n, THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY, DECEMTtEU -31 . 1907. Want - ads Advertisement for tke waat o4 eeloma wit V taken (itil II a. fat the miln edition aa4 aatll p. m. far tke morning- Bandar editions. Cash mast aepompany all ororo for ant ads and na lOrrtlHrnnl will ha accepted far IfM tkaa lO cfH far fa flrat Insertion. Rata apply to cllkrr The Dally or Sander Hr. A I war eoont ale word a a llaa. Combtantleno of Initial or n ambers eonnt oaa ward. CASH RATES FOR WAJtT ADS. RROII.AR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per llaa, lO renin. Twa or mora reneecotleo Insertions, per line, B cents. Each Insertion made oa odd flays, JO rents per line. Vet. BO per llaa per moath. SPECIAL, CLASSIFICATION If year navertlsement la laaerted nnder any oaa of tha rlaaalflratloaa given elaw. It will he charged at the fol lawlac rateai - One Inaertlan, 4 eenta per line, three ta Bis eoneecntlre In sertions, 8 oeata per line earh Inser tlaa aereai or mora rooeeentlre laaer liana, a vent per line eaeh laaertloal eeata per llaa per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP -WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Areata, Solicitor and Sales ar. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cows, Birds, Decs and Pets. Horses aad Vehleles. Poaltrr En. Farnltare. Typewriters aad Sewing; Machines. Pianos, Orirans and Maaleal Instrn- menta. OFFERED FOR KENT. Faralahed, Raems. 1 asarnUhed Raama. lloasekeeplaa; rooms. Bearding- and Reams. WANTED TO BUY. Want ads far tha Beo mar be left at aay of the following drag; otorea one Is "rear corner drogglet" ther are all branch offices of The Bee and roar ad will he Inserted Jaat as promptly and oa the same rates as at the main office la The Baa Belldlaa-, Seventeenth and Far nam Streets. Albach. W. C. 4oth and Farnsm. Beranek. 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th St. Becht Fhsrmscy, 720 S. lth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Rcmla Park Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 8herman Ave. Caughlln, C. IV. bin and Pierce 8ts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. I., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake 8U. t'ermak. Emll. iaH-6 B. 13th Bt. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khler, F. H 2H02 Leavenworth. Foalnr ft Arnoldl, 218 N. 25th Bt. Freytag, John J., 114 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Oolriman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. , i ireenougb. G. A., 1026 S. 10th St. Oreenough, G. A., 124 8. 10th St. Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam Bt. Hanacom' Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 29th Hoist, John, KM N. 161 h St. Huff. A. I. 2924 Leavenworth St. Kin, It. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. , Knuntse Place Pharmacy, 3004 K 24th. Pgtrtok Drtg Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Iathmp, Cbarles E., 1P24 N. 24th St. Peyton. L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. , Schuster's Cut. Price Drug Co., 16th and i , ClilcaKO. Hcnaerer, aurust. swj. x. join oi, Schmidt. J. 11.. 24th and Cuming Sts. rorm I'liamtaov. ihiii ano Marina me. j.'alnut mil Pharmacy, nn ana uuming. ,'Wo. O. II.. 40th and Hamilton Bti. DrAbi awd FTJNERAL notices. BERkT Jennie F., daughter of Mr. and MrJ. H. Berry, December 29, 1907, aged ; yewrs. Funeiil from Sewsrd street Methodist Kplscoilal church, Twenty-second and Seward! streets, at 1:30 p. m., Tuesday, December 31. Interment at Forest Lawn. COB Henry T.. at 11 p. m., Sunday, De cember 23, 1907. 222 North Twenty-third si rest. . Funeral Tuesday. December 31, 4 p. m.,' from Unity church. Interment Ypsilanti, Mich. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charles Clark. U1 Dorcas, hoy; Balvator Caruso, 1211 Williams, hoy; Ed ward Thresher. 3S06 North Nineteenth, girl. Deaths Barney Stern, 2117 Grace. Infant; M-x Bandfelder. Wise Memorial hospital, 41. Helen F.Ilia Flock. 2964 Harney, 78; Mills Martage, county hospital, 30; lxrctta Kinney, 150K Corby, Infant; Charles Wilcox, JWP7 Seward. 70; 'Jennie V.- Berry. 2711 Charles. 32; Mildred Schwaser, Z573 Popple, ton avenue. Infant; Catto Marina, 301 North Eleventh. 68; Richard K. Seabrooke. XWi North Thirty-fourth. 2: Archibald Robinson 434 Lincoln avenue, 66: Edna Ogle, 2816 .Charles, 17; Helen Oliver, tbii North Twenty-seventh, 69: Olive Shrlver. 419 South Twentieth. 43: Cyntlm Bowman. 2017 Bln- ney. 76; Frederick W. 'Kleman, Presby terian hospital. 60: Henry C. Betterman. 2704 Farnam. 46; Harry C. Parkins, 318 North Forty-first. S3. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marrlago licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. ' Age JjOuIs B. Raymond, Fremont, Neb 29 Maud E. Wagner, Fremont, Neb. .mi Jlarley A. Caton, Crete, Neb May Bean, South Omaha George L Mattlngly. Omaha Bessie 'Adams, Omaha Harry A. Kestcr. Dexter, la Alta Williams. Earl. la Clarence R. Fogelatrom, Omaha.... Agnes II. Boyd, Oakland, Neb Albert Nelson, Centervllle, B. D Ionian Palm. Omaha Stanley B. SleK. Msrshalltown, la Ada (Twlsa. Omaha William E. Klrkendall, Omaha Eva Johnaon, Omaha Max Martins, Kmerson, Neb Dorothy SVhrocder. Emerson, Neb ...25 ...19 .24 ...22 . . . ...20 ...22 ... ...21 ... 29 ,...29 ... 23 ... 23 ... 29 ... 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, January 6, Mid-Winter Term, UOYLES BUSINESS COHJSGE AND TELEGRAPHY INSTITUTE OPENS. DAT AND NIGUT. Apply- for catalogue. Tel. D. l&l or ad dress H. B. Boylea, president, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. (!! TUB CTTT GARBAGE CO,, office 4th and Leavenworth tils. rL Douglas LSJ7. (D-90J SIGN PAINTING S. H. COLS. 1302 Doug las. l)-l ATTENTION. WOULD-BE DANCERS! Midwinter term of Morand's Dancing school brains Friday. January 3, 8 p. in. First lessons privately If deaired. We guar. BJitee to leach old or young perracuy in one course of lessons. Call or 'phone IHiug. l4L Entrance opposite Burwood theater. l)-M-4!H-Jan-6x AUTOMOBILES BEND for our Itift of second-hand automo biles. DKKIGHT. 11 Farnam. it'. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WILL exchange about 83.000 In first mtg DLr on Omaha properly for stuck gro ceries; slso good unimproved land fur idwi. Likuom Valley Land Co.. 53 Bee Bldg. - (3 M77U rOR SALE Or eschange, l0-acre lin proved (ami In Texas county, Mia.ourt; price llluv per acre; hu acres in Miasuukss Co., Micnuisn. ;'J' par acre. wnat have )0U to Ofteif T, A. Rake. Rake, BARTER AND EXCHANGE (I ctumued. HOW 8 THIS? STO-acre Improved ranrh In Wheeler Co . Neb., 6 miles to railroad town. 90 acres In cultivation (all can be cultivate, 101 ncree fenced and cross-fenced. Fair Improvements; dark, sandy loam with clay subsoil. Rents for $250 cash rent. Price $15 per acre. Mortgage. $1,200. five yearn, at per cent. Will trade equity for merchandise stock, live stock or town property. What have you ? WAIT INVESTMENT CO , 4'l Bee II Id. (3I-M541 4 FOR KXCHANOK Clear Arkansas farm, creamery and feed mill clear, farm In Nebraska. Writs Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la. (3) M578 J14x FOR BALE OR TRADE. South Dakota land for merchandise. Bradberry Bros., Hur ley, 8. D. (3)-M243 2x " ALlVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What have youT L 4. care Bee. '8) M127 I HAVE some clients who have aev eral nice farms and ranches to trade for Income property; send full description and price of your property In flrat letter. C. L. Brill, Emerson, la. (3-M:n Six I3-ROOM hotel, steam heat, gat. city water, and 6-room cottage. In a good Iowa town: sell or trade for land, city property or merchandise; hurry, this Is s snap. K. A. Messmore, 906 Avenue D, Council Bluffs, la. (3)-Ml7 WILL trade $:.00O (tilt-edge securities draw ing 6 per cent, pavable quarterly, for Im proved cltv or country real estate. 405 Brandeis Bldg. (3K-M7B0 Janl8 TRADES, TRADES If you have some thing for sale or trade write us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (8I-M218 J24 WANTED To trade, only drug-. store In northwest Missouri town of 300; also two best pieces of property, for good Im proved farm. Resson.. want to retire from business. Address Box 97. Rlgelow, Mo. (3 M250 IX EXCHANGE for diamond, best driving horse In city; black, weight l.OfA with or without runabout. Inquire 1113 Chicago Bt., Bennett's Coal yard. I3)-m;si JJ 30,000 EQUITY In Omaha acreage to trade for Rood, clear, western iseDra'Ka una Addresa E 713, Bee. (3) M433 J4x 320 ACRES Improved land, eastern Kansas, two miles to town: price. 150 per acre; clear; part trade, and will carry balance buck on farm. Address r tsfc. tiee. (S)-Mi.4 J4x WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? 268 ACRES of fine land In Kimball Co . Neb., 6 miles to U. P. R. R. Price JlO.Crt per acre. Mortgage, f 100.00. at 6 per cent. Will trade equity for anything worth the money. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 1 Bee Bldg. (3I-M539 31 LIST with me anything you have for trade. I can match it. G. II. Fawcett. Charles City, la. (3)-rM410 J3x I HAVE a prune ranch, clear? eleven miles from Portlsnd (Ore.) court house. Would trade for Improved 100-acre farm in Ne braska. Address K tS3, care Bee. (31-594 lx BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NKB. (4I-M172 J23X BUSINESS CHANCE A well established confectionery and Ice cream business in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colo.; a splen did chance for anyone who needs tha benefit of climate. Address Business, 103 E. Bijou St., Colorado Springs, Colo. (4)-M414 3x ROOMING bouaes for sale, from smallest to largest; can loan part purcnaue money. Osborne-Hanseii Cp., 441 Paxton block. 4)-M196 J7 FOR SALE Drug store In best town In southwest Iowa; beat location In town; doing splendid business; bargain for quick buyer. Address Lock Box 92, Tabor, la. (4)-M387 J3x FOR SALE My part furniture and fur nlshinga In all modern 60-room hotel. Balance of furniture goes with lease. Bar in connection also for sale. Only hotel In town of 2,600. J.. P. Mooney, Mlnden, Neb. (4)-M3S4 J27x FOR SALE Ice cream, confectionery and lunch room; fine fountain and fixtures, all- new this summer; doing good busi ness; town of 3.000 Inhabitants, south eastern Nebraska, five railroads:- larg building; reasonable rent. Will sell cheap, can't , stand Indoor work, or will trade for farm Implements and slock In southeastern Nebraska. Address Y208, Care Bee. (U-M3S3 J3x FOR SALE First-class restaurant and con fectionery combined; living rooms In con nection; town 6,000 population. Address Lock Box 106, Hisginsvllle, Mo. (4)-M242 2x FOR SALE Confectionery with factory splendid opportunity In growing town of 7.0U0; invoice ib.mju. Ada. liox 114. Kos well, New Mexico. (4-MJ41 2x FOR SALE Good, clesn stock general mdse. in the bent location In county a-at town. Well established business. No trade; cash. Addresa 8. H. Roml'k, Beaver City, Neb. (4) M204 Jan. 3x I WANT to sell my saloon at Blue Hill Neb., for cash only. 1 want to sell out on account of sickness. Box 604, Blue - Hill, Neb. (4) M.Xfl Jan. 4x FOR SALE Fine bakery; big business; best location In city; complete equipment; 2 ovens. 7 solid oak show cases, Viih rash register, electric fans, arc light, horse and wagons, candy furnace and everything complete to run a . first-dims bakery. Free from debt. Reason for selling, falling health. Rent. $'.'.). Ad dress J. Wheeler, 803 Frederick Ave., tit Joseph. Mo. 4 M8U6 ttx WANTED a partner sctlve or silent with SSiju In a money making business. Abso lutely no risk. Address Uni care Kee. U) M617 4x FOR SALE A well established drug store doing a good business; reason for selling, sickness In family. Address M. H. Wil son. Oakdale, Neb. (41 M436 Six TO BUY OR 8ELL a business quick, write Hlldreth, 4.9 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. (4i M8ii9 SPECULATORS. Investors, company Incor porating, stocks, loans, promoting, gen eral agents; business established: over 100 ix-r ceni iai eai, aiviaenas qusrieriy. 14. & Co., 004 btu Ave., New tork. (4) MiS2 7x ALL kinds of bargains In rooming houses; cash loaned if needed. Kelly ft Stone, iM .-Seville Diock; Douglas vo. (4)-MJ J18 FOR 8ALE-8tock of hardware. Invoicing about W.ooO; will glvs liberal discount for mil if sold uuick. or will take aood. un improved western Nebraska or Kansas land, at actual cash valuu, as part pay and balance In cash. Address Y 83. cars or Bee. (4J MS07 JlOx THIS IS A SNAP. Eighty acres in Missouri; will sell for casn or win traiie; title good and no e cumbrance. M care Bee. (3) M124 v E. G. GANGESTAD cah help you get In or oui oi Dusinesa. itoom iUi lice rlldg Omaha. (4) 908 W RITE me before buying or selling real estate ot any kind. Can save you money, T. W. Jackson. Iowa Falls. Ia. (4)-M4.- J4x FOR SALE A good paying two chair bar ber shop and bath room in country town. D. V. Domlrguei, Grimes, Ia. (4) M200 Six FOR SAE-Good livery stock in a lively town of 1.2U0; only $1,500, worth il.SoO; good trade. Addresa C. H. Storkdale, Wood River. Neb. (4) M2u8 Six FOR SALE For cash, first-class restaur ant: best city In Oklahoma; nets $n,MX) to $7.0(0 a year; sickness cause of selling. F. M. Houghton, Bartlesvllle. Okla. (O-MJ08 tlx FOR SALE Furnished hotel. 21 rooms, good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri son House, Meadow Grove, Neb. (4) M592 L'x DP.liG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest. 7u; N. Y. Lie, Omaha. (40) 90J Don'l Hiink you have rcaclied lhe limit ol your capac ity unlil you have seen what BEE want-ads have in store tor you. BUSINESS CHANCES tConunuefl-l FOR TRADE? 26.0"0 shsres oil stock. What have you? 3120 B St., South Omaha (4) 229 lx OAS found and Indications of oil on my farm nesr Sourls. If Interested to help develop prospects, address the owner, H. Dlxon, Sourls, N. D. (4) M3S8 J3x FOR SALE 13,000 note secured by first mortgage on land near Omaha, sold for IH.OOO, Interest per cent. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam. (41672 1 AN UP-TO-DATE new drug business; oak llxtures; doing good paying busi ness. Address No. 241, Mason City, la. (4) M"8 6x BUSINESS DIRECTORY- Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. 6)-W. Chattel Loans. Chat. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (6) u Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 2. 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. (6) 810 Dentists. BAILEY ft MACH, 3d fir. Psxton. D. 1085. (5 916 Dressma k In a. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; sewlns by dav In families; good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Web. 1809. (5)-M561 J14s MME. Doug. WOODRUFF, 6170. 223 Neville. Tol. (6) M367 Jll IN FAMILIES Mies Sturdy, Tel. Harney 1368. 5) 912 SHIRT WAISTS and party dresses. 2011 N. 20th. (6I-M852 J6 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1H23 Fa?, nam St. (5)-913 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, lth and Harn.y (6) 91' VTorlstn. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (6) 911 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1261 ) 917 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. (6) 91 Jewelers and 'Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry rspalrlDg. 2-3 Paxton Elk. Tel. 4.V57. (61-914 locksmiths. KEYS, etc.. Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (61-830 Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers. loose leal devices and omce fixtures ana sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 80S 8. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6662. (6) M388 Jll -V Mneie and Laaaraagrea. PIANO lessons In your home. 'Phone weDsier zcn. ii Photog-raphera. TRUBSELL, 115 - South B. Wth St (61924 Shoo Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., flrst-eMss woik. 161 8H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red H94. (5 -5 SHOES repaired right, called for -and de- nverea tree, ptannara noe Kepmr o., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 757. t5-M9! Osteopathr. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. Lv Tel. D. 1B4. ' lt HI Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tet. Doug. 6370. (51-M7&4 -T3 Printing. EVER SToifTO THINK of the time ?ot poking up the average printer when you want a Job in a nurry: Kver try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. Printers and Office Furnishers, 80H-312 South 19th St. v Tliones: Bell, Douglas 6C2; Ind.. A162. (6) M169 Jan5 BEFORE placing your 191 calendar order ooivt ran to see our elegant importea line. Lyngstsd ft Jorve, printers, ISth and Capliol Ave. (o)-92S Safes, Shutters, Etc.. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spf dally of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen. Prop., 102 S. unh St (5-9?I HELP WANTED FEMALE and Vf Factory r rod re. WANTED--A lady Anchor Pub. Co., Lturdon press 'JiM S. Hth bt. feeder. (71-M771 Housekeepers and Domestics, WANTED Girl for general housework; family of four. Tel. Harney 2S66. IWJ Cal Itornla. (7) M7 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family of three. See (.'apt. buchan, room 1 Army Bldg., 2 to 4 p. m. (7) M18J WANTED Competent girl 'or general housework. Good wagt-s 1819 Cass St. Phone Harney WM. (7) M181 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1902 Farnam. Child's nurse, $6. Girls for general housework, $5 to $C. Cooks, from $5 to $7. Housemslds, $5. (7) M437 Jl WANTED A good cook for private family: no laundry; must be reliable; also a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest K. Hart, 6U 3d Si., Council Bluffs. 7) 190 GIRL for housework; no washing, no cook ing. 1328 8. 81st Et. l7)-227 lx WANTED An experienced girl for gen. eral housework; good wages, small fam ily. Call on Mrs. Steel, 1318 So. udth Ave. (7)-238 WANTED A woman for general house work, no washing. In small family; refer ences required. Alio a nume girl, with references. Apply to Cspt Cunningham, Fort Omaha. (7) 4i3 $0 WANTED Girl for general housework. 'Wit Mason St. 'Phone Harney lu4. (7) 396 J3 WANTED Good woman cook for ranch In Wyoming; good wages and permanent place. Tel. H. 270. (7) 427 Sox WANTED Capable girl fc Mrs. R. 8. Hall. Clil Fa for housework. mam St. Tel. Harney 3M. (7) 580 4 WANTED experienced second girl; apply 3210 Farnam atreet. (7) 418 30 WANTED girl for general housework 220U F St., South Omaha. (7) 4)7 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. J. B. Rahm, 1106 8. 31sl St (7)-4J3 80 WANTED Girl for general housework snd nurse girl. Reference required. Jail Harney. Tel. Harney 23). (7)-M51 WANTEI Girl for general Apply 5-7 N. Win 81. housework. (7)-M5l9 a HELP WANTEDr-FEMALE ttonsckeeprre and Domestics Cont'd TOUN'O girl to assist In housework. Mrs. W. M. Jackson. 16 J8 Castellar 8t.Mjj f GIRL for general housework. 2414 FTank- GOOD woman cook for work on Wyoming rsncb: good wages; peraawniprnv. Tel. Harney 3;0. (7)-4WS 81x GIRL for general housework In small family; good wages. lJi'B So 3th Ave. (7) M o"7 S BFAITTIFI'IJY furnished, all modern, steam heated rooms; always warm. 218 No. 23d St. 16)-MS21 1M Iscellaneoas. WANTED An old lady; good home snd small wages. Mrs. J. W. Plymsle, New Helens, Neb. 0;M4llJx HELP WANTED MALE' Areata, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen In every Nebraska city for specialty line. Goods guaranteed; demand increasing and permanent. High gtade, ambitious men only. National bales Co., 427 Hamge Bldg., Omaha. (9) MS07 J4 GENERAL AGENT wanted to engage afid manage house to house demonstrators; must be experienced and furnish high class references. Address The De Merldor Co., Box 264. New York;. (9) MB11 31x Faetory aa Trades. POSITIONS for drug men everywners, F. V. Kniest. iu? xm. n. iue, utnana. ()-M0 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, will equip ahop for you or furnish position!), few veeJcs completes, constant practice, careful Instructions, tools given. Satui- ' day wages, diplomas granted. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 g. 14th St. (9)-M393 J2X WANTED A good all round blacksmith and horseshoer; married man preferred; good Job year round; with experience. Taylor & Seymour, Fullerton, Neb. (9) MG10 6x M Iscellaneoas. HUSTLERS wanted everywhere; $25 to fiiO mane weekly distributing, circulars, over seeing outdoor sdvertlHlng. New plan. No canvassing. Merchants Out-Ioor Adver tising Co., Chicago. (9) MJ1 J3x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Hallway Training Ass n, 620 Paxton BIk., oinana, reD. l) 244 Jans HOW are you using your evenings? There is no better way than to attend a goou n'.-.lit school. Our classes In penmanship, bookkeeping. stenography, mechanical and architectural drawing, show card writing, business arithmetic, commercial law and others are the best. Term opens J miliary 6. Enroll at once. Y. M. C. A., 17th and Harney. (9) M619 6 U. S. Navy wants young men between ages of 17 and 16; men with special trades accepted up to 35 years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. fay sis to 170 per montn. prac tlcally clear of living expenses. Free illustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Man-o'-Warman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, umana, ixeo. ik; uiis jan zx FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. 622 New York Life iJldg. . ; (9) Mo0 J28 a uuuu DiacK-raes comedian that can change for a week; other specialty art ists can; also good traveling doctor that is registered In Nebraska. "The Olivers." room 59. Windsor hotel, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Tuesday. (9) 69 Sox HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Educated men and women ca pable of earning from $300 to $400 per month to sell . the new INTERNA TIONAL ENCYCI5PEDIA In Nebraska. South Dakota and western Iowa. In quire at 718 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb , (10) M569 31 WANTED First and second cook, prefer ably man and wife, white; janitor, white, tor Institute work. Call 2 to 6 afternoons except Sunday. Miss Morehouse. 1009 4th Ave.. Council Bluffy. . (101 M593 lx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ONE 2-sfSt, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; oie or two hoi sea Cume in. The Hartley tit. Stables. UD-931 Poultry and Eajga. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. - (U)-M;u; j j SCREENINGS $1.26 per cwt Waner8oi N. 16th. (Ill Al-15 A FEW R. C. Rhode Island Red cockerels will be sold for $1,0D each before Janu ary 1, 190S. D. W. Rich, Mt. Pleasant, la. (1D-M.03 31x Cons, Birds, Dogs and Pets. SCOTCH collie puppies; most fashionable breeding; price $i0. When yu want ono write me. A. G. Rehse, Stewart. Mini. ' lUi-M.186 J3k FOR SALE One pair of blood hounds! These dogs are trained and are healthy for price wanted. T. B. McDonald. I.a vlna, la. (11) M3S9-J llx LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hansen, tipi.olsteri.ig and fur niture repairing. loU I',, nth. Tel W. i'.V it i 509 J a LOST Emerald pin with 3diamondv; le turn to 320 N. l'Jlh; reward. (12)-693 30 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for nren. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman tic McCountll Drug Co , Omaha. (131-833 ANY poor girl in need of a frier.a call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for yv'omen at arjt N. iittb St. Omaha, Neb. 1J)-M1J6 FREE medical and urgl-'al treatment at (.reigmon Medical college, 14tli and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phont Douglas LfiT. Calls answred day or night. 13)-1? MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AHD CHATTELS DO YoTfWANT to start the NEW YEAR right? Do you want to pay up your lanukird. grocer, doctor or anyone you owe and pay all In one place? See the OLD OMAHA MORTGAGE; sixteen years here-lliat mesns reliability. OMAHA MORTGAGE IX)AN CO.. Ill Board c; Tiade Bldg., 16th St Entrance. (14) 371 Monev i LOAN-LOW RATE lu sums to 310 Bee Bldg. Phono Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. U4)-H Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day askad tor at small coat Ovn evenlugs till S.iu. O-iJ-W MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattels Caatlaaed. FOR A SQUARE DEAL TO THE PROENIX CREDIT GO CO. For Chattel or Salsry Loans. 403 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 74$. 114) 939 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; rasy pay ments. Offices In a principal cities. Tol bian, room 714 New York Life Bldg. ,! S3 FURNITURE, live stock salary loans. vunr ureen Loan Co., room s. Barker Big. (14)-943 CHATTEL, salary and storage' receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 15o4 Farnam St. (14-t43 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) SI0 NEBRASKA Credit Co., 4 Hoard of Trsda (14) M4T8 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. . VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. 15 4t DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (lo-4S WARM, pleasant room, good table board. tor two gentlemen; tine location. Tel. Red 6171. . . (151709 BOARD and room, close In, one large room. sunaoie tor two; also one single room references required. 114 South 19th St. (16) Mo20 6x BEAUTIFULLY furnished southesst room snd alcove bedroom, or suite for light housekeeping, private family; Hanacom park, district. mone Harney i.i. (1S)-M438 J4 Furnished Rooms. WB DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas K26. Schmoller ft Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. - , (16)-94t OMAHA VAN A Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; atorehouae 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 19U9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (16 947 FRONT ROOM, first floor, bedroom ad joining; desirable for two or more; also other rooms. 218 N. 19th. (16) M148 31x FINE furnished front room, new. modern brick, strictly first-class, electric lights, 'phone, steam heat, 810 a month.. 26uS Dodge St. (15) 6.'8 "THE ONLY SYSTEM" to get the best rooms. Come and see us. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY, Tel. Doug. 3SS1. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. . (15) M618 31 x A SUITE of steam heat. 2Hth St. furnished rooms, modern. Tel. Harney 2708. 818 So. (16)-M432 J4 HOMELIKE front room, elegantly fur nished, excellent location, private family; gentlemen preferred. Reasonable to right party. 'Phone Webster 328. (16)-M42 31 x HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 884. (15)-m. SOUTH front room In warm modern brick bouse for gentleman. 2208 Douglas St. (16) MJ!45 2x FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping and sleeping, walking distance, modern. 2024 Webster St. (16) M7M 31x NICH modern rooms for gentlemen. 113 8. 20th St. (16) 372 FRONT room with alcove; also single room; excellent table board. 123 8. 26th Ave. . (15) 366 3x LARGE, newly furnished, modern front room; private family. 2404 Capitol Ave. . (16) M413 8.x. SEVERAL nicely furnished rooms, all mod ern, with board; 10o Georgia Ave., Tel. Harney 8600. (15) 418 Jan3 FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms; modern, warm and neat; 324 North 17th st (15)-429 30x FOR RENT Nice furnished sleeping room, modern, steam heat; and bath. The Lin ton block, 917Vi So. 13th street, flat 4. (15)-128 30 NICELY furnished room, strictly modern; house close to car line. 28S5 Miami. (16)-629 30 DESIRABLE rooms. 218 N. 19th. (151570 4x DESIRABLE, newly furnished south room. In strlctlv modern flat; hot water heat, elcjctrlc lights, etc. 24C6 Harney. (151-671 lx WHEN yon write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. LARGE front rooms In a modern house. close In. 403 N. 19th St. , (lb)-!i 5x CLEAN rooms, modern, $2 to $3 per week. 230 North 19th St. (16) Mbl3 bx Unfurnished , Rooms. TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; housekeeping privilege. 2220 Chicago St. (16)-426 30 BEAUTIFUL connecting rooirm, modem house, everything new. .641 S. 26th Ave. Tel. Douglas 545 (15) 228 1 Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT Five-room modem flat. 311$ Leavenworth. (15j Ja$64 Housekeeping Rooms. ' TWO or more rooms, furnished. 1712 Jsck eon. (15)-57S 4x TWO, three or four rooms, en suite, parlor floor; furnished or unrurnisnea; airiciiy modern. 6C0 S. IStli St. (lil-374 J2x TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for houseaeeping; pnone in ouuoo. toct nar ney r't. tlbi-eoi Honses and Cottages. FOR RENT. HOC Park Ave., all modern $35.00 At, Plnkney, J rooms, modern except furnace lOOU So. 28th. 9 rooms, modern 46.00 AI.F C. KENNEDY, '" 1st National Uai k. 05)-M533 51 CHEAP RENT-WARM HOITSES. 7-r.. house, rsii Evans..) $12 M 7-r. house. 4713 Davenport l& 'H 10-r. house, mod., 2SU Hickory 80.09 J. H. PARROTTE. 32J HOARD TRADE, (15)-1 I'M N. 23d, 9 rooms, all modern, southwest - corner Burt; close to car and stores. 2201 Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat. 112 S. iStli Ave., city water; one block north of Farnam car; close In; 6 rooms. Near 3th and Ames. 6 rooms, new. ' Phone Douglas 2152 for others. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 New York Life Building. (1I-MS95 4803 N. 24TH ST., rooms, modern except furnsce iZ2. 2504 Blondo, 8-room, all modorn except fur nace $J0. 6M South 27th St.. 12 rooms, all modern $60. $919 N. 23d St., ( rooms. $18. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. (1)-M410 FOR RENT 8-room modern brick resi dence. 1128 B. $lt St; $33.00. Thomas Brennan, Room L, New York Life Bldg. (15) MI4 8-room house modern throughout location the beat in town. JIG 8. $5th Ave. Tela, phone Douglas 186S for particulars. Wm. fa. Bodemann. (15-bU8 4-ROOM house snd bsrn. 409 William Bt.. in rear. $13; 8-room house, city water In .kitchen, 1418 N. 24th St.. $18; barn. 1414 N. t4th St., $3. Chris Boyer, fcd snd Cum- (15)-MJo3 OFFERED FOR RENT Honors and Cettagee Caatlaaed. FOR RENT S3 N. 19th, 8 room, modern Krlck house, 3 00. Sft?K Fsrnsm, 7-room flat, modern except best. CHAS. L. SAUNDER8, 31 B. 1th St. (16I-M409 TTriT-tC'Tr'a rn all earts of the city LLJ U OAJO Critn Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg. (161966 Msggard Van ft Storage Co.. 1711 Webster. (1S)-9W FOR RENT 4J08 North 24th St., six rooms, modern except furnace, 22. et6) 857 XlWUorjO .ri,it l t-. y. Life Bldg. (15i- FCR RENT. 26th Ave. and Srrague, six rooms, nicely papered, new. during winter, $1. S017 Miami, five roomi, inoderr., with barn. trs. C. G. CARLBERG, 811 N. T. Mfe Bldg. . (15) M146 HOUFF" - j, Rlngwalt. Barker Illk. -if- (16) IM0 FOR RE, l' C-room cottsge; good cellar; east front; south part of city; 312 00 per month. C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red ' ?9. 08)284 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Pros.. 1604 Farnam (15) M61I 8-ROOM modern house, 71fi Hickory St, also 6-room, 7V2 Hickory St. Inquire 907 So. 17th 8t. (15)-879 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, 414 North 31 st St.. 836. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Building. (15) 953 FOR RENT. live Park Ave., all modern 136.00 2W6 Plnkney, t rooms, mod. ex. fur nace 22.60 1050 So. 28th, 9 rooms, modern 46.00 ALF C. KENNEDY, 20 1st National Bank. U51-M530 31 ONE 7-room modern flat, 1714 Charles St.. 830. One 4-room flat above store, 1709 N. 24th St., 112.60. 4015 N. Kith St., 9-room house, $18 e month. (15) 618 1 8-ROOM house, modern, with hot water heat. Apply 29jePoppleton Ave., (Id) b x 8-ROOM Modern, near high school, reason able rent, 318 Norm zm; pnone Ken w. (16) M521 8-ROOM modern except heat, $17. 1462 8. I7tn. Key 1464 a. litn. (!! ix 2910 S. 24T1I ST.-S rooms; modem. Tel. Red 21)60. (15)r-36o lx 17S1 VAN CAMP AVE. 7 rooms, water and gas, $15. Apply 3451 So. 15th St. (15)-M412 STRICTLY first class room modern house, newly painted. $20. 2813 Seward. Key next door. (16) 419 30x REDUCED RENTS. 1841 N. 24th, 4-room $13 TURRELL ft CO., R. 17, Patterson Bldg. , (lb)-M558 SIX ROOMS and hall, all modern, 812 S. 87th St. Inquire at 703 8. 18th St. (15)-M536 31x 11-ROOM modern house; convenient for 2 families. ZXm Lake St. inquire at the rear. (15) M6o4 6 OfBces. FOR RENT. Two fine, large office suites in the Con tinents! block, choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. (15) 783 FOR RENT Office room No. 7, Crounse block (opposite postofflce) $3 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge St. (15)-M878 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office. City Hsll Bldg., 417 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 184 GROUND floor office In Bee building for rent. Very cheap. Peters Trust Company. (15) 218 A FEW rooms yet to be hsd In the Bran dels building. Apply John L. Kennedy, J. L. Brandels ft Sons, Bankers. (16)-02 Jl Sts FOR RENT 8tor4 for groceries and meats; , building 40th and Cuming Sts.; a location where $10,0(0 net has been made in Ave years. 8. D. Mercer Co., Suite 222 Pax ton Bik. (15) M534 31' STORE room, southeast corner 12th and Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 5539. (15)Z-M857 J-8TORT and basement, 22x100, 1008 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (15) M587 ONE store room in new Scargo Bldg. In Bouth Omaha, near postofflce. with lighted basement, modern show windows and swnlngs; best possible location. Hall Dis tributer Co.. 817 First National Bank Bldg., 'Phone Red 7408. (1S)-9S2 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6o per foot. !06 N. 17lli St. Tel. Red SU (161943 Fnrnltaro. ALMOST new , Stelnway grand plsno, library table, mahogany chefnoner. rock ing chairs, sanitary couch. Singer sewing machine, rugs; must be sold; owner leav ing city. "Phone Douglns Ci82. H61-M147 31x . rianos, Organs, Hastens Instrameats. GREAT SACRIFICE OF 100 NEW AND SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS Stelnwsy, Steger, Emerson. Hardman. A. B. Chase. McPhall. Kurtxman and scores of others. New sample pianos, $118. $136, $148 snd up. Used upright pianos, Including Kimball, Chlckerlng. lvers ft Pond. Everett and others. $75. $S6. .$90 and up. Square pianos, all makes, $15, $25, 35 and up. New and usd organs. Including Mason ft Hamlin, Kimball, Story A Clurk and others. $8, $12, $22 and up. These prices will onlv prevail till De cember 31, so you must csll. or write Monday or Tuesday. One dollar cash and 50c to $1.00 weeklv wlll bring a piano to your home. Call, write or telephone Douglas 1625. . Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311 ft 1313 Farnam Bt. (16) M561 PIANO with Angelus player, first-class con dition, good ss new; will sell tor less than half price. L04 Farnam St. (16)-842 Janl9 Typowrttera and Itnlsg Machines. FOR SALE High grade second-hsnd type, writer: good condition; a bargain at W0. Call room 60$. Bee Bldg. (16)-471 . Mlaeellaaeons. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock st lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed, inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., $13 B. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 68L lib) M 0! FOR BALE 1,600 feet second-hand wire cable. W. 11. linages, engineer tira Hidg. US) Mid x XMAS prssent, Redpath's History Ency clopedia nrinaiuca, nimieri oui., monthly payments. Megeath's Stat Co. (IS) ami Jl FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. bruuswloa.-Balke-Colleada'r, 407 B. 10th at vw-m OFFERED FOR SALE Mlarellaneoaa-rontlaaed. BEND U8 your mall orders for drugs freight paid on $10 lote. Myers-DHlea Drug Co., Omaha. 416) 67 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $1$ orders; cstslogue free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (11) 911 ScilULzlT& 13LATTEKT Newsdealers and Stationers. Subscriptions received for any periodical published. A large variety of Christmsg snd new yesr cards. Ill So. 15th St. Tel. Red 4l (16-M900Jt FOR FALK Several show casea, new pes nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Olobe iand M Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. )-965 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wh' ' tall, "herman ft McConnell 16th and Dodge St. Omaha Net , ,. SECOND-HAND overcoats and -. ra Rineer. 414 N. 18th. IRON BAFK. nice slse, suitable for .s,-e ot Office, xtro. sue jNonn join. j, BH ER WI N-W I LLI A MS CO. belt mlxea paint Sherman ft McConnell Dross Co. (WH-870 HALL'S safes, new, id-hand. 1818 Farnsm. (16) 777 HAT $6 per ton. Wagner, $01 N. lMhv , (l)-775 PATENTS D. O. J INELL, patent attorney and mas chine d signer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7tl7. (17)-7 LARSON ft CO Book free, I Neville Bids; U7-7 PATENTS THAT PROTECT t booki fol Inventors mailed on receipt of 8o postage, R. 8. ft A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-89 Paclfle. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 19. W 977 PERSONAL IDEAL hair parlors, 804 Neville Bk., 181a and Harney. Tel. Douglas 818S. (Id) 84386 Dec 31 f AnN'RTTCtretramt nd " " (18) 860 Lleben. costumer, 1C0 Howard, open sva. (U)-12f A GENTLEMAN (single) owning uni ttj running a line Dome in tne city wit competent reliable help wishes let Other gentlemen (single) to Join wltrt him and share expenses equally (abouS $50 each per month); object hign class home for each man at moderate expense; only high-class men considered (prferably college men); best of rej"r ences given and required. Address D 6U Bee. 418) M857 FAIR, healthy, satin skrn Testowed b satin Skin cream aua satin ekia rowaer, 25c. (18) TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha al strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms. 1614 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise erslsted. (18)-16 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by lniill; cut rices. Send lor free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 17 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-ofl clothing; in fact, anytning you ao not ' need. We collect, repair and sell at 111 N. Hth St., for cost of collecting to the worthy po.ir. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and '' wagon will call. (18-788 WE RENT, repair, soil needles for 014 sewing mschlnes. meD. cycle io cor. 15th and Harney. (l8)-888 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1S4 N. :'4tr.. Tel. wen. stms, (18)-9S1 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Rarng Building. uo J GENTS' and ladles' costumes. 3318 8. 30th. . yea. fO ....iru HACK. ii aoT.lln&A - REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALF.R9. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st door N. T. Life. , Douglas 1781. . (18)-8a JNO. T. BARTLETT, 221 1st Nst. Bk. Bldg. (19) MZ47 janzsx OEOItGE ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tet Douglas 1 u) r PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Life Bldg. " till) v CITY ritOPERTV FOR 8 ALU 8-ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT $2,500 Four blocks from Farnam car line. 11 miles from poHlofllce; house alone cost $3,000. See us at once If yoii want this. Call Harney 2044 if you want us to show you this properly New Year day. . J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1606 Farnam St (19)-M61 31 ALL BARGAINS. R-rooni modern house 83 6-room modern cottage 12 6- room modern cottage $2. 7- room new modern house.... $3 i SEARS. C21 N. Y. Life "Bldg. Red 3773. (19) (Tt) St LIST your prsiierty with Clirla Boyer. and Cuming Sts. U9) tt K600 ' will huv elegant 8-room modern hnma 414 N. 31st ft; east front; paved streer . permanent sidewalk; beautiful lawn; largf (hade trees. Easy terms If necessary. 1 , THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Lite Blinding. ) . (U)-S THE REED ABSTRACT CO., eaUbllshed 1856. Prompt service. Get our prices, ; 1710 Farnam (19) M1J8 , FOR SALE A house; cheap; must go at any price, a. :itn Ave. (19)-M691 31s fJEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST Pfl k CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (W-893 $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., Hth and Farnam. (22)-M998 SACRIFICE SALE VACANT LOTS Here Is the greatest bargain In Omaha, 4 lots. 46x140 each, east of 37th St.. 4 blocks from Farnam car line, only $325 per lot, or $I.2U) for all. Think of It! Its in West Farnam district. IK. miles from postofflce, only $7 per front foot. Call Harney 2044 If you want us to show you this property New Year's day. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1605 Farnam St. (19)-M817 $1 REAL ESTATE FARM A HANCH LA 74 US FOR BALM Nebraska NEBRASKA FARM LAND3. Crop payment plan; two crops pay foi land, while the land is doubling m value NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. 581-5H3 Brsndels Bldg. (20)-M40$ GOOD FA RM FOR 8ALe! 1H0 Aiies in I'eralns county. Nebraska Black loam, no sand: 130 acres umU-rcult! vstlon and all tillable. Improvements sr all new and consist of t-room house, barn granaries and other outbuildings, 3 well 'nitriil)l and orchard. One-half mile fronf Madrid; Neb., on the B. ft M. R. It Price $35 an acre. Trims can be ar ranged. PA) NE. BOSTWICK ft CO.. Bole Agents New York Llfu BUIg. (i)-Mu5 21 Mexico. ' ' FOR BALE Tract 2M.000 acree heavy tint her land In South Mexico, $2 60 per aore, $1 after January. For particulars writ Taomae Dlller, Bartleevllle. Okla. aj ! M " 7 .1 i f I