THI-: OMAHA SUNDAY REE: DECEMHEIt 20, 1907. A KORl GIVEN ONLY BY BUREAU Employment Agtncj Will Be Adjunct . of the Burlington. ALL APPLICATIONS TO GO THERE r Records ef All Enli Will Bo . Tabulated, Time, Character, Grade Relae; Cleoely ' Looked After. All persons wishing employment on tha Burllogton after January 1 will have to make applications for their positions through an employment bureau which that road has organised. This Is known aa tha SJjqreau of Employment and will be under the general supervision of Vice President Wlllard and under the Immediate super vision of J. N. Redfern. present head of the Burlington relief department, with Dr. J. A. Denny as chief assistant and med ical examiner. It is maintained the new department should greatly Increase the efficiency of the service and aid the company in weed ing out undesirable employes. All applica tions for employment must In the future crtme through the new bureau. A record of the time spent and the nature of the employment will be kept, as well as the character of the service Tendered the company.- i The management states that this action is taken for a double reason. First, to keep complete records of the character and length of service of eacn employe, and, jieeondly, to . assist the officers charged with employing' new men, in securing good timber. All applicants must pass satis factory examinations as to physical, tech nical and personal qualifications. A record will be kept of all furloughs, character and length of service, debit marks and tha reason therefor and of all transfers. The announcement states expressly that these rules apply only to skilled labor. Railroads "till Prosperous. In spite of financial disturbances and the Installation of 2-cent fares in many of the western states and the reduction of freight rates, the year 1907 will go down in history a being one of prosperity for the rail roads. Of all tha Immense mileage in the United States, but .349 miles of road have been placed In the hands of receivers dur ing the year, which ia .the smallest for any year since the troublous times of 1903. Many -hope to see the year 1908 continue the good reoord, although it will be a time of test and trial. The expenditures for additions and betterments have been so strong during this year that the average railroad Is In a position to meet with cur tailments In all branches if such a thing ' Is necessary. ' The , Chattanooga Southern was the largest road to go into the hands of a re ceiver, It being ninety-one miles long and running from Chattanooga to Oadsen, Ala. Tha next largest waa the Apalatchlcola of Florid, eighty-nine miles In length, for which receivers were appointed in' Sep '.ember.' . ' Not Steam Railroads. -' ', The, most Important receiverships of the year, says the Railroad Oaaette. were not at' at cam railroads, but of street railway companies. On September 24 Adrian H. Joltne and Douglas Robinson were ap pointed by the federal court receivers of the. JJew York City railway and on October t the Metropolitan street railway waa also put In- their hands as receivers. - The New York. City railway Is the lessee of the Metropolitan street railway and operates the , surface lines In the boroughs of Man hattan and the Bronx, New Tork City, and alio controls considerable trolley mlle ige north of the city limits. This recelver illlp Involved a clash of Jurisdiction, for on November, 29 ' three receivers for each of heso , companies wertj appointed by the ittprney generul of the state ofNaw York. These state receivers were, however, on December 12 restrained by the United States court from taking possession. "Almost without exception both the car thil locomotive builders in the United States report a heavy falling off in orders id Inquiries, and many of them are run ning now on orders placed last spring, with no new work In prospect. One of the large locomotive building' companies reported a falling oft of 76 per cent in orders, aa com pared with last year. The Canadian car nd locomotive builders have not felt the rffect of the dlaturbance in financial and business conditions to any extent. All of tha companies report aa many or more un filled orders on their booka now as they -eported last year. ' M amber of Cora Ballt. 'Official returns to the Oasette from thirty-slit car building companies In the United States and Canada (estimating two small plants not heard from), give the total nurh er of railroad cara built during 1907 aa S4.646.- an Increase ef 18 per cent over the record breaking output of laat year. Thla Includes subway and elevated cara, but does tiot electric stiect and tntcrtir bsn cars. No estimate has been made of the number of cars, both freight and paa lenger, built by the railroads In their own shops. Of the total number of cars built by manufacturers, 2M.1S8 were for freight tervlce;, 280,216 were for domestio use and 1,429 for export. The number of passenger cara built during the year shows aji in crease' ot more-than 70 per cent over last 'Do Pesple Turn Away? r'pu Can Be Instantly Freed from the Humiliation of Knowing that Others Detect Bad Odors -on Tour Breath Arising' from Indigestion, Smok ins. Drinking and Eeating. Trial Vackage to Vrora X Beat Free Breath perfumes do not strike at tha root of the evil. They only conceal tbe Ddor for a time. But charcoal kills the ta that causes the odor, purines tha food lying In your stomach and Intos llnes. facilitates the process of digestion, sets aa a mild laxative, glvea tone to the yateni; In short, gives you a clean bill ' f health. And all the charcoal necesaary to obtain these results you can get In box ef Stuart's Charcoal lounges, price JSC. v The uses of charcoal are many. In art and electricity It la constantly used, but It la especially valuable where absoluu purity of product Is required. As an ab sorbent nd disinfectant It has no equal. That's why you will Invariably .find It In every wattr-fllter. Stuart's Charcoal Losengea aro made from pure willow charcoal, with a slight mixture of honey to render them palatable They will filter your blood for you. des- troy every panicie oi poison and Impur Ity. absorb all the gas In your stomach, 4 give you a sweet, clean breath, and re i lleve you from the awkward feeling yu : aro Douua lo ui mien you Outc-l lv ik- expression of other people that they smell your bad breath. Many who are fond of oiUQfls avoiu raiiug intra oecause of the ' odor they leave. One of Stuart's Charcoal Uucngee Immediately kills this, how ; ever. The same applies to smoking, We are bj convinced that you win find Wiesa losenges tndlspenstble after once using tbem. that we will send you a sample package b mall, free. If you win send your name and address today i A. Stuart Co, tV Stuart Bldg., Mar ' mall, m year's output. About "! rwr c nt of the freight cars built were of steel or steel underframe construction. llaaslSratlea Meeting. ('alls for a meeting of the western classi fication committee and Its subcommittee have been received by Cms ha shippers and officers of the Commercial club, giving notice that the subcommittee will meet In Hot Springs, Vs., Wednesday, January 15, and the whole committee will meet at the same place Tuesday, January 21. A new way of acting on the requests to change the classification of articles is pro posed for the present meeting. The sub committee will consider all the Items first and submit thoso approved or considered Important enough to deserve longer dis cussion to the whole committee. In the past th4 whole commute has gone over the list and reported to the subcommittee. Copies of the call and the list of com plaints received, show S17 items which will be considered for change. Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Omaha Commercial club has been instructed to attend and says that every Item on the list Is of Interest to Omaha shippers. . From Railroad to Brewery. Phil P. Hitchcock, well known In Iocs railroad circles, who for the last eight years .has been .general agent of the pas senger department of the Wabash at Den- ver, bas . resigned his position to accept much more lucrative employment with the Anheuser-Busch Brewing company at Den ver. W. C. Metsger, son-in-law of John R. Manchester pf Omaha, waa formerly as sociated with Mr. Hitchcock In the rail road business In Denver and he quit rail roading .some time: ago to go with the same ..brewing company, and now. Mr. Hitchcock has agarn become, linked with his former associate in the railroad .busi ness. For many years Hitchcock traveled out of Omaha for the Lackawanna. PEOPLE ARE SOFTIES NOW Bark Is Conclusion of Georare Drew of . Omaha and . James J. Hill. George Drew, veteran car driver and motorman on the' Omaha & Council Bluffs Street railway and now running on the West Lesvenworth line, declarea that the people of the present day are "Boftles" compared with, their ancestors of fifty years ago. ' He coincides with James J Hill, the railroad magnate, In declaring that the present is a luxurious and sybar itic generation. Mr. Drew draws his con clusions from the business In which he has been engaged and from the ' stand point of which he has observed and studied people for thirty-nine years. "When I was a driver on the horse cur line ln Omaha thirty-odd years ago people never thought of having- stoves in the cara," lie says. "The only thing In those little cars to give heat was the hay which we spread on the floor about a foot thick. People got On the car In the coldest days and sat in that atmosphere with their breath freexing In Icicles to their whiskers and never thought of com plaining or grumbling. "How Is It nowadays?" he continued, warming to his subject. "Here this morn; Ing a' pasty-faced young fellow got on the ear. It was nice and comfortable In there, but Just because It wasn't about 90 de greea In the shade like It Is In the hot house where he is preserved he grumbled. I'd like to have hold of that young fellow In the early days. I'd have made a man of him, I'd have made him enjoy sitting In a snowdrift with a piece of mosquito netting f or a blanket. "The winters In the horse car days were twice as cold as they are now. Why, I reckon everybody would die If the winters got so cold now. They couldn't stand 'em. "Yes, it's true the motormen are pro tected now and that they weren't protected at all In the early days. I've stood out in front driving my horses through many a ragging bllazard when the thermometer was way below xero. I didn't have any protection at all. Didn't mind It then, but don't reckon I could do It now. I've been coddled with , the rest of this generation till all the toughness Is taken out of me." CATHOLICS MAKE PROGRESS Increase Censas and School Popola. tloa In (he Diocese of .Nebraska. Increases which show the srrowth of (he Catholic church In the diocese of Omaha are shown in the census for 1907 taken hv Itt. Rev. Monsignor Colanerl, chancellor of the diocese, and made public Saturday. Three new churches are renoitert diirinp- the year. The humour of priests was lis last year andi is 165 for the nreaent vr Almost a thousand more children are In the Catholic, schools In the diocese this year than last, the number given In the 19P9; census being 9,342 and 10,022 for the last year. The Catholic population of the diocese was 68,176. as given in the census taken by the government In 1900 and tha renin taken by the church authorities in ii? shows the Catholic population to be 78,9:13, a gain of almost H.ono people In seven years. Almost a thousand bant lams mnr were reported for 1907 than for W6, the numoer a year ago being 3.00S and the reports of the present year showing 3,896. By a strange coincidence the number of marrlagea during 1907 was the same as during 190G-&S. Students In Creighton university "have Increased from tk)0 to 755, while those in parochial schools have 'increased from 7,564 to 7,M. The census for the year la given aa follows; Bishop, 1; diocesan priests. 120: priests of religious orders. 35: total. IBS. Parishes 110; mission with churches, 73- total chtirehaa 1kl Sl.llAn. gi. ...... i an. . , 1 njf is, i uni- varsity. 1; studenta. 766; commercial and SSliT ? . T Vu" opened In Spalding); students, 26; clerical students SO; acedemtea for girls, I; pupils. 904; pa- 1: orphans. 13&: ' Industrial and reform YJfj V ""'a1"' '; otai youth under cathedral care. 10.02; religious orders of women, 16; sisters, 460; baptisms for 1907. fi?: wSy1""' K3: burl". .!; popula- OMAHA KEEPS ON GAINING Nebraska Metropolis and ftt. Paul Only Cities that Increase , Bank Clearlna. Hats off te Omaha and St. Paul. St. Paul la essentially a Jobbing center and Omaha la becoming noted for both Jobbing and retailing. Omaha and St. Paul are the only two cities of the first thirty-one cities of the United Btatea to show a gain in the bank clearinga record for the week as carried around the country by the Associated Press. The week ends Wednesday and Omaha showed a good gain for a couple of daya during the latter part of the pre ceding week and for a couple of days at the beginning of this week, making a, gain on the week as- compiled by Bradstreet of . per cent. While New York, aa tha financial center, shows a loss of 43 per cent and Loa An gelea, on the other coast, shows a loss of 40 per cent In the bank clearings. Omaha and St. Paul, half-way cltiea. ahow an In crease. Other cltiea in the middle west do not show the loss that cities in the east and far west show, for Instance 8t. Louis shows a loss of but S per cent, Kanaas City but t per cent and Minneapolis but i per cent. But Omaha and 8t. Paul are the only cities of the first class who are able to show on the right side of the ledger. TRANSFER OF FUNDS MADE Ten Thousand Dollars Switched from General to Road Account. TWO MEMBERS OPPOSED TO IT Tralnor and Rraslng Assert Vre lias Been Extravagant la Ills I'se of Money at Ills Coat snand. The county board Saturday hy a vote of 3 to 2. passed the resolution Introduced by Chairman I're of the road committee to transfer $10,000 from the county general fund to the road fund, which hns been practically used up by the work on roads during the last year. Tralnor and Brunlng both opposed the transfer, declaring that Chsirman Vre had been extravagant In hla expenditure of money on the ronds and that It Is doubtful If there would be a surplus In the general fund at the end of the fiscal year. ' t're defended his position on the grounds that 17.800 worth of work- had been ex pended from the general road fund on the repair' of permanent roads and that some more work would be necessary during tho spring months. Ho declared there" will be a surplus In the general fund and pointed to an opinion from Deputy County Attor ney 'Magney that the transfer would be legal If It is to the Interests' of the county that It be done. Solomon and Kennard sided wlth.lTre and voted for the resolu tlon. , Ure's report on roads shows that about $05,000 has come into the road fund during the year and approximately, that amount expended from it. Mrs. McGrata Discharged. The board also passed 'unanimously the resolution by I're discharging Mrs. Mo Orath as assistant to the county store keeper and appointing Dr. Frederick Ren- ner to the place at a salary of $50 a month. This was th resolution offered v a few days ago by Vre. At that time it did not receive a second and was laid over until this meeting. Bids for furnishing the county with meat end groceries were opened and re ferred to the committee of the 'whole and the county auditor for tabulation. The bids received Saturday on meat were the "sacond offering. Only one valid bid was received a week ago and the board rejected thla and readvertised, resulting In a substantial cut in the price. Courtney St Co. was the lowest bidder, quoting a price of 64 cents a. pound for cow hind quarters and 4i centa for front quarters. ' . The board let the contract for the re-floorlns- of the larre room tineil lolntlv tw the county assessor and county clerk. The request for the work came from County AsseRsor-elect W. G. Shrlver. The board adjourned until Tuesdsy morn ing. RESOLUTIONS JON CARPENTER Condolence Expressed -by Trastees Of Child Saving; Insti tute. At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of the Child Saving Institute of Omaha, of which the late J. Frank Car penter was secretary, these resolutions were adopted: Whereas, In the wisdom of Almlahtv Ood, Ha has seen fit to call to eternal rest our esteemed associate, trustee and secretary of our board. Mr. j. Frank Car penter, tnererore we. the board of trustees of the Child Saving Institute of Omaha, desiring In some fitting way to give ex pression to our appreciation of his sterling character, have caused this testimonial to be spread upon the minutes of the corpo rstlon and a cony hereof Disced in nnsaes. sion of hts bereaved family. Mr. carpenter was one of the foremost citlsens of our community and state, a leader among men, always at the front In every, good work, and his character will stand as a beacon light for the guidance of all who come within the sphere of his influence Into the safe harbor of hlah elii- senshlp. Always wise In his counsel, effect ive In his administration 6f the multitu dinous interests, charitable, religious and commercial, with which he associated himself, his loss will be most severely felt over as broad a field of usefulness as uiuany ians 10 me lot or man to fulfill. His loss will be a iMTsonal one. not nniv to each of us, his associates of tho board hi trustees or ine cniiu Having Institute, but to all Identified with the administration or the affairs of the various institutions with which he was Identified. To his bereaved family we .convey our deepest sympathy and pray that the strength which can come only from above may be theirs to support them in their great distress. GEOKGE F. BIDWEI,L, President. aVY C. BARTON, Vice President. O. W. LYMAN, Treasurer. K. U. BARTON. H. J. PKNFOI.D. ROME M1M.EB. A. V. CLiARK. Superintendent. MARTIN FINED ONE HUNDRED Owner of Arcade Resort on Ninth Street Para the Bill In Po lice Court. M. F. Martin, owner of the Ninth street Arcade resort, was lined $1W and costs In police court by, Judge Crawford Saturday morning on the rhargo of renting and leaa Ing a house at 808 Dodge street for im moral purposes. Officer T. F. Boyle was the only witness who appeared for the state. He testified that he had been on duty as a patrolman In the vicinity of the Arcade and hsd.seen Martin renting prop erty there to Immoral women and had seen him making repairs. The defense offered no testimony and Judgment was rendered on the testimony of Officer Doyle. The case against John Harris, who ' was Martin's collector of rents in the Arcade, was dismissed, as City Prosecutor Daniel was convinced he had no other Interest In the property and simply collected the rents. Martin paid "his fine before leaving the police station. He refused to say what his Intentions were concerning the use 'to which the Arcade shall be put In the future. The complaint against him on which he was fined Is only one of many that could be filed for similar offenses, said the Judge. All of the houses In and around the Arcade owned hy Martin are closed and unoccu pied now. City Prosecutor Daniel says no more complaints will be filed against Martin as long as the houses remain closed, but If he reopens them or rents them for Im moral purposes Mr. Daniel Intimates ho may haveto pay a fine for every house so rented. " WOLF HUNT JNEAST OMAHA Chase Wll Be Oraanlsed and Held aaaday Mornina; If Crorrd Taras Oat. - Peter B. Clauson, 508 Twenty-eighth street, East Omaha, Is getting ready for his annual wolf hunt. He bids all his friends who want to exterminate wolves to meet him at hts home Sunday at a. m. and bring their hounds along it they have any. "We want to make a cleaning up," says Mr. Clauson, who Is alwaya active In such enterprises. "We hope to have a large turnout and hope any Omaha people who can will join us." Fire Menaces Whole Toiri, FRESNO, Pal., Dec. 28. Fire ts mensclng tha whole town of (alinga, on the South ern Pacific railway.' filly ini'.rs from Kresno, Fresno county. The town is one of the fttl centers of southern California. Several building are reported aa having already been destroyed. f y-V'' The world's greatest artist uses the world's greatest piano qnly The piano, used at the Kubelik concert, tonight, will be for sale, tonwrow, at our t show rooms. You can have the piano, whjch has been selected for his use, at the regular pfice. Come at once. We are sole agents for the Knabe piano REVENUE OF DISTRICT CLERK Over Hundred and Thirteen Thousand in Tour Years. HIS OFFICE GETS SUM IN DOUBT DeneStcd to Extent of Several Han. tired Dollars by What la Termed Itathrr Loose Piece of Bookkeeping. In response to a request from Commis sioner Tralnor, Jamea Ruan and John S. Helgren, who have been employed by the County board to check over the county judge's, district cler;. . ind sheriff's affices, have compiled a report of the work ac complished. Incidentally they have com piled other figures relating to the offices they have examined. One of these incidental reports shows the earnings of the district clerk's office during the first term of Frank A. Broadwell. During the four years from U00 to 1SW3 In clusive the office earned In regular clerk's fees 1113.521.07. During the same time tha salaries and expenses were $71,199.71, leav ing a balance of $i:.0.'1.36. During the same time Mr. Broadwell's fees as clerk of the Insanity commission amounted te $4.641. 35 making a total balance of $46,562.71 of the earnings 'of tbe office over the expenses. In addition to paying his salaries and expenses he turned over to the county treasurer in May, 1905, $1,000 In surplus earnings. At the end of the term he had on hand about $3,000 making the total amount collected of the $113,000 earned, approximately $78,000. Loose Bookkeeping. The investigation discloses what the ac countants declare Is a piece of very loose bookkeeping methods whereby District Clerk Broadwell was allowed $2,101.51 in fees claimed when In fact he was entitled to only $1,447.48. While it is not charged there waa any dishonesty in making the claim the result Is that the amount of the fees apparently earned by the office is too la rue by the difference between these two sums. The claim was allowed by the old democratic board In 1904 on voucher No. STtdi. The amounts wrongfully included were these: Sheriff's fees, which should be credited to tho sheriff's office. $54.86; Jury trial fees, which belong to the county, $323; witness fees, which gd to the wit nesses, J136.07; prepaid costs, $140.11. The report of the work done by the two accountants covers the number of pages examined lit an investigation of the county Judge's office from 0M to 1906 and of the district clerk's office from 1900 to 1907.' In the county Judge's office 20.900 pages were examined and in the district clerk's office (2,800 pages, including about 61,200 items. In addition considerable work was done in the later dockets in ' the county judge's office and in going over the fve reports, board bills and other accounts of Sheriff McDonald and in going over a large num ber of.clulm recently filed. SMITH SMILESAT LIFE TERM .Nraro Happy When Jadae Overrates Motion for Trial, Fear- Inar tiallons. Edmlth, the South Omaha negro who killed Charles Singleton another negro In a guarrel over !5 cents .and was condemned to life Imprisonment by a Jury In criminal court, smiled happily Saturday morning when Judge Troup overruled the motion for a new trial filed by hlB attorneys and imposed; the sentence. As he walked back to his s.-at after listening to what the court had to say his mouth broadened out Into a grin that disclosed two rows of Ivories. Smith was afraid the Jury was going to hung him and waa opposed to an attempt to aecure a new trial for fear the second Jury would be more severe on him. Charles Oasklll, who waa convicted of breaking Into the store cf J. H. Ilaney St Co. and stealing $150 worth of fur over coata, was sentenced to five years tn he penitentiary by Judge Troup. Thomas Oasssu, who wss charged with shooting a negro named Dick Ford In a row at South Omha, pleaded guilty to assault and battery and waa sentenced to ninety days in the county Jail, lie denied firing the shot. A. J. Mangan, formerly a gang foreman for the Union Pacific, entered a plea of guilty to padding hla pay roll to the amount of $J6 and drew a fine of $50 and costs, which he paid. Mangan waa accused of putting fictitious narnea on hla pay roll and padding the pu checks of hla men, taking the surplus himself by an VL "".1 Baydeti ingenious arrangement. He was Indicted by the grand Jury last fall. ANOTHER POISON SQUAD BUSY toft Drinks Brlaade ftettln Ready to Test - the Soda Foon- . tains. WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.-Hcroes are thickening In Washington, D. C. Another poison squad is getting ready for business. This new butch of brave souls and In trepid stomachs will form the soft drinks brigade of the service and Dr. Wiley, of course, will be in command. Poison squad No. 1 Is now about six years old. Casualties have been many, but no lives have been lost. Desertions have occurred, but most of the changes have come through .the honorable dis charge of members. The squad is maintained at ita original strength of twelve men. Just why the number was put at twelve Dr. Wiley Is unable to state. The polsonees are young men who work in Dr. Wiley's own department, the bureau of chemistry of the Department of Agri culture. Most of them are. In addition, students at George Washington university, which provides night lectures especially to accommodate students who are sup porting themselves by working for the government. Of course there is none but volunteers In the squad. There Is never any lack of these. Aa they get all their meals for nothing they are willing to have a few acids, a little formaldehyde, a touch of' copperas or a few shades of aniline dye thrown in especially as they would get some of the same things at a boarding house and have to pay for It In ' the bargain. Probably the thing they relish the least Is the absolute knowledge that they are eating adulterated food. There is no guesswork about it, no chance to. hope that It is pure. For the bureau does Its own adulterating and Is uncompromisingly thor ough about It. A new recruit to the squad is not at once put on an adulterated diet. The first thing done Is to establish the equilibrium of his system, to discover whst Is his normal condition and what diet best main tains that condition. That being established, his daily ration of poison is Introduced and its effect ob served. It Isn't apparent In a day. Some times a week or more of the poison regime has little effect. But sooner or later It does tell. Dif ferent adulterants or -preservatives do not have the same effect. Formaldehyde causes a lowering of the temperature and sometimes a nllxht rash. Other - things cause headache. Indiges tion, pain in the epigastrium, which. being interpreted, means the pit of the stomach. Thla pain Is, perhaps. the most common effect of the doctored diet upon its willing victims. The new squad Is already organized and its members are being supplied with good food and drink to find out what thetr equilibrium is. When that has been de termined the fizz of the faucet will be heard in the land. The bureau has a list of over 100 soft drinks In which cocaine snd other drug are used. These are sold freely over thousands of soda fountain counters. The bureau, moreover, has records of indi viduals who have taken no less than thirty glasses a day of these drug drinks. Dr. Wiley proposes to find out Just whit are the consequences to these same internal regions of having these diluted drugs dumped fizzing Into them. Ho Is even thinking of admitting a few women to the ranks of the soft drinks brigade. American women absorb perennial gey sers of the stuff. It wouldn't be a bad thing to know just what It Is doing to IJiem. So here'4 to the Soft Drink brigade! Drink her down! They will do a-plenty of tha't them selves when they get started. Of course their diet will be straight; no polaon in that. They will eat good, wholesome food, so that there can be no shirking responsibility on the part of the soft drinks. v. ,11 be administered on a slid ing scale; one glass the first day, two the next, and so on. The department will be good and ready to announce the results before the soda fountains begin to spout next spring. A good deal of unnecessary pity has been spread thick upon the heroes of the poison squad. The public has an exag gerated Idea of their perils. They are carefully watched and no body Is permitted to run any risk of serious Injury. If a man has been taking the dope diet (or a period he is put on j u Bros. straight victuals for a while. After, say, sixty days of dope he gets a pure food vacation, which makes him as good as new. Nevertheless very few of the polsonees stick to the business very long. The record was held by a man who served three years. Of course he took the 3ope diet and the straight food turn about. NO ACTION ON POSTAL BANKS Real Estate Exchange Lota Hatter Drop After Some Weeks of Discussion. Opposition to the Omaha Real Estate ex change endorsing the postal stvlngs bank bills before congress took the form of a motion to lay the resolution on tile table, which was carried", and all attempts to fix a date for bringing them up for discussion failed. After the exchange voted to lay the resolutions on the table by a roll call vote of 23 to 18, W. H. Green aroae and made an address, saying the country was wait ing for this action of the exchange and had been cheated by the lack of action. Following this speech, Mr. Green added to the merriment by saying, "Gentlemen, I am sincere in this." A. P. Tukey read ay paper, opposing the postal savings banks and Henry F. Wytntn submitted substitute resolutions opposing the postal banks. Among other things, Mr. Tukey said he believed the governor of Nebraska should call a special session of the legislature to pass laws looking toward the state guaranteeing deposits In state savings banks and trust companies and make auch assessments on the banks and companies chartered, as would create a fund with which tho state could pay losses. Mr. Tukey thought that with the present reform, legislature the law could be passed and made effective July 1, 1908. AGED COUPLE CANNOT AGREE Woman Tells Story of Ilasbaad'a Abase and Latter beta Thirty Daya In Jail. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffls, an aged couple, presented a Bad spectacle In police court yesterday morning. Grin Is had been on a spree for several daya and his wife finally could atand it no longer and swore out a warrant charging him with disturbing the peace. She testified that for five days he had been abusing and threatening her and that during that time she had not hsd her clothes off. Friday he saturated the floor of the kitchen with kerosene and threatened to set iton fire. v While telling the story In court she cried Incessantly and told her husband she would never live with him sgain, and would get a Job In a restaurant if she could do nothing else. Griffls waa given- a thirty days sentence and a severe reprimanding by the Judge. MRS. BYERS TAKES VACATION General Secretary of V. W. C. A. Goes x to Chicago as Best from Heavy Work. Mrs. Emma F. Byers, general secretary of the local Young Women's Christian as sociation, left Friday evening for Chicago, where she will spend some time resting at the home of her parents. The extra work Incidental to the construction of the new association building has fallen heavily upon Mrs. Byers and tho board of directors fias Insisted upon her taking this much-needel rest. At a meeting of the board Friday morn ing plans were discussed for interesting the public In the furnishing and decorating of the new building. It was decided to issue a booklet. Including the floor plana and a statement of what will be required for Sufferers from GALL STONES and APPENDICITIS Cured The Myera-DUlon Drug Co., ltth and Farnam -Sta.. Omaha. Neb., are exclusive agenta In thla territory for Frultola. Thla wonderful new dlacovery In the field of medicine Is curing people every day of appendicitis and gall stonea. THIS OMASA ISAM WAS Uy,r.-D.llon Drug Co.. Omaha. N.b.i N'U' Ct 1" Gentlemen: I suffered for more then six months with what I suDDOsed to bs stomarh and bowel trouole. I tried every remedy suggested to me all of this time without receiving any benefit, I aaw your advertiaement of Frultola. and na of your clerks advlaed me to try It. i ojk tbe Frultola In connection with Traxo as directed, and the result waa aatoiusnlng. After taking one bottle of Frultola more than a hundred gall-stones were removed. I continued the use of Frultola and Traxo until the cure waa complete. The satisfaction of having my health restored is worth more than money to me. and 1 am correspondingly grateful to you. I have recommended Frultola to a great many of my friends" and In every Instance, aa In my own case. It lias done more than you claim for it It will give me pleasure to allow you to use my name In your advertising Voura Gratefully. W. C. HEY DEN, lagr. "Omaha Branch" John Gund Brewing Co. tap suffering tedayall or write te afysre-SlUoa Drug- Co llta aod JTaraaja alts.. Omaha, Vsb, aboat tala great ears y raize la. v 1 V .1 the s the furnishing of the several floors, to gether with an appropriate estimate of the cost. This booklet will be Issued some time In February. ' MORE BUSINESS MORE ROOM Omaha Printing Company Leases aad Moves Into Qaorters Adjoin , -Inar Old Place. The Omaha Printing company has been forced to enlarge its quarters as . result of a constantly growing business. Frank, B. Johnson, manager, has leased and la having renovated the four stories at. 9.'0 Farnam atreet. formerly occupied by Beehe & Runyan and will extend his plant into It as soon aa the place la ready, which will be In a few weeks. The present quarters of the Omaha Print ing company Includes four stories and base, ment, cornering on Tenth and Farnam, or adjoining the new section. The combined quartera will give a width of eighty-eight feet on all four floors. Mr. Johnson will be enabled to widen his office quarters, a thing he has long desired to do, as the pres ent space allotted to office room, Hike that given to other departments. Is entirely In adequate. The volume of the business has Increased and naturally the stock that is carried, so had not Beebe A Runyan moved Into the old M. E. Smith & Co. hulldlns on I Douglas street Mr. Johnson would have found himself In a quandary, for he could not have spread out any further where hn Is and the thought of moving from that location was one he could not entertain without having a aeriea of cold chills. As It lai Ilia rlarnnnrla urlll Vi. (,.-!.. L quarters almost double In slse. VETO READY F0R TWO BILLS Mayor Wants Market Master and Fa vors Gas Commissioner Nisi Ingr Assistant. Mayor Dahlman announced Saturdny morning he would veto two of the or dinances passed by the council at its last session. One of the measures to meet with his disapproval is that introduced by Bridges placing the appointment of .the asHistant gas commissioner in the hands of the mayor and city council, and tli other Is McGovern's ordinance discon tinuing: the office of market master. "1 think the gas- commissioner should he allowed to name his own assistant." said the mayor. "Tho other department heads aro allowed this privilege and I don't sea any reason for singling out the gum com missioner aa an exception to the rule." "I am against the abolition of the mar ket master for the reason I think we nee such an officer. While that department Is not self-supporting, I think it Is a neces sary department. Instead of alxilishlng It altogether, I would favor reducitig tho salary from $100 to $76." ' If you have anthlng to trade advertise It in the For Exchange Column, of The Bee Want Ad Pages. APPEAL FOR HOPE COTTAGE Call Issued by Rev. V. W. Karldgo to Aid His Old People's Home. Rev. Charles W. Savldge has Issued this call for help for one of the charity Insti tutions which he maintains In connec tion with his work aa pastor of the Peo ple's church: A NEW YEAR'S GIFT. I wish l.ono people in Omaha would send me a dollar each to lift the mortgage on one of our Hope cottages due next Thurs day, January W. We have seven aged people whom we have promised to keep for lite without cost to them. Thla frees that property from debt. Telephone me and I will come to your house. CHARLES W. SAVIDOB. Webster 3444. Pastor People'a Church. CUBES ST riDITOLl .be