THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: .TAXTfARY 5. 100S. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Jfferinga Light at Result of Oversell ing the Previous Day. PRICES ARE WELL SUSTAINED oM. S rV1. Futures quiet; March, t 54J. January, 5a M: JVF.W YORK DF.KHtl. MARKET tome t.ood Rallies Prodaeed br Bar illa; Spuria Ailtlfn Arc Ball I ah aaal Ilia In Frleea Predicted. OMAHA. Jan. 4. 19 8. Thori mas no particular feature to the r;ra1n market today. n'he crowd oversold tself yeaterilny and offerings were very light. Prices were well sustained and Mme food ralllea resulted on huyinu apurta. Wheat opened steady, with no feature. Otferlnim were light and valuns were well untalned and good advances resulted on all buying. May wheat opened at $1.03H and closed at S1.4V Corn opened strong and held steady dur ing the aesslon. Demand was good and values were well supported. Advices are bullish and an up market Is predicted. May corn opened at brc and closed at Hrc. Oats were steady to strong, with little or nothing doing. Buying was In evidence on II weajt points and helped hold the mar ket. May oata opened at &4vc and closed at r.5c. Primary wheat receipts wore 42.flfiO bu. and shipments were 222,nno bu., against receipts laet year of fiM.WJ bu. and ship ments of f.D.oO bu. Corn receipts were 490,000 bu. and ahlp ments were 3Mn,PW bu., against receipts last year of 744,uuu bu. and shipments of 600. nno bu. Clen ranees were ZT7,0n0 bu. of corn. li.OfO bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to 737.0HO bu. Uverpool closed d higher on wheat and vt higher on corn. SeaboHrd reported 2n0,NX bu. of wheat and ;C4,i bu. ot corn taken for export. Local range ot opuona. Articles! Open. IIIgh. Low. Close ! Tes'y. Wheat I I May... 1 "S1 1 04'4' 1 1 MVi July... ffiV ki ('. M'-i Sept... 1 9: n 9- Corn I Mav... fWi, IMS July... H'4 (S' r.6 K's Sept... 64, 66 M Oats May... 5474, 5R ti K July... 4KH 4S 4Hi 4S Bept... 41 41 41 41 Oanaha Caaai Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9IViit1.O0; No. i hard, 97iWtc; No. 4 hard. WuWo; No. 1 spring.; no grsde, Kvjjtec. CORN No. 3, Sm.fcSlV, No. 4. BOfe"1 nr. in.ln 4?4i4(lr: No. S vellow. 52i&52lic; No, 4 yellow, olVaC OATS No. 3 mixed. 4xc; No. wnnei, lV: No. 4 white, 4TV',1f; aianaaru, mr4ic. RYli No. 2, 764j.77c; No. 3. i5c. Cartet necelsts, Wheal. Corn Chicago 1J Minneapolis 1 Dmaha ?, Duluth M reatare ot Tradlac and Prlcee on l.eadlaa Commodities. NKW TORK. Jan. i-FlyOI R-Rm Ipts. l.fv""l hbls.; eiporta. 14.HM1 bids. Market firm, with a little better Inquiry; Minne sota patents. lYlr.fr6.7o; winter straights, t4.a034.i5; Minnesota bakers, I4.fyvii6.0u; win ter extras. 11 75 'n 4..'"; winter patents, $4 85 4HV2r; winter low prades, S3Mi4.nn Kye flour, firm; choice to fancy, 15. Wn6. J5. Buckwheat flour, firm; $.1. per In) lbs. C'ORNM EA U Steady ; fine white ami yel low. 11 o(jl.46; coarse, tl.36al.s7; kiln dried. 13.3f.'nB.i5. KYK-FIrm; No. 2 western, 91c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts. lS.Onft bu.; exports, 1W.2M bu. Ptot market, firm; No. 2 red, 11 Oh1, elevator; No. 2 red, $l.iV f. o. b. afloHt; No. 1 northern liuluth. $125',. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 91.19V. f. o. b. afloat. Except for a slight decline after the opening, wheat was generally strong today on big flour clearances, a better ex port demand, steady Kngllsh cables and covering. I-ast prices were c net hlgh.Hr. May. $1.1SVu1.14. closed at $1.14; July, el.utrS'ul.asV. cloaed at 11. (17V. CORN Receipts, 22.675 bu.; exports, 2.270 bu. bpot market, barely steady; No. 2, 74c nominal, elevator, and 4 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 6c; No. 2 yellow, nominal t. o. b. afloat. Option market was quiet and 'iVo net lower, owing to liquidation. May, 6V'ii.7c. closed at 6S)7c: July closed at &k'.c JAT8 Receipts. 75,0"n bu.; exports, bu. Brjot market, steadv: mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs.. 64c; natural white, 2 to 32 Ibe., etVuWVic; clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., tVi'a GV. II AY Steady; good to rnoicf, i.wbi" iiuii fiiii.t- atttte common to choice. 19H7. 121iHir: 19". 441:. Pacific coast, WW. 6'ullc; li. brgfic. WUlet; Bogota, io-4i , America, lc. PROVISIONS Beef steady; family, $15.00 mt hli: mess. $15 5col.00; beef hams. -'P 2H.5o; packed. $12.50"13.nO; city extra Indli mess, $22 ( I UI meaia. niro,. nlckled l-llles. 8V.l(lc; pICKleO Mm". f 9'4c. Iard, eaKy; western prime, iji.wvi. u refined, qt let; continent, t &; South Amer famllv. ilT.V'jls.oO; short clear, $15.75(j ltt.5i; mess. $14 5"i16.2D. 1 A U1AJW steady; cuy. Kivt; uuiei; aoniemic. fic; Japan, nominal. rOlXTKl-Alive, sieaii. , -nin .. v .v .. llrt- fnv I l.JV IUrKV. ! . eirn.u steadv: western cnicKens, wwi, " ' 16&ixc; fowls, tn120. HI TTKK Irregular; creimnj 41 fi'2iVsc; thirds and tlrsts, anw, factory, common to first, 16y20c; creamery-, first, 2t'-lc. C'HKKSB- Klrm; state, iun nri..r,, small colored and white rine, in-4c, lain.-, large colored, fine. Vc; white. lftVc; same. i liifinc iHinfl. late made best, livauc; same, uummw" . UHc, .. ... .,,. r;JO r irm; wemeiu inov, . onds, 24326c. BELT Central 1 o, 65 64 4XV4 country, fair to extra, 2. 29 western Imitation WEATHKIl IN THE GRA1X for 141 43 Oat 123 44 rillCAtiO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Kent urea of th Trading; and Closing Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 4. -A heavy pnponder ance of bullish news caused market here today. May delivery was up strong wheat At the close wheat for .-! t3.rniu,e nianer. corn l4.iV4c. oats were. "c nicner ami msro frnill "Ul' tO 1UC HIKOei The wheat market ruled strong all day. The opening was firm, because of light ro.-einta in ths north wet and a marked in the nr.rld's shloinents as com pared with IuhI year. A slight decline due to realliing sales following the opening .,.1... ur clearances, higher prices for rai wlivit sjid increased demand for ex r,rt ntirt h reDort that northwestern millers are bidding high for hard winter wheat were the chief factors. It waa ulso reported that the grain crops of Norway were below normal, on account of exces sive rains last summer. May wheat opened VIcV higher at $1.07nW1.0714, "old between ti nri 11 oxu. and closed strong at t' is.h.rhn clearances of wheat and flour were equul to 737.0HO bu. Primary re ceiota were 45U.UW bu.. aa against 653.000 on h. Aav innt i'r. Minneapolis. Lu luth and Chicago reported receipts of 3n7 .r aa aaralnst 251 last woek and 437 one The corn market opened firm because of wet weather throughout the belt, but heavy selling by holder soon brought about a rn iv.M lumn. however, renewed speculative demand and the strength of wheat brought about a firmer feeling and the market soon advanced to a level .ni,tiv nbovA the close of yesterday. May n.d liWVc to Mt-Uo higher at 81V nLLy. anid between Ho-Vc and 51 He and closed firm at fil Vilie. Local receipts were 141 cars, with one of contract grade n, nmim market was slow all day. Trad Ing was very light. May oats opened 'tc kii,.r at m'.c. sold between WSc and wc and closed at 55c. Local receipts wire 122 The run of hogs both here and at other western packing centers was very iimvy o.wi ii,. nrr.vUlnna market was under con l,..rul,la nressurn from packer Prices. hniv.r rnltKl firm for the greater part nf tlie dav. ecause of the strength of ha vruln murketa and a good outside d mand. May Dork was 10c higher. Lard was ii n 2Wu6c at $S.05VU.10. Rlbi were Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, IS cars; corn, 137 cars; oats, 116 cars; hoga, 12S.IVX) head. The leading futures ranged as follows High. Iiow. Close. Tes'y. Kalr. with Rliln Ttmpersisrt, the Sabbath Uar. OMAHA, January 4. 1908. irk. V... la ireneral V ClOUUy BUU Ull x iiv wcBiii.i r- -- - - . settled eust of the Mississippi uvr. un lll.t a-a.ta fa ill 111 tlie lUKe irHIUII ouu iVhirt vn(-v and heavier rains in uie lower of ' the river and clear weather prevails .i i,,. t thu Miuaourl valley and west i..t.. ihe mountain district. UgTht i.A..A rn fn nn iiie I'aciiit 'i' w... .?' .'. ....thm-eat since the last re port. 1 emperaiurca it ,, all sections, except In the Missouri va ley i m t, mnintalm. where tney are lower, rne weawier win " ,0, . 7, "li... i .i i- ..icinltv ton aht. followed by lemnerature Sunday, with continued oir inniirlit and Sunday. Omaha recora or iraiiruiuir ... . .-- nu, nation compared wun in cuuiu,iU- iiih uujr Ul - lftfA . I -1 ... . , -v. i,m.ralure M " " illlllIIIU.ll ..-i-. Precio tatlon w -w Normal temperature for tooay. ii aeitree-.'v In orecipltatlon since March 1, 7.44 Inches. ,..., corresponuina vi reficlency 3.79 Inches. Deficiency 2.62 Inches. la. A. In 1907, corresponding period In 1906. WfeLSH. Local Forecaster. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Seems to Be Whipped Into Activity by Artificial Meant. TONE IS GENERALLY IRREGULAE Mi aer riowa to Ne-w York Interior and Dluppesraare Pre ml an Brlnss Local 1'sadi from Hldlaa. from of NKW" YORK. Jan. Th at.-.l mark..! had an appearance of being whipped activity l.v artificial means I'ntanl unci downward fluctuations were opposing cur rents at all times. Northern Pacific Wiis a feature of the buying movement and rumors were current of a coming dlvld.-nd on the stock for which there was no ofll clal sanction. Heading, on the otin-r hand, was affected by profit-taking, which was conducted In an orderly manner and desisted from on the declines In the stock. A number of Industrials were prominent for strength. Including the coppers. For eign market offered no assistance to the advancing tendency here. Herlln reported some anxiety over the money situation, owing to a forthcoming Prussian loan. The discount rate receded, however, on the weak return of the Hank of Germany for the last week. Discounts showed a lrardening tendency. The publication by the Treasury depart ment of the statement of the munev in circulation on the first of the year dis closed the continuance of the wide ex pansion of the circulation of the country during December, the addition for that month reaching $70,748,000. This fol lowed an Increase In November of $131, 87S.000 and In October of $70,000,000. bringing the addition to the circulation of the three months -jip to $272,672,000 and making the total $ J.078.M.0iO $35 58 per capita, which Is the highest per capita circulation ever reached in this country. The $8,000,000 gain In cash by the bunks Indicate! that the disappearance of the currency premium has brought some money out of hoarding from local sources as well as starting the flow of cash from the Interior. The decrease In deposits Is not as large as the loan contraction would show when offset in the enh Increase. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. $1.23S.O0O. United States 2 per cents declined H per cent on call during the week. . Number of sales and quotations on stocks were as iouows: of a heavy diamond failure In 4s the rumor America. New York .Money Market. NKW YORK. Jan. 4 MONEY -On call, nominal; time loans, quiet ami easier: sixty days per cent; ninety days, 7 per crnl; six months. hti7 rer cent. PRIMK M I-KOANTl l.E rAPEn-"ll0 per cent. 8TERL1NO BXrilANUB-Stnini. with actual business in bunkers' bills at $4 !v70 '(i4 1MW for demand and at H I .M.M f.r slity-day bills. Commercial bills. I4.wy 4 M. SILVER Hitr. Rf.Nc; Mexican dollars. 44c. llDVlnv-t'Hivernment steady; railroad firm. Closing quotation on r.oiic. were fallows- TM'i ?!!!. Vl v, N uni. 4 .1"4 Man. i- g 4 M'l Central 4 Il An in Inr .ll "Minn. Ht. L. . M M . K T 4. .9 4 . 7 N K R ot M . n. v. c. t y. . s. J g ... . 7i No. Pa. Itlc 4.... . do lis . 7ia N 4 w. c- 4. . . . KTW n . L. rM 4 . 'i Penn. rv. m. . . . . 4.i Kudlni sn. 4 . 31 Si. 1 I M. r. . 4 St. L. r f . '.". St L. S W. c. 4 . 04 ".iNr4 A. L. 4 . SU ?n. Part do 4i . 74T do In 4 etfp t" , Railwav f 4M 'Trxmt ti P. 1 .. ." T St U W 4. hi Villon Pcllk- 4t.... iH do ct. 4. .' 4 V Steel tit na. . . 7 "Wibnh In MH 'it" 1h. P 7" We. tern Mil 4 714 W A I. E 4i Wii Central 4s ... M OSAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Fifteen to Twenty-Five Higher for the Week. HOGS FIVE LOWER THAN FRIDAY 4l 4. rf V res do emip.Mi .... V. 8. t. ret do coupon V I. a 41. rr do coupon . . . . Am. Tohai co 4. . do Atihiwn 'n. Atlanilr r I.. I'hea. A Ohio Bil A Ohin do Sy, . Brk R. T. Ontral nf Ga. dn IH Inr do Cd Inr do Jd Inc rtiea. Ohio 4'a.... Chliaao A. I4 ... r.. n A ij. n 4 C . R. 1. P. 4 4 ml. of VI C. St t,. f 4!" Coin. Ind. ."a. ser. A. rn. Vld 4 Onlo & 80. 4a Cuha 5a it !. A R nltlller Erie p. I. do urn Japan aa do 4 rtfa.... do 2d wriei.. . . . Did. Oltered O. Sec. 4... . 4a.. it. a : pt .... 4, 1 c 4a 77H .... ....117", ll' .... .... n .... n .... i4 .... w 5a.. I'M 4a 74it SIS l n w 1 7 d-.w, WS l'i 44 f4 TI 74 galea. Hlh. Low. Cln. Adama Expreas 16.. Amalgamated Copper !X.7in 49S 474n 4'i Am. C. r K IIS II t Am. C. A P. ptd l' M- w; o Am. Cotton Oil 9X Jl 81 Am. Cotum on pfd n." American Ripreaa Am. H. A L. ptd A marl .an Ice Securities. . . . !.) 1a 17S 17S Am. Llnaaad Oil ' Am. Linseed Oil pfd 17V nnAm. IxKomotlve l.luo 17 3S M Am. Locomirtlva 17 Am. 8. A R I.H11O 734, KH 7.1 Am. 8. A R. pfd 4 Am. Susar Rellnlng . H1 I"!1 Am. Tobaco pfd ctfa f0 7 7 74 Anaconda Mining Co t.) 2M"4 f'i Aichlaon 3.!"iU V 6iS Ati-hlaon pfd 7' .'. 6 Atlantic Coaat Line 7 714 72 Baltimore A Ohio S"0 3 2, Hal. .V Ohio pld M Brooklyn Rapid Tr 7.4iX 41 4" 4ns, Canadian Pailttc ku) lis 1"7 Central of N. J 17J Cheaapeaka A Ohio l.MI 2 Sfi Chliago lit. W .W R 7:, London IX)ND1N. Jan utoi'ks were: Conaola. money do account Anaconda Alt titaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Paolfli' Chesapeake A Ohio Chii-aao H. W . M A St. P ... D" Beera Denver A R. O do pfd Erie do tat pfd do 2d pfd Orand Trunk Illlnola Central ... I uixvilli- A N PiLV ETt-Pnr, .Mt)NKY4'i4 (liming; "fork. 4. Closing quotations on .. 8.1-4 M.. K. A T M 4 J-1 N Y Central .. Norfolk A W fi ..72 do pld M .. fiTi4j Ontario A W S34 .. sr. Fennavlvanla .i7 ..IIU Rand Mlnea .. US Reading fil .. Seuihern Railway ... U . .If do pfd " .. US Southern Pacific 7S .. 2"4t nlon Pai Iflc 1H.I . . 19 do pfd 4 .. 17, I S. Sic. I .. i d opfd ti .. .S4 W'Hhah 1"4 . . do pfj i ..14" Spanlah 4a 0 . . l Amal. Copper 4SV o t'rrah Hrrrlpla of Sheep or Lambs Today, bat Liberal Han for the Week, with Prices le rldedly lllahrr. POl'TH OMAHA. Receiits were: OfTiclal Monday Ofticial Tuesday .... JfTicial Wednesday .. Oflnial Thur.da ... Official Friday Estimate Saturday .. Neb., Jan. $, Cattle. Hog. .... 2.41 .... L3'l .... 2.t7J .... 2.ftSl .... Iif7 6.6(14 12.413 7.J7H 7.7S 11. Wo 10,ti75 1S. Sheep. 3.2.5 2.114 4,V 4.2.V) Plx days tliis week... .U.IM6 r.ta L.4M Haine dnys last week 6.75") Un.44U 6.i. fame days 2 wivka ago. .l.4f5 3ii.H7 17.27tl Same days 3 weeks ago. .22.1: 4n.3:'7 31.K75 Bnme day 4 week Ho..lS 442 8.t.N41 i 243 Same days last year K531 27,i4 22, isU The following table show the receipts of c?Ule. boas and sheen at South Omaha for the star to date, compared with last l!7. Inc. !) c 12.36 .' IS. 310 1M13 16.916 shows the average price of hugs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: Date. I isms. 1907.jli6. I!e6.lf04. 19VI3. lik2. vear: Cattle Hogs Slieep The 1!H. ..";-' S7.4JS 12,075 following table Dec. 24 .. Oec. 26. Dec. 2... Dec. -d icr ounce. uncertain, rt r cent. Tho rale of discount in the open nirket for short bills Is 5'Uo1-a per cent; for three months' bills, 5HiGk p r cent. P.. 1074 joi r7 r.7 Hl 20 20 1.5' ss't :m"4 aj 6."i 6i7i S( 44 43 Mi) ''Si 1) 11 11 1K .',7 f.7 700 1M4 l."4 'jnii ''' !'' 51 i, 31 '4 tO) 17 1 BOO mm l-o H1 1154 127 V, '4 53 , 141 red St. Louis General Market. tnna Ian a F"I J)l K Hieaay n 1 . -.. . . - . Winter patents, 4.86'!4.!JO; extra lancy aim straight. Jt.2T,ti4.; clear. $3. rh;iCl nmoiny. sironn. o.uoj-"v. CORN MEAL Steady, $2.W. ..,,, Hit AN Steady ; sacked, east track, 11.08 HAY-Klrm; timothy, $10.00018.00; prairie. 13. 00. , 1HO.N i:tn u 1'. m ai :r:iN(l 107c. HKMP TWINE lie. I'UOVISlONS-Fork, $13.26. Lard, higher; i.. .all ii.aatK wiia'.'r i-i. i,ur Him. 11.75: short clears. P- Kacoli, lower; ouaru rn n.-i i, cleur rib, 8.b2,; Bhort clears. n.8,vi. tveceipis. Diiipiiienii.. nour. bbi " ; heat, bu hu i;j.ia-o 200 10", 1"S unchanged; Jobbing, crime steam, $7.i5. ; boxed extra aborts, Outs, bu tili.UU) VKJ.OUQ pfd.. 10 7i ir.14 41 254 pfd. L 300 40 4 ) l.TOO) 34 10 4H 48 V, Articles. I Open. I Wheat I May 1 0717'VI July WVI Sept. 67l Cot n ) Mav 614iH( Julv Sept. 6:4l Oat- I aMay r4T bMay S3 I aJuly 4Si4 ' bjuly 4d Pork Jan. 13 Mby 13 26 Lard- . Jan. 1 sn May 8 00 Rlba , Jan. 7S May T 17H Philadelphia Prodtsc Market. PHILADELPHIA Jan. 4 BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery. io; nearby prints. Ho. RCM5S Firm: good demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby first. 310 at mark; current receipt 111 returnaote caaes, at mark; wetern choice, lc. at mark; fair to good, 29c, at mark. CH BBSE Quiet but steaay; net ior full creams, choice. 154lc; fair to goon, lwy 154c. 1 (K14I I (., 1 ORo, 1 on', ssiiw, 1 tmv. !7 141 60 R5 4V,I 4o'V 12 731,' 13 S74 8 10 S 87' T 27V i,96a" n4 69 hi 64tl 62V, I 4SV,; 41 V I 12 52S 13 17V 7 I 7 97S' ( 75 7 15 1 ("fa !e 90't Market. 4. - FLOl'R- 5.T04)6.80; second first clear, M-JOSW; 6o 0 tviH 4"S 4S! 12 TTtl 13 r, 7 90 8 10 I ?74: '27 V,' oT) 64't 63 48'! 4f 12 7, 13 27 7 K 8 06 7 22t, Minneapolis Grain MINNEAPOLIS, Jan Steady; first patent, natent. I5.6ofio.70 econd clears, J2j 50fi3 60. FLA X No. ,1 Jl 1H4. FLA X No. 1. 11.18V WHEAT May, 11.14: July. $1.14i; No. 1 hard. Jl.!; No. 1 northern. 11.144; No. z northern, J1.124; NO. nonnem, i.ia-'u 1.10H. Mllwankea Grain Market. MILWAI KEH Jan 4 WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, $1 14i1.1ii; No. Z northern, ll.104Iil.12; May, ll.V BARlJiT-r irm; no. t, l.Vi, aainjiio, 70c-iil if2. CORN Firm; NO. S can. oo-)c; iaj , (ISc 'ifkud. No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotation were as follows: FljOCR Firm. WHEAT No. 2 spring. M"5nl.l2. No. 3 snrinsT. II. 00411.01: No. I red, fl.U'Min 02V CORN No. 2. 694uyV; No. 2 yellow, 6STJ 34c. OATS No. 2. 6lc; No. S white, 4i'alc. RYrJ No. !. Sc. BARLEY" Fair to choice ctalUng, 92cS tl 11O. 8KKI"St Flax, No 1 ncrthwestern. $1 214. Prima timothy, I4-36QH.40. Clover, contract arradea. SI 4 76. PROVISIONS Bhort r!b. sides llooseV K.824A317.26. Mess Dork, per bbl.. I2 7.;i 12 VI. Lard, per l'l lbs.. 7.ri7 974. Short cleir Idea (boeil, 1747 2i. Following were the receipt and hlp- nents ot (lour ana grain: Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbl 42.400 2-,,.i Wheat, bu 5.i0 34.7'0 Corn, bu 214. 60 lKe.ixi Oat, bu 461 1 2 2-n Rv. bu 8." '. Barley, bu S7,aj W.iui On the Produce exchange today the but' ter market wa steady; creameries, aHi2tc dairies, li'26o. h-Kgs. steadv: at mark casv Included, riuc; first. 22c; prime firsts. 24c; extra, 20c. Liieeae, steady UH;13C. Kaaaaa City Urals anal Provisions. K ANSA 8 CITY. Jan. 4. WHEAT- Higher; Mav, 1 ; July. 93c. Cash: No. t hard. 'Utl.u24: No. 3 .c(rllJl; No. red. levtiil.ui: No. 3. aVscbfl.OO. CORN L'nchaiiaod to higher; May. 56Vc July. 564c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 624c; No. t. 52tjci No. white. 4243iSW; No. 3, 624 o 2Vc. OATS 44llc higher; No. 2 whita. SC? 614c: No 2 mixed, 4s4100c. RYE-7c. HAY-Stcady; choice timothy, tl2.a4jl2.M; chnli 0 piatrie. V 6u(lP.UU. BL'TTER Weak, creamery. 2o4c; pack ing. 15c fcGi-Ftrm; extra, 23V; flrt 214c- Receipt. otllpilH'llt Wheat, bu .iW S3.i Corn, bu 6vi.taa) foiou Oata, bu H.uuu l.tvrrnol Grain aad PntUI. LJVERPKJU Jan. 4.-WHKAT Snot firm: No. 3 red. western winter, nominally 7 1044. Future steady; March, 8 1V4; May aa 4,d. CORN Spot firm; prime mixed, Ameri can, inw, Sat 7d; prime mixed, American, Iluloth DfU'TH. Jan. (irain Market. 4-WHEAT-No. 1 north ern. I1.U': ro. z noriiierii, i."-ii 7. 11.154: July. 81.16 asked. OATS 44C. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O . Jan. 4 -SEED Clover, cash and januarv, m.J.'i; aian-n, ac'.-i.-, prime timothy, $2 20; prime alsike, 89.90. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 4 COTTON Future oiened steady; January, 10.4Sc; March, 10. Sac; May, lu.obV; Julv. 10.67c; August, of fered at 10 42c; October, offered at 9 Futures closed quiet; January. lO SOc; F'b ruary. 10ic; March. lo.71c; April, ln.700; Mav. 10.67c; June. 10.S3C; July. lu0c; Au- guat. 10.46c: October, 9.93c. Spot e!os-d quiet; middling uplands, 11.40c; middling gulf. 1166c. No sales. LIVERPOOL Jan. 4. COTTON 6pot, 3uiet: prices t point lower; American mld llng fair. 6.o9d, good middling. 6.33d: mid dling, 07d; low middling, S.73d; good ordi nary, 4 Sid. The sale of the day ware s.ouO bales, of which 60 were for speculation and expoit. and Included 4.7(0 American. Receipts. 5,ia bale. Including 4.6oO Ameri can. Future opened teady and closed ey. American middling, g. o. c. January, 6"ld: January-February. 5.61d: February March. 6 61; March-April. 6.64d: April Mav. 8u5d; May-June. B.664d; June-Julv. bod; July-August. 6.634d; August-September. Siod; Sitember-tVtober, 8444; October-November, 5.844d; November-D-cenitier. 8324d. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 4 CVrTTON-Spot closed steady; low ordinary, 7c, nominal; ordinary, l-16c, nominal; good ordinary, Wvc. nominal; low middling. 104c: middling. Hc: good middling. H-ll-l6e; .middling fair. 12S-lc; fair. 12 13-1. nominal. Sales. 2iV) bales: receipt. 12.V69 bale; stock, 2K7.614 bale. 8T. I.OIMH. Mo . Jan. 4 COTTON Quiet : middling. llV.c. Sales. 6 bales; receipts. 110 ba'ca; shipment, till bales; (lock. 19,6!; balea Chliaso A N. tV. Chlcaiio. M. A ot. Chicago T. A T Chicago T. & T. pfd.. C. I'.. C. & St. L Col -rado F. A I Colorado A So Colo. A So. iBt pfd... Colo. A So. :d pfd Conaolldated (iaa Corn Product,, rfg Corn Producta pfd. rfg Delaware A Hudaon.. Del.. U A W Denver A R. O D. A R. O. pfd I ;llrre' gecurlll-a . Erie Erl let pfd Brie M pfd General Klectrlc Illlnola Central International Paper .. Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Bo K. c. so. prd Loulavllle A N Mealcan Central Minn. A St. h M . 81. P. A 3. S. M. M . St. P. A 3. 8. M. Mlaaourl PaclOo Si., K. A T U.K. a T. pfd National Lad N. R. R. of M N. V. Central. N. Y., O. A W. Norfolk A W... N. A W. pfd... North American Pacific Mall ... Pennaylvaula People' a Oaa . . . P.. C C. A 8t Preened Steel Car Preaacd 8 C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Heading let pfd Reading Id pfd Republic Stel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. U A 8. F. 2d pfd.... 8t. Louie S. W 8t. L. 8. W. pfd Southern Pacific BV-. pad He ptd . '. go. Railway So. Railway pfd Teaaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W T . 8t. L. A W I nlon Pacific t'nion Pacific pfd I', i. Kipreas r. S. Realty V. 8. Rublr I'. 8 Rubber pfd V. 8. 8tel f. S Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical Va.-Caro. 4'hem. pfd.. Wabaah Wabaah pfd Vt clle-Forgo F.ipraa . Weatlnghouae Electric Western t'nion Wheeling A L. E ... V-'lnconiiln Central .... Wla. Central pfd Great Northern pfd... Northern Pa iflc Central Laather Central Leather pfd. Interborough Met Int. M-t pfd iloea-.'ieffleld Steel Total aalaa (or the day, 2K1.2O0 aharea. l4 1" '.IS 12.'. 14 wis 15 :4 34 iii" 83i 7.20 i0 10 2iU 111 2u 70 111 14 70 7010 ( V pfd. 1 enO 4- 9U0 . l't uo 200 SS.I00 too ' ilia loO I0l . , 4 101) 7 154 294 74 107 1 1J 14', r.i, 12f4 SO 'ii" 74 n S4 7 164 i'4 7 P74 124 U U lie 80 'si" , 7', 2S 8t 100 1 M.XjO 74 7 1174 i:4. 74 13. 1'tiVi 5 15 b?4 194 244 12 424 1 11 5? 1.-44 4i5 2.-V. GO 31 14 M li4 lit ii Hi, 16 10 33 23T 62 M4 U4 244 H4 444 iK SHI, 4S4 MS 33 S 61 M 4 26 111 H4 A3 jn 4 1C0 9 7S 76 14 64 14S : Ufc 4 724 1"4 1-4 S4 2 '4 3f 1194 so 35 i" 2S 89 la i inS 174 Vn 414 S 74 14 40 111 1.2 14 4 flearlnsr llonae Hank Statement. NKW YORK. Jan. 4. The statement of tlie clearing house banks fur the week (five d lys) shows that the banks hold Sll.d4i9.5Cfi less than the requirement of the 5 per cent reserve rule. Thin is mi increase of SX.6iiO.S0 In the proportionate cash re serve as compared with last week. The stiitcmtnt follows: Increase. $4.22.ftl 2,-ISll (yH 57H.7 i0 3.7'.t.aoi 4.1M6 S. IMS. a0 H14.'.n S.W.'m-O f),016.JK Ixans IK'piisite t'lrculallon Igal tender Specie Reserve Reserve required Peficlt Surplus I. 8. deposits Decrease. .S1,l;r2.H7l.soo l,OI1.46r.tal 192.120 9-0 2,'i0.ii6.'.) ".2.1I6.4..0 ll,5'i.5.V 7.50s, 150 Bank 4'learlnea. OMAHA, J.m. 4 Hank cl.arlnpcs for toduv were $1,970,992.8 und for tlie corre sponding date last year $1 '24.31606. 1907. 1906. $1.7Sfi.r.21.fl5 Sl.t3,377.;l 1.501. 875. 64 Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursduy . Friday Saturday .. 2 .TO.oti S2 lMPO id 1.970.1rJ2.C9 I.OST.IS1.!.-! 1.94H.Si.49 l.!r.9.5v5.4S 1.S24.316.&K Iec Dec. Pec. D.-C Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 2). 29 30 31.. I 4 34' 1 4 29 4 3 4 44 f 131 4 42! 4 4S1 17 0 21! 5 OR tt 6 00! K. 4 2 8 22i 5 tV I S 08 4 5: 241 4 4 4 491 I 4 32 1....I 4 34SI 6 24i 5 14 2....J 4 36 ; 6 21! 6 11 4 39 1 3.... 4 40 I $ 291 5 07 4 4J 4.... 4 3441 6 3o 6 14) 4 46 4 431 4 h: 4 52! ' 4 uR 4 1 4 67) 4 49 6 51 4 04 6 38 6 45 6 51 6 a; :6 as larfte as for the previous week and very little short of the reoord of a yaar ao. The market In spite of liberal receipts has been moat u;lsfactory to sellers Trices during; the first four days of the ek snared upward at a very rapid rate under the influence of an eaceedlnariy Rood buylnK demand. It would be very conservative to say that oVslrshle killers have sold 2;'i;'ic higher than at the low point of the Previous week and some aal' a actually looked hlaher than that. On Thursday the advance was halted, the feel ing: on that day. if anything;, being a little easier. On Friday, while lamb showed very little change, sheep were generally quoted liv and In tiome eases as much as lovl'ic lower than the eitreme high point of tlie week. The sheep market has not looked aa brurht or as promising at any time since the big; break as It does right now. It will be well, however, for the country to Ih'iroiifclily understand that the splendid buying dt'ioand which has put up prices at such a rapid rate was confined laigely to the more desirable grades of killers. At this s.-ason of the yeiir there Is very llttlo Inu.ilry for half-fat or unfinished sheep or lambs. It therefore follows that If the present advance s to lie maintained the country should confine Its shipments to strictly fat stuff. It might also b well to renlize that with prospects brighter for the future of the market there should he no great rush to market even of the de slrnble kinds. Quotations on good to choice fed sheep and lambs; Laintiti. $i 50: yearllna; wethers. S" ti:5.Jf; yearling wethers, handy llRht weiphts. J7..:;i4 .; wethers, I4.40tii4.ia; ewes. $4 00 6(4. 60. CONDITION 0MAI1A TRADE WhoksklfM Will Sell $100,000,000 in Omaha Daring 1908. TO PAY CAR FARE OF CUSTOMERS MerrkBsta' Xeetlsga Open Jaassry IK ad ttistlsse latll April 1 Tbnwiaaada Will Visit Cltr from Trade- Territory. 4 041 Ml 6 22 4 61. 6 3''- ; 2 I 6 29! B 19 4 77! 29 Sunday. Christmas. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. C . M. & St. P 7 Missouri Pacific 2 I'nion Pacific System 20 C. & N. XV.. east 7 r. ft N. W., west 3 40 C. St. P. M. & 0 11 C, P.. Q., east 10 C, H. & Q. west 1 42 C, R. I. & P., east 1 C R. I. P., west 2 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Great Western 8 s Total receipts S lr.l The disposition of the day'a receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing Ihe num ber of head Indicated: Huyers. Omnlia Packing Co.. Bwift and Company., Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co l.uhmun & Co F. P. Lewis Kingan & Co Ham Werthelmer Independent Packing Meyers Other buyers CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKKT Cattle I'nrbanated Hoata Lower. Sheep and l.amba Weak. CHICAGO. Jan. 4 CATTLlC Rwcelpts. shout 40 heaJ. Market unchanged; beeves, $3.ftoJii2i; cows and heifers. S1.3M' ; Tex nns, til fc OO; calves. $6 2f'ri7.00. westerns, $U.7i?i4.i stockets and fn-ders. $2.2tVn-.e.i HOGS Receipts, 2So nead. Market hit l"c lower; light. $415fi4o5; mixed. 42f.y 4.5-Jii; heavy. S4 2oN.0i'; rough. 4.2t4.ln; pigs. $3iH 25: Blockers, $4.4oiii450; bulk of sales. St.tr9'4.:(. r'HFEP AND LAM R-Rccclrts. shout head. Market weak; native, $,.fA.l.S; western, S;i itxliu.15; yearlings. $4.7tt(f.60; western, $t.70Jn.8). Cattle. 28 8 13 Hogs. Sheep. 2.242 2.2;!1 8,117 2 3,100 242 Co 15 11 20 7 40 72 12,188 Totals t$53.6.5 $9.aO.0J7.4S Drease over the corresponding week last year, S249.?609. rw York Mlnlnir Slocks. NKW YORK. Jan. 4. Closing uuotatlons on mining stocks were: Adama Con Alice Breere Brunswick Coll. . . Comatwk Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Hnm diver Iron Sliver L-ailvllle Coa. ... USared. 6 .'.0 . 10 . II . 20 Little Chief ... Ontario Oulilr Potoal f4avane sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. StaDdanl . 5 .860 .110 I , . 40 . il ,. 11 1W Movements of Npecle. NEW YORK. Jan. 4. -Imports of 'mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending December 28, were valued at $10.4fiD,174. Imports of specie for the port of New York for the week ending today, were SSS.545 sliver and $5.311. 9ol srold. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today, were $973,510 silver and $14,030 gold. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. -Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tlie $150.o00.0oo gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $209. 7S5,iW: gold coin and bullion, $3S.391,33t;; gold certificates, $5, 376.360. Kanaaa City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 4. -CATTLE Receipts, &"J head; market, unchanged; choice export and dressed heof steers, $".00 fra.tvi; fair to gnol, $2.8V(jH.O0; westrn steers, $.1 T.Kji l.;6; etoekers mm .eeders, $3 28 4j4.50; southern steers. $4 0o4i4.50; southern cows, t2.3Mi3.Sa; native Cows. $2.6t(j'4.?0; native heifers. $3.2f''u4.7B; bulls. $2.503'4.flO; calves, $4.0u4iti.60. Receipts for the week. 24.1KO head. HOGS Receipts. 9.5O0 head; market. M3 ll lower; top, $4 50; bulk of sales, $4 .rM.4ri: heavy, $4.3(H.4a; pigs and lights. $4.0uC4.45. Receipts for the Week, S9.100 head. SHEEP AND U.MB8- Receipts, 1.100 head; market, steady; lambs. tfiOOfiDTS; ewes and yearlings, 4.oti.00; western yearlings. $T.u0'ii5.70; western sheen, $3.77yil 4.75; Blockers and feeders. $S.ooijj4.00. Re ceipts for tha week, 21.000 head. Bank of Bengal Italaes Kate. CALCfTTA. Jan. 4. The rate of dis count of the Bank of Bengal was raised from 6 to 7 per cent today. Coatee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 4 -COFFEE Market for co lien future opened steady at un chartered prices to a decline of t points under a little scattered selling In the ab sence of support. There was no particular feature to the news and the market ruled very quiet, closing quirt, net unchanged to i points lower. Sales were reported of 1 .taj bags. Including January, h K ; March. 6 ic: May, 5 Si'. Spot, quiet: No. 7 Kio. 4 1-ltV; No. 4 Santos, M, mild coffee, yuiel; Cordova, Uic. Beaton Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 4. Call loans, hvaio b4i per cent, and bonds: . ht Aaialramated .. . ft Atlantic . 72 Plnaliam . oCal. aV Ha. la.. . M Centennial ..lis Copper Kangt. . .in Paly Weal 1M Kranklin Uranhr . 14S lale R ovale . . . .lt"4 Mii. Mining . . .1191, Mi. hlaan . IS Mohawk . 7 Mont C AC. (Hi Dumlnlnn .. .l'Ktaeeols .lit Parroi .P'mgulniy . I1 Shannon . Tamarark 14 Trinity Ji t'ntled Copper .IIS V. 8 Mining... . f. S Oil . 43 I'tah Vli-iorla .117 Wlnoaa . t4i Wolverine . !4V Nonh Hum . . . Uutle ' alltion . Nevada .. ;"lal a Aruona ,. S'Arlaona Cum. . cent; time loans, closing on stocks Atchlaon adj. 4a do 4a Mea. Central 4s Atrhteon do pfd Boat on eV Alnany.. Boston Mama... melon Klevatad .. Kttchburg pfd .... Mi x'ran Central .. K. Y.. N. H. H I'nlou Parlflc Am A'ge. Chem do pfd Am. Pneu. Tuh.. Amer. Sugar do pf i Am. T. T Am. Woolen do pfd f minion I. A S-. r.Hi'.n Flee. Illu. . General Flelrlc .. Stana. Klectrlc .... do pfd Maaa Oaa I nued Fruit tnlted S M do pfd V I Steel do pfd Advenlilra Allouea Bid. Ajked per trfficial 4f I" 414 iY 'A f.9 Vi i 7 IMa St 9 4 ''4 ft 10 Oils and Kosln. NEW YORK. Jan. 4 Ol ITottontved oil. firm: prime crude. 2SVjc; yellow, Sfcc. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York, $K76 Philadelphia and Baltimore. XN.70; In bulk. $4 45. Turpentine, firm, 40c. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $3.M. OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. 4.-OIL-Credit bal ances, $1 .7. Runs, 153,300 bbls; average, 112.Wfj bhls. Shipments, 154.231 bbls.; aver age, 162.7'.i bbls. SAVANNAH. Gd Jan. 4.-OILS-Turpen-tlne. tlrm, 41H- R'lSlN Klrinf A. B, r. tt. 7v?i2.9n: n. 2.Ut :.); IC. t-' -90 i2 .93; F. ti.Wni.W. G. ..K7Vr2.W; H. 2.b",ii3 .to: I. ft 5. : K. I4.W; M. $5.25. N. 5.ii-,: WO, tT.TS; WW. fo.75. Total .... OATTLB There were no fresh receipts of cattle of any consequence this morning, the market being practically bare of supplies as usual on a Saturday. The receipts this week have been fairly liberal for the sea son of the year, showing a good gain over last week, but at the same time there has been a heavy decrease as compared with the corresponding week of last year. The market as a whole has been In very satis factory condition so far as sellers have been concerned, there having been more Ufa and snap to the trade than for some time back. Everything received this week has met with quite ready sale. Both packers and shippers have been free buyers of beef steers all this week. Prices during the week have gradually firmed up. especially the better kinds. At the close of the week It Is safe to quote the more de sirable grades 15ti'26c higher than laBt week. At the same time some medium kinds of cattle which are not In very good demand have shown comparatively little Improve ment. In addition to a good demand on the part of packers there haa also been free buying for shippers' account of both cows and heifers. The result has been a gradual strengthening In prices and at the close of the week the market Is right at 2Rc higher than a week ago especially on the fair to good kinds. Common and medium grades, which were not In as good demand naturally failed to respond as rapidly to the Improved conditions. The receipts of sfockers and feeders have been extremely light all the week, In fact on some days there has been V-ajdly enough to renlly make a test of the mar ket. At the same time there has been considerable Inquiry for cattle of that de. scrlptton and the few coming have Bold very readily at good strona prices. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers, $S.00 R.oO: fair to good corn-fed steers. $4.40? R 0: common to fair corn-fed steers. S3. 5017 4 40; good to choice cows and heifers $.S0f4 ffllr to good cows and heifers. $2.75 f? 3 30: common o fair cows and betfer. S1.S0JJ J7S: arood to choice stockers and feeders, S 7RW4.2B: fMr to good stockers and, oiifi S.7S; common to fair stockers and feeders. $2.80 6 3.25. Representative if COWfl. Ko. A. Pe. Vo. At. P. 1 j so 4 Iter 1 1oj $ ran 1. 1 vt t an '4 3 in " svi t 7n 1 1n 1 4" inrf t 7r 1 t" I tt 1 linn 7 s li'ie a "ji ' 124S t r 1 IM0 3 M Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK. Jan. 4.-EV A PORATED APPLES-Market slightly easier. Fancy are held at lOgilSe. choice at 9'fi 10'4e, prime at hc and lil fruit at 7'fille., DRIED FRT" ITS Prunes arc firm on bullish reports from the coaet. Spot quo tations range from fcto in 10c for Cali fornia fruit and from 7c to 74c for Oregon 5"s to 3"s Apricots are unchanged; extra choice, 23i25c; fancy, 2T'tr.J0o. pi-aches are steady, with choice quoted at 12ul2'c, extra choice at 12Vaiil:i(C, fancy at Lift 14c and extra fancy at 1414Uc. Raisins are oiilet. Willi Ioohc MubcatiT quoted at 7 7c, seeded raicins at 7'o9,c and London layers at $1 70'jl.s0. Sntxmr and Volnaaes. NEW YORK. Jan. t.-SI'OAH-Raw, fl'ni; lair mining .1.4-v: molasses sugar. refined, steady: No. ti. 45oo; No. 7. No. . 44nc: No. fl, 4.35c; No. 10, No. II. 4t; No 12. 4.15c; No. II No. 14. 4o6c: confectioners' A. 4 7"c; A. 4.2fc: crushed. 5.0 ; powdered. cubes. 5 I.V. New Oilcans, open St. I.ools Live Stock Market. ST. IDllS, Mo., Jan. 4. -CATTLE Receipts, 150 head. Including 25 Texans; market, steady: native shipping and export steers, tn.3n4iti.oO; dressed beef and butcher steers. t4.7TVri4Y(ai; steers under l,0i0 lbs.. $3.25&4.o0, stockers and feeders. $2.004j4.25; cows and heifers, $3.25'ij6.O0; canners, tl.oOid) 2.25; bulls, r.'.l1r4.n0; calves. $.1 75ijl8 00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.9035.26; cows and heifers, tl.50:3.76. HOGS Receipts, 7,500 head; market, ec lower: pigs and light, t4.0org4.55; packers, $4104.55; butchers and best heavy, $4.50r& 4.60. BIIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 50 bead; market, steady; native muttons, $3.2rV(iiO0; lambs, $3.&cti.o; culls and bucks, JliVJdjS.oO. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 4 BEEVES Receipts, 1.438 head; nothing doing; feeling- steady. Exports today. 74 cattle and 6.100 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 100 head cattle, CALVES Receipts, 34 head; nothing doing; market feeling firm. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,900 head; sheep steady; lambs, &c higher, quality considered: sheep, M.OOtifi.OO; culls. $2.6o; lambs. t7.621Si.O0; no very prime stock offered. Exports. X head sheep. HOGS Receipts, 7,167 head; market firm, quoted at $4 805.15 for heavy to light hogs. Slonz City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 4. (special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar ket unchanged: beeves. $3.50n5&.60: cows and heifers. t2.u0tc4.U0; stockers and feeders, $2.75 43.75; calves and yearlings. U,2o(a3 40. HOGS Receipts. 7,300 head; market lOo lower; selling at $4.154.40; bulk of sales, $4.3tia4.3J. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKKT. 3.1 ' 4 .Lie; 1 4 ' . ; 1 4 1V: ; mould 1 I. i-i : grannlm.-.!. 4 If ( MOI.Ap"E.S Steady 1 kettle, good to choice, S4'i42c. CALVFS. ) 54. 4 ft" 1 130 III t 170 I 00 HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning were very large for a Saturday, 1M cars being reported In. For the week the re ceipts were more than double last week's receipts and just about twice as large as for the corresponding week of last year. In spite of the largJ: receipts the demand was so good Unit the trade this morning w.i verv active and practically everything In Mght" changed hands In very good sea son In the morning. The prices paid were Just about 5c lower than yesterday's gen eral market. The hogs sold largely at and rlKlit around t4.S5. with a top at $4.40. It will he remembered that yesterdsy the l-.i gs brought V4.i-(ti4.4:1, with almost half of the ales at $4.40. The mtirket thlc week has not shown any very great change, but the tendency has been downward since Monday. At the close ot the wtik the market l just about 7v,o lower than at the close of last week. Representative saleii: l''w . 7 . IS 7 " , 1" i 3-114 41, I ' I .119 . u I . KW, 1 I 1 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 4 M ETAL8 The re was no important feature In tlie metal market todav and business was quiet In the ahenoe of cables Tin was weak at f.i'.tV'n 'ii ,Vi Copper w as q ilet and un charged, with lake quoted at tl3.n'Vf 137U: electrolytic. $13.fyfiI3 75; casting. II ' 2,'o 13 v. Lead was unci. anted at $Ji7i 3 70. Speller waa quiet at (-4 30 4 35. Iron was quiet and uncharged. Foreign Financial LONDON. Jan. 4 Money waa In In creased supply on the market todav owing to the larger pamenls to the Hank of England; discounts were therefore steady. Trading on Ihe Stock exchange was quiet, but firm, on good Investment buying espe cially of colonial securities, which Imparted strength. The markets generally were mod erate. Continental support strengthened foreigners, but Japanese securities con tinued weak. Americans were Inactive, but the tone was good, the projects of bn.1 bank statement In New York and In cov ering operations causing advances over par ity and making the final tone firm. Dia mond shares were weak and coppers were firm. BERLIN. Jan. 4 Trading on the Bourse to1 y was unfavorably Influenced bv re ports of a new Prussian loan, and Prus sian Ss fell 11 points. Tlie general mone tary situation also affecteil the market ad versely and all departments weakened. PARIS. Jan. 4 Trading pn the liourse today opened firm on New York advices, but then Weakened on tlie unexpected an nouncement of new Prussian loan and Wool Market. Mo.. Jn 4 - WOO! ST I01-13 medium grades, combing and '11. .V; light fine. H''i2V; heavy tub washed. 2i33c. St. .loaepli ST. JOSEPH. Receipts 71 h. I1e?. 4'ti.7f 4.'fi; st'ick. ra and HOGS Receipts Steadv: othlng. 21 fine, 151110c; Live stock Market. Mo, Jan. 4 CATTI F ad: market, nominal: mi- onw.i and bet-rs. S1.75rf 1 2i'r 4 CO. a-1. trarket. 5tfi feeders. n:i h. K'c lower; top. $4 Co; bulk of sa'es, $1 451 4-. SHEEP AND LAMPS-Receipts z-t head; market, nominal; lambs t.-, 5mf 16..; vearllnirs and wetiiers. $t 5""( j.4o; ewes, K 75 1 4. 40. Stork In light. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western maraeis firroav: Cattle.. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha 1"7 Ht'75 1 Sioux ("It v pai 7 3ai Kansas City fyi) 9 r0 1.1' St. Joseph 71 c f'4 44 St I... ills 15U T.11 M Chicago 4VO Si iaj t fa N. At. M) P.S l-'J 157 77 154 l 1W M. ...... .21'. M........177 4 2"1 6 IK I 7M '. 1 l.M ai 4 (wl !'U TI) ill It 1SI I H 21 t :n 74. :n 60 in s $77 S...!... V. 241 7S it 14 3 2" I ti Zb6 6 244 1 .IK. 71 22 1 k iT : : is7 .VI !"7 75 .' 74 44! 74 :ia 7 17 M l 75 2 't 7 2;! ; 70 IC'i 47 2.1 ! S4 r.i $K 14 72 '.. 11 ..IS ; M 27J : yi f:ta I it to 44 r K2 1 77 J'l H til 71. a iia 73 itu 7 Wl ( ITa 13 t'. 7 241 It J46 Hi to 40 Si tu 40 ISO Total .1.3--S n,7S 4,S9i i 411 4 23 4 X 15 4 80 4 II 4 10 4 2- 4 10 4 ii 4 Jn 4 So 4 SO 4 fi 4 12 4 Ji 4 " a 4 4 :i2 -a 4 :.2i 4 32 S, 4 3!-, 4 $2 4 .).' , 4 SI", 4 Vi' 4 12 4 32 4 4 :! 4 cl t 4 32 , 4 iai 4 4 32 4 12 4 3-1 4 32U 4 J 4 32 4 ii , 4 la 4 : 4 U 4 SI 4 ii 4 2.1 4 30 4 15 4 si 4 ti i 35 4 ii I .3 4 :'. 4 Si I 3t 4 4 ti 4 ti 4 :ii 4 tt 4 14 Ns. 7.. t.. k.. 7S.. tl.. an.. (.5.. (.. (.. 7:,.. f.2 . tu. . 7.. H.. 67. . .. f.2. . f.1.. 74 . . . 71.. 4 . 42.. :a . 71 . 7.. M . ' . (.. 77 . .. l . . f . al 72 . . . !.. 7 . J J. 70. SI.. f.1 ' - 45 41 U. At. . 214 . 273 ..204 ..211 . h ..27S ..31 . 3.-.0 . !H9 . 224 . .2-".4 . S'l . 245 . .375 . 20 . 2W. . 2j ..21i . . 2r,l . .840 ..i7 . 24 . : . ..34 ..2W . 215 ..3i4 ,. 224 , . .14 . 34 .. 2 , . .Jf; ..!. . . ...IK ...lot . . .i'.a ...!.:4 ..2'a .. .Ill .. bl ....! . . 741 . . . ;.'IU ..1.1 ...2 .. 2t . . . .".'"I .. ...til ...2ll ...S" .. tt .. in ...2k& ...Jl ...l7 Bu. '40 10 120 40 IWI 120 mi 320 is 120 i-ki 4 IJU rr. 4 15 4 35 4 15 4 3a 4 K 4 4 34 I 35 4 35 4 31 4 .15 4 33 4 3.'. 4 iS 4 l " 4 25 4 25 4 .V 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 35 4 35 4 15 4 35 4 35 4 :5 4 3 4 35 4 25 4 35 4 25 4 16 4 : 4 36 4 3 4 35 4 35 4 53 4 55 4 to 4 3 4 35 4 33 4 2714 4 37 , 4 37 4 37 4 : 4 S7 4 17 4 17 4 37 4 37 4 87 4 17 4 r 4 17 4 IT t 40 4 40 4 u Staple anal Fancy Prodaet. EGC18 Fresh selling e'gs, candled, 84c. BUTTER Common, ItV; fancy tub and rolls. 175319c; creamery, 31c. CHESBE N4.-W full cream. Wisconsin twins, 174o; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss. 18c; new llmburger, 13 16c; young Americans, 17Hc. LIVE POULTRY Springs, "Vic; hsna, "Vic; roosters, 3c; ducks, c; geese, c; tur kevs, ISc; pigeons, SOo per dos. DRE88ED POULTRY oprlnga, fanoy, tc; hens, tiii'ac; roosters, 4c; ducks, 10c; gsess, lCc; turkeys, 164jl7c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $10.00; medium, $00; No. 1 bottom, $8.00; off grades, from $5.60-56 60. Rys straw, $7.00. No. 1 al falfa. $11.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, per box, $125; California-Washington navels, $2.50. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, per box:, $5.60 as. 00. GRAPES-Malaga, heavy weights. pf keg, 44.00; Malugaa, medium weights, per keg. $4.00. BANANAS Port Llmons, per bunch, $3.01 63.00. FIG9 AND DATES-Bmyrna figs. 7 crown, per lb., MQlfic; Bmyrna figs, -nown. per lb., 1213c: Fmyrna figs, 4 ctown, per lb, lug lie; California figs, boxes. 10 cartons, 85c; California figs, ooxes, 11 cari'ons, 8Sc; California figs, bulk, per lb., BHc ; Hallowl dates, per lb., Vc; Khadrawl dates, per lb., 4c; Salr dates, per lb., Mc; Fard dates, 13-lb. boxes, per lb, sc. LEMONS Fsncy, 300 and 3S0 slxs, per box $4.60; extra choice, Suo and 300 size, par box. $4.u0 COCOANUTS Per sack. $4.60; per doien, 60c. FRUITS APPLES New Koiiv King's, per barrel $E 20; "None Such," per barrel, $4 75; Bald wins, per barrel. 14.75; GraenltiKg, per barrss. $4.75; western box apples. Colorado Jona thans, per box, $3.00, Colorado Grimes Gold ens, per box, $3.00; Idaho Jonathans, yer box, $2 75; Idao Winter Bsnanas, per box. $2.75; Washington Sen Davis $1.75; Wash- ton Northern Spy, p,r box. $1.7, Washing ton Greei.lngs, per bov. 2.oo; wasmngton Baldwins per box. $1.75; Washington Horns Beauty, per box, $1.75; Washington tall ap ples, assorted, per box. $1.6001.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per bu., 66J7c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., IffHil ONIONS Red Globe, per bu., 62j96oj Denla, per crate, $1.86. SWEET POTATOES Small bbl., $2.71. CARROTS Per bu., 7bo. TURNIPS Per bu., SOc. PARSN1P3-Per bu.. 75c. CELERY Michigan, per bunch, arHff36a. NAVY BEANS-Per bu., No. 1. $A; Lima, 7c per lb. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ills. 14c; No. Jl ribs. 11c; No. $ ribs. 7ac; No. 1 loin, 13c; No. $ loin. 13c: No. S loin. 9c; No. 1 chuck. 6V4c. Nd. i chuck. 5c: No. 1 chucat. 5c; No. 1 round, 6'tC, No. 2 round, 7c; No. 1 round, tic; No. 1 plate, 64c; No. t plate, 60; No. I plate, i'ic. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunas are somewiiat unsetiiea by rreer offorings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range from tic to SV lor California fruit and from 6r2 to sc for Oregon. Peaches are very firm, with fancy ysllowa quoted at 13VaC. NUTS California walnuts, per lb., lie; Imported walnuts, per lb., 13jl5c; Tarra gons almonds, per lb., lac; filberts, per lb., Lc; Brazils, per lb., 13allc; Pecans, per lb., 124il3o, peanuts, raw, per lb., 7c; pea nuts, roasted per lb., 8c; Italian chsstiiuts, per lb , t)c COFFEl-Roasted, No. $5. Kc; No. 34. c; No. 2, lc; N-j. 20. 1444. BT'GAR Granulated. cane. per sack. $6 40, beet, $6 00; cut loaf, C4),c; cubes. trtc; powdered, 6.15c. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, 5c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, 3c; green unsalted, No. 1, 4c; green unsalted, No. i. tr; horse bides. $1 00(32 60; sheep pelts, 2to ti$1.0u. Tallo- No. I, 4Vc; No. t, $V4j3. Wool, 10(tf30c It la the hope of Omaha wholesale house to make new records during !!. Perhaps if an rxai-t aciount could te kept of tha aba for the vear thev woul.l rvarh thn enormous figure of $100,OiMt. Careful figures collected by The Bee at the rlos of the year showed the sales of 1W to amount to $fc,fn.i4i. This was only an In crease of something over $UMMA aa com pared to the figures for I'M'. Since the publication of the list many wholesalers have commended tha Itemised statement of business compiled by The Bee, and the figure Is said not to be too high and showing Just about tho proper In crease. Had larger supidlee been available there is no doubt whatever that the returns for Ir? would have been even larger thar they were. When It Is taken Into consid eration that the lnt two months of Hie year were practically negative so far as business was concerned the achievements) of 1907 and the new records made ar even more remarkable. Reports from all over the rountry show that the Jobbers enter the new year wllta the smallest stocks ever carried forward in the history of wholesale merchandising. Preparations have been made by Omaha wholesalers to meet the demands this year. I,at year the wholesalers began to double up on the Initial orders with the mills be fore the spring was well started and there wa not sufficient goods to meet the re quirements. This Is what caused prices to go up as they did and resulted In print selling higher thun civil war prices. In many other lines buyers berfged for goods, and many did not get them. When sum mer months csme the Jobbers found their trad- heavier than they could conveniently handle. Prepared for the Ken Year. But last season was a lesson to them. They have ordered i.eavy and have not aked mills to cancel orders because of tha financial troubles. Tne goods will come on and so far aa Omaha wholesalers are con cerned they will hope to handle all tho business which cmes their way during; the year and will be ready when the mer chants begin to come to the city to buy Janusry 15, when the spring meetings of the Manufacturers' and Jobbers' associa tion will oien. This la a meeting which will be continuous from the middle of Jan uary until April 1. Hnd the Omaha whole salers have arranged to refund car fare, making It even more desirable to come la Omaha to trade than during the times when the railroads granted a rate of one and one-third or one and one-fifth fare for the merchants' meetings. Dry Goods (Inlet. Present-day business Is quiet. With the dry goods trade stock taking has beau in progress. Among the cotton goods mer chants It Is stated that there Is a larger movement on coarse cottons for delivery on and after the firat of February. Job bers are finding that the retailers are again In the market for domestics and they are moving goods to better advantage than before In many weeks, in the woolens trade It Is believed that the new year will be a period of cautious buying by clothiers) and cloth Jobbers, and there is no doubt that a harder canvass will have to be made than before In fully tnlrteen years. The conditions are not hopeless, by any means, and manufacturers of medium and high-grade men's wear are to open their lines early In Jsnuary to the large buyera and to the entire trade by the loth. Ac cording to tke present plans of the woolen trade, prices will be kept close to the old levels, and this Is expected to help bring In early orders. White goods and em broideries are being delivered by Importers and domestic manufacturers to the cutters and department stores, according to sched ule, and this Is making the position of the first hand factors stronger for their fall of 1908 campaign. Prtnta Are steady. As the volume of print cloths now belnej produced Is considerably below the calls for shipment on existing orders, a firmer tone Is being sounded by sellers. They are making no concession from cents on quotations for regulars, and wide goods are firm at 6 cents for standards. Cur tailment haa at once steadied the market. Some mills are taking orders on narrow odds for February and March delivery on a basis of 4 1-16 cents. Dron Are Quirt. Conditions with the wholesale drtwalsta are sessonable. Tlie general consuming de mand Is light and the movement la not ex pected to show any Increase until after the stock taking period. Opium remains dull in the continued ab sence of Important demand, and the tone ot the market Is easy with the quotation of $5 entirely nominal. Powdered also la dull, with $0 a general quotation, but it waa intimated yesterday that less would be accepted on a firm offer. Quinine Is slow of sale with Inactivity a leading feature of the general situation, out there is no apparent selling pressure, and manufacturers' prices are maintained on the old basis of ltic for bulk in loo-ounce tins. Soap bark continues firm at the recent advance to 7ij,7Vio for either cut or crushed and the outlook la considered favorable to still further Improvement In values. Acetate of lime Is easier and manufac turers have reduced their prices to tt.itttt 130 for gray, ajid $1.4oyi.45 fur brown, aa to quantity. Bargains in Stocks 25 Amer. Marconi, 123 Z5m Ofii. Hub. 4o louo Anrhor O. AO.. V son Ner. Star, tc two C'nnaol. Jr8. o. C. 12-16(0 Amal. at. A O. Beat Baitar Royalty. 7c stock son. 000 Nlsht Haws, n fWw Llttla Kloranoa, ain IO11O Waahmiaal tl C . 1 Hon rn Manhal . 4r 0 ut. Waal. Oil. bl 6 Amer Karroo I, 12 it t'nl. Wirelnaa PM 30 Graph hone, 1 l(a Talesraphona. I4.JR Kaij Vleior Waniitar, $Vis lf."0 Kins Hoi. T V.. 11ii1iioO Kl Kator. We I'1 I ana. Marronl. tl TT. arawi n C Amal la 1275 Kana. Co-Op. R . e 3irt rnn-Wo,. Mc, Umpire Mint, 4 pm Hfa. Waal El . (As 60" Helena, Arlr., li' ta Ind. Mis 42c 100 Hnhhars Rlllott. I.K 401) Haiter Roralir Te Ii Pearl, tc pan Hrant Ind., t lloo Ilaath Val , 7i- 111) Wellington Aaae . Nn 12 I'so. N. Y. A. It., tit lrv chiana Cona.. 4 '.0 O. A. Coffae, 141.60 2110 Moh. Ploraart lo loou OL-tave, 7K' 6009 Kmplra Tus., Mil r.15 anis in THii makkbt for Rlahop Ok n. tl Onn . HI I '.. I J m ... ...... . . . . ' .w .. ' ""'"ra luBwm, King oron thar. GM. Hub and other good Horaa. HK!I FOR Bid JAN. MARKKT UTTER. Western Business Exchange 185 X. AS ALLS ST, CKIOAOO, JH, LAMSON BROS. & CO. e Board of Trade, CrtlcaaQo established 1174. GRAIN and PROVISIONS OMAHA OFFICEt Room 0OO Brandatla BldfiTa Telephone Douglas 854)7. C. E. HUNTER, Minsgtr Vonr I'atroiuMfe Holiclted. Call and Km V: W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. We offer, subject to aal., 88 hares oi took Tarda. 1320 Farntm SL.Tel. Douglas 1064 611 KEf There were no fresh receipts of sheep today and nothing- of any conse Meiice tm sale. For the avek reei(its Uve tieD very liberal, btliig three tluius Boyce Commission Co. STOCKS. GRAIN and PROVISIONS Bld0 Tl. Douolaa TtV4af Marjlns 1 cent oo Krala, tl 00 on stock, for customers. Best serylce In Omahs. A Room 4 N. V. Ufa Public and private rooms reliable company.