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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY DECE51BKU 24. j907. TELEPHONE - (QUICK HINTS . ' FOR- EIURRIED1 SHOPPERS If you wander through this Great Iloliday Store, you will find hundreds and hundreds of sensible, suitable Christmas gifts. Stocks were larger and more comprehensive this season than ever before as a result there is fine choosing for the last day of Christmas shopping. Store will be op en Tuesday night. i . - Gift Suggestions. , r r ' from. Du Mra'i Department. ; Tlaa . showing of holiday neckwear, 50c to f 1.60 each. . . Nov lint) of holiday chirtt. $1.00, $160 and fl.78 each. Glores, lined or unllned, $1.00, $1.60 and $$.00 a pair. Fancy suspenders, prices start at 60c. , Night shirts, pyjamas, ' umbrellaa. cuff but tons, scarf pins, etc. all make sensible gifts. Main Flfror. , ... ""' 'T . Christmas Gloves. t .u y We sell great quantities of gloves.- There must be Bomething more than the holiday spirit' to acoount for it. We think qualify counts fot nvueli, and in no department in the store does quality have more influence than in the glove department. Every glove in this department has' been chosen because we know it is good; that is why a glove gift bought , at Thompson, Beldcn & Co.'s is always most welcome.. You say you don't know the size. Well buy one of these certificates: T. B. &Co. THIS Glove Certificate No to ENTITLES THE HOLDER to select their own gloves and have them fitted to the hand, by 'presenting this Certificate at our Clove department. Glove certificates are Gift Suggestions. From Onr Mnslin Underwear Department. A piece or a set of dainty hand made Lingerie makes an appropriate gift. Pmtty pieces of hand made Lingerie for as little aa 1.00. Bilk pressing Bacques In dainty shades, prices start at 15.00. Painty Aprons, dalntly trimmed, prices start at IBo. ; ; ' . All the beautiful high, Gift Suggestions. - From Our Cloak Department. LongSilk Kimonos, rich Oriental styles, $8.50, $10.60 and i60 each. ' Bath Robes at $6.60 and $7.60 each. ' Long7 Kimonos and negligee gowns made of pretty fleeced. materials, $8.60, $4.00, $4.60 and 6.o .... Dainty silk petticoats, blues, brown, dark red and wine, made of splendid quality of silk at $5.75 each.'. Special reduced prices on all the evening coats. SPECIAL PRICES on high grade mink and lynx sets. .They make the finest of Xmas gifts. Seeohol floor. . , TCddy BCJirS Special Sale An exceptional-opportunity for Offered Tuesday at greatly reduced are gone we shall not handle any Will go with a rus n. AH Teddy Bears, regular price 85c, Tuesday, each . . ; ". . . . V. . . . rr 59 AU Teddy Bears, regular price $1.50, Tuesday, each ,... t, ... Howard. Cr. 16th St. , AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Seven lien Wanted in Other Cities ' Arrested Within Few Dayi. THREE HUNTERS ARE FINED ' PotnU'4 . Vmtt i Crook lobbe4 t4ar Ma of ! la Stamps 4 ftaantity of Claara ana TalxtH. Couth Omaha seems t ha a dead fall for men want4 fur cranes, in etUer,j.-lUe. They hava font Mo the pocket as ntly as the bait from a billiard cue. 3tven men have beeu arrested rrcpnjly who have been wanted In ottwr-:tlivi Molt of these were taken In advance of any definite de wtotloA or kneiledse of the crime. They have all beatf fouad ponntcted with major off , On la charged with murder, one wltn laroaay and the rest with burglary or 0(y Omaha msmsGN MA. DOUGLAS 618 REACIXE3 ALL DEPARTMENTS Gift; Suggestions. ' From Onr Women's furnishing Department. Handkerchiefs, the newest sorts, Be to $25.00 each. THQMPSOU, BELDEN & CO. Omaha, Neb.,. OMAHA, NIB, Glove Certificate - This entitles M or bearer pair of Kid Cloves. . THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO. Per. issued for women, men and children. Gift Suggestions. That Are Bare to Please. Beautiful 'stag manicuring sets. Comb and brush sets. A pretty leather bag. A belt put up in a pretty box. Fancy combs, always a good gift. Hat pins in a pleasing variety. Furs Make a Fine Gift. grade mink and lynx sets marked at special prices. Buy Christmas Candies Tuesday. More and more people are learning of this pop ular dspartynent -hefe only pure candles 'arts sold" Worthy of special mention for Tuesday are the ass sorted nuts, i Fresh shipment for last day shoppers at per pound 26c. . Balduff fine chocolates and bon bons, special", per pound 60c. '- Toasted Marshmallowi, 30c a pound. Maple nut patties, 30c a pound. , .."Aesdrted . Caramels, 35c a "pound. ..... , Assorted cream wafers, 30c a pound. '' ' Black walnut taffy, 30c a pound.. .Assorted, cream candy, 20c a pound. 'Old fashioned mixed candles, 15c a .'pound. ';" Buy the .Christmas candles Tuesday and here. ol Teddy Bears Tocsday. Commencing 8 a.m Teddy Bears last day Choppers. The much wanted and popular Teddy Bears .will be prices. The very best imported kinds in brown and white. When these more Teddy Bears this season. Come Air.Teddy Bears, each AU Teaay Bears, 08 . ach " BEE-lJ-il-'OT hlKhway robbery. The last catch of !m portance was late Saturday night. This was a negro named Earl Maaterson, who Is charged with a burglary committed early In the same evening In Omaha. He was discovered by Detective "Hank" Elsfelder. Klefelder went Into the cloaet of the Com monwealth saloon at Twenty-alsth and N streets and there lie found a negro In the act of changing his apparuV. Evidently the man feared detection and wanted to make a cluing aa soon as he eould. The officer at once placed him undet- arrest. He waa taken to the city Jail, where he was booked for suspicion. He had, an averooat and a suit esse full of clothes. In a short time tha rrort of a burglary cam from Omaha and the offlcr thera were informed" that the man had been arrested already. The Omaha officers took charge of Maaterson yesterday morning and are satisfied that they have tha man they were looking for. Of the other case William Fauaa for the murder of Private Bowes of tha Sixteenth I'nlted States Infantry was the chjef. De tective P, It. BhleldS made t!s arrsat a Short time after the crime was discovered. W. M. Robinson and Roy Went, the first from St. Joseph and tha latter from Kan- EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOME SHOULD IO0K BRIGHT AND NEW FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON We lUpair and. EepUU Table Ware, Ee finish Statues, Electric Light . Fixtures, Lamp a, Etc - ' have Tina Dcra s It will htlp to make jtni entertainmat3 a aucceie. Silver Company 'i'hone uougr. 173. 314 Bouth J3th Bt, ' Between Farnarq and Harney. The daintiest of neck-fixings, 60c and on up. ' Pretty fans, 60c to $35.00 each. Large fluffy feather boas make elegant gifts. Holiday ribbons, the finest showing in the city, Main Floor. . , 190. - - iii(-i.ijuirLriju'L Main Floor. Tuesday, and come early as they regular price $1.95, Tuesday, ' 81.25 regular price $2.60, Tuesday, 91.50 Howard, Cr. 16th St. saa Cilv. iM' rr"."r.T rnS! Troutkn. Rob nsun la oi,n- . Ing his bond in a robbery case and Roy suspected of htiriri.ri imp- la Turnquiet arreated Walter Cudahy at t Nels he -...leo uunoing. He waa wanted In " on me charge of taking k and pocketbook from tn. watch Weatern Railway aseoclatlon. John It the ut- '"' oieva aolton were arrested Detective ghlelda ami ......... by '"Mini UVtr the Lincoln authorities Saturday noon. A to- n- ....... ...... wae turned over to Lincoln first of the month. Tii . i the ner ... ... u,,i umana jail la Charlea Hend rickaon who was arreated In Hamburg. la. and who tried to escape from Chief Brlgg at Paciao Junction. H. i, oon to b Placed on trial, on charts of paealng of , forged check oh Vllllani. Wetstl at Twen'r eighth and R streets. Fart Crook Pom wi. ...... Information was received by Meph one . run iroog Hunday that the efflce of the vlllaaa mum .m., c-. poat- turdsy night and M In change taken along w Ith vino puaiage aimpa. A Urge quantity of Suu tuuacoo was carried away ' burglars bored a hoi .... The the door and opened It by reaching In a on nd spring lock. No clue to t criminals had been Jlacov4 last nig the ;ht. u r aa anown, .n- uoaala) ad- Jetter'a Gold Top Beer delivered to .parts Of the city. Telephone No. I. Charles Mahl la aid to be allghtly proved at the South Omaha aj.l m- Jsniee Carroll of Wisconsin paid a short "Ph. Cl.ri.ln.. 1.1 .. - .. Daughters mission will be this evening. n'S aar. ana Mrs. Calvin Nelaon and son the gurata bf Mrs. WUllam Henderson. V Street. Th. p,..kui.... 1 1 . . . sre too ser- tlon of Cl.rl.imas day. V Uiemura- Mre. Chris O'N'ell has returned to home at Stanbury, Mo. Bhe has been uest Of Mis. V. J. 0nt. afra V'llnarll.. ... II. J her the Is a gueet In the homeof Mrs. at, M. U CP 00 The funeral services over the body A. V. Ulller Will be condui'Ud by the I sonic fraternity this aflarrtoun at I y. 111. services will he held at Ht. Mart klacopal church at TwentyTfuurt)i an suaets, i'e burial will be at Coluoibu of Ma in. In a d J WHAT TEIE WOMEN ARE DOING Yonng1 Woman's Christian Association Rooms will Be Closed Christmas. CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 28 Woman'a Chrlatlaa Teraperanea l aleu of Nebraska Flrat to Com plete "Taa' Claas for Kraacea Willaj-d Temple. Tha Young Women's Christian associa tion rooms will be closed Christmas day snd evening. ' ' The association has msdfl a feature this winter of a monthly nooh musical that Is free to all young women who wish to come into the Sudience room. - The proaram Is given' from 12:15 to 1 o'clock. The nest musical will ba Klven Thnraday of this week, the following rrogrsm hsvlng been announced; " Piano Miss Llljenstolpe. Solo Miss"'Vljeon Violin Miss Caroline Conklln. ' Miss Qrace ' poriu'lin """ Miss ''aVd'eon. Miss Caroline Conklln. Reading ,fcWI ... Violin . Piano , Miss Ltljenstolpe. But whatever the association members will miss by tha suspension of the New Tear's day reception and. the rooms being closed Christmas day .will be made up In the Christmas "get one" party to ba given Monday evening, December 30. The board Is planning to make, this occasion a notable one. Every member -who secures a new member will bo eligible to attend the Christmas party with Jier new member, AU members expecting; to be present must give their names at the efflce by Saturday even ing, December ;2& There will ba refresh ments,' a general good time and the fol lowing program: . Piano A la Blen Amea Schmidt Miss Ueorgia Elisberry. Reading The Apgel and' the Shepherds, Lew Wallace Miss Marlon Niekum. Puet Charity. Baure Mr. and Mrs, Walter Dale. Violin (a) Serenade Brela (b) BalUrolla.. Psprnl Miss Alice Ramsdale. Reading A Monologue Ruth MeKnery Stuart Mlas Marlon Nickum. Solo Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark Bishop Mrs. Walter Dale. Piano Op. No. 47, Ballade Chopin - Mlas Qeorgia l-jUnberry. Good Work 1st Pebraaka, Nebraska is -tha first stata to complete the ten "Ten"'clubs and the first to com plete the ten "Ons pundred" clubs, two Systems employed by the Women's Chris tian Temperance union for raising money for' Frances Wlllarrd temple. This makes $2,000 raised by Nebraska unions by this means. The plan originated with a Ne braska woman and It Is gratifying that her own state should be first to complete the tens. No provision has boen made as yet for the office of recording secretary of the state organisation made Vacant by the removal of Mrs. Fred Patterson', of Omaha to Stou City. Mrs. Patterson expects to attend the midwinter meeting: of the executive pommlttee and at' t)iat time her successor will ba appointed, DEATH RECORD A. -J. Parry. CHEYENNE, -WypT, 'Dec 21-(Speclsl.)-A. J.- Perry, a pioneer, ranchman and hotel keeper, died last fvefilnf et CHIco, Cal., of pneumonia. "Mr. PeTy lost his eldest son, EJlon .perry, ,. tbs.,-, a-harnplon broncho rider, two months ago.-and after the fu neral' went to CMlforhla for a visit. He was In good hes'lth j when he went swsy and his sudden death- a me as a surprise to relatives and friends here-.'' Mr. Perry was 63 years of age and the fattier of ten chil dren, nine of whom, with trla widow, sur vive him. Deceased came to Wyoming In 1868 and settled in the eastern part' of tha county. During the Inst ten years he con ducted Perry's Inn Irl this frlty. The re mains will be brought to Cheyenne for burtul. Mrs. KvS Ulnar. .LKX1NQTON, Neb., . Ded. 23. (flpeclsl Telegram.) Mrs. Evs Btuart, proprietor Of the Lexington telephone exchange, died In this city thia afternoon after a brief lllJ ness. Very few knew of her Illness Bhej was a prominent member of the Eastern Star snd other orders,. Bhe leaves a hue bsnd end infant daughter, mother and other relatives. Funeral arrangements have nSt yet been made. ' W, W, KonLrtatat". BKWARD, Neb., Dec. 23. (Specklt Tal egram.) W. W. Konkrlght, a pioneer resident of Seward county, died this morning suddenly of heart disease. He was 78 years of age.. Mr. Konkright hsd lived In Seward county 9 years. He leaves five children. A Ion so AVya-aat. CHICAGO, Dec. 23.-AIonso Wygant, gen eral suiierlntendent of the United States Express company, died today after an Ill ness of several months. V Ilrldsre Connection alrokvn. MITCHELL. 8. D-, Dec. IS. tSpeclal.) Tha Milwaukee road Is having consid erable trouble In keeping its bridge h across the Missouri fiver at Chamber lain open for traffic to the Black Hills country. Several weeks sgo a passenger cosxh backed down the main track on the incline and as the draw of the bridge was open at the time, the car dropped half way Into the river. When the car was taken out the truck were left In the river, supposedly that they would lsink. The current of the river, howSvsr, deposited so much sand around thorn that they are held up close to tha sot face of the water, and rise' and fall as the current changes. It Is only when the current Is low that the bridge can be Operated. Connection with, the . hills country has been broken three or tour times this week. Pioneer Dies en Road. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Dec. 2J. (Spe cial.) William Orebe, a ploner real dent of Aurora county, died in his wagon on a lonely road while en route to his farm from a business trip to his market LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS The first of another year la drawing scar. For various ressons there will be changes Irl the sgency forces of the dif ferent companies. The Midwest Life of Lincoln has Just placed upon the market non-partlclpatlng polities drawn along the lines of the New York standard forms snd the recommendations of the commit tus of fifteen. The provisions of theee policies arS fair and liberal, and the rates are as low aa those of any other com pany. In non-partlclpatlng policies there re no estimates of sny kind. Everything is guaranteed. A policyholder knows at the time he makes Ms application just what his Insurance will coat blra. The right man can get an exclusive oontraut for a trm of years for Omaha and Dobg- laa county. Call or writs for sample policies and agents' contrait. THE MIDWEST LIFE 1007 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. point. Not for ncveral hours wa" the wagon snd. team, with the dead body of the farmer In the wagon box, found by a chnnce passerby. In the person of John Williams, another farmer. PILF.9 ftHEP IW 6 TO 14 MATS. PAZO Ointment Is guaranteed to cure shy csss of Itching, Blind, Kleading or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 83c, FIRE RECORD. W. J. Pralt Wall Paver Company. DE MOINES, la., Dec. 2S.-K1re prac tically destroyed the W. J. Pratt Wall Paper company here today. The loss Is $100,QX), A careless employ dropped a match on tha fourth iloor within a few feet of two carloads of matches. The flames spresd to the matches, snd the dense smoke which Issued prsotlcally prevented the fire men from effectually fighting the flames. Water was administered through the roof. The flames were thus checked, but the water ruined all that did not burn. Aerldent In Creaton Tarda. CRBSTON. Is., Dec. 23.-(SpeclaL An accident occurred Saturday evening in the Burlington yards at this place that was somewhat out of the usual order. Freight train No. 70 pulled Into the yards lsst night In two sections, but a few minutes behind each other. As soon aa the first section wss in, the brakeman put out the light an tha waycar. The second section pulled In shortly afterward and, as the switch had not besen changed, pulled in directly behind the other. A fog prevented tha engineer from seeing the section ahead and aa a result he crashed into the way car, completely splintering the rear end and driving it nearly through the boxesr ahead. Brakeman Lundqulst, who was In the waycar, was knocked down, severely bruised and sustained a' number of severs cuts. Section Foreman Killed. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 23. Special.) William Oeittens, section foreman for the Colorado & Southern st t'va, on the Cheyenne & Northern, was run down and killed last night by the southbound paas senger train. He was running a hand car when the train approached and at tempted to remove the car from the rail". It was too heavy, but in his anxiety to save the car from destruc tion he tugged away until the train was upon him. Deceased leaves a widow uhd one child at Uva. WHAT CAUSES 11BADACHB. from May colds are the moat frequent cause of headache. Laxative Bromo Qui nine removes cause. E. W. Grove on box. 25o Democrats Will Vlalt Lincoln. CHICAOO, Dec. 23. (Special .Telegram.) Cook county's democracy Is planning a trip to the Denver convention and will Stop at Bryan's home In Lincoln on the way. HARTMAN'S XMAS SPECIALS www P ,4 , - 7.35 CHAIK Frame Is ol solid oak or mahog any finish, faDcy oval arms, front poets are handsomely ornamented with carvings; broad adjustable back and strong seat construction. Green verona upholstering; an uu matchable bargain. Salid Quarter Sawed yf 25 OakKocker This rocker is made of selected solid oak, broad, shapely back; large, comfortable seat; heavy spindles running from arm to rocker; . front posts neatly carved. Best of workmanship and thor oughly guaranteed, Kyrs Oix-n and Close, Fully DresseU 1414-16-18 Douglas St. lA KOUKKE'S BAM BAX.X. BXaUQVa.HTXBa aUi X.BADIJSO MmVAMDB -CIGARS- BOX T.1ASB BrZCXaXTT SIS Bo. ista a treat. Ji na i 78 1 1 A mUU H 0 V 3m a H I 1 HI 'i I OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS irr-.Mu.mTi., mi Ira DOLLSIOal 20 DISCOUNT On account of death wo will sell our entir stock of Jewelry 'andf PERSONALLY. IMPORTED DIAMONDS at ABOVE NAMED DISCOUNT A. 1. iofeermani!, fiS ; II. C. HUBERM ANN, Special Admr. , , , Store at S, E. Cor. 13th and Doug. Strs., for 41 Years ; 55 OKAXA'S PUKE 1009 OS SITES 1.1 Supplies everything good to eat at Holiday time. A store of large achievements.! We serve and satisfy more people than any other store in Omaha. We buy on a large scale and sell! a large scale. Our superiors buying power enables us to offer h the best thin its to eat at legal ! money than they can be bought y for elsewhere. Regular buying at 3 Courtney's means regular saving of money. W Meal Dept. 1 Our carload of Turkeys froniL the Nebraska farmers has arrived B and they are simply beauties. Our uj retail prices on all meats and " n poultry will be lower than whole- $ sale market prices. d s2 Turkeys (the good kind) ib.,13cn Geese (fine fat birds) lb...IOHf 6 Morrill's Bacon (MorriH'e lean N O pieces) per lb 15 ,c X Vlalt thla mnprn marlrnf and aoa 13 ythe display of Meats and Poultry n ... that hna novor lipon pnnnlpd In!.' Omaha. p Fruit and Vege table Dept. Head Lettuce, Brussela Sprouts, Endive, Cauliflower, Spinach, Mint, French Endive, New Carrots, Si B New Beets, Fresh Tomatoes, . New Turnips, n Artichokes, Bellevue Celery, English Hothouse Grapes, Persimmons, 3 Malaga Grapes, k u ..a rj - Butternuts, Mixed Nuts, Black Walnuts, j Oranges, $ Tanmerines. Christmas Candies Lowney's Delicious Chocolates and ; Confections. $ Woodward's Fine Candles, Especially Embossed Boxes P m from one to five pounds. Glazed Fruits, in one.half, one and a ij& five pound boxes. k p! Adirondack Maple Creams re-S tjjj celved dally In one-half and tjjj H one pound birch boxes. R M After Dinner Mints. Week End g t) Mints, Chocolate Covered Mints, $ English Barley Sugar Candy, y Peter's Milk Chocolatea, g y, Courtney's Home Made tjj Candles. Taffies, Fudge, Peanut Brittle, ?; Cocoanut "Brittle, Cream Waf-& 0 ers, Buttercups, Candy P R Canes, eta, etc. & rdurineyj St Co. fj VjSISSBSBSSSSJSSSBsfJi and Ooaglas Btraats. jj. Si M..t. Suhuit Ooanaata all Santa. - U 'o:o;:.:':c&"':f..'' AMUSEMENTS. AUDITORIUM ROLLER RINK - i. r . .i . KATJBO .U WBBX MVi HiTISZl ClkUTIUI ATTBBBOOir KUSIO BT XB BABD OSVAJTD MABQVBBADB OB FBIDAT mom CTeTYour NOON DAY LUNCH Bhe CALUMET Prompt 8ervlc ' EEAD THE-.BEST - PAPER Tka OaaaAa Dally f- fiJ) . .A.. ...V 1 i DISCOUNT Spend a Few Minutes in the Home of "Good Leather H.IIIIIIs '- Kxccllont suggeMions for men and womens Alligator Hags, Oxford Iiags, Heal and tJraln leather Buts, Ladles' Shopping Bags, Suit Cases, riilk Hst Boxes. - ( - , The following in rich feather Cases: Sewing Sets, Toilet Rolls, Toilet Fittings, Glove Sets, Hdkf. Boxes, Manicure Sets, Thermos, quarts and . pints Flasks. Auto and Carri age Bags, Toilet .- W a t r Cases, -. Writing Sots, BUI Books, Cigar Cases, Card Cases, Wallets, - -Jewel Boxes and Rolls, : . Poker Sets, Men's Pocket Books; . The best Coir Hide Stilt Case in Omaha for ,.....,.....$5:00 Every article of the highest quality. FRELHIG & STEII1LE "Where Trunks Are 'Made." 1803 Farnam St. , Ttl. Doug. 4935 .aafeLauiM . - . An Especially E labor ta .. TABX.B D'EOTS .. ' riirlFtmua, from I In I. Everything thb .maktrtfturdsu Ask to Kt-o our Menu. -Tim. prlfc-s will bo ptr . a " AMl'SRMEIfTS. Boyd's Theater Tonlglit, trntU "WSduesaay ZMAB MATXMXB WEMMDAI' diaries Frohman I'rffntB WH.X.IAM COLLIXH . In His New Cumtdy - . CAUGHT IN THE RAIN Thursday, Friday and Batasaay DBwoir xorrsB - And Company of T5 Piople,' with UXOCEBnH CZ.ABK In tho Opora HAPPYLAND Jaa 1-8 Ww Tsaf s MAtiasa. . TKIUUFHAIi FAUWBU TOUB ... Capacity Baslasss Bvsrywhsrs THE CLANSMAN Company of 75 Troop of Horses Jfsw Beanie and Sleotrlo Zffsots . Sona'laa 494. ASTABCCO TAUDBTIILI. Matin Dally SilS Every iriebt 8;13 TKII 'WEEK A KlRlit VVTlh thv l'd-l". Charlene A- I'lmrlen. Jlm l ituv'ti Ht tft.Mii". Austin Uonif, Minion & Jrd-t-ni-r, Hiirtlioldi'H CockatDus, C'lijlstlu JJuO and Tlie Klnodrom. Pries loo, Ute. SOo. SoutH for Xmus Mat. ami kv. oq salu. , audTtoium Roller Skating fRfl I I llv w w ji a ', v , M Band Music Ciirjstnjajs Afternoon m Eyerlit CREIGHT0N -HALL XMAS Eve.;P.;M. Matinee' 2 P. Night 8 P. M. mm THEATRE I5-J5-50-7S Bpaelal Jrtatlnt Christ- mas. ! Mnitatf4 OBOmOZ BIDBBT (HiiavsaUl aa BUSY IZ2Y, The Mazuma Man Tbaraday-Th Way of to rrsASfrsfSor. drv yy " wns dowi tow . Eat your noonday himh at t) araw aia obajto catb - JtesUsst -Prlt?s . ' llr Qrarj( Ptvtea. sr