Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Illlllll 1.1 MI.W gW I I I I I,
1L,VJ Pki&iS) and
Grand January Clearance Sale Continued
Saturday morning promptly at 8 A. M., we continue our
Grand January Clearance Sale. Remember every cloak and
Suit is marked at one-half their former prices some of them
even less. Without any exceptions this sale has no peer.
Save Soot Print It.
Thomas W. Blackburn for congress.
SUneaart, photographer. 18th & Farnain.
Omaha, Towal Supply New 'phonea
I'oug. 'lit and A-15i'8.
Wi always have Rock Springs coal.
Central Coal and Coke company of
Omaha, 15th and Harney streets.
Boys Steal Braaa Probation Officer
Bernstein Is after boys who have been
tUeulIng brass- from the street cars In the
storage barn lot the Omahu & Council
Bluffs Street Hallway company at Twenty-second
and Ames avenue.
X.otnita oa Gloria Ohrtatl The women
of the Presbyterian Missionary union an
nounce that Mrs. D. U. Wells of Chicago
will deliver a course of lectures on j'Olorla
p"Vhrlstr In the parlors of the First Pres
byterian church January and 11 at S:S0
I. tn.
Wlndlnf VP Safnnot Affaire For wind
ing up the affairs of the defunct Fidelity
Mutual Fire Insurance company E. R.
lelgh, the receiver, will receive JlfJO and
William DeBord, the attorney, 1600. Judge
Kennedy has signed an order In the case
ullowing them these amounts.
Baa Mercy on tne Tongue On the
ground the lingual acrobatics of the aver
age An.eriean Is not sufficient to enable
him to say Skrzetuski rapidly and at the
kiinie ttme plainly, John Bkrxetuskt has ap
plied to the district court for permission
to change his name to John Wltek. The
petition" was filed Friday morning.
Organising' Burlington Bureau J. N.
Rcdfern, in charge of the newly oaganlaed
department of employment on the Bur
lington, Is in Omaha looking after the
formation of the new system. All skilled
tabor hereafter will ho hired through this
bureau, which will keep thorough records
of all the men In the employ of the road.
Aslsep at the Switch Frank tower, who
runs shooting gallery at Twelfth and
Capitol avenue, went out Thursday and left
' his place In charge or the hired man. Just
because business was dull the hired man
' went to sleep at the switch and while slum
bering sonio thief entered the gallery and
stole three of the best rifles in the house.
Change In uparlntandanta' Scope The
jurisdiction of W. 11. Calilll as assistant
superintendent of the t'nlon Pacific has
lieen extended to North Platte, his Juris
diction formerly being from Omaha to
Grand Island. A. Taylor, formerly assist
ant superintendent of the line from Grand
Island to North Platte, has been assigned
Jhnuhry LA6E eURTAIN Shle
Every effort has been made to make this the greatest of all Lace Curtain Sales. The
quality of the merchandise offered and the extremely low prices make it stand out a bigger
and a better one than ever before.
Now is the time for you to anticipate future wants, and this sale enables you to meet
the Curtain needs of the spring and house cleaning at a big saving from regular prices. Here
are some of them:
$1.33 Fancy Huff led
Swisa Cross Stripe
Curtains; Notting
ham Curtains, per
pair 95l
$7,50 Arabian, Scrim, Brus
sels, Irish Point and Du
chess Curtains, pair $5.75
3(-inch Curtain Swiss
regular 20c and
22c grade, per
yard .-. 14c
Begins Monday morning, January 6th. Immense line of eastern manufacturers surplus stocks
go at ridiculously low prices. See Sunday papers.
4l4lc-13 South Sixteenth Street
. . . ,
Saturday is
Women's Stylish Suits
A notable sale of desirable garments. All new, all strictly
man-tailored and every one an approved style brought out this
season. Suits that meet 'every need and fancy.
$20.00 Suits on sale at $10.00
$25.00 Suits on sale at $12.50
$30.00 Suits on sale at $15.00
$35.00 Suits on sale at ". $17.50
$40.00 Suit3 on sale at $20.00
$45.00 Suits cn sale at $22.50
$50.00 Suits on sale at $25.00
$55.00 Suits on sale at .' $27.50
$60.00 Suits on sale at $30.00
$70.00 Suits on sale at $35.00
$80.00 Suits on sale at $40.00
$100.00 Suits on sale at $50.00
to other duties.. C. C. Cornell has been
made trainmaster with headquarters at
Grand Island.
Smelter at Denver Not to Close Walter
T. Page, general manager of the American
Smelting & Refining company of Omaha
says he does not believe the smelting works
of Colorado have any Intention of closing
down. Mr. Page says he has received
prospectuses from the different concerns
and they tell of their plans for the coming
year which do not Include any close down.
Agrees to Have Dog Shot John Wool-
check, who was arrjested Thursday on the
charge of keeping a vicious dog, appeared
In police court Friday, with the dog. lie
admitted the dog's disposition was not tho
best and that It sometimes engaged in the
pastime of biting little children. On con
dition ho bo released he agreed to the
Judge's proposition that an officer shoot
the dog at sunrise Saturday morning.
Mirrors for Motorjneo The ' Omaha. &
Council Bluffs Street Railway company la
Installing mirrors in the front end of the
cars for the use of the motorman In ob
serving passengers on the rear steps, as
are In use In other cities. It is hoped
these will help to avoid accidents, as the
motorman can sen the steps are cleared
before he starts his car. Oftentimes the
conductor is in the middle of the car and
gives the hell before all are on board and
accidents are llablo to occur.
Annuals of National - Banks National
banks of Omaha will hold their annual
meetings Tuesday. January II, at which,
time stockholders will elect directors and
directors officers. No changes are con
templated In any of the boards of directors
rjor officials of tho five national banks,
with the exception of one change which is
possible at the Merchants National bank,
which has been without a cashier for sev
eral years. F. P. Hamilton and B. II.
Melle hold the positions as assistant cash'
Bulldera' Exohaage Annual The Omaha
Builders' exchange will hold the annual
meeting and banquet In the exchange
rooms, 310 New York Life building, at
8 o'clock Monday evening. Officers and
directors will be elected. The present offi
cials of tho exchange are: President,
Thomas Herd; vice president, A. C. Busk;
treasurer, J. E. Merrlam; secretary, C.1 H.
Gregg. Tho directors are W. II. Parrlsh,
Charles Anderson, R. L. Carter, Grant
Parsons, William Wedgwlck and J. M.
Two New Incorporations Tho Seherm
erhorn Bros, company, brokers In general
merchandise, twine, paper and cotton
$1.50 Hemstitched
Swiss Curtains;
Nottingham Cur
tains, pair . .$1.05
$2.23 Bed Room Cur
tains, with lace in
sertion, per
pair $1.55
$5 Brussels Net, Irish Point, Col
ored Madras, Scotch Net and Heavy
Arabian Curtains
I'air $3.05
43-inch Curtain Swiss
regular o0e and
35c grades, per
vard 21c
42-inch Madras and
30-inch Scotch Swiss
sold up to 50c yard,
per yard 34c
Sriit Pay
goods, have filed articles of Incorporation
with the county clerk. The corporation Is
capitalized at 50,000, of Which J40.000 Is to
be paid up. A. J. Cooley of Omaha and
W. I. and I B. Schermerhorn of Chicago
are the Incorporators. It Is provided the
board of directors may meet In Chicago.
Laverty Bros., live stock commission firm
of South Omaha, have Incorporated. The
capital stock Is J10.000 and Alex, J. D., R.
M. and Jay Laverty are the incornorators.
Two Women Ask Divorce Anna Mann
In her suit for divorce from John Mann
filed Friday declares he struck and beat
her almost dally until five weeks ago she
was forced to leave him. She says he has
$3iJ0 In money and some property in Hun
gary and she wants the court to award
her alimony and enough money to prose
cute the case. Grace White asks for a
divorce from Bertney L. White, assert
ing he does not support her, that he has
knocked her down several times and called
her bad names.' She asks the restoration
of her maiden name. Case.
Improvers Want Line Extended At the
meeting of the Federation of Improvement
clubs at tho Southwestern Improvement
club's headquarters. Twenty-fourth and
I.eavenworth streets, President A. N. Yost
of the Omaha View club asked that action
be taken by the federation upon the wishes
of the Omaha View club that the Harney
street car line should be extended from
Parker to Maple streets north on Thirty
third street. The federation promised Its
assistance to carry out the wishes of the
club. A committee of three was appointed
to draft out tho wishes of the club. A
committee of three was appointed to draft
u new constitution and bylaws for the fed
eration, the committee to report at tho
next regular meotlag.
California Commissioner Isanes Report
Telling- swilled and Inakllled
Workmen to Stay Away.
J. D. Mackenzie, labor commissioner of
California, has made his annual report and
copies have reached Omaha. The report
shows that large Industrial enterprises em
ploying great numbers of men have re
duced their forces. Construction work on
large dams, power plants, mills, branch
lines of railroads, electrical and steam em
ploying thousands of unskilled laborers,
have laid otf large numbers and In somo
cases have been entirely suspended. Be
cause of these conditions the commissioner
says he deems it Inadvisable for skilled or
unskilled laborers to go to California.
$3.50 Brussels, Irish
Point, Cluny and
Snow Flake Cur
tains, pair . .$2.20
$16.75 Duchess, Brusseh,
Madras and Battenberg
Curtains, vfair ....$12.95
Mrs. Jerome Maeee. Gives Luncheon
for Miss Eugenie Whitmore.
Mr. aad Mm, Joseph M. Cvdahr Onrn
Their New Home' In Manor of
the Misses Cadhy and
One of the beautiful affairs of Friday
was the luncheon given by Mrs. Jerome
Magre at the Omaha club In honor of Miss
Eugenie Whitmore. The guests were seated
at the large round table, which had a
handsome centerpiece of polnsetta com
bined with greens. In artistic designs over
the white cloth were sprays of asparagus
ferns Intermingled with red carnations. The
plate cards were appropriate for a bride,
being white on whiolc were wedding bells
and a red heart pierced by an arrow.
Covers were laid for: Miss Eugenie Whit
more. Miss Frances Nash. Miss Caroline
Barkalow. Miss Wrenn of Bridgeport,
Conn., Miss Forthman of Los Angeles, Cal.,
Miss Meyers of Dubuque, la.. Miss Helen
Cudahy, Miss Jean Cudahy, Miss Louise
Peck. Mjlss Brownie Bess Baum, Mlsa Mary
Morgan, Miss Nannie Page, Miss Ada
Klrkendall, Miss Mary Lee McShane.. Mlsa
Mary Alice Rogers. Mrs. Torn Davis, Mrs.
Ben Cotton and Mrs. Magee.
Mr. and Mrs. Cndahy Open Homo.
The beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph M. Cudahy was opened socially for
the first time Thursday evening in honor
of Miss Jean and Miss Helen Cudahy and
their guests. Miss Wrenn and Miss Forth
man. The rooms were attractive with
quantities of Christmas greens, while the
flowers used were In the palest shades of
pink. The guests for dinner, numbering
twenty, were seated at five small tables,
each table being lighted by pink shaded
candles. Hearts was the game of the even
ing and the prises were won by Miss
Frances Nash and Mr. Richard Ratim. A
consolation prise was given to Mr. Ben
Dinner Party.
A perfectly appointed dinner was given
Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Kountte at their home. Stevta, Jonquils
and narcissus, prettily combined, formed
the center piece and the plate cards were
Japanese scenes and marked the!' places of
Mrs. Hoxle Clarke of fit. Louis, Mr. and
Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
T. Kountze, Miss Genevieve Baldwin, Miss
Flora Webster. Mr. Milton Darling. Dr.
Bridges, Mr. E. M. Andreessen and Mr. I
and Mrs. Kountze.
Charmonta Clnb.
Mrs. J. H. Jennlson waav hostess Friday
afternoon at tho meeting of the Charmonte
club. Two- tables were placed for six
handed high five and those present were:
Miss Mlna Criss. Miss Hallle Patterson,
Miss Alice Snell. Miss Mabel Stephen, Miss
Daisy Rogers, Miss Mae Hicks, Miss Alice
Aula, Miss Lucille Dlmmlck. Mrs. Hal
Roberts, Mrs. Lynn Kemper, Mrs. Charles
Helmer, Mrs. Hubert Hicks and the host
ess. The next meeting of the club will be
at the home of Miss Nina Crlw.
Birthday Celebration.
Miss Grace Emith,' daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, celebrated her sixth
birthday Friday afternoon by giving a
party from 4 to 6 o'clock. Children's games
were thoroughly enjoyed by the young
people present. For refreshments they were
all seated at one large table, which had
for a centerpiece a Jack Horner pie, from
which extended pink ribbons to each guest's
plate, and was held It) Dtace by a little
bisque doll and a box of bonbons. Those
present were: Miss Bet?y Falrfleld, Miss
Win Fairfield, Miss Elizabeth Barker, Miss
Virginia Barker. Miss Helena Chase, Miss
Peggy Reed, Miss Mary Morsman, Miss
Floyd Smith, Miss Virginia Crofoot and
the little hostess.
For the College Set.
The college set wre again guests at a
pleasant gathering Thursday evening when
Miss Mary Alice Carter gave a "heart"
party at her home, tl South Thirty-eighth
street. Eleven tables were placed for the
game and prlzea wera won by Miss
Gretchen McConned, Mies Hejen Scoble.
Miss Menle Davis, Mr. Francis Gaines,
Mr. Ralph Peters and Mr. Raymond Low.
The rooms where the card game waa
played was decorated with red bells,
Christmas groenr and quantities of red
Council BIofTs Luncheon.
Mrs. R. E. Montgomery of Council Bluffs
gave an informal bridge luncheon fTiaay
afternoon at her home, 805 Third street.
Council Bluffs, in honor of her guest, Mrs.
Grenvllle Parker of New York. Three
small tables seated the twelve guests for
luncheon and each table had a centerpiece
of cut flowers. Those present from Omaha
were: Mrs. Charles T. Kountze, Mra.
Luther Kountze, Mrs. George Palmer, Mrs.
Ward Burgess, Miss Dodge. Mrs. Edgar
Scott, Mrs. John N. Baldwin and Misa
Genevieve Baldwin.
Junior Bridge Clob
! Th. ,, urM club met Friday aft-
ernoon at the home of Miss Mary Morgan.
Miss Hilda Hammer was a guest of the
club and the members present were Mrs.
George Redick,' Mrs. Harry Montgomery,
Mra. Louis Clarke. Miss Helen Davis, Mls3
Mabel Marr, Miss Ann Brown, Miss Eliza
beth Congdon. Miss Mary Alice Rogers,
Miss Ruth Moorehead, Mrs. Karl Klp
llnger and the hostess.
Albert 1 Nelson of Centerville, S. D.,
and Miss Lillian Palm of Omaha were
married at 6 p. m December 31. 1007, at
the homo of the bride's parents West Cen
ter street. Omaha, Rev. C. W. Savltlge of
ficiating. Miss Agnes Johnson, cousin of
the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Ed
ward 8. Palm, brother of the bride, acted
at beat man. Hearty congratulations fol
lowed the marriage ceremony, after which
a aplendld dinner was served. Many beau
tiful presents were received. Those present
were John Nelson, Weyburn, Canada; Mr.
and Mrs. John Frlbcrg, N. H. Frlberg,
Miss Hulda Friberg, Miss Agnes Friberg,
Omaha; Mrs. 8. M. Anderson, Rosalie,
Nf?b. ; C. A. I,arson. Lewis Lrson, nan-
croft, Neb.; Mr. and Mra. A. A. Palm,
Omaha; Miss Agnes C. Johnson, Alcester,
8. ' D. ; Edward 8. Palm, Omaha; Mr. and
Mrs. Albin Anderson, Centerville, 8. D.;
Charles C. Nelson, Two Harbors, Minn.;
Mr. and Mra. N. W. Nelson, Mies Rose
(telrvlij, Edward Roswall, William Mohl
ers, Mr. and Mra. H. Hennlnga, Omaha,
Mra. W. O. Kline. Onaga. Kan ; Miss
Mable Roswell, Hans Jensen, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wodergren. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ros
wall, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. August Carl
son, Ilenson; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hensman,
Carl A. Anderson, Mrs. L E. Scott, Mr.
ar.d Mrs. C. P. Chrlstunsen, Omaha.
w Year's Party.
The Young Girls' Pleasure club gave a
party Wednesday at . Harlght's ha!l. ia
evening amusement waa a .program of
muslo followed by games, at which the
prizes were won by Mlsa Marlon Maro
wlts and Miaa Nellie Rolhholt. The hall
was prettily decorated In purple and gold,
the club colors, and the chaperonea of the
evening were Mra. Sherman, Miss Robert
son and Miss Truehart. There were twenty-five
guests present.
Come and Co Gossip.
Mr. C. Bibberneen returned Thursday
evening to I-awreneevllle school, Iawrence
Vllle. N. J.
Mist Mary. DoiwUdgn of Minneapolis
Prices Sliced to the
January Reduction Sale of
Men's Suits and Overcoats
TV r 1
to iou.
sUjJ and
$24.00 and $22.50 Suits and
Overcoats, educed to
$20.00 and $18.00 Suits and
Overcoats, reduced to
$16.50 and $15.00 Suits and
Overcoats, reduced to
Shirt Prices
Cut Below
the Cost of
82.50 and $2 Fancy Bosoru
Hhlt-ts reduced to SL.35.
All our high-grade faiufy
bosom shirts, beautiful
new patterns stripes,
spots and neat figures
separate or attached
cuffs closed front or
coat styles, sizes 14 to 17,
all reduced
will bo the guests of Miss Brownie Bess
Baum from Saturday until Monday, when
she will return to her school In washing
ton. Mrs. A. K. Foote, who has been spend
ing some time at Huntington Beach, ar
rived Thursday evening, accompanied by
her granddaughter. Miss MarJorle Foote,
to be the guests of Dr. "and Mrs. F. A.
Foote for an Indefinite stay.
Mrs. Herman Kountae has taken apart
ments at the Rome temporarily.
Tho Misses Jean and Helen Cudahy and
their guests. Miss Wrenn and Miss Forth
man will leave Monday for Washington to
resume their school studies.
Mrs. 12. S. West brook was hostess this
week at tho meeting of the Friday Bridge
(jieorae W. Rrlsas Rued by Other Oc
fupants for Damage by
Other tenants. In the building at Sl and
3:3 North Twenty-fourth street. South
Omaha, hold George W. Brlggs, who oc
cupied a back room, responsible for a fire
which occurred there August 10, and have
begun suits In district court against him
for the damage they suffered, i
One of the suits is by Horace J. Kinney,
who operated a pool hall In the building.
He says he was damaged to the amount of
$1,972.40. Frank B. Koder, who ran a cigar
ami confectionery store In the same room,
in his petition says his property was in
jured to the amount of l,4tiM7. According
to the petition Brlggs' kept a large tank
of combustible oil In the back room and
August 10 sent a small boy with a lighted
candle to draw a bottle of the oil. The
tank Ignited, resulting in the fire which
spread to the other rooms.
Vines Cultivated for "Cooks Imperial"
Proven Best for Cbampaame.
American wine growers have been maV
ing strenuous efforts to outclass the for
eigners In the production of fine grape
and as ubuuI, American skill has won.
Tills Is notably evidenced In the prefer
ence of Cook's Imperial Champagne oi-er
all other brands. The grapes from wjlch
this sparkling Champagne is made lave
been cultivated In the same vineyards' for
fifty years, during which time the soil
has been so carefully nurtured that, the
vines now yield fine luscious grapes of ex
ceptionally rare quality and flavor.
Connoisseurs claim that the delicate
bouquet and delicious flavor of Cosks Im
perial Champagne Is due to the extraordi
nary fine quality of the grapes used and
the enormous sale of this celebrated. Ameri
can wine during the past year srems to
beur this out. Of course there are, no ship
freight charges or Import duties t be paid
on this Champagne, and the discriminating
American has been slow to ralianle for
eign brands and thus pay exorbitant
charges for Champagne of leasmerlt.
I V - 9 I K 1 ft
V Vii
V'4 Hi
5Er J
"-"iim anil ri 1" "." .'.L.'.r."i".'-".uy l ., ,i..'"7.7.m'," .,2Im . , ,
sale includes all Men's
and Overcoats in our stare
none reserved, except blue
and black suits
It's a well-known fact that our regular
prices are always 15 per cent to 25 per
p cent lower than ynu'U find at other stores.
consequently these sharp reductions.
compared with prices elsewhere
a saving of More than. HO per
I &27.BO and S2B.OO Suits
Overcoats reduced
$.'.50 and $12.00 Suits and
Overcoats, reduced to .... .
$11.00 and $10.00 Suits and
Overcoats, reduced to ... .
$8.50 and $7.50 Suits and
Overcoats, redticod to . .
Underwear Prices
Cut to
(She Quick!
$1 and $1.23 Under
wear reduced to 60c.
All our fine derby ribbed
and flat natural wool and
French Merino Shirts
and drawers blue, grey
or tan, positively tho big
gest bargain ever
offered at
Our Letter Box
Contributions on. timely topWjs Invited.
Write Ugibly on one side of the paper
only, with name and address appended.
On request names will not be printed.
Unused contributions will not be re
turned. Letters exceeding 800 words will
be subject to being cut down at The
discretion r t'se editor. Publication of
views of cr ondenta does no; commit
The Bee to i.helr endorsement.
0 Mho Is Reaptsuslblef
OMAHA, DeiC. 2t To the Editor of The
Beo: Oq, South Twentieth street and Cen
tral boulevard my friend and neighbor P.
Kuntg got bis lot filled. To protect the
sidewalk thy covered It with dirt to more
than ths width of the lot, about sixty feet.
About a week ago they got through, but
the dirt is there yet. Yesterday's sloppy
weather made this place so muddy, the
soft dirt Is carried and spread for a half
block either way. As my neighbor Is a
busy man. and besides there would be no
use to k him to put the walk In proper
conditio, as ho ought to have done as
soon as they finished hauling, I naturally
went to the Board of Public Works and
asked for a sidewalk inspector to look into
this thing. I was told this was none of
their business, I had to apply to the com
mlsslpner of streets. When 1 told my story
to tr clerk of the commissioner of streets,
how the dirt was carried on the boulevard,
he thought It Was the concern of the Park
bonrd. I told him It certainly could not
be, because the Park board had nothing to
do with the walks on Twentieth street.
By talking one way and another be ar
rived at the concision It must be the con
cern of the School board, because the dirt
waa taken off the ground of Vinton school.
6o we went to the office of the School
board, and there rests ray complaint.
I should like to know, Is It red tape, or
do we have so many officials that they in
fact do not know what their proper duties
are? I think the owner of the lot la re
sponsible for the condition of the walk, if
he let a contract to have dirt carried
over the walk, and it Is covered during the
time of work; It ought to be removed when
finished. . Respectfully, F. S1MAN.
tail South Twentieth street.
Hesents the Insinuations.
PERU, Neb.. Jan. 2.-To the Editor of
The Bee. The cltltens of Peru sre feeling
very bitter towards Principal Waterhouse
of Omaha because of his unawarranted
attack on the state normal at Peru and
words of condemnation are heard on every
aide. Several prominent cltlsens in dis-
Acer's Pills
Atk your doctor what h (Anvs of llu
formula Jot m user pill. IM tu h taut
mboul mxng Hut pau. H know. JZ
m .
v.. I
I - v y
ten v . 1
Men's Caps
The deepest
cut of all !
Caps worth up to $2.00
At 95c
These are kerseys, meltons,
novelties, plush and furs
bent valueB ever of- C1C
fered jou, at JOi
Caps worth up to $1.25
at 75c
Neat styles, warm and dura
ble the best enpii yon have
ever seen,
Caps worth up to 75c
at 45c
These are good, substantial caps
unsurpassed A g
cussing the attack expressed astonishment
that Mr. Wnterhouso should make a com
plaint to the Board of Education when lie
had no personal knowledge of the truth
fulness of the charges nor bad be even
gotten his Information from one who pre
tended to know anything definite In the
matter. All the Information he possessed
being based on a vague rumor that his
daughter fancied she heard among the,
girls about a year ago. And yet from this
he presumed to make nn open charge that
the state, normal at Peru is not a fit place
morally for a young lady to be. Neither
can the people or Peru understand why
the teeretary or the Board of Education,
did not Investigate these charges, when
made, before publishing thejn. He needed
only to have gone to the principal of the
school to have learned thnt they were
entirely without foundation and that there
Is as President Crabtree says In a publlo
interview "perfect harmony between the
students and members of the faculty at
It Is also said that the concerted action
and the similarity of the letters (one let-'
ter being almost the exact counterpart of
the others) shows that the half dozen
school superintendents who protested
against Miss Stoner being retained as pre
ceptress were urged to complain by one
Individual arid that this Person did not
have the wellfare of the school at heart,
but simply sought a personal revenge. Miss
Btoner stands high In the estimation of
Peru people and has their Implicit confi
dence and that of the hundreds of students
attending the school, as President Crab
tree says. For one individual to make such
an unwarranted attack on -the preceptress
and the school to satisfy his own personal
revenge. Incites everyone here to utter
strong words of condemnation against such
methods. NORMAL, .
Moit Wonderful Healing.
After suffering many years with a sore.
Amos King, Port Byron, N. V.. was cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Ealve. 25c. For sulo
by Beaton Drug Co.
Ever Try The Beo Want Ad Columnsl
If not, do so, and get satisfactory results.
Announcement of the Tbeaters.
Master Cubrlel, who formerly played
"Buster Brown,'' will be the big magneria
one at the Orpheum next week. As Tommy,
the mischievous cut-up of a boy, the di
minutive comedian and his big bull dog
Spike In "Auntfe's Visit-' are declared a
grett pair of fun makers. Master Gabriel
has proved such a great drawing card for
the children and women that reports from
Orpheum theaters lit other cities say extra
matinees bad to be given.
mi riu Miireuaia
Or.iPodophyUla . Or.
OrOatnboge . . Or.
Or. OUPeppermintxS Or.
Or. jOil Spearmint in Or.
Dinger , , ,
Alota ....
Oolocrntia Puln
aizoipieni namcieat quantity,
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