Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Want - ads
. . -
, Ait vert laemeats for the want ad
Volant ni H taken unlit IS a. fot
file evening edition and tint I! II r. n.
fur the meriting and Bandar editions.
nnnl ail anil no. ad vertleraaent will
eve arrrplril for leas lhaa 10 cent fa
the f Irat i Insertion.
' Rmn apply la either The Dally or
famlwr Rrr.
OnM eoaaf al words to a liar.
- Coratilnallotie of InltlaU or aambera
innt aa on word.
rn nTEi ron wjit adj.
Insertion, per liar, 10 re a la.' Two or
ninrr conaernttve Ineertloae, per line.
centa. Each Insertion made oa odd
lays, 10 reats ner liar. vOH.BO pet
Una per month.
year at! vertlaemeat la Inserted aadcr
ear une of tho claaalf Icatloae given
hrlow. It will be eharced at the fol
Innlni rat eel Oar laaertloa, 4 centa
er liar, three to sis eonaeeallve l
erflnna, .l ernla per line each lnaer
lin art en or more eonaeeatlve liiaer
lima, U eenla iter line nrl Inaertluni
til centa per line per month.
Except Agcala, Mollcltore aad Sales
fowl, Birds, Dm aad Pets.
' Maraea aad Vehicles.
Poultry aad E(n.
Typewriters aad Newlnc Maehlaes.
Pianos, Orleans and Maslcal laatra
nenta. .
Farn tailed Roama. ;
Laf nrnlahed llooaae.
Housekeeping room a.
Roardiaa; aad Ron me.
Want ada for the Bee may be left
at any of the follow In a; drag atorea
one la "roar eoraer drag-gist" they
are all braarb affleea of The Bee aad
I oar nd will be inaerted Jnet aa
aroiuptly aad ia the una rates as at
the mala olUca In The Bea Balldlagr,
leventreath and Faruaia 8 treat a.
Alhanh. W. C, 40th and Farnara.
Beisnek, 8. A.. 131 8. 16th St.
aHecht Pharmacy, 720 S. ltith Bt.
p.enson Pharmacy, Benson, Nob.
Bemls Tailt Pharmacy, 33d and Cumlnj.
Wane's Pharmacy, 2818 Sherman Ave.
Canghllti, C. R., 6th anil Pierce Bt.
C lifton Hill Pharmacy. 2518 Military Ava.
Cnnte, 3. B.. Slut Ave. and Farnani.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sts.
. CermeJt. Enill, 1204-6 B. 13th Bt.
Kailmin Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. .
IChler, F. II Leavenworth.
Foster Arnold.. 118 N. 5th Bt. , .
Freytag, John J .. 1M4 N. 24th.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, Mh and Lake.
Gteer.'s Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
, CJrtrnoOah. O. A.. 1025 8. 10th St.
Oreenough, G. A.. 1624 8. 10th Bt.
Hayden. fn C. 2920 Famam Bt.
Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1101 8. 29th
Hoist. John, 4 N. Mth St.
Huff, A. I. 224 I-esvenwortll St.
King. II. 8.. 38 Famam Bt.
Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8604 N. 24th.
. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th 8t.
1-athrop. Charles H 1W4 N. 24th 8t.
Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Baratoira Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
8chofer' Cut Price Drue Co.. 16th and
Behaofer, August, 2081 N. lth Bt.
Bfhmldt. J. H., 24th and Cumins; 8i.
Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sts.
Wslnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumins,
tvallon Pharmacy. 20th and Grace.
Worth. O. H., 4flth and Hamilton Sis.
HVNERIxiuU Korty, aged 6 months and
12 days.
Funoral from residence, 1911 South Twan-ly-el(Cltlh
street, Monday afternoon at 1.30
o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn ceme
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth Hts. Tel. Douglas 1387.
las. (1) 2G3
HOW la your chimney and furnace? Chim
neys, - furnaces and atoves cleaned and
repaired. City Chimney Sweep. 'Phone
Doug. 6260. (1 MSC4 11
PT'MPKIN ries, doughnuts and Boston
brown bread at the Woman's exchange,
-: K3t Famam St., Tuesday, Jan. 14.
(l)-SOO 12x
BEND for our list of second-hand automo
hlles. DF.RK1HT. 1818 Famam. O 264
We have the following good tracts of
land In Nebraska to exchange' for mer
chandise, Income property or live stock.
2 sec. In (theyenne county, prlc 88.
i . sec. in Banner county, price 88 and 810.
1 sec: in Kimball county, price 8s.
, Si see. in Kimball county, price 810.
' sec. in Whotlor county, price tM,
sec In 'Holt county, price 8-'0.
The above ia all good soil and within 3
to 10 miles of railroad. There are small
mortgages on tlicao lands at i per cent
We also have improved farms and ranches
for exchange.
; 401 Bee. Building, Omaha, Neb.
13)-M284 19
FOR EXCHANQK Clear Arkansas farm,
creamery aud feed mill clear, farm in
Nebraska Write Acme Exchange Co.,
Cherokso, la. (3 M678 JUx
WILL Trade 85,000 gilt-edge securities
drawing a par ceni, payaoie quarterly,
. lor improved city or country real eaiate.
, Eraddala Bldg. t3 M780 Janls
HAVE a customer with the best farm in
. Dickey county who desires to exchan.. it
for some mercantile business; would pra
ter Blocs, larui miiiiriiieuis in gooq town
Also one with 0 acres choke wild land,
for implements, hardware or general mer.
chandiae. F. M. Joslln. Freuerlck. 8. D,
13)-U147 lo
WANTED To sell or exchange either unin
cumbered lands in the oil belt of Okla
,l noma, a 40o-acre tract near Chesapeake
Heem, near, inesapeaae oay. with good
Hilling water, railway atatlon on tame,
- l miles from Washington. D. C. ; lead
and sine lands in Arkansas, or equity in
gooa tanas ana lownsues in Minne
. sola for cash or good residence prop
erly, modern building. unincumbered
Richard C. Adama. Bond Bldg . Wash'
Ingion, D. C. (3) M990 Ux
K-ROOM hotel, steam heat, gas, city
water, and, . s-room cottage. In a good
Iowa town; sell or trade for land, cltv
property or merchandise; hurry, this is a
nap. r. A Huwuore, two Avenue B
t'ouncll Bluffs, la. (3) M187
FOR exchange for hdw.. Implements, har
ness or gen. mdse., 160 avrea land near
Pa. Morgan, t olo. ; will nearly all Irrl
Hs le aud is plowed ready for spring seed
Ing. l3 MA8 1U
TRADKrl. THADtid If you have some
thing for aale or trade write us; we snatch
... .i 401 Bee Bldg., Omaha.
-M38 J24
,'KKVV 8 room house In Minneapolis built
tv owner for home: finished In oak: all
" rlttoie binli; throe minuie street car
' paaaea door: owner ia dnugtiiat and wauta
to-locate in Nebraaka: a ill trade for
. - od drug buslnrsa m Nebraska, no
gents: mill deal with owner. 1 V. lie
l onnell. Route 3. Kigln, Neb.
U-M31 UX
(t-'onunueo. i
Hava a R.-md lninln ato k to trad?. What
have you? 1 U84. tar Pee. (2)-26
Ft)U SAI.PJ OR TRAPU -Quarter section
level land, heavy anil, unimproved, near
. town In eastern South Dakota: price,
RW. 0o. bufflriKton, Dallas. 8. I.
(,1)-M4!B ltx
. .
MINNESOTA and Dakota liind for mer
rhaniltKP or clear Income property.' What
have you? t). . J. McMahon. kli Kndlcott
Bid-.. St. Paul, Minn. ai-M4i!4 18
PHKATON In irnnd repair for sale or trade
for phonograph. Apply SV40 Jones St.
Sl-M449 lSx
HAVK complete 860) moving picture ojt
flt (new); want partner with 8-0 to lak
half Interest; have circuit of three go d
towns. Answer Immediately. Addres Y
m, care Hee. (4)-M3!)U H
FOR THIC best dry foods store opening
In the rtate address Lock Box No. IV2,
Ureene la. (4) M142 lox
MILLINERY stock for sale by owner. Ad
dress itox 397. Berthoud, Colo.
t M207 17x
E'Kl-.Iv ai res In MIskoiuI; will sell for cash
or will tiMfle; title good and no'encurn
brance. M tSJj. cHre Hee. M
E. (J. GANSKSTAD can help you set n or
out of business. Room 4oS Bte PldiT.,
Omaha. (4)-2tf
FOR RENT Blacksmith shop with somo
tools. In Benson. Call 107 8. 31si St. Tel.
Harney 3012. (4):H9 lx
BARBER shop for sale In Longmont,
Colo., fine shop, doing good, business.
Resson for selling, owner must go to
lower altitude. Address' L. F. ' Morse,
Longmont, Colo. No. 317 Main.
. (4J-M166 18
FOR SALE Fine bakery: big business;
best location In city; complete equipment;
2 ovens, 7 solid oak show cases. 125 cssh
remaster, electric fana, arc llsrht, horse and
wagons, randy furnace and everything
complete to run a first-class ba' eiy.
Free from debt. Reason for selling fall
ing health. Rent I9R. Address J. Wheeler,
8(8 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph, Mo.
(4)-MiVW ltx
WANTED A silent or working partner
who can Invest rrom X.W to ii.uuv. in
vestment will pay big returns and abso
luto security will be given before you
need to put In a dollar. Money secured
bv renl estate, mortgage. If desired. For
Interview address J 8i7, care Hee.
(4)-M21 1
FI'RNITI'RIi of 16-room Idouhlij pressed
brick house, 3 blocks from court house;
rent 8W: Income $1W. Trice 370O, half
rash, balance easy terms. Address K
Si3, caro Bee. t4l MI34 14x
Two lots, Crelghton Heights, worth $2.W
can sell for 81 ib eaen.
'Phone Douglas 601. 1710 Farnani St.
141 M4il
FOR SALE My 10-roomcd restaurant
building and confectionery ntock; only
one In good town of 300; will sell at
sacrifice If sold soon: can give I, est' of
reasons for Belling. Mrs. Kirk, t'nadilla.
Neb; (4) 8i 15x
FOR SALE City drug business; estab
lished 35 years: clean stock; fixtures not
expensive; making net profit of about 8SO0
per month. Owner wishes to retire. Wells,
WO Faxton Blk.. Omaha. (4MS07 14x
WANTEJJGood, reliable man, with about
84(0, to manage office In nice wholesale
business; good references necessary: full
particulars at interview. Address G 849,
Bee. (4I-M411 14x
WANTED Abstracter to purchase half In
terest in abstract company tn eastern
South Dakota city. 101 North Main Ave.,
Sioux Falls, 8. D. (4I-M426 21
WANTED First-class butcher to run shop
free. Apply 1701 So. 10th St.
(4)-408 1 4
Do You "Wish to Make a Change
IF' YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wvan to sell or ex
change, write us.
(4)-M172 J23x
FOR SALE My part furniture and fur
nishings in ail modern w-room note!.
Balance of furniture goes with lease.
Bar In connection also for sale. ' Only
hotel In town of 2,500. L. P. Mooney,
Mlnden. Neb. (4)-M3S4 J27x
TO BITY or sell a business quick.' write
Hlldreth, 439 urandcls Bldg., Omaha.
I WANT to sell my saloon at Blue Hill,
iNeo., lur caau ouiy. i want. 10 sen cuil
on account - of sickness. Box -504, Blue
Hill, Neb. (4)-Mia 21x
THE LITTLE Pacific short order restau
rant for sale or trade, for confectionery
or barber shop. Price 8200.00. W. W.
Davis, Valley, Neb. (4)-MlU 14x
FOR SALE One three-chair barber shop
at 44io Mo. Z4in m. uooa location, near
street car barn. Apply H. Ttmm.
FOR RENT Two etory brick store building
In live Nebraska town. Central location.
Address, Union State Bank, Harvard,
Neb. (4-M247 17x
PARTNER with 815.000 to take Interest tn
profitable Ice business and active manage
ment In same. Also partner with 8'0,000
to take interest in steam bakery; a good
opportunity; no competition. Address
It. U. D., care Albuquerque Journal, Al
buquerque, N. M. (4) M243 17x
GOOD country newspaper Plant for sale
cheap; good terms. Box 138, Melvln, Ia.
(4)-M246 17x
FOR SALE OR TRADE 810,000.00 stock
of general merchandise In one of the
best towns of northeastern Nebraska,
county neat; doing strictly cash bus
iness. Will consider Vi section Improved
farm and cash. Address Y 183, care
Omaha Bee. t4) M233 IS
FOR BALE New combined stock of hard
ware, furniture and farm implements, in
voice 84,275; new 2-story frame building,
26xi, furnished hall upstairs. Price 82,2.
Will lease store room. Will exchange for
western land, part cash. F. E. Btooks,
Haxard, Neb. (0-M363 17 x
Tel. Douglas S6. 809 N Y. Ufa Bldg.
(4) M693 F3
FOR SALE Ctean stock of hardware tn
good territory. Invoice about 84.000. Ad
dress Y 17. care of Bee. 4)-M426 lSx
PHOTOGRAPH gallery, six living rooms,
store room, etc., 81.000. Box 66. Platte
Center, Neb. (4) M241 17x
FOP. SALE Meat market In eastern Ne
braska town of 12.O0; heat location In
city, high class trade; other business in
terests reason for selling. If you are'
Interested and want something good,
write todav. It will pay you. Address
Y 188, Omaha Bee. (4 M31714
FOR SALE Part furnishing; Clifton Hotel,
Blair. 40 rooms modern, all furnished.
Good shape and good commercial busi
ness. Rent 8o0 month. R. F. Wilson,
Blair. . (4-M133 13x
FOR SALE Stock or Hardware. 2 lots,
store building 20x40, residence In rear
24x24, barn 18x24. Fur particulars address
P. O. Box 116, Elyria. Neb. 4) M388 18x
FOR SALE A grocery stock, fixtures and
business; best location in city; a splendid
business opportunity; no trades. Address
G. L. Loomls. Fremont. ,Neb. (4) M387 18
DRUG STORKS for sale everywhere. Kv"
Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4 M806
FOR BALE A bargain. If taken at once,
only cigar factory tn Atchison -county;
good reason for selling. Address G ruber
Cigar Co., Tarklo. Mo. 14) Ml 16x
FOR SALE Good paying harness business;
stock, tools and fixtures at invoice price;
r;ood building, with dwelling In rear;
mated In good farming town; write for
particulars. Addrees A. Hants. Freeman,
8. D. - 4-M19 lx
PERSON of moderate means who wants
good returns lor lime and money in
vested write. I, 871 cars Omaha He.
. , v . 4 M92 13x
FOR SALE The hotel fixtures and fur-
niture in an Iowa town of l.&u), for sale
oaner going into other business; a snap
If taken at once. For particulars addrees
C. J. Aarona, ogaen, ia, (1j-M-j4 lbx
I BEE want-ads are opportunities to
I make you known to every
(Continued. J
FOR SALE A flrsl-clsss meat market ct
one-half interest; or market for rent: In
vestigate. C. W. Letchford. Council
Blufli. la. (4 M701
FOR SALE One 2-chalr barber shop with
bath room and fixtures, well and centrally
located In the thriving town of Walthill,
Thurston county, Nebraska. Persons In
terested will plesse address Inquiries to
P. O. Box a. Walthill. Neb. t4)-M24 17
I- wish to sell my outfit. flrst-elaes
plenty of work to a man who understands
It and will give a good lay out. George
i . rto'-arts, ;3 Arapahoe Ave., Denver, '
Colo. : II M144 lix
MEAT MARKET, only one In town, and '
exrlurlve Ice trmje. for uni,- iy Kline,
Kaster, Chapman, Nel. ID Mils lJx I
ALL KINDS of bargains In rooming
houses; cash loaned If needed. Kelly tc
Stone, 2'J) Neville block. Tel. Douglas 4601.
(4;-M803 J18
MOVING PICTURES and museum of an
atomy; Immense profts; small capital.
Call 613 N 21bL (4)-M156 15x
8250 WILL TAKE my l-room boarding
house, furnished complete, doing a 80
monthly business, located on Main street;
best in city; Oelweln. Ia.. a railroad
center; cash only. Inquire of J. A.
Wright. 400 South Frederick street. Oel
weln. Ia. 44J M140 15x
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop at Grose,
Neb. Write to M. II. McFarland.
141492 18x
BOOKS audited and checked, opened and
closei. Services of expert furnished for
extra work or In casea of sickness. Con
tract made to.RUdit books annually or
C. A. COOKK & CO..
P. O. Box 110, OniMha. Neb.
(5)-MI72 19x
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
Chattel Loans.
Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 501 Bee Bldg.
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1506 Famam St. Doug. C4D7.
T (5;-271
Carpet Cleaning;
A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D. 4008.
(5) M107 Fcbix
EXPERIENCED dressmaker; sewing h"
day in families: good work guaranteed.
Call evenings. Web. 1809. VS) M551 J14x
IN FAMILI ES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368. ti Zli
M DOWELL. Dressmaking School. 16a Far-
nam St. (6)-274
BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir.. Paiton. D. 10s5.
tt iii
HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 276
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253.
in) ii i
J. H. BATH. 1G23 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000.
lo; -is
THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. 8 TILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry
repairing. 2-8 Faxton Blk. Tel. 4317.
t6 279
KEYS, etc., Heflin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
(5) 2i0
Mnale and Langnacea.
PIANO lessons In your home. 'Phono
weoster Ziarj. W
MU8IC lessons given every evening, 50c;
good Instructions. Address O 857, Bee.
(5) M453 13x
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5) 971 Feb5
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1604.
V (6) 284
Photos; raphe.
C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th St
(6) 2&C
Shoe Repalrlnc.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class
work. 1618Vs Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994.
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.,
1804 Farnam St., Tel. D. 7567. (5 282
pf the time lost poking up the average
printer when you want a Job in a hurry?
Ever try us?
Printers and Office Furnishers,
306-312 South 19th Bt.
'Phones: Bel), Douglas 5562; Ind. A1562.
(a) M169 Jan25
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fall to tee our elegant Imported
line. Lyngatad & Jorve, printers, ltith
and Caprtol Ave. (5) 285
Safes, Shatters, Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
spocialty of fire escapes, ahutters, doora
and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., lu? 8. 10th
St.- . tRi i7
Hoasekeepers and Domestics.
19o2 Famam St. ,
Housemaid, to.
Cook, 87.
Girls for general housework, from 86 tn 86.
17) 432 15
WANTED Competent girl for general
houaework. family of three. See ('apt,
Buchan. room 1 Army Bldg., 3 to 4 p. m.
, (71 M183
WANTED Young girl to assist in house
work. 490 Webster 6t. (7)-M211 13
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Good wages. 481 Cass St.
Phone Harney 1061. (7 M1S1
WANTED An experienced girl for gen
eral housework; good wages, small fsjn
lly. Call on Mrs. Steel, 1318 So. join Ave.
WANTED A widow from 26 to 40 years
old on a big farm for housekeeper; good
wages, no rbjection to 1 or 2 children.
Address Y iM care Bee. (7) Mlli 14x
EXPERIENCED girl for general housa
work. Mrs. A. II. Fetters. 2711 Popple
ton Ave. 'Phone Harney 1728. (7 631
WANTED A girl for general housework.
SOU Maapn. 'Phone Harney 24.
WANTED Rough dry washing. Sou WiHis
Ave. 'Phone Webster 4022. 7 M4M 18
Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls;
84 lo 87. Canadian Office. 16th and Dodge.
t7 M740
body in Omaha.
Housekeeper and Domentl
WANTED A girl for general housework;
two In family. 19J1 Cas St. (7) MMi 13
WANTED A competent cook. Mrs. R. 8.
Hall, S:24 Famam SI. (7) M163
GIRL ftr general housework. Tel. Harney
741. (7)-271 17x
WANTED Two girls for second cook and
chambermaid; good character required;
ticket furnished. Address Perkins Hotel,
David City, Neb. , t7)-M386 14x
WANTED Woman that has hsd bmall
pox, to do housework at emergency hos
pital. II. to per dy and board. D:. Con
ncll. health commissioner. (7)-481 II
G1RI. vented ;2:2 Miami St.
Mrs. A. G.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
two In fnmlly. llo 8. J'Jd. Thone Harney
2358. ( (7) M29S 14
WANTED Woman mlddla'aged to take
charge of house In country near town, for
middle aged .man single. Swede pre
ferred. Address Y 69, Bee. (7) M295 13x
GIRL for general housework; good waes.
1008 8. 30th Ave. (71490 19
WANTED Girl for general housework by
small family at good wages. Applv Annie
Baburek, 15t9 8.. 27th St. (7l M151 14
WANTEfl Good, strong gill for general
housework. Mrs. E. O. Hamilton. 4103
Davenport. (7) 4S0 19x
l lacellaneoaa.
WANTED Corset model, must h able to
wear slxe 22. well developed figure. 6 feet
7 Inches, weighing about 150 pounds: good
pay fur n few hourH' work. Phone
Harney 2JW. (7i -MSI 13
Anenta, Solicitors and Salesmen.
WANTED-Sollrltors to travel In nearby
territory. Prefer those who have had
experience with subscription books or
portraits. Address L 785, care Bee.
WANTED Salesmen to handle a first-class
line of money making specialties, exclu
sively or as a side line; aalHry or liberal
commission ; answering give full particu
lars, where formerly employed, etc.: ref
erences with first letter. The Crescent
Oil Co., Dept. S, Minneapolis. Minn.
(9)-M196 13
W ANTED Traveling salenmen. by local
firm. Knowledge, of our husienss not
necessary, but must be sober and a busi
ness getter. Give age and past experi
ence. Address 8 7o, caro Bee.
WANTED Men to represent us
As Ktate Agents for Iowa,
Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas.
Good Proposition for Hustler.
Will Give One Year Contract.
Address 8-809, care Bee.
(9J-M464 1 3x
Clerical and Office.
Billing machine operator, 850.
ledger clerk, Vft.
Manager lumber yard, out of town, 875.
Clerk wall paper store, out of town, 8.'A
721-723 New York Llfo Bldg.
(91 MTiOO IS
FOSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
(9) 288
WANTED Twenty young men to meet
Tuesday evening. January 21. at 8 p. m.,
and enroll In evening classes In struc
tural and architectural drafting. Omaha
Technical School, "Omatek." Room 3,
Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam.
(9) M264 22
Factory aad Trades.
WANTED By competent harnessmaker,
work by week or charge of retail shop:
beRt of reference. Address C. 8. Cooper,
Morris, Colo. (9) M123 14x
WANTED At once, good pants and vest
maker; prices 82 and 82.50; steady work
year round for right man. William Ha
nlsch. Clear Lake, la. (9) M198 lCx
WANTED A first-class horseBhoer and
all-around bliu'ksmlth. Only a mechanic
and non-drinking man need apply. State
wages. Frank lams, St. Paul, Neb.
(91-M422 13x
WANTED A first-class ladles' waist and
skirt maker at once. Gray, Mercantile
Co., Columbus. Neb. (9) M314 15
WE still need more ladles and girls for
decorating sofa pillows; experience un
necessary; work taken home. Call fore
noons, 2311 S. 13th St. (7) M335 18x
for our great cut-rate offer, which lasts
only for a few days longer; can earn
hoard from start. American Barber Col
lege, 12th and Douglas Sts.
(9) M486 14x
WANTED-Bids for constructing concrete
dam, complete; also, labor only, Albion
electric power plant; one large store
building for rent, center Main St., mod
ern. F. E. Brown, Albion, Neb.
(9J-M214 12x
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, 825 to 830
made weekly, distributing circulars, over
seeing outdoor advertising; new plan; no
canvassing. Merchants Outdoor Adver
tising Co., Chicago. (9) M246 17x
WANTED Young men to copy letters at
home, 810 per week Income. For particu
late address. Excelsior Noveltv Co.,
Bancroft. Neb. () M249 13x
Clerks and stenographers earn from 820
to 8ti6 per month and old age often finds
them dependent upon the charity of their
friends. Draftsmen and engineers earn
from 875 to SI.UOO per month and old age
generully finds them captains of the big
Industries of the country, happy and con
tent In the knowledge that they have been
doing something worth while. To which
class are you thinking of Joining. Learn
to be a draftsman and later to be an
engineer. You can do It evenings. We
want twenty ambitious young men to meet
with us January 21, at 8 p. in., enroll and
take up a course of study that will mean
many dollars to tlie.,1.
Room 3, Wead Blk., 15th and Farnani.
() M2tM 22
on the Union Pacific R. H. If you learn
Telegraphy at our school, and also a place
to work lor your board while attending.
Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and
station blanks Installed In the school for
practue purposes. Write for full Informa
tion IJUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College.
18vi Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. Official
training echool L". P. K. H. () 624
U. 8. NAVY wants young men between
ages 17 and 25; men witb special trades
acepted up to 36 years. Good opportun
ities for promotion for efficient men.
Pay 816 to 870 per month, practically clear
of living expenses. Free illustrated
booklet on application. "The Making oi
a Man-of-Warsman." Visit or address
Navy Recrulung Station. Omaha, Neb.
19) MM2 Feb 8
WANTED Men learn barbat trade, few
weeks completes, 60 chalrir constantly
busy, licensed instructors, toois given,
diplomas granted, wagea Saturdays, po
sitions waiting, wonderful demand for
graduates. Write for catalogue, Moler
Barber College. 110 S. 14th t.
(9 M237 16x
BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo,
tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at
once, personally or by letter, to National
Railw ay Training Ass n, 620 Paxton Blk..
Omaha. Neb. . ti 244 Jan8
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men find positions. - N. Y. L. Bldg.
UIJw'. t;-Mjo0
M lac-el la aeonsCoot In ard.
YOU can make 828 to 8100 week In mail
order business; no canvassing: I made
85.U00 first year. Why work on small
salary? Free booklet: tells how to get
started. Manager American Mall Order
Bureau, Detroit, Mich.
) M234 Feb lOx
BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo
tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at
once, personally or by letter, to National
Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Plk.,
Omaha, Neb. (9i lHt Feb7
DOCTOR, you will learn particulars of a
piactlce worth a,6W to 84.'o a vear nv
addressing Y 182. care Bee. (I---M1!'3 15.x"
WANTED Railway mail clerks Immedi
ately. 81.000.00 yearly. Examination
here March 25. Coaching free, l'rankiln
Institute, Rochester, N. Y.
(9) M2S5 13x
WE want a few more men to assist In real
estate work In outside territory. 411 Bee
Bldg., Omaha, Neb- (9) 135 14x
WANTED First-class operator or caller
for view photographer. 'Phone or write
C. R. Franklin, Fremont, Neb. RslMmoro
hotel. (9) M3S5 13x
WA NTEI Educated men i'.BHl women ca
pable of earning from 8Ti to xton per
month to sell the new INTERNATIONAL
ENCYCLOPEDIA In Nebraska. South
Dakota and western Iowa. Inquire at 718
N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
(10iM4rt8 H
Horses aad Vehicles.
WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horse.
If you have any you want to dispose of.
We buy and sell on com mission. The
Harney Street Stables. (11) M479
GRAY driving horse, young, weight about
950, very proud and lively, can be usitl
under saddle and guaranteed sound; have
two calls will also sell cheap. A. C.
Petersen, 901 S. 46th St. (1D-M501 13x
Ponltry and Eggs.
SCREENINGS 81.25 per cwt. Wagner.80! n 16
p- -
FOR SALE Few more Rhode Island Red
cockerels. Anna Carter, Ponen,, Neb.
(Ill MI97 ISx
FOR SALE Single Comb Brown Ijcghorn
cockerels. 81.00 ea(). Mrs. H. W. Jones,
Marquette, Neb. (ID M302 16x
GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha.
(11) M8 Feb2
BOUND Gold watch. Owner may have
same by proving ownership. Call at Bee
office. (12) Ml.Vi
P.EST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Fills," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 2i
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24tlj
St.. Omaha, Neb. (12) MlOb
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; specisl attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
1107. Culis atiiwered day or night.
EAGLH LOAN OFFICE-Rel'.able, accori
modatlng; all business confidential. U'01
Douglas. (10940
to stsrt the NEW YEAR right?. Do you
want to pay up your landlord, grocer, dec
tor or anyone you owe and pay all in one
place? See the OLD OMAHA MORTGAGE,
sixteen years here that means reliability.
119 Board of Tradu Bldg., 16th St. Entrance,
loaned on furniture, pianos, horses etc..
any amount; less half rates; perfect pri
vacy and Immediate attention, on any
terms, payments ' suspended when sick or
disabled. 214 Karbach Blk.. 209 S. 15th 8t
In sums to
310 Bee Bldg.
Douglas 2904.
and others without security; easy pay-
menta. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714, New York Life Bldg.
(14) 297
For Chattel or Salary Loans.
633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746.
FURNITURE, live stock salarv, loans.
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
(14) 298
CHATTEL, salary and storage recelr.t
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.
Boarding; and Rooms.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(16) S0
DEWEY" European Hotel, 13th and Farnani.
FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two. with
board in private family; close to car line
607 So. 25th Ave. Tel. Douglas 4930.
i (16)-M261 13
BOARD and room, close In. large room,
auitable for two: also single room; refer
ences. required. 114 S. liKh St.
Famished Rooms.
WE DO expert piano moving at 'lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 166. Schmnller
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam.
IF you want good room see us. If you
want your rooma rented see uh.
'Phone Red 3045. 642 Hee Bldg.
15)-M217 F
OMAHA VAN & Storage Co., pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
19th. Office, 16o Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669.
FURNISHED rooms, modern, close in. 710
8. 17th Ave. tloi M433 14X
ROOM with private family. Park Ave;
steam heat, bath, use of 'phone: break
fast If desired. 'Phone Harney 1562.
(15) 4SH 19x
FOR RENT A first-class front room In
private family; bath, heat, light, tele
phone: three blocks from Bee Bldg. 7u2
S. 17th Ave. (15) M304 14x
TWO large rooms, all modern, nice loca
tion; gentlemen preferred; breakfast if
desired. 549 South 36th Ave.
(16)-M30S 21
VERY deulrable newly furnished front
room In strictly modern flat, easy walk
ing distance, hot water heat, electric
lights, telephone, etc 2406 liarnev.
(ls M473 18x
HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded;
cheap freight rates, moving snd storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas
884. (15) Sua
Faralahrd 14 00 ma Coatlaeeit.
FI.EA8ANT housekeeping, sleeping and
transient roomB. 24,'4 Harney bt. Tel.
Douglas 4J94. (15i Mi4l
2 OR 8 FURNISHED rooms; modern, with
kit -hen privileges, adults only; ie,r
incrs required. 2;ul W'oolworth Ayr.
llal 12 kx
TWO steam heated rooms reasonable; pri
vate lamlly. w:i Webster St.
. . t IS 1-222 Ws
ONE large southeast room with alcove,
Suitable, for married couple; modern, com
fortable. Tel. Doug. 6237. 324 N. 7th Ft.
(151-276 l;lx
DESIRABLE rooms, 218 No. 19th St.
; lie) .M232 lX
205 S. 25th Ave., two rooms on first floor.
(15) M.'SS 13x
BEAUTIFUL room and alcove; also nicely
furnished front room on first floor: per
manent people only; would rent unfur
nished. Furnace heat, gas, hath, tele
phone; walking distance, car, one block.
2563 St. Mary s Ave. (15I-MI37 Hx
WANT a nice, homelike room, private
fanillv. well heated, all conveniences, rea
sonable, fall Room 7, Bushman block, or
'phono Webster 31. tl5)-M2'il 14x
NICELY furnished r.ioni for two reB.iecia
ble young men: modern c.invenienc;s;
north part. 'Phone Webster 11).
t!6 M.M I4x
FOR RENT Four, all modern, furnished
rooms, for gentlemen, single or en siilto.
2418 Dodge St.. . (15) M301 19x
FL5N",SHED or unfurnished rooms to let.
2621 Harney Bt. (15) 487 14x
' Untarnished Rooms.
FOUR housekeeping rooms, modern, walk
ing distance. 2k23 Burt St. (16) 2A1 lox
TWO or three unfurnished rooms, modern,
28th. near Woolworth Ave., will rent only
to ladles. Tel. Harney 8191. (16I-M430 14
4 ROOMS, modern, in residence, No. 3S02
N. 17th St.: telephone Webster 31(59.
(15)-M407 lRx
Apartments aad Flats.
I1S.00 "-room flat, corner lfith and Grace
Opp. Ston brewery. Inquire 410 8 nth!
FOR RENT Three of -room. modern
heated flat. Martls block. Irtth and
Webster. (15)-M264 17x
Haaeekeeplna; Rooms.
FRONT ROOM: alcove; furnished A house
keeping; 812. 622 8. 24th Ave.
05)-M153 16a
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. 812.60 per month. 415 N.
St. , (16)-185 16x
FOUR furnished rooms, steam heat for
light housekeeping. 216 North 22d 81..
(161-229 16x
TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for
light housekeeping, 812 per month. 2518
Davenport Bt. (15)-220 16x
THREE front rooms, partly furnished
heat, light, modern, 821.00. 604 H. 28th
St. 416) 484 19
Farnlahed Honaea.
FURNISHED house, will rent my home.
rooms, West Farnam district, for 2H
months and probably longer to desirable
parties. Address P 858 Bee. (16) 450 14
Hoaaea and Cottagtea.
EIGHT-ROOM house, modern throughout,
location the best In town, 216 S. 35th Ave,
Telephone Douglas 186g for particulars.
Wm. H. Bodemann. (16) M393
4-ROOM house and barn. 409 William St.,
In rear 813; 8-room house, city water In
kitchen, 6 rooms on second floor, 26th
and Parker Sts.. 814; store room. 1306 N.
24th, $16; barn. 1414 N. 24th 8t., 83. Chrli
Boyer. 22d and Cuming. (!) 730
FOR RENT New "-room house, strlettv
modern. 3126 trass Bt. 'Phone Harney
3689 or Inquire 2830 Capitol Ave.
(IB) M5o3 19
,20 N. 23d, rooms, "all modern, southwest
corner Burt; clove to car and stores.
2020 Ms pie St., 9 rooms, all modern.
'Phone Douglas 2152 for others.
1001 New York Life Bldg.
NEW 6-room cottage; bath, attic and cellar.
2521 Rees St. Tel. Douglas 4182.
(15)-M155 13
815.00. 2808 MIAMI, 8 rooms, modern except
nrai; an newiy jnapereo. wait invest
ment Co., 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4593.
"OR RENT New 8-room brick house, v
cant Feb. 1; modern and complete In
every respect at 1511 8. 29th St. Inquire of
uie owner at itos B. ssiti Bt. (15) 270
604 8GUTH 27th 8t., 12 rooms, all modern,
8-r. strictly modern, steam heated flat at
lHtn and Nicholas Bts.
3928 N. 23d St.. 6 rooms. 818.
' l3)-274
FOR RENT 8-roora cottage; rood cellar:
east front; south part of city; 812 per
niontn. j. 11. nacnmann, Paxton
BlK. Tel. Red ZC3. (16)-284
HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam.
(16) 316
FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house,
414 N. 81st St.. 838.
Room 1, New York Life Building.
FOR RENT Two six-room houses, modern
except furnace. One 825, the other 822.60.
W. H. .Thomaa. 603 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.
(16)-M350 13x
1841 N. 24th, 4-room 812
TURRELL. ft CO., R. 17, Patterson Bldg.
8-ROOM. all modern house, on 60-ft.,
frontage; newly painted and papered;
216 8. affh Ave.; 845.00. Inquire 1918 Far
nam or 'phone Douglas 458a.
BALL room and lodge rooms, Fraternity
hall, 1818 Harney, Opp. Public library.
Bee Janitor. (15-186
FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. 714 8.
80th St. (15) M299 14x
5-ROOM cottage; city water; 87. Breen A
Bloom, 613 Bee Bldg. (16)-M44S 14
NEW 7-room house Just finished. Inquire
1218 South 11th Bt. . (16) M313 14x
A MODERATE sixed fine home In perfect
condition; modem, location ideal. Inquire
712 Park Ave. (15) M277 13
FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, 714 8.
80th. " (161-M299 14x
FOR RENT 2222 N. 19th, 8-room modern
brick house. 8J6.OO.
2026 Farnani, 7-room flat, modern except
CHAS. La. 8AUNDBR8, 211 8. 11th St.
(15) M409
HOUSES ln " rrU of the cily- Crelgh
oona av. ao.,
Bee Bldg.
HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
(15) 315
HOUSES ,n rt of ,h ci,y- P't'ra
FOR RENT 8-roora modern house, 2702
California 8t., E. A. Smith, 'phone Doug,
las 7332. . 16)-M41S 13
FOR RENT 7-room house; 2123 California
St.; all modren, in good repair; $30. Ap
ply at 607 N. 19th Bt. (15)-M440
FOR RENT 6-room house, water and gas.
2J17 Grant St. Tel. Webster 1631.
(15)-302 14x
Maggard Van A. Storage Co., 1712 Webster.
LODGE rooms for rent. New Brandelj
Bldg. Inquire Room M9.
(16) M931 14
FIVE-STORY snd basement brick building,
northwest corner 11th and Harney streets;
26,00 square feet of floor space. Long
lease can lie arranged. GEORGE A Co.,
Wl Farnam. tlii M447 14
WHEJT writing to advertisers, kindly men
tion The Bee.
Two Floors in Avery Building
Size GGxlo'J
Equipped for office and storage, gooal
trseksge and protected with automatic
sprinkler aHni.
Apply Hock Island Plow Co.,
Tenlh and Leavenworth Sts.
'Phone Douglas 491.
(I6I-M743 '
FOR "RENT Large office room In Crounse
Blk., on 10th St.. opposite postofflce, at
8 per month. Conrad Yount,. 1518 Dodge
8,. (15)-M162
GROUND floor office In Bee building for
, rent. Very cheap. Petera Trust Company.
(lit 8J0
TWO fine, large office suites In the Con
tinental block; iholce location for physi
cian or dentist.
219 First National Bank Building.
(15) 318
DESK room, new Brandels Bldg. Inquire
Room S19. (loi-M930 14
FOR RENT Desk room, with or without
telephone and stenographic service, ln
new Brandeis building. D-846. Bee.
, (15)-M266 11
8-STORY and basement, 12x100. 10(13 Far
nam. Apply 314 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
(18) Mf7
MODERN store room In new Scargo Bldg ,
24th St.. South Omaha, P. O. Block hall.
817 Flrat Nat. Bldg. 'Phone Red 74oai.
(151 Mil
4-STORY and basement building on Far
nam St., ad.i. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co.,
bet. 9th and 10th Pis.; equipped with an
elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trarkaae
end loading platform. F. D. Wead, 10
Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1629.
1812 Harney St.. ,12x100, one or two stories;
suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc.
8. 8. Curtis. 1 8( Harney. 16)-M7t!
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing
60 per tool. 206 N. 17th 8t. Tel. Red 814.
Pianos, Orarane, Maslcal ,Inatrameata.
PIANO with Angelus player, frt-class con
dition, good ss new; will sell for less than
half price. 1204 Farnam St.
(161 S42 Jan19
GOING away: fine, nearly new upright,
8350 piano, 8126. 416 N. 23d St.
(16)-190 U.x
STARR Cabinet Grand for 8126. Call 2211
California St. 1i)-M309 18
Typewriters and Sewing Machine.
FOR SALE High grade HeCond-hand type
writers; good condition; a bargain at M.
Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16) 671
Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest
pi-toes in the city, select now. Delivered
when needed. Inspection Invited.
313 S. 15th St. Tel. Doug. M.
FOR SALtE New and second-hand billiard
and pool table. We lead the world in
cheap bar fixtures; easy pavments.
Brunswick-Balk Collendar. 407 8. ioth 6:.
' (16)-326
FOR SALE 1.600 feet H seoond-hand' Wlr
cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Rldg.
(16)-M463 x
SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms.
Singer. 418 N. 16th. (16) 329
SEND US your mall orders for drugs;
freight paid on 810. lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. (I81 324
FOR BALE Arctic 10 syrup fount, with
mirror top, perfect order, 8100. W, J.
Bartholomew, Gothenburg. Nib.
(16.1 M&02 19
IOWA Farm Mortgages for sale. Secured
on farms In southwestern Iowa. Five
year loans at 6 per cent Interest. Squire
& Annls, 101 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia.
(16) M266 FehlOx
COAL All kinds free delivered, same day
as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yarai.
Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut
coal. 6 bu. for $1. (16) M257
FARMERS Terry's new appliance pre
vents brood sowb catching chickens;
cheap, durable, easily applied. Agents
wanted. The C. E. Terry Co., Dept. K,
Tlce, III. (16) M2K1 16x
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10
orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc
Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (181325
FOR SALE Several show cases, new pen
nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large
automatic oil tanks and store fixtures,
too numerous to mention. Globe Lund
and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb.
HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re
tail. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.,
16th and Dodge Bt., Omaha, Neb. (16)-S:8
paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
UP AGAINST IT! Must sacrifice H-k. dia
mond ring, a beauty, 850: 4-k. locket and
stud, 826 each: ring with three fine l-k.
stones, 876. W. Richie, 1212 Harney St
jei. tta ai. (16) 30
HAY-$1 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
(16) 832
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam.
gain. 308 N. 16th St. (16J-191 Feb8
GOOD 6-hole Acorn steel rooking ran at a, 815.
. Apply 2018 Davenport St. (16) 221 16x
TafnriATif 31,4x414 Eastman, good aa new:
rVV.lV.ttlV naf prlt.e. A- M. Noaiand. JOlj
South 17th St. (16)-M279 ISx
FOR SALE One $35 combination writing
desk and bookcase. $12. 2620 St. Marv's
Ave. Tel. Dong. MM. '16 M446 ISx
D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk . Tel. Red 711T.
(la) w
LARSON CO. Book free. Neville Bldg.
inventors mailed on receipt of 60 postal.
R. S. ft A. B. Lacev. rooms -89 Paciflo
Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 18KJ.
Hf A flVFTIP treatment and bath. Mma.
lAUiNrji IL Biuilh. 118 N. loth, 2d fir.
LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard, open eve.
(18) 340
GENTS' and ladies' costumes. 3318 8. 20th.
Back. (16)-158 22a
A GENTLEMAN (single) owning and run- V
ning a fine home In the cily, with coin,
petenl, reliable help, wishes two other
gentlemen isingle) ta Join with him and
share cxenaes equally (about $50 ea, h per
month); ob)ct, a high c ass home for a b
man at moderate expense; only high class
men considered (preferably college rm-ni;
best of relerenCeB given and required. Ad
dress. D 611, Bee. tl$)-M357
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits casfc-off
doming: in iact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at lit
N. 11th Ut.. for cost of collecting, ta the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41:6 and
wagon will call (18) 786
ADHfctflVK, invisible. .armle. BatU
"kin riawoer ia mini in lour alluring
lint. 26c. (U) "