Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha iv,t',rn a-""--
riaa maMer,
ir-WM nr nt-nwuirrioM:
tir p. Hhiii n.itiir, ' 2?
f.aliv ) snd Kunlur, nn """
ir,d tn rr ...i J2
i,r'Ir 1f tm nr a n nt gn ;
fially lie llnelndlng -inIr. Pr "'"- J1
(ally lie wini) Shiridari, f week vm
Kf Me fwllh'itil 'itder. P
f.vMr. Me (with "under, a' j'P"
Adlr.aa mi r-irnplalnfe "t Irregularities
In delivery to ( lr f.lrnilallnn Department.
Omaha-The Hulldifig.
lh Ofnal.e- 1 Vf Mall l.lll(1ln.
O.uriHI llnfT I feM (.
lilmi'i- KM nlfll lliillfllng.
rw rrrkIM Mom Mr lntirnr
t Mullein
ulMIng .
Washington- 7 FnurtMh H'rest H. W,
f7.mmunleslliis relating in tisws and adl
f r.rlnl matter ehmttd b addressed, Oroii
H, Kdltorlsl Department.
flamlt by draft, efpraa or postal order
.rM l The ll Publlahlng frimpany
ftiily I rent Dlmni'i tanelved In payment r
t r. 1 1 a mints I'arsnfial hecks, sepl nn
limilii or eastern aiohanga, nl arrptu.
flll of Nebraska. Pmigla Cmioty.
Charles r, n..wir, general manager
nf Urn lie ruhllalilng Company, "
duly sworn, aaya thst th actual bum bar
nf full and eoniplet cni.le nf 'I'll I 'J'l'i
Morning. Kvanlrig and Nunday
(luring th miMilh Of Nuviiibr. IP'7, waa
a follows;
Tot si .
utno'd n1 rvtuVtiod rn'l. 10,1m
1 Not Tntftl 1,1
liny vr 17,10a
Uartaml Maimanr.
I Mii1i'rM1 In tiy prrir and awnrn to
, bafura ma Ihla li u iHwwmhar, linfl.
: Nuurr 1'ubilo.
which out or TOWN. ,
kaerlbera leavlna Ife vtr Im
Morarllr aol4 Tfca
Mtalle4 t kM. A4raa will h
ekaae aa oMa aa riat4.
llopo you got exactly what you
Wall atreet nmia nttia inaaaura in
fgambllng with Ita own money.
I A (lalnaborouHh hna been aold In
ti'lttatiurg for 130,000. It la a picture,
'iii t a hat.
"I)o wa worahlp goldT" aaka Hena-
or "ltnli" Taylor of Tenneaaea. At a
hlatancn only, of late.
I Kour battloahtpa allll remain on thn
' I Unt ie coaat and that aeema to bo
iunt four morn than are needed.
The three lettera, "w," "h" and "y,"
nay prepare for their buay aeaaoa
;Vu Ting-fang baa uUd for the United
J It may hava been notloed that all
iliO proteala agalnat the nomination of
,lr, Itryan for a third tlmo ronie front
iemocratlc aourcea.
Dr. Smith of the I'nlreralty of Mtn-
tcnotA advocate drunkenneaa na a
jure for monotony. Htlll, drunkenneaa
ay bwom monotonoH. -
I "Why ran w hot hava froth egga?"
ka a Chicago pnper. Why not tell
iur troublea to Secretary WUaon or
t the hen Inalead of making them
t. "Senator Ilatley threatvna to rcalgn
"jk eek vindication In a re-election,"
tya a dUpatch frota Waahlngton. Sen
ior bailey knowa .how to mak
After tb Omaha Realx Kalate tx
, tanja declarea Itaclf for or agalnat
atl aavlnga bank, there will b
"thlng left for congreaa to do
fowt It.
' Knnaker Cannon la roMll,l with
1 jnktng th rulea of th house, but
j rue or the atunta ther ar pulled on
Idcr rule laid, dow n by the marqula
J UuiHntbuiy.
' ' A true Ira been called In th Ken
liky tobacco war and Kentucktana
gu fe'l that they mint excrcUe their
ggcr flngera will have to revive aom
. their old feud.
. .... .i . ,
aChancrUvr Andre will be back
erne In tltne for the atate teacher
feting, when will hikve another
;nce to talk out Jot J purely for
ti,bltcatlon mirpoece, '
j"l there anything wrung with the
wr double egleT? . aK the New
,fik World. Nothlair,' perhaim. but
OB fact that they cot !4 ech and
Pat folk a can't afford tbom,
; W .
vcnator Jeff tvla returned to Ar
tana to rct tut a month after mak
trt tila maiden ieh tn th aenate.
r"i haw felt confident tbat eome gxnM
i u1t w o.l J follow the making of that
A bill haa been offered In congee
tvldlng for experimental work on
tain rurat delivery route to tet th
racy of the Htrvtla iwl ln. Th.
re eonblneV deea.jftot believe In
h ex:eriniint. . ,
Wnator IVller aa the ivnvr bo
t Will not overvbre the vlaliing
egate tohe democratic convention,
h tVnver botel men are not boggtah.
y wtM bw refte-tly Mtried to C1-
from the delegate th Mmc rate
) cvac: tiv4 inert, tout tat
fttn xav nnnrnt.ttni
A wrHr wlfh Rrlavanr mka (h
fiMtknl rharta In I b furrfit urn-
Mr f MrCliirn' maKHtln that lh
t'nliril Rf(v ny, tmllt at r-t of
aomnffilnc Ilk 1 1 60,000,000, la ao f)-
fnt(a In Ita ronatrurllon that It la
praflraU wnrlblnaa. Thi aatlior taa
fairly out-lona all iti fnodafa rifK.l
ff mtif krakra, In th matter rf mak
ln ntlonal rharta, and hla
brK" ar fairly rnrtaln l mada
lha aubjrt nf on of ttioa populac
ahd rfin almond affair know aa "a
ftngrajalonal Inquiry."
l-andlubbara will hav om 1lf-
flrtilly In apprcrUtlnft-' th full nrtnnt
of lh rhargna, aa much nf thn ar
raignment la rotichad In inl-tw hnlcal
tarma. It la'clfar, hownvrr, If thm aa-
aartlona am trun, that th battlfahlpa
In too lw In that atr4 th armof
(ilatff la not on In th rlaht plac, th
euna ar not In th propnr (loaltlona,
hn ammunition holata ar tmi. mur.h
Mppand to aparka, I ho amoknMfacka im
tor) hllth, tlm portholra aro too lar((
and, In fart, nearly "Mrythlna: appara
to ! wronc In our fluttdnv ahlpa and
nolhlnx to bt rlaht. .
Nothing In th rntord Indlratfa that
thn author of th charcna la connnrtod
with any conat ruction firm that haa
fallnd to accura rontrarta, although
almllar rhargfa hav bnn offprint 1m-
iiicdlntnly aftnr tha Inttlng of nearly
vry ronatrurllon contract. No two
natlona and no two export nitrcn upon
thn moHt ilnalrahla typo of th fighting
ahlp, Ix-fnrta ara pointed out tn all
typca, and It ta'pc-rhnpa hut fair to hour
th other I1 boforw Jumping to th
rriiicl imion that "Klghtlng Hob" fSvana
la heading a mimic fleet on th rrulH
to the Purine, Tho fart rciimlna that thn
American navy haa never fulled to give
good account of Itaclf In time of
action and tho averngn layman will
rontlnua to pin hla faith to th Amer
ican manned battlcahlp without atop
plng to aak If tta armor la on atralght.
Hpeaker Cnnnon la taking no
hancea Of allowing 'th tariff revlM-
lon aetitlment, which h admit la
growing throughout tho country, to
find any expreaalon through the com
Inltteea of the preaont congreaa, In
hla aelertlon' of commltteea that will
have charge of the Tarloua bllla re
lating to queatlotta of party policy, the
apeaker haa exerclaed the greatat
car in giving place to member aita-
pected of leaning toward tariff revla-
lon. Hla determination la thl direc
tion la atrlklngly ahown tn the reor
ganliatlon of the waya and mena
committee, which paaaca upon Mall
tariff leglalatlon and all bllla affecting
the federal .revenue. The three va-
canclea on that committee have been
filled by the appointment of Calderhcad
of Hunan, Bonynge of Colorado and
Fordney of Michigan, three of the
moat ardent atandpattera In congreaa.
All three of the member are In
favor of retaining the duty on. Philip
pine augar, aa they repreaont district
where beet cugnr manufacturer have
atrong Intereata. Th aenate haa
trumped the apeaker'a hand by reor
ganise the aenate committee on Phil
ippine affair by the addition of three
aenatora who are known to be atrongly
antagonlatlc to the administration'
Philippine policy.
The reorganlaatlon of the commit
tee on agrlcutture promises alao to
reault In a decided check to' the adop
tion of aome of the administration'
poltclea relating to foreat rcaervea. en-
Torcement of the pure food law and the
extension of the ijowera of the Depart
ment of Agriculture In mattera of aotl
experimentation and educational and
clentlflc work. Speaker Cannon ta
oppoaod to the Appalachian land re.
'err, and haa peralatently ridiculed
th work of the aclentlata of ttrtrDe
partment of Agriculture. P? placing
atx new member ou tbla committee,
the apeaker baa made It potalbl to
block effort for auch moiire recom
meoded by th prealdent A a re
ault of the reorganUatlon of theae com
mittee, only by aroualng congreaa to
the point of overriding the apeaker'
opposition can any aubatanttal pro-
greaa b expected In the way of new
leglalatlon at thta aeaalon.
Houlliera deoHH-ratlc ladr tn Waalilnv
ton are Joining with northern cunsrrvaltv
1rmorrta to fram a nallenal plat form
tor I. And thla plalform to quota- (muo
(ha prvaa rpot't"wtll rcuillae aovrrn
meitl ownrrahtp of railway, lh InltlaUva
and r(riMOim. and olhr radical oll la
for which Mr. Hrjan atandaj lorrlng Mr,
Hryan either lo aland en Ihla lalfortn er
Id rvfua a nominal Ion. -t'tiK-n to inter
Ooean. t
It democratic leader aro figuring on
any auch contingency. a. the darnv-
crattc national convention aa here de
ecribed they are counting without their
boat. Ther ta aa much likelihood of
Mr. Pryan being forced to atand n a
cohavrvatlv platform or refuae th
nomination aa there la of the audden
appearance of a comet wtth aeven Ulla
The altuatloi on the democratic aide
ct the political fence ta and ha been
tor eout time mat or a one-man itiow
Herring unforeseen accident between
now and th time act for promulgating
the democratic presidential ticket, Mr
Bryan I not only an re to be nominated
at iVnver, but also cure to write ht
own platform. Aa a matter of fact, be
baa already written hla own platform
subject to modification to fU auba
4ent change, and thl platform w
pat out latt fall with the ball mark of
the Nebraaka democratic i.taie cnveo
Thit platform, constructed under the
pereonat upervWion of Mr. ' Pry
dom not repudiate nvcrnment owner
ship of railroad or the lattlattve aad
referendum, or any wtbr radical
policy tor which Mr. lUn atanJs
nt It I diplomatically allent on thea
uhjef ta. It put out a bait for the
abor vote by declaring la favor of an
Ight-hour day, national and atate
board of arbitration, and against
overnment by Injunction. It Invite
uppoft of the Paclfle coaat atatea by
ppoalng th admlaalon of Aalatle eml
ranta. It demand Immediate tariff
revlalon, popular election of United
flfatea aenatora and additional legisla
tion "to make It Impossible for a
private monopoly to exist In th United
Ktatna," defining a private monopoly
o b a roncern controlling more than
0 per cent of the product ronatimed
n the United Hlate. It advocate a
atlonal Income tax and a national In
erltanr fag and an Independent gov-
rnment for th Philippine under a
protectorate almllar to that of Cuba.
With the Nebraska platform of 1907
vallabl for ready reference, demo
cratic leaders throughout the country
need not be long at aa as to what
their national platform of 1901 will
look Ilk.
' i.kavk to rmnr' abvukb t
Two succeeding Issues of the es
teemed C'ongreaalunal Record furnish
forcible Illustration of on of the ex
pensive farcea perpetrated In rongreaa
o enable member to get their pent up
wisdom and eloquence before their con-
tltuenta. It baa been a custom for
many yeara, for a member, after briefly
ddresslng hi colleagues, to ask and
receive "unanimous consent to extend
my remarka In the Record. " Under this
uslom, a one-intnute speech fre-
uently appears In the llecord covering
acorea of pngea. Theae speeches have
ever been delivered and often contain
matter that would hav arouaed a
storm of protest had they been spoken.
tn the last daya of, the congress In
he spring of 1904 Mr. Mc.Clonry, u
member of the bouse from Mlnneaota,
secured one-mlnut'a tlmo In the
course of a debate and "extended In
the llecord" 'remark which covered
early 100 pages of that publication'
nd formed one of the chief documents
f tho literary bureau campaign of his
party. This apparent abuse or privi-
ege arouaed so much protest that since
hat time "lenve to print" haa been
granted charily.
Put another presidential campaign
a on and thn old tactlca are again be
lt g employed. Mr. Wallace, a demo
cratic member of th house from Ar
kansas, holds the new record. Mr.
Wallace secured ono minute of the
house time the other day and the Con
gressional Record makes thla report of
his use of It:
Mr. ftpeaki-r: On tit auhjact of th tariff,
t aak Icava to extend my remark In th
The Bpraker; Without objection, It 1 so
Mr. Wallace: On the aubjert of luliert-
anflva and lnootiin taxes, I aak leave to ex
tend my remarka In the Record.
The Bpeaker: Without objection, It la eo
ordered. '
Mr. Wallnca; Highway Improvemanta
and their control. I aak leave to extend my
remarka In th llecord. ' '
Tha Hpeaker: Without objection, It la so
ordered, daughter.)
The Issue of the Congressional
Record for the following day contained
three apeechea by Mr. Wallace, cover-
ng aome thirty pagea of the Record,
each with "(Loud applause)" prop
erly scattered through them. Theae
apeechea will be sent through the malls
by the thousands, under franks, and
made a part apparently of an enliven
ing oratorical stunt-on the floor of the
houae. They will probably appear aa
a part of the democratic campaign lit
erature next year and will do their part
In atamplng Mr, Wallace aa one of the
house spellbinders. Their algnlflcaare
appears only In their Illustration of
the ridiculous method adopted by con
gresamen to delude their constituents.
Federal statistic dealing with Amer-
lca'a foreign trade offer explanation of
the rea&tneaa with which American
banker obtained gold from foreign
count rle during the recent financial
flurry. For tbe eleven month ended
with November, our export to foreign
countries were valued at $1,717,150,-
000, a big Increase over laat year and
a new mark In trade in our favor
While th gain waa largely due to Wie
export of American farm products, at
enhanced prices, the detailed figures
show that Increase, were made in all
lines of manufactured products, and,
had Importa not been ao exceptionally
large, the balance of trade In Amer
Ica'a favor would be double what It
ever was before. It I estimated tbat
the total International trade for the
year, ending with December, will be In
excess of $S.OOO.OOO,000, a record
never before reached.
The financial flurry waa felt prtncl
pally In tbe Imports, which showed a
remarkable decrease tn November, that
month being the smallest of th year,
Owing to tbe Increased exports and
the decreased Imports, the trade bal
ance In favor of the United States, at
the end of November, for the eleven
montha of the year, waa estimated at
$ JS5.000.00o, a decrease as compared
with laat year, owing to th Increase
tn exports, but still a balance auf
ficiently large to meet all demands of
Kuropean holder of American aecurl
tie. In dividend and tntereat payment
and still furnish American banker
wtth a atrong credit. It 1 estimated
that our trade balance at th end o
the ear will b about IUO.000,000
certainly a substantial margin.
Tbe democratic city council ha
struck a au.tdea ep-m of retrench
ment, wbtcb la manifesting Itself In
the abolttton of several superfluous
city ball job. In another month, k aw
ever, the new tax levy for l08 will
be available, and this tax levy will
give the council more money to speed
than any councl tbat baa ever pre
ceded It. Troat the democratic city
eouocllmeo then to find waya and
means for tapping the city treasury
and distributing the staff among the
The official apportionment of repre
sentation in the democratic national
convention gives the territories and
Porto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, and the
District of Columbia each all dele
gate, which la equal to the number
of delegate allowed to atate like
Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and North
Dakota. The democratic national con
vention will be worse overweighted
than the republican national conven
tion, which allows these nonvoting dis
tricts only two delegatea each.
The acquittal, under Instructions
of th presiding Judge, of the election
officer who was Indicted by the grand
ury for alleged Illegal voting at the
laat year' primary election puts an
other puncture in the annual outcry
of the defeated about th fraudulent
election work In thla city and county.
It la easy to talk about ballot manipu
lation, but suspicion la not broof.
Mayor "Jim" haa suddenly waked
up to a realization that Omaha la In
danger of being "put on the bum."
wnat has become of that famou Back
bone of which Mayor "Jim" boasted
so loudly when he was asking for
vote during the last city campaign?
Isn't' it part of the mayor's duty to
prevent Omaha from being "put on
the bum."
The Chicago Hoard Of Trade baa ex
pelled h member who pleaded in de
fense of a suit brought agalnat him by
a commission firm that tho transaction
over which th suit arose was gam
bling. The Chicago Hoard of Trade
does not countenance ' gambling, at
least not to the point of pleading It as
a defense In court.
The Injunction ault "to teat the val
idity of the new county comptroller's
office" has been aet for early hearing.
We were under the Impression that
the courts had decided over and over
again' that a man'a title to office could
not be tested by Injunction, but must
bo challenged by quo arranto pro
ceedings, i
The United States supreme court
has entered formal order denying the
appeal of the OmahaWater board In
the water rate rase. The paid attor
neys for the Water board have, bow
ever, kindly softened tbe blow by tell
ing ua In advance that they had lost
their case before It wan taken up for
Mayor "Jim" has been appointed
by ChatrrjUn Taggart on' the special
committee to supervise the detailed
arrangements for the democratic na
tional convention at Denver. Mayor
Jim" will aee to It that1 the seat pro
vided for each delegate" is provided
with a pommel on which to hitch tbe
Manufacturers In the Iron and steel
Industries announce that they will re
sume work with full forqes after Jan
uary 1. If true, this wllj prove to be
tbe worst news possible for tbe demo
cratic campaign managers'.
The Japanese are said to have In
vented a typewriter which will record
3,254 words a minute. It may be pos
sible, after all, to ratch everything Mr.
Bryan says In one of bla speeches with
out resorting to shorthand.
The police board have been wrest
ling with tbe Gibson law for two
months, apparently only to make way
for a second round In tbe courts. In
the meanwhile, the lawyers thrive on
this aort of litigation.
Senator Tillman blnta that he is go
ing to use his pitchfork on Senator
Guggenheim, The Colorado senator
Will not be scared. He baa lived for
eara In the ame atate with Senator
Thomas M. Patterson.
Germany is making a frightful pro
test because Its coal trust has advanced
prices 10 cents a ton. If the coal trust
In this country added but 10 cents a
ton It would expect a vote of thanka
for its moderation.
A Haerr ThoacM.
New York Bun.
It ts a happy thousht of Mr. Bryan's to
make tha democratic national convention a
tamily affair.
Haa Haark mt DIvlaTaiaa.
Dividend of lls,00o.o.X to be paid cut
next month will make th monetary
eirinfinr)- wonder mtlr It haa any ex-
lfience orin mentioning.
Haw Dm Tala Saaaal at Falrvlawf
Boalon Tranarrtnt.
"A greater ataleaman than Rooaevelt and
a greater laayer than Oereland" ta the E.
Benjamin Andrea eetunat of )o error
lluahea. How does that eentiment appeal
to another eminent rltlaen of Nebraaka?
Aetl'lttea at Ka-Pral4aa.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
On a of the r. -port a ta that Mr. Rooeevelt
a ill hunt liona tn Africa. It ta a melan
choly thing to hav only man who haa held
tha high office of prvaident. or at the moat
two. It la a shocking indication of mor
tality lu high place. We ahould hav-
plenty of ea-prilenta, and thus keep th
hlatvry of the republic allv aa long a
possible. TV. lion la an enemy to our form
ot government.
Oarelaaaaeaa aa alaagatvrj
Philadelphia Reoord.
A railroad official. Indited fr criminal
neglect of djty la conaectvoa with a rail
road wrack that coat twenty-three Uvea
haa ber discharge by th court befor
a kick on trial, on th ground that
K could Mot be held criminally reapon
aibl. The wry nr&t day aeveral hundred
men wer sacrificed I a nio exploaton.
The terrible aoridenta will continue until
men ar puroetMsl for tkenv The they
atll becom lnhtgwl,
hit or WAatitiTO i.irr.
Mlaae aeaaal laelaeale Sfceleaea
at tha Capital.
Congreaaraao Victor Mur4nk nf Ka-
aaa la a nea-spaperman hy Iralrln and
vocation, and carrlea Into puMlc affalra
th reportorlal method nf digalng ti th
hot torn nf things. It waa ha Wtio. rtuflns
tha laat eeaalnn nf rongreaa, under T
rolls of red tape, mtiaty aeallng waa and
faded, duaty paper a. unearthed Ihe fart
that lha pnalnffloa department waa divid
ing- aeven daya weight of mall hy alx In
find a ao-call"d "average." By bringing
to bear preaaure to atp Ihla ha aaved
tha government aomelhtvig over asro.wi
nnually. Mr. Murdoch's latent find ta
that tha government In placed on de
poalt tn varlotia atatea 7x.'e.0"'). and thai
th atatea hava never returned any nf II.
ifow did ymi happen ! run on lhat?"
someone asked Mm.
"Oh," ha replied, "hy Jnat looking Into
aoma of thoaa old muaty Mark hooka
hli h nobody la auppn"1 lo loot f Into."
John Bharn Williams told Oeneral
Bherwood that ha would b placed on tha
military affalra commit tee.
iH.n't do that." beggod the veteran
from Toledo. "Kour yeara and a half nf
tha elvll war waa enough for rue. 1 aay
with Oenaral Orant, ua have pence"
"Thnt Is Just the reaaon why I want
you there," grinned Wllllama. "Now that
they are putting mora tiraaa buttona nn
the army every day t want one demo
crat on that ronimlltea to rp with
That first speeches In congress mako
Internal Ing reading to the orator twenty
years after they had been delivered waa
lha statntrient of Senator J. I. TXilllver
of Iowa, tn a recent address at Temple
college, f'hllndelphln. Ho spoke of the
prld a now member takes In distributing
to Ma constituents long sddrearwa that
ore never delivered, but got into the
Congreaalonal "ftocord by way of the
"leave to print" rule. "My maldnn
apeech was a g'trj," ho said. "Out In
Iowa w ratsn lots of hogs. Bomeone
told ma that most of tha lard offered for
aaln had no former relatione to hoga, but
was manufiicturnd from linseed oil. Of
course I made a red-hot speecn nn me
matter, but It wa the Iowa hogs I was
pleading for, and not tho people who were
being poisoned. I" resd the speech the
other day and felt Ilka posting It as a
warning to new memlierl. '
Senator Dick of Ohio has been going
around on crutchea for aeveral weeka aa
the reault of rticumatlam. Kvery acquaint-
nno he meeta volunteer the one neat
euro for the malady, featerdny a friend
advised Mm to call on ex-flenntor Jones
of Arkansas, who was declared to know
more about rhoumatlsm than th man
who Invented It.
"I andnllghted to see you. Senator,"
said Jones, "and am glad to be able to
tell you of my cure. But I know you
won't take It. I never did. It starts out
by making youjrt for fifteon days, -and
If vou are not Well at the end or inai
time you muat fast fifteen dajs more.
Moreover. It requires that, you snail not
take a drink for"
"Th.nb vou. Henator." said Pick; "my
present treatment seems to be all right."
Cushman of Washington recite a pain
ful experience to Illustrate the ordeal
.iiinr naw congressmen In Washing
ton. Hla prdeceaaor her waa J. Ham
Lewla. now of Chicago, "me man wnn
v.a nlnb whlaknra. " Cuahman is alje and
a half feet tall and it la doubtful 'if he
weighs more than 140.' Hla race la
cadaverous and sad, aa become tho hu
morist he Is. His hands and feet are
vary much tn evidence. Cuahman Buys
that when he entered the house for '.ho
first time a stern looking veteran held
him Uf) and demanded:
"Where In the world do you come
"Washington," said Cushman, "meekly.
"Are you th man who succeeds 3. Ham
Lewla?" Inquired the older statesman,
with quit apparent surprise.
"Vaa. air."
"Good Lord! Haven't they anything
hut freaka In Washington?"
' Cuahman aaya he didn't recover during
that session. But subsequently, for he
haa a vitriolic tongue, he had the antls
factlon of figuratively skinning this Joker
auring a aeosi.
Senator Jonathan Bourne, who gave th
famous tS. 000,000 conspiracy dinner, ta
a connoisseur tn cigars and cigarettes.
He buys the best brands of both that
can be found, and In addition haa several
kinds of a private make that ar fur
nished on hla peraonal order. He l as
them of all ahapea, ataes and degrees of
strength. In the1 upper left-hand pocket
of his vest he always carries half a dosen
long, slender cigars of th very finest
grade of Havana tobaoco. They are'aa
mild and soothing aa an afternoon siesta.
The other pocket la loaded with heavy
dark clgara of the brand that delights
"Cnele Joe" Cannon, whose standing or
dor ts "Let me have 'em as strong aa
you've got 'em."
Then. In his gold and silver cigarette
case Senator Bourne carries the cutest
little cigars tbat looa as tnougu tney
were made for "mollyroddjea." i They ar
exactly two and a half tnchea tn length,
with both ends smoothed down to a nice
point, and mak Juat about two good stiff
puffs. In the other compartment of the
case the senator carries a mild brand
of cigarettes, each on bearing hla mono
Senator Bourne la very liberal wtth
his choic clgara and hands them out on
every occasion. Naturally he la popular.
Many a constituent has stood patiently
for ten or more minutes, feeling sure tjiat
th Inevitable cigar would be proferrcd
In th end. and that It would repay him
for hla waated time.
Oeorge W. Cook of Colorado, a new
member of congreaa, played the part of
hero twenty yeara ago when a anoaallde
burled 100 miners In a tunnel of , the
Horaestake mine. At that time h was
superintendent of the mountain division
of the Denver Sc Rio Grande railroad.
with headquarters at Leadvllle. In half
an hour after the dlsaater every avail
able shovel was found and nearly all
the mm working on the railroad were
boring away at the wall of anow.
When th enow began to cav In on the
workers Mr. Cook threatened and im
plored the mine managvre to let their
beat men to go to ahoulder up th maar
of anow. The railroad magnates ordered
him to send the men back to their places
and keep tbe tralna running. He dl
regarded th order. Three time he re
celved telegrams of dlamlaaal. but paid
no attention to them. On the alxth day
the hundred miner wer reached and
all wer alive.
Lcaal Uortrlae.
New York Fra.
The opinion of Juatic Burr of the Nt
Tork eupieme court that a polk- depart
ment ha no bgal authority to take the
mMturrnnnti of or to photograph a pris
oner antll be haa beea tnk-ted a ill su-ike
the averase cilia n aa bejng sound ragal
doctrine. U haa bappenad nvr tkaa oace
that a man ajt.veoted to these humiliating
processes and afterward acquitted of th
charge against him has been Irreparably
damared tn peput alien. It should be aa In
vhJable tine of law that every accused
peraoa nsu.t be assumed to b lanooent
until hie f-uilt bas been proved,
ir.vtnatMir jr iwji f Tiow.
Jm4w ttaela.
f'hllatefhl flaeord.
fma apet ,f t,e rae agalnat the Amarl-
ran federation of l.rtor. whirl, nrsanlsa-
tlm haa teo enjoined frrm Including th
aamn "f a rertaln atov manufacturer In
It "unfair" i, baa an Intereat not ron
flnad ! tha Immediate parties lo labor
dlapntrs. It ass not denlod by the rep
aration or Ita offlVere that the "unfair"
Hat waa Intended to Inft'ietic th l0.'e
member of tho organltk,n and their
famUlee and their friends to r train from
purchasing Ihe products of the firms snd
corporations thua boycotted, but It waa
tnalated that the publication aaa tha eser
elaa of a plain rlgM; that lo enjoin the
sam waa to restrain th freedom ef th
preaa, and lhat If lh statements mad
therein h falan or InJurtoiJB th Injured
party ahould resort to Ms common law
remedy In sn anion for libel.
There la at least an adumbration of the
truth tn thla contention. The nil favoring
"unlicensed printing," which Milton In his
Arenpsgitica defended with all hi suhllm
eloquence and by rg-imenls thst have
naver been aucreaafully answered, ought
not to be relaxed. Falsehood and error
will not long aurvlve publicity. In the
meantime let the puhllaher be unrensored,
though held prsonslly snd criminally
answerable for that which he utters. It Is
wllliln the equitable power nf a court, no
doubt, to restrain the persistent republic-
tlon at a libel; but surely a finding by a
lury that tho matter Is defsmatory and
libelous should precede the restrslnlng
order. Suppose thst Instead of a Hat hesded
with th cabalistic word "We-don't-pstron-Isn"
the federation hsd lasu1 a broad
sheet containing thn names of persons
with whom It had quarrel, and giving
reAsons (good, bad or Indifferent) why Its
members should not buy their products
would that have afforded ground for
Judicial cenaorshlp and an Interlocutory
order In restraint of publication? It so,
then by parity of reaaontng the Chicago
packers would hsve had a casa for an
Injunction sgalnst tha author of "The
Jungle" and hls printer and publisher!
for a large number of people were moved
by this book to curtail or abstain entirely
from the consumption of packing house
Of course, the clement of conspiracy
enters Into the federation's case, and, as
one of .'he manifestations of a combina
tion assumed or proven to be Illegal and
In restraint of trade, the suppression of
the publication of an "unfair" list may
be legally and equitably Justified. Acts
perfectly legal In themselves by two or
mor persons for the accomplishment of
an unlawful end. But care need be taken
that In litigations of this character prece
dents be ..nut established that would In
fringe upon the liberty of the press
meaning not the newspaper press specifi
cally, but the printing press In general.
"White lists" are published aa well as
blacklists. Ther exists a society of
humane women which Informs Its mem
bers and sympathisers of the names of
manufacturers who observe the child labor,
anti-sweatshop .and other laws enacted to
better labor conditions; and this Informa
tion Is published with a View to directing
the patronage of consumers to the con
cerns whose business methods are thus
approved. By a trifling stretch of Judicial
reasoning it would be quite possible to
interdict these humane lady "boycotUra"
because the exclusion of a name from their
circulars Is equivalent to placing It on a
"We-don't patronise" blacklist.
Tribute to the Guild of Good Nature
and Sunshine.
Chicago Tribune.
Addressing his congregation on the gen
eral topic' of cheerfulness, a New Tork
pastor has taken occasion to say a good
word for the well disposed persons who
are accepted aa humorists. He went so
far as to characterise humor as the fourth
of the Christian graces, and he fervently
addressed his thsnks to Heaven that the
humorist Is an essential element of the
community. He spoke of th great work
lhat has been don for the worfd by people
with rational humorous proclivities, and ho
specifically commended one or two of the
guild for their amiable efforts in dispensing
good nature and sunshine.
All of which will be or should be ac
cepted by intelligent opinion. It-is assumed,
of course, that th reverend gentleman
used the word humor In its most gracious
sense, since true humor Is not devoid of
the element of kindly and amiable feeling
which differentiates It from the cruelty of
wit and the too frequent sting of epigram.
He undoubtedly waa thinking of that large
clasa of American humorists, generously
represented In the, best Journalism of the
land, whoa duty and pleasure It Is to Im
part a cheerful tone to th day, to mak
us laugh away our cares and annoyances,
and to look with a tlttl less lugubrlousnees
on the troubles that, with a properly op
timistic spirit, soon ar regarded aa trifles.
One notable English publication recently
csme to hand with not a Joke or a smile
provoker In Ita many crowded columns.
It waa Instructive, doubtless; tt probably
contained th Important new of th day.
but It was chastening In Its solemnity. Th
business man who lingered over his ceffe
with that Journal . In his hand naturally
went to Ms office with h head bowed
with the awful responsibilities of llf. Th
spirit of th "fourth Christian grace" was
not within Mm, and If he thanked heaven
at all It wa becaus he had perhaps
escsped th mere Imitation of humor. It ts
safa to say that his employes fear him
lea when he has refreshed himself with an
amiable newspaper Jest thsn when he has
bathed his soul In an address from the
Happily tha reading public agrees with
the pastor In his wholeaoued tribute to th
dispensers of humor. It is not true thst
the professional humorist la invariably sad
of vlaag and lean in flesh. Becaus two
Hermans on the Bremen pier wer ruddy
locked all Germane do not hav red hair.
But It matters little what th phyaical
rharactertatica of the humorist may b.
or that lie dedicates his appearance to
solemnity, if b mskes th world brighter
snd hsppier. If h gives out th optimistic
and cheerful spirit, sad assists digestion
with a pleasant view of life. Possibly the
humorist may not in appearance success
fully personify the fourth Christian grace,
but th reverend gentleman waa right la bla
general contention.
Herevrrr fraaa Financial kaack.
Washington Post.
Ther la no longer aay talk of a king
depreaaion following th October smuiic
On the contrary, tha universal feeling
now Is that th slsckneas ts being taken
out of com mere everywhere, uh th
prospect that business will b aa brisk aa
ever at the usual spring revival fb
lid turned several weeka ago. It ta
jcrpu.g back taaard th Iktod. Boss
prnonp i mj ni , ncv r
unable to discern the signs of th time
uatil th probaU become tha actual.
Ta such persons ther wiay appear tn he
no recovery from th financial shock f
last fall. But t cthars, wh ar ltv
I euts. It Is perfectly Jala tbat th er
of good time haa begun, and that the
panic of JwT. with its resulting Arprat.
wlU b confined almost entirety ta farr;.
They perceive that H will not satend Info
Out to aey Important degrea.
wom.r OT HAL II D.
Ta Mel, a Hand r.ver tretrbe4 t
t AI4 IHatrcaa.
1'ittsburg Dupstih.
fMd It ever wrur to you, dear reader,
to ansltls the Hat of or t rlbutiaua to a
relief fund after a alio, king disaster?
Or I not th donations to a summer fund,
for th prolerttoo of tl liralth of babies,
or of workers who compensation pre
cludes expenditure for slight mi sternest
aacafesf If you never have analysed
on of these you will be rewsrded hy doing
si. It will help you to re Hie that this old .
wnrld Is not hslf bsd. Clennlne dlntress '
needs but to be known to touch a multi
tude of lender hearts snd to bring ssaisl
nc from willing hernia. The Idea that
aoma peopl have that th world ia harali
and unsympathetic haa Ita origin In wrong
Tske the present fund for the relief of
widows and orphana of miner who- lost ,
their Uvea In thn recent terrible mine die
asters ss sn exsmple. of course, the first
contributions were from toe business houses
where some capital Is slwsy held In troat
for the needy. Being always ready It ti
Quickly given. All honor to the glvera!
And then begin to come the btgrfat checks
from modest men whose nsmes ar rarely
heard except when a good deed is to b
done; the widow's mite from on who has
felt th painful sting of poverty; an offer
ing from a generous .little child who has
hoarded pennies for tie purchase of holi
day glfta; a budget from the brawny work
men In a roaring hive of Industry; a collec
tion from soft-handed clerks In tho office.
From almost every rsnk of society come th
contributions of money to relieve actual
it only great disasters aroused this
human sympathy there might still be sn
Indictment against the race, but tt Is not
o. Pally there are accidents that snuff
out one life or two. For these there are no
public funds. Kind hearts tn the com
munlt7provldo for those sflio are left
helpless. Relatives, friends, neighbors, ar.
qualntancea. give of what they can spare
to ward off hunger and suffering and they
never miss what they give. They receiv
In return the warming consciousness that
they hsve helped to make one life less deso-
Iste. You, reader, know what the feeling
Is, for you have been among thoso who
have given. Then there aro the regular
funds that are supported from year to year
that bring blessed comfort 'to sore hearts
H woc.ould only know how much of tjils
milk ff--human kindness Is given to suc
cor the needy there would be no pessimistic
views remaining about the essential good
ness of human nature. We are all much
alike. In our different wayj, made of tlx
same clay and responding to the same Im
pulses. And we. are all made much better
by having the portals of the heart opened
occasionally by generous giving to th un
fortunate. PERSON At, NOTES.
The Pittsburg girl who married a boguv
count seems to have fared as badly a
though he had been a real one.
Twenty Orientals were arrested in New
Tork for playing "a game that resembled'
seven-up." ITnder tho new lid dispensation
New York would hardly allow a laundry
man to put up the name of HI Lo.
Charles Curtis, Junior senator from Kan
sas, la one of the kiost modest. Unassum
ing mcmbera of the upper house. A self
made man, having been newsboy, boot
black and Jockey, he made himself pro
flolent in law by studying after hours.
It Is 'estimated that $185,000,000 will be
paid as dividends and interest by various
corporations the first of January, as agalnnt
1180,000,000 a year ago, but you may not
feel much personal effect from the In.
H. H. Garrlker of the Carnegie Museum,
Pittsburg, has returned from Costa "Iiu-a.
He haa been In Central America for rive
years securing skins of animals and birds
for the museum. He has shipped at dif
ferent times to the museuni more than
..000 skins.
Prof. Dugald C. Jackson, hesd of th
department of electrical engineering at tha
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
one of the leading consulting engineer!
of America, has gone to Chicago at the
Invitation of the city officials to assist the
municipal government In devising a syn.
tern of bookkeeping by which the -authorities
can keep track of the business of thl
Chlcsgo Telephone company.
He I ' see that punctuation marks wer
first used In im
She Why, they had the glacial perlni
before that, didn't they? Yonkers States
man. -
"Call a messenger boy, bulck!" cried th
business man. .
"Sir." ssld the model ofTW bov, pslins
perceptibly and visibly engaging li? a mental
struggle. "I cannot do It, for I have nevei
yet spoken an untruth." Philadelphia
Miss Elderlelgh This family Bible of our
Is a revised edition.
Mr. Brakes I thought It must be. I nolle
your ag ia given in the birth records aa
twenty-four. Cleveland Leader.
"Paw. what ta a guillotine?"
"It's an Instrument bearing some resent.
i4... v emit iviibi met iik nrn Ilire4
or four times to the laundry. Tommy, but It
tm iiiuvii ijuiv-Ker ana more nierciIUI in It!
operaUorv"-iiicago Tribune.
"In order to clearly underatand proceed.
inga In congress woul dyou advise m t
study such writers aa Cushtng or Roberts ?"
"No." answered the new member. "Study
the marquis ef Queensbury." Washington
"There ia no such thing as a logical prest-
denlisl boom."
"How do you make that out?
"Because, from a -Ireical standpoint, th
only sound on would b th Cannon
boom." Chicago Record-Herald.
Caller What the matter, old man? Hat
anything happened?
Host tgroaningl Oh. nothing, only when I
waa, called upon at th club for my maiden
apeech last night. I began, "As 1 was sit
ting on my thought a s,n,t struck me." and
spoiled everything! JJpplncott's.
TUB t Ml ST) ul u KLtOW.
"Crusty old fellow." they used to sav,
A they watched him cautiously make bl
Into th vault where the bars and locks
Stoutly gusrded his treasure box
"Crusty old fellow, a po loves to float
Over certiflcste. coin snd note
Counting them with a long car
Worthy a lover's tenderness!"
He beard them not ss be patted tliem by
With shuffling step and with furtive eve;
Th line on hi lac were bar and cold,
A a If ha bad Ken all hi lifetime old;
Old and wary and far loo wiae
To yield to th laughter of youlMul eye.
Carrie of comment.. v"d er Kad,
Old and ar, and, somehow, aa.
Into tbe sirens -room be made l av
Hie treasure ho o a bt-for r,im
And be hxked afsm. to be eoviire
That the door Kbtnd him was weN secure!;
Then laid ot vriw, a her arttten txsld
Wer aolemn cm i pacts to pay him gold
8.wn of them denta-'ti irVige, r..,i true
t r collected, though long since due.
V ilh trembHna fins-era be tbe unn-inri
The rsAe rtr.bon that Wvee.y t,nd
A packet, and counts w lin a miw-r'a car
The tetter U in t-efone him there
And he fondU tciK-bc aome Vhi le thing
Like a J.fcnrtker. hi.f or a flat i-oui ring,
tV tbe miiNmnir cf a-eei -fnoe. firi,
Or a wither 1 loa-er, or a irolOen curl.
And Ma race in the twllirtit'a eorier.u.g
lirvw v aith the smiting of ion apo
V,i1 M b4 be stv-a ihe Icev a lurn
lip ,owrrMe4 and Ms frcw worn.
And he I4 with imt, "Hew r, ko
to Bloat
tVeer wn-urt.-ste. ,v,-n frA note
Ooniittn h,.m with a "long carasa
Vvorthj a b'vei'a tenderne.,