Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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r Entered at Omaha Fostofflce a second cag0. He regards Mr. Bryan'a noml
class matter. , I .. . .ni think tfia hat.
I - I
i TRBMi op subscription
under ue. on year
Seturday Bee, on yeer 1 "
DEUVERED BT ca.uuhr:
atiy Bee (including Bund), per wek. 15c
fimlly He (wltliotit Sunday). per week..lOo
Kvenlng Rn (without Btindayi. per w wj
Evening Bee with B-.ndy . IJSrtUeS
Address all complaint of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Department
Oma!ia-The Bee Buifding.
'South Omaha-City Hall Building
Council Bluff 16 Bcott Street.
Chicago 1 Cniveriily Building.
New Vork-lWS Home Lite Insurance
- - I
CORRESPONDENCE. no desire for a repetition of such an
Communications relating tt new; ana eai-
innai matter should be addressed, Omaha experience, no matter what his .rela
te, Kdi,orlaR'E9. t,on to ,h campaign management in
Remit hy drft, express or postal order next year's fight may be, but he is Just
fsyable to The Bee Publishing Company. crtalnlir in the realm of anecula-
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of as certainly in me reaim oi apecuia
nan accounts, reraonai inr,.-, "-,-,-; i
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accep
B:.Wcr"oer: 'rir
f full ana complete copi "" . . 'A I
diunf iha noiitB of November. iw, wa. f
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it uniod and returned copies.
10,19 1
Nat Total XJ13.3M
tally verage...... ............. ao
uenerai Manager.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn t
before me this 2d Jay of December, 1317.
Notary, Public.
Sabscrljeera !! tk etty teas,
porarlly ahonld aar The Be
uaia t tkeaa. A4raa will b
ckBBCeel a ttnm reqaeated.
James Hazen Hyde cables from
Paris that he will not return to the The state has since elected a demo
United States. Thanks. . cratlc governor, but the fight was
3 i 1 1 1 x largely on state issues. , Republicans
Only a few days more to decide on are confident that the "Mysterious
the subjects to be included ln those
good resolutions for the New Year.
. Tom Lawson says he Is not going to
make any more effort to save the coun
try. The ' country should be duly
'-- Michigan democrats are said to be
divided over the support of Bryan.
When did another democrat locate In
Michigan? - r
Political tailors are busy taking
measurements for "favorite son" suits,
which promise to be popular for spring
wear ln 1908.
Mayor "Jim" confides to his closest
friends that ha is still a candidate for
governor. At any "rate,: he is more
still than usual.
It should be noted that Mr. Cortel-
you did not break his policy of silence
until Senator Piatt had endorsed him
for the presidency.
A Philadelphia clergyman says that
bpeaker Cannon should be removed.
Impossible, the constitution provides
for a lower branch of congress.
Mr. Bryan says he cannot undertake
to referee all 4he differences between
leaders of his party. Mr. Bryan has
to have a little time to lecture and to
Senator Bailey denies the report
that he Is going to resign. The sena
tor seldom gets his name in the pa
pti's any more except' when denying
something. ' :-
The loneaomest persons in the coun
tr' Just noW are the members- of that
Wall street literary bureau that
started ln to prove that the Taft boom
"dylng out." .
rormer fatmaior BiacKourn eaya he
did not see eight mosquitoes in the
eight weeks he spent at Panama. We
do not expect to see any here for eight
weeks, at least. . i ' '
! A Kansas banker haa made a bid for
a- Carnegie hero medal. Though his
bank haa suspended, he has refrained
from declaring that the "depositors
wfll not lose a dollar." S.
It is announced that a surplus of
ChrUtmas trees has been left on local
dealers' bands. This must be a case
either of. overproduction or of under
consumption, and perhaps both.
The United States is already plan-
nina to maki aidtsDlay at the Japan
ixpoaltion lul 112. The plan is. of
course, subject to veto by Richmond
Pearson Hobson and the New York
gun, .
Tom Johnson Is going to deliver an
address In New York and tell "Why
Bryan Must be Nominated." Bryan
must be nominated because he will not
allow any other democrat to be nom-
Competition for the presidency of
Ihe school board, which used to be
brisk-in former years, seems to have
fallen into almost innocuous desuetude,
The school board, however, may be
able to work up some excitement to
warrant its existence before the end of
the year.
Chairman Thomaa Taggart of tb
democratic national committee has de
clared In faror of conducting next
year'a campaign of hl party from Chi-
UUV1U ao annul V V. auu
tie will be fought In tha middle west
northwest, with the .olid acuta
avowedly for Bryan and the cast nope-
leasly against him.
n s evident that Chairman Taggart
,,, v- ....
nu uv iwi (uucu ir.. .v.
"04, when, aa nominal chairman of
... .
bis party, he found himself tied,
atrA anl hfclnloaa In thn committee
e " r o v " ' ' -
headquarters in New York, while the
immediate advisers of Judge Parker
11 Vi a r tVid tnna H laa of mil
v Vi. V II V fCltl. W V V iiivu w awtw w
tion wnen ne predicts aemocrauc gains
in the west and northwest.
The suggestion that Chicago be
made the campaign headquarters is,
hTerr: l,r,y' " battleground
win ue in me weui ana in iu suuiu.
where the contest will be to prevent
further defections, from the democratic
column. Kentucky will be a contested
tate, with the chancea favoring the
republicans, . and Missouri Is possibly
debatable ground. - Oklahoma! with
its sixteen electoral votes, will proba-
bly be found In the democratic; cplumn.
but ln no part 0 tne mjddle west or
northwest can the democrats ground
any present hope of ' regaining. Ihe
.-nnnd i0t bv them since 1896. It
is hardly probable that Chairman Tag-
gart 9 banking upon a change of eentl-
ment that would shunt into the Bryan
column next year the states that gave
these pluralities to President Roose-
velt ln 1904:
Colorado 34.MJ Indiana 83,894
Illinois 30S.039Kansaa 129,093
Iowa 158,76Mlnnesota iei.464
Michigan 227,715 Nebraska ....... M.fftt
Montana 13,139 North Dakota.. 82,323
Oregon 42,934South Dakota.. 50,111
Idaho 29,303
The republicans carried Missouri in
1904 by 26,137, while the democrats
carried Kentucky by 11,813. Mr.
Bryan received 20,000 less votes in
Missouri in 1800 than he did in ih"6.
Stranger" will give its 1908 vote to
the republican candidate. Kentucky
was carried by the republicans last
month by about 80,000, and even the
democratic leaders in the state admit
that the odds are against them for
next year.
The battle2round of. 1908 will, as
Chairman Taggart says, be in the west
next year, but the outlook holds no
great encouragement to the democrats
An ordinance introduced .into the
city council by apparent agreement of
la majority of the democratic council-
men aeeka to evade one of the plain
provisions of the city charter intended
t0 Prevent Just such treasury raids as
tn,s ordinance contemplates.
It is proposed to set aside and ap
propriate $5,000 out of the unappor
tloned remainder of the general fund
for the purpose of grading five deslg
nated streets and alleys. The . real
purpose is to hold $5,000 at the dis
posal of the democratic administration
whlch should by express provision of
the charter be transferred at the ex-
piration of the year Into the slnkin
fund and be devoted to the extinguish
ment of maturing municipal debt. To
find a color of authority the council
manic combine has had to gather up
applications for grading work, the ex
pense of which is borne half by the
city and half by the abutting property
owners, that have been lying dormant,
some of them for years, giving prefer
ence to these few designated streets
and alleys to the exclusion of a great
many other sections of the city where
grading should be done and where the
people are entitled to equal considera-
, To use language expressive, If not
elegant, the members of the demo-
cratlc council behind this scheme are
arranging to steal $5,000 from the
sinking fund ln defiance of the char-
ter, to be spent on grading Jobs of
their own personal selection. While
this is such a palpable evasion of the
law that wa An not hnllavA It wnnM
hold water one Instant if brought to a
test, it still ought to be throttled at
Its inception before it goes through the
council, and certainly should never be
allowed to pass by the mayor.
The action of the liberal party ln
the Belgium Parliament in refusing by
a unanimous vote to approve an innocent-looking
treaty purporting Ho cede
the Congo Free States to the Belgian
government nas served to uncover an-
olber niple of shrewd cunning by
wnlch K,n Leopold has achieved an
unenvlaDl distinction. Aroused by
tne Protests of the civilized world over
tne atrocities in tne Congo, Leopold
proposed a cession of his personal do-
main in Africa to Belgium and a
treaty to that end was presented. to
Parliament. The document, .. on Its
face, was a simple compliance with the
terms of the original agreement, but
an appendix contained the provision
that all the officials designated to eov-
em the annexed territory were to be
appointed by the crown subject to the
king's pleasure. This provision is
what led to the revolt In Parliament
Under the provisions of the treaty
Leopold was to retain practical, if not
nominal, posseasion of the vast rubber
I regions of the Congo, the proceeds of
which were to be ued for "literary,
artistic and educational advancement
of the Belgian people." The record Is
sufficiently plain on Leopold's desire
to promote the welfare of the Belgian
people. Money that should have been
used in the past for auch purposes has
been squandered in royal dissipations
that have made Europe gasp at their
extent and audacity. In company with
certain syndicates, he has been revel
ing in the proceeds of extortion from
the rubber regions and squandering
revenues that should have been de
voted to the welfare of his none too
prosperous subjects. While the Bel
gian Parliament has been a free acting
body, it has, up to date, been unable to
loosen the royal hold on this rich loot.
If the rejection of the proposed treaty
means a step toward real reform in the
Congo, It will prove a consummation
devoutly to be wished by all lovers of
civilization, liberty and progress.
In the face of the warnjng of Chair
man Tawney of the bouse committee
on appropriations that national ex
penditures are likely to exceed na
tional revenues for the next fiscal year,
the one bill recommended by a com
mittee for favorable action by con
gress, before adjournment for the boll
day recess, provides for an appropria
tion of $50,000 for the free distribu
tion of seeds. On the subject of this
seed distribution the secretary of agri
culture, ln his annual report, says:
The work of securing, packetlng, assem
bling and mailing the seed for congres
sional purposes was carried on the same
as in past years. This work is now so
systematized that it goes along smoothly,
despite the large quantities of seed that
must be secured and sent out. The total
number of packages put up and dis
tributed has remained the same for the
last six years. In the annual distribu
tion (,400,000 packages of miscellaneous
vegetable seed are put up and sent out.
each package containing five packets, and
80,000 packages of flower seed are put
up and distributed ln the same way, each
package containing five packet
Practically every farmers' organiza
tion In the nation has protested
against this seed distribution. Origin
ally the appropriation was made for
the distribution of "rare and valuable
seeds and plants" for experimental
purpose. Today it is used to dis
tribute over 7,000,000 packages of
garden seeds, such as any farmer may
buy at a cross-roads store. The farmer
does not plant them, as he selects
seeds for his crops with the greatest
care and takes no chances on the pack
ages sent to him by the government.
The appropriation is simply a cam
paign contribution to make the con
gressman solid with the wives and
daughters of certain classes of their
constituents who amuse themselves
wh posy gardens. Congress has the
same warrant for furnishing farmers
free garden and flower seeds that it
has for furnishing cobblers wtth free
thread and shoe nails.
If La Follette were nominated to run
against Bryan there would be no danger of
progressive policies losing out, no matter
who was elected. World-Herald.
Suppose La Follette should be nomi
nated on the republican ticket and
Bryan lose out for the democratic
nomination, would the World-Herald
support La Follette? Or would It re
peat its performance of four years ago,
when It blindly embraced Alton B.
Parker as against Theodore Roosevelt?
The democratic organs and organ
ettes throughout Nebraska may be ex
pected to go the limit in offering aid
and comfort to republican dissension
fats. , That is the proper play for a
mouthpiece of a minority party that
sees no possible, chance of regaining
political ascendancy except through dl
vision of the majority.
The simultaneous news that former
Senator Tom Patterson of Colorado
has accepted an invitation to speak at
the Bryan dinner at Lincoln next
month, and has also just emerged from
a street encounter in Denver, would
ordinarily be accepted as the work of
an advertising agent, but in this case
we feel sure it is merely a coincidence
Those who are complaining about
the cost of the coal that will be con
sumed by the fleet on its cruise to the
Pacific seem to overlook the fact that
the fleet would have burned coal' all
winter even if it had remained on thd
Atlantic. The battleship does not
hibernate nor go into winter quarters
Having settled for the present the
question of habitation, the Commer
cial club ought to be free to bend its
energies more systematically to the
various problems of' promoting
Omaha's prestige abroad and growth
at home.
Chancellor Andrews has been hon
ored with election aa president of the
Nebraska State Teahera' association
It will be a wonder if the local demo
cratic organ does not immediately dis
cover some deep laid Rockefeller plot
at the bottom.
In addition to furnishing fresh
snowballs to the delegates to the dem
ocratlc convention, the committee on
arrangementa might bring about a few
casual meetings of Denver editors in
convention hall.
'The republican ranks are sadly
divided," exclaims a New York paper
Democrats have learned to their sor
row, however, that republican division
doea not necessarily survive the nomi
eating convention.
The New York Evening Post winds
up a critical review of the Union Pa
ciflc financial report by declaring that
"It is for the directors and share
holders to aay whether they are wlllln
any longer lo have this magnificent
property operated as a speculative ma
chine." The patrons of the road and
the public generally may also want to
ave something to say on this proposi
And now we are told'that the Wil
liam J. Bryan who haa been appointed
senator from Florida has a chance to
show that there) are two William J.
Bryans. He also haa a chance to
show the difference.
District Attorney Jerome says he
has not yet decided what course he
will follow In the coming trial of
Harry Thaw. Why not make the
novel experiment of trying him on the
law and the evidence?
The Test of Brevity.
Washington Herald.
If the president becomes an editor when
he retires, as has been suggested, he will
learn to curtail and condense, after he has
paid a few bills for white paper.
Ge Where Scope Awaits Tatleat.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Nebraska woman who killed her hus
band, was convicted, got a pardon and col
lected the Insurance, should hasten to New
Tork and become a traction magnate to
give ber undeniably large talents suitable
Celenel ant Senator.
KantasCity Times.
W. 3. Bryan may mean William Jen
nings Bryan or It may stand merely for
William James Bryan. It is really due to
Nebraska's favorite son to spell out in
full the name of any Bryan with "W. J."
Scrimped Ills Opportunities.
Minneapolis Journal.
The treasurer of a Canadian railroad
dmlts thH he has been stealing from
the company- for eighteen years. What
makes American grafters look down on
thia Canuck is that he got away with only
tlM.Ooe in that time.
Mlfldfal f Limitations.
Pittsburg Despatch.
Perhaps the governor of Nevada might
plead to the president that If enough of
the population of the state to get up a
good-slsed riot are on one side, there will
not be enough left on the other side to
keep thera In order.
A Shade Too Fresh.
Philadelphia Press.
The confederate veterans of Alabama
show great sense by opposing Hobson's
proposition that the national government
hall pension those who fought for the con
federacy. Nothing of that kind could get
through congress, anyway..
No Canac for Worry.
Kansas City Star.
'Ton for ton and gun for gun, we have
the best warships In' the world." Is what
Rear Admiral Melville says ln reply to the
charge that American battleships are de
fective In construction, and, after all, suc
cess In a naval battle depends on the man
behind the gun, so What'a the use for the
United 8tates to worry?
Royal Bid for Pepalarttr
Springfield Republican.
As a bidder for popularity, the new king
of Sweden begins his. reign with the master
stroke of dispensing entirely with coronation
ceremonies. He haa, the crown already.
and the people will new-Siave more money
ln their pockets. Coronations are as costly
as they are useless, and as useless as they
are foolish when, the people feel the pinch
of poverty. ... , . '
Lone Reach of 8 agar Trust.
Philadelphia Record.
The Investigations made by federal of
flclals in the underwelghlng of sugar car
goes in New York, from 1897 to 1907, lead
to the belief that the aggregate of the
frauds may reach $1,000,000. The Sugar
trust Is a monopoly built up by government
favoritism. It is ari astonishing revela
tlon that petty theft should have been re
sorted to to swell the enormous profits de
rived from legalized extortion. But the
appetite of the trust seem to have been
To the Hlarhest Bidder.
Indianapolis News.
The business of nominating a candidate
for the . presidency Is about the most
solemn one in which an American citizen
can engage. And the great conventions
which do that work Ought to be conducted
from their very inception In the moat
dignified way. This cannot be If a com
mittee Is to say to a certain city: "We
will nominate our candidate ln your city
If you will pay our party for doing so."
That Is what the practice amounts to.
It ought never to 4e"resorted to again.
Important Qoeatlon Involved In a New
York Decision.
New Yqrk World.
Judge Hough, y3terday. In the United
Btates district court decided that the 80-
cent gas law was unconstitutional. The
broad ground ror tnis decision is that the
reduction ln price is "confiscatory" and
In violation of the fourteenth amendment
of the constitution of the United States.
According to the testimony of the offi
cials and reports of the Consolidated Gas
company, the profit of SO cents a thous
and feet would not be enough to pay In
terest and dividends on the company' capi
This Involves most Important questions
which should be promptly carried to the
supreme court of the United States and
clearly settled there.
Is a franchise property, or Is it a license
or permit? If a franchise Is not property.
the fourteenth amendment doea not ap
ply. If it Is like a liquor license or a push
cart license, or a sidewalk permit, then It
Is revocable or amendable. No theater or
Intelligence office or saloon can Invoke the
fourteenth amendment to prevent Its regu
If a franchise Is property, what is the
value an Impairment of which is confisca
tion? A franchise for fl gas would be less
valuable than a franchise for $1.26 gas. If
the value at a franchise Is what It can be
capitalised for. then any reduction In
price would be "confiscatory," unless It
could be proved that there was more profit
at the lower price. N
If this should be the v logical result of
Judge Hough's decision, then the capitali
sation la aacred, more sacred ln fact than
the capitalisation of tanglblo property; for
while gas tanks, retorts, pipes and ma
terial property wear out and diminish ln
value, a franchise being Intangible, cannot
deteriorate, and whatever Its earning power.
the capitalisation based thereon cannot be
Thla view of the fourteenth amendemt-nt
makes thv railroad rate law uticonatltu
tlonnl. The free street car transfer law
could be set aside on the same ground. No
franchise could be repealed, for that would
deetroy "property." No franchise once capi
talised could be amended If profits were
thereby reduced.
Whether New York City has so-cent or
SO-cent or 11 gas Is of little consequence
compared with the great question of
whether a franchise Is superior to legis
lative restriction or regulation.
The Prussian government presents the
remarkable spectacle of attempting by
eighteenth century methods to destroy the
racial Identity of Iollsh subjects In the
light of twentieth century civilisation.
Since the foundation of the German em
pire by Prince Bismarck systematic efforts
to Germanise Trueslan Foland have been
resisted successfully. Owners of land wnuld
not sell to German Immigrants. Germans
settled there at the Instigation of the gov
ernment have either been absorbed by the
Polanders or compelled to flock by them
selves. Balked In Its plarv Prince von
Bulow, minister president of Prussia, re
cently presented to the Prussian Diet a
measure expropriating the land of the na
tives and settling Germans thereon. The
methods proposed by the government did
not meet the approval of the Diet and have
been modified to the extent of vesting In
the Diet the right to say what land shall
be taken by the state and limiting expro
priation to certain districts. The measure
In Its modified form has not yet become a
law. It serves to show, however, the
desperate character of the scheme to strip
the Poles of homes and lands and make
them exiles from the land of their birth.
"The Polish land owners are rich," relates
a correspondent of the New York Evening
Post 'They have sought to buy up every
German estate ln the market, so that as
much land as possible may remain in their
hands. These Polish aristocrats are a
strange race they live ln proud retreat in
their mouldering old chateaux, speaking
French among themselves and Polish with
the hordes of servants who a rello of
the old feudal system live, marry and die
on their lords' estates. The differences,
national and religious, between the chil
dren of the soil and the Prussian Invaders
seems Insuperable. Faults there are on both
sides, but It Is aafe to predict that peace
will never be restored until the govern
ment recognizes that a civilized. Independ
ent people cannot be ruled by police
methods, and that firm handed liberalism
Is a vastly superior weapon to blind
Religious bodies of France which ap
plauded the government for abolishing
the concordat and taking over church
property are taking stock of the results
of one year's experience under the new
dispensation. Results do not appear to
justify the optimistic prediction of those
who believed a crushing blow dealt to
Catholicism would bring substantial ben
eflta to minor organizations. The con
trary Is the rase. All bodies have buf
fered alike. Even the bodies which com
piled with the law by forming puDllc
worship associations are declining and
disintegrating. The Journal des Debats
of Paris reports that the superior coun
cil of the union of reformed churches
Is this year short by 398,009 francs upon
a necessary budget of 1.438,000 francs.
The deficit Is likely to grow as the
Charges Increase through the cessation of
the clerical pensions, and already the lit
tie parishes, and churches are being
marked out for extinction and abandon
ment. So the gradual disappearance of
Protestantism In France Is likely to be
one of the first results of the measures
that received such hearty support at the
beginning. A reputable correspondent of
the New York Sun Says though the Cath
ollc church has suffered tremendously In
loss of property, reorganization Is pro
ceeding slowly, but surely. What the
state has gained by confiscation of church
property, is not apparent ln treasury re
turns. The chief beneficiaries of con
flscatlon and sale have been the auc
tioneers, trustees and lawyers, many of
the latter receiving fees rivalling the
stipends -of ba;a receivers ln New York.
The liquidation of the property of 115
congregations out of a total of 677 taken
over since 1901 has been completed and
the net returns to the state is 138,000,
or 1320. on the property of each congrega
tion concerned. Should this ratio hold
on the remaining properties the state will
realise $217,810 out of church property
claimed by anti-clericals to be Worth
2,000,000,000 francs.
About four years ago some British en
gineers were very busy looking for the
most feasible route for a railroad to tap
the commerce of the red baeln of eastern
Sechuen. They found no route that exactly
suited them, but the Chinese of Sechuen
told them It was all right. "Don't worry
about it," the natives said, "because you
will never get the concession to build the
road anyway. When a railroad Is built
Into Sechuen- the Chinese will build it with
Chinese money and we will raise the funds
right here ln Sechuen province." This was
Interesting because Colonel Manifold and
other Englishmen ridiculed the idea that
the Chinese could finance the enterprise.
or that they could build the road even If
they should raise the money at home; also
because the red basin Is a wonderful region.
It Is nearly twlco aa large as the state of
New York and supports ' about 50,000,000
people. In large areas covered by this
soft red soil the density of population Is
greater than In any other agricultural
region In the world. According to the
Zettschrlft of the Berlin Geographical so
ciety the Chinese may prove themselves
true prophets. They are likely to build
the road "to the great garden of ' Inner
China, and they estimate the cost at about
$45,000,000 from the lower Yangtse river to
and across the red basin. It Is said, how
ever, that the subscriptions to the capital
stock are not yet coming In as rapidly as
was expected, and the native financiers
are stimulating interest by figuring out
that the road will certainly be more profit
able than the Peking-Hankow line, which
la now paying dividends of 0 "per cent. The
Chinese evince ambition at least to keep
some of their most promising railroad pro
jects ln their owrf hands.
Charles Denby, the United Slates consul
general at Shanghai, furnishes a brief ac
count of the Initial trip over the nyly
completed portion of the Shanghai-Nanking
railway. He says: "The road Is 194 miles
In length, and the trip Is made from
Shanghai to Nanking In six hours Instead
of twenty-four hours, as now by steamer
The line was formally opened on October
15. It passes through several districts well
known for rice, silk and cotton prodoc
tion, and touches at several Important
trade centers, auch as Boochow, Wusleh,
Changchow and Chlnklang. It la expected
the road will render easier exit for native
produce, and that railway communication
with tho Interior of China will tend to
overcome the llkln obstructions, which are
at present ouch an obstacle to foreign
bUMlness Inland."
According to a report to the Department
of Commerce and Iabor by Consul General
Thackara, It must be a fine thing to be
mayor of Berlin. Mr. Thackara says:
One or tne principal requirements or a
mayor In Germany la unqualified honesty
for In the municipal administration of this
country graft In any form would not be
tolerated; In fact. It Is unknown. To be
come the mayor of a city like Berlin Ihe
applicant must have established his reputa
tion for efficiency In governing other Ger
man citlea His career is carefully scroti
nlzed by the members of tho town council
who select him, for not only must he be
competent, and successfully perform the
duties of his high position, but still s
young as likely to remain competent for
many years, for a mayor In Prussia Is
elected for a terra of twelve years, and If
not re-elected after that period la entitled
to a life periekm nf half tho amount of
his salary. After a service or six years
his pension Is one-fourth of hhi salary, and
after nerving twenty years two-thirds."
Secretary Cortelyou says he Is not a
candidate, but does not Intimate that he
could not be persuaded.
Colonel Bryan'a vecat epigrams on har
mony might reach a sore spot If printed
conspicuously In the Congressional Record.
Immediately following the Inauguration
of the republican governor of Kentucky
the night rider districts experienced heavy
Vocal assurances are given by Denver
that the purse hung up for the democratic
national convention does not contain a
gold brick.
Oklahoma must have several experienced
legislators. 1e first measuro which went
thrOtigh both houses with a whoop was
an appropriation bill.
The new mayor of Boston avows he "paid
nothing, promised nothing" In conducting
his successful campaign. To Boston an
unhobbled mayor Is a rare exhibit.
Senator Foraker balked at departing
from Washington on track 13, train 23. The
senator is not superstitious, either, but If
he should dream that a large man re
cently returned from a long Journey waa
destined to make trouble for htm perhaps
he would believe It
Hon. Arnold C. Sheer has become an ag
gressive candidate for nomination next
year as governor Of West Virginia. lie
Is now serving his second term as state
auditor and has made a favorable record.
He has . been a lifelong republican and
active in politics for the last ten years.'
Imbued with the notion that whiskers
will enjoy a political revival next year, J.
Ham Lewis of Chicago Is airing his pink
chlnkera and 'flirting with the democratic
nomination for governor of Illinois. J.
Ham parts his locks In the center and
can maintain perfect balance on any Issue
that may come up.
Governor Johnson of Minnesota was in
troduced at the "recent gridiron clubfeet
In Washington by a parody on the
melody, "John, Poor John," and as the
strains of the band Wed away Governor
Johnson got upon his feet with thess
words: "I don't think It will be 'John,
Poor John,' but It may be 'Bill, Poor
Bill.' "
The advantage of Denver as a convention
city in July are at once demonstrated by
the offer of David Moffat's railroad,
which runs through very high mountains,
to deliver a carload of snow eaeh day at
the convention hall. The scheme IS en
tirely practicable and beneficial. It will
acclimate the faithful to the chilling blasts
of the day after.
The six principal sources of revenue of
New York state are the tax on corpora
tions, tax on organisation of corporations,
tax on transfer of decedents' estates, tax
on transfer of stock, liquor tax and mort
gage tax. For 1907 these yielded $:n.000,000.
The expenses of the slate for the year
were 128.799,000. The. state debt Is $17,290,000,
an increase of $6,900,000 Over the prnccdtng
year. '
"The delegations to the national conven
tions have a rare way of Indicating pros-,
perlty," says the New York Sun. "For
Instance, when the republicans are In
power the trains to the national conven
tions are loaded down with champagne,
whereas the democratic trains are glad to
have beer." Next year both the repub
lican and democratic trains will be glad
enough to-have beer.
Graft of the Saarar Trost.
Philadelphia Record.
The government has undoubtedly struck
pay dirt In the exposure of the deliberately
contrived frauds in weighing sugar at the
port of New York. The underwelghlng
appears to have been continuous for ten or
twelve years past. There Is also reason to
believe that like frauds have been perpe
trated ln determining the saccharine quality
of Imported sugars. The Sugar trust has
never been ln business merely for Its health.
The Inquiry now going forward In the
courts cannot be too vigorously pushed. '
Browning, Ming & Co
E will place
we will place them
You cannot afford to miss this op
portunity to get a suit at this price. Only
two days, Saturday and Monday. .
We have a few Overcoats which
we have put in at the same price. ..,
15th and Douglas J 15lh nnd Dauglaa
Streets Vg Streets
jR. S. WILCOX, Mgr.
t t
A World of Comfort
Best Wyoming Coal, Clean, Hot, and Lasting, $7.50
VICTOR WHITE COAL CO., 1214 Farnam. TtL Biu,12
Olobe Trotter Anserta We Copy front
tho Old World.
New York Tribune.
Retrenchment was the subject of discus
slon In a down town restaurant, and as a
shining example of the signs of tho times
one of the debaters spoke of the "check
your cigar" signs which had been placed lit
front of the coatroom of an Omaha theater.
We are growing poor," said the broker,
'When men leave 'butts' to be checked and
call for them between acts or after the
show." "Not necessarily," said snother.
"Last summer I went to a bank at Frank-fort-on-t
he-Main with an cxgovernnr cf
Indiana who wanted to make a draft on his
letter of credit. We were both smoking
flno 20-pfennlg cigars of the Kaiser WU
helm brand. In the vestibule a porter
wearing more gold lae than one of our
major generals, politely asked us to ceasn
smoking In the building, and we were about,
to throw away tho cigars when he re
strained us with a gesture which showed
his amazement at our extravagance ami
pointed to a highly polished metal rack
on which several cigars reated. We placxd
ours there also, and When we came away
and did not claim our property we rrobahlv
fell In the estimation of the thrifty Ger
man. In Omaha they are simply dolnir
what has been done ln Europe for years.'
"Do you think there are any great orator
"Yes," answered Senator Sorghum. "My
observation la that great orators are nearly
always left." Washington Star.
"That fellow Busby never seems to have
anything to do."
" He's very busy now. he tells me."
"rat! What's he doing."
"Getting his right-of-way for a wireless
telephone company." Cleveland Plain
Former Resident How things have
changed here In twenty years! I wouldn't
know the town.' What has become, of
Floogus, who used to shave notes and lend
money at '1 per cent a month?
Hotel Clerk He's gone to his reward.
Former Resident What ! Is he dead?
Hotel Clerk Dead? Not on your IIM
He's president of a trust company In Now
York. Chicago Tribune.
"Come, come!" exclaimed old Mf. Good
ley, "don't beat that dog! You should
have mora consideration for dumb brutes''
"Sny," Interrupted the angry man, "It
Jon hud to llslen to this brute at night, us
do, you'd know he Isn't dumb," Phila
delphia Press.
"Has tho young man any avuncular rela
tives?" "No sir; he's got only two uncles and
they're as sound as a. dollar. "Baltimore
American. - ' -
"De man dat keeps talkln' all de time,"
said Uncle Eben. "Is generally de kind of
person dat aln' got no reason to be afraid
anybodys' gwlneter steal his ideas. "Wash
ington Star. ,
' "I met my tailor out sleighing, and ha
looked sporty, I tell you, in his new sleigh."
"Well, of all vehicles where could a tailor
find a fitter one than a good cutter?"
Baltimore American.
Reporter What shall I do with this arti
cle on "How a Husband Should Treat a
Wife's Allowance?"
Kdltor Cut It down.
Reporter And how about this story on
"How to Acquire a Good Figure?"
Kdltor Pad it.
Reporter What's to be done with tills
report of "A ieaderless Parly?"
Editor Put a head on ll. Baltimore
Chicago Record-Herald.
He never bucked tho tiger and ne never bet
a cent
That he could find the cup that held the
pea ;
He never at a circus tried to crawl beneath
the tent.
Nor tried to pet a fretful bumble bee.
He never nought's, gold brick and he'fiever
rocked a boat, J
He never teased a bulldog In his life;
He never rushed In madly to lay hold Upon
the throat
Of a bully who was pummellng his wife.
He never pulled the trigger of an ancient,
rusty gun.
Just to see If It contained a load or not;
He never, when the gas leaked, started In
uuon the run
With a lighted lamp to find the leaky
He never signed a paper till he'd read It
through and through.
He never skated where the Ice was thin;
But they coaxed him Into Wnll street when
thn sky was soft and blue.
And they casually striped him to the akin.
on sale about HOO
suits, (broken lines), left from
the season's selling, which we.
do not care to inventory when!
we take stock next Tuesday.
These suits sold to $25.00
and on Saturday and Monday
at the low price
t t
Rests n Three Words