TIIB OMAIIA DAILY REE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1907. 1 rJ 3. I) II SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN GOODS SUITABLE FOR u v t fc . u Come in tomorrow and get a stylish new suit or overcoat to wear on the holidays, and many days after the holidays. Our credit plan is especially appreciated nowadays with the coming of the Christmas HOLIDAY GIFTS A great store full of attractive offerings in those good gifts that have a practical value above that of mere empty splendor articles of necessity, utility and comfort as well as of ornament. And bear in mind, you may make your selections, have the articles delivered to any address you wish and can pay for the goods in small amounts from time to time as it suits your convenience. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE O'CLOCK. cheer, as the money is needed for gifts for the wife and the little ones. It's the credit plan that's helpful when you need help. When you are sick or out of work, pay ments are suspended. You pay only when you can easiest spare the cash. Easy Payments, $1.00 a week or less. SPECIAL SALE Music Cabinet beaut (fully pollsherl $82 Coll a r ettr- weathered oak finish $15!f MIkisIou Clock, best move nient $I85 MAA ZIXK HACKS, Mis slon or Oak $61! Oak or Mahog Fur Trimmed and Fur any rrdoMai, a- j 4 $3i5 Lined Overcoats I D''., T f SI i ' I U 1 J f v i r 1 y 1 A 1 5 'J 14 i ' 1 'i ' I v, , i 2 f" ' ' 1 Men's fine plush lined Ulsters, with Deaver collars, $40.00 values, special Men's all fur lined Overcoats, beaver big reduction In prices. ' Don't fall to see these fine garments. Men's Sail and Orrtroatn In all the latest styles, fabrics and colors. We have them get (i at any price $20, M, 15, (JJj Many nice, useful grlfts for men will be found In our Furnishing Goods Section. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs Stylish Neckwear, Silk Mufflers Fancy Hosiery, Holiday Suspendrs, etc. It's an Easy Way to Buy Clothes. Have it Charged. ? - CLOTHING COMFAAY DOUGLAS COR m collars I. .' ill We Sell I ' V Credit I 50i and 1 ZCash T Store J Prices. Books and Other Publications for the Holiday Season There Is at least one man In this great broad land of ours who. believes in giants, and because he believes in giants he has written a book telling about the strange and remarkable deeds of about one hun dred of these creatures. In one chapter alone he narrates a thrilling adventure of a plucky young chap with no less than fifty-seven of the monsters. "Giant stories are for children and are good for children," declares Dwlght Burroughs, the author of this wonderful work. "There are several good reasons why this class of literature Is beneficial to Juvenile readers and to those Juveniles who, being too young to rad for themselves, have to listen to the reading or the tellinr of the stories by ethers.. I certainly do believe in giants, and the giants' I believe Jn are the giants of evil habits and the giants of evil thoughts and the giants of evil deeds that stalk through the land. They are giants that every boy and girl must steel his and tier character against if they would be come good men and women. They are far more dangerous than the most horrible fabulous creatures of fancy. The little fcero, "Jack, Jr., the Olant Killer," van quishes every one of the ferocious fellows who fall In his way, and the lesson taught by this group of stories Is that a sturdy heart and a determined spirit enlisted In a Just cause may successfully combat the most enormous odds. If this lesson can be driven home It is worth while believing In giants, isn't it?" "Jak, Jr., the Giant Killer," by the way, is the son of the origi nal Jack the Giant Killer. The book Is published by George W. Jacobs & Co. of Philadelphia and Is handsomely Illustrated In colors. The December McClure's abounds In strong features. The present Installment of Burton J. Kendrlck s "Great American Fortunes" deals with Ryan and the Metro politan Railway company. Cleveland Mof fett describes the evolution of the spin ning top Into the gyro car. Harry Smith WlUIams follows thus up with "The Oy- BABY TORTURED FOR G MONTHS flswJVlM'l By TerriWe Itching Eczema Face and Head a Solid Sore Spread to His Hand and Legs Would Scratch Until He Bled Tiny Suf ferer Immediately Relieved and ENTIRELY CURED IN 2 MONTHS BY CUT1CURA When my son Walter was three weeks Old, sema appeared on his face. We did not know what it was so went to a doctor who treated him for three months. Then ha was so bad that his face and head were nothing but on sore and his ears looked as if they were going to fall i off, so we tried another doctor, lie said he could kin, ..-J doctored (there four months, the baby never gutting any better. His hand and legs then had big sores on them and as for his bleeping, we could not think of it,' the poor little fellow suf fered so terribly. Kirst i tied his hands to the crib to keep him from scratching, but when It got so bad I tied him in a shawl or he would scratch himself all bloody. Vhenfte was seven months old we tried a sei of the Cuticura Kemedies. The first application of Cuticurs let him sleep and rest well, tu one wees: the son were gone but It stayed red and sometimes it would Itch so we used Cuticura for two months, then he had a clear and white face. Now he is two years and eeven months old and fcaf nver had ecsema agsin. 1 hope this letter will help some who are suffer ing from skin disease. Every mother who has baby suffering with skin diet- should just try Cuticura; there U nothing bntUr. Mrs. Louis Beck, It. P.D.3.ban Antonio, Tex., Apr. 15, 07." A single set of Cuticura Kemedies to often sultieient to cure torturing, dis figuring, iu-hing, burning, and scaly hureoni, eoeeiuan, rashes, and irritations, from iufsncy to age, when all othes temedue fail. CVimpirt tiumiil snd Tsternsl Trr-n In Wtf ttuaauf ouosuUft ut Ctitlrurs Btwa, liii) to J, " oin. mcun iiimru01 (SOC.I to Hl t X"1."-.."" , """" kf"ml , (or to tl, Svirt of (Xoe-Ulc l utiMl f iii ss, p.. l Uni, IhO lli.-.l HillS U.r ll..h,...t .K- ... .r-l e- suMtS rraa CWUcon kaofe se aw. I roscope and Ocean Travel." President Eliot of Harvard has a very interesting article on "The Canadian Act." tolling what the Dominion government has done to aid In the settlement and prevention of strikes. "Some American College Boys," by Cam eron Mackenzie, Is a thrilling account of the Corpell university fire. This number Is notable for the beginning of a serial by Mary Stewart Cutting colled "The Way farers." Perclval Gibbon, Hermlnle Tem pleton and Mary S. Watts each contribute a characteristic short story, while "Cliar-ley-f'om-the-Orphum-House,'' by Augusta Kortrecht, Introduces a new writer of much promise. There Is some good verse from Willa Slbert Cather. Florence Wilkin son, Arthur Stringer and Charles Buxton Going. The Illustrators Include such names as Castalgne, Krlc Pape and Alloe Barber Stephens. An amusing series of little books for chil dren comes from the press of E. P. Dutton & Co.. enUtled "The Little Mother Stories." They are printed In pocket edition slxe and artistically Illustrated with full page color pictures. They include! "The Three Baby Bears." by John Jewett, illustrated by Edith Cubitt. "The Stories the Baby Bears Told," by John Howard Jewett, Illustrated by E. Stuart Hardy. "The Baby Bears' Picnic," by John How ard Jewett, Illustrated by R. C. Petherick. "The Toy Bearklns1 Christmas Tree," by John Howard Jewett, Illustrated by R, C. Petherick. "The Little Blue Rabbit and His Adven tures," by Cyrlll F. Austin, Illustrated by Hilda Austin. "The Little Redskins," by M. M. Jamie son, Jr. "Edward Buttoneye and His Adventures," by Cyril F. Austin, Illustrated by Hilda Austin. This little series of books would be much enjoyed by the Juvenile readers. The "Little Cousin" series for the Juvenile readers has recently had three new books added to those already issued. "Our Little Arabian Cousin," by Blanche McManus, author of "Our Little English Cousin." "Our Little French Cousin." and several other little cousin books, tells of the com ings and goings of two little children of the Arabian desert; how they lived their lives; how they played their games;, and many of the curious sights they saw as they travelled about with their parents. The author has illustrated the story. "Our Little Spanish Cousin," by Mary F. Nixon-Roulet. author of "God the King, My Brother," etc., tells of child life In Spain.' The story Is Illustrated by Blanche McManus. "Our Little Brasillan Cousin," also by Mary F. Nixon-Roulet, tells the story of one of the most Interesting and picturesque cousins. The story Is illustrated by Lones de Meeerac. I,. C. Page & Co., is the publisher of this series of books. "Santa Claus' Twin Brother," by Frances Trego Montgomery Is a charming story ft the adventures of four little children with Jovial old Stanta Clause and his rollicking twin brother, Kris Kringle of the Southern Seas, and Auntie Santa Claus and Auntie Kris Kringle. They all take a trip with the wonderful winged horse and reindeer to the Island where the storks gather babies from huge blossoms. From there they go to I'ncie Kris Kringle's southern paluco, and are taken by Kris Kringle to the inner world. This trip, which Is accomplished by means of the Rainbow River, Is full of lively adventures, the meeting of curious Inner world per sonages, and other exciting episodes. There are six full-page Illustrations In four colors and over twenty-five black and white drawings. Published by Brewer, Narse & company of Chicago. the author must have conceived them. Published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard com pany. "Mother Goose's Puzzle Pictures" Is the flrct of "Altemus' Young Folks' Puzzle Picture Series," Is a book for young read ers combining qualnt drawings and bjdden objects In each picture and nursery Jingle. It Is brightly Illustrated and substantially bound in linen with attractive Illuminated covers. Tho Henry Altemus company Is the publisher. "The Next Door Morelands," by Emily Westwood Lewis, Is a Btory for girls. Corlnne, an orphan, comes from her home In France to grow up In the care of her American uncle. In the strangeness and loneliness of the first week she finds com fort In the companionship of tho More lands, five merry children, ver different from herself in opportunities and training. They have a natural love of fun and are altogether a Jolly, lovable crowd. Illus trated from drawings by Ellen Wetherald Ahrens. Little, Brown & Co. is the pub lisher. "With Roger's Rangers," by O. Waldo Browne, Is a complete volume to "The Woodranger." "The Young Gunbearer," and "The Hero of the Hills," by the same author. While each book In this series is complete In itself, the same characters arc continued throughout. Although the tales are based strictly on historical facts and combine historical Information relating to early pioneer days in America, the Inter esting adventures in tho backwoods cer tainly make exciting and Interesting read ing for boys, especially. L. C. Page & Co., is the publisher. "The Santa Claus Club," both the text and Illustrations by L. J. Brldgman, Is a story depicting . Santa Claus as a nominee for popular favor. The illustra tions are printed In three colors and carry out this idea for his election. The book was suggested from the fact that next year is presidential year and everybody will be talking about nominees and the election, so this title and book is sure to attain great popularity. Bound in khaki. Cover deMgn In inks. Published by the H. M. Caldwell company. "More About the Roosevelt Hears." by Seymour ICaton, (Paul Plperi, Is the sequel to "The Travels and Adventures of the Roosevelt Bears," und completes the story of the tour of Teddy B and Teddy U from Colorado to Washington. The Illustrations consist of full page plctim- in color and line drawings by R. K. Cuher. The bonk "Fluffy Ruffles," whose adventures have been Illustrated in drawings by Wallace Morgan and exploited in verse by Carolyn Wells for the amusement of supplement readers of many of the dally papers, has appeared in book form from the press of D. Appleton & Co. It is needless to say that the work Is very clever and the book will bo must appreciated by admirers of this class of work and enjoyed by many who are not already familiar with It. "Five Little Peppers In the Little Brown House." by Margaret Sidney, Is the elev enth volume of the "Pepper Books." By tne art of the author ttie Irrepressible Pepper children with their many human and lovable qualities become familiar ac quaintances, and the presentation of situa tions la so genuinely ' huinoruus that all ages are entertained. An interesting fea ture Is furuUuad by the excellent drawings by Herman Heyer, which rsally Illustrate the story, as they oonnlsiently present the noted family exactly as the text shows that THE FOOD VALUE OF Baker's Cocoa is attested by IO p7 Years of Constantly w Increasing Sales 50 Highest Awards in Europe and America Registered V. t. 1st umos We have always maintained the highest standard in the quality of our cocoa and choc olate preparations and we sell them at the lowest price for which unadulterated articles can be put upon the market. Walter Baksr & Co., Ltd. Eabhshed 1780 C2XCUESTEI, MASS. 51! Genuine Oriental Hurs all popular designs and colors, at $1575 Hart man's Imperial llrnssels Hug, 12x0, fast colors, $1415 AxminNter Hugs, high, soft pile $2650 rph o I s tered FOOTSTOOLS brass legs. 25c imported Iolls eyes open and close 37. li 1 M O ti U K Plaques, hand somely decor nted 19c i-KlD HATKO China Fruit Dishes 19c NIC K K L ED Ryrup Mtchcr and Trays I5c Special Solid Oakf rL50 China Unset J Double strength plan", bent end deslKn, shelves Krooved for Mai dint; plates, highly polished, neatly carved. Elegant 5-Piece Parlor polished mahogany frame Suite, 3-Piece Parlor Suite, Upholstered imported $ 91175 velcurs VLafcrf ii- mm If if I New SnfHal Solid" f C25 Oak Bullet It? j Dressing Ta bles, oak or mahogany 1375 Oak or mahog any Princess Dresser 1550 Sol id Oak Dresser, three drawers 850 Elegant Solid Oak Itookcase, 59 1 I t1 w j Morris Chair f 95 Combination Hook case and Writing Deek 1675 Genuine leather Couch, guaranteed steel construction 3250 SolldOak Pedestal f T98 I Extension Table An rxoeptlonitl opportunity; mnrto of the bout selected ma terial, highly polished, roomy drawers, law compartment, top set with French pluto bevel odpre mirror. Solid oak chif foniers, five drawers 675 Chiffonier with F r ench plato mirrors, Qunrter sawed ouk or mahog ny Chiffonier, 2650 Double heating nose Burner, full nickel ed trimmed 3250 This pedestal Extension Table Is made of quarter-sawed oak and has a brilliant polished top. It has large platform base, with carved claw feet. Now at a great reduction. Six Hole Steel Itange, guaranteed, 267S Special Made In polished golden oak or mahogany finish, upholstering; of imported velour, broad adjustabla back,, strong seat, construction lully guaranteed. MM 1414 22 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT THS U. S. -1416-1418 Douglas Street .'SUM .nsx 925 Ti Handsome Rocker Embossed IfalUrrSeal llocker Is of heavy artistic ds sifrn, highly polished, embossed leather seut, hrour comfbrtable back, neatly carved. will certainly delight the younger readers and furnish them much amusement. Pub lished by Edward Stern & Co. of Phila delphia. "Ted in Mythland." by Hcrmlne Bchwed, is the title of a little book containing- the stories of the gods and goddesses of, mythology. They are told with great sim plicity and charm, In verse and prose, In a manner which will delight as well as In cidentally Instruct children of all ages.' The book is illustrated by M. II. gqulra. Published by Moffat, Yard & Co. "The Doctor's Little Girl," by Marlon Ames Taggart, author of "Pussy-Cat Town," Is an enjoyable story for the Juvenile read ers of a littlo girl and her comrade father. Miss Taggart has a sympathetic comprehen sion of a child's point of view, and a deli cate humor which can be understood by the children. The Illustrations are by Amy Cnrol Rand. L. C. Page & Co. Is the pub lisher. "The Olive Fairy Book," edited by An drew Lang, contains a collection of fairy tales which have been selected with the ex press purpose ' of pleasing the children. Mr. Lang has drawn from all sources and from many lands the folk-tnles and nursery stories that make up this, the twentieth volume in his Fairy Series for children. Eight colored plates and other illustrations are by H. J. Ford. Longmans-Green & Co., Is the publisher. "The Story of Joseph: As Told In tho OJd Testament," has been selected by George Alfred Williams for an Illustrated edition. Mr. Wllllums supplied a foreword on F.gypt, giving as It were a background of the people and the life of tho vari nis cant, s, describirg the existence of a Pharaoh, tlio priests, tho soldiers and the husbandmen, the last class being the one with which Joseph had so much to do. Fletcher Harper Swift, author of "The Most Beautiful Thing in the World." supplies the introduction. The illustrations are full pnje colored plates and line and marginal drawings, with a decorated cover. The Baker & Taylor Co. Is the publisher. What the Shepherd told the Wise Men concerning "The Star of all the Ages." Is retold by James M. Ludlow in his "Jesse ben DavidA Shepherd of liethlehem." with a wealth of artistic Imagery and lltery finish. The mystic charm and light of the Bethlehem star In this story of the tlrst Christmas has touched Dr. Ludlow's al ways grareful pen. His work lias been set In true Oriental colors by the artist, afford ing a rare presentation of the story of the ever blessed birthday. Published by the Fleming H. Revell company. "Dorothy Dainty at Home," Is the title of the sixth volume of the "Dorothy Dainty 8erles.' by Amy Brooks. Dorothy at her beautiful country home, unspoiled by for tune, is a charming sunny child, while In Nancy Ferris she has a most faithful friend, capable of great bravery in time of need. The nice companions of other books are met again and a droll new character introduced. Delightful times are enjoyed, and the whole utmosphere of gentle man ners and good taste that has so endeared these books to mothers as well as children is continued In tho author's graceful way. The Lothrop, Lee A Shepard company Is the publisher. "The Jeweled Toad," by Isabel M. John ston, Is one of the attractive holiday books for the juvenile readers. It Is a com bination of mirth and wonder, fun and fairy-tale adventure, nursery rhymes and hilarious pictures, which appeal to the chil dren. W. W. Den slow has furnished the Illustrations, which are In color. The Bobbs-Merrill company is the publisher. "Improving Songs for Anxious Children," by John and Kue Carpenter Is along the same lines as their first success, "When Little Boys.Sinp." The "Little Children of Yesterday," whom Mrs. Carpenter pre sents with such delightful originality and humor seem to belong to a time of wall mottoes and virtuous. If painful, aspira tions. These littlo moral songs have been set to attractive melodies. The book Is Illustrated quaintly and old-fashlotiedly, in color. A. C. McClurg & Co. Is the pub lisher. ' "Billy's Princess," by Helen Eggleston Haskell, Is an exceedingly bright and inter esting story of the adventures of a news boy and his little ward. Billy's ambition and the pride and quick temper of the "Princess" furnish excitement and amuse ment. Incidentally, the story teaches a splendid lesson of manliness and self reli ance. The Illustrations and decorations are by Helen- McCormick Kennedy. Pub lished by L. C. Page & Co. "The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Rid ing," by Annie Fellows Johnston, whose "Little Colonel Series" for girls has been so much enjoyed, ends the story of the Little Colonel's girlhood. Here she finds the one who shall be her "chosen knight" through life, who' measures up to the stand ard of her sterling yard-stick, and, who alone is fitted to wear the royal mantle of her weaving. Here also she proves the legend of the four-leaf clover, whose extra petal Is said to bring perfect happiness. The Illustrations are by Ktheldred B. Barry. L. C. Page & Co. is the publisher. "The Teddy Pears." by Adah Louise Sut ton, author of "Mr. Bunny, His Book," "Baby Dear," etc., will prove one of tho very popular books of the holiday season. It Is the story of the adventures and ex periences of a whole family of Teddy Bears In the country, at home and In mischief and will surely delight the admirers of the Teddy Hears, which are so popular at the present time. Published by the Saalileld Publishing company. , "Father Tuck's Annual," containing stor ies and poems by various authors, Including E. Nesblt, Norman Oale, H. M. Burnslde, the editor. G. C. Floyd, and Edrlc Vreden burg. There is an Illustration on every page, In eclor or In black and white, by such artists as A. L. Bowley, W. Foster, Hilda Cowman and others. All in all. It Is one of the season's attractive books that will be much enjoyed the year round on account of the variety offered the young reader. Raphael Tuck & Sons Is the pub lisher. The leading article In The Living Age for December 7, "The Cant of Unconvention ally," by Ludy Robert Cecil, Is a scathing review of certain recent fiction. corner of Fifteenth and Leavenworth streets from David Cole and wife to St. Phllomena's church has been filed. The consideration is (14,000. 'PHONE COMPANY GETS MONEY Receives Twnty-Flv Thousand Dol lars Deposited Tvlth flr as Bonn of Good Faith. The Independent Telephone company Fri day received from the city the $25,000 It had deposited with the treasurer as a guar antee fund It would build and equip a tele phone system In Omaha within two years from the date of Its franchise. An attempt had been previously made to have the money refunded, but the treas urer refused to act on a resolution by the council, and at the last meeting of that body the warrant was ordered Issued, the order being Incorporated In the salary ordi nance. Councilman Alma Jackson was the only member of the council voting against tho refund. He Insisted that under ths, terms of the agreement the company should equip a central office at South Omaha and furnish free service between the cities to subscribers before being entitled to Its de posit. A Fortonale Texan. E. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex., found a sure cure for malaria and biliousness In Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Hallway otes. Alfred Darlow, advertising mansger of the Union Pacific, is in Chicago. Hal Buckingham, chief clerk In the freight department of the Burlington, has returned from Kansas City, where he has been checking freight rates. Q. F. Campbell, rate clerk in the pas senger department of the Union Pacific, has returned from Washington, D. C, where he went In the Interest of the road. Electric lamps. Copley, Joweler, 215 S. 16th Above books at lowest retail price. Mat thews, VJ2 South Fifteenth street. All of the books reviewed here are on sale In Brandeis' book department. COLLEGE ENDOWMENT INTACT Purpose of Technical Transfer of Property net ween Crrlaaton lTnl veralty Oraanlsatlons. In order to keep the Crelghton college endowment fund Intact Creighton univer sity, trustee for Crelghton college, has deeded to Creighton university proper S33.2U.76 worth of reul estate, which has been taken In on mortgage foreclosures. The deed was filed Friday morning. Creighton university, trustee for Crelgh ton college, is a separate corporation formed for the purpose of handling the Creighton college endowment. Among the Investments were real estate loans, se cured by mortgages, which had to be fore closed. As the endowment fund is required to be Invested In securities, Crelghton uni versity proper, agreed to buy the real es tate from the endowment fund corpora tion. The property includes half a lot on Jones, between Twelfth end Thirteenth, and property in Sweeny's addition. Bed ford . Place, Parker's addition, Millard ft Caldwell's addition and Begley liirk addi tion to South Omaha. The deed conveying ths two lots on the EVERYTHING IN YOUR NOME SHOULD LOOK BRIGHT AND NEW FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON We Repair and Replate Table Ware, Re finish Statues, Electric Light Fixtures, Lamps Etc. HAVE THIS D0vE . It will help to make yur entertaiumts a 6uccew. Omaha Silver Company 'Phone Doug. 1773. 314 South 13th St. Between Farnam and Harney. Winter Tourist Rates VIA- Illinois Central Railroad To New Orleans, Jacksonville, Fla., Havana, Cuba, Nassau, N,. P., Central and South America also to many points in Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. For rates, descriptive circulars and detailed in formation, call at City Ticket Office, or write, SAMUEL NORTH District Passcngep Agent OMAHA., NEB. TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, AND SUIT CASES Largest stuck and lowest prices In the city. Our all leather tiult Case at $5.00 Is the best made (or the money. Harness, Saddles, Kobe., Blankets and Fancy Horss Goods. ALFRED CORNISH & CO- 1210 Farnam Street