Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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CITIf ritof KHTf ron fALR
Pr Inv-stla-stlne; 'ir list of 4. R, K 1 and s
rrtoni ' rotlHges and modf-rn houses, $5 to
411-31 ntnge Fldg. 5th and Harny.
r () 232 CT
Hit.. Itompt services Oet our trl-.
1710 Farnam Ml. I
TJEAL estatk title: trust pn
" CtiKS. E. WILLIAMSON. Ires. vv-''
:' (19) 893
i , M.W0
will 'boj' elersnt l-rootn modern house at
l,r list fct.; 'ant front; paved streeti
permanent-sidewalk; beautiful lawn: larg
ha da trees. Easy terma If necessary.
f 'poom 1, New Tor Lit a Building.
until f o'clock p. m.. January 1. ljns, br
rcy Martin. Sidney. Neh.. secretsry of
he school board of District No. 1. I'hey-
rnnn county. Nr-b., for the flitfrt thousand
dollara (llS.omi) building hnnds of anld
school district- These bonda draw K per
cent anniml Interest, and are In drnomlna-
lona or xi. una bond matures January
of each year from 1i0 to 11S. and two
On aatne date each year from 191 to 1928,
all optional after five years. fioth Interest
and principal payable at Omaha National
bank. Omaha, ."eb. A certified check for
lu-per cent vl Did to accompany.
JJOO to Jlo.rW) made promptly. P". D. Wead.
Wead Bldf 18th and Farnam.
LIS"? ir prnfrty with Chria Boyer, ?Jd
an curoms; ma. - agg
wk fio'zrtH;. ffjtw P:kn fartam and
J-robmK. all modern, . renting HO; a-nod In
vestment or home. Splendid neighbor
hood. Ixjt 2x132, Big: snap. Phone Har
ney 3fi9fi.. , ... M!) M3N0 2!x
FOrt BALKTract 2S4.000 acrea heavy tlm
br lnnd In HoirtW Mexico, 12.90 per acre,
$1 after January. For particulars write
' Thrjmaa LMIler, Bartleavllle, Okla
' -' - - J- (2-M207 81x
r- ' 1 i
' Nebraska.
t.'ron.. payment 1anf two crops pay for
land.. whUn tho Jand is doubting In value.
1 . 6X1-5S2 -Brandels Bhlg. .
f v..
oath. Dakota.
4,0W CASH Will buy. if sold by January
.1, 19fV liiO acres of fine farm land; 1W
. acrrg Is1 cultivated, other SO can be; per
fect title guaranteed; SVa miles from rail-
r)a town. v. ti. McMonles, Huron, a. D.
. ' (:0)-MS45 31
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
. ' t22 ti
WANTED City Joans and warrants. W.
Feram Bmlth & Co., 1320 'Farnam St.
' (22)-W2
LOAKS Off Improved city property. W. H.
thartias, 06 First National Bank Bids.
. . t22-990
KONKY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
. rT': J.. (22)-937
klONEV to loan-ob Improved Omaha prop
erty. W. X DEHMODT INV. CO.,
.Tel. OouaT. Alt. 8S N. T. L.
.- ... .i us) mo
--. OARVIN BiiOfl., ltH, FARNAM.
7 (22) 9!4
LOWBST ItATES Bemis. Pazton Block.
- v(22-8
LOAN g . or j Improved Omaha property.
O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg.
-- . 22)m
PRIVATE money' to loon; no delays. J.
H. Sherwood, B1S-61? Brandels Hid.
. : : . ' , .. .. . , C'2)-M)S0
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
cook and heatma4 stoves, carneta. lino-
leuma, office furniture, old clothes, and
snoea, pianos. reamers, bed pillows.
UqumaniS arL'WftffS or tdollj ; of W1U Buy
' the furniture of your house complete.
Th highest prices paid. Call the right
man. Tel. Doug. 3971. (25) M760 Ji
SECOND HAND feed sacks. ' No amount
.'too large or too small. Wagner, 801 N. 16.
(26) M7t
WANTED To buy calves. Tel.' Doug. 6339.
(26j 100
SECOND HAND furniture boueht and sold
, alio machines of all kinds rented. It per
month Tel. Doug. bwz. (S)-mssj
to Farmers. iroducbj shippers
Highest prices for butter and eggs. Cash
,ii iiiuruiittuuine. ocnu iruil silipiiiniifc. nil
tienneii company, omana. ia iuw
paid for second-hand clothing, shoes,
, StO. SU JSO. lSltt tl. lol, Ked 332S.
i (26)-101
.WANTKtK-By young Udy, board and
room in private family; Catholic Place
UU ' V l I AUUI COBS t i,-S, Tf
. - , . , . (26) M165 29x
BY vouiig man . and mother, two bed
rooms, furnished, with reception ' room
. and .bath; must be within 16 minutes of
.'- ..1 1 ...... . .1.1... 1 . 1 . 1 I .. - OT
vr xriepnone i. twu. (a) an zyx
vVANTELwFurnlshed modern house, walk
lug distance Webster station or on Amea
avenue car line; iwo.auuus; rernrencea.
Address II T6& care Bee. () M244 29x
WANTKt-rAccommodatlons January 5, ill
Ort. class family hotel or private family
- for man and wife; don't want to sleep
ail tae time;-must De aeairame location.
Address N T7U, Bee. (2o Mblu 9JX
DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge.
Telephone Douglaa 1112. (27) M412
EXPERIENCED registered pharmacist
tidslees .position: no fountain work. Box
zxi jjuncomoe, la. CD MJM j zx
A YOt'NU gentleman as card writer and
advertiser can take charge of clothing
or dry good" deimrtment. Furnish A I
refesunoe. Address U 600 care Bee.
. . - (37) Ml7 SIX
,WANTED-:Posltlon by first -class book
keeper and accountant, best references.
Audits ,J is. care una. (.'() jaiw ajx
WANTED A steady position by an ex
perienced cabinetmaker and hard wood
Bntttiier,- fhUHu itariiey uni. .'. is
l'tl'ATION bv first-class lady stcnog
raphtr and office clerk; best references.
v Address ii 764.. car Bu. (27) 230 28 X
WANTED Position as bookkeeper: cash
ler ur credit nun: thoroughly experienced
and cn give satisfactory references and
bond if desired; will start on mode rr. to
waxas It future Is 'good. Address J ,M(
Bee. . . 6fi8 29x
WANTED Bookkeeping, typewriting, let
terliuc. etc.. bv experienced young man
during evenings or ahort hours during
aay. - Addreaa L Care Kee.
(27)-M3M 30x
le-ulasa-Andreesen Hardware Company
Omaha, Neb., Dec 14, li7 Notice la herby
given lo me aiocanniaera or tne ie
Olaas-Andreeaten. Ilardwaia company tha
the' annual mer ling of the stockholders o
the company will be held at the orltcea ot
said conipany, corner of N'lntli and llii.
ney atrevts, In the city of Omaha, in the
siaieiur jveurasaa. on tueaday, January 14,
jk. u., ism, at o ciock p. m (or tne pur
poaai vi eiocung a eosra ui n. sciors lor in
cuinpaiiy, la j-va during the coining yeai
and to transact aiu-ri oiner bulues aa may
Ie pieseniia at sucn meeting.
(Soal) H. J. LEE. President
Attest: W. M. OLASd, becretary.
- D15d30t
ley, Kansas & Beuthwustern Railroad
Company, Omaha, Neb.. Nov. 1, IM. To
.he Btucknoiaera: isoitoa is Hereby given
.hat a special meeting of the stockholders
if the Republican Valley, Kansaa Bo u lo
af eat trn Hailroad conrpany will be held at
tha ufflca of the coiiipany In Oiftaha. Ne
braska, at 4 o'clock p. iu. on January 114
1A. fur the Purpose of action uoou the
auesttpa ot sailing the railroad, property
and franchises of this company to the Cni
cago. burllncton 4k Qalncy Railroad coin.
tauy, the railroad aud property, aforesaid
,ii CuW uudor lease to the aald cuninauy.
aiy eraer i ine ooe ( ojioviora w. tr.
ley A Wyoming Railroad company.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. Ii7 To the Stock
holders: Notice Is hereby given that a
special meeting of the stockholders of the
Republican Valley & Wyoming Railroad
company will be held at the efnee of the
company In Omahn, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock
p. ni.. on January iu, im, tor me purpose
of actinic upon the Question of selllna the
railroad, property and trahchlaos of tllrst-
rompany to tne cntcago, uuriington m
WUincy naiiroaa company, tne raiiroaa
and property aforesaid being now under
loaae to said company. By order of the
board of directors. W. P. Dvirkee. Secre
Omaha Railway company,, Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. U. 1907. To the' Ctockholdera: Notice
Is hereby given that a special meeting of
the stockholders of the Kansaa City A
Omaha Railway company will be held at
the olnce or tne company in ! airfield. Ne
braska, at 9 o'clock a. m. on January 11.
19u8. for the purpose of acting upon the
question ot selling the railroad, property
and franchisee ot the company to the Chi
cago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad com
pany, the railroad and property aforesaid
being now under lease to said company.
By order of the board of directors. W. P.
Durkee. Secretary. . NIOdeOl
western Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. 9. 1907. To the Stockholders: Notice
Is hereby given that a special meeting of
the stockholders of the Omaha and South
Western Railroad company -will be held at
the office of the company at Omaha, Neb.,
at 4 o'clock p. m., on January 10, 1908, ..for
the purpose of acting upon the question of
selling the railroad, property and fran
chises of the company to tho Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy Railroad company, the
railroad and property aforesaid being now
under lease to said company.-By order of
the board ot directors, W. P. DURKEE,
Secretary. NIOdOOt
Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov.
1907 To tho Stockholders: 'Notice Is
hereby a.ven that a special meeting of tha
stockholders of the Oxford & Kansas Rail
road company wi. bs held at the office ol
the company at Omaha, Nebraska, at 4
o'clock p. m., onr January 1(V 1908, for the
purpose of acting upon the Question of
aelllng the railroad, property and franchises
of the company to the Chicago. Burlington
sc Quincy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being now under
leuae to tne sa a company. rJy order of
the board of directors. W. P. Durkee,
Secretary. , . NlOdOOt
Books and Magazines
' "The First Secretary," by Demetra and
Kenneth Brown. Is a very pretty romance
concerning the first secretary of the Amer
ican ambassador to Turkey and a daugh
ter of one of the Turkish officials. It wag
a case of love 'at sight, but owing to the
seclusion of the Turkish women and the
difficulties presented to communication, In
addition to the fact that this Turkish
maiden had been betrothed to a Turk high
In the councils of the sultan by her father
against her will, the course of love was
decidedly rough for a time. They have
the assistance of several other persons.
Including the ambassador, a missionary
and a Turk, whose stories add Interest to
the tale and most "of whom are rewarded
by being' taken with the lovers after a
hasty marriage ceremony aboard the first
secretary's steam yacht enroute to the
land ' of promise America. B, W. Dodge
A Co.v Is the publisher. "
Platte Railroad Company... Omaha. Neb.,
Nov. 9, 1807. To the Stockholders; Notice
Is hereby given that a special meeting ol
the stockholders of the Omaha and North
Platta Railroad company will be held at
the office of the company in OmahsX Neb.,
at 4 o'clock p. m., on .January 10, laos, for
tho purpose of acting upon the question of
selling the railroad, property and franchises
of this company to the Chicago. Burlington
ic Quincy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being now under
lease to tne sam company, ny order of
the board of directors. W. P. Durkee.
Bee retary. . N lOdbOt
. The Christmas 'number- of Donahoe's
magrazlne keeps . the season constantly In
srlew the pictures, articles, poems and
stories .for the greater part treat of the
festival, of good will . ar-.d ,cheer. , The
openingi poem, "A King In Disguise," by
Rev. P. J. Cormlcan, S. J., Is followed
y an illustrated article on "The Holy In
nocence," written by Rev. Hugh F.
Blunt. Other features of timely Interest
are "The Mass' In Many Lands," by James
Byrne; "The Fishermen's Hospital Ship,"
by Rev. Edward F. Curran; ' "The Sanc
tuary of the World of Art," by Rev. J.
P. Conry, and. "Poets I Have Known," by
Rev. Matthew Russell, S. J.
. "In the Struggle for Religious Liberty In
France," Rev. Francis A. Cunningham
takes up the framing of the concordat, and
relates the history of the negotiations be
fwee'n Pius 1. and Napoleon. "The
Diary of an Exiled Nun" discloses a touch
ing chapter tn convent life. Another series
of papers, "The 8tory of Columbian
Knighthood," by Charles S. O'Neill, tells
of the founding of the Knights ot Colum
bus by the Rev. Michael McOlvney, a quar
ter 'of antury ago. There are shofct
stories by Kathertne Lyman Hinkson and
Grace Keon.
Popular Mechanics opens the new year
with 150 terse, entertaining articles and 131
Illustrations. The leading feature of the
January number is a description ' of the
"Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterway, a
projoct every American citizen should bo
mforhied on. Women will read witM Inter
est the article on electric household uten
sils, which are eliminating the disagreeable
features of housework. The Shop Notes
department is. If possible, better Jhan usual,
while the amateur mechanic who makes
one of the Inexpensive lensless microscopes
described In his special department, will
be delighted with the result.
In Character Portraits from Dickens, Mr.
Charles, Welsh presents 150 or more pen-
proposals . - ;
SEALED PROPOSALS will be ' received
until January 23, 1908, at 10:30 o'clock a; m.,
for furnishing the PAPER tor the PUBLIC
PRINTING and BINDING for the year
ending 28th mt February, 19U9, tho said pro
nosals to be onened lfoi-a and the award
of contracts to be made. by tll'o Joint Com
mittee 01 congress on niDiio trinung 10
the lowest and best bklder tor the Interest
of the Government, the committee reserving
to Itself th right to 'reject any and all
bids, 4i its Judgment of the best Interests
of the Government may dictate.
Detailed schedules of the description,
quantily and quality of the paper required,
accompanied by samples and blank pro
posals, and giving the regulations with
which bidders must comply, can be obtained
by addrePHlng Cliaa. A. Stilling, Public
nnur. v asmngion, u. u.
The contracts will be entered Into for sup
plying such qunntltles "of paper as may be
needed during the year, and no more.
The estimated quantities set forth In de
tail tn the schedule comprise:
jzv.buu reams machine-finish printing
paper, 24 x38.
20,000 reams machine-finish printing
paper, 3xx48. .
49,500 reams sixed and super-calendered
v white or tinted printing paper,
various sixes.
1,123 reams antique machine-finish print
ing paper.
33,600 reams white writing paper, loft
, dried, various sixes and weights.
7,800 reams colored writing paper, loft
dried, various sizes and weights.
1,090,000 pounds , white writing paper, ma
chine dried.,, various sixes and
weights. ... . ;
3,000 . reams cover paper, various sizes
ana weights.
1.000 pounds of best piste paper:'
v loo.ono pounds of .best map paper.
462.0U0 pounds superfine (single and.
.double) coaled book: , paper.
13,000 reams nianlla paper, various sixes
and weights.
400,000 pounds bond paper.
6,000 pounds artificial parchment, various
1.000 pounds p&rehment deed.'
6,000 pounds plated bullet patch, various
155,000 sheets cardboard, various colors,
sizes and weights. - ; - -.
730,000 sheets brlstol board, various colors,
sixes and weights.
1,150,01)0 pounds colored brtstol and manlla
tag board.
13,000 reams ledger paper, 'white
or bluer laid or. wpve, various
sixes and weights.,
(.500 reams second-class 'ledger' paper,
white or blue, laid or' wove, varl
oua sices and weights.
1,700 reams tissue and copying paper.
20 reama blotting paper, any required
' color and weight. .
395 reama marble, comb, , and1 lining
paper, various sljtea,
C50 reams typewriter paper, ' various
Blues and weights.
635 reams letter, note and quarto-post
100 reams white French, folio,' 17x22
8.000 sheets parchment. 15x21 Inches.
Proposals will be received for. one thou
sand reams or more. . . "
By direction of the Joint Committee of
Congress on Public Printing.
Public Printer.
WASHINGTON, D. C December lti, 1907
D-21-28 J-4
Robert O. Fink, county treasurer,
to George T. Morton, sVi of neVi
of ni, I9-1&-1S
Leo Bosxak and wife to 11. C
Uetscher, n of lot 3. block 8.
South Omaha.. , , $2,000
R. J. Zaleskl and wife to same.
lot 4, block 8. Kouth Omaha 3,600
r.qtuiamu J rust company to
Churlea W. Savldge. w V, of lot 2.
block 22, original City of Cmuna. 1.60
rfumi nuiiuuuii anu wire 10 joun
W. Cooper, lot H. block 16.-
Omaha V iew . 1
Frank Thompson, executor, to John "
Hofmann, same :..... 30
epen-.-er mis and wife to SanfOrd
Peck, lot 4 and si 1 feet of lot 3.
block 1. Hawthorne's addition...-. 3
inarm ivrignauin una liUHOand to
fearah Uernandt, lot 7. block 4.
Llpton Place . . 250
jonn j. 1 umiiungs and wife ' to
James II. Hopkins and wife, lots
8 and9. block 6. Llpton Pice.,.. 400
tiurrei isyars una wife to I I,.
Byars, part of eh of sVe of
ws,. 14-16-9 400
wiiuam v om v eg ana wire to Ktta
M Murray, lot 6, block 2, Rush it
Selbya addition Q0
Danioro i-eca ana wire to. James
P. Atklsnon et al., lot 4 and' all
feet of lot 3, block J. Hawthorne's
addition, arid other land. . . . , . . .
Kittle C. Avery to"H. M. Hlgglns, '
lot , Mock 8, Portland PTare,, . ,'. joo
9i- . vu'ca 10 jonn im . jonnson, ' 1
lot ' S, East Omaha, and other
laud c.i.,.ut.,M,'. 4.000
I nlen Pacific.
The Overland Limited. .a 8:50 am a 9:40 pm
The Colorado Express.. a 3:50 pm a 5:00 pm
Atlantic Express al0:15 am
The Oregon Express B4T10 pm' a 5:O0 pm
The 1.0s Angeles Lim...al2:55 pm a 9:15 pm
The Fast Mail a 9:30 am a 5:45 pm
China. A .lanan Mull a rtm a K-Ml nm
olo.-Chlpago Special ..al2 :10 am a 7:03 am
neairire t BiromsDUg
Loral .,..... ,.DlZ:30pm h l:4n pin
North Platte Local . . .'a 7 :4"2 am a 4:45 pm
Chicago, ,nock Island A jPaeiflo.
' i - ". ' ' TTABT .'
riitrago Limited a 3:00 am all:0B nm
Inwa Local a 6:TO am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines-Passenger.. a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
"'" .1 . in u p.iio pin
Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4:50 pm. a 1:25 pm
im om rijcr u, o;w pm a 0:9 am
Rocky Mountain Llm..all:15 pm a 2:50 am
Colo. & Cal. Ex a l;3fi pm a 4:40 pm
Okl. & Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a 2:45 pm
Lincoln-Fairbtiry Pass..b 8:45 am bl0:25 am
Missouri Pacific.
a 6:45 am
a 5:50 pm
portraits of the great novelist's characters.
In IHckens' own words, arranging them
alphabetically and prefacing each with a
brief note Inilcatlng tho pjace the Indi
vidual occupies In the story from which
the portrait la taken'. U the end 'of each,
references are given to" all theV chanters in
tho story In which the character appears.
xnere is also a remarkably useful Index
to the characters arranged according to
their occupations and conditions, of life.
published by Small, Mgynard A Co.
"Tho Altar Fire," by Arthur Christopher
Benson, Is a book of essays In the form of
a diary. Mr. Benson deals, not with action
or achievement or adventure, but with the
calmer Joys of living, the finer1 relations of
the spirit, the deeper peHce, In a word,
with the often neglected resources jjf the
meditative life. The O. P. Putnam com
pany Is the publisher. .. . '
"The Suburban Whirl," by' Mary Stewart
Cutting, Is the title of a small volume of
four stories, of young married couples liv
ing In the suburbs, whose adventures, both
grave and gay, have been chronicled. They
are exceedingly well told and will be much
enjoyed by everyone. The McClure com
pany Is the publisher. . ...
"Holly, The Romance of a Southern
Girl' is tho title of the newest offering
by Ralph Henry Barbour, author of "A
Man in Arcady," "Kltly of the Roses," etc.
The principal characters are a northern
man and a southern maid. During the
course of his business career tho man
has acquired a piece of southern property
to which he pays very little attention, un
til the doctor orders a change of climate
to restore his health. -He then dnoldes to
Investigate his possessions In the south
and arrives to find his premises, occupied
by a southern woman and her nlecey the
daughter of the deceased owner. As he Is
111, he Is accorded a more hospitable re
ception than he would otherwlae have re
ceived. This Is the beginning of the ro
mance, which culminates with the recov
ery of his health. The book la prettily
Illustrated In color and line drawings by
Edwin F. Bayha and bound In a decorated
blue cover. The J. B. Llpplncott company
Is the publisher. -
"The Story of Lady oWldine'scourt
shlp A Romance of the Age," by Eliza
beth Barrett Browning, Is a tale told in
verse. It Is written In two parts, part I
being a letter from a poet to hla friend,
while part II Is The Conclusion. The
book Is very artistically Illustrated In
mezzo tints by G. C. WllmhurHt and In
marginal decorations by Franklin Booth.
It Is attractively bound In a decorated
lavendar cover and Is a very attractive
offering for the holiday remembrance. D.
Appleton & Go. is tha publisher.
Above books at lowest retail price. Mat
thews, 123 South Fifteenth street.
All of the books reviewed here are on
ale In Brandels' book department.
K. C. A St.. L. Exp.... a 9:00 an
K. C. ft 81. L. Exn....aU:15 pn
Chicago Great Western,
fit. Paul-Minneapolis ... 8:30 pm
St. Paul-Minneapolis ... 7:30 am
Chicago Limited 6:0.) pm '
Chicago Express 7:30 am
Chicago Express 3:30 pm
rhleaaro t. Northwestern
Chicago Dsyllght a 7:25 am
St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:50 am
Chicago- Loral i.all:iM am
Sioux City Passeng-ei...a 7:50 am
Chicago Passenger . . .-. .a 4:80 pm
Chicago Special 6:00 pm
St. Paul-Minn. Limited. a 8:28 pm
Los Angeles Limited a 9:30 pm
Overland Limited al0:00 pm
Fast Mall
Sioux City Local a 3:50 pm
Fawt Mall '
Twin City Limited a 8:28 nm
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:50 am
Ltncoln-Iiong Pine .....b 7:60 am
Deadwood-Llncoln .....a 8:00 pm '
Caspi-r-Sh08honl a 3:00 pm
Hastings-Superior b 3:Of) pm
Fremont-Albion b 6:35 pm
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express -..a 7:15 am
Minn. A St. Paul Exp.b 7:20 am
Chicago 'Limited ...a 6:00 pm
Minn. A St. Paul L!m..a 3:30 pm
St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm
St. Louis locft! (from'
Council Bluffs) a 9:30 am
Stanberry Loral (from
Council Bluffs) b K:(V) nm
rj&lcago, Milwaukee A at. Pa
Chi. A Colo. Special ..a 7:26 am
Cal. ft Ore. Express ..a 6:00 pm
Overland Limited a 9:58 pm
Perry Local a 5:15 pm
7:30 am
11:35 pm
8:27 am
11:25 pm
3:20 pm
aJl:4S pm
al0:00 pm
a 1:28 pm
a 3:28 pm
a 9:45 am
a 8:23 am
a 8:00 am
12:36 pm
a 8:23 am
a 9:04 am
a 9:20 am
a 3:35 pm
a 8:rt am
a 6:40 pm
n1n9 Am
a 6 :40 pm
a 6:40 pm
h 6:40 pin
b 1:35 pm
a 3:45 pm
a 8:511 pm
a 8:30 am
a 8:30 am
a 8:30 am
: all:15 pm
b10:15 am
all:C0 pm
a 8:25 pm
a 8:30 am
all:00 am
Denver A California ...a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special ....a 4:10pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express ....all :50 pm
Nebraska points a 8 4i am
Nebraska Express a 9:15 am
Lincoln Fast Mall ....b 1:45 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Loral ,
Lincoln Local
Schuyler - Plattsmouth.b 3:10 pm
Rellevue - Plattsmou'.h.a 8:00 pm
Plattamouth-lowa b 9 :1S am
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Chicago 8peclal a 7:40 am
Chicago Express .- a 4:30 pm
Chicago Fiver ..... ..a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local a. 9:15 am
St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm
Ksnsss City A St. Joe..al0:46 pm
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 9:15 am
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 4:4i pm
a 3:46 pm
a 8:45 pm
a 3:45 pm
al0:15 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 6:10 pm
al2:11 pm
b 9:08 am
al0:15 pm
a 7:50 pm
blO:20 am
a g;,iO am
h i':30nii
a 7:2i an
all:45 pm
a 8:. pm
a 8:30 am
all: 3" am
all 30 am
a 6:30 am
a 6:10 pm
(hleaao. at. real, Minneapolis A
Leave. Arrive.
Twin dty Passnger....b 8: am b 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passenger. ...a S:( pm alO 50 am
Emerson Local c 8:43 am o 6:55 pm
Mlasoarl Parlae.
Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bll:20 am
a Dally, h Dolly except Sunday, e Sun
day only, d Daily except Saturday, a Daily
except Monday.
Liu-a, tiwiuuf.
A Pr for th Hom
Best & West"
fpaHasa ii,v ion, ihv. aaarajsj, mm
IQl un.uliy iuur iTTl
rcbraary ta 'Artl IT. IMS.
acTvnly dars. coaling only tvJ as anS up. Ineluitas
aara iaur,lju. SrgOlAL, FCATUKCS: Madn
!. SaTilla. Alslan, Malta. U Inn la aM 4
Itoa Holy Laud. loitalaDtUapla. AtaDa. kuaia, laa
Hlvkr.. aiu. TOl'Ka P.uL.NO TUB WUKUj. ,
atoat coDiprchcualve and attractive n.r ollmni
y. C CLJUUl, fuaaa alas- hw Vura.
Our Letter Box
Contributions on timely toplqs Invited.
Write legibly on one side of the paper
only, with name and address appended.
On request names will not be printed.
unused contributions will not be re
turned. Letters exceeding 800 words will
be subject to being cut down at the
discretion of the editor. Publication of
v'ews of corresportdVnts'does not commit
The Bee to thelf indorsement.
i " Of I Pricea'Ttere 'aindi Abroad. '
OMAHA, Dec. 2.-Trr the Editor of The
Bee: I am ;the Standard Oil
company whosa attention has been called
to your editorial of December 13) to ask
the courtesy of your colmns for the publi
cation of a brief reply:
In common with many lntehtlonally fair
minded critics of the 'company, yoo con
strue a lower quotation for American
petroleum In a European city than con
currently prevails la. a home city, as in
dicating a deliberate policy on the part of
the company to discriminate In favor of
tho foreign buyer. This is not. and never
has been the company's policy. Less exact
ing quality requirements abroad frequently
permit, and acute competition with other
nations frequently compels a lower quota
tion in certain European markets than in
certain domestic markets, but Mr, Arch
bold's contention may be reiterated,! via.,
that the company, has always succeeded in
marketing its products abroad at a fair
profit, and which profit has naturally aided
tho company In maintaining as low prices
as It has in the home rriaikets.
It is the economies resulting from the
faetured products that permit low nrices
both at homo and 'abroad: but were the
foreign trado (about 60 per cent of the total)
lost or surrendered It would Inevitably inT
creaso the company's' rost of manufacture
and consequently Increase the selling price
to its domestic consumers.
' Reduced to the basis of identic quantity,
and Identic quality, 1J Ir doubtful if the
foreign price averages below the liome
price; If, or when, It does it is traceable to
no design on the company's part, but to
local conditions which It cannot control.
It may frequently happen In any country
nd with any commodity that when an en
terprising concern baa. established a re
munerative and fairly earned business It
Is assailed by some new and ambitious
rival which results In determined compe
tition and often in serious loss to all con
cerned. The abnormal prices thus prevail
ing ought not be cited as a basis for world
wide quotations, as all must realise that
such abnormal prices can only be tem
porary. Referring to the company', domestic com
petition, there are more, than one hundred
competing refineries In the I'nlted States
alope, employing aa, estimated capital of
about 1100,000,000. There are also many
thousand competitive markers of the
products of these refineries. These rivals
enormous volume of the company's manu
of the company are independent and pros
perous, and a competition Is on.-n v.r.
nsahtre, the number aeeina far more 11io.iv
to multiply than to diminish.
Finally, your editorial , criticises Mr.'
Archbold (perhaps not unnaturally) for
omitting reference to the Chicago fine. I
am permitted to say that Mr. Archbold
had every temptation for submitting a most
comprehensive defense against the Injustice
of the said line, and no motive for not sub
mitting such defense, dther than a sen so
of propriety In no further officially dis
cussing a legal issue soon to be argued
before the highest courta of the country
for linal n Judication.
Vice President.
For January, on sale throughout America
. -V T I,
o-y r
All vocal selection hare eeconipeniroanU by tha Victor Orchestra
8-inch 35 cents
Arthur Pryor't Band
Tlctorioae Bagls March (No. karj)
Tenor Solo fcy Silly Murray
Way Pawn in Colen Towa (treat "Rogsni sires. In
Panama") (He. 494) Bsfftnan
Comic Song by Arthur Collins
Dixie Dan (from "The Oay Whit Way")
iNq. 5115) yrta
Arthur Pryor's Band '.
"Gesnndhelt" Walts IT Year Healtbl) iclnch
(No. so8) Belt
Radatsky March la-lsrh (Ns. jjeo) Btrausa
King of Rags (A Two-Stay Oadhy) ao-atca
(No. jjo.)
Impaaaloaes Dream Walts (Easeaao Sedaotor)
la-inca (rio. 91083)
Jobel Overture la-Inch (No. 11684)
Police Band of Mexico City
Voliao M. Press, Dlroater
Felietty Mai urka 10-Inch (No. 511 1) Martinet
Moraima Caprice la-inch (No. J1085) Bspinosa
.Victor Orchestra
Walter B. Rogtra, Candactar
Antuma Intcrmeno ro-lnek (No. 104) Morst
Flute Solo by Darius Lyons
Rondo w inch (No. 130$) Desjoa
Accordion Solo by John J Kimmel ,
Medley of PvPalar Reals (laclsdlaa Back axa
Wlag Daoca) laJnch (Mo. tr7)
Flute and Oboe Duet
by Lyons and trepts
Rcspy Days to-inch (No. )e) , StrtlesU
Trombone Solo by Arthur Pryor
Lore Ma nd the World la Mia to-laea (No. m) Ran
Soprano Solo by Helena Soldi
TOia Bob (from "Marry Widow") ts-ieeh
(No. ji6S8)
Descriptive Specialty
by Miss Jones and Mr. Spencer
Broacke Boh and sis UtU Caeyeaae (No. joM)
Lea Spencer
with imitations by Gilbert Girard ;. s
Rorer and 1 (Tha Vagaborfrti) (No. Twvnar r
Hymn by Haydn Quartet ; r
Happy Day (No, ,3.1) 'RUnbaalt
10-inch 60 cents; and 12-inch $1 ,
Yodel Songs by Al. H. (Metz) Wilson
Whisserisf Breeset to-lnch (No. Wllsoa '
Songs of 014 FxUerlaad (Medley) la-loch '
(No. yt7) 7 WUaoa, . .
Duet by Stanley and Macdonough .
Gold Me , 0 Thoa Oreat Jehovah io-iack .
(N0.J.6W) Ftotaw
Bass Solo by Frank C Stanley :
Braam On, Dear Heart, Dream Oa o-nsh ''-'.
(No.sjaj) Merst'i
Harry Macdonough and JosephBelmoni
RoMa Rsdhrsast to-isdi (No. $314) D Korea r '
Tenor Solo by Byron G. Harlan
Two Blu Eyes lo-laah (No. jjie) tfosM
Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet
Heath thsOtsAosra Tree, Sweet Bstell aach
(No. 5119) r Rail
uomic &onR dv uuiy Murray v
Bo WhaOa the Cm k4bc (N. jpi) Msataga
Duet by Ms Jones and Mr. Murray
Max Believe lodoch (No. sjtj) Monaa,
Duet by Collins and Harlan
Com On Sad Kist T' Baby te-lah (No. 531a) Clark
Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet
Boaweiser' a FrUad at Mia ao-lack (No. .30) FsrU "
Comic Song by Miss Ada Jones
Dea't Vt Varrioa aay Mora, Ma -liu:li -(Vo.
.) . pnaat
Hymn by Haydn Quartet v
Let ta Sarlonr la to-inch (No. jjtj) ' xeU
New Red Seal Records
Marcella Sembrlch, Soprano
is-incb , with orohoatra ft aach
Martha Lat Roe af Bomasr - (' Sngiuk)
(No.fcho.) Moor
Migaoa Coonal tn le My ( Knowaat Thou tha -
Land) V Smh) (Pio. bsdobj Tsonuu
) (no. si03j ADaMoa
Wlditlnirala'a imf ( Aj JfM(M)
norma uuia siva iv" vl
( In Jir,n) (No. W104)
Puritani Qal la too (Is SweoMst Aeomla)
iln mian) (No. 88103) ... Bellini
la.inck, piano accooipaBiHjmi oy mm. Baairmsa tj
Maldeo'sWIah (Maacaoa'e Waoaehj ( Pfiflk)
(No. 88100) Chopin
Mattia Battlstinl, Baritone
ia-lnch. with oaCkaatra 4 oacs Jn tmUnn
Zampa-Perch Uemar (Why Seat Thoa Tioasota)
(No.oaeaa) . Harold
Martha -n mio Lieael (My UaaappyUaool)
(No. oaooj) Fletaw
Don SebastiaBO-O LUboaa (Oh Liahoal)
(No. 93000) DoniMta
Matrix Battlstinl, Baritone ;
Aristodemo Sllllch, Bass.
ia-lnch, with orchoatnt 4lj M HAaa,
Krnani La vedteao. a radio aocaoe (I Will
Pre, Audacioua UtayMord) (No. 4007)
Mattia Battistini Emilia Corel ,
..' Cori della Scala .
(DntwtthLaMlaChoras) . . - -
i4nch with otahaatr aa.'YAlsi 111 n
aUnaajTteni msee sol 4H rose (Can, Danat
saaiwaa; (no.
Carlo Albani, Tenor
ta-lnck, with orehaatra ti.fa Joh luUum
Vorsa M Deetiao Oh ta she scno agl asurali
(ihou Hsave'ly On) No, 7409s) Terat
Lclita Spaalah Serenad (N. 740) Bani.pooia
Pagllaccl Testt ta gtahba (Oa With th PUy ) '
(I4.74or iMBcavalM
Laerasja Borrl Wpeooator Uraoklaflna
Flabtr'a Lowly tot) (No. 7498) ' DoOUNrtU
H. Eraa WllUams, Tenor
to-iach, with orohoatra ft
Sweet Mia Mary (No. 64080) .. BeldllBgoT
la-lach, with irhaate gi.a h
Stahat Mater Cujua aalmaoi Jn Lti)
(N. 74091) Rossini
Lore Shall Do Lora (No. 74004) Cartett "
Any Victor dealer will find!? play taeaa recorda for yon. Go and hear them to-dayl
Victor Talking: Machine Co.
Camden N J, U S A
Bartkur Graawphoa Cosapaoy 4 Keral, (aadUa Diatrlbuaart
Now Victor Records
Ion sale throughout
America oath 28th of
every month
Writ for fro
catalogue ef over
3000 Rooords
Conrl Rale that Orsranlsatlaa la
1 1 Ira I If 4 hara Made hr
Factlos la Trar,
CLKVELAND. Pec. K.-ln common
pleas court today jLdge 1'hllllpa held that
If the allegations of the cutters and flnt
tenera are true, the Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Window Glass Workers Is an
organization In restraint of trade.
The cutters and flatteners brought suit'
to enjoin the association from exnelllnc
them for accepting; employment In fac
tories whrre machinery uaed. In their
worh. The tuttera and flatteners assert
that' the "expulsion clause deprives them
of un occupation. The court overruled a
demurrer tiled, by the association.
We Have All of the Above Victor Records' and
Invite You to Call and Hear Therri
Jobbers In Victor Goods Exclusively.
Wholesale and Retail.
All Thcso Rocords on Salo at Our Store
ncu. b. uncut:!., Manager
Above Records' are ON SALE at bur
' Come In and hear Ih new Tenor "Carlo Albani"''
vAlao fna great Baritone "Mattia Battlailnl."
1513 Douglas St.
Bee Want Ads Produce ULesults