8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. .TAXTTAKY fi. 100R i.iiiiiii i; t v..::"::::: Sr - r .... i HIIIIIIIIIIMI"'! 1.; ."MIMM! I'I'J'i'S" IIIMMOHItKl . V i ' I' I I I' ( lu ii u n KH ifFM iMlllllMiiK at hiih i flBf9 5 nonr. furnishers rrRTiTmR. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. iT? -rsTD runt iiiimrL JliMi lilMfiiiMMiHu.h h,.. ...... H. , il " - " r Tfu""' UtlU ' ' J I I I 1 1 I 1 1 asfl I 111 Mill I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I I II I III Feather your nest MH-W-li noiir.i.A.S a Fl RMTI HK If you desire roods of high quality, tow .prloee ul easy ttnni, It be hooves you to' trade at THE PEOPLES STORE 16th and TARN AM STS. PI tUH HIOH CLAB3 PIANOS Beasonabls Tnni l.arae selected slock Of Webar, Mehlin, Henry ar1 8. & ). J.lnrieman, Fiitr Pi). -rchlller. MATTBIWl niVO CO. Mfrrs. and Dealers 1513-15 Barney. Omaha 1i I vision Everythini In. Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Doutjbs St. Omaha pianos J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' State Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106-3 No. 19th $H.. Omaha. Nob. Tel. Red 3 841. PIANOS BCHMOLUB as K PIANO CO. PIANOS - Mannfactumn and 4'rI i rI ,7 ' mjrb ' Oiade Pianos J " 1 1 111 ' Hanei l Sieck J I :'lr"ifc, 1311-1813 Farnam St TV '" firnahn. Nf-h. MUSIC BY MAIL Illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnam MubIo by Mall , Lrf-aa than 10c . at thrm at th w(or nf tlio Prflold Ptnnn Co., fmnba. rilONOGBAPHS AJtO BEronns Columbia Phonograph Co. f Oold Monldak Sao j n t? V ora flt ny Cylln- ( 'rip WjjSw 1T Tllln Machine 1 tiUU made You throw ) v:Zjf awnv nmfT If you pay more. ,r 121 7&XIAM 8TKSET C'lsnra, Itnblter Good" nad Dram. TFrUorlptlouTCocuracy Qaarantaed. Syrlngtia. Rubber Gooda by Mail, cut prleea. Band for free catalogue. Send Uf your mail ordrra for drufa. fr.tirht paid on. II lota. Cifara at cut n rice a. lc clirara. to. Uyera Ctllon Xrar Co. XJXUOBl PAIVTl ith and yamam. 1416 Hamey. CAXDV Craft Guild smans Conf ections old by QEOXOE KOQEKI, 1608 Tarnam '1 " BRBVERIE9 ' Alwaye Aak for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. fAMOL'S KEG AND BOTTLE BEER M0fAHA WATER FILTERS. SKIHX mill, SPAAKLtaa WATM BT UBIlfO JCXI OITBI WAT riLTElS. C D. RUBER, Mfgr. 1301 rarnam SU, Omaha, , TELEPHONES IN OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. i.PJIOTO SUPPLIES. jobiibi Am BKU-rnag or PHOTO ' SUPPLIES LAROrST HOTTBB III TUB WEST. ' The Robert Dempster Co., 1111 TAmHtAM ST OMAHA. DOB nr.PAIRINO Standard Shoe Repair Co. . 104 TAXXAJC We do the work rlfht, phone Pout. TH7 and we will call for your work. We at 11 poliab, l&cea and aboe aitectel tlee. .. CLEANIRO AND DYE1XO, W are lieadguariera fur all cleanlnff, Ayelsf, yreaaiaf and repairlDf of la- dU' and BPiHU-mrn'a clothing. TOU1 BB BOLICITKO THE. WARDROBE 201 ,Farnan Braty h Office. 1721 L.aTnwoith.' Telephone 1ouk 172. I.At'XDHlK TXB MBW WAT" We don't Iron ablrta at all. We preea them. Thla glv an attractive flnleh Without wmrina" out the Urmn. TAr STTXLAJC XAtrVOBT fcm i7i. AHaa BV. BaiaQtaa, MLfT. 11 . IlUt Tel. Xa-laa IA4. THINKS AND LEATIIER GOODS TR.UNKS ,. Soil Cases. Bag sad line Packet Books riELING 4 STQNLB Tel. Bee. 4H. WsS rsraaai PUBLICITY DESIGNS Bim IIP ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality. Sl'RETV BOXDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Rome Company wltli Aaictj In Nnbraaka. 314-315 NEW TORE IiIFE BTJILDIKO. Telephone Douglas 552. MINK M MIMVfS For Information concerning legiti mate mining In BrlUeh Columbia, addreaa F. II. KNIGHT 3oom il-0 ojnmbli JiSy. .POStAIfE, WA3HFWOTON. JKI.MIMKNTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM SL CO. 113 rarnam St. Omaha HANKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA Deposits $11,000,000.00 RANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depositor; I6th and Farnam Sts. BAMvS OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA.. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L. BRANDEiS & SONS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK loth and Douflae ta Omaha OFFICH Fl'IlXITCRK Best Selection DESKS $ OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th tod Farmm Sit. INCORPORATORS LET XXFZBT8 Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Oood. Propoaltlon. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-315 WW TOBX LITE BUIX.DIKO. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY US THIS SAT OP SPECIALISTS you waate time and money aelectlng your help. WB ABB BPECIAIiISTB The beat anility In the city la listed with ua. Give us your needn let ua asBint you no charge to emplnyera. WEST. KEF. at BOBD AS3K. nit 733 W. Y. I.lfe. Tel. Pong-. 4383 REFERENCE AtiKNTS HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. I. CXOTBB, Oea. Kgi. 6ult 404 Bee Building. RKFKKEXCK AGKXTS. XOW WOULD TOU Z.IKB EXPERTS to secure your help, saving you time and money. Competent Clerical, Hales and Technical Help furnished em ployers, without charge. OVABARTEB BEP. A T7BETT CO., 'Phone Bed. 6444. 633-4 Brandeia Bldg. OFFICE Sl'PPLIES Office Supplies Everything- from a Pin to Piling Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. , 10th and Parnam Sts OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES ruing Cablneta. Piles and ledgers, Office Fixtures and Supplies of All Kinds. Anchor Publlstilna Co. 308 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6569. TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Exchange MOT rarnam Pbone Doug. 808 AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES J. J. DERIGHT & CO. Wholeoalo and Retail Safro and AntomobUca 1814-1818 FARNAM STREET Mall Or 4 Preea. Gowda. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. m0K".AJn "TBIBOTO Wholesale rir to ;OTB"lE; pemiom oooi stall Order BapuUes of AU1 KUuAa Flrat Claaa Aent Wanted OMAHA. KFR. Omaha business men who have been in the east recently predict that this eity and the country tribu tary to it will, by comparison with other cities, have a really prosperous career in 190S. This is oni of the good things blown by the ill wind of the panic which has been creating so much unrest and business disturbance in the east. The financial press in New York has been abusing the Omaha banks for holdinj? more cash than required by law, and there has been much discussion of business and industrial conditions which has served to em phasize the fact that the west is quite sound, how ever troubled conditions may be or may have been in the east. As a result homeseekers and investors are sure to look to Omaha and the west as th? most attractive field for enlarged future develop ment. The record of the year just ruded furnished abundant justification of Omaha's boast of its su perior advantages and its ability to go through financial depression without too much worry. Omaha's bank clearings in 1907 amounted to $567,515,788, an increase of $11,000,000 over the record for 1900. The manufacturing output in Omaha for the year was valued at $220,000,000, an increase of $25,000,000 over the preceding year. Omaha jobbers sold goods in 1907 valued at JEWELRY AND WATCII MAKERS N.P.STILUNS. Dlameoa Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Snodal attention to "r. complicated and lnt" rate repairing. All work (ruaranteeil. Boom 3 raxion JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafaon 41 Henrickson accessor to F. XL FT.ODMAB ft OO. Jewelers (EL Watchmakers 1514 Capitol Arenns. PHOTOGRAPHERS in ' STEW LOCATION rBAX BMt. 18th and rarnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOUTH 16th STREET MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 317 SOUTH !Mh STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY MATTHEWS OKIOIRA& PAXJTLXSS SZRTXST barges and Finest Dental Of floe West of CMoag-e Suit 4. Bushman Blk., lth and Doug. II A I It STOKE SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE EAIR 8TORB ror Everything In Rair Goods, Hail Work, Rair Dreaalng, Switches, Wigs and Topees. 1411 F ARRAM ST., OMAHA, SXB. Telephone Douglas 8333. OPTICIANS The H. J. Penfold Go. WB LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW 8CEERTTFI0 OFTZCXARS See Oar Rew Torlo Lenses 1408 Farnam 8 c Omaha, Neb. olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported OUti Oil Direct From Italy 13.25 per gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agents for Huyler's fine candlea. Kresh dally. Agents for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-Dillon. Drag Oo. 16th and Farnam. Engineer and Mfg. Machinist. P. MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MARUFACTUBIRO ARD 11. FAIRIRO OF ALL KIRDS OF MACKIRBBT Erecting and Consulting' Rngtnoera N. K. Cor. 11th and Howard St.. Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WULSOsf STEAM BOILER CO. Blirt. el Tat liar fine sad lire Setler II sa Water Yaaas. Stack! as4 rrechtag Btsatrtae Sad laae kvliert Seagal saaStas Factory 19th and Pierce St a.. Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEUMEU Xeadquartors for Beery thing' Blsotrloa Railway, Steam and Mill Supplies . Prompt Shipment and 8atlslaotloa (raaraatoeA. 1218 PARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY PsiP4jer and Ireioht Elevators SUrPLlRS anA (CrAlRING raoas DougUs 89T. 104 B. ink St. glv Omaha's Kecord and Prospects PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. DALFE rarxBnro, rot wat ajts 8TIAX KlATKia Gas and Bleotrle Fixtures Bepalr Work a Specialty ToL Song-. 743. 1607 Howard CLEANING AND PLEATING Pleating-All Kinds ....DYEINO AND CLEANING.... RUCHINCIS, BUTTONS, ETC. Bend for price lint and samples IDEAL PLEATING CO. BOl Songlas Block, Omaha, Heb. CORNICE WOKKS Cornice Eat. 1884. Steel Ceilings R. CARTES REjST kital works rinlals, Ketal Rooring, Tanks, Sky. lights, Sheet Metal, Fire Proof Win dows. Large Stock of Metal Calling' 1718-20-22-n St.- Marys Avenue Tel. Doug. 602. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS BR US FOR ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. DOTTOLAB 1062. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail ETRGESS-GRADE CO. TcLDesf. Ml JUS. 15th St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when a Gas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few minutes. We sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL EGHAVIG, PRINTING. ETC KOTERA a COMPANY St4l and Copper Plate En grAving. Embossing and Printing 1101 Jacks St, Omaha, Nek ENGRAVING HALF-T0NE & ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING 1 ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER v VYsoletale a4 Retail Dealer is FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Douglas 1143 801-3-3-7-9-11 N. 16th St- Omaha PEED FOIl ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wkolssale Ray, Bran, Oata, rsod BEST GRADES OF" COAL Office, coal Tart an4 Ormla Rlerator TeL 1411. 1211 Nicholas St. WHOLESALE SHOES Hajrwrard Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR RAS FBOVER BEST BT TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MoTes. Paeka and Stores Household Uoode. VhoM Doaglas UM 1607 Farnam jf Lynch Bros $88,048,000, an increase of $2,000,000 over the preceding year. Real estate transfers in Omaha in 1907 were $11,314,527, an increase of $1,100,000 over the transactions of the preceding year. In Omaha, in 1907, $4,r;,,G,04 3 were spent in the construction of new buildings, an Increase of about $500,000 over the previous year. Grain receipts for the year, despite the late harvest and the financial troubles in the east, which held up shipments during November, were 4 2,538,800, or but 2,000,000 bushels less than the lecord-breaking year of 1900, while the 1907 grain shipments exceeded those of the previous year. The postofftce receipts, an unfailing barometer of conditions, showed a total of $S,525,:'.S;, an In crease of $550,000 over 1900. At the stockyards, 5, 495, 075 head of live stock were received during the year, about equalling the 1906 record. In the city directory line, there were 2,234 names added to the birth roll during the year and 1,364 removed by death. In every line of activity the record for 1907 showed an improvement over that of 1906, and every indication promises that Omaha will hold its own in 1908. The prospects were never better for the greater and more substantial development of Omaha, The Market Town. RESTAUR A NTS. DESIGNERS. Let us DRAW you y a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. H. O. BUVNELL CO, ' Commerclul Artists S22 N. Y. Life Douglas 6149 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Bnlld Tonr Rome for Ton and Jet Ton Fay lor it Like Bent 81-36 V. S. NATIONAL BARK BLOO. Fhone. Doug. 4503 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. We are sole agents for -Lows Bros. High Standard Faints and S. It XL Jap-A-Lao, F. It B. Rnkote and a complete line of Varnish Call or write for color card. Myers-Dillon Drag Oo. smuasi FAINT! 16th and Farnam. 1416 Rarney. SIGN PAINTING. S. H. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Erery Description 1308 Dong-las St. Tel. Dong-. B51S FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE built lire a boiler Clear, durable, economical W. S. HEATON 1318 Ro. 34th St. 'Fhone Web. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA ISth and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No Job too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Farnam Sts. PRINTING. PRINTING. 'Have Root Print It" 1210.1213 Howard 84. Omaha. Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 1604 PRINTING. Oeo. S. SneU Albert Blmms SXELIj PRINTING CO. r ARTICULAR FRUITERS S10 South lath St., Omaha, Reb. Telephone Douglas 67M COLOR WORK -I- -I- EMaossnra PRINTING ImlUtJon Typewritten Letter. Fraotlual FrlntlxLg, Ro Job Too Largs os Too SmalL WORK RXORT PRICES RIORT ANCHOR PrBLiSUING CO. '306 Bo. lUtn St. TeL Doug. 3989 I PRINTING. CONTINENTAL PRINT BROF ALL WORK Oo as the Best ALiIj W WlVIVChMpr thmn thm mfc Get cur estimates and savs money. Telephone Douglas 4603. Boom 81 U. 8. Nat l Bank Building, OMARA, I I I NEBBASKA. PRINTING. TYPEWRITTKN LETTERS ARB TIB BEST BOOSTERS FOB YOUH BDBIMISS WB MA KB THB PERFECT XXRD MAN GUM A CO. Telephosu) laaa 10a Bo. 13th St, Hew Ronse 411S Dodgre Street Modern hou.in of 7 rooms and re ception hall; finished in oak down stairs, liardwooil doors and finished floors throughout. Price. $4,750. Can make terms to Rood psrty. JOHN W. BOBBINS 1801 rarnam Tel. Douf. SIS REAL ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOARD Or TRAX-B TeL Douglas. 41. REAL ESTATE. Louis Berks Chas. Stelger BERKA a CO. REAL ESTATB City Property, Farm Lands, Loans, InTestments and Fire Insnranoe Office: J N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douplas 7497. REAL ESTATE. CALL FOR OUR FLAT OF WEST FARNAM LOTS $1,800 to $1,800 Each Harrison & Morton 813 R. T. Life TeL Dong-, S14 REAL ESTATE. , MORTGAGE LOANS 1200,000 TO LOAR on Improved city property. If detiired loans can be closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 603 FIRST RATIONAL BARK BLDO. HEAL ETATE, ERNEST SWEET 13 Rew Tork Life B all Ola g Builder of High Class Resldenoes Several Row Ready at 33rd ana Rarney (Farnam Hill district) See Them Today HEAL ESTATE. GEORGE & CO. Real Estate Abstracts of Title Investment Securities 1601 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. HEAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Main rioor, R. T. Life Bldg., MORTGAGE 10 US, REAL ESTATE. RENTALS, INSl R WCt REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Bar and sell REAL ESTATB. Collect Beats. Bent Property. Loan Money on Real Estate. 1604 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO CARE Or PROFEBTIES. INSURANCE, RENTALS ARD INVESTMENTS 4C3 Bee ftldif. "Phone Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. REAL ESTATE and INVESTMENTS Farm and Ranch Land for Sals or Trade. 306 8. 18th St. Tel. Bong. 8563 REAL ESTATE. 6-Room Mouse Bath, Cas Grate and a Corner, $1,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1623 FARNAM. TeL Doug. 419 REAL ESTATE. THE MCCAGUE . INVESTMENT CO. REAL ESTATE, LOANS ARD INSURANCE 1506 Dodgs St. TeL Dong. 41S REAL ESTATE. 6703 R. 34th St., Rew 7-Room Rouse, 8. B. Front, Corner Lot, $3,680; $800 Cash, $35 Per Month. J. WRASP CO., 689 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 1653. REAL ESTATE. "Lfj" arlaLjtajr I fT'.; Build- 1 I J Li I7Q4 Fahnm t. 1-1 1 HEAL ESTATE. 1SU8 Fanuun Bb TeL Deuf . k7 SKimer H Chtk.se Co. RBAL B STATE, INVBSTMBRT8, RENTALS, IRBURAROR BUILDRRB OF MODBRR ROUSRS Omaha, Rebraaka. HEAL ESTATE. J. K. DUMORT. J. R. DUMOBT, J. H. DUM0NT & SON RBAL ESTATB, STOCKS, BOBDS BEBTALS, LOANS, FIRS INSURANCE 1605 FARNAM STREET, TeL Douglas 690. OMARA. HF.AL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. OTTT B-EAX ESTATE, LOARB ARD U1TAJJ, LARDS ARD RARCRXS he "Alfalfa Land Man1 Main View-. N. Y. U Bids. Omaha AL ESTATE. ALFRED C. KENNEDY BBAT. BSTATB, LOANS, ZRSURARCB. RENTALS SO FVrt BaUo&al Bask Bouaug, TeL Doug-. T33, OMARA, REB. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Ramgs Bldg., 16th B Rarney Choice building lot, $10 cash, SB per month. Oood cottaRe homes $26 ensh, $10 per month. Modern homes $100 cash. $20 per month. REAL ESTATE. . W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1300 r ARRAM ST. OMARA. HEAL ESTATE. Investments, R.ea.1 EsteJe. Rentals. Mortgage Loans INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD (81 CO. 309-310 Brown Block. HEAL ESTATE. Real Estate Insnranoe Abstract of Titles Loans Rentals " The Byron Reed Company IS South 14th Street Fhone 897 OMASA, BBS. REAL ESTATE. BENSON & MYERS 31$ N. Y. Life Bldg.. OMAH A Special attention given to prop rty for out-of-town clients. HEAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor Now York Llfo Bldg. Makes a specialty Of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his books. Ueat Meney st the tswest Current late el Interest REAL ESTATE. BENSON ft CARMICHAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Iisurance, Loans " 643 PAXTOR BLOCK, OMABUL HEAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. HEAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on car line, rents at $35.00 .rTK.f per month, for National Investment Co. Phone Donglas 6691. Douglas Block. REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER All work first-clans, will draft your plans without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now under construction. O P TRAVER '" 47ai, V. A7. !JiAViXlMaMa R. r. Life. REAL ESTATB. ' CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have S,000 acres of Irrigated land in the Upper Kmtke Hlver valley. If Interested call or write for terms. Excursions every 1st & 8d Tuesdays. W. S. FRARX Phone Dong. 3600 391 Neville Blk. HEAL ESTATE. WALRUT RILL Rlne-Room Rouse, south front, largs lot, water, light, only half block to oar. $3,350. Sea us for terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. HEAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne, S. P. Bostwlck, E. M. Slater PAYXE, BOSTWICK & COMPAKV TATB, RENTALS CITY LOANS, INSURANCE Main Floor r. y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1016. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractors and Title Examiners New Ucitloa SOS Soith 18th St ABSTRACT OF TITLES. NEALE & NORTON ABSTRACTS Or TITLE Twenty Years Eaperlenos In Omaha 316 South Seventeenth Street, Bee Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1885 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 rarnam St, TaL Dong-. 839 ABSTRACTORS. EED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Abstract Off loo in Nebraska, 1710 FarsAH Street, Omaha, too. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Get a MC ERR" Attract 305 8. 17th Street LIFE AND ACCIDENT vlNSI RANCB TOM S. KELLY Manager Ufa and Accident Depart ments for btats of Nebraska. Ths Traveler Znsuranos Oomnaar liajrtfort, Coun. $80 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Keh.