Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1908, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, JAXl'AHY 7. IMS. fp RPR No woman xvlio" uses '"Mother's Frlcnl" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her. in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child 13 .1 1 1.1 i i pood naturcd. Our book I 1 1 "Motherhood," is worth u i& - --e fc, --- - woman, and will be sent free in envelope Dy addressing application 10 n Oradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. U Ltul BRIEF CITY NEWS Ht Root Print It. Thomas W. Blackbora for congress. Kinehart, rliOtrKj!tjlir, ISth A Farnam. We always ha"!" Rock. Springs coal. Central Coal and Coke comrany of Omaha, lBlli and Harney streets. Southwest Improvers Mot The tfouth-Wc-Ft Imprnvi-mrnt club will mfl at tla rooms. Twenty-fourth ami lavnworth Blrrets, Wednesday night. Oaaaa 717111; Worth several his floras oC wild K'-rsn and hiamlt were ohsrrvrd flying northward over thin vlclnlly Satur day ami Hunriay. This Is takpn by sports men In grneral aa an Indication (hat the worst of the winter l.i ovor. Balaaoe In Leslie's Offica The quar terly report of the. receipts and expendi ture In County Judae Leslie's office shows that after paylnK tho county HUO In ex ess fees atnl fraying; the expenses ot tha office, amounting to ahotit 12,9". there re mains a balance of Il',7.72. Dairyman Bne Xr. Oonaall Suit for $23, Of'O was started In district court Monday against Ir. Ralph W. Conncll, health com missioner, by John and Chris Christensen, dairymen fct JjVty-flrst and Do.lfte streets, as a result of the quarantining of their dairy about November 27 by Dr. Connell. Bob Flak In Surety Bond Business Robert O. Fink, retiring city and county treaaurer, will cngagn In the surety bond business after1 he Waves the service of the county. He will represent several eastern bonding companies, but has nut yet de cided where his office will be located. tat Bank Guarantees When the Omaha Ileal Kstalo exchange meets Wednesday H resolution will b offered endorsing the plan suRrrested ty A. V. Tukey and others to require the state to guarantee state hank deposits and providing a fund to pay In full the losses by banks which fail. two ' Italians Bound Over Domenlck Artrrina and Peter lkinoccl, the two Ital lana arrested Sunday for being mixed up in a shooting affray which occurred on New Year's day, and In which Tony Qlgliottl was. hot were arranged In police court Monday on the charge of shooting with In tent to kill. They pleaded not guilty and were. bound over to the district court on bond's, of II. WO each. we dish Lutheran Synod The Immnnuel Swedish IjUthtran church of this city has extuiidcd an Invitation to the Nebraska conference of the Augustana aynod lo hold , the annual meeting In Omaha. The executive committee will meet soon and M vcido upon the date, which la to be some m' in April. More than 100 delegates are expected at tho conference, which will last one week, t , Bailroad Thieves Plead Guilty The five railroad men arrested for breaking and entering a Burlington box car were al 'owed to plead guilty to the charge of petit Mlways the Important Change in Schedules Effective Sunday, January 6th.' 1908, the following changes will be made: Iowa Local departs 7 A. M. Instead of 8:30 A. M. Chicago Express departs 4:40 P. M. Instead of 4:50 P. M. -Chicago Flyer departs 6:10 - P. M. instead of 6 P. M. Colorado Express departs 1 !"20 P. M. Instead of 1:35 P, M. Oklahoma Express arrives 1:15 P. M. Instead of 2:45 P. M. Fairbury Locals leaving 8:43 A. M. and arriving 10:25 A. M. will be discontinued. Fof further particulars In quire .1323 Farnam St., or Colon Station Do not let any dealer insult your intelligence t tj pffering yoa subetltoU, vhea ' you ask for an article jrou hara seen advertised la The Bee. Wt de not tecept advertisement for articles thai are sot worthy of your patronage. When you are convinced by one of these adver tisements that the article la what yea wish, Insist on getting It, when yoa aslc far it at youi dealer. Avoid SitWiUiUa geC what Jo ask foa. L Baking $ Powder i fc BvJnnrf Pow.ier id sW Dode?rt prlo. And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of 3 "Matt!er"l FrlCil." This great remedy Uis a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical nrdral with safetv and no min. 1 M ii k i U I () 1 1 It plain rpF(J) larreny In police court Monday mornlnr; and were fined Pft and etisti each, with the excptloa of K. JO. Hanson, who was flneil II') and costs. The others were George Smith, A. K. Blaze. Joseph Beck ham and John Kodrnoski. iH-tettivo James Malone of the Burlington road tcstlfed that there had been II.OHt worth of mer chandise stolen from cars In the last six months. Inspector W, G. Davidson Married Special inspw tor William G. Pavldwn of the denatuied alcohol department of the Revenue department, with headquarters in Omaha, slipped off to Michigan the first of the year and took unto himself a bride at Plymouth In that state. He will return to Omaha during the present w.V-k where Mr. and -Mrs. Davidson Will make their permanent home. World-Herald Ooea to Court Failing (o prevent the Issuance of saloon licenses to Leon Levy. 1023 Capitol avenue, and Thomas Daplta, 1423 South Fourth street. before the re and police board, the World Herald has carried the case to the district court. The paper protested the Issuance of the license because the applicants did not advertise In his paper, but was over ruled by the fire and police board. Woman Wants Belgbbor Enjoined Tharsa L. kentcll wants the district court to enjoin William C. Kvans from disturb Ing the natural flow of the water on his farm in Valley precinct. She says In her petition he had built a levee and dug ditch In such a way the surface water, which formerly flowed Into the Elkhorn river, now spreads Itself on hf r farm, mak ing a large part of it unfit for cultivation Bosso Wlna the Suit The Thacker Bros." Steamship company lost Its suit In district court against tl. Rosso and the Rosso Fruit company In which it claimed over loOO on two shipments of bananas from Mobile to Omaha. A Jury in Judge Bears' court Monday returned a verdict for Rosso and awarded him $10 damages on his cross-petition. Ttosso claimed the bananas were damaged when he received them. Only Excuse, He Heeded tbe Money Roy Johnson pleaded guilty to obtaining a sew ing machine from the Singer Manufactur ing company on falne pretenses and selling It the next day for JR. He was fined 50 and costs. His only explanation was that ho needed the money. His mother, Mrs. Esther Wllklns, Is being held in the ma tron's department for a similar deed last April. She pleaded not guilty and her trial was set for Tuesday morning. She haa a 6-year-old daughter with her, whom the Judge ordered turned over to the Juvenile officers. JnTvnlle' Bace Blot A Juvenile race riot In an alley near Sixth and Pierce streets had Its culmination In Juvenile court Mon day morning when Dennis Klrkland, Wil liam O'Mara and Thomas Boyle, three motherless youths were up for shooting Max levlne, a little Jewish boy, through the foot with a revolver. Dennis Klrkland, 1t developed had done the shooting after a quarrel which grew out of the attempt of the three boys to keep the little Irf-vine boy from playing In their alley. The re sponsibility for the shot was placed on Klrkland. The boys did nQt want to play with Levlne because he Is a Jew. Bailroad Confesses Judgment The Union Pacific Railroad company confessed Judgment Monday afternoon In the United States circuit court in the damage case brought against It by Frank J. Cantlln for injuries sustained April. 2S, 1TJ. Cant lln waS riding In a caboose and was asleep when the train In whlpli.,he was riding was run Into, a rear-en collision, at Salt Wells, Wyo. Cantlln was- permanently In jured about the spine. Ho lived at South Bend, Neb. Suit was brought for .y),000 damages through Cantlln s attorneys, Clnrk O. Hanlon of Blair and Messrs. Jefferls & Howell of Omaha. The settlement Is one of the largest confession Judgments ever obtained from any railroad company In the west. DIETZ COMPLETES ADDITION Bays Four Arra of Dlr Real Estate In Western Part of Omaha. By buying from Rebecca M. While of Philadelphia some four acres of city real estate on Thirty-eighth avenue, between Marcy and Mason streets, Gould Dletz has completed his tract In West Omaha and will do extensive grading during the com ing season, making his "addition" east of the Field club grounds one of the most ilo slrahle residence districts on the southwest side of Omaha. A few months ago Mr. Pletx bought lots 1. 3 and 4, In block IS, which are at Thirty eighth avenue and Leavenworth streets, and then secured the lots north of the Co lumbian school house, bet ween' Jackson and Jones streets. West of Thirty-eighth ave nue Mr Diets owns a number of lots In Parmenter Tlace. The lots or acreage tract on Thirty eighth avenue, between Marcy and Mason streets, which has Just been secured by Mr. Dlels, extend from the avenue to the tracks of the Belt Line railroad. This land la quite low, but the lots on block 1 and those at Thirty -eighth anil Mason are many feet above grade. Mr. Diets will grade theso and fill the tract bought from the Phlladol phia woman. The contract has not yet been let. but It will Involve the moving of a large amount of dirt. Already some of the lots in the "New Dletx Place" have been Improved and thres residences are nearlng completion. The proposal now before the council to pave Thirty-seventh street from Leaven worth to Pacific streets will add to the value of the property and desirability of the section. Mr. Diets has built more than a block of sewerage at his own expense to Improve the property rapidly. Rat lira 7 Notes aad Personals. I (literal Superintendent tUtok of the Western, Luton as in Uinaiia Sunday ' and left for Denver. Thomas I.cwrv. president of the ivio I line. 3 In Omaha. Monday, in Ills jr.. 1 vat car. He left for the west, on tne W. A. Uardiier, vice president of the. Northwestern, arrived from a tour of in. lectioa uter tli hues went of the river Monday. I.. II Worly, superintendent of telepbune and telegraphs on the Union pacific, waj h bt-fii confiftfd lo his home with a niild attack of pnfumuula. is reported much better. Mr. Kurty has not been I well fur some lnr. and tlie ff.x t of tl iHieuiiitiii Mm it-rt-u en me acrnitni of t'.'v wvakciivd toouuton of Mr. Kurty. NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mi Daiiy Doane Entertains Sunday Night Supper Party at Home. CALENDAR BEGINS FILLING UP .Ml tal f lie Honor Ciarst at Raand Smart Affairs Thle Week. Miss Daisy Doane entertained at sup per Sunday evening at her home. The table had a pretty centerpiece of pink roses and covers were laid for Miss Lynn Curtis. Miss Carita Curtis, Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Murtln, Mr. Sherman Can field. Mr. E. D. Bird of New York. Mr. Earl Oannett. Mr. Francis Brogan, Cap tain Doane and the hostess. social Gossip. Mrs. Sam Strickland, who is to arrive Tuesday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Msrtin, hsa a very full calendar for te few days she Is to remain In Omaha, Mrs. Wilson I,ow will give a lunch eon In her honnr on Wednesday; Wednes day evening Mr. and Mrs. Lemlst will give a dinner; Thursday, Mrs. E. M. Fairfield will entertain at luncheon and In the evening she will return to her home. Tlio engagement Is announced, of Miss Lillian Miller and Mr. George C. Swlngley. the marriage to take place Wednesday eve ning. January I. Among the evening affairs Monday w-as the dancing 'party given by the Rosalba club at Metropolitan club; the Qui Vive club gave a dance at Chambers' Monday afternoon; Temple Israel Sisterhood gave a whist party at the temple. The Friday bridge club wilt be entertained this week by Mrs. Eva Wallace for luncheon. Mrs. Oeorge A. Joslyn will be hostess this week at the meeting of the Tuesday morning musical. Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Peterson will enter tain the Orchard Mill Whist club Satur day evening at their home. The Friday club will be entertained this week at the home of Mrs. Edward Rose- water. The Monday Bridge club meeting which was to have been entertained this week by Mrs. H. if. Baldrlge has been postponed for a weelt. Come and Go Gossip. Mr. Dimon Bird, who has been spending the last ten days In Omaha, stopping at the Omaha club, left Monday for his home In Zew York. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mr-Shane, Misa Mary Ieo McShane, Mrs.. F. P. Kirkendall and Miss Ada Kirkendall left Sunday for Chicago. Miss Edna Sweeley, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sweeley, left Sunday evening for Do Pauw university. Mr. and Mrs. Green of Lincoln spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson. Mrs. Sam Strickland of St. Paul will ar rive Tuesday, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin until Thursday evening. Miss Mayme Hutchinson, who has been visiting in Kansas City for the last two weeka, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Jacobs, who has been visiting for several weeka at the home of Colonel and Mrs. S. fl. Curtis, will leave the latter part of the week for Denver, accompanied by Miss Lynn and Miss Carita Curtis, who will be her guest for about ten days. Mrs. John Guile and little daughter Mar Jorle have returned from a brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clark In Carroll, la. Miss Claire Funke of Lincoln, who has been spending the last week In Omaha, the guest of Miss Edith Butler, returned to her home Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry have returned from a brief visit In Chicago. Mrs. R. Roselln and baby, who were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Btemm, during the holidays, returned Fri day to thi-lr home In Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Katherlne Price, who has been vis iting at the home of Dt. and Mrs. W. H. Sherraden, returned Sunday to her home In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tlppery, who have been spending the holidays with Mrs. Tlp pery's parents, Mr. an4 Mrs. J. B. Blan chard, have returned to their home In Fargo, N. D. , Mrs. Grenville Parker, who has been vis iting friends In Omaha and Council Bluffs, will return Wednesday to her home in New York. FUND TO HELP CLEAR POWERS Money to Be Collected by Friends, Who Kl port Arqalttal at Fifth Trial. To aid in the defense of the fifth trial of Caleb Powers, charged with the murder of ex-Oovernor Qoebel of Kentucky. D. W. Cress, a-friend of Mr. Powers, will Imme diately begin soliciting funds. Mr Cress has been In Nebraska several weeks in the interest of the defense fund and the disagreement of the Jury at the fourth trial encourages him to believe that the next trial will result In an acquittal. "The eight years of litigation since the murder has cost the friends of Mr. Powers $75V said Mr. Crtiss, "but we Intend to keep up the fight to the bitter end. On the last Jury six Goebel democrats voted for acquittal and that makes It almost certain the next trial will result In an ac quittal. Powers has proven that the shot waa fired by a man named Voutsey from his, rowers', office, and that Is one reason the Jury stood so near an acqulttrit this tnai. (Established iSj ) t - Curm Whlla Yom Js.M Whooplng-Cough, Croup, x Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed in a rem edy, which for a quarter of a century has earned unqualinsd praise. Restful nights are assured at once. Cmolene h a Boon to Attbmmtlcn All DrualstM SrmJ Postal far d. strtptw botklei. Creeolene Antlsentle Throat Tablets for lite irritated throat, of your dmggist or from oa. 10c. la M nips, Tus VaDft-tVisokas) Co ISOFetMaSt .K. V. f bee tie4 for r tn YT FTT TTAK8 PC R.XJTHKS lh. CHI Lf .Hi W I N lboGr18.ALlJlT,i Sil t US; JI hF WIND CoLli'.lua U Iklnl tfif f r MAhUH'H. gold br Unioun i 111 s,l h rld. b sure and aak fur 'Mrs du, !" H'K.tLlui, Brup." l4 Uki so oilier siud. J wentr-f' Mti a bottU Owuwiil Ulifer tlj-fi-i! lfiii A.-t . Juu. just .!. hr:! Jaa. AJf OU AXD t L ilOU l "i 1-Y. . Our Letter Box Contributions on timely topics Invited. Write Irglbly on one side of the paper only, with name and address appended. I Mixed contributions will not be re turned, letters exceeding n words will be subject to being cut down a4 the discretion of the editor. Publication of views of correspondents does not commit The Bee to their endorsement. Poetry for the ParHaalral. GLEN WOOD, la., Jan. R.-To the Editor of The Bee: The following lines were writ ten some fifty years ago and I desire to suggest their adoption by the Civic Federa tion and other puritanically Inclined organ!- tions as a motto: THE PURITAN SUNDAY. Bv Xvrd .NWm. Then, though we can't certainly tell What mirth mav molest us on Monriav. At leat to begin the week well. Let us all be unhappv on Sunday. WALTER BREEN. Rejoinder fron Mr. Meyer. OMAHA, Jan. 6.-T0 the Editor of The Bee: Tour kind publication of my letter to Rev. John Williams has brought forth his answer, to which I again request per mission to reply In your columns. I find that his views and mine are not so very far apart, but I am obliged to point out where he Is mistaken. He courteously agrees to accept my statement that C. E. Fields Is not acting for majority of Omaha liquor dealers, but 1 wish to still further convince him by stating that Mr. Fields Is the editor of the official organ of the Nebraska Retail Liquor Dealers' association, a state or ganization, and that he haa nothing to do whatever with any local or Omaha associa tion. Of the 250 Omaha retail liquor deal era, only twelve belong to the state asso ciation, of which Fields Is also the secre tary. This state organization was organized for mutual protection, largely for the pur pose of contesting damage suits brought under the Slocymb law, many of which are in the nature of blackmail. I repeat that only 6 per cent of the Omaha liquor dealers belong to the state association, within which Fields wields his Influence. There Is also an Omaha organization, en tirely separate and distinct from the state association, and In this Omaha organization Fields haa no Influence whatever, and I am informed that few. if any, of the members of the Omaha organization are In favor of his action. Now, Mr. Williams intimates that 1n one of my arguments I was hiding behind former Mayor Moores. In this he Is griev ously mistaken. I mentioned Mayor Moorea' administration merely as an Inci dent and as a better Illustration of the relations of the retail dealer with the officials charged with tbe execution of the Slocumb law. Mr. Williams says that the saloon men elected Mayor Moores because they wanted Just such an administration as he gave to the people of Omaha. I think that you know more about local politics than either Mr. Williams or myself and will understand that he Is not well Informed. The saloon men, their employes and friends, and the employes of all the brewing and liquor In terests In this city will not constitute one-twenty-fifth of the city's vote. I believe today that Mr. Benson would have been elected mayor of Omaha If It bad not been for such Intemperate cam paign arguments, as, for Instance, that "his opponent's main support was coming from gamblers, thieves and thugs." I well remember the pertinent comment made thereof at the time in one of the papers, "that there must have been several hun dred outlaws residing la Mr. Benson's im mediate neighborhood,'.'-, Tbe action of the Civic Federation to large extent la In the nature of retaliation for the defeat of Benson. There Is one more thing I want to say, nd that concerns a statement made by- Elmer Thomas. He writes that It Is not his wish to bring about prohibition or stop drinking, but that he Is aiming only at the saloon. Don't trust him; all his agita tion Is designedly for eventual prohibition; an anti-saloon argument la a prohibition argument In principle and In practice. Gen erally speaking, the man who advocates the abolition of the saloon and In the same breath avows his opposition to prohibition la a fraud, and the man who believes him Is a fool. I wish to say also that I am making this argument from an entirely personal standpoint. I fully understand and appre ciate the difference between licentiousness and personal liberty, and I am aa much opposed to the former as Mr. Williams or anyone else, but I sm for the preserva tion of personal liberties Just the same. I would make the liquor business aa re spectable as every other trade, which Is merely a question of the honest and In telllgent administration of a good law. I regret that Mr. w imams ignored my reference to the screens. A. L. MEYER. ADVENTISTS 0NJHE SALOONS Elder C'hrlstlaa Opposed to Closing on Sondar ( nless Other Days Also. "Sunday Laws" was the subject of the discourse by Elder L. H. Christian In the Seventh I'ay Adventist church Sunday, and It waa more In the form of a lecture than a regular sermon. He answered the three questions, which had previously been announced: 1. Should saloons be closed on Sunday? 1 Are these modern Sunday laws a true reform? 3. Are these modern Sunday laws a kind of priestcraft? Elder Christian said, In answer to the first question, saloons should be closed on Sunday, provided they were closed dur ing the remainder of the week; but, on the other land, he would answer "no," If it was the Intention to close only on Blin dly and not on the other days. In ex planation, be argued that if It was so popular and o easy to close the saloons one day In the week, he believed they could be closed every day In the week. To saloons being closed only on Sundays, the speaker said he was opposed, because it simply transferred the saloon to the homes, where carousing was often car ried on In the presence of children and agalnBt the wishes of wives and mothers and thus making matters worse Instead of better. Regarding the second question the speaker answered "no." He went Into de tail on the subject of Sunday laws to show that these laws of man were against the laws of God. In Matthew xxvlliil, "In the end of the Fabbath, aa It began to dawn toward the first day of the week." "Therefore,'' he said, "the Sabbath being passed, when the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, comes It is clear that the preceding day. or Saturday, la the Sabbath and Sunday is not." He li.slsted these modern Sunday laws are not a true reform, but a CatholU: church reform. tne x-apacy is irouu 01 tlils and re minds us that the Bible says, keep the Seventh day. while the Pope says, Wfep the First day, and the people obey the Pope. The Catholic priests are back of the Sunday closing. "This la a tx-ginning of a union of church and state movement, which always ends in relliglous persecution, these Sunday laas and prk-st craft, and the people should not advocate them." lie exhorted his hearers to obey God amf asked them what answer they would glv God in the Judgment 1 1 PIONEERS SAW STONE LAID Michael Swift Guarded Xillar of Ca thedral Forty Years Ago. JOHN RUSH THINKS IT STOLEN Contents of Nominal Vatnr, hot Wa de! May Think harrh W ill Offer Reward for the Rellr. Michael Swift, f;ighteenth and Grace streets, guarded the tornerstore of St. Phllomena s cathedral all night June 2, IW, and then stayed at his post all the next day until many thousands of pounds of brick and stone had 'been placed on top of the hollow stone. , But now the corner alone cannot be found. Many Omahans saw It placed In the walls of the cathedral and have looked on the ruins during the last ten days. They declare the contractor who Is wrecking the church should have found the stone In the northeast corner of the walls so mo three feet abovn the ground. As the lots on which tne cathedral stood were cut down some after the building was erected the stone would have been even higher from the ground than when It was placed in the walls of the cathedral. Among the Omahans wh,cv remember the stone are Michael and Thomas Swift. Jerry Mahoney, John Rush, Andrew Murphy and Patrick McArdle who lives In the country just out of Omaha. John Rush,' federal bank examiner, said: "I was twenty-two years of nge when th stone was laid. I remember the day well, people came down Harney street and as sembled about the northeaat corner of the church, where I believe the stone waa laid. I saw the stone It was native limestone and not very large. There was no Inscrip tion on the outside. Tho few coins and records placed In the stone were ftrs put In a small tin cash box. The stone was placed Just above the waterllne, some two or three feet from tl ground." Mr. Rush said ho saw the ruins of the cathedral a few days ago. From the best he can remember, the Incident of forty years ago when the rube was put In place, It should have been found. "It Is possible some one has taken It and Is holding the stone and contents with the hope of se curing something for them some day," said Mr. Rush. "The coins placed In the cor nerstone were of nominal value, but the hope of securing something for the records might led some one to take the stone. It was small. A man could take it away In wheelbarrow, contents and all." Thomas Bwlft said he remembered the stone distinctly and that It waa placed In the northeast corner of the cathedral walls some two or three feet from the ground It was about a foot square and the hol low space was small according to Mr. Swift. He said his brother Michael Bwlft waa detailed to watch the atone and did watch it all night of June 2. 1907, and all the next day. Nature has Instilled In man an appetite for a stimulant. Since the beginning of time man haa used some kind of stimulat ing beverage. Today we use coffee, tea, beer and ardent spirits. From every rea sonable standpoint there Is no denying the fa.ct that pure beer is the most desirable of all. It Is the only beverage .that has food value and that contains such a small amount of alcohol as to mako It herprui Instead of Ungeroua to the human system. Thinking people are beginning to advocate more liberal laws governing the sale of beer as being the only solution of the tem perance question. Good beer (Stors Rlue Ribbon Beer) Is a better stimu'atlng bever age than tea or coffee. Its rioderate use will assist instead of hindering you in building up a robust constitution. Announcements, weddtng stationery and calling cards, blank book and magastna binding. 'Phone Doug. 1804. A. I. Root, Ino, WOMAN THREATENS SUICIDE Flaya Neighbor and Her Sister ranse of Disagreement with Latter. Be After scratching the face of Mrs. J. Bios burg. Ill North Twentieth street, and throwing a hatchet et her own sister, Mrs. Joe Flatau declared with emotion In Juvenile court Monday that she would kill herself. The cause of the excitement waa little Cecil vessenter. Mrs. Flatau's sister. Mrs. Fla tau sent her sister $75 to bring her from Russia to America, but after the girl ar rived she could not get along with Mrs Flatau and she went to live with Mrs. Slos- burg. Mrs. Flatau demanded the money she had spent for the passage and Insisted that her sister come back home. Several days ago sho went to Mrs. Slosburg's home and an altercation took place. She was still laboring under considerable excitement Monday, when she was before the Juvenile court, and it required all the efforts Rabbi Cohn and Probation Officer Bernstein could exert to quiet her. The girl will remain witli Mrs Slosburg until word can be received from her parent In Russia. The fTicoll Plan IS to gather together at the end of each season's tratle the surplus stock and Trousers lengths and then price them at a figure that will clean up the stock quickly. Your suit order this week will include an extra pair of trousers for price of Suit alone. Suits and Extra Trousers, $25 to $45 WILLIAM JERRLMS' SONS. 209-11 So. 15th 81. HAND SAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable, invigor. ating bath ; m&ites every por respond, removes dead skin, ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY ,starti the circulation, sod leaves a (low equal to a Turkish bath. CL OKOCCKS AND DRUGGIST I Our New Style Books For the Fall and Winter of 1907-8 are fresh from the press and ready to mail to our out-of-town customers. The book for Men contains many handsome illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous samples of the goods from which the Suits are made. The book for Women is profusely illustrated with beautiful pictures depidting the latest styles. These illustrations Were made from photographs of the garments offered for sale. With these books in hand you can buy Clothina and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could if you were in our Big Store. When you write state which book you want. THEY ARE FREE. OMAHA BRA1LEY AND FLRAY STAFFS Sheriff Retains Three of Present Force at Court Home. W. A. T0STEB IS CHIEF DEPUTY Trasnrer-Klert Foray Will Make Few Changes ia the Makee of the Present Official Fa.mll. Sheriff-elect Hralley Monday announced for the first time his complete staff as it will bo when he assumes the duties of the office Thursday morning. It is rh follows: Chief deputy. W. A. Foster; bookkeeper, James Chisek; deputies, 1juIs Grebe, A. I. Mead. Ira Flanagan. B. F. Stewart, Eil Uardlppee, Tom Collopy, Gus Sldeen and J. M. Talbott; matron, Mrs. Jennie Mc pherson; stenographer. Miss Simpson. lMputtes Sldeen and Grebe are now on Sheriff McDonald's staff and Mrs. Mc pherson Is now serving her twelfth year as matron. Sheriff McDonald will serve his last meal Thursday morning and after that Silas Wright, who secured the con tract under the new law, will become chief caterer. , Only a few changes will be made In the force at the city and county treasurer's office by the change In administration Kl tvery day we are helping weak, nervous, broken-down young and middle-aged men back to ruddy health, ordinarily interfering with their usual business pur suits. Many are discouraged, depre-tsed, nervous, tired, languid, etc. Home are on the brink of nervous exhaustion, caused by worry, overwork, overstildv. neglect, dissipation, etc. We wish you could see them change after commencing treatment with us. You can see the depression van ish and a new alertness In their faces and bearing as the new rd blood of health courses through their vlns, and they ars Infilterated with, new hope, new vitality and new energy. They go away feeling a.l new, strong, both physically and mentally. We treat men only and oure promptly, safely and thoroughly, and at the lowest cost, BBOnroaiTis, catikeh, sehtotjb debility, blood riOSOV, 8KIIT DIABASES, KIOSET and BLADDER SIASE8 and all Speolal Diseases aad weaknesses and their complications. Pnnonlr Cray UUUdUM 1103 STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I DOCTOR Call and Be Examined Free or Write Office Hours 8 A. M. to 8 V. M. Sundajs 10 to 1 Only. 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Established In Omaha. Nebraska. A Medium Size Outside Office We have two connected offices, one 9x19 and the other 10xl9l2. These face 17th street, on the 6th floor and are ideal offices for anyone desiring a private room and waiting room. The rent of the two is $31.00 per . month. They have been newly decorated and are finished in hard wood and have running water. THE BEE-B was planned exclusively as an office building and Is In every , way the most ronveoletit In Its arrangement. No offices are rery far from the elevators and the elevator service Is most satisfactory. The building has gained a reputation for continuous cleanliness and has good Janitor serlce, not only now and then, but all the. time. The building Is always kept In perfect repair. There are several choice small offices available, which rent at from 110.00 to 120.00. The occupants of small offices receive the same careful and courteous attention as the largest tenant. For office space apply to R. W. BAKER, Brjpt., Room 411 Bee Building, men Jt S. E. Cor. Thursday. The present bookkeeping snd scavenger department forces will hold their positions and the chknges In the main office will not be many. Frank A. Furay, treasurer-elect, has given out the names of the following aptointees so far made: Henry C. 8harp of the present force, chief deputy; Isaac L. Helsel of the present force, city deputy; John W. Fead of the present force, bond clerk; Thomas 8. Umli, promoted from special tax clerk lo chief clerk; B. U dnstason of South Omaha,, clerk; Frank C. Clark of South Omaha, collector. To Die on the Scaffold i Is palnlesa compared with the weak, lama back, kidney trouble causes. Klectric. Bit. ters Is the remedy. Boc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. SAM MILLARD PASSES AWAY Kldest Son ml Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' Millard Dies In the H loons of Vaoth. I Sam Millard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millard. 2Vf Farrytm street, dierl Monday morning lit 8 o'clock. A week ago Sunday he was tnken wflh appendicitis and highest hopes were entertained for his recovery, but complications set In which caused his death. He was 18 years of asa and was a sophomore at Cornell college. He was popular among a large circle of young people. Mr. Millard was at home for his holiday vacation. THE REUA8L: Sptclillstt of.'.i: FOR itm cured mm FOR. M . ' vy. ,.y& Y'- ,j ..., Aj . .t .,v4,,, . , - , X V' s i Jk- S bid Ell VI BE CURE. THEN YOU PAY TS OUR FE Established In Omaha IB Years. Conaultatloa -1 ll-a- and Examination,. Write for Symptom Blank for Unine Treat meat, Dr. Scarlcs & Searlco 14th and Doug. Sts., Omaha, Ne'a