tttr omaiia Sunday bee: January r, inns. Snowy j Lots of ' Gowns, Skirts, Chemises, Corset Covers rf and Drawers "" in... ii. yum. I ' f ....... .i.i.. inn .i mi ' ;'WV 1 "'' . ' , v $i 1) ;: v iriTTSirA Rich Trimming w xx : , . v : i. :.. i h'f'mm Msu m wwu4Ljfc a uiviMn a to ., worth to ,6.o. t98 Fine Fabrics Special! Special! COMBINATION SUITS OF UNDERMUSLINS Corset rover and drawers, corset cover and skirt, and corset cover, skirt and drawers. .lap and taffeta Princess Slips; lace edped ruffles, in cilors and wliite, actually worth as high as $10.00 your choice Monday for I .....i$4.98 Combination Suits of corset covers I Combination Suits Daintily trim arid drawers, In nainsook and lont; , med with laces and embroidery. cloths, worth tip to 19R ! "tc, worth up to $6.50, $4.50. at at OUR GREAT ANNUAL SALE OF Corset Covers There are 225 dozen of these Corset Covers la long and f ul cut sizes, rows of lace Inser- tlon, embroideries, (111 0?$k tucking and rib- Vit j H bon beading, worth jmj 3 fcjl jf 75c each, at " St i . i rawers All sizes, open and closed, extra full cut, embroidery, lace and tucked trimming, worth up to 60c each, at This Sale Will Surpass No Store But Drandeis Could Assemble Such GOWNS. DRAWERS. SKIRTS. CORSET COVERS. CHEMISES Very nicely made garments lace and embroidery trimmed, many with cluster tucks and hemstitching regular 66c, 75c and $1,00 values at .... . in Magnitude Any Undermuslin Sale Ever an Immense Array of Beautiful Undermuslins, Attempted West of Chicago and no Store But This Could Offer Such Bargains DAINTY UNDERMUSLINS ELABORATELY TRIMMED In this assemblage are lace, em broidery and tuck trimmed gowns and drawers, corset cov- ers, chemises and r""l r j skirts they are f I 7 regularly worth up to $1.28 at r f b Zi SKIRTS. GOWNS, CHEMISES DRAWERS, CORSET COVERS Beautifully made of fine nain sook, cambric and lawns with lace edgings and insertings, al so e m b roidery and fine tuck trimmings, ac tually worth upto $2. at CHILDREN'S White Skirts Made with lace inserting, edg ing and tucking splendid bargains and worth regu larly up to 75c, your choice at. hemi These pretty Embroidered Chemises are worth up to f !-00 rVk each, ruffle at bottom, UlJ HH wide and cut long, JmS at, each LI?Lp Our Finer Lines of GOWNS Omaha's most complete line of mus lin, cambric and nainsook Gowns, in slip-overs, high neck V and square neck, beautifully trimmed with laca and embroideries. Special price reductions are: $2.25 Gowns are $1.50. $2.75 Gowns are $1.98. $3.50 Gowns are $2.50. $3.98 Gowns are $2.98. Domestic Undermuslins Are Greatly- Under priced During This Olg Sale SKIRTS I CHEMISES I CORSET COVERS I DRAWERS OUTING Flannel Gowns In a big variety of colors and pat terns, all are well made and are the regular 7 Be garments, at Rich array of white Petticoats new est flounce effects, in lace and em broidery trimming extra wide cuts. Speclul Reductions are: $2.50. Petticoats for $1.50. ' ' $3.00 Petticoats for $1.9. $3.50 Petticoats for $2.50. $3.98 Petticoats for $2.98. $5.00 Petticoats for r3.50. $7.00 Petticoats for $4.98. Made In the dainty French effects with the extra trimmed ruffles many extra lengths daintiest of laces and embroidery trimmings. $2.50 Chemise for $1.50. $3.88 Chemise for $2.98. . $5.00 Chemise for $3.50. $7.00 Chemise, for $4.98. $10.00 Chemise for $6.98. Nainsook Corset Covers, full blouse, daintily trimmed with embroidery and lace ribbon and beading many styles to jelect from. $2.00 Corset Covers for $1.25. $2.50 Corset Covers for $1.50. $2.76 Corset Covers for $1.98. $3.00 Corset Covers for $2.50. $4.00 Corset Covers for $2.98. Muslin, cambric and nainsook draw ers, circular and embroidery effects, julnty ruffles of lace tucking nnd hemstitching, open or closed. $2.00 Drawers for $1.25. $2.50 Drawers for $1.50. $3.00 Drawers for $1.9S. $4.50 Drawers for $2.9S. $5.00 Drawers for $3.50. GENUINE HEATHER BLOOM PETTICOATS Black and colore, tucked, shirred and ruffled, . every one a ff guaranteed Heather-H1 bloom, worth $2.00, at From N. Y. Mfg's. Stock ress oods . AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRICE 36-inch to 42-inch dress goods, consisting of fancy suitings, ser ges, henriettas, albatross, Pana mas, Jamestown suitings, pretty wool plaids, and over 100 dif ferent styles in the prevailing colors BOe, 69c nnd 75c dress goods at the un restricted price, Monday front bargain square at HAND RSI&DE LiP3EI nssD We have imported directly, through our own Paris office, the richest assemblage of the real French hand-made Undermuslins ver shipped to a western house. Our own foreign buyer selected them. The prices are so moderate that lovers of this exquisite wear can secure garments at prices as low as domestic muslin underwear. Xo such a sale was ever before known. Among the specially priced lots of Lingerie, we mention: Corset Coven worth $1.25, 75o Corset Covers worth $1.50, 08c Corset Cavers wrth $2.50, $1.50 Corset Covers worth $3.00, $1.98 Drawers vwrth $1- 50, 98c Drawers worth $2.50, $1.50 Drawers worth $3.00, $1.98 Drawers worth $4 00, $2.50 Chemise worth $1. 25, 75c Chemise worth $1. 50, 98c Chemise worth $2.00, $1.25 Chemise worth $2.50, $1.50 Gowns worth '$2. 75, $1- 98 Gowns icorth $3.50, $2.50 Gowns worth $4.00, $3.98 Gowns worth 1:5.00, $.150 EMBROIDERIES All new designs' shown for the first time Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric corset cover widths, skirtings, flouncings,. galloon head ings, etc. Also medium and wide edgings, : bands, etc., worth up to ."0e a yard 3 big ' lots, at AND SiKiEBKS JANUARY SALE OF Also Keady-to-Use Sheets and Pillow Cases. Greater values than ever. Our famous brands of yard-wide lilcached Muslins and Cambrics at 5c, Go, IVz, 9c and 10c are the biggest bargains in years. 5c Embroideries 2c yd Thousands of yards of fine Cambric and Nain sook Edgings and Insertions neat de signs worm up to Dc yard at vard. All-Over Embroideries Fine Svis, Nainsooks and Cambrics in Eye let, .Japanese, Shadow and Mind effects worth up to '$ 1.75 yard , rn nr '1 bargain lots, at yard Oub"OUu 0 US Standard 81x90 (2x2) French seam, worth at mills 75c, January sale price, each. . . .50 Extra heavy bleached Sheets, two yards and 2 Vi yards wide, full 2 yards long, splendid for hotel use, where quality must be good to with stand laundry wear, special January sale price, each 4J) 8-4x9-1 unbleached seamed Sheets, hundreds of dozens for January sale, at, each 45 Most complete stock plain and hemstitched Utlca Sheets and Pillow Cases, in every wanted size, at very low prices. Amazing values in Sheets and Pfllow Cases. Extra heavy, well made, 45x36 bleached Pil low Cases, French seam, at, each . . 12 V& Hemstitched Pillow Cases, very well made, satin finish, at an' exceedingly low price, , each 14d Dependable brands only will be found in thid complete department. ; 10x4 bleached Sheetings, at, yard 25 .4 bleached Sheeting, yard 22'a bleached Sheutings, at, yard 20 bleached Sheeting, at, yard and Xx4 bleached -Sheetings, name grade 8x4 7x4 9x4 as Lock wood and lengths, yard. . . . Pepperell, In mostly sheet JANUARY SALE F HITE Our bargains in New "White Goods are the talk of Omaha. Stocks are so big woman can find exactly what she is looking for. The prices are always less than y We have just received a complete line of those new St. Gaul Swisses in all the very latest pat terns, prices at 91.25 yard down to. , . . 25 The beautiful imported English Pique in plain and fancy Effects, will be very popular this sea Bon for women's suits, prices areiiOc, 4.V, 50c, up to S5 ard We are showing a beautiful line of plaid and checked Irish Dimities, the prices are 15c, 10c, 25c, i!c and 35 yard 40-inch Victoria Lawn, worth 19c yard, at, yard 12 4S-inch French Mull, worth 50c yard, at yard 35 48-inch French Mull, worth Slic yard, at, ard '27, C Ecru 1inen, worth 45c yard, at, yard..J5 and complete at Hrandeis that every on expect to pay for such fine ipialities. We aluo announce special prices in long cloth and nainsook during the month of January. Our own importations in white goods were very extensive this season. We import direct through our own Paris office and in this way save a considerable amount, which enables us to make very low prices on fine goods. 'Sim G3EAT JANUARY SALE Ol This is the most successful sale of Linens in our entire history. Tho crowds are bigger, bargains are greater. Monday we will clean up all odd lots of fine Pattern Table Cloths. All the 72-inch fine Mercerized I All the all linen Huik and Huiimk Table Napkins, worth $1.50, at. I TowcU, worth up to 35c, at, Beautiful Pattern t'lotlis-that are worth as high as 120. 00, at each. ...85.00 83.98 All I.lneu Table Damaak, 72 inches wide, worth as high as (1.00 yard, at, yard. 49 Table aiuak, our best Scotc h, German aud Austrian makes, worth as high as $1.50 yard, at. ard 05 dozen g All tho Scotch Linen. Bleached Napkins, worth $2.00, at, dozen . . .J ; . j. 81.25 All the very fine Grass Bleached Linen Napkins, worth $4.50 and $5.00, at, dozen 82.50 each 10 All the extra fine all linen Buck and Iaiuak Towels, worth up to 85c, at, each 49 All the 24-Inch and 27-inih Bed l'rih Coitnu Diaper, worth $1.00 bolt, 10-yard bolt at 59 LSB1 the stocks are better and the All the Knit Wa-h Cloths that everyone knows sells at 5c, at, each lc All Hie fine Hemstitched l.iuen Shcu, worth up to $7.00, at each $3.98 All Hie Kine Fancy l.lncns. Includ ing beautiful t'luuy, Japanese and Mexican drawn-work and Kalian Filet pieces, to he sold at about V actual value. January Showing and Sale Ml 908 Waists Thousands of dainty, new 1908 Waists will be shown to morrow for the first time. Such a-display as this has never been attempted in Omaha, and to make the event more interest ing, we have marked each waist at a special price. Linen Tailored Waists Daintily pleated and tucked stylesin sheer or heavier materials, destined to extreme popularity in 1908 special prices, $5.98, $4.98, $4.00, $3.98, $3.50 and $2.98 Linen Embroidered Waists 1'eautiful needlework in the daintiest of new patterns, short or long sleeves, $6.98, $5.98, $4.98, $3.98 and .' $3.50 Dainty Lingerie Waists Charming new creations for 1008 long or short sleeves, at $4.98, $3.98, $2.98, $2.50, $1.98 and $1.50 "IS? Laces at 5c Yd. Also torchons, point "de Paris and cluny, cur tain laces, many to match, worth up to l-lic a yard, bargain square, yard 5c 9