Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Saturday, December 28, at Kilp&trick's, Commencing at 8 O'clock in the Morning, Starts the Most Remarkable
Ever Known in Omaha, Presenting a Rare MONEY - SAVING OPPORTUNITY on High Grade Goods.
II Ji-
Our entire stock of Ladies Coats, Furs and Suits will be offered at
prices, which should clean out the stock in a hurry. Don't fail to be on hand promptly
at 8 o'clock for when the doors open Saturday morning
The Excitement Will Commence.
Needless perhaps to remind you that no damaged goods no refused lots no
trashy jobs ever enters our store. This is a chance to buv the best best in quality
best in style and the best in workmanship from the best manufacturers in America.
Loose fitted coats, semi-fitted coats, made from broadcloths, kerseys, cheviots, e tc.
Coats in blacks, blues, browns, reds, evening and pastel shades. Cast your eyes
over the prices:
Coats which sold up to S37.50, on sale Saturday, at, each 251900
Coats which sold up to S25.0D, on sale Saturday, at, each 312. SO
Coats which sld up to S20.0D, on sale Saturday, at, each .' .....$9.50
Coats which sold up to SI 5.00. n sale Saturday at, each ... 57.50
There are 35 in a lot of fancics'4ight and dark shades, which sold up to
522.50, these will g at each SS.OO
t - There should b3 a scramble for these value is great.
Children's Coats at 4 and i Off Former Prices
; A -Special-Lot some were $8.00. some $10.60. some $12.00. will go. at. each 33.98
Our suits will be classified and placed in 3 groups:
V If-you need a suit if you are likely to need a suit if your friend needs a suit if
'"any body needs a suit these prices should awaken interest and clean out the stock
Lot 1 Suits of Fall, 1907, style, sold up to S35.00, Saturday... $15.00
Lot 22 Suits of FaU, 1907, style, sold up to 555.00, Saturday S29.00
53 Suits, some Eton, some coat styles, broadcloths, fancy worsteds
and all good styles, some sold as high as 540.00. Saturday a. . 57.50
Fur and Fur Coats AU at i Off Former Prices
Extravagant profits never marked on our Furs, nor do we ever mark up to give
'us a chance to mark down for a sale.
All our colored Taffetas, in
cluding "Grandmother" brand,
sold up to 85 cents, will be of
fered on Saturday at 59c yard.
"We will close out a lot of
Fancies which sold from 75c
to $1.00, including stripes, plain
taffetas, plaids, etc., at 49c yard.
A big lot of plaids and fancies,
21 to 27 inches wide, some 27
inches, wash taffetas and a lot
of checks, worth up to $1.25, at
69c yard.
All our black Silks of very kind
20 from regular prices.
A11 best Velvets and Pannes
and Paons rA off regular prices.
Dress Goods
New Fancies plaids and plains in
some Instances only a few pieces of a
kind, worth up to fl.00 a yard, at,
a yard 35
A lot of plains and fancies, formerly
$1.00 and $1.25". Saturday, yd..5J)
Beautiful new Suitings, broadcloth ef
fects, stripes and checks, shadows
plain goods, various weaves, were tip
to $1.6.0. Saturday 08
Scotch Clans, were $1.00, Saturday,
a yard 70
A bic lot of Broadcloths which sold
up to $2.50. Saturday 31.69
A large assortment of-djoiee plain col
ors, formerly up to $2.00. Saturday
will sell at 31.39
A splendid Panama with side bands,
Just the thins; for skirts, formerly
$1.75. Saturday, yard 81.19
Challies in two lots, the best French
' goods, worth 75c and 85c. Saturday
at 49c and 39
All Black Goods 20 per cent from reg
ular prices.
Remnants of all kinds and every
length at one-half regular price.
Long, short, heavy, medium, kid
Mocha lined, unlined, wool, cashmere,
golf priced to move In a hurry.
Wool and Cashmere, were formerly
up to 75c, Saturday 29
A lot sold up to $1.00 will go quickly
at T 39
Lined Mittens and Gloves, Just a small
lot, formerly up to $1.00 a pair, on
Saturday, per pair 39
A lot of genuine Prince Kid Gloves,
worth $1.60. at, pair 89
A lot of unlined dochas, worth $1.00,
at. pair J 69
A lot of lined 'lochas. Including Ire
lands, worth $2.00. at, pair.. 81.39
All our best $2.00 Gloves, including
Fownes. at, pair 81.69
All our $3.26 and $3.50 Long Gloves
at. pair 32.49
None fitted on day of sale all guar
anteed except long gloves.
Terrific Cutting of
Book Prices
Too many items to quote particulars
if you want sets or odd books this
Is your chance a large assortment of
Children's books, Btandard and other
fiction. '
Saturday we start a sensation
al Silk Sale, also every single
item in the stock cut deeply.
A lot of Velveteen and some
Silk Velvets, nearly every color,
sold up to 75c, will be offered at
23c yard.
A big lot of colored Taffetas,
all silk, at 39c yard.
All our fancy Crepe de Chines,
which were sold up to 85c, at
55c yard.
All our plain all Silk Crepe
de Chines, sold by us always at
$1.00, during this sale, 79c yard.
Bi Purchase
Just la Men's Cafthmrre Sorka
la blacks, grey and fancy worth
ap to BO cents Saturday
22 Cents Per Pair
Phenomenal Under
wear Bargains
Men's heavy wool Merino Shirts and
Drawers, usually $1.00. will be sold
Saturday at 79
Ribbed worsted that were formerly
$1.50, on Saturday, each 9S
Closing out four lines formely $1.50,
natural wool, double fold, etc.. Sat
urday at 31.19
Cooper ribbed silk and wool, regularly
$2.00. Saturday 81.39
Cooper ribbed. Bilk and wol, regularly
$3.00. Saturday 31.95
Heavy fleeced cotton Union Suits
were $1.60, Saturday 98
Cleaning up Men's fine Union Suits,
worth up to $4.00, Saturday $2.08
Heavy ribbed Vests and Pants, grey
or ecru 25
Three lines of 60c goods will be of
fered In one lot at, each 35
"Kayser" Swiss ribbed wool always
$1.00, on Saturday 79
Australian wool ribbed Vests and
Pants, worth $1.50, at OS
Union Suits, heavy fleeced. Peeler
yarn, will go at 59
$1.00 grade fine yarn Suits, will go
at 79
Special lot of "Florence make natural
wool Suits which seU regularly at
$2.00, will go at, each $1.29
And 20 per cent discount off all reg
ular lines. Including Sterling, Mar ode,
Vega and other high class winter
Mentor Vests and Pants, usually 35c,
Saturday at 25
Flat wool to close a broken line worth
up to $1.00, at two prices, 6949
And 20 per cent discount from all
regular lines.
Don't forget that an early visit will be to your advantage, particularly in the. CLOAK, COAT and SUIT DEPARTMENTS,
Thomas EiiLfaxiriicm: k Co.
- ' -iT " . ' ! Tl , ' 1 - 7T
Kft More Special Services Between
Two Bis Corporations.
ft ran Aaragatloa af Itrrrarat far
Barltarta Ptmi mmi Brfir
Rate mm Telepaoae la-trasseata.
(Front a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 37. (Special Telegram.)
The Nebraska Telephone company today
notified the Railroad, oommlulon that It
has taken steps to abrogate its contract
with ttie Burlington road whereby In re
turn for passes on the road to Its officers,
the Burlington employes have been granted
a special rate on telephones. The system
lias bean In operation for a long time. The
action of the telephone company comes as
a result of a complaint made before the
Railroad commission by the Independent
companies. ,
A list of names of Burlington employes
was furnished who receive special rales on
I elrphenea. The telephone company ln
firmA' tha commission of its agreement
with (be road and today comes the an
nounresjent that the plan has been done
a way with. Tha railroad company col
ldnd taleuliona reatals In return for the
favors ' granted. The contraot will end t The commission appointed by the su
Lteoeaibcir SI.
Whra, complaint was made to the commis
sion and the facts were ascertained, the
matter was referred to tha attorney gen
eral for tits action under the commission
Oration by the telephone company of its
. purpose In a letter from Attorney W. W.
Mursman of Omaha,
lw Hales arc Held Va.
A month ago the Burlington through
Freight Agent Bpena auggested to tha Rail
: road Commissioners that the residents of
the order of the railroad commission for
the construction of a shed at Omaha for
use in cream service. On their complaint
a rehearing lr the matter has been ordered
for January v at Lincoln.
la ae ran re Coantaar Asks Qaeatloaa.
The insurance department has received
a communication from the Bank Depositors'
Insurance company of Washington as the
result of an old-fashioned mistake. The
stenographer in the Insurance office en
closed In the company's self -addressed en
velope a letter to the Lancaster Count y
bank of Waverly, in answer to an Inquiry
received concerning the company. The In
surance company wrote today that it was
evident the insurance department had
made a miKtake, and then it proceeds to
ask the department numerous questions,
among which are the following:
Is not .such a deposit an Insurance inter
est t
What Jurisdiction have you got over for
eign corporations not regularly admitted
In your state?
Is it not a fact tliat there are national
banks in your state over which your stale
banking commissioner has no control?
Presuming that the above Is true, Is not
our position the same as national banks?
We have a federal charter and prepay the
postage on our letters of solicitation.
The letter Is signed with a typewriter
and will noybe answered by the Insurance
department. Auditor Bearle and Insurance
Deputy Pierce both announced today that
the company has no right to do business
In Nebraska, and they desire all bankers
In the state to know that It lias no license
to do business here.
Fisher Csm Jaaaary ;
preme court to take evidence In the dis
barment proceedings Instituted upon au
thority of the recent legislature against
Captain Allen G. Fisher of Chadron met
today and set the date of the hearing for
The result as the Immediate not!-. January 29. Captain Fisher was here and
appeared with his attorney H attack Rose
The commission organised by selecting
Charles Sloan chairman and Walter Ander
son secretary. Aside from this nothing was
done. The disbarment proceedings grew
out of a claim filed with the legislature
for an appropriation to pay for lands which
were supposed to escheat to the slate. W.
B. Rose appeared for the stale.. The de
fense has until January 14 to decide
whether It will consent to the Introduction
of the evidence taken during the legisla
ture. Caakey After A ppraariallaa.
J. E. Cobbey, author of the Cobbey stat
utes, called on the secretary of slate today
to again discuss the appropriation made by
the last legislature with which to pay for
statutes. The secretary has refused to
say whether the legislature wanted him
to buy Wheeler or Cobbey statutes. Mr.
Cubbey said he had not decided whether to
bring legal proceedings. The bill making
the appropriation authorised the secretary
to purchase "Annotated statutes," and
both Wheeler and Cobbey claim to pub
lish annotated statutes.
I lie Republican valley,, being short of corn
for feeding purposes, were entitled to a
special low rate on this cereal to permit
them te lay In a supply for the winter. A
talk with ComsMssioners Williams and Win
nett resulied, so Mr. Bpen thought. In his
securing permission to promulgate tha re
duction, which it was understood, was
not to be la any way regarded as a cri
terion by which other rates were to be fixed.
Today ifce commissioners discovered that
I lie Burlington has placed the new tariff
In effect an December ! without filing
the schedule with the board or receiving
a fornial order permitting tha change. A
teller was sent to Mr. gpens holding up
the rale until this formality is gone through
with and tha change takes place in a legal
! la t aaald the Law.
1 lie rsles proposed are ls per cent lower
liiaii llmse heretofore existing and are
I .e . r the tariff contemplated by the
.' .drkh bill. The commission fek that evea
Ijr iu hercM of ttte people of the Repub
1., tn ValW y the change could not be al
lowed tj go Into effect Illegally.
The fntoti Pacific has aid a tariff ached
u e fur Us new Nortk River line showing
havges from, the towns on the route to
Omaha eily, "
Tha fcreaauurv tuetk ais a.fc"taaed aiLQ
' Aldrteh ta Aaalst Stale.
Senator Aldrlch of Butler county wss In
Lincoln today to consultation wit a Attorney
General Thompson regarding the case of
the State against the various railroads of
the stale.' to Come up January 6. in the
in tied Stales circuM court at SI Louis.
Senator Aldrteh will .assiat the attorney
general and commission ta this rase, having
j been relaiiwd as special t-ouaaei by the
ering the points of the sufficiency of the
constitutional amendment to delegate to
the legislature authority to give the com
mission power to regulate rates of trans
portation companies. He will argue that
the railroads have mistaken their remedy
in applying for an injunction against the
commission and that they have a remedy
at law. This Is the case where the rail
roads were denied an injunction against
the commission to prevent it from enforc
ing the recent railroad legislation enacted
by the legislature and appealed to the
higher court. Senator Aldrlch, the father
of the commission bill, will ' accompany
Attorney General Thompson to St. Louis.
Pratest aa Preeeptress.
At the meeting of the State Normal
board this afternoon numerous letters
were read from various county and city
superintendents and graduates of the
normal school at Feru nrgtng the dis
charge of Miss Stoner, preceptress of the
school. Miss Stoner secured some pub
licity as a witness in the case where
Prof. J. W. Searson waa charged with an
attempt to criminally assault Miss Ka:h
erine Hudson, one of his pupils. The
letters showed a similarity, giving the
Impression that concerted action was
taken to secure the discharge of the pre
ceptress. The letters charged that the
moral tone of the dormitory wus not w hat
It should be and that the writers vtouil
not recommend students to board there.
At the request of Superintendent Crub
tree the board took no action in the mat
ter. Superintendent Thomas of the Kearney
Normal school reported that Mrs. A. L.
Ware, who has had charge of the board
ing department, had resigned and this
department was now in charge of Mr.
and Mrs. John Saunders. The board al
lowed a number of claims.
Siw Vark Maa Dlea aa Trala.
Maxwell Spencer, aged 2t, of Z Kast
Ninety-sixth street. New York, a young
man of evident wealth, died on the east
bound Burlington train as it entered Lin
cola this evening. The body was taken
from the train here and will be prepared
for shipment to New York. Spencr, ac
companied by a physician, had been to
California In search of health and vai
trying to reach home before ha died.
Dr. Greenstone of Brooklyn, the physician,
will accompany the body.
Iasaraara rsataif la Traable.
State Auditor fcearle and Insurance
Deputy 3: L. Pierce for the last two days
have been meeting wlta the officers nd
directors of the Nebraska Mercantile In
surance company, who have been trying
to change the company from a mutual
concern to a stock company. The Insur
ance department has been Investigating
the affairs of the company, and, while Mr.
Pierce has refused to make any state
ment. It is reliably reported the company
lacks between 15.000 and M.00O of having
enough money on hand to meet outstand
ing obligations. The Insurance depart
ment lias refused so far to make any
public statement regarding the result of
the Investigation. It is said, however,
that the company expects to receive
financial assistance from Chicago tomor
row! I'ntil then conditions will remain
in statu quo. '
HL M. Coffin, president of the Nation!
Mutual Insurance company of Omaha
which recently went Into tiie hands of i
receiver, is also pieaident of tha .Ne
l.raMVa Ma.r ?..(!.. .
Session! Have Been Interesting" and
Instructive to Them.
Oinaaa Waals Lite ta Have it. kat
Will Ket Ga lata Air Flrbt ta
Sera re It Oepeasi Lara-el r
aa Chaarellar Aadrewa.
this session, because we do not believe In
creating any feeling over the matter. 1
would like for the teachers to understand,
however, that if the chancellor will come
to Omaha and If the teachers will comt
there. Omaha will give them a reyal wel
come." Prof. Davidson will leave tomorrow for
Sheridan, Wye, where he delivers three
lectures to the teachers' association of
that state.
President Waterhouse today said the
meeting had been one of the very best ever
held In Lincoln and he was thoroughly
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 27. (Special.) With an
address by Governor Hanley of Indiana at
St. Paul's church tonight the annual meet
ing of the State Teachers' association came
to a close. The various 'programs prepared
for the different sections were carried out
aa announced. Interest in each section be
ing Intense. The selection of Chancellor
Andrews for president of the association,
apparently is one of the happiest selections
the association ever made. When his name
waa proposed practically all those men
tioned for the place quickly stopped their
campaigns, and stood aside for the chan
cellor. He was chosen, as one educator
expressed it, not on the theory that It
would be an honor to him, but that the
association would be honored. In his ad
dress to the general session this morning
the chancellor never appeared in a hap
pier mood and he showed himself possessed
of a great deal mora vigor than some of
his traducers would have the people
imagine he had.
At the same session Superintendent Mc
Brien delivered an Vldress on "Vitalising
the Teacher," which was'dlscussed by C. A.
Fullmer of Beatrice. G. H. Thomas of Mo
Cook, W. A. Clarke of Kearney, G. W.
Wadsworth of Bellevue and Chancellor
Andrews. Each discussed vitalising by
means of work and Influence.
The selection of the next meeting plaoe
of the association, as provided in the con
stitution of the association, will be left to
the executive committee which meets some
time In January, when the new officers
take their places. The place can be se
lected then or late, as the committee elects.
A poll of the executive committee today.
it is said by one who is Intimately ac
quainted with the members of tha com
mittee, would show Omaha had a ma
jority, but it la likely the wishes of Chan
cellor Andrews will be respected by the
committee. ,
Ka Flgtt kr Osaafca.
Prof. Davidson, superintendent of the
Omaha schools. Is not in favor of akiy
dissensions being created In the associa
tion over the location of the next meeting.
"For my part." hs said. "I should re
spect the wishes of Chancellor Andrews
in tha matter of selecting a meeting place.
The chancellor is a very busy man and
If he believes the meeting should be held
here I would not oppose his wiabea How
ever, all of Omaha would love to give
te Chancellor Andrews a magnificent re
ception. If he would coma to Omaha next
year every organisation la the city and all
of tha city machinery would be- put in
motion to make tha meeting a grand suc
cess worthy of the chancellor. Aa a mat
ter of fact, none of us from Unaha have
Warfolk Wassaa Give Eipreulea ta
Seatlaaeat la Jail.
NORFOLK, Neb., Dec. 27. Speclil Tele
gram.) Charged with shooting her hus
band with Intent to wound, Mrs. H. F.;
Barnhart is still In the city jail. She has
been ' bound over to district court under
Sl.DM) bond and failed to get ball. County
Attorney Koenlgstein. Barnhart's former
partner, will' try to send her to the peni
tentiary. Conviction would mean one to
twenty years' sentence.
"I shot him and I'm. glad of it." she
said. "I wanted him to go home and he
wouldn't. I shot twice up street ta
frighten, then once to wound, but not to
kill. I wanted to show people of this town
I meant what I said." The buUet has not
been found.
Kathlaa- Kew la Ssaltk Case.
MILFORD, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.)
The coroner's Jury in the SmHh case con
tinued the inquest yesterday, examining
a large number of wltneases, without any
new disclosures. Many of the neighbors
of the Smiths are present and manifest
a great deal of Interest in the Investiga
tion. The family are held In high es
teem by those who have shared their
alaed the meeting to tha teachers during
Nebraska Kews Kates.
BEA TRICE Jacob Mouser, a pioneer
resident of Blue Bprings. is critically ill
and little hopes are entertained for his
BEATRICE Judge Kelligar held a brief
session of court here yeoierday and dis
posed of the lax sale matters which were
due to come up this year.
BENEDICT Nearly IlriS was taken In by
the societies at the dedication of Fraternal
hall, a fine large, brick building erected
for the use of fraternal societies of Bene
dict. BEATRICE Word has been reoeived
here of the marriage of Miss Birdie Hamil
ton, formerly of this city, to Charles A.
Burns, which occurred Tuesday last at
BEATRICE The Beatrice club gave its
annual holiday iarty last evening, which
was the most elaborate function of the
season. The Beatrice Symphony orchestra
furnished the music.
PLATTSMOUTH Chrl itmas day T. F.
Ruby and Mlas Martha H. Bengen were
united In marriage, also Stephen Beckman
and Miss Gertrude Runterhols. Lety
Schlagle and Lmroa B. Boardman and
Harvey Shipley and Miss Ruby lilner.
UPLAND The two cases of diphtheria
in the family of W. Ehertn will be re
leased from quarantine In a few days. The
school, wnich closed three weeks ago on
account of quarantine, will open on De
cember 1U unless some mora cases break
BEATRICE The usual number of Christ
mas marriages were solemnised In this city
and county, the contracting parties being
as follows: Thomas Purvis and Miss Ann
Heaston. Waller Pence and Miss EJfle
Hiutun. Eniorv Drlaklll and Miu Kltza-
i beta Moon. Floyd Burns and Miss Cor
delia Gates, Thomas V. Adams and Miss
Cora Reid, Lewis Howe Sears and Miss !
Carrie Bell Hemphill, Walter Harris Reed
ind Miss Ele Swett.
UPLAND Christmas trade has been
poorer here than for years. Franklin
county was exceptionally unfortunate in
having most of the wheat hailed out and
in having the poorest corn crop in the
stale. As a result of this and of the
money panic the merchants of Upland are
doing a very small holiday trade.
BEATRICE Word was received from
Lincoln announcing the sudden death of
Mrs. A. 6. Maxwell, a former resident of
this city. Before locating in the capital
city Mr. Maxwell was manager of the City
Gas company at this point. Mrs. Maxwell
was about 40 years of age, and Is survived
by her husband and one child, a son.
BEATRICE During the last few months
thieves have carried off considerable prop
erty belonging to the Wabaska Electric
company at Blue Springs, which went into
the hands of a receiver some time ago. G.
P. Marvin, receiver of the plant, says the
guilty parties will be punished if the offi
cers succeed in apprehending them.
PLATTSMOUTH Judge Paul Jessen of
Nebraska City held his last session of
district court In this city Thursday and
adjourned sine die. In the cane of James
M. Dwyer against George B. Zeigler, which
occupied the time of the court much of
the day, the court found for the plaintiff
and Issued an order closing the ditch.
Homer Foster, charged with assault and
highway robbery, gave a bond of I8o0
for his appearance at the next term of
court and was released from jail.
YORK Farmers and those who do con
siderable driving are rejoicing over the
good work already done on York county
roads under the new lsw. It Is estimated
that more good work has been done thl;
fall on roads m York county than li
any two years heretofore. Under the ol"
law the road overseer who knew nothlnc
about how to make good roads called ou
a few farmers and as a rule left the wor
in poorer shape than before. Fortunately
the road overseers elected hsve had somi
fair Idea of how to make good road
and miles upon miles of good road work
has been done In York county.
PIERCE Benjamin Llndtiay announced
on his return from Spokane a few days
ago that himnelf and family will remqve
from Pierce in the near future, the only
unsettled question being what western
city will be their future residence, but In
all probability will be Spokane, Wash.
Mr. Lindsay has for more than a quarter
of a century been one of the mont re
spected as well as valuable clttTbns of
this place. He was the senior member
of the well-known firm of Llndsuy tk
Wolverton and has seen Pierce grow and
been a material factor in building it up
from a half dosen frame houses to a
model city of the second class.
intend to lay low for the parties who art
prowling around their houses at night, and
who seem to have no other way of earning
a living than by pilfering the storehouses
and supplies of honest, hard-working peo"
pie. We trust that this will serve as a
warning to the guilty parties before greater
calamity befalls them. Clarkson Herald.
Jugging In thV'Rlver-The most popular
method of fishing In the Missouri is by
what is called the "Jugging" method.
Several Jugs or air-tight cans are secured
and a line about four feet long Is at
tached to each upon which the baited
hook Is placed; the fisherman then rows
up the river several mile and throws out
his Jugs, and whenever a fish bites the
Jug acts as a cork -doea for a small lino.
Years ago John Price and John Jones, two
well known colored men, established a
great reputation for catching catfish In the
river. Finally bad luck overtook them and .
for some time they were unable to make
any catch worth while. Jones conceived
the idea that they should try a new kind
of bait, so together with Price, they se
cured a lot of live frogs, which Jones was
sura would tempt the appetite of tha cat
fish. Making preparations for a big catch
they rowed up the river several miles and
deposited the Jugs in th river's current,
there being a live frog attached to each
line. After floating down with the current
for several miles and not baying had a
bite, Price began - to twit Jones on his
choice, and finally, after coming down op
posite the landing they had to begin tak
ing in their Jugs. Judge of their surprise
and of Price amusement when on every
Jug they found a frog, they having climbed
upon the Jugs, and rode all the way la
stead of acting as bait for the fish. Ne
braska City Presa.
If you hsve anthing to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange Columns of The
Be Want Ad Pages.
Qaalat aad Carinas Feat area af Life
la a Raaldly Gtswisg
Lesson In Fhyslca The people of Ne
braska City were amusing themselves yes
terday by testing the new discovery in
the telephone and a great deal of amuse
ment and wonder were results of the ex
periment. If you have a desk phone you
can try it yourself. Just unbutton your
vest and place the enunciator to your
body and be as perfectly understood as if
you used the enunciator to speak through.
Why It Is we do not understand, but it
works and the discovery will doubtless be
put to some very practical uses. Nebraska
City News.
War On entering one of out hardware
stores the other day the editor was greatly
surprised to Soe two of our otherwise most
peaceabla citizens coolly contemplating the
purchase of a couple of revolvers, six
shooters at that- On being questioned as
to their motives, they declared that they
acts gentlyyet prompt
ly oatlie bowels, cleanses
lle system ejjectu all);
assist one in overcoming
habitual consignation
permanently. To get its
beneficial effects buy
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