10 TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMTIETI 25, 1007. DANIEL STOPS, JIM STAITS City FroMcntor Sty. No More Sunday Armt Till Teiti. MAYOR NOW riAXS SECB.ET RAID Before) Arrmtlmg Others Baa Ml Violators Will Be Trl Daaliaaa '. !,Tak t' Pra frtbed Dtatrirt Matter. Two tw move In th regeneration of , Omaha wars 4edde1 on Tuesday: Mayor . Dahlman has a secret plan of doing a little ' crusading- In the proscribed district on hl own account 'and City Prosecutor Danlol .has calls off tfis dogs of war and will )' bars no mors arrests for Sunday deseera i tlon until some of tha million or more cases ! now stacked up are tested. . Bo corns on. anta Clous. ' "No more arrests w,ill be made for vio lating the Sunday labor law until some of the caso are decided In the district court, and an Interpretation put on the term common labor." said City Prosecutor Daniel ' Tuesday morning.' "The only kind of labor the statute prohibits on Sunday Is "com , ' mon labor.'.'' Whether the term was Intended to In clude all sorts of labor, or was used In on I tra-dlstlnrtlon to skilled labor Is a ques- tlon on which the city prosecutor wants the opinion of the district court before he pro . ceeds any further with the arrest and I ' prosecution of Sunday laborers. One at j torney whose client has been arrested for 1 snaring a man on Sunday says that If his ' client Is convicted he will let him go to ! Jail and he will test the law by bringing I habeas corpus proceedings. I Our Jim Raa a Secret, i Something Is brewing In the matter of ' a crusade In the proscribed district, but what It la only Mayor Dahlman knows and ' ' ha Is as silent on the subject as the pre- verbla clam. 1 Monday morning h decided to request ! Wood Hartley, city abstracter, to furnish him with a report showing the ownership of record of every tract of land in that I part of the city bounded roughly by Far " nam street, Chicago street, Fourteenth street and the rlrer. Asked why he de- ! sired such information the mayor abeo I lutely refused to say a word on the sub ject. He jlo however, intimate tne request was In connection with the work now going on In' tha way of "cleaning up the district" as outlined In' the police court by Judge Crawford Monday.''1 Many complaints "have been received at j the. police station that women driven from I the "cribs" on Ninth street are taking rooms in houses In other parts of the city. I As fast as the complaints are received they are investigated and where the com- plaint ,1a well founded ' the women are ln 1 structed to "move on. Just where they will be permitted to move they are not i advised and police officers say they do not know themselves, since under orders of the Board of Fire and Police Commission era they have been trying to drive these .women from respectable neighborhoods, jand they are tiow being driven from that part of town where heretofore It has been generally understood they would not be 'I molested. ANTI - TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY Braach ef National Congress Formed la Omaha.- with Ash hni Ma at Head. Is Members from Nebraska of the National by Secretary General John 8. Fulton, met In the rooms of the Commercial club Tues day to organise the Nebraska Association for the Prevention and Cur of Tuberculosis and which ' will become a branch of the national organisation. Dr. Alexander R von Mansfelde of Ash land was elected chairman of the associa tion. Rev. 8. R. Morris of Omaha, secre tary, and Dr. C. O. Olesse of Holdrege, treasurer. Dr, S. R. Towne of Omaha was made chairman' of the executive commit tee and the Nebraska committee of the national congress, together with four others, to be selected by the chariman, will compose the executive committee. The Nebraskans appointed by the secre tary general were Dr. ' Alexander 8. von Mansfalde. Dr. Henry B. Ward of Lincoln, Dr. H. M. McClanahan of Omaha. Dr. Charles D. Gleets of Holdrege and Dr. a ' R. Towne of Omaha. . The organisation Is to be permanent, as well as for the purpose of assisting In the International Tuberculosis congress to be j. held In Washing-tort next September. The i membership will not bs limited to phy Vslctans. but those who desire to Join and assist In the work of preventing and cur . ing the disease which Is taking thousands annually, wHl be admitted on payment of the nominal membership fee of $1. FEDERAL PETIT JURY PANEL , .''.' "" . rawtagta Are Made for the Jary List for the Jaaaary Term of Coart. United ; States Circuit Clerk George H. Thurnmel and Jury Commissioner M. Keith Neville of North Platte, completed the drawing of the panel for the petit Jury .for. the North Platte division of the fed eral . Judicial district. Monday, December , 2.. The Jury Is drawn for the January . term of the United States courts to con vene, at North Platte and is ordered to : report at North Platte January 7. These constitute the Jury! Gordon E. Thompson. B. W. Seller, Harry T. Prltf hard. Dallas K. Atkins. Claude O. ' Wslngand, Hans Jensen, James J. Jessup, Hugh Unn. Leonard B. Dic k. James White, Elhart Scott, Robert A. Emanuelson. George Schundler, Charles U Dillon, V(l- 11am Ritchie, Hudson F. Carpenter, IJn coln Carpenter, H.' Clay Robblns, Alfred jC. Welch. W. P. By ton. David Foyer, A. II. Plerson', Wallace M. Basklns. E. T. Weslervelt, Sidney Tool, J. R. Williams. ' Charles I. Hill, Edward R. Green, Frank Rail. George Aubel Frank Coker. W. P. Devsult, Irving S. Walker. Minor Illnman, John F. Holloway. Cyrus Fox. M. C. Due , land and William. Crist. The North Platte term promises to be a long and Important one and will "be pre "sided over by Judge W. H. Munger. The cases are all law and equity cases. Faaavd fCxamlaattaa aceaesfally. James Donahue, New Britain, Conn writes: "I tried several kidney remedies. , and was treated by our best physicians for diabetes, but did not Improve until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After the aeeond bottle I showed Improvement, and Ave bqttlea cured me completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for Ufa Insur ance." Foley's Kidney Cure cures back ache and all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. For sal by all druggists. Marriage Jest Before Death. .' PHII.ADKt.PHIA. Deo. M. -Christ Ian W Stengul. president of the Felgenapan brew ery Interests tn Newark, N. J., died In the German hospital her early today, leas than twelve hours after ha had hewn martin to Mrs. Marie Louise Feigenspan. tha widow ef the man who onoe employed him. Mr tlteusel whs the confidential assistant of Christian Felgt-uspan and shortly brfore the latter died, it la said, he expressed a wish that Ills wife marry Mr. Stengel. ' A ' B era las; Baasse Is not to have Burkina's Arnica 3alv to cur burns, sores, plies, cuts, wounds and . lUussa, Bo. For sal by IleaUa, Drug Co. f'Ui 11 " ! saacriaeniMWiu f - M "VTI TV HI Wo Wish All A IT B S II U S'- II en . n Iflll iulllfflu And A Happy Prosperous Mi W Permit us to thank you for the greatest Christmas business in our history. Our efforts will always be to give better service and better satisfaction. We assure our patrons that the supremacy of this store will always be maintained. ' STORE CLOSED All Day Christmas, THURSDAY Will be a day of Extraordinary Bargains Many odd lots and broken lines must be cleared up immediately before invoicing. To accomplish this we have arranged startling bargains which no woman in Omaha can afford to miss. Big Cash Purchase By N. Y. Buyer jjg Over 100,000 yards of HIGH CLASS EMBROIDERIES At a Dig Sacrifice. i All kinds of fine Embroideries in this great pur chase, including Swiss, Nainsook and Cambrics, medium widths, also skirtings and corset cover Embroideries; fine bands and insertings, worth up to 25c yard, at, yard After Christmas Sale of One big lot of men's and ladies' all linen i, handkerchiefs, plain hemstitched, etc., some O) 2 slightly mussed, worth up to 25c each, (O) 7 CALENDARS AT i PR1CI CLOSING-OUT Fur Scarfs As a great ex tra special for Thursday i wa offer one fine lot , of Fur Scarfs, made In n a w a shapes, worth up to $4.00, $150 a i WOMEN'S Petticoats These are mercerized ef fects In black and colors many are Very prettily trimmed Worth up to $2 Big Assortment of P3ew Year's ards Including Post-Cards at 1c Up. BIG CLEARING SALE of 3 CD (ED Iks DAMAGED and LEFT OVER from our GREAT XMAS BOOK SALE. Owing to the enormous crowds that have thronged our Book Departs ment during the holiday selling, many books have become more or less in jured through handling all these have been gathered up and marked away down to close them' out See the tables of books, at 10c. 35c f s and x up. ft it s? it I $ n OMAHA'S GREAT STYLE STORE. WE WISH OUR FRIENDS. CUSTOMERS AND EVERYDODY A MERRY CHRISTMAS WE THANK the countless thousands for their hearty pat ronage. WE THANK our army of employes for intelli gent, capable work. We THANK the newspapers and the street railway-scribe for doing so much to induce early Christmas shopping. We have enjoyed the biggest Christ mas business in our history. WE CLOSE CHRISTMAS DAY and open bright and early Thursday A. M. THURSDAY IS RED LETTER DAY. TEN FREE STAMPS TO EACH BOOK SHOWN. ' , Clean-up Bargains of all Holiday Merchandise SOILED HANDKERCHIEFS, LOOSE TOYS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, ETC., ETC. Wishing Ml fl Merry Christmas Thanking You for Liberal Patronage. illl THR RELIABLE STORE A Most . Prosperous Holiday Season. AGAIN! A MERHY CHRISTMAS! a 20 Discount b On All Traveling Bags and Suit Cases Appropriate Oifti for Ladies or Gentlemen We carry the best line made, and tha finest ever shown In Omaha. Sea our choice line of fitted Bags, Suit Cases and Toilet Articles. . Also our large Una of Trunks "our own make," artlstto durable and well built In every particular. OFEir Evzxraraa until xkas. Prices lower than inferior goods usually sell OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam St. -ii m H iUl'lillWMf BAILEY . MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOOB Corner 16Ut and Famam Streets. Best equipped Dental office in the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Price Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. n? Sfr'- Wsi vf . 1 H ' ST:. Tou should not be deluded with the Idea that diseases and ailments of men will cor rect themselves they seldom If ever do. It Is useless to worry about the past cause after the trouble becomes once established. The fact that It now exists makes It neces sary that there should be no apathy, no delay, no experimenting, no deferring treatment until later on. Special diseases or affections resulting therefrom should not be tampered with, owing to the natural tendency of every disease to continue to progress and assume more serious propor tions If active measures are not employed to bring about a complete and radicnl cure. Do not let a temporary subsidence of some of the more prominent symptoms lull you Into a sense of fancied security. lowt oo.t. saoSnrTT. Mr f ?ptIy' tnoronghly, and at the POISOV JLAK' NMTOUS DEBIT, ITT, BLOOD Bpsoiai DUeasss and wsaknsssss and their compUoatlona. Consult FreasS&KK. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOCTORS FOR EulEW Call and Be Examined Free or Write Office Hoars 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 1 Only. 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Established In Omaha, Nebraska. Announcement For Thursday, December 26th. The Open v ing Day For the Great Annual White Sale And Half Price Sale of Women's Coats A bigger Bargain Opportunity was never offered buy. ers of Omaha and vicinity. ' See Large Ad on Page 3 for Particulars and Prices. Does your lease expire January 1st? If the lease for your office expires January 1st, and you are not satisfied where you are, now is the time to let us bIiow you what we can offer you in the wayof handsome offices. We have several from which to se lect, and these happen to be among the choicest in the building. There are a few small offices and several larger ones. THE BEE BUILDING offers advantages which no other office building in Omaha can give. It is admirably planned as an office building; it is fire proof; it has good elevator servicer it is kept clean; it is constantly maintained in perfect repair. There is a common desire, on the part of both the management and employes, to look after the welfare of tenants. For office space, apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., - Koom 418, Bee Building. 1 mmBm ' S Faxa KiiiJ -ill I I I Fl M I ft MHHiS GAs Omaha National Bank Capital $1,000,000 OFFICERS: , PM.M.nl V - Vice-President. . . Wm. Wallace vice-i-resiaent . , O. F. McGrew (Cashier ". . . . W. U. Bncholl I Assistant Cashier Frank Boyd I DIRECTORS: J. H. MJUard. Guy O. Barton " V. M. Burgess A. J. Simpson , J. E. Baam O. F. AlcOrew Wt. Wallace I. w. Carpenter W. H. Bncholz O. H. Brown. 13th Street. Between Farnam and Douglas. BHHESJJSBSlSSStSaS MAIM DO taslr iria nV ,,n .f ' ar. Tke fa a h .1 ..ii.kl. T . . ". E.arc battle Bl.eai '. Srud far lshlpt frae. Madame Josephine Le Fevre, lass CkMi.yi sk. railaaiaw Pa. 14 ' bf Boatsa stor uras tBt., Th. Bnntt CosipAa. Tb ball Unit Co., BoUw Dn.f cs., Mycri-Dlllou Drug Cs.. i. H. Schmidt. Cams. K. iAtbiop. HOTRL1 'u,r " 1 a5g LEXINGTON HOTEL AbMluUc. ttrv-proof, M tcalsaa Blvd . auu sUnd It , Cb1iu. aCuruava pUo. huutxiA. $1.60 t. dvf ud upWavid. Ilia Lvxtncioa Bppl uptxla.ly t U4.r an 4 Umillea, at thus sVcking qulit, kuo.. ik boivl. AcorMibi to th ibtstiwr and aaitkfv plug dttrt-t-.r.o rooms 4 II wltU hoi aud cotd wir aud Ur( clotha tiobv (. rounka with prtvu Iwtfe -attriaultv ctet at muderai pric- ioUmt nr. Ic aud eutitiu. Fur further pariicuUra and tuforva. tluo vtita manager. ud4 and oprat4 hf I NT II H. TATB HOI UL COMPANY. B. K. Crliaf. T. U. Crllcy. V. P. i L. U. rtraf, mf. tHlrttftr Ta CeaU Jitja4 "- t Clt f fWerry fe Phrinfmoo w uiii iciiiiao We hope everybody will have a Merry Christmas tomorrow, but on Thurs day we must get down to the necessities again. And, if the children need a pair of shoes, now is the time to bring them in and have them fitted while they are out of school. WE CLOSE ALL DAY WEDNESDAY lllHIIHIHHtttlHnilU pdv cunr: m III SHOES B 16th and Douglas Streets. StXsVSBStESkr s Galifornio The land of perfect climate the land of fruit the land of small farms the land of ample and intelligent irrigation. Tho Versatile State . that yields everything that grows in all of the Atlantic States from Maine to Florida and the Mediterranean regions as well. BEACHED VIA UNION PACIFIC Writs for books tlist tell bow to Uts real LIFE. Address, CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 Farnam Street. 'Phone Dour. 1828 r i I 41V w EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOME SHOULD LOOK BRIGHT AND NEW FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON We Repair and Replate Table Ware, Re finish Statues, Electric Light - Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. - ' HAVE THIS DONS It will help to make yovr entertainments a succew. Omaha Silver Company Phone Doug. 1773. 314 South 13th St. Between Farnam and Harney Forts! frtf wak nc nervous rasa a. hub iui ho flnd (nelr Dow.r to N(rvns work and youthful vigor Hons aa remit nf work or mental exertion ahnul.i tai, GRAY'S NKHVH FtXH) FII.l.H Ti,v .ill ftiaks you eat and slwp and be a mat again. $1 Bos) 3 boaes fil.SO br mall. KKKMAIf m MoCOITHELI. DMOO OOu Corner leth and Soar sjta. OWL ztBttro COMsAjnr. Oor. 1U a ad sUuraaj Sis. Omaha , SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DELLEVUE COLLEGE CObl.KdK-Clawlul, KUntlAr. phllnaoahlol aosnMS. ACAOKMY Q a acred Had ksa acattul srepana, fas lillavue or aiijr olbar eollt. ar uuivaralljr. NllHMAl. SCHOOL Kleniauury aii4 lilllt courar-i Orllrriatra graule4. COKbKUVAIMIiy I'tlKjry ol nil, US, Selea. vlolln. eloL-utlon and art. OMAHA co.NMCcTlu.Ns Elrtr1 Use and Barila. toe rallwar. Four Mudarn r- "-ria aaatlaS iTMldcat W4WMlA. SMUeTa, aMSkl