the omaha stntuy ttee: r-ErEMBER is. irwr. REAL ESTATE "r- fnuffimr ros t4Li DUNDEE 'n bMrri. slgtifly. cmnmnnda a fin t ami perfectly prwtard. fir builrflna; Wthrnrt fir. -her -tpense fnr !it or 5c ar-ading. Wt.M tr-ea. r-nwit waiks. city water, eiectrv light. -.-i.nut '-ar serve, etc. We are ohikaii ily r'vn( miiairaa regarding ononis rea dence inrj Vt, jjflt jt its.. and Oimmg and Cajn. ' in lm at;,,n ii-innnorot surroundings ami maw advantag-a ars consider-d. m. """"7 P' esihle to ia,i large, bull.fcng lots elsewhere uiat vmrtn :n price ri.i ie l"ta m Huh new'y prepar-d 0inda) .Ustrtrt. at pr-ces from 7o to Bui T'rm. rmt casn. ',iuw tin pr inunui. Buy a lot now. iml havw plenty of Km to a, viur pi ana arm for a naw noma. A Wi at, F arnaun-Dundea oar will tak you to uia around. CHEAP DUNDEE tt ..TA fv-r gr rsiv-nnort St. : 1 mom all w una; only cju cusui, Oaiiinca rnontiiiy. WEST FAUX Ail HOMES B.jflB for new Vr-iom a;l modern hnniw. just Inished. mrwr Int. near Jlst sod i.lnrin Sis., -m ire nrst !hmr nu tlni h and oh floors. 4 good Owtrnnma on id nn.i:e,t n oircn. wui hard maple floors, fud baaemenr, cunimtwl, aapna.t flawed street. Si. JSe-a-r-.,m ail modem Moniw. built only I yars. In x -el lent repair, paved street ce-mmi comer lot. very trrvtlit, invr"or. 1ni8nl ;n w-wtlifrM on ..) t r ,-rmm ail modern ho'ise. near Harney car line, rlne soum fronr int. jfix !JB feet, juat completed, four bednioma on Id floor. fxMi attic rti stairway. CHEAP HANSCOM PARK HOME B.'! for 4-ronm. J-st ory all mmlm hni w, JBt i St.. -near Poppletm. hard pin rmiHh (-nr;rn bouse, recently painted and In gnad repair. ;avnunt and Jmannc wi lit PUdtl t(lP, HOME ADJOLVEVG KOCNTZE PLACE DTVESTMENTS fH.. foir54-4d i.tu WW.? Pr V":ir. .ioiihl. fronuicn lor, B.jw for two r-r-mm all moiii-ra himni PppiMiin. on lot tx:m f--t. bnta aouws tn PATRICK PLACE LOTS w"r trnnt IOt 00 5Ul il,"lt ir'i MixiJO-f'Hjt lot on Miami 3t; only GEORGE PETERS TRUST CO. S.-1KI Locard In C"int1i. t-tri blnoks frm rar lln. ifooii T-rfwim timm, m f i,r rtpMir: t:' iluwn, h,nnc to ulr This propr'r a wll located and will max a li'irania numa. 5.0 Fn ln-room all modm-Tj bonaa tn Kinint Pliu'n. hikif oioi'lt from car linn. Pt: s a v-rv lH4ir:Liil8 noma ajit m tn .ijlMntilit condition. Owiwp vriHiiifa to it-uv). th city and haa rn i n-.-.i -i:!nif pricn from fT.Oua for Illicit wit. 'n Htutt fr'int comr kit, in ona f t"i ' -mat dl!tfhrfil Im-atlona In omamt. Tiia m nt:rly new and nio.l.tra. Hot watr baat and bard wimjiI dnun. ACREAGE B,JS i aT". wth -ronm notia. amail barn :i ni rtlirkin tinnm. a.l of f.-'i t. ami oerr'-'ii. tt iown. bai ajic 1.0 aulC Wail located. &S-JS acr near the South Omaha ;mtry cliio. H.ia 0-w 5-room oot t.iu' and yoanif omiiaxd. Flna ylaar. PcTERS TRUST CO. Ground Floor X. T. tafa Bldg. C3) QTRT. WKT 3TT-ILD fOC UOijS AT THIS rROFKRTT ' BEi'AI.Sb r.l It la a llttln lncnn veniHuUy anaced ami tliera an anma aHin aliiit it that ou mitfiit wimi otnerwine. the .llHai"'ahria'fa ara nun than a.ioW'Mt for m tlie ucruic pni:a at winch It ta off-rmi. Cult will buy It and It ih in excellent comlitltm. and it coet nearly thre tnnea wtiat IT can be boiusiit f ir. i the LSaWBACKJ n ViCEU D1SCOC.NTED. If out anid t!im pionth. It will he rented lint am hnlitin it ant to sell, and I ln not want to rent it. Ti. ;.r manv 'mmI oimJIMea 'Jind far In K.:eHH of tlia Trit)iu'ttl. attached to t; . prriierv. anil I will be pieatjed ti hev voii Tf. t hi-lonirs ta an entata and It 1p verv necrennury ri aell. tt enn alt't rtf a oice rot tan "d a oml barn a"d two f'lll lots at .".iX N. :"fth Ave., lie-rwi-vn Elonifo ind Bur1itre. ECey at JH4 N iiro Si. Tih .r ro Laka and JDtn an ! w:ilk south J1 hiocka. fiiici- i niiiriiis Tf or -Maple iHMO, or call ac offlce. 21 3. IMtu. UUt w9 IS W. H. OATHI3. Room (TT. New York Life Bids: 'Phona Doutfiaa US. ILiKittirtve-ronm outturn, moilarn axcapt fmarit, on Ohio, near afreet; a nloa home, ranting- at titLuM; lot. IlixUil Cim A nice rive-roam ootLatfa. modenL cept naoe. aouth front, near lHt.h and LDviutc Cli ilifht-roum. two-atnry houae at 4416 Famam. a ouU fjmacu, cullar under whole houaa. ail bricked up, cementad rlmir. bathroom, with moilarn plumbing. In a-ooit irjr. (aa (txturna, anuth front. UK juxiS. permanent waika autaida and i inaule, rea-son tli:a la an ehea? la bw.auae j It ia owned by a non-realilent who wants ' to make a u.uick turn, and you will hava ' to act quick tf you at it. Cji H'n-nn)m moitem. two-atnry houaa ' on Uii.. nar Laaa atraet, reutlnc at CLJa. ! lot SjLi i C.jiH "V' lTi-ruiim miMiern, np-to-data houaa at -:". North lid arreer, near Lake atreet, I n.. uicaUoo. ranunK at SJu.JUJ: haa amail , t.i.-n. 1 nice laytnir vacant ground at aacrt-I rlie aricna. luuxlll) corner, on tuuc a ta ' I- wuka in. sewer, water and ffaa on tr.e t n-et ; prtca redoiwd tu SHUW ui maiu a ' k sa.a. aix.Ni on doutheaat corner OUi (Bouia var'li and Orai-a street, aiao another u ne jiae piece of ground on the Boula-VX.-1 nearer Clark street, owned by pen pie uvui- in Ireland who want It aoid am u as poHsibla, look ax it and max a me an offer. C9 JlJaH IB CHEAP RESIDENCE LOTS East frent m mrh St. Wwaen ElnneJ anil Ifiio evar l Ave., malda lota ara Hrxua ana ..iirners are aTx-Ja. Thaea ar en and .:ar una, m very gnud ktcaMRj-. t'rica. S.a Ui Kuk aaay iMTBiak t W. FARN'AM SMITH & CO. tXi Famam St Tak Eouaj. m Special Snap IAjM TOB. two oouaaa it mam roama aaath; all mmlera but fumade; thai bouaaa ara Uka naw. In tha baat aDodlaoa. ranted to Orat ciaaa tauajiu; rt3x ob rwn car Urua and ua.y nv btoeks waat of Craiarhe tun univerauy . bouaaa raotaat Cor tiwl nar ya.-. ni-u X. Jsca 3c i.v3i.N: A WOCJ. Fxt.n Block. I If 3 . aeil my 4-room aemt-modern rnt ' aad Kara aa 1 oust leave tha ataia. ... J l to mu aiHiU aacrm-a f ir cau -am ne mto, p.caa. Addnaa f "I! car ,Ut.-Mug a t'" ta M e; mad pnmmly r D. Wead. wa tlac . lata aad I amain REAL ESTATE citt raortnrT n nu iCnntinusel. HOMES moden, fill lot, X1J6 tU cliMut to t(, a : Hmm. r-nrlna: fnr about ft. runt InntM property in Hanarnm pau-i .ImrrVt nar 28ta and jTni r-va-r. rntal &a prr month. N'ELlR 2-tTI AXD f.A KV. " r"'t itH of OKlo: iwily UT5 caah. size. am -aiio. aoa-ftourti caan. ba.aai; at & CO. .110 Shimer & Chase Co. Look at lota In B(XXEVARD Pipy t-i more. biy. Lf you are lona:mr for val ues, buy wnere the many minium liousea aireaiiy huilr and tlinae uniler conatr-iu-tinn are constant:? adiilna; vaiiw to ad juininir prii)-rty P-jonc improvementa Art in and pa.d for it wtiiatamiin tna many advaniaa-nei peculiar to tnia a.1.11 lun. pncea r st;ll rtdlcubiUHly low Choice lota 3hermaa Ava. car takaa you to dprairue street, wiere you turn wat tnta Boulevard Park. Branti New Modern Dwelling 3lx rooms and Itrn raceoflon ball, new and muilern thnnumaut. iiniy two blocka '. '-tun c i r in Rniil.vaM P..ii en I Benson Snap Ft ve-room honaa. larsw lot. S blocks from scnooi. Property to be sold for tl leaa than coat to buiid houaa. bargain at E-A. Dewe.v Ave. 9eia-morn. two-atnry hone, armd cel lar, furnace, city water lujntlna; plant; Coins; to 0 aolii cheap. Maaa offer. Eaay terma to party furnianina; aauafautury ra rencea. Almost New Cottage East front on corner, paired both sJdna, cement suiKWaika. fr-ilt and anauooery; ci)t::we in a em; a rooms, mmiern Uirouirhout, stairs to larc attic. Ownar haa bouo;ht other property and most turn una. snap at CXM. Gram mercy Park Corners Eastern owrner 7i "seiT" tw oho lea comer lots. Waat offaat Sonth Dakota Farms 1H acres H'lda emmty. land C3 acre. Wll exchanira for Onuuia or Cauoull aintTe pro party. Another in Lyman Co. ltM acres Lyman county land aaar yfl waokaa road, roillns; land, nod soil, fcl an acra. CaU or wrlta at once. Shimer & Chase Co. ibHt Famam St Dnnjrlaa JUST THIXK S J0 per month and 4 per cent Inter. will purchase you a J-Ri:a)M, a l nmU an biiuaa. Thia platia :a located near A La and Jonea Sts. Pnca hSMJS, Paxtua Bik. Caug. Sub. 03) GREAT scon yoa heard the lateat anaatlrm tn real aotaXa alrrjea? W an otTertnir Ola jr-ateat an an tn wholesale district track-aa-a that w ban arer haard af In Otnaha. Hera tt la: TWO rCUL LCTS ,M-:eTt axtia feet ami aaloon biillui:i;, ON TH'f aof-THayr- ooaxEa rra and COCtlLAJk Trackas In aih-y and on 3th t; feat an Dauclaa. fa.nrut brtiiira. and feet th St, oppoatta It S. Smith ft Oo.. i.mvw rtarht-of-aray). TWO S.SZ'T ON STH ST.. BJmNtJ FCH tm PER iCO.NTH. Wa will malls Hl for ynu f you wll buy thia an Monuy W can. sell i0t:i lota and both boutts for leaa than the valua of ana lut y. P. DODGE & CO. Baa Blue. CSW Real Estate Bargains A nlca s-roonx cottaira. lot XxTS fsat. tn a food nalchbartood. 1 blocks af oar Una CJ; 'ata ii n i cash, ha tm-a aaay tarmav A nsca roil ill cofTaare. wttlk caa and wajtaa; lot SbaOa faacL3M; bait oaan, balaooa REAL ESTATE BARGAINS A naw Mom Bouse blocks to the ear Baati lot Silxia Saa) cash. Uka rant. W. J. - DERMODT INVEST MENT CO, n x i. una buxi caw-arts a IOR SALS-Oernar lak-nna; eirjr. offera eiae Cant aiiHlem railenc aear uppar Fv nam car Una; vnc poaaa aaton. for par Uciuara ana Hxu Ai Board of TraJa. lUi M7 lux BARtlAXX. FWa-ronra hou. atouern except beat, tn Bne eooditlon. near JT' n av. and i"'im-ina- 9.. l"t Cili ctd barn, r.ii Silas El iinjii. Uu... . . , w . REAL ESTATE rmnrvftrr roit sili iCuDtinumL) INVESTMENT $5 5,000 New brick business block. centralLy located and tenanted. All modem equipments. None better. HOME $2500 Eight-room house, 2)29 No. 18th St Lot 33 x 125. New furnace and plumbing. HALL, TeL El 74W D. V. SHOLES CO. U0 Board of Trade Blita;. TeL Douulaa 49. WANT AN OFFER The foiloWnir properties mnat he sold and sold immediately If you have an? money you want to pitt Inui property rit now la i.:e -Ime "o 'to it. .ind you ::in buv any one if the f illnwlns c"'ea at nnotne bari?a.n prVea. Lona: at them and maae us a proo ositton. If your proposition is anyuiin within reason wa will consider U $-):) fir chirtce of three lots, frontlnir wst on liith St.. lust south of V;nton. with per- manent siilewiuk. close to car line ana in a location that, is bound to IniTaase tn value. Cut down, baiancn monthly, ijtiar terlv or semi-annually, or lu par cent dls count for spot caau. For sts!! fiet. Cronflna" north on Vm ton. lust east of Ifitu St.. with ail apecia.a panl. $700 irrUO feet, north front on Vinton, ail spet:ia.d paiiL $l.o)0 For f?ne corner Int. Wth and VTnron, with ail apeclais pant. Gaay terms or lib eral diauount for caan on uie auuva tiirea lota. $2,750 Vary rM 7 rooms, ail modem except furnace, tn excellent repair. aOxluO feet, eaat front lot. with anod shade and shrub bery. Owner wants to an south this wn ter Price reiluced since last wea, and hefora that price reduced from t3.J0tl. This house ia located on ITtu St.. between Pop pletun and Wonlwortii. Malta ua A prop osition. H9 WJlls Ats., s-room house, tnoromrhly modem, naw fiirnaua, ifnod plumuin. porre'am bath, al! n ttrst-cloas repair, rood barn, lot .10x13 feet, on paved street, one-baif block from 24th St. oar Una, per manent walk. Owner baa moved to Ca.1 fornia and wants to Invest hla money out thers. Maka ua a proposition. (131 CLOSE IN ACREAGE Wa hava seven bounded b For'. Brown. 37ih and TSth Sts. This Is only three blocks from extension of Ames Ave. car line and lies very nicely. Could b dlv'ded tm thirty-two lurx"? city lots, or would make excellent fruit fr au-deo tract To cloea an aetata we ha"e reduced taa pnca from Cjiitt to C.-KKi W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. mo Farnam ft, TaL Cxitiif. Mm. OflW GARVIN . BROS. LETT CS SHOW TO" 31f'S OB THSSS PKOPRTIH3. Em M.I-AMI STREET. PTUi.-H REDCCEiD. Tha nonraaident owner haa reduced price from CM tu CM 'j iT:t a o,uu:a ju.e of this 9-raom- uouset slate roof, haa por celain bath, cloaet. caa, cltv wat-. aavrar anit barn. Kousa ia In C"d repair and rnxa tor U. If soul at once, pnca m.Ji.0, part tana SITE C3 (JCTCK. 271-1 N. 25TH CTIW will buy this -room house. Fart terms. M ist ha said within tea dajs. SdiiS L'3 M;NTiAf. NEW DWELLING E.! ca-ih. balance at ner cent ttiferast alii buy tha braad naw modern dwnlllns; of lx rooms, with every modem convenience xnrt ea.t front lot at f. Uth St &2U i uai rja. PARTI m-AR3, f 101 FARNAM I St. 750 will buy this modern 7-rtom hiuse, i with enrwr lot fronrl"ir .t-eeC lilunatliaxa poaMaauin, WANT OFFER. 4112 FARNAM Wll buy thia nearly naw modem dweiUnc VACANT LOTS C 'US will buy a Sne larje lot on Lincoln Bouievard and one of the choicest btuid.nrf loi a tn Bemia Pare. fTBe in pavmenta wlJl buy a cvwt lot on N "th Boulcvanl norr.1 of Burdetra St. r-i ivill auy acra iota in aUsnaun. E1A3T THRifS. wVCT 1UM FAfLN'Ail 3T CTTT ATO A-CR2J PRTiftHTT. For a few Java on.y a fond lot near Cat and Cailfortua. St., for (K75. Bed-rock pnca. Improved acraaxa to trade for Improved city, an ma snod lots near Dunilee. &i. Eah ana-ba.f casn. lm proved city to trade for Improved acr-aife nroperty. aautAwasc of HZmwond Para, tin per acre. Lot sUft.. fmntlna; on California, near TT'n St.. fTjil. Fve- acre tract cluaa ta Dundee if taaen soon. G.,we ie-w-e Improved farm near Dundee. tlS per acre, on easy term Ui acres, with tracaaara ncht. tn 3outn Orriaha. K.JU0. Theaa ara aU barca-na. aa AiUO x A era rieclallat. KM Naw Irt Tjfa cm-as us FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Brand new S-rnom cottage, with wr. airy watar. cna, lanta batn room, all mod ern piumbtna". aiecant bard ptna amen: large cellar fully bricked and cemented; small bam. aouth front lot; located near 27 ta. and Spaaldlnc. P-ca only t-lut. C. G. CARLBERG, ttl X t Ufa Bid iJv-Mtau FOR SALE OR TRADE 1JM acrea of tha beat hay land ia Na braaaa, slx uilaa from tha county aaax; frat-tiiaaa unprovamaaiia; pr'ua 0 par acre, Wll traia Cor (noil city property. D. V. Shoiea Cumpaay, US Board of Trade Bide. Omiua Ti. biu:u at. jui i7 A DESIRABLE S-room modern a as flnlaha' aoma nsaioirnca 31 Kountaa piace at a Ba.-gaio. aura. Sew it aod maae aa offer you may get it IT at ad reaaunajitew aavaf-1 tarsia, a I t-aaa U : caxw ee. I REAL ESTATE CTTT PtoriRTT f-rai ALS. "untinuad.) 317 First National B.ini Bid:?. (191 J.H. Dumont &. Son FARMS 13 acres, swid 'mnrovoments. rinnitix water In piusfure. extra irooil soli. 11 miles from Omar.a. miles from irvinifttin (116 per acre. ai acres hia-hly imnniveii. smooth land. black loam w-th clay subsoil; rtne sprinifs In pasture. 3 sets biuldlnirs, S miles frim HT.khorn. Irt miles from Mth imaiia. loe of the hifst farms In Douxlaa Co. Jlia) per acre. s acrs aiilulnlmr above, same; kind of Lasei. exlr-i -tiod improvements. House worth JE.juo die per acre. 1H0 acres fine land a little nearer to Omaha. but buildlnifa are amail &2.JW per acre. acres Platte river bottom lanil. ulieap improvements. H miles from Vailay ;S per acre. Rants for i cajh. FARM RENTERS If you have teams, farm machinery, help in your family, some live stock and some money and w:mt to buy a f irm, writ to us at once. W have a larxe farm for sals at a special bargain on such terms tnat you can pay tor t our of farm In come. wner city profeaHlonal man. tiw bu.TV ti give firm personal attention. Very easv terms, low interest. A chance to acuuire a valuable homo and land enoua-h for yourself and children, close to a"1 "id R. R. town and w'tiiln 3 miles of the best market tn thia state. STOCK FARM AND TIMBER LVND 2! acres 10 miles from Omaha, adjoins town with tw railroads to isnitiia ami Lincoln: JS acrs cuitivared. tiw acrs more can be cultivated, balance rouarh pasture land, with runnins; water and tine timber, including imm or more larxe blaca walnut trees; sma.1 house, barn and other improve men fa only & per acre, half cash, balance aaay. INVESTMENT BARGAINS llW aers Mack samfy loam. Perkins Co.. miles from R. R. and county sear: .ii acres smooth: nonresident owner only JS per acre, one-half cash. T?u ta our leader for this week, left acres. fCeva Pha Co.. V-b. KB. ItM acres, Blalna Co., Neb. Shit. MO acres. Holt Co.. Neb T. IrtB am-es. Loup Co., Nab. tW. acres. tCavs, Paha Co.. Neb. try". ia acres extra ifood lam Perkins Co.; fins soil C.J0O. will divide If des1ril. 320 acrs choice wheat ianil. pei-'sctly leyn4 tl.SWl cash: worth Co per acre. A piace to put your money whers It will be safe and bnnc you a tarije prods In ana or two years without riaa. J. H. DCMONT & SON ItW FARN.LSt 03CASA, NTH3. 031 EAST PAYMENT BARGAIN On N. Sth At. near Spmtcer 3t. irood five-room coAU-e with city water. sewr, COS, toilet, permanent wa.ka around house and In street. CPod bricked up cement floor cellar. This Is onJv two blocks from lta car. in excelienc aeirhbartiooit. A snap it fl.aoi): IMO caan. ba-aaco aaay payments. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. ITS) Firnam St. Tel. Doug. It. C3 O'Keefe Real Estate Co. Nlns rooms, ail modem. neafy new. sightly corner In West Faraam liiat. Only one block to oar, CH.AM. Six rouma, modem except heat, paved St.. near Hail scum Pork. KM. Easy term Eight rooms, built this year, aheclurely complete, good tenants, an the hill narh of Benus Park. H.JOB. sO-acra tract south and went of Dundee. F'.na view on taa hlil. Hl N, T. LiTa Bid-. TeL Dong. ZEi a C9 a is SMALL FARM BARGAIN :ra mil from town, close to Omaiia. must ba aoid at once fc5 an acra icas Lhaa it m worth. National Investment Co. Kl-iW Brandeia Eliig. C3 MM Id FOR SALE OR TRADE For good vacant conw, mv houaa. 4113 Farnam St.. 7 rooms, strictly up to) data and paoered; furnace heat, r-reprion ha.l, Tuil cemented oaseoient, street paved and ttuiiem., ak. aaL What have you' -- omm. 1 J) eSS UlX HOLIDAY BARGAIN A naw FTVE-ROCnc COTTAGE, modem In avery raapact. located ciuae ta TW O car ones, on a aouth front kit Cxili; reot-d 8ur C3 per suirtu. Can ba Oougut for Caav tiild, paAton B.a. Lung. x&. i ji H'X.TB3 AND Lll-T Clue. II 3. lota St.. 7 roomi not modern, iniund. ii ft. front, on gratia. Perma nent wa.ka, ahada traaa, Patterson. li.J Faraam. Cl a72 IS iaa SO. fTH E ET'STTHTN FAJLNAX ANI) UUV'SM AoRTK. Six-room. Tiotra cuttaa bunw: rants . tjeauCful lot. east front, ' i ansa 'k'tmaia Parnajt Ana. IB4 REAL ESTATt citt Pw.orr.arT ruai hlb. (tantinuad-; FOR 3ALB1 A wen built 10-room frama houee. Oeaui if'lily flnnttied in nardwoid. hardwood lours, mantoia. modem bai.i r-inm and --onvenient :y arrangeiL v id aed at a verv low prce. to be remove! from pr.sent nremiMes by purchaser Ati drv.ia C C Rjae water. Bea BldK . Oma ia (19 V- M3i: wll buy eleirint l-rnnm modem hntiee at 4 N. list tu. east front: pavef strt. nei-nanent slilewa.k: beati'-iril awn. larga ahada tree a Eaay tern a 'f necessary. THOM-A3 BRSNJIAN. Room k Naw Torn Lefa Building. i 111 i- RIAL FlsTATOi TTTUr TRC3T CCi " CUA3 . WLLLiAjajON. Pres. V-'-" i r l "ll,1 II' i. u . .....J 4. i....... .1 (M .. . . ...... m r.M, piuii jiiiinr viiiim- .11 M'r; l r-pMini modem rur'.ier nit wit:i Till ; inf. My houee will rnt at Ho. ddsa A "41 care Bee. i lin Vt-ieu U LON'tl B2.('"H. V. 7.. seasnor- tfi min-i utes fri.m Emaiiwav: -iifhieen millions for! improvements, lots JTiS ipwirds; 111 per, r-enf C-Lh wrte rSir h,inllMt Wt T K.illwe 115 F'fn Av.. v Y iv.n V10 ir,x REAL ESTATE riKK A BVA..U k.Atli'S FO SA1 . Calrm aVa. GP.21ATTr3T fr-ilt country on earth. Rea sons w:iv yousliouid come, beat frnt, a.ta.i'a. ai.n land iiiO up. pure nr iiuac i..'m per tun, unmer aiid oai. I'a.-m-rs' own diiches. miid winters, no storms, excellent scnoms. churclies. C. C. Hava Ula. Puinia. Com. U.1H MUM iix COLORADO FARMIN' LAND IK 'u1 -t.iiiAi .iis ot 4 ind land close to Denver in eastern Cuioriulo, l.i led ui mv 'i m i.ny desired and al iow price and easy terma. N-ArU.'NAl. INV uiSTMSNT ClX, jai-o&l bruiuma unig. (;i iliil 1 FARMS IN COLORADO. F.i.'S.S Al.LT DlSTRii.T. Anvthlrg from Hi acres up. rUl beet of wiier rittht. with reascnaoie terma. Write tudav for-list. Ray M. 'al. lit. CoiJ.. P. O. Box lei. (-Vi la FR SALE "Pie flneat n ai-r'ei In Potta wattamie county, .i'j miles 1'rom Council BluiTs noattimce. on lev-d road, splendid land ind splendidly improved, oniy ih..a fjr U'Uck in:e. Let us Lail "in auuut it. SANS t V.V nJL. i2 W. Broadway ,2(11 MI6H IDx FOR SALE IT) acres- hlgl Ixiftom land, two miles from Missouri Vailev. w -11 Improved. lft aiTes tn cultivation, hid ance tame paature. close to scnuol, on R. F. D and telephone. Prtca on this farm la ITS. jo per acre. aiires high bottom land, all tn cultiva tion, three and a half miles from Mis souri Valley and one and a haif miles to California Junction; small set of im provements. This land is located in a line settlement, surrounded by some of the beat'tarnis on the Missouri bottom, close to school, on R F D and telephone. Price on t.n:a farm is JTT.Sl fer acre. Will maK terms to suit purchaser niis is a cruckmif Una eighty and a bargain ac the prve. FRiCXi EfiijWN A CO., Mlasourl VaJler. Ia. (20) ifTD Ji COrN"-TL BLCFF3 31TB TTRBA S. 3 acres about I mile of car line and paved street, good garden land, ail culti vated but ahout 3 acres; new 7-rt)iim house; good barn; house stands on beautiful knoll, with extensive Vew. has nice lawn and surrounded by fine old oak trees: this piace 'a very attractive and worth uie price. SU.J0H. H. O. M'OETS. 14 Pearl St., Council Bl'iTs. (2(11173 IGx Ft"'R 3ALE T-ratest banrain In Kansas l""-acre level Neosho county farm, best of soil. SM per aero. For r-nt for l!W. R.)0ert Bttaworth. owner. Cedar Ranida, Li. (J0t ll lfl Saairaaatab howITthis S ACFJE3 of good land tn Kimball Co.. Neb.. 5 miles from pine Bluffs; a a-ood town an main Una C P. R R.; land In this locality ta sailing for from 0:fl to per acre; we can sell this land for H.j0 per acre. TJWI ciish. bal. nine an nual payments. Wr"-e for particulars. WAIT INVESTMENT CO. ail Baa Bulg. CD) am 14 WESTEP-N L.A.vrS Wrlta tor our lists. WU Inveatment Co.. ail Bea Bldir. (20) MtiS 16x MR. INVESTOR t bava a Boyd county, Nebraska farm th must sail tuck. If Sou have soma Idle money here la a argam for someone. Addraas 7 59. cars of Baa. (201 MTii NEBRASKA TVs offer balance of the Marked firm at De Soto. Neo., aonslHtlng of aoout 7ai acran with two sets of buildings, at an exceed ingly low price. WUI sundlvula tf lealred. "A' t.iout a loubt much of Una land ta tha best corn land in Nebraska. Near railroad station, oniy at minutes ride from Oma.ia. A dna location for feeding station. Let ua hoar from you. A P. Tnkey & Son, M& Board of Trade BldaV Phuna Dougiaa lilifL (20) MH20 14 A WASHINGTON county farm morgaga for Sii.jiiu. McMenemy A a,a.-r. ei aaa Blilg. lal. Douglas al2. tlOl u74 US FOR SALS or trade far larger farm a nice wed Unproved. 52-acra farm Joining PamUluo. Aduraaa B. lAonkai, Paoii.iau. Neo. (20) altt Uix FnR SALE sTL acres, good ImprovamenTs, N. E. ii miiea of mty. Peter Olson. R. F. D. No. 4 JU MriT2 Hi fed ACR-aJ3 good land near Kimba.1. cheap ii raaen in il) days, easy terma. J. Wb- aier oruwo, riuKinua ctouse. .n.iwau aaa, v isl t-ui 3w XasLtoaw WE WAfT responaiDia prty. or par:ea. to join wi n us m t;ia pur'inaae of luu.jiu a. ree of rlrst-ciada ancuiturai laud sliua. d In New Mexico. Ws conaider th.a una af tha seat money prupoaltions in the aoutuwest and are very certain that Dairies purcna.-ing can considerahiy more than doiiole tneir money within the next six months. Wa have taa machinery fur handling tract or tn:s sixe and caa un douoieuiy clean up every a--re bef ira July 1 next. If you nave the money and are lonalng for a safe Investment wfh lane retum investigate this proposition. The O W. Kerr Co.. Third St. nd Nicoliet, Mnaaapuua. M.nn. Oui Mill) Uix YOUR FORTUNE Awiltj you In tha Gulf Coast Country ef TEXAS T:iia a trtp with us !n our prtvnta car. Our next excursion starts an Decern or IT. Tha lnter71af :onai Land and Investment Co., Omaiia, Neo,, Ho bee Bldg. t2Ui eSS US NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A Truck Farm on Easr Trtii Wa Have une of the Beat T-uca, Firm FropoHitinna in U.a M.irnot A Dollar-Down and E'oila,- a Munth Buys A Oiuil Firm in the Ouif Country The Litemarionai Land and Lovaatmant Co., Hit Ban Blag.. Oman a, Neo. 1JU 423 IS FRii2 lund to develop. Country along new nuroad. eastern Texaa. Ca.1 for flva days tor expiaaadon. iHl Cuming St. l2U WU OMTN I KS) a'-ea le-eel praur-e farm lanaa aitioimnif ma m.lnJ in Texas. Wa wane agents to aed it tor ua. If you ar a.'iie to :o u .sineas wma ua f r -mr propoei'iun af once. 'Pxaj Colnnixatlon Co., ajS Monadnoca Bloc a. ' ili HOTJDAT EXCTTR3IOW. Tks advantage of low rates and ntn our hodday excursion ti taa Txaa Juif eoast countrv T-iada Dee, 17. Special tra.n from Kanaas ilty. many abipa and aide trpa. ij and aaa a coun try wnere they dim I oava finuiaa, aulds aad go. T'xas T ' A Lmmigra Cua Ok. it hmm isLn. QU sUki ia REAL ESTATE ' Also BUCH LAJDia r)H kL Tanaa Caadai.a. BEATS A BANK Brazos Crops Pay Corn $.iiu)0 Per Acre Cotton 'j).l0 Per Acre Su jar Cane $li").f)0 Per Acre Cufnmber' $2.j00 Per Acre OCier cropa pay enormnus profits. Brazos Vallev Land asf At $15.00 to $2o.OO Per A.-re . BLV3 and WILL produce eu as much. I ('an Prove It We have Prairie Land. Aliundunt R.ilnfiil. Beet Shipping jfaciliU.-a. No B;iX3t.u-la. , A Nortliern Colony A.ready Started. j Here ar. a few descriptions: i ) a.T-s, rlna black pnurle land Cli. per j acre. Llil i. r-'S. Una biak lanit, all prairie mi nt per acre. lisl acr-a. aoout half pnlr'e and bain nee timber: splendid soil, living water il.'..l I per acre. ' tiS ucrs. almut tw-thirds prairie, lurk ! sandy loam and. running to Br-iioe rver: consideraols good Limoer ia.:ll : per acre. j til acres, about two-thirds timher and one- third prairie, very nice tract, ioout lit miles fr an Columbia md not f ar from ' recent oil developments Tiu. HI per icre. Ms) acres. a-tHid iiulldings. nearly al fenced, j aoout a'rs timber, balance prair'e , H7. ,tii per acre. ; other tnu-ta to select from, One prVe onlv N. tr-idee. I LANlJ SHOWN FROM RtolNBSntX l HTLA.VD P. LOOvWOOD, 41M, 3an Antonio, Texas. i3l TEXAj LANTWanteil buyer for half interest in l.n uts rich rvr Ixiftom land all Mllabie. com. wheat, oats, u fa.f.u cotton, a vnuney-rmmer S. H. Uravea. Sheiton. Neb, iJUi Meiil TO rNVESTOPS. I !o Investments In f irm lands are af- ' fected bv financial flurries. Put your money ! where tt will constantly Increaaa in vilue; ; always fre from rHk. we can sell you any amount from 0 to S.-hih ax-res of north -em Wisconsin s choicest 'ands, O. H. INGRAM. Jr. Rica Laks. "V is. ODt TC Dec StS Hiaaraila CHT1AP farms and nomes In the soiitM. where va.ues are aitvanclng through man ufucmrmg and agrlcultunil deveiopmeof. Low priced lands for all pumoees. Ca-'le and hogs do well. tiod grass lunds. Fine openings for dairvmen. T-uck ii us ing returns large profits. iiod markets and trananor'ation fm-tllt'es. Town and dt'ea incmaslng in pipul:irion and weuith. P"iiiilca:lnns glv'nir detailed In'or-nution upon reiiuest to Mr M. V Rtchnrds. ' Land snd Industrttil Airent Southern R.iil wiy, Washington, D. C. (3 REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMS AR3 THE SAFEST SECURITT FOR MONEiT LOANEU. Wa have over SEVltN AND ijNE-HALF KILilON DOLL.4R3 u invuators' money secured by farms. During twenty-one years of business not an acre of land haa been taa-n ov an investor under foreclosure; not a dollar had been lust by an Investor witn ua. We now nave some excellent farm mort gages tor sale. Tha amounts ara from SinM up. ttCTERS TRCST CO MP ANT. NiiW YGfi-X LIFE BLDG. 11) M.1M 14 SIX per cent guaranteed net to you on tarm loans and direct irrigation bonds. Aoauiutaiy sare. Prncipal and inter-st giurantaeil. Wnt for circular Z. The Farmers Mortgage and Trust Co., Denver. C1110. ( ) '-7 lux W AN TED City loans. Pntars Tniat Co. l2D tWl MONET TO LOAN Pnyua Investment Co. (22) Ml MONET to loan on Improved Omaiia prop arty W. J. DERMODT LTV. CO.. Tel. Doug. 5104. l.H N. T L. iil Miili WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnaun Smith A Co., L32U Farnam at. l22)- MONEY TO LOAX $50, TO $2,000 at par cent and commission on good Omaha unproved real eatattt,no dttiay. Garvin Bros. UM Farnam St, (SSI LOANS on Improved city property W. H. Thomas. Sua First National Bank Bldg. 1 21) m PRIVATE MONET-NO DELAT. QaRVLN BROS.. ItftH FARN M. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Pnxtun Elock. LOANS on Improved Oman property O'Saafa B. E. Co., luul N. Z. Life Bldg 122) B B5.K) TO 1M.JHS TO LOAN Prvara money, no delays. J. H. 31ierwoo.t JUT N T Lift. cs m REAL ESTATE WANTED : HAVE stock worth, loo cents on the- dol lar in Une growing manufacturing con cern, expeait to pay dividend soon. :11 t: ids for unincumbered smuil farm, va cant lota, am ad residence tn city or vil lage or timber land. What hava you? Wiat ta it worth' Give town or county Addr-es John E. Fellers, 115 tmrton St.. Chicago. i i a IDx REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Fsuraa. slamc A a4 Psatara Laaas, D ACRES for rent. Vlltary bo ad near Benson. REAL. E3TATE TTTLB-TRr3T CO.. Chad. E. Wil!!amm. Pres. I2U1 Faxnam St, t3 . MWif !B WANTED TO BUY WANTSX) T buy aecund-hand f-imlture. cook and haatuag mmvma. uarpeta, lino leum a orTlce furuit.ira. old ciotaea, and aaoea, puauoA feathers, bed pillows, quiita ana a.1 kinila of tools: or wll buy the rimitura of your housa mmuiatii. Tha b. cheat pi-cra paid. Ca.1 the r g-iL man. Tal. Doug. 3871. i26i M.Ha JJ SECOND HAND feed sacks. No amount Um uu-g or too ana;i. Wagnar. sOl N. lii. Cii M7(ia WANTED Ta buy caivaa. TaL Doug. 73I. Cbi loa SECOND HAND firnltura bought and sold; a, so ma-nines of ail kimls rvnLed. S2 par month Tel. Doug. aMO. i26 MDiis TO FARMERS. PHi'DCCE SHIPPERS Highest pricea for butter and eggs. Casn -if memiidiidisw. Send tr'ai an.pmenc Tha Bannatt Company, umana. li luua CASH paid Bur second-hand clothing, shoes, ate e No. Uka at. Tal. Red ii-i. OB UA S strong work horsaa at mmllum prluea, TaL Webatxr SJk ill-M'AA 1U WANTED Ua) secondliand 'hairs and a larga heating stove. TaL W-om-r :'jn. ilfi. jablg "WANTED TO RENT - WANTED By married couple, rooms and board in private fami.y. or furaiened apartments f ir houatfttiulng In nueia n houaa. will pay well for rfood axunuiiii- A lilraaa & lii. Baa. WAMTEC TO fi.T I on ,ii n-i. W ."JTI.TD n.'itm man. r-f m s To chre L3ee. r'1 'inn 1 ''v r x. itu.-iil 'd v.1.1- i )- M "i ura? WAITED SiTUATlCMS t AM a Irn -oiana dvuga'st wti;i ,:;t -dgs rteriu-t'S o.u e ir-i'iii P ".i 1 int t.i n-.'ir :n a aoml-nay ng l--rr it tr". .ot.ier as 'l.i.f ni.T"ir .if 'u .- i.l '-t'i .ii." pu nient on liajni-o Wliat hn i u ' v.l-dr-ss Y SI. cure Pee. 'IT M IS H ITt "TT? ;FN"'"'T bnokkeeii-r set si -new". r"r --er A tdr -sa ff. i. muiia Bee. i -,.nn. PlU-V.. ,-1 14 V XT T-'"Vir-M um1siied fr-e cf I'.-i-t-a, iviepnone Conga t,T M 12 T1"1' NO -nan wants pi.ic 'n drue; Whole.;!. ex per-ence. itia rv .icy d-j s:. u; nr ore r ii.m m ! sir-t. A.ldres Eh N "IX. '11. Y ( N'"r Tiuri. gocit t: 'i(,.r w-inta wort on .pi'iids ! na'len r l'-Tiun f. . ri v Poaliv una iui l ttlt, -i '""niu, Nell. I.T-.N iut FT R.-T-i-I. . .- nccimnt.iai. who Mas apart f.llie. W.Mlid ' i" I SIMil.l let Ol" lil. k.l 1.1 It 'en. iiiii! r"f.ri'ncei . r,r v-i Ti'O-noi.r-l, Adilris A TiD. cure I-.. ,17"i h: l.'t W V NTTI" P'.Lin N. Hst Ave. ing to do i' home id 171 M't.l) 17 "Tnmmr" What Warmer? In Foot f t "llnimle" Jt Kne nt tilnaa h lot a,iM I. W w..,. ,n mKm I. n . . i j t'v r rtiuiia; ua m ouajAf or Aatumobilit. Right Jimmie Anil w sell staxik.. f thi-m for Cnrtetmua pmeats t(r st fni aire appearance, VI. 0O XD VP. Elegant Lap Robes Wild Caias far Hjjjy ar Aat3(H3all8 FTTE EXGLiSH WHIPS. S.LDDLEH, BL.V-XK.ET'i. BRIDLES. Drummond's I8TH A-TD iLULVET i LEGAL NOTICES OFFICE OF THE RiCPCBUCAN TAL ley K.ansaa A South went em Railroad Company, umana, Neo., Nov. D. Ijsr. lot file Stockholders. Nonce a hereby given -hat a ue. Mi meeting of '.'ia stocliiiouiers nt the Republican V i.ley. Kansas A Snuih weat rn Railroad company w,l be held ac rue ..dice of uie company in Omaua. Ne braska, at t o cioca p. m. on January in, Lsks. tor the purpuee of action upon tue uuestion of selling Uie ra.lroad, grupeity and friincliisew of tins company tu tha Chi cago, Burlington A iuiucy Hailroad com pany, the railroad aou property oeing now under tense to the aaid company. JV order of the board of olracLors. w. r'. Durkae. Secretary NlodtjOt OFFICE OT THE ELAN3A3 CTTT Omaha Railway iomyany. omaiia. Nab., Nov. :. Um7 Tj the ouicaiioliters. Nouca : liiimoy given uiac a special meeung of the atocahiiulers of tha h..inaas City dj Omaha ha.l way company will be haul as the odlca of too company in FairtlHld, Na br-iska. at o cioca a. m. on January LL Unix, tor the purpuae of acting upon tlia uueation of selling tils railroad, property and francnuis of the company to th Chl cago. Burnngron A Quincy Railrriad enm piuy. Lha rulruad property a.uresa:ii jeuig now under ieuaa to auui cum puny By order of the board u directors. W p Durkaa, Secretary. - NlUrttmt " OFFICE OF TH3I REI'B LICAN VJLe ley Wyoming Railroad company. Omaaa. Neb.. Nov. S. iauT r tha Sioca uu.uaia. iNouca .a uerioy given that a aueciai meeting of tlia stockiiuldars of tha Repuudcan Valley A Wyoming Railroad company wtll oe held ac tne uttice of cumpaay In Omann, Neoraaaa. ac 4 o cioca: p. m.. on January iu, Uu. tor tne purpoee) of acting upon tlia .ueuon of selling ma railr-wd. pruperty and frauciuaea o( , cu.a uompaay to tuo CUicago. burungtons A MUinuy Ra.lroad enmpany ma railroad and property aforesaid being now under luaaa to said aumpany. fay order of uia Hoard of oli-auLars. vV. P. Durkaa cecre fl Nlmiuat OFFICE OF THE OXFORD A Railroad company. umana, Neo. Nov l iy7 To tao Stockhoiuers: Notes la nereoy g.ven that a special of tha auicanoiuers of ta Oxford A n-jaiaas Rail road aumoaay wu be iie.d at tne uinoe o Uia company at O mail a. NeOi-iaaa at 4 o cioca p. m.. on January m, ljuii tor tha purpose of acting upon tua .lueat.un of nuung tha railroa.l. property and rninrmaea of the cumpauy to the Chicago, burling.ou A (aumcy Railroad company. Ui rai.roa.1 and prupaity aforeaa.U ueing now under ease to tha said company By order u J.rJ." ,Ur:u" w- ? Duraaa, aecrawy Nluuuut OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND SOCTH- wemern Railroad Compauy. uinuaa, No Not. . USiT.-To tha Stockholders: Nouci is hereiiy given Uiac a apeciai meeting o Lha etockhiiiders of Uia Omana and So'tu weatern Railroad company will ba hetii at Uia orflce of uia company at umaua, Nao at 4 a clock p. m.. on January lu. unii toi uia purpose of a:tlng upon tha uuhhuoq oB selling uia raiiroud. property and tran cniaea of tha company to uie Chicago, tour, llngton A muincy Railroad company, uia ra.lroad and property aforesaid Ueing now under lease to said cnnipuiiy By order ot tha ooard ot directors. V. P. fcLSaSa, gacratarj. Njit OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND NORTH Platta Raiiroa.1 Company omaua, Neo.. Nov. , imi7. To Uia StockhoidBi-s: Norics ia hereby given that a apeciai meeting o tha atockhoidara of tha Omaiia and Nortij Ptaxta Railroa.1 company will be Uaid at tha otfica of uia company tn omaua. Neo at 4 o cioca p. m.. on January in. WON. tot tha purpose of acting upon uia 'lueetiou ul sailing Oia railroad, property and trancmiwa of thia company ro the Chicago. Burlington A mutniy Railroad company, die rainuag and property afureaaai oeing now undel aa to iiu aaid company By ardor ul tha board of directors. VV. Uurnea. Secratary. NUkuatt STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Offlce ot Hardware I'uuieariT, lnana. Neb.. Dec. Ia 1i7 -Notice is uenoii g-"en to tne stocKhoidcrs of tne Ln ij.ada-Andreeaen Hardware company that tha annual meeting of the stockholders o the company will ba held . tllrt offices ol said company, comer of Ntmit and ll.ii nev at.-wfs, tn the city of i niaiia. n ch sta-e of Nebraska, on Tin-ada. January la A. D.. imiH. at 1 o cluck p. m. fur tun pur poae of electing a board of directors f ir tn company, to -rve during ine coming year, and to transact su.ui oiin-r businea as mat he presented ac such meeting. 3i-a. i H. J LK. President. A:t.-st. W. M. CLASH, Secrecar- Dliilime Trwa ta Irs hi I a 4. Mrs. Mutr-in wandered through the muzm of the faai-inatiug tovsnnp and rtnauj st i riped at uie counter winru held a divnr sirled assortment or mecn.nwciu piavtiungs I w an to see a tov for a uuy 0 i years. ' sue said to the saleemari. ' Siimeuiing on tms order "' vent irel rhi salesman, diaplayng a siiuj-g-' bear whict danced anout in its and starts. "Oh. no, ' exclaimed Mrs. M.utron. ". urn ' 'a - 1 souiei imn more thiIith ' "How abnot tina tov i it imuijil,; rem irKaoie little piavtijing. ' "Yea. rnj imoilile would seem suited to an; 1 irpoaa. Has it any da'- 'eaf ire 'It a f ill if rhem." declare.l i-he sal "In tile rirst, piace it ia guur-inteed out of order hefopi It mis iie-u W-e-K. ' It s t bertei up-to vsmiin to g. f i.-i.:d t "Is f.'iur its mist reaiat.c f4-afure,,, In-uuir-d Mrs Maitron. 'Hardiv ' repoed the su'esma.-l. "T's moat realistic fesiire is .ia diahailcal Pleasure it serins to Laae in runu.iig avut tne carpau ' J idge. If you have anytaiug to trule adv"r7aa It in tha ffwa jQachanga Cam in us Tuf Eaa Vog M