0 HOME FTHHIMIRRB TIIK, OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: DECEMBER 29, 1007. "URITrilB. ' ' ttrl.al. KXTATK. I1HU KkTATE, FlRNITintC If you desire goods of high quality, law prleea Mi mh terms. It he bMTM you tw trade a THE PEOPLES STORE ieth ad parr am stb. I-IANOS uai class pianos Reasonable Terms Large selected took of Webor, Mehlln, Henry and 8. A U. Llndeman, roster Co. Schiller. kattiiwi rrA.no oo. Mfgrs. and Dealer 1613-16 Barney. Omthl PIANOS Everything in Art and Music A. H06PE CO. 1513 Douglas St., Cmihi PIATfOS J.S.CAMERON Manufacturers' Stat Agent GRAND una UPRIGHT PIANOS 106-8 No. ISth SC. OimIm, Nob. TeL Red 2841. PIANOS ICHMOLLES as KQILLIS PIANO CO. PIANOS Manufacturer, and D.l.n In High Grade Pianos Over tot rianee la Stock 1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha, N.-h. MISIC BY MAIL Illustrated Music School, 1811 larnara Music by Mall I Less than 10c I a day. rctght different courses. Investi gate them at the tore of the Perfleld piano Co., Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Columbia Phonograph Co. Bold old Moulded Boo- ) np. rda to nt any Cylln- f VOp ur Talking Machine X Ujj lad. You throw J ords der l mad. away raoney If you pay more. 1021 F ABB AM ITBIIT Clears, Robber Gooda and Draciy Prescription Accuracy Qaaranteed. Byrlns.ee. Rubber Oooda by Mall, out prlcea. Send for free oatalogue. 6end ua your mail orders for drugs. Freight Daid on. Il lota. Cigars at out prices. 10c cl Ic. IU Oo. PAXNYl 1416 Harney. DBOOli ISth and Famam. CANDY Craftsman's Guild, Confections Sold by eiOKOI SOOEBS, 1506 Farnam BREWERIES Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AM) BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. DB1HK FUBB, BFARKLIHO WATIS BY USING) MIS SOURI WATER FILTERS. C. II. QUEER, Mfgr. 1301 Farnam St, Omaha, TELEPHONES IS OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA llllPHOHt CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. JOBBtat AMD kHLrFERB OF 1 PHOTO SUPPLIES I LARGEST XOUfll I IJf TMN WBST. j The Robert Dempster Co., iai FABBAM ST. ' OMAHA. SHOE RF.PAIRINQ Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1004 YARN AM We do the work right, phone Doug. TttT and wo will call for your work. We sell-polish, laces and shoe epecMU ttaa. CLEANING AND DYEING. We are heuiiouarters for ail cleaning", dyeing-, pressing and repairing of la dles' and grntlumpn's clothing YOUR TRASH SOLICITED TUB WARDROBE 1014 Farnam Bram-h Office. 1751 Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. 171. LA IN DRIES "TMSJ NEW WAY" Wo don't Iron shirts at all. Wo proas them. This gives an attractive finish without wearing out the linen. YAWS' BYBAM UVXB1T fcst. lTt. Ana a. Hamilton, mgr. 11 S. Ilia Bt. Tel. Douglas S54. IRC.MtS AND LEATHER GOODS TRUNKS . SaM Cases, Bass and tlae rocket tee. I flLUMG s STOUK Tel. Seag. M. MS f arasaj PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHCaTPM ft'' I ELI DIP . Designs IP ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality. SURETY BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Homo Company with Assets la Nebraska. 314-315 tW YORK LIT BUILDING). Telephone Douglas 552. MINES AND MINING For Information concerning legiti mate mining la British Ooiumisls. address F. II. KNIGHT Booms 41X-30 Columbia Bldg. SPOKANE, WASHINOTON. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM & CO. 1813 Yarnam St Omaha BANKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA Deposits $11,000,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository loth and farnam Sta. BANKS OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L BRANDEIS & SOUS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVuIGS BANK 1gth and Doutlas Sta Omsha OFFICE FURNITURE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRINTING CO. lOta tad Farnam Sis. INCORPORATORS LET EXFEBTS Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Good Propositions. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 114-31S nw TOl'.t X,IFH BUILDING). EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IN THIS SK- OF 8FEOIAXISTS you waeto urno and money aolecting your help WE ABB SPECIALISTS , The best ability In the city Is listed with us. Give us your needs let us aaslst you no charge to emnlovera. WEST. BEF. h BOBS A8SH. Bnlt 78a If. T. I.lfe. TeL Pong. 4983 REFERENCE AGENTS HIGH ORAOC POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agl Inc. B. S. CX.OYSB, Ooa. Hf. Suit 404 Bee Building. REFERENCE AOEXTS. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE EXPEBTS to secure your helo, saving you time and money, t'ompetent Clerical. Kales and Technical Help furnished em ployers, without charge. OUABAHTEB BEF. ft SUBETT CO., Fhone Bod. 644. 633-4 Brand.la Bldg. OFFICE SITPPLIES Office Supplies rerything from Fin to a ruin Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Famam Sta OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Filing Cablnota, Files and Ledgers, Offloo Flatnres and Supplies Of All Kinds. Anchor Publishing Co. SOS S. lath St. TeL Song. B56S. TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Esohente 1007 Farnam Fhone Dong. SOS AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES J. J. DERIGHT & CO. Wholesale and Rtli Safes mud Aatomobiles 1S14-1818 FARNAM STREET Mail Order. Novelty aaA frmt. Gawds. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. RBOXXBB ABB DISTBXBCPTOBS Hholi, I.nMl.ra In BOYBI.TXBS, FBBaUUaf oKKBw htall Ordec SappUaa of All Blstas First t'la.a Agant Wanted OMAHA. NKB. SmaJI Measure of Omaha's Omaha's location In the middle west has given the unenlightened citizens of many eastern states the Im pression that this city Is still in the "wild and woolly" class. Residents of Omaha,1 of course, know better and they might with advantage use the statistics, Just furnished by the United States census bureau, for the purpose of calling attention to the fact that Omaha stands at the top of the lists of American cities in respect for the law and in the absence of crime and punishable offenses. Here is a table giving for the year 1905, the number of arrests, per 1,000 of the population, for all offenses, for drunkenness and the number of policemen per 1,000 of the population: City. Boston . . . Baltimore All Offenses. .....81.2. .....63.1.. Drunkenness. ...64.3 ... 6.8.... i Philadelphia .57. .27.9 New York 49.5 St. Louis 41.6. 41.4. .16.2. 11.1. Chicago . . . Kansas City Denver Omaha .... 9. . . 3 In other words, while eigthy-one persons of every 1,000 were arrested in Boston in 1905, and fifty-four of every 1,000 were arrested for drunkenness, in Omaha but nine persons of every 1,000 were arrested on any charge and but three in every 1,000 for drunk- JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS III B.P.STimW, I fife VvV- O 1.. 1 . I B.F.STllXINtt. BiaBMad Expert Clock and Repairing. SDeclal attention to complicated and lntrl l&t. cat reDalrlnff. All "iilVa work guaranteed. Boom a Fasten Bloox. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafson 41 Henricksort Successors to P. B. YXOOhlAH ft CO. Jewelers (SL Watchmakers 1B14 Capitol Avenue. PHOTOGRAPHERS MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 517 SOUTH 16th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY Cgg MATTHEWS ORIGIHAXi FATBT.XSS DEBTIST Largest and Finest Dental Of no West of Chloag Suit 4, Bushman Blk., lth and Dong. HAIR STORE SEE MONHEIT'S ZXCLUSIYB HAXB STOBB For Everything In Hair Goods, air Work, Hair Dressing, Switches, Wigs and Topees. 1411 TABHAM ST., OMAHA, BEB. Telephone Douglas 8333. OPTICIANS Tiis H. J. Penfold Go. WB LEAD. OTKXBS FOLLOW SCXBHTXFIO OPTICZABS Sao Our Bow Torio Lenses 1408 Farnam 81 Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported Olive OU Dlreot From Italy 13.15 par gallon. Special prices to d.Hlrs. Agents for Huyler's fins candles. Fresh dally. Agents for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley watar. Myers-Dillon Drug; Oo. 16th and Farnam. Enalarer and Mfg. Machinist. P. UELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS . MAHUFACTUBIBO ABD BB PAXBCTO OF ALT, ZXVDS OP MACHIBEBY Breotlng and Oonsolting Bngtneera N. K. Cor 11th and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILSOH STEAM BOILBB OO. Sign, ol Iskilar flat ami fire Strri Oil sa4 water nwks. Stack. aa4 Breechiaa kepalriBt 1 tad Saa4 Svllcr. Seagal aaSieM Factory lkth and Pierce Sim., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEIIMER. oadqnartars for Bverythlng Blootrloal Hallway, Steam and Mill BnppUeev, Prompt hlpsaoat aad SaUsfaoUoa Guaranteed. 1218 FARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passeager and Freight Elevators SUPPLIES and REPAIRING Psoas Douglas 8T. 184 B. lrth St. VIW LOCATION WE AD BUG " 18th and Farnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOUTH 16th STREET enness. The record also chows that Omaha haa a BmaWer police force In ratio to population, than any other large city In the country. Here are some interesting figures, too, relating to arrest for causes other than drunkenness. The figures given show the arrests for homicide, larceny, and the arrests of children, in cities about the size of Omaha: Cities. Kansas City. St. Paul Denver Columbus, O Worcester Lob Angeles Omaha Police. .1.8 .1.8 .1.7 .1.7 .1.6 . .72 .2. .1.8 . .9 The cities not Juvenile offenders 13.7. . 7.8 .23 . 4.6 . 3.5.',.. Further investigation of the returns show that the total number of arrests for violations of city ordin ances was larger In Omaha than in 'any other city in the llBt presented, which thus reducing the crime ele ment from the city's ratio of arrests to the population. it is well to let the east know that Omaha, In addi tion to offering greater Inducements to the homeseeker and investor than in any other city in the west, is also by comparison the safest place in which to live. ' PLUMBING r-r- emplarfarHeao .yach Drosi SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. BALFE PX.UatBnrO, HOT WATIS ABB STB AM HBATIHO as and Eleotrio Fix tares Repair Work a Specialty To. Dong. T43. 160T Howard St, S CLEANING AND PLEATING PleatingAll Kinds ....DYEING AND CLEANING.. RUCHINOS. BUTTONS, ETC. Bend for price list and samples IDEAL PLEATING CO. 801 Douglas Block, Omaha, Beb. CORNICE WORKS Cornice Est. 1888. Steel Ceilings B, X. OABTEB 8HEBT KBTAX. WOBXS Flnials, Metal Hoofing, Tanks, Sky lights, Sheet Metal, Firo Proof Win dows. Large Stock of Metal Gelling 1718-20-22-14 Bt. Marys Avenue Tel. Doug. UI. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS SEB UB FOB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Cl. TEL. DOUGLAS 1068. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail BIRGESS-GRAXDEN CO. ! TeL Ooof . tSI ili S. 15a St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to m wat,r wnen Qas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few minutes. Wo sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING, ETC KOTERA ta COMPANY Steo! and Copper Plate En graving . Embossing and Printing HOI Jacksoi St, Osuka. Nek. ENGRAVING HALFTONE El ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER Hkeleuk sat Retail Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Douglaa 1143 80L3-S-7-9-11 N. 16th St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMAf.S M. ROSENBLATT Wholosale Bay, Bran. Oata, Food BEST GRADES OF COAL, Offloo, Coal Yard aad Grata Elevator Tel. 141L 1221 Nicholas bt. WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR BAB FBOYEB BEST BY TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING A.D STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Motos. packs aad Stores Household Phone Douglas 1868 160T Fi tyr njrx. Wickedness Homicide. Larceny. 26.....,.899.. Children. 4 426. . . 6 460. . . 8 ...602. .. 8 392... .360 .582 3 298. 14 296. 3 317. .459 ,103 . 67 reporting the separate arrests of are not included in the above list. RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS. Let us DRAW you a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. H. O. BOHYELL ft CO, Commercial Artists 812 N. Y Ufa Douglas 514 BUILDERS. The Western Dome Builders Will BaUd Yonr Home for You and tot You Fay for it Like Bent B1-3S V. S. BATIOHAS BilX BLDG. Fhone. Doug. 4603 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. Wo are solo agents for Lowe Bros. High Standard Faints had S. ft H. Jap-I-Lao, P. ft B. Hukote and a oompleto lino of Tarnish Call or write for color card. , BTyors-DUloa Drag Oo. 18th and Farnam. 1418 Harney. SIGN PAINTING. S. D. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Byery Description ISO Douglas St, ol. Doug. SB18 FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BUILT LIKE A BOILER CLEAH, DUBABLB, ECOBOMICAL W. S. HEATON 1318 Bo. 84th St. 'Phone Web. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. Or OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No Job too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Farnam 8ts. PRINTING. l.-LV.N ?-Lfi PHINTINO. "Have Root Print It" 1210-131 S Howard St, Omaha, Nebraska, Telephone Douglee 1604 tMUNTINU. Geo. . BneU Albert HXELIi PRINTING CO. ABTIOUIiAB FBXHTBBS 810 South 18th St., Omaha, BsK Telephone Dong-las S764 OOLOB WOBX -I- -l- BMBOBSZHO PRINTING. Imitation Typewritten Letters. Vrastioal Printing, Bo Job Too Large or Too Smell. WOBX BIOBT FBIOBS BIGHT AC30B PUBUSHINQ OO. 306 bu, lata St. Tel. Doug. 8968 PRINTING. CONTINENTAL FBINT SHOP ALL WORK 0o tn Get our estimates and aave money. Telephone Dooglaa 4603. Boom 81 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bnliaing, OMAHA. I I I HEBRASKA. PHI!TINO. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB TBB BBST BOOSTERS FOB tons BvsiMBaS WB htAKB TBB PhamOT KXBV MANOVM A CO. Telephoae 188 108 So. 18th St. ! ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAX. XSTATB, LO ABB, ZBSUBABOB, BXXTALS BOS rirst Batlonal Bank Building, TeL Doug. TSa. OMAHA, BXB. REAL ESTATE. Bew House 4115 Dodge Street Modern houw of 7 rooms and re ception hall; finished in oak down stairs, hardwood doors and finished floors throiiKhout. I'rlce, ft, 760. Can make terms to pood PHrty. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1808 Parnam Tel. Doug. 628 REAL ESTATE. D. v. snoixs CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABB OV TBADB TeL Douglaa 48. HEAL ESTATE; Louis Berka Chas. Btelger BERKA Q. CO. BEAXt ESTATB City FTopsrty, Farm Lands, Loans, Investments and Fire Insuranos Office: 938 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. DouRlaa 7497. IIEAL ESTATE. CALX, FOB OUB FLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS $1,800 to 81,800 Each Harrison 6t Morton 813 B. T. Life' TeL Doug. 14 REAL ESTATB. MORTGAGE LOANS 83,000,000 TO LOAB on Improved city property. If desired loans can be closed without delay. w. h. thomas; 803 FTBST BATIOBAL BASK BLDG. REAL EPTATE. ERNEST SWEET 813 Bow York Life Building Builder of High Class Realdenees Several bow Beady at 83rd and Bars ay (Farnam Hill District) Sao Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE CEL CO. Real Estate Abatraots of Title ' larveetraent Soourltlos 1601 rarnam St O medial Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Floor, B. Y. Life Bldg- MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN DROS. Buy aad sell BBAX, ESTATB. Collect Boats. Bsat Property. Xeea Money oa Beal B state. ' 1604 FABBAM ST. REAL ESTATE. DIRKETT & TECBENS BEAL ESTATE. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO CARS OF PROPERTIES. IBSUBABCE, BEMTALB ABD INVESTMENTS 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. CEAL ESTATB and XBYE8TMEBTS Farm and Ranch Land for Sale or Trade. 306 8. 18th St. TeL Doug. 6563 REAL ESTATE. 6-Room House Bath, Gas Crate and a Corner, $1,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1633 FAB NAM. TeL Doug. 418 REAL ESTATE. THE MCAGUE ' INVESTMENT CO. BEAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE 1608 Dodge St. "TreL Doug. 415 REAL ESTATE. 6708 B. 84th St, Bew 7-Boom House, B. S. Front, Corner Lot, $3,660 1 $600 Cash, $35 Per Month. J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandeis Bldg. , Douglas 1663. HEAL ESTATE. tAL, ESTAT-B-JUTI Uoe.s aisaur.nc. H t3j I EalElfll Co Bui lr 1 1 rSNM St . LI L iro- REAL ESTATE. ISO Fexaaa St. TsL Doug. SM7 SKimer Cha.se Co. BBAX, ESTATB, XBTBSTMBBTS, BBNTAXS, XNSUBAHCB VXLDBBS OF MODBBH KOUSBB Omaha, Hsbraaka. REAL ESTATE. J. K. DUMONT. J. B. DUMONT. J. H. DUMONT & SON. BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS RENTALS, LOANS, FIBB INSURANCE .606 FABNAM STBBBT, TeL Douglas 690. OKA HA. HEAL ESTATE. Payne Investmect Co. CTTY BBAX B STATE, LOAII ABB BBNTAXS. LANDS ABB BABCHBS The Alfalfa La Btaa" Maia lo. N. Y. L. Hid a., Omaha H. B. Payne, 8. p. Bostwlck, E. M. Slater PAYNE, BOSTWICK & COMPANY STATB, BTntTALS CITY LOAMS, ZBSUBABOB Mala Floor B. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 10K. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 438-83-84 Bamge Bldg., 16th ft Harney Choice building lot, 110 cash, IS per month. Hood coUrrb . homes 125 ciiHh. 1 10 per month. Modurn homes $100 cnah. $20 per month. REAL ESTATE. V. F.rnam Smith & Co. Loans. Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1980 FABBAM ST. OMAHA, RE I, ESTATE. Investments, Res. I Esttvte. Rent.Ij, MortJags Loans IN SVRANCB M. J. KENNARD a CO. S09-SIO Brown Blook. HEAL ESTATE. Beal Bstete Znauranoo Abstract of Titles Loans Beatals The Byron Reed Company 818 South 14th Street mono BS7 REAL ESTATB. BENSON a MYERS 318 N. Y. Life Bldg., OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor Now York Life Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his books. Uses Reaey at the Uvea! Carrca! Bala el Interval REAL ESTATB. BENSON ft CARMICUAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 848 FAXTOB BLOCK. OMAHA. REAL ESTATB. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking dlntance, on car line, rents at $36.00 B7rtfi per month, for W National Investment Co. Phone Douglas 8691. Douglas Blook. REAL ESTATB. HOME BUILDER All work first-class, will draft your plans without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now under construction. C P TRAVKT? 'Phons rod 4781, U. r. ltt&V,ttMJ8.M B.T.Ltfo. REAL ESTATB. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have 25,000 acres of Irrigated land in the Upper Snake Hlver Valley. If interested call or write for terms. Kxcurslons every 1st & 8d Tuesdays. W. S. FBABX Phono Doug. 3600 331 Neville Blk. REAL ESTATE. WALNUT BILL Nine-Boom Houss, south front, largo lot, watsr, light, only half blook to ear. $2,360. Bee us for terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha. AIISTR ACTORS. S.M. SADLER & SON Abstractors and Title ICxamlners New Letadoa 101 Seith 18 th SL ABSTRACT OF TITLES. NEALE & NORTON AB STB ACTS OP TITLE Twenty - Experience In Omaha, 818 MoutU Seventeenth Street. Bee Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated lass Abstracts of Title. Title Irrsarance 1714 Farnam St. TeL Doug. 838 ABSTRACTORS. EED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Abstract Offloo in neoreeaa. 1711 rarsajB Street, Omaha, Nek. ABSTRACTS OP TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Get a If pr R P 1 1 Abstract 305 8. 17th Street T LIFE AWD ACCIDENT IBIHANCR TOM S. KELLY Manager I.lfe and Accident Depart ments for Htate of Nebraska. The Travel. re Xnsuraneo Oompaay Hartfort, Conn. z20 Ree Omaha, Neb.