The Omaha Sunday Bee PART VU WAIIT AD SECTIQII PACKS 1 TO 6. VOI,. ' XXXVII NO. IS). OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNINO, JANUARY 5, 11)08. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WANT ADS Want ads Adrertlaemeat lor the want ad rolimt rf I be taken ontll 12 m. far 'he evening; edition and antll fl p. of the morning and Pondar edition. tank nl accompany all orders for want ad and no ad vertleatent will be aeeepted for le than lO ents for he first Insertion. Rntea apply to either The Dally or innday Bee. Always roant six words to m line. Combination of Initials or numbers i-onnt as ona word. CASH HATES FOR WAJfT ADS. RGGILAR CLASSIFICATION Ona Insertion, per line, 10 eeats. Two or more eonserntlve Insertions', per line, 1 cents. Each Insertion made on odd lays, 10 cents per line. al.BO pe Una per moot hi SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar advertisement Is Inserted nnder Mr ona of the classifications, alven elo,w, It will be charged at the following- rateai One Insertion, 4V cents per line, three to sis eonseentlve la ertlons, 3 cents per line ench Inser tion I seven or more eonseentlve Inser tions, 2 rents per line each Insertion TO cents per Una per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Emcept A cents, Solicitors and Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cows, Birds, Dobs and Pets. Horses and Vehicles. Poaltry nnd Ebbs. Furniture. Typewriters and SewlnB Machines. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instro nients. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. I'nfurnlshed Rooms. Housekeeping rooms. BortrdlnB and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. Want ads for the Bee may be left t any of tha following; drog store one Is "your corner druggist" they are all branch offices of The Bee and your nd will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the mime rates as at the main ofllce In The Bee Building, seventeenth nnd Farnnm Streets. Albach. W. C 40'i and Farnam. Leianek, B. A.. I4u2 S. 10th St. Becht Pharmacy, 720 S. tilth St. ll.'rmon Pharmacy, Unison, Neb. Bonds Park Pharmacy, 3:',d and Cuming, lllake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. ( 'iiivlilln C. H.. tit li anil Pierre Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava, t.'onte, J. B., 31st Ave. unit Furnain. Crlssey Pharmacy, 2-lth and Lake Sts. Cermak, Emll, 1201-6 S. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H 2802 l avenwortli. Foster & Ar'noldl, 213 N. 25th Ht. Frevtag. John(J., 1914 N. 2Uh. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. - rliM fian PtiarniHCV. !!ftt h unit L&ke. Green' Pharmacy, comer Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, G. A., 1025 8. 10th 9t. Greenough. Q. A., 1124 8. 10th St. IfAudnn Wm. C. 5930 Farnam St. llanscom Park Pharmacy, 1WI B. 20th Hoist. John, 624 N. IGth St. Huff, A. I. 2924 Leavenworth St. Kin. H S.. 2238 Farnam St. Knnntze' Place Pharmacy. 3004 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St., Charles E.. 1?24 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. R.r.lnirit Drue Co.. 24th nnd Ames Ave. Schaefefs Cut Price Drug: Co.. 16th and Chicago. Sohaefer, August. 3081 N. IGth St. Schmidt, J. It., 24tt. and Cuming Sts. Htnrm Phsrmsev. ISth and Martha Sts. . Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th end nrace. Worth. O. II.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. noOl'E 'Mary Martha, aged 75 years. Funeral Sunday. January 6. 1908. at 2 m. from residence, 20115 North Twenty-fits1 street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery, IIRAD8H AW Robert L.. aired 8 month infant son of D. I and Elisabeth Brad slm w Funeral Sunday from residence. u North Twenty-fifth avenue, at z p. m. Intormen 'Holy Sepulcher cemetery. The funeral of Mr. W. A. Spender will lie heiii at the residence or Mrs. t:. I Malltnson. 1401 Sncncer St.. Monday, at 2 p. m. Strictly private, owing to Illness In family. l.OlXiR NOTICE Attention Members of Alpha Camp No. I, W. o. W. The unveiling of the monument of Sov ereign Dr. John A. Cumlngs will take place at Finest Uwn cemetery Sunday after noon, January 5, l'H ut 2 o'clock. Sov ereigns of other camps are invited to at tend. CHARLES UN ITT. Cler. MAItlllAOB LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued : Name and Residence. Age. Domunlk Novoliny. South Omaha 22 Frances Kellnger. So ith Omaha VJ Guv H. Hanson. Omaha M Josephine Mllllthalor, Omaha 1 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hirths Elmer I'eshak. 216 Nicholas, girl; Charles E. F.kstrand, 251u South Twenty fifth avenue, girl; Gus Bcrgqulst. Urn son. girl; Emory Cyrkes, Thirteenth and Paul, girl; Max Wlutroub, 1220 Capitol avenue, girl and boy; Harry Milder, 63 North Sev enteenth, boy; August David. 193s South Eleventh, boy; Robert Bennett, 1411 North Twenty-fifth, girl. Deaths Mary Martha Rogue, 20.Y. North Twenty-first, 75; Robert I Bradshaw. 83 North Twenty-fifth avenue. Infant; Jacob Schniltz, North Fifty-fourth, K4; Arthur Holmberg, 26ort Fierce. 4; Dora Marie Wfk'hnmnn, 3866 Hamilton, 85; Minnie Arndt, 620 South Eighteenth. 77. ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION. WOULD-BE DANCERS' Midwinter term of Maraud s Dancing school begins Friday. January 1. I p. tn. First lessons privately If desired. We guar antee to teach old or young perfectly in one course of lessous. Call ox 'plume Doug loU. Entrance opposite tturwood theater. (l-M-4!H-Jan-tx THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Lven worn Bis. lei. iugiaa imi. (D-S03 SIGN PAINTING 8. IL COLE, las. 1302 Doug. (1 101 HOW Is your chimney and furnace? Chlm leys, furnaces and stoves cleaned and repaired City Chimney Sweep. Rhone Do ug tiJbO. ID M924 11 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our L'st of second-hand automo blles. DKRlOliT. I1 farnam. I3 Hut BARTER AND EXCHANGE TOR EXCHANGE Clear Arkansas farm, crexmriy and feed mill clear, farm la Nebiuska. Writo Acme Ext-han Co.. Cherokee, la. (3 UiTi JTl4x IS-ROOM hotel, steam heat, gas. city water and 6 -room cottage. In a good Iowa town; ell or trade fur land. ll property or a snap. F. B. Council inert handler; hurry, this I A Mmor, j Avenue lfT 1, ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Tomorrow's The Mid-Winter College Open's Then. If you commence to attend our college tomorrow, In six months from now you'll he a thorough-going;, expert Stenographer, Bookkeeper or Tele grapher. (Those are the branches we teach.) Do not wait until next fall to cessful business career. Start now! declare Is the Ideal business college building of the United States is so pleasant that studying here Is not WORK. The attractive surroundings of the school, together with its fine gymnasium for young men and young lady students, makes this the ideal school. The fascination of learning how to write Just as fast as the fast speaker can key that a message will be transferred ing how to become an expert accountant, will take hold of you with an en thusiasm for"your work that will make your study hours pleasant and ex ceedingly profitable. Students will be admitted into our entire week. Pay us a visit at your earliest opportunity. ' Don't fail under any conditions to request the catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES, President, BOYLES BUILDING. N. B. BOYLES COLLEGE in an Pacific Railroad for Telegraphers and road to all students who learn Telegraphy The Evening Institute OF THE Y. M. C. A. Will open its Second Term JANUARY 6th. Tuition fees, $3.00 or $4.00 per subject in addition to limited or full membership in Y. M. C. A. o Common Branches, also Business, Arithmetic, Corres pondence, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Me chanical and Architectural Drawing, Commercial Law, Vocal Music, Show Card Writing, Electricity, Etc. Thousands of men have found the road to success in the Y. M. C. A Night Schools. Full information at Y. M. 0. A. Office. BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What have you? L 634. care Bee. '81-M127 WILL trade $5,000 gilt-edge securities draw Ing ( per cent, payable quarterly, for Im proved city or country real estate. 405 Brandel Bldg. (3) M780 Janl8 TRADES. TRADES If vou have some thing for sale or trade write us; we match evcryining. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (3)-M218 J24 $3,000 EQUITY In Omaha acreage to trade ior good, clear, western Nebraska land. Address E 713, Bee. l3 M433 J4x 820 ACRES Improved land, eastern Kansas, two miles to town: Drlce. $50 Der acre: clear; part trade, and will carry balance D&cg on tarni. Address tr w, Bee. (3)-M434 J4x WHAT have you to trade for sevoral small diamonds; must have some cash; will consider most anything. P 688, care Hee. (3) 630 FOR SALE 400 acres land near Rhvlander, Wis., price $16 per acre, or will trade for drug. Jewelry or clothing stock; ' have some money to put with land, ttox t4, I.e Rny, Minn. 13) M(U4 7x 840 ACRES nicely Improved farm. Clay county, Iowa. For sale cheap or trade for western or southern land or stock of merchandise. F. F. Kltterman. Kim ball, S. D. (3)-Mti39 7X THE owner will trade well Improved fnrm or inn acres for $3.0"0 or M.imo drug siock In Neb., doing good business; will take mortgage on farm for balance; no agnta. L. D. McConnell, Route 3, Elgin, Neb. (3)-M7L'l 10X FOR general merchandise by owner 820 acres highly Improved, very best of land 2o acres alfalfa: 4 crops per year; near large town; give full description to get answer; equity $17,000. Address Y 178 care Bee. (3) M718 10 NEW eight-room house In Minneapolis built by uwner for home; finished in oak ail floor birch; three minute street car passes door; owner Is druggist and wants to located In Nebraska: will trade for good drug business in Nebraska: no agents; will deal with owner. L. D. Mc Coiyiell, Route $, Elgin, Neb. (S)-M714 Jx 1S5 ACRES 2 mile from Burwell. Neb., all In valley; large frame house; frame barn; all outbuildings frame and up to date; fenced and cross-fenced; 70 acres under cultivation; 40 acres In alfalfa; 10 acre of best meadow land; balance In pasture; as good a farm as there Is In the valley; owner desire to quit farming and will exchange thl property for a good hardware stock; stock must be clean and up to date; price $12,000; will take back on farm $4.ivm If necessary. C. 1. Bragg, Burwell, Neb. (3) M730 10 FOR EXCHANGE A well rented 2-story frame building In tbe best town In South Dakota. J. C. Moody, Parker, S. D. (S) M7I5 6 TO EXCHANGE, for Income property or Mtnntsota. choice land; S.ouu.uuo ft. saw timber besides pole and cord wood, timber beside poles and cord wood. Price $10 per ai re; mortgage $k.0o0. due in 3K years. 6 per cent. W ill divide. Make your offers. R. M Bettsworth Owner, Cnlar Rapid. Ia. (3) X1 6 FOR TRADE FOR AUTOS, acre fine prairie land; every acre 1(0 caa be cultivated, price, $30.00 per A.; will take two runabout and one tourlm? car to value of $3 000 or $3,200. Other good trades to offer. Geo. H Jackson, Floyd, la. tl) M35 11x FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE. 100 acres rich bottom farm, $ltu per acre: $3.0 March 1. $3.ou In one year, $4,00U for trade, for hardware, imnlements, reaf- . .dence. dry goods, live stock, western land or offers: also a good clean nursery clock to exchange. K. Steele Fin lev. College Springs, la, 6x ANNOUNCEMNETS (Continued. The Day Term of Boyles commence your preparation for a suc The Boyles Building which experts talk to learn how to press a little thousands of miles away of learn N school for this term throughout the OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Official Training School for the Union absolutely guarantees positions on that at this College. (D BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) TO KXCHANQK 160 acres elegant rich black land. Codington county, South Da kota.. $35 acre; mortgage $1,400; long time Mather & Co., Cedur Rapids, la. . (31-884 5 TO EXCHANGE Stocks of gortMs, farms. lands, business and residence properties, ranches, hotels, flouring mills, elevators, lumber yards, etc. Ltrgest exchange Mat of any firm In the state. Call or send u full description of what you have to ex- ennnge. i an match most any deal Mather & Co., 3d Ht. and 3d Ave.. Cedar Kupids. la. 3l-8&i 5 FOR SALE On farm SO acres, one farm 160 acres, both under cultivation: pirt payment down. Address M. R. Smith, Partington. Mel). (3) M8.44 llx FOR SALE or exchange for stock of hard ware Improved farm. 27ii acres. In Dunn Co., Wis. Write owner for particulars. J. D. Clark, R R No. 3, Menomonle, Wis. oMHiU UX BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, buslnes.? or property that you wish to sell or cx change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., 4VaT A II A X " 1 t (4-Ml"2 J23x AN UP-TO-DATE new. drug business; oak iixtures; doing good paying bust' ness. Address No. 241, Mason City, la. (4)-M6S 6x TO BUY OR SELL a business quick, write Hlldretn, 439 Brandeli Bldg., Omaha. (4) M8C9 ROOMING houses for sale, from smallest to largest; can loan part purchase money. usoorne-tiansen Co., 441 rax ton Diock. (4) M195 J7 FOR SALE My part furniture and fur nishings in all modern 60-roem hotel Balance of furniture goes with leace. Bur In connection also for sale. Onlv hotel In town of 2,5u0. I P. Moonev, Mlnden. Neb. (4) M3S4 J27x I WANT to sell my saloon at Blue Hill, Neb., Ior cash only. I want to sell out on account of sickness. Box 604, Blue Hill, Neb. (4) M208 Jan. 4x INVEST your money In the wheat fields of North Dakota. Land values going up every aay. Aaaress j. 11. wisenor, Ludden. N. D. (4) AltilS iix FOR BALD-Drug store In outhern Iowa that is clearing owner $150 a month abo expenses; no competition; will stand In- pectlon. Address H. C. Lyon, Ellston,' la. (4 M666 8x I WANT a partner for established busi ness. In Omaha and Council Rluffs; must have $2&0 cash; business pays $400 per mouth ; must be a worker. Call between 9 a. in. and 3 p. m. at 803 1st Ave., Coun cil Bluffs. . (4) M700 9 WRITE me before buying or selling real estate of any kind. Can save you money. T. W. Jackson, Iowa Falls. Ia. r (4-M439 J4x DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (40) 905 YOU can never profit by business chance unless you have some money ; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran dels a Sons, Hankers. 16th and Douglas Sts. Asuels over $Mi.000. (4 PATENT SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of inventions wanted, free to any ad dress. I'atents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress; sample copy free. Evans, Wllkcns & Co., 588 F St., Washington, D. C. (4) Industrial and Mining Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBT. C. DRUESDOW & CO., STOCK BROKER. lei. Doug. 3iM w,N- V. Life Bldg. OMAHA, (4J M633 F2 FOR SALE MOVING PICTURE THEA TER, Paying over $500. Co profit per month; must be sold at once; will show good reason for selling w hen you investigate. The first one to come and look It over will buy; bo quick if you want a money maker. R. A. Williams, Pittsburg, Kan. (4) MiiS6 9x FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 21 room, good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri son House, Meadow Grove, Neb. (4) M592 12x MANl'FACTURING O P E N I N'lTs-The reader will note below several particu larly desirable manufacturing chance taken at random from our new lists of openings: Pork-packing plant In central western city; cereal mill and alfalfa meal mill at small western city; corn prodncs plant at city of middle west; clay prod ucts plant at k-iuthwestern city. Inducements probably given. Other equally attractive openings of all kinds. Send for complete book. "Opportunities." M. Schulter, Industrial Commissioner, Rock Island-Frisco Lines, St. Louis, Mo. H -8li 5 WANTED Business offers or Investment sales of merit. Can travel. 11. H. De Journette, G. D., city. H)-M;w 7x INVESTORS Don't Invest your money un til you read my "Fact for Investors." free. R. B. Kahn, ArlingtuoBldg , Kansas City. Mo. (4)-4tf 5x $2i n per month In the real estate business; $10 capital will start you. Experience un necessary, as I prepare you and tpoint you my special representative, no inatt-r where you are located. Write for my free book. C. H. Gray, Pre.. 783 Century Bid-.. Kansas City, Mo. (41823 5x $10 rash and $10 per month will buy a beau tiful 2-acre California vineyard, the -Income from which will be sufficient to make you Independent for life. Hand some pamphlet and valuable Information free. Sacramento Valley Improvement Co., St. Louis, Mo, 14; ANNOUNCEMNETS (Continued.) TheNWinter Tomorrow at the Omalia Commercial 19TH And ARE YOU READY TO BEGIN? NEW CLASSES IN THE BUSINESS. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. TELE GRAPHY, PENMANSHIIV NORMAL AND DAY AND NinilT SESSIONS. Both day and evening sessions, will be held. If vou cannot attend one, attend the other; night school on Monday, Wednesday SELECT A (JOOD SCHOOL. It will not bay to experiment. It co-its tltm and money. Select an old and relia ble school, where you will get more than vnlue received for your time and money, where the courses are thorough, the teachers thoroughly competent :ind pp.listaklng, where you receive instruction and plenty of l(, where the school will be a credit to you when you are through, and where you are absolutely assured of a good position as soon ns ready. You will make no mistake io attend the Umimn Commercial Col lege, because It has no superior and few equals. Make it a visit Lieiore malting up your mind what you will do. i CLASS AND INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. Every student gets proper attention and oil he needs. Private help Is constantly given. Our students make rapid progress. We employ experienced teachers to In structnot amateurs. BUSINESS COURSES. Thorough, comprehensive and complete. Elaborate office diill. Actual business from the start. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Insure competency and a good position. Methods and systems, the beat in use. No experiments. Fplenilld teachers, new typewriters ond the best facilities. TELEG R Al II l'( )S IT 1 We absolutely guaiantco eveiy student a fine position cn tile U. P. R. K. We nave the finest equipment ever seen In a tel.-graph t-nd nt once for a catalogue, call and make us a visu or tcii pnone uougias egln with us tomorrow. Best time to begin. ROHRBOUGH BROS. 19TH AND FARNAM. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) A FINE PLACE For a private hospital, hoarding or room ing house; 16 rooms; painted; nil mod ern: two-story; built 5 years ago; house 32x60; two lots, 132130 feet; for sale at ,2319 S. 13th St., city. (41- MANAGER WANTED-An Ohio corpor ation manufacturing household necessity desires Neoraska manager: demonstration in leading department stores; office fur nished; three years contract; salary, $2,100 and commission; good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, 627 Snowflake Bldg., Toledo, O. (4) THE NEW STATE OF OKLAHOMA Is reached by no other line to as good ad vantage as by the" RK-k Island-Frisco lines, operating thousands of miles of tracks In the new stale; the industrial and business development already started Is wonderful, but excellent chances exist for all kinds of factories, stores and In vestments; If dissatisfied with your pres ent location, state fully your wants and we will refer you to excellent locutions, sending copy of our complete Industrial book, "Opportunities." M. Schulter. In dustrial Commissioner, Sti- Louis, Mo. (4) 850 5 FOR SALE Restaurant In Omaha;, good business; rent $2o; price $275. Gangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. (41887 6 WANTED A rty with $000.00 to take active or silent Interest In a good pay ing business. Address Y 781, Bee. (4) 9u6 5x WANTED Enterprising young man to put some time and money Into a business that will ray big. No failures need answer. Address P "38, Bee. (4)-006 5x LOCATION wanted for a first class tailor shop In a good, live town Address Y 1T9, care Bee. (4) M904 llx WE WANT negotiator with substantial fol lowing to arrange a syndicate for a good, clean, legitimate enterprise. Address K 784, care Bee.- (4) 903 5x WANTED A nartv v'"- fc." to travel south with me this winter; big money making business; exp . . we i...t neces sary. For Interview address J 783 care Bee. (4) 9)2 5x WE HAVE 3 bargains tn rooming houses, $i"f.ti) to $i!0O.CO, and are high grade boarding houses that must be sold this week. Call and see us about these. KEYSTONE, 404 BEE BLDG. (41-R02 5 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE An $8,000 siock general merchandise; leading stock In town of 1,500; this is a first class stock; doing $3,0u0 business a year. Frederick Clark, Walkerton, lnd. (4) MG37 7x FOR SALE Fine bakery; big business; best location In city; complete equipment; 2 ovens, 7 solid oak snow cases, $225 cast) register, electric fans, arc light, horse and wagons, candy furnace and everything complete to inn a first-class bakery. Free from debt. Reason for Belling, falling health. Rent, $96. Ad dress J. Wheeler, 803 Frederick Ave.. St. Joseph, Mo. (4) M006 lfix WANTED a partner active or ilent with $8i0 In a money making business. Abso lutely no risk. Address S773 care Bee. (4)-M517 4x BE YOUR own boss; start a mail order limine. Send for free booklet. Tells how to start for $5. Chicago Mail Order School, Ul Madison St., Chicago. (41 Ri'.4 5x POOL HALL for sale; luBt city; cheap If taken at once, stad. 403 Bee Bldg. location In &! Gange (4) 88 5 VERY few fortunes are made In a day, yet turf patrons exiect fabulous sums dully. If you want fair and consistent profits on amounts from $10 upward communicate with me. Weekly resulls will agreeably surprise you. Address Frank Moore. 120 Liberty t.. New York. (4 8S5 5x MANUFACTURERS and merchants, who are In good financial standing, hut who need Immediate funds can arrange for securities on which the required amount can be realized. The Glen Hrown Co., 13 Garfield Place. Cincinnati. O. I4I-S73 5x FOR SALE Tailor shop, good location and good reason for selling; $tioo. Address O 687, care Bee (4) M73-J 6x E. G. OANOE3TAD can help you get In or nut of business. Itoom 403 liee Bldg., Omaha. (4) 9ut THERE Is money to be made trading In wheat. My method big profits with a small risk. If you want to trade, write me. G. A. Abrogast, 707 Traders' Ulilu., Chicago. (4) 874 5x STOCKS, merchandise wanted for part cash and Indiana income property or 312-acre Illinois farm. Describe stock fully. Write Box 56, Marlon, lnd. (41-875 5x MONEY Do you need It? We are in a position to furnish capital for any meri torious enterprises. Wu can Sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis. Mouey advanced on good securi ties. Charters procured In any state. Do not fail to confer ulth us; It will be to your Interest. R Kaatz & Co., Bankers, Tacoma Bldg.. ChtcaMO. (Ii-wi 5x ANYONE knowing a person who Is going, or has been, to Hot Soring, Ark., for treatment of blood poisoning will he ItlM-rally compensated. Address Ixck Box '.(2, Chicago. (41-861 5x DO YOU need capital, extend or start business? If so, write me before arrang ing elsewhere; exceptional facilities plac ing mocks, bonds quickly. Everett Dnfour, Corporation . Attorney, Le Droit Bldg.. Washington, D. C. (4i-83 6x I WILL nay cssh for small business; restaurant or bakery preferred; state lo cation. Address O 737. Bee. i4l 82 6x THIS 13 A 8NAP. E.Jhty acres in Missouri; will sell for rash it will trade; title good and no cuuabracc. M MS, cars Uvv, U12i ANNOUNCEMNETS CConunueC-l Term Begins Monday College farnam CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENTS. and Friday nights. . ( )N S UV A Li A.N lrjtj 1 . who complete our course In telegraphy C. I . n. It. wire in oeparuneiu aou school. It will pay you to look It over. (NEW COLLEGE HI 1LIMNU.) ( 1 1 BUSINESS CHANCES (Co itlnted.) SPECULATORS. Investors, company Incor porating, stocks, loans, promoting, gen eral agents; business established; over 100 per cent last year; dividends ijuarterly. B. & Co, an 8th Ave., New York. (4) MUi2 7x ALL kinds of bargains In rooming houses; cash loaned If needed. Kelly & Stone, 220 Neville block; Douglas 4664. (41-MM03 J 18 FOR SALE-Stock of hardware. Invoicing about $4,5oO; will give liberal discount for cash if sold quick, or will take good, un improved western Nebrawka or Kansas land, at actual cash value, as part pay and balance In cash. Address Y S3, care of Bee. ) M807 JUhc FOR SALE A first-class meat market or one-half Interest; or market for rent; In vestigate. C. W. Letchford, Council Bluffs. la. (4)-M70; IF YOU have bought or Invested In "car sign" stock or "syndicate shares" It will pay you to get in communication with me; Important Information for your own good; strictly confidential. Ad dress N 736, care Bee. (4) M747 6 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBT. C. DRUESDOW & CO., STOCK BROKER. Tel. Douglas 3WV 80S N. Y. Life Bldg., OMAHA, NEB. (4) MG93 F2 OUR vending mnehlne does six times the business of peanut, match or other ma chine aid costs less; operator wanted everywhere. Western Novelty Co., 304 Arlington Dldg., Kansas City, Mo. (4) 8S9 CX LIVERY and boarding business for sale at a bargain ir taken tins wee. tangesiaa 403 Bee Bldg. (41889 5 BUSINESS DIRECTORY- Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice creamery umana. (5I-9U. Chattel Loan. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. - (5j 909 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. & 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. s (5) 910 Dentist. BAILEY ft MACH. Sd fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (5j 915 Dressmaking. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; sewing by day In families; good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Web. 1809. (6)-M661 J14x MME. Doug. WOODRUFF, 6170. 223 Neville. Tal. (5) M367 Jll IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy, 1358. Tel. Harney (5) 912 SHIRT WAISTS N. 20th. and party, dresses. 2011 (61 M852 J5 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far nam St. ()-913 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harnoy (5 919 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367. (5)-14 Florists. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5 91 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. I). 12ft (B-17 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. $000. (6) -918 Locksmith. KEYS, etc.. Heflln. 2974. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. (5-tC0 Ofllce Bnpplles. FILING cabinets, tiles and ledger, loos leaf device and otlice fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 3u6 S. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6662. (6-M36S JU Maalc and Language. PIANO lessons Webster 221 In your home. 'Phone (51-143 Paotog-rapher. C. B. TRUSSELL. 115 South 16th 8t. (5,-924 shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-ell woik. 16;8Vi Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 't. (5) sJ5 SHOES repaired right, callod for and le livered free. Stundard Shoe Renair Co.. !8M Farnam St. Tel. D. :rjT7. C.1-M126 Osteopathy- JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (5)-921 , Printing. EVER ST(7frT0 THINK of the time 'ost poking" up the average printer when you want u Job In a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. Printer and Office Furnishers, -812 South 19th St. 'Phones: Bell, Douglas 6C62; lnd . A 1562. (o M16 Jan2o BEFORK placing ytur 190S calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lynustad & Jorve, printers, 16th and Cai-ltol Ave. v;-fcl BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued ) Bate, abutter, Bte. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a specialty ot file escapes, shutters, door nd safes. G. Ar.dreen, Prop.. Iu2 3 luth St. i5-J3 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agent and Salesladies. LADIES make money s.Jling guaranteed Silks direct Irom looms; cut any length; One-third saved; cx resn prepitid. Write for information. Lenox Silk Works, Brunswick Blk., N. Y. . (7) &3 5x WANTED Experienced candy saleslady: also cream dipper. Apply at Candy Dcp't Swectland. Uraiulels. (7) M937 Clerical nnd OfMee. STENOGRAPH KR. good at figure, $50. Stenographer, latulutor experience, $50. Stenographer, 4(). Two bookkeepers. $4O-$50. Cashiers. $'i.'-$S0. Cull early Monday. WESTERN RE K. & BOND ASS N. INC., 721-722 New York Life Bldg. (7) MD32 6 WANTED Competent stenographer; some office experience. Address B 7511, Beo. (7) M645 6 WANTED A stenographer and book keeper who will be Interested to help promote the general work of the Child Saving Institute. ISth and Ohio streets. 'Phone Webster 1991. (7) M674 Dx WANTED-Young girl In real estate office who can operate a typewriter. Call 421 Hee Bldg. I") &x Factory nnd Trades. WANTED A lady Anchor Pub. Co., Gordon press 3u6 S. ISth St. feeder. 17)-M771 WANTED Young girl to learn the trade and work In hair goods. F. M. Schadell, 1522 Douglas. (7) "07 5 WANTED I ady to learn watch reparlng. Cunningham' Jewery store, 314 Broad way, Council Bluffs. (7) 945 6x Housekeeper aad Domestic. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1902 Furnam. Child's nurse, $5. Girls for general housework, $5 to $6. Cook for ranch in yoniiug, and trans portation. Cook, from $5 to $7. Housemaids, $5. (7)-M79J 8 WANTED Girl fumlly of four. H orn la. for general housework; Tel. Harney 2866. 0002 Cal (7) M7U6 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family .of three. See Capt. Buchan, room 1 Army Bldg., 2 to 4 p. m. (7)-M183 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wage. 4819 Cass St. Phone Harney 1061. (7) M181 WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages, small fain tly. Call on Mr. Steel, 1318 So. Soth Ave. 7)-236 WANTED Capable girl for housework. Mrs. R. S. Hall, 3224 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 352. (7) 680 4 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam. Child's nurse, $5. Olrls for general housework, $5 to $6. Cook for ranch In Wyoming, $30 and trans portation. Cooks, from $5 to $7. HouBemulda, $o. (7)-M692 4 V ANTED Girl for general housework" and nurse girl. References required. S)U liarney. Tel. Harney 2390. (7)-M551 YOUNG girl to assist In housework. Mrs. W. M. Jackson. 1520 Caatellar St. (7)-59S 5 GIRL for general housework, lln. 2414 FYank-(7)-57 bx GIRL for general housework In small family; good wages. 1326 So. 30th Ave (7) M87 6 BEAUTIFULLY furnished, all modern steam heated rooms; always warm. 218 No. 23d St. (16) M621 6 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Mrs. A. 11. Fetters. 2711 Popple ton Ave. 'Phone Harney 1728. (7) 31 WANTED Good girl for work. 1128 S. 28th SL general house (7)-Mi'3 WANTED Dining Commercial Hotel, ,-oom girl. Dexter, Ia. Address (7) S 8x WANTED A 3012 Mason. girl for general housework. Phono Harney 2904. (7)- -947 6 Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls $4 to $7. Canadian Office, 10th & Dodge. (7)-M740 WANTED Exiierleneed girl for genet al housework. Mrs. J. A. Sheahan, 332(1 Har ney St. 'Phone Harney 808. (7)-753 6 WANTED A competent cook. 432 S 3sth Ave. Tel. Harney 18ii0. (7) M764 7 WANTED Girl for general housework small family; good wages ftir competent girl. Phone Harney 3247. Address 12S 8. 30th Ave. (7) M786 7x WANTED Colored woman for genera housework; no washing. Also colored gir for nurBc. Mrs. Capt. Cunningham. Fort Omaha. (7) M7S5 7x WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman lor general housework; small family good wages; no washing. 133o S. '7lli Ht (7) M784 7x WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family and every convenience ror lessening tne work. Mrs. r . 'I Myers, 701 8. 37th St. Tel. Harney 274S, (7)-7fl7 6 WANTEDA girl for laundress ki pi. 1248 7th Ave. general housework Park Wild or H (71-M7H6 7 WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Apply Mrs. Shfan, No. 4, Fort Crook. (7 M771 7x GIRL wanted for general housework. Mrs. A. G. Charlton, 2:22 Miami. (7 MH14 WANTED Experienced cook. Call at 3610 Harney St.. or telephone Harney 77S. (7, M'J38 6 Miscellaneous. LADIES Our catalogue explain how we teach halrdresslng. manicuring, facial massage, etc., In few weeks, mailed free. Moler College. Chicago, III. (7) M715 9x WHERE Is the best place to get good photos? Ask anyone who has had them taken at the Kogy Studio, U2 X. Hit Ii. Cabinets, $1 to $4 per doi. Open Sundavs. (7;-M75o 6x WANTED Women Mo distribute sami les for wholesale house; salary $11 weekly; work full or part time; ea;.lt,il or ex perience unnecessary. North western Co., 61 A. ('who Block, Chicago. (71-872 6x LADIES of good education wanted to demonstrate to those interested In music a inoney-srivlng proposition; hut little knowledge of music reciulred; large re turns. For particulars address Y 174. earn Bee. (7)-821 5 LADIES to copy letter at home. paro time; good pay: cash weekl ; rellabh'; end stamp. Zeck Co., Morrintown. N. ,Y. (7)-824 fix HELP WANTED MALE Agent, solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen In every Nebratks city for specialty line. Goods guaranteed; ' demand tnrreaklng and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only. National Bales Co., 427 Ramge Bldg.. Omaha. (Sj-Mw7 J4 WANTED Salesmen, experienced. Al proposition; liberal commission with regular weekly advance. Sterling Mfg. Co., Cedar Raptda, la, (W-M3 bx HELP WANTED-MALE - V- Agrnt aad Salesmen Contlaaed. HOT SPRINGS. A RK. Salesmen who visit nuke big side money; wonderful discov ery; home treatment; 8 days' trial free; IHTinanent reunite guaranteed. P. O. F Box T.'T, Chicago. 9 WtOo 7x AGENTS, either sex. outside Kansas City; best selling household articles; staple goods, large demand and profits: success assured; end stamp for circulars and. particulars. Home Supply Co., Kanaaa City. Mo., Station D. (9) M73 6x HAVE an opening for a good salesman with a well-estHbllshed company; as sets of $50,000,000; must have satlsfac- . tory references. Call Monday, Jan. 4, 220 Bee Bldg. (9 M749 6 EXCLUSIVE territory to district managers; liberal contract to write our wage earners' combination health nnd accident certifi cate. Address World Accident associa tion, 5uil W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. ()- WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Furaona, Kan. (9) SALESMEN Traveling-A side Una really worth while. Quick commissions; big de niand; established trade. Puritan Poultry Foods, Lock Box 1615. New York. () WE WANT Kiwi general salesman ta manage exclusive territory; must have a little capital for stock, etc. This Is a rart opportunity for a hustler. Write me In confidence. J. N. Faust, President I. S. Co., 161 Market St.. Chicago. () AGENTS WANTED Ono exclusive agent for every town to take orders for made-to-measure suits for men and women; $IU monthly or more easily earned; sample outfit. 260 styles newest woolens. In handsome carrying case, free of cost. Opportunity to establish prosperous and growing business without Investment. Full Instruction with every outfit. Apply today. The Eagle Tailoring Co., Dept. 29, 212-218 Franklin St., Chicago. (9) CANVASSERS Male nnd female, salary and commission; beginner taught; best offer ever made; out of town applicants, write. Apply Harris & Co., 339 Eust Kith St., New York. k (!)) 70S 6x -4- WANTED Salesmen who call on drual stores and general stores to handle a side line, which with little work can earn them from $10 to $16 per day. Iocket samples only are required. This proposi tion I entirely new and different from anything ever offered before ami an exc eptionally good thing for men who work small towns, also good In every large city. Wabash Gum Co., 2819 Wabash Ave., Chicago. () 763 6x WANTED High-class traveling salesmen to nanuio tne largest line of souvenir post cards thut Is now on tho market. Men who can carry this lino as a side line are preferred. The line consists of 1,200 ample, put up tn u neat and durable, sample case, arranged In a manner mo It Is easily handled and makes a good show ing. We are the largt publisher of post cards In the United States and man ufacture nearly all the goods that wo sell. Alfred Holsman Co., Chicago, 111. (9) 763 6x $20 A DAY to salesmen sure. No bonds; best side line; samples In coat pocket; for general and dry goods stores. Llvn salesmen write quickly. Manufacturer, 835 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Chicago. (9)-761 6 SALESMAN of ability to act a general sales agent for a household necessity, t This Is an excellent opportunity for a wide-awake business man to "build up a lucrative and permanent business of $5.0OQ to $6.UH a year. Reference that will bear strict investigation and a depoelt of $10 for samples required. The Formacone Co., ia John St.. Now York. (9) 760 6x WANTED Agents; $10 dally selling com bination scrub brush, mop and wringer; retail for $1 ; sample, 60c. Women buy at sight. Particulars free. Dept. 20, IX L Works, 25 Whitehall St., New York. (9)-759 Sx TRAVELING man wanted to sell our dress rubrics and white goods from mill direct to country retail stores; liberal commis sion; splendid side line. Schuykill Mill. Box ll!3, Philadelphia, Pa. (91 831 6 x SALESMEN For the best accident and health Insurance In the world; stock com pany; cash capital ard Ir surnnce doposlt of $100,000; $l,mi" policy costs $2 a year; $1110 emergency benefit lu'cident of any and all kinds; handsome black seal grain pocket case given free with each policy; good salesmen are maklnil $100 a week; If you want to get on, wrlie today, exclu sive renewal contract with liberal com mission. German Registry Co., 211 N. 7th St., St. Louis, Mo. (!) 862 5x AGENTS Name plates, signs, number, readable darkest night; easily sold; profits large; samples free. Wright Sup ply Co., Englewood, 111. (ii) 879 5x IF YOU'RE the man we wont, write right now; make $70 commission weekly or start as side linn; well known staple sold by most lines every town; no sample to lug; season Just opening; lllieral dating. Manufacturer, Box 1198, St. Iuls. (9J-880 5x AGENTS make, big money making rubber stamps on our $5 outfit: new Invention; quick process; everybody needs si amps; circulars free. Kerr M. Co., New Custlo. ln1- (9i) 881 6x ANTED Medicine rnlesmnn; can In crease your salary $26 to $50 monthly; inly successful, experienced man with clean record nnd familiar with making neWhpHper contracts need answer; men contemplating change for 1 or desiring Increased salary, we can Interest; our line cHtabPshed and well advertised; posi tion permanent; territory to suit. Give age, average monthly sale, territory traveled and lino handled In first letter Your reply will bo held Btrletly confiden tial. Answer questions carefully In ad. Box 301, Chicago. (9) 882 5x WANTED Energetic man to travel In Nebraska; experience unnecessary good wages and tailor made Full of clothes frio i very w days. J. K. McBrady & o., un Buien St., Chicago. 9) 858 5x PERSONS shaving themselves dump at th chance; our never hono strap; rasor and safety guard, ten days' free trial; agents wanted Tne Monabaek Co., 432 Dearborn Ave, Chi, ago. (9I-4I66 5x HYi" "'""""n-sure; no bonds; best side line; samples n ,.oat uocK(,,: for general and dry goods storeVT live b" TIE, '," Manufacturer? Dickey Hldg.. Chicago. (9)8.j6 6x LIVE AGENTS WANTED Your- city ad vertlsed at our expense. Shields for nlshed free for trial. We assume all P''nr Hb' carriage Shield Co Fr moot, O. (9)-766x PORTRAIT AGENTS-Snmethlng Interest. Ing for you. We want a chance to rill you about II. Write (oday. Mutual Por trait Co., 472 W. Randolph St.. Chicago .. , (91-877 ox 8ALES.MAN-$2oO per month or better and expense to right kind of energetic man; old established, reputable concern- Ns biaska and other good territory open for l t-8. Hales MaiiHger, 56 5( , Av,.. Ct,K"'. (9)-87j g WANTED. AGENTS - Legitimate .ubstl- ii'ght for ii1 "','c,1"n,-,B: P-nte.l; .ells on sUht for $1. Particulars, Gluha Co. An- . '" lr"l- (91-867 6x WE PAY $M) a month salary and Turn Is ii rig and all ,xrese to Introduce pojh' jjnd stock powd. rs. In packages and; nM.,1 u: "'-"."y w"rl: reliable munufac-?1ZT- hr,ui f"r contract. Blgler Co X, Springfield. III. (9- 6x M AOENTH make $5 to $26 a day f CILn you. He show ou how free. Write to day. Novltas Co., Springfield, 111 (91869 5x AGENTS - Newest, l:onei proposition. b"t paving, clean. invention stores uo nyi Angeles, Cal. ' 9)870 6x LIBERAL terms to agents to sill cheuD 1? '"lfr ;'hl''uf Jos. O. Garwlek, lid. 14th St.. I),s Moines, la. (j-844 6x WANTED An experienced clothing sales man for Nebraska. South Dakota, and L"WU.U.1,X Koilischlld A CO., 199 Market St., Chicago. ?)-U i