Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: J A NIT A ft Y 12. 190S.
Sych Bargaino CLQay KJever ome.Your Way Again
Select Them ' Momf
Sales conducted on a bigger scale than ever No store but Brandeis' could offer goods in such quantities at such
bargains. Our powerful buying organization has commanded the biggest price advantages in the world's market
for these sales, No western store ever assembled onehalf the genuine moncyvsaving bargains we offer this week
Every Item Here
Is An Extra Special
Every Price Is
A Reduced Price
Drandels' Bargain
Prices Are Cut in
Two During Our
Clearing Sale
Are You Getting Your Share of Brandeia' Big Bargains?
We Are Sacrificing All Our Winter Goods This Month
Branded ' Is the One Store That Opens Up With All New Goods
Each Season. We Carry Nothing Over.
L I I llll Ill I J
Greater Clearing Sale Bargains U Will be On
Hand (o Se
cure These
Specials Monday
Dress Goods
Newest 1908 Dress Goods, Suitings In dark, medium
'. and light colorings, English Mohairs, etc., etc.;
bought from a New York Jobber at r
less than one-half price,, bargain H u a
square, south door; Dress Goods vnHB
worth 50c, 69c and 7 Be, at, yard Ldl XJ m
High cJaas Dress Goods from 40 to 48 inches. In a
good range of patterns and colorings,
.$1.25 and $1.50 Dress Goods, very fMf
special, yard.... WWW
High class Wash Dress Fabrics, our own Importa
tion from. English and French markets, superb
lines of colored and white linen fabrics, embroid
ered MousBellne de Sole, Dotted Silk Mulls, Etc.,
at astonishing prices, 25C t0 2
asbBress Goods
.tegular 50c Qualities at 25c Yard
In Main Floor Wash Goods Department
175 pieces of 27 inch Fancy Silk Dots and
scrolls, floral effects, geometrical patterns
and pompadour designs printed on a
beautiful silk and cotton fabric, positively
worth GOc yard. They
have been greatly admired
in our 16th Street Win
dow, your choice at, yard
75c and
Bigger Right
Now Than
Ever Before
Special Shewing and Sale
RIcw Waists
(ii b
Thousands of yards of hand loom Embroideries the highest class, embroideries made elabor
ate new patterns in Flouncings Skirtings and Corset Cover Embroideries, also wide bands.
insertions and galloon headings on heavy Swiss fabfic, finest
of nainsook and cambric such elegant embroideries sell regu
larly up to $1.00 yard at yard
ATT - OVF.R Fine" Nainsooks,' Cambrics and Swisses, in finest and newest eyelet, Japa-, pi fTf C I
EMBROIDERIES neSG' shaCW an( effects worth up to $1.75 yard in two bargain lots, JPjr Qw p
I 19c-3k I
Narrow, medium and Vide edges, also insertions and headings; an endless
variety of new designs, many to match, worth f J
as high as 15c yard, in three lots, at aC"d)C" 3? C
Fine French and German Vals, Torchons, Point de Paris and Baby Irish
effects; new designs, many to match,
worth up to 12 c, at, yard JC
I!" to m
Special Silk Sale g
A new shipment of exclusive rough silk
Shantungs, in the extreme Persian bor
ders, satin barred stripes and plain
weaves the new colors
ings especially
priced, yard
Tuscan Rough Silk, in 25 new QDn
shades for Monday, special,1 yd. . W tJu
Black Silk Taffetas
Manufactured specially for us the
Lyons, France, Tresca Freres "Integrity"
Dress Taffetas.
20-inch, worth 8.r)c, at, yard 59c
27-inch, worth $1.10, at, yard 89c
32-inch, worth $1.35), at, yard $1.00
36-inch, worth $1.75, at, yard $1.25
Monday's Greater Bargains in Our Annual
New, snowy Uts on bargain, tables Moni 11,
New and very prettily trim
med lots of gowns, drawers,
skirts, corset covers and
chemises, worth up to $1, at
Our specials in French hand made Lingerie are extraordinary
French Hand Made
Dainty muslin undergar
' ments, many elaborately
trimmed, select fabrics,
worth up to $1.25, at
x 1 ' 1 Y Women's skirts, gowns, flVJ
lit ! chemises and drawers. I I , y
J I beautifully made and IS X
rtfSt '' worth up yjJi ' I
Imported direct through
bur own Paris office and
priced far below regular
Corset Covers worth $1.25, at 75c.
Corset Covers worth $1.5.0, at 98c.
Corset Covers worth $3.60, at
Corset Covers worth $3.00, at
Chemises worth $1.25, at 75c.
Chemises worth $1.60. at 98c.
Chemises worth $2.00, at $1.25.
Chemises worth $2.60, at $1.50.
Gowns worth $2.75, at $1.98.
Gowns worth $3.50, at $2.60.
Gowns worth $4.00, at $2.98.
Gowns worth $5.00, at $3.60.
1S.7K Oowrm are II. 9R
12.25 Oownn are 1.B0.
13. RO Oownn are yi M
$3.98 Gowns are $2.98.
Our Finer Lines of Domestic Undermusllns are Greatly Underpriced for Monday
$2.50 Petticoats for $1.50. IZ.BO ChemlBeB for II. BO. 12.00 Coret Covers for It 2R.
;t.00 Pettleoata for 11.98. 13.98 ChemlBea for $:, 98. . 12. 60 Coract Covers for 1 1.60.
2.75 Corset Covers for 11.98.
$3.50 Petticoats for $2.50.
$3.98 Petticoats for li.vH.
$6.00 Chemises for
$7.00 Chemlsos for $1.98.
3.00 Corset Covers fpr $2.60. . $4.50 Drawers for $isS
$2.00 Drawitrs for $1 t
A3-0 Drawers for $f 80.
jo.uv isrowers ror $1.M8,
Thousands of dainty,
new 1908 Waists will be
shown tomorrow. Such
a display as this has never
been attempted In Omaha
and to make the event
more interesting we have
marked each waist at a
special price.
I Alien Tailored Waists
Daintily pleated and
tuck styles. In sheer or
heavier materials, spec
ial prices, 95.08, $4.1)8,
4.BO, $3.08, $3.SO and
Linen Kmbroidered
Waists Beautiful need
lework, new patterns, at
$0.98, $5.98, $4.98,
$3.98, $3.50.
Dainty Lingerie Waists Long or short sleeves, at
$4.98, $3.98, $2.98, $2.50, $1.98 and $1.50
January Clearance Sale
Furs and Fur Coats D
Complete clearance of all Furs, Coats and Scarfs,
at a fraction of their former price
$40.00 Russian Pony
Coats, at $11.00.
$250.00 Sealskin Blouse,
at $189.00.
17 Inch blended Brook
Mink Coats, $75.00 value,
now $49.00.
$49.00 Near Seal Coats,
with Brook Mink collar,
reveres and cuffs, $47.50.
$60.00 Near Seal Coats.
Siberian Hqulrrel collar,
cuffs and reveres, 24 Inches
long-, $39.00.
$89.00 Near Seat Blounos,
genuine Marten collar, cuffs
and reveres. $45.00.
$7.60 Zaxa shape Krlm
mer Scarfs, $3.98.
$16.00 Vox Boas and long
Throws, $7.60.
$7.50 natural grey squirrel
pillow shaped muffs, $3.50.
$8.00 Imitation' Chinchilla Pillow Shape Muffs, $2.98.
Kxtra large Canadian Marten Hoas, shuwl Hhape,
double Mink Boas, worth up to $10.00, at $3.98 and $4.9s!
Clearance Women's Coals and Suits
$8.98 and $9.08 for ladies' Coats that sold up to $25.00.
, in Caraculs, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Coverts, etc loose
and tight fitting.
24 and 27 inch Caracul Coats that sold up to $26 00
at $9.98.
One extra special lot fanry mixtures, Broadcloths
Caraculs, etc., that sold up to $15.00, at $5.00.
Clearing the balance of Suits and Rain Coats n
big lot of Suits that sold up to $26.00, at $12.60.
Odds and Knds of Suits that sold up to $15a)0 at
$5.00 and $7.60.
It h V, lira
an u
""t ," OOQOQESEni3EtS
Specials in Leather
GOOdS Jewelry Dept.
1,000 ladie6 fine Purses, leather
lined, In all the new
hades, worth up to
to $1.60. at
Ia our Belt Department we will
sell any steel Btudded
belt worth up. to $10,
Good heavy quality white
Shaker Flannel, fleecy
nap on both sides, suit
able for women's and
children's underwear
regularly 1
worm u d,
6,000 yards
at, yard
Monday we offer a bright
new lot of those velvet
FlannHs that everyone
wants for Kimonos,
Dressing Bar
ques, Robes,
Etc., at,
Waist and dress lengths
Novelty 8atin stripe
batiste and lawns, fine
sheer quality, with
dainty floral designs,
alHO stripes, checks, a
saving of 9c 1
vord tn hnv M I
these, at,
G oo d; heavy
Muslin will be
sold, F
at ftlp
yard.. '"tfU
Fine Sheer India
Linons, dress length
values up to 25c
January fl(7 1
sale price,
Splendid new lot Scotch
and Chambray Ging
hams, the kind that half
the ladles in Omaha
been wait
Ins; for this
big lot, at Ii )
per yard . . .
40 inch wide White
Lawns, 8 to 15 yard
lengths, a big bar
gain for fp
Monday, 5lj
yard w W
In Our Hair-dressing
Dept., Second Floor
50 c
Hair-Dressing and Marcel
Massaging with Electric
Manicuring for ladies
and gentlemen
All kinds of Hair Goods
lowest prices
. Heiri of William Cullen Bryant Own
Much. Omaha Property.
ft ral Estate Rzrhanir Is Trrtasr to
Mer Sretarr of Maalclpal
Ipa;a for Address ou
ClTle Braatr.
With th death of Julia 8. Bryant in
Parts several weeks a some $25,100 worth
of Omaha property passes Into the hfinda
of new owners, heir to the relate of Mias
Ilryant. Ths Bryant eittate at one time
owned mora than $100,000 worth of Oniahu
property. Julia 8. Bryant was the youngest
daughter of William Culli-n Bryant anl
held a Urge part of her share of the estate
In Omaha property. Other heirs of the
great newspaper man and poet have bought
real estate mortgages of Omaha agents
for a number of years and not long ago
two largs mortgages werp sold to heirs of
the estats. But the property has gradually
ben sold at good prices and the old family
realised handsome profits on sinie of l ho
Investments made In Omaha. Agenla hand
ling the property in Omaha have received
notloa fo sell none of the property until
tho salute Is settled and the $i.ou0 worth
of property has been temporarily with
drawn from the market.
President W. T. Graham of the Real
testate exchange is in correspondence with
Clinton R. Woodruff, secretary of the Na
tional Municipal leau. , with the hope of
j-rsLCgin to have Mr. Woodruff speak
juei dusujf February. TUo aecretary la to
speak In Kansas City on February , and
It Is possible that srrangements may be
made to have him vlHlt Omaha either on
his way to Kansas City or after his date
there. Mr. Woodruff la a speaker with a
national reputation and has been sctlve In
the work of the league for ome time. It
Is lit the hope of securing an address by
Rerretary Woodruff that rral estate dealers
and those active In the Improvement clubs
of Omaha will start a local branch of the
municipal league In Omaha. The local
branches have done much In various cities
of the Tntted Slates to Improve the physi
cal appearance of the city, securing legis
lation looking to restriction of bill boardB,
removal of unsightly architecture and
other work similar to that sought by the
Improvement clubs.
Work will be stalled ui the nest meeting
of the Omaha Real. Ktitate exchange on
the arranRements for the annual banquet
of the exchange. This Is usually held
early In February, but owing to the fact
that the exchange has been busy discussing
many Important subjects for the lat few
weeks no attempt hus been made to ar
range for the banquet. The annual dinner
and speechniaklng carnival will le
dally brilliant this year, as the real estate
dealers anticipate an unusually good year
and the general feeling has never txeii
better. The Interest In the exchange has
also reached a high point and t lie organiza
tion Is in active working condition.
Joseph I-eshy, a railroad contractor,
bought through Hastings aV Keyden, last
week, the home at 8014 Einmet street,
Kountse Plce, for W.3UO: With the sale
of the property to Mr. Leahy, Omaha real
estate dealers have sold more than $40.0ii0
worth of Omaha property to railroad con
tractors who have made their money In
the west during the last summer. Mr.
Leahy la the fifth contractor who has
bought rMldeoc firpsortg iMtWtt Ui last
five weeks, and announces the Intention of
making his, future homo In Omaha. The
Slabaugh flats were sold to a railroad con
tractor and his son for $10,000 as a home
and Investment.
Acreage traota will be quite popular dur
ing 1WJ8 from Jill indications and more coun
try homes aTe promised than during any
other year In the building of Omaha. Har
rison & Morton have' announced they will
open at once the 20-acre tract west of the
Field club golf links and extend Woolworth
avenue through the acreage tram. This
piece of real estate is near the highest
points of the city, and a view Is obtained
of Dundee, F-ast and West Ambler places,
the broad fields of the county farm and
te llanscom park district. Ground Is be
ing broken for ono or two new homes In
the place and It Is selling for $1,000 an
acre. W. T. Graham has more than twenty
at res in a fine trait northwest of the end
of the Ames avenue tar line, which he con
templated opening; later. George & Co.
have Fairacies, west of Dundee, and one
$JS.W residence Is being erected on the
tract. Florence will undoubtedly retain Its
popularity as a rural residence place, wh'le
Gould Diets has secured many acres of
abandoned" land on Thirty-eighth street
and Thirty-eighth avoiiue, which will be
graded and otherwise improved during the
"I believe private money will be easier
soon and there sre plenty of demands
for It." said 8. P. Bostwick of the firm
of Payne & Bostwick, In speaking of the
Inquiries being made for loans. "I Know of
a number of applications for f per cent
loans which are wanted on Omaha real
estate, and when It has been brought to
the attention of Individuals having capital
to loan on such securities, the loans have
been favorably considered. These loans
are usually made for three or five years.
lja4 piapr, Untf 4 ttoa4 FUU
the borrower to pay. $100 or multiples of
$100 on each' Interest date aftrr the first
year. This makes private money very
convenient and the outlook Is that many
such loans will be made. More inquiry
has been noticed tn the last week. Things
are looking better and while deals are not
being made very fast everything has the
appearance of health and strength In the
real -estate' business. I believe it will be
a year of small home building, the ten
dency being to build ,five and six-room
cottages. I do not look for many large and
expensive homes, but the numerous small
ones may cause rents to decline from IS
to 20 per cent. Rents have been a little
high for the cottage property and they
will adjust themselves as moro people
get their own homes."
Bertrand W. Page bought two lots on
Twenty-fifth avenue north of the fort of
Hastings A Heyden during the week
which he will Improve. Burt tfmlth of the
Missouri River Lumber company has
bought lots on Spencer street, tn Kountze
Place between Eighteenth and Nineteenth
streets, of the same firm, which he will
improve. P. C. Best bought the cottage at
Thirty-seventh and Dodge of the firm for
Harry Tukey, secretary of the Omaha
Real Estate exchange, Is spending a week
in Chicago. A. U Reed, accompanied by
Mrs. Reed, left during the week for Flor
ida coast 'points and Cuba, where' they
will spend several weeks.
A resolution will be Introduced at the
next meeting of the RtU Estate exchange
asking the exchange to endorse a plan
for the state of Nebraska to guarantee
bank deposits la Institutions chartered
by the state. Though no failure of a Ne
braska bank has been recorded during the
recent panic many; real estate men are of
the opinion that an additional feeling of
security would be added by. the state pro
yldiAg sV XuaA La sm way. which could he
used to pay .depositors In the event of a
Great Battlo Betweea Mil and JVa
tore Is Belast Fought to
a Finish.
It Is one thing to blast and shovel a mil
lion cubic yards out of Culebra, but It Is
another problem so to place the excavation
that It will be out of the way for all time
or so to place It that It will protect the
canal channel on' the lowlands of the
eastern portion of the waterway.
The Investigator at Culebra, as on other
portions of the ditch, Is Impressed at the
outset with the fact that the railroad is
the key to the situation boUi from an
engineering and a sanitary standpoint.
This canal cannot be constructed upon a
trunk sewer plan. All of us have Intelligent
friends who seem to .thtnjt that It is only
necessary to excavate and throw the dirt
along the banks of the waterway. But as
the tourist obtains his first view of the
cut at Empire he observes that ths rapid
ity with which the dirt trains are enabled
to move out Is the measure of the day's
Through this region, in order tb assure
a prism of definite width, it has' been
found necessary . to Increase the proposed
width from time to time as one landslide
followed another, and while that Increases
the total amount of the excavation It
renders possible the placing of tracks one
above another t accommodate the ' dirt
During the month of July, 1S04. $1,000
cubic . yards of dirt were excavated at
Culebra cut; a year laterthe monthly exca
vation was upward of 10,000 cubic yards,
and during the month of July. 1908, 157.000
cubic yards were removed from the nine
mile atrip.
It Is worthy of not that on-Maroh H
1307. tb Xij( xcavUoa ww create thaa
the amount shoveled out during the first
month of July cited. The present monthly
excavation varies between 600,000 and 800,000
cubic yards, and with the passing of the
rainy season 1.000,000 cubic yards a month
will be the assured excavation record of
the Culebra army.
. But back of this record of monthly exca
vation and as a preliminary condition es
sential to the present efficiency of the
Culebra army is the story of the conquest
of the Isthmian Jungle. The canal cut
proper has been a constant source of
trouble to the health division. In many
Instances outlets for drainage are imprac
ticable and the water supply can only be
ditched In one pool. The progress of each
steam shovel leaves In its train new and
varied drainage problems.
This has necessitated constructing pools
by filling In, deepening ditches, confining
the water by rough stone walls, and ditch
ing the large side pools, thus turning all
the water Into the main ditch, where It
forms a swift running stream, unfavorable
to mosquito breeding. Drip barrels of oil
have been placed at points where the cur
rent slowed down, and this, combined
with the rapidity of the current, has re
duced mosquito breeding in the canal cut
to a minimum.
The malarial reports of the district physi
cian being tabulated, the number of cases
In the different camps Is compared with
that of the previous three weeks. If there
Is a decided Increase of malaria at any
camp the Inspector of that district Is tele
phoned to look for the point of Infection.
The, mosquito Inspector takes the list
and: goes over the whole ground in order
Lof greatest Increase, locating or confirm
ing the point of infection and reports upon
the measures best adapted for the removal
of the same. All the laborers of the dis
trict who can be spared from the daily
routine work are at once concentrated at
that point to make a swift and effective
end to the mosquito hrsedJLox rltirn Out
Police 'Will Not Interfere with Those
Who Wish to Open for
"Bo far as the police force Is concerned,
there will be nothing iclng toward en
forcing the Sunday blue laws tomorrow,"
said Captain Dunn yesterday. Carriage,
street cars, pool rooms, barber shops and
'everything else except saloons may run t
their heart's content. There will be on spe
cial officers detailed to gather evidence, and
neither will the regular patrolmen be In
structed to gather evidence against Sunda.'
violators on the beats. There are several
hundred reports In thohands of the city
prosecutor now, with evidence Ka'hered by
the police against Hun. lay violators, and
until he begins to do Something with thosn
no other reports wilt be made.
Reward of Watchman Who Wakes
Fellow Lflnar Asleep a
Railroad Track.
Hans Hall was found lying asleep on
Union Paclflo railroad tracks BatuJ
morning by Biieclal Watchman TUthe.. i
awoke him only a short time' bfr,
passing of a tram and sent for th,
wagon. Hall was not especially ,
to the man who probably saved r .
ha stood and cursed him until Hot
wagon arrived. Hall was In p
sometime ago on the charge of
and received a thirty days .
A l ife Problem
by that great health ton'
ia the enrichment of pJ
strengthening the weenr,
by beaton Pruc Co. L .