THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 29. 1907. us v 1 CRilS A5D PRODUCE JIARRET All Omit Open witi rim Tone and Higher. S03TE IS rSXQ rCS SALE Pit U Devoid f Ofrriigl u rrtwf Ar BI4 T Airl-CbMM Lighter World fthtpaaeat FMlWC. , OMAHA, Dee. a. iw. Th grain market til oTer-d Brm and k S her. do grain preaa'rg tor aal and th p-t htr of oKfrxp and price are b"i vp sharply. The estimated light wwMt hlpm!. nxM of which alii be Ajutrtc 'a, la lb on dominating Inlun. The bt market Ignored weak cable acd opened with a rush. Cocimissioo lioutff were good buyer and th bull fac tion played Kara, tght world a shipments b;r.g the ir.tuervce- Mar t pened at I: tiJ and closed at ti .. Cora opened higher wiui wheat and re mained 'rr Trader who bar been ltnu oa com are diaappointed In th fan off of arrtvaia trie last few day and arc Bupportins; Uve market on th ad vance- Mar for opened at XSSc- Increased eastern aad ooutfcera deinand nd a prospective light movement of oat for the coming week sent price UP- Mar said evened at liSc Primary wheat receipts wer feu he) and ahipmeBlft a ere WO1 buahei ajrajnat receipts lt year of 4.4. (ttf bushel ax 4 shipments of ta. buehei. Cora receipt were 4tH.4: bushel and shipments vera f3M but he', a. agamst re last year of ait.Mi buaCe-a aad aLlp-T.-.a of buheia C1frum were 2a buahela of corn, U buaJ--i of oaia aad wheat ad Sow equal la IZI.W ruar.eia. ljvfrpoo) cioaod Wd ta lower on wSeat and Ha higher o iyjra- Pf:ard reported Tl "Of bnhel of wheat ar,d K baet-eia of corn takaa for cxpurL uki ra&ce of optional Article! Open. ; H. Low. l Ooee 1 Tea T. i..j i"1' v Mar. J i .- jr, ltcv IM Ju.j KS -V WS CWTTl , , t Ee...J 5.", M I flV Mar-.-j M I ir- WV' MS Juljr.l lV us; a.H M'-, tSS Oat J I Dec., j H Mar-.- &.v M! S.!S Juirj te. T WHEAT No. I bard, rff?; Xo. S ,tard SC.fSV: Ko 4 hard. 4-vir; No. t apnrf ; no ia3e. CORN No. t. Kc; . 4. We; n FTda. CQ Br; No. reiiow. riHc. No. wfeite. klc OAT No. cixtsl. PKTe; No. ahita. n4Tc; No. 4. white. TWc; alajxd ard 4"t?c KI-No. S. SQfTtc; No. X 3yic vartot aeceira. Wheat. Com, Oata CUca a ' 1C 1 I ry. ......... .. l CHICAGO GRAIN A.D rBOTlIO Feat are of ta TraaltaiaT aaal Cloadaa; Price a Boor of TrwAe. CHlCAtiO. Dec. a light receipta In th i tr, iu reclon. upper Mia!ppi and MSa Borthweat formed the chitf reaoa for a j ouri valiey and wear to the mountain. atror.r wheat market lere today. At tne Ciuoe 3tAy wheat a SN.W-'kc r.aer. iraa waa up lt;vc- Oata irrt c fciRhev. fro-iiorj atia fcfilijc higher. The waeAl markex waa tron All day. InfijcriUal trauier began to bv.y at the operui and continued until the k.e. Tt? chief reaaoo waa the principal northwestern (rata re.v1r point reported on!' car today, vita car pienuful. aRainat 4iC car IaM year. durltR the prevalence cf lha car famine. The belief that the world a ahipnx-ota will ahow a comparative de cline wiiBBa tba next few weea waa aiao a atrenR boiiian factor. There waa aUao an Imceoved atemand for mil!lr.R purpoaea. and from Texaa came the report that wheat acreaRe tad beea reduced St per cent from that of iln year, partly because the farm oca fear Ua reappearance of the Rreea our. and alao bxAuae of the deotre of ptaster to aae more laird for cotton. The clooe wa atroBR. May wheat opened V9Sc la Vva V Mr her at E-Ww to tliV J be toeea tl.iw acd and ciooed at CRTta, . Clearance of wheat and fVmr were esj-ual to .( bu. Primary rece-.pta were . bu-. aainat, l&4u b on- tb eante day laet year. Mmneapolta. Dnluth and Chf caRO reported recepa of cam, aarainat Xil car la at week and Sttt car oa fear the corn market l!rht local roceiptA comparatively few coon try acceptance asd an improved demand from the eaat created a strong feelinc. The strerth of a beat a aa alao A bullian factor. May corn opened aSi-e to "i.CV higher at SeajC to aSc. o;d between teSc and tfec. and rloaed l ror.R at 'Scl LjocaI receipt were 11 car, o-ith four of contract R-rade. Tr.e oata market waa stronger and more active than for aome time- There waa fair baying for Investment account, and aiao by ahorta LAght local receipts were aiao a alrer-4Tt her.lrg irfluence- May oats opened Ve higher at U)c. and ooid be lew that figure and ie, and ciooed at Mc local receipts were 144 cars The pro vial on market waa dull bet firm, partly because of a a!1ght advance la the proe of Uve hogs, and aiao because of tr atrragth of the gram market. At t ha clooe May pork waa irSc higher at C1I Ii 4 was up ic at HJ&. Rib wore Tc ttrher at r.lA. EaUnjated roceipta for Monday are: wheat, a cars; corn. tt car, oaia. M car: boar. !. head. Tb leadlns future ranged aa folio wa: ArtMee J Open., High.) Low. I Cjo'-, Tea y. Whet Dec May i I I I I R: I 4R 51 at-t ;i -tx i 1 1 --x. July BSiaiW Cora ; , Dec. 5SflV '-H Mr' JeV ws May ttaVoSi July Oa to ft May May a July b July Pork- JaA. May Lard Jan. May Pub Jan. May 1 i MS f-it a.0 w 4- 4-k - 4kS 44 ) uxrs u& U I'H It to I4TS. : . : i f tv 4 ! 4 45 It I T R9S I U 4TSv U L 11 r U u tc'S ? s No Z. Id. b New. Cash q notations were aa follow: Pl-i t R Steady; price on patent, . atraigr and baker not available. WHEAT No. 2 aprtrg. c iihjLU; No. t, actrC yr. No. t red krSctjtLrt v tV'KN No. t USvK; No. I yellow. OATS No. 1 feSc: No. S white, 47S9 lor- Kvr vo. i ?c. B4.R1.ET Ftr to choice Butting. gSc SEEDS No. 1 Berth aestera. ITJh. Pnm t .mo-.r j. tAfc.ao4.2k CYover. contract gradea, r4i PHr VISIONS Short rba. Aide fioosei M le ".Oa. Mea pork, per bU . til HtJ lli--a Lard, pr I'A- ioa, r?:t Short clear side fboxedi, K ITS " IT. Followirg mere the receipt and anip tneiiia el Aour and grain: Receipt a. BhlntnentA tour, pnia 41 J Wbewt. bo. 77 Corn, b ; 4iv tiaia, bu. -tA4 Rye. b It Barley. b 4B.4) 44 4 iti k i: dtS Xn aifc'O oa tt rvxmuc exchance toAay the ba: ier werket aaa steady; creasaeriea. S-Jv: lairie. leic. far, easy ; at mark. raa inciiad.; frsta. S; pmae ra-s rc. extraa. .ac. Cheese, steady at USlsr- t- Lea la Gemeral Market. ST. LOllS. Dec 5HWHEAT-Higr,or: track. S. t red, eaafc. f ttPVrrt .4S: No. i Hard, r ftfj !--; May. Ii frfcrte: July. C.RX H-rt.r: track. Nfx t cash. 4W9 c. May. irsc; July. Tec; No. I knoJ V- OATS Higher: track. No I caaa. M 4- Mar irSc: No. i wttt. fci-c. POl-LTRY-.ter: chkkena. IV' sprmga ljc; turkeyw. USc. duckk ac: g. ae ty FLOl'R DuIJ; red annler patents 14 : extra fancy And straight, t4.Xa4-av-iear B TS44 flft ' SKF3 Ttmcthv. itr!;: tl 5:fe414 0R.N MEAL Steady: te. BRAN . aauked- east track. tl 4A HAT-Stedy; r.caothy. U4yUI; pralria 9k aT",? TS Hk. IKON O rTTTiX TIES n H BA'aulNG Se HiUP TWINE 11c PRv1SJONi hrt, higher; lobbtsg. f-2 . Laud, tedy; prua oie.'a. t. a. Dry T mea'. aTr- ex7r BV-ft. p. n. c var nt US; rt-a-a, 24.7. Bacon, "-a'iy; boxed extra sh"rt. tJ, c;er r'h 4 snort f W-e r RKTV F'.TTILR t4?f ; cr.arr.-rVe i.-trB'SC- iXKJft-Diiil at Jc. CB ou-it Recir Shipon-el FVr. bbie. 11.0a WWt. bu. " h Corn, bu 71 OatA, btx. ..i aZJrw K. UW YORK GENERAL MARKET Fewtarea mf Trwdtas mm nicea wa Ua4I Cwaaaaa4lteo. NEW TORK. De. ---nXl"H-Reipi. K7aa btla.. exporta. i:4 bu. Market dti.U but firm. M'rrresota pa'. winter tra itu, WiMlTP: Minr.-aa baAers. U . winlef jrad'a. enraa. tX4.S; arr.ier rtena. S: wjnter tew fradea. ie.4.). Kya flour, firm: f.r to f raod. H ii. fhoM to fancr. tV ti& Bjckweat fiour. r.eady. U.W per CORN ME Al, Firm; fne white aod ytllvw. riiifjl; coaraei. . RTE f'eakdjr; No. 1 aeatera. Kc t o. b. New Tork. WKLAT-Rwtlrt. Ill bu. : eiporta. 3.IS bu : apot rr.arlet trm. No. 1 red, l: tT, eiei-ator; No- 1 red. T. f o. b. aSoat; No. I aorthrcrw Tl jth, H S I o b aoat: Nx 1 bard. H l'i f. o. b. a&oat. New fcjjh Jeve.a a ere rr,a6e 1b wteat to day on oorer & on amail r orthweirt re eeipta and Utl Anrertina offerirpa. Final prKie were )c net r.'.cher December rKd i ': Mar. t-lOLIt. ched R.14. Jul- eloaed tl CtRS-RT i'A -' bu.; erpoTt. LM bu.; arot market firm. No X. 7E-c eievaior and r-c f o. b. aBoat: No. 1 whl-.e. rv: No. 2 r'',w- nominal, f. o b. aflc-at. Ortwaa mar l waa atronc and hif ber. with ae:em rxarketa ard on aftive oTer4rig. the c)- re-'reT!ting V''S nt advaace. Deoe-nrxr. T(Sr:.. cioaed 74Sc; Mar., &" bu.: eiporta. bo.; Fpot tnarae'. atoadr. Mlxe4 oat. Jt to 12 Ibe. Mc: natural wMte. X to II it-. VVfj'-'S. cUrped white, to 3 lba. fc R-r etadr; Rood to cbolce, n.WeT--HOPS Quitt; aiate. common lo tbosoe. 1'T. u5iTc; ic; rc:Sc ocaft, h.i . - Iwm. r r i. i Hlbris Q uet"; Bofcrta. Jc; Central IJFIA TH t-H Ouiet ; 3f5r:e FROV1610NS-B-ef. ateaiy:, r.S. im. HI jC-STJ: pacat. fMVf 1AC. tura IrxJ mtu, 2 S . Oat meata. oulet; rltk;ed beiiiea. Lard. aiea5y; wt!em p-"r. fiA.lS: ref.ae3. aoiet: conilTif-nt. South AmerK an. R.-2S; co-rpound. P.SStift. ftrk. ateadr; family, r.fc-J-. abort clear. Boeaai CS3li(. taY,ix.w eteUr; eitr. Vc: co trr. (HvSc RICE gt-adr; domectlc fair to ex tra, mair: nomi&al. BUTTER Market ateadr: crmrrr ex tra a. Sh5ac; third to frata. rfe"c; rtate dairr, common to J?ne, Tty&c: proceasa. com mon to imperial life weatem factorj, coTT.rron to firol. li6T3Sc E'jGS IrrerJiar: Hate. rV-inrrtvarjia and nearby rckmS to chojoe. IT&ar; crata to etra firtna. rc; weatem Creta. 14Hc; eev-aL li'jUe. POl I.TP.I Ave. rteady: western cick--na. SSc; fowle. 11V: turkeya. lTyr: drew, unaettted: weetern chsckena, Wirf :: turkeya. Iai:e: fowla, :Uc WEATHER IX THE GRilX BELT Fair XlRkt and aadar, wltk Milder Ataaaapbere. OMAHA, Ijec- 1MT. An ar of hich presrure. acwinixianlil by decidediy ccWer weather, arread over the ceritral portion of the country dunr-R tha tiJit and temperatnres are much lower in iTv.r.T euiiv and unerttled weather preva- east of lh MiasisAppt river, with raJna ta the lower iake reg-on. Ohio val ier And southern tates- Clfar weather prevaf: west ef th river to the mountain and fair weather will ewtinne ta tr.U ocinfty tonight and probably Sunday, wjta warmer tonight. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the ccrrerpond- lr g ay or tn lAti iaree ears: 1C in. IMS, jrt Minimum ternperaitir.... 17 n Jt t precipitation -T. -0 J . Normal temperature for today. S drreev Defictency ia precipitation ajnc March 1. T.44 icchea. DeSdencT oorreopoading period In Iff. Art Inches. . Deficiency Corresponding period lo IKK, S.T iBChe. ' I. A- WELSH. Local Forecaster. af aaoaa City Grata aai Provfaloaa. KANSAS CITT. Dec S-WH HAT May. ri; July, kAac. Cash: No- a bA-rd. Kc !o41-. No. X SX.'Eri:, No. S red, sfv'ioc; No. 4 mrWr.C- CON May. i3c: July. He Cash: No. i m'.xrd. try: No. I. Tt,ai?ac: No. I white, CSlSc: No. X, in. OATS No. X wlute. 4fH3V: No. I mixed. 4Stvc HAT-S-Ady; choc tirfothy. 1.1 V.3 X2W-: choice prairie. :rSa RTE Tc EOO Weak: extras. ESc; firsts. lSc. bUTTEJV-Klrrn. croajnery. Sc; packing, lac Receipt. Shipment a Wheat, bu 4 . S Osnv. bu 43.0 Oaia, bu v i4 1X.M Kaiiaas City graia option: 1 Opes. ; High- ! Low. I Oooa Wheat May .. July .. Cx-era Kay .. July .. I ) isasi 1 e . lvesi ttttA i.r ICS: .- ktSwB m ( -cs'ijsr1 Sl'ml fceS. 4ewOaI Mlaaeamolta Grata Market. MLVNEAPOL3S. Tec 34. WHEAT May, C 14 July. C 1S. No. I hard. Ui3; No. I northern. tT.11: No. t aorthern. 41 01 -ad' i(ea; No. 1 northern. fl"tlV FLjOtTl-rirst palenta feap6.?0; aecocd patent. IS 1"; f. rvt deaf A ttM;A4tr. second clears. tXttftik - SEED Flax, at rot a. cloalr-g and to ar- rtv. tiirs ' BRAN-In bulk, tX TVS 304. rkllamelakka Pradcee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec IR--E008-Vr- j ke steady, fair demand . Pennsylvania and I curreot recetpia in returnaMe case. c at mark: westerc cho'c. c at mark; west- era. fa'r to rood. e at mark. CHEESE Osiet but rteedy; New Tork f j! creams, co'o. 15SHc; New Tork. fair to good, liqlisc Mlleaaki brat a Markex. MILWATKEE. Dec -WHEAT higlier: No. 1 northern, H.l-jrlll: No. I northern, fi r?t lj BARLEY firm; No. X te-ie; aajr.ple, i tiRN-Hl4-her; No. I cash. W-SANc, May. USe bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Tc SV CORN-New steady: No. I yellow. 56.v,4c: No. t. He; No. 4. U3 tic; re grade, j&4- OATS Higher: No. t white. 4rv4Sc; No. 4 whit. 4rt8.ic RTE rh.U- WHISKT-On the bast ij tLS for Sa Ished goods. Ltverai! tSrwta Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. ft-WH EAT Spot, firm: No t rd western winter, I ISd; future trm. March lUad; Mar .t KA,X CORN fpf. trm: pt-.m miied Amerxaa. new. fca 4Sd: prime mixed AmerWan. old. Is, 4d; futures steady; Jaauarr A, ad. Dalatb bralw Market, DVLCTH Dec WHEAT No. 1 aorthera, tlK': No. J northern. HC; December. C '.-. May. C 1S. JT. K-li Jew Tork Mtataat fttoaka. NEW YORK. Dec- Sk-CVauig aiMtAtiocis oa sr.iring stocks were: . 4aM Cae- Lrale Cktat 4 aite - eotana n kmna Ceair JJ4 BraaavKk Cam. at Pew 14 Caaiwua Taawm It aaaaaa tl Cos. a: A Ya t am SeaaAa II kar fc. w K iaaaar Hi I -a fci.-rr V taaail Ban at .ia Caa. ol Baak ncaurtaar. OMAHA. Dec II Bark clrarUgs for today aere II 1.4 11 44 arjfl for tie cor dale last year 11.474 IT! it. I5-47- 1444 Monday ... T ueday . . Wedi.-aday Tfcunday . Friday Saturday . , .t; 11s it 11 . 1 111 1441 '. t itt VrVij . 1 171 H7 ft . l.tTt.lUH rJt414.2l4.TI i HiViV ii 1 144 741 :t 1:11 it: :t l.;t IT! 14 Total . . ... Il:i ItT 4J 14 !M 111 It Dex-rease ever the correepondm g week last year, till til S ft tat ease a t- WASfflXOToS. Dec a -Today- state! merit ef the treasury balaace m tbe g-n-eial fund, excluajv ef tne t r gv.d rtamt fo: Arailahke nib ha1-" t-KfUTO, g-o!d coin aad buiUoa, t-3 M4.M. (Old cerU&cales. -l.U-s:4i. SEfiYORKSTOCKS 1ND E05DS Kxket U Under CcBrtrmhit uil Fri itj't Adruicei Are Wiped Oat. K03SXT OoTLOOK KpEE (31X111X1 Itewrr CaUla for tHldead mm (erk Pwy aaeata Cawew Halt Tra4las aaa Iaaaera eUtaa-. NEW TORK. Dec- Tbe e market waa ttnier aoroe ootvatraint today and tf.e bm;k adTanc wbich waa r. auR-jrated yea ten! ay waa not poraiaed with confdenoe Adranoea n re wped out la the trial nil-f-iR. Thla waa dae in part to tea redaction in tt.e i rt tntereat e'lecteo or u Iilr opratlfMia cf yesterday. wfccb. tn turn, were t iar--t element la the adTanca Tradeta-wbo bouRht ytriay. alao. arera d!T--ed to take rrcSta today. The more cheerful oenlasent orer the mosey Oi-Uoc dJe to yeaterdar a dertiop menta waa riot wholly Impaired today, but tea -a w.-e entertained t rjt ni week would iee a pinch ia the money market canard by tie irrvnvediate rej jtrementa of the annual ae-VJemenla wticb tr. Rht be carried ovr tcto the new year. L-ociatre evidence of the eaasrR of tfte -.ra:n in B-rl'a waa tn tLe wide receralon In the pri vate d.pooont rata and tnuroaslona ware Riven of a trobabi early redoctKn tn the rate cf the Itr-perta Bank of Oer maty. Th.) enderce of adeqjate provifnoa for carryinR the German maraeta ttruRS the annual aet-Jexbesta. which hare been looked forward to with arrrebenawm. re lieve the aorlda marketa of ore of it moat aertot: caiwa of anxiety. The de cline in our currenry tramhiai Rlvea a-d f-round fee aatlafactk-n. AlthcuRh thre ! no mony market at the aiock exchange on Ratriay. apeculailva aeatt roent waa in clined to take account of next week po aibiJitiea. The weekly review of tla raer cantiia aRtnclea e A the proRreaa of the nnr.ka-e ta act. vulva and trrosa em!ra of railroa' for the third wek in December howed a larfer de crease fro la-t year a fiR-uT lUa baa yet been reported. A Rood tmrreaaioo waa made by re-rona from acme center cf re- rjmpton of work by aome of tb workina; force Jt)ch tad t-etn reduced, bvt til ; lrnpreaaion waa oSaet by the oonauiiaUcr, ' of the authoittie cf pot-ic charltie ia New Tork to oevise mean for canxiR fort the larf- mjrr.ber of hom5e and uriem- ployl to the city. The bar.k atatement , proved more favorable than the moat j .-uine exM-iaiiona. The S :C . 3C Ram i tn cas-n ccvnr.parl wl:a pT!t-n:-iaT-jr eii- mate of fror tl to 4,X.i.. The laan 1 contrartv-vn of i in a rk of ore- pa ration for meeting heavy obiigatirns re- fee: a gratifying power cf rec-pf rat-ion tT the har-ka. The change in the various J jt-m are probably magri-.f.ed by the com- puiation on average lor nve cave, innrai t-f the usual 1x day of the barkt-g w-ek. While no official adrcUAm were to be had on the sabjeci. the ir.fereace 1 was- ranted that some redaction of the out- fnarnlicg clearing house certif.cates f ct-res ta the loan reductjen. The net ru!t i a reduction in the Oerictt to fcX'.l.s. rMcl compare with KA.ltA.4X4X the Mt'nam de- tacit for the week November a. Br-nd, were firm. Total sales par .value. E .JO ao. t"n:led States ia have adrAnoed S per cent on eali during the week. -umter ci aate a-T.U etiolation on stock oere aa fellows: taJaa- Rigta Lev. (T'ae. 2 Adaaa Tf n w. Aau.iiuiu.e4 Ctwpr am. a A r ia cat r:t Av. Crewia Cnl Aw Cnoea OJ ?4- Aasentaa TCaiu . tl' 44 , t.! r.v JHO k! ri Am. at A L i t AmtT'iaa . accarruea ia L.ioaae Oi: Am TUa)4 Oil pi Am. TUwancAi-i-a Am. LoepwytlTa pfd.. Am. ft A Am. A k pit Am Oasv fteazm( Am. Ttore r4 ci! .. AaaB0a M.'aixg C Atrtw ti-iiaaa pffl ... ........ .... tine r::: ::::: J .... l.'Mlf ,1 M Ht, at, at M .... . rt ?ua, .... b s at t .... a.x im tfia m 1 ? f .... w p. tt j .... 1 -j,, n J M ay Tat t Ci j - .. . .. 1 .... A"" w !-, j no ua ia im .. - mo es p-.i, h ! rj t ' e ikw ii m : .... 1 ;4. HHa i , . Atlastut Ceaat laa BaB:s- A 0a IiaJL Ofcia r B-wcA'r tUeX Tr Caufiaa rarlftr Oatnl af See .arj.- Canas Gt W Ciuease A X W r-fctnaa-a. TA. A A P "tlnJF T. T Caicacs T. T. Kf4 C . C . C. A t Leaw toimto r AX Cairaa m aa Oaia. A . lat 4 Ola. A aa. it s4 Ccaa.idaie4 Oaa ...... C.ora P-ucia . ............ Cera PrBru fft Delaware K4aaa rw. u w brow A k O D A ft- a BM t'iKlIlew' Sacvnuea .. tt-ie En lat na M at u 4414 u IA I two iii n (., "' " a.iie t r oa let ia XWO "l' - tt 10, im to Mi " rt iirvl iii p'a m "t.h IT tHa u 41s 4! as It it IT 1 Gnnl Zieeint t:ili9ia Ceatrai .. jj- J l U f Vr latflrtiatlmal lal ejer rf4 IM rial 1st- Pam aft leea Cortral .. lova Oaairai yfl Kanaaa City fta at. C 4V J4 -. Uianui A S Malaaa OamU Miaa A St 1. ML. 4k. P A ft ft at k.m. r t t c at jc4 Miaapen Paear Misaaarl. A T at . A A T aft Kaxiaaai beat K k k af Tat tr't Kew T ark Ceetral H T O A W Hartal m w K A W. H wcaA AJBanaae Partat MaU BtraaartTmxia raas.l'a Gaa r . c . c A at u I fue4 Car Syaawit C Bit Paiiinaa Palace Car keatma 1 i, t, K-a K4 54 Ta w 4! X5 W n ti t M 4f av 4 11 W e J j.? ka 41 a, tt an, l A C XW l . li, m rT, M 14 ll " 44' S n Aaal: lat rrl a.... n Tl imi m pn j Ava c fu . 3'i ' . aLllWBr aLa psa ... ' kjr liu. Ca ! ftatk U-ul Ca. Kt - t ti 24a S 14 M ftv 1 4k 4 P M M St beta 4 W at. L ft w rM fttcAara Parftt: a. Par st , 4a. SJUivar , la. kaiivky aa- Taaaa A rar:4:....... T.itLl . T . si u A W at. t al e Nr:tt ttua Pac.ftc T ft kis-ew C ft tveaftr C ft. kMr . r Sxteae ai r. ft Bum . - C ft tuwi 14 Va -Oaratiuia CSieaaal tt aea Ckam e ibta wvaj rtt 2 it r 11 ts r ante i.r !!-" 4 S Hi HI. 1:: r. lie U4 toe ' t t4 11 R ,a i:a re i 5 U 14 W e.avraisi ka a aeiiLgatJiue gjemnc Wat.'.-- t'tiaa ateeJit A L. R 1. u ft TV jiV tt I I il'ia jg Wia Oetral tit JCarvAera rachr Ora fi-ii 4 14 im irrv 44 m: i-t Cea'-rai Lea'Aer Cwtrml Xea-.aee M tauiravreuaa met la kra s'4 liaa-lMAtil :aa: . - Tauu aaaa tar ut 4ar. T mt akarea jj Clearta Heaae Baak Itateaaeat. v-rror rnair rw -r- clearing house tank for the f-ve dv this wevk snows that the backs hold tsi- It t lea than tr,e reo'irementa of the B per cent reserve rule. Thia I an increase of VU'.4tO m in proponicnate cash re- ar-rv aa c-m pared with last week. Th : element fo.loaa: Ixrs iN-puanta Clrru.eiion .. Legal tender . Stcie tT14TM4M Licit HA rx;44 44 1T rt a n-'" njj akv hrarrv ?4i Sr.4 Rwerv roqaired .... X.3S17S1.21A tltlliii. refcit SJ Si E Ex-C 8 d. pewits. 444.. 4 Crewaaaai Exrlaaie. BERLIN. Dec & Exchange oa Loedom. auarka SI pfg for checas Teacount rates: Short LiL (for settlement i, peg cent; thxe moiith' bUs. S per mil Premek Bxraaagr. PARIS. Dec 2k Three per cent rente a, sf ac fee- the aecobnt. Exchautg oa Loa duo. Ut 17c for ctecAA. Moveaaeata of ftoecle. NEW TORK- Dec 24- In. pons of mer cbaadiae and dry g-ood at tc port of New York fur the arrt eedg December U. acre vaiiacd at f-4.4xX.BaV. im porta tit trri for tSe port of New Tort for tba weHt rmt'TMt today, were Iwe rt'ver. ard m.l.Eri Rr..d. 1-x pert of v"?e frw t he port of New York tor the wee endt today, were l.M aUver. a--d mo Rd. Xtw Tortx Vaaer Marart. KFW TORK. Dee- 9 -MONET On ea'L ootninaL Time loan Ju.i and flrra; aitt daya, U per c-est. ninety day. M to U per cent: rx mom ha, per crt. PRIMS MERCANTILE PAPER ir cert. STERUXO EXCHANGE ftron. ollb actual bniree in banker' bill at It 4 Mil for demand arid 14 for rlxty. day bJ; commercial bllla. ttTIH. f ILVER fcaj. a.wc; Mexicaa oollara. BONDS Oovernment. ateody; railroad, firm. Cio tiR qvotauona oa booda wara a fi'.lowa. r . ft. i-f a, r.... "t 1. K tn: ... -T ?v T - " Xt ftr t lr r a. 1 'ai. a u Ul . K A T U Am. T3Crc . e if 5H . M ft. ft. cf c aa T-ia AArkian tn 4a N T C ie te mti m J C a ta 1 atau C L. a ... MVa r-j.a a Bai A C a " 4e t ia ta ... H K. A r e. ta S B- ft. T a aa .... " o C U r4 ai. ... C'-'JmJ af Ga. W 4 -r. i - t, lrt t O . -!. ra 4a ki-4 S4 uf S St.. u A 1 m t fc 4 M tt Ol U. A r t 4 Cha A t 4ip .. t t U W. a 4a... MCraa' A A 44 V3.-I a L. 4 . C. A Q a. 4..... a rt- a : C.lltr a : j w cda. t la ... ftii:T la- HCC. 4 tl L t aa t Teaaa A P. a 1 Own 1t- la ate. A 4aT. sc. L. A W. 4a. 4:4 ra 4 It rri Pi--r 4 On. A A. 4a " a rr aa M Cvt la 1... tr auj M k .... US & A E- G a- V Wataar it Pki.KV Nr aa ... 4 4 et ft 4 BVrie L t -- kfl 4a 41 t-w 4a TS w A U E. aa Tl ant val. 4 o ' cwt-1 at Jra 4a Ta Autrana cr .,. 4e trtt w a u ""a - 11 Ama:UBalt . ' tiai . n f ra . tbx. A Hk . 6 -a Oaa. laaiai , 3 cro. ftai.a l.i ww ' r t. k.t. ..I!t O-aibr . J4 laie ftraie U: km Mining . NHita . JlV M . :'-t 3ti c. a c . 7 Oj4 rral.ico ... . .. tv r-n . .5 Wfjrr .yi fi.a w . 1 !inm!t . Tni.iiy yV tr.4 V;-Te I'.l T ft. Hiuac- r. s oii . t'tak .. 44 Tnura -.11 w.j,pLa . .... .. - riiVr'n-M . a NbtA ftatte .- "a" Boite Caiilo ... 7 4 .rMi . i4 l" A aitws-. "aa-.a A Kim Jj ; E-e-in . L"'. " y v h h .p,' jM, M imo rr ..... aja. A-oa. Oaeia. 1:4 . Aw rxrn. Tab, Ajmt 'a J- !L J' !4 71 n 14 7 wliaa j 4, 1 u ' n ""tii Crami Etnt . a. aiaa r I l'4 ' aaa vaa j Jj; T. : r j i-itO. '..'." 5 4- ;4 ' .J " j afla . aearaia - ei A imu . Aiit Anaaa Cent . ! Aake. . . ; j Loaaloa Cloolaa; Stocks. j LONDON. Dec. CiosjEg quotations on j rtorV were: ' CBearla mamey ... E w . K A T J aa optwaat . J y Certral Xarioll A W J" a pf r-aTia A W A T. r- C llrlM aft "... l a rar'.ia r? ; n Cm? Prt ... 1 r.f Mixra tt P.aiTi ra ftpe-fenr. Xuareay "ft 6a ! - - frj JJ v in in ! m ..ia Cfc'cag d. W he lw 1 a 14 5tn.4ei P-artar uraeer a St e .lrtea racasr pt "- p!t .... le rajr c. .. a M e K. od f4 tr at -v. ae St r'i M W.i.a J oja Tmk i 4? t4 . llUboat Cectrat in aaataa 4 w Xaniie A X .- at Aaal O IL ER Ba.-. quiet. .-4 V3 per ounce. MONEY rVJ'jH "per cent- Tho rate cf dlacount In the open market for short b-Xs is trw per cent; for three Djoctha' bills. iiiKS per cent. ratein PlmaaetaL LONDON. Dec" 56. Money was tn te- Ilia trwtt A 11' Jirti4 I Ik Tr.m rir InAmv f nr j Tfar-uid rtaurjrieitA and thia caused nzmcr rwa. ixacvunLi were quiea-y steady. There wa little business trans acted on the stock ex chance, but quota- Oooa atiflaoed ea the proafct of easier money bringing mcreAsed business in the ! Bur future. Cor-aols benested to the ex. - tent of 4-34 Ajnencana were cheered br 1 th unprorem.t yesterday in Wail , street. Thev artaj-I4 trni av ' and hardened later on the r.rofnect of a j better hank statement. The market . t- . A. . jt e . . - . - ,T belter ti.aa yeottrdar 1 Rjr..v ??elS 1 m ,, tr Tk. , i : lo-r, raj-, U Jew dar Into ' tiry commaiMied ten acd eieven per cent t PARii xjoc -I. Trad.rig- on the Bourse 1 today aa juiet and frur were firm. j - Cot tea Market. I NEW TORK. Dec a.-OOTTON Future 1 opened steady; January Jfec; March 41c; jut i.i . j ur. Ml nui- 1 i.i m. . - AuAUSt 1( isc bid. F-utures closed steady; closing bids: December. 1144c: January. 14 14c: Feb ruary, II 44c. March, 1 41c; Arii. 14-ilr; 1 May. l 4c: June. II lie; Ju.y. 10 lc: ( August. 1141c, spot closed steady; n - .ii - et. it ar-. MIil M- 4Ha T, , tV " "l a u I t I el a a a . i )' t K ! . Pc'un',- ' ..; not aer ana B-A -t-A 5JJf J.,,1. J?t iit R r C ! oca and b-tf.ra ti M j Dec U . 4 31 (ia j 4 42 4 tv IT. canT)(T tl kTrtv tmr,a tri : aataa tarka aa Boada. j L- : - i iJ '. ' i ia' ' is ' 1 clv- "" . Tex and ladiei BOtTTON. Dec. -O.I! lo.ft. k fi t a i ' ! " j - rlf. IX.- tvnt; time kn. wair j-r cent. Offifl iZT '"' I S"' I i. a Jt 4 4 C - atr. . . w . rir.. . ure. a..,t, iitti. j. " . H' ON-IWf-Kn tivo h-a : market dlxr.g cpiandA lllik ; nilddar-g gulf j market quickly weakened until it was tm li 45-: MiM. Hi bales- j poartble to get over M j for anything re- LJ VERPiOLi. Dec- AV COTTON Spot: j gardles of bow good it might be. Ia other Market dul); small business done: nrkea 4 words a arood shAre of th early advance 1 point higher: American middling fair. 47J; 1 good m,oCling. Ad; avlddan. 4 lid; low ' mnidlir.g. i.TM. good ojd.nar. Ltod; ordl- ; aary. 4 d The sales of the day were lot) 1 bales, of which VH were -r e-eculation -vd i wita the eorrewponditg week ef last jear. 1 export, mni atlded 1.4 J Arrercir. B, - The market haa fluctuated back and forth ; cipts, iU.vf.iu bat. Inc ttlng C Im Aaer. that week. The week started out with a big tan. Future. Market opeeied firm and higher, but a, good share of this advance ; closed steAdy : American tr.iddlit-g. G. O. C.;iwa kt oa Tu4y and it waa all Joel ; leceiiHin- aua. LwcetLoer-j an airy. Atss; , jar.uarv-ritcruAry. ew-ua-y-March. 7tj. March-April. .ned: April-May. aTld; ! May-Jiine. :d, June-July. iT.-i, July- j Auguat. I 45- d ; & i-.Sd. October-N cvara- GALVESTON. Dec IS I at llSc i NEW ORLEANS. Dec- COTTON ! Dal-s. "i ujiia, iec. tT.VT-Tvj Quiet; midalmg. UWc; no sale: receiptA af. baie: j aniwi-eni. 4 baJes; stoc k. ,! balea. 1 Evape rated Apples aat Or! PValta. ' NEW TORK. Dec i-yviiViTi-n APPLES Mar set continues quiet and q jo- , tatior.s are practically nominal. Frr- - . quotes at uyrxnc: few choice, Ijc; r-.noe. 1 . Sc; Ik, rt;llt DRIED FRlTrS Prunes are being offered ' at si:g ht ccnetM;uti on ..c-ie a.aa ,-- ' to a dt-atre to reduce stocks t-fore th first 1 of tn yr. but eootaiK.ns atiil ru fr,m ! f rcicxrr. t t-V. rri-r y : - . - .A , .4 . rw i !2 iT S2 tT , ottUal; lo mHidlng. 1-V. mid- 5 its, i 1Jic njsojj, ve. raki(Llr.y( " MS 'si "ti k. ?-lr- L"wt: IiJr. l-V. riomirl; ealea. ATal ia Iri "lk U I tAles; recetpts. baks; rt k a. 2LS,:4 : ? i"-c Lo 1 for California fruit, and from ? lcT Oregon k-e to Apricot j are nomitiajiy unchanged at turtle f or choice; 2i-ijrc for extra choice, and 4 3fcc for fancy. Peat-re are alaa) . aim choice quoted at L-?ir. extra c-kjka, LVw fe'JSc; fancy, life! r-ic. extra faay. I4j 1 ; lSc Rat ins Are dml. wile anus- 1 '- quoceo ai .f .vc; aeeoed raisins. ?j i l-c . London layers. aL7jri as. 1 , Oil aad keaia. 1 NEW YORK Dec. Ji Till rv.r,,.. . barely steajy. prune crude c; yriitw. c Petrveun--. steady: New York. IvTi. 1 and Be.tuiiore, tK K-, la bulk. et ' ' t r.rt- nio vniet. ROS1N- U'". comir. aa to good, te 34. ( SAVANNAH Ga. Dec. 34 OIL Tyumen- Tx-reaae j Utie. firm: 4 Ac. I the previeua ae but a:ao a very large t-7 Til j ROSIX Fina. A B C. D., C ?f- EL decr-aa 11 c- .rr. .tree with the correepoed l . titotria), F-. tlTL-oiio; Q, f. Tifct kr ' H! , t" -t A year r:-. A f:r holiday d- 1 -7 tlaici ae: I. ii. aae let: K 4i v. u y rra-d ir tl- f.te cf light recv.' ha . N.. 4V Du: W. 41.. 4W.A-: ". W . fa Ti. OIL. CITY. Pa.. Dea A C' I L Credit bal- aorea II Ta Runa. 4.4 i.t 4,t.j . . -n. 1A ll to a. Scu s-tnla. lk.JM tL.i; iitrtir 1 hv ilt t-oia. MetmJ Market. ., . NEW YORK. Dec 14. MET 4 l.i Mara! wei seal and tcre or torn- inal la the absence c f cal lea Tin aa q-oted at. Sl.lTS copter wa quiet. Bilb lake quoted at til itS S !.; riec- troiytc. Ill i il 1. : casting 111 .tt y Hit, teaa a a uu-et and ateaav. at Ill14. Spe.tar, f J-m. at tl4 1a. Iron oa c-'.cl axi u ix t.a 1 4 tvl ST LOl 1 Lec :l Mi.TALS Iead. steady, at t 41. palter, steady, at 14 la. Vial Masket. ST. LOCIS Dec 24. WCbOI Steady: ndiam graoe. co bits and ckh:-.g a t- .jc. i g: i ere. lsyuac; OAS, tviac, tub-aaetea. jic OHAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killinr; CarUe ef AH Kindt Show Ad Tuice for Week. TTrVg TgTg TTT TTTr.Xm TYltt U.' T T Vf IIIAjS JSiS 1LJ HiuilUl lUii are and Laaabo ta Llbt Reootwt All Week. Clootaar Twrwfy.Flve to rtrty Coots Htaber Tkaa Work Aaro. POrm OMAHA. Neb TX- 3a. 1C- Rnetn were. Can Hoara bbeep. lOrTKiai Monday LH IM, J.- Tiiay ... TH IM ednedBy iT. ria- . .a OTjc al Tfcuraoajr . LTtl !- V iriiav .- -3 ' t ' rjju iuir-a!e Saturday S ! . atocker an-1 f dera I J 4 1 4 . auuthera Mrw llta4 1: oojihe.-n Ki day tkr we-k i.7C S KJ k.'jcowa. !4itr: native cowa lilW j Sauno Jay tart week 1 C -JJ J M; ratiia heifer. lUfkt In; buna. , axntda,. I week, S S W ' Joe1,?. tlVt,,' a fL. rwlpu ( ame day I week aaro.-l! 4t "-"f 1 lor tie w-ek. It l bead. ! Staa dv 4 weea aR0.-U.4X: Hi r. HOIS- Rpein. I nf head: market It: &ame day iaat year 1 t 1441 4if fc-.Rher: tc-p, 4tf: buik of aal. j ii.a iJo:m : table a how it r ' ' If'- 9X f-" cattle. boRa and heep at Soutk Otba for 4ie$4. pir and liatht. l:lbt. re- u a year 10 oaie, comtred witk it er: j otir ts fr the e, 1 ! i.eai j lC Itc Uec. ! f H EEP AND LAMRS Rj-re'ptA I'J 1 cattio j.iM. 43 irvs-a o-.) &ha.n iuA.XlA 1 UAJHMl !-- lea foUoaxn taiiie ahowa Use avtras price of b,R at South tnnaha for tt k eevreai daA witk companaona: Data, i nc?. ano-iuna im-i"jc-;:a-.",3- l.c U... ta- 1 4 M 4 a 4 C. t , J 4 i a i 4 ja i tee M t I Sunday Tha official number o car of rtech rotght ka today by eacb road waa: I brog C . M. at St. P. LAtUe. nogs- h- 1 .... 1 1 Wai-ah , Mo. P. Ry C. P. nrtem 14 U 17 10 I C A V W lautl : C. 4 N. W. we 1 C, St- P, M O. C. R. Q ! , j C. B. A Q iwearti .. l K. I- r. iraei.r.. .. i;-.noa Central Chicago Gt- Western. .. Total receipts 11 The ilmuiliii of tr day's receipts wa ! as foilcws. each buyer purct.atiT.g the oura- - ' ber cf head indicated: . Buyer. Cat I. H Eheep. t!Omeia Pack'cg Co. i- 4."U . Swift and t.'.rtfi:y l.-S jCtdhy Packing Co. .... 14 I .( 4rt 1 Armour A Co. If I A raour A Co- Denver. : Kmran A Co. j Independent I Lewis j tiher buyers 17 "it J 2 Totals ml CATTLE Tor A Saturday there was a , rvriv 1 r run of callle. but the most 01 . . a t rt Tjir-it.Ta In oth er 1 w;.rd. there were toot enough cattle of- ' fered for sale to rtai.y mas a ainn, 1 ttai the -usual Saturday bohday prevailed Sn the cattie v arris. The receipt for the , week have been only about one-third a ) la--ge as for the prevtou week, hut tnat is unuu4.1 for a holiday week, the n t . -. -r- lr'rr n verv iitlie Oil- lerer-t irorn wnat rt was a jrar The surtMiy of beef steer ha beta ouita i i- . b : ii, r.v vhi there has been . f. ... - - ifcutrher bitl La MnS. w TM-r u rut -r "atout the usual holiday demand. As the, requirements or pax sera were somevuai in exoea of the upply. price gradually firmed up and beef steers could safely bo tjuotea xrs- cigner icr i-e weea. ii recespi at Chk-ago and consequent break at that point have had a tendency to pre vent advances behg made at the Missouri river markets A more equal cistnoutiou of receipts wowld have andocbtedly been becenciai to the market. Cows and heifers have alfo been ta very light receipt during the week and prices on that kind of caul have ain firmed tr, i BAN ANAS Port Limoca. per bunch, tlft) being right at Ec higher at the dose of . the week than a week ax F1V8 AND DATES Srovma fig. 7- Very bttle busines has been transacted , crown, per lb-. 1461::; Smyrna f ri. 4 ln the storkera and feeder division. ery J crera. per lb . ; Smvrna fy. 4 few cattle of that description have arrived i crown, per lb. b'sjlic: California frrx. boxes, at the yard aad there has been bo great , j r-rtor.a a3c: tailforr, .a f.n faniM it 1 oemja- t-ncea i -"- ji vu -'"' tr poss.bly firm as compared with a week I t- niateriAl advance cab be re- i Q'Jotatior.f Oil cattle Good to choice ' c.rn-fed steer. K'.i-50: fair to g-ood corn- 1 fed ateer. 14 : common to fair corn- fed aseer. Si Ssr4 ae: grd to cb4ce cow "I . K common t, . fair cows uig neiiera. li-wtimr B'--i ' cgima , .ir .r.t frW.rr. n va rc -n to fair stockers axid feeders, C t3 BEEF STEERS. Re. Aa. It . Sr. FT. I 1; 4 U R 4 54 4 SI) 4 4 T UK 4 CALVha. -J- -.. 4i I 4 t HOGS Hcgi opened i&rc higher thi morning, the eAriy sale be rg largely on the basis of M H as again! H ITV(I 4i yes- i.n I.. .. . . pw t. r .mm mtlA utTi tn t Wl ' as the top yesterday cf U4S. ASer the mors urgent order were filled and be- i for the bogs had been all disposed of th wa lost- 1 a? rrKTi 1 uuf. k.. been very moderste. ahowtng decreases as eomnared with both the reevioti week and - and snore too on Thur.lay. Knday mar ; ket ai advanced about l'c and the gain In j rrlcea today puts th matket baxk where ' ft was on Monday cr a tig It higher than it ' . tK- rr mt thm a-Mrioui week J KtJ rtoer.tativ aale: Ka A fta. ay Jta A. ft. tt :l ... 44 ti & ... 4 44 f ill ... 4 C ... 4 44 44 JM 4 4 44 4T . . 4 4t a y 4 a t iSt X ill M n 4 a n ui . .. 4 44 U 4 4 1 , i ... 44 rt h ... 4 4 4i 14 . 4 ai t IM ... M r.4 24 4 t4 t-4 . . 4 . lie . .. 4 44 4 ... .11-1 4 4 14 ... 4 41 4 t'-l 1 4 44 at 11 III 1: sr. ... 4 u aa ... 4 41 44 ri ... 4 44 C IM ta 4 44 T E4 . It) tl l 4 4 4 Tl 4 -.4 4 4ft J r. ... 4 41 Ti tit 4 aa 44 141 4 44 & 4 44 4 ' . . 444 T! t 4f 44 4 4 441 41 Fi 4 4 4 I" ... 4 44 r.4 aw 4 ti a trr ... 4 44 tl 5 B4 4 rt Jit ... 4 41 4 r-i tt 4 4 r-t ... 4 at 44 : A 4 a 4T ...... 4 aa c r a 4 tri ti ;4 4 , 47 rt 1 4 t r-t i x7 ui. 4 'n si rt ... 4 41-. 44 tat 41 ir, ? n : " t: it'4 44 t . . 4 4e t 4 at 11 lkt 4 e 4 an i 4 'a -4 t:t tai. 4 o ir . 4 r-m 44 til It 4 41-4 l 441 t; 4 14 rt rat 4 at r i ... 1 ' tl 4 la 4 4- U t-t ... 4 44 a 1 . 4 4 b ... Tt it . 4 41 Tt ... 4 4 44 . . ti. 14 4 ti U IM 44 4 44 . .. M4 :4 4 n be . . 4 S "I 1 4 41 44 ... M 4 W 44 it 4 4 44 41 44 144 4 TO tl !l I 4! 41 41.1 44 4 at 44 t 44 4 a i I c t? ); 44 .! 44 4 te H 9 44 4 41 1 SHEEP Oniv two ti'i of eheep were re- ' ported in and taey oere Very ch.-iee Mexi- -n yearhrg. whuh are ord-rrd in by a ; parser oe:rg rer-rart non. i r.ia w-es tne . rece-pt or .-.rep nave ren extremery l-.t even for A ho. iy seek, ahoair.g not oniv ... .-1. . . 1 very heavy falrrg ctf as compared with " fa-e4 a very -.trri advance in prir-e.- At r - r- t-f the aee t i to quote Ue geieral rr.arkt a 6 r.v higher. t rt. gr.t 1 aeu tnr .-.i;jr 10 tr.ier- st.a that tr. advance r.a pen ait tn- lirrly to the I gt t receipt e t ill th fact i l'ut tt market ha shotaa a x h Irr prove- mnt roi:d be tkr. a furr.ialir.g tn- ' co..ragerr-r.t for flr-'-trg the tr.:k en feed rather traa as an indjoement for tuahirg t9 aiarket prematurely. Packer are t u anx o-j f.r half-fat cr unftinahed Wuff. m ,i) bardie t.y feeder to send m anythitg of that deeenp-kn. r, k. .... -f-v , ... tn tvn and larr.M' 4aeu k. in " rail-i.g e'hera H W: wether. 44. U.4 ?-, ewes, 41 4 &. ftleex City Llvo ftteek Market, FIOCX CITT. Dec a .Fpe,-.a) Tel- grasa r H"Gii Receipts. t.f' head: mar- ket Vc hher. ae.litg at Ul'WAla; bu-k 1 44 a 4 1.. I CATTLE Rcoeipt. l- heAd; marl at 1144. charf-d: Wve. r if. ceo and reif-' er. Uvl. ta-r ani fe . tw-Saj 1 l, colt- aid yei7.R;, 11 . M , ' ' " j 1UICA4.0 LI1E OTtKK MARKET I t Cattlo aa taeea Stewor Man ' ' . i Moetly Five toata Hlsber. 1 ' CKJCAii. Lk V A TTi-rv Rrorli ' bl bad. market at-a.ii . t-er ta. ti u fVrjl R 34 Teiie. .Ulo!o. -r ('.rr"n. 4-1. aikera and feeder. t HOiSrCet'eina atv.-ut had. mark't 1 ZZZrt. ;bV.vT t"il te. (. rv Jlfc'Jt i. bu k of faaea. R'4 te. MiLU' ANli UMl-f-Kee its atwut 1 . be4, ict.t atealv. r.ative. taj4"t. I atem, tto-74. earitng .,( lavaiba. (t w. a-eatema. M-Stvi. 1 Kaaaaa City l ive fttoek Market. KANSAS C1TT. M. Dec. ! -CATTJ.K Hecefta. 1 head inciuJlr-R 'li toulkrnia. nuriM tlnaiit: if r Jf t - and dreaded b-rf teer. ' It t Si. fair .. r.arei -ay ; urar i ewe, ana yearvna. ..nw a .v .e,Wn, Tear.irra iiiintvH: aMi.rn iTMr. I MH't?4 1: atotker and feeder. It to 4 : receipt for the rft 1 1 fs head. t. Loala Llvo Mook Market. ST. LOriS. M ' . Dec IV-CATTUE Rete'pta. ka head, incttidinR 3 Texana; market adv; native a'rirR ahd ex port rteera. aVKnutV: craw d beef and higher, rp aci liehtA UttttTt; -fck-er. 5 -i.70: butcher and best heavy. ! j, ar I 0 a.'. ijeep on saJe- t. Jooepk Llvo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mol. Dec. "S. CATT1.B Rereipt 14 IrfAd. market nominal; na tive. 14 "3T."ri; cow ajvd ieifera. I1.7S Cp4 : Mocker and fw. rsjs.t&tA'i. H'-OS Rece!;-A lj(3 Bead; market epmVd "jitrtue tigher. ckad aeak . top. '' of tt ;4 . 1 SHEEP AND LAM-S Recent, none: lamNa. b j tr : yearling and wethera. U- Zi t-i. t fc (3. Ojl tack ia Lgbt. Receipts of live stock at he !x prin cipal western marketa yesterday: tattie Sheep. 1 South Omaha. 14 .!' 4 .llf lt . l.t-. IWi IM . it tit; 1 1 1 fiom C:tv Kanaaa City St. Joseph... ft- Li.iA... Chicago .... lit I.iT Total ...4.1 44 11.T4J OMAHA Tf HOLES ALE MARKET. Catadltloaa of Trade aad Qaotatloas aa Staple aad Faery Predoee. EGJ FYeah selling egg. ct.i,ed- He. BCTTER Common. 14c. fancy tub and roiia 1 tj:!c; creamery, lie. r-UW t V - . ' 1 m. tX4wtnarim tr-ji, 31Sc; "new fuJ creara brick, lie; do- nrw f.M, lic; r,w Lmburger, HQ 1 lfa.. jg AmerVaaa. ITVac , ijv E POULTRY Sprigs. TSe; hens I v. . . , . -. i, . a. . KA. ft TS geese, K. tur- k . 1: r :gons. fe per drx DRESSED POL'LTRT Srrtnra fancy, te: v . - - . . . 1. . u-.. - 1X.. xvrry, 3555;c 1 HAT Choice No. 1 upland OtO; rood'oia. 1 ; jo. 1 bottom.; off grade, from j tigtj. p.Jl m, jo. 1 gj. lalfa. ilhflft TROPICAL FRCTTS ORANTFji.-FVorVa. per box. H.IS; CaH-fornia-WaAr.:ngton navels. t2 GRA.PE rP.UIT-F-ioc.da. per box. Co GRAPES MalagA- heavy welghta. par keg. 44 MAiagaa, nediiun weh'j. par kt, n m canons. Bic; t-wnrornia t:gs ou.a. per in, t tAr; Hallowl dates. rr lb Rc; Khadrawi eatea. per 10 . c; sair eatea. per lh , e; Fard dateA. IS-lb. boxea, par IK c LEMONS Fancy. and P ail, per : tx H extra choice. K and SO aiae. per i box- 44 C0C0A-tT&-Per sack. HM; per doaea. j I FRCTTS 1 i? APPLES-Ntw Tork King's, per barrel. a: "None Such.-' ter barreL 13: Ba,5- 1n. per barrel. 14.71; G recti- r. per barrat. .: aener ocx rpies. -oioroo Jfe trara, per box. te 4 .Colorado Onmes Gold-et-A per box. t&.i. Idaho J or air-ana per box. OTS; Idao, Winter per box. teTI: Washington Sen Dans tl 7-: Wash toa Swts-ri Spy. fmCT box. tl 71 . VaaMrg ton per bcl, tlbi: Washtngtoa Paid wins per bc.x. FITS: Washington Rom Beauty, per box. tlTS; Wanhirglfn fail ap jle. aaKvtad. tier box. C 'Jrt-7X VEG ETABLG1 CAEP-AGE Holland OOfcZ per IK, ltfTVae. ON IONS-Red Globe. ir ba, itjic; Den-.a. per crate, H.aV 6WEET POTATOES Small bbL, tlTa. CARROTS-Per bu.. Tie TfRNlPS Per bu.. Vc PARSN1PS-Pr ba, CELERT Michigan, per bunch. STBe. NAVT BEANS Per bu. No- L twkr; Lltr-A. 5c tr lb BEEF CCTS. Na. 1 tiba. 14c; No I rlba. 11c: No. I rib. Sc. No. 1 lota, lie. No. 1 loin. Uc; No. 1 loin. sc. No. 1 chuck. tSc, No. 1 chuck. 4c; No. 1 chuck. c; No. I round. Sc; No. t round. 7c, No. S round, Se- No. l piata. Srac. - a. I p-ata, ac; . I j piste, 4--1C , j MlSCELLANEOrS- 1 CALIFORNIA DRIED FR L ITS Prunes I are auscaut unsettied by freer o&eruur ; from second hanrta, ano see us de.:ous of Cwiiz.g a- -.a of icg.ed t)e graea. imto- ta uor-a raxe from ac to c for California 1 fruit and from iSc to be for Oregwa ' Peaches are very un, with taxicy )t-uti . j nucted at iiSC COFFEE riOATted. No. B. Sic; No. Jk ,' 'Ec, No H. Hk. Ni Jb. 14Sc ) CANNED GOODS Com. stAXidArd waat 1 era. Toe. Tomatoes, faix.y. 4-pOi.d can A ' . Ii 4i. standard. t-po-rid taa 11 mi. Piae 1 at oie. traied. 1-potird. te-3i-24: .c ! I. 71 L ai- Ga-uoa appias, lisu. Calif '-mia apneots, 4 Poara 4..-i. pevkcha Ctuul L. C. peauhaa. 4- -r 1 -a - .w. . - c..w. . 7 I Chinook, f at. f-i.14. fancy at-caty. na', ' tt U- SAJdixes. quarter oil tt-ftv. three- j tt-arters uiu.tard. ti. ii. Seeet po'-aiuea, r. AjIJL Saoerxraut, sic- Plk;1.h one I tl- i'j Lima beau. I-pout. 4. Tk-jXl.i. j Soaked be:. a. 1-po-sid. ai., taaty, I j. 4a. I NU'Tal Caiifc.rt.iA aainut. per It. lac; tmiorted ail. -ta. per lb.. lj'.iic; Tarra ! g-..a aimonda, per lb.. Ifcc. t.terta. per j lie; fcraxJa, per lb. II. lat. Pecana. par j la , l.:.j:ic. pvax,uia, raw. per lb.. Ic. a j rut, roaaiei, per Id., bc; Its Lao Cf.eattjta, ! p.r lb.. B4. SCGAR Oranu'sted. cane. per sack, i S. 4. beet, ai.u.'. cut loaf. 4c; c .Uji. -.; j pc.adeted. I lac FIcH-Hal.t,-t. He; trout, lac; pickerel, j lie; p:ke, 14c. fresh, frr-iea, lie, ti-.. 4elc : t uraMt. lac, aainnea lz.A dreKaed iac. catfiah dressed. 17c: wh'.t . . - . . . - v - z- V -. . a. ur - j suaftah. 49c; crapptea. 4iic; latgo crappy, hvt.u. trxh frcsea. ae: whiteSaa. 1 frosen. Italic: pickerel, fresh frcaen. lie: 'red snapper, lie. ouidrr.. macaerei. ItcJ 'ate r-er f.t; codfitn. Jieaa frcarn. ilc. tad- . oots. iitsaa tr.atn. ijc. ame.-.a. Uc: anad 4ic per lh, frog legs iic per dot; . gree r a tcrtie meat. Rc per Jb 1 , . . -.--, HIDES AND TALLOW -Green salted. No. 1. ic; Na. t 4c. bill hide, ar; g-reea unaailed. No. L 4?; green tinselled. No 2. At; horse itlri. ni2: heep pelt Se ti .on. Tai.ow. jvo. i. 4c ; o- x. yc i M J. l'jXe. agar aad Melaaee. NEW YORK 1-ec. Jl .HV.AR- Raw. quiet: fair leYi&isg. Iibli. ceairi fugal 14 test. It sc. Ktf.rd. oiiet: No. 4. 4 44r: No. T. 4 lie: No. I. 4 lit; No. , 4 Itc. No. 14. t lie. No. II. I Hc; Na. 11. 4 45: Na. 11 4 44c: No. 14, I He: confec tioners A 4 tee. mo.l A, i lie, ct.1 lof. Boyce Commission Co. STOCKS. GRAIN and PROVISIONS R4MMT4 41 N. V. Ul Btaa. Tfu Doug laxa TS4S MarT-kft t at a ctaIb. IS It oa toca. Public And priTAto rooavi for ctistomerk Bcl acrvlcw la OrcAkA. A reMkBl coscbAnr. ". crtrehed Sr: powdered. 4 4VJ RTr.-j:at-t 4 N-: cbe "k , Oi!-e!f, N. orleana, kettie, rxxI to cf-oic- lltt:. CoaTe Market. TORK. Jv- ;t oorrrK Mar. ket fsr f jtum. cloeed tea,ir at a r,et ada- tr I p.!rt. aale -e rtort. 1 of ba. ! -i 4 r. lelt at Jamiary. 4.j ec : KeT teniber, teltJl-. Spot co'f quet Rio No. I. l-1r; Sa-toa j -c ; miil toff-.-e. rulet. Cordova. S P lk.'- ANCIENT WAYS CF SHOPPING Troaaactloaa taeea a 1 1 vea aaal Trader Made ta Porfee-t llrae-atj Amonr the many object of tntrreat t" I the foreia-ner vlaltlnR tha ct sntry the e. .f,., ,k. - '" - '"" a i nranuiTi ana onrinr aset hod that are beirR carried on In w larRe cltle they conclude that . . . .. thia 'Wtry for doi-.R but.neaa. Tiwy are aurprtaed to Bnd rare tnerchaa- dlee hrotjRht from every part ef the X And hou under one ro. , , They aee diap.ay that outrival the arreat fair know to Europe tn earlier Tt maRtiiftcervce oftbeae .tore . . . ,. , am the advancement rr.a.1- tn manu- fact urea. ana. ard buaine method dor- ir.R the century. Tbia truth ta antpha- - -r-tai:r bv tna facf that then. - . part of the enh where atore aro rtlU ur.knoan. primjtrr barter belrg the only meana cf trade. The most primitive form of barter I silent trad-, which Is common today. It is carried on by persona a ho do not ad dress or see each other. In many parts of AfrVa this it the on!y form of trade known to the people. It i carried on ta some such way as this: When the traveler arrive he lay drn hi ware at a certain plare and then goes away. Next day be returns and find other articles pZaced cppoaite to hi gcod. If satiated with what he finds he takes hi merchandise and ge c5: If not he leoTe It and the inhabitant of the coun try add something more. ' Sometime the natives take back their roods and leave those of the merchant. The natives aro especially fond cf red cloth snd consider thia a worthy commodity of exchange. With some tribe the merchant lay his goods down at an appointed p'aee. first sounJing a gong. Then the hy native come with their ware, place them appo site the merchAht a. and sound a gong. The foreigxer return and If satisfied carri off hi wares, leaving those for the native behind. The merchants call this 'giving to savart- In order to bar ter. - The Veddahs. when they want axes or arrow, make models cf them ard carry tbera by eight to the armorer" doer and leave them with a haJf boar or stag. The armorer make the Weap on and Jvacg them up where the fleeli was laid, and the Veddah takes tLeia away the followir.g eight, Some of the people in the Mosquito territory have even more conscience la the honesty ,f the trad. They plant a peeed. painted stick IB a coiivplcucua place at the mouth of a tributary, and j "Ach to Ui surrounding iree bunches oi piantainL baskets of maize, clothe, and akin, each article having- affixed to It what they want in return. If tbeoo article remain untouched the river In dians bring them to the coast village. Even when natives and traders meet these transActions are mAde In perfect sllenoe- Thi is true of some f the CVylon trader as well as in Abyssinia, and of the natives at Kotset-ue sound. When the merchants and their Teasels rrtv they unload their ware en the beacK and the native canw with their srare. They place their good opposite to those of the merchant to show what they want in exchange. The trader thtn makes aa offer. amaTI at first, but gradually twreasea IL If the merchant hesitate about adling more the native accepta it as rufSeient, snatches it tip, and darts o7 ta a neigh boring yungle. Tbeoo place are made definite- la Gttrnea the line Is drawn upon th sand betaeen the pnieA Tama aro laid on cne ride of the line, and bread, or tobacco, or whatever 1 t on the other. If th Booby i atiAed he step acre the line and takea hi article, leav ing the trader hi yama. OrJtaha is a great meeting place for the African tribe,, who come togethter to deal with Europeans A motley crowd of gesticulating; negroes gwlng and com ing ceter the shore, and the river ia covered with canoes. The scene I busy and tturiou: at cne piioe women ex hibit rallcoeA at another calabashes of salt- The men walk about arrangtn; noisy bargains for palm oil or Ivory and ex chan re them for goods they need Chl CAgro Tribune. I taltaa llaata Pel lee a NEW TORK. Dec. 34 -While Police L4et tetiant Rocco Caaasl and too other New Tork detective were attempting to arrest NAoolt Bociaaao. aa alleged murderer at Kir.gaiax.d. N. J.. today b.jrnM abot Ca van! and then hot hlmaeif Leutnaz.t Cavanl l not thought to te fatally hart, but probabiy will die- rtahMhd 174. LAMSON BROS. & CO. Ooairtl of 1 rm Jr. CTilcaiao GRAIN and PROVISIONS OMAHA OFFICE: Room 800 Brand c la Bldg. Talapkaw Ioa-las tMT, C E- HUNTER, klmriagcr Vour ratroBA SolkitoaL Call aad 6e fa. Only 510,0003 The tvuo ef ratretix4 taw real la kiaa-ir 111 1 ia f-t piaier mis its i all ir v4 gi 4.4. M. - ve kim ra tepf BNerir ( fM Bin ut sauai l'14 la tea te ta &a. rrae tram art ar tiaa ef aay k.4 it it a aa tm iuai tta ea-aa eaa a attemiie4 a c 4 vtter aaf.' Xaa IM Cr4-e.:4& aJ'4 eerv aetali ta sat taa i44ri aa a sanag baa.a a:la.dl t Tba aaat-rt Sartre ta taaa ta IX 11 a t Bbaa af eaarataae axl cae Tie aa wary aaat a a laa ra u. ACTrai. PhoVKS lial ef tba miaa TLa na-t.l J-ra- et.l sat ai7 eaceite liaeral traaiaMvi Bat a ill aa-- m ic.;.- at ana a c ritni-MiLf antia a 1.. sroart ia aat aZU-4 Bf 4t ar eSLr.ie4 It trvat. F-!mo a la aeoaaaaar Fw l.-viara ataaa. t. O BK-l tax. SI Mosoaaa. ' W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. wt offar, tct te aala, SA aaare Block Tarda. l320 r.nuniSt.Tel. CossUsl.EI