THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DFCEMBEtt 19, 1007. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARIET All Pricei Are Still on the Upwurd Incline. . GOOD ADVAITCE MARKS CLOSE III Cahles Chm Oood Baytns; 4 Forelga Markets An Firm -Ralas a Argentina Alarm Ins Featare. " OMAHA. Dec 18. 1107. Oreln -prices are tut on the upturn. The market is very nervous and priori erratic, but work higher and close with a good advance. Higher cables caused good buying. For eign markets are firm and higher. Con tinued rains In Argentina . becomes an alarming feature. Wheat opened stronranrl higher, but erratic Heavy commission house buying, followed by the local crowd, was the feature. Long take some profit, but all ofTrlnes are well taken. Trie market was eitremeij nwvoui owerd the close and moved quickly either way. ...... Mar wheat opened at Mc and closed at There was rood trading on the corn market. Prices worked higher In the face of some long corn coming out. The market responded readily to any good support and closed In better position and value higher. May corn opened at 64VkC and closed at Kmc. . , . The oats market was firm and a shade higher. In sympathy with other grain and good demand. Elevator concerns continue to be the heaviest sailers and the commission firms and crowd taking everything in sigm. juay osts opened at Tc ana ciosea ii"c. Primary wheat receipts were 761,0M bu. and shipments were V83.000 bu.. against re ceipts last year of 800.000 bu. and shipments of 373.000 bu. . Corn receipts were 726,000 bu. and ship ments were 87,000 bu.. sgalnst receipts 1b et year ct 870.000 bu. and shipments of KHI OOO bu. . . Clearances were lM.OOO bu. of corn. 9,000 bu. of oaU and whest and flour equal to 4JO.O0O bu. . Liverpool closed "ZVid higher on wheat and Sd higher on corn. . Seaboard reported lfiO.OnO bu. of wheat and 4A,tt4 hu. of corn taken for export. Local range ot options: Articles.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Yery. Wheit-I I Dec... 94H 96 W4 May... im 102 IWk July.. J6 96 M Corn Dec... 63 634 May... . 64 . M'i Wn July... U . 631 6.1 Oats- Deo... VH B04 4F May... 53 62 July. .4 4TVW 47W 467 1 00 04 1 01W 534 h2 6.V: 49J 62H 46i 644j 63S 48 53 4 Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. $ hard, ' 9W?7c; No. I hard, 6c; No. 4 hard. 92c; No. 3 spring, Vrtttjc; no grade, 85i0c. grade, 4&4ec; No.,1 yellow, 61c; No. , 3 white, 60c. . . OATS No. 3 mixed, 4Ti48Hc: No. 3 white, . . . . . . . . . . , M 1(1'.. , (. 1 , r. 4VC; xno. 4 wniie, vc; eianuuru, i.--y-i..7a. KTE No, 3, IdtWic; No. 3. 75jT0c. Carlot ttecelpts. " ' WhL Corn. Oats Chfraso 32 241 159 Minneapolis .3K7 . Omaha. 28 a 28 Duluth bS CHICAGO .GRAIN AISP PROVISIONS CHICAGO .GRAIN AN I !..' .' 1 Featares of the Tradl L'radlng and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Deo. 13. Conflicting reports regarding weather conditions In Argentina caused extreme norvousness In the local wheat, msrket today, prices covering a lange of IWQStc. Market closed weak with liay delivery a below yesterday's closing quotations. Corn was Ta4llo lower. Oats were off e. Provisions were a shade to 2V4jC lower. Although sentiment In the wheat pit was . htililxh when tradtiiK ben an owing to re- ( ... .. r ...... . v in A iH the upward tendency of prices wss checked for a tin by heavy selling uy longs, lowara the eiu.X, the-flnst, hKiirP.itavr. prices advanced sharply on a cablegram from Antwerp which showed a gain of SVitWVtC In the price of wheat there. On this up turn the May option advanced from 3106V4 to 11.07.. The volume of trade In the mean time was very heavy. Later In the day the market broke severely on reports which Indicated that weather conditions In Ar gentina In general were qute favorable to harvesting. Early gains were lost on this decline. The market closed weak. May oened c low-.r tc V4C higher, at ;t.xjjp 1.064. scld up to 31.07 and then declined to 11.04V The close was at 3104. Clear ances of wheat- and flour1 were equal to 420.0H0 bu. Primary receipts were 751.O00 bu., compered with BVO.Ofltt bu. the correapondlng day a yttar ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and .Chicago reported receipts of 4M oars, HKalnst 63 cars last week, and 41S cars a r.yar ago. The corn market showed little response to the early advance In, wheat, sentiment In the pit being rather bearish all day. The principal depressing Influence was an In crease In local receipts, arrivals today being more than what had been estimated. The late slump In wheat caused additional sell ing of corn which resulted In a weak mar ket at the close. May opened unchanged to Ho lower, at 5stf69V,c, advanced to 6D40 and then declined to 6'4c. The close was at 6S,3i6hc. . Local receipts were 241 cars, with 3 of contract grade. Oats were firm at the start, owing to the strength of wheat, but weakened with wheat and closed at the lowest point of the day. May opened unchanged to 4o higher, at 644(54c. sold at 66e and then declined to 64c. where It closed. Local . receipts were lf9 cars. . Provisions were Inclined to be weak be becaune (if selling of local packers, which waa chiefly inspired by a 10c decline In live hoas. Trade was -fairly active. At th) close May mirk was off iW. at 313.10. Lard was a shade lower, af37.i4. Ribs -wars -1.... .. .. v 1 1 ...... m 1 ivu- .i-7 fv. i Kstlmated. ..receipts for. tomorroy are: 1 Whest, 41) cars: corn, 266 cars; oats, 2i 1 csrs; hogs. S7.OU0 head. -v The lesdlng futures ranged as follows: ArtU Ies.l Open. Hlrh.l Lew. Close ! Yes y. Whest Dec. May July Cirn Dec. May July jt !) bMav aJulv bJuly pork Jan. May Lerrl . Jan. May Itl'.s - Jnn May 1 1 051 V, 1 C7 1 00 f9H 19 S, 1 04 98 1 1 Of. W ,9Ui t 67H 67S! 67vi f: 3441 64i 49 . 4M1 4S 4a 4Va 46,i,46S'0-W 44 12 fir1 13 124 12 65 IS 04. 7 7o" IS 6 11 S 13 00 7 70 11 5 13 10 T 78 7 75 7 324 T si 7 72W 7 SS f 73 .7 77 3 TS 1 00 78 73 T 06 774 T 06 3 7H No. 1. a Old. b New. Push quotations were ss follows: FLOl'R Firm; winter patents, 34.60 Si; winter straights, 34 2ff4.; spring pat ents. 3&j50; spring straights, 34.4044.K; hukera 33.ma4.S. - - WHEAT No. 3 spring. 31 OP'itl.lS: No. 3, 3lutil 11l No, 3 red, sac'U.0O. . . COKN-No. . lc; No. 3 yellow, Ho. , OATd-Ne. t. &)c; Mo.;3- white, 60149 RYE-No. 3. 7c. 4AH.KV Fair in choice malting, xr95e. BKKLitt Flax, Not 1 northwestern. 31144. Prima timothy, Vt.gKtf t its Clover, contract grades. 31425. - ' PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose). 37f7lB. Pork, mess, per bbl. 313.134 12 35. lard, per lfln b 176. short clear sides (boxed). 37.0u(J7l24. Recelnts. Shipments Flour.' bbls ...,.... 37. 10 Jfi.fon Wheat bu. n.0n4 33.SU Corn, bu 6I o.) H1.4'X (lata bu 43X.VO It ye. bu .00 4 600 Uarley, bu 9.riU 36,300 trr market was steady. Creameries, Surf t4-; dairies, Vtribc. Fgrs. steady; at nark, cases Included. firsts, ttc; prime an-, riini, i.e. uneese, stradr; llt)13c. . Toledo Seed Market. TOLrOTK). Dec lASEKD Clover, cash and December. ' 310.19; Marrk. 310 30. Tim othy, prime, 3120. Alsike, prime, 39 70. Minneapolis Groin Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 18. WHEAT May. 11 ii :. . 11 iiu- k: 1 v. . . - 1 nuithern, 31.U1S: No. 1 northern. 31.0t4 ' ii:R Flrnt patents, 3j.4fj.; second patent. $6 tftij W; first clears, $4,3044.40-. second clears, 33 WS 6 FIAX Fair demand; closing prices and to arrive, 3112V B RAN In bulk. t75a.OO. NEW YORK. GENERAL MARKET Pea tares of Trading; and Prices on Lending; Commodities, NEW YORK. Deo. 18. FLOUR Re ceipts. 21,436 bu.; exports, M.34S bu. r nrm with a fair trade. Minnesota patents, 3T 36a6.70; Minnesota bakers, 34(Ki6.00; winter pstents. 34 0ta8.26; win ter stralrhta. ti td&A To- winter extras. 33.76&4.0; winter low grades, 4.6$S.06. Rye flour. Arm; fair to good, 4.6j.iii; choice to fancy, 36.2u&6 40. Buckwheat flour, sieaay, per 109 lbs. CORN M EA L Steady ; fin white and yel low, 31 35&L27; coarse, 31 30 1.32; kiln dried, M.8r56. RYE Steady; No. 1 western, SOo; t. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts, Rt.OOO bu.; exports. 2O0 470; spot market steady; No. 2 red, .H elevator: No. 2 red, 31.0R4 t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 31.21 f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 hard winter, 31.164 f. o. b. afloat. An early 14c advance In wheat on reports of rains In Argentina was lost In news that the weather was Improving. Foreign houses sold In New York, but had fair orders for cash wheat. Final prices showing 4 to 4c net loss repre sented low fur the day. December closed at 31.0b: May f1.HMfl.114 closed 31.11; July closed 31 OS. CORN Receipts, 109.896 bu.: exports, 44.364 bu. Spot market easy, No. 2 easy, 72c elevator and 64o f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 white nominal and No. 3 yellow - nominal f. o. b. afloat. Option market was firmer on covering December shorts and closed 4 to 4c higher; May closed 67 Sc. OATS Receipts, 7,5C0 bu.; exports. 1896 bu. Spot market Arm; mixed KJwZZ pounds, 65c; natural white, 2wtjy2 pounds, 67v"xj; clipped white, iiwHO pounds, 63 6c. HAY Steady; good to choice, 3106(31.10. HOFS (Juiet; state, common to choice, 1907, 13?K17c; 1906, &-&; Pacific coast, M. Vane; 1906, 4Pc. HIDES Dull; Bogota, 164gl7c; Central American, 154'31c. PROVISIONS Beef steady, family. 316.00 $15.60; mess, 310 604i 11.00; beef hams. 324.50 (h.'W.&o; packet, 312264313.60; .extra inaia, I-f.Omu 00; cut meats, steady; pickled bel lies, 38.75a'10.60: plrkled hams, 310 OO1&IO.6O. Lard, easv; western prime, 38.nV&30, nom inal; refined, easy; continent, 38.76; South America, 39:60; compound. 37.374W 324 Pork barely steady; family, 31S.OSri.M; short clears, 3i6-6o13.76; mess, 314.6tKa 16.26. RICK ui-t ; domestic, fair to extra, 2tiHc; Japan, nominal. TALLOW Kasy; city (12 per package), 5 6-lc; country (packages free), 644o- BUTTER Steady; Imitation creamery, first, "&21c. CHEfctifc-Flrm; state, full cream, small colored and white, fine, lT4c; large colored and white, 164c; large, good to prime, 144 ft 16c: large, common to fair, 94114c. EOOS Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white, 60c; good to choice, 4S.fc-48c: brown end mixed fancy, 10c; average best, 3VJ3Sc; western firsts, &33c; seconds, 28S31c. POrLTRY Alive, easy: western chick ens, 94c; fowls, 114c; turkeys, 13c; dressed, weak; western chickens, 1j14c; turkeys, 14fel7c; fowls, Ktl24o. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT Fair and Slightly Colder Tonight Says the Forecaster. OMAHA, Dec. 18, 1907. Colder weather Is genersl this morning everywhere west of the Mississippi river Into the mountains. Zero weather prevailed In central Nebraska and temperatures ranging from 15 to 20 degrees below sero were general In western South Dakota and Wvnmini I.liht inowi continue In the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys, Lake region and eastern states. The weather has cleared west of the Missouri river to the moutalns, and it will be fair In this vicinity tonight and Thursday, with slightly coiner -tonignt. rimoha record of temDerature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day or tne last tnree yearn; " . 1907. 1906. 1905. 1904. Minimum temrjerature ..19 3 25 20 PreclDitatlon T .00 T T Normal temperaturo for today, 27 de- 'reflclency In precipitation since March 1, 7.16 inches. M , mnnm Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, j r U I r, .... 1. a Deficiency corresponding period In 1905, 2.40 inches. L. A. WEJH. Local Forecaster. 1 ' .,,.-..314. Lonla General Market. 8T. LOCIS, Dec. 18. WHEAT-Futures weak,; track. No. 2 red, cash. 31.024-1.03; P.O. 2 hara, SLWO-l.tio; iway,, juiy CORN Weak; tracTt, No. 1 cash, 53i?f 644c; May, 6oc; July, 56c; No. 2 white, 63 to '.IOC. OATS Weak; track. No. 2 cash. 6"4c Miv. 62Ac: Julv. 464o : No. 2 white. 6Sc. FLOUK Dull; rea winter paienis, n .wrrj 4b5: extra fancy ana straignt, .af8t.i; clears, 3.76(ft4.W. FEED Timothy, steanv at xa.owoff.iu. I'DRN'MKi t,teadv at 32.90. BRAN Ciulet; sacked, east track, 31.089 1.09. HAY Steady; timothy. u.uphis.w; prai rie, 39-OOtill.OO. IRON t'(riTONTIU(-.l. BAOGINO 114c HP.MP TWIXE-Hc. PROVISION'S Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, 313 00. Lard, unchanged : prime steam 37.874. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. 3374; clear ribs, 38.SB; short clears, 38.76. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 39.26; clear ribs, 39.U4; short clears. 39.624- POULTRY Weak; chickens, 7c; springs 7c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 74c; geeBe. 7c. Hi) T I eh-teaay ; cresmcry, zh'.vqc. EOOS Steady at 23c, case count. ' Receipts snd shipments of flour and grain were as lollows: Recelnts. Shipments, r Hiur, uuib. li.vv , n.wi Wheat, bu tfi.VO j 21.0P0 Corn, bu 49.nnn 47.000 Oats, bu ".. 68,0O 47.01JO m Lki. Ann ,n Kansas City Grnln and Prorlstons. KANSAS CITY. Dec. IS. WHEAT May, 994c; July, Soic. Cash: No. 2 hard, 964 94c; Po. 8, wwc; jso. z red, tsauc; mo. a. vuuc: May. tutua-joc. CORN May, 624c; July, 62-c. tjasn: wo. mixed. 62n614u: No. 3. 61462c; No. 2 white, 61c; o. S, i4'ati4C. OATS No. 2 white, 49iu⁣ no. z mixed. 18(1 -19c. HAY Weak; choice timothy, 3H,5O12.00; Choice prairie. 39.0(K(,9.O. B I "ITER Creamery. 274c; packing, 15c EGGS Extras. 2w:; firsts. Z4c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 50.OU0 3S.0H) Corn, bu 5.ii0 73.000 Oats, bu .J0 3,0u0 Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec. 18. CORN-New higher No. 1 yellow, 664c; No. 3, 644c; No. 4, 6-"''i'64V4e : no arade. 6oAc. OATS Higher; No. 3 white, 614c; No. 4 white. tfflc. RYFlDull; No. 2, 80c. WIUSKY-31.36. Mllmaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec 18. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, Sl.llfjl.12; No. 2 northern. (i.ivr'(il.l0V4: May, ll.W. asked. BARLEY Steady; No. 3, 97c; sample. 65 tj-wc. CORN Steady; No. 8, 6SS4c; May W4C askea. Liverpool uraln Jsmrkot. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 11 WHEAT Spot No. 3, red western winter, steady, 7s 74d futures, strung; December, nominal March. 8s kd: May. 3s 4d. CORN Spot, prime mlxud American, new, firm, 6s 44d; same, old. firm, 6a 3d; futures, firm; December, nominal, January 6a J4d Dalath Grain Market. rITT.TTTH Ulnn IV. la IX-LI C- ft Close: No. 1 northern, 81074; No. 2 north ern, 11 vi-n; Lteccmiwr,; May, 11.114 1 o o?ev. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frwlts NEW YORK. Dec. ' 18. EVAPORATED A FfLES Easier, with fancy quoted at 114114c; choice at lot:; prime at l49c; 19u iruu ai ivnjiiL-. DRIED FRL'ITS-Prunes are steadier. mith (juotatlona ranging from 44 to ISo fur California fruit, and from 7 to 7o for uregoiis. Aprtcois are uncnanged, with auoice quotea at zzc; extra choice at 2Su, and fancy at 24ii'J6c. Peaches are steady. with choice quoted at 12ipl24c; extra choice at 124114: fancy at J3u'U4c and extra fancy at 14-uU4c. Raisins show no frh feature, looae muscatel being quoted at 7t'74kc; seeded at ioc, and London layers at u. Oils and Roils. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec 18 -OIL-Oredlt bal ances, 3178; runs, slU2 bbls.: averaae. lis 146 bbls.; shipments. 3ul.b7 bbla; average is'. 01s Dnia SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 18. OIL Turpen tine nulet; 4c ROSIN Firm: A. B. C. $2 80; D. 32.H- E, S2nVu3-l: F. 32.3611e; O. 32.36; H. 32'kia l' V S 1 f syw a. 1 4FV-tJ NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it Larg-elj Professional and Confined to Few Issues. READDT0 LEAD EE IN ACTIVITY Early ITnward Tarn on Rnmor of la- crease la Dividend Affects Tone of Whole Market Reatctlen Follows Rise. NEW TORK. Dee. 18 The heavy con- gestlen of today's dealings In a few stocks pointed unmistakably to the professional character of the market. This was par- Icularly marked In Readlna-. In which many thousands of shares were executed from single houses. The fact that action was looked for during the day on the dividend on this stock, added to the In terest In the large transactions. Reading's aggressive upwsrd turn, sftsr early weak ness, affected the tone of the whole market in sympathy. This wss partly the cover ing of a professional short account, which has been built up tn the last few days In connection Witt) the talk of the difficulties to he met In conforming to the law against ownership of coal mines by the railroad companies, which goes Into effect on May l he stock reacted on the resrular divi dend declaration. New York Central was an Indifferent sharer In the general upturn. In spite of the refutation of recent unfavorable ru mors by the declaration of the quarterly dividend Inaugurated at this time last year. This action was foreshadowed by the dec laration of the extra dividend yesterday on Lake Shore and Michigan Central, the two principal subsidiary companies of the Central. The good Vjnresslon made hv the divfuend rate was miVfled to some extent by consideration of tKft earnings of the companlea Even In the case of subsidiary companies the extra disbursements left the surplus showing much below the conserva tive standards of those companies. With out the expansion of the psrent company's other Income which resulted from these extra disbursements the ability to maintain tne atvioend rate out or current earnings waa plainly Impaired. Not only has the Increase In operating expenses for the last year far outstripped the growth in gross earnings, but the addition of new capital during the year has enhanced The divi dend requirement on earnings, even at the unchanred rate. The effect of the divi dend declaration, therefore, was not notably BTuiftuiD iu ine biock. 1 ne ravoraoie er fect on Pennsylvania of the Increase In the Pennsylvania comrsny's dividend was scarce y greater, on the other hand, Mis souri Paclllo was oulte weak on the cir culation of rumors throwing douht on the maintenance or us dividend at the present rate. One of the day's events that relieved the market from some pressure was the re laxation of the tension In the call money market. The high rate was 12 per cent and there WSS a recession from that In subsequent loans. Thera was less calling of loans by the banks and holders of stocks were freed fo that extent from the pressure to sell. The relapse In the rates for cables on London nolnted to one sourr of the relief. Yesterday there waa an ac tive demand for remittance by this method, which was ascribed to the approaching obligations to be met at the end of the esr in that market to foreign holders of aiocKS ana rjonds for dividends and nter- est. A rebound in the London price of copper ana un was 01 some assistance to Industrial stocks connected with the metal trades. The London money market was neipea oy tne release or funds held in the Bank of EtiKland to the order of the Inriia council, which served to take up large offerings of German bills for discount In London. The German money situation and the means to meet year-end requirements in mm mantel arrorded anxiety in other financial centers. In spite of the activity and mobility of a few stocks the mass of tne securities list was inert and neglected. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, 11.922,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and Quotations on stoctia were as follows: Si lea. High. Low. CI""" 141 Adams Kzpreas Amalgamated Coppar Am. C. A f Am. C. A r. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Exprena Am. H AL. pfd Am. Ice Becurlttaa Am. Llnaeed Oil Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd An.' Locnmotlre I. 43.600 4114. 48 600 II 294 414 100 18 28 "7. 30 IS 194 '4 Jo" 88 4 H H4 Srt 4 17 70 8.7 f4 "5 8.000 S14 lev S44 H4 87 V) 44 64 264 'is. 7- 74 Am. Locomotive pfd.. am. s. a h Am. B. ft R. pfd 15. 600 70 SO Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa 11.300. 174 70 Anaconda Mining Co l.noo Hv' "ifO 1,7"0 ion 1.300 21 Atchlaon 71 '4 i 71 Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacifla 14 374 374 9U0 1494a 1494 !'', Central of N. J li Cheaapeake ft Ohio 400 24 2? 4 24 Chicago Ot. W 74 74 Chicago ft N. W Chicago. M. ft Bt. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado F. ft I Colorado A So Colo. A So. lat pfd Colo, ft So. Id pfd Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Producta, rrg Oorn Prcdu.-ta pfd Delaware ft Hudaoo rial.. U A W Denver A R. O I) A R. O. pfd Erie Erie lat pfd Erie Id pfd General Electrto Illlnola Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 80 K. C. 80. pfd Loularllio A N Mexican Central Minn, ft St. L M , Bt. P. ft 8. S. M M., St. P. ft S. 8. M. pfd. Mtaaourl Pacific Mlaeouri. K. ft T M , K. ft T. pfd National Lead N. R. K. of M. pfd New York Central N. Y . O. ft W Norfolk A W T 1344 134 134 ,C"0 1'J'.'4 1014 lil i 30 sno 634 6S4 f.:. ) 19 11.4 l.0 1H 19 IH4 J0 47 46 4 47 600 34 37 17 r. W 11 11 14 l.OO 64 4 64 S 63 100 1424 K24 1414 4.15 19 IS 14 194 194 11 94 234 US 1194 4 M 11 1 11 32 90 144 21 77 121 474 26 64 4 371, 43 934 .!' . (00 100 2! ia 34 ") 114 4O0 121 iii' m 644 'i4 4 l."0 224 22 1.600 1.700 roo 100 '") 100 10 l kiii'io too 1 144 774. '44 674 34 44 14 ft4 144 774 "id" 24'4 674 S74 924 114 N. ft W. pfd 76 I North American " 43 42 414 Pacific Mall 9l0 2.4 24 24 Pennaylvanla 11,100 1114 in4 1114 People Gaa V 74 i 77a P., C. C. ft St. L S Preaeed Steel Car 7") 14 14 1114 Preaaed 8. O. pfd 64 Kj 44 Pullman Palace Car 141 Reading 37.O0 !. 4 Reading lat pfd mo 76 744 74 Reading 2d pfd 73 Republic Steel 100 164 164 I64 Republic Bteel pfd 65 Rork laland Co 90' 144 ' 144 144 Rock laland Co. pfd l,S"l 204 2T4 2k St. U ft 8. F Id pfd tuO 21 18 24 St. Lou la 8. W 14 St. U 8. W. pfd 21 Southern Paclflo ( so 734 714 724 So. Pacific pfd 400 10a 1074 So. Railway '" 1J4 124 134 So. Railway pfd guu 34 304 40 Teiaa ft Pacific 20 Toledo. St. L A W 14 T.. St. U ft W. pfd 364 16 lo4 t'nlon Pacific DM IU4 1144 IU4 Colon Pacllc pfd , IU0 79 74 7' 4 V. 8. Eipreae to I'. 8. Realty IO 414 404 ft V. 8. Rubber 14 14 lli I'. B hubkar pfd M0 764 76 764 U. S. Btael It.!.-) 24 164 t'S II 8. Steal pfd 4. 174 Mi, hi4 Va. -Carolina chemical ...... n Va.-Cara. Cham, pfd so Vtabeah 94 Wabaah ptd M II 174 174 Walla-Fargo Ki . ofTervi too Wastlnghoua Electric Vl 414 41 40 Weecaro Vnloa 200 664 664 634 Wheeling ft L. E 100 44 14 4 Wlacanaln Central 13 Wis. Central pfd 11 II 11 II Central Leather W0 14 144 14 Central Leather pfd 71 Nortkera PaclOc 11.100 1154 1114 114 Oreat Noethera ptd 9 Ue4 114 1114 Intel-borough Met O0 4 I 44 Int. Met. pfd SOO 17 17 17 Bloaa-SbaBeid Btael 14 Total sales tor the day, 171.900 aharea. Hew York Mining Storks. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Adama Cob I Little Chief , g Alice 'Ontario im Br- 10 Ophlr hi) HrunawU-k Con 41 Poioal n Co a. ft Uk-k Tunnel .... II Savage "J 8 Con. Cat. A Va 16 Sierra Nevada J4 Horn Silver I"" Small Hies 30 Iroa Silver Ti Standard Ua Leadvllle Con. 74 Offered, Foreign Financial. IXINDON, Dee. 18. Money was In smaller supply on the market today owing; to coun try requirements Discounts were flrnier on the continued American demand for gold and the number of American cotlon bills being offered, this Indicating r-oba-bliitles of gold withdrawals In the ruture. On the Btock exchange fresh conimltments prior to the holidays were meager and the slackness jf business caused a narrow movement. British share In some In stances were lower. Americans were steady, but business consisted principally or professional errorts to assist rxew iorx in preventing a relapse before the end or the year. These were successful In the forenoon In keeping quotations aoove parity. Wall street supported prices mod erately In the afternoon and after limited transactions the market closed steady. Foreigners were quietly steady. Diamond shares were weak. BERLIN. Dec. 1. Trading on the Bourse was light today, but the tone was some what stronger. American shares advanced about one point. PARIS, Dec. 18. Prices on the Bourse today were firm and the demand quiet. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec 18 MONEY On call, firm, 8ffl2 per cent; ruling rate. 12 per cent; closing bid, 8 per cent: offered at 34 per cent. Time loans, nominal; sixty days. 12 igl6 per cent; ninety days, etr.O per cent; six months, 8 per cent. PRIMH MERCANTILE PAPBR-8 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer after decline, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4 M-JiVKxr. for demand and at 84. 8010-04. 801S for sixty-day bills; commer cial bills, 34 80. SILVE'.R Bar. 624c: Mexican dollars, 41c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. - Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: V. S ref. 3s, rf....l04H !,. A N. usl. 4 944 6.0 coupon 1.16 Man. e. f. 4a At U. 8. la. ret 1014Mri. Central 4a 71 do coupon 1014 do lat Ine 144 V. 8. n. 4a. rt( 119 ulna. A St. U 4a.. n do coupon Ill M . K. A T. 4a i Am. Tobacco 4s ) lo k "fi do ta '-, N. R. R. of M. c. 4s T7 Atchlaon rn. 4a 96 N. Y. C. I 1H do ad. 4a 814N. J. C. (. oa Ill Atlantic C. L. 4a MuNo. Pacific Bal. A Ohio 4a WW do Hi ; do ISta (O'i N. A W. r. 4a 92 Brx. R. T. c. 4a 44 I). 8. U rfdf 4s MV, Central of Oa. 5a fr Penn. ronr. Ia 10 do lxt inc U Reading gen. 4a H'4 Jo Id Inc 41 3. L. A I. M. c. fa..K34 do Id ino 37V Ft. U A B. P. t 4a. 714 Chei. A Ohio 44a.... H'i St. U 8. W. e. 4a.... 1V Chlvaxo ft A. 14a.... t Seaboard A. L. 4a... 46 C , H. A Q. n. 4a. (14 Bo. Pacific 4a H C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 41 do lat 4a ctfa. IS do col. tn 714 80. Rallwar 6a 4 c. A St. L. . 4a. 14Texaa A P. la ! Cnlo. Ind. 6s, aer. A. 4ltT.. Bt. V. A W. 4a... So Colo. Mid. 4a Vnlon Pacific 4a 4 Colo. A SO. 4a fl do conr. 4 844 Cuba 6a 4 V. 8. Btael id 6a 3 I). A R. O 4s CI Wahaah la l'4 Plftttllera' 8c. 6a.... 4l do deb. D 45 Krle p. 1. 4a 844 W.ltt.rn Md. 4a 41 do gen. 4a T4 W. A 1. R. 4 70 Hotk. Val. 44a W Wla. Central 4a T. Japan 4a 74 Atchlaon CT. 4a U do 44a ctfa H do cr. 6a 4 do Id aertca M4 Int. Met. 44 M Bid. "Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Dec. 18 Call loans, cent; time loans, 6tt0 per cent, closing gn stocks and bonds: 8(5 1"2 per Official 84 44 Atchlaon adj. 4a... do 4a Mex. Central 4a.... Atrhtaon 81 Atlantic 3 Bingham li Cal. A Heola. 704 Centennial "44 Copper Ranga . .686 . 134 . . 4 . 7 . to . 144 . S4 . I . 424 . 1 . f . 10 . 9 . 75 . . 3 . 134 . 1 .. 124 .. 34 .. 24 .. 44 .. 4 ,.in . 374 .. 14 74 .. 13 .. 114 do pfd Hoaton A Albany.. .1M Daly Weat Hoaton A Maine 135 Franklin Host on Elevated ... VIS Oranhjr Fltchburg pfd 117 lala Royale .... Meilcan Central Mining .. N. Y., N. H ft H... 1324 Michigan Pere Marquette II Mohawk t'nlon PacfTIc U64 Mont. C. ft C... Am. Arge. Chem. pfd 74 Old Dominion .. Am. Pneu. Tube 44 0aceola Amer. Sugar 95 Parrot do pfd 106 Qulncr Am. T. A T . .101 Shannon .. 15 Tamarack Am. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. ft 8. Kdlnon Elec. I II u . General Electric . Maaa. Electric . do pfd fnlted Fruit I'nlted R. M do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allnuet Amalgamated .... Bid. Aikcd. ... 80 Trinity ... 144t'nlted Copper . ...2S V. 8 Mining.... ...Ill V. 8. Oil ... ftah ...37 Victoria ; ...1114 Winona ...SI Wolverine ... 25 North Butte .... ... 2.74 Dutte Coalition ... 864 Nevada .... 1 Cal. ft Arlinna.. ...25 Arizona Com. .. ... 434 London Closing- Stocks. LONDON, Dec. 18. Closing quotations on stocks were: Conaola, money 824 M., K ft T 874 do account 82 11-16 N. Y. Central 9l4 Anaconda 64 Norfolk ft W t,:. AKhlaon 72 do pfd 2 do pfd I"4 Ontario A W 12 4 Balllmore A Ohio 124 Heims.ylvania 67 Canadian P"IHc 1334 Rand Mlnea 04 Cheaapeake ft Ohio... Z'.' Hee.lmr 404 Chicago Ot. W 74 Southern Railway ... 13 C, M. ft St. P 104 do pfd 3S De Been tt4 Solhrn Pacific 74 D. ft R. O !'4t'"!VQ Pacific 1174 do pfd :'. w o"ini 2 Erie 14V. . Steal -4 do let P'd lo do, ptd e4 do 21 pfd 24 Waheh ID Grand Trunk 1.4 do' Trd .' 19 Illlnola Central 127 - Fpanleh 4a 904 Lou Uv II la ft N 92 Anial. Copper 444 SII.VlLiKBar, flat, 14 3-lod per ounce. MO N K YHm'U 4 pur cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short blllH is fn'' per cent; for three months' bills, 67t4i,i per emit. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 18.- Today's state ment of the treasury' balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $lj0.0u0,ouO gold reserve, allows: Available cash balance, U!T6;LS, 2D1 ; gold coin and bullion, 2,04, Vi.; guld certificates, JTl.G.lHO. Bunk Clearings. OMAHA, Dec. 18.-Bunk clearings for to day were l. buz, (.. 06 and tor tho corre sponding date last year 11,906.672.70. Cotton larket. NEW YORK, Dec. 18.--COTTON Futures onened steady. Opening lilus: December, 10.1'i.ic; January, 10.64c; March, 10.75c; April, lo.75c; May, lO.Rlc; Jutie,H.62io July. 10.77c; August lU.bOc; October, offered, 10.19c. btiut rloHeil stcaUy; middling uplands. 11.90c; middling gulf, 12.1c; sales, 2,113 trales. Futures closed steady. Closing: bids: December. 11.26c; January, 10.56c; February, 10 Etc; ' March. 10 78c; April, M.Slc; May, 1083c; June, 10.83c; July, 10.79c; August, 10 c. OAL.VESTON. Tex., Dec. 18. COTTON 8teHiv at 11V NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 18.-COTTON-Bpot. steady, quiet, quotutlons revised; low ordinary, "4c, nominal; ordinary, 8 I-ltic, nominal; good ordinary, 9fcc, nominal; low middling, luVtc; middling, llc; good mid dling, ll4c; middling fair, 12Hc; fair, 12c, nominal; sales, 2.92j bales; receipts, 11,391 bales; stock, 2S5.735 bales. LIVERPOOL., Dec. 18. COTTON Spot In fnir demand; prices 3 to 8 points lower; American middling fair, 6.S0d; guod mid dling, 8 44.1; middling, (lSd; low middling, 6 54(1; good ordinary. 5.4J.1; ordinary, 4.82I. Tiie sales of the day wore 10.IXW bales, of which too bales were for speculation and export and Included 9,700 bales of American. Receipt h. 6,luo bales, including l.3bu bales of American. ST. LoriS. Dec. 18. COTTON Unset tled ; middling. llc; sales, nune; receipts, 1 19S buies; shipments, iJX bales; stock 16, 98 bules. Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec. 18. WOOL A slight re vival is noted in the local wool market and dealers repo.-t some buying, although trad ing is still conllned to odd lots, titaple wool prices held firm, but Inferior wools are weak, as the supply Is still considerable. The leading domestic prices range as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces. No. 1 washed. 3Mfloc; unwashed. 2Ki'.c; medium clothing. (JrlKc; half-blood clothing. 27jisc; half-blood combing. 31' in 34c; tliree-elniiths blood combing, 33'n VJtC ; quarter-blood combing. 3ifj31c: delaine washed. SVriftie; delaine unwashed, 31xn!2c; Michigan. Wis consin, New York fleeces, fine unwashed, 24 ft "25c; half-blood unwashed, 32'a-33c; Ken tucky, In. liana, Missouri, three-eighths blood. Sl"fi33e; quarter-blood. 29-a3c; scoured values, Texas, fine IS months, Ty$ 73c; California, northern, 64i65c; middle counties X'p62c; southern, ooiiCJic; fall free, 4;.fi48c; Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, 76 T7c; No. 1 clothing 68ir70c; eastern, average, r,Cithc; valley No. 1, 60fc62c; Territory, scouted basis, fine staple, 704r72e; fine me dium staple, "uc; tine clothing, boi67c; half-blood. &U.jc; three-eighths blood. 2 ti'3; quarter blood. 53&G6c; pulled, extra, 65 4l7oc. ST. IX5CIS. Dec. lT.-WOOI-Steudy ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 21('23c; light fine. Itti20c; heavy line, It. n 16c; tub washed, 26g33c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 18. METALS Tho Londm tin market recovered a part of Its recent severe loss with spot closing at AiU'i and futures at 119 6s. Locally the market continued weak In tone, with quotations ranging from 126.371 to I26.12H. Copper Waa higher in Hie London market, with Sxt quoted stIS8 and futures at j9 loa. Lo cally the market was weak and unchanged, with Lake quoted at $1S OnH'13 25; electro Ivtlc at ll.7i(i 13.00; and casting at 112 50a U 73 Lead was 16s higher at 1( 16s lid in the London market. Locally, however, the market continued weak, and waa another five p ilnts lower St U 35i3 46. Spelter ad vanced to 20 2s bd In the Ixndon market, but continued weak at f4.15'ij4.25 in New York. The English Iron market was lower. Willi standard foundry quoted at 4ta 1 and Cleveland warrants at 49s 3d. Locally no change was reported. No. 1 foundry, northern, tlh.364il5.T5: No. t foundry, north ern 3:7 7' 18 '.i, southern grades nominal. KT. LOlI( Dec. 18.-MKTALH Lead, dull: 13.50. Spoilt r. dull: 14 w. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Very Great Change in the Ckneral Cattle Trade. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Rest Sheep and Lambs Steady, with Other Kinds Generally glow and the Tendency of Values Downward. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. M, 19P7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 4.012 2,t 6.114 Official Tuesday .9fJ 3.M''. 4.uS S,o00 Estimate Wednesday .... S.two S.B.'O Three days this week. .11.670 16.9P9 12.447 Same days last week. ...16.4r.4 21.073 22,171 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 14.723 13.7M 17.tv6 Same davs 3 weeks ago.. 10.74 .73 2H.748 Same davs 4 weeks ago..lH,5:7 13.748 a t Same days last year 20,722 20,763 26,ii3 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last yesr: l&T. 1S3. Inc. Dec. Cattle 1.142,797 1.057.7M 86,046 Hogs 2.190.72 2.325.403 l.M.fWl Sheep 2,022,7!s) 2,132,801 1K,0.1 The following table shows the sveragu rrlce of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dato. 1907. 1190. 11906. 19tH.1903.1902. 1901. Deo. Dec. -ec. 8... ... 6 15 4 RT 4 29 4 84! 4 34 4 8! 0 4 34 C 08 (10 4 46 6 12 6 14 4 47 6 OH 6 IB 4 49 6 96 t 18 6 99 22 4 46 6 22 4 4T 4 3?H 4 4H4 4 "OH! 4 4i4j 4 i6H! 10.. 6 21 6 14 4 38' Dec. 11 4 TS Dee. 12... Dee. is.., Dec. 14.. 6 031 4 H3 14 48' R 061 4 SM 14 41 6 08! 4 851 4 39 Dec. 15. I 6 111 4 811 4 31 a llll 8 09 Dec. 16.. 4 23 14 ftt a. 3 4 281 6 16 6 27 4 341 Ml 6 34 4 27 I 8 14 6 21 Dec. i; I 4 47 I 6 18 4 45 Dec. 18... I 4 6 181 4 81 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A Pt. P. Ry 4 6.. Wabash 2 2 Missouri Pacln.- Tl v- 3 l'ninn Pacific Hvatem 4T 33 6 CAN. W. Rv. least).... 3 1 3 C. & N. W. Ry. (wcBtl.... 44 32 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 4 C. B. & Q. (east) 6 6 C, H. & Q. (west) V 34 C, R. I. & P. Ry. (east).. 6 1 C, R. I. & P. Ry. (west).. 4 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago Great Western ..1 4 Totftl receipts 147 O The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne rum ber of head Indicated; Cattle. Hosts. Sheet Omaha Packing Co. ... Swift and Company .. Cuduhy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Vansant A Co Carey A Kenton Lohman A Co McCreary A Carey .... W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co Hamilton A Rothschild L. F. Huss Klnean A Co L. Wolf J. H. Hulla Sam Werthelmer Mike Hnggerty J. H. Root A Co 8. A S T. It. lnghram Sullivan Rrothers Meyers Others buyers 250 1.680- 776 1,013 439 875 J. 147 673 49.1 3.348 1,034 123 202 25 169 67 25 67 3 61 21 2S6 72 41 1S2 33 23 347 10 8 9 251 .... 279 Total 3.783 9.720 2.725 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were quite liberal lor a Wednesday 143 cars being re ported in. While this was not as large as anticipated it wua lartse enough to supply the rexjulreim nts of the trade. It was very evident from tho outset that puckers were ii-jt at all anxious for supplies and the market opened slow and dull. The morning was well advanced before very much bus! iicsb was transacted. When the trade was once tinder way beef nice in of fair to decent uuallty gen erally commanded steady prices, bat there was nothing really good to put a top tn the market or to excite very much Inter est amontr buvers. The common to me dium grades were slow and the feeling Weak on that kind, the same as It has been every day this week. The most of the decent killers changed hands by midday. Cows and heifeis aold In about the same way as did beef steers, that Is, tho better killers conimanoeo: steaay prices una were In pretty fair demand, but the In ferior grades were slow and weak and It was late before an entire clearance was effected. A few of the best feeders sold at prices that looked, if unything, strong, but the general run of mockers and feeders was no more than steauy, wun interior kiiiui the httiiit; as they have been for Home day; back, hard to move. Quotations on cattle: Good to ) choice coin-fed steers, 34 Siifi 50; fair to good corn-fed steers, $4.3D'rl.Sft; common to ftlr corn-fed steers, $3.25(14.35; good to choice cows and heifers, li.LVdl.OQ; fair to good cows and belters, l2.4ofi3.25; common to fair cows and heifers, f l.2Cfj2.40; good to choice stockers and feeders, $3 .'"&4 20; fair to k.ioil stockers and feeders, IJ.2tifo3.70 common to fair stockers and feeders, $2.60 4j3.20. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 947 4 00 4 1176 4 10 40 !3:.4 4 40 2" H0 4 10 52 1119 5 & 11 1018 4 10 20 97H I U 1 1221 4 40 COWS. 12...!!" . 7! .P4 .1121 . fi'.i .100.) . 993 .11.2.. . f . 97.. ,1J . 54" . HK5 . 8.4 .1(180 . a) . 46 . 690 I 00 I 10 I 50 1 75 2 00 t IS 1 M I 15 1 i) 2 50 ...1013 ... 9i ...11.57 ...It ...9H0 ... rr,i ...1174 ...l(i3i ... 990 ...1325 ... 141 ... 7S0 ... 717 ... 670 . .. .7 ... 957 ... kl ... 215 ... 212 ... 164 ... 100 ... 155 .. iiso ...1470 J T5 I 75 I 96 I 90 I 00 I no 3 10 I M I 35 4 05 I 60 I to I 15 I 15 I 60 I S I M I (0 4 50 6 (0 5 00 t 00 I 15 I 25 1" II I 1 5 15 7 I. HEIFERS. I 15 I 60 I 5u 1 5 40 5.1 2 ;.j 17... 10... ... 4... ... SI CALVES. 270 lt 37 Ml 3 1'fO 149.1 11.11) 4 75 4.... t :". 6.... 3 . 1... 1 25 1.... 3 Ji 4.... BUI.1J3. 2 45 1.... 2 4-". 1... 2 ) STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. .. 4i .. 7b0 .. 660 .. 7W .. 671 I ll I 00 3 00 3 10 I 1" .... 11.... I.... I.... 7'") 501 421 154 I 10 I 10 I 26 I 50 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 8 calves... 153 1 Bteer Too 7 cows 978 1 bull....'.. 144) 3 calves... 4s6 2 heifers... 970 3 feelers.. bi 1 calf 110 23 feeders.. 804 16 feeders.. 847 J. W. 5 26 3 cows MS 2 00 1 cow 122U 2 86 1 bull 1770 3 10 1 feeder... 8.J0 3 3i 5 cows 1094 3 26 5 feeders.. VvO 3 35 1 bull 1270 3 60 1 heifer.... 980 WYOMING. 3 80 1 steer..!.. SSO 3 5 22 feeders.. 83o Boyle, Nebraska. 2 jo 6 heifers... 784 1 7S 3 10 3 26 2 80 3 25 1 35 2 no 3 25 3 00 3 65 2 50 34 heifers... 823 H. H. Allen. Wyumlng. 12 cows 1143 3 10 Geoige Paxton, Wyoming. 11 feeders.. T73 3 20 A. W. Kenyon, Wyoming. II steers... .1206 4 10 1 steer 1020 1 steer 1114) 4 10 9 feeders.. 976 1 feeder... 1040 3 00 4 10 2 45 Hitter Root Slock Farm, Montana, 39 steers.. ..1316 3 90 HOGS Hogs sold 5610c lower this morn ing, that is, l"c lower than yesterday morning and about 6c lower than yester day s later marKet. 1 he hogs sold very largely at 14 40, as aguinsl 4 4td4 bO yea terday. When once under way the t ratio was active at the decline and the great bulk of all the receipts changed hands In verv fair seabon In the forenoon. Today s decline wipes out a part 'of the advance of yesterday, but the market Is still on an aveiage 15c higher than the close or last week. Representative sales: No. At Bh. Pr. No. Av. Ih Pr. a 174 ... 4 ii 44 n 1.0 4 40 13 15 ... 4 35 U 321 IX) 4 4 66 V I 44 I 4 37 '4 69 27 J 1M) 4 40 64 M2 120 4 7 61 17 IJU 4 40 In 17 1" 4 40 36 j ill) l 7 244 12U 4 4J 11 213 ... 4 40 44 4" 4 40 40 -M .. 4 4-1 47 2X4 1.1) 4. 70 tli 40 4 41V, 49 !64 140 4 40 67 110 290 4f S 44 24 at t to "a. tu4 ... 4 41-4, tn 2S ... 4 40 77 271 ... 4 42 ' U I7 12-1 4 4-) 79 1j2 ... t 42s, t 2?7 61 4 4-1 99 let ... 4 4.. 64 t4 40 4 40 14 34.. ... 4 43 6e 1.9 0 4 4" 41 393 SI 4 45 319 in 4 40 ;7 40 4 45 75 115 I'D 4 to !4 341 ... 4 45 49 24S 4-1 4 4o 11 211 ... 4 45 Independent Telephone Co. ...Or OMAHA OFFERS TO INVESTORS FIRST MORTGAGE 30 YEAR GOLD BONDS DENOMINATIONS, $1,000. $300. $100 AT PRICES TPrrf TO YIELD M O DescrlptiTS Cl-vjalars Vfon Kef asst. XnterTlsws Xsrltsd. W. O. POOR, 1914 Harney St. .!.' .191 . 21 ,.273 ..XII .21 147 .143 .187 ,.323 ,.224 ,.310 ,.176 .224 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 41) 4 40 4 40 4 49 II 4 ... 4 45 II Ill ... 4 41 4! 294 10 4 47 60 141 ... 4 60 II irf ... 4 60 2 161 140 4 IS 47 116 U0 4 34 K 171 ... 4 I7H t 147 90 4 40 (2 24 4 40 6 2 ) III) 46 2 IU0 4 40 tf tn io 4 40 4 141 ... 4 40 U IUO 40 4 40 slow, dull market In 8HEEP- was tne sneep earn tnis morning. There were only a few loads of desirable killers and packers did not seem anxious enoush for stuff to take such kinds as were not de sirable. The result was thst thsy picked out a few loads of the better kinds, for which aliout steady prices were nald. Holders who happened to hsve snmefhina- that buyers were not especially anxious for found It hard work unloading. Thus the market misfit be described as shnnt steady on the little stuff wanted by pack ers, but slow, with a lower tendency, on everything else. (Quotations on good o choice fed sheen and lambs: Lambs. lfi.604i6.8S: vearllns wethers, MlMj-4.40: wethers. I4.00e4.15: ewes, $3.5rth8.T&. Representative sales; NO. Av. . 63 . 81 . T . M . 106 . 152 . 72 10S Pr. S 7S 5 On 5 75 t 00 5 83 3 6S 8 00 8 80 western lambs 90 western lambs, culls 63 western lambs I western lambs , 1 western lambs , western ewes , 4 western lambs, culls iz western ewes and ers weth- 108 western ers ewes and weth- 102 101 1 60 112 84 0 CO t-0 00 26 80 T western ewes ewe culls.. 16 2 417 278 western western lambs western yearlings . . western wethers . . . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Tea Ceats Lower, Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. Deo, 18.-OATTL,E-Recelpts, estimated about 21.000 head: market t,.Hv steers, $3.906.25; stockers and feeders. 2 .40 uz-v.ou; cows, c. .owou; neirers, bulls. I2.6OV6.P0; calves. 33.00fc7.0D. HOOS Receipts, estimated about 46.000 heaa; market, 10c lower: choice heavy slilp- P"'B. . iafw.m; ntfnr DUtcners, 4.7(ri4.76; llgtit mixed. !4.4&ih4.IO: choice llirht. t4.AVh: 4,Cf.; packing, $4 0n4.60; pigs, 33.76si4.25; bulk ui sales, et.o"n.ou. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, estl mated about 22.000 head; market, weak sheep, 37.00ti4.60; lambs, 3o.40i7i.a); yearlings, e' IV ere- York I.lve Stock Market NEW YORK. Dec. lg.-BEVES Re celpts. 1.617; steers badly demoralized a d loa-e)c lower; bulls, dull to 10c lower; cow n 33&5a6il ;'ji.,' ,-oift i I siow nna umiM lower; steers, ops. $5.i6; general sales, $4.04 F.XOf)r today. 750 cattle and 1.400 quarters of bee inniorrow mmi ran a i iivi nnrt k r. quarters or fjeer, cai-vkis Kecelpts, I. soo head; veals. a tKe ajid firm; barnyard calves, lBio higher; , western .calves, very nearly nom' nal; veals, f6.irf;8.75; culls, $4.00ff?4.60; Ijarr yard cnlves, $'.'.75fq.r26; few western, $i.l2V. SHEKP AsD IAMIiS-Rerelpts. l?.f 1 head; sheep l&g26c lower; lambs, 1tVf??fo lower: common to choice sheep, $2.75io.O ; rurs, 2.(4i(Ul'.5i; lamhs. .25(r7.35: two carf. $7.40; culls. $5.00; Canada lambs, HOGS Receipts. 8,336 head, weak at $4.S0fc6.0O. i.t). market St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec. 18 CATTLE Receipts, 3,i0 head, Including 000 Texan.; market for natives, steady to strong; Texans, steady; native shipping and ex port steers. $5. Of vji ;.(!; dressed beef aft I butchers steers, 34.8or(j6.60; steers nnder l.i 0 lbs., 33.Of&4.40: stockers snd feeders, $2.2f 4.26; cows and heifers. 32.90f6.OO; canner', 31.5if210: bulls. S2.0fi4.59: calves, $2.75ff) 7. "6; Texas and Indian steers, K.KA16.I' ; cows and heifers. Jl.&oyn 3.75. HOGS Receipts. lo.ouO head; marke', 2"u4(c lower: pigs and lights, $4.n'f 4.7f; packers. $4.00ift4.ifi; butchers and best heuv;, $4.4ff7465. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6 0 head; market, steady; native muttons. $3 0 fn5(: lambs, $3.sCii6.25; culls and bucki, $2.5(yu3.25. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Dec. 18. CATTLE - Receipts, . ll.OoO head. Including 4u0 south - cms; market, steady; cows ami heifers, shade lower; choice export and dressed bpef steers. $j.uyqG.5n; fair to good, $3.75'(i 4.W; western steers, $3.6o-(j..00; stockers anl feeders. $3,0ifu4.50; southern steers. $3.otnj 4 26; southern rows, f.'.OuxjJ.CO; native cow., $;.liv53.ti6; native heifers. $2.4nj4.5o; bull , $2.Jf.i3.76: calves. $3.504i.26. HOOS Receipts, 17,o) head: mark t opened loj26o lower; closed 6c lower; tc, $4.6"; bulk or sales. $4.35&4.50: heavy, $4 4i t 4.011; packers, $4.3f.ft'4.&&; pigs and lights, $i. 0 414.50. SHEEP- AND. LAMBS Receipts, 6.0 0 head; market, 10flri5c lower; lambs, $5.4' i 6.00; ewes snd yesrlings, $4.oOii4.65; weste.n yearlings. $1.40i4. 90; western sheep. $3.7t $ 4.60; stockers and feeders. $3.2iH.25. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 18. CATTLE Receipts. I.nk4 head ; market, steady; na tives. $4.0trfi6.OO; cows snd heifers, $1.751 4.C0; stockers arid feeders, 33 261i4.00. HOGS Receipts. 8,6s4 head; market, 10c lower; top, f4.65; bulk of sales, 34.3&1M.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.63TT head; market. 10c lower; lambs. $o.0036.o6; yearlings, $4.1vu4.tO. Sloaz City Lire Steels Market. BIOl'X CITY. Dec. 18 (Special Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, l,10o head; mar ket strong; stinkers steady: beeves. $3.75 6.5ft; cows and heifers. $2.0053 76; stockers and feeders, $X00j3.u5; calves and yearlings. $2 6"3H. 50. HOGS Receipts, 9.6O0 head: market lower, Belling at $4.157i4 40: bulk. $4.264.30. Stock la Slgat. Receipts of live stock at the six prin- cinal western markets vesterdsy: Cattl. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha ... Btoux City Kansas City ..... St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Total 3.f K.520 6o) 8,300 .. 1,100 ..11.000 .. 1 .64 .. 5.S00 I".6) 8.5.14 lOCKiO 46,000 1.S37 V) i 32.0UO .43.6o4 101.114 .32,437 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. - Coadltloas of Trade and Quotations oa Staple aad Fancy Prodace. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled. Z4o. BUTTER Common, 16c; fancy tub and rolls. 17al9o: creamery, 81c. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17 Wc; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss. lHc; new limburger, 150 16c; young Amerlcsns. 17Vtc. I,IVE I'OCLTRY Springs, 7Vc: hens, T1'; roosters. Sc; ducks, 8c: gesse, $c; tur kvs. 13c: nlgeons, lie per dos. DRESSED POULTRY Springs, fsncy, so; hens, (.unc; roosters, 4c; ducks. 10c; geese, 10c; tnrkevs. 16Wl7c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland. $10.00; medium, $9 0ii: No. 1 bottom, $.0u; off grsdes, from $5 5KjM. Rye straw,- $7.00. No. 1 al falfa, $11.00 TROPICAL FRTTT8. ORANOES Florida, per box, $tir.: Csll-f(.rnla-Washlngton navels. $2 50; Florida Grape Fruit, per box, t2 5efT,O0. GRAPES Malaga, heavy welshts, per keg, 34 50; Malagas, medium weights, per keg, $4 oo. BANANAS Port Ltmons, per bunch, $1.00 $3 . FIGS AND DATFS Smyrna . figs, T- crown, per lb., 14'il5c; Smyrna figs, tV crown, r lb.. 12tTl3c: Smyrna figs. 4 crown, per lb. Kvg'llr; California figs, boxes. 10 cartons, s&c; California figs, boxes, 12 rartains. hoc; California figs. bulk, per lb.. F.W.: Hallow! dataa 11... Ur: Rhaiesavl dates, per lb., 6c; Salr dates, per lb., 6e; Fard dstes. 11-lb. boxes, per lb, do. LKMON8-Fsncy. HO and 3 sise). per box, 34 6"; extra choice,, 300 and Sff slse, per box. 34tO. COCOANUTS-Fer sack. H 50; psr down. 90c. FRUITS. AVPI.E8-New Tork King's, per barrel 36 25; "None Such," per bsrrel, 34 78; Bald wins, per barrel, 34.76; Grsenlngg, per btrral. 34 75; western bo apples, Colorado Jona thans, per box. 3.1.oO;Colorado Orlmes Oold ens, Per box. 33.00; Idaho Jonathans, per box. fc.TB; Idaho Winter Bananas, per box. 3:'75; Washington Hen Davis, 31.75; Wash ton Northern Spy, per box, 31.76; Washing ton Greenings, per box, 32.00; Washington Baldwins per box, 31.76; Wsshlpgton Rome Ueauty, per box. 31. 75; Washington fall ap ples, assorted, psr box, 31. 60411 .76. VKOETABLFfl. POTATOES Per bu., 6676c. CABRAOE Holland seed, per lh KTHo. ONIONS Red Globe, per bu., otTBoc; Denis, per crate, 31 W. BWKKT POTATOB8 Small bbl., $3.60. CARROTS Per bu., 75c. TI RNIPS-Per bu., 5Cc TARSNIl'S-Per bu., 75c. CKI.KRY Michigan, per bunch, T.4f35c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., Ha. 1, f:.; Lima, 7c per lb. BEEF CITT8. No. 1 ribs. 14Wc; No. I ribs, UUc; No. I ribs, THc; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. t loin, 13c; No. 3 loin, 84o; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round, 8Stc; No. 3 round, 7c; No. 3 round, Ho; No. 1 plate, H-ic; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 1 platt. 40 MISCEtftLANEOt'9. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'ITB Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second bands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range from to to 9c for California fruit and from ba to 8c for Oregon. Peachep are very firm, with fancy yellows quoted st 13V4c. CANNED GOODS-Corn, standard west ern, 76o, Tomatoes, fancy, 3-pound cans, $1.46; standard, 8-pound cans, 81 20. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound. 32.20.30; sliced. 31.76(212.36. Gallon apples, $4 60. California apricots, 32.6t.fr3.g0. Pears. $2.103.15. Peaches. $1.9orri3.16. L. C. peaohes, 32 1"' 8 15. Alaska salmon, red, 31.40; fancy Chinook, flat. 32.15; fancy aorkrye, flat, $2 16. Sardines, quarter oil, 33.60; three quarters mustard, $3.36. Sweet potatoes, $l.'2ful.36. Sauerkraut, 95c. Pumpkins. oo (i$1.0i). Lima beans. 3-pound, 76efT$1.26. Soaked beans, 2-pound, 65c; fancy, $l.!6tfl.4l. NUTS California walnuts, per lb.. 18c; Imported walnuts, per lb., lSfjlRc; Tarra gnne almonds, per lb., 18c; Alberts, per lb., 13c; Braxlls. per lb., 13(j"14k-; Pecsns. per lb., 12(&13c; peanuts, raw, per lb., 7c; pea nuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; Italian chestnuts, per lb., (vii9c. COKFEK-Roasted, No. 35, 2c; No. SO. 21c; No. 26, lftc; No. 70, 14Hc SI'GAR Granulated. cane. per sack. 35.40; beet, $6.00; cut loaf, tc; cubes, 6V4c; f powdered, C 16o. 1 FISH Halibut, lie: trout, 13c; pickerel, i 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh, froxen. 12c; whlte- flh- 141 16c; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned "nd dreBsed, 13c; catfish, dressed. 17c; white Ml f'e11-'!, ii , vi.iit) (fanfl, 1... , umuH ubb, . unnsh. 6'd9c; crappies. franc; large crappies, I ..... ..r h, . . r-nn iivk--.,. , frozen, 13til5c; pickerel, frosh frosen, l.V; red snapper, 12c; flounders,, mackerel, VWl 35c per fish; codfish, fresb froren, 12c; had do4:k, fresli frozen, 12c; smelts, ISo; shad roe, 4f.c per lb.; frog legs. 3V per doi. ; green sea turtle mist, ?5c per lb. HIDES AND TALIX)W-Oreen galted. No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, 3c; green unsalted. No. 1, 4c; green unsalted. No. 2. Sc; horse hides, 1.00tfjS.So: sheep pelts. 25c ft $1.00. Tallow, No. 1. 4Hc; No. t, SMtC Wool. UKfaOc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 18 COFFEE Mar ket opened steady ut a decline of 5 points to an advance of 5 points, all but a couple of months being unchanged. French cables were steady and Brazilian receipts con tinued small, but there was little support In the market. . and the tone wss steady under moderate realisation. The close waa steady net unchanged to 5 points lower; sales were reported of 18.O00 bags. Including December. 6.Wft.snc; February, 5 "ii-o.Hoc; March, 6 .ifjo.9ic; May, e; July, 6.05c; Sep tember, 6.10c; spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 67c; Santos, 8c. Sugar NEW YORK. md Molasses. Dec. IR.-SCGAR Rsw. firm; fair rellnlng, 3.304j.35e; centrifugal. 9i test, 3.85c; molasses sugar, 3ii)3.0oc; re fined, firm; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4. hoc. . ! CITY WILL BID HIM WELCOME- I Omaha Parks or Other Places Will De Open to the Mayor of Mercer. City Prosecutor Daniel received the fol lowing letter Wednesday morning from the nisyor of Mercer. Dear Sir: I am sorry to ssy I will have to spend next Sunday In your city. On sc tount of everything being closed there, can I get a permit to camp In one of your parks. MAYOR OF MERCER. Mr. Daniel has decided to turn the let ter over to Mayor Dahlnian with -the re quest that he answer. "Out of courtesy to 'the mayor of our sister city, who has decided to spend Sun day In Omaha," said Mr. Daniel, "I hops. Mayor Dahlman can find a Way to enter tain our guest without letting him ramp out In a park, or even making him use the language that the governor of North Caro lina Is said to have used In a noted con versation with the governor of South Caro lina." MONEY FOR LAND IN THE WEST Capital Will Come from the East Seek Safest at larest meata. ts "Farm land of Nebraska Is holding Hi own," said W. 8. Cowgill. mayor of Hold rege, who Is himself a heavy land ownei tn different parts of Nebraska. Mr. Cow gill was In Omaha Wednesday settling up some land deals. "We have not quit selling farm land snd I think we will not for some time. This little financial flurry, which wai started In the east, will have a tendency to make people put more of their money In western lands, for it ha been demon strated time and again that they are stapH assets and the values are not swept away by every little financial wind which blowi across Wall street. The crops of Nebraska are getting surer and surer every year, and the people of the east are learning this fact. In our immediate vicinity It Is hard to buy good land, as the people realise the real value of the soil for the returns which It will yield." Railway .Notes aad Personals. A. Traynor. baggagemaster of the Union Pacific, has gone to Chit ago. ' Hal Buckingham, chief clerk In the freight department of the Burlington, Is In Kan sas City, checking freight rates. Wsrren K. CundlfT. newly appointed trar. ellng passenger agent of the 1 nloti PaciAe, leaves Thursday for tile maiden trip ovst his new territory. The regular monthly meeting of the su perintendents of the railrottds centering In Omaha was held Wednesday noon at th Paxton hotel. Fort Crook soldiers who have been In South Dakota, In connection with the In- ' dian troubles, mill arrlvo tn Omaha Wed nesday evening, coming from eloux City on a social train via NortbwtaUae