Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1907, HOME SECTION, Page 2, Image 20

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A HAPPY NEW TEAR to every one of the Busy Bees. The editor
is very sure that all had a Merry Christmas and a busy one, too,
for only( three stories have come in this week. But, of course,
everyone has many things to do Christmas week. We have plenty
of stories, however, as so many have been sent in recently that
all could not be used and we are just beginning to get to the last of them.
This week we begin a new year. The editor is very proud of the boys
and girls who contribute to our page, but let us see if we cannot make
a record thla new year and not a single one of us fall to comply with all
the rules' of our story writing contest.
The first prize for the beat original story this week was awarded to
Emma Kostal, aged 14 years, of South Omaha; second prise to Ruby O.
Denny, aged 11 years, Casper, Wyo., and honorary mention was given to
VI vs V. Shabata, aged 12 years, of Wllber, Neb.
Each week new names are being added to the postal card exchange and
the list now includes: Clara Miller, Utlca, Neb.; Emma Kostal, 1516 O
street. South Omaha; Florence Pettljohn, Long Pine, Neb.; Ethel Reed,
Fremont, Neb.; Madge L. Daniels, Ord, Neb.; Irene Reynolds, Little Sioux,
la.; Alta Wllken, Wacol Neb.; Alice Temple, Lexington, Neb.; Eunice Bode,
Falls City, Neb.; Jean De Long, Ainsworth, Neb.; Mildred Robertson, Manilla,
la.; LoulBe Reebe, 2609 North Nineteenth avenue, Omaha; Gall Howard,
4722 Capitol avenue, Omaha; Edna Behllng, York, Neb.; Estelle McDonald!.
Lyons, Neb.; Juanlta Innes, 2769 Fort street, Omaha; Marguerite Bar
tholomer, Gothenburg, Neb.; Louis Hahn, David City, Neb.; Vera Cheney,
Crelghton, Neb.;' Fay Wright, Fifth and Belle streets, Fremont, Neb.; Ruth.
Ashby, Falrmonth, Neb.; Maurice Johnson, 1627 Locust street, Omaha; Lotta
Woods, Tawnee City, Neb.; Miss Pauline Parks, York, Neb.; Louise Stiles,
Lyons, Neb.; Hulda Lundberg, Fremont, Neb.; Edna Enls,- Stanton, Neb i
Alice Grassmeyer, 1545 C street, Lincoln, Neb.
Buddy's Exciting
By leonl
T: WAS New Year's eve. and
(lark and stormy one. The kind
of night when the wind clutches
the casement In Its giant fingers
and rattle It as though some
demon of the dark
broad superintending the work. The snow
fell heavily, piling up great drifts wherever
an obstacle came In Its way. And It filled
the window ledges and leveled the porch
steps at the home of the Weatherbys.
Inside the Weatherby house the gloom
Of the night was very little less than with
out True, a bright fire crackled In the
big. black cooking range In the cheerful
kitchen, and the rays from a well kept
kerosene lamp penetrated to the deepest
corners of the room, which a more uncer
tain light would have transformed Into
caverns peopled with such wild animals and
goblins as only a night of storm and lone
liness could bring forth.
A very disconsolate and frightened little
creature sat shivering In the cheering heat
from the big range, out of whose oven
came' the delicious odor of roasting foul,
filled with sage-flavored dressing and swim
ming In rich gravy, 1
Buddy Weatherby by name, and alone,
was the shivering and silent little creature.
And his nostrils had long since ceased to
sniff at the appetizing evening dinner cook
ing In the oven. Half an hour earlier
when the clock was striking the hour of
five Buddy was In the midst of real happl
ness. With his mamma he had discussed
the probability of his father's return that
night in time for the New Tear's feast.
But mamma had begun to fear that the
absent ope might be detained from home
over night, as the storm had sot In early
that afternoon and might have prevented
his starting from the town, whither he had
been obliged to go on business that morn
ing. But even though this disappointment
had been feared. Buddy had been very con.
tent In his dear mamma's company. While
the fat fowl baked in the oven she had
sat beside Buddy, reading to him from a
book of strange and wondrous tales. The
story chosen by Buddy was one of a young
prince in a dense forest filled with goblins
and dragons. Buddy knew the story almost
by heart, and was preparing to suffer
shaking knees and chattering teeth at a
certain thrilling point when of a sudden
mamma's voice was interrupted by a quick
knock at the door. In another minute
Buddy's cousin, Kitty Marshall, came Into
the room, crusted over with snow and look
ing like a storm sprite.
"Oh, Aunt Myrtle," cried Kitty, "mamma
has been taken quite 111. Can't you come
right away and do something for herT Papa
hasn't come home yet and I'm alons with
Mrs. Weatherby, with a few hurried
words of encouragement to Buddy, put on
hood and cloak and departed with her
little nlore to the sckbed of her sister.
"I'll not be long away, honey," she had
called to Buddy as she quickly closed the
door behind her.
For a minute which to Buddy was an
hour he remained In his little chair by the
stove. Then fear seised his heart, and ha
crept to the door, locking it securely and
putting the key In his pocket. Ah, now he
was safe. But no the wind rattled at the
latch and the thousand and one terrors of
the storm and darkness beset him.
Then he felt that he must do something
to pass away the time, and got a big, red
apple, whloh he munched on gloomily. But
though apple always tasted so good to him
as he sat by the fire of evenings, this one
seemed to have lost Us flavor. He threw
the uneaten part on the hearth, and took
onyer r
New Year's Eve
Colli ster.
the book from the table and began turning
the leaves, hunting for the pictures. Thers
was the youthful prlnce-the one whom
mamma had Just been reading about-tn.
courageous encounter with a strange crea
ture of the forest (You see, Buddy was a
little chap, and could not read the text but
could read the stories from the pictures).
For a few minutes he followed the youth
ful prince of adventure; but this only
served to Increase his fear. True, the pic
tures were of strange beasts and people
of the foreet; but might not they be found
In the cops at th foot of the hill, a quar
ter of a mile distant? On dark nights,
when he walked with his father past the
patch of wood and dense undergrowth, he
he felt sure that he heard strange noises
Issuing forth from their depths. But at
such times he felt brave, for ths big, stronsi
father was with him. holding his little
chubby hand. Besides that, his papa al
ways carried the lantern, the light of which
wa such a protection against the dangers
of ths wood.
Oh, If that big father were only here
Every muscle In Buddy's already tense
body stiffened to the oracking point; every
drop of blood seemed to go out of his
heart, and he could not move or speak.
He felt Ilk on la a nlghtraar. only he
was wida awake.
Listen once more! Tos. unquestionably
h had heard a step. It was not yet upon
the porch, but-tt was rapidly approaching
that place. And next It would be at the
front door. Yes. there It was, shuffling and
stamping where the mat lay all covered
with snow. And now a hand was on the
door knob trying to turn it! It was not
an animal, then, nor a goblin nor a dragon I
It was wors than any of these creatures
It was-of course It was-a pirate or a
bandit I It had hands-that was the proof.
Buddy glanced hurriedly about, his blue
eyes wide and full of terror. There seemed
no avenue of escape, for to go out by the
kitchen door would mean to run Into the
arms of th pirate' confederate. And were
no confederate there th darkness, appall
ing In iU denseness, would get him In Its
clutch. v
Ah, th steps were leaving th front
porch and going round to the back door
by way of the plank walk. Buddy heard
them perfectly. Step. step, step, first the
right foot. thon the left. No time for de
liberation now. Buddy knew that the
latch of the kitchen door was minus a
screw. It could be burst off with slight
pressure. He looked for some place to
hide. Ah, the closet, where mamma kept
the folded clothes. Into It he rushed, grab
bing up a pair of scissors from mamma's
work basket as h went. Into th depth
of the closet he tumbled and closed the
door behind him. Now total darkness! He
clutched hard at the scissors, determined
to use them aa a weapon of self-defense If
need be,
A long tlm passed; In Buddy's mind a
whole night; by the clock Just three min
ute. Then a most terrible thing happened.
Buddy could hear It perfectly plain. One
of the kitchen windows was being raised.
Horror of horrors! And then a gush of
cold' air rushed under th closet door. The
brigand or pirate was in the house. And
how loud the footstep were on th bare
floor. They went to the pantry. Dishes
rattled. Ah, the pirate meant to .devour
their New Year's dinner that was browning
In the oven. And after eating that the
terrible man would smell Buddy's blood.
Perhap he would thn devour him. Buddy
had beard his mother read of how th giant
Three of the Busy Bee Family
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X. Writ plainly on on side of th
pap? only and a timber th patfea.
0. Vs pa and lak, not pnoU
a. Short and pointed articles will
e given preference. So not us over
860 words.
4. Original storle or latter only
will be used.
B. Write your aame, age and ad
drs at th top of tli first page.
First and second prises of books
will be glrsn for the best two con
tributions to this par ob week.
Address all oommnnloatlon to
Omaha Be.
(First Prise.)
A Mouse in the Pantry
Emma Rostad, Aged 14 Years, 1514 O
Street, bouth Omaha, Neb. Blue
An old man used to say to his grand
daughter, when Bhe used to be out of
temper or naughty In any way, "Mary,
Mary, take care there's a mouse In the
pantry I" She used often to cease cry
ing at this and stand wondering to her
self what he meant, then run to ths
pantry to see If there really was a mouse
In the trap; but she never found one.
One day she said, "Grandfather, I
don't know what you mean; I haven't a
pantry, and there are no mice In moth
er's, because I have looked so often."
He smiled and said, "Come and I'll tell
you what I mean. Your heart, Mary, Is
th pantry; th little sins are the mice
that get In and nibble away all the
good and that make you sometimes cross
"smelt the blood of an Englishman." Al
though Buddy waa not English his flesh
might be found palatable. Buddy shut his
eyes, shuddered and gripped his weapon
tightly. He would fight! Yes, he would
not be taken like a coward. Perhaps he
had but on more moment to live. Ah, how
h wished he might see hi dear mamma
and papa. What a horrible thing for his
dear mamma to come home and find there,
and peevish. To keep them out you must
set a trap a trap of watchfulness."
(Second Prise.)
A Christmas Adventure
By Ruby Q. Denny, Aged 11 Years, Cas
per, Wyo. Blue.
Myl but It was tiresome lying on the
shelf. I was In a large store. All
Around were toys of every description.
People wer crowding In and out, th9ir
arms loaded with bundles. Soma would
stop, pick m up, admire my fur, and In
quire whether I was Imported or not
The children would kiss me and squeeze
my side to hear me squeak.
After a while a man cam In. I will
not waste time In describing him, but
simply say that having examined me, he
said something to the saleslady, who im
mediately wrapped me up and I waa
. pushed Into the man's pocket.
The next thing I knew I was in a
beautiful room, at one end of which
stood a tree all decked In candles and
bright toys. The light waa so daxsllng
that I was on the point of closing my
eyes when I discovered I had no eyelids.
Stupid thing that made me!
Soon a string waa tied around my
neck, and nearly choked to death, was
tied to the topmost branch of the tree,
where I could view everything. I had
been on the tree but a short time when
some children came romping In. On llt
tl girl with blue eyes and golden curl
Immediately won my heart.
I was the last present to be given out,
and to my delight I was given to the girl
of my choice. She hugged and bqueeied
me unmercifully.
After a very happy evening I was
tucked away in a cosy little bed. and
sitting beside her kitchen fire, the terrible
pirate eating from th bones of her darling
Buddy. Tears of agony poured from
Buddy eyes at this picture, but he uttered
not a sound.
But suddenly he opened his eyes and
strained his ears. What sound was that?
It was his mother's voice oh, there could
be no mistaking Its dear tones. Bhe was
at the front door, calling out: "Buddy, son,
open the door quickly." Buddy remem
bered now that he had th key in his little
pocket. What should he do? Ha must go
to his mamma's assistance ha must ge and
warn her of the terrible robber and man
eater who now walked so boldly about the
kitchen. But what was that? The pirate
wa going to th door to admit his mother.
H might catch her and carry her away
foreter. Buddy' heart stopped beating.
Clutching the scissors bravely he kicked
the closet door open and dashed out. He
would strike the pirate down if he dared to
Injure his mother. His eyes were no longer
shedding tears, they were aa full or courage
a th eyes of a young knight errant could
possibly be.
But a few steps Into the kitchen and
Buddy stopped short. What a sight was
ther! His mother had gone round to the
kitchen door and waa just entering, and
and th pirate he was bending over and
kissing her.
"Papa, mamma!" and Buddy ran laugh
ing and crying Into th arms of his par
ents. The pirate waa no pirate after all,
but Buddy's own dear father.
And as th thre happy Weatherbys sat
round the table, eating their New Year's
dinner. Buddy told bis story.
"I meant to fight, I did." h declared.
"I ba1 mamma' scixsors, and If a pirate
had been In th room I would have
"Th glsaard for you, sonny," laughed
Buddy's pap, helping bis llttl son to a
plec of th chicken.
was th happiest Teddy Bear In th
(Honorary Mention.)
The Barnyard Turkey ,
By Viva V. Shahata, Aited 13 Years. Wll
ber, Neb.
The first that I remember, was In a
barn-yard with other queer looking crea
tures, some of which said, "quack, quack,"
and others, "peep, peep," while some, like
myself, made a sound like "gobble, gob
ble." Here I decided was to be my home.
Things went on pleasantly for a long
time, until one day a stranger came into
ths yard and picked me out for his Christ
mas dinner. They had hard work catching
me, for I did not want to leave the rest
Of my playmates. My happiest days were
over when they put me in the sack and
carried me away.
When the man got home he took me
out of the sack and chopped my head off,
which hurt very much. This ended my
earthly life and I entered upon one mora
like a dream.
His wife picked my feathers off and used
them for stove-cleaners. They dressed me
and got me ready for the oven, and then
laid me flat on my back in a large roast
ing pan with a tight-fitting cover, which
t knew I couldn't get out of. She then
had me ready for the oven and I don't
think my friends In the barn-yard would
have known me if they had seen me. I
don't see what I could have done that
they should put me into such a hot place
as I then found myself. I couldn't get
out anyway, so I had to stay there until
I waa brown and crisp.
I was taken out of the oven and put
on the table with a great many other
things. I saw many of the aunts, uncles
and cousins at the table.
When they saw me they said, "How good
he looks, we can hardly wait until we
eat him." The man then raised his largo
carving-knife and here ended my dream.
Henry's Christmas
By Willie Cullen, Aged 10 Years, 3213 Web
ster Street, Omaha. Red.
Christmas was getting near and mamma
asked little Henry what h would Ilk
for Christmas. He told her he wanted a
wagon and a horn. She told him to write
a little letter to Santa Claus and tell him
what he wanted. So Henry did this and
he folded it and placed It In the stove,
where he thought It would go up tha
chimney and then Santa Claus would find
Henry was very happy next day at
school, for he was sure he would get what
ha wanted. While he was at school h!s(
mother went down town and ordered an
express wagon and a horn for him.
At last, Christmas morning came, and
Henry saw a Christmas tree all lit" up In
th front room. He went and took down
his stocking, which was hanging on the
fireplace and It waa full of candy and nuts.
In It was his horn. But soen after this
ther waa a knock at the door and a man
said to Henry's mother: "Is this where
Henry Brown Uvea?" Mrs. Brown said
"yes," and be left at the door a wagon
painted red. It waa for Henry, and b
thanked Santa Claus for It
That same day he wrote a letter to
Santa Claus thanking him for his wagon
and horn. He sent this letter up th
chimney, too. Every Christmas since then
he sends a letter up the chimney to Santa
Teddy, the Rooster
By Ada Morris, Aged 14 Years, 8424 Frank
lin Streel, Omaha. Blue.
This is not a Teddy bear, but a Teddy
Teddy was the lonely hatch of 100 eggs
from an Incubator. The owner, not think
ing It worth while to bother with one chick,
gave It to his little neighbor girl, Agnes.
She was delighted with her gift and hur
riedly but carefully carried it home. Agnes
took great care of her pet and they soon
be cam fast friends.
It Is a funny sight to see Teddy standing
In Agnes' little go-cart with Agnes push
ing him about as If he were a baby.
He grew to be a very large rooster and
knew no other nam but Teddy. When
Agnes goes to the door and calls Teddy
there can be seen a large, scrawny rooster
running toward her a fast as his legs can
carry his large body. He runs to her and
talks rooster talk, which means that he
wants something to eat, and it is given to
him by no one but Agnes.
Agnes puts him to bed every night In the
little go-cart and kisses him good by every
morning before going to school, and Teddy
will meet her before reaching home on her
Teddy knows no other home than with
Agnes and he hopes he never will.
Tommy's Adventure
By Frank Bi.'ieroe, Aged 14 Years, 2437 Burt
Street, Omaha. Blue.
Tommy was 12 years old, and even at
this age had evinced a strong desire for
drink, tobacco and novels.
His mother had told him It would hurt
him, but with no effect. Tommy had said:
"I guess I know what hurts me; I don't
want your advice." His rude remarks
made his mother feel sad.
One day Tommy was sent to town, and
this day was a day of days In Tommy's
history, as It made a better and more po
lite boy of him. While there Tommy en
Joyed himself, but coming home at dark
he was accosted by two tramps under tha
Influence of liquor. Tommy was scared
when he heard they were going to tta him
to a tree and leave him. Seeing all their
action were caused by liquor Tommy sud
denly had such a dislike for It he vowed he
would never touch It and would obey his
mother, which promise he kept faithfully.
Well, when they arrived at a suitable tree
Tommy made a break for liberty. When
Tommy came home and related his story
he was surprised, that his father and uncle
winked at his mother. These tramp wer
his father and uncle in disguise, who had
used this means of making him quit his
bad habits.
The Dream of Chin Chu
By Lester Crow. Aged 1J Years, Nebraska
City. Neb. Blue.
In the great empire of China there lived
a little boy whose name was Chin Chu.
He was a very good boy and had nice
manners, but he had one fault, and that
was he hated to work.
One day his father said, "Chin Chu, you
must come out with me and help hoe the
rice field." But Chin Chu said, "Oh. no.
papa, I feel sick and I must go to bed."
So he went to bed and was soon asleep.
Now, while he waa asleep he dreamed that
b wa working in his father's rice field,
when he fell down overcome by the beat
But a Chinese god cam and picked him
up and flaw away with him to th moun
tains, wher he made him work day and
night with only a llttl tlm to eat But
bis father cam and rescued him from th
god and teak bia horn. whr he told tun
If he helped him In his rice field he would
grow rich, manly and brave.
Here he wok up and began to rub his
eyes and wonder about the dream, and he
said to himself, "If I do work In my
father- rice field I know I will grow up
to be rich, manly and brave."
Now Chin Chu Is 30 years old and he Is
rich, manly and brave, and It all earn from
a dream.
How Martha Found a Home
By Lillian Wirt, Aged I Years, 4158 Cass
Street, Omaha. Blue.
One day a llttl girl was walking along
In New York. It was very cold, but she
had on nothing but a pink dress and a red
shawl and a pair of slippers that were too
big for her.
After a while she got out of the business
section of the city and the first thing that
her eyes rested on was a beautiful house.
How she wished that she lived there. "My
goodness," she said, staring at It as
If It were a palace. "If that house Is so
big should think thcre'd be room for me
too. I'm going to see."
So she went up the stone steps Into th
lawn and across the lawn to the porch and
acrons It to the door.
She rang the bell, and presently a serv
ant appeared at the door. "What do you
want miss?" he asked. "I want the lady
who lives here." "All right," and he dis
appeared. Inside the house a lady was sitting.
"Madame," said the servant "there's a
little girl out there, and she wants you."
The lady arose and went to the door.
"What do you want little girl?" she asked
"I thought that this house was so big
It would have room for me to live In too.
"Well, then you can be my little girl and
live with me," answered the lady. That
was Martha's home after that
A Bad Habit
By Margaret Langdon. Age I Years.
Gretna, Neb. Red.
There was once a little girl with golden
curls. Her name waa Dorothy May John
son. Silas was her big brother.
One Sunday morning she waa getting
ready for church when her canary flew
from the cage. Bella, the cat cam In.
Her mother called and told her and she
said, "In a minute." But when she cam
down Bella had it dead. She began to
cry, but her mother told her it waa of no
Next day she waa at school and her rib
bon was united. Miss Adams, the teacher,
called upon her to read, but eh said,
"Walt a minute," but th teacher called
on her playmate, Freda E. George. After
reading she was getting her arithmetic,
Freda and ah war whispering and th
teacher called her to go to the cloakroom,
but ahe said, "Walt a minute." The
teacher stamped her foot and said, "Go."
"Teacher, can't you b patient a minute?"
"Yes, I can," said th teacher. But at
last she went Freda had to stand In the
corner. When the other had gone home
to dinner she was punished and also
Freda. Dorothy hasn't stopped th habit
yet of saying "Walt a minute."
Bessie's Christmas
By Emma Marquardt Age 13 Years. Fifth
and Madison Ave.. Norfolk, Neb. Blue.
Bessie Overton was the 10-year-old daugh
ter of a rich merchant of Chicago. Her
mother waa dead and Bessie was left to
tha care of the servants. She waa very
selfish, although she had the pleasures of
the whole world.
It waa Christmas ev and Bessie with
her Aunt Ida, a missionary who had come
to spend Christmas with her, were packing
Christmas boxes to send ( to the heathens.
' "There now, Is that ribbon tied right
Aunt Ida?" asked Bessie,
"Yes, dear, that looks real nice, hut I
have thought of a good plan, Bessie, but
I know you won't approve of It', You are
too selfish," her aunt replied.
A tear trickled down. Bessie's face and
he asked. "Will you tell me?"
"Yes. dear, I will. Dick brought a Christ
mas tree from the forest for you, but why
not let you and me visit the hospital to-,
morrow and take It along? The poor In
valids have never seen one, I suppose."
"Oh, Aunt Ida, that will be Just 16vely,
and I have so many toys I can take and
I'm going to give them all my pennies,
Just like a real Santa Claus." and she
ran downstairs to spread the good news.
Bessie spent the "bestest Christmas" one
could wish for. She wants to be a mis
sionary when she grows up, like her Aunt
Ida. And I am sure, readers, she left her
selfishness, for she learned a good lesson.
"What happiness it brings to give to the
Fannie 's Menagerie
By Margaret Iingdon, Aged 8 Years,
Gretna, Neb. Blue.
"What a hot day!" Why Just look
mother, it has Just started to rain. I
wish I could go out and play. If I had
a coat cf feathers like the ducks I wouldn't
mind a little wetting, but I Suppose I'll
have to take a nap, so I will.
She lay on the bed and went to sleep.
Flap, flap, flap! "What Is that at the
window?" In flew a doren geese. "Quack,
quack, quaek! Where are our feathers?"
They flew to Fannle's head and pounced
upon the pillow and it was soon torn to
pieces. "Quack, quack, quack! Here are
our feathers!" cried all the geese, and
each one selied a bunch of feathes In
his bill and flew out of the room.
Patter, patter, patter! The door gently
open and there stood the sheep. "Please
walk In, madam," said Fannie, and there
stood the whole flock of sheep.
"Baa, baa, baa! Where Is our wool?"
said the great, black sheep.
"I didn't carry off your wool," said Fan
nie. "Stop! Stop! That's my shawl. You
mustn't take that What are you pulling the
carpet to pieces for?"
Without minding a word the great black
sheep marched out with the shawl on his
back and all the others following, each
with a plec of carpet on his back.
Bun, buzz, buss! In flew a dosen
warms of bee. "Buss, burs, buss! Wher
I our wax?" said Mis Queen Bue. "Wher
Is our wax?"
"Ther Is no wax here," said Fannie.
"Here is our wax," said the bees.
"Oh! My beautiful wax doll, Grace. She
Is wax. they have found her." Then they
flew out of the room.
In trotted a whole troop of horses. "Who
took our flowing manes and talis? Here
they are," said a big white horse, pulling
the mattress in pieces.
"1 shall have no bed to sleop on,"
thought Fannie, as th horse went gal
loping out of the room.
"Fannie! Fannie! Why don't you com
down to tea?" shouted James, bursting Into
the room.
"Oh, James," said she, "did you meet
the horse running downstair?"
"Horses running downstairs! What ar
Nonsense Verse.
There was a small girl gaily dressed
In a frock that was mad of the best:
A cart passing by
Threw some mud very high.
The little girl cried: "I'm distressed!1
you talking about?"
"Why, some geese Tew Into th room
and took the feather from my pillow and
some horses came in and tore my mat
tress to pieces and the sheep took my
shawl and tore the carpet and soma be
came In and ate my doll' head up."
"Why, Fannie, everything Is as nlc as
before. You have been dreaming."
How Santa Remembered Jed
By Clara Miller, Aged S Years. Utlca,
Neb. Blue.
It waa a week before Chrletma and Jed
Morrl had not written a letter to Santa,
yet, and when he came home from school
his mother told him he had bettr writ
and tell Santa what he wanted for Christ
mas. This Is his letter:
Whlteflsh, Mont, Deo. 10, 1907.
Dear Santa: Please bring me a pair of
skates, a sled, a book named Jed, th Poor
house Boy, and a new suit for Xmaa.
. Yours truly, Jed Morris.
"Tomorrow night Is Christmas eve."
"I wonder if old Santa la going to bring
me what I told him."
"What did you tell him to bring your
"I told him to bring me a sled, skate,
book, and a new suit" said Jed.
"Well, don't you think you ar aaklna
too much." said his mother.
"I don't know," replied Jed.
Th next day Jed was playing with hit
comrade, Jack, who had asked a ball,
sled, shoes and mittens.
Pretty soon his mother callod him from
the window. "Jed." she called, "come, al
your supper and dress up to go to church
and speak your piece."
Jed went to church as usual. On Sundaj
morning he was to speak his piece first
Pretty soon all was over and Jed went
home and crawled into bed.
Suddenly there was a hard knock, and
Mrs. Morris got up, opened the door and
there stood Santa with lots and lota ol
toy for Jed. There was all he had asked
for. and a green wagon, a ball, Teddy
bear, and candy, nuta, peanuts, popcorn,
and a great, big Xmas tree. You are very
kind, sir, Mrs. Morris said, with a smlla,
and then she closed the" door and wenl
back to bed. Pretty soon It was morning
and Jed got up. What a sight met hli
view when he saw the Xmaa tre with
lota of toys. And since that Santa hat
always remembered Jed.
The Travels of a Bracelet
By Ruth Robinson, Aged 13 Years. Llttl
Sioux, la. Red.
A little girl who lived la Cedar had
started to go down town.
She had got almost ther when sh
looked at her arm and her bracelet waa
gone. It was one that her Uncle Benny
had given her and he was lost at sea.
She wa very sorry and hunted all over
for It, but could not find It. Sh went
home and told her mamma, and she helped
hunt but could not find It Whll they
were hunting a llttl boy found It H
had no mother or father and th only re
lation waa a llttl sister, and sh had
always wanted a bracelet but wa so poor
they could not get one. She wa so de
lighted and wore it all th tlm. On day
sh met a little boy who waa very
naughty; he had an old brass bracelet
and ring which he had got with candy.
H told the llttl girl he would gtv
her the ring and bracelet for th bracelet
she had on her arm.
Of course the little girl did not know any
better, and thought she wa getting the
best But her brother told her they wer
only brass and she was very sorry.
The little boy thought he had made a
good trade, which he had. He put It In his
pocket and went out to the gutter to play;
he dropped the bracelet Into the water
without knowing It. He went off, and
after a while he felt In his pocket and It
was gone. He hunted but did not find it
One day some boy were playing In th
gutter and on of them stepped on It;
he picked It up and looked at It
It was not bright any more, but h said
I'll take It home to Sis and she can have
It, and so he did and she brightened It up
and sent It to her rich cousin who lived
a block away.
About a year afterward this girl moved
away and forgot and left th bracelet on a
shelf, and th little girl who had In th
first place lost It moved In and found It
and then sh went to these people who had
had It and found out its history, and this
Is th travel of a bracelet
Illustrated Rebus
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