Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 4, Image 18

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    Trra omaiia Sunday bers januahy b, ido3.
t Bargain offerings for Monday surpassing any ever known in Omaha. Two great sales
I in our January white sale begins. Clearance sale of winter merchandise continues.
( Never was the bargain getting power of our great buying organization better shown
w . . : , - . . . mm m mm , f I H Jl I f r .
All Over Laces, perydA5c
lion City Laces
1.25 Skirl Flouncings, 39c
2.25 Ml Over
To close a big lot of odd lengths of
Fancy Nets, Lace Allovers and Fancy
Yokings, the whole lot goes Monday at
Less Than Half Real Value. Big range
of styles, good lengths. Unmatched
bargains Monday.
Remember we are sole Omaha sell
ing agents for these 6plendid laces
the best wash laoea made. You save
the CO per cent duty at regular prices.
All slightly mussed Zion City Laces
Monday at Just Half Regular Prices.
u spy n v tr w
All new patterns, all perfect goods,
worth regularly $1.00 and $1.25 yd.,
the greatest bargains ever offered in
Omaha at our sale price Monday 39c
Come early and secure first choice.
Fine Silks Greatly Underpriced
Biggest Bargains Ever in Our January Clearance
No place will you find assortments surpassed, or quality
equalled at these special prices.
29c yard for chiffon checks, stripes and novelties, plain
chiffon, poplins, failles and black twill messalines. An im
mense assortment of 59c and 69c values in domestic room,
Monday 29c
3f) ywd for those beautiful nov
elty and plain silks that have
been on sale at 49c yard, values
to $1; nerrr were better bargains
offered on sale In Main Silk
department 39J
fl.OO Plaids In richest patterns,
elegant novelties uad plain silks;
Monday at. yard 59
$2.00, $1.78 And fl.BO FTalds and
Novelties Splendid assortment,
on sale at, per yard, $1.25, $1.00
and 85
$1.2.1 Plaids 36-in. wide fancies,
stripes, novelties, black taffetas
and changeable taffetas; Monday
at. yard 70s
Onr $1.89 Alway s to Wear Taffeta
36 In. wide, sale price $1.05
Our $1.60 Swiss and French 36 in.
Dress Taffeta, at 81.10
Mail orders received op till
these special bargain prices.
Our $1.25 Dress and Skirt Taffeta
36-ln. wide, special at. . . gf)
Our lU'Ht $1.00 quality Black Taf
feta, 36 in. wide, at 7Q
Wednesday noon will be filled at
Blankets and Comfortables Grand clearance sale
100 Baby Blankets, 65c value, 25o
200 pairs 75c Cotton Blankets 8D0
500 pairs $1.00 Cotton Blankets
at 4i)o
500 pairs $1.25 Cotton Blankets
at RUc
500 pairs $1.60 Cotton Blankets
at 75o
600 pairs $2.00 Cotton Blankets
at 08c
600 pairs $2.50 Cotton Blankets
at $1.10
500 pairs $3.00 Cotton Blankets
at $1.88
100 pairs of $3.60 Wool Blankets
at $1.50
150 pairs of $6.00 Wool Blankets
at .. $l.l
250 pairs 11-4 $6.00 Wool Blank
ets at $2.50
150 pairs 11-4 $7.60 Wool Blank
ets at $3.50
125 pairs 11-4 $8.60 Wool Blank
ets at $3.08
75 pairs 11-4 $10.09 Wool Blank
ets at $4.75
All our $2.00 Comfortables. . .98c
All our $3.00 Comfortables $1.39
All our $4.00 Comfortables $1.08
All our $5.00 Comfortables $2.89
$12.50 down Comfortables Cheny
Bros, silk $7.50
One lot of Comfortables, each, 7 Bo,
69c, 49c and 85c
Worth double.
Our Great January Sale of Linen Is Now On
No Other House in the West is Capable of Making Such Prices as These
An ear 660 Bleached Dam
ask 39k
All our $1.00 Bleached
Damask 69l
All our $L50 Bleached
Damask 08 4
All onr 65c Silver Bleached
Damaak 35
All our 75o Silver Bleached
Damask 39
All our $1.00 Silver Bleached
AU onr $1.26 Sliver Bleached
Damask 79
All our 65o Unbleached
Damask 39
AJ1 our 660 Unbleached
Damask .43
All our 7 So Unbleached
Damask 484
All our $1.00 Unbleached
Damask 65
A31 our $1.26 Unbleached
Damask 754
All our $1.00 Bleached
Table Cloths 684
All our $1.25 Bleached
Table Cloths 854
All our $1.60 Bleached
Table Cloths 95
All our $1.65 Bleached
Table Cloths 984
All our $2.25 Bleached
Table Cloths $1.50
All our $2.50 Bleached
Table Cloths $1.69
All our $3.00 Bleached
Table Cloths $1.75
Sheetings, Muslins
etc. In Our Famous
Domestic Room.
Here is the genuine test. Most houses are trying to
ell you "something Just as good," Nothing as good as
the real thing.
8- 4 Roachdale bleached
per yard 17 He
9- 4 Newburg bleached, 20o
94 Pepperal bleached,
per yard 22ac
9-4 Lock woods bleached,
per yard 22 Ho
Note 8-4 above brands
2c a yard less. 10-4 above
brands 2c a yard more.
9-4 Ironclad, first class,
per yard .18c
9-4 Rouchdale, yd..,.10o
8-4 Pepperell, yarcL....18o
Yard Wide
Alaska, yard ... .Bo
Scottsdale, yard 6c
Woodbury, yard 7c
Hepe, yard 8c
Lonsdale, yard ......... Oo
Fruit of the Loom. . . .99&c
Berkley Comb, No. 60. per
yard llo
Orendae Mills, yard ... .5c
Beaver Dam, yard 6c
Healey, yard .7c
Pllger, yard ........ 74 c
All our $4.00 Bleached
Table Cloths $1.98
AU our $6.00 Bleached
Table Cloths $2.25
All our $6.00 Bleached
Table Cloths $2.95
All our $7.00 Bleached
Table Cloths $3.39
all our $10.00 Table Cloths
at $5.98
All our $16.00 Table Cloths
at $9.95
All our $20.00 Table Cloths
' $12.50
NAPKINS At the same re
ductions as Table Cloths.
All our 7o Brown Crash
t 34
AU our 12 Vic Brown Crash
at 7H4
All our 16 Vic Bleached
Crash at -104
All tour 18o Bleached Crash
at 12H4
All our 20c Bleached Crash
at 14
All our 26c Bleached Crash
at 154
All our hand made Cluny
pieces Half Price.
All our hand drawn Chinese
pieces naif Price.
All our hand drawn Mexican
pieceB Half Price.'
And all other hand made
work Half Price.
All Dollies half price.
Sheets and Pillow Slips
We Invite Comparison on These Standard Brands
All onr lOo Towels Bo
11 our 12o Towels 7Ho
All our 16o Towels BVfco
All our 19o Towels lOo
AU our 26o Towels lSVa.0
AH our 8 So Towels 19o
All our 60o Towels BSo
AU our fancy Table Oil Cloths
at 16o
40-xx. uwn
AH our lOo Lawns
All our 12c Lawns ....
All ouri5o Lawns .....
AU our 20o Lawn
AU our 60 Lawns
Uo Bwlss
25o Bwlss
290 Swiss
tOo Bwlss
7 So Swiss
11.00 Swiss
9&.4.W OWIHI
. 6Ho
. eo
. . lOo
. loo
. io
. 950
, 39o
. 490
. 680
72x90 Maco 380
72x90 Crescent 40o
72x90 Olen 4S0
81x90 Macs 480
81x90 Linen' Finish 6O0
81x90 Crescent ...390
84x90 Ontario 69o
81x90 Wamsutta 75o
45x38 Glen Slips loo
45x36 F S. A. Blips llo
45x36 Crescent 12!i0
46x36 Fruit Slips 14o
AH our $1.26 Quilts..,
All our 11.60 Quilts .
All our $1.76 Quilts...
All our 82.00 Quilts. ..,
AU our $2.56 Quilts.
AU our $3.00 Quilts...
AU our $4.00 Quilts. ...
AH our $5.00 Quilts. ..
AU our $6.00 Quilts
AU our $7.60 Quilts...
All our $14 Quilts
. 76o
. . .89o
, . 98o
sa. 49
S3. 60
Embioideries, 98c
The first sale of Allover Embroideries of the
season, and truly a great one in bariraln
giving. Elegant patterns, hundreds of dif
ferent styles to select from all at one
piico Monday the biggest bargain surprise
of the season at, yard 9S4
The Leading Dress Goods House WEST
No jobs, no seconds. This department represents the best
manufacturers in the world.
January Clearing Sales. All black dress goods, eolorrd dress
goods and evening shades, walstlngs, etc., broadcloths, both black and
All $4.00 and $4.50 Bearskins
at 08c
All $5.00, $6.00 and $(5.50
Bearskins $1.25
All $2.00 and $2.50 heavy
Cloaking S9c
All $3.00 and $4.00 heavy
Cloakiugs $1.15
All fancies at the following
$1.00 fancies 39c
$1.25 fancies 59c
$1.50 fancies 69c
$2.00 fancies 75
$2.50 fancies 98c
All $3.50 Bearskins . . 89c
Special Embroidery Bargains
From the largest and best selected stock shown in Omaha,
we offer three big special bargains for Monday's sale.
1st Lot, per yard 2y2c A splendid line of Edges and Insert-
ings, worth regularly to 10c yard.
2nd Lot, per yard 5c Handsome Embroideries in this lot,
in cambric and nainsooks, worth 15c to 18c per yard.
3rd Lot, per yard 10c A fine line of Nainsook and Swiss
Embroideries, worth regularly up to 25c yard.
Special Lace Curtain, Drapery Bargains
Compare these values. You'll find they surpass any of
fered elsewhere. All one and two pair lots of lace curtains,
cable net, Irish point, Cluny lace, Arabian and Barnett,
Kuffled Net Bed Room Curtains,
AU In Two Lots.
Lot 113.50, $3.98 and $4.50
values, all at one price Monday,
Pair $2.08
Lot 2 $2.50, $2.75 and $2.98
values, all at one price, per
Pair $1.08
tins, A
t, at r
h to I
AH Imported Madras Worth
$1.50 yard, sale price..
$ TapesU'ry Bordered Port!
In red or green, sale prtca
only $-4.08
$0.75 Couch Covers Extra heavy
Quality, 60 In. wide, all fringed
sale price $3.75
Many Other Surprising Bargains.
$75,000 Stock of Women's Outer Garments at Va to Regular Prices
Never before in the city have such assortments been shown in January Clearance. No other place will you find the values
duplicated at our sale price. Comparison is welcomed, as we're sure of the result. Come early Monday. Undoubtedly the great
est Bargain Getting Opportunity Ever Offered.
Over WO Fine Tailor Suits
At lust Half Price
Elegant Suits In prodigal assortment of color, ma
terial and style, 24 to S 0-inch coats, skirts self
trimmed; garments that sold regularly at from
$20.00 to $60.00. at $10.00 to $30.00
$25.00 Shirt Waist Suits In line cbitfoa panamas;
blues, reds and browns, trimmed with fine appli
ques; splendid assortment, at, choloe. . .$12.50
$10.00 French Voile Skirts, $5.00 Every garment
' cut extra full and trimmed with folds and taffeta
bands, never duplicated elsewhere at $5.00
Magnificent Coat Bargains
Over 1,700 Winter Coats, in newest styles and
most reliable fabrics. AT FAR BELOW MAXU
740 Coats, in great assortment of materials and
styles, values to $20.09; to close, In this sale,
at. choice $4.90
Tour Choice of Over 600 Cloth Coats Satin lined
throughout, very best styles and materials, values
to $30.00, at $10.00
Choice of Any Cloth Coat to the House No matter
what former selling price, Monday at. . .$15.00
Special Clearance of all Furs
$30.00 French Coney Coats Skinner satin lined
throughout; on sale at.... 15.00
$50.00 Near Seal Coats Blouse style; on sale at,
choice $25.00
$08.00 Siberian Squirrel Coats $49.00
Genuine Alaska Seal Coats Guaranteed.
$300 values. . . $150
$850 values $175
$400 values $200
All Scarfs and Muffs at Just Half.
Great Showing New Waists
Elegant assortment of Dress Waists, in fine nets,,
laces, messalines, taffetas, etc. Most complete
showing in Omaha, at prices from $25 to $3.98
First Showing of Linen Waists All the rage now,
a splendid assortment of strictly tailored garments
offered at prices from $2.98 3.98 to $7.50
Women's Silk Kimonos, that sold at $3.00, Mon
day $1.45
Great January Clearing Sale of InfAnte' Wear
begins Monday. Surprising bargains in ail lines
don't miss them.
Special Hour Sales
From 8 Tin O A. M. 75c Flannelette Dressing
Sacques, choice 39
From 8:30 TiU 0:30 A. M. Women's Waists that
sold at $1.00; choice 35
From 9 Till 11 A. M. $4.00 Beaver Shawls at
choice $1.98
From 0:80 Till 10:80 A. M. Infants' 75c Flannel
ette Dresses, sizes 1 to 6 years; choice 39
The Greatest Bargain Sale of Muslin Underwear
Ever Known Starts Monday at Hayden's
$15,000 stock of dainty undermuslins secured at a price less than
half actual worth, from a big N. Y. manufacturer who needed
the cash. -Ml fresh, clean stock on sale at prices averaging less
than half regular retail value." Com) early Monday and secure first ehoice.
Ladies' Corset Covers and Drawers
Nicely trimmed, full cut and
well made, worth to 50c, choice,
at lSVaC-lSc
Ladies Skirts, Gowns, Chemise and
Corset Covers Values up to $3,
in two big-lots at. . . .69c-98o
Ladies' Gowns. Chemise. Corset
Covers and Drawers Neatlj
trimmed, worth to $1.00, on sale
at ... 39c
Many other great bargains. See
ICth street window display.
From 8:30 till 9:30 a, m. we will sell 100 dozen gowns, worth
$1.00, cut full and long, at, choice ; 29c
Mail Orders filled except in case of hour sale3.
Corset Covers, Drawers and
Chemise, regular $1.50 val
ues go at.. 49c
Skirts, Gowns, Chemise and
Corset Covers, elegantly
trimmed and worth regu
larly to $5.00, on sale in two
lots, at $150 $1.98
From 9:30 till 10:30 a. m.
Ladies Muslin Drawers,
. worth to 98c, prettily trim
med, choice 29c
From 10:30 till 11:30 a. m.
Ladies' Gowns, worth to $2,
daintily trimmed, cut extra
long and full, on sale at,
choice 49c
Special Sale Carpels and Rugs
Values unequaled in Omaha; assortment and qualities jou couldn't beat
If you tried the country over.
85c Sultana Carpets, 3-ln, wide, spec
ial, per yard 2Sc
40c Heavy Ingrain Carpets on sale
Monday, yard -"c
BOc C. C. Ingrain Carpets, extra heavy
sueclal, yard H!c
75c TupeMry Brussels Carpets, for
halls or stair, yard 5ttc
$4.50 Velvet Hugs, size SCx72, special $15.00
sale price -25
$5.50 inflow's Klootra Hugs, size S6x
72, Monday $3.08
$5.00 Kitra Aimlnster Hugs, size 36x
7 2. Boeclal $:J.4
$2.50 i:tra Axininstcr Rags, size S7x
64. special $1-08
$2.00 Velvet Rugs, size 27x54. sale
price $1.25
$1.50 Smyrna Heversible Rugs, size
30x60, at 8c
$8.00 Wool Ingrain Art Squares, size
yxl2. special $5.49
Brussels Rugs, size UxlZ,
twenty patterns, choice $11.98
$18.00 Brussels Hugs. 9 wire. Else
9x12 floral and oriental patterns,
special at . . $14.08
We are showing a splendid line of
$:)0.0O Nanfortl'ft Axiuiuster lut, new spring styles in Kugs aim larpeis
size 9x12, big range of floral and ori-jlMk them over Monday. Let us figure
eutal patterns, sale price $2J.Ojwith you.
Closing Out all Toys and 2c
Come and see what you can buy for ONE CENT in our Toy department,
in Rasejnent.
Kid Body Dolls 15c, 12 s and 10c
Teddy Bears, each, up to 49c
Any Brand Food Chopper COc
45c Coal Hods lf)
25c Parlor Brooms 15c
$1.39 Copper Bottom Boilers. .. .J9c
15c Fire Shovels only. -5
98c Waffle Irons only 49c
Mrs. Potts $1.25 Set Sad Irons. .69c I
Barney & Berry Ice Skates, worth 98c,
at 50
98c Galvanized Tubs only 59c
Snow Shovels, worth 40c, only... 19
60o Furnace Shovels only.
Try ui&YDEffi'S First
Big Banner Grocery Sale Monday
All Slocks lo Be Rtduad One-Halt-Cost is a Second Consideration
11 r. bast pur sans Granulated
SuKitr fur (. Sl.'JO
12 bars Laundry Soap 25o
10-lb. saok best white or yellow Corn
meal I Be
10-fb. sack pure Graham Flour... 0o
Gallon cans fancy Table Syrup. . ,35c
Egff-O-St-e Corn Flukes, pkg
lr. Price's Breakfast Food, pkg-.KVc
Vlf Newton Cook'.es, per lb 7 Vic
Fresh, crisp, FrelztUs, per lb oo
The best Soda or Oyster Crackurs,
per lb Co
Regular 12 Ho and 15c Cookies.
per lb lOo
2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for 4Vo
J-lb. cans fancy Wax, Htrlng or
Lima Henna Ttyo
S-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hom
iny, riquash, Sauer Kraut, or
bilked Beaua 7Ho
Mlnoe Meat, per pkg
OU or Mustard Sardines, can
2 beads fresh Leaf Lettuco...
2 bunches fresh itadUhua . . . .
2 bunches fresh TaiHley
Fresh Shalot Onions, bunch..
Franh f uullflii&'.r rttr hauil
Fresh Cucumbers, each
fresn Heels, per bunch
ivancy Holland Seed . arjuu
a urnips, iarrois, mranips, nuiu
baga or Onions, per lb
We Impert Direct Uo Brokers'
The finest 'la Mfilngs, lb
Fancy Baket Fired, Unoulored
japan lea, per iu
. . 5c
. .5o
. . uo
2 Vjc
. . uc
. 10
' 2c
Extra fancy fine drink, basket fired,
equal to teas sold for twhe the
money, per lb 38
Fancy Hun Dried Japnn T.-a, lb., Joe
Fancy Oolong, Gunpnu .1. r, Kngllsli
Breakfast or Ceylon Ti-a 35o
Fam-y Golden Santos Coi'Iio, lb... 15c
Fancy Marucalbo Hi. -ml iNiffVe, lliic
Funcy l'orlo ltiro Kl.n l t '..I lea. . juo
Fumy Ankola HI. in: CuCf...., lb....25o
The rinest M. & J. Hiwi.l Imported,
three lbs. for $1 (10
150 size Highland N.iwl i)r,niK"4 25o
176 size ihghlaml Nm.-l oi.iiik a
200 size Highland N iv.-I Urinal loo
238 Hlze HlKhluml N.ivW (Hang-s 10;
WKtch the dnlly jiaers for the blf
Annual Clearance Sale of Crockery.
Prattle of the Youngsters
Vlsltor-And so you help your mother with
the housework, do you"?
Uttle Bess Yes, ma'am. I help by keep
ing out of her way.
Teacher-Harold can you tell me what a
palmist UT
Fmall Harold-Yes. ma'am. It's a woman
who uses her hand Instead of a slipper.
Little Eve Mnraoiir,i a man Just
around the corner who doesn't have to pray
lor his dally bread.
Mamma Why doesn't he, deart
Little Eve 'Cause he's a baker.
Mother (an Invalid) FJnwr what you
do with the oranee Mrs. Neighbors gave
you to give to me yesterday t
Small Elmer It was to soar for you.
mamma, so I put some sugar on ft and
ate tt myself.
A Uttle girl came running to tell about a
mad dog she had stea. "Ws saw a mad
dogl" she gasped, but the words seemed too
tame to do Justice to the situation. "Oh,
fee was mad! mad!" she added, frowning
and pumping her fists. lie was furious."
"Now. Willie." said the bad boy's mother
StenUjV "It's Urn you realised the futility
of struggling against the Inevitable. Io
you know what that means?"
"Yes'm," reviled the boy, promptly, It
means there ain't no use your washing my
face an' hands, 'oauae tkeyil on'y gel dirty
Alderman's Wit.
Dr. El A. Alderman, president at the Uni
versity of Virginia, is an alui -dinner
speaker wbeae fame Is embalmed by
Charles P. Russell In the December Issue
of the Bohemian la his sketch, "The Aftcr
XJlnner Speakers of New York." Of coursv,
the charm of bis stone la sbhanoed u
bearing thorn from bis own 11 pa. On of
these is the story of "Tbe Extravagant
A eoutnera fanner asked a negro farm
hand the caue of hla worried and harassed
"De U-ubbuL boea," said cfaa nerro, "Is
man wife. She la d 'stravagantaa' puss
I knoms. She la alwua alter money. Money
dla, en money dat. an mo' mo nay. She
comes ter me fer one dollar, en den she
wants two dollars, en so It goes."
"But. Jos." Inquired the beaa, "what
does she do with all this money V
X bit from one of Dr. Alderman's
speeches that since has become classlo Is
his tars deacrlptioa f him native land, ef
which he says: "Nowadays the south Is
about the only part of the country left
where the people still believe la God. read
Scott's novels and vote the democ ratio
Another bit of Er. Alderman's often
quoted Is that concerning the moonshine
whisky of North Carolina, bis natlvo state.
"On drink of It." aid Dr. Alderman, "will
make a Jackrabbtt walk up and solt in a
bandog's taoe."
Spotting Easy Marks
(Continued from Page One.)
"Tom told him he culdn't have described
tt any better if he'd been in the lookout's
" 'WelV the brakeman went on, "when
Stinging Billy dived down after that silver
dollar be toek that roll of 139 along in hi
hand. Nestled down In his pocket with the
silver dollar waa the bunch of stuff you've
got as a souvenir. Of course, tt might have
beet) that tn his hurry to get the silver
dollar Stinging Billy didn't Dotlce that
the roll of good bill slipped out of
tts band and when he cam to pull
It out h Jut absent-mindedly grabbed the
bunch of waste which looked so much Ilk
the good roll that you couldn't tell them
ape brought it up with tb silver dollar,
and banded it to you by mistake maybe.'
And with an Ironical smile the brakeman
slipped to the ground.
Tv never cultivated rube "much,'
sighed Tom. a we made our way back to
the sleeper, 'and It's too late to begin now.
Net time 1 com across the country I'll
go by Chicago, It's safer.' " Washington
Grand Opera Season
(Continued from Page Two.)
In New York this year. Pol Plancon will
soon sing bis familiar polished Mephla
tophales, which beings to one mind eye
the gilded columns and ornate facades of
M. Gamier' opera houa in Pari. M.
Plancou's familiar devil l th claaslc
French conception of th role.
It was In that part that the basso sang
his way to fame at th Paris opra, and h
was only ecllrfd In the part here because
Edouard de Keszk bad the Orel right to
sing th part and tt was only allowed to
M. Planoon at Interval.
Ho did not aocentuste to th ssra ax
tent that hi Polish oolleague did the sinis
ter bonhomie of th role, but he was more
suave In song and vastly more olasslo in
very detail of th part from th French
point of view. Of recant years he ha
been the Ideal of New York audiences when
a MephiBtopheles was to be heard.
M. Plancon clings to th conventional
ooatume, usually wearing red, as that I
the color for the dress prescribed by the
authorities of the opera houses in Paris
from which all the traditions of "Faust"
must spring. Both he and Edouard de
Keszke have been known, however; to al
ternate the color of Uie dress, wearing both
black and red.
Marcel Journet, who sings Mephlatophele
over at the Metropolitan when M. Chalia
plne or M. Plancon does not. Is also a
Frenchman; although It Is doubtful if hi
Mephistopheles can be accepted a the
same olasslc creation as that of M. Plancon.
M. Journet learned his devil at he Theater
de la Mennale In Brussels.
While the performances there are given
In the French language and th Institution
stands In close connection with the Opera
In Paris. It is In a measure provincial.
while M. Journet Is sonorous, distinguished
and dramatic, he way scarcely be said to
stand on th same artistic plane that Mr.
Plancon doe.
Then he I a much younger devil. M.
Journet Is. moreover, very good catured In
most of hi machinations, although he I
able to Le malevolent enough when tbe tlin
oomea. M. Planooa la polite and serious
always, never descending to any efforts to
make himself popular with th villagers.
He even looks a bit bored when he ha
to pay court t a middle class dame like
Martha. She 1 net at all In bis sphere,
although as a gentleman and a diplomat ho
does his best to be polite to ber.
M. Journet Is much more cordial and
human In, hla treatment of Martha and
seems to share her delight at receiving so
much attention from such a polite gentle
man. All th geniality of both races Is In th
amiable eatan of Vlttorlo Arlinnmll, basso
of the Italian force at th Manhattan, lie
cannot look sinister even In his picture, al
though he Is trying very hard to frown and
look malevolent.
Ia reality he is a very pleasant, Jovial sort
of Mephistopheles, who does all the wicked
things that are expected of him Just be
cause he was born a devil through no fault
of hla own. He goes on deviling, but thie
Is an occasional look In his kindly eye and
a Jollylike tremor of his stomach which
indicate he 1 not half bad and merely a
victim of a destiny that had no more sons
of humor than to make a eatan out of him.
The third bouse devil of the .Manhattan I
Adamo Dldur, a Pule, who mlirht be ex
pected to have certain quullllu In common
with bis predecessor at the Metropolitan,
who brought artistic honor to the ru. . AL
lldur's devil, however. Is n-ore French th;.n
any Mephistopheles excepting M. I'l inc.n s,
He Is the most youtt.lul of sll the ricvi!i
and with his red suit, c!"v.-n hoof and
horns Is the arch fiend of i.pera.
He Is dramatic In n I K'h dereu. even
thouKh his nymbtils be tl '.se t hi t hav
served for so loin. As the Gounod devil I
so purely a th"atr! si creull m. l owver,
the one who plays him In ti e n: ..t the
atrical style, so Iouk as It Is effective, may
adopt the heat met'io.I of deallrg with th
churaoter. At all events M IMur l as cotne
out of the sutunlc oi.ipetith n wlih honor.
There Is one kind of devil that has not
yet been put Int" the Gounod Optra, al
though he Is Ions overdue. This :s U e
Mephistopheles whs would ilreps as Fau.-i,
as the rest of the .rld atsmt him, li d
show no evident traoe of his catHiilc oil tin.
IVrhsps he intKht tnske his first api ar
unre In a hurst i f flame ;m. smoke, but l'.r
the rest of the time he vtoulj be the courte
ous, polished cenlleiiiun, diffeilti from hi
fellow men only In his suis-riority over
them In these guulitles.
That Mould he the devil of Goethe and a
new triumph of the Imagination or the
singer wiio had the c.urax to take th
initiative. N. Usly would seem so well e - j
to siubody this conception at M. &nud