Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Batcock, Ajfntw and Fnrman Yet to
Be Tried.
Hearty Tflt Tb.n. Deller. and
T"','l-if llaadrert nay la
Prleon Aitrttiif Penal tie
la rrMtrillti,
'-veral land rase yet remain for trial
'''t"1 I'nlted sitate district court, but It
1 not probable hey will be reached befor
i March. Among thehi are the cases sgn'lnst
I " II. T. Iisbcock u r-
F"urmn and Bert Fuiman on the charge
"f conspiracy to defraud the government
cut of puhll land by mean of false
f Ulnars. There a another rase against
Hancock and Frank Allen, who are Joint!
j charged with oroenri na a dnsert or mora
. fraudulent f Ulrica from old soldier. An
J other rase la that ugslnst Jamea H. F.d
i mlsten and Olln W. Hendee. charged with
jaerjury and subornation of perjury, also
""other case against the aama defendants
i and William R. Keefer for conspiracy U
i lef raul.
Other rases Still rend lag.
Land fraud case exclusive of those to
J r trie to March sre still pending- In the
I district and are against George E. Town-
J nd. Benjamin M. Fox. George H. Mr.'
J CUntock and VC. P. Miles on charge of
onaplracy to defraud the government out
f Lands In Sioux county, subornation of
I perjury by mean of procuring; falae and
N t raoAnlant entries. Th entries are alleged
1 to haw been made for the benefit of th
I WtsUm Land and Cattle company, of
"which Town sen d was president. Fox and
Mc-CormVk agents and Mile attorney.
AenSJ Trlplctt on three counts for al-
lesrw. subornation of perjury.
' Earl Corns lock. K. C. Harris. Reason
ll-a&sM. tor alleged conspiracy to defraud
j through procarlng fraudulent filings to
"boot 75X ycTM of land. Harris wu a
former presvlent of tbe Western Land and
I Cattle company. Comstock la a nephew of
i IV. O. Cornsttack and Reason Hodgel Is an
lowaa who acted as the alleged conflden
l.tlal kurent of the alleged conspirators.
r. M. Woloott. alleged conspiracy to do
' fraud and Alleged subornation of perjury
In final proof causes
I H. Allen, R. Hudgel, Daniel Perdue,
alleged conspiracy to defraud and suborn a-
ttoa of perjury. - Allen tf tba general
' manager of tha Standard Cattl company
of Cherry county. -Jtobert
F. GlUasple, for alleged perjury
a a witness tn a final proof case.
Jamea C. Headlngtna. alleged perjury as
an entry man homesteader. Two case.
Harry Button, alleged perjury s witness
tn final proof -case.
Jamea If. Edmlsten. for alleged forgery
j In application to enter public lands and
i transmitting uch forged papers to th
land office.
Lawrence E. King, Patrick J. King and
' Frederick B. Balrd, alleged conspiracy to
; riefraud and suborn perjury to lands In
Sheridan county Two cases.
tTisrles T. Btewart and Stewart Walker,
alleged conspiracy to defraud and suborn.
, Another suit lies against Stewart for tho
unlawful enclosure of public land.
William Oeorge, alleged perjury.
Alia Stlllwell,' alleged subornation of
! perjury and conspiracy to defraud.
A large number of civil case for Ulegat
. fencing pending on the docket probably
will 3 disposed of during the year,
nmntarjr af Iteewlts.
, Hsra are a summary of the land trials
tnd results obtained. , since tba beginning
of the prosecution of these cases:
John and Herman Krausa of 8'nerldan
f connry. First Indicted In November, 1908,
1 for Illegal fencing of public lands, ap
i proxlmatuig about 10,000 acr.Reindicted In
j ICay. Ym. Trial began June t 1901. Verdict
, of guilty June 9. Applied for new trial
'. September 11. Application denied. Ap
; pealed to circuit court of appeals and
' sentenced September 23. 1906, John Krause
to pay a fine of $306 and one-half the coats
and Herman Krausa to psy a fine of tdOft
and one-half tbe costs, each to be confined
in th Douglas county Jail for twenty-four
hour a. Fougbt lbs casa to th circuit
court of appeals and lost out again. En
tered on sentence February 11. 1907, and
paid fine. Distinguishing feature of the
rial was Mrs. Bessie Osborne, tbe princi
pal ' witness . for the government, whose
yhexunneoal knowledge of th land law
j and location la the Krause enclosure were
the chief causes f conviction.
Bartlstt Richards and W. G. Com stock,
i Indicted Daoexnbar 10, 1S03. for Illegal fenc
I Ins of publia Land, approximating JFO.000
a.area. BHrvWnled In May. IMS, on th
; same general charges- Pleaded guilty to
, Illegal ancloanra In November, 1906, and
were sentenced t pay a fin of $300 each
' -and to atx hours" tm prisonm on t In th
ouatsdy f tha T5nlted fhatea marshal The
' lightness of th sentence and th alleged
raajsner ef tha enforcement of th sentence
4f tmpriaaamcnt resulted In th removal
' of United Btalaa Marshal T. U Mathews
'and United Bai District Attorney L F.
Waura Case Leader.
George L War for conspiracy to de
fraud by mean ef false entries, thus ob-
, talcing possession of Urg tract of land
tn Hooker county, aentenred to pay a fin
(,f 4i,oo and on year' Imprisonment. Af
ler lighting tha case unsuccessfully. War
wna finalry placed in Jail at Grand Island
In JJwoarober, HOT, and 1 nosr ervtae; hi
Min Jennie Liknotki Kan Down by an
Maay Candidates Being; Aaaaaaeed
for the Com In a- City Prlaaarlea
aad Mare Rs see ted la the
Near Fatere.
Ware', $:n0 fin nd la month' Imprisonment.
' n. W. Mahaffry for conplrscy. WIS fin
and forty-five day' Imprisonment.
A. F. Hatch for consplrscy. 3n fin.
D. M. tiourlcy for conspiracy. WO fine
and one day 'a imprisonment.
Bsrtlett Rh-hsrds. Will G. Comslock,
for ivtnsplrscy to drfrsud by mean of IHJTJRIES NOT THOUGHT FATAL
securing false entries to Urge trscts of
land, tl.sno fine snd one yesr's Imprison
ment esch. -
C. C. Jsmlson snd Aqullls Triplet), co
conspirators with Comstock and Richards.
rvoo fine and eight months' Imprisonment
T. M. Huntington snd Ami B. Todd, for
conspiracy to defrsud, on same genersl
charge as conspirators with Richards and
Comstock, $1,000 fin and three month' Im.
prtsnnmept each.
Fred Hoyt. ssme charge as above, tl.OOO
J. C. Pettyjohn, conplracy $jno fine and
one day imprisonment.
Henry M.' Smith. Jemcs 8ykes snd T. P.
Sykcs. perjury. ITS fine and sixty days' Im
prisonment each.
Perry A. Yeast, convicted of conspiracy.
Case pending oh appeal for arrest ef Judg
ment. 1
Total convictions secured either by trial
or plea of gvllty 6f verdict of Jury, 2.
Acquittals. 4. Not guilty by instruction
of court. 2. F.-M. Wolcott and Harry Sut
ton. Verdict of guilty and new trial
granted. 1 (Joseph Crow).
Defendants acquitted on trisl, A. M.
Modlsett. A. R. Modlsett. II. C. Dale, snd
William Bmoot
The total number of daya' Imprisonment
thus far Imposed by the court Is 2.1874.
Totsl fines Imposed, $11,825.
Harry Weluh aa a co-canVtrs.tor with
mesa uu
1 nvJiv1
: Mt
1 J
M&nj peo
ple think
tism cant
t cur4 by
treatment, f
but that ia
Omens Oil
hat cured
many caae,
and those
who are
fe-tting no bene- Uf
t from internal I '
remtditc ahouldf
.trythaOiL . SLJ
Literary aad Debating; Societies Hold
First Meet I age Viae the
The literary and debating aoclet(es of the
high school met Friday afternoon for the
first time since tbe holidays. Most of tlis
organisations presented interesting literary
programs. Two meetings were postponed
on account of the Illness of the students
who were to participate.
The Ciceronian society held a business
meeting to reorganise for the remainder
of the school vear. Mark Bavtdxe was
elected president; Howard Roa, vice presi
dent; Herbert Keasler, secretary; Sidney
Smith, treasurer; Oscar wegner, serges ni-
at-arm. and Roy Browneii, reporter.
In the Browning society the program
wes on 'Ballads." with Ruth Byera as
leader. The subject was considered In all
Its branches by Ruth Byers, Doris Wood,
Blanche Cohn. Irene. Bmlth. Hssel Degen
and Nell Carpenter. . Klsie Bolln read the
Oracle, and much attention waa attracted
to the society's bulletin board by a poster
drawn by Doris Wood..
Tbe drawing department room was used
by the Prlscllla Alden girls for their pro
gram, which began with a delightful violin
solo by Verna Hsyes. A play entitled "The
Trouble at Satterlee's." was then presented,
th principal or mi
Miss Jennie Licknoskl, 810 North Twen
ty-second street, met with a serious ac
cident at I p. m. yeterday. "he wa
struck by a heavy automobile at Twenty-
fourth and L atreets. The car was driven
by James Plank, a chaffeur of the Kimball
Garage of Omaha. The car waa bound
ro Fort Crook and moving at a pretty
rapid gait It carried Lieutenant Sidney
Smith and his wife of the fort garrison.
Mlsa Llcknookl stepped off the street car,
which was also southward bound, and di
rectly In front of the tar. It struck her
with such force that she was raised from
the ground snd fell on the automobile.
Ehe rolled off to the street. The driver
ran the car Into the curb In his effort to
stop and to avoid the accident. The
young woman was carried into A. De
Lanney's florist establishment. She was
attended by Dr. K. L.. DeLanney, the city
physician. He said no bones' ware broken.
but that Internal Injuries might develop.
It will require twelve hour or mort to
ascertain how seriously she Is Injured.
8he waa taken to ber horn about three
hours after th Injury.
Many complaints have been lodged with
the South Omaha police concerning the
speed with which automobile travel on
Twenty-fourth etreet between the two
ctttes. This, however. Is the first serious
accident for nearly two years. Farther
north, between the city limits and J
street, the autos often get up a terrific
speed. It Is likely that the police may
take steps to stop the practice of scorch
ing In Houth Omaha.
Candidate la tha Field.
The week closed with several new po
litical candidates In the field for th pri
mary election. C. A. Melclier filed a dem
ocratic candidate for city treasurer. H. T.
Brass slso filed for the republican nomina
tion for the same position. Mr. Brass is Bouth Omaha representatlva of the
Western Casket company. Sam Winters
filed for the position of city attorney. He
is a partner of W. C. Lambert, tha former
city attorney. It Is understood that H. B.
Fleharty will be In the race again. Two
have already filed for councllmen, John
Keegan and Ed Trapp. Trapp wa city
building Inspector under the present admin
istration. Both candidates are democrats
witn Bessie l.artfl us
girls school. Dorothy Philips u an Irish ,nd are frora tne Thlnl ward- several small
Vern Hayes. Frances Damon, Beth An
derson. Brstrlce Barnliart and Alice Mu
chanan as the seminary girls. The pro-
grsm closed with the reading of "Ye Furl
tsn Chronicle" by Jennie Peters.
The boys of the Webster society gave an
Interesting program sbout the statesman
after whom their organisation was named
Harold Uraham read part or wenster
speech agslnst slsvery. and Philip McCul-
lousrh read an essay about the tumous or
stor. The uuestlon: "Resolved. That Web
ster's speech against alaverv wss Justifi
able." was debated by Claude Neavles for
the affirmative and Donald Wood for the
negative. Th negative received the dec!
sion of the iudaes.
The following: entertaining roiiesre gin
program was given In th Hawthorn so
ciety :
Paper College Prsnk
Msrgueiits Walker.
Debate Resolved, That College Train
ing ia of Great Value to the Modern
Affirmative. Vera Fltxgerald; Negative,
Nellie Prltchard.
Recitation A Woman With Aspirations
Mrrna Boyce.
Original Story A Boating Exploit
Kutn Roberta.
Paper Th Self-supporting College Girl
irma hook.
May Dean, Helen Davis. Kutn isawaras.
Alma Jensen.
In the Elaine society Gladys Solomon read
an orlglhal story and Ruth Llndley. Mary
Carlvle. Kdna Bartlett. Bemlce Withnell,
Gladys Gilford and Christine Paulsen took
Dart in a nlavette.
An instructive paper on manual training
waa read dv warren Hamilton at tne meet,
Ing of the Demosthenlana. and Morris Ab-
ranimnon discussed current topics ana
events. The rest of th meeting was taken
up with business and a lively practice In
nmrl1amntarv lew.
-.- - . i -i no cur cuariiy ;
A wen prepared unnstmas program, mat .v, iv. ,, tin.-. n . . . h.i.i
a, a al t la, a . at 1 a I " IllVllt U. AUVUI, SMWSV " IICIU U CI
iu nut ia " . ! .. W , 'ViT. to January for payment
Franola Wtllard society by Ebba Jacobean, . McDonald of Kansas City, a sanl
Tekla Johnson. Gertrude Frost. Edith tr' ngineer and expert, was the guest of
Jscobson. Ruth Kieet and Kmllr Jelen.
Two handsome bronae bnsts. with marble I The lire department made a lonr run to
revolving pedestals, the gift of tha dtass of Twenty-ninth and E streets last night
ian7 hau rntlv Hn Til m rtA in 11a Hlali I ahnut A-30. Ihe fire was in the reaMenra
school building. On Is of Bbskespeare, end of George Pardee which was completely
sianas in tne room or atu Aicnugn, nesa omiroywi.
of ths English department Th other bust Fred Carlln objects very strenuously to
Is of Caesar, and has been placed In Misa the use of his name as one of the sia-ners
of a democratic petition. He says he hss
always been a republican and don t like tha
conferences were held last night by vari
ous members of both parties, with the view
of promoting various candidates. '
Police at Target Practice.
A number of the South Omaha police
spent yesterdsy afternoon on the river
bank at target practice. The most of the
shooting wss done at forty-five yards. Some
of the men exhibited considerable akill with
a revolver. Hank Elafelder and P. H.
Shields succeeded in hitting the bullseye
several times. Chief Brlggs la counted one
of the best revolver experts In the city.
Th officer have planned sevetal more
practices In the near future.
Mast City Gossip.
Tli city expended $63 for the repair of
street last week.
Mrs. A. L Coleman expect to return to
Chicago this evening.
For rent, six-room modern cottage, rea
sonable. 'Phone south 1166.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beal have -an
nounced the birth of a son.
Mrs. John Fltsgerald, 1207 North Twenty-
eighth Is reported seriously 111.
t'pehurch lodge No. I. Degree of Honor,
will Install officers January 14.
Mrs. Leo Roemer entertained the Tuesday
Afternoon club at lta last session.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. I.
Mrs. C. H. I.lndberg and children of Polk.
Neb., are visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard
Maurice Hannon, a brother of Dan Han
non. has returned to St. Louis, after a
short visit In the city.
The citr charity fund was depleted $732.43
Snyder s room, where th Latin student
may admire tu
Rewelatleas Ira Aded by D1m
f Xibnuka sued -the Caibs
dratl Ckvauster.
Th Cathedral chapter of Nebraska hag
adopted resolution on th death of Bishop
Worth! ngtoo of th dloceaa of Nebraska.
who died bus week tn Vranco, where he
wa In th performance ef hi duties a
supervisor of tha. American church an th
continent. Th resvutlona follow:
Since It ha ?isd th Great Hesdf of
Dyaamlto Wrecks Balldtngs
s completely coughs and cold wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery. Mo and $1.00. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Five Reeelv Diplomas After Corn-
Omaha GrmeraJ.
Th second annual commencement exer-
the ehuToh to rsjaaovo th soul ef the btshep cla, 0f the Omaha General hospital wer
er Pieoraaaa iron vna eoame in. ihuli . . . . -...-i at tn hosoital fUlur
labora and doty, tba Csthedral cfcapU of n,ld ,n CB"fI ot " nf,DU"1 lur
the dinoaae desire to plaos upon Its rwmrds dsr evening. Tha graduaUng class wmi
th warm exm-'ieaion of their sppreoititlon composed of fiv nurse. NelUa Campball,
or rus rugncx.rtxrT. u "' ? "'A"" Lulu Roenfeldt. Edith MoWllllam. A. Full
Church of God, a weQ as of their sorrow
for th sad circumstance or tis aeatn,
alone, tn a distant land, separated St the
time frena evervone who lovd him, ven
from har -who thouirti net far distant, yet
waa not at hi side for one word ot parting
or blrsslne. loevpressibly sad was the
taah af Blahan Werthinrton. Yet. doubt
less, it Is well that it wa so. It was his
final vindication a to tha perfect sincerity
of his life in the exercise of th duties
erton Mclntlr and Lydla Ualznstlen. The
claaa color wer ysllow and whit. Forty
nurse In whit caps and uniform, together
with Invited guest assembled In th chapel
a Tat enjoyed th exercises.
A musical program consisting of vocal
and Instrumental tnusio preceded th
address to th graduating claaa. which wa
Does tho dealer know better
th&n yon wfc&t you need tn
your home?
It not. you owa it aa a datT to
yourself, to Insist oa (etli&a what
yon amk for when you try to bay
gn advertised article. Too, ara at
traxted by th advertisement tn
Tho Be. Tou read It and maka
up your nlad that tha good ad
vertised are what yoa want. You
chase. Bo true to your eoarleUea
and t what you ask for.
A old ubalitale
of his high office, ss well aa in the putting by Rev. Dr. Clark, superintendent ef th
aside of their exercise a few years ag. chUd'a Saving Institute Th ubjeet ef
Bishop Worthltifton was nobly gentle and . . . . iv,n),-i, oia.
,ni,,tio.- in hia inierurs with men. ddreas -wa The Philanthropic Side of
and in the performance cf th dusk ef his a Nurse' Lif.'
office. He wa a faithful priest, and a "The true nurse Is a missionary,'' ha said.
Hs-veTf nuTe."ofUb5.anrof Ms community preaching
life, to the service of th church In his n gospel ef fteah air, of sun shine and of
dtnoeae. Whan aurpriaad by th first at- oleonlnteaa. To egurat the people to pre-
tack or in incurable mataay Jf
warning h. hi. work most lnea 4 her mission and thus ah lift
reluctant I v and turned over hi turisdlo- human live tewsrd higher ideals. I can
tion. practically all of it. to the coadjutor not conceive that on weuld ohoeee th pro-
tor wnoen no maae reoueat to nia u'uw, ,,..., i- n . h. . . .
not that he might lead a life ef Ignoble ffon without love fer mankind and th
and Idleness, but because he wss I missiomtry spinu I cnarg yu to Observe
wsrned by the best medical skill be could I the same laws of health which you preach,
obtain that every day spent In the exerei Th. nmulcUl rewards In your prafeaalan
ef his offio in the diocese was at the peril
of his life.
The second bishop of Nebraska was th
faithful successor of th nohle, mut'h be
loved CI ark eon. who also gave hia life for
th work to which God called blra. The
diocese of Nebraska has full cause to be
proud of lta bishops, who gave full proof
your profession
are $25 a week, but there are larger re
wards In it than that. Tour sarrlces are
p predated by your fellew man. Teu have
the satisfaction ef seeing humanity
Ueved, ef saving and prolengtng human Ufa
and to Improve conditions ef future fan
JJJZTJTJ- '"one and th final destiny ef human
which they were called. Mar Gad grsnt
thetn both the crown of their high office
in that day when He will return to judge
and reward tits raitnrui servants.
Omaha, Jan. M. in.
Similar reeolutlana "were adopted by ths
landing; committee of the rtlnn of Ne
At the close ef the address Dr. W. O.
Henry presented th diplomas, and Su
perintendent Mr, tugruy iit iiiliq ths
olsse pin a whose emblems -were a cress
and a crown.
pelaJ Aaaoeuaeoaacat Kocaurdlaug xhe
HatloataJ rare Poe4 aad Drsug Law.
We are pleased to announce that Foley'
Honey aad Tar tor cougha. cold and lung
trouble hi not affaflted by tha National
enter a store to make your par-f Pur Food and Drug law a it contain do
plate or other harmful drugs, and we
recommend U aa a aaf remedy tar childrea
and adults. All druggists. "
Aa lassdie
On of the wenst faaXBree et kidney
trouble la that It ss aa lasldlir jlseasi and
before the victim realise els danger he
may have a fatal analady. Take Foley'
Kidney Core at taw tret atga ef trouble
a It corrects rrrerulmnilas and prevent
Bright disease and dishetsa. All druggtsta
A Ttawr la thus Itaataek
is dyspepsia, complicated with liver and
kidney trouble. Elaotrlo Bitter help all
such ease er -no pay- He Far gale by
Featoa Img '
Magazines and Periodicals at Leas than Half Price
- Our clubbing announcement for the coming season Is without a doubt the cheapest and bsst ever offered, either
by a publisher or subscription agent, and contains everar combinations at less than one-halt the regular price.
We have been careful to select Magazines and Periodicals that we can recommend as being reliable, Interesting
and the best In their particular line. Many of them are the largest sellers at newa stands and book store.
If you want any publication not mentioned In this list, or If you wish to elect several publications on which we
have not made a conblnntlon offer, write us and we will quote you our special rate on-the lift selected. We can aava
you 15 to SO per cent on nearly every publication Issued.
We suggest that you take advantage of these offers with as little delay a possible, aa they may be withdrawn
at any time.
Combinations of Two
Our "Extra Special"
Tbe Twentieth Centery Farmer, weekly,
eae year.
The Poultry Oasette. monthly, one year.
Fruit Growers Journal, monthly, one year.
Gleaning in Pee Culture, semi-monthly,
one year.
epare Moments, monthly, one year.
Total value 11 SR. .
Our offer for the Ave, enly flop (for a
limited time only).
Four Extra Good Offers
Tae following four combinations contain
only the beat mlnea. and are oltered,
at extraordinary low prices.
The Twentieth Ceatery Farmer, weekly, II
The World Today, monthly 1 54
MoCluree. monthly l.0
Poultry Gaaette. monthly II
The Fruit Growers Journal, monthly... .(0
Epara Momenta, monthly 60
Total value !.
Our Special Offer for the Six, Oaly i.3S.
The Twentieth Centery Fanner, weekly, $1.00
Jtavlew ot Kavlewi, monthly 1.00
Ruccets or Cosmopolitan (say which).. 1.00
Bunaet Mas-aslne. Inrludinc two hand
ome Meino Color Engravlnsa and a
portrait ot President Roosevelt 1.B0
Total value ,'...!. SO
Our fpeclal Offer for the Four, Only S.t5.
The Twentieth Centery Farmer, weekly, 11.00
8t. Nicholas (new only) monthly .00
McDures, monthly 10
Womana Home Companion, monthly... 1.00
Total value ' 50
Our Special Offer for the Four, Oaly .65.
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly. 11.00
Werld's Work, monthly 00
Delineator, monthly 1 00
MoClurea, monthly
Total value '. $.IS
Oar Speclsl OS erf or the Four, Only $3.6S.
Our Regular Combina
tion Offers
The Twentieth Ceatery Farmer, weekly.
Poultry Gasette, monthly.
Gleanings In liee Culture, semi-monthly.
ftpare Moments, monthly.
And your rholc of one of the following i
National Home Journal, monthly.
Peoples Popular Monthly.
Kanaaa City Weekly Star.
Knne of the laat three puhllcatlone ran be
euhetttuted tor one ef tbe ft rut four.
.Total value, 3.00 to II. 2S.
Our Special Offer for tbe Five, Only $1.15.
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly, $1.00
Our Country, monthly 1.00
Poultry Gazette, monthly 25
Fruit Growara Journal, monthly 60
Total value $2.75
Oar Special Offer for the Fear, Only ll.t.V
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly, $1.00
The Apple Hpeclallst, monthly :5
Kanaas City Hlar. weekly 25
National Home Journal, monthly .50
Poultry Gasette, monthly 25
The Fruit Growers Journal, monthly... .60
Total value. y $2.7S
Our Special Offer fer the SU, Only f 1.35.
The Twentieth Centery Farmer, weekly. $1.0
National Hxme Journal, monthly 50
Mo.l-l MiifABina ga
Willi 71 Future Pont Cards, the to kind. I
Tarla Moriea Masatlne go
With pattern aa selected 10
Total value $.
Oar Special Offer, Only 11.40.
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly, $1.00
American Kwlnehenl, monthly., , .bQ
Kruit Urowrra Journal, monthly 50
Weekly Inter-Ocean 1.00
8part Momenta, monthly 50
Tqtal Value $t.5S
Our Special Offer for the ITre, Only $1.1.
The Twentieth Century Fanner, weekly, $1 00
World's Eventa, monthly.., 1.00
Home Maitaslne, monthly 1.00
Our Country, monthly , ,,. 100
Poultry Gasette. monthly
Total value. ...14.21
Onr Special Offer for the FIto, Only $10.
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly, $1.00
j try Gasette. monthly.
ult Growers Journal, monthly.
American Swineherd, monthly.
woria Toflay, monthly
itpare Momenta, monthly
National Home Journal, monthly.
Total value $4.76
Onr Special Offer for thai Seven, Only $..
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly, $t. 00
American Boy, monthly.... 100
Hucceas, monthly i,o
Ppare Moments, monthly .60
Fruit Growers Journal, monthly 50
Poultry Gasette, monthly 26
Total value tt.15
Oar Special Offer for ths Six, Only $3.M.
The Twentieth Century Farmer, weekly, $1.00
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The Twentieth Century
Omaha, Nob.
-s ' .
Recent E"' '- Against- Aeitation Do
Not Have Conclusive Effect
relatively but absolutely less than the los
from forest fire and from the devastating
character ot floods originating upon waste
lands. The work ot restoring the' forest
takes time, but not so much time as Is
commonly supposed."
Eight Important 4aestlon Confront
Tkrene ia Addition 40 Relations
with Japan and Great
FEK1NG. Jan. 12. The Chinese govern
ment has been persuaded to sign the
projects for the Tien Tsln Chlnkiang end
the Che-Klang railroad loan, and it Is
anxious that they go through while the
agitation In these provinces, which has
tended the "rights recovery" movement. Is
In temporery abeyance.
Th recent edict from the throne
against sgitation have not had a conclu
sive effect, but they have brought about
change for the better In the tone of the
comment appearing in the native preaa.
Certain members of the government are
doubtful of the ultimate outcome of the
measure adopted by the throne; they re
lent some of them and they are not con
vinced of the lncerity of the government
In extending the repressive measures to
the province. There Is even talk today
among some high officials that in any
other country it would be conaldered as
presaging a revolution.
China ha at present eight important
queatton on It hands aside from Its
Dsgotlatlon with Great Britain and Ja
pan. Four of theae matter seriously
threatened Its sovereignty. According to
som observer here the government ap
pear to be growing weaker, but thl evi
dently I due to the fact that Its con
tention with the powers and Its Inte
rior difficulties have coin up at one
and the same time and it ha failed to
make us of th abilities of Tuan Bhlkal.
who complain that hi hand are tlsd
and powerle. Indo-Chlna has repeatedly
ent warnings to Peking of danger In
volving the revolutionary movement on
th Tong King border, where the cours
pursued by the rebels has provoked
troop from Tong King, which Is a Frenoh
possession, to oross over Into the Chlneii
province of Kwang-81. Against this tie
foreign board has protested, and th
French minister here, M. Bapst, ha re
plied with adequate aaaurance.
Sir John N. Oordan, th British minis
ter to Chins, I today aanguln of a sat
isfactory solution of ths West river diffi
culty. This trouble arise from the prev
alence of piracy on this waterway, which
Oreat Britain la now policing with a
email fleet of gunboats. Plr John Is
particularly hopeful. Inasmuch a th
province of Kwang Tung ha conceded
a claim of 'f 0,000 tale for piracy out
rage. A British gunboat while aearcblng for
pirate en ths West river recently stopped
and boarded a French boat. A aoon as
tha nationality of th auspecteo) vessel
waa mad known it wa released and pro
ewdad a It ay.
Th cours of action followed by Oreat
Britain with regard to Manchuria I ss
pec ted ultimately to determine whether a
power ether than the Japanese will be
permitted -to find Investment in that terri
tory. The e vacation of tha Cbumbl valley
tn Tibet by British troop 1 being de
lav ad among ether things by th necessity
of settling tha guawtlon of whathaw Tibet
will b included tn tha provision f th
Anglo-Chinas treaty concerning Tibetan
Modern Wredmen Lodge Are Cele
brating Twenty-Fifth Annl
leraary of the Order.
Omaha camp No. 1-0, Modern Woodmen
of America, held a meeting last Wednes
day. Six new members were added to the
rolla of tilt camp, which gives it a mem
bership of 1.1J3 In good standing. After
the Initiation, tho orflccrs elected for 19011
were Installed by Fast Consul J. W. Good
hard, which were: Consul, K. C. Ochseln
bein; adviser, N. H. Nye; banker, William
Nollman; sentry, Iauiis JohnHon; hoard of
managers, J. A. Crystal, J. C. Bnyder and
H. L). Stone; examining physicians, Drs.
C. F. Clark, C. B. Atzen, Alfred Jefferson,
R. K. Marble. I,. A. Merrlam, R. J. Midg
ley, Ralph 8. Hart. N. F. Btelner and I.. V.
Morsman; chief forester. Captain H. C.
Martens. Refreshments were served dur
ing tho evening. The next meeting of the
camp will be devoted to the celebration of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of the order
with a fitting program for the occasion,
when the members will be at liberty to
bring their ladles and prospective mem
bers. Magnolia camp No. 1S33 recently cele
brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
order with an entertuining program. Past
Ccnsul Ocorg L,. Silver bid the members
and their friends welcome in behalf of the
camp. This was followed with a musical
program and an address by District Deputy
Head Consul C. H. T. Rlepen, giving tbe
history of the order. Then followed an
exhibition drill by the foreBters and the
meeting closed with a banquet, which was
enjoyed by PW members and Ihelr Invited
friends. A joint Installation or tne 0111
cers of this camp and the Ruyal Neighbor
camp will be held next Tuesday evening,
This will be a meeting open to the members,
their ladies and their friends.
B. & M. camp No. 946 celebrated the
twenty-fifth annlverssry of the order with
an adoption of twenty-five new candidates,
followed with a banquet, at their Aieetlng
last Friday evening. This ramp will In
stall Us officers for 190S at Its next meet
ing, Friday, January 17.
Knights Templar. ' , '
Right Eminent Bir Ellas W. Beghtol,
grand commander of the Knlsrhta Templar
of Nebraska, waa the guest of Mount Cal
vary commandery No. 1 Friday evening at
the Masonic temple. A reception was held
In the parlors of the hall, followed by an
elaborate banquet. Bir Knight 'A. Hlppl
waa toastmaater. Toast responses were
made by Grand Commander Begtilol, Sir
Uniirht William A. DeBord. Rev. Frank L.
DoveUnd and Sir Knights Charles W. Sears
and Arthur T. Jackson. 'The function was
attended by about 31X1 members of th order.
During the afternoon the llluatrious Order
of the Red Cross was conferred on seven
I.adle of the Ureal Army.
A Joint publlo Installation of th nsw
officers of Garfield circle, Lavdlea of the
Grand Army, and Vlrksburg regiment No.
1. 1,'nlpn Veterans' union, was held Friday
evening in the presence of a large company
of members and friends of both orders.
Commander W. U Hopper acted aa Install
ing officer for thn I'nlon Veterana and
Past Department President Mrs. Camilla
Elliott Installed the clrcl orticer. A
pleasing program of music and dancing fol
lowed the Installation ceremonlea, th even
ing concluding with dancing.
Gettysburg circle No. 48 lnstelled It new
officer Wednesday evening, with a large
number of member and friend partici
pating. A social bour followed th cere
monlea. Grail Army ef tba Repablle.
A Joint Installation of th new officer of
George A. Custer oost No. 7 and Custer
Woman's Ralief Corp will be held Tues
day evening at Ba right hall. Department
Commander T. A. Creigb will act a iiistall
ini afficer. An elaborate program Is be
ing arranged for th occasion. conalsUng
of music, refreshments and social diversions
generally. 1
V. 8. Grant Woman's Relief Corps No.
104 Tuesdny evening. Jointly with Grant
post No. 110, Installed its new officer. The
officer of the corps installed were: Mrs.
M. J. Mitthews, president; Mrs. Alice
Shreeves, senior vice president; Mrs. Volona
Morse, junior vice president; Mrs. Orianna
Koch, secretary; Mrs. Uilllan Allen, . eon
cluctor; Mrs. Jessie Traynor, guard. 'Mr.
Harriet A. Wilcox, past department presi
dent, acted as Instslling officer. Depart
ment Commander T. A. Creigh acted as In
stalling officer for Grsnt post. At th
conclusion of the Installation ceremonies
refreshments wre served and a social time
the public Installation of officers of
Omaha lodge No. 1, I'nlon lodge No. 110.
and also Century lodge No. 100, Royal
Achates, of Florence, was held Tuesday
evening tinder tho direction of Omaha lodge
No. 1. The officers were installed by the
supreme secretary, Emma 1... Orlnnell, with
Captain C. M. Rackley in charge of the
degree staff. The hall was filled with
members and friends. John F. Keya ren
dered a solo entitled "Anchored," accom
panied by Dr. E. A. Van Fleet.
Omaha court No. 110. Tribe of Ben Hur,
met for the flrat time In Its new quarters
in Fraternity hall. Nineteenth and Harney
streets. Monday evening. Tomorrow even
ing the court will give a publlo installation
of lta new officers. An entertaining pro
gram has been prepared, to which all friends
are cordially Invited. After th Installation
refreshments will be served.
Korth Omaha lodge No. 101, Ancient Order
of I'nlted Workmen. Initiated four candi
dates at Its last meeting. A number ol
applications were alao read. On Wednes
day evening, January 16, the degree team
will give a social dance at the Workman
temple. All friends are invited.
rnblle Health Work.
Discussing tho advance in municipal
health and sanitation in Providence Dr.
Charles V. Chapin, superintendent of th
Board of Health, told of the plan to estsb
ltah a "fresh air school" for children. 814
Dr. Chapin:
"A great deal ot public health work It
Providence is done through privgt
agencies. All of it ought to be done by th
"It Is hoped that before long th city
will establish a fresh air school for those
children who exhibit a tendency toward
tuberculosis or. are much exposed to In
fection. The more we can accomplish by
Instruction and persuasion and th lea w
appeal to the law thn better. School' In
spection 1 a useful procedure."
Announcement, wedding stationery ana
calling cards, blank book and magaaln
binding. 'Phon Doug. 1804. A. L Root, Isa,
iarat rs uij 1 litem.
Mia Mir, Lloyd Dock f FayeUarlU,
Pa number of the Ptauurrlranla BLaia
Forwatry cnsnsTillnn. said:
Th coat at fabllshtng a f oreat laeia is
and su m rnaWarataaj. U far aoana ttm
wllhrat earprnsJiiwi af rwvenuns 1 not wcly
COlAtni CtaaaicaJ. eilaasrai. ainiayainal easxsas,
gXAPSJtT avraduaS kik aaaaal axavaaas MM
Bii-rv er aar etkar eoUre er eaiveraus.
Moe-MAA, CH(ca, K lament rf sag 4lltlll
ewurace. Crmii Bias inawi,
CO!a,aTOH J-Taexrr td ataala, lsav sataa,
fialu, elacullee aa art.
MAMA COkMJtCTl'tkA Klaatrie Mae an Berltaa.
taa Ball mar. raw HoSera bavatltartaa,
asanas Pnautaas Vaasvana, beltane, aa.
m 7?XJBl Mi sw I 1 1 il rTnVrry am. .mm .f I
Kearney TH it a
Reoprna January 91 h; nrw term begin Krbroarjr 1st.
Yoor boy ran start with na at the beginning ot tlw new
trrm. Student entering In the middle of the Winter
are given special attention by our corps of Instructor
and yoa need have no heeltmivrj in making application.
at tills tune.
It is not too early to plan for
your boy's school for next fall
Bend jour boy te military academy. The training such
as he will receive at our school create habits of obedW
ence. promptness, punctuality, neatness and a sense of
responsibility. If you want your boy to be a strong,
manly young fellow, he should receive both a thorough
mental and- physical training. Our courses of instruction
are thorough and our discipline, which Is semi-military in
character, builds a sound foundation for after life. In
their school life, our boys are Interested, happy and con
tented. We would like to have your boy among them.
For full Information, address .
Harry N. Rusoell
Head Master Kearney. Nebraska