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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1907)
Tllfi OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1907. AFFAIRS AT SOUTI OMAHA Jesse Walters Arretted for Robbing tod Firing: Fawn Shop. , 1 r BRIEF CITY NEWS Ka Moot mat it. Thoiwas W. Blackburn (or Congress. A. U, mtchie rem'd to 103 Bruiduli Bldg. tlnhart, photographer, lith tc. Farnam. Wi always hav Rock Soring Coat Central Coal and Cok company of Omaha, 111 It and Harney streets. Peoplss Sfatual Intsrtst Clua Th rrople Mutual Interest rlub will meet at Zloo Baptist 'church Sunday afternoon. H. J. Pinkett will deliver the address of the day. Two Tsars Xsr Robbery James Davis, who pleaded guilty several days ago to robbing the residence of Samuel Ormond, w sentenced to two years In the peni tentiary Friday morning by Judge Troup. ait for Large Bum William M. Reln hardt has begun suit in district court against the Flato Commission company for S3X240.21. representing Judgments obtained in Idaho courts and assigned to the plaintiff. To Xloct Haw Cantata A special meet ing of Company L, First regiment Ne braska National Guard, Is called for Mon Uay fvfnlng to eluct a captain of the. com pany to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Captain C. E. Burmester. Burglar Oats Small Steward A burglar broke a window to H. J. L. tehee' a resi dence at IMS North Sixteenth street Thurs day night, got in and stole $2 and a check. The check will do him no good, as pay ment on it has been ordered stopped and the man who presents l for payment will be stopped. 1 Klopp ft sartlatt rUs Haw Articles The . Klopp & Bartlett company, printers, has filed amended articles of Incorporation fixing Ita capital stork at 1150,000, of which 150.000 consists of common and I j 00.000 of preferred stock, the latter bearing 7 per cent., interest. A. T. Klopp, president, and J. H. Bedlleld. secretary, signed the arti cles. Vnloa Pacific Basd (or 950,000 Suit was brought In the I'nlted States circuit court Friday afternoon against the Union Prclfic Railroad company for $50,000 by Sarah Sternberg as administrator of the estate of Louis P. Sternberg, for the FATHER THOUGHT ClDip DIE Suffered with Cuban Itch, and Sores Covered Body from Head to Foot Would Claw Himself and Cry All the Time Could Not Be Dressed Mother Advised t? Try the Cuticura Remedies. CURED BY CUTICURA AT EXPENSE OF 75c. "My little boy In the Spring of 1901 . whea bIt an Infant of three menlha, caught I ha Oubaa lick from on of hit netrlirwr'abahia, tores broke out from bis head to th bot tom el hu leet. Ha would itch and taw himself and rj all tli time. Be could fotaleepday or nig lit. had l wheal him in bis rarriac mort ail . the while tekaepbua siul. He could not bear to h ar h la cloth ing touch him, and only a lisht dreaa is all o oould ar. I can't bf in to apeak lu worda UiaauOertng lb poot cmld had i endure. 1 called on of wi best doctors to treat hint, aod bt eaid be had tbe Cubaa Itch, and bis Ueat maul did hoi do any good. Urn seemed la Jet wore. He sul red so terribly that my Jliusband said he believed a would hav te die. I h4 almoat elvao UD ho DO When s lady friend told ma to try the Cultruia Keuiadier. iae aaid alia cured bar 111 U giri s ear, which was nearly eaten up wlUi lha eczema, I got a cake of Ouucuia Soap and on box Cuticura Ointment, and I oeabad feua all oer with the Cuticura Soap and applied the Cuticura Ointment and h at once t"il Into a taep, and he Slept wiih eaa for t first time sine two aiuntha. Whea he awoke I applied It aga'u. and It gava hiia hiuih eaaa, and allot three applications tin urea beian te dry up and uaproetnent begaa loaiuw, ud la a few daft tu hide (roia the botiuia of bis loot and Inside 1 bit hands bffan to peel off. I ouIt iMd on cake Cuu . Cuia feuap and oa baa Cuticura Owkinaut lo Cwhipiet ttie cur of tu ma4iul diaeaae. and lu uat le eaeas front the day I eoakwenead tu Ui Cu Ik ura Katuedie aiy baby was entiiolT eek. lb treatment only rutt n.a A . and 1 would ba gladly paid llUOM I Cou4 nut ka rot It any cheaper. I leal eat In saving thai the Cuiirur Knaaedie ea4 Lu hie. lie la new a boy of e eeri, and Is as well as any child you ever saw. hire. Ean Miller, tmua City, H. B. N. 1, Brauih Co.. kKb Hay 17, IftOA " t I mi ' i i ' rMMrftncafWi.CerB- tbntavM , Tkri,, iUMia, t a l r4, arawifiat ' Ilea as sM a4 f aiV-' - To take the sharp edge off an appetite that won't wait for meals To sharpen a poor appetite that doesn't care for meals eat Uneoda Biscuit So nutritious, so easily di gested, that they have become the. staple wheat food. In moisture and dust proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY death of the latter. Louie Sternberg was killed by being run over by a switch en giue of the defendant road In Council Blufr October 12. Salrymaa ars Obeying Bales The city veterinarian reports to the health commis sioner that dairymen of the city are show ing activity In complying with all demands of the veterinarian for Improvement in condition of dairies. He says that as a rule conditions are now, good and that within a short time all cows will have sufficient space in stables to keep them In healthy condition. KcX-hea-Fetrrsaa Case Again Appeal to the district court will be taken in the caae of the protest of John D. McRhea against the issuance of a saloon license to Peter Petersen, 270S Leavenworth street. The fire and police board overruled McRhea's pro test December 18, and bis attorney, C. S. Montgomery, has just filed a transcript In district court, indicating his intention to fight the case In the courts. Mr. and Mrs. P. To Olva nrprla A surprise party was given Thursday evening at the home of Mr. anl Mrs. L. P. Fox, 2636 North Fifteenth street Luncheon and punch were served. The following were present: Mrs. B. Morris sey. Miss Anee"TWSrnaTI,' Mlsa Nora Lynch, Mrs. M. C. Fox. Mrs. L. P. Fox, Raymond Counaman, Roy Redman, George Redman, Sherman Redman, Joseph Redman and L. P. For. . Boys Orelghton Property Unawares Swearing he sold aome of the fixtures In the store at 124 South Fifteenth street which belonged to the estate of John A. Crelgtiton, George W. Moore has begun suit in district court against John B. Whlttaker for $940. Moore says he bought the fixtures in the place for 17,000 and received a bill of aale. Later the Crelghton executors took away IV40 worth of them, claiming they belonged to the estate. Xa the Divorce BUU Ora Golns has filed a petition for divorce - from John Golns charging him with nonsupport China L. Burtnett has applied for a divorce from Edward Burtnett. She,, says . May 10 he threatened to k!U her and has not given her very good support for some time. Josephine Onburn, who was sued for di vorce by George Osburn soma time ago, has filed a cioaa petition denying his charges against her and accusing him of extreme cruelty and perldoical abandon ment for several months at a time. She Wants the court to award her the custody LOOKING BACKWARD 75 YEARS Two) Generations from Primitive Rarallty to Civilisation's Ileiarats. In 1831 th American people were free, but they held In their hands the land tools of slaves. They had to labor and sweat In the fields, with the crude Implements that had been produced by ages of alavery. For two generations the sickles, flails and wooden plows, with which they had tried to build up a prosperous republic, had held back agricultural progress. Let us try to reconstruct mentally the America of those days. Enterprise was not then a aatlonal char acteristic The few men who dared to suggest Improvements were persecuted as enemies of society. The first Iron plows were said to poison the soil. The first railroad was torn up. The first telegraph wires were cut. The first sewing machln was smashed. And the first man who aold coal In Philadelphia was chased from the state as a swindler. Even the railway was a dangerous toy. The telegraph waa still a dream In the .brain of Morse. John Peere had not In vented his steel plow, nor Howe his sew ing machine, nor Ho his printing presa. There were no stoves nor rastches nor ' lamps. Petroleum was peddled as a medi cine at 11 a bottle. Iron waa 75 a ton. Money waa about as reliable as mining stocks ar today, and all th savings in all th banks would not now buy the chick ens In Iowa. Th total exports amounted to no more than w paid last year tor diamonds and champagne, Chicago was a twelve-family village. Ther waa-no west nor mlddl west Not on grain of wheat bad been grown in Minnesota, the Dakotas, Ne braska, Colorado. Kansas, Washington, Ne vada. Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Ore gon, Utah, Arlsona, Wyoming, Oklahoma or Texas. Herbert' N. Casson In Every body's. At Urmtlow oilel. "vou have a mortgage on your farm, have you not?'' asked the politician. "Yea," answertd ..Farmer Coratussel. ul " "And it has tieen ther for years?" "Hvtr since I kin remember, but" "Behold hew )o ar downtrodden. Be how th earning of your honeet toll we ft!-hed from you by live usurer's hand. A llfniJuM of honest,-, manly struggle, and our reward la the ahacklea of debt" "liold on slraiigrr. 1 have to Interrupt you, but you v got It figured all wrong i v bad tnuny to oH tle aiortgase three tr tuur time iver, but the way things wss sWllii' it was a btrttrr lnveat-im-ni to put It into more laud' Washing ton Star. r WHISPERED WARNING SAVES Ghost Ktory with Chills and Loss of Nerve Claimed to Bo tho Real Thing;. That a whispered warning In the park by the ghost of his dead wife saved him from death by assasslnatloa is ths belief of Charles Henry Durand, a farmef living In the hills near Caldwell. N. J. His Strang story is being used as clue by th au thorities, uurana says tnsi isie Monaay. night, as lie was driving home from Pater- son, his horse began to tremble. In vain he urged the animal to proceed. It would not budge. ' Suddenly th air grew oppressive, and a faight light like distant heat lightning ap peared. Then gradually, amid the dim flashes a while figure assumed vague form beside the wagon. Durand himself commenced to Quake. He tried to dismount, but his limbs refused to obey his will. After as Interval the apparition In white spoke in a whisper. He recognised In fear and trembling the voice of his deed wife. "There is danger at home. Stay away till morning." th vote said. Cold chills crept over Durand. Scarcely had the supernatural warning been tittered when the ghost vanished. It took the farmer, some time to recover his nerve, and then he found the horse would not take a atep forward. He took oft the harness and, after twoHiours' work, brought the animal out of its chill and slowly proceeded home. Though badly scared, he did not put much faith in the warning that had been whis pered to him In such an uncanny way. So long had Durand been delayed by his ad venture that it was daylight when lie reached his farm house, which has a lonely location. Putting his horse In the stable, Durand entered the dwelling. He noticed that a window on the ground floor which he had fastened waa unlatched. Next h discov ered muddy footprints on the floor. As he wss about to go into his room, upstairs, he saw a string stretched across th open doorway near the floor. It was Just high enough to have caught his foot In entering. Standing to one side Durand hooked his umbrella handle over the string and gav It a Jerk. A flash Inside the room was accompanied by a report and a bullet buried Itself In the wall of the hallway opposite the door way. Durand then ran Inside his room and found that the bullet had crime from a pis tol fastened to the top of his bureau. The trigger had been connected with the string across the door. The shot would have struck him In the breast had he touched the string with his foot on entering the room. Dursnd, who moved from the west five years ago, says some one. whose name he will not divulge, had lain In wait for him all night at hia home, and would have killed him but for the warning he received from his dead wife's spirit. New York World. Frightened Into Kits by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and away goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed, Sol For aale by Beaton Drug Company. Cynical Remarks. The people who are talked about ar th laat to hear It. The strait and narrow path Is no place for the rounder. Peace hath Its victories, but w generally have to fight hard for them. Soma people are never satisfied unless they put two snd two together and mak Ave, A girl never reads a novel without won dering if sh Isn't a good bit like the heroine. For every man who has his bust In the Hall of Fame there ar a million busted ouuide. Most of us feel that we could live com fortably on a Uiouaand a year more than we have. Even nature makes mistakes. Many a man with a pie appetite has a malted milk stomach. If we are to believe the pur food people th can opener has as much to answer for as the corkacrew. With some women the tragedy of married life begins with th first scratch on the parlor furniture. The fellow whohas traveled extensively often succeeds in; making a fool of hlmaelf in several languages and upon a great many subjects. New York Times. Men with Mlaalns; Ktngera. He was a bright young fellow and had given such a good account of himself while on a trial as a conductor that ths superintendent would have liked to keep him. - "But I can't do it. Johnson," h aaid, with real regret. "Why not? said Johnson. The superintendent heatts-tad, but decided It waa better to out with the whole truth. "It is because two of your right-hand fin gers are gone,'.' h said. "But what difference does tbst maker' argued Julinaon. "I can keep lab on th p&aeniigers and handle th chang all right." "I know you ran," aaid th superintend ent, "but there have been many com plaints from passengers on account of your tnaluued hand. Moat people are aensttlve In regard to an infirmity of that kind, and, although they do not wlah to be unkind, they object to being thrown Into contact with It. 1 have been obliged to turn down other estimable young men who wer thus hardicapped. Occasionally a man mlnua a digit or two does find employment as a conductor on certain street car ltnea, but there a! a ays comes a storm of protest BKainat him that ultimately lieceeslialea bis retirement." iL Louis KcvubilQ, WANTS TO BE TRIED IN A HURST Clerk Advertise for Pnpplle fop City and Inserts Provision Intended to Cat Oat Chaaeo (or Jobbery. The diligence of the South Omaha police force bids fair to depopulate the criminal colored population of the city. Detective P. H. Shields discovered Jess Walters among the prisoners In the Omsha )sll yesterday afternoon. He Is. wsnted In South Omaha for burglary. Walter was arrested Wednesday noon In Omaha for taking $1.40 from a cripple. He e-ava bis name as Henry Johnson In Omaha. Shields went to In .search of this man and happened to inquire at the Jail. The description fitted , so well that Shields took a look at the negro and a man he had taken to Omaha to Identify the negro. If found, had no difficulty In recognising him on the spot. As soon as the Identification was complete, Walters confessed to robbing th pawn shop of Dave Brown. 513 N street, early Christ mas morning. He also set the building kflre but he denied that he had Intended to do it. He claimed it must have been an accident from the matches he used. Walters appeared very anxious to recelv his sentence. He said: "I don't want no long trial, and I won't make no trouble. I want to git wha' Ps gwtn to aulck!" This apparent eagerness made the officers think that posaibly a far more serious crime may be the urgent reason, and that Walters wants to get Into the peniten tiary, hoping to avoid further suspicion. He will be kept until any such case may be looked Into. Walters goes under the nickname of "Red Bird." . . Hart ky Fall from Csur. J. P. Helgren has slightly recovered from the Injuries he received Christmas eve near Forty-sixth and Q. and with his recovery aome further details of his Injury hav been learfTPft" The .incident was not due to any Indulgence In liquor, for the aged gentleman is a member of the Lutheran church and strictly temperate. He had worked hard all day, and It had often been his custom to ride on the cars during the eveninr for a trio or two aa a rest. This time he was delivering a Christmas pre ent and should, it Is said, have taken the Hanscom park car In Omaha, but by acci dent got on the West Q street car and did not discover his error until nearly to the end of the line at Fortieth street. Then he asked to be let off, and when the car did not atop aa he desired, attempted to allsht while It was moving. Tho full stunned him, though he did not appear seri ously hurt. After that he wandered about aimlessly and either fell oft the bank Forty-sixth and Q streets or -was beaten by hold-up men. This he can not remem ber. It is said lie had no money whr n found and hia Injuries gave aome appearance of having been accomplished by blows. After the injury ho managed to crawl to the back of Peter Anderon's saloon at Forty' sixth and Q streets and his knocking at tracted attention. He said at the police station that he bad fallen off the bank but later his remarks would Indicate a pos sible crime. City Advertises for "applies. The city clerk has begun the advertising Of bid for supplies 4n the various depart ments during tire coining year. There is one new feature lr the.' advertisement, and that s the cfty reserves the" right to con tract on any separfcW ttern offered and not for a whole class fef article In a lump. This will prevent any contractor bidding low on rarely needed article! and a good figure on articles which are steadily re quired. These bids for supplies will be opened about the first Monday In January. Politicians Waking I p. During the first week In January the polltlcans of both parties will be scouring the city for available material for the city office and the School board, all of which are t be filled in tha municipal election. Prominent democrats are proposing the name of Thomas Hoctor, Dr. Elisor, W, J. Brennen, Dr. C. M. Schindel and seversl others for mayor. On the republican side, Frank Kotitsky is again mentioned, but several other candidates doubtless will be out early in tbe campaign. It Is said two of the present council will be in the race again, but doubt Is expressed aa to the others. Heaviest of Christmas Mails. it is given out officially at the South Omaha postoffice that thlA season's Christ mas mall was ths heaviest In the history of the city. During tbe first few days of the run it appeared to be much lighter, but at the last the carriers and clerks were fairly burled under the multitude of articles which were received for delivery. It will still requlr some time to deliver the re maining registered packages. Yesterday there were over 7U0 in the office for which notices were mailed. Magle City Gosalp. J. M. Taylor was arrested yesterday for non-support ot nis is-miiy. Superintendent N. M. Graham and wife are out ot the city lor the holidays. Fsnnie Kopek, 4S1 South Eighteenth, has fallen victim to a mild case of small pox. Clyde Spencer haa returned to Kansas City after a visit of several daya in couth Omaha. Dan Hannon announces that the grading season in South Omaha is practically closed for this year. Professor Perry McD. Wheeler Is attend ing the sessions of the Nebraska Teachers' association In Lincoln. Dr. R. L. Wheeler married Frank Dunn and Rose Garber of Nebraska City at the parsonage Christmas evening. Miss L. Mary Ross and sister started yesterday on their way to the Pacific coast, where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. Henry Loechner. Twenty-second and K streets. Is seriously 111 of blood poisoning. A consultation of physicians was held yesterday in her case. The following births hsve been re ported: James Marshall, 2425 J. a ho v. Henyr Krother, lbu7 Y. a boy; H. C. Miller-.' Nineteenth and O, a girl. Gus Hamill presented a bill of for laying the sidewalk around the city hall, 4 417.1 square feet at 1 4.6 cents -per foot. This contract was never advertised. Mrs. A. J. Caughey entertained the Women's Missionary society of the Pres byterian church yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. McBurney read a splendid paper on the "Mountain Whiles of th South." Several large property owners paid their taxes yesterday at the offices of the city treasurer. Melvin Chapman and James Plvonka paid the largest Items. No tsxes from corporations were received. Leffler Memorial church will celebrate Christmas this evening at the church. The children of the Sunday aehool will conduct the exercises snd enjoy the treat. A banket gift will be received at the door to pay part of the expenses. Tbe South Omaha High school slumnl gave their annual ball at the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple last night. The ball Was largely patronised and the halls were neatly decorated in th colors. Good muaic and ref reahmenla wer dispensed during th entire evening. C. B. Uvera. Omaha, presented a bill cga.nat tli city for ninety-six cuspidors for sJ In th new city hall. It ia said thr.r th Btott stationery company will present a bill for a aimilar number. It Is not explained why the rity needa in cus pidors unless It is Intended to enforce ths ordinance against spilling on th sld walka. llkl with n rtaaor wounded with a gun. or pierced by a rusty nail; Buc kiln's Arnica Salv heals th wound. Guaranteed. 2Sc For sai by Beaton Drug Company, Pre -Inventory Bargains In Men s Boys' Clothing An inspection of our stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing reveals the fact that there are a number of garments left over from various lines that we do not care to enumerate in our annual inventory, which will be taken within a day or two. In consequence we shall offer some remarkable bargains throughout these departments. X ? Don't poll to Sec Thcm'Satupdny At the Theaters "Happylaad" at the Boyd. DeWolf Hopper and company In "Hsp pyiand," a mulsacl comedy in two acts; music by Reginald DeKoven: book by Frederick Rankin; staged by R. H. Burnside: under direction of the Shu berts. The principals: Eostatlcus. King of Elysia....Mr. Hopper Sphlnxus. his Confidential Adviser and Keeper of Secrets Julian Reed Altlmue, King of Altrurla.. William Wolff Fortunatus. Crown Prince of For- tunia Joseph Phillips Pedro, his servant Edmund Lawrence Appollus, Captain of the Elysian Hus sars Detmsr Poppen Adonis, Lieutenant of the Elysisn Hussars George Odell Paprika, a larty of Altrurla .. Ada Deaves ElyRtan Ladles of Honor " The I.adv Patricia Nella Shayno . The Lady Alicia Alice Hills Tag" to the King Ftrephon EJIsle Murray Phyllis Dorothy James and Sylvia, Daughter of King Ecetaticus.. Marguerite Clark When Reginald DeKoven wrote the music for '"Happyland" he was in a rem iniscent mood, at least, and his memory waa, still good. He has performed a dis tinct service for a lot of the older patrons of the piece; for he not only give the stags settings, songs and pictures of "Happyland," but recall to our minds de lights of bygone days, reaching back at least to the time of Gilbert and Sullivan, and mayhap bewond that. But these wecpUootions are., really pleasant, and heighten the enjoyment of th evening. Also, Mr. DeKoven has good Judgment and discriminating taste. Mr. Rankin's book Is good, and Mr. Burnside has proved himself an artist In his stage arrange ment of the various aspect of the piece. His pictures sre effective, hi dance are graceful, and his marchea well managed. "Happyland" Is as much a delight for the eye as for th ear. In King Ecstatlcus Mr. Hopper Is Just what he ha alway been; In "Panjs.r.2i rum," In "Wang," In "El Capltan." 4n all hi list of undertakings, he depends with absolute certainty on hi fantastic leg movements and hi lugubrious utter ance to make his fun, and he never falls. He Is Just as funny now as he was the first time you saw him, and likely will be to the end of his career. In company with King Altlmus (played by Mr. WoltO he sings a duo about "Flowers" that Is almost the limit for absurdity. HI elephantine tenderness for hi daughter Is another of the laughably ludicrous featurea of the evening. Mr. Wolff, Mr. Reed and Mr. Lawrence help amaxlngly in developing the. drollery of "Happy land." Mr. Poppen leada a hussar chorus with a big hass voice and opens the sec ond act with a song about a "Black Sheep" that is good. Mr. Odell gets a little opportunity to air his excellent tenor, but Mr. Phillips has the real tenor role and sings very well. Miss Shsyne opens the first act wllh a solo, "Hail, Gentle Eros," that is one of the best things In the lot; the curtain is raised on a stage that 1 totally dark, and then, as the light Is slowly turned on, simulating the breaking of day, Mlsa Phayne has her chance, and It Is per fectly taken. A chorus of girls follows this, and a dance that Is well devised, and the piece la under way. Mlsa Shayne also has another fine opportunity In a duo with Mr. Phillips. Marguerite Clark Is given all the work the most ambitious of soubrettes or prima donnas might ask. She has a solo and duet in the first act, a solo with chorus in the second, and solo with the stage all to herself. Each of these numbers Is a hit. - One wonders where so much voice can be atored in such a little body, but it Is a sweet and musical voice with range and power. Miss Clark dances gracefully and flits Ilk 'a sprite In and out of the action of the piece, leaving no wonder as to why she Is popular. And Ada Deaves is making fun Just as she has tor well, Ada may not care, but it wouldn't be nice to say how long. She is the pioneer of the women who bide their beauty behind grotesque applications ot paint and under horrid wigs, just to make fun. And she is still the leader of the lot, too. Her clever wsy, admitted long ago, haa not forsaken her. The chorus, both male and female, ia numerous, comely and qualified to sing. The hits are too numer ous to mention, and the laughspout Is turned on full and at high preaaure most of the time. Mr. Hopper obliged last night with a curtain speech that Is brand new so far as Omaha goes, and thereby won more applause. The audience was large nd gave ample evidence of ita enjoyment. "The Way of the Tranagrraaor" at tho Kris. This fine melodrama came back to the Krug last night, to the delight of a large audience. It is written around a series of episodes that combine to make a tale ef deep lntereat, and which develop some very strong situation On of them has to do with an attempt to wreck a train. Ra7 fl rfi t(fi it N 1 r 1 II W 1 W Tfl m mm m You could not pleaae u better Uiaa io sk your doctor gboutAyer'iCberryPectortlforconshg, M C C T f V Q coldt,crcup,tronchiri. Tbousaiuls of families w " v always keep it in tba houat. Tha gpproral of VOsr,AcWi.W. ttelr Pbrci .nd tb. .rperkae. of mtny mch.DJcknpKeit.Jonirrt bit. Kiyea then fesl confidence in it. l!Horn ir Soctvr thlg COP fa medicine. .5iiXVZtZ ; which Is thwarted by the sagacity .of a cou ple of dogs. These canine actor show they understand the business almost as well aa any of the other member of the company, and enter Into th spirit of the play with real Best, taking cues and carrying on their hare of It action with promptness and certainty. The company is a good one, and the play is well wprth watching. It will stay the rest of the week, with a raatlne on Saturday afternoon. Chill Con Ce-rne" nt the Orphenm. Last night at the Orpheum the vaudeville actor now playing there, the house staff and some Invited guests took part in a chill con earns festival. George Austin Moore, one of the troupe, contracted the chill con came habit while In Mexico some years ago, and la devoting his Ufa to spread ing the knowledge of the seductive dish among those with whom he comes In con tact. It is a most delectabl compound, and once your throat become accustomed to It, It is palatable and has som further charm not necessary to recount here. As prepared In It native country and eaten with frljoles and tortilla It remind the novice of tbe probable sensation of a torchlight procession passing down his throat. Mr. Moor prepared the dish, and with the proper concomitants the feast was served on th stage of the Orpheum last night. Those present say they will remem ber Mr. Moore' recipe and It results. BOARD REFUSES ONE LICENSE Clifford T. Perkins isTmrned Down on Repntntton Given Place by Police. A long and busy session, with some sur prises, was held Thursday night by the Board of Fir and Police Commissioners. Th principal case on hearing was the pro test of M. O. Cunningham, an attorney, against the application of Clifford Perkins for a saloon license at 111 North Sixteenth street, and th license was refused. Before this case was taken up the board called up the protest of Peter Loch against tbe Fred Krug Brewing company. It came out that Loch bad filed a protest against the brewing company December 18 and that, without the knowledge of this protest, the license was ordered Issued December 23. All members of the board expressed Indig nation over the fact that the proteatant had failed to present evidence in the case before the license had been ordered, but the order for th license wa rescinded and tha protestant was given two hours to pre sent evidence. Before the ' time expired Loch came to the room and not only dis missed the case against the Krug Brewing company, but against all other persons against whom he had filed protests. Notice waa given that tha protest against Peter Peterson. 2706 Leavenworth street, would be appealed to the district court, but th board decided to Issu the license pending the appeal. Evidence In the Perkins case dwelt upon th character of the house operated, mem bers ot tbe police force testifying that many prise flghtera congregate about tho place; that on one occasion th safe In the saloon was robbed and that a man who claimed to have lost a considerable sura of money afterwards received from mem ber of th firm the amount of money taken"; that at one time gambling was con ducted in the rooms over the saloon and that all persons In the room wer arrested, but the county attorney filed no complaint; cards, chtpa and tables were taken and a bell connected the eurper room with, the bar of the saloon. The place was raided twice during 19u6. but never in Wt; that electric devises for loaded dice were taken from the place. Peter Loch testified .that the batteries had been left In pawn with him and he had no dice or other things with which to operate the device; that all prise fights and other matches were arranged by him with out the co-operation of Perkins. John C. Blanck, with his bartender and porter, appeared and swore that he had nothing to do with the sale of beer In the rear ot th building where his saloon was operated, and that the beer sold by John son In hi restaurant was not purchased at ths Blanck saloon. John Martlg, twice arrested for maintain ing a dlsordely house at 1002 Howard street, having been convicted once and having pleaded guilty once, explained tha neither time had be sold any liquor on Sunday, but had been compelled to go int the saloon after Ice, as h runs a boarding house in connection wllh the place, and that he pleaded guilty because he was told hs could not open hi place If he contested the esse. In both the Blanck and Martlg cases the board had, on Its own. motion, refused to issue licenses because of these convictions. They were continued until Monday night. The chief of police was ordered to report in writing on Monday night the character of each saloon whose owners sre request ing licenses, and th kind of people who frequent them; also to separately report tbe number of men who live on th pro ceed of lewd women and the names of the places they frequent. ALL READY FOR POULTRY SHOW Exhibition Which Opens Monday Ex pected to Oatdo All of Ita Prodeerasora. Final arrangements for the Trl-Clty Poultry and Pet Stock how to be given at the Auditorium from December SO to Jan uary 4, wer completed Thursday night, at a meeting of the Trl-Clty Poultry as sociation held in th -office of George H. Lee, 1118 Herrtey street. - Committees were appointed to arrange for the advertising of the exhibition on street car, and In the large store windows In the retail district. Indications at this time point to this year' exhibition being larger and more classy thsn any previous similar affair, and amonr th list of entrte are Included com petitor from many eastern state. rotated Pnraa-raphe. The woman who trust all men 1 hy of experience Jealousy besrs a lot of fruit that if preserved In family Jars. ' .Jt Isn't always the man who has so. quired the most Information who know the most. . ' Perhaps th best way to make money out of stocks 1 to have nothing to do with them. It's easy for a woman to persuade her self that she 1 right when she knows sh la wrong. A Cincinnati woman who Is unable to write her own name Is an expert at fig ures. She Is a dressmaker. When a widow gets the Idea In her head that she cen t live without another man ahe hasn't much to live for. You would probably have- more friends if they were sure they ooald use you before you had occasion to use them. Chicago New. THE FOOD VALUE OF . Baker's Cocoa is attested by IO 7 Years of Constantly aw Increasing Sales 50 Highest Awards in Europe and America We have always maintained the highest standard in the quality of our cocoa and choc olate preparations and vre sell them at the lowest price for which unadulterated articles can be put upon the market. Walter & Co., Ltd. Established mo, DSRCHESTES, MASS. Beg! stored C. 8. Tat. Offlca ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND SAPOLIO All Orocen mud DruggittM ., i nl An imitation takes for its pattern the real article. Ther was never an Imitation made of an Imitation. Imitator always countereflt the geutn article. The genuine U what you ask for, because genuine article are tbe one, with merit.' Imita tions come and go; they ar not advertised, buj depend for tbeir business on ttt ability of tba dealer to sell you something claimed to be "just as good" when you ask for the genuine, be cause be makes more profit on tba Imitation. W hy accept Imitations when yon can get tha gen ulna If Inflating. RetiM ImltAtlona Get what Ta ftk fgi-. . - 0 ;