T7IE OMAIIA DAILY BEE? TrESDAT. .TANXARV 7. IPiV. CHEAP. EFFECTIfE, PALA TABLE. HUNGARIAN NATURAL NORTH PLATTE HAS COURT larif ami af BsSlara la Traataftea sad Mur Law era Attead. Be NORTH P1.ATTE. Neb. Jsn. -?pevia; Telegram . Intl-d State nrr-j't and dte rkt court a convened this mortirf. W H. M-inTr presiding. 3--org- H Thummel and K. C. Hoj-t. clerks of Omaha. Mir-i-al Warner and ere of !.: deputies and a number of attorneys from oat of this Ity and tome from other states re In attendance Tr rr I been called for t.morro aod severaj important Jury case. ! wt',1 b- tra (Ui wk. More ows are ; for 'r-.al at Nor Platte d vieion of the. f. der.l r, -r' inrf r hi : -. i In K. ttanaacted !.ere lr. tern court tr.an in any , t-h4. Banii a arraigned :d po!!' the oter d'viainn of the court m thi ,jrt tf,i mo"'" on tl c.-arre of car ata eacM Uie Omaha and Lincoln d.- ' Tin .viKaied p. He plead-.-d Vaiona It la exp-cted t.-:at at t.'.e nt "tn of t'-! frl co:rt an atpropria I in will !.n ln rantd bv conars fir a federal court and po-.-f r.-e bujid ferr II D ribHr 1 HATIG T 'ilaea Keepers Arrested lrVi af Cased Selmed. HASTING Neb. Jan Specia:. t A-tlr. on a warrant issued at the instance of ths C)t" federation. P f". l!c"".erv l&st n:!tt carted to the -o-rt house all of ths beer, whisky and oihr bctlod oo.ls foun1 In the saloons of Ge-irfe Brandt and Froscheuser t ll'jcho. Not only were th sto ks r f the saloons seije,. but the proprietors rr ta':n into uatocly on the charge of se'.;r. lliuor w tho-it a license. Tbey wi!! have a 1 ar 'nc !n the county court tomcrrow n-.o-nir.s;. TYeaiderit I". S. Rohrer of t! e Civic feder a;lrn declares t'oat If tiie r""sn pro eed 'r is sot Hucceasfvl In k" rrf the two saloons closed some other way w!l he; irVj. i ;s de.SarNl a'so that the present t-prt:r rry ea. to a inovntent to rr.aKe HastfTs;s iry after existing ;icenea expire George Brandt and Fros- hejr k M l- how were crperatm their sa-ons under t ie rrotction of an Injunction issued by Ju Adams of the district cojrt. wh'ch rstra:r.el tne ctly cf.iciais from 1r.trfr-'- with the saV of intoxicants in tnelr r:ac". T.ieir licenses had b-n revoked jv cun il because th y had oeen oon- M.ltd of s,-iln nnuor son minute, aft-r ie lege, clcna; time. For a time the alo.ns '.f flod, but und-r the protec ".i cf ;1 - i furt injunction they were .. cn-d Tii-:rsay afternoon. Teterda i..o-nir.g I". S Rohrer fiie-i omnlain'a With t' e county attrny harg ii. g te salO'. keepers with s-lling liouor Wt.-ojt I., er.se x Tl, .irr'-s; of the saloon-WsMp'-s and the se.xur- of t.icir liijuors result'd. A number of irir..st rs ar taking an acithrt par. ,n ti e fi; it egamst tl 1 a)b'. Iasi Suniay a l.a'f doien Hast ns d.r.-i' s preaei.ed -nri.'ti! on law cn f t.-i-i-en-en" ard resolutions w-- re aJopted bv the cn'T gat ions con. tne.. i'.n th council ;-r the rcc t.-iatwn of th l1orns--s LEIGH. Neb.. Jan. .i Special 1 Sunda Mini-ueu by ail of their liv.ng cijldren. ! tog. il.r with e-ramJcnildrrn and great- j grandchildren to ti e number of thirty-two persons. Mr. and Mrs. William Felt, who j live on the Marshall Field ranch seven j :r.;e northwest cf Leigh, celebrated th.s ft'ty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. WUMarq L. Flt was bom in Bushnell't Bss.n. N. T . May n. He was mir- ril li Caruingt -n Ohio, on Tecemb-r :1. liiL to M sa Mai 1 la L. White The lat .er was born in S .. Lawren. e county. N. V. on April 1. 'J2. Four jears after their i .arr ag they decided to go west and 1 aerie to ii'i.-t Llb-rty. Iowa, where th-y ! 1 ved for twe.ity-f'.ve ytars. In 31 they 1. oved tiir L- gh. wljere tr.ey now r a de Felt cf liv ig cliildi-en are: V-ster L. Lew:, la : Rowland Felt of Mad.- MOT El a D RESORT. A GREAT ERTALXER latfcfr kiiripTwrl.er Daily Freds aid Ldfin !IM69 Visitors . 1 HBFIE KE DOES IT BEST ; l'at--r Knlckerly-K-ker has more Yoin- I my" t:an anybody else in America, if I iot in the world. Eery day in tiie year ; l.e is ca.led upon to entertain from 10.- ; Eaton believes this will have a good effect Z90"' -isitors. w ho com- from ! Male Hide af eaiew (sara I p aad on the d scipl.ne of the home and he sug rery state and territory, from every 1 -1 1 a. .c i. 11...-, i ..... . . , . it .-..--...r..r.. t.. .-.-a land and ci'm. t 1 see tl. . 1 e . ,.w to transact business. E'ery day there ar ises a new transient population euuaj t. one a .nr.eapoHs or thre or four Du ijth. Uttie wor.d-r that New York's tars are overcrowded, its fifty or more theaters packed nightly, or that ery one cf Its hotels is libera. ly patronued. Among New Tori s many higa cia-s bouses for public entertainm-nt. jone has won a ruorr enviable rcputatlou than ljttel St. Ri8. Tnis hot-1. the first of its t;- pe to be constructed in New York, od still unsurpassed in ail trat . oc iti tutes a perfect hotel, charmingly looat-d .n Fifth Axsue. and Fifty-f:f-n stre-t anaid the moat quirt and refini eurroun.l .rga The management of tr.e St. Reg-s. well o.ua!.f.ed f.-r the task :n.p..-.-.i. has from the outs-t. end-avor-d to p. ta.se people of fastidious taste, and hundreds of satisfied patrona ran testify to t .e sue ess of the endeavor The St. Regns has become lya- ii.yinuuf .it!t hitt. I supremacy. It has ent-rtaiu-d itiaoy feunetus Dim and women, and la t. aoidn plaie- of a large num.-r cf wealtr.v New Yorkers, yet no hotel ia New York Is father rtnuxeJ from ultra .x t.astveness It was flana-d and is man aged for the enjoyment of the comfort-io-ring and refined, without regard t wealth or title, and aa important fa-t is 11. at 11 ihtrr-n are the same as thus- of a.l olh-r first ckasa hut. 1 -- MOTELS PoaCIOllUa . . . 8c Asarastiaa Aicazaa Auavau-- Oatsoa . . Oi a-naa aa 'ka iiaiifaa Tsig lattnitt . . . . PaJmBeack Rosat oiweiaaa . . . Paim Beach Roatraiat. Maual Tit COtOMIAk haaaaa It. atitcg sciatacuii. Taa ae-e wm4 ht 1 ' -4 k- -i-a. IWia Kers. wtl U a B aa a key. e-as-artaal wask - Haewaa ai fcUg Was. aw lis FLORIDA CAST COAST e a seas T gas giera aw. aVascaea Sis V a a a a t. a(Ttag. rta. ENTA PURGATIVE WATER. w Nb: Mr rr,nk An"n of , Nb . and Mr. Th"mi Mcni-ner cf Leigh. There are thirty -three living grand- hildren and e'eren great-grand'hil-dra. BOV HOT TWICE: Oae Dm kMIIa Flaed far I arrilaa Revllver. HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan Special T aram J'hn Saii'-rman. ad 1. re.i.i two buJlet wounds las: ni.:t whii -?uf-fl na; !th Earl ParTh. a boy r.f abo-jt th ":rr "r t5arl'1 Pr" " of Tit.eis to J.A.n Saoferman. to which '' Pr r.rute ioi.ow.u nlrn m''ll;N in enounter ne aot re ffe.1 Whil ft re rreI hii t ie two bj s wr Tii;y ard was fined f.O. wlich h promptly pan! Both woun4 :"tiir.cd by Sauierriian are serious. One strk l.i left kn'-e-cap and the oih'r psei li.ro.r i i the r aixjut a.z int b" itove ti.e knee Jo.nL PtHME C1TV PRtM IOMK9 OVER HI r.dltar aaaaees tkaace Pajer'i Pal I tics. PAWNEE (ITT. Jan. 4. -i Special Th- ; Pawnee press -,n "s is;us makes the ) f.tll.-.-'-.-- . - With't.-s reg.nr.tr of 'this r-.r. 1 T"e j Presa w ll tas- Its stand ' the rep.jb- ; licao papers of tr.e state This may be a , Strprtse tr some but. it is done to conform to the W.as and psrtv affihat ors of ths' editor. It is oir aim. 'while we tak this stand, not to forr-t the gd tha- pecpl- ; do and to contemn ti.e ror. g wherever: w. f nd it. it s our earnest "belief that the pans should -and for the prn.-iPie ; and no: the rr-nc'rle fc.r C-e party. If t he pa-tr vou h-ior.c to d. e. not uphold t' e pe-nc'pies that vou believe. t is t.me to chaai.e. e-,n-r t'"e r.rtY to f - rrm. - ' r or to adhere to t ie pa-tv wh.cn d.-s i 'uphold the r-.r. ipie. By this means tn j proper sta-xisrd will be rai-e-1 Dyaaaiite Fall ta Cheek Fire. STELLA. Neb. Jan. 4 Spr ial. t Tue 1 eld frame buiMmg north of th" or--a j opera house a-J occopee-I by a barher shin , and carpenter ihrp dow-.stairs ard D- G. j M. A-drews' office D tl front rooms un- stairs ra-gl.t f:re from a flue at tn. Mo- ? day forenoon. T..e hu:e1!ne was well ! I under fire h. fore it wa dis-ove-ed. The j form.rly "- " covcro.1 w-.u-, f:td ttp f:r a hotel ! - g n 1 iron ri r- , ice- -'-.--. 1-eM t-e I T in m-.A 'HnMM t c . ore-; parts to carry o- vrT"hlng with . egoept.cn of th- large d-sS m V - d vtor s ... . . I off'-e. The heat was so jr.fne that only r-at rt sav-d the 1 ivenran hotel -d 1 c.p ra hous-. as the 1 in by tne h?at. TV ndows wer- hrokn 1 ', ... ' ' nex lu.Mir.g '. occupi-d hy Garrison Bros, as a confec- : tk-nary. n-xt was a busgy -l.ori of P. F.r.ke:.. T,e content, of th- two bu:'.d- :ngs were carried to t ie sir-"t and an effort made to check the flames width, were threatening the P.apt'st ch-rch. by blowing up this bjihlin with dy nur.sit, but was unsuc cesjf til. Then t.t crowd tore the frame building tiS-! b s lirin; roon s and millinery etur of IJssie Colglaiic r and this gav a va-ant spai-e to Tgl.t the Cames which was tisen vor fired lu the buildings mentioned. rarwera' laatltate at tahlaad ASHLANTh Neb.. Jan. . Spe. ial. The 1 annual farrnera' iiietitate closed Saturday .. .e... . e... a...- t .-ir, " " , SR.n, Anior.g the srieakers were Prof. E. M,-r.tg.imery and Prof. Lawrence Bruner , of tk-e I'ntversity of Nebraska. Andrew Elliott of Gauit. Ontario, and I'. P Ca! burn of Aurora. There e w-ere also lieu at , 1 the same time a ruccesisful corn snow cesSsful ! poultry exhibit a.id don esie- science ex hibits. Offk-ert el-ctd yest-rciay for the coming year are: C. A. SchUdnteyt-r. presi d. r.t. R. A. Mill-r. vice pres.der.t: U A. i M.ddleton. secretary; EA. Frar.xier. D. C. I e ra g and B N. Ltw.s. executive com- r I area Carrie Wr44la at lee. L-AVID C1TT. Nb.. Jan. -.SpeciaJ.e Miss Mjrtle L-alhr.g came up from Cm ! versl-y Place last Tuesday evening to at I t--nd the CllE-rr.an-W'est wedding, bringing w.th her one of her brother's carrier pig-con-. Wednesday noon after the wedding ' a note was written telling of the wed-iing. ' tvir.e the note to the -put-on'a leg and I starting the bird oui. The bird arrived at j i the owner 1 home eariy Friday morning. This v. aa the first attempt made in s-nd- ji B tnis i.ird wnh a messag-. RQY PANIC IS ABOUT OVFR 1 Oaee Mare. 1 Tl.e panic Is oer in the office of the city 1 health commissioner Colonel John Ear- ! ker. keeper of vital statistics, has resumed ; his customery piacidity of countenance and , now believes that I lie ratio of boys to gir'a ! in the city birth statistics will quickly ad- 1 Must Itself to tne rorrnai. 1 Th.e first three days of tae r.ew ear ti.e leap year at that was disc-on. ening t-nly one boy a-d six girls were born on that day and this fearful disproportion grew worse daily until Colonel Barker felt it a. t, ally retlected upbn l is offtre Minday. however. l"Worel barker was happy once more b-eaese tiie returttt snowed four boys born and only three girU 1 during the forty-eight hours ending Mon- ; -X r.oon. I "W'h.le this by no means restores the nor- ! rra! fruporth-n tt shows mat the tide hat turned a-nd I bel.eve cor-ditaons w-.l! return to normal witnout further dVlav. Col.r.el barker. j One of the Ensseniiczls at the hap; y hoaies U Vut-eiajr i a vast fund of iniormat.on as to the best rarthoij of prornot.-ij health and bajpiaes and right Lving aad ".aowle-ige cd the -sorid'i best j-pocliict . Proljcti at ial r. : Heru- and reaaocabJe cla-ns r:-Jiy rear-i'ed and which have atta.rie.1 u worid-trida acc-eri tar.ee thro .eh the ap-OTil at th. W"rU-Iniormel of the "World: net of indi viduals only, bit of the -tuuit who have the happy faculiy of te!ect.-ur and oocain-in- tle best the sori l affo-iis One of the products caf that diss, of known component part, aa Ethical rem-.!, approtcl by phjaiciaa. an-i cocn-meocie-i by the Weil-Iniormed at the Wariiaa valteebl. aad sal-nm fai-mry laxative ia the weU-kwe-wa Syrup of Jigs a.-vi ll xit ef h-nnjL. T. frt its hatM-6risJ rSectt alwayi buy tje -r-auiae, iraaKir factured by the CaAorwj r.j Syrup Co, uly, -Lad for ae by all lewdi iru-ysus: WIRE 10HPAMES TO BE SUED!' Wtftern Union and Poit&l Both Hare 1 Disregarded State law. EAILEOAD C05Qtlfel05 WILL ACT tttaraey hrafnl lastrarted ta Begla alt I Collect Feaaltle far Fa I Tare fa Make Bffart. 1 From a Staff Correspondent t LINCOLN. Jan. i 'Special Tele-gram V Telegraph companies under the railroal FFLE cwn.ni;PSHjn w ar common carrier and subject to the provisions of the railroad commission law They must receive per- ! mission to change rates and must report each year, by August 1. the condition of their busress with other d-tall of t.neir orgar..xation. i For failure to obey this law. A:t.ray . Genenl Thompson was today instrjeted to . btir g su.t in county court against the tL'a.'.M T ..... Tnal Tlrlll!l (Kn- ,, . ..... ,rr, i ran es t collect the penalties incurred. ;. ., ,-itn i Heaw fines are assessable on com ictic n. ' . , , the lowest f:n permissible beir t'1. 1 ' Receatlv ti-.e te!egrap:i companies, with-, out oonsuitir. the railroad commission. In- j t creased e:.ir.s on business in N-lTaska ! . to seseral p.a- Thr have also issued ; an order to chares for titles to names used in s.gnature?. The companies re- : ports due last August, were not filed. S. hedules of rates has- not been f! ed. ' Govrrior J. Frank Hanly cf Ind.ana has , ...t,a h. invH.tic.n n deltver tne com-' mencement "address at the Peru Norma! n-jji June - Rrssrt ft ate la.tltaliaas. Ir.d Commission Eaton -as fiied his .noal t-ervrtrt w ', t -i t i?e R'srd Of PUVli Lands and Bul.dings. showlr th- con- j j ti 0 t ptatc Institutions rmrti '. mort;i of r-M-mt--r Mr. Eaton mad- 1 e . - a per-onal Inspection of a.l tn- Instlf.-. tins The total number of inmates In i institutions is 54J. employes 4S. j . . .rr. -n-n and other relatives of o.f.r rs and employs. :S. He say. . that torn- n..,i..i u.wt sir.-e taiine charge of the 5rtM . hom, va, don, considerable " " , cieanmg up a-.,und t.e home and premis-s b,u tr,r is still room for Improvement. jfofl-ir.at has been done at this institu- I !,. . k...,.. . -..w .-osn-.tal I 1 L1LM1 l,(ll, r- w uuii'-ma a.- F - 1 egislature. As j dirctd by the last title to the land has been clearer up a. u , sune County Februan- i. jurr term, the Institution is greatly in r.d of more j Jun- . equity term: November '. jury hospital room Commissioner Eaton rco;n- "Ui? Cotimy-Febriary IT. jurr term: mends that this building be erected at f May .3. e-i'itty term. ij toher J. jurv trt 1. once. H- recommends that t be allow.-! , Thayer county-February 4. jur: t-rm. to a contractor if b- will make the t'f ,rrrn- Number :-5. jury elevator work properly on completion. , Nu, j,oli. r-ounty-Marcli jur- term: At the Kearney Industrial school the ; funds Tor maintenance were no-. j i" - 1 - -" . thV supertat-ndent Instructed to keep witmn the appropriation, w -.-a. ore without much inconvn en. e. Thre wunowt mu.n , ,.. , ., n-no-"- ..- - b 0"1 on 1'-'our'- or Ir' 01 c-,ra coo there, or It will be necessary f" ' 10 pare. . . - . me ma. r.mery at tr.e xx-jspiiau - jVr. Eaton recmm-nds an expenditure of for a mach.rh. shed Wltjl a room overnrmi I'jr -11 pi-J.ii - - straw, for the making of strow mattresses fter saying the in- for the institution. After stltutlon couid r.ara.y re impro"-u. ji i Eaton saysi "The maintenance should be watched more closely, from the fa.t that during the past eight months much more than th? one-third allowance has .. . .. . 1 . 1 1 . . fen Ti-ei. I c n- -L - ini l j ... . , . , .v .i..;AM Kr ih. Iflat UrU'i urn to be :32.:S-?. from which taken di--r the .r, a balance w . .v. ,,,.u uiea -ls inauiiiriieiii'.ir a...i?v. ..v 1 S 102.1 lT.il :.as been P-t eig t months, lea 'run the institution for the next sixteen ) , . .j.. - 1, -mi not take m,jc'h cf fc ,,..,nt"of finance to see that unless g reater care is taken of this fund; .U'i.-leri. v . !'.! be mad I belle.e li.at K,n .,', BOW Klv, u, II c i-f Mi.ir..u-io " . r- - - personal attention to this phase of the institution .r.d not quite so much to the outside work, he could keep within the amount appropriated." 1 . t. ..,.. e..r ih r..l.l r.de.t Yl.,.,n ,, Beatrice is reported ia good con- d..tu,n. both as to flnan.es and manage ment- Commissioner Eaton recommends 1 that Sup-rtntenda-r.t Osborne be given j considerable latitude as to making gen eral repairs. I The W omen s Industrial school at Mii- ford is reported to be in the best con 1 ditlon has e ver been. a Wark aa ew Balldlaga. home at M Iford toward the erection of new buiidmgs for which money was appropri ated and a recommendation is made that ste-s be lakt-n so that the work can start in the early spring. Four members wers dunharg-d for continued drunkenness and disrespex-t of rules and authority. Mr. adhere ntore strictly to the general rules relative to infraction by the members it would be better for his administration. ir. r.un recommends that r..ia aenro- priated by the legislature to build a cottage fr the w of tr-r.T and other male ,,,Dlo-.,, t the Girls' Industrial acho-w -,'- should be acoiied on the nor. chase of a tl.irteen-acre tract of land souta of th institution which contains a cottage and oth-r buildings. U says be thinks the land canbe bought at a reasonable Ilg-.re. The -.attle barn aid r.cg house at the pen itentiary, which are just completed, are rt'IT-4 10 " tnoa" icstitutior.s. , The stock at the penitentiary is ia good J condition and of the very best quality. Commissioner Eaton does not believe it J necessary to -spend much ct the. appropriation stale for rer airs on the re.-er- ; voir at the Lincoln asylum for the insane. He believe, it will be better to wait and , -- -f. i - - .u.- p.pe. ut. Hay says be is quite stire h will be able to prevent the creation of a deficiency in the maintenance fund. The rr.ainu-naBce fund at the Home for the Friendless at the present rate will show a deficiency, but when proper credit la given Mrs. Johnston for maintaining tha orthopedic hospital it will bring this insti tution within the aprroprlaxlorua. At this institution there are twenty-five employes and fifty-e-ght Instates and no boarders. The orthoped'c hospital Is . being re modeled, but much will have u be done in the way of painting and papering be fore it w.ll be 1 (It habitation for crippled children. Many tmprosementa hae been carried out at the Norfolk asylum by Superintendent Toung. as directed by toe board. iVrina-lontr Eaaon submitted to the board a tahsilaiion si.wing tot number ef -ln-nuuee. emptoyea. children, etc" H says ci.ikiren. etc.." means children, aunts, un cles, nrecea neprieas snvs. huawa.--.da and alter relatives of eer. ploes who stay at tha institution The "chUdren. ate '" ar di vided among tha lnatuut-an as f-dlaws: Norfolk asylu-n, 7, Haat-aga asylum, t. Lln.-aln asylum, a Beatrice Feebia Mindk-d rnatltote. 1, krarruts InduatnaJ atrhooi, i; Genesa ladu-rtrutl aehool. 1 . Milfogd Wa rn s home. 1. psaxt-ntiary, 1, t w-thas4tc heapttal, 1. N. is repen-ted fram Ua 81 dker. hemes at Mllfard ar.d Orwaid IiLaaid r the haena far tk FVlendiasa. Tne Aati-Salooa leagw taratagh" Err Batte-n. propose to fie proceedings against P-strv-t Jud-flH-t W. 9 Fie wart. Stewart is to take hi seat on the bench : Thursday and following this action w.ll be tsken to oust Mm fron-. office on the ground he ha .elated the corrupt prac- j ties art by spending t.o much money to I .iii h: nomination and elect:-") and ! also by treating voters. !rf C'awrt T4r. Spireme judges and mmln of the preme co.irt commissi... cane ta L.ncoln t.Klay and wi.l bec.n coart tomorrow The j judea pnt tV div !n conaultatlon. . Judce Reeee. elected at the recent elc- i tion. who ta to be item tn ten Thurwday. ; will not ait with the -u;rt at t'..is tea- I sion. thouh lni-1td to io o. bri.se ha ia compeJied to he abeent f-om the city en bu!ne-. He w!;i return Thursday j Paelal Caaaaaar Prat eel a. The Eaard of Public Lands and B .iiJ in received a protest from the PosTa! Te!e-raph company th'a niornlr. rejard inc ;he erecU.i of the p- line from the penitentiary from the state ho-iae. Th . I route mapped mI ta a-j c!-ee tj tf.e P'tal lines, this company cla.med. that when tte current ia on.it wi!l injure the Postal1 wires- The members of the board wen: sut th;s afternoon and after aa Invest.ga- ..... . . " lion decided not to change the route b'lt ... . . . lo pjt in frty-flve f,t t-o.es. Taft seallaie.t brswlat. W. B. P.os- received a letter todsr ff-'m r-.ativc in Pernsylvanya saymg that rn and Me of the republican party -,n that state favored the nomination of Sec- retary Taft for prescient. A movement j haJ oeen started f.r a Xiht In that stat. t:' 1''r :d. and the Taft supporters believed that before the national coann-; Hon Senator Knog wojid not be In it. Tom Bnton. who has just returned from, California, brought back the report thai ( j "i""""1 "i;ecu so reta- "l u.jimn.i-.i. Mr. uenion was vored the nomination cf Hugs but was -mnlclently vers-d In poi.tlo. so it wis reported of him. to believe, a Hughes cr- f .niutinn in ,-. -eil.l ,,t lot'. an.aatlon In t..is s.a.- would cut litre - aa-nst tne caru.dacy of Secretary TiX Dlstriet Tersss af taart '"V" " V . " V, , , ' HA R A RX. Neb.. Jan. t -Special. Ti.e ular terms of the district court for th .-lir'al d"rt. t w-'l Ke V1A t - -Jd.c.al d.strict wl be he.d on ' roilowir dates ,n . tn the several counties: Pill-rore County-January iurr term: - .. - . . - May - oquity term. XuT-mb-r ". jjry Slay IK equity term; October 1. Jury term. rkraska es ales. j TORK County Judge Taylor yesterday I ,,, Mia. c,!el- clson. both of Faraa-a h 1 o t.. E1I 1 Ti.e cororer s piry was un- able to find any other cause f.-r th- death or Hr.ry M-Daniels than heart failure. M r M' b-n -is was we.i known and foi i several years I'ved at Y.,rk. N-b. 1 TORK-Th- York -!. and ed- a- I tuonal institutions are loosing fsrward to I a large increase ta ti number of stu- ; , dents from ' a "dis'tance .V.enVw t, VaU ! Js w'll! 'ittd sr" j SHORT TIME FOR GRAND JURY! , 1 I rr Called aa Hastlli aie Tall Be If the new grand Jury, called by the d:s- . . -r!cl judges at their meeting Saturday, s t - Date et g Mitt Dasae. r .hi,fc:W convene February 4, In accordance with "T -- tn' C"' "m" q-ck WOrt " tn M 1 j for h-e to be done by the com-) i m'ssioners. I nder the statute trie new . board will organise January 1C and the -UX. cannot be adopted until that meet- ---'.-- -'-a-- -v oe a -awn 1 "" 17 " ruiy aajs to -"'rree o-vwe-n tr.e cajing and the meeting of the Jury as provided by law. There are J-uat twenty days between the meeting of the comtnias-lonera and the date fixed for the meeting cf the grand Jury, and a delay of a day or two would mut Is necessary to postpone tr.e beginning of the grand Jury session. ROBERTSON T0 HAVE CAFE; Cigar Dealer Will Owe a Eatta Hease 1 Where the Heaahaw tow Is. C. W". Robertson, for twenty-years a ' member of the firm cf Roberson Bros, 1 , fc .... .. , 117 .I. u-ii-.is i.yu-i caie. sun en trances on Fifteenth street and open a first-class restaurant and cafe about ths middle of Mar.-h. Plans have been prepared for the re modeling of the fronts aid the interior of the ro-irna The work will cost CiOtw. as the de-c--jior.s are to be elaborate, the wood work miid asd many mirrors. Mr. Robertson has been out of Omaha i for almost a year, but has decided to re- ; main permanently in this city aad give j whole time to cond-Jcting the rest a i rmht. CURRIE HAS A DARK HORSE Lea Grtaaa Statesaima Has herth Tharaaarhhred Caaatlawte far Presldeat. Fresn from th shorthnr-j. long grass ; country. Frank Chime, lawmaier. cattle j raiser, philosopher and ex-hotel keener. oa-Ti "pu-.tinc" ir.S9 Omaha Morday ; rr. n rn i r r K 'r, r tu rHr hm.i fni'w ,., Wk.lAT ci,MPes. Celon.l Currle de- ; Bi,, h, k,, a"-.- fe ranks o pepublicanutm and Joined the armr of Brrn. . d rjl for prMUjeat -nvse-.f before Id, grt u. and nustl fr Bryan" said be. I -im , Kerry Watterson kind of man tha' 1 1,. I tTa m nore and he's a thor-j : oughored. too. rie was ra sed out in tne I ahcSrthorn country, but I m not teiitng his TOO MANY NAMES TO TEACH Mrs. Maada Agree PaJater Wire ltalaallaa ta Saaerla teadeat af Wehae-ls Datlaaa. ' Please accept my resignation. ' 1 MALL'E AYRES PAINTEJ.. 1 T"-!s was the terse t-iegram re. -01 ved bv 1 Buperintendent IaTidsoa of the city schoo.s ' Monday mom leg It was from Kansas 1 City. If on read between th lines it Is very easy to see that Miaa Macde Ay res. j formerly a teacher in the Pacific hooi ' of this city, tad added the proper noun. Painter, t ter nam. and had changed tit prefig from 'Miss' tj "Mrs". Miss Ayres lived with her trother, Mrs El'xabeth j Ayres. at v. 1'n.ierwotvd venae. I THEATER CLOSED ONCE MORE Far tea-wad Tlaaa ta Weewt This riwaw Is shat l hr Balldlag laistel-T. I Th eiLy huatng tnapacLor closed th Parlor tha-catr, lew IV-cgtms tsreet Monday for tne secerd tisa wttxta a we-tt It wws - " i..ia i.-ia in ana- 1 gar. W r. fceeker, had failed ta catnj-iy , with t2 reguiauuoaa af ta building la- ' spartar On his proaae ta aueAa t aa aaeaa- ! aary rhaage he was a-leved t rt aa Ta : ; a itner e eiiw i-s.i-ostng tc aacteaa the bu.ld.ng Inspector states that u light, must be pla-ed a; a'l exits, a rf fifty foot fir hose. insta.id. ru b hn - h removed fr-tcn the cellar, step from f.rst floor to fnra'e r!n replaced and ce-t:fivate ip proving the ele-rfrtcal apr! secured from .h ritv el-trt.ia n. Also the a:s s must be kp.t free from Cun RAILROADER HIT BY ENGINE r4ge Kara.ee aa Marltaataa bets kali rrartared aad May at KecsTfr. A member oT a Bi.r..ngton br.Oge gang by the came of Johnson was strj k bv a Buri.ngton f-e,ght tra.n ear; Monday morning at he wai wa.k.rg across t'.e Pur!:ntct br Jr a: .ac:rd and r"ne streets and k.-.o. k-J frcrr. t' e br Ige. He was picked up and fakn ;-;-o the W.;?0w Springs brewrv and the Bur: ,ng-on a'n fcuianee was sen; f r II' was taken tj Carkscr. hosr.ta! and atinde.l b Lirs John B Jacit ar.l t? B. lutis T a found h s skill was frac; jrd and hopes of h.s recovery appear to be si.gi t Nothing is known as to wh.i the man t relatives are or l is h.nnje. READY TO ST0PD0PE TRADE laaaty ttterwey's 0ce ay It Will Take la Flakt If Clsew lrvldeare. "if t.'.ere s any state law i.mi-r wi.iih we im do so ani I'r Sw hc;a or ar.yor- else wi'l furnish 'is evid--i. e ( iir of n-e w-.ll been a prosecution of drjgg.sts who sell habit-formtng drvigs c ntrary to .aw." -aid T-eputy County Attorney Migney Monday, liiscjssirg t'r. Swoboda's charge that the cocaine, morphine and other dn.gs were being sold unlawfully to people wi have forrr.sd t.'.e dn.g habit. I am lo..K in up the law now and if it is an offense under the statutes w will prosecute any violation of the law brought to our atten tion. I am ir.clir.eii to t unk. however, that these cass com' under the JjriSiJ.i. tion of the city rrcscutor." PERIPATETIC BIRD IN CAGE aaaitrr ka Rehearse HI Masle aa Street I Arre-stea aad Re leaaeel aa Praalae. Claries J.hns--n was arrtd by Officer Cunnir.ehar.i Sunday on the cha-e of d.s t irbirg th peg.-e. Johnson explained to the judg I-, police c..i,rt Monday n .i-n'r.-! he was aunbiti-us to b on:e a vocalist and it was h.s habit to utilise his tin's while walkirg alo-.g the highways by practicing the seal and toucl.ln? up a fw notes on th h.gh register. The explanation was satisfactory and t'i oi.'sje congratulated Lim on his laudable ambition to aid to the gaiety of the wi.r'd by becoming a songster but advised him to keep off th principal thoroughfares while learnine. JUDGES GET F0RMAL ORDER Maagers 4 I tea ay Federal S apt-ease cssrt ta liw t aaae Agl last Maaaaaaaa. The t'r.ited States surreme -ourt has ordered l'nite-1 States Distr'ct Jur!gs W. H. Mur.s-T and T.or-.as C. Munger of the Nebraska federal court to appear Tuesday In W'sshir.gtc.n and show cause why mao damus should not be issued directing them to return to the jurisdiction of the supreme court of Nebraska the state s case against the Eurhngtott involving the railroad regu lation laws. The two judges have already filed their briefs in the case and all that will remain for the supreme cotjrt of the United Statea eeo During sleep the necessary Body-repairs are carried on in the "human workshop." x -:rr- Anything that prevents sound sleep at the proper time, i. e., after retiring at night will, sooner or later, prevent "smooth running' during business hours. That "drowsy feeling" in the forenoon (when everyone from the manager to the office boy should feel as elastic as a rubber ball) is often caused by want of sound, refreshing sleep the night before. The habitual use of Coffee is back of it all in nine ' .cases out of ten. Drowsiness During Business Hours May Be Overcome Stop drinking Coffee IT Which contains the "vital phosphates" from wheat for rebuilding brain and nervo cells. It does not contain the insomnia-producing alkaloid Caffeine, found in coffee and tea. Postum Induces Restful Nights and Successful Days. RaJ '-TTk? Ttr,1 v Wellvii: to do wi',1 be to fix the date f r the f rra! fcee-irg ESTATE OF J. F. CARPENTER lalae Is O.e Haedred aad litT-t-Is Theaaaad Dallarw. Aes-wrdlaa ta Maw. 7 s.a.e of J Frank i.arpen r wis wort aprrcx.inate'y t'.si ac.-ord.r.g to the est r-ate male h Mrs i'itpiit- in v' r pe'it.on to te appoint I a irr.ln.s'ra ": T nf lh esiate f led M indav ,n cun-y i ur l!r i'arpr.;r ! ft i w and t -property a. P! gj to l;.e wd..w t" e two sons and two ui( -;. The r' tv.i tn-n-.ates the -e.ue i.f lh ra! 'State at tlZ. 00 and rrs-na::y at I. V The h--ar:r-u-n t'-e tit.tion w . He ). ;. Th .rii morning DEAD MAN IS DAVID MILLER Wsrkmaa kt Die a Resalt af rail Isteatffleff a Itliea ml alla. la. " Th4- r an s ho f'i f-ro ti.e r-i of an e g Veen-f t la i-ir while p itng cn s' .r-a w'ndows a. TV r-. s ,ij-e iC4 S.iuth Fortieth sr-ee Saturdiy af-rnon. and di-d Saurda nig1 t as a r-suit of a frat..red su.l. ins he-c 11 i-lentlf.-d as I-av.d M." r of Sal v la V ;. O-, eland. ."I S--uh T! 'rty-'.fth s-.-en-;. !d tif:ed liim as a man wlo had d' re some work for him Acec-d n ' t'an.el " a-n-r. -he man had W n slri-g in a las-mer.t a: S.x-ee-th and W-hster siree-s VTfcen you have any-h r.g -o s.l adver tise It In The Bee Want Al Coljta.-.s. FOUND THE B0YC0ULD WALK aae aere fal ralral lllafllaa ! at a ara lea I t Hale. Bccaus- T'rnyson Phillips. agd whi knew he cotild not walk, was c-cmp-lled to wat a-rt-ow. T'r. II. R. Allen and the Indiana College hospital seem to b in t-o-..be. M- -d Mrs. V.V.: i Phill r. parer's of T-:nvson. dilare he has been cr-jeir treat! hv the physi. isn. The ph:- -sician and the s--cr of medical stud-nts w':o w'tness-d the boy s t-eatnient m ciiric st t'-e hospital say the boy w-is mad to walk b;. b in corvine.! tl at there was nothing the r-.a'te- with Ms info ws.lkir. In nth-r thoiujh h- hs 1 wa.'itre n of."-r wcrds. though he had not walkeJ. without bra-es. for severil yars. "Th bey was brought o ti.e clinic." said L'r. All-r. "by the n.oth-r. She said h had h'-n s-alJ-d s-v-n years aso and had never b---n able to wa-j s.nce. H was wea- ng a st cf braces that covered almes' h s w -.o!e body. Ore glnce at them ca-is-d me to thi-.k tvat if the hsy coi.d wall; wit.i trose brac-s cn. !'.' oull walk letter "-Hhout them. TV.y do- t se-r.i to provide any s ir.oort what ever I exar.nred his lgs for any deformi ties there r.glit i a.n.1 found none, r.or ; was there any evidence c-f Ms havne I been sc-il.i-d at snv time The mother I called attention to his knees, saying they ' were swollen. I could not see the swIl i ing. nor coul i any of the students or nurses. "I came to the corclusion that the hoy I ould walk if he were or.ly convinced i that he could. So I sent the mother from I the room and had th- boy Te on tve l operating table. I told him I intended i to amputate his legs, that thee wre of 1 no use to him. and that keeping him in j braces was considerable expense to his parents. H ag-eed that it should h and use well-made In pltji. ( done Tve prnspect Sidt -e.u I , : h.'-n at a ' H i'.Jd c - i i?. isj e r-r Woriis T had t ai.jd'ms bi.rg t In:' r.-ris re. "ssaty fir a- t )". srwl s e (",.nf,1 no s-cs cf T-:s a'o-ist s ispiclon cf a-.oi:-,-- k.nd. h .t tha r.ec i r.rt h r-er.l-on--1 Fsa lv I m d 10 tt sl.l'nta a j i-icn :-. es I : !-. t t-.t-nd ' ue 1 i... Tvforri. ; - . ould see n h d dn nil a n - n 1 n I tf 11 to a' I t. id then '. :.T a towel in l.; nt"i. . sr oru- r 10 s-n. I er h 's tries As I d t a: t jrtie I r v l k. He Imn-il'i'-'i tiitp-il off tie ta,!e to te e.- ' 'ln l do tea d-Htor.' he cied. 'I tn wk' ' li- s-and . g unr'c t. I told 1 to -i.ii He r n a. ri s tl r -ru I sa 1 li h .:i that l.e cos .in t a'k. that -coui.l oriy ru- T'.m !e a!- eJ :-J-'e t.'tt his k Iti-i-el. howsver. ar 1 ! -?- some ob- t.on to t 1st Than he wgiXed as yrs ght as ar-h-'dy. 'e ca1!"8-! s ri-.rr In to see me b-iv 1 . H- wa -i-'i a-ros-s t.ie twin ta her To our s irf is.- it t.- I her argtr II wasn t rg '. r ii-c:sre. .., as,ise ht-i ti.at wa. d-c.o.-Hfed t' e brakes V"eii. u s-e-rs t, a: s-ne ere of the stu dents or S'vr.e cine else had sec-i-s-rrd tr lri.es i di'n t fnov w-a be- ame 1 t tl.--1?. Sr.- g.-t a 1 a'j to take t ;e hcrre " Incha-ap- l,s Nc-ss Bv ua rg tKe artvus departments of T .s Pee Wart Ad rig -s ;-ou get qui' k returns a, a small epe-se. FOISCN SQUADJDF GREAT MEN Hlsterlrat C haraa-ier tM ha Tar k let. Grab Mach 1.1 ke Pea pie af Taelay. So-e e.f the gr-.t his-.i-rtcal c 1 -mctaev cf 'he wo-id wou'J i aie .ade up an c'r.t po.son a,; .ad" 'or It W lev. ? gc. err.:nr.t fooil expert. Ti T-ier t . Treat of ".mi. for i-v s'ance. F.ake-1 iiew stuT-l t n a-ipt wss s i-s:i whS-b lie s'-rtflv s -jor--d. Pr-d-1. V th- 1'i-ra' l-lard that of the 4ainta s.o upon h'.s tnb1 there was nor. whi.-h -;id compare with salt p-rl" and calbae1- If any c f l is courtiers w a e.J to p-t H rry VIII to s:p ail he la! t d mi to tret out a hai.n. ii cf v--;'-. Henry w-uld ea th- U' t 1 he was sin-ply su f:td and a nap would be ahaolute-i rec-sssrv "Th thing tha" s r.-arrs. to r-e 'a -nt favorite." was the axim of Vaj-.-le'-r Bonatsirt when hp was at table. And 'f all reports are true h crtairly could pun-sit food. WhO Nap.'ie--n was a hearty ca'-r. outts the reverse is true cf Alxa-id- r th- Great When he was en a ar .;g 1 a-id ti.a greater pa-t of h "s 1 fe was -;-rt he ate very little and lived 1..-, !' ra'ors of a eorn-non sold'-r. In t'-.o- days the ra tiers cf a common so!-'eT wern t an-t-lng to talk aNi;t, ei.i.er. Alexanders rhjeot WSS tO S-t S good eUStipl- to h'S foi;e---ers. so that th.ere would not b t -o much grumhLng when the fooI was scarce. Mo! anmed. ti e proph t, was also a ery light eaier. He w.oild li'le a wl.ot- day. and tl n T&)ie a r.-eal off a handful of dates and a mouthful of watet. ' Th- great duke of Marlboi-ou-rli cherished j as dainties beef and beer. He said no sol i tir could feel In ft trim for a fghj un ! lees he was prop-rly dieted on th-se. The irreatest g'utton of any day seems j to have been Vit-llius. the Roman em i peror. He would fill t.ims-if to the burst ! in point, take a violent emetic and then repeat the gorgng performana-e time after time. Philadclt-l-ia Press. "Thoro's a ReQson. 1