r The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTIOII. Fr.?es 9 (o 16. Only 3 DAYS Fcr Christmas Shopping' VOL. XXXVII NO. 3 GO. OMAHA, SATUKDAY MOKNIXO, DECEMBER 21, 1007. 1 , SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Saturday Before Christmas! ' Shop Bering Forenoon! Stocks Still Unbrolien? Clerics Alert! y ( in ,1 SI'S Just I has Way i. Open Every Evening ST .'. A 'Ar , J JVC OMAHAS GRMTmi STORDF Vou've lots of shopping to do before Christ mas awl you've only three tihoppimf days to do it in, haiurtuiy, .Monday and Tuewtuy. The host day for you of these three is Satunlay. What you want in here; it may not be here Monday and more'n Ukely it'll be gone Tues day, fake time by the forelock. 1M) IT -NOW, The most conspicuous feature of this threat ttoir'n life and work is the hip.h grndo (juality of everything we Hell. Another pleas ing feature i the earnestness, enthusiasm, intelligence and coui1y of our salespeople. SATURDAY IN TOYS SLKDS I'OH 1K)VH AND GIRLS. L'oc Boys' Sleds, Saturday 19c G05 Bovs' Sled, Saturday 39c fJ8c Boys' Sled Saturday 68c CilltLH' 8LKDS. 25c Girls' Sleds ....19c 50n Girls' Sled . . . 39c .)So Girls' Sleds G8c DOI.IS CO-CAIITS. 35c Doll Go-Carts 25c GOo Doll Go-Carts 50c $2.00 Doll Go-Cart, very large, lias steel wheels, parasol, special $1.50 MECHANICAL TOYH. 08c Mechanical Trains, locomotive, ten der and coach, complete with track 5Sc IKON TOYS. 50c Iron Toys, special 39c 75c Iron Toys, special 58c 08c Iron Toys, special 80c $1.50 Iron Toys, special $1.20 Including all our Iron Trains, Ice Wagons, Fire Engines, Hook and Ladder Wagons and many others. HANDKERCHIEFS molTtnr shlpmsnts by e pr dally. Ton still haTs an lag-ant assortment to select from. We expect to make Set- Hie blg-gest day w'T nrday had. Fancy llox 'With Every Pur chase of $1.00 or Over. Women's Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, $1.60 C down to DC Women's Plain Linen Hand kerchiefs, 50c r down to DC Woman's Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, 60c down to Women's Linen and Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, $10 down to Men's Plain Linen Handker chiefs, 76c down to Men's Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, 60c down f P. to 1 DC Men's Silk Initial Handker chiefs, $1.00 down IP to ,DC 10c Lace :25c undker- I2ic HOSIERY Selling a great many hand embroidered Lisle and Silk Hose for Christmas gilts. It'll pHy you to see our stock before purchasing. Women's imported, full fashioned hose, OJTrt 35c value UOX, Hand embroidered lisle hose, 50c . value 4 A A three pair for . X"U Children's imported fine ribbed hose, 4 25c value 1JL Women's pure silk hose, cotton sole, 04 PA garter top . . .VlaUV Hand embroidered, pure , silk hose, ( nr $5.00 down to ..Uld SATURDAY BOOKS Juvenile Books a large table of Buster Browns and Teddy Bear Books, at. . . . 10 Billy Whisler Series 7f Ozaw of Oz, Land of Ox More about the Roosevelt Bears $1.18 iuiUiKs. Teacher's edition, at $1.05, $1.00, $1.25 "and 95 Prayer Books in all styles of bindings. Fine Books tor gifts Dream of Fair Women .' $2.35 Love Songs, old and new, nnd a years' subscription to the Reader Magazine $3.00 Riley's Poems, per volume UTtC biography of Our Baby, a beautiful volume $1.35 STATIONERY GIFT ROXES. At 10c, 35c, 1H UOc and up Fountain Pens, Mooney's Sell-Fillers. . -08 Waterman's Pens, exchangeable after Christ mas, will make an ideal gift. BOOKS FOR GIRLS. ANOTHER SALE FOR SATURDAY. Famous Books for Girls lO The Elsie Series Aurt Jane's Nieces, a $1.60 volume. .. .79? The Five Little Peppers 20o The Pepper Series $1.08 Louise Alcott, series $1.08 The Little Colonel Series $1.18 A Christmas Sale of fnrcpfQ Oa Sectnd Floor 0,13 Wo have a charming display of dainty hose sup porter in all colors and patterns, smhets and pads in silk, from fiOc to $1.75. In Corsets we make a special drive in view of Christmas gift-giving. $2.50 Corsets, all styles and sizes, in all fine materials and colorings, 'in cluding the Kabo and the fclQllP WAISTS $7.50, $S.50, $10 Lace, Xet, Messa line, Plain, Taf feta and Tlaid Taffeta Waists for evening wear and tailored waists all at one price in Satur day's waist sole, $195 Ladies' Siik Petticoats rOH CHRISTMAS $750 Silk Petti coats made of heavy taffeta silk, wide body, deep flounce, black and all colors, for $195 Men's Lounging Coats Kvery house coat we have Is nnw this season. Thpy are made of all wool double face matcrlalH, In the very Ix-st of shnrtes and patterns and are cut In the latest etylnn All tlO.Od grades now at 1(7.60 All 17.50 goods now at $5.00 Oath Robes for IVIen A splendid assortment of blanket robes in most desirable patterns and colors, at $7.60, $T,00 and as low 2 5Q Men's nobby Vests In flannel effeets, beautiful tan and brown stripes and plaids. In Blzes 84 to 4, J 30 Men's Silk Pajamas Men's Pajamas in silk, Soisette, etc., new shades of brown, pink, blue, cream, etc. $10.00 $7.50 $5.00 and $3.50 Reefers, Mnlllers and Fell Dress Protectors Beautiful selection, latest silks and weaves, black, white, and all popular colors, $3.00, $1.00, 75c and down to 50c Men's Neckwear Fine showing imported silk four-in-hands, large assort ment of fancy and solid col ors, made up in latest French folds, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c and. . LA At 50c Men's Holiday Half Hose Fine Half Hose, of pure thread Bilk, in a fancy box, at $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 Men's Imported Lisle Thread Half Hoae, hand em broidered designs; also newest showingof plaids, checkB, stripes and mercerized weaves, $1.00, 7.V and .. 50 Men's Half Hose, In large selection of plaids, stripes and plain colors; special Saturday. i. . .250 MENS' SHIRT SPECIAL $2.00 Shirts at $1.50 Hundreds of Men's Fine Shirts, latest colors and shirtings, plain or plaited; also latest novelties in fancy stiff bosom shirts. Our regular $2.00 shirts; special for Saturday. . .$1.50 MENS HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS Men's Silk Suf-penders, handsome individual boxes, non-elastic and elastic webbing, kid leather ends and fancy buckles $1.50 $1.00 750 500 Hml 250 The Greatest Just-Bef ore-Christmas Sale ever tield In Omaha. rxf nirMc davc rimr n ATniiwr ever tield ui uiEiii dim uuia imtj iLiUiiiiuu Fine hand tailored Kerseys and Mel- High grade Vicuna, Melton and ton Overcoats in black, Oxford Or kersey overcoats with g-uaranteed serge grey, lined with Princess serge or or Venetian linings, tailored to perfec- , -n i - tion and handsome fitting heavy Silk, regular 1 G 7 C graments. regular $20.00 f C Ofl $25.00 garments, at J grades, at lJJJ The finest black Men,g guitg of extra fme Worsted Cheviot and.Velour Melton and Ker- Cassimero materials, very best of trimmings, and sey Overcoats, hand tailored throughout, regular $25.00 tO J n Caucasian or grad0j ( ftt lO. D silk lining thru'- The yery best gradcg of $20-00 aud $22.00 Worsted and and $4()U V Cassimere Suits, in single and double breasted lT stj'les, are marked here now, IP AA garments, " ty ' iD.UU FREE B np Opportunities in our Boy's De OyS ailOrlllg partment you shouldn't miss. Any Overcoat for Boys three to fifteen years, up to $8.00, now $5.00 Any Fancy Suit for Boys, three to sixteen years, up to $8, now 5 Any Suit with Extra Trousers for Boys eight to six teen years, up to ,$6.00, now $3.98 Stylish $4.00 Suits and Overcoats for Boys three to sixteen years, Saturday .$2.98 The best $1.50 Knickerbocker Trousers in the countrv at $1.00 a. Six Months' Subscription ( GAe AMERICAN BOY (VilK Purchase of SS.OO SALE OF MEN'S SEALSKIN CAPS THE IDEAL GIFT FOR "HIM" Extra Special: 50 genuine seal - caps, worth $6, $7 ahd $8, choice T QA Saturday, at. . . .JZ9J Men's electric seal and Bal tic seal fur caps, worth up to $3, Saturday, 1 Cfi $1.98 and ..1.1? Genuine Seal Caps, worth up to 918.00, Saturday $8.90 Men's Warm Winter Cloth Caps, storm proof, heavy silk lined, inside fur bands and 'outside slide bands, $2. CO $2.00, 11.60 and down 50c Special for Saturday 60 dozen Fine Boys' Caps, fur lined and outside slide bands. ihls lot contains all latest styles end cloths that sold reg ularly up to 1.60; Satur- Qft day, choice OL 60 dozen boys' fur lined Caps, worth 75c, Saturday, at choice 59c ceotMsCE!IUES All must go before 'Christmas scarfs, throws, ties, all sets and muffs. Mink Black Lynx Jap Mink Broadtail Beaver Chinchilla White Fox Ermine Isabella Fox Sable Fox Natural Squirrel Kolinsky Just One Half OlT former marked prices for Saturday. Extra Saturday Christmas Bargains 'J Ladies' 2i Children's Garments COATS Tor Women and Misses One hundred and fifty Coats for Misses and Ladies: Coverts and Fancy Mixtures v $10.00 and $12.50 coats for $5.00 $15.00 and $19.50 coats for $7.50 48 to 52 inches long. Some are full satin lined $25.00 fine Kersey coats $14.75. Tight or loose fitting styles, 52 inches long, lined throughout with guaranteed satin, Saturday $14.75 COATS fop Clilldren at Exactly HALF PRICE Les3 than January Clearance Sale prices: Bearskin, Velours, Broad cloth, Cheviot, Melton and Kersey. $2.98 coats and dresses for $1.49 $3.98 coats and dresses for $1.99 $4.98 coats and dresses for. .$2.49 $7.48 coats and dresses for. .$3.74 $1.98 dresses for 99c $1.48 dresses for 74c 98c dresses for 49c Everything for Baby in the In fants' Room. da tit fiAure ufnjinnrnc TiwffAWAO nd dressing until iuiiEo, "wwiuir jriiiio, muiuimo saques. . .... The Biggest Sale and the l argest 98c "Wrappers aud " Kimouas, for Trv $1.48 "Wrapers and QCJ Kiinonas, for 0y $1.98 Wrappers and Qn Kimouas, for J'OC $2.98 "Wrappers and S Q Kiinonas, for iU Assortment ol These Garments $4.95 Bath Robes and Silk Kiinonas, for . $8.50 Bath Robes and J Silk Kiinonas, for . . . $12.50 Bath Robes andf Silk Kimonas, for . . $15.00 Bath Robes andO Silk Kiinonas, for . . .O Ever Offered in Omaha. 95 95 48 95 Bportiuf OooAa Air Rifle.. the bfFt nimle. . 69c $1.5 Foot RMIm, Kpflal $1.00 $1.00 Foot liallH, ppeclal 790 Htdi.'walk Roller Bkati'K up from 46c 80 O T. Stamps. Sen the hig line of PunchlnK Hutcn, lioxlnK Uloves, ex ercisers, etc. f f rn As accptbl rift and dnrbl oca. W out B.rly .11 tb leaning- makna. ' Ifi a pleaur to show you whether you puri'haiio or not. 1uicy torn with every pair, 11.00 or over. Glove Certificate at all glove prices. Women's Kid Glove $4.50 S4.00 $3.50 $3.0O $2.50 32.00 $1.50 $l.OO. Wocjea's Lined Kid Gloves and Mittens $1.50 $1.00 75 aad 50. Women's Fabric Glovet, lined $1.00 75 50J fiid 25i. Children's Lined Kid Gloves and Mittens $1.50 $1.00 75 500. C nil diva's Wool Gloves and Mittens 35 23 an 150. Mens Kid Gloves $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.50 nd $1.00. Men's Lined Cloves and Mittens $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 nd 750. .Men's Ktir Gloves $17.50 to $2.50. 1 SIMXIAL OX SQl'AKK. 175 dozea Women s valuo for GOO. two-clasp Kid Gloves, J 1.00 CHINA AND CUT GLASS Price conceahlons In almost every Item In ottr at aHHortmeiiit. 88H off on all the following: Iirir-a-Brac, Knsslan Hammered It ran, Imported Itraas Novelties. fQi DISCOUNT on all Cut Glass; II O nothing resenred, Bohemian gold and vase decorated lamps, English and French China service plates and steins. All fancy chop platea on one table; all chocolate sets, all fancy 6alads on one table, all pudding sets at HALF PRICE. SHOES SHEET MUSIC MAIN BALCONY If you are Interested In High Class Songs, attend "Our Black and "White Series" sale. "My Dear," "Lev. Me and the WorlJ Is aline." Droamlnf,'1 "In Adoration" daerej "Hoianat," Chrlstmae don "Pickaninny I.ullaby" aa Evening- bone n ay or ine urote. Tneee are ail well known out; of tna day. W'm are making a uncial price Faturriay, only . I.verytlilnc In popular ami clas sical uiuxlc Aak to see .oiiie at our new t'l.n'.iiu muelc rolls. &Iiclul pi ii m lut this week only. !7c BENNETT'S DIG HARDWARE RARNEV AND V7 .A MM " m -. up I-nm And 40 Or..n Treiilng stamps with arh pr, SKATES Tirs2'- Olllette's safety rasor, needs no hon- ln( or stropphm as.00 JCO Green Trading Stamps with each. Utm Junior safety ruaor, complete with seven blade, and stropping handle 91.00 And IS Green Trading- Stamps. Pocket k 11 Ives, nothing better for men And boys, prloes from . . . M to SSo And 30 F-itia Btanips with each. Chafing dishes, all styles and prices, tip - from tL&S And 100 fireen Trading Stamps. ROASTERS Don't miss -tuiy-lng on of the famous 8avory Roasters prices. Qll up from. iUC 40 Oraet Trading Otampa lth rach. LVnn-tanut.ra t.ari;e Japanere Table Mats, 60c value 1? uoajcnware $lrw cufi, each io Special Waste Basket stUe, Imported, values to $1. at 49o A very preuy coifiod Basket for hewing, handkerchief, candy, etc.. utiv one worth tl 00. at So TRUNKS SUIT CASES TRAVELING DAGS We carry a complete line of 'Schmikl's celebrated Traveling Bags, at very low prices. Basement SEE FURITURE AND CARPET AD ON LAST PAGE 100 Green Trading Stamps on all 53.50 to $5 Women's Shoes. 101) Green Trallng Stamps on 3ll $3.50 to $5 Men's Shoes. Fur Trimmed Juliets for "Women, belting leather soles, black, red and brown felt , S1.25 Fur Trimmed Juliets for Children, red,felt, black fur, with belting leather solos 9S Men's Flno Velvet Kid Chamoise Lined Slippers and Nulllflers. In tan and blacli 82.00 Men's Kldskln hand-turned Slip pers and Nulllflers, easy and noiseless .' 81.50 Men's Fine Tun and Black Kid Slippers, plain and patent leather trimmed 81.25 Men's comfortable, durable and neat Slippers, patent leather trimmed 98tf Sale of Men's Imitation Alligator and Velvet Embroidered Vamp Slippers 50 Rubbers, Overthoes, lloota for Men Women and Children. Rubber Boots for Children, warm lined, fine for coasting and wading in snow 81.50 Rubber Boots for Boys, good heavy soles, keep his feet dry and warm. .82.50 and 82.25 CUT FLOWERS. HOLLY AND MISTLETOE Main Entrance C1Y"TA DRAPERY Shirt "Waist and Shirt Boxes, upholstered with plain Japanese matting, hurlap or figured Cretonne, or genuine red cedar chests, a great variety at reasonable prices, $1G.50 down to 2.50 Tapestry Portieres, made of plain Armour bordered with figured tapestry, all colors, biggest value ever offered, 50 different styles, sell up to $14.50; Sat urday, your choice 8-1.05 Couch Covers, have never before shown such values, heavy damask In Oriental patterns or Bagdad stripes from 16.50 down to S1.25 Lace Curtains, dainty parlor effects, 25 patterns, all three aud a half yards long and full width, sell up to $4.50; Saturday, pair 82.G9 MEATS! MEATS!! Fresh dressed springs or hens, per lb. OVSc Freah leaf lard, 12 pounds for $1.00 Pig pork loins, per pound SV4c Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb GC Pig Pork Spure Ribs, 3 lbs. for 250 Porterhouse Kteak, per lb 12 t Prime Rib Koatt, all bones out 10? Choice Pot Roast 7 and 5 Boiling Beet, per !b 4t 2,000 Lbs. Nebraska City, Otoe Brand Regular Hams every ham Is selected and guaranteed, per lb.l2U( No. 1 Bacuu, narrow strips. 5 to 7 pound average, by the strip, per lKjund.-. 12$ Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacou, iholce and well trimmed, per pound lGi Imported Lingoin Berries, 2 quarts for 25 10-pound pall Morrell's High Grade Lard for 1.35 And 40 Green Trsdlng Stamps. Bennett's Big Grocery BATUKDAT'S SPECIAL LIST. IjLEABE OKOES XA<. . tl.00 ..M1.00 80 ...600 38a . .850 ..850 ..150 . .10o . .840 ..Mo ..lfto Mi Twenty-one DnunilH n Bennett's Bent Coffee, three puuiuU fur-..'.'.', . Arul Juu lireen Trading tftampa. Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound for ..' . . An1 30 lreen Trading- .Slumps. Teas, all klnoH, per pound And 75 ireen TihiIIiik Stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea, per pound And 40 Green Trading Stamps. uennelts Capitol jtakinu l'owder, 5 pound tan for $1.00 M . , And 1U0 Uieen Trudintf atainps. Vneeda Blacult, four packaea for 15o And 10 d'eeii 'rruilinv Ktiin,i,M Mixed Nuts, finest, per pound , And 20 tireen Trading Stumps. English Walnuts, finest, per pound And it) lire, n Trading Stumps. Batavla Seeded llalHins, package ii And lu (jieen Trading IStampa. Cleaned Currants, per pound Bennett's Capitol Unking Powder, pound can for Anil 3U Uieeu Trading Stamps. Franco-Anierlian Soup, quart van for And tln-en Trading; Stumps. Heinz' Mustard. Jar for And 1(1 Green Traiilnu Simons. - Diamond .S Preserves, large jar for 880 And 20 Green Triidln Stumps. Ghlrardellis' Coeou, 4onnd cun for 6O0 And 3i tireen Trading Stamps. Ghlrardellis' Cocoa, 'half pound i an 36o And 1 f Green Trailltn. SImiihih New York Crem Cheese, pound for ...... 22c! And '( tireen Trading Stamps. ) fiaRB Cheese, full cream, pound for 85o u uieen 1 railing stumps. .inuoiii iiuiu-rine, lo pouil.ls for And li) Green Trading Stamps'. Jersey Butterine, two pounds for And lu tireen Trading Stamps. Premium Butterine, two pouniis fur And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Tomatoes, new, two pound can for Malta Vita, four packages for Pure Pepper, tan for And 5 Green Trading Stamps. Cooking Raisins, per pound Tahle liaising, per pound Mincemeat, per pound And ID Green Trading Stumps. Fresh Country lioll Mutter, up foe pound Franco-American Plum Pudding, can for And 10 Green Tiadinx Stamps. KriKllsh Walnuts, Brazils. J'eeuns, KllLeits,, mixed Crisp, fr.-sli whit- Celery, jx-r stalk Cranberries, tier .iiiait Naval Oranges, sweet, per dozen EENHXTT S CJLXD1T.S Imported Figs, per pound , 20o g,n4 15 Dates, new, per pound Qa Chocolate Fruppe. finest, pound Lex fc00 And 1(1 Green Trading Stamps. Candy Chain, yard for 8io Mixed Candy, per pound X0 m 870 86o 450 80 a be 100 100 .. .isho ...18 HO 8O0 aoo lb. aoo eo . . .100 . . .160