THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEM BEIt 20, 1907. HELP WANTED MALE Mlarellaa t . V. H. Nvr want young mn Wn age of 17 and II, men with special ludn arrentxl tin to It veara Good opportunities for promotion for efficient mm. Fsy 818 to $74 Pr month, prao tlrally clear of living expensee. Fre illustrated booklet on application, "Tha Making of a Man-o'-Warman." Visit or eddrcae Navy Rerrultlng fttatlon, Utnttit, Nea. (I) MDII JH WANTED lUwral high grade, first claaa, ' experienced road sle'nn, mn who ran earn from $J.ono to $70 a y'r; old and reliable Jobbing house; ataple line Addroaa Western Mnfg. Co., Lumber Exchange, M'nncapolla, Minn. (9 MOT IP In need of a pnaltlon see tia, WESTERN HEF. A HOM) AHHN. (Inc.). 73-722 New York Ufa IU). (9)-M4oS 2ft rort a position aee the KEY 8 TO NR. 9)-6M 29 WANTBI Tard man for lumber and roal business, northeastern Nebraska town, about 1,0"0 Inhabitants; married man and German preferred. Address KM, Car fmah life. W) M378 SOx ANT UitHllirant person may earn good In come oorreniondlng for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary. No canvassing. Bend for full particulars. Press Kvndl caU, Lock port, N. Y. (8) I MADK 80.000 in Ova wear In tha mall bualness; began with $3. Any one ran do th work. Send for free booklet; trill bow to gat alerted. Manager, llox 67w, Lotkport, N. Y. ()- COME BOITTH-Poeltlons In every llnei ; aalarlee M) to t month; demand for help Rreatrr than the supply; pay when poaltlon la cured; atamp for particular. National Employment Association, n tury Building, Atlanta, Oa. (8)- BTART mull order buslnees; thousands made. We ahow you how. Any ain bltloua lady or gentleman, young or old, can conduct It at borne; may bwome rich. Why aeek a poaltlon at amall aalary when t lilat opportunity la ovn to you? Bond your address today, but no money. Free, booklet, showing you how to atart for a few, dollars. Jack I -a Mont, 401 Kuolld Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. (9)-4fl5 2!x T0T7 can make $26 to 8100 week In mall order bualnraa; no canvassing; I made $5,00 flrat year. Why work on email aalary? Free booklet; tella how to get atarted. MinKr American Mall Order Bureau, Detroit. Mich. (I 484 2.x ln7BTLTNO MEN wanted; dlatrlbuta sam ple and circular; no canvassing, steady. Ulobo Adv. 4 Dlat Aaa'n, Chicago. (; m a WANTED Young men under' 36 for Rail way Mall Borvlce. Prepare now for the print examination. Wm. 8. Thomm, In dianapolis, Ind. (0)-18 29x MRN wanted everywhere; distribute som plea, olroulara, eta., $3 to $G thousand; permanent occupation, American Union, Pontlao Bldg., Chicago. 471 29x DIHTRIRTTTERS WANTED EVERY-WlIBRK-$ to $30 made weekly distrib uting circular, samples, overseeing ad vertising: no canvassing; steady. Ad- , dres .tellable Adv. Bureau, Chicago. 9J 470 2Sx YOUNO MEN WANTED, who Jelre to am better salaries and do mora con genial work. If able to read and write and ambttlou to aucoend, we can qualify you for a poaltlon aa mechanical, rleo trlral, team, civil or mlnln entrlneer, archlteot, etc., etc. Write at once, atat liif poaltlon wanted. I. C. 8., Tlox iftV. i., flcranton, Pa. (!) 4IT7 rnnra Employment Bureau, supported by Builnea Men'a aaaoclatlon.; hclpa work men find poaltlona, (i Ntw York I.lfe R'rtS; . (ft MiMO J2S HELP WANTED MAI.B AND FEMALE WANTED Educated men and women c pabla of earning from 1200 to Itoo per month W eell the new INTKRNA TIONAI KNC'YCUIPKDIA In Nebraaka, South Dakota and weitern Iowa. In quire at Till N. Y. Ufa HI tit-., Omaha, Nk, (10)-M5 a LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Haraaa Vkllw. ONE t-aeat, two runabauta. top butty, all rubber-tired, hack liarnaaa, ona double xprcaa barn; ona or two horeea. Coma In. Xhe Harney St. BUble. IMPORTED Pereharon atalllon for aala or trade on farm, 10 acrea wdih aoma lm-, provemeni. i. a. i, juarcun, ja. (U-M17 0x Poaltrr K. OOVT. book free. Modal Bquab Co.. Omaha. (U)-M707 ja 8ARIIED Plymouth Rocka Buy your Cockerel now, you get a better aelectlon and cheaper than later. Also pedigreed Hootch t'ullle Doga. W. 8. Huell, Ottumwa, la. UU Ml sux BCREENINOS . par cwtTgiTarTMl N. Itith. (li M31S A KEW R C. Rhod latand Red cockerel will be sold for II. Op .ach before Janu ary 1, 1MM. l. W. Jlloh. ML Pleaaant, ! ' do-Mam iux WHITE Iieghorna and Barred Plymouth Rocka; 6u) extra fine rockrela and pullet at 11.60 to 3 aaih. Mandy Ie Poullry rarm, Florence, Nab, Telephone Florence It (XD- FREE prry book with Incubator cata log-u at Geo. H. Lea Co., 1116 Harney hi. , my- FOR AIM-A few Thompaon traln, ringlet barred Rock hena and pulleta, tl each; cock and cockerel. II. SO each. If taken by January 18. J. W. Chaae, 1114 Avanue J. Council llluffa, la. (UV-MJ Cwwa, Blra, Doc Pet. FOR BALE If taken at once, four fine female Irleh epanlel pupa. II o. May bury. Nellgh. Nel. (11) M1T4 80x FOR HALK Four female fi-rretn. H. J PaachaU n9 a Uth at, Co. Hluffe, la. (1) M140 llx PEDIOREED Scotch rol1ledH (ahep herit), beat breading; price reasonable; (.rown and puppies for sale. Oak dala Farm. Neula. la (H)-MIM lox BCOTCH collie pupptra; moat faihlonabla breeding; prlc I0. When you wnnt ona wrlla ma. A. O. Rohae. Hlewart. Minn. (ll'-M3X6 JSx FOR BA(.n-On plrTfroT(rhounda" The dugs are trained and are healthy for prlc wanted. T. B. Mrtnald. I.a- naJia. L1)Mi,l4-J u LOST AND FOUND FOCND J. Hansen, upholstering and fur. nilura repairing, mi N. Mlb. Tel w. ? wir-ja LOBT-Iady pocket book. December u In Boston store; contained lady'a gold watch and money; nam on caac; keep the ruooey and return watch to Bee office (U-MUi Ax MALI. suit raaa at I'nloo drpot Haturday afternooo, Drre4uter 11. Howard paid If returned at one to IKUM4 Farnam bl. tui-aii UD8T-- In Heydena at ore, pocketbHik containing lit In currency and personal note for tJtU. liberal reward if returned to Mr. Jaiueaun, llayden Bros (UI-M37T !Sx liOBT Between Sh and Marry and hah Ave. and Pacific, a pvndant. Return tu ' Mlaa Vataa. Marcy bt. Reward MEDICAL EST nerra braoar for man. "Oray'a Narva FvOd I'llla." It a box. DOStD.lJ Nklrm.n 4k McCuuntll Plug Co., Uiuaha, ni)-4SJ f-pKE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, ltlh and Da npoil t.; suaoial attention paid to 00a- eoamant caaes; all treatment aupervtMd y vuklegs profeeaora Phooa Douala Xith Call aierd day or night , (U)-ia .NY paor tlrl In seed of a fried call or writ U th mairoa of th Salvation Araiy Horn for Wuiuen at Kt-4 N. Hth k. Waaaka, N OD'Ulv MEDICAL DR. HUTCH INr"N4t racial let of wrnnen nd children. Oftlce, Cuming. 'I'hon IMrtlgln (13- MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS DO YOlTWANT to atart tha NEW YEAR rlgtil? Do you ' wsnt to pay up your landlord, grocer, dootor or anyone you owl and pay all In one J.I ace T Be the OLD OMAHA MORTGAGE; sixteen year her that mrsna reliability. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Ill Board of Trade Blttg., IWh St. Entranre. 04) 1 DR. PRIBBENOW B MONET loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; leea half rates; perfect prl racy and Immediate attention, on any lerma. payments suspended whan sick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 2uf B. Uth Bt Monev i LOAN-LOW RATE In um to no Be Bhlg. Phon Douala U04. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (14J-340 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advance private money on chattel or salary; ay to gat; no red tap. You get money same day asked for at amall cost. Open evenings till 4 . (1U-K7 FOR A ftQVARE DEAL OO TO THE PKOtNIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 433 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ment. Offices In 63prlnclpal cities. Tol t.ian, room 714 Nw York Llf Bldg. tU)-frM FITRNtTURE, II v (took salary lonns. Duff Green Loan Co., room 4. Barker Blk. (14) Mi CH ATTEL, aalary and torsir receipt loana Foley Loan Co.. VtA Farnam 8u (14)-ai2 EAOLE MAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all.bualness confidential. Uol Douglas. ' 1 14) 4)10 NEBRASKA Credit Co., D4 Hoard of Trsda. (14)-M4H OFFERED FOR RENT Boardiac aat Roaaa. VIENNA hotel; prlvat dining room! cafe (16)-44 DEWEY European Hot!, Uth and Farnam. l 48 WARM, pleasant room, good table board, for two gentlemen; fin lacatlon. Tel. Hed 6171. (16) TO TWO dealrabl room with board; every thing new and strictly modern; on two bt car line In olty; faahlonaol district; prices reaaonable; for two or three people. lO Wirt St. (U)-M14S a NEWLY furnished front room with board, all modern conveniences; home cooking. 1031 S. 30th Ave. (U)-MU8 la SPECIAL CnVlstmaa dinner at New Com merclal hotel; new management; roomer and boarder solicited; modern room, bathe and heat, beat In th city; half block east of pustotllco, South Omaha.' (IB) 1 mi -m Ifl.KUANT front room In modern flat on JIanscom Park car line; first claas board. 3008 Pacific. (15)-M31 BOARD and room, close In, ona large room, wimuio lur iwo; aieo one aingie room; referencea required. 114 South 19th Bt. (15) MS20 6x BEAUTIFULLY furnished southeast room and alcove bedroom, or aulte for light houaekeeplng. private family; llanscom park district. Phon Harney 1S4H. , (lt) iM8 J4 TWO desirable1 room for I young men; gaa, electricity, bath, furnace heat; con venient to car Una; use of telephone; pri vate family; room and board 14.60 per wek. Call Bunday or Monday. Soa Pfway Ave. (15)-74 3D Fnrnlakad Rvoses. WB. 1)0 S."Pri plano movlnf at lowest prloea. TeL Dougla 12S. SchmolUr 4i Mueller piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. , (1544 To GENTLEMEN, well furnltmea southeast . - luvuinij Iirivai family. 7u8 B. 38th Bt (Ii)-Mi36 3s OMAHA VAN Storage Co., paok, move, ?" f Jh. ll- "0oJi aTorehoUae 1120-34 N. lth. Office, lut Farnam. Tel, Doug. 1663. ( (la)-47 FRONT ROOM, flrat floor, bedroom ad Jolnlng; desirable for two or more; also tin; M1M jug fiNH lurniahod front room, new modern ewniij nrai-umss, eiectrlo light, phono, steam liuat. Ho a month. (16)-M3 WARM outh room, In new, modern houae; 8r.,ucmii jiitmrrta: private ramlly. Ad res 0-T71. oara Bee. (15) 4-6 ix THE ONLY SYSTEM When looking for room I the easiest way 'o f' good rooms. riMilll VllCKTLl nr . .... Tel. Doug.-iSl."-' 30 1 Y. Lifl' Bid. (16)-436 3UX A 81IITE of furnished rooms, modern. 3ulh St (16)-M4aa J4 HOMELIKE front room, elegantly fur nished, excellent location, prlvat family -gentlemen preferred. Reasonable to right party. 'Phone Webstar 338 05)-M4aa pa. Ave. s-room cottage, modern extent funiiLo: ' month. Vr Ui-OROE & CO, 14W FARNAM ST. (16)-647 2 HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded! C IMD rrlarhf ralaa ,..(. ' Expreasmen Delivery Co.. Tel. Douglaa CUh-H. FOR RENT A first claa front room In private family; bath, beat light, tale- f. ii oo rrom Ma building. 7u3 8. ave. (lS)-M-4i 2x SOUTH front room In warm modern brick "r avniieman. lam rougla St. (15) M48 tx FURNISHED room, light housekeeping t? ,f.l-"P,rr. wlklr distance, modern" 3u34 Webster Bt. 1 0 M75 31a N3J moJern "on for gentlemen lis 8. FRONT room with alcove; Uo single room; excellent table board. Ii3 8 2oth (16) 364 3x "THE ONLY SYSTEM." Bavea vnnr .r. . worry, ft, ui B,m" na OMAHA RENTAI. COMPANY. Tel. lH,ug. mi. 303 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (15) M 407 x LARGE, newly furnished, modern front teiiuiy, - apitoi Ave. (14 M413 3x SEVERAL nicely fumlahed rooms, all mod- j . -iiu ooaru; iwe.uaorgla Ave.. 11. Harnay SUO. (l&)-41 Jan3 FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms modern, warm and neat; t2i North 17th at (14) 4-. Sox FOR RKNT-Nlca furnished aleeplng room, modern .steam heat; and bath. The Lin ton block. 317V. So. 13th street, flat 4 (16) 4-s 30 ' NICELY furnished room, atrlctly modern: bouse closa to car Hue. 31 Miami (li-6a) SO DESIRABLE room. M N. llT ' tl-i?0 4x IS1.,tilCKU,n,"ly 'thd aouth room. In alrktly modern flat: hot water heat electrk light, etc. 34u6 Harney. V (14-n la WHEN you writ, to advertiser, kindly mention The Um. 7 UafarUhe4 THREE unfurnished, heated rooma for lent cheap. Jt No. lTih, (U)-M1 80 TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnUhed bousekMptng privilege. t I'hl.aso eft. Ui) 4J. 3u OFFERED FOR RENT I'BfairaUfced It Ce)H)s)L FOt'R room for rent Emmet Bt all mnoVrn. ?1U (U) Mil x BKAI'Tiri'L connecting rooma. modern honae, evrrvtlilng new. 64 B. 7th Ave. Tel. Douglaa 6645 (IS) 72 1 Apartaaaate staid Flats, FOR RENT Five-room modern flat. 31LI Leavenworth. (1 Mflfrt FOR RENT 4-room new brick flat, mod ern: range, gaa atove. kitchen cabinet vacant Jan. 1. 1104 N. 2d Bt, 320. Pat terson, 13 Farnam. (!) MDU Haeek-laB Rmhi. t TO I ROOMS, furnished. 17U Jack.on. (1S)-M134 3Sx TWO or more rooms, furnished. 1712 Jack eon. (15) 673 4x TWO. three or four room, en suite, parlor floor; furnished or unfurnished; strlrtly modern, euu . aim Bt. (10) ,4jx Faratlshetf Hawses. TO RENT Five-room furnished cottage, with furnace. 4117 Charles Bt. (1S)-M2G8 2x Baaaaa mmi 47ttaaraa. 1524 Caatallar, 7-r. mod 330 803 S. 2Wh, 7-r, partly mod 20 2210 Clark, 6-r, partly mod 13 2418 8. 16th, 4-r, flat 12.M Ztl Seward. rooma 15 3207 B list, rooms 16 24 Decatur, k-r, modern 30 2.'t Cap. Ave., 7-r. all mod 36 9tf N. 27th, 4-r. well 7.60 McCAOTJE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. (15) M2G7 29 FOR RENT. ll(rt Park Ave., all modern S3S.0O 2S"o plnknry, 7 rooms, modern except furnaco 23 60 lot) Bo. 28th, rooma, mooVrn 46.00 ALF C. KENNEDY, a 1st National Bank. (16)-M633 tl 330 per month, 3303 Miami St, I rooms, modern except furnace. . t-6 per month, 2S08 No. 24th Bt, ( rooma, all modern. 136 per month, 1903 80. 27th St., t room, all modern; barn and large yard. 330 per month, 718 No. 80th Bt, 6-rooro, new, modern cottage. 130 pr month, 2d floor 2123 Farnam St., In excellent repair. 330 er month. 2123 California fit, 7 room, all modern. 336 per month, 710 Park Ave., 8 rooms, all modern. 335.-per month. 3184 Chicago St.. S rooms. all modern. 146 per month. 304 So. 38th St., 9 rooma, modern, hard wood finish, laundry room. 346 per month, KJ6 Dewey Ave., 7-room, new, modern flat; hot water heat, electric light, gaa. shadea, etc. . GEORGE CO., U01 FARNAM BT. (16) M3&9 29 ' CHEAP RENT-WARM HOU8EB. 7-r. houso, S23!t Evan 312.50 7-r. bouse, 4713 Davenport 16. 00 10-r. house, mod., 2813 Hickory 80.00 J. H. PARROTTE, 32. BOARD TRADE, tl6)-0-9 730 N. 23d, 9 rooma, all modern, southwest corner Burt; close to car and stores. 2201 Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat. 112 B. 28th Ave., city water; one block north of Farnam car; close In; 5 rooms. Near 3t'th and Ames, 6 rooms, new. 'Phone DoiikIss 2162 for others. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., . 1001 New York Llf Building. (16)-M896 4803 N. 24TH ST., 6 room, modern except furnace 322. 2604 Blondo, 3-room, all modern except fur nace 320. , 04 South 37th St., 13 rooms, all modern C0. 8928 N. 23d St., rooms. 318. BEM1S, PAXTON BLOCK. (16)-M410 EIGHT room, modern. 826 Bo 20th St let. naniey, 4100. ut)aun zsx FOR RENT 9-room modern Drltk. real dence. 1126 8. list St; 3:13.00. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, Nw York Life Bldg. C16)-M14 One six-room houae 325.00 One six-room house 22.60 One six-room house 17.60 . All of above houses are modem except furnace. W. H. THOMAS. 603 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. (16) M!f7 80x HOUSES ,n of the city 1 IUO-866 FOR RENT Seven-room modern house, furnished. Apply 4620 No. 21st St. (16) M38J 30x 4-ROOM house and barn. 409 William Bt., in rear, s-room nouae, city water in kitchen, 1413 N. 84th St., 118; barn, 1414 N. 84th St., 33.' Chris Boyer, 2d and Cum ing. (16) M763 3-roora houae modern throughout, location in, uvsv in town. 210 o. win Ave. . leie phone Douglas 1866 for particulars. Wm. II. Bodemann. (15) M3S3 FOR RENT-2223 N. 19th. S-room. modern brick house. 126.00. 2026 Farnam, 7-room flat, modern except CI I A 8. U SAUNDERS, 211 8. 18th St. (15) M40 FOR RENT 5-room cottage, modern ex cept rurnace, coat nina in cellar, 26th and Parker streets 820.00. -room cottage, 3 rooms upstairs, city water, eic, om ana utnney, 11..UU. S-roora house, modern except furnace, 26th and Blondo, 320.00. W. O. SHRIVER. 1 1023 New York Life Building. 06) (-1 29 Maggard Van 4 Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (16)-60 FOR RENT-4803 North 24th St.. six rooms, modern except furnace. 122. (16) 867 HOUSES to :l Prt of th Peter (ifil 35 FOR RENT. 28th Ave. and Sprague. alx room, nicely papered, new. during winter. 31H. 2017 Miami, five room, modem, with barn, 325. C. Q. CARLBERG, 911 N. T. Life Bldg. 06 M446 HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt Barker Blk! (16) 840 FOR RENT -room cottage; good cellar; east front; south part of city; 313 00 per month. C. M. Bachmann. 4.(4-37 Paxton Blk. Tl. Red 2639. (15)-:M HOUSES, flata Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (15)-M1S 3-ROOM modern house, 716 Hickory St., also 5-room. 712 Hickory St. Inquire 307 80. 17th Bt (16)-878 1 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. 414 North 31st St.. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Building. (1-J FOR RENT Modern cottage with six rooms first floor, two rooms and attio above; new furnace; good barn. 1618 South 3b th St. 15 Mail tlx FOR RENT. 1114 Park Ave., all modern 136.00 ZC Ptnkney, 7 rooma, mod. ex. fur nace 22.50 lOoO So. 2sth, 8 rooma modern 46.00 ALF c. KENNEDY. lat National Bank. (15) M630 31 108 SOUTH 25TH AVE., 8 rooms modern, convenient for keeping roomers; close In. If rented at once. $36. , , W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. Tel. Doug. 1064. 1320 Farnam 8t. (15)- HOU8ES TO LET. 1746 South 31 h St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. 3V gpauldlng, 8 rooma. partly modern. 3U4 North Hi 8t, rooma, gas and city water. Rent reasonable for any of the above. W. FARNAM 8MITH A CO., TeL Duug. 1j4. 13J0 Farnam St. (15)- FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 3ts30 N. 22d St., modern except neat Apply J n. Trenerry. rarnam. tiD sitvuio FOR RENT All modern 8-room houae, all cleaned and newly decorated, large lot, fenced, 1p block from 34lh street car. only I A per month. Inquire ) Maple street Telephone Webatar 1644. (16) 4D4 3yx 8-ROOM bouaa. 13 ). U8 B'uth 34th Bt. Oii-MiJi 3a OFFERED FOR RENT II a aea and Cottaa flawed. ONE 7-room modern flat, 1714 Charle St., H. One 4-room flat above tore, 1708 N. 24lh Ht $13 60. 4t'15 N. llh Bt, 9-room house, $18 a month C15 618 1 HOrBKS for rent In all parte of the city. 6 to 10 room. J. II. Dunient A Bon, 1W5 Farnam Bt . (16) 421 LAFAYETTE AVE, 8-room, city water and ass. 818. S"S Oeorgia Ava. 6-room, modern except neat I-..W. 8601 I.avenworth Bt.. B. 86th St., new ll room, atrlctly all modern houeee. These have Jut been papered throughout and are in Tin anape; only 314 H. 30 St., splendid 7-room house, all mod ern and close In. 832.60. 22M Farnam 4)1.. 7-room all modern steam heated flat. 842.60 In winter. 8 In summer 2213 Miami St.. S-room, all modern except heat, fine condition. Sa. 664 B. 28th St., 10-room, all modem, close in. Ito. 612 N. 21st Bt., 9-room, strictly modern throughout, finely decorated. We furnish traa range, laundry atove and (hades. Thl i ciose in; ni.o". 101 N. 18th St., (The Hillside) 14-rooms, all modern, Kb. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., Main Floor. New York Life. (15) 2512 SHERMAN AVE., S-room, new modern flat, oak finish and floom. .. 804 Bouth 88th. 8-room modern, oak finish. east front, 146. 1117 South 30th Ave.. 8-room, modern, 840. 2915 North 2th. 4-room new cottage, 15. litis North 22d St., 5-room cottage, modern K t'J Kl 4118 North 28th Ave.', 7-room, city water and raa. 8623 North 80th St., 8-room cottage, modem except heat, 315. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. (u 8-ROOM house, modern, with hot water heat. Apply 28.0 Poppleton Ave., (16)-643 80x 2242 Charles, 6 rooms, city water, 817.00. 8047 California, 5 room, modern, 318.00. -23 Cass, new brick. 7-rooms. 340.00. 41fJI Davenport, 7 rooma, brick, modern. 840.00. JOHN N. FREJS'ZER. OPP. OLD P. O. U5-646 29 A NEW SNAP. 8619 S. 20th St., 7 room, atrlctly modern except heat and brand new, at sa. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life. (151-663 29 able rent 318 North 23d; Phone Red 6366. tU HtU MODERN HOUSES FOR RENT. 2618 Davenport street, 8 rooma $26.00 2286 Farnam street, 6 large rooms $26.00 3ol2 Charles street, 6 rooms, new 8-2.60 3716 North 20th street, 9 rooms $.0.00 JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST. (15) M624 29 FOR RENT. 8184228 Dewey Ave., 8 room. 8404112 Farnam, 8 rooms. BHIMER & CHASE CO., 1809 Farnam. 'Phone Dougla 3S67. (15)- FOR RENT Brick house 1617 Dodge St., 9 rooms. Apply Elmer J. Neville, 301-2 Ne ville Blk. (16)-3o3 ZV FOR RENT 3-room cottage. 20th and Har ney St. Apply Elmer J. Neville, 301-2 roe vine mik. (I-) )4 -x S-ROOM modem except heat. T7. 1483 8. inn. Key 1464 s. 17 th. (lb) & lx . 2910 8. 24TH 8T.-8 room; modern. Tel, Kd 2860. (15) 365 lx 10-room. thorouahlv modern house. In Kountso place, 300 per month. GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (16)-M400 29 1731 VAN CAMP AVE.-7 room, water and gas, $16. Apply 8461 So. Uth St. ' (16)-M412 STRICTLY flrat clas 6 room modern house, newly painted, 120. 2813 Seward, key next door. (16) 419 SOx ON WEST FARNAM.' A splendid 13-room house, all modern. jUBt vacated, only $56. ' PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO.,. ;0 Main Floor N. Y. Life. (16)-64 29 WALKING DISTANCE TO CITY MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT. 2605 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, strictly modem, hot water heat, oak finish, elegantly dec orated, vacant now. Can offer special lnduoementa to desirable parties taking house at this seaaon. Key at offloe, 443 Board of Trade Bldg. R. H. LANDERYOU. Tel. Doug. 2151. (15) 550 29 6-ROOM. modem, close In at 621 N. 18tn St.. only 327.50 8-room flat, city water, 1917 Clark 8t... 8.60 MOW IN BON A WOLF, 435 Paxton Blk. (16) 430 29 FOR RENT Look at 8125 Marcy St.; all mooern, warm, s-room nouse, best condi tion; economical furnace, large lot, bam; nice home. 'Phone Webster 1798. (16)-66 29 REDUCED RENTS. 1841 N. 24th, 4-room 313 TUKKELL & CO., R. 17, Patterson Bldg. (15) MboS GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 4112 Farnam. 7 rooms, modem, stood re pair and nearly new $40. 4101 f arnam, 1 room, modem, bam. good repair 830. 1337 So. 27th. 8 rooms, porcelain bath. furnace, gaa, good repair i-6. Ml mo. 4ist, Ntw 6-room. modern 430. 714 So. 30th, 5-room cettage, bath 120. 2101 Miami. 8-room. bath, gaa. barn $-0. 156 So. 2Rth, 7-room flat, modern 318. 2714 No. 26th, (-room house 115. 8317 Dewey Ave., 5-room cottage 815. 2319 Bo. ltith, 6-room flat 115 S9 No. 27th Ave.. 4 rooms $10. 2236 No. 20th, S-room cottage $12. Soli Ames Ave., 6-room flat 89. 210 80. 2Sth Ave.. 8-room flat-$7. 2019 Martha. 3 rooms $3.60. OARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. . (16) BDC ROOM'S and ball, all modern. 812 8. 37th St. Inquire at 703 8. 18th Ht. (15) M5.KI Six NEW S-room cottage. Bath, Y.ut water heat. 4Sth and Tonplcton. 315.00 CHA8. H. WILLIAMSON. , Prea. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. Ground Floor U. S. Nafl Bldg.. Omaha. Office Open Monday Evenings f to 9:3). (13) Balldlngs. WI IOLES ALE LOCATION, t-story and basement brick building at northwest corner of Uth and Harney fits.. 60x66 feet, about 26.000 square feet of floor apace. See us for terms of lease. GEORGE A CO.. lbol FARNAM ST. (16)-M401 29 RETAIL LOCATION. . Farnam St. entrance of Peoples Store; large ahow window. 44 feet frontage, store room 40 feet In depth; lease for 8 to 6 years, on very reasonable terms. GEORGE A CO.. ItiOl FARNAM 8T. (15)-M4(. 29 Ontces. FOR RENT. Two fine, large office aulte In th Con tinental block, choice location for physi cian or 'dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 208 First National Bank Building. (15)-783 FOR RENT Office room No. T. Crounse block (opposite postomcc) $a per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge Ht. (15)-M873 OFFICES It will pay you to rent one now. Ours are modern and have juat been placed In flrst rlaaa shape. Well located in the banking and wholesale district In the V. B. Na tional Bank Bullldlng. Single or en suite. Prices right. Call and inspect. HEAL ESTATE TITLK-TRUBT CO. C11AS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. 1201 Farnaut St (16) FOX RENT Desk room In Be ofSce, City Hall bldg., 417 N. 8Kb Bt. South Omaha Apply to manager. (15 134 GROUND floor office la Bee building far rat Very bep. Peter Trust Company. 0FFERE0 FOR RENT one -Caatlwaed. FOR RENT Office sniice on ground f!ror, 211 Bouth Hth St., between Farnam and Douglaa. (15) 4-0 2x t FOR RENT Store for groccrlea and meats; building 4ft h snd Cuming Hts.; a location where llO.fM) net has been made In Ave years. B. D. Mercer Co., Bult T?i Psx- ton Hlk. (15) Mi34 31 138 Pr month, 2127 Farnam St.. large atoreroom, nicely decorated, cement base ment. $16 per month for small store room near Hth and Farnam fits., tan lease to March 1. 1912. $!') per month for 1S11 Howard Bt, atore room vixno reet. good basement, all nlcel decorated, and In excellent repair. $100 per month for 2024 Farnam 8t., new store room xiou ri., lease 1 to 1 years. We also have another good location f"r mall manufacturing concern near 13tn and rarnam Ht. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. (16)-M403 29 STORE FOR RENT. . New. modern tore. opposite corner from public library; best available location for drug Business. SHIMER.A CHASE CO.. lo8 Famam. ' 'Phone Douglss 3887, (16 STORE room, southeast corner 12th and Dodge Bt. Tel. Douglaa 6639. (1R)-M8S7 8-BTORY and basement, 22x100, 1008 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. (16) M587 ONE store room In new Bcargo Bldg. In Bouth Omaha, near po-tofflcc, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awning: beat possible location. Hall Dla trlbuter Co.. 817 First National Bsnk Bldg. 'Phone Red 7408. (U)-WZ BTORE ROOM. 1208 Howard, 8-story and basement; auto matlo sprinkler system; electric ele- vutor. PETERS TRUST CO. 'Phone Doug. 808. Main Floor N. Y. Life, (15) M443 Z9 FOR LEASE An elegant finished basement room, located at one of the most promt neut corners In the city; specially adapted 1 'j 1 liu. 1 u-r biiwii tLiitj uaiii, ur rviiiuntnt. r . a. Kennard, 1424 Davenport Bt. . ' (16) 425 28 OFFERED FOR SALE Fcaelagr. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 80 per foot 206 N, 17th St. Tel. Red 814. 118) S6J Farnltnra. ALMOST new Stelnway grand piano library table, mahogany cheffloner. rock ing chairs, sanitary couch. Singer sewing machine, rugs; must be sold; owner leav ing city. 'Phone Douglas ft.8.. (181-M147 31x SEVERAL pieces of furniture, Including almost new ga stove with elevated oven. Bargain If taken this week. Belling to save storage. u. ho. -xtn Bt. (16)-M237 29x FURNITURE of ten rooms for sale, all or part; house for rent. 128 S. 26th St rPhone Red 69H6. (16)-159 29x FOR SALE 1 baby's bed. high" chair and 1 go-cart, 1 good steel range and gas range. m . 2tn Ave. (10) M40o zx Piano, Orgaxta, Maaleal Iastrwnseata. GREAT SACRIFICE OF 100 NEW AND SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS Stelnway. Stager. Emerson. Hardman. A. B. Chaae. McPhail, Kurtsman and scores of others. New sample pianos. Uia, $135, $i4K ana up. Used upright piano. Including Kimball Chlckeiing, Iver A Pond, . Everett and others. $75. $., $30 and up. Square piano, all makes. 815, 826, $38 and up. New and used organs. Including Mason A Hamlin. Kimball, Story A Clark and others. $8, gin, $ and up. These price will only prevail till De cember 31. so you must call or writ Monday or Tuesday. One dollar cash and 60c to 81.00 weekly will bring-, a piano to your home. Call, write or teiepnone uougiaa 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311 & 1313 Famam St. (16)-M561 PIANO with Angelua player, first-class con dition, good aa new; win sell lor less than hail price. 1204 Farnam St. , (1(9-842 Janl9 Typewriter aad Sewfw Machiaea. FOR BALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at $60. S)-. 1 1 -yV3 n Tl 1 J 4t SfH Villi IUUUI VUO( DCO J3IU. AOJ 9( Mlscellaneoas. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered wnen, needed, inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., SIS 8. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 681. Go) M 537 FOR SALE 1,600 feet second-hand wire capie. w, u. linages, engineer Bee Bldg (l(i)-M453 x XMA3 present, Redpath's History Ency- Giutic'iia oriiiamca, weosier Ulct.. monthly paymenta Megeaih'a Stat. Co. CI) M218 J8 BEND US your mall order for drug; trvisnv p.iu on xv lull. JKwers-iJllloD Drug Co.. Omaha. (ft) 969 DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on all 111 oj-aers; catalogue rree. Dnerman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16 971 SCHULZE & BLATTERT Newsdealer and Statlonera. Subscriptions received for any periodical published. A large variety of Chrlslma and new year card. Ill So. 16th St Tel. Red 2841, (16-M00J FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard ana pool tables, we lead tne world In cheap bar fixtures; easy paymenta Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St (16) 90$ FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, targe conee rain, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 966 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, r. tall. Btierman Mcconnen Drug Co, Hit) and Dodge St, Omaha Neb. (lti) 948 EECOND-HAND overcoat and flrearrr.a Singer, 41 w. 16th. Gi) 973 IRON SAFE, nice also, suitable for store or ornc. m. 9M norm iin. u) M7S3 js BHERWIN-WILLIAM8 CO. best mlxd paint bhernian & Mcconnell Drug Co. (lxi-970 FOR SALE; Genuine Mpurry S-pleoe s-arie Antomtiu cioca aei; ver.-y rare; Imported from Parla; splendid move ment; beautiful silver chimes; decorated In blue and gold: will aell very cheap. Addresa S 768. care Bee. (18) M129 tlx ABOUT 30 tons lft-lb. steel rails and II dump cars; m yards' capacity: all In food ahape; will sell cheap. Address K 31, car Bee. (161-M7&1 2vx HALL'S aafea. nw. 2d-band. 1813 Farnam. (14)-777 HAY $8 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lth. n 41776 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tf. Red 7117. Q7)-97l LARSON A Ca-Book tn. Be Bldg. Q7)-7I PATENT8 THAT PROTECT-S book for Inventor mailed an receipt of 4c postage. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooma 3-3t Pacific bldg., Washington. D. C, KstablUhed 1m, 4i7j 4m PERSONAL IDEAL hair parlora, 204 Neville Blk.. ltb ana iiarney. lei. Ltougisa fine. IK-Mi DecSl MAflNKTir,r',,m",t ,ml b,h- Mm- emim. 11 n. etn. td nr. U WM Lleben. costumer, 1419 Howard, open a A GENTLEMAN (single) owning an running a fine home In the city til competent reliable help wishes 1 ather gentlemen (single) to lolit wHh mm ami Bhare expeneva equally taooiil 160 each per month); object a bign ciasa noma ror sain man t moiera. e-pense; only hign-ciaa men consider (prferably college nun); be-t of reer encr given and required. Addresa P til -see. us) utjl YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omnhn a irangera are invited to visit the Toun women s Chrlstlsn Aesoclatlon rooms. 15 Farnam Bt.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherw'.s assisted. (18) 916 V TJ T XT fl ITD ,.l,1a K . II. .. prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myer onion Drug to., omaha. (18) 9.9 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact anything yau do not reed. We collect, repair and sell at 134 n. inn hi., ror cost ot collecting to th wortny ponr. tan phon Doug. 4136 an wagon win can. (i) 7H WB RENT, repair, sell needle for old iwini micninn. rik v,o., cor, 1Ek .. I .. 1C OA PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. Wt (l)-bl OMAHA Stammerer' Institute, Ramg Building. Ul MRS. ANNA BKVOR desire to know whereabouts of her on Adolnh Skvor. Address her at Caldwell, Kan., car of It. T. Bltnon. (18) M216 29 GENTS' and ladles' costumes. 8313 8. 20th. Sack. (18) 168 Jan2x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wart and mole permanently removed by electricity: con sulfation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 824 Bee Bldg (IK) APPLY Satin Bkln Cream to wet akin, wipe . j . RGvmcf rnviiij , flllUUUI .!. -v. . . a AN UNDERWOOD typewriter. In first clnss condition, far sale by private party Aauress M-rt, care Bee. tu) 4i rax GENTLEMAN of 46. honest and unrialit desires correspondence with lady of means or in nusines witn view to part nershlp. Address Y 207, care Bee. (18)-478 2Sx GIRLS with rough skirt to send six S-cent stamps for a box of Roaeollne Cream. It make the skin nice and smooth. J. P Urben, Box 1673, Pittsburg, Pa. (18)479 29x A WORD to wives Is sufficient Parents' Benevolent association pays sister mem bers $500 on birth of baby. Free lnforma tlon. Mrs. Bernard Austrian. 1266 nroad way. New York. (181-480 29x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE D-DALIBR9. PAYNE INV. CO., lt door N. T. Llfa Dougla 1781. (18) 983 JNO. T. BARTLETT, 221 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. - (19) M247 Janzex GEORGE COMPANY.' 1401 Farnam. Tel. Dougla 754 (H)-as4 PETERS TRUBT CO.. N. T. Uf Bldg. U.) 88 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALB $4750.00 8016 Paclflo St., a splendid well-built 2- story, 8-room modem house; flrat story brick, second story frame; oak finish and nicely arranged. Splendid looation, on car line. ' $1300.00 , - 44 x80 feet at 8. B. Cor. 16th and Vinton Sts., If sold Immediately. Stone paving? on Vinton St., permanent walk all around, sewer, water, and gas. Thl la an excep tionally good bargain. D. V. SIIOLES CO. Tel. Doug. 49. 110 Board of Trade Bldg 1)- BAROAINS. Farnam brick store, $.,100 rental. 821.000. Frame stores and flats. 32.700 rental. L i ' k. .1 - Ia... tl CAA --h.-I. eiQKAA Three new brick houaea. 31.880 rental. arn.wu. Five brick houses, $1,800 rental, $16,000. Three 9-room frame. 31.230 rental. IIO.OHO. Two new brick house. $1,080 rental, 39,000. in ear nign school, $840 rental; $7,600. Near 20th and Cass. 60x132. house. 33.800. 100x144 feet N. E. cor. 36th and Webster. sifftiuy, 4,txju. o. cor. I4tn and lorcaa, 81,400. 60xl2il, East 3116 Franklin, 8-00. 10 acres with house, close In, $3,800. 80 acres, 11 milea N. W., $8,000. Money to loan on first mortaaves. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (19) 644 29 GARVIN BROS. HOME BARGAINS 8750 and balance on easy payments will buv the BRAND NEW MODERN DWELLING at 2218 No. lHlh St. Has re ception hall, parlor, dining roum, kitchen, pantry and Ice box room on first lloor; three bed rooma on aecond floor; large attic, laundry cemented, porcelain bath gaa. electricity, sewer, city water, not water boiler and aood furnace, with nloe east front lot and In a splendid residence neighborhood. LET UB SHOW TOU THIS PROPERTY IT IS CHOICE AND A BAR GAIN. 8a,60 4112 Farnam: nearly new, 7-room house, every modern convenience. 83.7504101 Farnam; 7-room, modem house, barn; corner lot fronts three streets. WANT OFFER. 12.300 21U1 Miami St.. 8-room house, slate ....a.I. n Kb.K 0a .In.. , if'., 1fl ..Hi r ' , . . ...... i i.hci, city water, barn. PART TERMS. $3.500 jn ear HANSUUM rAKK; a nearly new O-ioom modern dwelling. PART TERMS $j5o want offar; 2624 Corby St.. 8-room cottage. Want offer. Part terms. lNVt.-TMIii.Nla PHce 33.500. rent. 8456. 134-1218 So. 7th Ave., double flat, bath, gas, paving tax all paid: convenient to wholesale district. UAHUAl.N. 1I.. tfi Ritfl rn tnL a n.arli. w brick (St. Louis) flat, within aay walking distance. Price $18,000, rent 82.X0. six modern flats. near West Farnam St. BEE US FOR INV ESTMET PROPERTIES. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM 8T. (19) LIST your property with Ctrla Boyer. ltd and Cuming ma U3 ws HOMES 81.600 buys new 4-room house. South Omaha, on Boulevard. Lot is 50x380 ft A good Investment. f $1,750 New 6-room house, partly modem. 2!'th and Vinton. $1.910 6-room houae, gas, watcri 29th 'and Spring Ht. $2, loo -room house, all modern except heat. Water, gas, sewer. 2lh and Patrick Ave. VACANT LOTS 1175.00 Full lot near Fort Omaha, one- enth caah. and $J.U0 per month. This Is the last lot left at this price. $450.00 Buys tine lot soutn sine or Hans- corn park. Close to car line and paved street. We are exclusive agents ror a number of fine lots close to Country club. Price from $6.00. Term. KKAL. EHTATK TITl-l-J- ITtl T I'O. CHAB. EL WIXJ-IAMSON,. Pre Ground Floor U. B. National Bank bldg.. Omaha. Off It Gpea Mvctday evening, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALB. tContujua-L) PETERS TRUST CO. VACANT. t 150East front corner lot. ix1. two bliH-ks from Ames Ave. car . Una. high and sightly. $ 200 South front corner. 108x136, near Cen tral Park school. $ 650Full lot. 'Xl-7. on Seward Bt., near Sth. room for two cottage. In good rental neighborhood. $ 8-0 South and east front corner, 81x140 one block from car line on Walnut Hill. Can be divided Into three lota. $1.000-Very choice building alte, RSxl-3, just north of Field club, on With St. MODEST HOMES. 81,200 Three-room house and two lots en Pratt near 3Mh. Wall and fruit. 31,800 New 8-room house one block from Dodge car llna. Full lot. $2,000 New 5-rooni house on Ames Ave. car line. Modern except heat, per manent walks, lot 60x180. ' $2.100 New 6-room house on Tort Bt, west of 25th. Has hardwooA floora and Is well built. Two room can b fin ished on 2d floor. $5,600 New and modem house In Field club district. Hot ater heat hardwood finish on flrlst floor, full cement base ment, with sink. East front corner lot. Workmanship first-class. Fine view. $6,200 This buys the best 8-room modern house now being offered In the West Farnam dlstrlot. We believe we can convince you. Let us show It to you. It I entirely new and up-to-date. Haa storm windows and window shades now on. I beautifully pa pered and ready to occupy. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor N. Y. Llf Bldg U-' Shimer & Chase Co. $3,500 8-room. new, modern throughout, lo- . nt nil Hth c tiA..l.....j t. IS.OnO -room West Farnam house, modern i ;'S"8"room new B(ml Park residence. $i,000 9-room residence on Farnam hill; owner moving away and anxious to aell. 8?,3nO Walking distance property . onlj iiuiii rarnam car two nouses! 13 per cent Income. BOULEVARD PARK The place to buy a lot and build a home; yi-ar-ena sate, NJU tor Choice lot. MISSOURI VALLEY FARM Big tract In Washington county. Neb., at -ui ii iningiy iow price, or will con alder flrt claa Incom property In exchange. SOUTH DAKOTA FARM Quarter section In Hyde county at $10 an acre; win exenang ror Omaha or Council Bluff property. S W NRRR RAWfW c8mplet stock ranch In Have county; i,to acres; aooul l.tnio COUld be farmed; 130 acrea alfalfa; full set building; 15 miles fence on place; big . proposition; owner growing old and wants to ell although ranoh la yield ing large return. See ua at once. Shimer & Chase Co. Evervthlnsr In Cltv mnA !..... 1609 Famam. 'Phone Douglas &87. (19)- ON NEW a J4TH ST. CAR LINE, two cottagea on full lot 8-room all modern home In Kountie Place; aoutn iront and near the Boulevard. Bemls Park district, 8-room NEW all mod-. ern home. NEW 10-room house In West Famam dis trict, on large lot: east front; owner of fers at a special price if taken at onca. Two cottage on paved street. aemt-buaU nes aistnci; rental, $oo. acrea west of Elmwood Park; Blghtly lo cation, on main road; we'll ahow you thl tomorrow. O'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. 'Phone Doug. 2152. 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. (18)- BUILDING LOTS Eaat front on 26th St., just north of Spencer, 40x90. Prioe. $425. South front, on Spencer, near 2th St., 46xSS $525. South front, on FVjwler Ave., near Florence Blvd. $700. North front on Fort St., near 24th St., 88x133 $460. Bast front, on Both, near Binney St.. 60x1208375. East front, on SSth St., near Jackson, 60x166; paving paid 47 ft. frontage on Harney, near SSth St. $3,800. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Tel. Doug. 1064. 1330 Famam Bt (1)- l-ROOM modern houae for sale, cheap. 132S a. uai Bt. (1 666 39 SPECIAL $1650 10-room house, two gets of plumbing: walking distance, euly a block from ISth and Wnilams Sis.; house need painting. $1750 9-room house. In good ahapc, on comer lot, one block from Sherman Ave. and Ohio Bt. $2450 ' Two-story flat building and 7-room cot- age In th rear, on aouth 13th, across from Kountxe's 6th add.; will rent for $37.50 per month. ROBINSON A WOLP' ' Paxton Block. (19 431 I FOR SMALLER INVEST . MEXTS. $100 TO $7 50 We have several good $ and T Dr cent notes. $l0u and up. sveured by Omasa real stste worth double tne amounts of notes, or example, one of $jou. secured br a 8-room house snd lot. aast front, near car line, worth ami occupied by major of the note as a home. Good prompt pay. Ask or aend for list of other tre. REAL. ESTATE TITI.K-THUgtT tAX, Ground Floor of U. lis Nat I HUig CHEAP LOTS $210 TO $-.V) We are offering some af the bt kta t.-V. n one block of th new vtiw.- t( to-t-i venue car line, at rrv K vt t v lota are located on 4lt Bt. b-. lv. and Grand avenue, on bkvk rs'- .;.js'V thrse prices will surely douc e tnr long. Terms aa low aa $ y a.--.k Offlca i-l'cn Mondav v-')n utU 4 HASTINGS A HRf Dt'.N, 17i.4 Karnam ei. 1) FOR BALE ' acres of ttHr--t Un t situate near th city limits of f.'uiwll tilurt. 2H miles vaat of Council BlurTs pctsii.ft"..- and or.-thlrd of a mil ra-t f l)lnal. lmprovemer s consist of a 4-roin hvuv barn and storage house, two acrea of Irutt. balance In cultivation, tame grM. vhe In, ultabl for '"i'l and .anlntng W. H. TH ikAl, 808 FIRST NATIONAL BAN C B('ItOINtl, CMAJtiA. P-4U XHL 7.0V l S.M V- M