10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1907. ji-.. C" Want - ads Advertlseateats for the want ad eelaane Trll le takea aatll 12a. to the evealasr edllloa aad aatll l p. - far taa aorilug Kaadar edltloaa. I'Mk mast arroaapaar all or rraat ads aat aa ad vertlaemeat will be accepted for I rue (ban lO ceata for the first Inarrtlaa. Rates lr to eltfcer The Dallr or Bandar Be. Alwara ronat l ward to a llae C oatblaatloaa of laltlala or aamhera poaat aa oaa ward. t M RiTGl FOR WANT ADS. nRfilUR CLASSIFICATION Oae insertion, (f llaa, lO prats. Two or mora poaaacatlTO Insertions, aer liar, H prats. Rarh iascrtloa made on odd tiara, 10 oaat ar llae.fl..80 pat llaa pert aiea t a. PKCIAL .CLASSIFICATION It roar advertisement la Inserted ander aar oaa of tae elasslf Iratlons iln helaw, it will fee charged at the following- rate I One laaertloa, 4 rents per line, three to el eaneewatlve la aertlons, 9 NiM pa Una each laser tloni sevea or more eonseeatlTe laser lions, il eeate per llao uses Insertion! BO rents per line per month. II llTKIt AND F.XC1IANUE. huiwrs ch turns. HKLP WANTKD FEMALK. HKLP WANTED MALE. Except A Keats, Solicitors aad Sales men. . . OFFERED FOR SALE. Cwa, Birds, Don and Pot. Iforaea nnd Vehicles. Poalfrr nd FaTS. Farnltore. ' Typewriters aad Sewing; Machines. Pianos, Organs aad Masleal Instru ments. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. Lnf nrnlsbed Rooms. Housekeeping- rooms. Board la? and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. ' Want nds for the Bea mar be left at aar of the following- drag? etores one la "roar corner draKSjlst" ther are all branch offices of The Bee and ' ?or" will , bo Inserted Inst as promptly and on the name rates as at Ihe main office la The Baa Balldlng, -Seventeenth aad Faraam Streets. Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Be ranek. 8. A.. 1102 8. 16th Bt. liecht Pharmacy, 720 8. lth Bt. IVnson Pharmacy, Henson, Neb. Ttcmia Farlc Pharmacy, S3d and Cumin Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave. t'aiighlin. C. R.. 6th and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmary, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B.. Slat-Ave. and Farnam. Crlssev Pharmacy, 24th and I.ake 8t. Ormak, Emll, 1204-6 8. 13th Bt. Eastman Fharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Killer, F. H 23 Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoldl, 213 N. 2Mh 8t. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th. Florence Dm Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 10th and Lake. llreen'a rharmacy, comer Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough, O. A., W26 8. 10th Bt. Oreenough, O. A.. 124 8. 10th St. Hayden. Wm. C, 2920 Farnam 8t. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 16ol B. 29tn Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. lth Bt. Huff. A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth Bt. King. H. 8.. 38 Farnam Bt. Kountse Place Pharmacy. 3604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1824 N. 24th St. Tthrnp-rcharlea E., 14 N. 24th St Peyton, L. ET., 24th and Leavenworth. RapttAr, Tlmr Cn.. 24th anil Ames Ave. Bchaefet's Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago. flchaefer, August. SdJl N. 16th Bt. Hchmldt, J. H 24th and Cuming Bta. Btorm Pharmacy, lth and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming-, Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Orace. Worth, O. II., 40th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON, Dorthe At the home of her son-in-law, P. 8. Boeln, Thursday, De cember 26. Funeral. Monday. December 80. at o'clock, from house, 1002 North Tweaty- ninth street. OLIVER Mr. J. B.. after' a lingering 111 neaa. Thursday afternoon at her residence. S514 North Twenty-seventh street. 8he leaves a husband and three daughters. Mrs. Gibson Han-Is and Misses Minnie and Elizabeth, who are teachers In the public srhools. Funeral Monday afternoon from the fa.nv My residence, at 2 o'clock. Interment For est Lawn cemetery. ' PARKINS Harry C. son of Mr. and Mra. T. C. Parkins, aged 23 years. Funeral from family residence, 816 N. 41st St.. Sunday at 3 p. m. Interment, For st Lawn cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' Blrtha-Arthur Baker, 624 South Nine teenth street, a girl; Jonaa Wangberg, 6117 North Eighteenth street, girl; James Foley, 1612 Burt street, girl; Bert Crum. 4924 North Thirtieth st rani, boy; M. R. Bishop. 2424 Burdette street; roy. Deaths Isttixiv N. Johnson, 2S62 Cuming street, aged "72 years; Mrs. Florence Win trier. 1810 Sherman avenue, aed 19 years; Mlsa Carrie A. Beadle, 1329 South Twenty lghth street, aged 67 years; Gustaf E. Palmer, 8016 Oak street, aged 10 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. . - Age. Julius E. Balls, Denlson, la 31 Xelen A. Meyer. Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, January 6, Mid-Winter Terra, BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND TELEGRAPHY INSTITUTE OPENS. DAT AND NIGHT. Apply for catalogue. Tel. D. 1961 or ad dress II. B. Boyles, president, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. (1 1 Tim CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth til. Tel. Douglas 1387. (11-W2 61CN .PAINTINQ-rS. H. COLE. 1502 Doug laa. 1 901 AUT0M03ILES 6 END Tor our list ot second-hand automo bllea. - DER1GHT. m Karnam. Uj-Vul BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Clear Arkansas farm. . roanisiy and feed mill clear, farm la ' .stbi .. Write Acme Exchange Co., ' . noroaev, la. M5, Jltx iLL txcliuntfe about $2,000 In first mtg. ,a,i.-r uti on.ntia property for stock gro ..i.; uIhu good unimproved land for int.. l.i,utvMi alley Land Co., 61 Bee Ulufc. . (a) M770 TOR SALK.-Or exchange. ItiO-acre m-liiuVi-a a:ii Ui lexat county, Missouri; t.; k .. Ier ucre; vj acrt-a In MlaauuKo to., MUhlsan. ll't.W per acre. What l ave you l oftir? T. A. Hake. Rake, la. (3-M201 31x rOR SALE OR TRADE. South Dakota land lor merchandise. Bradberty Bros., Hur ley, U. D. (3-M.' i LIST with me anything you have for trade. 1 oaa iuau.ll U. Q. H. Fawcett, Charles City, 1. U-M410 J3x FOR BALE )r trade. 80 acres prairie hot - turn UnJ lu Appanoose county, la. Want half cash. LalaOre trade. Law Bios. Co., aw nets, Cstitrvllie. la. (3) M177 Sox lO EXCHANGE Modern gasoline gas l'fht.nK plant, any sise, water or weight blowers. lor high-grade typewriter or lrn lathe. The XXHi Century lias Ma chine Co.. Waterloo. Ia. (3-Mli 30x A LIVK ONE. Have a good in In I it- stock te traOe. Wiiat Li..; L v-tl, L . BARTER AND EXCHANGE (font Inuedj TO EXCHANGE Hyde Co.. 8. P.. liind for gnnl hank stock. Address Lock hot ni, Beneca. 8. D. (3) M176 30x tT.-R(in.M hotel, eteam heat. gas. city water. and ft-room cottage, In a pood Iowa town: soil or trade' for land, city property or nurctiBiiciipc; hurry,- this la a snap. F. A. Messmcro, Hn . Avenue B, Council Uliiffa, J a. (3)-MlK7 W1I.T. trade $..ono ailt-edne aecvritlea draw- In 6 per cent, payable quarterly. lor im proved cltv or country real entale. 403 Brandela IildK. 3 M7WI Jan1 TRAUKa, TRADR8 If you have some thing- for anle or trade write ua; we maicn ever thln-. WAIT 1NVKPTMKNT CO., 401 Bee Bid., Omaha. I HAVE . some clients who have sev eral nice farma and ranches t Irarte for Income property; send full description and price of your property In flr.t letter. C. U Brill. F.merson, la. (31-M214 Six WANTED To trade, only drug- store In northwest Missouri town or sou; ftiso two best pieces of property, for good Im proved farm. Reason, want to retire from business. Addreaa Box 07, Blprclow, Mo. ' (31-MX0 2 EXCHANQK for diamond, be-t drlvlnpt horse In city: black, weiarht l.n.A with or without runabout. Inquire 1U3 Chlcnax) Bt., Bennett's Coal yard. (.D-M397 J3 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write ua. ' GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NUB. 14 M172 J2Jx THE Endless Belt Street Car Advertlalnn Device will make "Many Men Much Money;" every advertising card In the car passed slowly before the eyes of every puawnger In the car; device fully pro tected by patents either Issued or pend ing In all countries having street cars; a few dollars Invested monthly In ground floor syndicate shares will make you shamefully rich not quick but sure. If you care to be wealthy write for plan and free booklet well worth reading. Take a minute and' a postal card and ask CAR SIGN HEADQUARTERS. U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Net (4) M3M 30 BUSINESS CHANCE A well established confectionery and ice cream business In beautiful Colorado Springs, Colo.; a splen did chance for anyone who needs the benefit of climate. Address Business, 103 B. BIJou St.,Colorado Springs, Colo. (4)-M414 3x ROOMINO houses for Bale, from smallest to largest; can loan part purchase money. ' Osborne-Ilanaen Co., 441 Paxton block. (4) Ml J7 E. O. GANGESTAD can help you get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4)-306 DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Knleat, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (40)-S05 THIS IS A SNAP. Eighty acres in Missouri; will sell for cash or will trade; title good and no en cumbrance. M 636, care Bee. (3) M126 WANTED Quick, someone that would like to turn their spare time Into big money. Send 2c stamp to W. F. Co., Adams, Neb. (4) MB74 28x TO BUY OR SELL a business quick, write Hlldreth, 439 Brandets Bldg., Omaha. (4) M869 FOR SALE First-class restaurant and con fectionery combined; living rooms in con nection; town 6.000 population. Address lock Box 105. Higglnsvllle, Mo. (4) M242 2x FOR SALE Confectionery with factory; splendid opportunity In growing town of 7,000; Invoice $6,600. Add. Box 114, Roa well. New Mexico. (4) M241 2x FOR SALE Stock of hardware, invoicing about 14.500; will give liberal discount for cash If sold quick, or will take good, un improved western Nebraska or Kansas land, at actual cash value, as part pay anft balance in caah. Address Y 63, care . of Bee. (4) M807 JlOx ALL jjlnds of bargains In rooming houses; cash '.oaned If needed. Kelly & Stone. 220 Neville block; Douglas 4664. (4) M803 J1S FOR SALE CHEAP Stock of men a fur nishiiiKS and shoes; good reasons for sell ing out. Address D 412 Bee. (4) M179 30x FOR SALE Good, clean stock general mdse. In the best location in county seat town. Well established business. No tride; cwsh. Address 8. B. Homlck, Beaver City. Neb. (4) M204 Jan. 8x I WANT to- sll my saloon at Blue Hill. Neb., for cash only. I want to sell out on account Hill. Neb. of sickness. Box fit. Blue (4)-M2 Jan. 4x FOR SALE A good paying two chair bar ber shop and bath room in country town. D. V. Dominguex, Grimes, la. (4) M3O0 Jlx FOR BALE Good - livery stock in a lively 'town of 1.200; only $1,660, worth $1,800; good trade. Address C. H. Stnckrixle, Wood River, Neb. (4 M208 Six FOR BALE For cash, first-class restaur ant: best city In Oklahoma; nets $5,000 to $7,008 a year; sickness cause of selling. F. M. Houghton, Bartlesvllle, Okla. . (4)-M206 flx FOR TRADE 25.000 shares oil stock. What have you? 3120 S St., South Omaha. (0-229 lx GAS found and indications of oil on mv farm near Sourls. if interested to help neveiop prospects, aadresa the owner. H Dixon, Souris. N. D. (4) MS8 J3x FOR BALK Prug store in best town in aoumwesi lowa; best location In town doing splendid business: barcaln for quicK ouyer. Address Loch Box !. Tabor, la. (4) M387 J3x FOR SALE Mv part furniture and fur nishings in all modern 6o-room hotel. Balance of furnlture'-froes with leare. War in connection vto for sale. Only hotej In town of 2,6(i0. J,. P. Mnoney, Ml M.iM JZiX FOR SALE Ice cream, confectionery and lunch room; fine fountain and fixtures. mi new inu summer; doing good busl ness; town of S.OJO Inhahllnnts. south eastern ISebracka. five rallroarlv lr building; reasonable rent. Will sell cheap, can't stand indoor work, or w'll trade for farm Implements and stock In pnuiriftuuern jveDraska. Adiireoa Y2CS CareBee: (II M1t Mr BUSINESS DIRECTORY- Creameries. I'uviu luLt iniijaitKt Li)., successor (i-Sl Chattel I.ouns. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., SOI Bee Bldg. (5) smi Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1306 Farnam St. Doug. 6497 o)S10 Dentists. w. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (6191 Dresamaklaa;. t-Ai-E.Kir.rxi r.u aressmaker; sea-lnr by vmj iii laiiniT-i., k'juu wurit guaranteed Call evenings., Web. 1809. (3) M661 jux MME. WOODRUFF. Doug. 6170. 223 Neville. Tol, IS) A1367 Jll IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy, Tel. Harney IVI ... . . ' " (01 12 SHIRT WAISTS N. 20th. and party drerios. Mj oi MoS Jo M'IiOWKUi Dressmaking School, lrs Far nam im. (ai-91S Hotela. THE ECHl.ITZ, Eurcptan. Hih i ind Harney 101 li Florists. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1U Farnam. (S)- I HENDERSON. U.19 Karnam. Tel. D. m (61 117 J. . ba;4, wr: i:i (i in I" f Successful advertisers -xdvoccJc the use of BEE wait-3Lds taaBBQSBKEaQD BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Jeweler aad Watchmakers. N. P.- BTILLINfl Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2- Paxton Blk. Tel. 457. (5 14 Iiaekaaaltfea, KEYS, etc., Hefiln. 2974. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. &- Office apallee. FILING cabinets, files and ledfera, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co 306 8. 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas 6662, (6) M368 JI1 Maale aad Laagaagti. PIANO lesson Webster 22S2. In your home. 'Phone (M-443 Photon-ra ahem. TRUSSELlTIiS Bouth C. B. 16th St (a) 924 Shoo Repalrlaf RAPID SHOE REPAIR work. 1618H Capitol Ave, CO- first -diss Phone Red 994. (5) 925 SHOES repaired rlsiht. called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7567. tS)-M9? Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.', 4liN7 T. L, Tel. D. 1664 (5) 921 Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. 16) M7b4 J Prlatlas. EVER STOP TO THINK of the time 'ost poking up the average printer when you want a Job In a hurry? Ever try us? V ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. Printers and Office Furnishers, -312 South 19th St. "Phones: Bell, Douglas 5562; Ind., A1562. (b) M169 Jan25 BEFORE placing your 1908calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, lotn ana Capitol Ave. (6)-928 Safea, Shuttera, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, aoors and safes. G. Ar.dreen, Prop., 102 S. loth 8t. r (o- 9-1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. LADY AGENTS Big money easily made. Seven wonder toilet, preparations, sens . sight. Credit given. For full Informa tion address Western Supply Ci., (Drug Dept.) Genoa. Ills. (7) M261 Mx Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $50. Stenographer, $46. Stenographer, public work, salary paid by one client. Office clerk and telephone girl. $30. ;i.uti.-dm nra . nnMD ARSN. (Inc.). (7M404 28 Factory and Trades. WANTED A lady Oordon press feeder. Anchor fUD. JO., ovo a. wui oi. - tO M771 . Ilousekeepora ana Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Furnum St. Cook for Wyoming 30, and transportation Cook for small boarding house--$8. U.liia..muil1 ?fi I Cook and girls fot general housework $6 to $6. yi; muu in WANTED A housekeeper for a priest in the country. Keterences requireu. au dress Y 262 care Bee. (7)-M269 29x V.'ANTED Girl for general housework; family of four. Tel. .Harney isw. nwi wai lfornia. (7)-M795 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family of tnree. bee iupi. Buchan, room 1 Army Bldg., 2 to 4 p. m. (7) M183 WANTED Competent girl for .general 4M9 Cass St. (7)-M181 housework. Oood wages. Phone Harney 1061. . WANTED A good cook for private family; ' no laundry; must be reliable; also a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, 5i 3d St., Council U1UITB. ilav GIRL for housework; no washing, no cook ing. 1329 8. 31st Bt. ni--'i ix WANTED Two girls, an experienced cook and a laundress. Mss. A. u. iiranaeis, 8Xth and Dewey Ave. 'Phone Harney 776. (7) 234 27 WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages, email iam ily. Call on Mrs. Steel, 1318 So-. 3"th Ave. (7)-236 WANTED Second girl. Apply Mrs. Chas. Kountxe, 3915 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney u. (7) 370 29 WANTED An experienced cook In family. 1921 Cass St. to 3hi z WANTED Girl for general housework. (71-M396 J3 3012 Mason St. Mlecellaneoas. LADIES AND GIRLS to stamp "transfers at home; $1.60 to $2 doxen. 606 Paxton Blk. (7)-Ml9 29x W ANTED An old lady; good home and small wages. Mrs. J. W. Plymaie. New He!ena,Neb. (7) M411 3x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen In every Nebraska city fur specialty line. Goods guaranteed; demand increasing and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only. National bales Co., 427 Ramge Bldg., Omaha. (9)-Ms07 J4 AGENTS Key checks (30 designs) and stamping outfits supplied; sample, and par ticulars free. Hart Manufacturing Co., 1U2 Diamond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (9) M976 28x WANTED At onco 3 bright young men, who talk -well and who can work all or part of the day at outside work. Pleasant work and good pay to those who are willing to work. Cull and see Mr. Brown; 1113 Harney St., City. (9 M395 29 WANTED Linen salesman. Apply at once. Thompson, Belden & Co. (9) M390 3O Clerical aad Office. IF In need of a position see us. WESTERN REF. & BOND ABSN. (Inc.). 721-722 New York Life lildg. (9)-M405 28 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. V. KnlesU 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. ( WANTED Men to learn barber trade, will equip shop for you or furnish positions, few weeks completes, constant practice, careful instructions, tools given. Satur day wages, diplomas granted. Write fur catalogue. Mole r Barber College. 110 g. Htll St. (9) MS93 J2x at lacellaaoona. WANTED Railway mall clerks. $18 weekly; examination soon. Preparation free until appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. (9 M J92 'JX HUSTLERS wanted everywhi-re; $25 to ttO niHde weekly distributing circulars, over arcing outdoor ailvertlNln v. N -w ilmi. No ia ivusjiis. ki"n'in;i CVil-Dmr Adver tising Co., Chit ago. (I'l-iiv'.i J-U ' ' ' ' " I by using them year after year. HELP WANTED MALE Mlseellaneons Con tinned. U, B. Navy wants young men between ages of 17 and 16; men with special trariea accented un to IS years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, prac tically clear of llvkng expenses. Free illustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman." Visit or sddrees Navy Recruiting 8tatlon, Omaha. Neb. (1) M6SS Jan tx WANTED Several high grade, first class, experienced road saleemen, men who ran earn from $3.X to $5,0(10 a year; old and reliable jobbing house; staple line. Address Western Mnfg. Co., Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. . , (9)-M3S129x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Aas'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9) 244 Jans WANTED Yard msn for lumber and coal business, northeastern Nebraska town, about 1,000 Inhabitants; married man and German preferred. Address K767, Care Omaha Bee. (91 M378 30x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaoe aad Vehicle. ONE J-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come In. The Harney St. Stables. un-tm IMPORTED Percheron stallion for sale or trade on farm, WO acres with some im provements. L. B. 14, Marcus, Ia. (11) M167 30x GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha (U)-M707 J3 BARRED Plymouth Rocks Buy your Cockerels now, you get a better selection and cheaper than later. Also pedigreed Scotch Collie Dogs. W. 8. Russell, Ottumwa, Ia. tlD M1U8 30x SCREENINGS $1.28 per cwt. Wagner, 801 (1D-M315 m. mtn. A FEW R. C. Rhode Island Red cockerels will be sold for $1.00 each before Janu ary 1, 1908. D. W., Rich, Mt. Pleasant, la. (11) M203 31 x Cowi, Birds, Dogra aad Pets. FOR SALE If taken at once, four fine female Irish spnnlel pups. H. G. May bury, Nellgh, Neb. (11) M174 30x FOR 8ALE Four female ferrets. H. J. Paschal. 2600 S. 12th St., Co. Bluffs, Ia. (16) M140 28x PEDIGREED Scotch collie dogs ' (shep herds), best breeding; prices reasonable; half grown and .puppies for sale. Oak dale Farm. Neola, Ia nt) M186 90x SCOTCH collie -puppies; most fashionable breeding; price $10. When you want one write me. A. G. Rehse, Stewart. Minn. (ID M3M J3x LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hansen, upholstering and fur niture repairing. 1612 H. 24th. Tel W. 8296 . , (12) 909-J3 IF the gentleman who stole the box of jewelry from the residence at 3o26 Farnam street will return same he will be paid regular pawnbrokers rate and receive thanks from the owner. (12) M252 29x LOST Lady's pocketbook, December" 18 In Boston store; contained lady' gold watch and money; name on case; keep the money and return watch to Bee office. (12) M239 28x SMALL suit case at Union depot Saturday afternoon, December 21. Reward paid If returned at onco to 1S10S Farnam St. (12) 231 LOST In Hayden'a store, pocketbook containing $16 In currency and personal note for.$200. Liberal reward If returned to Mr. Jameson, Hayden Bros. (12) M3T7 28X MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnt 11 Drug Co , Omaha. (13) -933 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profosaors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answrred day or night. (13)-1 ANY poor girl In need of a frier.rt call or -write to tne matron oi me caivauon Army Hom for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Nh. 'I2t MKW MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS DO YOUWANT to start the NEW YEAR, right? Do yoa want to pay up your landlord, grocer, doctor or anyone you owe and pay all In one place? See the OLD OMAHA MORTGAGE; sixteen years here that means reliability. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance. (14)-371 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rates: perfect pri vacy and . Immediate attention, on any terms, payments suspended when strk or disabledT 214 Karbach Blk.. 209 S. Uth Bt (14)- Monev TO LOAN-LOW RATE in sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2304. LOAN COMPANY. (14)-8t0 UNION Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or aalary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 6:30. (14) (37 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PROEN1X CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 4B3 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 743. U4J 939 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy ments. Offices In C3 principal cities. Likn. room 714 New York Life Bldg. pay-Tol- (HI-MS FURNITURE, live stock salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room (, Barker Blk. (14) 943 CK.VTTEL, salary and atorage receipt loana Foley Loan Co.. VA Farnam St. (14)-9U NEBRASKA Credit Co.. 214 Hoard of Trade. 041 M419 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa; aad Rooama. VIENNA hotel: private dining rooms: cafe. (U 1-944 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (15 iH4 WARM, pleasant room, good table board, for two gentlemen; fine location. Tel. lied 6111. (16 lue NEWLY furnished front room with board, all modern cunveniunoes; home cooking, ltfil 8. 30th Ave. (16) ML'38 29 I TWO desirable rooms with board; every- nuns uw ana airiuuy niuucm, un iwv best car lines In city; fashionable distriot; prices "reasonable; for two or three people. 1S23 Wirt St. OS) M149 :1 -k SPECIAL Chrletinaa dinner at New Com mercial hotel: new management; roomers nil botirders solicited modern rooms, baths and heat at. best In the city; half pvtotfice,sSouth Omaha. (.i iw -a , block east. of. $23FWSBSBX3ttnBEU OFFERED FOR RENT Boar Hoosaa-Ce ELEGANT front room In modern flat on Hanscom Park car line; first class board. 3003 Pacific. (16)-M391 29 Famished Roe a a. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16C5. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16) 94 To GENTLEMEN, well furnlsnert southeast front room, with alcove; modern; private family. 702 8. 29th St. (16) M135 28 OMAHA VAN ft Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (U)-S47 FRONT ROOM, first floor, bedroom ad joining; desirable for two or more; also other rooms. 218 N. 19th. (16) M148 Six HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage, Expreaimen'a Delivery Co., lei. Douglas 884. (16) H9. FOR RENT A flrrt class front room In private family; bath, heat, light, tele phone; three blocks from Bee building. 703 8. 17th ave, (16)-M246 29x BOUTH front room In warm modern brick bouse for gentleman. 2208 Douglas St. (16) M246 2x FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping and sleeping, walking distance, modern, 2024 Webster St. (16) M755 31x LARGE warm room a, exceptionally rLsaa; modern; use of 'phone; five minutes' walk from postofflce; on car line; something fine; reasonable. 1919 Cas, St. (16 Mill NICE modern rooms for gentlemen. 113 S. 20th St. (15) 72 FRONT room with alcove; also single room; excellent table board. 123 B. 25th Ave. (16)-$66 3x I "THE ONLY SYSTEM." Saves your carfare, time, money and worry. See us, OMAHA RENT Alt COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3881. 808 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1S)-M107 28x LARGO, newly furnished, modern front room; private family. 2404 Capitol Ave. (16) M413 8x Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished, heated rooms for rent cheap. 1426 No. 17th. 05)-M165 30 FOUR roome Emmet St, for rent. all modern. 2115 (18) M118 28x BEAUTIFUL connecting rooms, modern house, everything new, 649 S. 28th Ave. Tel. Douglas 6646. (Is) 228 1 Apartments aad Flats. $18 7-room flat, bath and closet, opposite Storx brewery, corner 16th and Grace Sts. (16)-377 FOR RENT Five-room modern flat. 3118 Leavenworth. (15) M664 Hoasekeonlaa; Rooms. I TO 5 ROOMS, furnished. 1712 Jackson. (l)-MfS4 28X THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping, steam heat. 216 No.' 22nd St. (1 M226 J lx TWO, threo or four rooms, en suite, parlor floor; furnished or unfurnished; strictly modem. 600 S. 28th St. (16) 374 J2x FaniUhed Honaea. TO RErT Five-room furnished cottage, with 'furnace 4117 Charles St. (16) M258 29x Iloasea and Cottacea. 1624 Castellar, 7-r, mod $26 802 8. 29th, 7-r, partly mod 20 2210 Clark, 6-r, partly mod 18 2418 8. 16th, -r, flat 12.60 S603 Seward, 8 rooms 16 3207 8. 21st, 6 rooms 16 260S Decatur, 8-r, modern '20 2628 Cap. Ave.. 7-r, aH mod 26 9j0 N. 27th, 4-r. well 7.1) McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. (15)-M267 29 $20 per month, 2808 Miami St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. $25 per month, 2806 No. 24th St., 6 roojns, all modern. $25 per month, 1909 So. 27th St., 6 rooms, all modern; barn and large yard. $30 per month, 718 No. 30th St.. 6-room, new, modern cottage. $30 per month, 2d floor 2129 Farnam St., in excellent repair. $30 per month, 2123 California St., 7 rooms, all modern. $35 per month, 710 Park Ave., 8 rooms, all modern. $36 per month, 3136 Chicago St., 8 rooms, all modern. $45 per month, 304 So. 38th St., 9 rooms, modern, hard wood finish, laundry room. $45 per month. 2605 Dewey Ave., 7-room, new, modern flat; hot water heat, electric light, gas, shades, etc. GEORGE at CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (16) M399 2 CHEAP RENT-WARM HOUSES. 7-r. house, 3239 Evans $12.50 7-r. house, 4713 Davenport 14 CO 10-r. house, mod., 2918 Hickory 80.00 J. H. PARROTTE. 32J BOARD TRAD El (U)-ls 720, N. 23d, 9 rooms, all modern, southwest corner Burt; close to car and stores. 2201 Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat. 112 S. 28th Ave., city water; one block north of Farnam car; close In; 6 rooms. Near 36th and Ames, 6 rooms, new. 'Phone Douelas 2162 for others. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 New York Life Building. (15)-M896 4803 N. 24TH ST.. rooms, modern except furnace $22. 2504 Blondo, 8-room, all modern except fur nace $20. 604 South 27th St., 11 rooms, all modern 39i9 N. 23d St.. rooms. $18. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (15) M410 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 109 No. 20th St. Inquire 113 No. 16th St. C5)-775 EIGHT rooms. Tel. Harney, modern. 2863. 826 So. 20th St (15) M871 28x (-ROOM house and barn. 409 William St., In rear, $13; 8-room house, city water In kitchen, 1418 N. 24th St., $18: barn. 1414 N. 24th St.. $3. Chris Boyer, Ed and Cum ing. (15) M763 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, 1301 Douglas. tl4)-M REDUCED RENTS. 1841 No. 24th, 4-r $13 5310 No. 25th Ave,, 7-r 15 TL'RRBLL & CO., R. 17, Patterson Bldg. (15)-M22U FOR RENT 9-room modern brick resi dence. 1126 B. Slat St: $35.00. Thomas Brennaru Room 1, New York Ufa Bldg. (15) M146 8-room house n.odern throughout, location the best in town. 216 S. 86th Ave. Tele phone Douglas 1866 for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemanu. (15)-MSaJ TTMTTQTfQ In all parts of the city igh Sons at Co.. Bee BUlg. 1 uaaa FOR RENT Seven-room modern house, furnished. Apply 4520 No. 2lt 8t. (U M3X2 30x One six-room house $25.00 One six-room house 22 50 One six. room house 17.50 All of above houses are modern except furnace. W. H. THOMAS. 60$ FIRST NATIONAL BANK BIJ. (15) M79 30X FOR RENT- -2222 N. , lAOO. 7-room 19th, 8-room, modern flat, modern except brick houi 1 th'j& Farnam, beat. I (J IAS. l L . SAUNDERS, 2U 8. 18th Bt. 06) M 100 OFFERED FOR RENT Iloasea and Cettaaes Con tinned. Maggard Van ft Storage Co., 1711 Webster. (14) 960 FOR RENT North 24th St, six rooms, modern except, furnace. $.2. (16) 16? irrkTTOT'a m a'.l parts of the city. Peters iivuouo11Jit t;o., N y. Life Bldg. FOR RENT. 2cth Ave. and Prrague, six rooms, nicely papered, new, daring winter. $1. 2017 Miami, five rooms, modern, with barn, $25. C. O. CARLBERG. Ml N. T. Life Rldg. (16) M4 HOUSES, insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 960 FOR RENT l-ronm cottage; good cellar; east front; south part of city; $12 00 per month. C. M. Pachmann. 416-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 26.19. (15) 284 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-M618 6-ROOM modern house. 716 Hickory St., also 6-room, 712 Hickory St. Inquire 307 So. 17th , St. (16)-8T9 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, 414 North 81st St., $:. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New Tork Life Building. (16-t6 WALKING DISTANCE TO CITY MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT. 2606 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, strictly modern, hot water heat, oak finish, elegantly dec orated, vacant now. Can offer special Inducements to desirable parties taking bouse at thin season. Key at office, 443 Board of Trado Bldg. R. H. LANDERTOU, TEL. DOUO. 2151. (15)-376 28 FOR RENT Brick house 1617 Dodge St., 9 rooms. Apply Elmer J. Neville, 301-2 Ne ville Blk. (15) 363 :i: FOR RENT S-room cottage. 20th and Har ney Sts. Apply Elmer J. Neville. 801-2 Neville Blk. (16) 364 23x 6-ROOM modem except heat, $17. 1462 8. inn. ivey iv a. iitn. tiui ix 2910 8. 24TH ST.-8 rooms; modern. Tel. Red 2T60. (15)-365 lx 10-room, thoroughly modern house, In Kountze place, $60 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (16)-M4O0 29 1731 VAN CAMP AVE 7 rooms, water and gas, $16. Apply 34ol So. loth St. (16)-M413 Balldlnsis. WHOLESALE LOCATION. 8-story and basement brick building at northwest corner of 11th and Harney Sts, 66x66 feet, about 25,000 square feet of floor space. Bee us lor terms or lease. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. (16) M401 29 RETAIL LOCATION. Farnam St. entrance of Peoples Store; larare show window. 44 feet frontage, store room 60 feet In depth; lease for 3 to 5 years, on very reasonable terms. GHORGB It CO.. 1601 FARNAM 8T. (W-M402 29 Offlcea. , FOR RENT. Two fine, large office suites in the Con tinental block, choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. (15)-78S FOR RENT Office room No. T, Crounse block (opposite postofflce) $8 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, I51S Dodge Ku 05)-MS76 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office. City Hall Bldg., 417 N. 25th St, South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 GROUND floor office in Bee building for rent. Very cheap. Peters Trust Company. " (16) 218 t $35 per month, 2127 Farnam St., large pt-- room, nicely decorated, cement base ment, per month for small store room near 1 .. nd Farnam Sts., can lease to March 1. 1912, $luo per month for 1611 Howard St., store room aoxso leet, gooa nasonieni, an niceiy decorated, and in excellent repair. $100 per month for 2024 Farnam St., new store room 22x100 ft., lease 1 to 3 years. We also have another good locution for a small manufacturing concern near lAlh and Farnam Sts. GEORGE & CO., 1C01 FARNAM ST. tl5)-M403 29 STORE room, southeast corner 12th and Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 6639. 8-STORY and basement, 22x100, 1003 Far- nam. Apply 3. rirsi jnbii onim dib. (15) M5i7 ONE store room In new Scargo Bldg. In South Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern, show windows and awnings: best possible location. Hall Dis tributer Co.. 317 First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 740$. (15)-962 WHEN you write to' advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE Feaelnal. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing to per foot. 206 N. 17th Bt. Tel. Red 814, (16) 963 V Fwraltaro. ALMOST new Btelnway grand piano, library table, mahogany chefnoner, rock ing chairs, sanitary couch. Singer sewing machine, rugs; must be aold; owner leav ing city. 'Phone Douglas 6T2. (1 M147 Six SEVERAL plecea of furniture, including almost new gas stove with elevated oven. Bargain it taken this week. Selling to save storage. 601 So. 28th St. (16) M237 29x FURNITURE of ten rooms for sale, all or Dart: nouse ior renu x-o . ov. rPhone Red 69s 6. (in) ina six FOR SALE 1 baby's bed, high chair and go-cart, 1 good steel range and gas range. 609 S. 26th Ave. (16)-M4u6 29x IMaaoe, Orgaas, Musical Instrasaeate. buyYour Christmas Piano AT SCHMOLLER & MUEL ER'S And Save From $75 To $150.00 New Uprights $147, $169. $213 and up L'sed Uprights 65, 85, 90 and up Square Planoa 20, 85. 45 and up Organs 8. 12, 13 and up $5 to $10 cash and $3 to $5 monthly. THIS WKEK'S Sl'EClAL BARGAINS. Mahogany Upright $ 6$ J. P Hale Upright 90 Kimball Upright U6 Norwood Upright..... 1-5 Emerson Upright lud Also a faw bargains in used Stt-lnway, Knabe, Kranlch & Bach and Steger planus. Mason Hamlin, Katey, Packard, Storey & Clark and Kimball organs at $10, $15, $J0 and up. We rent, tune, move and repair pianos. SCHMOLLER AND MUELLER riANO CO. 1311 and 1313 Farnam BU Tel. Doug. 16ii .16 MOU PIANO with Angelus player, first-class con dition, good as new; will sell for less than half pi ice. ISA Farnam St. (16)-842 Janl9 Typewriters and ewlaaj Macalaea. FOR SALS High grade' second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at lux Call room 6U3. Bee Bldg. (16) 671 VV HEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but sn extra stroke or two of the pea to nient'on the fitha yqu saw the ad to Ihe BeN OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued. I H Iseellaaeoaa FOR SAIBl.BnO feet H tieewnfl-riejia wtrf) cable. W. li. Bridge, engineer Be Rldg, O6) M4M a ( JCMA9 prscwnt, RdpatlV Hintory Fntl, . b. iaa ttrvi rt.I ii"" 7 a 1 monthly payment. MefMth't Ptat CH 0f M HI) Jl FOR CHRISTMAS Gas and Electric Table Lamps Largest assortment in the city Always acceptable nivea too many Buy now Dolivej when ready. "AfteMIolidayi Prices." First Come First Choice. ' BURGESS-QRANDEN CO, j 313 So. 15th. C1IW4S SEND US your mall freight paid on $10 Drug Co.. Omaha. orders for dmgs lota. . Myera-Ullon a-s DRITOS at rut prices: freight paid on til $11 orders; catalogue free. Sherman tt Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (1-4T71 SCIIULZE & BLATTER? Newsdealers and Stationers, Subscriptions received for any periolloal published. A large variety of Chris mo and new year cards. Ill Bo. Uth BU Tel. Red 4I. (18)-MJ FOR SALE New and second-hand blllard and pool tables. We lead the worS In cheap bar fixtures; easy payrmnts. Brunswlok-Balka-Collendar, 407 B. 10ti St. 1(V4M FORi 8ALE 8everal show cases, newpea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two arge automatic oil tanks and store fixture too numerous to mention. Globe Lend ami Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (18)-tiS HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale; re tail. Sherman ac McCnnnell Drug Co., leth and Dodge St., Omaha Neb. (161-M3 SECOND-HAND overcoats and flreems. Singer, 41S N- 16th. (16-73 IRON SAFE, nice site, suitable for stce or office, tM. 308 North 16th. (1)-M78.J1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best Uxed paint. Sherman ft McConnell Dru Co. O'l)-9T0 FOR 8 ALE Genuine Monrry Slec Marie Antoinette clock set; very -are; Imported from Paris; splendid rove, ment; beautiful silver chimes; decoated In blue and gold; will sell very neap. Address S 756, care Bee. , (16) M12t!8x ABOUT 20 tons 16-lb. steel rails ad II dump csrs; 1 yards' capacity: U In good shape; will sell cheap. Addrss K 721, care Bee. (16) M78B9x HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hanL 1818 Fanam. . , (161-777 HAT $6 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lfith. 08V775 PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL, patent attorney at ma chine designer. Faxton Blk. Tel. Re 7117. OTr97 LARSON A CO.-Book free. Bee 31dg. 117976 PATENTS THAT PROTECT I nooli for Inventors rnalled on receipt o'f 6a potage. R. S. A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-89 lelfle Bldg., Washington, D. C. Establish 1869. (I7n PERSONAL IDEAL hair parlors, 204 Neville Blk. Uth and Harney. Tel. Douglas V186. W)-M2SS Ec31 A SATIN skin secured by using SatliSkln Cream and Satin Skin Face Powde 2pc. .)- A GENTLEMAN, (single Owning1- and running a fine home in the city ltd competent, reliable help . wishes two other gentlemen (single) to JoUlwItli him and share expenses equally tooul $50 each per month); object, aaigt class home for each man at moer-ne expense; only high-class men coujered (prferably college men); best of eer ences given and required. AddreaaD 611 Bee. U8i-18u7 IF the gentlemun who stole the Ix of jewelry from the residence at 3525 rtnam Btreet will return same he will b paid regular pawnbroker's rales and tcetve tliaiiKU from the owner. ,(18) M2J29x TV JT A n'MTT,.rrTr,'"stment and batb.Mme. Smith. 11S N. loth, d fir. (18-S6J TOUNO WOMEN coming to Oraii as strangers are invited to visit thefoung Women's Christian Association roos. 1514 Farnam St.. where they will be cectej to suitable boarding places or otlrwin assisted. (11-918 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by inij cut prices. Sena ror iree catalogue. iyer Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits ist-off clothing; In fact, anything you o not need. We collect, repair and seltat 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collectings thH worthy po-r. Call 'phone. Doug. 45 and wagon will call. (J 786 WE RENT, repair, rell needles t" old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle C Cor. lvth and Harney. (I)-) PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOM Mra Dr. King. 1X4 N. 24th. TeL W Sffil (1 9S1 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, tamgj Building. 0-82 MRS. ANNA SKVOR desires tr know whereabouts of her son AdoiphSkvor. Address her at Caldwell, Kan., re of , R. T. Simons. (18) K15 29 GENTS' and ladles' costumes. 83111. 20th. gack. (18) liS iiiSl'x Lieben, costumer, 1410 Howard, orn eve. O 120 REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE! DEALKRf PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st door N. T Llfa Douglas usi. JNO. T. BARTLETT. 221 1 1st Nat Bldg. nirriRaH! at COMPANY. 1 1601 Farnam. Tel. Do!ii M PETERS TRUST CO.. N. T. Ufeldg ft) VoJ CITY PROPBHTY FOB SA MAKE YOUR IIOME'iX KOUNTZE PLACE A BEAUTIFUL PLAC1 TO LIVE No better location In the city covenlcnt to inree car uii - paved, which makea It pleasant . II yeir round, winter and aummer; mavy fine, This addition Is located between ait-rmnn avenuu anu aim lm-usi. km r" ney. More new houses are being suit 'In Kountse Fluce tlian in any otnr aau' tlon In the. city. Over itV of wnalia's bevt families are now living In Counts 1 place. Prices of lots are more runs "li able than in any other part uf-oe city, considering the same class of lopruvi mints and surroundings. ( YOU CAN BUY GOOD LOTS - 50x124 FEET. FROM $750 TO $1,(X0 Call for our booklet of KOL'NTZq PLACE UOKS. we will be piedseu snuw you around any time. HASTINGS & IIEYDIN, 1704 FARNAM ST. BEt: BL'LDINa t