; 8 THE OMAHA DAILY HFTC: SATURDAY, JAXUAKY 11. Great Dress Goods ... Black Silk Sale-Black Silk Petticoats Made free- wtcr &undv'i Ad. The Sixth day of onr annual White , Carnival v,SslOs Saturday.' th Is great annual event will be eon tinned lor one more v I f : yon have the buy ing onfnens, em broideries, or on- dermnslins In mind, watch onr daily ads and see onr big bargain tables. M.ichu.. Never MEN Men's Suits that sold up to $12.00 at Men's Stilts that sold up to$15.00 at Men's Suits that sold up to $25.00 at Full Drees Salts that sold up to $35.00 at tfuxedo SulU that sold up. to $35.00 at Ttixpdo Suits that sold up to $25.00 at Boys' Suits, sizes 3 to 16 years, that sold to $6.00, at .'.... Boys' Suits, sizes 3 to 16 years, that soli to $5.00, at Boys' Suits, sizes 3 to 1 6 years, that sold to $3.50, at. Bargains m Men's Caps Genuine Alaska Seal Caps, values to $7.60 'and $16.00, Saturday, t $8.90 nd $3.90 Electric and Baltic Seal Fur Caps, that sold up to $3.00, Saturday, t $1.08 and $1.39 Men's Fine Cloth Caps, made of the flneBt Kersey Meltons, Etc. Outside slide bands and Inside fur bands: . Values to $2.60, Saturday $1.89 Values to $2.00, Saturday $1.50 Values to $1.50, Saturday Jgl.lJ Values to $1.00, Saturday. .79 Values to 75c, Saturday ... .f59 5hs!blJb furnishings All winter two-piece Underwear that formerly wold up, to 13.50, on sale Saturday, at S.60, $1.98, $1.95, 890, 59o and 89e 10 per cent off on all W inter Union hulta that- nold up to fd.OQ. 10 pn- rent off on all Men' and Boys' Swelter nnd Sweater Jacket. 11 ..!' and Mufflers (jreatly reduced, '...third to one-fourth off. M.iinattan urn) ('plumb! Shirts that sold up to. IJ.&tl; Hat., choice. .1.50 1-ani.y Box Suspender ttmt Bold up to $1.60. Saturday, half price 75o, 60c and 85o HARD WARE Genuine &trannk.v Sauce Pans. rerular price i Bo, ui, ll tlia supply lasts, 89c fctrunshy Sauco Pans, regular 45c. while supply lasts, come early ; , , 150 Wash Hollers, all prices up from .'...Me And Forty Urt-tn Trading Stamps Galvanized Wash Tubs, extra quality; reg ular 6Hc , 4c (inlvrinized Wash Tuba, regular 79c value ' j 690 tisivsnixed wash Tuhs, regular 89c, s ipe ee' ctai , Fire Shovels, regular 15c value, spec IrI t -. t . .-, t IQO I'lrc Hiovels, . regular Iflc, special So fire i Shovels, regular 5c-value, special 3o 50 ft. .('lothea Linos, rcitular 15c value, special . . i joo CARNATIONS.,35c..ROSES KfNs Woman's Exchange Cook'Book. By Mltnle Paln.tr, ... 69e El ton. 5c Port. Rica Claar. r wo i tHiiVlN' SPORT i:. ecu C :l "f : v d b; Colleges of .. .i.-.n; Ajr:cment. MIITDCG TO TE H?LD AT LINCOLN I hi lollen-er, Inclmllns Bellerne, Hill Join In ThU lIoTement to I'romole t lean Athletlr af All Kind. ' I' Pc pf Xehraslia are to meet Satur Jay. Jancary li. at Lincoln to perfect the srsanlxatlon of an lntercnllesiate assocla '.!ot .An association of thl sort was sup piS'd to have been In existence lust year, but some of the members neglected to slcn cp and tvben some controversion aroao laat faTI cs to llu eligibility of certain players no records could, be found of the associa tion and it was discovered that tllo matter bad been permitted to drop before the Hgrcerr.eTUs l-sd been ' perfected. Tb college o Join In the agreement are: IViane. , llaatlngs, Oiand Island, Peru, Kearney 'Normal, Bclleviie, Wesleyan and Cotncr.'-Tlie" otganlxation Is a faculty or jnnlrntloii, aimed at purity and itrlct ama tnurlsm In college athletic and also to uphold the scholarship requlremi nts of all engaged In li'.tercolleslntc contest. All tb'o college presidents ara In favor of this organisation and some, feeling was worked- up last fall over charges and countercharge made durlna; the foot ball seanon. The matter vldently has betn sat isfactorily explained, as it was shown that srb clilleKo m working within wlml it thought was Its right In Hie matter, and It Is understood tlir- matter of tho pt Is lo be dropped and n definite understanding reached to avp'li nuch complications In tlui future. , m . r ' tne of the 1or) of contention was the standing of Krowne, the' foot bull itar of tllo Bcllevue leant. Iiellevue took the po sition that. the amateur standing of lirowne was unqu-'Htloned, and the fact that be bad returned to VolK'ge a little late, be. cause , of. aomej.bUHlncit . engagemenu at liume. dkl iot maka him InellKibla, under any agreement which was In existence be tween tUe colleges. Hut it U understood those luattera ara to be dipned and an fforV made to all work together for purity liathletlc ' and for the advancement of sports In, Nebraska colleges. V lowa'a Bark Still l a. IOWA CITY. Jan. U.t8peelal.) There Seem to be little doubt- now (hat the State university of Iowa-will sever Its athletic elation with the Sta Agricultural ni bs at Anie as the result of a series of cv.nts culminating in the attack on Kirk if Iowa by Kvpp.-rl nt Ames In the last foot tall game played between the two Institutions and I lie exposure of the al leged Ineligibility of Thomas K. Wlllett, wlo pled fullback on the Ames team last fall. According lo evidence In the poasessioii of the local authorities Wlllett played on the foot ball team of Grinnell college unailist Minnesota In 1901', caught on the base ball team in 1SUI-4. (aught on the Ames hast;, hall team In 1H04-5. in tlXi and Imu;. 1 Its record gave him five year of college coiilpetillun up to laat fall, when he played fjftback on the Anie team. Th tltata uulverstty authorities claim that the playing of N illctt wa an Inteiitionnl violation of the eligibility rules on the part of tile Ames authorities. since Will.! worked for two years under Jack Watson when the ialt.f was at Urlnnell and then Tent with him to Amen, where be baa coin peied uow for four more years. Vaadrrlillt keen Ike Moaey. NEW YORK. Jan. 10.-Alfred a. Vander hlll baa been sued by irYancola Richard for 5.) chinned to he due for work he did In building for Mr. Vanderbllt a racing aulo inoblle. In October. KsA. Mr. Vanderbllt Cecided he would like to win some of the raca at (Irmond Beach and employed Hit-hard to build for him a SW horse power racing car. The car was ruh..i it.ro, ,.h hiijiuwi iw uriuood Beach on a OMAHA'S GREAT WHITE STORE ts Values in Clothing Men nd Boys Anything to Equal These G AND BOYS' SUITS 7.50 9.75 ...$15 17.50 17.50 12.50 up to 3.75 2.75 1.75 CORSETS room for early spring arrivals. Here's a raging sacrifice sale of all styles of corsets. In all materials and colors high bust, low bust, long hip and short, a few with nnd a few without hose suptiorter. Many of, the best brands known to good dressers in tills hjg Corset linrgain event FURMTURE- This Handsome Tabor- and Mahogany - Green Tag Sale Throughout our stock items aro marked with Green Tags, showing reductions In prlco varying from 10 to 38 par oent. In cludes all mission furniture, muslo cabi nets, china olosots, buffets and dining chairs and tables. . special trtiln In January There It was dls covered that four of the eight -cylinders tefused to work. Mr. Vanderbllt withdrew Ids entry and shipped the car back home. His experiment had cost him fL'O.ooo. but be refuse to pay the lo.oiu which Richard claims for his work on the ground that the rHi- had not met requirement. It is' said thut luter the car. developed 28U bnre power In the tests, making it the most powerful one ever built. WITH THE HOW I, KttS. Two-men team score In th city tourna ment at the Association alley: 1st. il. 3d. Total R'ngele 1!5 215 li)7 677 Zimmerman VJ3 177 201 671 Total Frush Hlnrichs Total 1.148 d. Total. 14 R.'H 1S9 517 1.071 3d. Total. 201 6 21 J 5S7 1,170 1 1st. . 107 . 1!0 2d. lf"3 US 1st. Chandler 177 GJerde i;n 1J Total Neale Spragun , Total .., Reynolds Reed Total Frit scher Cochran Total Individual scores: 1st. . am . 159 !d. 15 211 3.1. Total 11 .VV! 193 5tlt ...1.12! Total. 55P 617 .. .1,178 Total. 576 54K ...U25 1st. . 1M1 , 13S 2d. 240 3d. 15H 179 1st. . 185 M. 1!U J at '3d. 170 3d. Total. t.jcrde 1S4 2:3 -Ji2 a in S77 ,rli.'l r.ls HIO Wl 5W 5!7 Zimmerman , lfit 23 1K Krush 1M 15 10R Hlnrichs W ITS lm Uengele 2Ji! T.13 11 Hprague 25 213 112 Neale pis 'j,3 i", Frit seller 2i3 204 14 Co l,rait 234 1S ?W The Hyrne-Hammers hnd tbolr colors lowered last night on the Metropolitan alleys, the Falstaffs taking two out of three Karnes. (Joff of tho Hyrne-Hnmmer was the only man who was in good form, with his high game of :) and a total of 5tt; Tonight tho Independents play the Jutter Quid Tops. Score: LF.MP'8 FAI.STAKF8. 1st. 2d. 3d. Klauek 1k 171 12 Herger i:n i;i ii Nellson i;9 Lift 15 Heselin 152 ITU Jay 2tx! If ' lxl Total. 545 5v hi) Si'.-. 5i Totals. .lit Mo UYR.NE-1IAMMEK8. ICS , 2,1 Int. , Hl . K.D , ltii . 170 . 170 2d. KS V1 1W7 VXt sni Tots! 4H 4W 5:t. RilS fS3 Dudley ... West Forsythe Rempke .. Uoff i Totals. h:i 174 la.". 27 sni .,s 2.5IK The Oilman's Star dropped two games to Beelin' siixers last night on the base ment alley of the Metropolitan. Both teams tolled good game, but had some hard luck. Wilson the Cuming stieet shark, look all honors for the Mixers with 207 for single and 5U for total. Griffith of the Ortman'a took high blnMe Willi IMi and u high total of 53. Tile Metropolian leaguer will have a grand blow out in the near future. Score: BESELdN t MIXl.RS. st. v'd. 3.. Total. F. V. Schneider 144 hat lirj 5.C Wilson 131 2o7 2 2 i4'! H. A. Schneider 114 171 lb) 42. 1!) 3d. IH7 If.) Totals.. Mi 1.49: Ted a I. 4:v' 5: 4il ORTMAN S STARS. 1st. 2l. 124 175 lMi ".77 177 142 Ortman .. Griffith .. Laiid Total. .. 4S7 ltl 45J 1.421 (learlaa; afhletle Hecord. NEW YORK. Jan. 10 -There were aome further developments In the athletic tangle yesterdiy, when Bartow S. Weeks, chair man of the legislative committee of the Amateur Athletic union, stated that Harry I lltllman. the runner, had unpen. led himself by accepting a gold watch given him, It I clalnit-d, for runulng an exlilbl tion quarter-mile at the games of thu I Twenty-second regiment, lie will not be fe'OT"" three M M- Oak 98c rments at Such Deeply Cut Price MEN AND nOW OVERCOATS Men's Overcoats that sold up to 7 P $10.00 at U. I J Men's Overcoats that sold up to C 7 C $15.00 at J,iD Men's "Overcoats that sold un to 10 71 $20.00 at I D Men's Overcoats that sold up .to 1 H C $28.00 at! lOtf J Men's Overcoats that sold up to C1C $40.00 at iCj Boys' Overcoats, sizes 3 to 8, that sold T 7 C $8.00. at J, 1J Boys' Overcoats' and Reefers, sizes 8 to 1C. that sold to $6.00, at Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, sizes 3 to 16, that sold to $5.00, at Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, sizes 3 to 16, that sold to $3.50. at 3.75 2.75 1.75 A Sale Extraordinary. We must close out several hundred Corsets Saturday to secure ,2 Re Children's Coats Z Than Hat Children's Coats that sold for yn c $0.00, $6.80 und $7.00 tf-2rO Mydeoffine all-wool cheviot in blue, brown, red and mixtures, sizes ; four to fourteen years. Wool Dresses. 6 to 14 Broadcloth and Kersey Coats $25.00 values, for $20.00 values for $15.00 values, for !2.50 10.00 7.50 33 V3 Discount on- all Skirts, Voiles, Panamas and Taffetas. eligible to compete in any amateur cv uuiii remisiuien nvn mo rea strut Ion eo mlttee. Manager Lyons of the Yale basket ball team has applied to the committee tor reinstatement of the team, the members of which were disqualified for playing against the George Washington university team, when there were, it is claimed, two profes sionals on that team. The manager's ex planation was sal lafaetory and the players will be reinstated. GEORGE II ACKKNSCHMIIJT COMlNtt III ST Bnsslnn '.VII I Meet Frank fiotch in April. BALTIMORE-, Jan. lO.-Frank A. Goteh, champion wrentler of the I'nited Status, announced today that lie had received a telegram indicating that George Hacken sehmldt hod consented to meet him. The dispatch was an Inquiry as to whether a date for a match between April 1 ami Mav 1 would suit. Clotch said that It would and that either Chicago or .Kansas City would be cliiaven as the scene of the con test. Drake Basket Ball Schedule. - DES MOINKS Jan. lO.ISneelnl l-Cn.,.l. I Pell of lirake university'has been working; narci wttn Ills basket ball tquad und beRin nlng tomorrow night will play a serifs of game with state schools. Warren 'a cap tain of tlm team this year, other candi dates for positions being Morean. Wilder. Watts. Ver Ploeg and JoUnson. The schedule urranged is hs follows: January 10 Voting Men's Christian as sociation at Pes Moines. January 17 State normal at Cedar Falls. February 1 Simpson college at Des Moines. February '-Highland Park at Hlshland Park. February 15 Grinnell at Grinnell. February 21 Iowa at I es Moines. .February 29 Grinnell nt-Grinnell. March 7 Simpson ut Hlmpson. March H Highland (park at Highland Park. Normal Basket Ball Schednle. CEDAR FAM.H. In., Jtm. M. (Sper-lnl.)-Tlie schedule of the basket hall team of the rUato Normal college is announced as follows: January 11 Grinnell at Grinnell. January IV Drake at Cedar .Mills. January 22 Waterloo Young Men's Chris tian association at Cedar Falls. January 31-Grinned ut Cedar Falls. February 7 Kansas State Normal at Cedar Falls. Fehruaiv 14 Loander Clark college at Cedar Falls. February 20 Iowa fretdimrn at Cedar Falls. Sporting tioanlp. Farmer Burns Is idlll ktng, though Dwyer Is a prince. And Roger llresnahan has signed up once more as a GUnt. Denver I anxious to get rid of Pitcher Pulge. Won't somebody please rake him? Des Molnua sends Owen Shannon, an Omaha boy, to Jimmy Ryan's Montgomery team. v Charley Hickman has gone to Cleveland Comixkey decided he didn't need an emer gency baiter. "Them there sh ks ain't to mv liking" says Farmer Burns about Dvvyer's Cornish wrestling harm-as. "Tip O'Nell, as ti.-nial, Is hubbling with optimism," says a Denver Times headline What for, because he's alive?" Sclee thinks Vo.uvi too ir'iuch for the Denver team and so The Time .adly remark thut the old management will continue for an other Season at leuM. The rcixirt that George Hai-kenschmldt has at lasl bignliied his inll iition to come over and meet Gol. li is hailed witli delight. Now Tor tho big mill. White Willis Insists he's In earnest In pairing in a pennant winning team at Kan sas City, kuiitas City is Just over the line, but still In Missouri. Marry Wldte. Denver s first baseman, will ! Its manager next season. If be s half the manager he, Is a first baseman the TYddtet; will lie all right. When Farmer Hums started to put on the Cornish jacket at th Auditorium Thuisdav night some, ma in the balcony yelled, "Hilch up. Farmer, whoa. Maude." Sioux City trades Hart and Noblltt to Shreveport f-ir Fred Clarke and H. A. King. Some trading, don't it? Meantime It's a good thing for Noblltt that he has been swapped, for he slept all last season. Cleveland wants the Detroit franchise shifted to Plttshnrr And De'-i't refused to accept that tjno fine. toaj. "Stli g of In grautule a.a.n. ' Meanwhile L-.:, il rays Cleveland should be moved lo Kalamaioo. Greal Glove Sale A lot of Indies' one and two-clasp Kid Gloves, broken sizes, $1.00 . values, pair . wl9? A lot of Ladies' Elbow length Golf Gloves, $1.00 values, per t,alr 496 Ladies' 1 2-button Cape Gloves, $4.00 value .'. $3.29 Ladles' 16-button Cope Gloves, $4.50 value 83.69 Men's 1-clasp Cape Gloves, $1.75 value .! $1.29 HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 8i, value Ladies' Cross Bar arid Embroid ered Handkerchiefs 5 Ladles' Pure Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs. 15c value 10 Men's Japonette Initial Handker chiefs, 3 for 23 HOSIERY We arc going- to sell hoslsry chsap Saturday. All odd lota and broken slses left over from onr big fall business. Ladles' fast black Seamless Hose, 1 !c value 12Ho Lnrlles' full fashioned Imported Hose 3Cc value aid nrokrn lots of hand embroidered Hiwn SOc and "5c value. 3 pairs. . .$1.00 Roys' Kicycle Hose, pood weight, lMc value 13H0 Misses' Imported fashioned Hose, Hfic value 19o Double Green Trading Stamps years, at 50 Discount Muslin Underwear Undermuslins that have been mussed and soiled, in this sale, prouped to gether in two prices, G9c nnd ; . . . . 39c Garments that sold up to 75e and $1, Sat 39c Garments that sold up to $1.50, Saturday. . . . 69(? SjBlJlJiS TOO MUCH FOR BWYER Denver Man Takes the First Fall, Which is at Cornish Style. UNABLE TO LAND ANOTHER ONE Last Two Kalis Are nt t'atch-aa-Catrh-tan, and Here, the Farmer from . BIt Buck Cam Into His Own and Won Enailj. Fanner Burns, tho hero of many a wrestling match, hailing from Big Rock, la., added new luurels to his list by defeat ing Prof. M. F. Dwyer of the Denver Ath letic club in a mixed wrestling match at the Auditorium Thursday night, before one of the largest crowds which has yet turned out to a wrestling match in Omaha. People seem to he learning the fnct that they can see the matches well from tho gallery seals and the gallery, wa consequently neatly filled. Prof. Dwyer won the first fall of the match, which was at,' the Cornish style of wrestling. At this game Prof. Dwyer wa perfectly at home, as ho has been practi cally raised In tho mining camps, amongst the big Cornish wrestlers, where this style Is all the vogue. The wrestlers donned large, loose, canvas jackets, and the rules required a fall to bo made from a stand ing posture. Should- the wrestler go to the mat without 'one having two points down, they both rose to their feet and Martcd over. This style furnished consid erable amusement for the large crowd present, as the contestant strove to gain an advantage, by pulling the Jackets over each other's head and In every other con ceivable way. Tho wonder was that the shirts would not tear, but they held their own. Dwyer finally won a pin fall hi 17:20. Bnrna at Ilia Own Gnme, " According to tho agreement the next fall waa catch-ax-catch-can. and Dwyer put up a wonderful defensive game, but was not able to make much headway against the farmer on the offensive. Burns played for a toe hold, and at all times waa working to get some kind of a crotch hold, but these Dwyer wa able to ward off for some time. At one tlmn he bridged and finally broke a crotch hold which looked like his finish, but Burns won In 12:58 on a crotch hold and a half Nelson. By winning the second f-"ll In less time than Dwyer had won the first. Burns named catch-as-cutch-can as the style for the third fall. Dwyer was more aggres sive during tlds fall, and withstood the at tack of tho farmer until nearly the flnlsu, when with one of his bulldog rushes Burns put Dwyer to the mat In 11:30. Sandy Grls wold was referee. Vnul Hogan from Peaver Crossing is sued a ringside challenge to E.1 Morgan, tho Omaha police man. who had already thrown Johanson twice and Kinney once, for $25, one fall. Morgan look him on. and although Hogan was much heavier, he did not show sufficient knowledge of the science of the game, and Morgan won In three minute. A match of considerable Interest was that between John Hidden, u new member of the Omaha police fori e, ar.d Prof. Gallo way. Plerson, an old time heavyweight wrestler, refereed. The match wa of short duration, as when Galloway tried to get a leg hold on Holdrn bead, the latter flopped him quick as a flash, and the match was won by Hoidcn. Other preliminaries were between Morgan and Johanson, and KUmey and Morgan, both of which Mortar, won. Bis Foar Meets satnrda. IOWA CITY, Jan. li).(8peclal )-The Big Four of the Missouri valley will hold iu GREAT Curtain Sale Duy your Curtains for spring and save from 33 1-3 to 50 on every pair. Fine Nottingham Curtains, many sell for $3.00 and $4.00; (n this sale, pair $1.93 Cable Net Cluny and Many Novel ties in white and ecru, sell up to $5.00; In this sale, pair. S2.C9 Brussels Net, Irish Point and hand niude Cluny Curtains, all neat parlor effects, sell-up to $7.50: In this sale, pair S3.8T Imported Scotch Madrtts, big as sortment, sells up to 95c, all colors; choke in this sale, per vard - 590 See Harney Street Window. Fine Kiit Underwear We must reduce stork to make room for spring Roods. Sat urday we make the following; great reductions; Ladies' hravy ribbed Vests and Pants, ,1,'c value.... 19o I.ndles fine gauge Vests and Tants, 60c values 33o Ladles' Vega silk Vests and Pants, $1.2ri value.... 79o ladles' fine cotton t.'nloli Suits, (Be values..... 430 Children's Dy i ghoeS - Children's and Misses Leg gings, corduroy and black, Jersey, values up to $1.25, slzes 9 to 2 50 Misses and Children's Solid, Serviceable Shoes, box calf uppers, patent tips, solid Inner soles, outer soles and counters: $2.00 values, sizes 11 to 2 -81.59 $1.75 values, sizes 8 to 11 Sl.SO Mea's Shoe Specials Men's hand sewed cork filled sole Shoes, best values ever offered in Omaha vlcl kid, box calf, gun metal and patent coltskins $2.98 Men's Extra Solid Shoes, suitable for work and dress vlcl kid and Cosco calfskin $1.98 ltonble Given Trading Stamps on All Warm Lined Over-' shoes for Men, Women and Children. annual meeting in Kansas City on Satur day of this week, when Important busli ness matters will come up for considera tion. It is understood! that several of tho colleges In the middle west here will bo Invited to joint the association. Nebraska Is notably mentioned ill this connection. Preparations also will bo made for an Invi tation track meet lo be held at Kansas City some time during the coming spring. Invitations will be sent out lo ull of the colleges ill the middle west and it is ex- Fected that a meet second only to the coh erence in Chicago will be held at Kansas City. KVEN'I'S OX THE RUNNING TRACKS Jockey I'ntvera Hides Three Winners and One Second at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, I.a., Jan. 10. One of the clubs at the fair grounds today, which accepted too many bets on Murse Abe, winner of the first race, was forced to pay out every cent of its cash to tho winning bettors and declared lticlf "broke." Marsc Abu opened at 9 to 5 nnd was backed down to 7 to 5 at post time. Jockey V. Powers, who iias been doing some remarkable riding lately, to day brought In three winncis and one second. He had idx mounts. Results: First race, three furlongs: Alamo Ace 112, I.ee, to 5), won: llamtnori Boy (112, Alex, 50 to 1), second; Aiarltzu. t 1 1 2, Nicol, 3 to 1 i, thud. Tune: 0:37. Cuban Boy, Itoseburg it, Tony W., Neli caiiuac. Dr. Armstrong, Eustaclu, Serv Icence, Dick Coghlll, facatallgo, llque O'Brien, Intervene and Lelhei- i.ight a.so ran. Second race, six furlnnfes, selling: Sweetener (105, Powers, 12 to 5), won; Bucking Boy (102, Lee, 11) to 1), second; Ben Sand 1100, l'airbrot her, 5u to 1 ), third. Time: 1:17S. Padrone. Stonem in, Taniuin, Orlandot, Opie Keid, Bayou Lark, Rhinestone, Polar Star, our Boy und M. J. Whalen also ran. Third race, six furlongs, selling: Bit ter Sir (105. Powers, 2 lo 1 ). won: Alsa tian 1 101. McDariicl. II to u), necond; Stonestreet 1105, Lloyd, 12 to 1), third. Time: 1:17 1. Suhado, Tackle, ITlom is Calhoun, Lick Rose. Bounding Elk. Brown Thistle. Arrowhwlft, W. II. Lypn.-i and King Thistle also ran. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yurds, selling: Beuu Krumtnel 1 105, Leu, lti to 5). won; Ace High (lOfi, Powers, II to 10). second; Tlvolini (102. McDan lel, t to 1). third. Time: 1:4V4. Fan tastic and Rio Grande also ran. - Fifth race, five and a half furlong': Handzarra (103. llueslls. to 21. won; Comedienne (10S. Haynor. 5 to 2). sec ond; Meadow Bieexe U0X. AIcDanlel, 12 to 1 . third. Time: 1:10. Toy Hoy, Pe Oro, Pity, Lightning Conductor and Boomerang also ran. Sixth race, one mile and a quarter, sell ing: Delphie 103. Powers. 9 to 2). won: Lady Charade (103. AleDnnlel. 30 to It, eecond; Vlncento (10. M oles worth, 20 to II. third. Time: 2:124. St. Noel, En voy, odd Ella, Terns Rod. Skyward. King of the Valley. Ferronleitw, Gold Spink. Prince of Picas,- Padre and Ella M. alo ran. I.OS ANGELES, Jan. 10-Results at Santa Anita park: First race, seven furlongs: Homeless (1'6. Schilling. 2 to 1) won. Bushwhacker h-i. Grand. 20 to 1 second. Nadzu (1C1. Mclntyre. 12 to D third. Time: l:Mj. L'sbia, Arragon. Uejovi. lltn-na. Kvran, George Swain, Josle Wi ler, Xelska. Ona- tHwatana and Jim Morrison al ran. Second race, three furlongs: Achieve ll"7, Dugan, 4 to at won. Maltle Russell (o7. McCarthy. 2D to li s. eond. Chilla (HIT. Kolundi i to 1) third. Time- 4i:::4. Iloruce II.. J,araladin. Miniature. Fred M.il r. L'.uis Slruier. Blight, Mndcna. Colonel Dick. Fun-guard, Buck Thorn. Ak-Sar-Ben and Rov Junior also ran. Third race, six fin longs: Chief 1 esmond l!m. Goldstein. 9 to 2i wof.. Prolific (:;. Martin. 18 to fa second. Lee Harrison (I'd. Musgiave, '.) to 2i third. Time- l i:! i Halite. 8h rman. Albion II.. MUVer Mie, ; i Antiochc, Pelhain and Hahlorr also ran. I Fourth race, six ami a half f irlongs; Waterbuiy (112. Burns. 2 lo 11 won. Rupid Water 4128. Dugan. 1 to It se.-ond.- Mary F. (!6. Martin. 3 to li third. Time: 1:17.-.. Sir Edward, San Fara, All Alone and George S. Davis also ran. Fifth race, ory mile and three sixteenths: j First Peep ( lid, Archibald, i to 1) won, Baron Esl.er till, Burns. 2 to 1) Kccnnd. i Harry Scott 1. I.ycurgus. 15 to 11 third. I Time: 1:51V hlpix wa. File, Ouardl, Cole- , worth and Needful also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Klrkfleld Belle (I'D. Preston, 3 to 1) won, Marlon Rose (KM. Luxton, i lo It eeond. Josle 8. (I'i. Ross. 15 to 1l third. Time: l:12i- Anna May. Lady Kitty, Air, lxiulxa Fllzglbbons, Lucky Lad. Common Sue. Don Hart, Win FINE CHINA SALE Finest Limoges China Din ner Sots, now sliajH 1umler anil spray decorations, equal t( . Haviland China, 100-pieee sets, Saturday "nt 910.50 Finest German Cliina Set for the price of porcelain, 100 pieces, good shape and dec oration, $15.00 value for $10.00 All Russian Brass at 38 4 OFF. All Vases and Bric-a-Brac at Half Price. All White China for Decorating at 33 Vi OFF. All Vases In White China at Half Price Saturday. Bfnnott'a Capitol Flour, prr sack $1.80 And 60 llreen Trading Stamps :i lb Granulated Sugar. 91.00 Bennett' Beat Cvttve. lb. 330 And 3D C.rern Trading Stauips Tfas, MNHorted. lb. for.... 640 And tiO Ureen Trading Stamp llcnnitta Capitol liaklng 'wdrr, pound can for..84o And SU Ureen '1'radin ntampi Bfnnett'a Capitol Mincpme.it, i pnrkaKcH f.ir HSo And 10 lreen 'I'rudinK Stampa Bennett's Capitol Extract-". 1'cr bottle 1BC And 0 Uieen Trading t?tariHs New York Kull Cream Cliee.-ie per pound &3o And 2i) Ureen Trading Stamps fage theese. per lb 2oc And 20 tireen 'i mill:r -'-i"p. Diamond "S" Oyater Ladles' wool T'nion Suits, slight Imperfections, worth to t. 50 79o Ladies' Silk and Cotton t'n ion Suits, $2. nil value., .11.89 Hoys' heavy fleeced Shirts and Drawers, li&c value 19o Children's ribbed I'nlon vSuits l!."c value 181,0 Pouhle green trading stamps Children's , Keel Feet Juliets, black fur trimmed, regularly sold at 08c; to close out . 50 Misses and Children's Box Calf Storm Boots laced and button' styleB. two Inches Coekiali, 1 -jo And 0 O. T. S. Southwell' lniported Ma.rnia'ade. Jar. .30o And 10 G. T. 6. Menler' Chocolate i'owder, per can. . 25o And 20 a. T. S. Japan Klce, lb..14o And 10 O. T. 8. Fluke Taploea, lb..lOo e. K J SI -IV 2 And 5 Green Trading Stamps Pea. Best We Have Brand, per can o higher tBamregular styles, . $3.00 and $2.50 values at . ' -81.80 100 Green Trading Stamps on all $3.50 to $5.00 Shoes. some Ways, Ixird Rossington, Cambysses and Daisy Frost also ran OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 10. Results: First race, nix furlimgs, selling: Dick Wilson (112. Keogh. 12 to 1), won; Ray Bennett ( 1 OS, Healiiertoii. 11 to &). hcct ond; Sycamore (111, Hayes. 5 to 1 . third. Time: .1:17. . Ed Lllhurn, Curriculum. Alanila S.. Dr. Sherman, Alaia, Ten Oaks and Yankee Jim nlso ran. Second race, three furlongs, purse: Seattle 1 1 OS. Kedgh, 5 to 1), won; Tranci (113. Mclntyre. 13 to 10 1, second; Copplt I 113. Sandy. 9 to 5). third. Time: 0:U7-:fc. Lady Marlines. Alice Collins, My Nurse. Bonsa ine, Calllee, Edrona und Vibrate also ran. Third race, futurity n'ourse, selling: Tri umphant rl03. Mclntyre, 7 to 2), won; Captain Burnett (106. Brady. 10 to 1), second; Belle Kinney (99. Miller, 2 lo 1), third. rime: 1:13. Excitement, vvoolmu and Lady Vera also ran. Fourth race, one mile and three six teenths, Melrose handicap: A, Muskoday (110, Mcclain. 7 'to 1) won. Gromnbol I9 Hayes. It) to 1) second. Massa (10.7, Keogh, U to ft) third. Time: 2:ote!i. Jncomo and LcKatte also ran. Fifth race, on mile and h sixteenth, sell ing: Mandator (1(,9, Miller, 13 to :b won. Ramus (lirii, Davis. 3 to 1) seeorrd. Furv GDI, Alentry. 12 to li- third. Time: i :5.-'' Flaunt, Grapldte. Royal Red, Oalvcstonlan and Daniel C. also ran Sixth race, live and a half furlongs, purine: Billy Myer lc3. Davi. 4 lo It won, Darnlngtoii (1o5. Mct'lnln, (1 to 51 second, Lord Flllgrane (S4. Fullon, 10 to li third. Time: 1:11';. Bonheur. Bannock. Hole Jrlsh Mike, Humero, Slcfano and Valuta also i-jn . - OMAHA Y. M. C. A, BEATS HAITIMG3 Local Run Amy from Opponent In First Half. The Omaha Young Men's Christian as sociation basket ball team won in a romp from the Hastings Young Men's Christian association team In the Omaha gymnasium Thursday ntght In the leagur series of tlv state associations. The final score was: Omaha. 52; Hastings. IK. Omaha u -cured a big lead in the first 1 . h I f and In the second slowed lip eonslderab'c. no that tie score for the second half was: Omaha. 13: Hast ings. 11. WIcKcn played an all around star game for Omaha and Benedict cuirted (.fr the honor for the Hastings team. The ref eree. Weslerman of Hastings, did splendid work, the best seen on the local floor this winter. The lineup: HASTINGS. ! OMAHA. W. Johnfo-i .K. H. ".Meies C. Ilendlt K.lp A. Hiwn R Dunlp I' M' U Wlisnn I!, b. We:kr Old W. Iturrli A. .Van Sicmp fl.j d y Plerrow S. Aleiander U.lu I.. Kausrn Score: First half, 29 to 7 favor Omaha: second bal', 13 to 11 favor Omaha. H. V!e bi n made 19 points flrsl half. Final: Ornaua, it IX FAR-REACHING BLOOD DISORDER Even in its early stapes Catarrh is almost intolerable, caused by the stuffy feelinjrin the nose, the buzzing noises in the ears, the continual "hawking and spitting " difficult breathing etc. But when the blood becomes thor oughly polluted from the catarrhal matter, the inflammation extend: to the bronchial tu1e8, causing hoarseness, and often an ajrprravating cough; the stomach is affected, resulting in dyspepsia, loss of appetite and strength, aud gradually all the mucous membranes of the body become diseased and the system upset and deranged. Frequently the kidneys and bladder are attacked, and the constant passage of impure blood through the lungs, diseases these important members, and Catarrh terminates in Consumption. Catarrh is a deep-seated blood disease, and must be treated constitutionally, for it is beyond the reach of local treatment. S. S. S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all the impure catarrhal matter and at the same time building up the entire system. It goes down and attacks the disease dJo kzJo izyo PURELY VEGETABLE less and ana uisgusung symptoms oi Catarrh, disappear S. 8. S. has no equal as a cure for this disease. It refines and purifies the entire circulation and repairs the damape done by Catarrh. Special boolc on Catarrh fad medical advice free, yUSJSWlFTPECmCSgtATLAAG Carpet and Rug Sale Carpets must go. Kvcry yard of three-quarter Velvet. Axmlnstor and Brussels Carpet at a bin sacri fice. lrn't miss this opportunity ; it doesn't 'come excry tiny. Best high tirade Brussels Carpets, many with borders to match at- ld 59 Low grade Brussels t'arpiM--- ard 39 High grade strictly all wool pile Velvet Carpets, In beautiful pat terns, every yard worth $1.2.'; on sale, yard 79 Axminster Carpets, some with borders to match. In tan or green worth $1.45; pn , sale at, yr 98 tig Saving on Itooiu Hl.e uk. Brussels Hugs, good quality and desirable patterns. 9x1:.'. sample Rugs, worth $20.00, at $12.75 Axminster Rugs, 9x12, sample Rugs, worth $25.00. at S18.75 Carpet N:ctliin Third Floor. Bennett's Big Grocery Salmon, Tlirrw Htar an , . . , tiraun, ISO C'lOTfr brand, .So Coi n, Ui con . . . TomaiopH Brst V linvi brand, per can ......... lOo I Jell't), assorted, three paek- I aifes for 83o And 10 Green Trad. St oh. I Oaillard Oilve oil, basket I bottle, for 3So And 10 Green Trad. btps. folk's Assorted Sm;ts, can tor lOo I And 5 Green Trad. Sips. Naval C'ranges, sneit iitnl Juicy, dozen 15o Criinbei i les. large and r-d, quart , 10o Mixed NutV pound ....15c .l.ineoln liutterlne, 2 lbs. for .37o And 5 Green Trad. Stts. Premium Butterlne, 2 lb. for . : . i . .45o And 10 Green Tfad. Kt.a. Burnhani's C:im Chowder. can 10o Afid 10 Oruen Trad. stpw. Maryland Club -tern large enn for 13o Fresh Country Hutt-T. from per pound 30o Dixie Splits. Sweet Piikles. per packs pe-. ...lOo And 10 Green Trad. Stp. Medium Sour flcUlcs. per quart ivo MEATS MEATS Fresh Dressed Roosters, per pound. . .fl ..... .7 Pig Pork Loins, per peund Sif Pig Spare Ribs, per pound '"';'.; 7 Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, per pound. . . . . . . Veal Shoulder Roast, per pound .'. '8 Veal Stew, per pound ..... . 5C Veal Chops, per pound wlO Choice Pot Roast, per pound. ...'.,,;.. . 7 and 5 Boiling Beef, per pound 4'a Fresh Leaf Lard, 11 pounds for Sl.OO Cudahy's Rex Hams, mild sugar cured, selected from .'young corn fed hogs, 10 to 14 pound average, per pound 12i No. 1 Bacon, narrow strips, per pound .Cr. . . .'UJH Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, per pound'. . . -. . .ljjis And 30 Green Trading Stamps. v: Saturday .10 t,r.Jj 62; Hastings, is, Goals from flrfd: Johnson. 2; Benedict, 2; Hansen, ?; vVtescn, II; V il son, 3; Pjerruw. 1. Goal thrown lor fouir-. jonnson. l; .Benedict, S; Alexander, 2. Awarded extra point for toul- while throw ing goal: Hansen.- 7; Wleseii, 1. Referee. NAesteiman. t 'rtiplre; Hill Scorer: Kavu'i. Timekeeper: Millar. WIFE RUBS IT IN WITH SUIT Woman In (ilvcn All Property and Inromr nnd Then Demands Di vorce on loo, ArmmJa F. Clitton, an illiterate farmer from Randolph, defendant' In a divorce suit now being hcatU In Judge Hedlok's court, Is inclined as a result of his martial ex perience to doubt tho truth of the mm I: quoted ttdage, "It pays to advertise." Two years ego Chaon Inserted a imit rimonla ad in a Sioux City pupcr. His present wile answered it. Chaon went to" Kloux Cily and ni"t iicr and according to his testimony dccdi. I to (he present Mri. Chaon hu property, gavts her all the Income from hit Tarm. cows, chlokcps and hogs and tuny she Is suing him for alimony. Chaon's first wife died about four yeart aso. After two years nf . mourning he do. cld' d il was lime for him to .marry tigalu. Ho inscitcil ilie ad and received nn an swer. He Is Unable to rc.nl or write unci lor several weeks lie conducted a court ship by correspondence with tlm young woman who answered It, (hough u nelghboi wrote, his htter and read him tho an. swera. One (lay, according lo arrange ments, he put on his beat clothes, tied n red, white and blue ribbon In the lapel ol his co.it for Identification and took the train fur Hons City, where he met his ' present wife at the depot. , After a few days in quaint anre. he says, they decided to Ret married, and he deeded her the property and paid n number of her bills, one of which amounted to (15 shs owed u physician for trying to reduce her flesh. He snys he gave her moat of hn Income of the farm during the married life. She charges him with cruelty and with being dirty and filthy hi his habits. In reply be charges she married him only for his money nnd the dlvorc Is part of a plan to get rid of linn after- securing hut money. Slate Senulor G. W. Wlltso'of Randolph Is Chaon's iilloriiev and Judge Dickinson of Omaha Is appearing f- r Mrs. Chaon. Jl IX il il at its head, in the circulation, and removes every trace of the impurity that is causing the trouble. Then as rich, pure blood circula.es through the body, the inflaaud membranes commence to heal, the mucous discharges trma, finally cease, and all the disagreeable 1