the ittfl day of Januarv- iw. f.r the build. ne and furr.iF.hlnr of ail labor in tti buildinc of a pilay brid( ato;it l.u fet lone acron a fx-rtion of tfce Poutli rlatt river, exterd Hif from tbe aoutlt end of tha new Mat? Lriden at Juieaburr; to the aouth bank of the South Plat ta river. . All propoaaia to be fil-d with the county clerk, at her offka in Julsbura. Colorado, at which offir further irifonnalion in re tard to auch rxif and work and a copy i.f the plana and rpeclflr-atinne and imoirai of raterial rrquiird for aaid bridge will I kept and c an be aeea by any pertn 1nf-nied. ... ... The aaid Board of County Ccirr.miaaionera rea,-rf tl,e rlaht to reject any and ali Mla cfferiHl. By ortirr of th Board of County Caro wialonera of 6edr k. k county. Colorado. Py C. W. WHITE. Chairman. JlWlTt . . N TICK OF PALE OF HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT EON If Sealed uropoaal a iil reoa-tved by the Dttrn t Board of School 1'inrict So. three until li o cluck noon, th i:rt day of February, A. Z: I'M, for the ptirchaae of , of the bonda of School iFirtnct No. three cf Harlan counly. Ne braska, aaid bond daited January ft rat. A. D. IV a. lavued for th erecting on the pres ent ail now owned by aaid diatrlct a new high- aclwH building and furnishing and healing ii nam.-- Raid Ihonrta run from five to nlneifen yeara from dat bearing lnlereet at the rate of six per cent pr annum. prs!le annually at lhe fisc al ag-rey Tif th..' Wle cf XebraKka In the lit oT Tfflr Tofk. 5a'd bonds mature as folloaa; ti'.eCk. January first. and IliA' eerv eeomid year t hereafter. Kach bid shall b accompanied wiih a certified check for H.ftH. psab!e to W. Pierre. ireasurr of id d1ilt!ct. Numlarr children school age, 4J1 lrt oomplei aaaemnt of diatri t. I2.6:4 No other Indebtodneaa In thla dia Iricl. Proposal ahould be directed to C. T. 'TTipaon, r3!retor. Otlcuna. Neb. The board reserves itie right l reject any or all bids. J'alcc an li d at Oricgns. Neb. th' eighth dav of la-iv. A. I. 1H P. W. Phea. Moderator: i". T smpson. iroctor; w. P. Pierce. Treasurer; J. M. Jolinon. Rdgar !.. Means. Mrs. J. L. laimson. Hchool Board of Dls trlct No. three, at Orleans, Neb. . . JUD-5t BTOCKHOLTERS MEETING ffic of Lee-G'.as-Andresea Hard war Company, Omahi, Neb., Dec. 14. 1"C. Notice is hereby given 10 th stockholders of th Lee- Glaae-Andrecaen ISardaare company tiiat .h7 JZWXir. free offering, by p.. Id at tha ofBca. olL:,, 'ZTX " r,1 T t Ninth and Har- 'Sc at tllMTV Lard tr.a ar.nnai meeiing 01 i th company a ill ba Leld aaid company, corner of ney streets, m th city of Omaha, ua th stale cf Nebraska, on Tuesday. January 14. A. D- at I o'clock p. m for th pur pose of alecilrg a board of di:ctore for th coc.pany, to serv during tha coming rear. aad lo trarsact such ouier busibes aa atiai ta we nled at aurh mseting. (Sai H. J. LKE. President. .Attest: W. U. GLAaS. aecreiary. - - DUdlOt STOCKHOLDERS- .MEETINO. Nolle la hereby given (hat tbe annual meeting of t-e stockholders of TTi Be Building company will b held at t a'clock p. m.. Tuesday. January 14. 3tCi, at th nfno tf VAM eximpanr In Th Re building. O'eal.a: for 1b election of a board of ul reaMors for th enu:rg year and th trans action of sieri other business aa may prop erly, come befor such meeting. C C. ROSS WATER. Secretary. ,J2d!U D 4c 8 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PRiOPOSALel "TOR CLfVflllNO AND Oui'IH' WuaiieiaiauMer s ci fioe. Third and ;e S-'ret-ts. St. Ijouia. V!o.. January II. l! eValed pri', in tr.p lioata ubject to limal o.rxlilickcia, will b laxeived here until 11 o'clock noon, January ii. 1?". and then oprned for fumishtng and delivering at either th New Tok. ITilla nelphig cr fJ. Loa.'s depats of th Qjartrr-Masu-ri Ieptunent. I'. S. Aro. S.'Mfr hatchers iZ itv With ar.J .without Lt-lva-ai and i.ui) mattressea The right i reserved to reject or accept any or all prooosals or any part thereof. Prefereiaca wiil be given t artsciea of domestic mtnu facture. cond. '.,011s of qoail'.y and cno linriudirg in pine of foreign prodicIxT.f cr far tore, the duty Ihereom belBg tsl StsrJrd same lea can be seen at ar.J blanks (or proposaia arid full fhforma- j tion w ul b furnished upon application to 1 this cfiVe. Envelopes rontatnl-g proposals I t re endVire prvposal lor Clothing and 1 K;'ppa;e. to be OLened at 12 o cioca no. in Isi.taty tJ. 1" K. 'on g.hiader. Dpjty (.' Jirterriif1er Qeneral, V. S. Arar, fKrvit Q M. J;l H u RAILROAD TIME CARD 1. MO IT tTlO.1 lOtk AXD M ARC T. lalaa Parlfl. Lear, .a am tlU pa Arrlv 4 pa a t 0 pan aii.: am a a ot put a la pm 4 I li prn a M pm a l id am ta 1 4 pm a Hi pm 11:41 P-B a::ia rm ll J am a 1 at pm ti am 13 am . am ail at pa tlj am a -4 am a I jk am a l.ii in Ilia Over Ut a 4 Limited, l he Colorado l-l press. Atiamic Express Th Or; on Express a 1 14 pm Tb Lo Angeee Lim ...all at put 1l Fast ila.l ai-sVara Th c.' lna at Japan MaU a4 ' pm Coo-A.haaga spatial ail Id am Beat a A a too.a g LcsJ.bU M piu Non:i l'.aua Local at.iSau Ckicaga at Nrtasearj. Chics go liayl ght a -3 gra el. faui-il'i.u. Express 7 w auc Crjcago Local ail 'Jo am floux City f aaaengr...a 7 JM ah Chicago Passenger a 4.4 pm i;.kii fpeciai a i id pm 4. Paul-Minn. Intuited a I 1 pm Lcs Afceles Dmued a I w pm Ocerlar.d Licnlid ,.ai.-) pm Fast Mail 6aoUg tllj LOiAi. .. i'bl Mail ...... 1am Cuy l4ui;4 .. Noifjik bcuaiaatL. 1'ii.... a 1 H pia a I 2 p'u a 1 s am o ' ' a n a I :t m a :. . b a w am a a. aa pm aA.a aim S J p:a I su pm b h put 1 at pm a HI pm I so pm iti) a. 11 a I 7J 8-?i cspr - Jiivosnor.l. . . Hii,ei - ui-icr... b i.t :n yreowcl Albion. i b I at I Jl llllaala (ealraJL ' ago Expr4 .' .... a T C -3 MiTiav a gt. Paal Crs bTaaro Cnicag a 11 r-n Mjix at St. I'lJ Lratl a I X pm GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Vilaf i TTork Lover oa the iitk of Support (roin Bulls. K05E IIE TCWAPD THE CLOSE nknl la lanrr nk (aalra a4 ladlratlaa at Hfu i Ttarla a!aal. OMAHA. Jr. 11. ora.p r, krt 'mi tio ;-.Tp ar d vaiura t lowrr an iar of xpT--rt fT-um t:i ii .!(- Anna i.wl Bf !aiia aoie r.i3 and mcrF 11! wis Btown tard "lI: orni V-r on cak cif an 1 lbJ! it a-prM " at'ipm mr.u. ml aj Hinimrl vu lackina at h 1n nidrTib) b--k rrrincMi. nit n l at a a r-cuvr-d tear iia cua by; j intcrraitng b-iylr.e art fom ..r?nl du:l and Uckfd np- S .! tna 4f r"f t pric-a vaailjr ad Hjh " ( lnt vr ro feai ira l.i ita laarr Tjrkft. ; Cata ornd ralrr firm an T7j i. . Xr tr c1fi -)-Talor' pa-p atarird to i Kii and muhI alicht fcrpak. Primary ht rc-ifxa a-we bual-iei and ahipmma wer in.Q Tviar; 4 acainal raveipta iaFt ftr of VvtW bustiaa ; and a:iipmTita of ICftO bual.e!. ! Corn rt4pt . buv.el. and aJitprr.n!a of K..o busheia. ara:ri I.!nv.i iied A. T lower on wceat and unchanged on corn. eaboard reportod aw.M0 bushel of wheat arid . buabela ot corn taken for export. Lwtal rat( of opt loot: Article. I Ope. I H!h. Low. I Clnt.l Tet'jr. r-,..a w.v r:-r c. a..-" r.. - ,vaBW 1.... .1...... I 'cir'aranwi wr ia. buabrla of corn; I . ."a-. ,' liV Data. ' 1W. . ......1 . ai a... .K.l. 1 ju-f a. ... . ... -i. Wheat-J I i 1 Mav...! 1 i 1 "la. "IV J11W...J S I S 6-pt... J;1 Cc-rn- . 1 1 ! May... 15' sSi,' (ft ? J'jle... M j Ml M' evpt...; sn J.JV u, Oaia ;" j ! Mir..1 MV,' MS SS,' Ju:r...l 4"V "' ftejii...! 4v ! W 1 cis' SIS :n V UV 1 KH 11 M MVa J 4 Omaha Caak Prtrea. WHELT-Xo. I 1 rd. r5l ; herd, i'li--; No. 4 hard. m'CTc; xo. pfi,. k)i;.li; no grad. SWjMr. tXRN No. I color. 6Ac; No. 4. c . no cade. Aarfyir; No. t yellow, a!Hv.jCi No. I whJla. irajo. . J OATrV-No. I mixed. ("047'itc; No. I wnita. 7c; No. 4 while, 47c i:y e No, t, 7SS7C, No. I. Car la t Bxeeelgta. Wheat. Com. Ca' si is 121 fci il CTilc .. Minreapoir Omaha Dulutn rillCAGO GRAIN AD PROVISIONS Fratnre at Ike Tradlag aad (laalag Prlrea em Roard at TraJ. rHirmn Jn 11 TTirecTa'Jrm of tr- creased worlds snlpmeuis was chiefly re sponsible f r a b-ariah wheat market to- j dav. 7T Hav ontloii at the close was ofr . Sc'. Corn ' ( losed V lower. Oat were; doa-n V" Provisns showed losaea of from j :y to 7'c- . . . Cpenlng dull, th wheat market showei a tendency to s- in the sbeence of specu lative interest. The selling movement that resulted In lower f'gjres was due to an esitmal for a foreign crn Journal that th aorlds shipments for th week would how a larae increase. A oecnn at -pool of SjAc was rcOecied in th opening here. Miv being 4itc lower at tl.iv 1 at li state A momntary show of Iniprovesiient. based on a report Of oroh ahl slifrtage of th rtusaian crop. ej-rd rarHes slightly higher, bu. tbe advance was soon lost. May sold up to t:.Ca. but upon reftmpfon of liquidntkm broke te fl 6V l.'&Su closing at U V a net 1" of Vc. Primsre rreip4 were ffl..a bu., com pared with io.uuo for to corresporiowig rtir veair ago. Clearances of wheat nd flour were etymal ta il hit Minneapoit. Duluth and CTicax rpond reccipis of Hhn car, aa again! SI last wek and J.'l a rear . Oorn opened steady en smaller country offerings, bnt broke sharply under asr in fluence of liberal local receipts. pvilini; pnessur waa not great at th lower level, however, country' advice of weather tm favorabi to th marketing of the crop acting tn a mure aa a check to in bear pressure. May opened ',f3''c lower at "MiS. "'d at S'-c. but lose-1 weak V above th bottom at Ixcel reoeipl were 411 cars with none of eonlratt gtsd. Trade In oats was extremely dull ar.d was confined almost to operations bv pit traders. There a sa mere or less selling Vressiire in sympathy with other gr'n and the lone waa heavy. May open-d a shade higher at M-.e and sold beta wn that figure and Ks6CV-. where It closeJ. Lral receipts were 13S csrs. Proeisions were fairly sleadv, sana'kr run of hears than anticipated otisenirg king interests, nie loss for Vay pork of waa down I'-c at RAILWAY TIME CARD" oatlaaed Tklrata, Hark lata a at dt rarlfie EA8T. Cfclcar Limited a IT am Iowa Local a 7f9 ja Lies Moines Paasor.ger. a IrCO fm Iowa bllrWam Chicago ( Kasttra Ex..a 4 i pm Chicago Flyer a :i pea ' WEST Rocky Moimtain L ; d. a',1 li r-n Cola, and Cal. E al:lpm Okl. nd Texas Exp... a 4 44 pm Chicago Great Waatinraw ail :05 pm a 4 pm al W pm J) I a prs a 11 pm a I Ii am a S i) am 4 ) pm a 1 .75 pin 1 :M att t. Paul-Mmneapolis pm Sc. Paul-Mlnneapolla 7 tu am Chicago Umliea t: pm Chicago Express 1 am Chicago Ex r-resa I V) pi MUaaarl Pacific. K C. V Bt. 1 Exp a am 1C ('. BL L Exp aii .it am AaaaaaAv. 6u Louis Express a pm an 1 ical (from 11 .3a pm I 27 am 11 . prn l-K pm a 1:4a am a I pm a I JO am 71:15 pa bl.U am Counca Eluff a I J0 am Star, berry I ocal (from Council Biuffsi pm rklraga. Mllsaaakea !. PaaL Chic a Colo. Special ..a T am all :0 pna Cal 4k Or, g-xpresa... a pea OverUnd Umited : pm perry Local p a 11 pm am i: aa BVB.LINGTOW STA. IOTH aft MASON. tiarllestew. Leave. ..a 4 10 pm ..a 1 11 pm ..a 4 1 pm ..all ta pm ,.a I ta am ..a 11 am .. I t pm Arriva; a I 4i pm a I s pm a t.i pis alo 15 pm a t 10 pm 110 pm a77 11 pm Denver A Calif nil Norfhwest Bpetiai ... b;s. k iu: ScrtLweel Expras .. Nebraska points Ntbraaaa Expr .. Ijruoin fast Mali.... Lincoln Ixx al .y. Lincoln Local Lincoln Local ) bulr - Plaftsrootith b I II pm Bl:rt - Plsttsmoath.a tvj pm Piaitsmcnith-lowa b I. it am Believue-Plattsmauta .. 1 ryenver Limited a I II prn ChlcAg gpetrlal J.4 " ChH-ago Expresa 4 pm Chk-sga Flyt I 10 pm laws l,ral 11 am Ft Louis Epta 4 46 pm Kansas City A St. Jo al ti pm KanC1iv ax Su Jo, a f it am Kansaa Crty x Si. Jo, a 4 a pra Did am 1 ai si pm ; 7 4 pm i bin 29 arTI a I U aa j b 1: pm 7 is am all 41 pm I il pm s I la) am all am ail -ei am a ( k an I 19 pm WE BITER STA. 1STH aft WEBSTER. Ckicaaw, Oatkl. St. Pawl, MlaaeaalU aft I lsr. b 4 am .a pas c 145 am Arrive b I ll pm a am ciilcn Twin City Fssserger S:ou City PaFi'ger Emerson local Mtaaiearl Pneler. Auburn !.- b IU pm bll am Da; y. I- i aily rcpt Sunday, c Sun day oaly. Daily except Saturday. Dally OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CAIIAD1AII PACIFIC t.jpr tala of ta AtlaatU. Flrc Cabin Winter Rata- S vs. Supertar axcaxaomodauon avavi.aLile. af ;y, speed and corr.fort combined. Writ far particular. a m. mx jAJtxji. agv. SIX 19. ClsZB SI. . . Ckicago, tX ft r. I.--, lav ; .rS ji tr. r. rg. e t; a. f v- V 4T7 cars; oa'... " bead. i n mjti f.ilJM rsrd as 'o'!"' Ari' iwi.i o-. : vi iiir."! rr.-i-e., Tj. j W! Fat Va, . il'r S Co: n May I 1 -S ' y , .' t t -pyax "5 f---. t . a : a 1 aa j "Vl Mar SVay ajwiv bJuiy Tork Jn. Mv Larrl J Jin. Miy r.;r.- J-n. 1 i.vJH I 4TH 4". 4T1, ' 45 ! 4 . ii'-, I'll 1 II .I II CH' II ! 1J 4 1 U : -'a 13 r:- n ii 1 Mar ! J r. . No. a Old Caati q'jplai!ina atrt as flliaa: KiAK'jt. PiFady; :nirr paiFnia, II MJ 4 1Tlhi.a. 4 Jr-Vi 4 7t ' pnnf ra''. r- "..; siraig;,?. bakera, tii v. ViHtAT-So. 3 aprn. tll.'bl'A. No. tli:il i.". No. i rl. aXJHX-.Vo. t. V; X.. J fl!r, C. HA1 i No. 1 4y ; No. I whit. 4ijrc. RTf-N". r ttc. BAKLEV-r'iir io choir rraliinc MtJI SKEL'?-Flax. Pr;m ilmo'hy. N. 1 DotUiwaaiera. Clover, cntraai Kc!i. Ttk rf tie rc?.pta ar.a hip- men cf tlour and sra;n: Keceliita ... n.- ... Jtii-i ... ?;4.(ni ir.-.i &.: ... fe hipmenla. 1 4-1' ; a. 11. ' nour. bbla Wheat, bu Com. bu Caia. tu Re bu Barley, bu On th Produce exrlar.fe today tht but- tor market aaa atrore. cieanienc. 3'?r; dairie l.S"c Kara, eaay : at mark. o-i inoluded. JatflVr. lira!. Sc; prince (nf.f. 77c; ajtiras, Cbt-rae. ateady, Uj j AEW 1 OR K (.KAEalAL MARKET Feat area f Tradlag and Prices . LeaallaaT Canaaallllea. J NKW YORK. Jan. 11 FLOCH R 'crijia. ;.71 bhl?.; eiforts. II. 11 l-bla. Market duil and uncbanitod: Minne'ta paler, to. 40j7(: Mlnmaota hak-r. I4(..''0.l. winter pHtent. lklii;i; inter ura'grt. I4:('(4.. ex traa. ! .! ;; winter Jow grade. e 1 a' a I" njp iMur, inm. lair iv i ;i; choice to fancy. Is i.'.tt. 1 Buckwheat flour, stead). ti.M per . 1 00 j Sl-a..-., e, v... 1- .-i-uf. ... r it-j j yel.ow. Ii.4-a l.atf: coarse, kiin dried. S.f(it (i. RYF Finn: No. 2 western. Sc. f. o b. Nw Ye-k. WHEAT Rc-eipts. CS.OdO bu.; expo.t, 11f.4T bu. Spot market steady: spot No. I red. II C7H. eletator. and tl. f. o b. afloat; No. 1 northern uuiuth. 11241a. f o. b. afloat: No. ,..a win. i tcr. 11. SOU. f. o. b. afloat rolloving easier cables. rn-l cpeneil 'if lower toriav but rallied c. bull support and reports of a good domestic casci deinsnd. j closing 'c net higher; Msy. IllJVi 11IS. dosed at 111S-; July. ll. l.eS. ciead at llS CtiKN Receii.ta. 17. bu.; exports. S.rlO bu. !pol market tady; Xo. -'. 7i".c. nominal, elevator, and 7c, f. o. b. afloat. No. I ahlte. CHc and No. 2 yollcw. nom inal, f. o. b. afloat Option market was without transiutioas, ioing c net lower: Mar closed at HSc; July closed t 4HI.C. I ('ATS Ripls. 1. bu.: exports. S 7S& bu. Spot ma t Ft duil: miM oat. 2 to 12 pound, tme; natural ahite. it to J2 pounds. 4 ! Ho; clipped wbita, a.. .a nAm f;l- h 111. HAT (Julet ; good to choice. l 1 CS. HOP9 Quiet: stat'?. Common to choice, isti. crop. i:ii. " , - . - " cific coast, 107 crop, llc: li' crop. HH'ES Quiet; Bogota. lc: Central Anieri'. lac. I. It AT HER Quiet: acid. IteS.c. PROVlSKNS Beef, steady: family. IHMfilUI: mess; l.ll.oA: beef ham. 24 iai.i(l. packet. IV, -el: city. xtra India me:' Cut meals, quiet: pickled Tiam. Iard. steady: western prim. I M w 1 re fined, barely steady: continent, ft.ith America. t 40; compound. I'.'-1 4J7.S7H. Pork barely tady: family. 117 inti 1 Of: short clear, 1S.IS 14 i; TALLOW StaaJy: city (13 rfrkfl. S 7-Kc; country ipktrs. freet. i R1E A,uit: domestic, fair to vxtia. ts'v,e; Japan, nominal. ;I TT Eli Firm, creamery specials, flhiCi extras. Tic. CHEESE Firm srd timhangd. i-jGGS Kasy ; aestern grd semtbern firsts, y.1 ; ii!dJ6c. , POl'LTRT Alive, iull: western chick ens l"c foals. 17r turkeys. 14c-: dressed, aestern ei K kens. 13ff"jCc; turkeys. Uaii: fowl. ldi.ic. WRITHFJI IX THE CRAIV BELT Fair gaaday, ssllh liaipartaat I (baage la Tempera t are. j OJIAHA Jh. 11. 1.'T. i Tiie trough of low prsjie 11. at extended 1 noit.'i and south over lue central valieya I t'rwi.s morninu has iitvtopd into a well de!ii:-d storm area that now overlie 'he f loaer Mississippi valley and middle Oulf ' statea. Tills aistutbanca is attended t general rams throughout tl.e loarr itiie)i and southern atatt-s. Tii pressure con tinues high ar tiie wat and ha increased lapldly over the upper valleys, causing a serv deciox-d fall in temperature every where from the Misi:pl river west to tiie mountains. Tne weather Is warmer east of toe river, and temperature arc rising in the west and northwest. Fail werither wiil continue in tt.l vicinity -iu-nlgl.t and Sunday with no lmportitil rcangee in temperature. Ou.fc.ha record of temperature and precipi tation con.pr4 with the correapondir.g day of th last three year: t. rwe. lxa. Miriintum leroperatur IX 14 4 Precipitation .01 .(O .i Sortral tempera lure for loOay. t) degreea reefjciency in precipitation a: nee Marcli 1, J . n hea DelicierK-y con poMl. is period la UU, t f J inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1WV, .7 tnrhe.. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. SI. Lawla Gearral Market. 8T l"iCI3. Jan. 11 WHEAT Lower: track. No t red cash. r. CtTSdl M: Ne. 2 hard. tlr14; May. ll.Mw; July S4eC. CORN Lower: track. No. t cash. IsSe; No. 2 wtite. Wtffi'.c; May, 97S6c: July, t7r. OATS Ixwer track, Na. I cash, 50c; No. 2 Lie: May. He RYE Scarce at Be Fl JO I" R Steady: red winter patents. It 5 g4 m, extra fancy and straight, It Juajt iv: clear. tlTS4(i. 8 KED Timothy steady. IlifV't a. CtF.N"M17AL Stead v: tl. Ic RAN Steady ; racid east track. tl-CeVgr 1 ! HAY eteady; timothy. 1IW917 ; prai rie. $, g3 ir ". lRf.N COTTON TI Ea-tl M. HAur.lKw-W: Hi MP TWINE lie. pr.OVIBKiNS Pork. Mgser: Jotting. r.J.-"i. Lard, lower, prime leam. 7.iw. L'ry slt rneai. steady: boxed extra shorts. r.s7a: clear rib. IT ..; snort clears, t fcacC'n. steady'; boxed extra short, altar r't.s lellik: short rieiai. t 7x. 81.7.. I Bl TTER Firn-.; cmsitr. Itoc j .EGGS Firm at 21c. cee couait. Ivjl'LTRY Weak; clilcAen. prings. t; turkeys. ltc, ducks. 7rc; gcac Shae. j Reee.pis Shipment , Fiour I a ;...: ' Wheat, bu. 1 fam 1h 1 is MT.val 114,0.0 tl (" .! ' e.A'D Oa:a, bu. MlaaeapalU Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS Mir n . Jan. It WHEAT ktay. I11J4; July, r IIS: Ni. 1 lard. S1.14V No. 1 northern. tlUS-' N". 2 northern, fl.iej: No. I northrrn. fl W. 1 Fl'CR rirm; first pa-cats. i.3i.i;; Spftr4 patents. VOS : first ciear. HaTij4'. aerord rlears. tl Mejt , BRAN in fcu.'k. liSa IJearwosI Grata aad Pravtslsa. UVFRPCOL. Jar. '.1 .-WHEAT Spot firm: Na. 1 reel western alrt'.-. 7s "I'rd. futures o'tiet; March, ta V. May. Ss -d. CO RN Tttot, firm, prim mixed Amer ican, r'w. bs .3. prlrr e m xd Airern an. 'd as M rutures. qu.e ; Marctt. is is i.d: ' TV- 7 7r T M 7 Kaj i I ! ' ' I t v i c nr. : c i b xm-. 1 Peart a Grala Market. PEriRTA Jan. 11 -CARN-lwer: No. yeliew. taHoM-e; No I. 64-4,0; N 4 li-'.lr.ii'"; Tin grade. 41 4ic. OA r-Ier: No. I whits. 4HC60C, No. I a nt'e (-iav. - wiusKx-r- ss. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 'Cattle cf All Eisdi SlrotR for the HOGS C0ST1RTE OS GRADE krea anal laraba la rT I" talaralay tad t raa aW Tarr AM tlilrl-ri la 0 Klfly lllshrr. ptH'Tll Kc:i.t ar; OMATJ V J:i II rn.i' lira- - Offs lal MfnjFV Wl Hj C'ft'ctal TuFFKjav t-''a ' -l O-fwial Fn-a4ST X"fA lS-- Of'Tial Tt.rrduy S.1 l.Ff ;fi-t.ii 1-ii.nv i.r i" Ivatimalr aat'Jrdnv 1 tim i F i iF thi ek "1 ? 41" -5 f ' " ' H.4V. i:.r;' .-. tsi: f ' fam diri i aekj ago. I fm oari J ani. j Same wy 4 ks kg . . Pa:nr L.a a last year iTba fo l-.wiaa- law rliowa t:a rc.;r".a o. n an 1 at j-jin Oiiiaii t ' taiiiF. 1 ' Itia )i;t iO r"iiTarra ai.n aFi. yrar: I M'attJa ! Hat ! Ptirrf. L- l,,c- 10 SjfS I.FC Hf.KA - ::..) 4.4 tabl al oaa T 8otiih (win Tor the Jit ThF fo!)nwinp pnea of hrs at days, aritu cjmjariaonf : C7.:i. l1 '14. -Ha'- Jan. Jan. Jan. Jen. Jan. Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan t 14 i y 4 s' I 4Hi K J S ! 4 c, turn I M M 4 34Vj' f i a; 4 art. ! 4 :v ;i 4 2:' : 4 :-v 4 nv 4 it es s 14, s r:! .,:( 5 X5I 6 ' S a - 4 4 77 I" ll' UI C 7 , I 1 4V 4 4f t 14 4 J.-' I ft. C f I i r M 01 4 l! 4 aV I ( 14 4 Mt I S ! H 1" . w. 5 jnclay. al nu-rber of c4 of a1 Th offi. brought In tdey It each rw.d i: tattle. Hoca.SiJocp.H f . M tk St. P 1 li WaSaah ll'wurl Pne-flr 1 ' - t'nion Paflfk- n iem 1 J I -. at X. W.. eaat 1". A X. W . ae I- A ' C. t. P.. M. AO 1 11 , H. A- . el .. 1!. (J . trert St '., n. I. A: P.. eaet.. .. c . T7. I i P . wet . .. t lliirni fVntral 4 chicaga Gt enern .. Total rece'rta .4 1' 1 Th dispr.s:lK.n of the day s receipts was i' follows, can buyer pnrchasir.s th num- , - k..,4 iriiiraled: Cattl Hoas Phecp. S.VO 1 Omaha Tacking Co.. ! Swift and Con.rany. i Ctidahy Packing Co.... I Am-. our ar Co tudahy. from Denver.. F. P. I-ewis al 1.42 y I.K1 J. rt. rtuiia-. p Co.. Totals ... 11 2.53 tie any CATTLE There were as usual on no cstti of last day of the week. consequence on ai thia morning. the mar ine ciy ket tieii.g oominaily sieajy Hi. before. The receipts of cattle this week hare been cjuite liberal, t ing almost doubie the receipt of the previous week and prom- nearlv uo 10 th recid male yor th corresponding week of Isst year. The ouBhlr of th cattle coming this week b bee 1 ncne too ood. although a few decent corn led leers are beginning ti show up. The pre st buik of the receipts, however, has 'ons'sted of warmed up steers d cow srfurf. with a very small spnnkirtg cf t"cker and feeder. "1 week siarted out lower on mri eers. price in many rase snow in drop of 1'aaiSc on Monday and Tuescisy. Since Tuesdav. under the influence of a verv good buying demsnd. prices have firmed up until at th do of the wek tt is l.srdlv possible to sea any quotable chanre In t markets s compared wltn last aeek's strong c'.o. Th movement on mot dav durir.g th week was suffi ciently active to effect a reasonably early clearance, and the pencra! feeling on th market waa favorable to the selling in terests. In fact, the fceiir.g is o good that some are quoting th? market aa higher than last we k. Cows snd heifer darine the firt tao das of the wtek also suffered, but r.neo then, oair.j to a good local demnd. com bined with an exceedinely active sn1rrmg rienisnd. prices hsv firmed up and the market is strong, to say the !:. as com pared with a wek ago. If a-iyCl-.r. It nvght be a liill higher. Sl"ckers and feeders hi" m verv Vaht S'lorlv all the week, w 'e there flea b.-en a very decent cVnajvd for t.i:s season I of the t ear. As s resul! prices in' - 1 irmi I un and are generally ouoted I'HnTdc higher . ti an a week aso.a , , Quciationa on cat!1,'-: Oood to ciiolc corn fed suers. ta S"nS 7T : fair 10 goo,j corn ' fed siers. M f'ii5 3: corr-mon to fair corn ' e. steera Ill-i4 a(i; good 10 choice cows land heifers. 7!.i4 40; far to good cows aod heifer. II7:t7t.; common to fair cose and heifers. II.TT; 7?; rooa co nw- ae.o. i era and (eedcra t4.ol4 &: fair 10 gaoa tw Iters and feeders. tS '?T4 .": comnon to fair stock' sod feeders IKllXiO. r.epresentatlxe ssles: BSEF oTEERB. A. Pr Ha. rr 14... :s 1 Ka '? ski 1 la COWS. 1 1. 1 : zm i 1 v . T. . .17 HEIFEBBV I aa li r.i 4 11 4 t I I .11 IS 1 - St II t . . n 1 - - - . .... f . U.I UnllV run 01 r.ocs on ana tinr tinnii.a . .. th mairket waa not ven- active most every- thing in sight cl anged l ands in very f 'f season in the mor-jtng. 1 i.e price i'an( were Sc lower than yesterday's market. , the bulk of th bogs going at tt XJo Lri. 1 as against 14 4-:W yesterday. j t . . r j m ,.a a,..,. 11,,. aa.k have been : ...... 1.. .Jl .e..a ,r. . h,iw ram over IheJcrened corresponding week of a year ago. In fart, 1 rece:i-is this week have been pretty nearly j do, Lie what tiiev were last year. The ey don-rrd ,4 TrsdaV. :,en 'there waa . ctn 1 h drop yemerd.y and t.ay a a matter of toursa, a ines out all the adxance ana m,lr. 1 too. leaving the market at aeek iT'Txn-Tta; lower it as" si the close of Ust week. Representative sales: Is a, e. rr Ha as. Sk Ft I J- lie 4 av aa r . . 4 :t il IU la 4 . ke :s ... 4 :i ITS 141 s 4 a U fl at 4 15 I. i " 4 e 4. 1' 4 11 ft T ... 4 1iH 71 Pi m Tl 171 4 :lw Tl X ... 4 Ii a 1 ... 4 J?k, Tl n 4 :ti T 'Tt ... 4 : IT 1I 4 4 17-4 14 . 4 t: Ti. til . H' K 1T a 4 4 llw t. 17 ... 4 Uw M . .....' .. 4 K lt 4 ll Tl ....:4 4 1 II ,'M 4 IS TT 1 4 ITS - ::l a 4 H tt t ... 4 IT" ti. 14 . . 4 H TT 2 ... 4-: ti iM . 4 :i i j' 4k 4 :"a 11 si m 111 m r . . 4 ri Tl ill . - 4 11 Ta : t 4 l'H t.4 a iii ti i'H n 4 l" a sc :. 4 ii a r; i 1 '" I la a 4 . r a ' ; 14 IU Tl .. .- 4 571 :.4 a 4 U S4 t4 4 4 It1. -" K lli V.I ... 4 It- 41 !7 S 4 J 17 Xi . 4 "Ti4 IT. 174 ... 4 1 r X. 4 4 IT Tl fet Sa 4 ia .a IU 4 1"' rt t: 1 1; 4: " li'H 14 :4 4 li 44 iii' 4 lTli i :.l J 4 IS ST J 4 T 74 TT! ?-5 5..." . " -4 r 43 .511 . I i: fr- 4 Ha It SHf .. 4 11 : '. 4 71 a i 4 ii Tl Xii 4 171 i iat a 4 If. m l aa 4 17 Tl I k'J 4 ll 4C 1 4 I7 T .74 . .. 4 15 T. 4 4 1Tj I! JU 4 1i 44 ?CI . . 4 174 a y: 1.-4 4 11 TT ! IU 4 17 M. 11 I i it --. 4 MH n nt is 4 1- n 11 s 4 IT 4! ! a 4 il av f t 4 I 17 a I t SI 4 li !, HI - 4 174 Tt r ... in 1: 4 1: T m . . 4 ii v: law si 4 n T: r II 1U Ml 4 to a in ... 4 11 r.4 as 4 sa 44 II lb kr let ... I j S4 IT - . 4 li a e ... 4 l T7 JSC 4 4 la 4" ... I T a 4 li ?41 ... 4 P 71 14 1 4 li i It 44 rtt a 4 11 i4 , la 4 sc. rii .i'i a-.... it . . 1 w li si a, 4 !i a 2.4 . . 4 M Tl tf ta1l m T4 IS T -4 .. 4li 4 IT . ... -il ta 4 IS 44 t:l . . 4 SI ! 6HEEP-In'.rad of beir.g tar of Svip- i -. u . .1 a 1 plies ss usual on Saturday there was qui 1 a liocrai run nere 11. is niornir.s. tune ti:.t ' cars be'ng reported In. However, it. rivals fcr the inoat part coi. ;:(! of stuff actuwiiy put on ki s ld tery quickly ( gocaos strong prices. Tl ua a bunch of g.-oj teavy old wether soid up to K.4. as against 4 for tl.e Hint s.ulf an Monday of tma week and aa against tt uO for th -Eie siTf on Ct-ccicber Vt. Ttit sale wJl The Updike COMMISSION DEPARTMENT y 708 to 714 Drandcts Olda OMAHA, -:- -:- NED. BROKERS GIRAirV, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AND BONDS 1 -PRIVATE WIRES Telephone Douglas 3473 NEW YORK -:- CHICAGO VttaWaaa3aK3, cnoun: of ! 1 ire rrar- i iiva a pretly fa r Ufk aJanry tnat Us lakF-n kF arr;r tra laa t Th receicia of . -! p'.jt in -a WFk. th a wrk blvf been onile l.bcral a'uwinit a heavy j over i..e prtio'.i rk arm l:r.s n t W jo j ! ihort of f.ure for ihe cc-rT-fondinK 1 1 (rk of l.aat year. The rnaraet mrocgrj-l I out the a ek haa been In a mot aaliafa"- ; : try cot dition, beine quoted atearty 4T jui.e ! I a 1!U1 higher every day. In facL ttu? 1- vance ba b. n quile rat' d. k Ihat a! lhe j clew Of the week prtcea are 1 in-r 1 Chan lhey acre on e-k a-. T(i la true of toth Flieeii and lm and h ben ju j lo freer buying on toe pari of packers -i- ; eoent toon a beUtr conaun.ii.a tln.a.-d vuolationa on a-xid t' ctmiie xa .! and laniH: lmt. K TVrJ erliiiu 1 eihr. JT..iOSK: wether. 15 !! ewes. ! 4 In. Rpreetjtavlr le: Ko. Ar - IT i Western ewes : ?T--4 t-t aestem lamb . 1 7?. 1 wesiern we, culls ' : ' "aeslern ewes 1" ITT. ltd western eires 1 I I seMern ewe "s.': l t est em wethers 177 S 4i 1 r.ative eVes 1?S S 1 tiatixe re-,hT J S ' natit lambs 1 "IS 1 native eae. cull H If) j TSaesletn ewe 4 TT. 1 tHir(;o 1 nt: toik market , I Cattle aad Sheep, steady Han Fl re tenia i,srr. 1 CHICAGO. Jan. 11 CATTI-K Reoelpti. t.'t h'lu. n arket stc d ly. oeeve. t6T- i. coa s and heifers. $1 S-3 1 Texans ttl'ixf: calves. ': a est rns. i3L7tt4'; stacker and lc-ddtr. 1-i) f4 1.V liOG"Reccints. slut 17 'i TeaJ; kei ir tower: Pcht, 4 lot4 40. sritved. It h J 4 44. he-y. 4.1i4 4ij rough. 4.1.-'-7i.K; pigs, tJ!Ki4 15: bulk of sales. M.3t;4.I7V SHEEP AND LAMR9 Kec-ij ta 2 f.t head: market steady; natives. P. mr5 : weiern. U : yeerl'nys 4 wsjlj W; lambs. Ii.25ri7.0j. western. TB. 2T-i 7 Kaasaa City Lire aioek Market KANSAS CITT. Jan 11.-CATTLE Re ceipts. V'i head, including head aouih erns: msrket steady; choice export and dresse-d beef steers. IS lSdag'1: fsir to good. 14 -'.'"ai K'; western steers. iAii..3; Block ers and feeders. l?..(ftr4.Vi; soutliern sters. 4'V'a42i: southern cows, t2.VHii3.70; pstive coaa t JVMJti"": nauve heifer. li-XjC", ; bulls, li TT't 1. nstiv heifers. IS Wfi-i i; cslves. 4.XT 7S. fiecep1s for week. 40 a 0 head HOOP Receii vs. .V head: mark el 'ft? lower: loss repaltewl: top. U b-.t'k 4 1 4 IS: heavy. 4 :7'64 4'V pa kers. ft 1 nd lights. Uav&'i 10. Recelpl 1 ii I.S.; . r the eK. it: ha-ad SHEEP AND I.AM Ret Reee'pl . fled: rrwrket steady: lames, PS fcoj ; ewes and yearling. 1:4 2r'ij.5i: western yearlings. Ma-ap'; western oeep. tLaVAile: stock r and feeders. gJ.S5&4 .tf. Receipts for week. 21.400 head. M. Laals Lira Stax-k Market. ST. IOClS. Jan. ll.-CATTLERoce'p1a. Jf head: no Texans; market steady; nstiv 'shipping and export steers. i3.0'i: dressed beef and butcter steers, i(-'jS; steers undr l.tK lbs.. in.2T.y4 4f; slockers and feeders, I2.034 t; cowa and heifers. rj ifiS.3.; canner. 1 kiav : ' bull, ll (i-a AM; calves. tl2"f7.iS; Texss and Indian steers, tlW'a.iS; cow and heifers, tl TSijy I 75. HX3S Receipts. WX head: market ht He lower: pigs and lights. M 0'04 4(n lack er. MWiS4.4S; butchers snd best heavy, frl 4cr fi. SHKEP AND LAMBS Preempts, an head; mTkt steady; nstive. S"r6 0": Iambs, . .VmoSISS: rului and bucks, ll'Mfc Xi; slock er, K .. aa 1 ... w a . w.a.. ft, astesk Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. in CATTLE Recei)its, 0,7 head: market, steady; natives. rl(ci..S: rows and he'fers. 1 .Tary 4 stockers and leeaeta. P.S1I.W'. H'.;s-Receipt a. 10.7'2 head; market, steady: top. 14 V: buik M WHi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipia head: market, steady: Inmle, tt. CKajj T.oO; yearlings nd aethers. i.lS'at .75. Sloax Cly Lira Stark Market. STOt'X CITT. Jan. 11. (Special Tele gram CATTLE Receipts. I'Vi head; mar ket strong, stoc kers steady: beeves. I 7".ff J.: cow s and b-lfera. ti-stockers snd feeders. tlneXTS, calvas and yearlinga HOU9 Receipts. t.V head: market tc lower; eellmg at tt ",Sj4.3i. bulk, tt 14 U. . Stack la faigkL. r.-ipls rf hv stock at th six prin cipal western markets yesterdar: Ca4tie. tlnga fSfeeep. South Omaha 125 11 SO tdO Htoug dlfy Is Kansas City , .3, t fVw frio JosepU N.. E77 'tD.TxJ a) St Loui 4O0 (14 to Cnlc- J v K4 t7. t.g.a. Total .... ..thrl M.4KS l.i. Caxlaa Market, NEW TORK. Jan ll.-COTTOX-Fmures MJISe: April. If S5c: May. 1 Mc: Ju)r. 10 75c: Autiust. ni.'cc. tt'iooer. oiierea, 1010. Futures c k sed. steady; closing bid: KtT;,Aprfi. lc. Mi?7l June. ," Cv July ;. ie4: August 1 ; i Cober 1 Wr. j Kpot clcd .teadt 10 r,..1,h , . "' sou. i LIVERPOOU Jan. 11 -OOTTO.'--pot. ooiei, rrioas eaaier; Amrrkaa nudaiing ! fair. i.fZii good middling. 4rtd: mi.idur.g. itui: low ruiajj.r c. '.: good oriinary. I44d: ordinary. Afctd. ' tcaT of th day i were 41. at bfcie of which J0 bales war : for speculation and export. tiALVErJTON. Jan. II (X)TTOX-H!gher; 11NC. NEW OP.LK.tSS. La . Jan. IL COTTON Si.t market o-nel. l-lc above the close trsttrday; middling llc. ST. Ls'Cia. Mo . Jsn IL COTTOX-Srot market firm: imddlir.g ll"c. Rci 'ee none; reueipts, 2r ales: shipments, 1 .bales; slock. .5ta bales. Oils aad Rasla. NEW YORK. Jan, ll,-IL-olt.-ael. scava'. ixiin crude. 3'H . pnrr. leiiow. IS-a lpetrileum. steady: refined New York. If Tt. Pt.liadKij l.ia and BaaUtnora. t 71. I'j.iiuel 1 ulna and Baiiuaioia bulk. tctm. 1 H l N Firm : rtraioed. conaaaon to arod. g eiJ B&. iTI" WENTIXE Bueady: iic. OIL CITY. Jan. 11 OIL Credit balanes ti 'S Runs, AaiJI this : average. li'T TU bhi Sclpments. lst-ia bbls.; avrag. !., l'i bbl. ! SAVANNAH. Jan. 11 OIL Turpentine, firm: tie I ROBIN Firm. Quote: A R. C. KO: D. It (6c: K. trfc. F, I llt tir; ft. I l.Vy !-: H. i IM e; 1. tUTne: K. 4i 4 Tea-: M iHvi t'c: N. i tbi 7w ; WO. IS) IflSic; WW. isuK. Mllsvaakea Grata Market. MILWAIKEE. Wis. Jan 11 -WHEAT No. 1 northern, O UH; No. t northern, fl U: Mv, tiuos aUed. BAR LET-No. 2, 7. CO P.N Easier; No. 1 5t-s-er Uir, bid Dalatk Grala Market. DtTA'TH. Mirm.. Jaa. H.-WlfEAT-No, I northern. 1 '4e; Na north era lllT-. ; May. tl.U; Jl. IL174- OAT8 -c. . . Taled cad Market. TOLEDO O . Jan 11 SEEDS CI, ran aod January, ti a: Mao-b, IHiae Apr-.l lit Timottiy, prime, t- T. Atatk', prim !'.. ' -- - - , - - Pblladelpkla Prwdaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. lt-BCTTER- Finn, l'tc higher; extra western creamer". JV5V-. 1 iri'Ct Bi.ilv. rale a-i,a-i' V 1 . V...VJ., .... . ' .... v... .1. ...... in aa.. .. . afi. lu.i a sa to good. 154T1fV- EJ& cVaiet. steady Pennsylvania ar.d otLtr nearby tints, Z-c at inaik, cut- 9 Grain GO. fent rt"alp In leturnabaa eaee. ratk. ( m chota. at :c at (nark; OU All A -nOLrALB MtRKIt.i EGG St- Pre e-ePln eca;v oaeaieaj; tt. HITTER-Cpmirvt, lr; lairry twfc .aaa ro ll". IT jiK-; creaaiei, ilc . , lUKtft-Sf f -.ill crm Wla-on Ivmi ITS-; rew tull creari VrTrk. I?f; de rr,ene at f ; arae limbarcar. tH IV; yc-jng ATeriean, ITHc. LIVK It't" l.TKT-ptira; THe; bent. Vir; roo.atera. JV: d-K-k. e; lr. '' kin lr: r ceona, Vr per Jot -LK.L.-.-E.l i'Jl.':.T".T -Swlr.ri fancy, fe; liera Sw-V': rooFiera, 4c; duck, loctg l; tiiikoa, lt.fcT7c HAY Choice No ; -:p;aas. meoicaa. IS (: Ni. I bottom. 0Ci off graaala, Tram ; ;e''ia. P. sirxw. 7.0. No. 1 ai- laifa. IU.0S. I VKGETAELXA 1 POTATl'EtS-Per bw . gXJ7c 1 SWEET i"O l AiX-5 raansa-a, per. bl.. -.7S. - li'ai.e rioito. rikiia ni basket crair. fc. csi; i ho'.co, aerTaskeT cra'e, !'; Cnbar. fafry. per O-beskai a-rata. I t l.KTTVl'K-l'iond Head, per hamper. Ill'; Jr cV . 40c. CfCl'MPERS -IIH hons-, J dot. faocy. fr box. S da. choW'e. T box, II - HA iimi . JiaH luiase. per aostn, PlRSI.kV-rir .)..-. r. "' PETJ FH?-F!orida, 4-basket trl.v per frra-e t . PA RPNll'f Old. pe bbl . C X. - ei .vi.v.TTCr .-.2 : . L , i Aric' 1 ? a . i- ii p m. pr oou, -: cariaim R'.itba.s,-per lb , Tc CABBAGE Wlacons.a liojnind leed. per lb T'' . ; ONIONP P sntahi pr era'. M Vd; Wis consin Red Ohil-e. per lb. ivc. 1 CAl'I IKljinA ER-Per I-doa crate. 12 l HORSF.HADD1SH Pr dox.. Se.. I KLMCH-'ATS Owing to duality. pr qU i v to :. j. SMALlT?t-pFr dpi . FV. - HKTSSKI. PPROt.'TS. per at.. jc ', STRAWI'ERRIKS Oa ing to tjuallty. 5e I fo 1 CELKP.T Michigan, per trincb. StfS. ) XAVT PEAKS Per bu . Na, L UH: Lima 7e per lb. , BEEF CUTS. . ' X. 1 rtl. lHc; No. I fibs," lie; No tibs. .cc: No- 1 Icln. lc: Nc. ? bwr. 1st ; No. 1 loin, ec . No. 1 CBUck. PVjc; "d. I chuck, ir: No. I chock, be: No 1 round. uc; Ito. 1 round. 7c; No I WUhfl. No. 1 plate, iy; No. 1 plate, ic. No. I plte, 44s. . TROPICAL FJrlT ORANGES Fancy Washington nare'a. ail sixes, per 2.7i. xtra fancy Bun- flower, all !-. per bog, Kfj California Tangrrinea. . six and smaller, per box, n&. GR APES Malaga, choice, per keg. 14 ; extra fancy. Had; extra cbeite. per keg. M 2; extra fancy, extra heavy. i."i GRAPE FRLTT Flcfida. II aod U . per box. If. Xi. . BAN AN Aft Port Llmon, owing la !, per buncu. tl 5 to UWl PEA KS-Extra fancy, winter Nelli, per box. 17.7a. , FIGS AND DA yrr.a Vf. T crown. per lb.. Iv:c: Smvma fig, 4W tToan. per lb. l.tlJc: nmjma fig. 4 ctoan, per lb. P'ffllc; California fujs. bog 10 csrtots. t&c; Caiilornis fig a boxes. 11 cartons, f; California figs. bulk, per lb.. lc; Ha3owi dale, per Ha. Woa, Khadrawl dale, per lb.. ; Sair date, per lb., ic; Fard oates. it-lb boxes, per lb. sc. CHAN BERRIES Extra fancr Bell and Bucie. per bbl.. fltt.Mi; extra Uncy Jersey, perbbL, t.w, extra fancy Jersey, per box, LEMON-Extra . fancy Southerland Tceauty. V nt6 tm sixe. per lox. 14 4; ex tra clioica Justrit. . and MS arise, per t-ox. U 7a. FRCIT I APPI.E9 Washington Pnf. rr Hex. tl U; 11 7&; 11 TF.; li.Ti: i " e oii i j iimf, per SOI, v.n, ....... 1. . . .. . .... , t ai l's, vc asniTgion atc.naioara. 1 ..i.l..',. . i ... . ji , aFrr tena, ' Washii iftoi, .Ah-xaiideis. r box. 1 Washington Live I'ear'nalns, per box I v usintiplon P.e'l Cheek lipoma, ler box I 11 ..-; aahir.glnn Kmga. i-er box. tl 75 tXashirglon Faiiey 8eet. oer box. II' Washirpu.n No. Spy, per lux. 11.75; Cali fornia Red Pes. rrrmir.f 4-tier. pes box. 12 California Bcllenower. 4-lier. per box' 12 IK); New Yoik Baldwins, par bhi., $4 A ; New York Northern Spies, per bbl.. 4 V; New York assorted variet'ex, per bbl.. MM. M 1SCELLA N EOL' B. CALIFORNIA DRJEU FRUITS Prusakt gre aomhat unsettled by freer offering from second baada. who Meat deal reus cf tnoving supplies of Immediate gradas. Quo tatlona range from tl If :or California fruit and from Puc to SC for Oregasv are very firm, will, fancy jtlior. a quoted at lic 5.4f; beet, ti. 00; cut loai. 6c; cube a, pc; lowdered. tlac STOAR OranulateS." cab. per sack. NL'TS California Na, I . 8. warn ut a. per lb., ltsac; liapcmed Tarragona aimands, per lb.. lc; filberts. Praxlls and Jure ho pecans, lie: butternuts, per lb., L2V-; No. I H. P. peanut, masieo. Sc; raw, Sr; laltad pav nuta, per box, 11. Ik, Italian cbeetnutx. per lb, loc. . CANNED GOODS Corn. sUhdard west em, 75c. Tomatoes, fancy. 1-pound ran, ti 4i. standard, t-pound cans, tl SO. l Uta IT's. a.r'cd. S-pound. JITyFjjjo s'icad. tl Gallon applea, KM. California apricola,'oi.lo. Pears gl.lMrtt.lS. Peach, r tvytla L. C. peaches,. UlOj tit. Alaska salmon, red. 11 J; fancy Chinook, eat. J..U; fkney socksye, flat. CI. Sardlnea. o.artsr CD. It. sr. three- Quarters ?iustard. J 35 fisreet potatoes, tl itol S. Sauerkraut. Kc. Pumjk rs, to 4jtl.04. Lima beans. 2-pOund. 7V5T1.2. Soaked beau. 2-pound. Sic; fancy. II lia)l V. COFFEE Roasted, No. Si. S5c; No. J, Be; No. 25. IK; No. 30. lVjc Flell-HaliboL 11c; trt-ut. lie: ptckereJ. 10c ; pik. 14c. pike freah, frnsea. Uc; whits fish. 14i 16c, buffalo. 14c; bullheads, skinned and dreaeed. lie; calfiih ttrsaaed. 17c; wblt perch. 7c; whit bass. Uc; black bass, 2ac unfish, jic. crappaas. 4ec; largs arappies. 15c; terririg. fret a froseri. te. whltefln froxen. Uajiijc; pickerel, fresh froxro. lie; led snapper, 12c; flounJers.. mackerel. US &c per fish; codfish, frtah frosea, 13e; had dock, fresh frosen, lie; smells, lf-c; bad roe. tv: per lb ; frog legs. IV? per dox-l greer turtle rrtat. tc per lb HIDES AND TaLIXiW Oreen salted. No. 1. 5c .....ti XO. Z. 4c; bull bide, jo; greea No. 1. 4c; green uncalled. Na 2. Ic; bore hide. II .(&.! Jay; sneep pelts, fjtLgo TaHo- No- 1. 4Vc: No. I, Wool. llgjZa- Kaasaa Clly Grala aad Prorlstsaa. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 1L-WHEAT-L-changed to higher: May. liOiCj; July, kic; raan No. i hard tl Ova 1.05, No. I. i-Ji.0iai N. 2 red. ll v.l H. No. 4, r0tLwl. CORN I noliaUBged la W lower; Mir. (VCajC, July. 54c; cash. No. t mixed, hi,$ A4c. No. t. eiieac; No. 2 whit. c; Nt 2. ItlrC. OATS Lnc hanged; No S mbiie, it llc: No. 2 mixed, aoctle. M V E see. HAY Choice timothy, unchanged. HJ.Oi'O US": cboioe praine. lt.('aTJ;. BLTTKR Oeamery, higher. 9: peck ing unchanged. 15c. EGGS Lower; fresh extra. S.,c; f .ri'.a. fc. Rccelpta Bl.iiD5nts. ta ?' ... 4s" imM 44.4) lie nil Wheat, bu ! Corn, bu I OatA. bu ! Kansas City futuret Article. I Oreo. Higt 1 Low. Cloaa. 1 Wheat- May.... Jaty .. Cora May .. July ... ' 1 M !l CIS 1 e-Ai '1UU fal 61 4aV 4l I !4 1 KSl,Ft-w,-Jk ' 1 J- I Mrl-,' HV Ha' M'i K-a i-1 a M1. i I ! i j f I 1 1 GLOCE TANNING & MAMTACTUIIING CO. DBS atOmi, IOWA. We tan all kitvis ef t. last ye seed ua both with hair an ax.d 'off. mak tbera Into coats and robes, vent for atiipptcig tags and booe Wt. JACOB BATZB, 1, A. tHTT. .