TTIF, OMAHA DAILY REE: SATITRDXY. .TAXITARY 11. 3 T7 m It's suck values as these that made our January Clearance a grand success 1 i Vomen's Winter Coats, Suits and Furs at Half and in many cases less than half actual value. ' Immeiise variety, splendid qualities and styles at sweeping price reduc ticms offer opportunities for profitable and satisfactory selections you'll not e A' it . , i . t ttt a. iiuu cuaijea eisewnerc in umaaa or sue west. 150 Stylish Coats 52 inch Icnjrth, ?4 :v-- f k in plain cloth or fancy mixed fabrics, most popular styles regular values to $15, choice, Saturday 35.00 200 Handsome Chiffon Broad " cloth Coats, satin lined through out, $20 and $25 values, Satur day $10 $20.00 Tailor Suits Nobby new stvles, in cheviots and English Suitings, in Saturday's sale at $7.95 . 75. Handsome Chiffon Broadcloth Suits, military style, in browns, " " blues, greens and reds, shown for the first time Saturday, greatly underpriced at. $19.90 Special Fur Bargains 10O Sample Fur Coat sent by our w York buyer on sale Saturday at HALF AND LKSS THAN HALF real value. Don't fail to rf them Saturday, Y Fifwh Coney Coats, regular $10.00 values; on sale1 at .... . . . .'S1S.OO $40.00 Wool Coat, creat .bargains. at $19.00 4t.ti.Co'- Near Sm1 Cmt, In f this saio at.. . .$25.00 "fine 3ivrlty -Coat, .-.$30.00 value atv. $45.00 A, ... ft . I I ' . . A ipU.n v a I martin collar " and 'cuffs. Snfla lined; Sale at 37- Two Fine Xtttrla Coat, rett- ; ' u!ar 9 30700 allies m - fc.,, - nt - Two Snlendld Skirt Spertals. fT.BO bkirt. Choice $3.9o Over 500 skirts In this lot.' fin panamaa, full pleated remarkable bargains 'at . . 53 95 ' SIO.OO Skirt. Choice .V.OO Fine' French voile skirts, trimmed with folds and t bands of taffeta, worth to $10.00, choice $5.00 ' . Special Bargain in Our -Children's Dept. Children's Coats that soli at . $3.00 .to. -$4.00; choice at $1.50 Drth Children's Coats that sold at $6.00 and $7.50, choice at .... $2.98 . Children s IlresHes that sold at 75c. choice. 29 Children's Presses, wo $2. and $2.50 choice.. 9S From 8 Till A. M. $1.50 Moire Underskirt . -. 79 From 9 Till lO A. L $4.00 Beaver Shawls . . . .$1,9S From 9:80 Till 10:3U A. M. $1.50 Flannelette Dressing Sacquea 49c? Women's Waists that sold at $5.00 and $6.00; on sale t $2.98 v v TV famous' tT n t v e r s a I . i''rinsi. y a r e. r u b b e r , rollers,', warranted .thre . y'ufs'. ', river, seven million iord; woi'thS4.50; on sale Saturday ' . . ; . .$2.75 The famous Western Wash ing Machine.- worth $4.95, with extra folding stand for tubs attsohed; Saturday " only. . '--. :$2.50 XX K HeavjKB,a0e.le"TlA,iH4 Conpr Bsrtont Wash' Boil er, wfxidan nandlea, ner . r-old for less than $1.75; S'afarday only .... . -98 - Cf)rner Bottom -Boiler, IX; . Saturday -60: $2.50 Parlor Brooms, regular 40c quality .. . 25 Parlor Brooms, regular 25c quality . . . .r. .15.. Mop Sttcks, long, best qual- K -vr.;.5 25c braided hem or wire Clothes Lines 13 '25c Unea sllcer Mops.; 15 . 8c ' large galvanized Wash : r .: . . iv-SD 1 , 89c medium, galyanlzsd : .r Waah Tubs -49 14-qt.' galvanixed Pair 19" 12qt. galvanized . Pall 16 10-qt. galvanized Pail 15 OS HAVDENS for H ARDWARE $1.25 Henry Disaton'a D8 26-ln. Saw. worth. $1.85, $1.25 Fox nickel plated combined square and miter, worth 98c, at .: :..,-49 L VTt' Jlt OO. b"St AXe Sur. J-lmfi Agricultural Wren.-ti, worth 83c .....19a o 76e best stevl Hatchnt. Satur day 2&a Stanley Z-foot Box Ruins at. so Job lot all kinds high xradn 1 Pliers, worth up to We; on al tomorrow only . . . . . .aSa nn -t sT t THE RELIABLE STORE. Extra Special January Shoe Sale A clean-up of all the odd lpt3 of shoes in the house at about cne-half price. Women's $..50 and $4.00 shoes, patent colt, vici, kitt and gun metal, in Goodyear welts and hand turned soles $1.9S Men's $3.00. $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, in patent coit, vici kid and velour calf, with weit soies . rr.tsT.T: - . rTrrr. : --$1.98 Child's $1.50 vici kid lace and blucher Style, each pair a bargain.. . 9Sc Women's $1.75 fine vici kid lace shoes, all solid $1.19 Women's 60c Plush Slippers, carpet ole a fine night slipper 20 Agents for the Stetson and Crossett Shoes for men and the Queen Quality and Grover Shoe for women. Grand 5c Ribbon Sale No. 22 All Silk Ribbons, worth 20c yd.. In all colors, go on sale In one big lot Saturday morning the greatest lot of bargains ever offered Cf at your choice, per yard JC Watch for the Great Embroidery Sale Monday. Special Ruching Sate Saturday We are cleaning up our Immense stock of Ruchings, and Saturday place on sale a big lot of 20c and tffic Rurhing all at one price choice, yard ; Monday Will Re the Great Embroidery Day. 25c Ml Silk Veilings yd., 7ic A complete line of all colors and styles In strictly all silk veilings, 25c yard, values you'll not find equaled elsewhere at, our sale price, Saturday, yard r. Prepare to Boy Your Embroideries Monday. ' Still Crtiter Savings on will 12ic worth 7ic Highest Grade Groceries 'iA'HX, Zl pound Bst Pura Cane Granu.ated Sugar for .1140 10 bars Bst Brands Laundry tiuap for iba Wheat ta $1 per bushel, with prosperta of going- hljthxr. Our advice Is buy Flour now. While our contract la.-ta we will sell a 4A-lh sack of tne bent fancy high patent flour, &ck...S1.3S 10 lb. sacks beat Granulated White, or Yellow ( ornmeal for ISc Fancy Japan Head Rice, pound.. 74e 1 pound package Macaroni for . Kl-3; Mincemeat, per package He The beet Corn S'arch, package 4c The best Bulk Cora Starch, pound.. 4e The beet Cold Water Starch, pkg. ..4a Malta Vita. Dr. Price's r Corn i-'lake.. per package The beat Moda. or Oyster Crackers, per- pound J The beat Crlap Ginger Snaps. ln....a The beet Crlxp PretxeU. pound.... 6a Fig Newton Cooktee. pound 7S8 Cookies, coo kiss, oookizs. : On account of the Biscuit Company not selling any more cookies in pack, ages, we are selling these goods in bulk. See our full line of the flneet Sweet Cooktea made, epec'l sale, lb 10c DBizn ra u its tob saucs;, rffD-srjro-s, rm ajis oaxx. . Choice California Prunes, pound . Fancy cleaned Currants, pound ..Svc Fancy J Crown Muscatel Raisins. 8 H,c Fancy tieediee Raiatna. pound Sc Fancy Seeded Raisins, package. ... T So Fancy Yellow Crawferd Peaches, per pound 12Vi Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb- sVic Fancy Sultana Seedless Raisins, ll.15c Fancy Pitted Prunes, pound 15o Lemon. Orange or Citron Pnel. ,b..l5o See our line of Apricots, Pears, Black Raspberries, Red Raapberrtes, Nec tarines, Silver Prunes, etc., tho finest line of Dried Fruits In the city. run TZOXTABX.X8 Ajri rourr PBUCSSl Two heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce for.'. 6c Two bunches of Fresh Radishes for.oc Two bunches fresh Parsley for ...'.5o Fresh Onions, per bunch ...5c Two heads fresh Celery for 5c Fresh Cucumbers.' each 5c Fresh Head Lettuce, per head.... 7 He Fresh Cauliflower, per head . . . . 12 V,c Fancy Holland Red faibage, per Ib.le Beets. Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas, or Red Onions, lb 2c Black WaJnuta, per peck 3 do Fancy 150 slxe Highland Navel Oranges, per doaen 25c Fancy 176 size Highland Navel Oranges, per dosen '....20a Ma ordtrs filltd excipt in case" of hour sales. 2 $pecial attention, given to mailorders Write at snce Try HA YD EN'S First Grand Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday The most delightful let of bargains ever offered in Omaha. All high class garments. Such well known brands a3 Soft, pleatetl or stiff lsorns. in all styles, caffs attached or detached, made from finest materials, in newest col ors, patterns and styles for winter wear, many full dres Shirts in the lot that sold at $1.50 to entire stock in two jrieat lots. Saturday, at 49t-69c Men's and Ladies' Underwear Greatly Underpriced for, Quick Clearance Saturday . Men's Wool Underwear, worth to-$l.."0 garment, itnunse line for selection, on sale Saturday in two hijc lots, at, choice per ifarment 69f-9Sc Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Worth to 7.V garment. Such brands as Dr. Wright's, Lambsdown, etc., 1 1 . i . : i nn.. ork.. art.. in an iuzes, saie prices, priiifui ui Ui iyv Ladies' Wool Vests and Pantj, in grevs or scarlet, gar- ments that sold at $1.25. choice 59c Ladies' Wool Union Suits Finest quality wool garments, in all sizes, worth double sale price $1.50 Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns that sold up to $1.50, choice in Saturday's sale 69i f ' len's Woolen Ove-rshlrta Worth to $2 10. made of fin California flannels. double breaseted. generously propor tioned, In all sires; Sa.urdav for f)S? crxciAz. xotra is ih somzstic koom iatttbday. From 8:.10 Till 9:30 A. M. , Winter Undergarments, values to $1. on sale at, choice.. Jf) From 10:30 Till 1I::0 A. M. Ladles' Shoulder Shawls. Fasci nators, etc., made of flriest Shetland floss, some silk warp e.l, values to $1.00. at. ..10 Men's Heavy Work (Cloves and Mitten Made to sell at 1.00. la calfskin,- horsehide, etc., W(K)1 lined, with wind break at wrist: sale price 40 Men's. Women's and Children's Olovea and Mittens, worth to 50c pair, at 10 From 9:30 Till 10:30 A. M. Men's, Women's and Children's V-'.-rs 1111 1T h Ladies' Gloves and hosiery I Special Clearance Sale Bargains that are bound to make Saturday a very busy day in these departments. The superior quality and variety will de light the buyer. Ladies' Klbow Length Glove in black, white and tans, that sold up to $3.50, choice, at ...... .81.60 Ladies' Short Kid tiloves that sold to $1.50, in all sizes and very best colors. In Saturday's clearance, at, pair. . . . . -73 Ladies' Oc Hose In allover lace, ' embroidered or plain gauze. Males, 3 pair for, $1.00 or at, per pair i 35 Ladles' Wayne Knit Hose, pure linen sole, -at ..... 39 Ladies' 23c Quality Hose, em broidered, cashmere or heavy fleeced, sale price. .. J2 H From 10 A. M. Till 12 M All odd lots of Kid Gloves, left from the holiday selling and an immense line of samples, slightly soiled, regular values to 91.0. all at one price, a Pair, at 39 Sale in Main Glove lept. come early and secure first choice. Great Book Clearance Saturday Our entire book stock must go. All $1.50 Copyright Books, only 98c All $1.00 Copyright Books, only 43c 25 Discount on all Sets 50c line Standard Books at. . . lTVaC 25c line 12 mo. Books, at 10c 50c Fancy Stationery-, per box. ..29c Fancy Nets We have an immense line of wide, fancy nets, suitable for the popular square veils, Saturday, price, yard $1.00 AGENTS TO RIVER CONGRESS delegates fiura Omaha and Other Jowns Earned by Sheldon. i '-' . . . . ."OVZSSOE WILL HEAD THE LINE 'ii-ka Mm front Ts Along Ik Mla ! rl tu I'rumot Watvr Trat-a- at thii Mlou i'ttjr t ... t ' C'lviTiinr tins naim'il six Onia "liuiia .1.1 li-l 'tslrH iot tli first annual ron- VfiiliDM vi Him Jil.scniiri Hlvt'r Navlgution .VoiinreHs lu lie In lii in Sioux t'lty January U iiiul J. l'l!' i.ani.'ii by tlv guvernur -ar JoHrph llhyin A. V. Smith. Rnmo MiIKt. jMti.fS Walsh, 11. T. Clurks and Alfrnl jHornyun. 4 tiihera fr. :r. ui inu.4 imrt.i of the state J.avw bi-.-n nr.miil liy tin- gnvernor of N tr.ik, who .'xrttts to iittiMid tha oon frra lilmtM-lf y!.ti. .mnna his other Jelc nal" are W. L. Wimlliam. Parmele kii.I II. f. D"vry of Phittsnn.iith: Kd A. Krye if Niobrara, W. I . Fin k nf Hloom flU. 1 1. O. Rryam f IViatur. I. C. Klier f H'.ilr. ft. K. Kvans ami V'HiHin Witrner t t DiiKota City, W. I llon of St. James, AVhliHin Muywanl of Nfhracka t'liy. J. D. Mi 'nr'.y. 'vf Ponca, W. I- Wfstnn of llart iniitmi ami lli-rnmn Taylor of PlainvifW. ilnvrriior Shthlon has kept the river towns well In mind in naming- his delega tion. St. James Is one of tha. towns of northern Nebraska which still enjoys river traffic, the flour from the big- mills Uiera being shipped to Sioux City by boat al most the year around. Plattsmouth, Blair, Nebraska City and Dakota City and De catur all flourished1 when the steamboats were a means of transportation. H. L. George, president of tho Commer cial club of St. Joseph, waa in Omaha Fri day earoute to his home. Mr. George said: "The Interest In river transportation at St. Joseph is keen. We will send a large delegation to Sioux City, and it Is a source of great satisfaction to know that all tha cities on the, river ar? to co-operate." STRAWBERRIES IN JANUARY HHtd 1. 1 We m Kairr Tale, bat it la a r fr'art. mm Oai haas Kaow . Sira wberrlea In Januury. It would almost sound Ilka a fai.-y tale If it were not for the criKp. fresh lettuce, the. tender new onions, t lie fresh radishes and all the other spring garden stuff that has been In mar ket all fall and winter. Of course, these berries are a little more expensive than when raised la the home gardens, selling for M cents a quart, but they are tine look ing and fin tastirg ami are selling well. New vegetablea have not looked better this wlrter tnan just at present. The. hrad lettuce l especially fine and sells for 10 and la cents a bunch. Cuban tomatoes veil for 25 cents a pound and could not be finer If picked from the dooryard garden. Florida wax and string beans are selling by tho pound Just now instead of measure and bring 10 cents a pound. New radishes, parsley, turnips and onions are all 1 cents a bunch and new splrtach Is 40 cents a peck, a little higher than It has been for some time past. New cucumbers are V) cents each. Mush rooms are ti6 cents a pound, decidedly cheaper than they were, and brussels sprouts are 35 and '.A cents a quart box. Irish potatoes sell for 'JO and 25 cents r. peck and sweet potatoes for 46 and, 'i0 cents a peck. Creamery butter sells from 30 tov 33 crnts a pound in the package, and from 25 ta 30 cents in bulk or roll. Egs are from 25 to 3") cents for the liest and 15 cents it, dozen for the others. Chickens are still comparatively cheap, but the retail price varies greatly. Springs and hens wholesale for 10 cents a pound and springs under four pounds for WSi cents a pound. Broilers or springs weigh ing under two pounds wholesale for tS a dosen. Turkeys are IS centa a pound, geese 11 cents and ducks Vi centa a pound. Frlce Reduced to G3,000. 1 I (" ,' . - . . . f. j-r ! - i- - M - --'V X .-v v i f -" .;r- - . 1. i 1 t li ,1 ! .i - - - .... - -i - 1 .: m" PIONEER ARCHITECT IS GONE Henry omm Dtea at Hla Home After IllaeM of Two r Three Tears. H"nry V'oes one of the, pioneer architects of Omaha, died at 4 a. m. Friday at his j home at Park avenuo and Leavenworth 1 street, after an Illness of two or three 1 ears. lie as about S3 years of age. Mr. Vohs has bepn engaged in the business of an architect in Omaha and vtcinlty for up wards of thirty years and was some twenty years ago one of the foremost architects of the west. Among the buildings he de signed are the Merchants hotel, the new Institute for the Deaf and Dumb and the Columbus (Nebraska) Opera house. Of late years ha ha rot been engaged in much active work except in designing ad ditions to the various breweries of Umaha, several of which are monuments to hla handiwork. He has also designed many buildings throughout the state, more par ticularly public buildings of twenty or more years ago. Ha baa no Immediate family In Omaha. The funeral service will take place at the undertaking establishment of Harry B. tvi at i:M a. m. Sunday, and will be conducted by Jacub Houik. Interment will be made in Forest Uwn cemetery. Mr. Voss was a member of a number of the German societies of Omaha, some of which will pa.rticipa.te In the funeral ceremonies. WTfflfiSRQ mi i Wirt St. nearly new room modern house, on on of the beat streets In nere il 11.. w houses have been tniut. We offer th.s Iioum aa an ex 1 hji-gain. haa a reception hall, parlor, dining room and. kitchen 011 i-.'.lroonia tti halit ou second floor la nicely dm'orald. hat - . . mhlnulioii fixtures, full lot. ii)xlj. furnace and best cf 1 liand.e tills and th balance can lie puiit tn eight ya."s. lea : ' ..iy. Ownrr uaa iwuiti) price from 3 jOi) 10 JJ.TiOO for JGS &. HEYDEN Be Building. 1 2 Sale Now Going On Pennell Millinery Co., 1511 Douglas St. Ovar lwl Thatr JIDSON AND RAH' ARE TIED Receive Same 1 Vote for Election to Commercial Club Executive Board. YETTER PRESIDENT, OF COURSE Forty-Six Member of the New Board f Directors Meet aaaf Select the EseeatlTO Committee. Forty-six members of the board of dl rectors of the' Commercial club of Omaha met at the rooms at 12:30 o'clock Friday and elected W. L. Tetter president of the club, and an executive committee for 19iS consisting of the following twenty-five members of the board of directors: western cities where but a few years ago cards and whisky were the principal amusements and the saloons ran wide open." E. H. Allen, H. H. Bal.lrlge, C. C. Belden, K. A. Benson, E. E. Bruce. W. H. Buchols. W. M. Burgeva, R. h. Buach, T. A. Frv. P. H. Fuller. W. M. tJlass, F. I.. Mailer. E. A. Hinrlchs, F. W. Judson, J. H. Kelly. Z. T. Llndsey, Euclid Martin, Charles Metx. C. H. Pickens, J. B. Rahm, F. E. Sanborn, John Steel. J. A. Sunderland. I j. M. Talmage, H. S. Weller. C. M. Wllhelm. STOCKMEN SUE RAILROADS Cattlemaa Wants Money from Bnrl lairtoa aad Sheep Raiser from Missouri Pacific. Because the Burlington railroad was slow in getting cars to him for the shipment of his stock from Hyannls to South Omaha. Louis Wolf has begun suit in. district court against the road for 13. 611.16. He says the road promised to have the cars ready for him 8unday, October 13. They did not reach Hyannls until fhe following Thurs day, he says.' and during all this time he had his cattle in a i-"r';!! at Hyannls. Tie says he lost ll.log.tS from shrinkage and tl.9H9.64 In a decline In the price of stock, and In addition waa put to extra expense because of the delay. Hiram N. Way, a sheep feeder, axks judgment for tl34.77 against tne Missouri Pacific railroad for failing to move his ship ment of cattle from Ruser's siding to the South Omaha stock yards promptly Feb- F. W. Judson and J. B. Rahm had an equal number of votes for the twenty fifth place on the committee and it will be doclded when the board organizes Tuesday which of the directors will remain aa a member of the executive committee. When Mr. Tetter was elected president he was escorted to his place by the com mittee, and made a short address. C. M. Wilhelm. the retiring president, also ad dressed the directors and a vote of thanks waa tendered the retiring officers and mwmbers of the exocutive committee. ruary 6. He says the sheep remained 'n the car practically all night and eleven oi them died, three more were injured an.! the rest lost three pound's each in weigiit. A Cruel Mistake Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. Kinrs New Discovery cures them and prevents consumption. 60c and fl.m. For sale ly Beaton Drug Co. TAFT SURE, SAYS POLLARD Strongest Maa and Will Be domi nated or Itepabllraaa for Prealdeat. Congressman Ernest M. Pollard of the First district has written to A. V. Shot well, president of the Taft league, endors ing the plan for an early convention. "I have been doing all I can In behalf of tha Taft movement," he says in the letter. "I am convinced he la by all odds the strongest man before the people today and that he is almost sure to be nominated. Nebraska ought not to take a backward step now. In the event of Taft's nomina tion our state will receive a great deal of credit as being the pioneer state in leading off In his Interests." BRIDES Jind Other Hospitable Persons $Ui finely tailored suits to measure Jlj 8al. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co., H4 S. hi. LID ON EVEN IN BILLINGS Town Where Poker Waa Usee thief niversioa .Mow Outlaws the f.anie. "The lid and rwforni miinia that started In the south and east haa struck the. west amidshipa and aeem to 1; spreading over the entire country," a!d E. E. Stevens, a traveling Jewelry salesman of Seattle, at the Paxton hotel. "Why, I spent Sunday and Monday of last week in Billings. MonU, and found all intercut centered lu tiie county court house where several promi nent uitlxens were being prosecuted for running poker games, whirl, pastime used to be considered in that town as one of the Inalienable rlylH guaranteed by the constitution. In the good old days at Bill ings the judge, sheriff and county attorney ! used to be regular aitiera-tn at a little game of draw poker, and have even been known to adjourn court in order that the game ! could begin on schedule tnie. "Now all ia changed and the days when . prominent citizens ran engage in draw j poker and still be prominent and the days I of which Eugene Field wrote, 'When lik- ker flowed like water nj every bluff waa called.' are no more. The lid now sits aa firmly on Billings as It does on Omaha and ha who attempta to lift It flnda himself In disrepute. The aaiiie i true of many e h Here is m. Chance to Get a $2.00 COOK BOOK FOR SOc. A new, up-to-date, Cook-book prepared by a trained expert. More than iooo recipes, including sixty soups, fifty sauces for meats and vegetables, fifty or more salads, forty-one tecipes for the chafing dish, besides rules for meat, fish, vegetables, bread, caks, pastry and invalid cookery. There are hundreds of simple whole some and inexpensive dishes. It baa twenty colored plates showing; bow dishes should be served. tells the value of foods, how market and how to serve icheons and dinners, rcrmal and informal. For SIXTY CEXTS r Ul send this So-pagc book os-'paia. well printed on xcectionnlL't rrut.i ftafirr ; e-- Stronlv bound in linen and n a stout bote. 7 you cannot nd money order, send L . i. um pi. to sale also bv I ockscUers nd newsdealers at no cents. U;-'; f'-;---J The Lowney Company tands back of this offer. It ia not the usual advertise ment or a manufacturer of his own goods. You get a bargain and we get a little publicity. you are not pleased ft urn it and get. your money back. Vha WALTER M Bonbons. Cocoa A Chocolate, Boys' Shoes REAL Boys that la. Boys with gtneer In them, soon bgln 1n faa Hlru nmn aA want man. nlsh thlnira K This Is particularly true in re gard to th sort of Shoes tha Boy wears. Experience has taught us the Boys' sihoe requirements. Such strong leather aw Box t'alf. Velour Calf, linn Metal Calf, etc., go Into our Boys' .-lnn i. Cut In Rluclier. Lace or 3ulton styles. Htrong. durable soles excel lent 8hoemaking. Shoes built to hold, (.k; Boy. S2.00 to S3.00 According to Pine. FRY SHOE CO. Ill: lEOlli 16th and Douglajs Streets. -ull Suit AND EXTRA TROUSERS For th? nioH ot tuit alone. IT'S NICOI.l.o' way to quickly clean in; in the surplus stock and keep in? our lwrgf ori;ariizatlon of skilled Tailors and Cutiurs but-y. Suits and Extra Troussrsi 525 ta S45 NICOLL'S SPECIAL! Full Dlrfck or RIub Cheviot or Thluet Suit with extra Trouseis of taniH or Striped material. $25 soa-tl fete. Ms ' t