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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1907)
A TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:' DECEMBER 20. 1M7. I MAYOR INVITES COLLEAGUES Dahlman Wants Arrangement Com mittee m Hit Gneit Enrout. EATS BOGEE SULLIVAN 13 TAME Will la Illlaala far . ltrfea OI- ij credits Story at CleTelaasTs lasj t Deirn Caw i layor Pahlman la preparing ts entertain fm- a few hour hla colleagjes on the dem-OC-ie committee cf arrangementa for tha nmilbnal convention to be held In tenver ' wjen they peas through the city about tha nfMdle of January. He ejtpecta to give (-tbm a touch of real democratic high Ufa. life haa written Chairman Tsggart asking" Infra to make arrangements for the com. I m!tte to remain In the city about eight ,'ioiira between morning and afternoon if-ains and expects a favorable reply. Tha mayor thlnka eight houra will be about jlbelr limit. i . The mayor aaya the new auditorium In tashkh tha convention will be held will seat flt.iino person. The arrangements commit t will allow apace In tha hall and ar - range for seating the thousand of visitors I who are expected to be preeent. On the committee, aside from Chairman i T aririw-t. are Mayor Dahlman. Roger Sul- J Jo an of Illinois. Norman E. Mack of Buf falo, "R. M. Johnston of Houston, Ten. John T. McGraw of Wert Virginia, Clark Howell of Georgia and former Governor ; oervorn or Wyoming. All the members ei ct-pt Governor Osborn will be In the party wlcn It payees through Omaha. "Roger Sullivan, against whom Bryan made his fight in fit. Louis, has fallen In line with the procession and will again )ad the Iliimls delegation," says our Jim " Discredits Cleveland Story. de not take much stock In the report tUat ex-president Cleveland will head the democratic delegation from his state. believe, however, that If the ex-president should do such a thing It would have the effect of welding the last link of party ; aarmnny. However. If Cleveland should go it'he convention and attempt to "start ' something" he surely would be run over, .think Cleveland has too much sense to (attempt any coup In tha coming campaign ,and If he takes any part In the conven twm It will be such as will lend strength :' the democratic movement." I The mayor Is much pleased over tho out retfme of his two-minute talk with President trtoosevelt. He says the president Is a ' splendid fellow" and believes that If 1 Senator Foraker and othera who hare op f posed htm attempt to nominate an antl j administration man they will be sat down Jem at the Chicago convention next Jun. I Heconsiders "Tart Is the rail horse In the ; republican race and few of the others par 'tlrlpatlng In the event will 'show' in the -final heat." OLSON MYSTERY IS SOLVED Little Girl tarried Away by aa Eaa-le, fays n Kaasaa Maffaetle t ' i Prafeaaar. ' - Chief Donahue has turned over to j Captains Mostyn and Dunn a letter he re- fieived Saturday mortng that may solve the pnyntery of the disappearance of Little linie Olson of Rosalie, or at least throw soma Jight on it. Whether : It does or not, tha police officials admit the theory ad vanced In the letter ia a new and up-to-date on and may In tha future be used to advantage la solving cases of mysterious disappearances. Tha letter is from "Pro ' fessor Pole's Magnetic Institute in Galena, Kan.," Is signed by Mr. Pole himself, ' and written on stationery bearing tha 'photograph of that gentleman. It reads: Chief of Police. Omaha: I read In tha St. Ixiuls papers of the mysterious disappear sne of 4-year-old Ullle Olaon, who wan dered away from her home near Rosalie, Neb. As the paper alates that every pos sible place where the body could possibly be hss been searched, and that she went no '. further tiian where she waved a hist good bye lo her brothers. It seems very unrea- eonable to believe that If she did not move from the place she was carried upward. My theory Is that an eagle haa swooped down upon her and carried her away. A .large bird could easily carry away a 4-year-nld child, and to me this seems a reasonable solution of the problem. I have traveled around the world lour times and hava heard of end seen many cases like this. Kindly notify parents of child, and 1 would ' l pleased to hear if the little girl Is found. "BRYAN TALKS TO THeTwOMEN Will Address Ike tie "Tfca Ola World aad Its Wars" Jaaaary a. William J. Bryan will apeak before the Omaha Woman s club Monday afternoon. January , on The Old World and Ita Ways." The school teachers will be guest ' o tha club. The club wtfl assemble at the regular hour at ita rooms in the First Congregational church and adjourn In a body to First Methodist church, where Mr. l-li' tn will speak about 4 o'clock. Mr. ' Bryan will reach the city about t K and rill go directly o First Methodist church rkn mm BilfiBM m (Iki- HAI.TIMORB. Dec. 28. Thomas Flts ' terald. general manager of the Baltimore ft Ohio railroad, haa resigned his position is take effect January 1. Do Ton Open Tour South Lfrs a young bird and gulp down what ever food or medicine may be offered yon? Or, do you want tu know something of tha com position and character ol that which you tike Into your stomach whether u food or medicine Most intelligent and sensible people now-a-days Insist on knowing what they employ whether aa fixed or at medicine. lr. Pierce believes they nave a perfect right to inttat upon such knowledge. So ha fru hMihffiHiiirjVtitt and on each hottfe wrapper. whauT"4irlnea are made of and vftJfleaJiTtfiJgT ana TcH re feeli fie can mi itord to do t 't of hie hecsyK the mor the i:srelier h mi medicines are made are studied snij uiidersiond tha" faff a lIl Thetr superior curat' vr virtue! Furthe cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, trregttlarlUea nod derangements, glTtog rise to frequent headache, back ache, dragging-dewn pain or distress ia tower abdominal or pelvlf region, accom panied, oftUmev with a debilitating, pel rie, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a most efficient remedy. It la equally effective in curing painful periods, in giving strength te nursicr toothers and in preparing the system el the expectant mother for baby's eeming. thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painless. The I avonte Pre scription Is a most potent, strengthening tonus to the general system and to th trgans distinctly feminine in partlcnlar I is alio a soothing and Invigoratir.f nervine and cures nervous exhaussjoti nervous prostration, neuralgia, bysu-riu spasms, chorea or Su Vitua's dance, siu ether distressing nervoDS symptoms st buidant noon functional and organic dis ease of the distinctly femlnlce ortans. t;A host of tuedical anthenuseof all tb several schoals of prsetiee. recosimend e-h of the several Ingredients of which Favorite Prescription is made for the ture of the diseases for which ittstlalraed to bo 0 cure. Yon bit read what they Say for vmtrwelf by sending o postal card tvQ,uet for r booi-lot of extract, from the leading authorities. So TDr. K. V Pierce, Invalids' li 'tel and burglcal In lUtuva, buffalo, N. Vand it u come ts) a bf return post BRIEF CITY NEWS slave &oot mat It. TbosBaa W. Blackaara far Confrasa. A. . Kltoale rem'd to n03 Brandela Bids. aUaeaart, photographer, llth at Farnara. We always have- Rock Springs Coal. Central Coal and Coke company of Omaha, 11 h and Harney streets. Burglar Prise Open Window A burglar pried open a rear window In W. C. Basse's house at S61S North Twenty-seventh street PYldsy nlgtit snd ransacked the lower part of the house. Three tings, a wstch and It was the booty secured. Says Wages for Christmas The twenty-odd employes of Baker Bros. En graving company, from office boy to the most skilled workman, were presented with a Chrletmns present In the form of a dny'a wages, the total amounting to nearly ratio. - Two Men Bound Over Richard Kalner and James Crandall were bound ever to the district court In the sum of 1500 by Judge Crawford Faturday morning on the charge of breaking and entering Harvey White's storehouse, from which they stole a quantity of brass and copper. Japaaeaa Brwsboys Cons ternatlon reigned among the Omaha newsboys Sat urdsy morning by the appearance of a couple of Japan.ese newsboys invading their respective territories as Inde pendents. The Japs were subjected to considerable Jabs by the regulars, but they didn't seem to be much perturbed over It and went on offering their news papers for sale. Omaha Haa la Civil Service Jacob J. Friedman has been notified by the fnltefl States Civil Service commission of his ap pointment as clerk In the adjutant gen eral'a office, headquarters Department of the Missouri, at a Salary of gl.ono Pr annum. Mr. Friedman is known In Omaha, especially among the Jewish population. he being the present secretary of the W II" liam McKlnley lodge No. 21, Independent Order of B'nal B'rith. Union Oespel Mission The Union Gos pel Mission, lis South Fourteenth street, this evening at 7:30 .will hold a praise and testimony service. From 9:14 to 10:1B p. m, a union preyefmeetlng will be held In the hel! of the Volunteers of America, 115 North Fifteenth street, participated in by the workers from the City Mission and the Union Gospel Mission. At 11- p. m. i midnight service will be held. A cordial In vltatlon Is extended to everyone to attend all of theae services. Bivoroe for Wonsupport Verna Bell has been granted a divorce from John J. Boll by Judge Button on charges of nonsupport. She resumes her maiden name. Robinson. Carrie E. Bhreckengast has been riven i decree separating her from John M. Fhreck engast In Judge Kennedy's court. She charged abandonment. Emma Conn has been given a divorce from Langarl Conn in Judge Redick's court. She charged flonsupport and was awarded 110 a month alimony and the custody of their son. nit for Tan Thousand Dollars Philip Halda jr., declarea he was crippled for life by a wagon running wild down Mil near Eighteenth and 8 streets. South Omaha, and he has begun suit against tha city of South Omaha for $10,000 damages. The city was doing some work on the street and the wagon, he says, was care lessly left at the top of a steep incline. Without warning it started to roll down hill and he was unable to get out of Its way. He brings the suit through hi Jatuer. Philip Halda sr. . ,.. Bills for Books Battled In response to a call from President George D. Rice special meeting of the Board of Educa tion wa held In the city hall at noon Sat urday for the purpose of passing on the claims committee's report on the settle ment of, certain bills for books that have been accumulating since August. These bills are usually paid in January, but owing to the change in the fiscal year ordered by the board at its last meeting It waa necessary to pay them in Decern- j ber. No other business was tranaacted. Bid for Army applies Bids were opened Friday at the office of the pur chasing commlssar'. T.'nlted States army, for this district, for perishable comnflssary supplies for the various posts of the De partment of the Missouri for the month of January. These supplies . consist of coffee, meats, tea a, canned fruits snd other sub sistence stores, that deteriorate from being kept In storage for any length of time, and will approximate several hundred thou sands of dollars in value. The bidders were almost wholly Omaha Jobbere. More for Army and Bavy A material and significant Increase is reported in the matter of recruits for the regular army and navy at the Omaha recruiting station during the month of December. Thus far about forty recruits have been accepted and formally enlisted, and it is expected that the number willreach fifty by the cloaa of the month. Nearly 100 applicants have presented themselves for enlistment, tut a very large percentage of them failed to come up to the physical and moral re quirementa and were consequently re jected. More BemaaAs for Charity Demands for assistance at the county etore are S per cent greater thla year than they have been in previous years at this season is the opinion of Commissioner Brunlr.g, chairman of the charity committee of the county board. Mr. Bruning ascribes the Increased demand for asxistsnce to the fact that a larga number of men arc out of work, and while wagea In the past have been good the cost of living wss so high few of the ordinary, wage earners were able to save much money. Owing to the Increased number of demands a stricter Investigation will be made in each case lu order that charity may be confined to worthy ap plicants. rear Man Vp for Theft of Backs Max tin Delar. William Philips. George Wilfan and Edward Harrison have been arrested by the city detectives on the thsrge of breaking and entering the Glencoe ad ills, ::: laard street, Thursday nlghtvand stealing TS0 burlap sacks. Th.e aauks were sold to Nathan Meichea bag dealer at IK'S North Seventeenth street, for which seemed like a bargain up to Ilia time Uelchea tried to realtae on it by selling the sacks to the Glencoe Mills, when he found It a difficult matter to sell a man his own property and was con fronted by ffie fact that he waa out All of the men arrested except Philips and Wilfan admit that they stole tha sacks. They will be charged a 1th bulk ing and entering. as Compear Bsmaaabere Children An interesting Christmas entertainment was that given by the Omaha Gas company to Uue children of ita employes, a custom which has been In vogua for several years and la held In the large office of the com pany at Twentieth and Lincoln avenue. The 0 seala provided were nearly filled A lively program had been prepared and waa carried out according to schedule. Tha first part consisted of songs and recitations by the little ones. The tree was lighted and aome of Santa Claus helpers carried in some mysterious boxes, out of one of which Santa Claus himself appeared. He had preaenta for lit youngsters. For tha second part of the program Charles Peterson, atroet foreman for over twenty-flvo years, waa preeented with a gold medal for faithful service; Joe Jabncae. works roreman, was pre aented with a gold watch on behalf of the manufacturing department. All en tared Into the spirit of the day and departed la a moat happy mood. Bee Want Ada They bring results. LAND CASE TO OPEN COURT Yeast and Sutton to Be Tried for Al leg-ed Conspiracy. SESSION IS RESUMED MONDAY Jedae T. C. Master Will Bo em the Dearie Proaaklr Jast Oaf Lss4 Case Will Be Brsagkl to Trial. The adjourned session of the Vnlted States district court will be resumed Mon day morning, with Judge T. C. Munger on the bench. The first case to be tried will be that of Perry A. Teast and Harry But ton, under indictment for conspiracy artd consptrscy to suborn perjury to defraud the United Htstss out of use. title and pos session to large tracts of land In Sheridan and Cherry counties. Nebraska. Thie will possibly be about the only land case tried during the earry part of January. The en lire petit Jury panel except those drawn for the trial of the Teast and Sutton case will be excused for the remainder of the term. A new panel will be draan early in Feb ruary for the trial of the remainder of the land cases. The next of the land cases to be tried will be that against C. H. T. Babcock, which was begun and adjourned In October because of the illness of the principal defendant, Babcock. Assistant Attorney General S. R. Rush will have charge of the trial of the land casea, and It is the present Intention to have all of the esse disposed of before the beginning of the May term of the federal courts for thla district. The January term of the fedsralcourts for the North Platte district will begin Mondsy, January S, at North Platte, with Judge W. H. Munger presiding. NOW LET BALDHEADS REJOICE Owaers of Polished Domes flalated aa tha Best People ost Earth. There are always compensations. It is not pleasant to be bald; no one courts such a condition, and yet the fine res ignation, the serene fortitude with which the victim meets the oncoming disaster is a beautiful eight to see. One's heart warms to the bald-headed man who, with rare exceptions, is an example of klndli neas. a man of deferential though not diffident air, a wise and deliberate Judg ment, a generous temper. Invariably n reliable friend, a valuable counselor and a ready spender. Bald-headed men always have money and they know how to make it The world has been slow in recog nizing the excellences peculiar to the bald-headed man, but baldheads have so increased in numbers that even a casual study of them has shown that here we have a type that Justifies the euloglum we have bestowed upon them. A Dt. Louis man visiting In New Tork is among the first to call attention to the attitude toward bald-headed men that la now taken in eastern large cities. He says "Philadelphia was the first American city to recognize the Importance of catering to the bald-headed patron. They made him feel welcome and they found that it paid. Now I eee New Tork restaurant and' hotel keepers have net aside the choicest locations in their dinner and grill rooms for the baldheada. This is no joke. It is a plain business proposition. Ton know s well.'aa any '-hotel'man'that'lt Is not the young man who spends the most, unless he is one of the eons of the very wealthy. The real swift spender is the old fellow with the polished crowp,1 There It is, public opinion crystallised into a clear . statement that recognizes what has been a slowly growing conviction. Toung men in the bloom of their man: hood, with all their close clustering locks are not the most open-handed. An open ness of countenance extending some times all the way from the chin to the nape of the neck means an easy purse string. United with an exact knowledge of the best of everything and how to obtain it is a willing desire to pay for it. The bald-headed man smokes the best cigar because he knows It is the best. which knowledge the comely, e'en beaute ous, young man of 10, with the thick sprouted ringlets, is oft markedly de ficient in. The bald-headed man usually alts in the easy chair by amiable cs. sent of his companions; to him the waiter and the porter bow lowest; when he speaks he may be deliberate to the point of irritation without Interruption, Everywhere and in all companies he re. Jolces In the attention and deference which his dignity and graclousness com' mand. Baldness is not a mark bestowed heedlessly by Dame Nature, but is her crown of honor placed unerringly on the brow of those whose character it fits. PL Louis Globe-Democrat. BATTLE WITH AN EAGLE etaaae SUral Saddealy Reeovers aa Pats I a Hard Fight. To have an immense eagle gripped tightly between his strong hands and not be able to release his hold because he feared the consequences Is the strange pltght which befell E. D. Palmer of Nob Hill a few days ago In a hunting experience that al most places his story In the list of the nature fakers, or an unwritten chapter from the personal memoirs of Daniel Boone Mr. Talmer was hunting about thirty miles from Seattle. In the upper Naches valley. Deacendlng from a precipitous In cline down a Jagged canyon, weary and footsore, exhausted and downcast by fruitless dsy of toll, the unsuccessful sportsman waa suddenly arrested In his course by a furious whirl of wings passing him with the velocity of a cannon ball. Turning quickly in the direction of this welcome sound of whirring wings. Mr, Palmer beheldi to his wild astonishment, blue-winged grouse fleeing before the rapid winging of a monster eagle. Both birds passed almost within cach of Ms gun barrel. Like a flash came tha report of Mr Palmer's gun, aa be brought the stock t his shoulder and fired unerringly at th grouse. The result of this shot was most re markable. One of the small leaden mis siles chanced to graze the skull of the eagle, and as the grouee fell to the earth dead, ita pursuer simultaneously took a headlong tumble, falling by the aide of the gamebird. Mr. Palmer ran down th hill to bag his game There before him, apparently dead, lay one of the biggest American eagles he had ever seen. Hs stooped to pick up the grouse, but had just taken it in his hand to place In hla hunting coat when, all it once, the eagle began to flap its wings Immediately Mr. Palmer turned his at tentlon to the big bird, and seizing it by the throat and feet carried it down the canyon to hi team and hack. When th hack had been reached Mr. Palmer dlsoov ered that he had a problem .in his hands to solve that would require aome akill aud determination. The eagle had come t Ufa. He didn't dare release the feet of his victim lest his face and hands would be lacerated by the aharp claws of the feath ered animal. Neither did be cherish the idea of letting go of lis neck and taking chances with the bird's wings; but some thing liad to ae doae. He accordingly climbed into the roar of the hack, placed one foot oa the eagle' nerk. snd with ene hand held its two fet. and wlfh the other reached for the halter rope. With this he succeeded In tying the legs, after which he tied the bird to the bottom of the hack, and soon started en his Journey homeward. During all this time, however. Mr. Fn-lmer had been sub jected to a severe drubbing by the wings of the eagle. His hat was knocked off and his face wan battered until It looked as though he had Just emerged from a pugilistic ring. In fact, when Mr. Palmer reached home, six houm later, his wife nervously Inquired If he bad encountered a grlasly bear. The eagle is now on exhibition. The bird measures svven feet and five inches from tip to tip and weighs about thirty- five pounds In fighting trim. Mr. Palmer Insists that it waa up to weight the day he captured it. Seattle Post-Intelllgencer. SILVER GIFTS TO OLD WARSHIPS asBMasaasna - Plate Glvea by States aad Titles Tfet Protected hr Govern sweat Title. There will be some Interesting silver legislation by the present congress, 'If Secretary of the Navy Metcalf has his way. ' Mr. Metcalf haa found out that the various battleablpe, cruisers and gun boats possess some of the finest silver services In the world today, and be wants congress to establish the title to this property, valued at nearly (250,000. Blnce the starting of what la popularly known as "the new navy" each state and city after which Is named a battleship or a cruiser haa followed the custom, of presenting to the ship a service of sil ver for use on state occasions. i These gifts are made to the ships, end the title of ownership goes to the ship, and not to the government. As a result of the retiring from active service of a great tnany vessels, few, if any, of which will be put In commission again, the Navy department finds that silver services worth from 176.006 to 1100.000 remain on board these ships. Mr. Met calf wants a law enacted that will give title of these and similar rifts to the Navy department and not to the ships. The old slngle-funneled, second-class battleship Texas has a magnificent silver ervlce that waa given by the people of the Lone Star State. In a few days the Texas will be placed In reserve, and no naval . officer believes that it will ever see active service again. It has even been suggested that the old fighter that waa commanded by Captain Philip at .Santiago would make a good target tor the practice of the new battleships. In the Hudson river, at the foot tot Eightieth street. Is the old cruiser New ark, now the practice ship of the naval militia of this city. Like the Texas, the Newark has probably aeen Its last active service, and as it has a fine assortment of silver, given to it by the citizens -of Newark, the government wants the right to keep that silver In a safe place for the use of the other Newark that in all probability will be built at some future time. Then there are the Raleigh, commanded by Admiral Coghlan in the battle of Manila; the Baltimore, another ot Dewey's ships, and the old protected cruiser Phil adelphia, all of which a few years ago were among the finest vessels In the active service. The Raleigh is at the Mare Island navy yard, while at the New Tork navy yard is the dismantled Balti more, with the fate of a humble sub marine mine planter staring It in the face. The Philadelphia has met it fate as .the receiving ship at Puget sound. Waahington.-f All of these ships have splendid silver henices. Some of the other ships that will figure In the proposed transfer to the govern ment of silverware are the cruisers Cin cinnati. Detroit, 'Montgomery, Nashville and Wheeling, all of which have seen their best days, and in the near future their number will probably be increased by the cruisers Ban Francisco, Chicago. Atlanta. Vlcksburg, and even the big ar mored cruiser Brooklyn. The Brooklyn owns one of the finest silver Bervices In the navy. It haa already reached the end of the first leg that leads to perma nent retirement the reserve. Two years ago no one had an idea that the Indiana, Massachusetts, and the Iowa, the latter commanded by Admiral Evans at Santiago, were nearing the re- aerve. The Massachusetts Is dismantled at the New Tork navy yard, while the Iowa and the Indiana are registered as In re serve at Philadelphia, and in the opinion of many naval officers none of these ships will be returned to active servioe unless some unexpected emergency arises. These three ships own silver worth $35,000. The armored cruiser New York is one vessel, built many yeara ago, that It Is believed still has many years of active service ahead of it. The New York has been practically built into a new ship at the Boston navy yard, and will soon go into commission. The Olympia. Dewey's famous flagship, ha found a permanent and honorable retirement aa the flagship of the training squadron organised last spring for . the Instruction of the mid shipmen at Annapolis. 1 In requesting congress to enact suitable legislation. Secretary Metcalf refers to the custom ss a "generous and patriotic usage of long standing." and adds that "In order to establish the status and ownership of this property, particularly in view of responsi bility of loss and handling and the possi bility of loss by theft or otherwise. Con gress should pass a law authorizing the secretary of the navy to accept these gifts aa the property of the Vnlted Btates." New York Times. BIG MONEY FOR WEATHER TIPS Oae aad a Half MUlioa Dollars Sprat Aaaeally for the Weather service. Do you know that I'ntle Sam spends H.frXi.OOO each year to obtain advance in formation concerning the weather for his people? He does end it's more money than all the power of Europe combined expend annually for this purpose so It stands to reason thst he ought to have the best weather bureau In the world. Sometimes we get a little bit upset when the weather predictions don't hit the mark, but after all we have to admit that the aggregate results, taken year after year, are really wonderful. Did you $ver stop to think how much money the weather man eaves for the peo ple of the country? Well, some years ago a large Insurance company, which""thought the weather bureau was overrated, started out to gatiMtr statistic on thia subject. They csme to the conclusions that through the warnings of the weather man no leas than t30.000.00t was aaved to the people of the Vnlted States eadh year. Pretty good return for an outlay of tl.SOO.OW a year, lin t It? Probably the most Important work whic h the weather bureau is now conducting is the study of the sun, which U being made at Mount Weather, which ts a peak .is the Blue Ridge, about sixty-five miles from Washington. The weather bureau pfflclala rame to the conclusion that ths proper development of their service depended upon determining the relation cf the great orb to the meteorological conditions of the earth. It hold, they helleve, the key to the mysteries of the cyclone, drouth, tor rential flood, etc, and they are 'now seek ing that key. Philadelphia Pree Ever Try The Bee Want Ad Columns? If not, do so, and gwt eattaiactorr reaul'js. LEAP YEAR IS NIGH, GIRLS For Twelve Long- Months Ton Can Do x the Proposing". MAN MUST NOW BE ' COTJBTED Steps Bark After Fear t ear of Doaa-laeertaa- Mastery la tie Area a f Lsve aad Lets Fair Oars Relara. Another leap year will be here In a few days. The name Itself is a misnomer, for. instead of leaping over one day in leap year, Father Time inserts an extra one for good measure. But there is no need to quibble for a mere matter of names. The import of lesp year Is far greater. Its efTects incsculably more fsr-reachlng. It ts the year In which Mrs. Grundy gives to the fair sex the privilege of proposing, o? asking the man each loves best to be her little husband. This custom dates from many hundred years ago. Ths Scotch law of the year 1381 waa this: "It is statut and ordaint that during the rein of her malst blisslt Megeste for ilk years, knowne as lepe year?, ilk may den ladye of both blghe and lowes talt, shal bae liberie to beepeke ye man she likes." Statistics are not available as to the number of girls tn Omaha who are Impa tiently awaiting the dawn of the near year to hasten to seek the hand Nf the men they love best- Attain of this sort do not generally find their way into the pub lio prints or Into the pages of books of statistics. Trass. Tress i, They're Cesalae;. Neither are figures available to show the number of men blushlntrly and coyly and with fluttering hearts awaiting the coming of their sweethearts. Still one ran almost hear the firm tread of the girls as they swing slong the street about t o'clock In the evening. Maud, you eee, has her cane under her arm and Is drswlng on her gloves. She wears heavy walking ahoes and a stunning costume. Her hat Is a gorgeous creation. She Is certainly a charming creature. How can any man re fuse Maud? Besides, she has a fine posi tion as a stenographer and her salary has been raised to the point where she feels she can afford a husband. Maud stops at the drug store and has a glass of soda to "screw up her courage to the sticking point," as she tells herself, for tonight she is going to propose to John. She called him up by telephone that after noon and made the date. She's not going to run any chances of losing out with John and she knows several other girls that are daffy over him. For he Is a swtll fel low. He's handsome and he's a rising young lawyer, and he has such a charming wav about him. But to return to Maud. Having drank her soda she pays the cashier and saunters out followed by the admiring eyes of all the men in the etore. Ah. they sigh, if only a girl like Maud would care for them. Soda-Doesn't Stlrst. A twenty minutes ride on the car brings Maud to the home of her sweetheart. In spite of all she has done to keep up her courage her heart is thumping as she walks up the steps. A maid opens the door. "Step into the drawing room, ma'am. John will be down directly," says the maid. Maud waits. At last a step is heard on the statr and then a lovely vision stands framed in the doorway. It is John. He wears the conventional black. But no, that won't do. No, John wears a beautiful ooat of black with trousers to match. Frotn the upper left hand pocket of his coat Jeeps a corner of a white handkerchief. His cuffs are of striped material, red and white alternating and These match perfectly the bosom of his shirt which is visible at his throat. In the center of his bright blue necktie glistens a solitary diamond. His shoes are of black patent leather. The vision so far described, it will be ob served, is mostly clothes. But John him self Is also lovely. His face Is smooth shaven. His dark hair Is combed from the left side and a little tuft sticks up at the back in a most coquettish njanner. His blue eyes sparkle, rivaling the rays from the gem in his necktie. His red lips are alightly parted showing his white, straight teeth. e Maud's heart was thumping madly as she saw him. She arose and stammered alightly as she advanced to meet him. John, on the other hand, was perfectly calm. He seemed to know what waa coming. For Maud had loved him long. Takes Clrealtoas Roate. They talked of many things, the beauties of Mozart's aonataa, of Beethoven's music, of philosophical subjects, of Sunday clos ing, of anything and everything but that which was nearest to their hearts. But Msud was a girl of determination. She had decided to propose and she did It. It came to John all without warning ex cept by that line intuition by which a man knows when a woman loves him. Maud seized lis hand and at the same time fell on her knees. "Johti. I have loved you long. Will you be my huBband?" she said. John cast down his eyes. He did not withdraw his hand, however, and 'Maud felt encouraged by this. She darod to hope thut he loved her. For a moment alienee reigned through the half -darkened room. Then John said: "Oh. Maud, this is so sjdden." He hsd called her by her first name! "Oh. be mine," cried Maud, again gain. Inr noisenslon of his other hand. Still John did not withdraw his Then over them flowed that deep, solemn quiet which comes only when two souls meet which have bven attuned to harmony in the eternal workshops of love back In the dim centuries. When these two souls find each other they form a music by their harmony which cannot be surpassed. -Such an Intangible music now floated through the room. (How's that?) Soft pedal! John needed not to utter a word to show that he waa Maud a. When ahe took leave Of him two hours later tor was it two cen turles?) she had prevailed upon him to name the day. And Maud swung down the street whts tllng merrily, while John sat in his boudoir gazing st a ring which spaikled on his finger. On his face was sn expression of ineffable joy. ' DeTOtlen to the Ideal. The hero of the play had Just died to alow, tremulous, wabbling music, but the audience insisted on his coming before the curtain and kept up the applause for the t.u.'m ,.f Ave minutes. At last a supe came out and stepped for- ii. . . ljirtiea and gentlemen. ne announced. In a lugh-Ueyed voice; "he says he'll hsve the curtsin raised snd you can look again on his oold corpse if you want to. but he 11 I. darned if he s going to viiate the pro prieties snd degrade his srt by coming to lire again uen-ir u.iiuhim- v Thanking vou again, ladies and sent lemon I will now retire." Chicago Tribune. Oa aa r Ostrich. Th plums hunter came upon the foolish Ostrich In his traditional retreat. "Hsfs is where I revise the old saying," laurhed the hunter. How is that?'' aktd his friend "Why. Instead of savins; a bird in ths haitd is worth two In the butih, 1 say the bird in ths sand ia worth two tn the Irush." And then a tide the poor ostrich dug his head deeper into th desert ths hunter hniped himself to the plumea. Chicago J If you ar looking for a high grade plana at a price ordinarily paid for a low grade Instrument, do not fall to call at our warerooms tomorrow or Tuesday, for such bargains were never before offered In the history of piand selling In Omaha. All the leading makes to select from HTEIXWAY, STKtiKR, KMKItSOX, HAKDMAN, A. H. CHASE, MrPHAIL, Kt RTZMAN and scores of others. Next Wednesday we will commence to taVe Inventory, aol It is our Intention to sacrlf'ce erery Instrument in our warerooms prior to that day. ' BEAUTIFUL NEW SAMPLE PIANOS. . Latest styles the kind sold elsewhere for $225, ,275, 1360 and $400 are now offered at $148.00 $172.00 $215.00 and $255.00 USED UPRIGHTS RECEIVED IN EXCHANGE FOR STKIXWAY AXD STEGEIt & RONS PIAXO. $260 wsgner Upright, only -965.00 $300 J. P. Hale, fine tone, only . . 9OO.00 $400 Kimball, good condition, only S125.00 $450 Emerson, ebony case, only 9 1 r(V.OO $500 Everett, good as new, only 175,00 - Ivers ft Pond best style, big bargain. USED SQUARE PIANOS. Including Steinway, Chlckering, Knabe, Emerson and others $23.00, 940.00, $30.00, and up USED AND NEW ORGANS. Including Mason & Hamlin, Kimball, Farrand & Voter, Story A Clark and others $8.00, $12.00, $22.00 and up $5.00 to $10.00 Cash and $3.00 to $5.00 Monthly Will bring; a fine piano to your home. We ship everywhere and guar antee satisfaction or money refunded. ; Write today for free illustrated catalogue eld bargain list. We rent. tune, move and repair pianos Lowest rates. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Pianofortes. . Established 1859. Tel. Douglas 1025. 1311 and 1313 F amain Street. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. 14K8S. Hart acalnst Murdock et al. Ap peal, Oae. Affirmed In part, reversed in part and remanded. Calkins, C. Division ISO. S. 1. Errors asslaned fcy appellee in nis brief filed after the date required hy rule 65, will be considered when the kp- ellant neither objects to the service ana lin thereof nor move to strike It from the record as having- been filed out of time. 2. Where in a suit to foreclose a tax sale certificate, a clerical mistake ap pears to have been made In the descrip tion, sgch error will not defeat the ac tion ir sutTlcipnt remains in tne nrarnr tion to Identify the land upon the tax list. S. Where land owned by one person is sssessed with land of another so that neither owner oan determine the amount for which his property te liable, the en. tire tax Is void. I 4. In a description of land by metes and hounds, a point of the compass named In a survey may be construed to mean a different or opposite direction when It appears to have been written by clerical error, and Is so Inconsistent with the remaining- parts of the description as to demonstrate that the different of opposite direction was Intended. i4C Johnson arainst American Smelting- and Refining Company. Appeal. Douglas. Reversed and remanded. Good, C. Division No. 1. 1. Original and amended petitions ex amined and held that the amended petition did not state a different cause of action from that attempted to be set up in the orlfrlnal petition. 2. A plaintiff has a right to file an amended petition setting up a good cause of action after the sustaining of a gen eral demurrer to his original petition, tintwlthatinillnr the fact that the stat ute of limitations has run prior to the filing of the amended petition, provided the amended petition does not seek to recover upon a new and Independent cause pf action, and It Is error to sus tain a motion to strike such an amended petition from tVie files. t. When sn amended petition has been stricken from the files upon the ground that It states a different cause of ac tion from that set forth In the original petition and one that la barred by the statute of limitations, the plaintiff Is en-, titled on appeal to review the ruling of the court in striking the amended pe tition from the files. 14!8S. Brown against Graham. Appeal, Nemaha. Affirmed. Calkins. C, Divialon No. 1. A dog is not running at large within the meaning of section JO. chspter Iv. ar ticle 1, Compiled Ptatutea, when he Is within calling distance snd sight of the owner family and under Its control. 2. Evidence examined and found to support the Instruction of the court thst no person haa a right to kill a dog lor past and finished misconduct of the dog so killed. , S. Section 4 of the Act of 1ST7 (section 20. chapter Iv, article t. Compiled Statutes waa intended to give protection to sheepand those domestic animals which sre ordi narily the rrey of dos-s; and not to give the owner of one of the participants in s dog fight the right to kill the other dog. 4. Where a Jury Is Instructed that the burden of proof was upon the plaintiff to show thst defendsnt wrongfully killed the plaintiff's dog. the word wrongful Is presumed to be used In Its legal and nut its ethical sense. 14977. Barnes aralnst Sim and Renfro. Appeal. Nemaha. Affirmed. Duffle, C. Di vision No. 1. Two assignments . of s partnership agreement examined and held not to in clude a personal promise of one of the partners to psy a sum of money due from one partner to the other. 14C Munger against Yeiser et al. Ap peal, Douglas. Affirmed. Calkins, C. Divi sion No. !. 1. The destruction of a fence, and threatened repetition thereof, by a tres passer, as often as the fence may be re placed, entitles the owner to relief by injunction against the Invader, even thouph the Utter may not be insolvent. Potilman against Evangelical Church. ) Neb. 364. followed. 2. In an action to enjoin a trespass, a defendant cannot defeat the plaintiff's action by showing an outstanding rigiit In a third party to have one of the deed In the plaintiff's chwiii of title declared a mortgage. t. Where In an action brought to re strain a trerpass upon real property, the aame la sold during the action, and the vendee thereupon substituted as plain tiff, such substitution does not modify the issues: and rvidence taken before such transfer should be consldeied In Die same manner as If there had been no change of parties. x 4. Where, after the Introduction In evi dence of an abstract of title under section S of chapter xxxlit. Compiled Statutes, the original, records referred to In such sb stract are received and -tiow the aame facta no error in the introduction of the abstract. Ittftt. In re-Estate of Mary 3 Mall, de ceased. Martha Caldwell et al. against Charles E. Kerr, executor, etc. Appeal from Thayer. Affirmed If appellees within thirty days remit all in excess of 12.711115. with 7 per cent Interest thereon from March 2. lwc4. otherwise reversed and remanded. Epperson. C. Division No. L 1. Where it Is souirht to charge a lee I representative with debts owing by him to the deceased, the burden of proof U upon the parly applying, but when the contract ing of such Indebtedness Is admitted, or othera tne established, the burden is upon th legal representative to show that the same lias ben paid or accounted tor. 2. Evidence examined an1 the judgment of the district court monmea. 144. McKUllp against Harvey. Appeal from Boone. Reversed and remanded. Fa a celt. C. Division No. 2. 1. A defendant may apiiear specifically to object to the Jurisdiction of th court, but If. by motion or other form of applica tion to th court, be seeks te bring It pow er Into action exept on the question of Jurisdiction, he SI be deemed to have ap- Fieared generaliy. Cropsey against Wign iom. S Nebr . 101. I. In an action at law against a non-resident defendant. If service Is made upon tile defendant tn any manner not authorised by law, defendant may appear siecitl-aliy and move to fiuaah the service, but If he go further and pray for a dismissal of the rase. It will te held to be a general ap- m th am ins aa it. ) - ,n ifc Great Sacrifice oi 100 New and 50 Slifllilly Used Pianos power of the court on a question other thati that relating to Jurisdiction. Bucklla against Strlckler. 32 Neb., S0J. . , . . 14UD6. I'ayne against Anderson. . Appeal from Dawes. Reversed and remanded. Duftie, C. Division No. 1. 1. A Judgment or decree affecting the tltla of land owned by a resident of this state.' the only notice given being by publication. Is absolutely void where no appearance waa made by or for auch resldrnt. 2. Where the lands of a resident of tha state are sold under a decree entered against him on service by publication, no appearance in the action being made by or on behalf of such party, an action to quiet his title to the land may be brought at any time within ten years from the record ing of tha deed made on a sale under tha decree. S. Whether a rause of action would arcrtm to such party on recording the dned made tn the purchaser at the sale so as to start the running of the statute, not being neces sary to a decision of the case, ts not dis cussed or determined. 4. In an action to quiet title as against a sale for taxes made under a void decrea of court, an offer to pay such sum aa tha court may find due the defendants an ac count of any lien for taxes paid is a suf ficient offer to do equity and a sufficient, tender of any tastes due the defendants. a The limitation of two years within which a party may redeem from a sale tor taxes has no application to a sale mails under a void decree foreclosing a tax .Ism. 14997. Bliss against Reck et at. Appeal from Antelope. Affirmed. Calkins, C. Dl vision No. 2. -' 1. In the absence of any showing on tha part of defendants that they were unpre pared to meet, or were surprised toy tha allegations 1n an amendment to the peti tion allowed at the close of the trial, tha decision of the district court refusing a continuance on account of the arrantlng- of such amendment will not be reviewed. 2. The fact that a witness was micxicatea at the time of the happening of the events about which he testifies is relevant, and may be shown without first asking the wit ness upon cross-examination whether hs waa intoxicated. . 3 In an action by a married woman fot personal Injuries it is proper to show that she has been Incapacitated by reason of her injuries from performing labor, for the purpose of showing the nature and extent of her Injuries. Pomerene Co. against White. 70 Neb. 171. followed. ' ' 15000. Gllilan. Admx.. against Fletcher et al. Appeal. Lancaster. Affirmed. Epper son. C. Division No. 1. i "a'hw. after the maturity of a note secured bv a real estate mortgage, lnter est payments are made annually on surfc note a right of action a'f-rues on the mortgage at any time within ten years after the dste of the last payment on said note." Teegarden against Burton, &i Neb. K!9. . 2. Evidence examined, snd held, suf ficient to sustsln the- finding ahd Judg ment of the district court. 1.VM5. Martin against the Fraternal Difa Association of Hastings. Nebraska. .Ap peal. RiihardBon. Affirmed. Duffle, C Division No. 1. , 1. An objection to the Jurisdiction of the court over the person of the depend-., snt. either on account of Irregularity in the service of the summons, or becsaae the action was brought in the wrong, county. muM be supported by evidence when the record In the case does riot show facts going to supw-rt the objec tion. 2. A solirltor for sn Insurance com pany was to receive 0 per cent of tha first twelve premiums paid 'by the par. ties whom she might procure to taka policies in the company. Held, that hre leaving the nervlce of the company befon. all the twelve premiums were paid did not affect her right to the commission sgreed on. . 3. That such solicitor was as!nteJ In ticcurtng appllr-atlons for Insurance St a field arent of the company is not, un der the farts disclosed, a defense to lier clstm for commissions. lholl. Maloolm Savings Bank against Cho ntn. Appeal. Holt. Affirmed In part ami reversed In psrt. Duffle. C Division No. 1. 1. Affidavits taken and sulecrlbed be fore a notary public who Is also an at torney in the case cannot h ued tn support of an atta4iment Issued therein nri t ont the objections of the defendant. . The courta of this state are not. bound by the rules of evidence adopted in another Jurisdiction, but must be gov erned In the admission of evidence by the law prescribed by our own legisla ture. - Patata t res a Fallare. HOri.TON. Me., Dec. Ttie failure af the potsto crop In Aroostock county has been directly responsible for the filing of twelve petitions in bankruptcy tn Maine during the last week try farmers and othera Interested. The loss represents about 1300,-. n money Vi Want Svary rila uffrar to Test This Orsat Cora at Ou Xxpeaae. Bead Tear am and Aadresa Tot a rrae Trial Fackag. We want to aend you a free trial ot the Great Pyramid Pile Cure at once, so you can see with your own eyes what If can do. Tou can cure yourself with perfect ease, in your own home, and for Jittla expense. Pyramid Pile Cure gives you prompt relief. It heals sores and ulcers, reduoea congestion and lnf tarnation, and takes away pain, Itching and Irritation. After you hate tried the sample trest-, raent, and you are aatisfied. you can get a full regular-sized treatment of Ilrauitd Pile Cure at your drugg'iat'a for to cents. If he hasn't it, send us the money ind we will send you the treatment at once, by mail, In plain sealed package. Send your name and address at ones for a irlal of this marvelous, yuli W, sur cure. Address Pyramid Drug Cat, ft) Pyramid Bid.., Markhall, Mich.