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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1908)
s !THE OMAHA SUN PAY BEE: .TAXTAUT 12. MW TACK BY EXPRESS HEN Brinj Employe la t Profit Ajiunit Redaction in Bates. INSIST IT WILL BXEtXE WAGES aeerrlatewacra Kale oekewl Baaswe Cwaee aesea ateeleate Bee wee Tkey Rat e VimIuM (FVtvm a. Staff Corrwpoplfiit. . IJXCOLX. Jan. 11. pcial.-FrtiHa were filed with the State Railway corn mansion ttila afternoon by a number of ea prrs. agents, repeating against th en forcement ef the. WWf J express law. The petitioners claim that If the Blbley law t enforced it will reduce their wegsa per cent and take from them from 38 to IIdO a year In wage. Thr quoted In tha prMwt the section of the eenstltutloa that property cannot be taken without due pro cess of law and that therefore the law la unconstitutional, aa It take from then a portion of their wage. A rente of the ..merican and United tSatea Expree com pan tea signed the protest to the number of over im and they aay they were not solic ited to sign tha petition. After the pettUona had been signed J. P. 1211s and othere from Louisville appeared before the commit aion and mada oral argument In favor of tha protest being- favorably acted upon. Just what prompted the fiUn of the protests la not known. Inasmuch aa the law la not being enforced, though It has been In effect several montha, The attorney gen eral applied for a mandamus from the su preme court of the state some weeks ago compel the ezpresa companies to en force the law. but so far the case baa not even been argued. The exprewa com panies applied for aa Injunction from the federal court against the commission, bu they failed to secure tt. though the federal court held onto the case, pending the ac tion In the state court. Railroad Bealaeee Increased. The monthly report of station arents aa compiled by Rata Clerk Powell shows that during the month of October the receipts for freight and ticket sales exceeded the average for four montha. except for the sale of tickets used within the state. The total collections for four montha amounted to The total ticket Bales to .H.73H. Receipts for the state bualneaa for October were' as follows: Freight for warded. SS6e.71T.: freight received. TSJ.t. ticket aalea. HtTT S. Interstate business: ' Freight forwarded. gUlMS.; freight received. SUM ticket aalea, IX4.0S 1. Average receipts for four montha: Mate business Freight forwarder 172. XZ1 ; freight received. r.S6.; ticket aalea, Interstate business- Freight forwarded. C.1.M.E; freight re ceived.; ticket sales. Cn.7U. Harrhaa Oat Crt Jaa. Frank Harrison has opened an office in the Funk building from w-fclch he expecti to correspond for weekly and dally eTate papers. He will also conduct the LFol lette calnpaign fro Uie office. Aadrewe Will Jtwt Rewlara. C. 8. Allen, president of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, has ieausd the following statement: "' "The rumor that Chancellor Andrews has resigned has been given such publicity that tt la dee the public and the university to state the facta "last spring the chsncellor wae ia 111 health, resulting from an attack of lagrlpre Hia recovery wae alow, and fearing that he could not regain hla health without a complete rest, be tendered his resignation at aa informal executive session of the board. The board by unanimous action refused the. resignation and voted klm a leave of absence for four months. At the end of his vacation he returned greatly Improved in health, and the improvement haa continued to thla date. All traces of the malady from which he suffered last spring have disapoea-ed. He la physically able to attend to the duties of his office and is attending to them to the satisfaction of the board. He has not tendered his resignation nor will he so long as hia present good health continues." bsrersar herlc-k Holmes. That delightful pastime of picking up cigars from Governor Sheldon's private box. which be always keeps on hand. In dulged in by various snd certain parties not a thousand miles from the executive of floe Is no more popular. The practice oe esune so pernicious thst the executive fre quently found himself without a cigar and the hour on occaelone haa been mramgm, Ro he set a trap. It worked, and Ed Maggi chief dark of the office, was caught red handed, la the top layer of a new box of cigars the governor placed two cigars tlhere being two men la the office who are not . articular whose cigars tney smoaei blggvT healthier looking than all the reat. Then the governor ws late returning from lanch. Maggl beat him back. He was busy entertaining a caller and at the same time busy smoking a delightful cigar. When the thing exploded the reoort was heard all over the atate house. Maggi now wen t evea look the governor's cigara and the governer didn't even aay a word. In Justice to the executive clerk it 1s well to say that the executive hieiself would Just ss soon rmoke one of the clerk s rlgsrs a hla own. orVlser Stare at University. Captain John G. TVorhiser of the regular army today received notification from Ad jutant Genersl MoClsln at Washington tlat he had been detailed for another year as InstructorIn military aclence at the University of Nebraska. Blae Laws f earesae Ceert. j x Caldwell, who was convicted of v (.latir.g the blue lawa cf Omaha by labor- KAILRO.ID MAN Seat Uke ataiag marred. A man running on a railroad haa to be in good condition all the time or he Is lleMe to do harm to himself and others. A ciear head is oectwsery to run a lo comotive or conduct a trala. Even a rail road man's appetite and I seat Ion are mat tere of Importance, aa tiie clear brain and Heady hand result from the healthy ap petite followed by the proper dictation of food. "tot the past five jears." wrltee a rail roader. "I Mve been constantly troubled with ladlgeatlon. Every doctor I coa su ted teemed to want to starve me to death, rlrst I was dieted ea warm water and toast until I was almost starved; then, when they would let me eat. the la dgestion would be right back again. Only temporary relief came from rem edies, snd I tried shout all ef them I saw advertised. About three montha ago a friend advl(d ma to try Orape-.Vuta food. The very first day I noticed that my appetite was satisfied which bad not beta the case before, that I caa remem ber. -la a week, I believe, I had snore energy than ever before la any Ufa. I have galaed seven poeneta and have not had a touch of Indigestion stare I haa beea eating Grape Nuts. Wbea any wife saw how much good thie food was doing m ah thought she woald try it awhile. We believe the dis coverer ef Oreae-Nuts lotted the 'Perfect rood.." Name given by Fwstunt Co, Hat tie -rre, Mich. Rad -The Road to WeJ vil'.e." la page. "There's a Rv-" Talks on Teeth IT CI L I, L MURPHY WHAT IS ALVEOLAR DENTISTRY? Bummed up in a few worda tt Is the highest achievement of dental science and most successful method ever dis covered. By this method you can secure new teeth thst are beautiful In appearance and aa aallafactory and serviceable as your nataral teeth. All that Is necesssry Is that you have at least two teeth In each Jaw. If your teeth are loose we tighten them by the Alveolar Method and save them, while the other dentists will tell you they must be pulled and cannot be saved. Tou may ask. "How ran you find out that Alveolar dentistry is beet?" We are prepared lo show you In actual existence work In Ihe mouths of our pa tients that Is a revelation to the ordi nary dentist, and In fact work that lie stated was Impossible to perform. If you will come in and see us we will send you to as many tuch patients here In this city as you may care to vlelt. We give you guarantee that we will do everything we say we ran do, and bark up our guarantee by shoeing you actual re sults If you are In need of dental work the BEST la what yon want and If you will pay us a visit, we wll. examine your mouth and tell you what we will do, and what the work will l-oat you. We will aso asttsfy you before you spend one cent that we can do more by our Alveolar system than Is possible for any other dentist to do. We have achieved auch success that many of the dentist profession have be come alarmed, and aa a consequence sre doing everything in their ponrr to dis credit us. Some are unscrupulous enough to ' take our advertioementa word for word, and substitute their own names for out's, giving the Impreaslon that they are aupplylng teeth by our Alveolar Method. We warn you, however, we are the origi nators of the Alveolsr Method of dentis try. We have patented It and you cannot secure work by this method outside of one of our offices. If you are In need of any dental work, pay us a visit and we will make an examination of your mouth, at our ex pense and tell you what we can do and bow much it will cost you. If you cannot call at present, send for our booklet. "ALVEOLAR TEXTISTRT." for which there Is no charge. This ex plains our method snd treats of the gen eral care of the teeth. DR. E. R. L. MURPHY Suite 509 510-511. Xew York Life, Omaha, Neb. Formerly examining and consuUirg den tist with G. Gordon Martin, lntf., Chicago. Ing on Sunday, haa appealed to the supreme court for release under habeas corpus pro ceedings. Judge Troup 'of the disttict bench of Douglas county turned down the application and attorneys for Caldwell this afternoon filed their appeal in the higher court. Fear Want Ferdowa. Governor Sheldon spent practically the i entire day hearing applications for par-; dona Those who are seeking executive . . ... clemency were: George Vsn Haller of Douglas county, sentenced for twelvs years for murder In Msy, 1W6; Bert Chand ler of Douglas, sentenced for three years for robbery la May, IF; Albert Adkinson of Douslas. sentenced for three years for robbery In October. IK; Peter Ladeaux of 1 'T1"? superintendent . jonn Wcdln. a rooorry in wwrr. . "latent superintendent, and A. Anderson, Cherry county, sentenced for three jeers, secretary and treasurer. for horse stealing in November, 1WS. BEATRICE Mrs. Jane Case, aged S3 Right te gaapead Stndeats. J',r- rssed away yesterday morning at eiaie DUnnirnuriu Ji J' . that school boarda have the authority to temporarily suspend pupils during sn epi demic of smsllpox in case the student re fuses to be vscclnated. The auperintendent ?as received numeroua lettera from over ihe atate where smallpox ia prevalent re garding this right of school boards. The declson is based on a Michigan aupreme court decision. Food Ceraratesloeier Johnson intends to .w. Miint sttorfiev of Douslas i couniv to troeecute a number of Omsha ! nlwi keepers for selllrg mlsbranded liq uors. Aaarrklats Xet Meet Here. - The announcement in a local paper mat the International Association of "Anarch- ' lsts" will n-ieet tn Lincoln January U and i that Governor and Mrs. Bheldon and Mayor and Mrs. Brown will be the guests of i honor at tha banauet and bell .is a mis take. The Internstlonal Association of M.rh'Tiista will meet In Lincoln on v. above date but so far the anarchists" have not announced the date of their iw-et- in, and Governor and Mrs. Sheldnr. and U evstv at eyi mm rm rlfTIWTI wl III IWC- iit a jrce I and Mrs. Brown will be the guests - - of honor oi. tne mirnmnii. , Ita Rallasi. rvnuiv Attorney General W. B. Rose has calleel beck his opinion recently given the Insurance depart rmnt that mutual fire Insurance companies could not limit the liability of members for assessments lo u . lnuM on risks Insured. Ills letter - dressed to Auditor Be.rle t. as toims . : . ,p-r. . nft,r I nr iiiBui j.t- - - - has for years H--ii"e-d mutusl fire insur- ", l!rn to transact business on a 7,lan oermuting them to fix a limit on the haotiny of members for assessments to r?i:; r . . 4 . . . e-1 nai I artil I rr 1 nil Z'ZZn , eacatd wtv at erttlon 'and tiie numU r decre.sed in IKi, w " 1 " Mr e,Lr J"- CmlZttJi?"' import the l-V he married forty-s., couple, and tn i ' . '", i', n r't'n preScnTVjrornev Jeoeral decline, to over- !!;. forty -fue. Ttie was n-Kere than "" n r,J . " ' '''Jj n,n'd turT these ileclsiona of hla predecessors ae lf-sutaiumg. s. lie turned over te the found everything had been oyer urnect ana In? the Tulm of vour offH imder the county treasarer the sum of $1775 I searched. NeighbcMS were ncitified snd he unaVtatedrthlrforeav; Ire I VA1 EKV-A spec .., meeting , , J"'':"' T' uS' JoiV.' bf honor to recall the vpinlon cneiered Jan- st. kho.dera of the iKiUg a. County Te( - . towarua co.tii ,''' !?'loud J ,-, l i. .K.eein 1 ruled aa follow. phone c. nipany was held in Ihe V.Nev a Ikt' . tne t.amp secured na n,n "A mutusl Insursnce comptuiy erssniseei o;-ra noui-e j r tie purpose or mrrr u under the provisions ef Sections 1 to STh. J Ing its capital Mcx- k This coirj.jiy w as i chapter X compiled statutea. cannot by i e-ngitnisod and in.-orpurted in 10. a' meana of advanced premium, or bv-laws. I 'pital sto k of no. ,". which at tins exempt members from liability from aa- eeeenvents which sre necessary to pay BRILEY IV JAIL AT KEtRTCT Ckere4 wtlta MlwaeBsraaer aaa Hie Rrwf-4 la Be l-Mkral lata. KEARNEY. Neb., Jaa. U tSpecUl Tel egram.) I'pon the ceoclusion of the coroner s tiiciuest yesterday at which Louis or Morgan Lt Briley was found te have killed Lironard Morton In self defi use. s warrant waa sworn out for his arrest on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. At the inetance ef County Attorney East erung. Briley ts stow ia the county Jail and bis trial on the above charge will be held before Judge F. M. Hallow ell In count) court oa Monday morning at M o'clock. It Is more than probable he will receive a jail eentewce ef thirty days. H record will then be looked Into thoroughly by the county officer a rwtaee Starke Takes rtwee. NEBRASKA CITY. Jaa. 11. e?pec!al r AaBeuncenient has beea made In Chicago that Rev. Joseph T. Roche. U. I. P.. for merly pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church of this city, has been appointed editor of the New World, official organ of the CT.kago archdiocese, succeeding the late i Rev. Thomas E. Judge. Father Ruche rr- tired from the pastorate of St. Mary's last rummer, to devote hia entire time to the work of the Catholic Church Ehteneton aorlety. nf which he Is vice president. Arch bishop Glngley, preeiont of the New World company, tendered the position of editor to Father Roche and he has accepted and will a.ume his new duties at an early day. VON HALLER ASKS FOR PARDON Osaaha Mil Aaeerta laaaeeaae Crime for Wklrk lit Wae (evicted. f From a Ptaff Correspondent. I IJXCOLN. Jan. 11. Special Telegram.) Governor Shelion today la hearing the application of pardon for George Von Hal ler of Omaha, who as sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years In m for kill ing M. D. Reea, n elation agent on the Belt line. Judge Slabaugh and Rev. John Williame are appearing for Von Haller. who claim he did not know anything about the ahootlng. Governor Bheldon has aiso four other applications for pardons to hear this after noon. TEEGARDEN CALLS COMMITTEE rirst District nepahlleane Meet Wednesday tm rix Date of seventies. Frm a PtaTf Correspondent LINCOLN. Jan. 11. iSpeclal Telegram.) Chairman Teegarden cf the First congres sional district committee haa called a meet ing of the committee for Wednesday night, January tf. at the Llndell hotel. Lincoln, to came a time and place for holding the con gressional convention and to provide a way for naming delegates to the same. EXPEe.KS p Bl TLER COUJTTY Tear's Reewrd Dleelweee Aaaoant Paid et Fifty Theaaaad Dwllara. PAVII) CTTT. Neb., Jan. 1L ( 8peclat ) During 1SKT. the expenses of Butler county, represented in the cash outlay, amounted to, divided among funds as follows: Poldiers relief. fees, clerk district court. 6J1.66: Jurors snd witness- fees. ILIIK-S": tiailiff district court. tKt.TQ; Justice court, teri.ici; county attorney, t Sl ; sheriff feee and expenses, ll.Mil.8S: county super intendent, supervisors. t!.3.1B; county clerk. g.aj. assessora. t2.ilO.S3; printing and supplies, tl iwi.ll; election ex penses. n.STH.; bridge snd repairs. tlK.fW.i:; land for roaris, $an.70: ptvor farm expenses. S1.T34.M: Insane expenses. ttHfc.sT: miscellaneous expenses, W.i-iffl ; totsl for year. ismT. 4J.47I..11. In the year 15. there were: Forty-nine land transfers. I13.CVI JO; sixty-one land releasee. tI16.3M.Ss; thirtv three city property transfers. ti'S.&lO; fifty-two c'ty property releases. S3. 107: i two hundred snd four chsttel mortgages j trsnsfers. ei)thty-one chattel TnortrHse releaees. t-i.S'B.t 4 : total transfera. ' til.4.'4.74; total releasee. SHB.Xo.44. j is Harare Bern la Fire. WESTON. Neb.. Jan. 11. Special Tele- ' gram. George Harmon, who Uvea south- east of tliia place, lost his barn and six ! head of iioises by fire today. The origin j of the lire is not known. He carried some Insurance on the buildings. i Nebraska evrs stei,' , BE. TRICE The Bouiheastem Nebraska Educational association mill hold its annual meeting in thia city the last week In Aprl. NEBRASKA CITT-Judge Travie has appoirti-d his son. Earl, as official reporter for ihis district. There were several ap- i ft'iuBniB icir itie posilion. DAVID CITY The property in David I City is on the boom. teveml homes hsve i cnangea nancls during the 1m st month, rang- ing from II. up to b.aiKi. PUATTSMOl'TH A large number ef joung men enjoyea a woir hunt in the SOUliil western portion of this count v an4 returned home with two wolf scaJpa' j BEATRICE Mrs. Sarah Fye of thia : city died yesterday in Kansaa Citv. wtwre-' she waa rec-eiving treatment In a 'hospital. The remains will be brought here for interment. VALLEY At the Swedish Baptist Sun dsy school elec tion Frsnk Younsuuist waa ' I noK. I he rem airs wer taken lo Cherrv in.. lur lmeririent. BE A TRICK- The funeisl services for the late Mrs. Ruth (iel'.am were held yesierdav at X ,S o'clock fmn the Methodist churoh. conducted by Rev V. (J. Broun, lntcr nicnl was In the Beatrice cvmetery. REATRICE The directors of the Bea Ince iron works liave elec ted these offlc-ets: A. J Tiude. president: M. M. Hepperlen. rice prcficlrr.t . Augtisi Srhaefer. secretarj tr.asurer. K H. Millen. sufrintendent. BEATR1C-H. K. Byrant. general super- Inter.dent or the Burllneton in ffimna nv ''!? n' f 'fric of h" ; iihi'i. i ipuru nriiiKT I iiirrniv The parte 4 m enroute from Kansas Ctty to Lincoln I5EATR1CE Ben llaceman and Miss Jessie Moire, two young people of this B t. n . l J . . . . ... Thursday, mere married at that place yes- terday. They returned hoi-e last night, Pl.ATTSMOfTH Superintendent J. W. Ciarohle and a class in sirri. uliure ,n the Plmumouih llirli . hi li.iii .1 ....! f.rm al j,lc.0)n Frldav and received ev- a fu 1 Iwcei .nm 4 r t Ka annlU4 a.-.B.Id ; . methods of farmirg. lAVID CITT-A Prvan rluh will he ganisra m I'avlcl t iiy. on Tuesday after- ! noon. Januaiv U. in the courthouse at - p, m ihe chject snd puroee is to ad r"Z"J 1"? "J'TidJn, . , . . iAn t ill Wilbur Hsnler. who operated on at the hospital a couple of " " aoie to go home thia to IS one rated wnrwiiy morning for tumor. Mrs w C' ,u,",." on TtlurROy morning for ajn pcndicltls. PAVID CITT-The oM Count v .rA e Fiirerv.Bo(-a e Weed up the ve,r'. hualne.i this week and a,1toUnd am. dee The ung pot'le c.r the nelgiitKirnoci nonn new board 111 meet next Tuesdav'to or- west of 1 1 uintc"ldt. Tiie contrsoting par- f ,ml tiie tl.o .n.nlYtr -r-i j . - - V;- J, ' ""murii. mar n-pumimns ana tritve oemocrets. i I .. , of K,7 A" ' .jZ, "hon., ; h . J ! Episc otl ; f u , . R ' VT'", ' "A Juiia,- v u llru jej dim me aw a 1 1 . -i sai mooting was Increased to l: (i00 NEBRASKA CITT-The Maccabees last nijiit le.-i-d the following officera: Fred Rivett. ronin anoer. I - Halxerson. lieuten ant commander; T. F. Umrcmc r"urd keeper; R. r. Brown, chaplain: C. E Fow ler, serrear.t; T. J. Haroom. master-of-arms: W F Tuwell. l of t J. ; J. Megan second M of G ; L Btadhcff, sentinel F B irr, pii ket NEBRASKA CITY The Commercial club ha. bwn making srrangenienta for a "Welcome to NeOraska City" banquet to he held some tuiie the latter part of Jan uary or early in Kebruarv. will he - we'icotiie to all those who have come to this city during the past year and Intend mak ing their lioi.-- with ua. As a number of new eeitetprtaes have started here, the banquet promises to be a large affair. BEATRICE Last even tea Mr is.1 M,. C. B. iJempstter gave an elaborate dinner In liuoor of the traveling anew wnei hn,ru.k house managers of the fiempster company ! Va feet do. per. Te contrsctor. en who Ijive been in the city the last few I countered a great deal of water and It oa. e "ens were lata lor thirty. After dmner Mr. rv-miete r. who is president of the Lw-rt. peeler Mill Manufacturing company waa presented with a tee-autiful diamond stud la huoor ef hit fifty-fifth birthday. BEATRICE-Er.terprise Rehekah lodge No- met and installed II es of fx -era: Mary Iiaria. noble grand. May Atery. vice grand; Margaret Krolu k recording erelar Mary A Hager. financial aex-retary; Ada Net. treasarerr; fttelia H Austin ng-rit uiH-rtrr to i.ot.U- grajvi: Mrs. Avrrv. left ' Hlrr ti oe.le graiid. Anas Pim-r. warden: Acne e-i-. ..nd Jc lor: Ada Koi dea. iusd water.: II A. 1 rrui er ,utio ! watc-Q. Rows t'rnaev, e tia plain. VALLEY The Valley Womaa's cluk e January Furniture Sale Regular Price. $22.60 3-piece Parlor Suite, mahogany finished $16.50 $80.00 3-plece Parlor Suite, mahogany $49.00 $200.00 S-plece Parlor Suite, mahogany Inlaid 8100.00 $10.00 Mahogany finished Divan, loose green silk velour cushions $12.50 $12.00 Mahogany finished Chair io match above Divan $7.25 $58.00 Mahogany Chair $20.00 $72.00 Mahogany Divan $49.50 $4 6.00 Golden oak Davenport $34.50 $20.00 Golden oak Sofa, leather up holstered ... $12.00 $20.00 Weathered Oak Settee, leather "t : $11.50 $4 5.00 Golden oak Sofa, leather seat nd back $22.75 $13.50 Early English Rocker. Spanish leather cushions $9.75 $20.00 Mahogany Rocker, loose leath er cushions -$13.75 $22.50 Weathered oak Chair, leather seat $30.00 Leather Turkish Rocker.. $10.00 Oak or mahogany Desk... $14.00 Weathered oak Desk $18.50 Mahogany Desk. $21.00 Curly Birth Desk $38.00 Golden oak Desk, massive C0 00 Mahogany Desk, inlaid $16.r.o Jlubcgany Music Cabinet $34.00 Mahogany Music Cabinet $2t..r.O Walnut Music Cabinet $C4.00 Toona Mahogany Chiffonier... $r.5.0ti Toona Mahogany Chiffonier. . . $2S 00 TooDa mahogany Toilet Table. $70 00 Toona niahocany Dresser $22.00 Golden oak Wardrobe I4H.00 Golder oak .Chiffonier JTi.OO Golder. oak Toilet Table $42.00 (.olden oak Dresser $4 0.00 Mahogany Dresser $37.00 Mahogany Toilet Table $t!S 00 Mabocany Dresser $a2.t0 Birds-Eye maple Chiffonier. . . . $42 O0 Birds-Eye maple Dresser '. $142 Mahogany Suite, Dresser, Chifionier and Toilet Table 1 m on S2.(Kt T.arly English China Cabinet tTl $42.50 Furred oak China Cabinet ' " ci2R $C00 Golder. oak China Cabinet nn $18 '.SO Jrlv English Serving Table ' $11 "5 fdSO.OO Stratfori oak Dining Suite. Table. Buffet, China Cubintt, FtTYlng Table and Chairs $210 00 held Its snnusl meeting this afternoon. elec ting the folloe ing orflc-ers for the roming year: Mrs. Selma Anderson, pres ident; Mrs Millie Nichols, vice president; Mrs. Ooldie Monahan. secretary; Mrs. Mary Walistroem, treasurer; Mrs. .'.l'iril Butts, librsrlsn; Mrs. Jennie Byars. press rorreapondent. Mrs. ?ertrude Erway. Mrs. Mary Kennedy and Mrs. May 'Weekly were appointed program committee. VAI.I.EY The Independent Order cf i Odd Felloes lodge of Valley lnatail-d tliei'miaha 's holding a eerie of revival meet following recently elected officers: S. O. I '"Bs in the Alethodisl clmrch. l.utton, N. G.i M. M. Iresa. . u ; . r.. Kvars. secretary; jnnn monanan. tresw- urer. The deputy grand lodge int-tailins ciffieere from the Waterloo hilar this vear were: H Botitin. deputy grand master, assisted bv W. J. Mac-k. E. N. fike and Robert McWhorter. The In stallation exercises were followed by a banquet. u i-v uni .rrr lier ( A Conner, the ta(1 m ho waa taken to "sI1b City to answer to the rhsrge if violating his parole by iealirc a ealch and chale end other val ' tiables from citixens of the town, mas re- i , , i i . 4. imA Iha r.Tnni I ise of hlk brother. Kloyd Cooper, tt. take i liim o'jt on the farm here he resides jjiJ ' ""P mm at 'ar in ."ro L ' " . " J -. ' rumitini-f I. eit the endeavor is to avoia i i liarsn measures. I I K Jav Ihe nem county offM ial to take their scats, Miss Elisatxth Shaffer, taking Jos c . I Mruelisa a Beat aa coumy miminmiuni.. I I.. J. Coufal. the newly elected county treasurer, eaa unable to take his seat on i account of sickness, and County Treasurer, I Perry will look after too office for a i I t h nh .the assistance of the new i "Hideout W. F. Delano., who take, the of Miss Anna Graham. The remain- t- of the officera eill remain a itlieut r ""sr' H I'M BO 1 1T Rev. H. A. Holjeneald at the rman Methodist parsonage last evening, performed the ceremony which unued the lives of two of the popular, , ,,,,,,. ,. (ormcr l;g a cn cf John i tie were r reei rwnip."iii e n.i ...... Rmmriarn ir. Ill' I If latter tfc M daughter of Ortsgis Johnson, both well known farmers of tiiis region The roupl. will nuke their home on the groom's farm ' in the lioine m ig!i-rhood. IXH-ISVILEE-A tramp broke into the .v.- been ascertain NEBRASKA ITT tTayton I'rowe. known bv a number of aliases, today re ceived a thirtv day.' sentem-e in the county Ja-l. Crowes i a peculiar raae He is attu years old and riaiuis tieift to h'' been' in trouble In fore jle was ar restee on the charge of stealing a ring arnl a s'tckpin. that he sent to a woman frie-n-l at Exeter. Neb. Th goci were sent for and promptly returned An investigation was made as t'i the content, of his trunk, and U was full of all kinda of junk. Not onlv article's of merit were taken, bjt any thing else went into tne receptacle. NEBli-SKA CITY The Commercial club held an interesting meeting lai-t evening, when a. great many natter, of interest to the city were dise-usaf-d. one tf tiie ruo.t lmp-rlnl matter, waa in regard to tne d-ep well lli.g sunk by the (Hi Ievel opment compare- Some of the menireers wanted to withdraw. The well ia no town about l.'.vo feet, and to abandon Hie I mork oow la recarded a. little short of 1 toolishneoa. The citutena will be aaked to 1 enrtr'Sute enoush to lut the ell down at was necessary rimming. TTie to do eonsid.atjie under- loonev will be raised. HEBrtON The county otficiala elected in Noe ember tcok charge of their r-sp-e-tlce offk-es on Friday. Ihe retiring effK-iais, Clers JStM-a Elliott. 6uperinierjde-rit M TV. A Ilea and Aaat soor J K. I'erTy were agree ably surpriel when tne ho.iover officers pre-oeeted each a tianelacnie rorkiug chair. Hi bhoN Aa Elliott has been appointed maiiager ef tne Thatee rouiity poor farm to .ucoe-d Mrs. D. eiheeler. HEbHiN-M:ss Bisve Ellsworth wss W.fM before the btrd of insanity this week sad bee been takea to Hwetiugs for treataient- hihhi r.V Eel GwJbra.lh. who reeently coaipteted a 1 hree-- ejer service la tne R6HZWD & .WILHELM 1I4'16'!8 South Sixteenth Street. QulrVlr taking adtanupe of mar- Vet conditions, and choosing what ', liked from Manufacturers' sorplue stocks, bas enabled tin to offer to you the greatest variety of styles, and pat terog to be found tbls aeason gly lDg you furniture to your liking at the price you want to ray. We quote a few price to nhow you the difference between buying furni ture in the usual war, and buying NOW in this great ale: nOCTvER , (Like Cut) A brod roomy rocker of best quarter-sawed oak. rich golden finish, highly polished. Has saddle shaped seat. ' is strongly built and exceedingly comfortable. A splendid value at the usual price. SC.aO. In our January 4.75 Sale, each . . . January Sala Price. Mask Cabinet ' Like Cut. A very pret ty pattern, finished in mahogany, highly polished, has swell front and graceful legs; 40 Inches high. Is inches wide. 14 inches deep. Beau tifully finished. In side and out A piece that sells re- $14.50 $22.75 SG.50 89.75 $13.50 $17.00 uisriy at III on January sale price 8.23 829.50 839.00 812.00 $23.50 817.O0 $45.00 824.75 819.75 $48.59 817.50 827.50 817.50 829.50 $28.00 825.00 S47.00 822.00 .S8 t i an i Vnlted States army, has been appointed deputy sheriff of Thayer county bv Sheriff A. 1-. Towneend. HKBHON ill, am Rlpss, Will periling. Fulton Burruss and Mason Stannard were brought into county court thla week charged with gambling in Belvidere. Ail the partlee except Riggs entered into re-cosniran--e for hearing at a future date, RlKgs remaining in jail. oD.oATU-nrt. 1. - Webster of ' rw t.. . a ku-orand Master Clark O Man. America rec-ently trk in fiftv-fou' new ?""'' A few nights ago Hon. V. B Tomnserd cave them - . i . ; h. i . n,!t they had H. mri i i.jnuiTan nail. NEW MOVE BY OIL COMBINE lallalltr ef Klklea law fa 4(tarhe4 la Petltlsa tm (oert ef A sseali. CHICAGO. Jan. lo. Attorneys for 1h j weneard oil -ompany today filed a petition in tne i nitea pun circuit roue of ap peals asking that body to certify to the I ""-""- -c-un oi tne t nitert Males an sl- legation aa to the validity of the Elkins iaw. under which the oil romrsnv was . . ui..any rPwl,1 ""Jicteo. convtctc-d and fined for rebating. The step i, taken I In pursuam-e of the airc-al fileH hv the j oompariv against the big fine It Is con- Undnl by the comranv's nttorners that I .... ' , '. nu rne.s inai I " El""1" ..w r"","'J ' " Tas- sage or the Hepburn hill in l.v. Th same , content nn has been sdvsnced tn an appe-a to the supre-ne court hy the Great North em Railway companv. which afpeal 1 now pending. The Ptandard Oil co-npsny': petit icin seeks to have the question cert It nil in the oil cas- so that it may be dockleV. when the Great Northern case Is settled Tlx- lodges of the court .f sppesls ha-e taken the petition under advisement. Whether the seven other cases pending agiet. iM the Standard Oil company of In '" ' will he tri-d elcnenda upon t-" otie. come of the appeal In the ftnst case. S is lid i. . -Jkin. law be declared invalid all In dictments againat the cortoration would be rendered void, aa would also the fine of t.Jwi.(iusN Edwin W. Bima. I'mtvd States diatrict attorney, and his chief asM.tsnt in the oil esses. James H. TVilkerson. left today for Washington. None of the attaches of the office Would discuss the tnp. but tt is thought that ibe local officials are to confer wrth the attorney g' neral regarding the present status cf the cas. and the approarlJng cri.ia in them DEMOCRATS TO GO TO DENVER Arraaa-eateele ( ssialMer W ill lis Pint Meellag Jaaaary SO. Held CWENSBORO. Ky.. Jan. 11. (t-.-cretary I" rev TVcxedscti of the Democratic National I committee today announced that the torn- I mitt on arraiigeiner.ts f.r the ltrnver convention all! hold its first meeting ml Ierrer on Monday. January 3ft. The com- ' H milieu is co-'posea or e tm rni.n i7ggart. i J 6c-r tary W oodson and Members guild.. , , . i,,,. u.-i, .., v.- vw w- ... Wekt Virginia. Howell of Georgia. Johu ston of Texss. Oalorne of Wyoming and iJahknin pf Nebraska. TV. II. O'Brien, former chairman of the Indiana demo cratic slate ce.ratnittee. ha. been sppolntesd treauui-er of lle natioral commit t .-e. vice August Brlmont. r'-s gned. rate ta Uklakeaaa. MAI-ESTER. Ok!. Jaa ll.-rwiow. Ibe f rt in irna, M two jears besaji failing earl' today wiud prevaJia. iff'' .1- 7wh 2i i ne installation of officers of l! 2 rHloes lodge. The following are the offic-ers for the ensuing year: R. O. Frenc-h. noble grand; Aug fVhumacker. Tn,: Elmer Wrlglit. secretarr Jan. Lace Curtain Sale This Curtain Kale surpasses all juwious sales we have ever had, 1oth in the values we are offerinir ami in the amount we are selling. Offerini; new things in Curtains and Curtain materials every day. ROPE CURTAINS Monday we place on sale 600 Rope Curtains, an entire manufacturer's sample line, all made up for spring showing. $l.t5 Chenille Cord. Curtains, mixed colors, for. .95t $2.50 single door Rope Curtains, mixed colors. $1.55 $3.00 Chenille Cord, single rope Curtains, rose. green or nile, each $1.75 $5.95 hand twisted cords., olive, nile green, and rose, each $3.90 $6.00 heavy cord, mixed colors, each $3.90 $.00 Chenille cord, red. nile and blue, each. .$3.90 LJ.CE CURTAINS Odd Honco Pern me Curtatns? sew lot on sale Monday morning: $.50 to $5.00 Bonne Femmes 95 $?.75 Bonne Femmes, all colors $2.20 $F.OO to $7.50 Bonne Femmes $3.15 $1.35 fancy ruffled cross stripe Curtains; Nottingham Curtains. per pair 95 $3.00 Irish Point Curtains with novelty braid Insertion, mak ing pretty cluny effects, pair .$1.95 $5.00 Brussels, Net, IrUh Point Colored Madras. Scotch Net, and heavv cord Arabian Curtains, per pair $3.95 $7.50 Arabian. Scrimm, Brussels. Irish Point and Duchess Cur tains, pair $5.75 $8.75 Madras. .Arabian, Cluny, Brussels and Irish Point Cur tains, pair $6.95 $16.75 Duchess. Brussels, Madras and Battenburg Curtains. pair $12.95 $32.50 Hand Made Arabian. Saiony Brussels. Duchess and colored Curtains, per pair. $21.50 MADRAS DOc Madras, 4 5 Inches wide, white and ecru: yer yard 65c Madras. 48 Inches wide white, ecru and colors; per yard.. 85c Madras, pretty bordered patterns: yard $1.25 Colored Madras. tO-54 Inches wide: yard Ct RTAIX SWISS 20c Swiss. 36 Inches wide; yard .5c Swlas, 45 inches wide; yard 50c Swiss, 60 inches wd: yarj ELECTRIC LAMPS - Greatly red tired in price. ELECTRIC LAMP (like cut) Weathered oak base with art i,lass 6hade, each . 5Kk $30.00 $97.50 MOHLER ON REFORM WAVE Seei Increased Taxes Because of Pro hibition and Tariff Reduction. PLANS OF OVERLAND TO IMPEOVE l Hie. Parlle Befs Uee Hare4 see SeveatyElgkt Track Miles ef j Hceir Rails for Rer ead Track. LARAMIE. Wyo.. ;4a. il. tfperial Tele- ( gram.) "The t'nlon Pacific haa purchased j for the yer IT track milee of pound rails for additional second track," said A. ) L. Mohler. ce iresidcnt and general man- ager of the Vnion Pacific In an addresa I at inc opening session vi ine ,-.,u.....,s mm 1 m $to950 Hi I $60.00 Wool Growers association here. in the vear Wn trcm,dou, ,nd j ,il(nk course of an address on the promised im- . ou1Iay i,rBer thsn sny other im provement of facilitiea for his rosd. But , , t jn th( M, ,utM during tills period Mr. Mohler deprecated the wave of re form as a possible mesns of reducing traffic, the rec-ent reform legislation and the determination in various quarters te enforce the new tsx systems upon rail roads all these aa elements thst might de ter the progress of railroad development la the next year. He admitted, however, mll- lions should be employed In the work cf extending railroada. but asked where the money waa to be obtained under such con- d it ions. Delegates Irom all pert, of Wyoming were present at the opening sef-.ion of the- Vomlng Wool Growers association. Con siderable interest 1s being aroused over resolutions concerning the altitude of the sheep growers toward the governments policy in the snstter of forest reserves Mileage Materially lasrerra. "In the movement of live slock from Green River to Omaha the average over trie we.tern districts in the wsy of mileage I was materially iniproed over the preced ing year owing to our improvement, and feci lit ie-s," said Mr. Mohler. "From North Plstte te Council Bluffs the n ovemenl was somewhat superior to the previous year, but cot sufficiently ro. Our facilities for extensive stock yard, at North Platte were rnjolned by the federal court, which pre vented their co-r.plellon aa per promise lo the committee, the improvements, however, for the enlargement of the ysrds et Green River. Rawlins and Grand Island were strictly carried out. The Improvement tn time from North Platte to Omaha will be very materially increased on the comple tion of the South Omaha cut-off. which we hope will be finished some tlrae In Ma) this year. "Wuh the prohibit Kn wave gradually spreading and with the probable tariff re- Sufferers from GALL STOTJES and APPENDICITIS Cured The Myera-Dllloo Drug Co.. Uth end Fsrnam Pts.. Omaha. Neb., ars exclusive agents In thia territory for FVuttola. This wonderful ow discovery In the field of nediclne is curing peopls every day of appendicitis ant gall stones satIS OUaJIA MA.AT WAAt CVtIS IT ratTTTOLA Myers-Dlllon Drug Co. Omaha. Neb. m"- N,u' CL i0- ' GeaUemec: 1 suffered for more than six month, with what I sunoosed to Ka etemech aad bowel trouble I tried every remedy urCest d to toe alio tua time without receiving sny beneM I sw your so.-tl.- rrwnl of a ard V.tlT ef your elerka advtaed me to try It ; vk tue Krulteia in connection with Iraxe as eSirectfcd. and the result was aato.anin. After taking one ic.itle of huitoi more than a hundred were removed. I cmlnueej the use of Krulio -snd Trsxo until ttiexure waa complete The eatlsf ac-tiou of haunt mr Leslie tcatored la worth more than money to roe. and i era cwrrtapondinglv grateful to v" I hate recomineaoco Fniilola is a greet many of my friends and la ever instance, as le my own case. It has Ion. more than ui vlauu for it ' II will give me pleasure to allow im; to uae toy n. ne is your advertising lours Gratefully. TV C. IIEYUEN. ' Mgr. Xr.iaha Braoch" Jotin Guad Brewing Cm, tea swffM-img teaay eetl ee waitee afyerw-AUOos IXrwg Ca lstk sal ruaaa rfUa, Ossake. akewt xaiet grwat ewfe grsjuvoia, i Pi fa i 4 31t 47C 68? 95 14c 21c 34c $0.75 $10.00 to $13.00 Electric Lamps reduced to $7.50 $19.75 Electric Lamp reduced to $15.00 $20.00 Electilc Lamp reduced to $12.00 Electric Lamp reduced $16.50 Electric Lamp reduced $18.00 Electric 1-amp reduced $19.00 Electric Lamp reduced $19.50 Electric Lamp reduced $39.50 Electric Lamp reduced $47:50 Lamp with crystal bead shade, reduced to. $57.50 ductlon it woujd seem ultimstely that the government will drsire to taa Interstate business, which represents on the t'nlon Pacific tiS per cent of Its business. There fore, tbete would be only 11 per cent of Its gross earnings left to the states through which it operates. "Tha smount of money expended en sec ond track alone and taxes In the states of Wyomlrg and Nebraska far exceeds the gross earnings derived In these two rtates and allows nothing whatever for the main tenance of the old lines nor interest nor d:idrrds. rreblesa ef (.ettlaar Meaer. "It is quite wi;hin the bounds to say tlat during the next five years tills country should spend many million in the enlarge ment of Its railroad faculties. How this money can be obtained with the restriction applying to transportation lines. Is a dif ficult question lo answer. The outlay made by the I'tiion Pacific in the states of ,.,, tnd Nebraska for the last .evea "Reformers and agiiators. snd the people. mfcy a well face the situstton and meet squarely with full recognition of the present condition offfairs. which prevents needed capital from investing. There can be no thoroughly marked revival of new railroad construction on a scale commensurate mlth the necessities of thla western country -until j returities receive greater protection than j at present, notwithstanding It Is easy to say thst railroads muat be forced to ex - pend; that they must he capitalised at exact cost, and that the promoters end bankers profit, must be eliminated, there still remains the prsf-ixal part of the whole question, who will obtain the money snd how can it lie -obtained. "The of-nstsnt attarks on overcapital ization seem, in the caae of the In ion Pa- ; c If ic rsilroad syrtetn. peculiar In view of I the fact that when the rnltoe) States gov ernment was its partner In the original j Incorporation in 1870. when tt waa capital ised for lli:.'iC6 per mile, while the present capitalization of the T'nlon Pacific railroad is less than i:.0o per mile. In other words, the inflation has been backwards. I am aware that this rips a few planks out of the platforrr,s of the enterprising reformers and I fully appreciate that the effons of the reformers are commendable, but the ruler of the universe who Is supposed to have inspired the Ten Commandments, did not ext.erl It in possible to carry out the administration of tl.e earth on any different basis. It is certainly very com mendable to American enterprise te think that theae comrr.andents are now unneces sary and that they can be eliminated from our social condition. What the railroada desire ia wise, sane snd proper legislation, permitting them to develope their resoarres ss well ss the country, rather than that of iuffc riiig crucifixion "