Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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na'iroaa cwnptrr Omaha, No..
Kor. . w-io ti,, oixahoid.s: Not.
I hereby given that a pecial meeting ol I
th stockholders of th omara and Nort.i '
Flatt Railroad cmti(u; wjl be ti.c at
th oflV of the con par. r in Omaha. Net., ;
t o'clock p. m . on January l V lsoa. lor
th purpoao of acting upon tni qsfuon o(
elling the railroad. pr&p-erty and Ira.-icr.i.
f thlo eorrpr.y to tee Chkuo. Burlington
fii,CZ.'1r?d "TT"'' th raI,r""? !
xln T1 V fta P w b T a" fpaaaaaa 1 al lht re s mw 1 1 aw V
teas to is aaxi company ry order of
tha board of director. W.
P. fMfllH,
. ITTXTSCHOLDERS' meeting-the ax-
a. nual meeting of f stockn -ldr of Tr.e (
aoutn Omaha and Western Ra.lroa4 Com- j
pany fir the election of seven director an!
tn transaction of such otrer bus nei
may come befor th mi.rc mill b hel 1 j
i in omcf or A. L M 'r.ier. comer or.
Ninth and Farnam street. Omaha. Ne
braska, on Wedntnltr, the tn day of
January. A. D. 1. at 11 o'clock a m.
T. M. ORR. Secretary. D2tid:jt
Nrtc la hrbT t iat t?i annual
marina- the atock holders of Th- B- e
Building company he i ei.i at 4 o cl v-k
P ra.. Tueiay. Jsn'iary '-4. ?. at the
office of M cirr.rany in Tha B-e buinllr..
limiht. frr 'ha-election of a i" ant 01 rii-
rectora for tha en-j:n yar and tn trana- ,
atton of auch otnr t.jsine as may prop- .
erljr come before S'i'-h mei ns
. C. C. ROPE WATER. Secretary.
JM14t D S
I alawi PaelSe.
Tha Orerland Limited.. a am
The Colorado Espress. a 3) pm
Atlantic Express
a 4" pm
a $ rm
al '5 arh
The Orearon Kspress
The Ixa AnirKa Lim
a 4 T pm a 5 pm
a '.1 V pm a !5 pm
T a Fast Mail
f.lna A japan Mail, a 4 ; m a t 5 pm
Co!o--Chicai Special
alC.l) am a
am )
fteatiir A Stromsbua;
Nortn Platte I.-a1 .
bl5 pm bit" p n
. a 7 t- arr 1 t II pm
(alras, Hark I.Iaad A Paclc
CTitca,' Umlted a 3 f1 an
Iowa Ixal a :10 am
all '., rr.
a 4 . pm ;
i-es stoinea r-asaer.ier. .a pm 11: prr ( mnn Paiifi- system
Iowa LorsJ bll am b -55 pm r (, N w.. east
rhlcaro Eastern En. a 4 i pm tl S pm can w west
Chicago Flyer ... a pm a :J5 am I r .. st. p.. M. AO.
WEgT . B. A is". est..!.
Rocky Mo-mts:n Llm. all li rm i!lm'r B o m
OkU A Tsas Ex a 4 4i pm a 2 4o pm
Lincoln-Fairburt Fasa .b S:45 am M'J.S am
Mtsaaart Farlfle.
K. C. A Jt. 1 Fp ...a ) am a 45 am
X. C. a 81. L Exp .- all:15 pm Sid pm
( klrsf Great H eaters.
Bt. Paul-Mmneapoli ... V pm
St. Paul-Minneapolis ... T am
Chicaiio Limited ., ( pm
I'hlcairo Express 7 am
Chicago Epr-ss J pm
Chleaaja A North westera.
7 V am
11 SS pm
n zi am
H'S !
Chicago Daylig-ht ..
8U Paul-Minn. Exp.
Chicago Local
a 7:3 am all 4 pm
a 7 3o a.a alO pm I
all am j I J nm '
eioum Cttr Passenaer. . .a 7 V am a 1 pm
Chicaro Passenaer a 4 s pm a I am
Chicago Fpectal a i " pm a 3 am
St. Paul-Minn. Limited a pm a fc am
Af! Limited.
Orerland Limited ...
Fast Mail
Piotix "i'y Local
rast Mall
Twin City Limited ..
Norfolk-Bonesteel .
Llncofcn-Ixmt: Pina ..
TVadwaVUncoln ..
Casper-Phoehoni ... ..
Hastlnirs-flupcrtcr ...
Illlaata (rural.
a pm a 12 35 pm
alO.' pm a 3 am
a04 am
1 1 il pm . a i' am
1 1 'j m
a S pm a am
a 7 M am a 5 4" pm
b 7i am aK'35 am
a I pm a i 4't pm
a pm a 5 4' pm
b 1 pm b S'i pm
b i 3i pm b 1 3b prn
Olicaf o Express .
U am a 1.45 pm
Minn. A St. Paul Exp b 7 am a io pm
Chicago Lim'ted a :' pm a 3n am
Minn. A St. Paul Llm .a 3 S pni a i .30 am
( hlrwato. MUsnkn A t. Paal.
Chi. A Colo. Spec'Bl ..a7:Sam all S fm
CaL A Or. Express ..a 'iprn a 3:7 pm
Overland Limited
a s..a pm a 30 am
a &:! pm all: am
a (.30 pm a 8.30 am
perry Local
ttt. Louis Express
8t Louis Local (.from
t-ouncu ctlULlsr a am 4:1) Dm
Btanberr, Leal (from
Council Biuffs I) 51 pm bit) IS ara
Leave. Arrive
TVn ver ft California ...a 4 W pm a 3 45 pm
Northweet Special a 4:1'J pm a 3 4a pm
BUck HiU a 4 10 pm a 3 45 pm
Northwest Express all 5 pm a'.O IS pm
Nebraeka points a 45 am a 10 pm
Nebraska Express a 8 15 am a 10 pm
Lln-oln Fast Mall ... b 145 pm alMI pm
Lincoln Local . h 8 'a am
Jancotrt Local al" 15 pm
Jncoln Local a 7 5" pm
fv-huyler - Piattsmocth.b 1.10 pra blO. am
Ttellerao - Plattsmouih-a 8:i Dm a t 50 am
Flattarnouth-Iowa b 8.18 am !
Pelleme-Flattsmoutri blltr. pm ;
Denver Limited a 4 10 pm a 7 If am '
Cbtcaco Special -a 7 40 am all 45 pm j
Cntcaa-o Fxpres a 4.S pm a 3 55 pm
rblcaeo Flier a 30 pm a 1 am
t-wa Iocal a 8 15 am all 3 am ,
St. Louis Express a 4 45 pm all V am '
Kansas City A St. Joe. . alO 45 pm a am
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 8 15 am a 8 14 pm 1
Kaaaas City A St. Jo, a 4 45 pm
PaaL Mlaaoaaolla A
Leava. Arrive,
b am b 8 10 pm
a 3 Ofi pen aj Si a m
c 4i am c 8 55 pn
..b J 50 pm bU:7S am
Twin Citv Passenger.
?UI City Pasaenger.
Finerson Local
tflaaoarl raelBe.
Auburn Local
Find a
afvdry txitiLf rt-a kawi
to mU to waatatl fey
tom&otj tf prfcs as4
fTjaBtr ar rlsat A
Bm Wast AA vQ
Only 510,0005
Tire sesars f a eoBtrl.!ss laternU la a
k'SS-r iwpn.'l .. y.s.-er ag rja4i,
live... Tt e&tr..-t aar.r
If li. iwlMW W raa4 tr .4 4 ir tas
eeatsssr. Ir trim o' r lies mi aar 4!b4
ll ia aa ansa t&at its -a -a a k-
raatiiy etarsiia4 a 4 vara. jrt . raa
S,e Se.e,4. sac e,sr ietaii to pet :!
eifyetr a sarin, saata t-tesae t
Tk swiara Seatnt la uu la m-.'h tam
111 mi ctA.--ter a-.s n e-ea-r
mm ksxa mi IM SCTl 4L. PWoVk.H 1IH
J Iks bub TM nsw seruea at
sair rwilt ttWrsl trvatavaat M !1 r
c mmm tva eitt a a.nelesa-iiarui B -aa
keae pnMmtt la sat a5 e 14 my dsrvu.a
me cmi ra-,e mt a irmat.
Praaas f-uae ia at' fasary Tnr pr-
TWa ms. P O bos .42. S.avA
SatabUabad 1874.
Board 08 Trad, tClxICAQO
Room 45 OO Hrandela El I d .
Tlhoa Boagtas a637.
C- C HUNTER. Manag
Your Patroi-e SoUciiexL
Call aa4 Isco l a.
Cattle of All Kinds Strong- tt Ten
a.--.. I
Ctttl Higher.
. ., . . . , . , . ,
- -
-ee- ..I Uata la Fair Rrrrlat far
Holiday, With Trade Artli
id PrlceB lrlt la Tea
r Flfteea Hlaher.
1. 1.
Cartie. Hers Sheep.
. 2 4: -iM
. 1: 4. : ;'.4
. 1 ITi !. J4")
. 3 i cs
. . i. 1" 1
.11 T.4 1 .". 1- m r.-TJ
14T H4 1T4-S
. .l-.i.iC !.'. U.&S4,
Oriciai Monday
ial Tu-';ay
E:in:t Wednlay
Siir.e day last week.,
"arre 1),,;. j z ifdis af o
.ame dg 2 Weem tco
frame di 4 aao
8am days last er..
Th followirt tabla shcs the receipu of
caul, h.-fi a. d sheep at 8-uth Cmaba for
the year, compared w:th !at yar:
tJ, ,
1 1'7 inc. l"ec
1.1 ? : . .. 1.114
ii-J 4.TU
B.".ep 1.4T 4T
The fc;iowlr.f, tar! shows the averig
price of hrs at S jth Omaa for the last
several days. w.t!i corr.fartscr.s.
Date. , l.. Ir7. uj mf, n. lC
rc ..' ' 4 v 4 ' 4 r- 15
1 ec. 2' . . 1 ' 4 44 4 V 4 4 1
Oec. :4 4 13 1 : 1 1 i
Dec. S ,
Iec m ..' ' 4 z : n ; " 4 4J ih
Dec :7 ..." 4 !' S 4 il 4J
t-c. 4 44 1 4 4 V- 4 T.
Dec. S..J I . ... 1(7 4 4. Bl
Dec. 4 r 5 " 4 6i S: 35
Iec II . . 4 f 14 4 47 4 14 .5
Jan. 1 . . 24 i 14 ! 4 4 2 C U
Sunday. Christmas.
Ti-e official number of
a;s of stock
1 rrougr.t in tot!a ty each read was:
! Cattle Hoes Sheep
M ft B P
. 1 1
. 1 1
. 1 1
. 1" -4 4
. 1 ?
.11 S 1
. 1 4 7
.5 1
. 1" 2? 1
. ; 3
.. 4
.. ti !! 14
Missouri Pacific.
C . R. I. ft P.. east
"., R. I. ft p . west
l.'ir.ois Central
Iikap) Or-at Western.
Total receipts
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hor Shen.
f'm' and Company!!!'.:
(-,!(1hr Packing Co
Armour & Co
11 Ml 714
317 1.7M 4J
. 2H :'."i 1 4L-1
. ZA i.Xi tC7
'. 1 !!!! !!!!
.... ....
. .... ....
u .... ....
! ij !!!! !!!!
Armour, from Denver..
J nant ft Co
J-ohmaji ft Co
nui m r-ui
F. P. Lewis
Harriltori ft Rothschild
1 Wolf
i Mike Hajrerty
1 j. n. rtm.i at -o
T B. Inghram
Ihmer Bros
Other buyers
CATTLE Receipts this morning were
very light, the estimated run being oniv 54
cars, with not all of them in si nt when
the market opened. It waa very evident
that packers wanted a few cattle, as they
were out early in the morning. They were
VerV free huvee nn.1 . nt -v i .
tl-at would do tu klli changed lands very! twDa. 17V:; new full cream brick, 17c; do
read'ly. Th- price, ,ald were safely strong 1 "estic new Swiss. 14c; new liiaburger, 1549
to lif! highr than yesterday. This would
apply to everything havnng any kill to It
lemer steers or cow stuff.
There were no stockers or feeders In sight
but Juda-ir.g from the fact that there was
considerable Inquiry a few cattlo of that
description would undoubtedly hav com
manded strong prices at least.
(quotations on cattle: !ood to choice
cum-ie., steers. 0i)ii5 50; fair to good
1 corn-ieo sieera. Il aj om-nrtn
; fair corn-fed ejeers. 8504 4 40. rood to
! choice corns and heifers. IU4j I fair
I to g.xvl cows and helfern. 817341330
; TOrr.mon to fair cow and heifers. 8130
2 75. good to choice stackers and feeders.
181.564 25. fair to good sto.:kers and
feeders. 812543 3 78; common to fair
, stokers and feeders. 8- 50ii3;5.
Representative sales
1 Ns.
1 .
1 1 ..
4 ..
1 S
' 1
( i, "
A rr. tea.
1 ;
. 1 44 h
. V 4 4 H
'. 4 4
4 r. :i
V!4 id
45 li" :t
?J 4 4.)
i: 4i t
.rra j is ia
! 1 7
.. w : i i .
. r 3 3
. i i 4
. . SM !4 t
. J IB J
.. i 1
. n- I
..l' 3 3" I
. 1 : 1
l"li I?
. w J ;i i
. its 1 4; .1
A. Pr
1.T5 4 T3
. ::. 5 s,
. . 1 r 1 r
... V 4 IZ
. . 4 '
. . l-4 8 at
. . it-t i 1
...1H I 1.1
...:: s m
... 4t IK
. .. v
. .. ViT 5 ;
... ! wi
. . . t-'l - T,
...l-rJI 1 r.
... is : t
...:-4Ai 3
.. 1 I
.. .J--4 I
...V4 I j
...:ti 1 i
...:ti 1 :s
.. ! I
. . tl'H 1 S
. . f1S J 1
... 4 1 (
. . izss 1
. . . -s 3
. i:m I 4
...111 1 4.1
...UT4 3 T
...-; M
... ' 3 :
. . (U 1 45
.14 141 II ..
It III ..
4 l t ..
!' I -
141 4 HI 11 ..
- : n I ..
ta 1 ;i u
71J 3 'i V. ...
a I ....
. '. ! i ?....
11-. I Ti
fe S r
.1-1 1
iii I 4;,
) V. 1 7i
.! : .
. t
. 3 .
li' 1 l
.! 1
1 :.i
:i 1 is
3 ;
i r. 4 s !
i ' U
t 1 i U
:: i
.. M 4 75
HOGS The market opened about steady
this morning. b.l strer irt:.ene,i UD ur tii It
nogs a -PC cr.anglr.g hitr.ds. a r,.4
" " i "' '' iraoe was at no uppl:v or immediate grades. 4juo
t me vent art.w. du- m mrt to the fact ta-.iona range from tc to sc for Ca.ifornia
rat sa.-i.trer. mere very fullish in ti.elr i fruit and from 5V to 8c for Oregua.
.v-eas and mero determined to s-. jr. every Peacheo are very firm, with fancy yuow
c.nt poaaib e out of their hidir.g. Su'l : Suoied at lic.
l.",r? "J Jf ,'- "''ie t- e range of I Imported walnuts, per lb, Ul&e; Tarra
. In "u""" ' 'rd- a C'o g'n almcr.ds per lb., lie filoert. per lb.
man cf the ho fcd at and rant tnuiul 'fie- vtraaila nwr lb.. lSAlac: Paeans, nee
34 ex t
was steady to
market as a whole It :1b., llfilJc; peanuts, raw, per lb., Tc; pa
l.nie Mroi.ger yea- ; nut, roasted, per lb., 8c; Iiallaa chestnuts.
K Wet. ntaiivs sal.
A Jtl- IT
' 4
I-' 4 i?
. :. t. 4 35
r 4 li
iii ; 4 v
"a . 4 V
-U S' 4 J-
it 4
1 4
iU ) 4 4.
:a '. 4 I.
: 4 . ir,
- 4 1--.
r .
47 .
St Pr
a- it 4 '
.1.4 a 11
rss f 4 t;
. J4 ti
rt 44 4 ) .
r- t 4 s;
il 11 12
i-'T . 4 . j.
- 4 w
--4 tj 4
. . . Hi
:i 4 t;
45 :.- 4
- 4 4 .
15 it 4 XT
- 4
T . : .j 4
3 4 i
4 11
J i 4
- 4 4 Jj
-V X 4 B
:i4 It I at
!i :s 4 ji
sT- . 4
-7 . . 4 li
-4 4 14
7-1 '.. 4 aa
Hi tu (i
4 3T-,
n : 4 r-
ri u 1 i-i.
. .
i-. ' 4 r ,
.U7 lea 4 IT,
ial v 4 tM
--: m 4 .
-- 4 44
M 4 4 f
1 4 40
M2 ... 4 aa
4 W
4 S
4 .J
M 4 a-
: t
T .
u .
. t j-i,
4 11,
-,T t
4 S. ,
S4 1 4 i." ,
4 I.-
! I t.1
s: .
af .
' .
' ta
4 r.,
4 c,
.. a 1.
r 11.
- iW 4 . .
4 4 SJ
!X 34
tJ ia
r c
: a-
t u
4 !
t a
a. 4 ll
i4 i a
U I b
i'l i 1 ' r.ep wer QjII
. . . , .i.M.n jur a noll.tay. lea
I "--'a b:r,g in a.l.i when ie market
.t.ned. with five mora reported ba k Th
w.raet a,nl ear.y in ti. morning aj.d
I acttt. Tie pria-ee p-ad wee arvwher
, strung to a gow , h'gner. In fa?t.
i aoave were u-tr.g w. s at r.Tig to 4j'5e
: r. go- maa aCarcay. pretty grand kind
at aets id up to 84 wil.i Jearuag aa
t. g-. aa t 5v and a pret'y good hied tf
, lan ia at ga aa
twaHatiune 4Mi go4 te rboue fed heen
aau leauiei: latcnija. . 4a au.- yee.
J wethe.-a. .caiuii Boioera, L
tatcniie. e 3fc.a) to, veer in.
':rM g'-tt, U rl Sv. wr-tcrs. ft.4.'; 4 75,
em. . 84 ,4 .
P.eprentat .ve sales
N. A' r-
i western lamias -' 7
4 ru.l flfl 7 3
IT western ewn .. V 4 '3
wt year'.'rg and wether" ? 4 IS
v! w-rn .a--..ia
1 wt ifirlT.rj. c-ull lam.. K 13
i1. Wtl flf9 1- T
; -,'n m-tera ) 4
ym cull ea ! 3 5
trn linbj Tl i"
i" wem yeritr.f '
; a-trn iTh 14
i -t-rn r-j.. ;moa .
ffrn fi4 16 t i'
K; M-nirrn arllrir 4 5 W
--rn yerlin 1.4 i J
4 a(irn iu I yrariins 1"' '."
4 etrn eae V. 4
nf and yearling-1 1'
4T a entern .smla
An,ii, thoae on tre market this morning
.;.i !... mere: J. W. Howe, l-oaey. la .
Hr'-men Inpherde. Terr.ptt'n. I.: O. H.
Kr ie. t Iver City. Ia.; irtm"W ft gch'.ey.
lrs' la., Ti;d-n Eiraor company, iu
d"n. J. M. H"!iar. Sutton: Furg-s A Nil.
Kerr.ard. Martin A O . Carscn. Ia ; James
Mo. re. I'lysses; K. Henllr.e. cdesa: (4. iS.
'ititf.n. i.-te.. Bliss a paras. Ashland.
I Cou Los . 1 o,jSine. la : A. P. Pur
harti. Ejrle. F, W . CI. seen Co.. Wholes
J fcit'i. LMnesbwro. la.: Be r son ft E..
Central CU : J. Ferguson. D-irchrster.
J.-hn Heru.elhrcht. Ba-.croft; Bav Vlr
cm. ftira: J. W. BT. Ya-o; A. Harnett,
i-ushton; tireelty Live Stork company,
virv-ley; H G. Hrvan. North Loup: A.
! hrr.Jer. More B':-r. Woo-lruff ft F .
Ed.iyi-ilie; Mjrty Br. . Verona: W. T.
Mador. Herman. J M Cox. Hampton;
y. R. Hrndtrrs:n. Hu'.ufl. la.; I'ajes A
M. Harlan Is.: M C. Shenan
doah. Ia : J. Martin, Cere; J-ihn Fre-d-eru
a. Callaway; J Morseman. Wlsner.
t attle retipts included tntse
H liens--n. Lndrwod. Ia.; R. C. Hot p.
lienwood. Ia.. ; ghur. I'hllng; J H. A
F. W. Chase. Clearwater: P. Bostwick,
Woodbine, la.. Henrj- R-nner. Howrlls.
N J Ryan was on the nmt today a nic-? loal of beef steers from In.
derwood. .
Among those h-ra t.-.1ay with sheep
wre: C M. Holldav, TeAaman: Georg
W. Davis. Lyons. W. W. Phlpa. Olen
wood. Ia. : J. p. Cajneron. Tekamaii.
Auicusi M-r.n of 1'od.e had both catt.e
anJ . on todnv s market
Kaaaaa 4 Ity Lle Stack Market.
cerpts, ! had. market 1"nji5o higher;
choice export and dressed het-f steers. Si. C
iji': fair t- gjod. USOior.; western
steers. t'.S in stockers and feeders.
H.i4ii: ao'ithern steers. eX3w4Si; south
ern cows. i.ojjio. native cows, tl lig
4.5; native heifers. C j-8t bulls. C.ji
; caives. 14 E.
HOI- Receipts. 13.0JD head; market
strong to 5c higher: top 14.55; bulk of sajea, !
84 S34 5": heavy. 14 to-ii : packers. 84.4a
.a."i: l .gs and lights. 83 &4 c
SHEEP AND L.A.MB8 Receipts. i
head: market strong; top lamia. SS 7a:
lam's. 85. .;.p"7; ewes and yearlings. 84.U)
414.75; western yeariinss. fc';4.7o. western
sheep. 83.754s4.SO; and feeders. 8J'
t. Jssrsk Live Hlock Market.
ceipts. .. head, market active; nat ves.
84'o75: cows and heifers. 82.76434 ;
tcker and feeders. S25v X
H'jGd Receipt. 7.JFA heal: market 5c
higher: top. 84 47",. bulk. 84 KG4 46
SHEEP AND UMBS-Rrce ps. 954
head, market &c higher; imi, 8i i'-'e. .a.
Sloax (Itr Llv tock Market.
PIOCX CITY. Ia.. Jan 1 Special Tele-
1 gram t CATTLE Receipts 4w head; our
j ket steadv; beeves. 84 .Mir5.5v: cows and
! heifers. " 8i4-; stockers and feeders.
:t3"tfX7Tj; calves and yearlings. C-25a3.4V
Ho" ! Receipts. J heaa ; market
steady, selling at 841ni4 4": bulk. 84 M1 36.
Staple aad Faacy Prod ace.
EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 24c.
BUTTER Common. lc. fancy tub and
rolls. lTulsc; creamery. Sic
CHEEafc New rul cream, w isconr.a
lie: young American, 17VC-
LIVE POULTRY Springs. TV:; hen
TV"; rooster. 3c: ducks, c; geeiie, Sc; tur
keys. 13c; pigeon, cper do.
DRESSED POULTRY Spring fancy, Sc;
hecs. rtfteV; roosters, 4c; dacka, ijc;
luc: turkeys. Iifl7c.
HAY Choice No. 1 up:ana. 8io.w; monium
88 00; No. 1 bottom. S uo; off grades, from
IS. 5050. Ry straw, P.m No. 1
fal.'a. SU.4H
ORANGES Florida, per box. 82.21; Call-fornii-Washlngton
navrla. IZ .54.
GRAPE FRUIT-Florida, pr box. S5.50
6 '
GRAPES Malaga, heavy w sights, per
keg. 84.S0; Malagas, medium weights, per
keg. S4A
BANANAS Port Limon. per bunch. 82.08
ei a
FIGS AND DATESSmyma rgs. 7-
crown, per lb., Htflic; Smyrna figs,
crown. tr lb.. liii'Jc: Smyrna f:. 4-
ewn e-- IK lrtStl,.. C.'lf .ml, 4ea K. .
10 carton, sac; California figs, box, 11
cartons. &5c; California figs. bulk, per lb,
5V: HaUowl dates, per lb.. f-,c; Khadrawi
date, per lb. c; Sair date, per lb., re;
Fard date. 13-lb. boxe. per lb. 8c.
LEMONS Fancy. 3o0 and 3-0 six, per
box 84 V1; extra choice, lui and 863 size, per
box. 34 00
4TOCOANUTS Per sack. 84 50; per doseo.
APPLES New York King's, per barrel
J5.25; "None Such," per barrel. 84 78; Bald
wins, par barrel, 84.75; Grecl-ia. per barrai,
84.75: western box apples. Colorado Jona
than, per box. 83 00. Colorado Grime Gold
tut. per box. 83-UO; Idaho Jonathana per
box, W 75; ldo Winter Bananas, per box.
8-.T3: Waahingion iwn Davis 8L73; Wash
ton Nortnern Spy. per box. 81.7. Washing
ten Greeting, per box. 8200; Washington
Baldwin per box. 81.75; Washington Rom
Beauty, per box. 81. ; Was nrgion Ia.ll ap
ple, assorted, rer box. 81 5-i4L75.
POTATOES Per bu., iowTic. '
CABBAGE teed, per lb., :ff7Se-
ONION3 Red Glohe, per bu . iac;
Denia. per crate. II 35.
SWEET POTATOES Small bbl.. 82 78.
CAf JiOTS-Ptr bu.. 75c
TURNIPS Per bu.. Sic.
PARSNIPS Per bu.. 75c.
CELERY Michigan, per bineh. tre.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. L C;
Llrr.a, 7c per lb
No. I rib. 14c. No. 2 rths. 11c; No. 3
plate. 44c.
ar some hat unsettled by freer offering
from second hands, wco seem desirous of
i k-i-ts orr-.m walnuts Mr lb ie-
rer Tb siic
j COFFEE Roated, No
SS. 26c
No. aa
Sc. No US. lc. Si . 14V-
SUGAR Granulated. rer ack
85'. beet, C; c.l loaf. cube. V;
T m iered 4-liC.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard tut
ern. 75c. To mat o. fancy. 3-pu-.d can.
tin. standard. l-;ound can. 81 Su. Pine
apples. f 'eJ. 2-pound. 8U i-juUiu. .k.d.
81.75i2Sf.. Gailsn appis. 34 5v. Cal f m a
apr-oots. Su-Sc'tjj Jo. Paars. tuM-i-z.'.H.
1,. 81Salls L. C. pach. 5llV Alaska a.mon. red. !.., fan.y
( r. nock. Ial. i- Li. aockeye. fia,
t li. qarer oi!. n.4!, three
quarter t.iusiard S S Sweet po'atoes,
11 c 1 ii Saaerkrax. 5c. pn; ns uc L rut beast. 2-pound. I'a uT..S.
T eke'4 b-a::5. 2-po ir.d. 5c, fancy. 81.2.' if 1.4&.
l--lrl Ha.ibul. lie: trout. 11c: oli kerL
1-ic. pji itc. fretn, tn-zen. Lo; wi.l'.e-
tt-.. 14aill-. buSa.o. j.4. . b...ittJi; si.naed
p-rth. 7c. wh.t casa. 15c. bia-k baa, 25c.
-.'.fish. ijV. crap pic. -jc. iat g crapp e.
15 .' .1 g. f-eah fro.en. tc whitsflaa
frozen. 15-I'.5c; pickerel, fresh frozen. 13c:
red soaoper. Le : rounders., mackerel, ls-
85c per Am; cod.lsc. fretn frozen. 17c; had-
Cxk fresh frozen. 12.'. true,;. 11c; f aad ,
' roe. K per lb ; frog legs. per dot.
! gr-ert sea turtle 25-- per lb
HIDES AND TALLoVi Grn salted.
I No, 1. 5c; Nq 2. 4c; bull hides. 1c; green
I unsalted. No. 1. 4c: green u-tared. No. L
8c; horse hides. 3. -ti2 5v; st-eep pelt.. 3Sc
481. Ti'lov No. 3. 4V; No- L 3V-
! Wool, lwrlucu
Trace Ha Deea Discovered
th Prrttetralor of tho
PIERRE. 8 D. JanT opectal Tele-
lit.i. i w . i u v v. ..a- a -
ga(.pe filled with powder and plugged
m at exploded last eight under a wtsdos
ribs 7V; No. 1 loin. lJci No. 2 loin lie, Ffth race, six rur:on-. jacuL-ne. i po,ej deal In pork, had crawled under
No. 1 1-in. c; No. 1 chuck. V,c. N4. 1 (Notteri. 7 to 5. won . Colloq uvl-.d i A. . , f d , d lt. go had
chuck. 5V: No chuck. 5c. No 1 round M.nder.. 18 to -. aeoond. First Premu-n. j r0"" , fr(im " j...
IV; So, : round. 7c. No. 3 round. -o: ut .McDameli. 10 to 1. third. Tme: 1.13H. , dipped a half from hi. pocket.
No. 1 r'.ate. V; No. 2 elate. 5c: No. 1 Lens. Pnnc Ahmed. Comedienne and i While Mr. Toyne did not authorise us
cf a tall tn Eavtt Pierrt. In w hich a prlvau
dancing party was being hell
No Uc of the pa-rpetrtor of th out- '.
lag ha j-tt barea secured, j tli ..
Burleigh Wins Green Brae Handicap j
at Oakland in Hate Finish.
j Mare Qaotrd at 49 t 1 Spread- !
eagle Her Field! " Bad
flerer!- Itrsatta
Otfcar C aarae.
OAKLAND. Cal.. Jan. 1-In a sena-
timal finish over a al- rpy course at Oak-
land t'Siay Burl-. ah outlasted rioudlht In
the Green fcrae handicap. Burning Busn 1
set a:i the pace and looked a winner, but
hung when the real began and fln
iihed third. Native Son got away nicely,
but was shuffled back. Arkl-rta in h-s
recent races was supported strongly by the
talnt. but seemed to be anchored by the
weight. Entirely overlooked In the betting.
Bonheur at 4j to 1. spreadeaglei her field
In the Brst race and won cleverly from Al
tair and Henvea. ejmmary:
First race, fir and a half furlnnes sell
ing: Bonne jr lS. R)ce. to 1 a on. Al
tair i!7. tl-Ibert. 25 to 1 second Hrrives
1 . Kelly. 1 to 1 third. T1m: 1 tf Emma
i . Bravourse. Ban Lord Wllmore. AmidL
jih.w r ., tiMJrij. Dftuaainc ii..iB.iej g
n a .T.ed-
econd race six and a half furlongs, sell- !
Ing: Kiiver Wedd:rg l-fi, r avis. i to li 1
w-jn. Hrouotus U13. pi-s-, S to a se.-.n l. I
H'ster Franre 1,12. Lentz. 7 to 1) third
Time: lii,. Meads. Boo"-ru Pessy
O'Neill. Lustitra. E!evat!c.n and Hersain nn
tsned aa named.
Tt.irJ rate, c ne mile aid a sixteenth, sell
Ir.s: All Ablate 1 ina. Mi:re. 4 to i won.
Lassen il"4. M'71a:n. 1H to 1; second. Ja- I
como i: Lynrh. J -ol. third. Time: 1 51V I
iaxeii. Auciaii. titupmm ana iteasuir ,
Seeker finished a named
Fourth mce. five and a
hlf furlorgs.
Green Brae handicap: Burleigh the. Mo
La.n. 2 to 1) won. Cloid. ght Dsvis. ll
to 1 second. Burning Bush 16. Gargan. 1.
to li third. Time: l-o Native Son. Ark-
lirta. Triumphant. Banposai. Collector. Jes- j
sup f.iushed as named.
Fifth ra.-e. one n.:ie and 7" yards. sll- .
Ina Funnyslde iw. M-ntry. 8 to 1 won. !
Shady Lad tl". Handy. to 1 second. Isa-
r-nta i"4. R.ce. 3j to li third. Tlrr.e. 1 5S- '.
Magrane. Hdixari. aarta.Kay. Btanqover.
Flaunt. Ethel Abbott and Beechwood fin
Ished as named.
I Sixth race, six
furlorgs. purse: " Rose
CT.errv Borel. 4 to 1" wn. Plausible
Oi7. McClatn, 7 to It second. F.mily M.
tl!7. Moreland. 30 to 1 third. 1 17.
Kosv Light. Wirr.piee. E. B. H.. Furxe. Pas
sedella. Palladint. Mrs. Matthews. Purse
Roae and Ramlchlta finlshe.1 as named.
l.oaar shot "los at Saata Aalta.
LOS ANGELES. Jan. l.-F. F. Shaw,
held at 20 to 1 In the betting, won the high
weigh handicap for all ages at Santa Anita
park, today by a head from Sir Edward,
tho 4 to S favorite. Shaw ran fifth to the
stretch, when h eame up and nosed out
the favorite. Reult:
First race, severs furlonrs: Wise Child;
nil. W. KnaDD. to 2. won. Velma 1"7,
Schlllinr 2 to 11 second. Louis Cavanauga
il'jfc. Harty. 8 t 1) third Time l.."T. Su-
rie. Arumatixe. WolfvHie. Burnell. Cru-!
: K, i
nameo. ...... :
Second rsce. rv and a hail luriorrs: r.s- '
calame (l'7. 8chiUing. 7 to 2 won. Tea '
Cress fiC-4. Dugan. : to ll second.
S p'otV. La-
cine Silver Skin. The Arrowed, Luckett
finished as named. race, one mile- Klnc Wild il"t.
M llano. S to 2 won. Harry Scott il07. Ly-
curgus, 10 to 1 second Phil Igoe (lt. Mar-
tin .4 to li thfrd. Time : 1 js-H. Line of;
Life. East Er.d. Uncle Henry-. Ed Sheretdaa,
u.t..i,ir T.uckr Ij4 and Anona f.mshed as 1
Fourth race. ix furlongs: F E. Shaw
UM. Martin. 39 to 1 won. eir Edward 4 115.
Preston. 4 to 6) second. inerai naiey ui,
4-nsersva. 15 to 1 third, nme: 1 .li.
Oeston. Lord Nelooo, Preen, Common but
nnisnea aa oameu-
Fifth race, one mile and an eighth: Baron 41f7. Rosa, 8 to 81 won. Jocund ilia.
tt 1 to bi'tvuf A'
stem. W to ) third. l.TV, Ed B.
for fouling in the lxth race, after finish
ing aecond. Today' sixth race at C.ty
pxk famuhed another disqualification.
Husted. at 15 to L with Ott up. flnUhed
first, but in disqualified for fouling and
flrat place waa given to Annaday, the
favorite, which finished second. Resul:
First race, six furlongs: J. J. Jr . 10 (V.
Powers". 2") to 1. won: Prince Hohenlohe.
110 .Notter. 7 to 1 second. Royal Bend.
Ii7 (Uei. 25 to L third. Time, 1 13V Con
stants. Fire Opal, Halo. Durable Tom
McAtee. Desharmo. J m Hill. Ben Logan.
May Rome and Lady Franklin ran.
Second race, steeplechase, short course;
sell ng Rip. 163 ( Archibald f, to 5, won;
Pete Vtreear. 1445 iWelton. 8 to S. econd;
Full of Fun, 1(4 (MeCleurl. 18 to 1. third.
Timf- J-0SV Coal Black Lady. Onya II.
Ralph Ree and Merrymaker ran.
Third race, rive and a half furlongs:
selling: Alsatian. 114 McDan;eli, 4 to 1,
won; Melange. . Flyrnt. 40 to L sec
ond. Bitter Sir. 15 4V. Powers!. 2 to 1.
third Tune: 1:S- Ixirrlmer; Dick Rose,
twlandol. Bayoa Lark. Third Rail. Ethel
Carrax. BeUasess, Esther Brown, Bulkhead
and Pljtant also ran.
Fourth race, n.'.le and sixteenth: handi
cap: Pasader.a. 114 V. Power i. 14 to 5.
woni Alma Dufour. li iNotten. I to i
second. Old Honesty. 112 J Lee. 8 to 2.
th'rJ Time: 1 4V Plantland ran.
Vohoome ran. .
Annav'tMJ'Nofter, wo?!
Adetso.'lOS AHckenst..l2 to 1. aeoond.
Lou'se E. McFarlnd. 80 (A. Minder. 3 to
5. third. Timei H44N- Jack Wilt. Lady
Oak-and. Rebounder, Bell The Cat, At.-.e-a
and Ternu ran.
aloha A. FIraa Paawes A way
Mattarkatetti Haaae.
LAWRENCE, Mas. Jan. l-4brclal
Te.-gram John A Flynn. formerly a
note.! n tcher with the Omaha team and
ere of the "ponv battery" of th Chicago
Whit Box In :. did at Ms home her
lVhree'darch1t?rs,r,A. a "pi -e'er0 ne .
loved a rational reputation :n hi. pr.m.
H.s famous drop bail ar.d r a r.- ra-.-o-was
a pvxzVr tj la'T.en He wis mtth
the Orra! a team in 1" going to Halifax.
N. S.. in lso to play independent ball.
Games in the two-ina-n tourr.amtnt '. the i
Aoc't:on alleys
gol. Gorga:eiie. . IJw.'".'i."i"J,
Sixtn race. Hvo and a nan iurionr- -"o ; .
oetiier t. , . , v, : : ,
u,,t..n a to ti second. Laudable il'U. (jo.d- I a
Baboo L. C. Wldrig. cai iteia. itm'nni ecaped from a show tnav was iiirn , 1111. tu na tr.e last quarter, wnicn sup- ciai.j iiiiara tin ormics, egeu n, a
P. Hidden Hand. Altar Boy, Harvey Clark j Saunder county by the Union red the largest amount of liabilitie. the young Iowan who lnce last fall had mad
nRZtl;L. a. .w Orleaa, Sic railroad company, tut it could J v?2 tnrou' LLV- '.t, hi. uncle. O. D. Saddler.
Draqaaltaratlo. at -"ew uneaas. b v.rtf.e,1 He tblnk the clrcuia- Ing houe. sbrtii In the corresponding la Charles Mix county, was a victim cf
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 1 Jockey N otter , o th( aJn undue a.arm and that three months cf IsM the ration was 87 M lockjaw. The unfortunate lad about t3
was today suspended for two weeks for imar'nations of people coupled with J"'1, 'h alTTf for -.'J1'; quarter Wt.,k, scratched sllghUy by a
hi, ruJe on Lancastrian at City Park yes- J otes ha, caused the reign -nV m traf'lfo: "fnF.Z'T Ind7ry r.aiL Little or no attention was paid to
terday. when hi mount was d.squaliCed , ,rrnr Fremont Tribune. during lwC tr more striking than lse- i the apparently Blight injury at th time.
1st. J 3d Tota'
r.i 23
-) Jfi 3K 1.1.4
1st 21 s-l Total.
3a -2u 1 tl
J- Sit 1. 2 r-2
Ut 2d. fl Total
1-4 2S0 3.4 1 -
4J 413 y-1 1.151
lt. 2d. 2.1 Total.
4 e a 1-4
4 ill 3." 4 l.3
1st. 2d. 3d Total.
n 34i '
ri 3.4 'Mi LtJ
1st. 2d 31 Total.
. j -;5 I.IjO
. 3u aW ."T l ii
Frioscher-Coc hran
: F.'ad-ReyroMs
j Haitch-Cor.rad
Chandler-GJerde .
IxrBei.n-Berger .
C'r.andler-Gjeroe .
Lat r.,ht. on the Metropolian aliei t. ,
the Bi' ycies won tune games from l:.
Daily News Tv L'aliy Nem team
IB last ram m o tp until th Last frarre
wr.e Ri train an error ar.d lost th
game. U:!breain had b. gh iti- w.m
f I Jus, al j hig:i total wi n 4U3- Score:
1st. 2d 3-1 Total.
171 177 1 77 TJi
IV IU.' 1 -
1:4 1' - 4.-4
TJ. -,aj : J
1S2 73 J i:4
8W Hi 1 1717
lt J.I 3d T-Hal
15 le4 1M 4-d
144 lt3 134 l
L4 a.7 La J'
I Keyt
Hmrici. ...
I Hull
Total. ...
championshipsin sport, isot I
inttnr atkUatlca
Harti J. tbsnJaa i
Starry B Btcaaroaoa
lesvia traaaj '
AatoouiBc. . . .
CbWcaara cubs ,
BLUlarda (amatanu)
Billiards (prof. ld-l)..
miad (prof. it-ai...
Stostmy (ka rat).
BoUf ltrawt-tt ) . .
Calrta Deiaarest
. .Jacob Boaaof
. . . Oeorr sttom
James Xa7
. .Taaaaaa Barms
Jose? a Oaas
Abo AttaU
Xavaansl Teaakn
Boxiaf (faataa atcat)
j Chass
. St BaUowg
Also Boa
Jtrorc . riTr
. . . Karf-arst Curtis
OUtcr Draw
Walter Btillsr
. Tkomaa mrartoa
Jxy Oomld
. Barlsy Caridaom
OoU (aaatanr)
fwt a
Bo 11 sr Skating-
KoootlBg- (nn
Mooting- rap
Bbootlsgr (rTlrr) ..
SkaUna' (praf alaaJ)
Bkatlsg (amateur) . . .
Tcasia (wsstara)
arold Baswota
yraak Baamatt 1
j n. Barg
J. J. Blaaa 1
mr a Krlar 1
Caarlss BTuaaick
. . . Sforral Baptl
. . . SCorrta Wood
. . C. St. Sail sis
...W. A. SVaraod
. . Bat Saurtsi
. . . Xralrm Soar
. . .9. r. Oardaar
. . rraak trotcb
Tsnala ( womsa)
tiuui (latarcoUsgtata)
. 121 1?4 1 438
. isi r-w 1st 47
. HI 77 111 2.431
Byrne-Ha-nror and
: Martin ....
Thursday r.iirht.
Waiter G. Clarks.
. . ,
Qaalat sad Carloaa Feat area of Life
la a Rapidly CrowlaaT
Serving An Attachment Poik county
ba-helor sheriff. William Ehler. who
.t hmenf
' "" to ,n atU'. hment
on a handsome young widow, had the
fullowlng experience: Madam. I have an
. attachment for yoo.
,t,,hm.-t 1nr sh. Hushed and
' said th attachment waa reciprocated.
-You misunderstand.'" he said, "you must
proceed to court." She told him he
knew It was leap year, but she had rather
he m ould do the courting. ' Madam." he
continued, "this Is no time for trifling.
The Justice is waiting."' -Oh. I prefer a
mir.ister." she said. "A aqulre married me
the first time, and I had bad luck."
Gresham Gazette.
Nature Fake A hunting . party, com
prising Levi Bush and Ben Eronson from
this citv and Messrs. Hill and Mill from
south of the river, went on a hunt fir
p-K game Tuesdav. Tn the canyon outh
.... ,...' .. v... 1., known for
' . . , ., ,
some time large anima.s '.i'i 1
to the cat tribe existed. These hunters.
were looking for big game like this, and
succeeded in killing two of them. They
mmAA in killing two of them. T P. e V
- - - -----
are called boo-cat oy some, wnue unren
claim they are a specie or iyn. 1 n
"f. Vn on'e." a.' the
They were evidently young one, as the
I larger cr ine two weignea ... i uuu"
, cianda.
oxiora sianaaro.
About the Wild Thing J. Bender of
yutan was In the city today and was a
.. c..e,i..
, caiier at m, ir,m
i the recent storie of strange noise and
j happening which t.ave caused
the belief some animal Is at large In
. . D i . . -,ri.
Saunders county. Mr. Bender say people
of ' the vlctfrlty em to he greatly
wrought' up. He is Inclined to think, how
ever, that It is a viciou wolf or coyote
that hlUed the .tock and that a homlin.
OOg Or SOnieww-jy " ' - -..v
s responsible for the night crle. Over
week ago Mr. Bender say. ther waa a
report current '.n Yutan that a panther
. , ml ,
Country Honet E. Toyn butchered
a couple cf hogs and left them hanging
out until after dark to cool, aimaiui oi 1 i"1".- ' " i-un.vnio
I cul unll a'' t.ilihlni new reenrds until the hish noint
past experience, in the cmcaen ",, reached on July 1. with a tola! of
eet a lighted lantern out between the , 5s :T tc.r. of ptg 1n, p,r wwk. From
house and the tarn, where the hog. were this point a moderate decres e occurred
bung and kept something of a watch ! uriMl toward th end of the year It was
" ,, . . , .. . . estimated that not more than about a3
besides Finally, concluding that It was , of tfce ntjr. lrn ,nd ca.
about time to carry in his meat, he went ! paclty waa tn operation. While thi recog
out and began untying the rope that held i rltion cf the red'artlon in order, for the
e ..i-.i, ,inen.4ed' He had i lira being u unmiitakahl It la s gnin-
one of the animals suspended. Ho badi t th th leJuJmc tn,,, )n"thi.
noticed notnina unusual u ne -en. .
except that hi barn door stood partly
open, but Ju.t a h had the rope untied
and waa houldr1ng the porker he noticed
aomeon crawling under hi cow yard
fence, and making wlft tracks toward
town. oon being wallowed up la the
darkness. But for the r.eesity of drop
ping hi meat on th ground. Mr. Toyne
would have accommodated, hi visitor with
a footrace
v,. . ,k.
Carrying his meat to the
hou h went back and took a look In
the barn, but w nothing unusual, except
one foottrack. On looking around In the
morning he found where omene, pre
sumably the second party In the
to ay o, me presume the fellow can
j e hi. money by calling and proving
I property L!g:n Review.
, nA I CO ftww"1
Parmer Reeelvlaa; Teller af Walk
iaatoa Bask Caargetl with
! Maktaaj False Eatry.
' WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. Thomas G.
' Have, formerly receiving lelier of the
Arr.rnc.n National bank here, mho vu ar
, . ,
' rested December 21 on a warrant al-egtni
1 errbezziement of 85J5.32 of the bank finds
r(J wr0 Tas subse-iuer.tiy released on S&00
bail per.d:,. a hearxg. waa re-arre.-ed to-
day. The warrant was sworn oui cy wm
rational tank examiner who has been in
vest, gating the bovks of the tan 1nc
Hayes' first arrvt. He i now charged
with violation cf the national banking act.
In that on November 14. '.St7, t. made a
false entry shomir.ava deposit Cy vv.
Py uslr.g I..-
iriou department of The
t a srcaU ezpenaa.
wbal tbey drtak
at lh
l!W"'!corf lavportaboa Cotnyrty
aVHior-Atorv rVlr!j
ace voa.
Commercial Agency Blaraea Hoarders
fnr Ti.ial
(oaaplete Iteatoralloa Iseaoaaa I poa
KTaalo Maaer aad ReTlral f
C'wwadewre Cisad F-Hee
for rroe.
NEW TORK. Jan. l.-The w-.thdrawal
bf S'JS.W.'Xfl from a few larg trust com
panies, precipitating a season of hoarding
and sending currency to a premium at a
i time when It was most needed throughout
,n runtry. I credited In R C. Dun A j
V Annual Renew or Trade. putMisneo
tcmorrow. with having been one of the
great factor In turning the year lT from
It promise of new records In prosperity t
a closing period of financial disturbance
that caused many plans for future exten
sions of business to be either abandoned
or postponed. The restoration of normal
condition, the review declares, depend
upon easier money and a revival of confi
dence, both of which r'tm nearer today
thn at any time sine October, when the
trtngeocy began. Whil fllure were fre
quent during the last quarter of the year,
the review point out that If the comparison
la carried back to prevlou period cf dis
tress there t much cause for congratulation
In tho Insolvency returns.
Text of the Review.
Th review say a. in part;
The r IW'7 started under auspicfs that
seemed bright beyond precedent and the
movsmerit of trade attained a velocity that
constantly promised new records of pros
perity. For almost ten months statistics
of ptdjction. bank exchanges, railway
eamlnn and other measure of commercial
activity compared favorably with any pre
vious year, and In many Instance th total
for tha twelve monta wis nemtr eclipsed.
Product of he farm ecllpd all former
record . hlgber prices mere than compen
sating for smaller crops of oim cereal
and cotton than in banner year. Immigra
tion and foreign commerce both exceeded
any frevioii year, gold In the treasury rooe
to 84l and the amount of money In
circulation per capita became greater than
ever before, despite a correction in th gold
estimate of tlJB.iKO snd an Increase In popu
lation to over as.94i.000.
Condition changed radically during th
last ten weeks of 1W7. the financial dis
turbance that started In October unsettling
confidence so complete'y currency corn
man. lad a premium and plana for future ex
tensions of business wer abandoned or
postponed. Failure were larger than at
any time since, tho crisis of the previous
dec ado, and a number of banks closed,
some of them only temporarily. Orders
T canceled and new contracts came to
the mills so slowly that forces were reduced
1 and production mau-rtallv curtailed
j Reatorxtiom of normal condition depends
M"! easier money and a revival of con-
nueni-w, ootn or wnicn seem nearer at nana
than at any time s nce October.
- .r u,i-
j Prob,b,T y(r .
without any sensationally high quotation
. . , . .. , ,
; .w..uv emr.uoin.i, ulfn naoituoni
, or money r.aa u not teen lor the heavy
trr cnVrl!,J. ,kT, ! J, 7 .
, avaiiabl regarding tua extent of this
;."l,k,"1 , ,h. h -iiir..
1 poten oankers that the cash wttx. drawn
1 from Nw Vor tMFkt ,on amounted to
I li-E.' and perr.aps four time aa much
throughout the country.
tneotvencie were not unusually numr-
: 'u In l7, deeplt looii Increase ut th
kut quarter, but as the year advanced
therw were more default of exceptional
J site, and llartllltles tn the fourth quarter
! ""'Y lu , m rU ,nrTm p-noa
1 4-.. 4.vnsiaenng in seventy or
the f nanclai disturbance and the inability
Of th banks to provide mercantile ac
commodatlon. It I extremely gratifying
that failure were not much mors rumer
ou. whilu tho comparative tightness cf the
j ,
mount or defaulted Indebte-
7 i
rrore striking when it I real-
', r.ow vastly in nation puaines naa
artl VA' n I a taa4 fin A r f m sr li-hilif ict tri
; n (unouI.t of c-lla) tnTO,Ved. the' mer-
j cantlla mortality In liL'7 waa comparatively
vrium of production. During the early-
( rrt of tne th,r. wa, rr..J! in.
, crease In output, the weekly active ca-
Industry had great confidence In the fu
ture because at no time was work sus
pended on the ptant at Gary. A to price,
moderate reductions occurred during the
closing mon'hs. but no general change
mi made In list prices of standard shapes
of steeL
Cod Price for Crops.
Although In many cases the .ize cf crops
In 1ST fell below some preceding years,
high pric- made the return to the farmer
i rr.ucii larger man ever oeiore. i a aome
counted for the high prices, notably In the
case of wheat, which foreigner were will
ing to pay more than 31 per bushel during
the closing months.
1 Not nn'v dlil the his-ll rr'ce a ri 1 to check
i shipments abroad, but the returns for No
vember snomel more than JnutnCO bushels 1
sent abroad, th first time arry montlily i
total mas a. large in over five year I
Aiding the value of cotton, meat, dairy I
prod-let, poultry, eggs and other items '
raised ty the agrtciiturallat, th year '
total attain the paeoomenal value bf 87,- I
4hn c 0f). !
Cotton has ruled at high poilon I
throughout the year, while th latest at a- j
t-silca of the crop indicate a yield of 12.
4a94 tale, or 10 per cent le than tee
high record established In the previous !
year. The oid crop year ended on Aurm
81, with the largest total ever harvested,
and with export exceeding ;! other year,
except l4i. aa to quantity, while the
average export price of 10 17 cents r
rsued thl year ra aed the total value 870.
". above th previou high-water mark,
established two years earlier, when the
average price wa about 3 cent, per pound
low er
Bla; Baalaeoa la Dry Gee da.
Conflicting influence united to pro lie
a year in ti.s dry good market which ha
been without precendent for th volume of
butir.est don hut wr.lch ha alto been
honeycombed with disappointment that re
duce the averagt of what might
I m'.se be regarded a a most successful monir.s. toon ani beyoni a.l 11
the tnereaaed trading which marked th
first ten month cf tn year In the ex-
port division the year ma one of decide !
retrogra-ie m n-ement. The ag.rgae cf !
exporte fall fr below that of !. wh'ei'
in t ira wa smaller than tne record year t
Aiti-.o-ga hides troka to lower figure,
than had been reached before in about
a decade. leather kept fairn- steady
throughout meat of the yar. The com
parative teauess cf ieatner vaiues has
been die almost entirely to the curtail
ment of production.
The year has been characterized as a
period of retrenchment in tne tho trade,
aad price hav undergon a redjutment
from ti top rate teat prava.led lat ia
C. t. Starker af Pert La ad. Ore.. Prta,
laeat la I.aaaber Trade, 34 ret
Death la Wyemlag.
GREEN RIVER. Wyo . Jan. 1 -C. C
Barker, a millionaire lurtter-ran of Port,
la tad. Or., waa killed by a train her today.
H waa ir.le retted In the lumber buatne.
at Wausau. Wis. Detroit. Mich, ar.d
Tower, Minn. W C. Eaxker, a son. will
accompany tut father's body to Portland.
Brenx.ger cf C7C45 oo that day when tr.o
mooey wag actually depcjlted on Novem
ber 8. Iiai7. It 1. also ctaiged that on De
etXBber 11. 1J7. Ha ye embezzled check,
aiaountmg to 84 TT 412. TT. cojrt placed
Hayss under aa aldit'onal c-irtd ef 11
I!y! ccnt'.injea t protest h's Innocence
j Al H. lak of tho World Probably
I Fatally Woaaded by a
! Prlatar. '
7T LOriS. Jan. l.-Alfred IfSp1nk. ed
Iterltor of the St. Lout WorM and provi
dent of th company publishing the same,
author of "The Derby Winner- and vefl
other play. nd formerly a rortlng writer
of national reputation. ws shot and. per
haps, fatally Injured ton.ght by Victor
Groves, aa employe, following an alterca
tion with William Spink, the editor son
Mr. Spink mas rushlrg to the retr cf tho
quarrel when Grove whipped out a re
volver and fired two shot, one cf them
entering rih.e editor' left "0'jlder nd pen
etrating a lung.
Orove surrendered to the pHlce Imme.
diatrly after the shooting It la allege,!
that Grove was under the Influence cf
liquor and William Spink requested Mm
to leave the office. The altercation became
violent and Mr Sptr.k. tn an adjoining
room, rushed ut to top the noise. Why
Groves f'.red at the editor In particular
has not been ascertained drove 1 a
Mr. Spink, who I SS years old, has been
In the newspaper buetnee mar.y year and
has acted a special correspondent for the
largest newspaper In th count-V In cov -erlng
sporting event of national Interest.
He -ted aa refere at many prise fights
Hts play. "The Derby Winner," Is said to
have required mora people and sees fry than
any ever produced, and white It attained
wide popularity, a compared with other
p!a of the period, the coat of carrying It
li so great that crow Jed house couli
not cover expense, and Mr. Spirk hs
tT 00 on the production.
Phllbla A Marahy add to tbo
Capacity of Omaha's Madera
Messrs. Phlihin A Murphy opened the
Sch'.iti note w Tear' eve by inviting
their fr.ecda to a dinner which has been
seldom excelled '.n Omaha.
The hotel has been completely remodeled
and appears In solid mahogaay and bird s
ey maple for finishings. The dining roon
and cafe are surrounded by art glass. The
hotel I modern.
More than 71Q attended th opening New
Year eve. The hotel served dinner with
a full menu for ail who accepted the in
Oslclals aased to Beareaeat the Coaa
paay ta Omaha Bad
! 6T. LOUIS. Jan. l.-(Special Tleg-am. -
Th Fnaco Railroad s)ilem announced the
fol.cwlr.g appointmenta today, effective
rr X: X E. ftt. genera, agent. F P.
Henneaaey. eorrunercial agent; D. A. Coz-
traveling freixht agent, head-
! quarter at lU Faruam treet. Omaha.
'rioOT innrsv nc TUt VC1D
! rinwl snnty I ur ink. iknn
oath Oaaaha Maa Take la Charge
for KlrklBg la Door of Woasaa'
George Herald cf South Omaha wa the
first victim of the Omaha police for the
new year, lie was arrested for kicking in
the door of the room cf Mable BurrU. 1214
Capitol avenue.
Bor Dies of Lockjaw.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D. Jan. l.-tSpe-
but his condition rapidly grew worse and
finally culminated In lockjaw. He .of
fered Intensely before death came to hlf
relief His mother Is a resident of Car
son. Ia, and she was summoned In time
to be with, him during hi last heirs.
BIs Dralaage Ditch Plaaaed.
SIOUX FALLS. S D., Jan 1 t Spe
cial . ) After having had the matter
under cnnsldermtion for some week, the
county commissioners of thl (Minne
haha) county have adopted a resolution
declaring In favor of a proposed mam
moth drain age ditch In the region Im
mediately north of Slous Fall. The pro
posed ditch will be one of tho largest in
th tat or northwest, and will be de
signed to drain about 50.000 acre of
very valuable farm land lying along lb
Big Sioux river. Tuesday, January 14.
has been fixed as the date for a meeting
to assess the damage and price of th
land which wiil be needed for th ditch.
It delteKtr
2j aSforAj
a4f wnw,4rm f r m. t k nut it ft-4
I lkeiv rifffr-4 vth film tow hmjtn tmmr.
- mmM April I llt4f toll B iWami
tut 4eA(pata,.4Ma. i a IA ttmstf mt m wm I fcawi4
ia tt vf ai m teB m4 A 01a
8411 Law AT Aai ftt Wttdl SBVA mmk A! i. C hM-flU
l1a. o
P Plel. fw9 T4TM Qfi t thtw4
Vnti ..citt. r ote-4 ft bc M. f wefar
m 4 I )... 7m fB B Va. toa)4 Q C
m rm im4 M er wc j w y Wdc4..
-Tli-m lawiy C., t M.T. MS