Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    tub omaha nxrtr cee. Tuesday, December 24. 1007.
Weak Cablei Make the Opening
Lower Than Ordinary.
tart-Off la Urn . Saavathlr r
ralatr aaa Dasaaa far Cash
i Grata la Ift Cos-
I sl4rabl.
OMAHA, Dec. 23, 1907.
Wnk calls eauard a snahtly lower opon
. Trading la not so active as during th
past week and the atart oft waa made
mostly by scalier. Not much demand (or
ch (rain.
Wheat opened lower, due to larger wnrlrl'a
shipment, than waa esr-ted and decidedly
lower cable. The market acta consisted.
f artteularlr In th May nation. Demand la
ight and la expected to hold oft until after
the holiday.
Mar wheat opened at 1.M4 and cloaed
Corn opened atrong with alue atcady
In aplte of lower foreign advlcea. Receipt
are Increasing and trading la atlmulated
accordingly. Prices cloned at a alight ad
vance. May corn opened at &JV10 and closed
a &ze.
Oata lit art ed steady td higher and held
firm, ahowlng good Independent strongth
good eommlaaion riotiae order and
heavy caah demand. May oata opened at
fclVi and cloaed at S2c.
Clearance were 4.0n0 -tiu. of com, none
of oata and wheat and Hour equal to "54,
000 bu. -
Uverpool cloaed ffltiVW lower on wheat
and Ha lower on com.
Seaboard reported Ji.0.000 hu. of wheat and
40 ,000 bu. of corn taken for export.
Local rang of option!
.A.rtlc!ea. Opn. Hlgh. Ct6ae. Vow. Bafy.
Wheat l I 4
Dec... M 95 1
May.,. 10114 1 1"4
July... 44 WW
Curn I
Deo.... 12
May... i2 62-0
July... 611)!
Os's I 1
Dec.'... 4814 49'4
May... U S3
July... 461 f 1
i H81 3, 954
1 01 1 01 1 2S
7 934 934
Wi 12
1 '! 62 hi B77
61 U 51"
I ' ; r 471
Blt M 62'4
4M 454 V
Onikt Caah Prices.
WHEAT No. I hard, 9614S96HC; No. I
hard. 'ic; No. 4 hard, 89c; No. 3 aprlng,
CORN-No. I, 49c; No. 4. 4Q48c; No. I
yellow, 6Wt.cs No. S white, 494.C.
OAT-No. white, 4s,c; No. 4 white, 4Sc;
atandard. 4fcV4fcHo
KYSNo. 2. 7Mc; No. . 74"75c.
la riot lteeelpts.
.... , .. h, '-"Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago ., 42 4M1
Minneapolis ....... 4K
Omaha 84 44
uluth ;.. t
Fratar of the Trading; and Closing
f Prlcea at Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Deo. 23. Lower prices at
Liverpool had a depressing effect today
on th local wheat market, the May de
livery closmc at a net losa of Wic. Corn
waa off He Oata were He lower, i'ro-
. vision ware down 6&10c.
Brhtlment In the' wheat pit was bearish
' all day and the volume of buslne waa
.' mall. The market opened weak and prlcea
v , failed to advance above the Initial uota
tlim, The principal reason for" the decline
waa a alump In Liverpool caused by good
harvesting weather in Argentina and by the
liberal alitpinenla for the week, the total
, movement being 8,400,000 bu., against ,(.
' iKo bu. last week.' The market cloaed weak-
and near th loweat point. May opened at,
an extromo decline or iwai'ac.. hi i.Kvt"
l.OoSc, eold off to fl.04 andv cloaed at
$1.U6. Frlr.iary receipt were 8.6.(XJ bu.,
ssalnst Incomplete-returns one year ago.
Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal
. 630,uio bu. Minneapolis, Culuth and Chl
' ' rago reported recelepta cf 668 cara, againat
' ?"S rare a year ago. i
- Tha corn market opened weak because of
lower cablea and th decline In wheat.
Later tne market became firm. May opened
' M'SHc lower, at : 67ffiTHc, advanced to
( 6&'o and cloaed at 6Tc Local receipt
' were 4ft cars, with 28 cars of contract
' 'oauTwera weakal ay;' A Hgrht.raHy
took plare4 empathy with corn. Ma
t one S- lower, at 43Hiv,. advanced to
. MHttMc. and then declined to Be, The cloae
W at RSHc. Local recelpta were 8 car.
- Th provlalon market waa Inclined to be
weak on the selling of lard by the pack
.1 era Thlaoffaet a lOo advance In llva hoga.
May pork was off 10tfl2Vc at tha cloao.
Lavd was down 7ftc Rlba were So lower, at
Ktlmted receipt tor .tomorrow . are:
"Wheat. 81 ear; corn,- 64 cars; oata. 3&S
, cars; hog. 80.000 head.
. Th leading futuree ranged a follow:
Artlcles.1 Opn. Hitrh. Low-. 1 Cloae. Bafy.
' aMay
. aJuly
' bJuiy
. Jn.
. " May
Jen. '
" Jan.
1 OR llOftH-H
714 '.
" - 5'4
12 70
13 S2H
T 80
7 92H
7 12H
U 12H
T 72H
7 86
7 0714
No. t a Old. b New.
' Caah quotation war a follows:
FLOUR Firm: winter patents, S4.40tN.ftfl:
tlralghta, 34.304.66; aprlng patenta. K.20Q
.70: atralghU. 34.4txa4.S5; Dakar. M.3Ch4.2S.
WHEAT-No. 1 prlng, ll.0Mrt.12; No. 3
prlnj, L(U&LU; No. 3 red, STSiSSS'ic.
CORN No. 3, nVfrStttto; No. t yellow,
OAT8 No. 1 4P4c; No. t white, 4761c.
RYB No. a TSc
BARLEY Good feeding, aST7Bc; fair to
choice malting. 8ft$5c
8K1JDH Flax, No. 1 northwestern, H.15H.
Prim timothy, I4.30Q4.S6. Clover, contract
. grade. 814 60.
PHOViaiONS Bhort ribs, aide (looee),
HiM7.B. Me pork, per bbl.. 313.119
11 A. Lard, per 100 Ibe , 17.87. Bhort clear
aide (boxed), 87.UXr7.12Vi.
Following wer tha receipt and ship
ment of flour and grain:
Recelpta Shipment.
Flour, bbl 36.400 15.800
Wheat, bu 1.0U0 44.0
Corn, bu va.dM 151 io
Oata, bu 343.0)10 117.7U0
Rye, bu t.000
. fcark-y. bu 71.600 1.200
On the Prod u o exchange today the but
ter market waa firm; creamerlea, atfatr;
dairies, Ufi&c. Egf. steady; at mark.
caaea Included, . 34 ic: rtrat, 2ic; prime
rirte, 26c; extra. 37o. Cheese, strong, HVti
Pair a Calder 1 k Ltet from
the Pvoatket.
OMAHA, Deo. tS, 1907.
A ctorm area of decided energy overlie
th eaatcrn portion of th country this
moreuig. with lla center over the Ohio
, valley. Rain ate geaeral from th Ml,
laclpul valley eaat ovr the Ohio valley
and lakea to the Atlantic coaaL Heavy
ralna have fallen in the aouthern atawa
Generally cloudy weather prevail west of
th Mlaataalppt river and light and scat
tered anows are falling in the upper Mis
souri valley and northwest. Temperature
are much higher In th eaat and south and
warmer weather la general In the central
and wtern. portion. The weather will
be llxhtly colder In thla vicinity tonight
and Tueday. with. Uoudy tonIhL followed
by fair Tueaifay.
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation comp&iwtr with the corresponding
day of th last three, years: .
, I . 1"7. WO. 1903. 1904.
Minimum temperatura... m 13 19 j$
Precipitation 00 .00 T T
Normal tamperature tor today, 35 degree.
tendency la precipitation alnca March L
T.f lnchea
Ieft-leucy corresponding period in 1908.
4.74 lnchea
DeAstency corresponding period in 19i
J.54 lnchea. L A. WELSH,
Local Forecaater.
Vlelbl ly mt Grata.
HEW TORK. Dec H.-Th visible supply
f grata Saturday, ttcember 31. aa com
pared by th New Tork Produce exchmiKe
wa follow. Wheat, 46.319.U0 bushels;
decrease 144.000 bushel. Corn, J,ji7 uuo
bushel! 4mm,- - 14 fto-- buahela. Omt
. 7 "4A""' tw.-Kelai. .Increase, -4M.) kuW'.
Re, 1.07J.CM buahela; Increase, Jue.Ouu tusn-
IrtSH-T 1 OV 1 04
SIT M't 63
47 47 47Vi
4 . 46
11 IB II It
UK 11 38 1S12U
TTn TTTH 7 75H
fto T MV I
f TT 6 TTH I 70
t lTvil T15 T06
ela. Barley. S.SZI.f) bushels; Increase,
K.n) bushels.
Fe-ataree af Tradlaa aii Prlcea aa
I.eadlB Cmedltle.
eelpin, "36.231 bl la.; exporU. 12,847 bbla;
market qul t and about trady; Minneita
pat-nta, 36.3n.Ua.70; .. Minnesota . bakers,
34.Knij6.00; winter p ten ta, $4.o'5.36; win
ter tralght, 4 6iu4.7; winter extras,
M.7MI4.(; winter low gradea. IW.Sft.l. Rye
flour, ateady; fair to good, 1 4 5 6.16;
choice to fancy, S.205 40. Uuckwheat
flour. ately; $3.00 per 100 lba.
CORNAIEAL Steady; fine white and
yellow, $1.35140; coarae, $13091.32;
kiln dried, $3.36&3.65.
RYE Firm; No. 3 weitern, 90c, f. o. fa
New Tork.
WHEAT Receipts, 324,000 bu.; ex-
Rorta, 7S5.668 bu. Spot market eaav!
o. 2 red, $1.04 H. elevator; No. 2 red
Jr ORH. f o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern
Puluth. $1 22H, f. o. b., afloat ; No. 2
hard winter. $1.18, f. o. b., alloat Ow
ing to butter Argentina weather newa
and lower cables, wheat broke a cent per
buahel today, being otherwlne dull and
featurelens. Last prlcea were lHc tiet
lower. December, 1 .0 H ft 1.06 , cloned
at $l.0W;.May. $1.11 7-16 fi 1.12 H. closed
kH; July, $1.041.05H,, closed
lat $ 1 04 H .
CORN Receipt. 94.785 bu. Spot
market tendy; No. 2. 75c elevator nnd
65c f. o. h.. afloat; No. 2 white, S1,,
and No. 2 yollow nominal, f. o, b afloat.
Optlone were without transaction,, cloa
Ing net unchanged aa follows December,
71c; May, 86'c.
OATS Receipts, 67.600 bu. Bpot mar
ket barely steady; mixed oata, 2 to $2
pounds, 64 He; natural white, : to 32
pound. 67ii6c; clipped white, 32 to 40
pounds, 6S(a64c.
HAY guiet; good to choice, $1.0031.06.
Hul'S Quiet ; state, common to choice,
19"7 13i:7c; l!tf5, 69c; Paclflo coast, 1907,
Sfillc; 4Sc.
HIDES Quiet; Bogota, 16Hl7c; Cen
tral America, 16'4c
I. RATH ER Quiet ; acid, 24WrZ7Hc
PROVISIONS Beef ateady; family. $15.00
BIS.oO; mess, $ln tVill.(H; beef ham, $.60
ft-28.50; rckt, $12.6i 13 .00; city extra India
mesa. $22.Utji'.l n. Cit meats, ateady; pick
led belllea. SSS'SIOSO; plokled hnm."ifr
$10.00. Lard, ateady ; western prime, $8.16
& 8-26. nominnl; refined, steady; conti
nent. $8.76; South America, $!i.E0; com
pound, 37.37Htr7.62Mi. Pork, firm: fam
ily, $18. 00ft IS 60; short clears, $15. 60a1
16.75; mess. . $14.7R6.50.
RICK steady: domeotlc, fslr to ex
tra, 24ifi 8 He: Jnran, nominal.
TALLOW Steady; city, 6,e; coun
try, 6 4B He
BT:Tfi5R Strong. Creamery extras,
2fl29Mc: thirds to firsts. 212Sc: state
dairy, common to fine, 20tf28c; process,
common' to special. 15iT23c; western fac
tory, rommon to first, 1220c.
CHEESE Firm; state full cream;'
small colored and white fine and In g . !
colored. 1 3 14c; good to prime. 14,
idh1; romnion 10 rair, i?ijc.
KdGS Easy; state Pennsylvania and
nearby proof to choice. SS'BSScj average
"best, 34 6 35o;' first lo extra first, 81 fi 33c;
western first, 80Slc; second, 2729e.
POVLTRT Dressed. Irregular; west
ern chickens. 13&20c; turkeya, 12lSc;
fowls, 7&12Hc.
St. Lonla General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Doc. 23. WHEAT Close
lower; track. No. 2 red cash, $1 0141.02;
No. 2 hard. $1.0131-04'4; May, $1.04Q,1.04H:
July, W7ic.
CORN Lower: track. No. 3 cash. 6354c;
May. r6Hc; July. 5f.I4T5'k-: No. 2 white, 64c.
OATS Lower; track. No. 2 cash, 4c;
Msv. filUc; No. 2 whltn 51VsC.
FLOl'R Dull. Red winter patents. $4.8fi'9
4.90; extra fancy and straight, $4.2GS4.50:
Clear $3.7f$i4.0fl.
SEED Timothy, steady $3.50ff4.10.
CORNMRA1, Steadv; $2 90.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east, track, ' $1.08(5?
HA Y Easy ; timothy, $8Vfl6.00; prairie,
HA OO IN ( 1 We,
- PHOVISIONS-Poik, firm; JnhWng. $13.36.
Iard, lower; prime steam, $7.70. Drv salt
meats, steady: boxed, extra shorts, $S.37:
clear ribs, $S.25; short clears. $.76. Bacon
steaity; boxed, extra short, $9.25; clear rlba
$9.iaH; short cleara, $9.t)2i4,.
POULTRY Firm; chtckena, 7c; springs,
8c; turkeys. 114c: ducks, 8c; geese, 64c.
BUTTER Steady; rreamery, 2fj29c.
EGGS-22C. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour. bh!s 17.000 13 000
Whfat, bu 207,.Oo - 8!fO0
Corn, bu , 1'14,000 . A.Q
Oats, bu , A. ...222,000 30.000
1 kansaa City Grain 'and, Provisions.
994c; July. 904c; cash: No. 2 hard, 9&fT994c;
No. 1 94jj974c; No. 3 red. 9&4'gS74c; No. 8,
CORN-Msy, 624c; July, 614c; cash: No.
t mixed, 60443CIC; No. i, 604fi61c; No. 2
white, 61t614c.
OATS No. $ white, 49c; No. 2 mixed, 4Sc.
HA-Y Choice timothy, $12.0012.60; choice
prairie, ; $9.0Orrel0.00, ,
RYE 76(800. -..' - . . -.. .
Butter Creamery, 233274c; packing, 15a
LOGS Freeh, 24c.
Recelpta Shipments.
Wheat, bu 145.000 81,000
Corn, bu 122,000 46.0U0
Outs, bu 3.000 3,000
Minneapolis Grata Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Deo. 23. Wheat-Jl.10;
July, $1,114; No. 1 hard. $1,094: No. 1
northern, $1,074; No. 2 northern, $1.0&61.C4;
No. $ northern, $1.00H?fX.024. ,.
FLOUR First patents, 3i.6O06.6O; second
patents, $6.40416.50: first clears, $4-3o4.40;
econd clears,-$S.8(KSi60. ,
FLAX The demand wa just about fair;
closing price were $1,124; to arrive, 81.12H.
13KAN--ln bull, $J9.76&2iaO.
I.lTcrpool Grala Market.
firm; No. 2 red, western, 7s 4d. Futures
dull; December, nominal; March, 7 lljd.
CORN Spot Arm; prrme mixed, Ameri
can, new, 6s 44d; prime, American, mixed,
old, 6 6d. Futures quiet; December, nom
inal; January, 6s 3Hd.
FLOUR Winter patents steady at 80s d.
HOPS Paclflo coaat, (In London), quiet
at 2Ql 16. '
' Hllwaakee Grala Market.-
northern, $1.104fl.ll; No. 2 northern, $L0S
$1.0X4; May, $1.06 asked.
BARLEY Market firm; No. 2. 97c.
CORN Market lower; No. 2 cash. 66g9o;
May, 67o.
Dalatk Grata Market.
DULUTH, Minn., Dec. 23.-WHEAT-No.
1 northern, $1,004, No. 2 northern, $1,044;
December. $1.04Hl My. HUH-
OATS 16c '
Cottoa Market.
ture opened steady; December, ll.Obc;
Junuary, 10.40c; March, 107c; April, lo.teo
bid; May. 10.72c; July, 10.68c; October, of
fered at 10.10c
Spot closed steady, 10 points lower; mid
dling uplanda, 11.70c; middling; gulf, 11.95c.
Sale 3,1,26 bale.
GALVESTON, Dect 23. COTTON lower;
11 9-mo.
epot, maraei easy, low oruinary, ic nomi
nal; ordinary, 7 6-ltlc nominal; good ordi
nary, o nominal; low middling, H4c;
middling. loc. Salc-a, 2,90 balea Re
ceipts. 13.018 bales; stock, 243,734 bale.
Market quiet; prices 2 points lower. Ameri
can middling, fair, 6.7Sd; good middling,
64od; good ordinary, 6. tod; ordinary, 4.8od.
The sale of the day were 6.0V balea, of
which 4.8' 0 were apeculatlon and export, and
Included euo American. Receipt were 2,000
balea, including 610 American.
BT. LOUIS, Dec. 23.-COTTON-Market
dull; middling, 114c. Salo. 26 bale; re
ceipt, 720 balea; ahrpment, 4 bales; stock,
16,t$l bale.
Metal Market.
xndon tin market was higher today, with
spot closing at 122 10 and future at 126.
The local market wa quiet and a ahade
(luwer. notwithstanding th foreign ad
vance, with quotationa ranging from $6.76
to $7.60. Copper advanced lu In the Eng
lish market- to 4) 10a for spot and 61 15
for future. Locally the market waa firm,
with lake quoted at $U37418 60; electro
lytic, $13.25'13.374: casting, $13.0O'ul3.12V4
Lead waa 16 higher, at 14 2a. d In th
lAndon market and the local market Wa
firm at an advance of 6 point to W S3 hi.
Spelter waa unchanged at 19 15a In th
London market. Locally the market wa
dull and unchanged, at $4 lw4.J0. Iron waa
unchanged to a little lower in the English
market, with atandard foundry quoted at
turn and Cleveland warrant 0 94. Lo
cally there wa no change.
err. LOUIS. Dec. Z&. METALS Ie ad
dull; $3.4UU4.4&. Spelter ateady; $4.U04.6O.
CaaTea Market.
NEW YORK. Deo 23.-COFFEQ-Market
for future closed ateady. net points
higher to 6 points lower. Bate were r-
rirted of 13,ou bags. Including December,
; January. 6.tx-; March, Hoc; April.
6 toe; My. July. Hdoi cht,
quiet: No. 7 Rio, 64c-.- fcc;
uitld -coffee, teaty: Cordova, 4-flJo. -
Tightening- Up of Money Warm
Speculator! to Slow Up.
Demaada for Faada to Meet Dlrldend
Pay meat oad Stork Sobacrlp
tlona Bis Faetor In
NEW TORK. Dec. 23 The tightening up
of the money market today gave unmis
takable warning to the speculstlve element
of the necessity of not borrowing funds.
The wsrnlng was heeded, but did not seem
to force any targe amount of stock for
selling by the operstors who bought last
week In anticipation of the good effect of
the bank statement, but who were disap
pointed with the paurlty of the outside
demand attracted Into the market today.
Attention centered almost exclusively on
the money market and It was concluded
that the large recuperation effected bv the
bank had not yet put them In a position
to discontinue the use of clearing housn
certlflcatea. . Their late process of restora
tion is now regarded as essential to dis
sipate the continued reluctance of the in
terior banks to take up normal hanking
relations again. There are unusually large,
requirements to be met In any event by
the New York banks In connection with
the annual aettlements. While the lsrger
profits indicated by the record total $184.-..
6.W.O0O in dividends and Interest payable in
January are matters for encouragement
and promise for a good relnveatment de
mand, the problem of financing the pav
menta presents its difficulties in the
straitened condition of the money market.
There are extraordinary requirements be
sides to be met on January 1. Including
$11,65.000 for subscriptions to new Northern
Paclflo stock, $9 147.000 for new New Haven
stock, and $9,000,000 for American Telephone
stock. It is known that msnv of the
notices of withdrawals have lately been
reaclnded andsome of the banks have lifted
the requirement In the meantime and per
mitted auch withdrawals as were sought.
Nevertheless It is probable that some de
gree of preparedness will be looked to with
the expiration of the period of the with
drawal notices.
The nsrrowfng of the supply of fund to
losn on call is thus seen to be smply ac
counted for and in fact occasioned no sur
prise. The closing of a bank In Atlanta
and notice of assistance to be rendered,
sfter Investigation by the clearing house,
to a bank In New Orleana, made a bad
Impression. There Is some anxiety over the
outlook by the decline In the revenues and
the early necessity for the use by the gov
ernment Of some of the funds dennnlteil.
with the national banks. A resort to checks
n n"Posus ny tne Treasury department,
which will throw the treasury operation
Into the clearing house transactions, is
hoped for. One feature of the tenacious
hold of Interior banks upon their resources
Is the continued scarcity of New York ex
change and the large number of checks
on Interior banks which are sent to New
York merchants and Jobbers. The money
stringency caused a downward plunge In
sterling exchange rate and more gold was
engaged In London for Import. The taking
of the dividend from the price of New
York Central was followed by special weak
ness, which seemed to Imply distrust of
the dividend rate. Representations of in
tended reductions In prices of steel prod
ucts after January 1, were depressing fac
tora. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $l.6,0u0. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and quotations on stocks
were as follows:
Btles. Hlh. how. Close.
Aismt EKprena jj3
Amalgamated Copper 1.4'0 7V. 4" 4i
Am. l A K Z'lt !'J '.
Am. C. P. ptd..., H ft'itt o
Am. Cotton Oil 7u 2S
Am. Cotton Oil j(d s
American ICxpreM lfc)
Am. H. A L. pld 1114
Amerlcsn Ic 8icr1tles... . 1,100 U lta, H'4
Am. Llnaeml Oil 7-
Am. L,lnaee4 Oil pM ' 11
Am. Locomotiv 100 81 31 37
Am. pfd.. feft
Am. .. A R 1J.100 jl 71" 714
Am. S. A A. pfd m, -at i o
Am. fusar Heftnlcf (4,100 lOu'.t K 11
Am. Tobacco pfd ctfs 69
Anaconda Mining Co 1.400 21 274 V
Atthlsoa fUso 714 704 Tuv,
Atcblao pfd 100 M U4' 85
Atlantic Coast Line, ax-dlr. 81
BalMmoea Ohio.-.....- u ti 8l- ll
Ba.1. Ohio pfd lno 7S ' 75 75
Brooklra Rapid Tr " T.4U0 WH 384 ti
Canadian Pacific i : 1W
Central ot New Jersey ") W 1S 175
Cbaaapeaks V Ohio to 30 804 ' aft
Chicago Ot. W :K) 7U. 7Vi 74
Chicago V N. W lno ni 135 134u
Chicago, M. A St. P 4.900 M 1U3V, luj
Chicago T. T I
Chicago T. a- T. pfd 'Jo
C. C, C. A St. L t :,i
Colorado F. I x if iss li
Colorado A Bo , on ia
Colo. A go. lat pfd ir . ' ' 4Vi
Coin. A go. Id pfd X 894
Conaolldalsd Gal 7u0 7 M
Com Products, rff luoj
Corn Products pfd go
Delaware A Hudson too 145 1414 14ju
Del.. L. A W 434
Denver A R. 0 4'K S'H to 19U
D. A R. O. pfd too 6S 5Vt t
Distiller' aacurltleg I.r0 vt t.i lit
Krl too it 17 14 '.,
Erla 1st pfd 100 34 K tt
Erie Id pfd 100 (44 144 2
General Electric K 114 110 110
Illinois Central 1U0 1U 123 lfl
International Paper gu
Int. Paper pld 1,J0 MS K tsi
Int. Pump 0 114 11 'I-
Int. Pump pfd too tii it 4
low Ontrai 104
low Central pfd ...... II
Kanaa Cllr 80 tl
K. C. Bo. pfd U
Loulsvlllo A N too S4 I1H 914
MetropollUn St. Ry 14s,
Mcilian Central l.KO II 14H 144
Minn. A St. L H 244 344 35
M., Bt. P. A 8. 8. M Vt
St., u P. A 8. 8. M. pfd 120
Missouri Pacific m 41 4S 41
Misaourl, K. A T. W 2&4 Z44 24V
M., K. A T. pfd 300 64 6 S tH
National Lead 4U0 40 194 tS)A
N. R. K. o( M. pfd, offered 44
N. Y. Central, ei-div 11,(00 Wl I1U 91U
N. T., O. A W Jlu
Norfolk A W lt0 4 M 44
W. pfd 100 71 76 0
North Americas l'K 43 434 414
PaclAc Mall 4 144 Sf. K
Fennajrlvanla 11,300 ll.' 1114 1114,
People' a Oas too 79H 78 7
P.. C. C. A St. L. , CO
Pressed 8teel Car 500 20 14 19
P retard 8. C. pfd 70
Pullman Palso Car 100 144 144 143
Reading T,X 6 i 934
Reading 1st pfd . 7s
Reading 14 pfd 74
Kepubllo Steal 14
Republic Steal pfd 44
Rock Island Co 144
Rock Ialand Co. pfd M r ts4j V"
Bt. L. A 8. P. 3d pfd loO 24 34 214,
Bt. Louts 8. W 14
Bt. L. 8. W. pfd 30
Southern PaclBo .&"0 74 734
60. Paclflo pfd. 100 lot lot lut
Bo. Rallwar ' ' II
So. Rallwar pfd ) 3M4 34 81114.
Texas A paclflo go0 30 19V4 19
Toledo, St. L. A W 13
T. St. L. A W. pfd 300 30V4 94 35
Vsloa Paclflo 25.M ll- 1174 117 '4
talon PaclBo pfd ..... 794
V. S. Express o
V. 8. Really 37
V. 8. Rublwr 4 10 19
V. 8. Rubber pfd " 75 74H 74
V. 8. Steel lt.0 t(4 r,
I'. 8. Bteol pfd t. U44 17 17
Va. -Carolina Chemical 19
Va.-Caro. Cham, pfd ft
Wabaah VO 94 44 94
Vt'abaab pfd 1"0 17 S 17 S, 17
Wella-Fargo Ex., oRered too
Weetlnghuua gleetrte S" 44 48V4 414
Woatera t'nloa 1)0 14 (oS 65
Wheeling A L. K 414
Wisconsin Ceolral , " Uv
Wis. Central pfd m 34 94 36
Intsrborough Met. a 4 44 4
Int. Met. pfd rt 1) II 174
Northern Pacific I ttoO 1174 11544 1U
Oraat Northern pfd 7,300 1174 1144 15"4
Central Leal her liu
Central Leather pfd 10 75 15 77
Bluas-BheSjieid Steel It S4V4 K4 II
Total aalea for th dar, S43.IO0 share.
New York Stock. aael Boada.
N1CW TORK. Dec. 23 Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adams Coe I Little Chlaf 514
Alice 160 Ontario 109
Breace 10 Ophir Iu5
brauawlrk Co 15 Pvtoal i V
('MteM-h Tunnel .... 14 Save a g4 -
Con. Cel. A V jt Sierra Nevada )
Hots Silver 71 Small Hope l
Iron Silver 71 siaodart 1st
Lead rule Con. a..... 14
fa reign rinaaclal.
LONDON, Deo, 23. Money waa dearer on
the market today and much In demand for
year-end purposes. Discount were firmer
on Qermaiiy aa. well as tha United State
taking bar gold on tb open market. Trad
ing on the Stock exchange was quiet but
cheerful. A steady undertone prevailed
and dealers marked up quotations In atitlo
lpation of Increased business and better
money conditions In the new year. Ameri
can share, assisted by th favorable New
York bank statement and the Union Pan ho
report, ruled firm in the forenoon above
parity, bear covering and a few outaule
buying orders helping the Improvement,
Lalai. th New York opening came steady,
btrt early buyer turned eiler, price de
clined and the market cloaed easy. For-
elgners were quietly steady and Peruvians
were weak.
I'ARIS, Deo. $ Prices on the Pourse
todsv were firm, but the trailing was dull.
BriRLIN, Dec. 13. Trading on the Bourse
today wn dull and prld-s were Irregular.
Industrials as a rule were weak upon the
reduction In prices of coal In England.
New Yarlc Money Market.
TILE PAPER i4tf P" Pet Sterling ex
change weak with actual business In bank
ers' bills, Mf.o4i4 SolO for demand and at
$4 sofltjnr for lxty-day bill; commercial
bills, $4.79.
SILVER Bar Kh: Mexican dollars. 41c.
BONDS Govenrtrient, steady; railroad.
Money on call, strong and higher; fifciS
per cent; ruling rste, 21 per cent; closing
bid, offered at 4 fer cent. Time losns. quiet
and llrm; six mentlis, S per cent: ninety
days. 104(13 per pent.
closing quotationa on bonds were a
7 8. ret. ta, peg.. ..1044 Man. a . 4s 14
do coupon i.iofi Mex. Central 4a i'v
V. 8. la, rg 1014 do 1st Ine US
do coupon 10144 Minn. A St. L. 4s. . 91
V. 8. a. 4a, reg.,... !! 14., K. A T. 4s.,,.... 1'4
do couron ii....H9 edo ta ""S
Am. Tobacco 4s)....-.: 44. R. R. of M. e. 4s. T7H
do a 4.. H4 N. Y. C. g. 3Ss W4
Atrhloa.gen. 4...... N. i. C. g. 5a 117
do 1J. 4s.. ..."ft..-; US No. PnctBc 4s 4
Atlinllc C. U 4 15 : do ta 74
do 3 9 N. A W. t. 4a 91
Brs. R. T. rv. 4S....V- f. 8. L. rfd. 4.... SSV
CentreJ of Oa. I.. Pens. rv. I4 P0
do letlnc 3 H -lading gen. 4 44
do 3d inc.: St .L. A I. M. e. 6a..l0I4
do 3d In ......174 t- L. A 8. P fg. 4. Tl
Ohee. A Ohio 44s.. 44 St. L. 8. W. e. 4s.... 41,
Chltago A A. 3Ha. . 41 eeahoard A. L. 4a....
C, B A Q a. 4.,. W 8). Panic 4s ilS
C, R. I. A P. 4s..... "I "do let 4s ctfs H
do col. os T34f4e. Railway la 24
CCC. A St. L. g. :4- HI- Teiaa A P. Is ....104
Colo. Ind. 5a, ser. A. 444 T.. St. U A W 4a.. S
Colo. Mid. 4a M t'nlon Pacific 4".... 99 4
Colo. A 80. 4s 4 n ov. 4e M14
cubs 5s 84 V. B. Steel td 5a..... 1414
D. A R. O. 4a 90 Wabaah la 1"4'4
Platlllera Sec. es M4 do deb. B 44
Krl p. I. 4a M Weatern Md. 4a 1
do gen. 4a. '4 W. A U K. 4a 73
Japan 4s T Wis. Central 4s SO
do 4 We rife , 7 AUhlaon cv. 4a K4
do Id series K do 5s 5
L. A N. nut. 4a...., 94 Int. Met. 4 Ha 474
ir.d. Oflsred. . t
Boston Stocks nnd Bonds.
BOSTON, Dec. i2. Call loans, 8(&1! per
cent; time Ioans;4'S10 per cent. Official
closing on stocks and bonds:
Atchison adj. 4s 91 . Amalgamated 4.'-4
do 4s f4 Atlantic S
Mex. Central 4s Ti bingham 4
Atthlson 704 Cal. A Heel ,...599
do pfd 'a Centennial m
Bnaton A Albany 1U Copper Hang
Boalon'A Main 4.14- Daly West I
Boston Eievsted ....U'4 Frank hn '4
Fitchburg pfd V. .117 Oranby 7"
Mexican centra ..... 1441ste Royal 1744
M Y . N. H, A H...1ITJ4 Man. Mining 1
Per Marquette 11 Michigan I
t'nlon PnulSo ...117 Mohawk 44
Am. Args. Chem.... 12V Mont. C. A C 1
do pfd 464 Old Dominion 274
Am. Pnen. Tub I Osoeola II
Amer. Sugar .... ... Parrot ,.
do ptd iv'"7l Qs'scr '
Am. T. A T....'....::i,l'4 Shannon I1
Am. Woolen ......... 15 Tamarack
do pfd 30 Trinity 14 '4
Bdleon Kleo. 1 1 lu ri United Copper f4
General Elitrlo ...V.HI Vi 8. Mining 10
Maas. Kleclrlc ....... I I'. 8. OH 1034
do pfd 3 Vtah
Lr -a oas . 41 Victoria 4-4
. tad Fruit ..,.,....113 'Winona .....i 4
f lti?d 3. M : W'i N'orth Butte 404
.do pfd ii Butt Coalition 144
V. B. Steel. Nevada , 74
do pfd fti4 0al. A Arlrona 9.1
Adventure t Arlsona Com.- 134
Allonex (S
1 "i 1
London C'loalngr Storks.
TONDON, Dec. 23 Closing quotations on
stocks were:
Conaols, money :'4 M., K. T W4
do account ......."..' 13 !4. Y. Central 91
Anaconda 5'4 Norfolk A W 4t4
Atchison Ti' do pfd t.'W
do pfd t Ontario A W 324
Baltimore A Ohio...- Pennsylvania 6"
Canadian Pacific i:a Hand Mines 5
Chesapeake A Ohio... 31V Reading 4'-r-.
Chicago Qt. W. 74 goulhern. Railway ... 13
i C, ' M. A Bt. P....:. .le74 do pfd 40
D Beer H44 Southern Psctnc 7414
Denver A R. O ?1 t'nlon Pacific 121
do ptd -. do pfd K2V4
Erie ..vl7 V. S. Steel ...,274
do 1st ptd ,...' . do pfd XHa
do td prd SO . Wabaah 10
Grand Trunk 19 do pfd. ., 10
Illinois Central 124. gpantali 4a 04
Loultvllle A N. aa4Amal. Copper 44
SILVER Bnr, steady, 244d pt;r ounce.
MONEY 4V(i6 per " tent. -
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is tjSu''i Cpi" cent; for three
months' bills, 6g4 ver cent.
WA8HIN44TON, Bssrt:23Today'a state
ment of tha 4reaeurytvbalancrs In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,u00,0uo gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balances,
$116.697, fm; gold coin' and "bullion, $31,81,6'.V;
gold certificates, $t,B7i,S70. -
- - . v r
Bank Clearing.
OMAHA, Do. 23. Bank clearings for
today were $2,135,14.01 and for the corre
sponding date last" year $1,918,21)8.70.
Oils' slu4 MsslB.
NEW YORK, Dec. 23. OILS Cbtton
seed, easy; prime crude, 29&294c; prime
yellow, 27V4C PetrolQum, steady; re
fined. New York, $8.75; I'hlladelphla and
Baltimore, $3.70; refined In bulk, $4. HO.
Turpentine, easy, 46 4c
ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good,
OIL CITY, Pa., Deo. 13. OIL Credit
balances, $1.78. Runs, 199.38; average,
137,467; shipments, 315,637; average,
' i SAVANNAH. Dec. 28. OIL Spirits
turpentine, Arm, 414c
ROSIN Firmer; sales, 2,093; receipts,
3,260; shipments, 757; stock, 113,000.
QAiotel ABC, $2.76 2.80: D. $I.752.80;
E, 42.80 2. B0; K, a.90j 2.9.; O. $2.90$)
2 (5; 11. $2. 95183 00; I. $3.50; K, . $4.4o;
M. $5.20; N, i.6; W Q, $6.00; W W,
.00i3 6.25.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frsilts.
APPLES Market continued quiet and
prices are a shade easier. Fancy are quoted
at 11642c; prime. 8V(iH4c; 191 fruit, ts4"llo.
DRIED KRUITS Prunea are unchanged,
with quotations ranging from 64c to 16c
for California fruit and from 80 to 14c for
Oregons, 60 to Sua. Apricots steady, choice,
22fpc; extra choice, 23r26c; No. 1 fancy,
244T2o. Peaches are quiet, but steady, with
choice quoted at 12&16C; extra choice, 124
trl34c; fancy, 14$il44c;' Raisins are steady
in tone,' with loose, muscatels quoted at Mf
bc; seeded raisins, 7'uV4c; London layera,
Bsgsr aad Molasses.
NEW YORK, Dec. 23 SUGAR Raw,
Arm; fair refining, 3 30&3.35c; centrifugal,
94 teat, 3.85c; motaases sugar, 3.00 tj 3 i)5e;
refined, steady; No. 6, 4.40c; No. 7, 4.36c;
No. 8 -4.30c; No. 9, 4.26c; No. 10, 4.10c
No. 11, 4.10c; No. 12. 4.05c; No. 1$, 4.00;
No. 14, 3. 95c; confectioners' A, 4.60c;
mould A, 6 15c; -cut-loaf, 5.60c; crush I
5. ode; powdered, 4.9tJ; granulated, 4,oJc;
cubes, 6.05c.
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 34 U 42c.
Elgla Batter Market.
ELGIN, 111.. Dec. 23. BUTTER
Board of trade markft today was firm at
29 cent a pound. ' Output for the week
was 624,000 pounds.
More Gold Engaged.
NEW YORK, Dec, 23 Lasard FYeres
today announced the engagement of $1,
000.000 In gold for Import. This make
the total $18.$60,000 for. the preaent
"Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec. 23. WOOL Steady.
Medium grades, combing and clothing, iiif
23c; light fine, lr; heavy fine, 'fciffldc;
tub washed, 263c.
Stork la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
weatern markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha. ........, 2,o 2.GU0
Ploux City 7tO !
Kanvas City 2o 4.s0 4 (or)
SL Joseph f27 4.607 t3
St. Louis 1.2uo 4.6i0 600
Chicago 13.000 23.0UO 12.0U0
Total 20,827 42,007 19,lu3
loaa City Live Stock Market..
SIOUX CITY. lec. 23.-(flpeclal Tele
grain.) CATTLE Receipts, TOO head; mar
ket stronger; beeves, $; cows and
heifer. $2.uU4i4.U0; docker and feeder.
$2.70t)3.70; calves and yearlings, $2.2tti3.40.
IIOOS Receipts, 2.900 head; market 10c
higher, selling at; bulk of sales.
14 4vtJ4 4a.
Casa of Mydropkobla Fatal. '
CHICAOX5, Dec. 33 David Marshall of
Florence, Ky., dld here today of hydro
phobia. Marshall and Calvin Rice, also a
resident of Florence, were both recently bit
ten try a mongrel dug. Rica Is now In a
aerloua condition In a Chicago hospital.
Caplata mm Wife Draw. 4
NEW HAVEN, Conn.,x Dec. 23 Captain
Henry gtribner of th barge New Haven
and hla wife were drowned' off here toduy
when seven barre In tow of the tug,
JimeS Mc Williams.-, foundered. ' Six Dion
were rescued by the McWilliam.
Cattle in Light Receipt, with Pricel
Showing- Some Strength.
sheep nad I, a sub la Llgkt Receipt,
While There Is Uood Demand
and Frlree Are Tea ta
'Fifteen Higher.
SOUTH OMAHA, Neb.. Dec. 23. 117.
On account of the holiday season It Is
necessary to glv the Monday market re
port: .
Receipts were: Ca'.tle. Hogs. Sheep.
Estltnste Mondsv l. 3 300 I,W
Same dnv last week 4.011 3.9M 6.114
Same days 2 weeks sgn.. 4.791 6 12 12,K'f
Same day 3 Weeks sgo.. 6 2J 2.748 S."e
Same day 4 weaj s ago.. 4.9M 1'2 12 W
Same day last jrar 993 S.3f2 834
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with lust yr:
19-7. l"6. I""- D,c-
Cattle -. 1.149.482 1.06S.211 81.271
Hogs ......2.213.4JO t.3'.4i0 4' S,?
Sheep 2,(t,tki9 2,142,533 112.94
The following table show's th average
price of hoga at South Omaha for the last
several daya, wtih comparisons:
Data. 1 1907. 190. 1906.lOe.1903.l03.'l01.
Dee. 12..
Dec. 13..
Dec. 14..
Dec. li.,
Dec. 16..
Dec. 17..
Dec. 18...
Dee. 19..
Dec. 20..
Dec. a..
Dec. 22..
Dec. 23..
4 7041
4 48 HI
6 03' 4 W
6 05 4 88
8 08 4 85
6 11 4 SI
4 23 I
4 47 I
6 18
4 4"4
4 334J
4 :3 I
4 ?.J
a I
4 44
4 81
6 19! 4 841
fi 1st 4 AO,
6 (; 4 881
8 06 4 99
4 98
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C, M. ft St. P. Ry 8 4 - ..
Union Pacific 4 4 I
C. at- N. W. (east 1 12
C. ft N W. (west) 10 S
C. St. P., M. & 0 6
C, B & Q. (east) 1
C, K. & O. (we ' 12 $
C. R. 1. Sc P. (east) t .
Illinois .i-iiUa, . 1 .. ..
Chicago GU W 2
Total receipts 73 34 I
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co ai2 331
Swift and Company 647 427
Cudahy Packing Co...... 6-0I 692 707
Armour fc Co..... 2t'i 6u7 198
Ixibman & Cp..- o? ... ...
Hill & Son 10
Huston & Co..... .' 67- " ... "
Kingan & Co 167 ...
L. Wolf 42 ... , ...
J. H. Bulla 8
Mike Haggerty 2
J. B." Root dc Co.... 27- ...
T. B. lnghrara.. 6
Sullivan Bros 4 ... ...
Krey Packing Co , 137 ..,
Independent f ... 17
Smith & P 20 ;
Khs 14
Other Buyers 63 ' " 3 i79
Total 1.972 2,& 1.671
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were light, as
was to be expected Just before a holiday.
Shippers have learned by experience that
the holiday season Is a dangerous time to
overload the cattle market and that the
only aafe way to avoid an over-supply Is
to cut down the supply. The result of this
policy was moderate receipts and firm mar
kets at all points. -
There were a-few beef steers In sight
this morning and a few were wanted, but
the demand was not any too urgent, so that
there were no great advance in prices
even though receipts were so light. Steady
to a little stronger" would Just about cover
the general situation. Among the offerings
todav were some pretty good cattle. In fact,
better than have been acta here In several
days. '
Cows and heifers were free sellers at
prices strong to 10c higher than last week.
The light receipts changed hands quite
readily and In good season In the morning.
Only a few loads c stockurg and fueders
were on sakt and they were generally picked
up at steady prices.
It will be' well for shippers td all' bear
In mind that there will, be no market on
Christmas day. The yards, will be open
for the receipt of stock and anything arriv
ing will be cared for, but not offered for
sale. ,
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steers, $4.80iU6.50; fair to good
corn-fed steers, $4.2544 Du; common to fair
corn-fed steers. $3.2.Va4.25: good lo choice
cows and heifers, 43,i;Va4 25; fair to good
cows and hellers, $2.4tXa3.26; common to
fair cows and heifers, $1.262.40; good to
choice Blocker and feeder. $3.70ft4.'.; fslr
to good stockers and feeders. $3.3o33.70;
common to fair stockers and feeders, $2.50
Representative salea:
No. Av. Pr. No. At. Tt
T tW III 14 1345 4 56
14 .. 944 I 66 l 1IH1 4 7o
15 IMS 4 0J . 14.... l:ii4 4 74
It 7 4 10 (1 13"7 4 19
11 104T 4 25 16 1471 4 40
44. l!2t 4 50 . SB 143K i to
31 1181 4 60 11 14W ( 6
1..'. 140 t 64 10 SM I 48
1 S.V) 1 M 6 711 t 46
3 1000 1 10 3 10S6 I Tt
1 70 1 li 1 1070 t T6
1 K8) 1 46 tl 21 $ 15
I l"t t 00 3 1160 I II
3 131 t "0 4 t U
8i t 04 4 lu 3 M
14 H8 3 14 7S 1067 I t
5 ("5 t IS 17 HOT 3 KS
3 1160 t 25 .14 lotl t 00
( S14 3 26 7 luKI 00
4 (78 3 1H 10 11(7 I JO
71 t M it 1AM 30
t 70 3 II I...., 1140 I tt
tl i I 60 17 liV.1 lo
It 440 3 40 1 1470 I 16
1 70 I 00 1 S60 I Tt
1 711 3 tl 41 7t5 Tt
2 (10 t U 741 I JJ
1 611 3 40 13 1010 t 44
I '0 3 M 1 lit 3 76
1 1"0 t 40 1 1630 I 00
1 1W0 16" 3 1816 100
6 Hit 3 64 1 1110 1 00
1 1-40 t 70 1 171 t 10
1 1100 1 75 1 1710 1 15
4 1S0 1 76 1 1490 t SO
1 17W 2 76 1610 $ 60
1 430 3 Tt
4 4 Ml IK' 10 1M 4 (0
3 1 o 3 T5T I 00
1 B4 IM W T67 1 60
10 414 3 SO
1 steer W0 3 00 14 cows 96$ 3 15
2 steers.... 9J0 $ 00
Swsn Land and Cattle Co. Wyo.
110 cows.... 818 190 118 cows.... 746 I $0
HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning
were very light, even for a Monday, there
not bring enough In sight to make a mar
ket. Shippers possibly were afraid that
the market would bo more or less demoral
ized by the near approach of- a holiday.
It appeared, however, that with light runs
everywhere there was a better feeling and
aellera were able to secure an advance at
this point of loc over Saturday'a prices.
Thus the hogs which sold on Saturday at
$4. SIKH. 35 brought $4 .40434.45 today, and as
high aa $4.60 waa paid for right good hogs
aa against a top ot $4.40 on Saturday, it
waa not what might be called an active
market, some little time being taken up In
an attempt on the part of buyers and
sellers to get together on a trading basis.
When the trade was once started, however,
the hoga were soon disposed of, as the re
ceipts were so light.
Representative aales:
No. A. Sh. Pr. No. A. Sh. Tt.
66 4 i)t) 4 15 64 r l 160 441
4M 176 ) 4 40 61 to 1ft 4
40 4t 0' 4 40 41 iM 160 4 44
4 270 11 4 40 T4 124 ... 4 44
44 4u 4 40 41 2f4 130 4 46
II fS t-tl 4 40 M J,! ... 4 4S
4J ftl 40 4 40 Tt !6t 1W 4 46
1 1 l:J 4 40 (4 t ... 4 4 ;
tt t?. 40 4 4! 4 SO 1M ... 4 li
44.... tSl 144 4 4: 61 "'... 4 46
Tl l:l ... 4 4?v( T4 lit ... 41
Tt t7 ... 4 424 61 M4 M 4 47U
Tl HI l 4 4r4 74 tit 140 4 471?
67 Kit 140 4 43V4. tt HI 1J 4 47 li
It 141 344 4 4t' T4 Ill ... 4 M
14. ...... .140 40 4 46 t SHl . aa 4 to
13 !4 M 4 46 41 tet 10 4 W
SHEEP Receipts of sheep were very
light at this point this morning, while ar
rlvala were also very moderate elacwhrre.
There waa a little demand on the part of
packers and the few loads In sight changed
hands very readily at prlcea that Wer
fully 10o higher than last week, in some
raaes possibly 16c higher. Pretty decent
kind of lambs sold up to $6.76, with year
lings at $4 40, which sold at tha low point
last week at $4.25.
There being no market on Chriatmaa day,
bo one Is anticipating very large receipts
or a very interesting market this week.
'J ht-ra ta never very much business doing
during the holidays and there la no reason
for expecting an exception to th general
rule this week.
Quotation on good to choice fed eheop
4 4J 4 49) t 6 18
4 41 e yv e
4 39 4 45 2
I 4 811 4 49; 6 0l
4 a u a 11 6 7.7
4 46 4 T4 6 23 1 6 84
I 4 271 6 14 6 2T
t 60 4 31 i s is
n 07l 6 04
I 4 44 4 33
4 88 4 39
4 39! 4 4i 6 1 I "
and lambs: I smhs, $8 6nfr5 ; yesrllng
wethers, 14; wethers, $4 004 50;
ism, M60jJ 75,
Hepresentative sales:'
No. Av. Pr.
4 western ewes .....110 $ "ft
31 western yearlings Ill 48,
li western yearlinas Ill I M
28 western yesrllnss Ill 4 .15
,R western yearling 115 4
98 western lambs 81 $ ft
15 western lamb 08 4 71
T wetern yearling! l' 4
' t western ewe , 146 8 60
4.7 weatern yearling A Wathers l 4 '
ti western feeder wethers $
3 western yearlings 140 4 75
3 western buck US 4 00
IHi western yesrllngs 123 4 40
234 western yearlings 1-1 4 40
t attle gtraasr 31 eg nigher
aad I -am a Active
CHICAGO, Dee. 21. -CATTLE Receipts,
sbout 13.ITX head; market strong to 164y2Ac
higher; steers, $3.9064.35; cows, $1757 4 50;
heifers. $2.5tWi 26; bulls, $2 0tM 90; calves,
$3if7.n0; mockers and feeders, $-'4094.60.
HliOB Receipts, estimated sbout 3S.0H0
head: market, Hloc higher; choice heavy
shipping, $4 UH; butchers, $4.80f,i4 So;
light mixed, $4 5Mi4 n; choice light, $4 6"j
4 75; parking, $4 76; pigs, $3.754H .35;
bulk of sales. $4.6OS4.70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti
mated about 12,(V: market active, W2b4
higher: sheep, $2XH.60; lambs, $6.00ffi$;
yearling. $4 (OgtS.eO.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
8T. JOSEPH. Ho, Dec. 23. CATTLE
Receipts, 827 head; market Steady. Natives,
$4.0f&.76; cow snd heifers, .$1. 75454. 80;
sto Iters and feeders. $3.2564.00.
HOGS Receipts. 4.507 hesd: market 1"
15c higher; top, $4.60; bulk of sales, $4 5o&
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt . 103 hesd;
market steady. l,ambs, $S.(a6.75; year
lings. UKKii4.40; wether. $3.7-4 25; ewes.
Kansas Cltr Lira Stock Market.
celpt. -2,800 head. Including 700 head south
erns; market, lOtgRc higher; choice export
and dressed beef steers, $4 8034.40; fa r to
good, $1 7.75; weatern steers, $3.604j4,;
in effect to many point9
in Kansas, Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming, Idaho,
- Montana, Oregon and
Washington. No other
part of the world has
greater or more valu- ;
able opportunities to
offer to intelligent and
industrious seekers for
homes-and competence " .
than have these states. j
v. " - ' '
of each month during "
1908 these low round- '
trip tickets
eale '
.... -;-.,f
, ' Via
Union Pacific
. For pamphlets and lnfortnatlla )
la regard to rates, inquire at
City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St
Phone Douglas 1828.
m mm
. Select the railway that gives the best .service in sleeping
cars, dining cars, library cars and day. coadies.
.' Special advantages, electric lighted trains thoroughly
clean cars unexcelled service in dining cars and com
fortable berths in sleeping cars, are assured if your ticket
is for one of the three daily trains of the , . :'
' ' .
' Union Stations in both cities. Three fast trains daily.
Leave Union Station, Omaha, 7:25 a. m. Arrive Union
".. Station, Chicago, 9:15 p. m. The "Business Man's Train"
1 leaves Omaha 6 p. m. Arrives Chicago, 8:30 a. m. Another
train at 9:58 p. m. Arrives Chicago, 12:28 noon.
F. A. Nash, General Western Agent.
A delightful trip and a pleasant plao te enoapa
the rigorous winter. V
- Winter Totirist Tickets now on sale.
For rates, detailed information and deseriptiT
- tcoiars, call at City Ticket Offioe, 1402 Farnaja,'
or write
District Passenger Agent
stockera and 7edra. 2.o(f4 0; sonthern
sieers. $3ry4 2: southern cow. !lIIO;
native cow, $1 78iA7d; nstlve heifer. $2.40
4 35; bulls. $ta-t3.60; calves. ULfo4o0,
Ht.H19 Kecelpta, 4.) head; msrket 10a
higher; top. 4 S; bulk of sales. $4t94eT;
heavv. $4(VTf45: packers, 4 60JM.63; rig
and light. 4 rtt4..
SHEEP AND lAMBI Recelpta, $.Bo
hed; market strong lo l'k higher; lam)a,
35 5-i 6 SO: ewes snd yesrllngs. $3.6014
western vesrllngs, $4.O0i4 SO; weai mrm sheaet,
$2 6(VjH 35; stockers and feeders, $3,004)4.00.
a. Lenta LIto Stock Market.
ST. IX5U1S, Dee. B. CATTLE Receipt a,
1.3H' head. Incltrdlng head Tana;
insi-ket steady to strong: native shipping
and export steers, $4.76lo6 86; dressed Deaf
and butcher steers, $3 Sotf-tO; steer tinder
1. lbs.. $10i!94.26; stockers and feeders,
$2.3MT4l; cows and heifers. $17Wf4.8r;
csnners. $1 50TtOO; bulls. $3 0O4M.60; calves.
$3 00r7.60; Texas and Indian steers, . $165j
6.00: cows and heifers. $l.6tt7.
H04JS Receipts. 4.500 head; market Bo
higher; pigs and lights, $; packers.
$4.25414.86; butcher and beat heavy, $4,709
4 90.
SHEEP AND I-AMBS-Re-etpU 800 bead;
market strong; natlvo muttons, $3.0OCOO;
lambs, $3.0O6,00.
Toledo Bead Market. '
TOLEDO, Dec. 23. SEED Market closed,
cssh and December, tl 00; March. $7-10;
prime timothy, $2. JO; prime alslka, $$.T4
Established 1874.
0 Board of Trade, CTilcf
Omaha Office, Room 000
Uraiidels' Building.
Thone Donglag 2547. ,
C. E. HUNTER, Manager, )
Your Baslnrag Solicited. Com
and arc us.
will be on
. .
and New Orleans