Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 12

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rnr, omaha suxday bee: jaxuaky 12. 100s.
Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses
OMBRTTMES objection h raised
to a character or a sert of
characters as prwnted on the
stage because of apparent ex
aggeration, but only a little
reflection wHl Ihnw the neces
sity for gotng beyond photographic fidelity
lo facta, In offerlnn aeries of pictures In
tended to Illustrate truth or support a
proportion, if tb at ajre bars -any moral
ii'lllty Whatever. It la because It offera a
Pima te a way that la &aiy understood
and Quickly aartmllated. To do this
baeurltjr muet be avoided, and In throw
ing Into a high light the motive that
actuate, the character that carry the lead
ing part In tha argument It In frequently
"aentlal that they b made lust a little
big; stronger than realities. Henri k. I been
know tkls, and as In other features of his
aa;e technique, he took advantage of the
fact to outllna hia leading characters
firmly and to make the contracts sharp and
clear. In "a Doll s House" he exaggerates
both Nora and Helmer. purposely, that he
may make his protest the stronger. It Is
hardly likely that real woman would do that
Nora Helmer did at the close of that
drama While her course of conduct can
be defended on aa ethical basis, and possi
bly with reason, the fact that Nora's
whole life had been animated by emotion
and Impulse la an arrument aralnst Its
being; suddenly remodeled on a baols of
cold reason. She may have chanred the
entire aspect of her course aa regards
Helmer, but she was ast 111 the mother of
Helmer a children. That she had lived
"1th a "stranger" and had borne him chil
dren waa a shock to her newly awakened
faculties, but they were her children, too.
and were endeared to her by ties of af
fection that could not be so easily broken.
A mother does not abandon Iter offspring
quite ao readily. This Is probably the false
not a tha drama
Pollock. It la not shown, though, that tha
notion of thia pair has had any very
marked effect on that peculiar attitude of
the public that dates back aa far as his
tory can be traced, and which insista on
holding women at least to a strict account
ability. In all his dramas Mr. Jones armies
to the one Inevitable Conclusion: Plnero,
Suderman, Heyse, Fitch, id feet all down
to the time of Channlng Pollock, have
found themselves confronted with the same
condition, and at no time have they suc
ceeded In evading the edict. Mrs. Tan
querar commita suicide. Iris Bellamy Is
kicked Into the street by the man she sold
herself to, Magda is left to a future that
holds no uncertain quantity In this regsrd,
and so It Is with the whole list. "The
wages of sin Is desth." That Is the only
possible lesson of the problem play.
"A Doll's House" Is scarcely a plea for
woman; It doesnt propose a larger field
for her activity than the home, nor can It
be deemed other than a protest against the
selfishness of man, who calmly and
thoughtlessly accepts all the sacrifice
woman la willing to make for him as
merely hla due. Helmer In this regard
represents a very large element of man
kind; Ibsen does not spare his sex. Nora
Is the loving woman who will do, anything
for tk object of her affection. 'Men do
not sell their honor, even for love." says
Helmer. In defending himself. "Millions
of women do," answers Nora, simply. And
In that little sentence Is the keynote of
the whole drama. Woman makes the aacrl
flce and man accepts It. To be sure, men
sometimes make sacrifices and women ac
cept them. We. hare the case of the "Vam
pire" to offset the Helmer proposition. The
argument Is that marriage should be a
partnership In fact as In name. Husband
and wife should know each other if they
expect to be happy.
Medal Offered Man Who Makes Most
ccewefwl Assault Mllllaery.
LONDON. Jan. 1. (Special Correspond
ence.) On both Odes of the Straits of
Dover the ever-present nuisance of the big
hat at the theater" again Is under discus
sion. By London writers It is asserted
that the enjoyment of many Juvenile pa
trons of this season's "pantomime" has
been ruined by the adult wearers of these
obstructions, but up to date no course of
action against them more drastic than
moral suasion has been suggested. But In
France the sufferers from excessive heaJ
gcar In the playhouse have resolved, on
stern measures. The lead In the new cru
sade Is being taken by a newspsper. which
has Just offered a gold medsl to the play
goer who mskes the most successful as
sault on a big hat which has obscured his
To begin with, this Journal attempted to
form a league of theatrical- managers
against the big hat. but It failed because
three directors held out. Hence, the gold
medal, which will be awarded "to the spec
tator who. before the end of the present
season, having been annoyed by a woman's
hat. shall have made the most row."
Would-be medalists already announce their
plans. me will go to the play next time
with a pair of shears and "let a, little day
light" Into any hat that may be before
him. Another, who has a fine bead of
hair, proposes to electrify It and appear
In his stall like the fretful porcupine. He
warrants that hia locks on end will cover
an area of two square feet, which Is the
size of a small matinee bonnet.
A third aspirant to the medal declares be
has bought a miller's hat which he will
smuggle Into the house under a cloak. If
he is behind a woman In the usual theater
headgear who refuses to remove It, he
will put his on, and wild horses will not
tear It off. A fourth revolutionist has the
most Ingenious, If rather savage, scheme.
Take." he recommends, "a string about
tw feet long, and tie a pin to each end.
Stick firmly one of the pins into a woman's
hat and the other into the stuff bark of
the woman's stall. The slightest move
ment made by Jier will then disarrange the
monument on her head. When she gets
up her hat will be torn off. Then you can
laugh. She won't put It on again." Worn,
erf's hats, in fact, appear to be goading the
Frenchmen Into a fierce aacrlflce of, their
native gallantry.
In London the American actress Is hav
ing another triumph. In the Drurs Lane
pantomime the leading entertainment of
this kind in the country the "ptlmlpal
boy'1 and "principal girl" both hail from
the land of the dollar. The first !s Mls.i
Meredith Meredro, who originally came
over to appear at the halls In "The Stun
ning Grenadiers'' and who was snapped
up by Arthur Collins, and the second l
Marie George, who now Is an established
favorite with audiences at "Old Drury."
Both have scored heavily in th's winter's
pantomime, which Is "The Babes in the
Jii-anwhlle, further up the Strand, the
bright particular star of the Adelphl pan
tomime, "Aladdin." is snother Tanke?.
damsel. "Happy Fanny Fields." She ap
pears at the Adelphl, moreover, in spile of
two attempts to restrain her from i) do'ng.
one on the part of the Tlvoli, and the
other on that of the Holborn Music Hall.
It appears that this young woman's ex
cessive "happiness" led her to enter Into
three separate contracts which conflicted
rather seriously. To begin with, there was
the one with Robert Arthur, proprietor of
the Adelphl, which, aa has been Indicated,
stands In the classic Strand. The other two
managements do not go in for pantomime,
and their complaints were not on this
score, but on the ground that the Amer
ican laughter maker had covenanted to
appear In their theaters in May, and, In the
meantime, not to give performances at any
place of , entertainment within a mile of
Music and Musical Notes
Jan Corcoran Is coming up. In her
work la evidenced thai careful earnestnese
that la bound to bring success, If supported
by a degree of ability that deserves suc
cesa, and she haa the ability, too. As
Mistress Wofflngton In "Pretty Peggy,"
she appeared merely a girl trying to please
by "her vivacious ways and pertness of
manner. In "Ths Freedom of Suxanne"
che ahowed much of the same attribute,
and without carr-lng conviction beyond
the Inevitable thought thai ahe was am
bitious to please. Having turned from
theae to the more serious work of dramatic
interpretation, .she assumes a new phase
Jt Interest, and now shows herself as a
ctnscentlous, painstaking' actress,' Intelli
gently forking to a definite purpose. She
haa ao as yet attained any great height,
but she is on the upwart road, is develop
ing with apparent symmetry and promises
to become one of whom her ' countrymen
will be proud. She Is schooling herself by
earnest effort In her art, and with purpose
guided by reason ought to succeed.
A orrespondeat asks for the story of
The Liars," Henry Arthur Jones' preach
ment. With whatever moral application It
' may have. Mr. Jones was one of the earl
iest of English writers to turn hia atten
tion to the "problem" play, and did his
work with aklll and thoroughness. He had
a bent for preaching, though, and In "The
Uars'f gave It full sway. Thus the name
of tha play only faintly auggests Its nature
and doesn t hint at its purpose. The liars
were a pair of subaldlary characters, the
real V-ad bemg a prosy and pragmatic
mutual friend, whose views of morality
were summed up In the penalty of getting
caught- The lie came in the course of an
attempted explanation, which didn't ex
plain.: An English gentleman of science
and culture, who has made his name
famoaa by bin work aa an explorer, re
turns from the deptha of undiscovered
Africa for a vacation, and employe his time
by falling m love with the wife of one of
tha coterie of friends with whom he spends
his dava In England. The wife, under the
annrehttiudon that she Is "mated with a
fails In love with the scientific
a-ent. and makes an appointment with him.
They are unfortunate In choice of trysting
place, and are discovered, but flee. Then
comes In the mutual friend with the pen
chant for preaching, and tells them what
they ara likely to encounter. The scien
tific gentleman and the fondly foolish wife
are bent on defying tradition, convention
Mother Orundy, and the whole flock of
bugabooa raised againat their course, and
living their Uvea together. They feel the
imnulse of affinity, and will not allow any
little tiling like the fact that aha is already
the wife of a man who adorea her to hinder
them la what they conceive to be their
destiny. The mutual friend polnta out to
them that ostracism will follow them, and
that on the one band the professor will
aacrlflce his career and put a blet on his
name, while on the other the wire win give
un her" honored place In aoclety, and bi
me a social derelict, a divorcee, publicly
labeled an adultereas. and that neither of
them la atrong enough to pay the penalty.
Dissatisfaction that will follow will destroy
any anticipated bappinesa and misery la
sura to be their portion. His arguments
are presented with such force that the
profeasoe agreee to go back to the jungle
alone, while the wife remaina to wear her
festers under a cloak of responsibility. Then
the husband cornea In and tha three tell
fclra tha He that gives the play its name,
and In hia purblind love for hia wife he
accept the counterfeit for the truth. If
tha play baa any moral. It la the simple
one. that detected sla la aura to be pun
ished. .
- Mr. Joaea, In common with other writers,
' has approached the question from many
angles, Jmt haa never succeeded In evad-
tng tha one conclusion. Whatever the
U world may privately hold on the topic,
Ls public opinion la alwaye the aame.
Borne . argument baa been advanced re
cently. notably by Channlng Pollock. In
support of tha proposition that such a
thing aa forgiveness Is not Impossible. In
preparing tha Castle story of The Secret
Orchard. tor the atage. Mr. r-oiioe
changed lta ending, and has lieutenant
Dodd overlook, in hia great love for Joy.
the fact that ahe once passed a few pleas
ant hours in company with Cluny. Mr.
Pollock's argument la that Joy needa the
loving, bela of a strong man Just at that
time, and insists that forglveneaa is the
most reasonable course under the elrcum
stance. And with a fine sympathy for
erring humanity, especially the erring sis
ter, at teaat one critic (Mr. Walter Eaton
IU Iwk Bun) acre wUa Mr.
LMOST nineteen years ago a
young man with musical ambi
tion applied for a position In a
church In Omaha He had but
few friends, but little experi
ence, enthusiasm galore, but
not much musical backing. He met Mrs.
Cotton (now Mrs. Kountxe) and waa taken
by her to aee Bishop Worthlngton at his
beautiful home, "Bishopthorpe." Here this
young man was treated with the utmost
kindness and warmth by the bishop and
his beloved brother, and. being a homesick
young stranger, longing for his Irish home
and mother, but determined to make a
success In t)maha, he valued very greatly
the unpatronlzlng spontaneous kindness
and unbounded hospitality at "Bishop
thorpe." whose door waa always open lo
him. He secured from the bishop his first
church position In America, organist at the
church of St. Matthias, the bishop's pet
church; and today he feels deeply the news
that Bishop Worthlngton has passed to his
reward. Many a singer who sang In the
old St. Matthiaa choir of 18S9-90-91 will re
member the "cup of cold water" and other
much more aubstantial creature comforts
received at "Bishopthorpe," and they will
send a wish "Requiescat In Pace" to tha
last resting-place of their old time friend.
Bishop Worthlngton of Nebraska,
Needless to say, the young man referred
to above ls the writer of this column, and
he takes this opportunity to print thia
sprig of "Koeemary that's for Remem
brance" In recognition of the friendship
of the late bishop, who befriended and en
couraged a young man who pined for
friends and encouragement, and who re
ceived both at bis hands. May be rest In
A reader asks me this question: "Can a
person who does not sing teach singlngr
Now, that ls a plain, straightforward
At the risk of being accused of talking
shop, let me lay down a few things with
which I believe all of my honorable col
leagues, the singinf teachers, will agree.
A person who does not sing cannot teach
singing. Neither can a person who does
not speak French teach French speaking.
A singing teacher may know the rules OS
singing and know now to correct another,
but he may not have the most beautiful
voice In the world.
In fact, some of the great teachers have
not had remarkably fine voices.
But they can sing to this extent, namely
that they can show you how not to make
a tone, and they can show you how to sihg
a tone. I know a woman whose voice one
would not endure In a song recital, but
who can show pupils the most exquisitely
placed floating velvety head tones. I know
a man who can bring out superb results
from great artists, men and women, who
can sing a phrase of a Shubert song, or a
Wagnerian motif superbly, and yet
would forego the plearur of hearing him
'n the part of Wolfram. I know another
man who has to his credit one of the fore
most sopranos In America today. I know
"ilm well, very well, and have known him
'or many years, and yet I never heard
'rim a!ng a solo In his life. But he can
'how you how to make a tone. But then.
these people were all good musicians.
either playhouse. Now the Tlvoli Is ex
actly across tha street from the Adelphl
and tha Holborn la less than half a mlie
away, hence the recent attempted Injunc
tion against "Happy Fanny " They failed,
as It proved that the agreement with Rob
ert Arthur was of prior standing hat It
was entered Into In fact In January, 1M.
whereas the other two were made m Au
gust last, so the Tankee girl Is triumphant,
temporarily. But the Judge declared that
If the two musie halls elected to bring a
further action for damages against Miss
Fields, the chances of their being able to
collect were bright.
According to all accounts "Brewster's
Millions" ls the biggest kind of a success
In Australia Audiences at the antipodes,
moreover, are not content wl'.h sympathis
ing passively with the American author's
hero In his struggle against circumstances.
The Sydney cnrresijndent of the London
Mall describes a truly remarkable sc nc
that took place at the Theater Royal of
that city recently, during the last set of
the play. In this act. Americans will re
member. Brewster finds himself1 without
sufficient cash to post a letter. Turning
out his pockets, he remarks. "I haven't a
penny:" But Thomas Kingston, who plays
the principal part, was considerably taken
aback by having a 2-shllIing pce thrown
on the stage by some emotional sympa
thizer. Then came from others of the a -di-enco
first a half-sovereign and then a
sovereign In gold. Eventually 32 shillings
s was handed to the management and
by It given to the Sydney Hospital for
Sick Children.
Mrs. Brown-Potter, who hss not been
seen In London for over a year, or since
her Ill-fated essay In management at the
8avoy, has Just been engaged by the re
opened Coliseum, and will appear there
shortly as Lady Teazle In a tabloid version
of "The School for Scandal." which has
been made by Cecil Raleigh.
so seldom asked and ao devoid of logic or
reason that It should, perhaps, be passed
up, with the retaliatory question, "Are you
studying to be a thinking singer, or are you
training to be a parrot?"
But for tht sake of the few who pro
pound the question, we will give It space.
And we will say further, "Should not a
soprano study under the direction of a
soprano? A contralto under a contralto?
A raezso-aoprano under a mezzo-soprano?
A tenor under a tenor? A baritone under a
baritone? A basso under a basso?"
Rather absurd la It not? And yet. If we
begin with the first question all these
others follow. For a soprano votoe ls
treated entirely different from a con-l
tralto or even a mecao. The tenor ls
trained entirely different from a baritone,
and a baritone from a base.
Not again. The greatest singing teach
ers tha world has ever known have been
men. A man can suggest the highest notes
of the women's voices; la it not a fact that
the highest, rarest alto voices In tha cathe
dral ahotrs have been deep basa voices?
Ask anyone who knows. But what woman
can give the suggestion of the tenor "mixed
voice," aa Sims Reeves called It (and he
waa England's greatest tenor In hia day).
What woman can give the baas singer his
knowledge of tones?
Now, I know that some of you gentle
readers are disagreeing with me. And that
la right. But, you know, there are excep
tions to every rule, and you may be the
exception. Tou will always find me ready
to grant exceptions.
The greatest teacher of his time was
Manuel Garcia. Hia voice was an In
different voice, we are told, but yet he
turned out more "prima donnaa" than an'
teacher before or since. He gave Jenny
Lind to the singing world, and a host of
others. His pupil, Stockhausen, haa also
turned out a great many ringers.
But you aay there la Marches). Tes, all
honor be to Marches!! She has turned out
many singers, she and her husband have
alwaya been identified together as teach
ers, they were engaged together aa teachers
of singing at the Vienna Conservatorium
and they are living together In Paris In
peace and amity today, as I have been In
formed by a jupll who la now under the
Marches! guidance at the moment I write,
and this pupil speaks of the devotion of the
pair. And then Marches! studied under
Nicola! and Manuel Garcia, aforementioned,
both men.
roanlaa; Events.
One of the best of the Liebler A Co. at
tractions. Miss Isabel Irving In the Clyde
Fitch play. "The Girl Who Has Every
thing." will be the attraction at he Boyd
theater, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings, and a Wednesday matinee will
be given. The play ls best described as a
comedy-drama. The scene Is New Tork;
the time, the present; and among the
characters are two children whom Mr.
Fitch uses, especially In their relations to
their ciders, with much the same skill
that he showed with the youngsters In
"Her Only Way." They are rootherleaa,
and Sylvia, their aunt, mothers them.
Their father, worthless and unscrupulous,
has devised a scheme to trick even his own
children out of the fortune that their
mother has left them. Sylvia seeks to
frustrate him. He retaliates by still an
other trick, that places the young lawyer
for whom she .cares In the light of a sordid
fortune-hunter. The dialogue Is In the
style for which Clyde Fitch ls noted
bright, snappy and epigrammatic.
Mrs. Leslie-Carter' win be seen at tha
Boyd theater next Thursday and Friday
In David Belaseo'a play, "Du Barry.", Of
the several great dramatic triumphs that
Mrs Carter haa enjoyed In recent years,
her Du Barry stands In first place. Zaaa
immediately preceded It. and It seemed
that ahe had reached the topmost round
of emotional acting, but her Impersonation
of Du Barry proved that there la no such
thing aa marking off In an exact diagram
talents auch as aha possesses in so sur
prising a degree. One looks far and wide
In the annala of the stage for such a suc
cession of dramatic triumphs aa this great
actress achieved In The Heart of Mary
land." "Zaxa," "Du Barry" and "Adrea."
So finished and complete waa each of
these portrayala that the most adept and
speculative writers for the stage have
ceased to venture a limit ta her powera.
As In the past. Mrs. Carter ls surrounded
by an admirable company, and the produc
tion ls the same aa tha In which ahe has
always appeared.
The great business that haa been done
by Marie Cshlll In her new musical play.
"Marrying Mary," In New Tork. Philadel
phia sad Boston ls the best proof that the
theatrical public knows when It la being
offered an entertslnment that la worth
while. Edwin Milton Royle has done clever
work before, but It haa been along dram
atic lines exclusively. Soon will he bow
to us as the creator of aa clever a comedy
as has been heard here In some time, when
"MRrrylng Msry" cornea to Boyd'a Janu
ary 19. 10 and a, and the music by Silvio
Hein ls Just the excellent kind that might
be expected from the brilliant young Com
poser of "Molly Moonshine." In addition to
this, there la the most of that expert lyric
ist Benjamin Hapgood Burt. One cannot
help being entertained by Marie Cahlll, for
she Is without a parallel In her line of
comedy, but. as If modestly underrating
herself, she has brought with her such an
excellent player as Eugene Cowles. The
others of her company are all splendid
artists, and then there Is the much written
about "long-skirted" chorus, who really
can alng. And surrounding It all there la
that daintiness which ls characteristic of
a Cahlll performance. Everything ls gen
teel, or perhaps a better word Is refined.
The pretty comedy Is as free from sug
gestlveness as a mother could wish, and
yet It ls as -entertaining as anything we
may see In a long time. Miss Cahlll Is
wise In Identifying herself with such an
excellent class of entertainment. More and
more each season she will realize the sagac
ity of her plan. Musical comedies of tha
"Marying Mary" class will always have a
steady following, while those which de
pend on the novelties Involved will be only
as good as the novelties themselves.
"The Red Mill," which for over one en
tire year held the stage of the Knicker
bocker theater In New Tork City and waa
only withdrawn on account of an over
worked company, will be offered at the
Boyd on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,
January 26, 27 and 28. A special matinee
will be played on Tuesday.
At the Krug theater for one week, com
mencing matinee today with usual mati
nees, "Superba" comes for Its annual en-
Tonight at 8:15 ARTHUR C. AISTON Presents
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Wednesday Matinee
aid ah xicimoiu BtrrroBTivo coictaht
la tha liw Clyde riteh riay,
Direction UXBX.EB Oo.
Matinee Tdaj
Roller 6kating every after
noon and evening all this week.
Great endurance skate from
Tuesday night until Wednesday
, Thursday, ladies' day.
Music by the band.
Notes of Opera in Europe
Another question la asked: "Is a fine
singer a bwkI teacher?" Not necesarlly.
Many very fine singers bsve male d'smal
failures aa teachers. More especially. If
they have been gifted naturally with un
usual Tolces. For then, they do not know
the pitfalls, the habits, the difficulties tnd
drawbacks which pupils may find. In
fact. I will iro farther, some of the finest
singers have Injured voices Immensely. I
have In mind one or two who have made
enviable reputations as slnvers. and yet
they number many disappointed atudents
tn their lists of pupils.
A recent copy of the New York Bun
goes Into this matter very plainly, but I
will refrain from reprinting- the article
contained therein, because some of us
here have studied abroad, and we might
be accused of being In that class of dis
appointed onea.
Tnen there la another question which la
asked of me sometimes: "Should not
man atudy with a man, and a woman with
a woman? Does not a woman make a great
mistake In atudylng with a man?" Now,
being a man. one might find himself ex
cusable if he dissented. And yet that
would not be Just, If he dissented merely
because he were a man.
But let us look at tha matter a moment,
even if it seems rldtculoua That tha state
ment ls ridiculous In the extreme and could
only be asked by someone who haa not
givea the matter serious thought la a fura
tMi vuitoluaiuik. la favt, ILe q,ueaUuA ts
I should aay most emphatically that If
one believes that the art of singing can be
acquired by mere Imitation, one should by
all means study to Imitate, but I would, at
the same time, honestly, sincerely and
conscientious! point out the fact that by
that course they will never become singers.
They may be human "reproducers" (ask
a phonograph man what that moans) but
they will never move people with their
songs, or thrill thrm with a message.
Singing, after all. Is largely a question of
personality. It is essentially a question of
perception and discernment, and the ear ls
to t cultivated rather than the voice.
Imitation Is not cultivation of the ear.
It Is all very well for the "Impersonator"
of the vaudeville stage, but It has abso
lutely nothing to do With the srt of sing
ing. Absolutely nothing! Imitation sug
gests a counterfeit.
Now. these questions have been asked.
I have answered them to the best of my
ability. And a word to the teachers In
Omaha. Remember I have been apeakina
In general lines regarding the training of
singers. If I have trod upon any one per
son's toes I regret It. These are great
questions and must be answered In very
broad tt-rma There are many women
teaching singing in Omaha, and I have seen
some of their work. It has always been
easily In line with the work of our men
teachera. When It cornea to a local ques
tion I doff my hat to the women who are
teaching singing in Omaha aa a rule, (I
admit there are a few exceptions) and the
men need not take on aira and Imagine
that this article has been written on the
aupremacy of the male teacher, for some
male teachers hereabouts could learn much
from the women who are teaching. (My!
but here is a delicate subject). But hire
In Omaha we are all dt tng our best to !-
rulcate the nieher standards, and the
question must be cons!d red In a gt-neral
way. If I have kr.sered these questions
which have been asked, to the general
satisfaction, wail and good; If not, tell me
about It.
M Bales! Xatea.
Mr. Max Landow announces a concert to
be given oo Jxnuary 24 at the First liap-
Mora axteadefl nuLU: will be
list church.
The suicide of Theodore Bertram con-1
tlnues to Interest his admirers in Germany.
One of the latest letters to come to him
before his death was from Coslma Wagner.
He had ben singing Wo tan at Bayreuth
and during the second act of "Sleg-fied"
suffered a slight lapse of memory. His
first thought after the performance was
to write to Mme. Wagner and apologize
for the brief delay It was not longer than
a minute In the progress of the opera
caused by his accident.
In her answer Mme. Wagner said among
other flattering things: "The alight lapse
of memory was scarcely noticeable, and
we can readily understand It. Do not
worry yourself over that Your Wanderer
waa wonderful. I have never heard the
scene of the awakening of Brda so sung.
We were all deeply impressed with its
Bertram must have developed since ha
left America Despite his peculiarities
he had become the most famous bass of
his day In Germany. Mme. Wagner had
heard Scarcla aa well aa the other famous
Wotans of Bayreuth, and she must have
had famous predecessors of Bertram In
her mind when she said ahe had never
heard the scene of the awakening- ao Im
pressively dona
Juat before bis suicide Bertram, who had
been living aa the gueat of a good friend
at Bayreuth, wrote to his manager In
Berlin telling him that he was anxious to
return to the capital and begin his pro
fessional duties, which he had almost
wholly neglected alnce the death of his
wife- He asked that word be sent to him
whether or not the manager would look
after his Interests until he had recovered
his self-confidence.
The manager replied by telegram and
Bertram arrived the next morning In Ber
lin. He could not aummon the couraa-e to
go to hia apartment where he had lived
with hla wife, but took a room near his
manager. He stopped there for nearly a
Sud ienly early one morning ha hurried
without hat or overcoat to the railroad
station and took the train for Bayreuth.
leaving behind him only a scribbled line
to tell of his departure. After a few days
In Bayreuth he wrote to apologise for his
sudden act and promised to return to Ber
lin and keep some engagements the man
ager had made for him. Just after sending
this letter he killed himself, leaving behinl
him a poem to his wife, who was lost last
winter in the Hook of Holland tragedy.
Leo Blech has been selected to follow
Felix Welngartner, who has succeeded
Gustav Mahler In Vienna, as conductor of
the concerts of the Royal Symphony con
certs In Berlin.
Isadore de Lara, whose opera "Mt ssallne"
was sung here seven years ago with Eram.i
Calve, has married the divorced wife of h.
prince of Monaco, who for many years
helped to encourage the English compose,
by producing his works at Monte Carlo
His latest opera was sung the other day lit
It Is cslled ''8olea" and Is said to hay.
met with great success, largely throirh
the particlyailon of Otto Lrfihse, who con
ducted the work. Mme. de Lara ls sn
American. Her maiden name was Aide
Heine, and she ls the daughter of a Ger
man banker who lived In New Orleans.
De Lara Is her third husband. Her father
was alwaya proud of hla relationship to
the poet of the same name.
"The Flying Dutchman" has Just been
sung In the Bohemian language at Prague
for the first time. Many of Wagner's other
oeras have been translated Into Bohemian.
Von Eardr iwsky. the Pi-linn tenor in.l
friend of Pajerewskl. who came here to
create the title role In "Manru." has trans
lated the entire "Nlbelungen Ring" Into
Pbllsh. Siegfried Wagner's latest opera.
"Bternengebot." will be produced thia
month at Hamburg. Charpentier'a "Louise"
will also have Its first Berlin production
this month,
liana Lortainf. th last MB ot tha famous
German composer, haa Just died in Berlin.
Of all the composer's large family only one
child la left Hana waa an actor and never
gained especial distinction, although out of
respect to his father he was engaged at the
Royal theater In Berlin.
Clarence Whltehlll, the American basso
who haa been singing for several years at
Cologne, haa been engaged for the Royal
opera house at Berlin. Some of the Amer
ican members of that organization are now
Geraldlne Farrar, Putnam Grlswold, Fran
cis Maclennan, Ella Rose and Mrs. Ma
clennan. Jean Buysson haa recently been engaged
to aupplant Leo Slezak In Vienna. Slezak
ls said to have refused an offer of H.OiJO
for eight months In the year at Vienna In
the hope of being engaged to come here.
Dora Moran, a daughter of the late
Fanny Moran-O'rten, once the wife of Theo
dor Bertram, haa recently made her flrt
appearance In concert In Lelpslc. She ls
said to be a very promising young singer.
Eugen d'Albert la to retire from the con
cert stage and will never play again as a
virtuose. He will devote himself to com
position, although his latest opera, "Tra
galdaa," produced In Hamburg recently,
did not meet with success. At the age of
10 he composed his first opera. "The Bride
of tha Rhine."
Albert Carre haa Just received a new
operatic version of "Macbeth" by. an al
most unknown composer named Ernest
Bloch. Thia young man waa wise enough
to Interest In his work no less a person
than the statuesque Ludenne Breval of
the aemaphoric gestures. He played his
score for her and Edouard Lalo, who was
so much delighted with the work that he
recommended It to Carre and a new "Mac
beth" la to be heard next apr'ng.
Marie Delna has been the ojierallc sen
it Ion of the winter In Paris. She has re
appeared In "Orphee" and "La Vlvandiere
before large audiencea, for whom ahe ha
lost none of her charm.
Fella Letvinne la to sin? at Monte Carlo
this month in a revival of "Henry VIII
by Salnt-Saens. The newest ballet at the
Grand opera In Paris is baaed on the sub
ject of "The Erlking."
Luigl Manclnelll is not the only conductor
from the Metropolitan to have an opera
produced with success In Italy. Little
Armando Seppilll, who put In two seasons
at the Metropolitan Opera house. Is the
composer of "The Red Ship." which haa
Just met with success at the Theatro Llrico
in Milan. .
More experienced composers have failed
thu year. One of these was I'mbt-rto
Giordano, who found no success with hi
"Marcella." Signor Seppilll astonished I
Milan auaience Dy conducting hia own
Other new operas this season In Italy
have been "Velve," with a Norwegian sub
ject by Castracane, which met with some
success at Mooena, ana "J ana. which was
heard seven times in Nov! LIgjre before
the composer, who was also the conductor
put an end to Ihe performance. After the
second act he came before the curtain
ana announces tnat he would allow no
more v productions of his work, aa the
royalties had not been paid.
The police officer who was present In
vain attempted to persuade the conductor
to return to the chair. The opera then
went on un1er the direction of a member
of the orchestra.
Tbe protests of the composer continuing
the police arrested him and dragged him
toward the Jail. The audience followed and
with the aid of the crown outside, rescued
the omp st-r from the police and carrlc
him in tnunih to his hotel.
Tha effort to Impart life to Tschaikow
sky's operas outside of Italy does not meet
with aucceaa "Jolanda" by that composer,
has Just failed at Its first Italian perform
anoe In Modena-
Pietro Mascagnl recently conducted the
five hundredth performance of "Cavailerl
Ruattcana' iu Milan,
ftfltts. (V eriTtm I
Toons Song-las 4M.
gagement with the promise of new things.
The first act this year is laid In the land
of gnomes and sprites, then the scene
shifts to Coozlenut farm, where the merry
makings take place, next to Knicker
bocker Hall, where Coco, the clown, and
ls followers get Into trouble with the
bandits. More scenes in the romantic
country where Superba and the lovelorn
Leander an(l Sylvia meet with adventures,
and numerous gorgeous transformation
scenes with their delicate lace drops, gold
and glitter of electricity carry the panto
mime to Its completion. An Important
change this year in the Introduction of an
American pony ballet, and in the Les
Clerges, Fluffy iRuffes and other special
umbers It will be aoen at its best. Ar
ranged by one of New York's most fa
mous ballet masters, the all-Amerloan oc
tette promises much. The dances include
new effect,, "Down Where Demons
Dwell," and much new music has been
rttten for these specialties. In the vaude-
llle of the bill two fine specialties will
be presented. The three Blanche brothers
nd Randolph In a refined mjsical number
and Miss Bessie Brown In new specialties
and Miss Mae Bowers In loop-the-loop.
The entire company la new this season
and Includes besides the three Hanlons,
Misses Anna Leon, Bessie Brown, Venetla.i
Zaleska and Olga Graham and Messra H Fashion Plate Singers and Dancers
Lee i. Klelne. Charlea Benn and the Man
Ions' special atage force of twenty carpen
ters, electricians and scenic artista,
NEXT SUNDAY Custer's Last nght.
The Boyd Theater
School of Acting
(A practical training school
for dramatic aad peratic
Fourth Season Now Open
Studenta' Matinea EnaAgessenla.
LILLIAN riTCH. Director
W. J. BURGESS. Manager
Mat. Eien Dm 2:15, Evan Might 8:15
E Week Starting Mat. Today
The Queen of Comic Opera.
Delicious Music and Spectacular
Introducing "Tha Terrible Judge"
Delia Pox la the star the Orpheum pre
sents for the week starting matinee today.
Miss Fox will sing a number of the songs
In which she won popularity In "Wang"
and other productions in which ahe was
famous. Another notable headline card will
be the Eight Vassar Girls In their novel
unstrumental and vocal offering, which
concludes with their spectacular Amices,
Including the pretty electric May pile
dance. Fun Is promised by warn ana
Curren In a akit called "The Terrible
Judge." Fred Morrisony and the shaj-ely
Morrissey sisters are down for some pleas-
ng mild diversion. Among the newcomers
will be Hanavar and Lee, dexterous ana
skilled club Jugglers, and Marias O'Conner
with legerdemain. Imitation of musical In
struments and shadowerrephy Interspersed
with bits of his own unique humor. Petrh-Ir-g
brothers have a very c-'.aWately staged
musical stunt called "A Gard.-n of Music,"
in which their elk-Kation of l.armony Inirn
nstrurr.ents of divers floral designs creates
myrt-rious fairyland effect. Entirely
new klmxirome pictures . wm uuuc
b!ll declared right up to the Orpheum's
Smith, the railroad aent at a suburban
station In a western city, saved the life of
Wonderful Club Manipulators
Novelties In Mualc, Legerdemain,
Presenting A Garden of Music'
Always the newest In motion pictures
VBICZI 100, ISO, 50O.
a dignified gentleman waiting for a train
by pulling him from In front of a through
train on another track. The dignified gen
tleman loat all hla dignity for the moment
and was much confused, but not ao much
so aa to forget that something was due to
the agent. Following a grateful impulae,
he thrust his hand Into his pocket and.
drawing It forth, exclaimed:
"Man, you've aaved my life; here's half
a dollar."
"Oh. I never take payment for a thing
like that," answered Smith, aa he turned to
attend to the duties of the moment.
"But, man, you must; you saved my life.
Have a cigar, anyway." Harper'a Weekly.