Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Is one of the
and Finest
Store and
In America
Is a Triumph of
TIE Hffli
Is conducted by the same men whs erected this great build
ing and made the Brandeis Store one of the greatest in the West.
Xlic Brandeis' Guarantee Every De
posit lit This Bank
Mtney Can Be Withdrawn Any Time Without Notice
Hog Shipments Have Been Excep
tionally Heavy During Week.
Urorr Harold Arrested for Passing
Checks to Which He Is Alleged
to Have Forseal th
t The week In the South Omaha market
again closes with. Improving prospects In
nil classes rf live stock. The prices of
. hogs remain low, but there Is little doubt
that the low prices are due not uo much
to the financial conditions as to tha
heavy shipment. The local market re
ceived nearly 70,000 In the first fivo days
of the week. This Is nearly twice a mir.y
ns In the same week last year. Prices
showed a tendency toward steadiness, but
the heavy recolpto pulled off about 10
cenis auring me. weea. i ne guuuuii lur
the fu'.uro Is bright. As soon as this run
slows up a little ,prlces are expected to
advance. The hogs coming In are Ne
braska raised for the greater part. The
quality Is good and It seems that tiio
country has plenty q,f them. Tho high
price of corn has had a tendency to send
them to market as early as possible.'
Sheep has sold remarkably strong and
ctlve with a fair advance of prices. The
hl time figures were reached in a few
loads of choice lambs. Some of the loads
f .'prlng lambs brought a fraction over
I cents yesterday. The run of sheep has
Seen lighter than In previous years. The
iheep men who bought at very high
prices last 'fall are beginning to take
leart' again. It Is likely that with Im
proving conditions the heavy dealers will
De able to realize a fair remuneration. It
Is not hoped that any great profit may bo
reaped as the prices last fall were too
t'attlo have been coming in slowly com
pared to the receipts of last year. The
prices have slowly Improved In the main
luring th week.
loang Jlan (barged with Forgery.
Ueorgo Harold, t),c son of James Har
old, Thirtieth und I. streets, was urrested
lesterday for forgery and the Issuing of
Prominent Physician Gives
His Be ;t Prescriptions to
Sick People Without
Nearly all diheases or aliment. 'aie
aused primarily by poor circulation of
'.ho blood no mutter whether it is th
kidneys, or the heart, or the stoma m, or
liver, or who,; er tjrsaii may ue alTcct-J J
poor circulation I the primary cause
A famous physician, alter yeaiis of !
study and experiments, 1ms finally din- ,
covered a remedy which tr used In con-I
nectlon with certain other weil-know.)
drust and mixed with correct proportions,
will cure tlin most stubborn ailment. Of
com so the same Ingredients are not used
in all diseases and It would require ton
much pace here to give each preset lp
llon In detail but as there is one banic
principle Involved In all diseases so there
Is one balo remedy In all these pivbcrlp
tlons namely, t'oncentrated lecto Com
pound. This remedy Is as Its n.tmo im
plies a concentration of the most valua
ble agents known to science for stimu
lating the circulation thus striking at
the root of the evil.
Tho doctor has arranged with the manu
facturers of Concentrated tier to Com
pound to enclose with each package of
Olr preparation a full series of his orlg
l.'l preiA'lons In detail so that ny
sick persoiwlll secure free of cha'ge
exactly the same formula that the doctor
would give !f one called at his office.
The prescriptions Include separate
formulas for kidney and heart troubles.
tomaeh and bowel troubles, malaria and
liver trouble, blood and skin diseases.
nd If yen get one-ounce bottle of
I,cto at the drug store usually bold t
about D cer.ts. you can readily select the
proper prescription for your ailment and
mix the medicine yourself.
All Ingreolenta prescribed by the doctor
are vegetable and non-nolsonous . If your
druggist Is unable to supply I,ecto bond
his name on a postal to Le.'to" 1H
Verona avenue Newark N. J- and you
will be promptly advised where it can be
.... ' I . .'.'.'.? " ,( . ; . ' . 1
. fv "k ' K ' '
r - -.-Hi -4
,.. i.,,- i. . ,14, ll.J!7irnfl
Enterprise and Ssund Business Management '
three forged checks for $10 each. The ar
rest was made by P. H. Shields, who also
ftled the complaint. Hurold was arraigned
before Judge Callahan and waived his pre
liminary hearing. He was bound over to
the district court In $u00 bonds. He used
his father's name on the checks. He Is
a young man, not over 20 years old. Ho
made little explanation of the case except
that he wanted some spending money and
took that means to get it. Young Harold
was the star witness for the state In the
trial of Frank Noonun for tho murder of
Charles Carlson two years ago.
Judge Callahan had several cases of petit
larceny to deal with yesterday morning.
William Langley was sentenced to a term
of ten days for taking coal, James Lewis
and Ij. Russie five days1 each for taking
grain. The coal and grain belonged to the
railroad companies.
Wnndnr Services.
Rev. Andrew Renwlck will preach from
tho topic, "Come und See," Sunday morn
ing. Ills evening i heme will be "Forming
habits." The church, through the efforts of
the women, has been provided with new
seats and furniture. .
The First Presbyterian church will ob
serve holy communion In ' the morning
hour. In the evening' Dr. R. L Wheeler
will speak on the BUbJect, "If It bo in
Vain." , 4
"The price of Our Purchase," Is , Rev.
Ralph W. Liver's Sunday morning theme.
The Luther league will meet In the even
ing. "A City Dazed at A Disciple's Power," is
the subject of. Rev. Georgo Van Winkle's
morning address at tiie Baptist church. The
evening topic Is "A Question of Life or
Death." A quartet will render special mu
sic at both services.
The Christian church will hold services
at the Workmen temple. Rev. F. T. Ray
will speak on the theme, "The Church and
Its Workers." The evening topic Is, "The
Simplicity of the Gospel of Christ."
Politics Warmlns; Vp.
Politics iii South Omaha begins to rank
foremost on the curbstone cushions and
other places where men congregate. Two
candidates filed yesterday. II. C. Murphy
for the republican, filed for the office . of
city attorney. He was the republican can
didate last year and is up ready for the
second battle, cheerful and smiling. J. J.
Glllln, for the democrats, filed for the
office of city clerk, which position ho now
fills. He was the first candidate to file.
H is said that Frank Koutsky has declined
to run as candidate for mayor on the re
publican ticket. Talk is directed toward
many candidates lor all positions, but as
the actual candidates little is definitely
known. A meeting has been called by the
democrats for FaturdaV evening at tho
Workmen temple. These are democrats
who are Interested in the nonilnatjon of an
anti-srtmlnistratlon ticket. An effort will
he made to secure the promise of E. B.
Towl to accept the nomination.
Mimic City GoaalD.
Miss Alln Gilchrist, who has been 111 dur
ing the week, Is Improving.
The funeral, of Frank Kohanovskl took
plsce yesterday morning. A large number
About thirty South Omaha commission
men will attend the stock show at Denver
next week.
The mother of 11. J. Johnson, Twenty
third and P. is seriously 111. She is suffer
ing from dropsy.
James Cuiinlncliam Is able to return to
work after a long siekneaa from Inflamma
tory rheumatism.
Mrs. C. A. Meh her entertained the Ladies'
Afternoon WliiKt club yesterday afternoon.
About thirty attended.
The South Omaha Park board is to hold
a meeting anon to discuss names of the
parks, and to rnreivn the plans and the
reNirt of the landscape artist who has
been hired to lay out t lie grounds.
Miss Cora and Miss Grace Thompson
gave a "hard times" party last evening at
Twenty-eighth and E streets.
Sam C. Anderson, 115 N. reported the
birth of a daughter yesterday. William
Ryuii, lt! South Twenty-fourth, has a son.
The I. a icon Whist club was eutertHlned
Thursday evening by Miss Frances Kller.
William Cox won the honors of the even
ing. The Christian church tendered a recep
tion to F. T. Raw its new pastor, last even
ing at the home of Mr. und Mrs. jay
The death of Mary Bradley, Twentv-flftti
and K occurred January 9. The funeral
will he held this morning. The burial is In
Bt. Mary's cemetery.
A number of the South nmaha commis
sion men left Thursday and Friday even
ings for Laramie. Wyo., to attend the
Western Wool Growers' association.
The annual -neeting of the Ancient Order
of I'nited Workmen Temple association
will be held January IT. at s p. rn Four
directors are lo be elected or a term of
three vtars each.
The health officer reports that thirty
four houses are now under quarantine for
KmallHix. The caeca arc developing more
nrioulv in the last two months. The
ihusc of most of tha spreading In the lack
of observance of the cuarantine.
Rev. Canon R. C. Talbot, father of Mrs.
T. R. Golly. Ki North Twentv-eeeond
street, died yesterday morning of apoplexy.
He was one of the oldest members of the
Nebraska dioceao of the Kplscopal church.
II had come to South Omaha from Rock
Is one oi
the Safest
In America
county to visit his daughter. The deceased
lived In Rock county two years after the
death of his wife. The body will be sent
to Indianapolis for burial.
Miss Olie Blunt gave an Interesting lec
ture on Japan at the First Baptist church
last evening.' She was assisted by a num
ber of men In Japanese costumes from the
colony at Thlrty-alxth and M streets. Miss
Blunt has traveled extensively in Japan.
The tea offered by the Ladles' Aid so
ciety of the Methodist church, scheduled
for Thursday evening, was postponed one
week until January 16 on account of tin
death of S. W. Hlleu. The women will be
entertained by Mrs. Dare, Twenty-fourth
and F streets.
Wo wish to thank our friends and neigh
bors, also the Young ladies' sodality of St.
Agnes court. Woman's Circle Order of
Foresters, No. 5ti!l, Upchurch lodge. No. 2.
Degree, of Honor. Ancient Order United
Workmen, No. 37. and the auditing and
passenger accountants of Union Pacific
railroad for their assistance and sympathy
during the sickness and death of our be
loved daughter and sister, and for ' the
many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Lang and family.
Grand Commsmder and Other Grand
Officers of State Guests of the
Mount Calvary commandery No. 1 en
tertained. Right Eminent Sir Ellas W.
Rcghtol, grand Commander of the Knights
Templar of Nebraska, Friday night at the
Masonic temple. He, with his associates.
Is making an official visit to that order.
A reception was held In tho parlors of
the .temple, after which an elaborate ban
quet was served. Music was furnished by
an orchestra of ten pieces. Sir Knight A.
Hugh . Hippie presided as toastmaster and
the following toasts were responded to:
"The Grand Commandery," Ellas W.
Beghtol. grand commander.
"Mount Calvary Commandery." Sir
Knight William DeBord.
"The Twentieth Century Crusade,"
Frank L. Loveland.
"The Red Cross Class of 1906-7," Charles
W, Sears and Arthur T, Jackson.
At . the close of the program the 300
knights at the banquet tables arose aud
sang "America." During the afternoon
tho Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
was conferred on the following: Zora D.
Clark, Daniel W. Canon, Eilmond K. Leav
enworth, Jesso T. Stewart, Frank Stein,
William S. Rowe and Allan C. Scott.
I, arse Attendance and Evening Proves
to Be a Most Pleasant .
One of the Important higli school func
tions of the year, the junior prom, occur
red at Chambers' academy FTlday cvenlns,
and was a brilliant succcbs. The hall was
skillfully decorated in purple and white,
and '09 pennants were everywhere In evi
dence. A large electric sign showing the
class numerals was also a feature of the
decorations, and one corner of the hall was
coilly arranged with portiers and pillows.
Although the danco was well attended,
the floor was not over-crowded at any
Dainty programs and delicious punch
added to the enjoyment of the, evening.
Herbert W. Ryan headed the committee in
Omaha Road Asks All Drnnrhea of the
Service to Attend the
HERMAN, Neb., Jan. 11. -(Special Tele
grain.) General Manager Trenholin of the
Omaha s.vstem has called a meeting of all
employes at Sioux City January 19, to dis
cuss cutting down expenses. Several othT
important matters will come up between
Mr. Trenholm and the employes and It is
thought this will give all concerned a
chance to give their side to the wage ques
tion, and also promote a better feeling be
tween the officials arid the men. Every
one, Including the station forces, that can
get away, will go and take part.
Branch Lines Are Hrjna- Formally
Incorporated Into the
At a meeting of the stockholders of the
Burlington road, held Friday In the office
of Auditor W. P. Durkee of the Burling
ton In Omaha, thirty-seven branch rail
roads, parts' of tha Burlington system,
were bought by the Burlington road. This
move was simply a formality, as the Bur
lington has practically owned all the lines
since they were built. As these branches
were built each was given a separate name
and a separate list of officers and the
road was leased to the Burlington. They
are now owned by the Burlington.
A American Kins
Is the great king of cures. IT. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough anl
cold remedy. 60c and fl.OO. For sale by
B'on Drug Co.
Secretary of Wr Addresses People!
Institute in New Tork.
Injnnrtfon la Necessary Legal Prin
ciple, hot Law ehoald Be
Amended to Preeat
Its Abase.
NEW TORK, Jan. 11. For the first time
since he became a recognixed candidate for
the republican presidential nomination.
Secretary of War William H. Taft last night
faced a New York audience, set forth In
detail his stand on the pertinent question
of the relative Interests and rights of labor
and ' capital, and In turrj submitted to a
rapid-fire attack from the audience, which
quisled him keenly and In a somewhat
controversial spirit, according to the prac
tice of the People's Institute, whose guest
ho was. The secretary proved equally ef
fecthe In attack and defense and his
prompt and forcible replies and occaslonul
witty sallies evoked the same demonstra
tion of approval as greeted the salient
points' of his address proper.
Not less than 2.0(0 persons, Its capacity,
had crowded 'oto Cooper Union when police
reserves were summoned to clear the walks
In front of tho buildings, where 1,000 or
more, disappointed tn not having gained
entrance, had congregated.
As the not-to-be-mlstaken form of the
socretary of war made Its way through the
throng, a shout of "three cheers for the
next president," was the signal for a noisy
ovation, that continued until Mr. Taft
bowed his acknowledgments from the plat
form. People's Institute audiences, which have
the unique distinction ,of being democratic
and fashionable, discriminating and cordial,
usually bring together Intellectual leaders
In ail walks of life, and tonight's gathering
was a typical one. At least a third of the
auditors were women. When Charles
Sprague Smith, who presided, suggested
that three cheers be given for the speaker,
they were shouted In powerful unison and
the demonstration continued for three or
four minutes.
Interdependence .of People.
In his prepared address the secretary
pointed out tho dependence,, one upon
the other, of capital and labor. He de
clared the grent aggregations of wealth
properly employed widened the Held of
labor and were to be welcomed, while
wealth Improperly used was to be con
demned. He advocated unionism Insofar
as sympathy and the resultant co-operation
made for the common good.
Opening his speech with the statement
that he would ask the audience to give
their attention to "the subject of labor
and capital, their common Interests, their
necessary controversies, their lawful acts
and he legal remedies for their abuses,"
Secretary Taft traced the "origin of tho
Institution of property," and the Interde
pendence of property and capital and
labor from the earliest days and the
principles that lead to the accumulation of
capital In the world.
"Labor needs capital to secure the best
production," said Mr. Taft, "while capital
needs labor in producing anything. The
share of each laborer In the joint product
Is affected not exactly, but In a general
way by the amount of capital in use as
compared with the number of those who
labor. The more capital in use, the more
work there Is to do, and the more there
Is to do, the more laborers are needed.
Manifestly, It Is in the direct Interest of
the laborer that capital shall Increase
faster than the number of those who work.
Nothing Is so likely to make wealth idle
as Insecurity of invested capital and prop
erty. It follows, as a necessary conclu
sion, that to destroy the guarantees of
property Is a direct blow at the Interest
of the workingman.
Division of Production.
"While it Is In the oommon Interest of
labor and, capital to increase the fruits of
production, yet in determining the share of
each in the product, their Interests are
plainly opposed. Though tho law1 of sup
ply and demand will doubtless In the end
be the most potent influence In fixing the
division, yet during the gradual adjustment
to the changing markets and varying finan
cial conditions capital will surely have the
advantage unless labor takes united action.
During the betterment of business condi
tions, organized labor, if acting with rea
sonable discretion, can secure much greater
promptness In the advancement of wages
than If It were left to the slower operation
of natural laws, and In the same way, as
hard times coma on the too. eager employer
Pimples Stopped
In 5 Days
Every Possible Kkin Kruption Cured
In MarveloiiHly Quirk Time by
the New Calcium Treatment.
Sand For Fraaa Sample Faokaga Today.
Boils have been cured In 3 days, und
some of the worst cases of skin diseases
have been cured In a week,, by the wonder
ful action of Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
These wafers contain as their main in
gredient, the most thorough, quick and
effective blood-cleanser known, calclinn
31oFt treatments for the blood and for
skin eruptions are miserably slow in their
results, and besides, many of them are
poisonous. Stuart's Calcium Wafers con
tain no poison or drug of any kind; they
are absolutely harmless, anil j-et do work
which cannot fall to surprise you. They
are the most powerful blood purlfler ami
skin clearer ever discovered, and thoy
never derange the system.
No matter what you Buffer from, pim
ples, blackheads, acne, red rash, spots,
blotches, rash, tetter or any other skin
eruption, you can get rid of them long be
fore other treatments can even begin to
show results.
Don't go around with a humiliating, dis
gusting iiii'i of pimples and blackheads
on your face. A face covered over with
these disgusting things makes people turn
away from you, and breeds failure In your
life work. Stop It. Read what an Iowa
man said when he woke up one morning
and found he had a new face:
"By Ueorge. 'I never saw anything like
it. There I've been for three years try
ing to get rid of pimples and blackheads,
and gufss 1 used everything under the
sun. I used your Calcium Wafers for Jut
seven days. This morning every blessed
pimple is gone and I can't find a black
head. I could write you a volume of
thanks, I am so grateful to you."
You can depend upon the .treatment be
ing a never-falling cure."
Just send us your name and address in
full, today, and we will send you a trial
package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, frt-e
to test. ' After you have tried the sample
and been convinced that all we say is
true, you will go to your nearest druggist
and get a 50c boa and be cured of your
facial trouble. They are in tablet form,
and no trouble whatever to take. You go
about your work as usual, and there yoj
are. cured and happy.
Send us your name and. address today
and we will at once send you by mall a
aample package free. Address F. A.
Stuart Co., ITS Stuart Bldg., Marshall.
3ft Em
Iictay in Iniiltting forced us to discontinue our bin discount sale several weeks ago, and put our holi
day slock on sale in the old store. AVc hnd intended to open our NKW NTOItK prior to the holidays, and
placed our order for new goods accordingly. We are still at the old location, and are overstocked.
THK NKW STOKK will be completed February 1st, and we have decided to resume our discount sale
before moving. Our present location Is bad, that is why we are changing, but II Is only a half block
east of 16th ami Capitol Avenue, und, if you will take the trouble to walk these few extra steps we will
make It PAY VOl
The prices mentioned below are only a few of the many bargains we are offering during this sale.
Cut Glass
$8.00 Decanter S 1.85
$6.00 S-lnch Bowls for ScisO
$8.00 -1nch Eowls for S4.S5
$4.00 11-Inch Celery Dish S52.G5
$2.50 8-lnch Vases $l!-10
$G.00 Tumbler, set of six for JBsiSG
$1.50 Nappies for f)5
$40.00 Cut Glass Punch . Bowls, heautlful
cuttings, with pedestal, at...... $21.95
15.00 solid gold Chatlalne Watch $3.78
$7. B0 enameled Chatelaine Watch with pin, removal sale
price 95.00
$12.fi0 enameled Chatelaine Watch with pin, removal sale
price ia.00
$15.50 enameled Chatelaine Watch with pin, reniovcl ec.le
price 91G.CO
118.00 gold filled hunting watch, guaranteed for 20 years,
at , S11.75
$22.50 gold filled hunting watch, guaranteed for 20 years,
16 jewel movement, at $13.50
$27.50 14-k solid gold hunting case,
movements, at.
$25.00 14k solid
gold hunting
watch, extra
heavy hand
made case
at .... $33.60
wpispji.,sipa. ii
may be restrained from undue haste In re
ducing wages. The organization of capital
Into corporations with the position of ad
vantage which this gives It -In a dispute
with single laborers over wages, makes
absolutely necessary for labor to unite to
maintain Itself.
I'nlons Ilnre Come to Stay. '
"What , the capitalist, who is the em
ployer of labor must face," he continued,
"is that the organization of labor the
labor union Is a permanent condition In the
Industrial world. It has come to stay. If
the employer would consult his own In
treat ho must admit this and act on it.
Under existing conditions the blindest
course that an employer of labor can pur
sue Is to decline to recognize labor unions
as the ' controling Influence in the labor
market and to Insist upon dealing only with
his particular employes. The time has
passed In which that attitude can be as
sumed with any hope of successfully main
taining it.
"What the wise managers of corporate
enterprise employing large numbers of
laborers will do Is to receive the leaders
of labor unions with courtesy and respect
and listen to their claims and arguments
as they would to the managers of any
other corporation enterprise with, whom
they were to make an important contract
affecting the business between them. At
times some labor leaders are Intoxicated
with the Immense power that they exercise
In representing thousands of ilieir fel
low workers and arc weak chough to ex
hibit a spirit of arrogance. Dealing with
them Is trying to the patience of the em
ployer. So, too. proposition?! from labor
unions 'sometimes are so exorbitant in re
spect to the terms of employment as liter,
ally to deprive the manager of the control
which he ought 'to retain over the labor
ers employed !:i his business. This is to
be expected In a comparatively new move
ment and is not to be made a ground for
condemning It.
"On the other hand the arrogance is not
confined to one side. We all of us know
that there are a number of employers who
have the spirit of Intolerance and sense
of power because of their Immense re
sources, and that their attitude la neither
conciliatory nor likely to lead o an ad
justment of differences. The wise men
among the employers of labor and the
labor leaders are those who disc ard all ap
pearance of temper or sense of power and
attempt by courteous consideration und
calm discussion lo reach a common
. rlea for Arbitration.
On the subject of arbitration Mr. Taft
argued for the adjustment of labor diffi
culties by submission to an impartial tri
bunal and agreement to abide its Judgment,
and in this connection commended the
"Massachusetts plan." This method, he
declared, had practically been adopted by
President Roosevelt and had shown sub
stantial and practical results. That is a
provision' Of law by which an impartial
tribunal shall Investigate all the conditions
surrounding the dispute, take sworn evi
dence, draft a conclusion in lespect to the
merits of the issuo and publish It to the
world. V
Mr. Taft cited the settlement of the an
thracite coal strike in Pennsylvania as a
striking instance of the possibility of bring
ing capital and labor together to consider
difficulties from a standpoint of reason
ableness and patriotism, which fact he
iTedlted to the influence of President
II I uht to strike Is Legal.
tpn the question of legal right of the labor
union to strike. Secretary T.-?t said:
"Men have the right to leave, the employ
of their employer In a body in order to
Impose on him as great an inconvenience as
possible to Induce him to come to their
terms. They havo the right In their labor
unions to delegate to their leaders the
power to say when to strike. They have
the right in advance to accumulate by con
tributions from all members of the labor
union a fund which shall enable them to
live during the pendency of the strike.
They have the right to use persuasion with
all other laborers who are invited to take
their places, in order ' to convince them
of the advantage to labor of united action.
It la tha business of courts and of the po
lice to respect these rights with -the same
degree of care that they respect the right
of owners of capital to the protection cf
their property and business."
- He added, .however, that "a resort to
' ejrk. f
Silverware at Half Price
12 B-llght Candelabra S.OO
R.B0 Solid Bold Dined Salad Howl wiV-'i,?8
tJ.r.O, $3. Oil and I SOrt Hread Trnvs. r II st HAM FBICB
Tinkers' 1847 Knives or Forks, lull else, per set ???
Rogers' 1R4" Teaspoons, per set of six
Rogers' 1M7 Dessert Hpoons. per set of six iS ji
Rogers' 1 847 Table Spoons, per set of six.......... -'J
Regular 12. :3 Rogers' 1847 Sugar Spoon and Mutter Knife. P'ked
In handsome box. Sale
tegular I2.S0 Rogers' 1847
1.00 Rogers' silver Clrsvy
tegular 2.25 Rogus' 1847
$20 Watches $11L5
Ladies' Watches
20year guaranteed
gold filled hunting case
watches, with Elgin or
Waltham movements,
$12.50 VV.tches $7.75
20-year guaranteed gold
filled open case watch,
with Elgin or Waltham
movements, at 87.75
$18 Watches at $10
20-year guaranteed gold
filled hunting cane
watches, with Elgin or
Waltham movements
t $10
20 Patterns to Pick From.
Young Men's Watches
12 to 16 Size
$15.00 gold filled
in in movements, at S-8.75
$18.00 gold filled case, warranted gold filled case, with
very tine movements, made to order for tho old firm,
extra fine $10.00
$8.50 Silvcrine screw case, very strong, Klgln or Wrtttvim
movements, at S4.50
$12.00 Sllverlne screw case, the very best 15 Jewel move
ments, made to order for the old firm $7.60
$12.50 gold filled case, guaranteed 20 years, Klgln or Wal
tham movements, at $7.75
Elgin or Uaiumm
17.50 :
Successors to
I mi Ui-iM ailJUaiR Isjaanan-nasnraHy IIIIWIW WrmmmMmrmmimmm
violence or other form of lawlessness on
behalf of a labor union properly merits
nd receives the sharpest condemnation
from the public, and Is quite likely to
lose the cause of labor Its support1 In the
particular controversy.
Abase of Combinations. '
The "abuse of capital coinblnailons"
lndustrlal and railroad-were discussed at
length and the relation of wagearners
thereto pointed out.
"The maintenance of sucn uniHwf.,i
monopolies," said Mr. Taft, "Is for th9
,mrpose of keeping up the prices of the
necessities of life, and this necessarily re
duces the purchasing power of the wages
which the wagearners receive. This Is a
serious detriment to them and n real
reason why they should condemn such
corporate abuses and sympathize with the
effort to stamp them out. It Is not that
they should sympathise with an effort to
destroy such great corporate enterprises,
because they employ enormous numbers
of wagearners ami lawfully and normally
Increase the capital from which the wage
fund Is drawn, but they should and do
vigorously sustain the policy of the gov
ernment In bringing these great corporate
enterprises within the law and requiring
them to conduct their business In accord
ance with the statutes of t heir country.
"In rare Instances corporate, managers
have entered Into a course of violence to
maintain their side of a labor controversy.
They have justified it on the ground that
they were simply fighting flro with fire
and that If the labor union proceeded to
use dynamite they would use dynamite In
return. I cannot too rtjongly condemn
tills course of this argument. No amount
of lawlessness on the part of the labor
striker will Justify the lawlessness on the
part of the employers. Such a course
means a recurrence of civil war and
"A second abuse which employers are
sometimes guilty of is what i4 technically
known as "blacklisting." This is unlawful
and should be condemned."
Violence and Boycott Condemned.
Mr. Taft condemned the "abuses of
labor," such as violence, Intimidation and
the boycott, and pointed out tho legal rem
edies by which a person may be protected
against the illegal acts of combinations of
capital and combinations of labor. "In
cases of unlawful combinations of capital,
as well as of such combinations of labor,"
he said, "the method in equity by secur
ing an Injunction seems to be preferred by
those who are about to be Injured." He
defended the Injunction against tho crltici'in
that it places' In the hands of a judge
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legislative, Judicial and exeoutlve powers
and declared that "prevention Is better
than cure." He granted the contention, he
said, that the Injunction had been abused
In labor disputes, and favored the amend
ment of the law to provide that no tem
porary restraining order should issue until
after notice and a hearing ; also requiring
a different Judge In euntenipt proceedings
from the Judge issuing the injunction.
"There Is a class of capitalists who look
upon labor unions as per se vicious and a
ciass or ranicai lanor unionists wno looK
upon capital as labor's natural enemy."
declared Mr. Tart in closing. I believe
however, that the great majority of each
class Is gradually becoming more concilia
tory In Its altitude, the une toward tha
other. Between this Is a larger class,
neither capitalist nor labor unionist, wh
are without prejudices and I hope I am
one of those. The effects of the panic are
not over. We must expect industrial de
pression. This may he fruitful of labor
controversies." I earnestly Impo that a
more conservative and conciliatory at
tltudo on botli sides may avoid disastrous
struggles of the past."
iirtYAN' aai noonn caxnox
thinks Taft Must Win at the Start or
Lose the Nomination.
WliBSTKR CITY, la., Jan. 11. (Special.)
"I'nlcss Secretary Taft goes into the re
publican national convention with suffi
cient votes to nominate l.e will never get
the nomination."' So Kald William Jennings
! Bryan, in this city tonight. "L'nclo Jos
Cannon, haa an excellent chalice to be thn
' nominee," said Mr. Bryan, and will go lnt
the convention next high man to Taft. Un
less Taft goes Into the convention with
tho nomination cinched, lie will never get
It.' The Nebrsskan thinks the outlook for
democratic success the best It has ever
I Al.ll'Olt M A
Hxeeutlve Committee of Lincoln
Moose veil l.enitue endorses Htm.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 11. -At a meet
ing of the executive committee of ths
League of Lincoln-Roosevelt clubs of Cal
ifornia held here today. William H. Taft
was endorsed for president. The rcsolu-
tion reads:
That the league believes Mr. Taft to b
the candidate most i loRfiv identified wita
the iKiliclcs of I 'resident Roosevelt.
If you have anthing to trade advertls
It in the For Kxchnnga Columns of Tha
itee Want Ad I'ag.'f.