10 THE OMAHA DAILY HKEi TUESDAY, DECEMBER fll. 1M7. JEAST AND SUTTON CASE. ON AUeffLand Frauds Open Stuion of Ped.Ttl Court. GUELET CLJrCTS TO THE CHARGE r rHllRf Atlmrr Rash Waa4 Tkmh Acavr VarUit la Grass ta Castas ' . f.i .. Jarr. TTi tinltcA Hatva district court resumed ( sssloris Monday morning- aftsr a two weeks vacation, with JuJa;s T. C. Muns;er on tha bench. Tha caa of the United tsUs against Parry A. Teaat and Harry SuMon tinder todfctmmt for conspiracy to defraud tha ITnitad State out of larfa tracts of land Ih Grant county by means of false. frnudnlent and fictitious filings and tor eoBsplrary te suborn perjury In tho mattar of such firings, was taken up. Ths alleged data- af the conspiracy la during: tha year Mr Tha Jury empanelled to try tho eaaa was selected by It o'clock and constat of these meal - i Oeorge A. Anderson of Waverly, A. R. Archibald, Martin Danham, M. A. Snow, Oortii Roth, 4V HL George of Omaha: Dan lel Bftflsy of Springfield; Fred Bud wis; of West Point; John V. Newell of Bearer Crossing; Gserg M. Miller of South Au burn; Benton Mellott of Auburn and Wil liam ZHigdala of Pawnee City. Tha remainder of tha petit Jury was ex cused for tha present term of court. ' Tha opening- statement to tha Jury was mada by United States District Attorney , Oosa, followed 'by tha examination of the Jurora, Both defendants were In court and upon arraignment entered a plea of not sruilty." . Rank Reviews the ladletsaeat. Assistant' Attorney General S. R. Rush, who will have charge of the trial of the case for ' the government, then made an analytical review of tha Indictment, stat ing what the sjrorsrhrAent expected to prove,' Which" was In 'substance the wvldence would show that Perry A. Yeast and Harry Sutton bad procured a number of old sol diers from the Qulncjr (111.) Soldiers' home to eater ' large tract of land In Grant county and elsewhere, that the selection of these lands wsa left wholly to Tsast and Button and- that the soldiers had never lived on the land, fror ' did they ever In tend to; that a number of soldiers' wid ows bad' beeri secured to make similar filings with a like understanding; and that these widows, or at least two of them, had been, taken out to the vicinity jf the lands . about thirty - days prior to making final proof and that they were entertained there by the defendants, who paid them $1 per dsy while they were there; that the w!dor ' and soldiers never brought any personal property Onto tha land, nor did they ever Intend to. i The attorneys ' for the defendants are - Messrs'. Ourley A. "Wood rough. In his opening statement to the Jury Mr. Ourley Charged that Mr, Rush might have made a plainer statement of the real facts of he case and that Mr. Hush's purpose In "' through the heavy verbiage of ment which he himself had drawn to mystify tha jury. The In "Igns only these two defend ' conspiracy. If any. charged f other partlea were equally t ie defendants, Taast and '. are guilty. We do not are specifically charged e have to disprove. Nor v the evidence is In." Irfut Week. ' '& that the trial would ee r portion of the week and ,.ioi was asked until X p. m.. , a--tha arrival of Important witnesses, d not yet been- able to reaoh Omaha. fo Monger said;' ntlemen of tho Jury, the court will not e that you be kept together In this But I want to. caution you regarding conduct during this trial. Tou are 0. converse with any one or let any allc to you about this case. Tou will tor the court any threats that are regarding what your verdict may be, r by the government or any outsider. i court will protect you. Tou will not L u any opinion regarding the case -until .. the. evidence . has been heard In this Tt-" ... 'he admonition, given the Jury by Judge , anger Is regarded as significant from . fact that In most of the previous land ' als the Juries were kept together con - intly during the trials, and were kept der the closest surveillance by the gov Viment, lest ' an effort should be made tamper with "the Jurora by Interested unds ef the defendants. Twa ' jrwdKM Wltaeeees. he only witnesses examined Monday aft' f obn were' Judge' W." W. Wood, the pres- "register of the' Alliance land office, who $k eeeded Bruce Wilcox as register, .under . m the alleged fraudulent filings are to have "been made, and Judge John Helie, register of the land office at Broken - Bow. 'The testimony of these witnesses wa Imply to Identify' the land office records sf their respective xfI1ees, which were In troduced In evidence. Judge Reese was sti! n the 'stand when a recess wss taken at ' o'clock until Tuesday morning at 1:30 'clock. -- V. PUMf. to: boosj irrigation Maehtae ToateW aa Meaaa af Hevela ; ilealsla-ar System ae Opealaa; Thoasands at Acres. X. Clsm Deliver In charge of the tand- seekers 'Information bureau of tha passen ger department of the Burlington Is In communication, with a Urge Wisconsin con cern manufacturing a new pump which tha pompany maintains should be able to revo luttonlse the system et Irrigation In many laces in the west, especially In Wyoming where ell and coal for fuel may be had t a slight cost. "If this pump will do what the firm hums it will do' K should be able lmmedl gtelr to throw open thousands of acres of valuable land to cultivation," said Mr. Dea er. "The pump has new features by which It is able to lift an enormous amount of water at a small expenditure of power. They claim they- rn lift twice aa much water ae four times the aame amount of power would lift with any othsr pump. "If they eaa carry out their claims It will be easy -to and plenty of land on which to work' tbelr pumps. In western Nebraska there 'are Immense 'stretches of land on whloh water might be pumped from neigh soring .streams with Just such a pump Itiey Say they can lift water from a depth of 'seveaty-flve feet and carry It aa high as necessary- - The water will not have to be lifted any such height. Soms of ths greatest fruit lands of the world can be ir rigated'' by - such a machine. There are . stretches -1M Wyoming.- completely ' sur rounded and' protected by mountains which would respond rapidly - to such Irrigation and which from ths nature of the soil wtxild be great fruit producing land." ! y-nswosM"ieBBWJ"w"e!S Stare jl Cleera t Ail ray - i " Wrdoci- I NewYear's 3 31 TUESDAY'S EXTRA SPECIALS Men's 50c and 75c NECKTIES 25c 9 .. N star (f - M Yr'l (t I I I Thousands of up-to-date Ties, in tecka and four - in - hands all the designs are up to date and every tie is worth from 50c to 75c each a big special sale Tuesday your choi In Stationery Dept. New Year s Cards 1C nd UP u 8 EMBROIDERIES Fine lots of embroideries, insertings and bands: the finest qualites of nain sooks. Swisses and cambrics, up n to 9 inches wide. at. a yard ...... Li &j EMBROIDERY EDGINGS Thousands and thousands of yards of embroidery edgings in new patterns, on bargain square at, a yard CAMOY! For New Year s Day Special New Year's Mixture Regular 25c Choco- Q lates and Bon Bons at, per pound Sultana Mixture regular 15c grade, at, a lb 10c French Motto Can dies per pound, at 10e Regular 30c a lb. Buttercups at, per lb. .........15c SPECIAL NOTICE We beg to notify you that we have received our own direct Importation of high grade -white goods. We import direct through our ownTarls office and have at all times the newest things at a great saving of price. New Embroidered Swisses, New Embroidered French Mulls, New Embroidered Madras, New Piques New Poplins, New French Batiste New Persian Lawns 'New Serenette in colors and white also. New Nain sook, Long Cloths and 40-in. Lawns. The close touch this department maintains with the European market makes it easily the leading white goods section in the west. Store Closed All Day Wednesday NEW YEAR'S DAY I '-toil 11 11 It It 11 U SRAM. OMAHA ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! Hill VCdM ri !1 N U ri u M 1 1 M U 11 h ii u ii it u n N n ti 13 M aiiarySsksl LINENS WHITE GOODS mUSLINS,SHEETINGS ELIBROIDEEIES Toocllier wilh (he Most GiflanUc jj !!C1LEMM(E M Ever Known in the West. BEGINS NEXT ran nn n January 2d at OR 'HIIIS f SS"IIPSW 1 - " 1 r - r i (J ti u u 13 u s-a ti 11 14 LI M M tl N P tl ti 11 . ' ' A lair Oa-M . i Should b osy.rfid . wtth claaa band&saa saturated wtth Bucklen's Arnlra ' Balva. Heals burns. koumIj, soras. piles. c Tsr Ml. f BaUu trur Company. t lrle.t Ktaaawu Fulls. fl. Tn,. Io. X "! hr , V. .1. 1 ( . 1.1. for n,ny aara pn-t f Et. J.1 in . e . 'n. i.ttj Ant'itilij, i.i , r Ikiuii' Uit Hna.it fSthotui rhuri u and '.a l;-'in. inr.i i - :.rMp la I' a ITirst vimjiui ii'uu In . vu ImI m;.W r ' . .. . " ' .' ' REVERSAL. AND NEW TRIAL Uirm ! Apf.ltml. Coart la Daaaac t as. af Ur, I karlra f water. , v Tli. decision and niaiiilut. of Vnlteil dates circuit court of In the in.au of t Dr. Chsxtaa Kosewfctet" agttlust tho L'nloa Psclflc and the Illinois .Central rail rusts fcav. Lftn r:rlvcd In Omaha. ,). crsinsT tUs rukt.of t).. lower court. wlilch cava the plslntlff Jll.OOO damages and ordering a new trial. Dr. Roswater , was thrown from' hi: bucgy by an Illinois Central train coming into Omaha over I'lilon Pacific tracks at the Tlilrtef njli street crosslns;, his bugjy (nil hurno btiing ba.tly injured, some thrte years sgo. lie sue.l Tor SO,000 damage, thu I'riited Stales cJrcult. court and got veidi. t .for U io.. htirupoo-tUa def.nd- aiita a jvolea the. cut, ?s'TJT",:"5'sr31 j BSBBaWSB)aBBBBBBBBBBaSBBBSBBSBBBBBBaHBM 1 Closed tl7GlnostlayIlBi7 Year's Day KiiIs.U 1 SN Tuesday's Bargain Bullotin This Store ANNUAL LINEN SALE L BEGINS TnURSDAY MORNING First Pop Out of Our 1900 Gun-HSTENI NEW YEAR'S GIFT IDEAS FOR MEN y From the Men's Famishing Goods Section Will Close All Day Wednesday GRMD 5C EMBROIDERY SRLE Erasroia.rUs ta this lot worth ta IBe, most of them have both narrow' snA iiffpi iiukh it mnicu; noining niuanng mis 101 ever irrn in viiirtita iemre &l bhj. price, per Vard ........ i .S fl.BO Ctorast Cor.r Brabrold.rlsa 4o With this lot Is 'nrlnded fine line nf skirt rlounclnas, worth 11.00 to 1.60 per yard unmatched hsrssln. st . Klon CUT Z,aoss A bta lias for s.l.etlon AT JDIT lltr FKICX. . AvTDKKKCKXSrsl All soiled handkerchiefs that sold up to IOC, In TuesAftv n TOOK TO 11 A. rmoic t to t p. Reefers and IVf ufflers All fancy effects ss well ss plain blacks nd whites, 7oc val- Cfl ues JVC And so on to $3.00 ? eft values for' v Prartlcally One-Third. One-Fourth nnd In some cesns One-llalf I'suul 1'rlces. Men's Holiday SHIRTS Thousands to choose from latest styles, stripes snd colorings; the Co lumbia and Manhattan brands Included. Fine Import shirtings, plain or plaited, cuffs at tached or detaiched approximately One Fourth Off. I TA $2.60 values for. "' Ni w Ymmr Gill SUS.ENDERS at Hall Price Imported silk and rubber webblnfcs. plain and fancy, white Kid stitched leather ends, with neat buckles to wear untar nished, 60c values 25c And on up to $1.60 Cft values at wc All at Half Price. NEW YEAR'S SLIPPERS $2.00 blue and white Sea Inland Pumps and Gib son Ties, hand turned soles, Cuban I CQ heels ......'' $2.60 velvet kid and pat ent viol kid, three and four strap Kllpprs, hand turned soles, Cu ban and French t fiq heels I.OJ $3.00 patent leather Theo Ties and Pumps, hand turned soles, Cuban and French heels, 2.29 Inventory Sale of.... Ready-to-Wear SUITS COATS v COSTUMES Tailored Salts. - 50 Disconnt Caracul Coals, - 50 Discount Dress Skirts, - 111 Disconnt Deml-Cosluraes, 33, Disconnt Bath Robes, - - 33 Discount Broadcloth Coats, - llc0 Disconnt Be sure and attend our famous holiday sales . rBOK to 10 A. at. we wilt sell 2.000 yards of ThUtlrdown ysrd wide Bleschw. Muslins regular, price 10c yard not over twelve yards to customer, yard..4t. TBOK 10 to 11 A. K. We will sell 600 pieces of No. 000 Celebrated Knallsh Lnt ("loth always sold at 18c vard not over one piece to customer, at. yard. FROM 11 TO 1 MOON we will sell one case of the (Vic brated dictator L.I, the besi "4c unhieaciiert Muelln on the market, 13 yards limit, at, a yard ' FROM lt30 TO Bi30 9. K. we will sell one case of U'c Kllkollne, 3 Inches wld fast colnrn. only 14 vards to customer. St. vard M laOK 3 TO 4 T. K. we will sell one case of 12VfcC and 15c lluck Towels, pure linen only 4 to customer, at, each ........) Huts, Oranges, Fruits and Groceries for New Year's Day. mm mm Bennett's Bin Grocery XW TSAJl'R STECXAX X.XST Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound S6o And 40 Ureen Trading Stamps. Teas, all kinds, pound t 38o And 40 Oreen Trading: H tamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking; Powder, pound can. contains no alum i S4o And 40 Oreen Trading Stamps. Australia Valencia Raisins, lb lBo And 10 Oreen Tradlna Stamps. Malta Vita, four pkss 9 So Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat, 3 pkjrs 85c I And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, quart can, 35o And 80 Oreen Trading Stamps. Schepp's Cocoanut, pkg 13o And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Diamond S Chilli Sauce, bottle S6o And 30 Oreen Tradlns- Stamus. Blood of Orape Juice, pint bottle. . . .' fl5o And 40 Oreen Trading Stamps. Tomatoes, Onlden Rod, large can lOo Corn, Iowa King, can , to Oil Sardines, can 4o New York full cream Cheese, pound &So And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. Layer Table Raisins, pound, 20c, 16c and 18Uo Marshall's Tomato Herring, can 300 ' And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. New Black Walnuts, pound 4o Sour Pickles, quart lOo And 6 Green Trading Stamps. Sweet Pickled Tomatoes, quart 950 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. BKBTHETT'S CAWD1ES Orooary Section. Finest Chocolate Bon Bonn, asaorted pound box.. 80c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. - -Chocolate Creams, pound box .96o And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. One Thousand Pounds Mixed Candy, pound ......10c 20 Discount On All HEATING STOVES, CHAFINO DISHES, COFFEE MACHINES, FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS and CARVERS. FREE - ISts Pattern with Ladles' HomcOnp Journal Wlnlar Quarterly II Real Winter Is Here Better be well shod A message to women No easier way to avoid colds and lagrlppo and their seri ous .consequences than by en casing yoijr feet In a well made, .warm pair of shoes. For many..-weeks to come we can expect bad walking and one who needs go put at all should prepare the feet to withstand the weather. We know of no better way ' to get comfort and dry feet than In buying a pair of our MANNISH HTIIOXU SHOES FOn WINTER WEAR they are made of heavy kid and gun metal calf, very sty lish and anything but clumsy. THE PRICE . $3.50 THE PAIR Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnara St. U '4 omajka'b rni rooB ceittib New Year s Day is Feast Day and Courtney's have made special $ us 9i : i i 55 preparations' to supply your wants i , W ? VIM J.r . 0 Strawberries Our first IjS frlgerator direct by express from Si the Sunny fields of Florida. Just H ft wha you want for your Year's dinner. ijf English Hot House Grapes, q Pink Malaga 'Grapes. Catawba Grapes. Sweet Oranges, m trA.. T.ki rioinH t ', y Mixed Nuts, Fine Candles g r; Imported Endives, V Johnson's Sweet Cider, h Ppuauula Cnrnntl M Bellevue Celery, U New jg is til i B 3 MEAT DEPARTMENT 3 Call Us by f Phone WhaneTer yon want aometbbifr call 'PboM tS8 and make N known through a Baa Want Ad. Yoa Exercise Your Own When You Ask For An Advertised Article. Mind therefore, Insist on getting what you ask for when making a pur chase. The dealer who eubstl tutes relies on bis ability to make you change your mind. He will give you what, yoi Ask for. If you refuse n substitute. " Substitute articles pay him a larger profit.. That's, why he tries to change your iuttL .Wheo your mind la made up, keep It so by InslsUfig on getting what yoa .wast. Accept X SutFitltme, . . . i ;. - ,u i . -a, j: The recognized headquarter for 'I Poultry. i $i By buying right and selling at v ... close margins, we have built up an Q 9i AnnrmmiB hiialneaa In this Una and A for New Year'B specials we offer: , 1,000 Fresh Dressed Geese, lb. 10c jS : LAtui i.aru, 11 IPs. lor. . . . ,i,uu m Jur conees are iresn roasiea .; dally at our coffee and tea de- Ik nnrtmpnt. main floor. You ran ana ' j. It done. They are full flavored and full strength. We claim our a Ankola to be the best 3 lbs for M a dollar coffee sold in Omaha, jj Ask for sample. COFFEE DEPARTMENT. New Year's Day we will v closed all day. $ i ! ! '4 be $ ourtney & Go. 17tb and Doaa-laa Straata. - Xalspaoas Soaflaa 47. rrlvsts Xzoaamf Coaascts All Sspta. fit The Twentieth Century Farmer Beat Psvraa Paper Sabsorlb Raw baiiVIUJISjJs ' THl RKLIABLI This Ctor Willdp9 , AU Da-Wednesday sale fur DRESS GOODS SALE . will srll 100 clocks of Prlostlrv's Onuln rsular l'- 50. 3.0O and $4.00 urariV, ons pattern to customer, at, ar BON t TO 4 P. M. I'OO nlreps of fide silk striped nlalds for rhll. dresses most beautiful colorlnars, not over three psttems to cuslomet. srh yJ f Tuesday in Our Great Domestic Room 7 siette-i "1 The best Fanry Mixed Now Nuts, nothing; finer, per pound 15o Extra fine larse Highland Novel OraiiR", sweet and Juicy, 150 size, dosen,...S5o Extra larg-e 176 size HiKhlnnd Navel oranges, per dozen 80o 200 slse Highland Navel OranitPa, dol.lic ."0 size lltRliland Navel OranaeH. doz.lOc The best Arabian Fard latos. lb... .124c The best Hallowe'en Pates, per Ib-.THo Fancy (.'ape Cod Cranberries. uuart...7ttc New Colorado White Honey, rR-k.l2ViC tancy 7-Lrown Smyrna leaver Klga, per pound lie arse Cauliflowers, each- 12V4c Large Cucumbers, each dc beads rresh I .ear Lettuce be Fancy Head Iettuce, per head ic Fancy Wax or Oneon Beans, per lb.. lac Fancy New Beets, per uuncli ivic Fancy New Turnips, per bunch Si Fancy Hhalots, per bunch of we nave everything you neeo in rresn Vegetables at our usual low prices. Hea Hsyrten a first for anything you need for New Year's Day. okocckies, jmixn tbitit, nrrrwx CKXSB, CBAOKE1I, BTO, TOM Jirw TSAJK8 OAT. 21 pound btat l'ure Cure Granulnt Sugar for .$1.09 Jelly con. per park UK" 14 Fancy plain nr stuffed olives, bottle.. o Peanut liutter, per Jar' ............ ..fl 1- pound pnekege Cornstarch ...id 2- lb. cans Fancy rAweet Sugar Corn. .(Via Holld I'acked Tomatoes, per can . ,.. .U Fancy Cookies, regular 12 Ho and, ISa goods, per pound .I0r rrtzels, per pound . The best Soda or Oyster Cr4kers, lb.. 4 Fig Newton Cookie, per lb 711 Fanc.v Creamery Butter, per lb H Fancy Full Cream, N. Y. Saga Cheese, at .per pound ., 17 .' Fancy Full Cream N. Y. White' Cheess- per pound .' ......... A . 17 Fancy Full Ceeam Vlsconsln Cheese, at, per pound l7V4j , Fancy Full tVeam Brick or Umburgor, per pound ....Ka ..,.... . Neufchatel CheeBC, each No Need to "Try. Try Again If You Try HAYDEISTaS First Small Office and Good Service We can offer you a selection of several small offices, ranging in price from $10.00 to $20.00 per month. These offices are finished in hard -wood and have been newly I decorated. The rent includes light, heat, water and janitor service, ( The Bee Building has an organization built. upon many years of experience. It hai H own electric lighting plant and maintains a corps of competent-ongl-eers and mechanics to keep the mechanical and electrical serrlce ot the building In good order. The building Is in perfect repair. It has all the advantages of a brand new building and has none of its dla. advantages., 'The Janitors and elevator men are well trained, courtp eous and accommodating. In charge of the whole building is a super intendent, whose office it is to keep his organization constantly at th service of tenants. Now Is a good time to see If we have what you want In the way of office accommodations. .' For office space apply to R. W. Bakor, Sup't. Room 418. Dee Building. DR. BRADBURY, Dontiot, iU'.'.?...., 1S08 FAR NAM ST OMAHA. fCrtraeting fwroeialn Fills.. $1 np Crowns , $2.50 up Bridge Work . $2.fiO up rutesi taoo u -""'"ipywsasisa "S Ph4Mi4 Douola 1789 - We make peclalty as! metal and roofless ylaica. PalnletRi worSt la) ail opersUojM. Ope remlaga tUl S ELECTRIC LIGHT jN THE PARLOR may be placed to set off to full advan tage all the decorations. You cannot use art glass or fringed shades with any other light to any advantage. Elec tric light will not smoke up your ceil ings, or dirty your curtains. Reduced Rates Investigate Omaha Electric Light & Pover Co. TEL. DOUG. 1062. I. M. C. K ELC3 Shemeposiiion r although one or a ecore or more applicants who came in responno to A Want Ad in The Bee ICtnpoyers who want competent office help will find this the easiest way to fill vacancies. Any Intelligent stenographer, or cUrk. who wants a pol tloa watches the Want i-da. Tleha BSS. - t . ml t J