IHE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, DECOTBEi: 28. 1D07. CRUSA5D PRODUCE MEET Tntt Tattzf is tie Clitf Feiturt of the Dy. scxz Etrma at low pokts 0Ma Vmxri mm tke Vrak aklw mad Crml Bellies; At tke Start far rr at. OMAHA. Dee. Z, IMG. Ortla market art branch m bearisti an4 tendency t sell on high level. rtuflt taking was tha main feature, and Antereet show on tbe buying BI0V at the low point. WW at opened lower on weak cable and fnwJ Belling at the start for profit. CamiasiPA houses talc en considerable at te low fractions. May options opened at I OK and eloe at tl.OE. Corn opened fairly firm, with scalpers prewng the best buyers. There was llttls BellLg " tna atari, but as wheal went off ksb corn was turned loose. Miy ears opened at &ao and closed at C7V- T eats market started firm, with no evidrae of Belling. Soma profit taking de relooed later on the high point. V.4T awls open at UWo and closed at E3W ' Prmery wheat receipts woe 7!,f0 kvsh els mnd shipment wer W7,bnb bushels, a4rakt receipt last rear of F.H.O00 bushels and shipment of in.u buheia. Crw receipts were 723.b bushels and ahlpnettls ware tut bushels, a-atnst re ceipa last rear cf l.oca.oua bushels and Bhipnents of I2,tw bushela. Clexranee wera T7.0i bushels of corn, rtom f oats and wheat and flour equal to bushela. LlVrpool rinsed nnrhanged to d lower en heat aod Vd higher oa com. SeJbosrd reported lM.0ut bushels of wheat and JtOuv bushels ef cam for export. Loal rang at options: Artlsa. Ope. Bujh. Iw. Close ! Tes'y. December, tl "7V nominal; July. 4. .14. aomluai. OATS CSc- Msy. JUT,; Ju..J vorw-Da-.J M m JU..J Oat- W Ma. Jul. K 4 MV F 1 tC) 1 7h! 1 OX 1 02 1 k 4 Mxl WtBi si1 ft C?k C3 BTM f?1 WS fc?V t& 6?S' US, ti UA UtV . v tt 4 f c, 13, fjtv, Mk 6,V M 7VI 47k i dT 47k, 47S white snd Il.ttfll.i2. OaaaJkei Cama TVIea. VTtAT-N. t hard. Sf S7c; No. I hsrd, 8-oo; No. 4 hard, sSisac; No. sprtcs;. J: AO grada, B71!tc CiAXtitt. k, iPHaiir; Ko. 4. re4c; no Crati ettf-Sc; Ko. X rUow, MHs4.ic; Ko. HC. OA'S-N. 1 railed, dew;'!,?: No. I white. i7Vc;o. 4 white, 4fic; eiandard. 47Vfc7c. illt-rNo. t ?7ic; No. a. 47ic. threat e-f pta. ' f ,'- " -' Wheat. Corn. Oats ChlC4( ..,. 1 43 J67 M1nTpchs MI ma 81 42 E PuJuJ Ui raico canx asd raorisioTcs FeatreVaf tka Tradlas; aad ClaataaT TVfcra ava Beard af Trad. CISTACJO. Doc JS- rsvorsble conditions Tor arvrnlns: la Arrer.tina caused a e clinsjif mare thaa 1 rent in the prtoo of whea here today. At the close wheat for Way delivery u 1 ut below the final ouuuion of yesterday. Corn and oats weraach unc)ians-fd. Provisions were a shad, higher to cents lower. Tl wheat market was Inclined to be sskali day, with the exception of a ehoreperiod tn th first hour, when prloes dratd cuarlr 1 cent from the low point of th day on buying by shorts, which was laeertiipon a report that the total acreage In liiia will be fc,00u.ii0 loss than that if the al orop. later in the day selling be came Rtmera 1, because of numerous -te-portswf laroraitle weather In Arf-er.tina. As Urease la locaj receipts also depressed th rU-t Tew t-loss ti wesk. May W-nd 9Sc to file lower at tl.tt.8U.ut;1. ajva;w-d to 11.07, and then declined lo .?Trie clou was at tt.MMia.ftrti,. Clear UMtt -wheat ad 'flwur were eqnal to xiik.tugushls: primary receipts were 7(U.flC8 bustist against nB.ime bunhels cn the same 3ay tst year. Minneapolis, IXiluth ard Ciikcao reported receipts of etib cars, again 4Q cars last week, and Sag cars one j ear g Kin cables and unsettled weather tn the earn elt etrtngthened the con marttpt early today, but Later prices rtrlcled rlighv mi -mp!i;y with wheat and be uxeof the prediction of colder weather. May senod a shade to He lower at tomtit IV 4 KMac, ajH-aared to and clm, d at S5ftc Laucal receipts were 411 cars, with fteea of contract grade. Oats opened weak, because of liberal local re(pts. but rallied In sympathy m-tth corn. May oats opened Ufi'c lower st tSr t WSc. advsnced to Klc. and closed at 6H Local receipts were TT cars. Pronkma apened firm, because of a lfte adnata In ths price of 11 vs bogs. Later th tnrket weakened, because of tfr pre dlctkmnf heavy receipts of lire hops next eek. At tha close May pork was Jc lower It US 06. lrd was a shsds higher t r Ribs were damn ZV t IT.tSP Estlaited receJpls for tomorrow are: Wheat 4a cars: corn, 1F7 cars; cuts, iTl cars; iga. Xi.UAO bead. Th lading futures ranged as follows: Artlclal Open. Klgh.t Low. Closs.l Tes y. Wheal J Dec! JKV Marh ( 1 06S Corn-! . r-c BS Vlay rHjJi,l JulrUi7tt, Oats-l t .Mai Pork J 1 Jan, It 41.1 Kay 11 11 ! L r Jl i Jan." 7CTH' w May. J!lbS- 1 tmm, May. 1 ' I tv WW1 iff i ''i t ; 1 ) 1 OCMi I I 6W, ST',! 5RI I BJ'S 47 4 7 5 47H: 4 1 07 K7; 7V3'j 4t. IS 7 7?V 7 3W 7 45 7 K." 7n 1 7 fc 7 SO 70 J ( gTVI U 431 11 4Tf U Ci 11 4"S 7R T t. 1 cr-i 7 06 EW YORK CKVKRAL MAKICICT Fewtarew f Trwdlagr a4 rilees mm L4ilaa; rwaasswdltlM. NTW TORKL Iec- 17 nVHH-Recelnta. .lo Mla.; eipcrta 1.M4 bh4a Mjrt ri-ady hut dull: Minnesota rutenta. U X-fl i 7f; Mlnneema bakers. Utiigilii; winter pa'enta U to K: winter s'ra-iglts. M.noS 4 ; winter evlras. tiTn'fi X: winter low grad. JitofMlft Rye flour, steady; fatr t good. U choice to fancy, gf.. S burkahtat flour, steady at fc.00 per im ins (T'RXVf EAL, Firm: f ne yeilow. Il ft fiT 0; coarse. sun cried. tI2(Qt.kt. RTIi Firm western' tte f. l a New York. W HEAT P.ecelrrta. 1HT nrM bu. Boo tnae- ket easy; No. i red. Si'- la elector: No. S red. 1.(7V f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern Dtiluth. t c. b.. afnat: No. 1 lard winter, fl In. f. e. b.. afloat. Con tinued fine Argentina weather caused a disappoint irg Liverpool market today and was responsible for a cent break here, la absence of expnd demand. Final prices showed 441e net decline: reremtier closed st n.(,N. Msy. tl .12 7-t--31.ia 7-lc, closing at n lTsic; July. l-ttnstol.oWa, closing at CORN-P.ecelpts, H.13S bu. Spot market firm: No. . TV In elevator and Ac. f. o. b.. afliiat. (ptlou market was fcc o re cemher, due to covering c.f shorts, and closed He net higher otherwise: Ieoem ber. 7rVp7Ji),c. closing at Tic; May closed at rrvc. OATS Receipts, 0 bn. Ppot market easy; mtaed oats. 26 tn R! lhs, bic; clipped while. K to ell lh Niirtc HAT Quiet; grood to cholca, ll ftOffl HOF'8 w'-'et : slate, common to choice, l. W'r; t. 61ic; Pacific roast, Siilic: 1. 4((re. HIDKS Quiet ; Bogota. lP5M7c; Cen tral America, ICHc. LEATHER-Easy; acid. J4aC7c. PROVISION0 Beef steady; family. rS W !5.Vt; mens. rHKr.nfl(.: beef hams, IIM.HI 1'6.W; psrket. rL2.6.ifilB.: city extra India mess. I22.ierr t. Cut meata. steady; p:cl: led tallies. th.Hta1.0: plcklel hams. J SdS 1( 00. lird, l.areir sieady; western prime, . ii(iit 1. nominal; ref.ned. steadv; conti nent. J KnSfi.&n: South Ameti' a. .S: com p'lund. T E7V-i7 F ork, easv ; famtlv, riKnfi(i; short clears. Ha.StKti IS. 76; mesa. $14 nr,.a. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to ex tra, iV$fHr; Japan, nominal. TALLOW Rtettcly, city, 1c; coun try. fci6 6c. L5GS Wet; state. Prrn'-vtvanla snd rearby. good to choice. xffSc; f.rwt to extra first , 24 ; western firsts, i-4(or.4'ic; arfcnds, 2"io'j;vc. B'CTTER Market stesdy; cresmery ex tras. JSfyJJiV:; thirds to flrets. a2c; state dairy, common to fne. itrjlx-; process, oom moo to special, lift-iac; wesurn factory, con.mon to flsl. llii'litr. t HKtK Firm and unchsrujed; state full cream. mnll colored snd white fine and large colored, li$l4r; good to prime, 34Vfr''V' common to fair, evn- 1'Ol'LTRY Alive, steady; western chick en. !sc fowls, 11V; tjrkeva, 1TV: flrepscd. unsettled, westrrn chltkens, li Sit; turkeys, 11 u 17c; fowls, 71612c WEATHER ITS THE. GRAIX BELT Colder far the Oraaar Rearlaa, Say Colaarl Welsh. OMAHA. Dec. 27. The low pressure noted over the north west Thursday mornlr.g has moved dawn over th central portion ot the country, assuming a thnpugh snape that now ex tends from tr.e upper hikes southwest serosa the central valleys to the southern Kocky mountain slope. This dejrestilon has caused a rapid rise In Icmoerature In t e lake region, the Ohio. Mississippi snd lower Missouri valleys and is preoeded hy warmer weather In the eastern and south ern states. An area of high pressure, ac companied by a very decided fall in tem perature. Is moving down from the north west and will cause a decided drop in temperature In this vicinity tonight, with continued fair tontght aad Saturday. Omaha record of temperature aui pre cipitation compared with tbe correrpond ng day ct the lavt three J earn: iW7. 1906. !. 18M. Minimum temperature...., .14 21 34 ( Precipitation .00 .00 .09 .22 Normal temjiersture for today, U degrees Ixficiency in jrecipitalioa ginoe March L 7.41 Inche. Ieficienry corresponding period la lf 4fS inches. rvficiency corree ponding period In 1ML. ? 67 inches. Z. A V'ELSH. Local Forecaster. , t. Latia i-Beral Market. ST. iLOriS, Dt-c. 27.-WHEAT-Puturc weakt cash firm; Track, No. 2 red cash $1 .0-.v&l.fK; No. 2 Lard, $1.0i"51.fci; May .flw: July. 9Tc y" CORN Htescy ; track, No. cash, JWSV. lite: JuiV. UVbb'r- V r, i 64i,c. ! OATR-Pusdy; track. No. t cash, ; Vsr r.is.r; Vn. ah He. SOtwane FLOfR mill Red winter patents V K tl4.Mt; ertrs fancy and straight, $4.34 60: j clesr. $3.("t4.(Xi. ! KKFJ.i Timothy, steadv; $S.StKS4. j CORNM HA L Steady; $: i HAT Steady; timothy. $M .0dffll7.(; prairie. R.r!j ! Bo. IRON COTTTIN' TIES $1.10. RAGGING 3 0"nc HEMP TWTNK 11c, PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $13 10. Lard, lower: prime steam. $7. SO. Dry salt meats, steady; boied extra shorta $K.S7i; clar ribs. SS.25: short clears, HvTa Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $H2S: clear ribs, $.i; short clars, gk.CJJ. PtiT'L'i KY- 1 :rm : chujens. c ; vpring. c; turkeys. 12t ; ducks. c; geese, Tic. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 2SHtBS.ic. EJGGS Loa-er; iOc, if - e.i.t. Recelrts. Shipments Flour, bbls tik l.m Wheat, bu... .( ati.OUO Corn, bu sh.lnis 6I-.1 Oats, ba , 114.UU0 7e.OU0 Kasiaas City Crala aad Prwvlalaa. KANSAS CITT. Tee. 27-WHEAT-Mav tl S; July. lc Cash: No. t hard 7c' $1.00; No. I. lfcV&'9c; No, 2 red, ec; No. 8. 6ic. CORN May, E7V: July. F7c. Caah: No. 2 mixed. Sic; No S, E11(&iJc; No. 2 White 62c: No. 8. Bl(&.ilt-c. OATS No. 2 white, 4bc; No, 2 ir.'.xed 47Vbc HAY Steady: choir.,, tlmothr. CLsOffllHO; choice prairie. $J 0tf?ri.M. RYE 71.4 tide. Pl'TTE R Creamery, 2Rr; packing. 16c. EGGS Fresh, extras. i:V: firsts. IVr.. Recitpts. Shipments VTheat, bn Svit i(K Corn, bu S.OU0 Oats, b l.Ws 5EVYY0RRST0CRS AND B05DS Fricet Ktre t, SubitAntial and Corn preiuiTe EfHy. VOLOLE OF BUSESISS Z2JAJD3 Oesaaad I Ge amity Aacrlbe-d Cave flag by Beaj-a Psusk aad Cmreean-y gitatatlaa haww I asrtTrata t. ta a slight improvement and tnad tha close firmer. PFRX.7N, ree, 27. Trading on the Bears today was stagnant and price wer rather Wek. PARIS. rec 27 Trsdlng on the Pours today a at dull with a Bagging tendency. REPORT 4r THE CLKARIXQ HOHE NEW TORS. lec 17 -Prices of stocks had a comprehensive and substantial raily lodsj- ami the volume of th market ex panded considerably. Th increase business was poorly distributed and mas concen t rated in th favorite stocs cf th siwcu 'atlv eiemect, indicating the profeesional source cf much of Uie buying. Th demand was generally ascribed to severing operations by the bear element, which ha sold the market freelr dunna the high money i-ertod cf th last few i dsys. One of tbe house making the largest purchases of stocks todsy advised ! its customers against short salea at present n the ground thst intended liquidation would be withheld from U.e market where- car posalM until money become easier after tba first cf the year. There ass some active support In tb market and the de sire t help market values of securities ior th showing in yearly balance sheets as af December H wa believed to fur nish the motive lor some of this support. Som of the day's incidents offered positive fctors towsrds a itterment of sentiment. ' On was th falling off in the premium on current and the lnrerence of a nV s.dence cf tt demand In that field. The figures of th week currency movement oflered corroboration of this inference. The shipments to the interior of currency were less than last week and the trsnsfer to the other points to tbe subtreasury weVs decidedly te smallest for any week since the financial disturbance set In. In con sonance with these conditions th Bank of Fngiand secured all of the gold in the ojn market in London st a recession from the preceding market prloe. This had an encouraging eflct on Lcndon sentiment toward American affairs. London was en couraged also by a subsidence of the de mand for gtild on German account and a recension in the prlat discount rat in Berlin further quieted apprehension re garding the position at tha point. The Imperial Bank of Germany made some accession to its frold holdings for the week, but showed a heavy expansion of note isiues and of credlta Th Bank of Eng land return was decidedly weak. Its de dine in percentage of reserve to liabilities from 46. Wt to 4ti per cent compare, how ever, with a docltne from 38.6o to 87.12 per cert In this week last yenr By reason of the continued Inflow of gold Uils week and of large payments at the subtreasury. toge-ther with the di minished movement to the Interior, the New York hanks appear to have gained upm arris of $.uu,tx0 cash during the ween, A further substantial reduction in the deficit is promised therefore. The sub treasury payments reflect in i art the cur rent deficit in the government revenues, the excess cf srovernmtjnt expenditures over receipts for December thus fax hav ing reached $6.47S.li7, compared with sn excess of receipts over expenditures In the corresponding period laul ye.iu of $7.2it7. 7Wi. Jt is this course of the government revenue operations which keeps alive the question cf an early necessary draft by the treasury on the deposits with the na tional banks. An excellent impression was made by the insignificant witrjdras als of savings banks deposits which have fol lowed the explmiion of the sixty-day period reauired at the time of the run on the New York Trust companies. With drawals now ould forfeit the interest due at the end of the year and the short period yet to expire of that period la le lieved to have helped towards keeping down the withdrawals of depoBlta. A sharp reaction tn foreign exchange rates merited the cessation cf demand aga.r.st gold engagements fibrosa. The meek s ex ports of wheat and corn also rose to the largest figure for the present season. The day's gains in prices rf storks were nearly ail maintained, in spile cf a late rise in money rates. ri"iids were steady. Total salea par value. C.K14.0O0. T'nltefl States bonds were unchanged on call. Ntm.ber of sales and quotations on stocks were as roiiows: Ti-aaaactieaa I tmm Asriated Raaks far tb Week. NEW TORK, Dec 17 Bradstreet's Bsnk Clearings Report for the week ending re cemher 24 shows sn rr-erste ef $1.K3. txt.ona as against t.lSl.1 last week and $1 S1.W W In the corresponding week last yesr Canadian clearings for the week total $71.47? . ss against JH4.347.Oli last week and f"4.K17.Mfi in tbe same rwl last year. The following la a list of trie cttles: CITIES. Clearing I Inc. Deo. Cic; whit. i j Am. I Am. Am. Am. Am. Am Ko. 1 a Old. b New. Cash :-.otatKme were as follows: FLDH Firm; winter patents, $4 4ft9 4$": wlwr straight. $ J ii : spring pat- Ma, $jif;7f: spring straights, $1.40. bat baker H Hrt 1L WHET-No. S spring. 17 tvn.Qcnj t, . s? ; Na. 2 red. Iei4rm,e. COHX. t, tSW-; Na. 2 yellow. OATwiNo. X Sr; Na. 2 white. SOe; No. $ a hlte4l7jl'4V. PTE- a. ?. 7ic. P.ARIJY Fair cholo malting. If Wfc. REEJA-Flax, Ns. 1 northwestern. $1 17u.; $VS 7 eltn'T. contract grade. p'envtelVS Fhort rTbs.' aide (iooaei t4Kv7. Mess pork, per bbl , r.2 l?"- krd. per 1 lha., $7 r.tr7 1 &in ar side (Tsoxad). $7V(s7.13i. Fsllowg wer th receipts and 'inip Dtonit o (lour and grain". steoeirta. Il.!pmu 74i Kansas City grain options: 1 Open. I High. ) Low. Closa Flour. Via. ......... Wheat kiu Cora, la. .... Oata, la j t ............... mm iw ott wuu ON th. trodue ftrl.inr. IajIiv Ik. . . . , er ma ret was f.rm; ere merle. HiCfimr; iin. i-Mtiuc tr, weak; at rases triuded. Z'j';m-; flrsta fie i.rst ; ertras, 27c. Cheese. .UVtrlSe. fill ..l'Ki ..tia.tsn . ta.TUO ft! 506 14" 7Ki r4.3uu 17 inn lm mark. Prim steady. 4.rmla Market. IJTKB'OOU Dec. I7.-WlTEAT-Spot, No. rd westera winter, firm. 7s d; future teady; Iiecember. neminal: March, ft 11 d: Msy. 7s liS,d OORN-4poC. prim snlxed Amerioan. new. Finn. ld. prim mixed Americaa. old. ti no, 6 id; future, duli; Decen.btr. noml al; Jaavary, a Vd. Wheat May .. July .. Corn May .. July .. 1 "S, ..'Barai .-I t-'V! 1 Of, : $?V linHB jsi9-A 62H BTHSA 1 W tl Taled teed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 27. SEED Clover Cash and Iecmber, $lu.7t; March, $!IM7H: prime timothy, E&-'. prim alslke. ff.fc. Maurka-t. PFXVRA. Ill, Dee. r-CORN-New. siesdy: , 1 yellow, iir: N $, fcW;; Nfc , alSrejrae: no grada, e-feSac OAT Avowee: No- I white. 47V34Sc; No. I slt. WHIavIKY-Oa tha basis af r.XS for Bmakrd touda. MlwaskM 4rmla Market. nn.mnra w . v r -wke,at- "eay: Ja. I sianbera, g! L'Sl.U; Na. 1 norihera gl .""eel.; May, $1 U4 bid. P.LCT Firm; No. t, H.oi, aasttda. 4o 41 M iiHV-Staady; Na. I rath. C$Ssc; May. USc bid lDalafk 4rata M arret. Drt-TTIL Mtoa, Dec- 27 WHFAT N. ; attithtrat. 4U-(V; Ns, narllHsra, U.(sw. Layadas Clawdwa; atawkm. LONDON. Dec 27 Ckisliig uotaUocut ec stocks were: Coasala, soMr .. Rli-MR., X.. A T s 4 aoeauut U 1-U N T Oauwl. ti ttuutH MaKsrtBUi W - ifciua Tira o prt n si !4 Onuul A W. ....... U HftltiDr a tjbi.... SI ratiaarlvaaia . au. ..Il4taaa Mum ., . i aaadiua n tltSouUMra Sauvas . irw -1 a sit ti , 1 Souchars Paula Tl "wl'auis facia 111., . o ri at . Jt U. S. sw av-4 e. ,) J . rn i . m sit it .117 gpurtak 4s m . S4 Ami. Cmpmrr v quiet. Mkd uer ohm fau.-Mj.!-. per cent. The rat of ciaoount in tb open market for short biils is per cent; for thre BuonUiS bills, tHBw per cent. CanaAiaa Pacinr Cbnmk a Ohk. CtucAT Ot W r ... at m St r Is (Men D AK. O pit Una 1st pti at pit Oraat TVui-.a Inmala CMtrvl .... Lutrrl!ie m h fclLY Eii Bar, Bauak ( Ea.lauad Stateameat, LONDON. Iec. 27-Th weekly atat. n.ent ot t;i bank of England al.ows th following; changes: Total reserva e-cri-ued A.7.k,ui. circulation, increitaed avio.um1; fcu.uua. dacreaaed .i.SJi,ksJ; atber ecunues, increased Ai.lil.0iw; othor oe posiia. increased 17.iHi; public o epos la Uwreased t-HUMMt; mohea rear', ir craast 1Li.imi; government securities ucU.ai.gwl. Th proportion of tb bank s reaerv La harnlity tins ek is Us Us jer cent, compared with 4i. per cent last weak. Bauak f Gerwaar lUlcataat. BERLIN. Iiec 27-Tta weekly state ment of th Imperial Bank of Germany shows th foilowu.g changes: Cash in hand. Increased 1CJ an eiarfca; treasure : docreiaaed 4. !'. rcirtt: ether o rurniea. iiK-nraaed 4S CSu.'ki marks; note is cuotuauuu, IWTfeaaed IXMj.iMI ruaika. Atami KrrirMili Amuramu- 6 Cnpser .... Am. c. a r Am c A- r. Did Ain. Cotlen Oil Am. CortoTi on pit. America Expraaa ....... Am H. m 1. pit American oe Am. L,tnaeefl Oil Am. Llluieed Oil pta Uooomettv ........ Loromtilirt pft...., BAR, ri-dlT g. A R v'i usar Reflnlns Tbbaceu ptd rtn... ABuciona atlaiTig Cm- Attblaua Atchino pfd Atlantic Cnast litne Ilaiumor A Ohi... hil. A Ohio pit krooklrn Hapld Tr Canadi&B racifle Ceutrai at Sr. Jersey. . rhmrak A Otii Chicugs Ot V Chicacs A K W . .... ri,ic.. at St. r.... Cnioasa T. A T Chlnaso T. A T. pta C, C. C. m Bl. u Colorado T. m I Colorado A Ko CoK. A So. 1M pfd Colo. A B". I'd pit Connohduted Gaa Cura Priiourta. rig Crfra Produrto pfd brlavar A Hudaoa Pl.. U A W Itiver A R. G P. A R. O. pfd pvtulen' Socurltla ... Frit . . . Erie 1st p4 Lrle M v'& General Electric lluitoj Central luiariiat tonal Paper Int. ralr ptd Int. I'ump iut. pump prd. Iowa Otiulral Iowa Central pfk KkiiKka City fro Leuioril.e A K alcira Central A M.Bn. A mi. Ijouia M., St r A E. S. Jt ., M . St. P. A t. s. Sllaauurl Pacific .. M b. uri. K A T M . it A T. pit Satluiial Lead Nr fork CanUwl K. T.. O A NoTTolk A ,.. K. A V. ptd Kar.B Americaa ranlQc Mall rnnaylraiiia People's uu P.. C , C A St. L Steel Car g C pld .. Puiimaa yalaos Car. Road in flaadinc 1st pfd Handing M ptd Republic s-taei . Ropubitc Bum aid B. u.. Ulan ( kauk luand Om. pld Bt u a g. r u pit Bl Lcuia f W Bt. L A T. ptd Boulhnra Paoltlo Bo. racilr pld B. fcalmar Be. Aaiiway ptd ious A raclnc Toteoa. BL 1 A W T . aa. U A . ptd faia Pnrlfi I aloa PeciBc pld I B. Exproaa. ......... C. B Baalui r. a RuMor I B. itaanar aid V. B. Blaal V. B Blasi ptd Va-Oaeiluia Chemical .... Va 4ua Cbam. prt a ahsak Wabaek ptd Welia-rarco ftTx.. sBaraA.. . Woatlngaouao &iotns .... Waaiara t hiam W beelinf A L I .... Wtacena.a OeacraJ 4'a Oastrai aid. .......... Kortbera ratine Grmmt aarcbara pld Ciecunl ioUiBr Central LttlMr aid IniarbersutB ktat XnL krt pit tioav-bkolr-tjd Bieel Tvai aaiea fur ta day. teg. '. T.'Mi' JUS 311" High. !B liTW. ti.k pfd.. ins 1.3'i loo lim -.10' l.liii U ' fid 12.100 i.iriii 11. SHI fcwu "l 7o Iut 400 7I S'" 7.IW iH 5IKI l. l.ntid l.Onfl nil 100 '": " 4KI 0V dim uo ti mm i'i " 7si til) in HI l.iuu ""in 't tm Ins t li'U IS, 7i0 tie 1H t.w 40,4110 ) StfJ 14 'w 7V l- !'w 71". 0. 34 11". to S.'. om, Ww 4 aai l.re 7t l.fm lot ta.tw IbW "ioi iut ti ' t.fcn iut ,"ra tw .' ""'its . lka tti. ahi ri is " 7lw U'vt is" "fT 1. Hi lu ''a 'k 7k 13f. . 13!H UNk iciw m" m" ink li-k in it. iS iM 4- 4'" St tt. 44 11 11 iei" iii" ":rs 'is it Si 2t JH its, its ill ' in 1:2 m 'irk "is" -"k ilk ilia 'ti" l' 141 14 m" to" dt" 44 n ii ; i...k w1 ., r.rt. si'k -k ti'-s 41 4 ' i it HiA, lots 7fa 7nm fl a ! lk 'eii 'tik isk iuk ilk 11 II k 'tik mk 11 in i;w f li u uk 'iri. "si" l li:S st 7t '$7k 'ir. "fk "k "S Ik 1-k ik "fit 11 la ia 4? ti b4 Tk 7 M St lik ll iMm ilia "7, "iii 17 lo abarea. f-1 nm 1 4"k HI'S Vim ZK at, "s 17k ilk kk 70 tl 71 2 k "k New Tork Chicago Boston Philadelphia ft. Louis Flttshurg 'Ran Francisco ...... lis It imore Kansas City Clncinnstl New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland ietroit Louisville Lo Angeles Omaka Milwaukee fieattle Pt. Paul Providence Buffalo Indianapolis Ienver Fort Worth Richmond Albany Washington Columbus. O ft. Joseph Memphis f-avannah Atlanta Ppnkane. Wash Toledo. O Tacoma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria. Pes Moines Norfolk New Haven, Grand Rapids Dayton Portland. Me Pioux City Firing-field, Mass... Evansvllle Prmlrgham ( Syracuse 1 Augusta, Ga Mobile Worcester .-. Knoxvllle Wilmington, Del... Charleston. 8. C... Chat tanooga Jacksonville, Fla... Wichita , WHlketbarre Davenport Little Rock Wheeling, W. V. Foil River Kalamazoo, Mich. Topeka Springfield. 111..... : Helena Fort V syne. Ind.. I New Bedford I Lexlnirton . ToungKtown j Frie, Pa Macon '.Akron . Rockforfl, 111 Cedar Raplda, la.. ! Chester, pa. . Pinghamtcti Fargo. N. U I Lowell j Canton, O , Bloominrtott, 111... South Bend, Ind... Quincy. Ill Pprlngfield, O Piorx Falls, S. D. Mansfield. O , recatur. 111 ., i Fremont, Neb I JacksonvUVe, IH... ; Lincoln, Neb Oakland. CaL 1 li'ik liiiirima Houston fC f 34. 3 i iGaIeum ' e-,..j..llViI E73 12.4 U.7 38.5 Urn" .we wn( i..wr,(w ,r '... Sfi.fll.(K' Wi.l7$.om: 41 Plfl t4 t1.!' 3D : 25 n.BSBi 17J7S.(IOi l.777.wii! lH.i? OK' lX.M7.tt4; lti,7!0 Wi 7.6"i,.(t(K .Ka.xf 9.3i noi J g OtRW g ukS OHO! 4.4SSVOW' B.ins.iwu I fc'U.O"!1.... 4.:.wtl.... 1 4:.. i .... 7,&H4.t'l I lflM.l . ... I 72S.I:.... $ 41 OKI .... 4 14 il.... J.irui.imo . ... . 6.IM .00f t.TBS.OOfii 4.5&"i.(l. 4 2' !. I.B78.I. 4. 24b. IK 10 .?74.WW' 2 sr.tmo t.2.'a.(mii' l.flJKnli.. 2.1M.f .. l.HSU.tKKi .. 1.6SR4(i.. 1,7' l.l.lst. i.r.s.(vi! 1 irrii.(tMi! 1.277.00ti!. l.rn t.K'. 1.S77 (' . 1.30,000'. l.t.tKM1. I.lf41.(0'. K7$.(K( . 1.2S7.0K1 1.21 (i-i 1,1 m.o'Ki Ki.w! 1,11' K1' 777. l l.lTO.OHu: i.ors.ix' 20. ()2,0(l(l: 76.(KK)..... WW 16 ' 7S7,0(Kii Hfi.Oio! 4K,(iW'..... ViS.WtV r"fi''' ' r:sw Bl 'K!.... 6XI.KKi 416.WI01 SHI.IKK'1 4i.r.Ki: . tl.fllKI1 . M.nMi ' 4SH.OW. 4Kl.tl. - H4fi.(si0'. . ifl.tasi . M t: 4.!..00, 4r (o! flH.WOi.. 4.Kl0l... isc, nnu!... Mh.OftO'... I..tH"... t.l'i. '... '... A... OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattfe of All Kindg Actire ani Stf iy ta Stronper, HOGS ACTTTX4 TO CLXTS HIGHER fbeeg. wad Laaab la Light Receipt, wtltk Deaaaad fceed aad Frloes Tew Ceata HlBker, vrUk Trade Active. BOT-TW OMAHA. Neb. rw. 27. lBTC. Receipts wer. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. ( 4 4 27.11 44.8 ..I 4J $ 17A 2$ 2K J t 14.7 4 M.I hi ID $ M. 7 4 1$2 U.t Si. I 40. 0 " Vi k'i 17.4 4.7 4 7.4 7 B.l . 24 I . 'ioj n i.s 1.4 "i'i 1.7 tut a P lli 6 32 3K.1 $1.$ "si 3 not 15.2 10 1B. 27 S 12. 37.2 15.1 It 36 R.t 17.1 sa.s u.i u.o "ii 4 4 S3.B 18.7 23.9 24. 4S.0 34.4 'ii'.h Ofhcial Mondav Official Tuesday Wednesday thollday). CrTlc1al Thursday fcstunst Friday A.74S M0 : i'.7t;2 . 1.UI12 i.:s47 1771 1.7H$ lil i'.si U4 Five dsys this week.... MM 1 ffi4 .RM Pame davs last week . .. .14.iW Ki.70 H.7HS Fiame days 2 weeks ago..Ii.lBl .".'. Si r" Pame dsys 1 weeks ago.. 1H.M7 ?6 t'"7 Same days 4 weeks ago..ir. c3 U 441 !.. i Bam days last year 4.SK4 M.730 U.470 Th following tab) shows the receipts ct rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tb year to date, compared with last year: llKI. 7. inc. Uee, Cattl 1.U1074 Kff3.K."J 71.S43 Hogs 12au.14 2.177. (ea 111.274 Sheep JUUIU4nl 2.1tXJ L),Jt2 Th following table shows th average price of tiogs at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: Data. ) 107. 3KSJ.I1M !WH.rW lists. ;i. Dee. Iee Dec'. Dec. Dec. Dec. lec. Dec. 17.. IS... 1.. 20.. a.. a., a.. it.. 4 47 I g 31! 4 4ca 18 4 H 4 tfy. C l 4 M 4 1 I 4 IK i BKi 4 U is 11.1 4C..C If.. 4 82 .8 RS.S 23.4 4. ib.: CANADA. I Montreal ...i Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Vancouver, B. C... ' Halifax Que!er Hamilton Ft, John, N. B. London, Ont Victoria, B. C Calgary Edmonton .!$ .ii I.: as.!vy.ckH. ii.pi7.ki; 2.702 IK 1,7W8.kki . 1 4.1!. . . ' l,7iJ7.! I fK.. mai . l.OT.lMI . I.fi7.('. l.ii:.(iiic' l.imi.ono' . aM.IMOl. 12.4'. .4. 1.1 37.2 Dec. B. Dec. 2fi... Dec 27... .1 4 44 i 4 M I 18 4 l 4 us; 4 m 4 BR 4 451 v 4 HI 4 441 4 I 4 SB 4 42 4 K4 4 r 4 II 14 f 1 I 7 4 a 4 : lM 4 41 1 4 4d 2TI XT I 11 I 4 tot 06 4B5 I 4 2 I 21 ; $ OS 4 4S I 4 ss c ii.; i (Hi 4 .1 4 64 as: C 21 40 t 17 Sunday. -Christmas. Tli cfflc!s! nnmber ot csrs of stock brought in today by each road was: t rattle. liugs Etieep. C. Jf. a P. Ry 6 Waliash X 1. P. sysiero 16 C. A N. W. least) C. A- N. W. (west) 13 C, St, P., M. A 0 4 C, B & Q (east I 1 C. R. 4r Q. (westl 1 C, R. 1. A P. (cast! t C, R I. A P. (west) Illinois Central 1 IS B0 Total receipt 46 The disposition of the dsy s receipts was ss follows, esc h buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattl". Hops. Eheep Omaha Parking Co. . Fwilt and Company . Cuaahy Packing Co. . Armour & Co Irfihmun A- Co "... F. P. Lewis L. F. Hun Klngan A Co 32 Cudahy Rros. A Co. i J ' H. Bulla Sfi Mike Haggerty S .T. R. Root A Co 41 Independent Other buyera 234 tm 144 1.1 4 IX) 6t1 l.Si.l 77B 174 1,KS 2 1 wethers, $4 Sf.34.7J. ewea i .714 A. wethers, $4 lhflt 41. 30 3.247 4.11. 24.81. t.i "Ti 30.8 t.i 31 . 3. I 7 kik ; 7t m 1 'l i 17s j H'k 1 'k I 134 , llu, , It "k tt imv "k Not included in totals because containing other items ti.ari clearings. (Not Included In totals because compari sors are incomplete. 411 ' 101. (l 345, 420 l tk k lk t :j iik ink 4 ". 11 ' Si la ! 14 0 Tt 464, I' Si'k k i 4 4l'k k iii'S "w tn 1H 7 Lit S4 74 7f li-k tl-v 14 7S Kit, li, Mi II, li. Hi 71 to IT m 71 k k i a;. k it ll w 7 , U i l-k i lit r, 7, New Terk Mosey Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 27. MONET Prim mercantile paper, Tca per cent. Sterling exchange easy with actual business in bankers bills at $4 H4.Ki.'a4.fc4.uO for demand and at 14.7icfr4.7fi.10 for sixty day bills: com mercial bill. $470; bar silver, a.'Vjc; Mexican dollars, 4cftjc; government arid railroad bunds steady. MONEY On call, firm st lOt&lg per rent: ; ruling rate. 11c; cloaing bid. olfered at li ' per cent; time loans, quiet but firm: sixty 1 days, ligl per cent; ninety days, ICkSU per cent; six months, 1 per cent. t'loKir.g quotalioua on bonds wer as liew: 104 r. A K. nnl. 4 ... 10f ,Maa. e. g 4t lm, sales. Central 4a W. 'So 1st Inc ill "Minn. IBl.Ua 111 M . A. A T. da ) mm U N. k. A. ot St. e 4 Til, ok 74 T. C. g IV " . tik N. J. C. 4a Ill S4, So PacltM) 4 l'k st do la ks. A w. e. tt s: . t 0. fi. L Tfdg 4.... B4 Sf.l rem ct. ! U'k 41 kaadtnt gen 4a 4 t 4L LAIN. e. la llk . Bt.'U ASF. tt 4a 74 S4k Bu U 8. W. e 4 ... 10 44 seaboard A. U 4a... tl . M Ba. paoiBc 4. tl, . lk da na da ir.fa K . 74 go. Railway oa 4, 1 Tex.. A r u jm .44 T. bl L. A tr. da.. 4H f" Vnlon Paciiie 4a low al do rr 4a Iri, V. B. Bteoi Id to M, Totals 3.247 6 7' l.W CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very small, there being only forty-five cars re ported in. For Friday the demand was ouile good and with aucfa light offerings tne market was in a good healthy and entirely satisfactory condition. Buyers were out early and everything in sight changed hands before 1( o'clock In the morning. There were some right good cattle in and as high as $L.Mi was (.aid for one very well finihhed bunch. The market as a whole might be described as strong and active. Cows and heflers were also free seller and changed bands very readily at good flrrrr prices. There were no storkcrs and feeders cf any consequence tn sight and as usual en a Friday no great number was wanted: still tbe few here sold readily at fully steady prlcea. The feeling among cperators on tb mar ket was that barring large and market breaking runs at Chicago there is no reason why the trade at rnis point should not be in fair condition. The focal demand, while not large. Is sufficient to make a very decent market for xuoderat receipts. The great trouble has not been due. however, to local conditions, but to the unwise policy of shippers who, by flooding eastern markets, have broken prices, with the re sult that buyers In the west have had to lower their bids In order to keep in line. Quotations on ct!e: Good t choice com-fefl steers. $ SO; fair to good corn-fed steers. $4 2:.4 HO: common to fslr corn-fed steers, $3.2!'a'4.2; good to cholc cow and heifers. v.2n,;4 25: islr to good cows and heifers. $2. 4"S 2S ; common to fs r cows and helfera. I3.2a02.4ft; good to rliOice stocVere and feeders. 4.1 7(Ti . fslr to rood stoekers sr.d feeder, t: 7d? wmiron to fair aiockeis and feeders. $.& ti.123. Representst've elo- rir t-r c i tuta. C. 8. ret la, rag do coupon r B. . reg r Bo eaBpoa . C B a. a. Kg do roanon Am Tobaors 4a do 4o AloblaoB pou- 4S do atj 4o Atlantic C. L 4s il.1. A Olite 4a do (ko B-t. k. T. e. 4o Central of Oa. la... do 1st inc.. do Id lso do Id Inc Chi A Otiie .. n-hioai.kA A. Iw.. C . B. A 1 a. 4a... C. E L A P. 4a ... dO Col. fit CiC'C. A Bt. L, g. 4a Coin bid. ba. aw. A l.ls. Mid. 4a. Colo. A Bo. 4a Cuba 1 b. A R. G. 4a...... Ins. sec. oa In. p. 1. 4o do goa. 4a. "Houi VaL 4kB. .. Japan 4a so 4 k ctfa do Id aeneo i. ttgerod. Mk 1 74 H . IC 1.2 St Wabaab is tk do deb. B lk B'air.era Hd. 4a. Tt W A U g 4a . t"1 Wit Central 4a. 71, Atrblaos r. 4a ... Stk AinhiooB -c. 6a.. SMa inc Mat ik-.. 4 liked 1(X, . 44 . fS . tl . 0 . M . 04 7 Boitoa Btock aad BOSTON, Dee. 77 Call loans. atVlf Ferelaw FtacaarlaL LONDON. Dee. 17 Money was in smaller upply on th market today, but ti.e de mand was strong. Discounts wer steady iir guid declined Id oa th abaenc of outside demanA Th attendance on th SlocA exebanga u mailer and business was slack. Tn stiUommi tooa up must of tb aitantioa. Carry over rata wer fairly stiff th charge of Americans being from ta T per cent- Dear money checked speculation and a tb aheenoe of Invest ment support th markets flalahed quiet. Amerlcari wer idly main allied just atwnr l-artty in tl forenoon. The colorless news frn Wall street checked opera: ions cn euer .o of tt.s market until the sfter nouxi. wbca Lbs kit Vork optiiixi; caused cent; time loans, clo'ng cn sto:ks AtchiBo adj 4a oo Max Central 4a aiL-blaoa .- ,. do pad Buatoa A Albany boot a A Main Inim Elevated f itrbbarg pfd Mexican Central K T.N H AH. Par, Marouotlc t'niue Pacltlp Am. Aran. Cbam... da pfd Am Pneu Tub.. Asier. Sugar do prd Am T A T Am a oieB do pfd Ediaon Else. Ilia . General aotrc .. Maaa. Electric .... do rfd Maaa Oat I nltad FTalt I nned A M do pld V 4 k-lael do ptd Atveulur ........ AliouM Amalgamated 'Bio. Vno per cent. snd bonds: . (1 Atlaatic . tlk Bliitnam . Tl iai. A liorla... . T S Cealenmal . . BlVk Cepper image . . .1S ra;y Vm l:-4 r-ai.kilo .... lit;. Ormnby 117 Ul Ivov.l. . 14, Maaa Mining ... Ill Michigan . . 11 Motavws ,lllikMnt C AC. . Ilk Old liomlBlim ... , 74 (woouia . Parrot , 1 Cuiary ..... !i lliucal lk 7amai,ct . 11 Trinity . I" t lilted Copper . V g. Mining.... h, r. a ii . ftab . IS, Victoria . ei. W inona -UU Wolvarlb . I"k Vortb hut . 14, putt C aalUloa . MS fcovada . t' Cal. A ArlBona. 1 Artaona tvm. .. . H .l. .. IBl.fi . t: per Official Ik 4k l k k t k 7f l"k k 'k 41. Ik k K'k k 77 k 47 14k 7k Kk 1 Jw 4, ..... 4k Ill tik 1 4 at "k U4...V4 Ka A. TT Na. At. Pt. 11 IB , 34 1 t IT. 1 tt 4 tr.t t 40 I 1J70 I Tt 1 Yf-h 4 40 II i sftfi I TB 4 Jdt7 4 44 t ; I a'. ( .not t 4fi )tl mr, 4 cm ia uri t m ti S; 4 no M lit! 4 64 n i f 4 an rr iirj t 7 I lfKlf; 4 S K 344 4 f (I lljlt 4 Ot tS 11M. 4 B 1 JlKMt 4 Ki II li.74 I Mi JO 14 4 at COWS. 4 M ill I" 117 1 It I iiw I nr. l pel 1 jn 3 pilio tin 7 148 25 X 1110 : 45 It. IU'5 I tr. 17 HI 1 7t, 11-11 r ti jf. 1011 1 TS 10 IH4 I Wt lilt. 1 TB II 10M 1 Ii I lieu i it I ma b J7 K K f an 1 11M) I Ml I'M IS 14 I 4 4 i:r7 1 45 4 ilf.1 1 Ml 7 Ml. t BH It 11B I SO 1 tM I IKI 1 1! I lb t If I on 1 lail t 01 U 104 1 0t HEIFERS. 1 730 I on 1 W ID II 1' 1 IS 1. (4 IU H 7B7 t M It 3014 1 73 ,... Mil I 74i 1 li BULLS. 1 11 Ml 7 2T. 1 1PW I Hi t 14 1 BS I ITS I fB I 1130 I 1 1S5B I 11 I pen I TB 1 ....ltlt 1 M 1 1 I 7t CALVES. I isn if i :5 4 it ( IF4 I II l Ml 4 T t!d I n 1 140 I M t 1st l at HOGS Hnn sold 3c higher this morn! Sn, A. rr. 411 weetern ewes ..." 1"4 4 I westera ewes, culls 11 I 2 117 western ewe P' 11) 14 weetera 4Ma pat 1 a 44 Idaho lamb 4 4 4tS loan ewe 4 V It Idaho ewe ... If 17 Idaho ewes, rails 1U4 1 2S western ewes Ill 4 00 h western lamba. culls 44 4 25 272 wesiern lambs t- f.7 Ik 10 westera ewe lid I 0" 10 wesiera lamb, culls I 00 natn-e lambs, cull ilBO 4 14 40 native lamb BS no 1 west on ewes, cull IW lu CHICAGO LltB ITOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hog 14 tarsi er rherp 41 Lsiaak lwrf. CHICAGO. DcT. 27 CATTL1S Receipts, eetimsted at about 1 fK head. Market siesdy; steer, li.stfS A, cow a R.suv.i; heifers. $A!iib.1 : bulls. $ln9i4"; raivea. oi4(i7ir: stcK kers and feeders, fc 404 hi. HOOSRec:pis. estimaled st shout Zl.(K3 head. Msjket luc higher; choice heavy, H 4"4;4 1.. butchers t4.iiHii4.bo: light, tt.itf 4 3f, ch .ice light, $4 4ij4W; packing. $4 0"p i f', pigs, i. .u-u t. Jt', bulk ot sales, $4.at"V 4.0H. bHEESP AND IAMBS Receipts, esti mated at about 11. die head. Market Wc lower; sheep. H-0ni4-SO, lambs, ti.(wS.ao; yearlings, $4.(K.t; ba Kaaawa City Live Meek Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Dec 27. CATTLE Receipt. 1,41H head. Including rn southerns; market steady; rows strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, $4 fc('v i.bti; fair to good. II 301 4.7 T; west ern steers, $ ie ? 4 M ; stackers and feed ers, lIU0(y4 i.. southern steers, $$.;! 4 Id; southern cows, tf.VO 1 00; t.atlie cows, $2.1olj native heifers, $4.t(i5 4 tilt. bulla, ; calves, $.tuw C 7B. HOGrt ReceJTta, 7.000 head; market It flloc higher; tup. $4 ttw; bulk ol sale. $4 40W 4 47 H: heavy. $4.40 4.: H 1 pck ers, $4.1$ ti 4.60) pigs and light, $4.00 9 4 4$ FHEEP AND LAMB9 Rocelpta. 1.1.09 head; market 20c higher; top lambs, $4.40; lambs $t.7$alt.40; ewes and yearlings. $1b04 Mi; western yearlings, 4 l!i 0 $ 00; western sheep, ll.lBdj m.'im; stocatr and feeders, $ 00u 4.00. Market. ft. Loal Live fttwek ST. LOVIF. Mo.. tec. 2 Receipts. 1,000 head, Including 1U0 'J ex sns; market for natives strong; Texsns steady; native shipping and expurt si.crs. IE. 204i S.Kii; dressed beef and butcher Steers. $4. If S t.4 0; steers under 1.000 pounds, IS.OKcr 4 B0; stoclters and feeder" $2. 266 4.00; cows and heifers, $2 "Ufa 4.1 canner, $l.f02 10; bulla. $2.60 4 in., calves, f 2.f.0ib; 7.2 $; Texas and Indian Fleers, 12.6(1 t ii. Od, cows and heifers. $1.1.0 6 76. HOGS Receipts, g.OOO hesd; market f ( 10c higher; pi its and lights, $4 Hi. 4.t.t; packers, $4 If. (b 4.66; butchers and best heavy, f 4.4t(p 4 66. (SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, COO head; market steady to rtrong; nstlve muttons, tl 0'irji 5 rf: lambs, $4.00$ .i; culls and bucks. 111. 00 S 00. t. Jawepk Live Bleek Market. I3T. JOSEPH, Mo.. Dec. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 448 head; market stealv; ns tlves. $4.00(3 6.76; cows snd beifers. ll.'o g4f0: stoekers And feeders. $2.26(3 4 ( HOG? Receipts. ,P61 head; mar 16c higher; top. $4.16, bulk of sales, f 4 ,j 47 4 60. rHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts $34 head; market 16c higher; lambs, $u.00fii C.40; yearlings, $3.76 V 14.211. gleax City Live Stock Market. PI OCX CITT. Dec. 27. (Special Tele gram. V CATTLE Receipts. m head: mar ket weak; stcKkers unihanred; beeves. $3.7T.i&i(..60; oows and heifers, $2.ii$.75; stoekers and feeders, l2.7MctS.76: calve and yearlings, 12 5tK(j3.50. H OG S Recel pta 5.500 head: market fQ Kic higher, selling at $4.1u34.4; bulk of sal&a, 44.Hi.fi4. 40. Bteck la eight. Receipts of live stock .at the six prin cipal markets yeeterdsy:' Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1.052 6 600 1,604 Pioux City 401 $.6(i Kansas City 1,400 7.000 1,60 f-t. Joseph 441 COM 634 St Louis 1.006 C.OliO ,00 Chicago 1.600 22,00 ll.Oi'O . Totals ..." 7.771 60.111 11,01$ Cettea Market. . NEW TORK. Dec, 27 COTTON Futures opened steady; December, 10.g7,c; January, lOiac. Februatty, 10.i)4c bid; Marcli. 1044c; April. 10.4SM-, bid; May. 30.64c; July. 10.Jc; August, 10.24iaflO.S4vC; October, S 96c, of fered. Futures closed rttiady; closing bids: De cember 11.11c; January 30 43c; February No Hi Uoc; March 3t;.t.,c; April lutmc; nay 10. .lc; June 10.71c; July lOUfcc Spot closed steady at 10 middling uplands, ll.Osc; 12 ft : sales. l.MuO liaica GALVESTON, Tex.. Dec. 6teady. 31Jc. ST. LOllS. Mo, Dec. Dull; middling, lic; sales eel pis, none; sliipminia, 77 ln.i'4f. bsles. LIVE-HPOOU Dec- 27.OOTTON &tot, small business done: prices 4 points bltier; American middling fslr. .7d; good middling. 6J4d: middling. 6 (Kid; low mid dling. 6 74d; good ordinary, 6 2-d; ordinary. 4. Kid. The sales of the dsy were 4.0UO baleA f which 600 bales wer for snecu lation and export and included $ Mt Amer ican. ReceipLs. 6L0O0 bale. Including 4b.100 bale American. points higher; middling gull, 27. COTTON r. COTTON . in bales; re 7 bales; stock. rt?fi; tx, rT17v: K. B!1; T. ISW lie. Q. tlnri; H, Itr-ttsu; i. $ Vf 14., K. 4 he. M, . . N. W O, $V0 W W, g 00 . t. OMAHA WlOLsrAL MARRJET. CoadlMew of Trad usd 4aioaM4ta mm Ot pi wad rataey Tl alae, FOOA-Fresh s-llrrm ewgw. candied, lec. lU'TTF R Cowimcn. 1 . fancy tab aal rolls, 3"aiKc: creamery, lle. CHE1.?E New full cream. Wlseonsln twins. l"Vr: new full cream brick. 17e; mesnic new Swiss. )c; r bmkurger, 114 lac, ynirif Americana, Fie. LIVE POL LTPT-Pprlngs. Ttpc: fcoPA Ttye ; roofers. Br; dmks. r; geeee. Bp; tur Irit lSc; r geonS. Sir jerona DRESSED It'CLTRT Spring, fancy. Brj benA "tiw 1 roosters, c; ducks. 10c; ge, luc: tutk'ys. 14&17C HT Choice No. 1 upland tTBOO: enedlum, : No. 1 bottom. $0; off g-rsde. trot. ht'6 Rj straw, 17 00. Ns. 1 Al falfa, tuon tropical rarTT. ORANTJFS Florida, bfx. tX: CaM-forr.ta-Wsshington na eia. Sl.tot rlenda Groi Fruit, per box. g2.ktgS.BA GRA FES Msisgs, heacy weights, per keg. It Malagas, xtirdlam Welghta. per keg. $4 t k AN ANAS Port Lknoaa, per Vonek. XW t) tKL FIGS AND lATFS$-fTarrnB fig. 7 rrew n, per tb , laeriric; Smyrna rga. 4V rrewn. per lb., lHaylk-; dVnymc f i-. 4 rrown. per lb. lflijyilc; California fig, box. , 10 carton. 6V; California figs, boxes, 11 cartons, gFic: Caltforrna figs, bulk, per Ik, Bac: Hallowl dates, per tb.. g,e; Knadrawl dates, per lb., Br; Salr datea, per la, ike; Fsrd dates. IP-lb. boxes, per fb. ko. LEMONS Fsncy. - snd IW . per box $4 au; extra cholc, Xt) and M0 auva, per box. $4ttt COCOAXTTS Per sack, 14.10; per doaan. Oc. FHL'I'Jw ArPLES-New Tork Klnars. par barrel, ti- .; Nont Such," per barrel, $4 76; JBald wins, per barrel, $4.76; GreenJ iRk per barrel, $4 76; western box applet Colorado Jona thans, per box. $X 00. Colorado Grtmea Ooid ona. per box, lie"', Idaho Jonathan, per box, 12 76; Idaho Winter Bananas per box, $1.76: Washington Sen Davis 1,7; Wash ton Northern Spy. par box, tklk. Waahiog ten OreeiJnga, per Ikiv, $2 00; Waahlngtoa Baldwins per box, C-76: Washington Rom Beauty, per box. 1176; Washington tall ap ples, assorted, per box. tl kl,7a. VKOK7ABLES. POTATOES Per bu., ButTao. CAB P. AGE Holland aoed. per IK. 11 Ho, ONIONS Red Glebe, per kav, auiUpo, Dt nia. fer rrte, ilk SWEET POTAToLS Sroan kbL. Uta. j CARl;OT8-Per bu.. r. J TV P. NIPS Per bu., 60c. PARSNIPS-Per bu Tfco. CELERT Michigan, per bunch. ITwa ' NAVY BEA.Nb Per bu Na 1, li-10; ; Lima, 7c per lb. - BEEF CTTT3. Tfo. 1 ribs. 14c; No. 2 rlbA lie; No. 1 ribs. 7c: No. 1 loin, lUc; No. 2 loin, lie; No. 1 loin, set No. 1 chuck, Cc; Nd. 2 , chuck, Cc; No. $ chuck, be. No. 1 round, fV; No. 2 round. 7c; No. 1 round, Hc; No. 1 plate, bc; No. 2 plate, be; No. 1 ' plate, eVec MISCELLAJJEOVa CALIFORNIA DRIED FRLTITS-FnaneB are somewhat unsullied by freer offerings from second hands, who or em desirous of moving supplies of Immediate gradea Quo tations range from uc to Be fur California fruit and from (Vie to Be for O retro n. I Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellows uuoted st Utyc COFFEE Roasted, No. S5. 2c; No, X 23c: No 2f.. lHc: No. 20. leVio. CANNED GOO LS Corn, standard wst. ern. 76c. Tomatoes, fancy, t-pound cans, tl.4ii, standard, 1-pound unt. $1 ku. Pino aiples. (.rated. 1-pound. I; .aoctfiao; siloed. $1.7ita36. Gallon apples, $4.60. California apricots, $-1.61. $-10. Pears, $i.l(t(tf.li. Peaches. $1 .SuciXlS. L. C. peaches. $llO $16. Alaska saimon, red, $1.4u; lancy Chinook, flat. $.16; fancy Buckeye, Cat, 12. li. Sardines, quarter oil, $U.bi; three Quarters mustard, 13.16. Sweet potatoes, $1 2ii(il.3a. Sauerkraut. B6C Pumpkins, Bdo fU.uO Lima boana 1-pound, 7ac4fl.l!B. Soaked beans, 2-pound, Kr; fancy, F. nifll 4b, NUTS California walnuta, per lo.. Mc; Imported walnut, per lb lliiilbc; Tkrra goce almonds, per lb.. 16c ; filberts, per U. lc; Brsxils. per Tb., life 34c; Pec ant. par lb., litjllic; pearruts, raw, per In.. 7c; pea nut, roasted, per lb Be; Italian chestnuts, - per lb.. lUsiitc. i SUG.VR Granulated, cane, per Back. IT. 40; beet, $. .00; cat loaf, t,c; cube, Ssc; Iiowdered. 6.16c FISH Halibut, 13c: trout, 13c ; pickerel. lc; pike. 34c; pike, fresh, f rvsen. 13c; whlte hth. Jfcilbc: huflalo. 14c; bullheada. skinned and drtrsei ISc; catfish, dressed, 17c; whit perch, 7c; white bass, 16c; black bass. 26cs tunftth, f.6!ic; crspples. 4iccjHc; largo crsppiea. 16c; herring, fresh frown, c; whtteflse, frozen, life 15c: rk-kerel. fpeh froaen, lie; red snstper, 13c. flounders., msckerel. Wjf Cc per nsh; codfish, fresh fresen. 12c; had dock, fresh frosen. 31c: smelts, 18c; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog legs, the per doa.; rrecp sea turtle reat. S6c per lb HIDES AND TALLOW Green Batted. 1. 6c; No. 2. 4c; bull hides, sc; green Tinanhed No. L 4c: aTeen unsalted. No. 2. $c; horse hides, TlMXcfZV'; sheep pelts. 2&o fhtl 00. Tallow, No. 1. 4 fee; No. 2. IVxc Wool, lOfflSOc i Treaiarr Statewaeat. WASHINOTON. Dec. 27-TtKlsy'B atsto menl of th treanury balsnees 1n the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160 ..). gold reeerte. shows: Available cash belance $2(,ll3li WS; gold coin ani bullion, $3$,46L. 4S0; gold certificates, tfil W,7l. Wee.1 Market. BOSTON. Dec. 27. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin of Boston, basing its report upon statistics gathered from the govern ment, will say of ths wool market: There is little change fn the wool situation. The market iM extremely dull even for the season. V Hh mills shut down or running part time, there ia little demand, only small lots are being transferred exoept where larger lines are forced for aale. The general market is steady and there are strong expectations of a better de mand next month. The shipments cf wool from Boaton to December SB, inclusive, according to the seme suthorny, were 238. 4714 471! 11. against 2Hi.647.UH6 lb, the same time last vear. The receipts to December Jr. inclurive, were 286.bWi.346 lbs. against 271 S44.2ft0 lbs. the titnt neriod last vear ST. LOITS. Mo.. Dec. 27. WOOL Stead v: medium grsdea, combing and clothing rfi 2c: light fine Ika'Jur; heavy fine, lm1le; tub washed, 2fi(5:2c. and the trade was active at the advance, practically everything changing hands b fore 3 o'clock in the morning The big bulk cf all the hogs sold at $4 .17ii64 .40. with a top at $4 46. Yesterday the rrust of the hot- brought $4 27V4 Isj. with A top at $4 .St. Today's advance wipes out all th de cline of tefHerflay and lesves the market a si.sde higher than on Tuesday. Represent tl v e sales : so loo tsv 13V 174 Jew Yatrk Mlalmgr SBtarka. NEW TORK. Dec or mining stocks we Adam Ca I aunt Be brum . bruaBt'- Caa . Comatonk Tunnel ( oa l A Va.. Mora Bilw Ira BilMT LrilM Caa. ... aw fusing quotation it . dt , 17 . Jm . tt . t , 4 LJttl Ckkat .. untarlB ...... Ouhjr . ..... .. ,. Pl'UMl Kavaae Bierra Sieved Bnun.1 hiapaa . Buuidard . I pn lit . SB . 14 . al , Bu lot SBSUBk Clewrtaara. OMAHA. Dee T, -Bank clearings lar to day were l3.Z7f.lS7.2S and f.-r th coire spOBduul tlai last )4ut (1.7ia,bZ7a, .'o- a Bn. Pr Ix 17 1 ... I IP 44 IV JM ... I 10 77 r it 1 1" b 61 , t t to a! 44 I Vo4 IBtt 4 H SO 47. Ill III 4 ti U W 14 ... 4 li. 47 If. ln . . 4 14 St Ill Jie to 4 B tl at 1 ... 4 IB 17 1th . . 4 Sk st 7 lt.l 40 4 16 1 at. mi to 4 IB Tl 17 Z47 ... 4 Hk 41. 4 IM t0 4 17k 4 14 ISO 4 r, 4k 7 fil ... I 17k tt IM . . 4 I7k 61 t.i t I l"k '4 Bl 1.1 BU t IT k 44 41 Ill ... irt H 71 ti no 4 m U I'.l Iii 4 'k 71 Bl an ... 4 i", B sr. 14 ... 4 r, si ti jr.! 40 t :, 4 414 141 I" 4 17, 71 to I 4' 4 JT, 44 IS IM li 4 I' k 4; 41 11 BU 4 r, 47 it t.i . . 4 l"k 4u '.ii W Hi 7 41 tt: a 4 4T ' tl M IS 4 40 T7 St 14T ... 4 40 tt lit . . 4 40 71 71.. SSI 40 4 40 B4 47 Ir7 ... 4 d t lu U ... 4 4 SHEEP Receipts of sheep were again llg:.t this nio:n.r.g and the market showed a still further toiatit In aodiiion to the x-aln made 'cs;t-ray. Prices tocay couid talely 1 quoted bc higiwr and in om case pofslt .y more tl.aa that. The mar ket was fairly active and everything oe irabl changed bands in very good sea son In the morning Good lambs sold as high as ta, both natives atid luahoa. Good western ewes sold up to $4 26. While thee prVie were a good deal htgner thaa any 't.n.g has brought of iat it would be well e understand that the quality was grmd. Ouotatioiis on good to chuice fed siieep and lejuba; 1 A tuba, t.TVjk 01; rearlmg A 1M ft 14 tun t l .141 .1:7 .1"4 .Ml ,.t?l J.7 !1 M ,.ta .til ,.BK7 .1.4 But lot :ai IU ll'J ..git ..ft .177 ..Sit . KT ri . J7 ..tan . .r ..21.1 . 1M t J . 1H7 t.i . ft ..141 Bh. ft. ... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 to t 4 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tl 4 4 SO d 4 III ... 4 4t SO 4 44 . ... 4 40 14 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 to 4 40 4 40 4 411 M 4t SB I 40 it 4 40 10 4 4S ... 4 40 . . 4 4l-k 160 4 47, 41 4 4i, ... 4 ... 4 4.", ... 4 41, ... 4 41'k ... 4 r, tr 4 41 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 27. METALS The London tin market was lower, with spot closing at sUli 1. Locally the market was easy and 26 points lower on the sverage. at $2 .a7k-"Cs7V. Copper was unchsnged. with spot ouoted at 61 li. Locally no 1 chsnge was rejrted. with the market quiet. Laks was quoted at $11,171401160; elecTrolytlc at $11 26tj".1.27',. and esatings at $11 0aiS .13i. Lead was list lower at 14 1 in London. Locally the msrket was steady 'and unchanged at Ki.50ra.Ki. Spelter was ! unchanged at 1 lis in London. Locally the u-rket waa firm and higher, at $4 W8 4 26 Iron was lower in the English mar ket, wfth standard foundry quoted at 4ks and Cleveland warrants at 4hs Bd. Locally the market waa quiet snd unchanged. No. 1 foundrv northern. 1162671 7$; No. 2 foun dry northern. B-.76a 1$ 26 ; southern grades, nominal. ST. LOUIS. Dec 27 METALS Lead, firm; tSiO; spelter, firm. $4.16. Ettacrttei Apple wad Dried Fralt. NEW TORK. Dec 27 EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet and prices sre nort or leas nominal In the ab sence tif important busines. Fancy are ouoted at UQIltc: choloe, lux ; prime, gjy gc: I fruit. 7iS"!lc. DRIED FRVITS Prunes ar in fair de mand snd with quotations ranging from 6A,c t 16c for CalUorma fruit arul from 7c to 74, for Oregon, ft to tua. Apricots are cuiet and unchanged, with choice quoted at 221i23c; extra choice, 2S4i26c; ianry, 24(0 241c. peachea are aull. but steady in the ab sence of important offering, with rhoioe ?uo;ed at lalTVc; extra choloe. liVom'wc; ancy. HU4rtT--, extra fancy, 14iA1Sc Ra s lns are ijulel, with loose muscsu-l quoted t 7tf7r: seeded raiaina, 7(04tc; Londou layers, $i 7tNyl.su. CwBTew Market. NEW TORK. Dee. r OF FEE Mar ket for coflee futures opened sieady at uninsured prices to a decline of five points a a result cf easier French cables. Trading was ouiet and there was no fcg gresxixe. offering, but the market eased off fhrt.Uy in the absence of bull support arid closed quiet, net unchanged to 10 points iuwer. Sales were rrjxirted of 13, b"t bags, including February. 6 86c: March, i 76c: Msy. $ c; bepi cm M-r t i&c. Spot mar ket quirt. R.10 No. 7. KVt'7'.Ce: Sai.tos No. 4, be. Mild coffee fulet. Curdova, ,'?n4c. Oil wad fbat. OIL CITT. Pa.. Iec Z CI'L Credit balances. $1.71: runs. 227.k! bhls ; average. 1.. 71 t'trls.; shtptuentA lKu.741 bbla ; awr agc. 37 !u8 bull. SAVANNAH. Ga, Dec 27. OILe-Turpen-tine. f ran at 4dipc.. fcucU.N-Firai, vuotatkjns: A, B. C. t X Beatb Dakota Pewit rr Skw. MITCHELL. S. D.. Dec 27. (Special.) Ttie premium list for the nmth annual ex hibition cf the South Dakota Poultry and Pet Block association has lust tieen issued and is being Bent over tha atate to th poultry fanciers. The show has been held tn Mitchell every year since its inception, and has grown to be the, leading anow of Ui atata where fanciers bring their bird for scoring purpose, knowing that the brand of the atate abow makes them g-ood seller a The officers of the aasoclation are: W. S. Snyder of Ethan, president; T. A. Gayden of Belle Fourche vice jrealdent; William Scalilng of Mitch eH, treasurer; W. H. West of Mitchell, a-cretary: N. Crow of Mitchell, superintendent- Tbe poultry show will open oa January 21 and close February L by hich time all the birds will be scored and the premium awarded. For the Judge this year, T. B. Heimlich cf Quincy, IU.. has been sec tired, and his scoring hag been attested to as about right. The association ' has put tip larger cash prles this year than ever be fore, and they will aggregate, with all the classes being full. Jtt.&Ml. It ha been tb reputation of the show in Mitchell that every premium waa paid In cash at the close of the abow, and there will ba no de-, parture at the coming ahotr. An oppor tunity will be oflered for tha aale of pre mium birds, and a few years agr ana pen of birds brought th sum f tlOt After they had received their Booting. Vewr 4k week lor MltrkrlL MITCHELL, S. D Dec XT, (Special V The preliminary arrangements ar being mad for the dedication of the new Metho dist church on January M, 310s. Rev. Joeeph Powell has been secured fur the principal speaker of the day and to make th plea for the final funds for taking car of the lnde.btednees on tbe church. Ths stained giaas windows cava been delayed, for over two month and the progress in completing the church ha been alow. Tb church officials declare that tha edlOoa will b ready for dedication cm the date mentioned. lattssl Dewtk la HwsnewtAvke Skaft. DEAD WOOD, B. D, Dm. 27. tSpeclal Telegram.) Isaac Rauue.lo, whi at work In the vertical shaft of the - Hometttak mine, took a misatep and fell WO feeL H was Instantly killed. He leaves a wile and one child. EstabllAhsd 1174. UMSOJi BROS. & CO. 0 Board ol Trade, tt?lce04 GRAIN and PROVISIONS OMAHA OFFICEl Room eoo Brandtls Blttg. Telapkoaut Saiujrlaa 1&477. C C HUNTER, M AiutQav Vcur I'atrong:e folU-iu-d, CaU And Sn I t,