Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 10

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    Omaha Sunday Bee
FACES 1 TO 10.
Second Week of White Carnival Begins Tomorrow -Greater Bargains Than Ever
Linens and
White Goods
Fancr Llnena. all Onter
Fleoea. ftcarfa.Tray Cloth,
launch Clothar worth up
to I I t each at 1.4
4 Inch Bleached Table
Damask, rood heavy qual
tt jr. neat designs, yard M
TI Inch pleached Tabla
Dunuk, good a that never
old for - lees than (9c.
yard 4P
II Inch all linen Napkin.
Mr regular II. "S quality.
Ml price, dozen ....91.39
Bed Spreads, full s!xe hem
med, heavy and irood de
fgna, regular fl.ZS, each
at 8e
Saeriflea lot of La
dles' Far Lines Hem
stitched Handker
chiefs la Terr aheer,
light aad m e d 1 a aa
w e 1 f k . with onsets-nth
and one-foarth
lack hems:
15c quality
at . 7 1-2C
LOT 2-
20c quality,
at . . . IOC
LOT 3-
35c and 25c
quality. . 17c
All fine JTov.lty Wata.
tnaa, la eeteeha, rtrlpes
and embroidered fig-ores,
worth from 40c to 81.00,
all a HAL11 VOsUaXB
New Embroideries
- Jm fresh from St. OalL Thlak of
It! ITrw Bmhroiderlea a these low
pitoM rtfht at the opening of the
seaeoa whea women are pianola?
maw oaderolotMsf. new white dresses
and waists:
16c and 20c Embroideries at 10?
Swiss Nainsook and a few soft
batiste Edgings and Insertions to
match. Also handsome galloon
effects, beautiful patterns, fine
work and dalntj effects.
Embroidery Waist Frontlngs,
fine 8wlas Embroidered in blind
and open work like rich heavy
lace, all spaced for tacking.
Embroidery Flouncings, KV
variety of patterns, beautiful
Eyelet designs, lovely blind work,
here and there touches of filet,
both scalloped and hemstitched
hems, 27 inches wide, worth up
to $1.50. yard 39c
Corset Cover Embroidery, blind
and open work effects, 18 Inches
wide, worth 25c, yard . . 13Vs
Any v
Bfg Clearing Sale on slightly damaged Enamel
pieces worth up to $1.25, will go at prices from
See the table loaded with Enamel ware, Pudding
Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pana, etc., for
Pau-Cake Turners, extra good 5
Oalvaniied Wash Tubs, extra quality, reg
ular 69c, special -. ' 49
Galvanlzed'ash Tubs, extra quality, reg
ular 7 9c," special . r: ... V . . . t 59
Galvanized Wash TubsK extra quality, reg
ular 89c, 'special 694
Wilson Bread Toasters -25
And 20 vJreen Trading- Green Stamps.
Waffle Irons, finest quality 834 and
And 40 Green Trading Stamps.
Scrub Brushes, rice rooU Tampico, Palmetto,
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Dish Mop, regular 9c value, special TV.
FREE-A)Flliccn Cent Pattern with Ladles Home Journal, Winter Quarterly.
Number of Houses Started This Month-
Greater Than Ever Before.
lata; af Skill Labor Oalr
Bar te Baaaer Tear far
t'aasrmetlB Wark ta
Builders in Omaha ars preparing for a
record-breakinc year In building and It la
anticipated the activity will "break loose"
with, the earliest sign ot gentle spring.
Even now many buildings are being pushed
ta completion with every day that the
weather permits work to be carried on at
all. An extraordinarily mild winter has
thus far militated In favor of all con
cerned. Including laborers, contractors and
owners. In many parts of the city ground
la being broken this month and the num
ber of houses which have betn atarted In
this, usually the dullest month In the build
las; year excepting perhaps February, Is
The Working Man's
is greatly improved if he has an
account that is drawing a good
rate of interest; his earning pow
er increases while his expenses
decrease. Why! Because he has
the saving habit and strives to
increase his account. We pay
bix jer cent interest a year, com
Iound sA'mi-annually, and show
the poor man the same courteous
treatment as the rich man.
Cnc Cellar Will Opsa Aa Aecaont
Omaha Loan 2nd Building
S. E. Corner 16th and Dodge St.
-G. tV. Loomia, Pres.
Lll. Natttnger, Secy.
W. R. Adair, Ast. Secy.
Onr Green
Tag Furniture
Monday aud Tues
day are the last two
days of this nip an
nual furniture clear
ance sale. Every item
of furniture in our
vast department car
ries a green tag along
with our regular
price ticket.
The green tag shows
the unconscionable reduc
tion on regular salca
Kntartiona 10 to 33
We will add to oar carpet- aale
Monday two remarkable specials In
Xng-raln Carpets:
Extra heavy half wool Ingrain Car
pets, in desirable patterns, fait
, colors and very desirable, sella
- for 69c, Monday only, yard 3T?
Strictly all wool and best cotton
chain Carpets, colors absolutely
fast and very desirable, in splen
did patterns, sells for 75c, Mon
day only, yard-
Lace Curtains
Such bargains in Lace Curtains
have never been offered you be
fore. You can save fully from
83 M to 60 on every pair. Noth
ing reserved In our big variety of
Curtains, every curtain marked
with a special ticket to prices that
are really amazing.
We invite your Inspection.
See Harney Street Window.
Big Hardware
larger than during any other January In
the history of Omaha
Everything conspires to make this a V
banner year," said a man who Is In thor
ough touch with the situation In all linea
connected with the building Interests. "The
home builders are going to be busier than
ever, for they are realizing aa never before
that money la never so safe aa when It
Is placed in a nice house. As long as hu
man beings dwell In bouses made of wood
and brick and atene so long will a house
be a good proposition and when a house is
built In a rapidly and substantially grow
ing city 'Ike Omaha it la a bettei propo
sition than a real gold mine. A house
cant bust up in hard times and if It's In
sured and not mortgaged, it is Bafer than
government bonds."
The prices of all materials needed In
building a house are on the toboggan. The
recent financial flurry IS responsible for
this plessant situation from the standpoint
of the man who la building. And it Is ala.
due to fierce competition and heavy pro
duction. Particularly ia the latter true In
the cement world. Cement has been used
In such vast qusntities In recent ):
since the advent of the cement sge tlia:
it has invited the investment Of a great
amount of capital, more capital, in ?ar".,
than there as room for. The remit is
that the cement market is off at p:' ient.
Prices are all the way from &0 cents to
tl.SO a rarrel less for the mineral mucJape
than they were a few weeks ago.
The same Is true of lumber. Prices on
northern pine stoik have gone off sbout S3
a thousand and there 1s a corresponding
reduction on several other varieties of com
monly used wooda Labor Is alao more
obtainable than It was a few months no.
Skilled laborers sre. however, still rsre
birds and much sought after by the build
ers. On account of the open weather of
the winter, much of the work requir'ng
skilled I a borer a haa been cleared away and
thlnga are tretty well cleaned up. ready
for the great amount of work which wtll
be started with the opening ot spring, when
continued mild weather can be relied upon.
Something "different" is the dining rnrm
of a house which has been completed re
cently In the West Farnam district. In
stead cf following the old linea of regular
foar walled rooms with four right angle
corners and the celling forming a mono
tonous right angle with the walla, this
room haa bejn made octagonal, four of
the sides being larger than the other four.
Moreover the eeil'r.g at a disuiuce of about
three fee from the wall Une slants down
ward iue-t..ig the wail at a large angV.
The effect It peculiarly beautiful and the
loom is rendered ;nuch more light by the, Che :r: ur.g 5 pine between
January Sale Black Silks Less Than Cost Begins Monday
fTO!??? Petticoats made FREE of charge to all pur- ITDf?!?
i Iv1-Jl chasers of Black Silks during this sale I iaJlJl.
Omaha's Great White Store & c
A Great Black Silk Sale
TmnnpfQnf During this sale we'll make you a Petticoat from any black silk
llaipUl lulll you select FREE OF CHARGE. We absolutely guarantee to
please; skirts made to your own measure and from your own selections from a score
of styles. Come early and let the skirt-maker give you prompt attention.
Mark Taffeta Silk
pretty lustre, deep
ing this Bale, yard
3fi-inch Black Taffet. splen
did for underskirts; on
sale now at. per
11.50 "Oeola" Black Taffeta Silk.
very heavy, 36 inches wide and
guaranteed to wear, beau
tiful luster, now . .
$1.39 Blaek Teau de
beautiful rich silk,
$1.6') Black Teau de
very -rick and lus
trous, now
MUSLINS $1.50 and $2.00
Garments for
Gowns, chemise,
skirts, corset covers,
and drawers, elab
orately trimmed in
dainty lace and em
broidery, Monday Extra
Drawers and
Corset Covers,
worth up to 48c
made extra full
and trimmed in
lace, embroid
ery and tucks,
Monday jO
Special. . ial
57 Coats in mannish
mixtures, 52 inches
long, worth $7.50
and $10.00, 98
wall and ceiling reflected the light. The
smaller panels of the wall make cosy places
for setting china cabinets.
"I don't think very much of the sugges
tion to "cast" houses In conerefe even
though It Is advanced by so eminent p gen
tleman, as Mr. Edison." said an Omaha
architect. "He proposes to take the moulds
out to the site of the cement house, elamp
them together, mix the cement, pour It In
end then Just wait for the cement to set
before moving in. Furnaces and bath tuba
Feature of Farnam
; - t ? 1 r- . , - , - ' ' i b ;' J- ? 1 5
! : ' ' . :
1 . 1 r ;
- .
1 r
. ,
in on
Piece of Dlack S1IK Greatly
A good wearing grade,
rich black, dur- A.fln
"Cleola" Black Taffeta Silk Oil boiled, a
quality that will wear, we guarantee every
yard of this silk worth S.V, dur
ing this sale, per yard
now . . .
Black Taffeta 3J
A Waima GT7AXAHTXE With Every
Remember Free of Charge
We Make You a Petticoat of Any Black
Silk Regardless What Price You Buy it
for Much or Little During This Sale.
Big Sacrifice Sale of
33 1-3 Per cent
Every skirt in the
house, Voiles Pana
mas and Taffetas are
in this sale, not a
skirt ; reserved; box
pleated side pleated
& gored flare models
$ 5.00 Skirts for $ 3.33
$ 7.50 Skirts 'for .....$ 5.00
$10.00 Skirts for $6.67
$15.00 Skirts for $10.00
$19.50 Skirts for .....$13.50
I Women's Exchange Cook Book. By Minnie Palmer
are to be cast right in with the walls and
floors, t'gh. it makes me shudder to think
of It. Imagine a city made of these hideous
things, all uniform or nearly ao In aixe and
style, their ugly cold stony walla the
dreary aspect o the thing. Think of the
decadence In the matter of the aesthetic
side of building which would follow the
adoption of this scheme and which would
Incresse with every generation. No op
portunity for the perscnslity of the builder
to sppeer In his house. Why, it would be
one gigantic stride In building, but unfor
tunately the stride would be backward,
back, back, back to the time of our fore
fathere, the cave men or the cliff dwellers.
No. I don't hail with Joy the suggestion
of Mr. ICdison and I don't think the gen-
Street Sky Line
Monday Morning
Reduced Monday
lUack TnffrtH Guaranteed abso
lutely the regular 89c grade, dur
ing this ealCj yard
$1.39 "CloHn" mark Tcffe
ta. 3(i inches vid one of
the best wcarius qual- g Q
itles, we offer Monday I
27-inch "t'IMla" Black Taffeta
Silk, we recommend this silk-
guaranteed t j wear,
worth $1.25. now . . .
$1.23 Fancy Black Taffe
tas for waists, QQA
now, per yard. . . OeC
$1.50 and $1.75 French
Fancy Black Taffeta 129
for waists, etc.
98c flannelette short
klmonas. . . . 49C
$18 flannelette
.long and short
klmonas. . . . 74c
$1.99 flannelette
long and short
klmonas. . . . 99
$2.98 , flannelette
long and short
klmonas.. 81.49
$3.98 eiderdown
bath robes,
fr 81.99
$4.98 eiderdown aad
blanket bath
robes for. .2.49
$6.50 eiderdown and
blanket bath
robes for. .$3.25
eral public will fall madly over each other
to get to It."
A notable feature of plans made In new
homes tjuilt In Omaha within the last few
years is the absence or at least the curtail
ment of interior walls. That Is. the several
rooms in which the family live, move and
have their home being are thrown as much
as possible without the violation of tradi
tion into one.
"What ia the sense of putting walls be
tween the parlor and the sitting room?"
said a man who has Just completed a home
of this type. "I asked myself that question
when I started ta make my plans. I could
not get a satisfactory answer on the part
of the walls, and so I threw them out. The
only thing I could see an inside wall was
useful for was to make profit in the pocket
of the plasterer and the wall paper man.
snd possibly to lang pictures on. Outside
of those uses It only to.'k up room a.ul
made the house seem cramped and smull
and stifling."
Between the parlor and living room and
lwtween the living room and dining room of
this house there la practically 110 all at
all. There ia only a slight a.l'utme-it fro:n
the walls and at a distance of a!xut two and
a half feet further into the room stand
pillars of wood, beautifully and hsrmoni
ously stained and polished. The effect Is
that of roominess, the -lines are much
broadened and what might seem a very
small house becomes a roomy and comfort
able one.
The building of apartment hous will b
pushed with greater activity dn-lng the
coming than ever bef;re. say tue
architects and buildi rs who are posted on
the subject. Plans are being drawn for
seeral large ard thoroughly modern hous s
of this type. On avenue work Is
being pushed on a house that will cost
Uc.Ou). Plar.s ar- being dra.i f-r one at
Twenty-seventh avenus snd Farnam to cost
A .Little Helv far Ue ( nr.
One of the famous characters of Pt. T.OU'
ia Matthew Kiely, f"r years ch'ef "f p.i!l-e
Every. Ft. Louis man knows a few stone
about the former chief. Cine of them tella
of the time he Bent over to t'ie orhce of
Chlf Desmond, head of the detective
bureau, for twelve of hts best men.
The men came. Klely Tiled 1N m un ia
front of his deck. and. after looki-ig tlem
over, said: "Did you men hesr the mes
ssge I sent to your boss?"
"Yes. chief."
"Well. I told htm I wanted twelve of the
best men he had. 60 he rnt veil fellows
over. He must think tretty wed of you,
doesn't he?"
"Yes. chief "
"If he fidn't he wouldn't send you. Now
I'll teil y'ou what I waul jo men to d
I want you to gt home, shine your shoea,
put on a clean collar and tie and come
back to my In the meantime I'll
go don and sea Marry Townsand at the
Missouri Pacific office and get yoa trans
portation to Russia. I want rou fellows
to go over there, stop that trouble and
come right back. De ye bear me?"
Discount on all
Sheets and
Pillow Cases
25 .
Discount on all
White Wool
A Great
Auto Boots,
vpatent clt
and button
nnd gun
One lot Outing Flan
nets, quality that
7 '
sells usually
for 10c and
Closing out large parcels
to secure room for new
spring goods.
$5.00 models In Silk Brocade,
daintily trimmed in lace and baby
ribbon, all styles, high bust, long
hip and medium bust and short
hip. etc., ?5.00 models for,
$2.98 and 81.9S
$6.50 Kabos. ass styles, sizes and
"colors 83.50
Bargain Table Specials
Hundreds of fine Corsets,
some leading brands, all
sizes and modes, are reg
ular $1.50 values. . .69c
Bennett's Big
Basket Fired Japan. Onions;,
Gunpowder and English
Breakfast, pound 580
ui) Ureen Trading Pt'ps.
Bonnett'H Capitol Hiking
Powder, lb. can for . 84
30 Gr?en Tradlna- St'pa.
Bennett's Capitol Oata, per
package jllo
10 Gre'en Trading- St'pa.
Franco-A meclcun Soups, per
can soe
lffl Green Trading Stt.
ifoms assorted
Soups, can IOe
6 G. T. Pt'DS.
I A'orcrster Table
halt, sack IOe
10 CI. T. St'na.
'Blue Borax
Starch. t4 lb.
pacKage . .sae
10 G. T. Sfpa.
Camn FLre
Baked Bean, large can 15c
20 Green Trading 8t'p.
Blood of Grape Juice, pint
bottle for ase
SO Green Trading St'po.
Jell'O, aborted. S pkr. 85o
10 Gret;n Tradlna; St'pa.
Galllard's Olive Oil, basket
bottle for 3 So
10 Green Trading St'ps.
Chicago leads the list in the compilation
of building statistics of the principal cilii s
of the country for December, the opera
tions in this city having been greater in
volume than in any of the other thirty-six
cities enumerated, according to official re
ports to Construction Xeas. New York
City has heretofore occupied first place.
In the figures for the month Just closed
New York fell behind not only in volume,
but while there was a gain of ?J per cent
iu building in Chicago for December, New
York suffered a lows of t per cent in com
parison with tlir corresponding month a
year ago. In Chicago permits were taken
out for the construction of - buildinx.
Involving a total expenditure of IC.JS.!.oUii.
Pin Francinco
New York, including Manhattan and Bronx.
St. Loum
Frook lyn
ratt!e 1
St. Paul
Buffalo, . Y
I.'-s Anireles
V.'ayh ngion
( 'Tnaha y
'all jriiioa
New tirleuns
Pull' i ..r-
Kansas ' "tty . . .,
Rochester t
Sa't lake City
irar.d Rapids
Han AntiM-)
Cola r. bus
Wilt, esharre
T..V'i."'i,irirliarii ,
YV,r 'ester
In Nth
I'ati -son. N. J ,
I Incnln
I-i V'-ntmrt
Harrihurs . '.
It will lie observed that decrease pre
dominated. Out of the thirty-seven cities
Urre s an Incnase In nine, the others
showing a luss of anynl.ere from a to 52
Ler cert, h is not so bad. tal ing
everything into consideration. It id sig
nificant tl at St. Louis has an increase of
441 per cer.l, &t. Paal :1 Buffalo t. funaha
iT. Salt Lake City 11"). ('haltanooga IO. 8nn
AJitnio S, Paleron. N. J. 12T. Brooklyn
and Philadelphia, in loth of which building
haa been going on at a remarkably rapid
late, sshow decreases, the first 44 per cent
and the last mentioned So per rent. It la
singular that the cities of. Baltimore.
Cleveland and Denver each show a decrease
of ta per cent. Kansas City was alao
materially affected by the tight money.
m ill 'il 1
J f 1
!f - s
t liitaini ml
j Chicago Leads in Building Operations
Fine China, Etc.
Good Whit" Porcelain Plates
In four, five ami six 1ncr
sijee. Ihe very best ware
made, any size Monday
each So
Inverted Oas Light, on of
the finest Unlit made
complete with mantel ami
chimney Monday ....
Hwvlland Chin, at a hi
discount Monday, all nur
patterns at 20 per cent
DISCOl'NT for th one
day. F.leven patterns to
a, lect from. Buy one ptec
or a hundred at this Dis
count. Fin 8tr Cut Water Set.
new style of Mar. six tum
bler and Jug to match,
13 5 value Monday, per
set tilt
AH ftincy Perorated Lamp,
at 33 'j per rent off Mon
day. Prices mncfi from
110.00 down to 9o. About
fo to rhoov from.
Another week of White
China at 33 V off. It la
our wav of keeliur to the
front during- White Carni
val. China Section. Id Floor.
Great Dress
Goods Sale
Tnonsanda of rennlae barratss
deelreble merchandise; sale of hi fa
frada dreaa goods at lees taaa
HAir orr.
5 4-lnch all wool Panamas, posi
tively the beat qualltleb offered
for $1.25 and $1.50. come in all
colors, black, blue, new browns,
reds, etc., on special sale Mon
day 59C
54-lnch elesant light weight Suit
ings, worth $1.00, plain weaves,
in all colors, black, brown, navy
blue, and red, worth up to $1.25.
actually the best bargain evir
offered, Monday 50C
85c all wool Dress Materials, all
plain colors. Panamas. fine
French or storm serges, cream
fine French serges, etc., every
yard is worth 85c, Monday 39C
75 and 50c beat all wool Dress
Goods; plain French or storm
serges, in every color, navy blue,
brown, cream, white, red or
black, now 29 C
Armours Sliced Beef, per
jar 14e
10 Green Trading St'pa.
Southwell's Marmalade, per
Jar aoo
10 Green Trading St'ps.
Ture Jelly, aanrted Jar lOo
Tomatoes, new Advona. per
can Bo
Laundry Queen Compound,
per package
Tomatoes. Best We Have,
brand. p r can . lOo
Peaa. American et, per
can , .80
Corn. Rd Clover, can . e
Jersey Butterlne, two lb.
for 36o
10 Green Trading St'pa.
Challenge Butterine, two
pounds for . 40o
10 Green Trading St'pa.
Bennett's Capitol Mince
meat. 3 paeka.uea fnr 350
10 Green Trading Sfp.
Currants, cleaned. lb....lOo
Raisins, cooking, lb lOo
HaialnH. aeedel. rkg....lOo
11 enters Chocolate Powder.
per can 15c
L'O (?ieen Trading St'p.
Country Butter, pourid . fl8c
10 Green Trailing Stamps
with y wo pound.
50 Extra
Ton ml
Coal in the
Long Run.
against Sut buildings involving S3.1,im0 lor
the saaie month a year ago, an Increase
of (3 per cent, while in New York City, in
cluding . Manhattan and The Bronx, per
mits were taken out for 127 structures in
volving a total cost of S3.110.tW0, against 1SJ
buildings aggregating in cost S3.. for,
the same months a year ago, or a decrsas
of 9 per cent.. In thirty-seven cities per
mits were taken out in December for
buildings involving a total cost ot,5i3
against 7,106 buildings, t lie estimated cost
of which was .i:.S2.70 for the corsespond
ing mouth a year ago, a decrease of 1.874
buildings and H.d.3u7. or S per cent. The,
figures f..r the different 1 Hiea for tha
nionin and the CM ml a led Cost are as fol
low s:
Bulldings-!7. Buildings lXi. 'Gain'Uiss.
No. I Cost. I No. j Cost. I
V' $ .3tl.yl WSI t 3.1 .73
! 30 3.WM.".: 07' e.37n.i st
V-i; 3. 1 J.-n 1! 3.4.c.i ... .
...V J.K'l.t-'.' ...! SMt.MKi .441 . .
.If l.s.7TI 4S1 .44
I 71.".; I.I'M. 41 KH- i.Xh. ... .W
4-S inl.(V HM1 2,.tt (K-r. ... .53
M7 61K.47IV IT! 4.9, "4"i' .13
'i 4!:i.l KV 4f..'il .9
2R) l,s.'o.K-Vi ... .74
; It; .;?. li.''l 4'.'7V) ... .!
I 410,' ".fixTI bill W0,4sT! ...
75M 2- (Vf.l7l ... .3g
1 i, 379.771 ?' 2I9.H7&I .27
, 33 :"71.71:e lsui TT'i.K'J .45
I h'7 ?4 4. .-! 9 I ! .1K
I ... rtl.t'f.1 . . .1 1 afv.1 ' ' ... .vl
I 14ft 7J&.i7l Sft. ;7.',- ... .l
' '.'-'7X11; D.'K ... .lit
l'fii "." ?!." S.i'J ... .
1 4' l'ei.t'it hi? y,i r.' ... "1
1V 1.3.'i.77?i' ... .ST
I 71 - IB 1 4" ! 9'.'! 57l.n''l ... .75
J 32- 113 ' ?! 4H fssil .135 . .
S"' 14 4 M3i Sti IM.17'1' ... -TT
't l S'i lH, (Jl uMl' .S
... l.77ii' ... 5.4: ii
27! , 92.714 :'l If :. ... .11
sr ",.hii" mi1 .912 ... .;
5.'l 7S.IO-I 1,1 1J0' ... .X,
471 7l.iv-' 41 7.:i7 ... .7
7o: I.C"i' 4.1 79 ' ... .23
-'! M.9:i lli 2 -ir. ,i?7
-1' 3i : ' 4ii m ... .34
2f.' 32-0 2i M.7fi. ...
6 S'.Vll kl 4 .V' ... 92
! i i:..:'1 W 4K,x:-i ... ,H7
R2t:2' t'4,4M.4Kl! 71'S J'!2.'t2.!fi ... .s
there having been a decrease of 87 per
The prevailing impression is that a mod
erate let up in building ot-ratioiis was due
because of the long continued prosperity
aud resulting high prirta. and that It will
now atford an opportunity to Teadjust
things preparatory to beginning upon a
new basis snd building up. Wages in the
buiU'ine trades as well as the cost of
materials have reached the highest prVa
ever attained, and It is believed that "with
a readjustment of affairs It wtll be dis
covered thai there are a large number of
people who are anxloua to go ahead with
building! prospects Just as soon as prices
and corliiitiocs .are upon a inura rise rlr
normal- baaia