THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TTKsDAY. JANUARY NEWYORRSTOCRS AND BONDS I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET ! H Corn. hu ... f'ata. I.u Rye. bu F'erley. bu 3V"i t 1 and Ontario at Western, and the whole list Improved and cln."d f'rm. ."..p .t DirippfliatiEj Cablet ' Ctuis ' Sharp Break ia Price. i ' - . STATISTICS AEE STILL BULLISH km 4geraed I-awe-r oa aad CmmlMln Hat la ia Sat at Lars. IiHr Cables ee All at - m the Produce r x'-hnrige. today the b'it te tnnmi-t war Hmrty OtmMh i Vi'A'l dairies. Eggs firm at mark, ri Included. ;'4"rV.V; firsts. 24e: prln-e frits. "; extras, c. Chee-ae. aieidy, 11"j1Sc. OMAHA. Jan. . 1. Cable cam dlaweppolntlng and cioH aharp break- Statistics rf very bullish. hwTfr, and the market ia carrying a strong undertone. Wheat opened lower on por cables. There waa wirif 4-ommlaslon house gelling, but not large. A bull market ia admitted and a greet Ml hack ia expect-d and wheat is hard lo get hold of. May option opened, at i. ft and closed at Cora start d strong and held steady, do nllf heavy selling. Oood mipport came over an all breaks and there resulted no great change In values. lay com opened at fci'ac and closed at &4Ac. Oata were easier on aclllng by large cu rator tmctrrn. comm1wt" houses ana lof-a) fnwd the beat buyer!. May oata opened at I4e and closed at Prtisarr- wheat receipts were '.M.VQ Wshels end hUments were 1sj bushels. Sura'awt rvlwi !' eear of l.or.Otrt bush-is aad atilpmetiTa of 34.t" bushels. Corn receipt! were Coono bushels and shipments were S A bushels, against re ceipts last year of 1. iSS.Ouft buahela and ship ment! of '( buahela . Clearance were 3rM) hu. of corn. l.t bu of oats and wheat and flour equal to Uverpool tloa1 SUNd lower on wheat and J lower rn torn. Peaboard reported 2.0C1 wheat and 72.ta bu. of rn taken for export. Local range of option: Arttclaa.1 Open. J High.! Low. Close. Sat y. Wheat-' mit...1 i e July..., SKV, Sept... H.i Corn May... 5.-V Julv... 14 Sept .... bi' Oata- I 'v...i M .Jure...! V Sept... 4 ! 1 vy 4n, 41 I 1 S-V MS 4-'S 1 03 hi j MV 4- 1 04 .4 4S 41 Oaaaha Caak No. No. Prteee. SV HEAT No. 2 hard. jcil1 apririg- ai.lMiil.G2: no tra(-. W1!0,- ('imX-No I. iiv,c: No. 4. 4!.if.lP: no gtade. aii4r; No. I yellow. i-'ao-Hc; No. 4 OATS-N 4 a.lxV 4T54:4C. No. el lo. Vl No. 2 white, &:c; No. S rSiic; N. 4 white. ; atandard. 4(-, 'KVk-No. !. T;?Tc: No. S. TlSdf''i' tarlat Recetpta. Wheal. Corn. Oa'a Chiigo 12 198 10S ....:::r.:::::::::::::H Dululb BELT WEATHER IX THE . .1"4 tiRAIN Kalr aaa llalr Cooler la the Prea at UatlooW. OMAHA. Jan. . li. Tl.a If mneraturea have moderated in the contnJ vtllrvi and 'at ainrc the last repoit. and much warmer weather ia gen eral throughout the upper MlaelHaippl al leya and northaeat. Tlie weather ia colder in tha lake region. Ohio valley and through out the eaatern and aouthern alatea. FUina are aenera! th1a morning from Oalveaton. Tei eaai to Ja.kaon file. Kla. 1'air weather prevail! in ail other portions, and It will continue fair In thia vicinity to nlpht and 1 uiaday. with alightly tooic-r to- "umaha record of temperature and pre cip.iaiion compared with the correspond ing dav 0' tna laai inirc Minimum temperature Precipitation Normal temperature grea Peficiency in precipitation alnce ,.tt Inchea. tieficlency corresponding period J B Inchea . Deficiency eorreapondlng period in i?. tea Inrhoa locai ruirw". PROVI4101S SEW VORK tiEXERat MARKET feat area of Traala wad rrleea l.earilna t'taiaailtlra. NEW YORK, Jan S. FljOrR-Receipta. 3 71 hhia.; ciporta. I. bbla. Market dull but ai-ady; Minnewta pa tent!. S asert To; .winter atralghti. It 5-".i4.7r,; Minnea..ta bakere. M .W85.W: win ter eitraa. H -4.20; winter patent!. 14 Si efS; wntfr low aradea. W.5fi4.a- Ry flour, f.rrn: choice ro f in' y, tj.?'-5-S5. IJuck wfaem flour, ateady: 13 o per li 10a. CORNM Ftrrn; fine white and yel low. $1 4'j1.4;., coaraf. tl.XC.yl37; kiln dried. RTK-Firm; No. 2 wi-etern. Kc, f. o. b.. New Tork. WHEAT-Receipta.! bu - .eipoTt. 27175 bu. Fpot market -ay; No. 1 rd. II M7S- elevator, and 1 f- . K. afloat; No. 1 northern Dultith. ti T4'. f- o. P.. af).aj; No. I hard winter. f o. b.. On a-oo'int of taaler cJiUlea, larger Argentina offrrir-ga and liiuWuion. wheat waa renraiir lower today, ir-toatng ahout a cent below Paturdav. May. tl nStf 114V ch.aed riHS; July. IUS"il 7'. cli.a-d tl . - (viRN- R-rppta, 34- bu.: xr"rtf. .T.C41 bu. SaU-a. lu. ?pot market firm; No. 2. 74c nominal, elevator, and CSc. f. o. b.. afloat; No. i white. Vo and No. 2 yt-llow, nominal, f. o b . afloat. Option market was f.rnvr on email coun try offnt and cload .c iwt higher. Mar. flSrtt'oS. cloaed 7"lc! Jvily' tloacd OAT3 Reieipta. lC'.S'V bu .: export. bu. Fit market eaay; mxed oata is to 3;! pounda. Me; natural white. W to 8. pounds. if.7c: clipped white. 7.:r IMTjndp. .'''(it.,Hc. f.-V HAY Julet; good to (!.e. Il.lmil.tto. HOPS-jui-t ; tate. (Vr-i.nion to choice. 1!'7. l."iil ; l1. 4'uSc raciflc coaat. IWi, Siilc: 1. 5?Km. . . . HI1ES-Qu . t. Bogota. 10c; Central Anr-rlcH. pc. LEATHFK-Quiet: acid. 24fl..c I'lii iVISli iNS- He f. ateady; family. $V.i; mesa f,a.5"ill; Iw-ef hams. t'X - J pa. ked. 11: fevlS ' extra India mess. t tj-!.f' "ut meats. tUlet; pickled b.-lli.V s,,u!o: plckl-d tams V. Lard, firm: western firm. I refined, firm: continent. !; South Amer ica. IJi.4": comix. und. 7','i7itc. Pork. Heady; family. 117 f" -! ; ahort clear. tlo.7bwl6.W; IlieKS. 114 .SOfjlCOO. TAUl-OW-Pteady: city. CV'. country, ,1., f,i(.o RICE Cjuiet: domestic, fair to extra, : Japan. nomlnaL I;I TTt K Finn: western factory, cum mon to first, ril!c; imitation creamer lirst. CHEl-E Firm: state, full creamery, small colored and white fine. 1F.S.C; same, larg colored, fine. I5c; white. i;c; aame. good to prime, ufjlhc: aame. late made. U st. . same, commen to fair, j.;(V7P F'.rrr; western flrats. VSc; sec onds, TMi'-Tc. " ' ' . lVilirRY rresed. firmer: western chickens. l(r3"c; turkeya. 16'u'17c; fowls. !iil3c. St. I.oala Gearral Market. ST. Ill'IS. Jan. 5,-MtAl-ur. track. No. I red. cash, hard. n.'CVl "6V- May CORN Steady; traik &,( : May. V; Ju'V white. B7"-4i57c. OATS Weak; track. No Mav. ;'S.c: No. 2 white, ftfe Many Wide Advance! Recorded and Volume of Basinets Expands. MONET MARKET MCH EASIER Rlae Dae latrrlor tin Largely Baaka la Eaay ta DeaxMlta ew Verk a Treat of Taklaa. Amalgamated, wftlch was t"f.ucM ty Ni w I Toik. i BERLIN. Jan. S Tradin on the Beuiae todav waa nutet. hut rather firm, i FARI5. Jin. 5-Tradln on the Bourse 1 today waa firm on N,- Tork advices. I the monetarv situation and optimism on j the aubjert of tba relations between Japn j and the I nlted ftatea MONET ON CALIFirm. Vfi per cnt: i ruling rate. per cent : closing bid. 3 pr cent: offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, 'markedly eaaieri sixty days 7 end ninety dayi, tV per cent, six months. 6 per cent tw tork Moaer Market. NEW TORK. Jan. Ilme mercantile ; paper. 4jl'c. : -a t 4 I . Killing: Cattle of All Kinds Slow to Ten Cents Lower. j i w ith a ills HOGS SILLL0 A LITTLE LOWER Brea and l.aaaba la cry Fair apply ana Aclle teller at (.nod, ateaaly ta trener Trleea. NEW YORK. Jen. S Many wide ad- liiuft wr rcoru-d In ti e pric-es of j aKka today and Uie volume of business i sensibly ex)iandd The mcvement wasi uneven and spnttv. with large activity. congested nt a f'w points. wh"re also the principal rise has occurred except lor wine . advances in a few Inattive rt.Kks which I have not hold N fore in the interval of the ! g.mral improvement In the market, ITe J n. shnaa wer hlrhly proft-f sional aiid sue- i cessf'il n-aneuvrs arainst an outstanding j ahort Interest formed an Important featuie r.f the dy. Froftt-taklng at the er.d ; graily reduced the day a gain!. i The broad underlying- basis of the otera- tlona for the rise waa the pronounced re- laatlon in the money market. Not only , was money decidedly r. but the con viction was generel ttat the breaking 1 flown of tie final barriers to the restora tion of normal hankln condition be followed bv aomething like a ruf'h h Into benkintr deposits of funds. Sucli cniUngency waa expected at a mu-rt esrlitr suica as an effect of the passing of tr demand and at J4 "1 I'umnit rclal bills. aTi.-Rl.lMl EXCHANGE Fteadv at de- riine with actual business In bankers' bills at I4.S ?rt4.fci S5 for for sixty day bills t 4' 75. SILVER Bar. &c Mexican dollars. 44c. IV iNIiS-Ciovernn.enl Steady: railroad bonds, firm. Closing quotation! on 'r'3:ow Hoett 11 -.oi.fls wera POITH OMAHA. N- h . Receipts were: Cattl- Estimate Monday ti Same day last .k V.Os Pnme day we ks info.. I.74 Same day X weeks ago . 4 "li Same day 4 weeks ao.. 4.791 as i Same das last year S 147 Jan f. !.'" 2..t47 6 7.S e1. rf 11 nE.U.!(il ; No. 2 tl '; July, jatro. No. 2 rash. togv'Vv; No. 2 J cash. 5ft; 1W. 15 t"0 T for today. 1.00S 1S"6 a h .W T :i de- March 1 1307. In L. A. 'WE1H. vi rifU Firm: red winter patents. hi 6ti"; extra fancy and straight. t4.Sd"l-iO; clear. UT-.til 4i. PEETj Thnothv. f, 5&4 V: ateady. cORNMEAIv .Steady; t.' . BRAN Quiet; sacked east track. SLOW HAY Firm: timothy. tll.a4".; prairie. Tl Kt Iron Cotton, ti l". RAGOING I'l'c. VHKMP TWINE-nc. PROVISIONS Pork; higher: Jnbblng. tlS.ftt. Lard, higher; prime steajn. S7 RO. lrv salt meats, steadv; boxed extra shorts. 77V; clear riba. 17.75.; slmrt clears, t no. Bacon. Steadv: boxed extra shorts, ts.75; clear ribs. C V short clears. f 874. P ifLTRY Quiet ; chickens. Ittjcf apringa, HiWc. turkeys. tc; ducka. Sc; jeese. 7c. Bl'TTER Steady : creamery. 23S(j29Ac. KGGS IHill at 2oc, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhl I4.inn ton Wheat, hu 74 em 4S 0f Corn, hu W.Wft Oats, bu 133.C'v 3r,.W panV. Trio prolongation of the abnormal i conditions through the year-end was the; cause of much dlsaprvint'nent . but Inst ; week s events proved conclusively that the j turn had eome. The heavy inflow of cash I from the Interior indicated that the hist stronghold of distrust had been overcome and the Interior banks were replacing their funds on deposit with New Tork hanks The money market shows th effect of this turn of events In all departments The renewal rate for call loans at the St.xk exchange fell to 6 p.-r cent. There were Increased supplies off. red in the time loan department and Interest rates wre marked down considerably. Even In the coninvr clal paper department, which has reflected little of the Improvement hitherto there waa repottod some Increased lmand. al though rates were still m.i1ntalii"d at a minimum of 8 per cent. This new de mand came from some of the laree bank ing centers outside of New York The betterment of the money situation ex tended to foreign markets, although the effect was offset there by the dissalif ac tion w-ifli n-a of .), Mimlntf floffl. tion of a Prussian loan estimated at f7i Mu. DlBoourrts declined, nevertheless, at I Berlin and Ixmdon. Sales of stocks were I made here for Ix.ndon account when prices advanced, ao that foreign demand con tributed nothing to the advance Conspicuous strength in a few stocks was a principal element In the general ad vance. Of these Northern Pacific waa most piomlnent. The animated speculation in that stock W'as based on a constant stream of rumors regarding the alleged Intention to declare an extra dividend on that stock. No official sanction could be obtained for these rumors. The Hjrriman stocks were made strong on assumptions of the benefits to accrue to them from the rumor affecting the Hill proirf-rtles. Reading was another center of speculation and the gro-p of coalers were all strong. The better show of earnings which these roads have made since the general reaction, compared with other railroads, helped the advance. Reports from the usual official source of the eouree of railroad traffic gave a rather gloomy picture today, traffic officials aareelng In the view that no Im mediate prospect offered of Improvement. The news from the iron and steel trade was not reassuring either, and reports were current of a low ebb bedg reached in earnings for that trade, .inother rise In the price of copper in London was a helpful factor in cheering sentiment. A lata strengthening In the call loan rate added to the disposition to take profits on the rise, and the result aaa an essy tone at the closing Bonds were firm. Toial sales, par value. t3.4!i.oi. United Btcea bonds weie un changed on call. Number of sales and quotations on stocks wen; aa follows: V S r : 6o coup n r S. It. rrt ... 40 c-DURri .... C. S a re do ronron Am Tot ceo If do Aicrtlwn rert. 4t 1o ad 4t . . . . ttimtir C L Rl. A- Ohio 4 io -..-. wot!" I A -r o 14 Inr I d . M lar it 3d inc 1 Che A Ohtn .. i rhlcofr. A A : r . b a J a. 4a.... ; l . R I P 4. .... 4( cM f rn'. a st L. 4s Coin. lid. ser. A C!o. Mid 4f Colo ft Po. 4t ( I'M ! D A- R 0 4 .. Pflihr' Sc. E'.e p I. 4s dn (ren. 49 .!! n 4a do 4-,a nfa do Id aerlea B'd. Oflered Val 4'a N. ujiI c a 4a r- ni ml 4i do lrt In Mltin. A St L 4 t4, w The following table shows tie rece rattle, hoes and sh.-cp at Sout't ena the vear to date, c.mi t.arcd with Inst M K A T 4 . " do ta - . t'S,"S R R of M t 4a 7i . R'S N T. " ?a i s K J C f : !1T, .. K Pacific 4a i . rt -. .do '. 4T? V 4 W 4a f , ,. o. s L. riot ... r . tS Pena ct. a . . . . W .. 42 Readmit sen 4a H, .17 ?t L. ft I M. r . lf .. t si L r tr 4 .. M St I. S W. r. 4a . (J . seapnrd A L 4a ' .. M So. rrlr 4 S2 . :; do 1t ta itta k"S : ?a Rallwar !.a 1 4H Teiaa AP I VI S7, T . t L A W 4a H '4 Vnmn Par-iHt 4 ... 1"' lot do ct 4. aH, S4 t 9 Steel Jd Us. .. . c Wataah la 1'' S "do deb P 44 7? arwesteen ad 4r . . M 1.1 W A L. E 4a Tl a At-hiaon 4f VB1a r. 6u 7i Cattle Hogs Siieep The following pnoe of h. gs at 1S is. 13 DD .4"...'.4V ,h'..i'7i table South 1.V She. 4 .... jrs 1 7'. f. 114 1J ! ,its of a for vest : 'lie. , I sa a ... X I 4 ,4 .....! .4 4. 4 1 Sil Ei.l Tee wee k started out fair inn . f e!-i. p and t.e arm ni'.rnlT.g wrre J-isi alvt Mjial to the rc itu;!.mer ts of ttie marV.i The demand on the part of local packets was ouite Irifk ard biiveis weie all out In the in s"tod sas.'T in tl-- Piemlna- The r.-uit was tlal pra. tn ally erythlt.g desirable ' i hanged ha'.os Verr reu.i'l, in the momma j at g ,1. steadv jric.s flat is st als-ut , t lie sa.'in .iics as were revaillrig on j Friday of lasiwck. The feeltrg v rv i go(.,i ar d s me weie n'loilni: It as much as j P. .V- ligh. r. OimmI lambs sold up to w ith yearlints t Id go.xl old wth.-r at It", and goo-1 ewes a 1 iiih as 1 x The", i 1 1 k and all oilers ai,1 t ..)a locked i nnd the majke! as a whole a n- : satisfactory to the slong interests. Qutat'na on good to ' ice f.-.l sheep . ami lambs- Lambs s. .: yearling I wethers. Jf . xearlina wethers 1 i FARM FOR THE JUVENILES Institution on Order of Alandale Con-J sidcred for Onutha. COMMITTEE TO ACT ON FLAX 1!7. Int. M.6.77 a .in If. CI? 1- ' shows the aver.ig. omaha for the laat ae-vral tiays. with c.imparisons: .laVt'lsii. 1.:,4. 1.C 11L'. t'ate. 19. Dec. Iec. I lec I'ec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan ....1 i 34V 4 36 4 : 4 34V 4 .TV 4 4 4 44 4 4! 4 3J ! 6 24' 21 ( 6 C 33 21 15 C 1-7 r a 24' 6 14 5 11 5 07 1 14 B 5 17 0". 5 ' 4 5 0- 5 UV t I 4 rs 4 4A 4 4f.' 4 47 4 47, I 43 4 r.: I rv . 4 i: 4 4 47 I 04 4 01 4 77' 4 4 4 M 6 a . 4 (71 4 4 5 to . 4 M k; s a 1 : 6 4 45 t r.i t :-i c . 2J :. fi if 2? 14 I'.elit w. iKiita. tS.Hal ; wethers. 14 4 e es. 4 .1 4 ji' Lef t i t. at.v e talcs'. No. , Av. Ti. .; wett'rn w. .trs 1 4 w-sterii ernes 1:7 4 Vt TV w . su-rn anihs 72 western ewea .. l'i 4 To 1st West.'n ewes l'1" 4 i. 4i w est . rn 4 was 11 4 ."5 1 weti. rn cull ew.s . v S .5 V) Western cull ewe 7 S t . western yearlings ... . ... .. TV. f '". Sue w.e-ri lami s V t' f1 2 W'-stem ruli lambs 4.' 1.00 1. western ou'l lambs ..' 6 i llf. western !anil v' 7t 1 'iV 4 f j 1; we st. rn ct;ll Ian l.s i7 j I F.7X western yearlings M 4 V. :,: western ye.irtli gs f. e.lers . . J." 4 Kl 4el wtst. yeaiiutgs at.d we'hers, 17 h rt West, rtl ewes 7 4 i5 V Wtplctn ewe I "' 4 25 III western ytatiings l'T B 3v Boston gtorka and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 6 4'all loans, fr'alo cent; time loans, r.i.'a per cent. closing on stocka and bnds Atcbison ad. do Jlea ceotrsl 4a Atchlaes a bta .... I Boston A A'tliT B.ton A Maine . . p.ietoTi Klorated . Fit. hbum pta IMeaear Central N 1.. N. H H Pere Martiette .. t'nl Pacta- Am A-f. Tbem do rid Am. Paau. Tul.... Amer. Pupar do Hd Am. T AT Am. Woolen do pfd Bdiaoa Klec lllu. General El-ctrtr .. Mas. Kie-trlc . . do rft tasa. Gas frilled Fruit t-B'ted ! M do ped T. g. steel do tfd Adrenture Alloiiea Bid. Aaked. .. si Amalgamated . . H Atlantlr .. "t flinfhati, ... 7" St-al. a Herla.. .. s44 ( entennUI .,r. Fiaiig .. . lit Palv West . . .. . 1! Franalin . lla-4 r.ratthr . a I-'1 Isie Hoi ale . l:D Miisa Minim .. ...18! Ml.hlgao . ,.1V4 M(.hali .. lr.s, Mont c. A '. .an oid nora'.Dina . 4'XHe.eola Parrot .. .".14 QuIncT .. .1(114 Fhatinotl ... t Tamara.k . .. Tnnltr . . y t'nlled c pper . ..114 t . a. Mlnintj... ... t r f. tm ... a r-ah ... K Victoria . . L"H W'lnotia . . . . "4 Wolverine .. . If North Butte . . . . . . seS Buite Coalition . .. US' Nevada ... tH Cal A rlanna. . . . . . Vj Anions Com. .. per ifficial . 4 l . 4'a 5.0 r . 7S . 'S . m 1S' . . . Wi 1 . Vi . m . 1 . M . i I . as 3' . 4 .1J. 4.M . 14 . P Sunday The official nn'iiler of cars brought In today by c . M t- St. P Mo. P. Hy I I". P. system 1 C. A- N W. leest i . ! . N. W. (West i . i C . St. . M. A. i ... ' C. , B A- W- it ast t . I C P.. , y I West I. . C, K- I. A- P. (east i.. Illinois Central ! Chicago lt Wcetern 1 of stock rHirtoo ORtl AD Peatarea ef the Tradlaa; aad Cloalag Prlrea am Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 45,-Lower prices for wheat at Liverpool caused weakness In th local market today, the May delivery closing at a net loaa of Do Corn was a ahade higher. Oats wera fic lower and provisions 17H0?uc to I7'sc higher. Bentlnient in the wheal pit was Inclined to be bearish all day although the markef displayed moderate flrmneaa near the end of the flrat hour on covering by shorts. A decline of one-half pence at Uverpool today in tne face of an advance here Saturday waa the chief reason for the free selling by commission house! and pit trader. Other factors that aided the bears were a poor demand for caeh wheat at nearly all the grain centera of thia country, declines at Mlnncapolli and Du luth, and an increase, of about 1.2e.' bu. In the visible supply. The market lacked support of the bull leaders, demand coming from shorts. The maret closed weak. May opened HAiSc to -Via c lower at tl-tWH to t)-ffV old at tl 03 and then declined to Il.tC. The cloee was at H.o7V Clearance! of wheat and flour were etjual to 7S. bu. The amount on passage de creased 144.000 bu. Primary receipt! were TSd.Om bu. compared with LfCl.tU bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Mlnneap olla Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of M car a. against 645 cars last week and ejat care a year ago. The 00 rn market waa weak early in the day because of selling based on a forecast af a heavier covement In Illinois in the Rear future. Weather condition! also fa cored the bears. The market, tiecame firm during the laat half, owing to demand by a leading bull. A reduction of about twen- tr-fia pT cent on the Import duty to Sweden wai a minor bullish Influence. The einee waa firm. May corn opened Sc to ke lower at iis to "sc. eold off to jc. snd then advanced to ;Sc The close waa at CISpeSlV. Ixxal receipt 1 were 16S car! with one. of contract arra.le There waa very little trade in oata, and the market was wtak In sympathy with eheau May oata opened ie lower at etVc gold between frlc and f.4",c. and rloeed at t4Vsl&4c. Local receipt a w-re luS cars. Provisions were itrong 00 lively demind by local packer!. Heavy shipments of neat and lard wai an important inf'uenc. At the cloae May pork waa up rve at 111 5. 1 Ard w.a lTVtJ A higher at 1(2; Klb! were a-i7ac h.gher at t7 47S Rettmated r-ceipta for tomorrow are; Wheat, tl rare: corn cars; oats. Hi cars. hogs. C.o head. Tna leading futures rangod as follows: Articles I Open. Hlgh.l Low. J Close Safy. No. 2 S. 6c. ihlte, bjSlc; Kaaaaa ( Ity Grala aad Provlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Jan. A Wheat un changed: Mav. tl."l4: July. ice. Cash No. S hard w.t1 etl: No. 3. r-ViHV; No. 2 red. fi o?i-ai.(ct; No. 3. SW&il 01. CORN I'nchanged: May. KSc; July. 5." -V : cash No. 2 mixed. 6Je; No. t, IZ (ii.'iH'': No. 2 white. 5.V; ATS I'nchanged; No. No. 2 mixed. 4iV HAY Steady: choice tl2f; choice prairie, tS.5fr10.oO. BI TTER Steady to weak; creamery, IV : packing. Inc. WIGS Firm; extras. UVc: flrsta. TLVtC. Rcelt. Phlpmenta. Wheat, bu ICt.OO't 4100 Corn, hu 112 "01 40.000 Oats, bu 17.000 7.000 timothy, tll.Oo Kansaa City closing options! Artlclon. I Open. ! Hlgh.l Low. Close. Wheat Mav ... Julr ... Corn Mav .. July .. ! I 1 02 1 02HV 1 m tr, be fieS! ouSi 1 m 55 &VaV Mlaaeanolla Orala Market. Minneapolis, Jan. wheat Mav. t13HL13S: July. tllt: No. 1 hard, tl loHfr Lie',; No. 1 northern, tl 13 & 1 13'; No. 2 northern. 1111S& 1 FU'I'R-Firm. First patents. t5.70fl 5 SO : second ' patents. tS.SO45 5.70; first clears, tl JO 4.40; second clears, IQ' S.grt. BRAN In bulk. tl I.lvertsol Grata aad fr.TlaloB. T.lVERPOCl Jan. 5. WHEAT -fpot. flrtu: No. ? red. western, winter, nominal. 7s VI: futures tteady; March. S! Id; May. Ss Sd PijftxSpot firm: prime mixed Amerl can. new. fs 7d; rrime mixed American, old. ! TVd: futures dull. January. fa 6d; March, ba 4d. FL'il'R Winter patents, quiet. ' td. mps In Iondon tPaciflc tvoasti quiet, 1 lSdeg2 l'Ta. lelalble sagply af Grala. NEW YORK. Jan. . The vlt'ble supply of grain Paturdav. January 4. as compiled bv the New York Produce exchange waa ail fn'Iowa: Wheat, 4 41 0 bu.. lncreaae, 1 .Sanaa.) bu. Corn, 14 4S2.QW bu.. lncreaae. W tfO bu. Oats. S 4ty'.t bu.. Increase, ! aa bu. Rye. 1 f.0lJ bu., lncreaae lO.CaO bu. Barlev, S.RW.'') PU., lncreaae Sixi.tW bJ. Adama F.iprejni Amalgacnaued . Am. C. F Am. O. A F. ptd Am. (lotion fll Am. liouoa (HI aid.... American Express Am. H A L 'd .... Am. lee Seeu1tiea Am. LUiaeed Oil Am. Lin seed (Ml ptd ... Am. Locomrttee Am. Uoconvotlre ptd... Am. g. A R Am. g V R pfd Am. Haamr nTe&ntng... Am. Ttceo pfd ctfa. Auacor.da alinibg Co.. At. blHa AtCtll4C)0 ptd Atlantic L'tal Line... Bsltiaaore A OU'. Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn. Rapid Tr... Canadlaa Pacific Contrsl of N i e'tiesapwk , Ohio... f hl4 Gt. W t hl.o A S. W- 1'hlrato. M. A St. P.. Chlcsso T. A T Culrajo T. A T. ptd . C . C . C. A St. I Colorado T. A I Colorado A So Cok.. A So. let pfd... Colo A So Id ptd ... (Nan sol! dated Oat Cora PrdtfiB Corn Products pfd feelsware A Hudson... Ie4., L.. A W Iseatwr A R. O D. A R. O pfd PiaUllera Set uriliea . Frle Kete 1 ptd itrle M pfd General g lev-trie I'llnola reatral iKtematlftnal Paper .. Int. Paper -jaA Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd leal. Central Icsnt Central ptd. Sales High. L t.i M) 1 U 4' 17" 1V 1 Cloae- 4 s n ) w. 110 in I'H 7V 1 VI 00 n m Tiai . t.7" I pal .4 ) 10a 4.0 , l.W i"'?i ' C'lO 1 J . t v . it.fai 1 tm lis lis. int) 1") l 1.1"() 1 4.H. S. t HI 1 ) t P l.f" am -. 1.VSJ (..a) rt ? 7r. M't a m- 7k US 71 :. 1: K' 41S, ITS H 7' i4.m lusta ri'i.4 i.t n 44 1"4 1I I) 4 rs f7 !7 4 H W 117 irr n 14', "' 7 V Mw 71 V'S 15, 1S jo., 7't l.llil h : S4V, 41 llw 1M. 4;i e n : 1 14 11.-. l: i M l.oadea IjONDON. Jan. stocka were: Consols, metier . . KS '.9 do acount Ana.-ouda Alchlson .do pfd . . Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Parifir Chesapeake A Obio Chlr-ago Gt W... M C . M A St. P. 4 le Peers T. A R G ". do pfd Erie do 1st p'd do 2d pfd (losing; Klorka. 6 Closing quotations on i y , K T v N T ( entrat S Norfolk A W 7'T do pfd s"f '- Ontario A W H Pennaett-anla 1HS Rand Mines 1 Readlg "4 Southern Rallsar :tH do ptd 14 Southern Psctgc .. "1VL t'nion Pacific Me do ptd 17SI". g. Steel ST-Vj do pfd . ! Wath . 1S' do pfd 11 Spanish 4a pr-S Amah C, s an . M . S4', . f'7, . 33S . t'S . 7t.i in v . ie i'"S . Sis . 1'.', . IV " . M T'.tal receints Tl- d:sosition cf the day'i es follows, thch buyer purci.a ber of head indicated: Rtiyers. tattle. Omaha Paiklng Co 7'6 8wift and Company .... Cudahy Paeklng Co Armour A- Co Vansant A- Co ljobman Ac Co MoCrvarv Ar Carev W. 1 Steflietl Hill A f?..n F. P Iewis Hamilton A Rothsehild L. Wolf J H. Hulla Sam Wert helmer Mike HaKKertv J P. Roe.t A Co T. P.. Inghram Sulltvati Pros L-hiiier Lrt.s Halstead Sheridan Meat Co McMartln 3 Other buers 341 flf'i road was: atti Hogs.She.ep Hrs. 5 3 1.. 2 1 63 23 14 2 -.. 77 P-i 2 2 s 3 2 .. 1 l X, 12 1 4 3 4 X 2:i 114 Is 2 i receipts was sli.g tlie nuin- 1 :'41 Lh'-ei 71 M oiM rl 2".' 1 Hogs. L.Vi 1. id 1.474 2 Ms She p. 1's 1.77i 4W PC. n 1!) 1 5 S2 Grnnd Trunk ... Illinois Central Louisville A S. SILVIvR Rar. steadv. S13-1M jr ounce. MONEY 4?54', par cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is S per cent; ior thro, months' bills, 5 per cent. WTieat I j May 1 "SV July 'WSri; Sept. teav jray - 10 1 I I 07 !l 07iH 1 (i,S S"1 s- 1 i July Sept. May bMay aJuly bJuly Perk Jan. May Urd J an. May Rlba Jan. May 4A-.1 4e. 11 0 U 4M T 7V S 07Vi T OA T S iSti-VfflS&V 4H V s V I sa ix S rt s J.-V l 1 10 7 U siS.fSiS t I Ms 4s.ty f-", 52"Jt7 4S ""a 13 nS It 25 S 07V 7 00 7 24 ; 'w 13 05 13 ft 06 ' s sv 7 W ! 7 47V V t a. A. I I II 7VV 7 SO U 7?TV No. t a Old. b New. Cash Quotations were as follows FlOl'R Market steady. wheat-no. t aprmg. slh i;: No. 3 girlng. tltaUHU; No. 2 red. tl i"Wl '1S 4XRN-No. i tavtrc: No- J yellow, fcitj Use. OATH Ne. 1 a"Sc; Na. I white. & "ISC RYE No. J. ,. PA RLE I Fair 10 choice malting, tis b I gEEDB Flax. No 1 northwtem. C 21. rtme timothy. S4 Sifft 40. Clover contract iradeo. tit s) PRVl10N8 Short libs, sides tlooael. M 7a7 2L lieu pork per bbl.. Ullojli U. I aid. per Vw ba . tt 0H Short clear sides. Uexedi t7tu".-X7V Whlaky. baaia of high sines tl kV. Follow i a, were the receipt and hlp- n enta f flour ard grain: Reve!p4t. 61.1pmerta !-,.- .' 21 lart fit..' W let at. bu. St.AV Ylsikle .ply of Wheat. NEW YORK. Jan. ti. The New Tork Produce ex haitge ha! officially corrected last week a visible etipply of wheat to read 7nM.' bushels, making the increaae in wheat this week a2.i.J bushe'.! lortead of I.KJCass. bushels. Pearla Grala Market. Pr RLA. Jun CORK Firm; No. S elfri-. iVvtisVSc; No. 3, Hr&ixc, No. A LftsSc: no grade -47c. )ATS Higher; No. '3 wfltte, tdJSOVc; No. I white 4Voac. Wlll.KY-flSi. - : , ' Kuau cut o l'W tSS S K C Ho pfd UsalsTiile A N f WH Meiuae Central I.!"" 1 l."V knnn. A 1st. !. tr. Jf. M . -U P A S. M en 44-, U at . 1-1. P. A . 8 M pid . . . . Miaseurl Patltk- U 4'.-, 4:'S la r . A T 1 w Sw i.' -a at . X AT ltd ..... .... Natli.M U-sd I 4' 41 4" N. R. R rf U. pfd P 4"S 4iS N. T Claml.-s-i 101 N. T . O A " .. U "" J4, S.S Ntfolk AW 7:a as. ti Knrtoik A W. pfd . ... North American "0 B! 47 ParlBc Mail WW Penoaj rmia 4 lU'a 111 People's oaa 7.K) ,M s- P . C . r A ft L 41 Pr.waed Stteel car it ;o Pressed C. p.'d ... Pullmai. Pmhvce Car Readtnf 14J.K IwH Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. V M ETAIJJ There was verv marked advance of 4. Sa, in U.ndon tin n .rket with spot closing 122. 15s. and futur.-e at 123. 15a. Locally, the market waa quiet but higher in tymisathy with the foreign gain. Quotation! ranged from fc.w.75 to 127 .sft. The English cnuier market advanced 5s. to 4M. 17a., Ad., for spot and (C Pac for futures. Iexllv the market waa quiet: lake la quoted at Sit CT ilS 87V electrolytic. t.I iesBlATo. and cast ing at tii 2.r!S &tV Lead declined 2a. d.. to 14. lta.. In the london market. Lo cal Iv. however, the market was a little higher, although quiet at S3-dX7S. Speller waa unchanged at lt. hi . In lond.n and S4 4i4 35 in the local market. The lind m Iron market was unchanged to ltflVL. higher aim standard f.eundry quoted at 47a.. 6d . and Cleveland warrant a at 48a. M Lexally r.o change waa reported In Inn. No. 1 foundry northern, and Na 1 foundrv southern and No. 1 foundry south ern a.. ft axe quoted at t'.7 -tilAaa. No. 2 foundry northern. li7.2tlr.AO' - - HT. LC'l'lS. Jan. A M ETALS Lead, firm at ll. Spelter, firm at US. Etaparalra galea aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Jaa. A EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues very q uet and M la rail li st nothing above Sc Is offered for prune. Far.i f are quoted at bti.Sc; ..lce, t".4rj !.-. prime, stj, fruit. S2.f. 7'jllO heading la ptd Ratdltif d r'd hepuMK- gteel Republic Steel pfd... Rock la -and ij Ro- k Island Co pld ft. L 4 I F td ptd .... St. lxeuii 9 W gt. L f W. pfd gouU,eria Pactftc go. PatAt ptd So. gal tear So. Kalis-as pfd Taiaa A Parlfle T. N I- A W T . 81 L A W. pfd I Blow P-ir.gc .. Inloa PaclBc pfd I'. S t.ipreM I . g. Realty f. A Kutber f g. Rukser pfd f. S. Steel I'. I gteel pfd Va-aroiina chemical ... a -(ro. CUeaa pld wekaaA - W abash p'd Welle-Fro Eipreea W eet'Eghooee Fiectne ... Wasters I alee W heeling A . g W ta. Central W uv tentrai p'd .... S.a-taern Paxiac Greet Noel harm pfd Central Lea I her ('btrni Leather pfd... lnierl .ruuga Met lat. Met pfd gtaas-Sfcemetd gleel IolsJ lee the day ft. fJ so ... 1 W) tl 1 Sell 1).. ) T'.l 1 ! tl l.s. I ', 'l. tlsw It), inn 11 74 17 " IS -s 2' 7S P 1J, . a 14-a . ItiS i e-i 74 MS "' 1' 2 -a 7iS Pi-V l:-S S . 14S s :is Jl " a !V skS 17 'a K'S Pes 4'S) 41S 41 5-S io i:i 44 ev 14 isse tan 2s ig-w 7-S US 7 4' l3 111 ItS 7S s ss 7"-S Si VS 7fc 31 7"S ii" 89 M s UTS 17" A'S rS le. 1"7V f i :. is i'S s:s 4.'s l"J 11 " lis iasi II l'S s J4-, l'.i.S It. s f-4 l-S 44 1S ,t: as S2 ws v . US it:. 43 r S "s sS 4--SJ its 4s. M s HIS ' i 'S ll.o f 74 74 14, 44 s 14. s 7S 1' l-S is 1S s le a.., l'S ii r-s it :S tds 17 DO PI 11 I u 47 A i.7 t 1J 4.) LS it 7 wt York. Minlagj gtocka, NEW YORK. Jan. A Closing quotations on mlnlnir gtocks were: Adams Con AIU Bee. . Prunswlck Con. . CoanetceA Tunnel Con. Cal A Va.. Horn Silver Iron gilver Leadvllle Coa. .. often. I Utile Chief t s.-)ntarlo n 1 (ephlr i;n 14 Potorl t . So Severe 40 . e& gterra Kerada 37 . 7 fmi l Hopes ! . 75 Standard Treaaary Matenaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. -Todavi ttate IiieiU of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the ti.Vusri.Oi.i gold reserve, ihows: Available cash bslance. t27v.lSo.HW; gold coin nnd bullion, 'J7 271 -it'l; gold ct-rtificatta. jt).('15.b30. Baak Clearlaga. OMAHA, Jan. A-Bank clearinir! for to day were t2.U. fa.l and for the corre sponding date last year, tl,aa5.0f.&6. 717 Totals 6.230 4ts J.r" CATTLE Rcc-ipts of cattle this morning were larger they have been any day since the middle of November. In cluded among the arrivals were forty I or more cars of westerns, most of them feeders. There was alar. quite I a springling of stotk cattle and ; odds and ends. Of the killers considerably over one-half of all the cattle were cows j and heifers leaving comparatively ftw beef Bteers on sale. I Advices from all points were unfavorable I to the felling interests. Chicago reporting ! a very heavy run with opening prices there , l"615c lower, tin account of the very tnod- erate offering here, the best gradea of beef I tteera did not show so much change, but I there-were other kinds that looked all of i Kic lower. Perhaps the gen-ral market might be described as weak to loc lower ! than last Friday. j The market on heifers wag alow to open. 'On account of the larce run buyers were ! disposed to take their time about making eeleouoria and the forenoon was well ad vanred leefore buyers and sellers got down : to buainesi. I Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice 1 cornfed steers, to .sut. oc: fair lo good corn i fed steers, t4 4"vo 'a-; common to fair corn 1 fPi steers. $ Ocx.d to choke cows i and heifers. I'i fsi-4 .'; fair to good rows and heifers. U 7rVii3 5.e, common to fair cows 1 and heifers, tl.5e.su2.75: good to choice stri kers and feeders t-o Sr.i 1 3T, ; fair to good sloe kers and feeders. StLSSttS R&; com mon to fair ttrxkers and feeders. t2.&"4i3.3n. Fortunately there were eiuile a number I of .utsiuc buying orders an. I the kind. of I cows and heifers on w hich there was good 1 competition could hardly be quoted othei I than weak to 10c lower. On the other ! hand, the kinds that shipper could not ! use and would not bid on were lolac lower. Blockers and feeders were In good re quest snd the market on the desirable kinds was fairly active at good tteady prices. Representative sales: Mbcna ft. I.oala live Mock Market. ST. LuI'I.. Mo.. Jim. t. -CATTl. I".-Receipts. :.: lo ad. in. lu.lina 1 '' "l xans. n ark-t. native. 1'iaW lower. T.-xans. nai,e srrt.t.itig and ev-ort et.ers. U, 2"; ': dress, .i f and bi.tcber fleers. S4 e..:r, steers und.-r 1. '-. poiimis. f: Ai 4 4'. Stock, rs HMd fc.leln. tJ l'S01 4 . COWS and heifers. JCl.ts. u.'. e-ani.ers. tl a"'.i2.25. b uiss. iL'te'irdf": calves ti 5siv .s. Texas and Ipidnsti vleer. J-.i ;if. 25. cows n ml heif ers. It 7Y.V..73. Ht tJA-R.-ce-i.ts. leoei bead: murke t . l' lower: pigs and lights. tt.O 'U4 4&; (.acke rs. S4oi4"; b'ltcl.- ia anil la-st hev. S4.4t"s; 4 e l. SHEEP AND l .AMF!-Rocei,ts . Ssai head; rurk.t st.ati: nittite muttons, t't t 'if. S : lambs, t-. Ce " 1 7 culls and bu. ks. tt"i '-.(. Market. al Tele gram 1 rrepneltlen la to Hate IMaee for Dis iseadent Rail Sot la (laaa Relonglaa to lades trial aefcteol. A farm patterned after the Alarsdale in stitution mar Chicago Tor the benefit of di N-nde'Pt children ta tve nurleu! of a plan which hus been set eh loot hy a number cf Kitiaha m. n and woitiea InteteeteJ in juve nile and social reformation At a meeting held In Judge Kennedy s office Monday Morrirg a comrnittfe consisting of Judca Est elle. Judge Kennedy. Rev. Ftank L. Ix.veland. Either Stensoa;-Rabbi A'ohn and D. an Oeorge A Heechef "Was appointed to formulate a d. finite proposition for auh misson to tie business men of Omaha. The committee will ret.rt at a meeting of the P xial Service H ib to be called by the n si. lent. Ro s w ho are dependent and who ir Bast In ihe class that would ordinarily be eea. to ti.e Ind ustrial school at Kearney wtTl ta sent to the farm. If the plan is carried out. Ther. tli.y will b- taught a trade and al low, d to work and go to school. The farm pi. in has lwen discussed leefore. but Mon day was the fust Unc that an thing likg tieniilte a.tion was taken. TRADE TOUR BEARS FRUIT U tt.mlni Pays Trlbate ta Coaanaer rial Knlerprlae of Oaaaka aad la l.rral glate. "Tl.e missionary Omaha Commercial is bearing fruit.'' work done by tha club In the northwest nald attiperlntendent Mock -.Hp CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Active aad Lower Hon Steady to atroaa. CHTCAGO. Jan. .-.'ATTLE-Receipt! es timated about 4.0WI head: market active and l"e lower; steers, t3 Stag. 26; cows, f 78 1 vlwi; neirera.; bulls. ti.tbQ4.y; raivea,".j.5; atcstker! and feeders. S2.4(n4 . HCsiiS Receipt! estimated about or(nfi head; market steady to strong; choice heav)- shipping. t4.V.r4 '.; butchers. S4 o-'s-pj 4.'; light mixed, I4.d-t A'; choice light. t4.4Sj4 54; pat king. t4 J'a4.5o; pigs, tS.&rj4i. bulk of SttJe?. 14 erfid .55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt! eatimited about 23.(a5; market ateadv but alow; sheep tl.tsifi.OO; lamba, Sa.'.i.uO; vearllnss, S4 'a) fi j. 15. 21 ". aharea Korrlaa Klaaarlal. LONDON. Jan., . Money was plenti ful on the market toda. D:acounta were favorable on the Bank of England gettli.g the bulk of ttiO.Out in gold avalltble at reduced prlcea trading on the ettxk ex change waa generally dv.ll. with profit taking in most departments. The a1 early of public support caused profea nonali to realise on British securm-s. but the market rallied near the cloae. Pari! selling affected foreigners ad veraely. but IVBeeera and Kaffirs closed firm. AraerUani atarte 1 well over parity. but in spite of the goed New Tork bki.k statement selling preasjre broucht tah.ea down 1 P 2 points and at onon tiie n.ark.-i ruled we.k The New York (.p.t,n g. how-! eier. ct.t-ked the dee lir.e Wai. street bC'-ght Scthern Paiific, I'nlcn PaificJ S'exr York Live Mock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 43 PEEVES Re ceipts, 4.DC0 head. Meera, steady; bulla, firm to higher; medium and common cows, strong, good cows. stedv; steers. t4 40"jft; oxen and stags. t4 fiOj 4.75; bulls. t3 S5& 4 25: cows. 1 1 7 5 tf 4 O'i; ex ports tomorrow, 7&S cattle; 2.400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 1.700 head: veais. strong; barnyard and western calves, firm to 25c higher; veals, ft "Oa 7'.: selected. ll'iOu: cuils. t4 0ui 5 OO; barnvai.J calv-s, I3A0I& 4 25; fed barnyard calves, f4 25fi 5..0. yearlings. t2.S.0if 3.25; vi (-stern calves. $3.251 5.00 SHEEP AND LAMPS Recelits. head; sheep, strong; lamb, steady demand Sheep. tt.aOtj S.K: culls, lamha. t.7f, tl a 0; culls. 1 1. 50 v. 50 lings. 15.751 00 j, xiii 10.792 hej j. rr.nrket eae-H-r. at ItfiOUOt1. 18 34S good 13 00; year- Kaaaaa t Ity Live Mock MirVst. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Ja.:i CATTLE Recelpta, 12.00.1 head, including ..mi southerns: market steady to l.'c lower Choice expori and dressed beef ateert. t4sO&5tO; to good. tl.SOfatVO: western fed steern. te5ti 4 75: atee kers and feedera, tl 0043 4.50: soutkiern steers. IS 000 4 50: southern cowa. t2.iOtiS50; rative cows. S2.2(tl4tl; native heifers. 13 25 64.75; bulls. t2 71 10; calves, tl 00 t! 75. HOtiP Receipts. 11 500 head: mark't opened 10c lower, closed S higher Top. 14 55: bulk of sales. 14 25(1 4 46: heavy, 14 256 4(5: packers. t4 t0sj4.55: plga and ltglta. 14 156 4.40 SHEEP AND LAMBri Recelpta. 4 S"0 head; marktt weak to 10e lower. s. t00tit7'i: ewes and vearllnrs. 14.00 4 75: western yeariirga. 15 '.5 43 5 45; west ern aheep tt .5 4 60. atockera and feel era, it. 00 6 o. Ko. 14... 144 . ! 18... 17... IS... 11 1 ).'.'. 14 .. At. 17 : m: .... M.7 .... r ....11H3 .... .... 0 .... 't .... ....1H1 .... CM W. ....W-t ... 1"K. ....lien .... Mi .... S"l Ill .... 7v ....!'') 1.11 1'4 ....1"7'. .... fi 4 i! .... fef' 4J . .. 14S1 140 I:-'; m: va. 14... II... If .. 17... f ... ii y. COW 9. ! . I .. .. J .. IV.. 4 i 4 .e 4 ' . . . 14" I if STO'K ETtS 7K I I 4.'. I 77. 4 It. 4 IS 4 4 Jl 4 4" I 1 nr. T i J 2 V, 3.) ; sr. I 4 I ,v. i : ft. J S5 t sr. 1 m j v-. 2 o I S' S 1 u : l 1 25 HEIFERS. f. ... 2 ryi 4 . . . . 17', 7 1 00 1 BULLS. 2 7". 1 J s. 1 . .. Jl" 1 'calves. 7 1 1 Ii I" . At .1T7 .:'7 lies .lies -ir.4 i;ii .ia .'.!t .1174 l:4f. .lie .1! .i:;2 . -" . y lis:. .114" .litta . .les 1' Vs.. , .umi 1..-4 ..n; .1142 . e-frl . k"! . 7a 1 .11 tl i; l.'tl IV. .0 ro 4 4S I f... 4 ) 4 ey 4 r. i ( 1 ( 5 1 I 2". t -". I 41 I ') 1 4? J 4'. I f. ' I '41 I 6n I 1 o I so I n ) Se s. 3 74 I 75 1 75 1 y 1 3. I 4 iv s 51 I 1 o F. jn f. 2." 5 50 743 f.J'i II km AND 11.. 1 . I . r 4.' . 4 . t . 4 . FEEDERS. 71 IV) Ms I 4 7l 14" . . . U I .l ! IT. 17', ) I 777 J M Slock Market. Jan. CATTLE market 15c lower. cowa and ?ieifers. feeders. 13.25 and St. Jeeepk Lire PT JOSEPVI. Mi. Recelpta. 2 345 leead natives 14 t'6 5 75; tl 75 S 4 AO; stockera 6 4 HoclS Receipts. 10 415 head: steady. Top. 14 5: bulk ( f sales 4 15 SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta bead; market steady to weak. 1 5 5n4tc5; and wethers. 6 5 40. i 15 1 . 1 s:. 1 x. t s:. 1 u 1 4' I!h; lth large s of re ported at other fc-l!ir.g .ints and with lower prices prevailing all along the line It was not surprising that the market here should have opened 2S-"U5c l .wer. It was very evident that packers wanted the h'.gs at prevailing prices and the market leecau.e quite active at the decline, ao much so laat all the h'.gs in sight hanged hands very readily and in good season in the morning. The hogs !old very largely at 14 3"i4.I'i-.. with a liberal sprlnklirg on up to 14 SC. and a top at 114" To put It another way. the feneral run of mixed hoga sold largely at IS", with the stronger weights and better le ads at ti 2CV4 3:. light and light mixed hogs sold from t4.Su down. After the more urgent er lera were fi led the market slewed up and a tra'n that tame in late did riot fare so well. In fact, the n.arkei h s.d very Flew and d .ill aa i well aa a little lower. rteprvsemative aaiee Slonx f Ity l.lxe FKil'X ITY. Jan. ill icm Ht-criiita. t J'i head : mark Vs. lower. selling at 14 lti4 3.": hulk. t4 :V 41 4.30 CATTLE Re. j-lpts. 2 l' l ead , maiket 10r lower; st.K-kers weak: tsvrl. ft fsefil S ftti; cow s and heifers, t-' lanj.s.ff.; stoe-kers and f.M-ders,'; calves and yearlings. tima.4-.'. on nit. n-rroi.F-siAi.E mrket. Staple aad Faacy Prodoee. EGGS- Fresh relllng eggs, candled. 14c. BUTTER Conmioii, lot; fancy tub and rolls, I7:u'-!c; creamery, 31c. CHEESE New full cream. W'scons'n twins. ITVjc; new full cream l.riik. 17cj do niestic new Swiss. ISc; new limbtjisei, ljj lv)c; young Amer cana. 17i,c. LIVE POULTRY Springs. 7V; hena 7V I roosters. Si; ducks. !K : geese. c; tur keys. ?a : piget.ns, OVc ir dog. DRESSED ItJULTHT -tsorings fancy, 9c; hera, ds1.1!'; rooatera, 4c; ducka, l.s; geese, ltic, turkeva, 10617c. HAY Choice No. 1 -F'.ar.ti flO.fa'i; medium, tXv: No. 1 bottom, t0u; off grades, from tT.5oQ50 Rye straw, t7.. No. 1 al falfa, tu.oo TROPICAL FRUITS ORANGES Florida, per tjot. tt TT: California-Washington navels, 12 50 GRAPES Malaga, heavy weights, per keg. 14 50, Malagas, medium weights, per keg. S4 00. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, per box, S5 50 6j ti. BAN ANAS Tort Llmons, per bunch. 12.00 133.0.1. FIGS AND DATES Pmyrr.a fgs, 7 cpown, per lb., 14il5c; Fmyrna figs, -(rown, per lb.. L'lilic: Smyrna figs, 4 ciown, per lb. 10911c; Callforn.a figs, boxei 10 cartona, Kk?; California figs, boxes, 11 car.ons. kSc; California ligs. bulk per lb, 6Vc; Hallowl dates, per ib.. 6Sc; Khadrawi dales, per lb., 6c; Salr dates, per lb.. 7c; Fard dates. 13-lb. boxes, per Tb. Sc. LEMON'S Fancy. 300 and Stu sue, per box t4 'm; extra choice, ir.ti and 3S0 a.ze, per box. t4A) COCOANUTS-Per sack. 14.50; per doaen, 0CV FRUITS APrLES New loii. King'!, per barrel t5 2i; "None Such," per barrel 14 75; Bald win, per barrel, t4-75; Greenlrgg. ir barrat. 14.75; western box apples. Colorado Jona thans, per box. t-i'sj, Colorado Grime! Gold ene. per box. S3. Of': Idaho Jonathans, per box, 12 75; lcl7'u Winter Bananas, per box. t2.7j; Waahington fien Davis, tl 7i; Wash ton Northern Spy. pT box. le.Ti. Washing ton Greer.lngs. per bet, t2 ft I : Waahlngton Faldwins per box, t.j; Washington Rome Beauty, per box. 1175; Washington fall ap ples, assorted. pr box. 11 Stud 1.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per bu , 4S.67&C. CABBAGE Holland aeed, per lb., lrke. ' ONIONS Red Globe, per bu.. a;.Q95c; Denla. per crate, 11 36. SWEET POTATOES Small bbl., 12. 71 CARRuTS Per bu., 75c. TL'RN.'PS-Per bu., Vv. PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 75c. CELERY Michigan, per bunch. KrTtSe. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. i, S2.; Lima, 7o per lb BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. lic: So. 2 ribs. 11c; No 3 ribs, ic; No. 1 loin, l&c; No. 2 loin. 13c, No. I loin, i?; No. 1 chuck, fiic; Nd. 1 chuck, 6V: No. t chuck, oc; No. 1 round IV; No. 2 round. ,c; No. I round. tVc: No. 1 plate, OVc; No- 2 4'late, oc; No. I plate, isc. MISCELLANEOUS- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunea are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second lands, who aeem deslious of moving supplies ot Immediate gradea. (Quo tations from w lo k tor California fruit and from 60 to c for Oregon Peachea are very trm, with fancy yellowa quoted at 13c. NUTS Cahiornla walnuts, per lb., lac; Imported walnuts, per lb., 13ul5c; Tarra gona almond, per lb., Ihc; filberia, per lb, tic; Brarila. per lb, 13fel4c; Peians, per lb., Ljilic; peanuts, raw, per lb.. 7c; pea nuts, roasted, per lb., he; Italian chestnuta, per lb., anise COFFEE Roasted, No S5, 20c: No. 30 fjc; No 25. lac; So. SO. 14Sc. SUGAR Granulated. cane. per aack. 16 40; be.t, ST.""; cut loaf, .c; cubt! V; powdered. C.15c. CANNEl' GOOrS Corn, stai.uard west ern, 7fec. Tomatoes, fancy. -p.und ring Jl 4i etandaru. i-poun l can, tl to. Pine apples, fcrateel. 2-p .und, t-'2-j2.3o. a. Iced, tl 75i2.3o. Gallon apples. 4 ou. California apricots, I.5t.v3.3u. Pears U.ii'ut.l j. Peaches, tl.tssyri in , L. C. peat he, 12 10 1 15 Alaska aalmon, red. ti 4c: fancy Chinook, lat. S.-. 15; fancy ackeye. flai, 12 15. Sardinea. qjarter oil, 13 .; three quarters tiuMard t-. 35 Sweet rtatoea Sauerkraut, is5c. Pumikina Sue I fcll.oO. Lima beans. 2-pound. 75.-tyr..afi. I Staked b'a.'.s. 2-pound, 6'c, fancy, FISH-Hallbut. lie; trout, lit; pkkercl. Ijc; pike. 14c. pike. frsh. frogc-n. 12c; white, 14tuli ; buna,... 14c. bullheads, akmned and dressed, lit; catfish, dressed. 17c; white I perch. 7c; white bass. lSc; black baaa, 25i-, ' gunflsh. '.'pc; crappics. Sjht: latge crapp es, 15c; herring. freh frosen, be whlteflsti I frogen. LiJi;'; pickerel, fresh fre.ien. )3c; red, lJc; fl.juti.lera.. macaerel, l j lie ier iian; ct,dftsh, fresh frozen, 12c; hal, fieali frosen. lie; smelts, tic; sbad roe. 45c per lb ; frog legs. 3,'..; jeer dg. , green sea turtle n.e-at. .-fcc per 10 HIDES AND TALIJW Green gslted. No. l, 5 ; No. 2. 4c; bull hides, tc ; green unsalted. No. 1. 4c; green ur salted. No 1. l ; horse hi lea, 11 OotJ-iis.t; sheep pelts. 2So fcll.OO. Tillow No. I. 4V4c; No. 2, S'-c. Wool, IvsgtSoc. Davidson of the Omaha schools, who haa returned from Fherldan VVyo.. where he was li e principal si aker it the fourth annual meeting it the Wyoming State T. . l ets' association ' It Is not necensry for a man from Omaha to 'win hie way.' for the way haa. been won for him al ready a'nd he -1s sure .f a warm welcome from a warm hearted jieople, who are posted on Omaha, affairs, read Omaha nw spaers anel .consume Omaha gnods. "Wyoming 1 a state which 1 bound to become one of ttie leading states of the unh.n. Though It has only 150.O0 people now. its Tesouri es are incalculably rich. It ilips more w-ool every year lhan any other slate in the union. Its mountains contain vast store of coal and Iron which have not yet be-n tout lied. It! aoil tl rich, and with the placing of Irrigation facili ties, tie surface will yield rich harvest!. while from the bow.! of the earth under neath millions of tons tsf coal and iron will be taken. In the cause .f education thia wonder ful state is taking such a stand as In dicates thai her people have the natural wisdom to make the most of the great re sources which a lavish nature his placed in their mountains and their aoil. Her state university la small, but of excellent fibre and growing rapidly. "The spirit of the people out there la indicated by these few facts. Wyomlng'g future ia tertainly great." LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE ELECTS tlae get af Officers la the Field., with T. B. MePheraea as President. j The South Omaha Live Stork exchange) held Its annual ejection of officers Mon day The polls were oponetl In the office r.f the secretary In the exchange building. The voting during t he business hours waa light So far aa could be ascertained, tha ticket nominated by a apev-ial meeting of the. exehange several week! ago will t.e the unanimous choice. The presence of any opposition haa not been dis covered. The ticket nominated la practically the same is the pre! i nt Incumbent! In office, being aa follows: President. Thomas H. McPheraon; vice president. Jamei G. Martin; directors ithreVyear termi, S. D. Acker. Frank Chit tenden and W. I. Hoopes; committee on arbitration. W. H. McCreary. F. C. Bltsa. Charles Van Alstlne. R. E. Rogers and John Smith; committee, of appeal!. J. IC Ir.kstcr, K. H. Benton, A. G. Buchanan, E. W. Cahow and Waller B. Robert!. OUR JIM SPEAKS OUT LOUD Belleea Mayor Nothing a aad Wife Katltled ta n Heore of the Office. An eastern piper telegraphed all the way to Omaha to find out what Mayor "Jim" thinks the social si at us of a mayor's wife shculd be. The paper cited the case of Mrs. Reyburn, wife of the mayor of Philadelphia, who demands that a box be reserved at the theater to be known aa "the mayor'a box." The mayor was In vited to reply to this burning question by wire at anjf 1. ngth he saw fit. He did Ii in the fol'.pwirg words: I don't ssic why the mayor's wife ihould be the leader of local society The mayor is chief executive to serve the people In official capacity and unless his wri' himself ia Invited on special occaaiona take part In aooial functions nelther- uld have the right to push themaelvaa an or to She lor ward to claim the leadership of society in the r city. I belw-ve in going- when Toil are asked if you feel like It. but not In demanding recognition by reason of your oflicial position. krrluai 1-aceratloaa and w-e.unda are healed wetttiout Hanger of blood poiaoning. by Bucklen's Arnica Salvei the healing wonder. I5c. For rale by Beaton Drug Co. mark-t 14 25k. 5 "15 m,he tl ii Block lia sight. Recelpta of live slock at the i.x princi Dal western markeea yeaterdaTr gouth Omaha Ploux C)t Kansas Cty .. gt J -nh f I x.ola Chicago Total 3i(4S Cattle. Hon . S fi S f... . r. va .lll'i libel . 2 ia s . t -V.l '.si . 1. sl .-. 'f. .33(45 loh.015 Sheen Aofjo is l It 4? . 37 . kl al 1 -4 V .. 44 . SI . 71 . 71 . I 4 in i '& :'i ii I 35-.I5 At. r. . !M . Zi ..'t ..lei ..lf.3 -.1.7 . '.Si. . 17; . 17 .141 . . .ew. . tii . fc.a i . t"i . r4 2'4 .74 !V fa. Pt 1.'" sr,n 4 !; 4 2" 4 2"l 4 4 4 4 rs 4 rs 4 t: , IHl 4 r.- 4 27-, 4 f 4 ' I 2'" 4 :..' 4 . 4 4 . 4 E 4 . I V- 4 i 4 4 V. 4 r Ko. S4 . 74 . . . 74 .. til . . T7 . . . t- .. 77 ft . 4T M .. (I. IS 1 AT. gh. . ::4 -i .:e7 r . 2-1 f!4 . .'! 14 t47 . Ml . ran in . :t ' . X4 . lie. It 141 Js '7 is- 1 Sao 41 1J. lr. IV. PT I !" 4 Ii 4 4 V" 4 ko 4 V. 4 ' I t 4 1 4 !S 4 It., 4 1!-, 4 l:S 4 MS 4 -S 4 4 17 , 4 SI , 4 -- i 4 ur , 4 j:s 4 II., 4 4 7 S t - Oils aad ttesia. I NEW YORK. Jan t ( ii I Cottonseed I oil. firm; prime crude, H'Viil ; yellow. I :c. pe-troleuni. ateadv: lefme-d. New i York. f.7". l'l'ila.c-lp)-1a and t" 71'. in bulk. 14 4'.. Turpentine. quie:, r-c. ' p. SIN ,' jiet ; strained, common to r'Kd. I S3 1" OIL CITY. Pa. Jan S OIL 'r-dit 1;4: I in.-ea. 17. R ji.s. L2 OA: av-rtg... ue.'stC; khipinents, 2-:1.57!; a'erage, t.-'j ! mVAN'N'.lH (ia . Jan deii;.Tdrtr.. tin e Finn: 47V ROSIN-Firaa.- Quote: A B c. S2 a; Th 12 : K. t-'. P. 12 Hf.'jS of.; it. : S7S7.l..i., H. S3 00: I. I3at: K. S4 S; M. f., N. Si '., W G and V. W . Sa 75 NEW YORK. Jan. 6". COFFEE Tha market for ee.ffee futures oj.en,-d steady at uncharged prices to an advance of f joints on a moderate uetr.and In tha sbeeiiee .f ( and In aympathy with steady foreign markets. Business was very quiet and the market closed tna. tlve. net line hanged, to points higher. Sales were reported of 1,550 bags. Int lud ing January at 6 5r: March. 5 Sc, and December at i25c Spot market quiet. No. " P.lo. t 1-1.-: No 4 Santos, sc. Mild coffee, quiet. Cordova, IV&llc. Saaar aad Mslawea. NEW YORK. Jan. i-SUGAR-Raw, firm, fair refilling. As; molaeaeg sugar 2 17c; refined, ste-ady: No. . 4 5ic; No T 4 4V; No. K 4.4-sc. No. 4 5cr No. lo' 4 :? ; No. 11. 4 2-sr. No. K. Altic; No. It) I I s ; No. 14. l-'t;; confecllnners' A. 4 Tne; mould A. 4 ITh : crushed e made-red. 5 it- grsnulaied. iVv: rirhaa. Site. M( I-A!1 Steadv , New Orleans, open ktltle. good t.e choice. 341420. Waxal Market. ST lyOrirl. M ) . Jan A WiSoiy gteady : niedum grad.-s. core long and rlorblng. 21 6'ilk'; hgt t fine. Isajjic; lie.v, me. Ifrt loc: tut. wasned. jkeiec. foltea Market. NEW ORLEANS. Jan 6 COTTON i Spot market quiet and steady. liw e.r ! cinary. 7lc ordir.ary. k 1-l.jt i n..ii.iiial: or.l.nar. k 1-1'- nominal: g(jd ori, nary .' n.mtral; l..w rniddiii g. tV: rai.i.llirg LSc: gr.orl middirg. ill l-Vl ; luio.inng fair. K J-lw ; fair, ' L 13-lM leeiiiiriaL. Sal. a. lira, hnl.a. re- 'Ce'i.ta. 12'S UI.e. et'Kk. 2i-".I hbleS. ST IiliS Jar,. i 4SiTTONa'-adv. I mel'lllrg. quiet; inl.a, none; receiB ;ss. bale, t-r. i rn. n'.s, lu.i.e; alosk, A..- bai-a LAMSOS BROS. & CO. O Board of Tratda, Crtloaiao KstahUahad 174. GRAIN and PROVISIONS OMAHA. OFFICE! Room BOO BrariSls Bldg. Talepaoas lougXaa SS4T7. C E. HUNTER. Msniotr i our 1'utrouage HolkittsL Call and lV l'g.