THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: DKCEMBEU 3ft, 1907. x ..t i ai... r raw- TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 618 REACH ES ALL DEPARTMENTS Silk Ilosiery for Gift Giving. For the (river of gift, nothing can compare with silk hosiery for beauty, utility and fitness, and the recipient will always consider with pleasure the rood Judgment of the giver. Plain Mark silk time, II. SO, 12.00, 11.60. $3.00 and J.7 par pair. Plain black nilk hose with cotton solea, per pair. Silk hose with cotton soles and garter tops. $1.75 Jer pair. Colored allk hose, $1.60 and $2. per pair. KmbroldVred allk hosiery. There are no finer grades, prettier pat tcrna or colorings produced that can surpass theae. Prices $2.00 to $10 00 per pair. Main I"lor. French Chemise. It's surprising what delightfully dainty bits of lingerie can be had s ii. i. Unnrl. v w offer a enerial line of chemise, some have plain button-hole finish, others hand embroidered yokes. $1.00, $1.28, $1.35, $1.60 and $1.71 each. Prices, lit f.ys W l! nun Gloves for .Christmas. hen one selects a gift, the first thought hat will suit?" Judging from the iber we sell, gloves are sure to please. We offer you this sugges tion and our vast assort ment of reliable gloves and makes. f Long Glace Kid Gloves in 8, 12. 16 and 20 but ton lengths, in this sea son's latest styles and shades,, per pair 2.00, $2.60, 3.50. 14.00 and up to $5.00. Long Cape and Mocha Gloves In 8, 12 and 16 button lengths, black, browns, tans, Havana, reds and gun metal, per pair $3.25, $3.75. up to $4. Z5. - f hort Kid Gloves In 2 or 3 clasp overseam or pique, in black white and'all this season's shades, per pair $1.16, $1.36, $1.60, $1.75. $2.00 and $2.25. ' Short Mocha and Cape Gloves Silk lined or unllned, in black, brown, tan, red and gray, per.palr $1.19, $1.50, $1.76 up to $2.25 per pair. Main Floor. A Time To Be Happy If ever there '8 a time to be happy and to make every body else happy, it's Christmas time. A time of unselfish-, ness, charity, love, hope, peace and good will. A time when mothers are planning the childhood's joys that are to be sweet memories in days to come. A time I make the happy still happier, and the sad, less sad. A time to make some little desolate spot in the world seem brighter. A time to remember the little children in the hospitals and babies of the poor. That's what Christmas means. This great store is well stocked with many sensible, suitable gifts that will fill in some place on your list and help to make some one happy. Commence your Christmas buying Monday as there are pnly eight more shopping days. . ' French St&g Ware for Gifts These pretty atag sets make Meal Christmas gifts. Toilet . ets. containing brush, comb, mlrrow and list brush. Manicure seta containing nail polisher, nail file, cuticle knife, scissors and salve Jar. , Shaving sets, with mug, lather brush and stop. Smokers' acta, containing cigar Jar with brass ash tray and tnatch atand. Military brushes with best quality white bristles, genuine ebony handles, wtth sterling mountings. We advise early selection of these sets as they are selling fast. Christmas Candies. A box of Balduffs delicious chocolates or boit bons will make a most acceptable gift Halduffs high grade chocolates and bon bona at spe cial price, per lb 600 Assorted nuts, the best there is, 25c a pound. Special Sale of Hand Embroidered Eyelet Center Pieces, Scarfs ' and Doilies, Monday. . . . These.beautlful hand embroidered Eyelet Center Pieces, Scarfs and Dollies make nandBome Christmas girts. A. I not. each. 9- inch 60c embroidered Dollies 25c each. - . 10- Inch 75c embroidered Dollies 50c each. 12-Inch 76c each. 18-lnch each. 25c embroidered Dollies 19c $1.00 embroidered Dollies $1.50 Center Pieces $1.00 $2.50 Center Pieces $2.00 $3.60 Center Pieces $1.89 24-Inch each. 30-Inch' travu. 18x36 $3.50 Scarfs $2.89 each. 18x45 $4.00 Scarfs $3.00 each. 18x54 $4.60 Scarfs $3.60 each. We will put them In pretty bdxea if you wish. , Pretty Silks Will Make a Gift of Elegance. First of the 1908 Spring Silks, Foulards, $1.00 a yard. Great value at the price, n thenew dot pattern, new-tans, new mode, navy, reseda, cadet, Copenhagen blue. . Handsome Black Taffetas 89c to $2.00 a yard. Give come one a length for a drees, a skirt or a petticoat. You can make no miBtake. Pretty Plaid Silks for waists and Scarfs, 79c to $1.60 a yard. A gift of elegance and beauty. Any woman would be delighted with a pattern. , Black Silk for a dress 75c to $2.00 a yard. . .Wath the crowd buying silks, all in the season's smartest and most popular weaves. We would be pleased to Show you. . Main Floor. v Silk Shawls Christmas. 'A handsome- and useful .gift that will ap preciated.' Silk head-throws at $1.60, $1.75. and $2.50 and $3.00 each. , Silk Scarfs at $1.25, $1.60 and $2.00 each. Very handsome cream silk crepe embroidered tcarfa 1H yards long, with fringed ends, each $6.60 and $10.00. Silk shoulder shawls, in black, white, or cream, at $2.00, $2.60, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $6.60, $7.00, $7.60, $8.00 and $10.00 each. ; Main Floor. Silk Dressing Sacques a' holiday showing of silk dressing sacques that has never before been equalled. They make the dalniest sort of gifts. Most of the.-n are made with tltted back., short sleeves and large fancy cel lo rx, trimmed with edging and Insertion, They rami in dainty shades of pink, light blue, violet and white. , Priw-s start at $5.00. Best Room. When tired out from Christ mas shopping, visit our rest room and recline in one uf the large eaay chairs. Manicuring tn connection. , . . Last Call December's Holiday -Clearing Sale of Colored and Black Dress Goods Remnants. Commencing at tiOO A. M. The close of the season the last great dress goods sale before Christmas. One dollar Monday will go as far as two ordinarily. Study these sweeping reduction carefully, and ask yourself whether you rail afford to miss it. We mention a few of the special holiday prices. We cannot mention them all. Many Skirt lengths, lengths for Misses' and Children's Dresses and all dress lengths in colors and black. - Pretty Bright Plaid Remnant tf 6 9i yards for 69c. AH. Wool Taffeta New dark red, very -stylish; $1.00 quality, 6 14 yards for $2.39. New Granite Novelty Color mode; 6 yards in remnant for 89c. All Wool Batiste Beautiful shade of brown, 6 yards for' $2.33.' Navy Blue Panama $1.75 quality, great value, 50-inch, 44 yards for $3.09. Navy All Wool Batiste Very fine, 76c" quality, 9 yards for $3.13. New Autumn Red Panama Very superior quality, regular $1.75, 3tt yards $2.59.. Fine Herringbone Serge Im ported fabric. $1.00 quality, 5)4 yards for $2.67. . Basket Panama Copenhagen , blue, $1.00 quality, 5 yards for $2.49, k. lengths of our beautiful Colored Chiffon Spot Proof Boadcloth, that Has never sold for less than $2.50, to be included in this great sale. The line of colors are beautiful. ; Main Floor. Hundreds of Beautiful Waist lengths and Lengths for Chil dren's Dresses. Cream Silk Luster Brllllantlne $1.00 quality, 2ft yards In rem nant for 98c. Cream Crepe Albatross 85c quality, 3 yards in remnant for $1.29. Cream Satin Stripe Challls Tiny polka dots, 3 yards for 83c. Checked Novelty New tan color, dainty check, 2 yards for 46c. Navy Challls All wool, small white figure, 3 yards for 79c. Cream Check Brllll;ptine $1.50 quality, 2 V4 yards in rem nant for $1.59. Satin Stripe Batiste Novelty 3 yards new Copenhagen blue, for 83c. Novelty Challls Navy ground, Dresden figures, 3)4 yards for 62c. Cream Walstlng JM wool, tiny Dresden figures, 3 yards for 98c. VERY SPECIAL All dress and Beacon Jacqnard Bed Blankets . . Beautiful chrysanthemum and other designs In light, blue, pink, old rose, yellow, lavender, reseda, cardinal, gray, tan, cadet blue, with white.. They come boxed single and make a very desirable and useful gift. Price $3.00 each. West Basement. Fancy Bed Comforters . Christmas Gifts. Beautlfu coverings with plain borders, either stlkolne, sateen, silk or all Bilk coverings, filled with cotton, wool or down. Prices start at $3 each. West Basement. Jm for J i Bath Robe Blankets. With the aid of our McCall paper patterns the making of one of our Robe Blankets Into a beautiful Bath Robe Is easy. Inexpensive, too. Bath Robe Blankets, beautiful styles, prices start at $1.76. West Basement. A Grand Christmas Opportunity. Special Clearing Sale of Sofa Pillows Monday. Sale Commences at 0 A. M. This great sale coming just before Christmas should solve many a perplexing question of what to give and think of the saving. Large full size finished sofa pillows, beautiful hand em broidered pillows, velvet and tapestry effects, finished with cord and ruffles, including inside pillows. Finished sofa pil- Finished sofa pil lows, regular prices, lows, regular prices, $3.50 and $5.00, in Monday's sale at, each fl.OH $1.50 and $2.50, In Monday's sale at, each 98c Come early if you will share in this great sale. Finished sofa pil lows, regular prices, $5.00 to $7.00. In Monday's sale at. each $2.08 Christmas Gifts for Men The "what to give" problem Is easily solved at our Men's Department. Main entrance, a step to the left. Christmas Gloves $1.00 to 12.60 a pait. Christmas Neckwear, 50c, $1.00 and $1.60 each. Christmas Suspenders, 60c to $1.60 a pair. Christmas Shirts. $1.00 and $1.60 each. Christmas Half-Hose, iSc to $1.60 a pair. Bath Robes, Night Shirts. ,, Collars, C u If s. Mufflers, .Scar Pins and Cuff Buttons, all many practical gifts for men. . Christmas Ribbons. We are showing the grand est assortment tt holiday ribbons in the city and all at lowest prices. A hand made Christmas gift is al ways appreciated, and there are many' pretty things that can be made from ribbon or In which ribbon trimming is used. We have all the want ed kinds from the dainty baby ribbons to the wide novelty ribbon in a great variety of pretty colors. Holly ribbon for tlelhg Christmas packages 4c, 6e, 6c and 8c a yard, according to width. Main Floor. i1i 1 n aU SHE Commencing Monday our . .store will be open evenings until Xmas. Howard Corner:. 16th St. Hownrd Corner " 16th St. Commencing Monday our gtore will be open evenings until Xmas. ' WRECRFD (Continued from First Page.) gone., ashore on the .coast near Bandy Hook. . The captain and crew, ten men In alL have? been brought ashore .from the Phln WARSHIP HIDE OUT STORM Paefae ' Araiala Im Readlar for Priaat's laspectUa.t NORFOLK. Va., Dec. 14. With coaling and the loading of stores -of every descrip tion complete and with everything In readi ness "for 'next Monday, on their voyage to the Paelfta coast, the swvere southeast storm which struck the coast, lasting throughout the night, and. continued wtth Ktc.4 Intensity during today, had little ef fect upon the great battleships of the Pa-clflo-bound Atlantic fleet; as they rode eati-ly at anchor through the" gale tn Hampton Roads, except that the choppy seas In a wind of twenty-two miles an hour made It difficult and at times most and loupes at Beaton's Prices tell the story, -mure. Xite Utey are knotv brands. 10c Teller Cigars per box of 50. 10c Palmer House Box of 25 10c Crown Special ' per box of 2 5. ...... . 15c Edward Gato per box of 60. ...... . lit Lopes Clear Havana 1 for CC Henry George - Box of 60 10c Mars Cigars Box of 50 .13.00 Pipes 3.60 Pipes,, $2.00 Pipes $1.10 Pipes 11.00 Pipes 60c Pipes . why say all well . .'.S2.50 1 . . 91.25 ...$1.25 . .-.$4.-8 if 15c .. .11.50 it ...11.00 . . .$2.00 ....1.60 . . .11.35 . ... 75c . . . . (5c . ... 35c Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam Sis. . , P. 8. Chocolates and perfumes always please the lad leg. uncomfortable for the small launches pass ing between tfle fleet and shore and from ship to ship. The wind reached a maxi mum, velocity at Cape Henry of forty-eight miles an hour at 4 o'clock this morning, and the seas, rolling .almost mountain high, made It dangerous for craft of all kinds caught in the teeth of the gale. The storm was followed by hard wind along the coast and a dense fog at the Virginia capes, making It well nigh Im possible to distinguish passing vessels, The notable farewell ball given at the Hotel Chamberlain, Old Point Comfort, last night in honor of Admiral Bvans and the other flog and line officers of the fleet and the social functions aboardthe sev eral ships yesterday were followed today by activity aboard ship In getting everyr thing In the best possible trim looking to absolute perfection for Monday's start and for the inspection at .loo range of . the ships of the armada by President Rooee velt from the deck of his yacht, the May flower. . ' . The, heavy seas In today's storm made. the massive ships of steel roll ronslderr ably, but those aboard are used to this, and the storm waa not of unusual conse quence, except In its Interference with the small launches passing to and fro Sunday will be a day of farewell greet ings at Old Point Comfort The families of many of the officers who go out in the fleet are there and the last visit ashore by me omcers will be made Sunday night. The signal to get .under way will , be flomn from the towering yards of' the flag-' snip Connecticut shortly before-10-o'clock Morday morning and .tender' (he 'eye of 'the! president tie ships will pass outside the Virginia capes, turn their prows to the south and their course through the eastern end of the West Indies to Trinidad, the first, scheduled stopping place on-. their way to ahow the people of the Pacific coast the finest double squadron ot war vessels ever In the western sea. . When the Mayflower steams Into the middle of the anchored fleet on Monday morning just after I o'clock It will be sa luted from every side and will And every ship dressed In its gayest array of bunt ing. As soon as the presidential yacht drops anehorN Admiral Evans will repair on boarf! It, followed Immediately by all flag and commanding officers, to pay their respects te the president. Special full dress uniform will be worn. After the offi cers leave the Mayflower and return to their ship the fleet will get under way 1 slngls column, preceded "by the Mayflower, to the Horseshoe of Chesapeake bay, mid way between the capes and Portress Mon roe, where the great review Is to take place. Owing to the bad weather a reception and dinner which was to have been given to Captain Oaterhaus and other officers of the flagship Connecticut tonight has been abandoned. vessels that have run In for shelter. There have been many small wrecks, but out side the loss of the American schooner Thomas W. Lawson the fatalities thus far reported are not numerous. The most seri ous wreck happened near ki. morning. The cutter gunboat Speedwell was struck by a heavy sea and went down. There were "thirteen liberty men on board at the time and only Ave of them were rescued. UNION IN IRELAND (Continued, from First Page.) and there was no Indication, whatever of any unsatisfactory conditlpns. ' ' and notice that the hunt would not be allowed to proceed as long as these men continued to follow the hounds. ' The local priests tried to arrange a peaeable settlement, but they were unsuccessful. The loss to the district by the stoppage of the hunt for the season is estimated at $10,000. F. X. CULLEN. Mrs. Lonarworth on the Mend. ..WASHINGTON. Tec. M.-The condition of Mrs. Longworth, who was operated on two" days ago for appendlcltla at the Whit -House, continues ty be entirely favorable, nr. Rlxey, who visited the pa jifini inn morning, announces after au inn Mrs. Longworth had good night. Her temperature his Spent a was good THIRTY YEARS A Slave to Coffee. BREWERY BLAZES NUMEROUS Belief la Chlcaa we Faastle Has Bee Settta Tkem to A1S CHICAGO. Dec. H.-The 1!60,000 fire -In the Cooke brewery last Alght is the third brewery fire since' the Sunday closing cru sade began In this city. Coming so closely after the .others. Attorney Hogan believes that some Xanatlo, actuated py the belief that brewery destruction helps along the cause. Is 1 at' work, Mr. ' Hogan last night said: "While I am not prepared to .state posi tively that the fires have been set, the circumstances are at least peculiar' enough to justify me In making the most searching Investigation, and) I shall not be surprised If we unoever a pyroraanlan- as the lnstlT gator of the serlen." . The other two' breweries which were at tacked by- flames were those of the Mullen Brewing company and' Tosettl Brewiag company, .. . . m ARGUMENT FOR COMBINATION Attorney 'for llasrlanan , r La vr la -Ceatnil .,- Case. . Cites Iltnols Ha4 SEVERE ITOHM IN ENGLAND Fierce Gale Alee Cwest Tkaaaee Valley Flowed. LONDON, Dee. It. The Sere gales which have raged oa the coast of the United Kingdom for the last few days show lit lie signs of abating, and the heavy rains have flooded almost all the Interior low suds. Communication- generally Is much ham pered. The harbors and.bsys are cremxJed with not who yet Many persons do not realise that coffee drinking may become a powerful, enslav ing habit. They are not all aware that coffee con tains s drug-caffeine which ought never to be taken into, the system except for certain diseases and then only when pre scribed by the doctor. The coffee habit grows 'on most users and is more harmful to some than others But drug that acts upon the heart and tt, in me way caffeine does, is without greater or less harm to all drink coffee. "For thirty year," writes a Washing ton housewtre, "1 hare been a steady cof fee drinker. I wanted It at every meal "But I would have a sick headache most of the day. and throw up my food. I reaiiy surrered awful from coffee, thought I never could stoo It. "Then I heard how good Post urn was for such cases and began to use It. At first I did not care for Postum. I felt sleepy and had headache. I soon found that this was because of the hold coffee had on mo, for In about three days after I quit coffee and began to use Postum the headache left me, haij tid more nervousness and palpita tion. In about a week I felt like a new woman, ' "I have used Postum three years and when It Is made according to directtcai (boiled fifteen minutes) It is as pjeasnt aa coffee and don't hurt anyoue. ought to know for I waa as tad off as anyone la likely to get from coffee drinking. Now I am well." "There's a reason." Name given by the Postum Co.. Rattle Creek, Mich. Head the little booklet, "The Kosd'to Wellvllle," in jrimkaec. CHICAGO. .Deo. 14. Attorney Herrlck continued his atyment la behalf of & 11. Harriman today In the Illinois Central in junction suit. He cited an act passed by the, 1U inula .legislature in 18W authorising connecting lines of railroads tp cbmtttne If each Is mutually benefited, and argued from this thst the Uuioa Pacific and Illinois Central had a right to work In unison,' provided neither property was damaged by so doing. both of 'whom, a-ith their husbands children,' were present today. I. J. JamlesoB. ATLANTIC, la., Dec. 14.-(SpecIal Tele gram.) I. J. Jamleson, a pioneer of Iowa, died this morning at the home of ' his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Brown. Ha was 73 years of age. He came to Ida county In 184, walking from Davenpert He was one of the early-day school teach ers. Heart trouble was the cause of death. JUshoa Leigh ten Coleman. ' WILMINGTON. Del., Dec. ' H.-Lelghton Coleman. Episcopal bishop of Delaware, was .found dead in bed this ' morning at his home In this city. He had been 1H for a week with a hard cold, which devel oped Into kidney trouble. . DEATH RECORD. T MAYOR'S LIFE IS JN DANGER Barlal af Mrs. Grlnaell. ORINK&LU la., Dec, . lt.-8ueoiaL) Jhe funeral services over the body of Mrs, Julia Chapln Grlnnell. the last survivor of the littlo band of eight who selected the site for this city and laid Its foundations, took place at the First Congregational church here this afternoon. Rev. H. N, Dascom, recently from Port Huron, Mich., and resident pastor here, had charge of the services. The venerable Prof. L. F. Parker, a long time Intimate friend of the Grin mil family, spoke feelingly of the ietsonal and home life. Professor 6. J. Buck, for many years senior professor of Iowa col. luge, bore testimony to the value of the life just passe') to the church, the school and the community.- President J. H. T. Main spoke of what the life had been to the col lege. Mrs. Grlnnell was born In Spring field, Mass., and came from the long line of honored Chaplns famous -in that region. Phe was married to J. B. Grlnnell In 1KJ and they began their home In this city, named after her husband. In 18M. The four bank cashiers of the city w(th two descend, ants from old families were the active bearers, while as an honorary escort came the survivors of the very early settlers. Mrs. Orlnnell was the 'means ef the es tablishing of the first Mothers' club west of the Mississippi and was very active In missionary work both home and foreign. Two daughtera survive her, Mrs. Mary Grtnnell-Meara of Albany. N. Y.. and Mrs. Carrie Urinnell Jones of Nashville, Tone., K. V. B16EL0W PLEADS GUILTY Ya- Denver Man Who Mailed Dynamlte Bomb Gives tT 'Fleet. ' ' DENVER, Dec. - U-Kemp V. Blgelow, the young clerk formerly of Bryan, O., who' mailed' dynamite 'boitibs to several leading citizens of Denver two monthsago In the hope of securing rewards by giving warning before any harm was done, pleaded guilty 1ft the criminal court here today.- Sentence probably will be pro nounced Monday next, Blgelow pleaded guilty to' charges of assault to kill Governor Henry A. Buchtel, Lawrence Phlpps and Charles B.'Kountie Blgalow had already been tried on a charge of assault to kill Duvid H. Moffatt, the railroad man and banker, and sentenced to the reformatory, But District Judge Stidger elected to try him on' other charges, with a view ' to Inflicting 'more severe punish ment. The court wfll'hear evidence In the present case Monday, next bofore pro nouncing sentence. ' Cklef Eseeatlre of Greater Plttsbnra- Rerelves Letters Warning: Him to Change Tactics. PITTSBCRG. Dec. li-Mayor George W, Outhrle of Greater Pittsburg Is in receipt of a Utter threatening him with death unless his policy t. reversed Immediately. Due precaution against violence has been taken. Fines the constitutionality of the annexation of Allegheny to Pittsburg was afflr.T el by the supreme court of the United States Mayor Guthrie has accomplished several things which are, it Is said, un favorable' to persons In Allegheny, . STANDARD'S CASE . APPEALED Judge Laadls Signs Bill of Exceptions Permitting Continuance of Big Tlue Litigation. . CHICAGO. Dae, 11 The bill of excep tions in the appeal of the Standard Oil company of Indiana from the fine of $-9,-240,000 was today signed by' Judge Landis and waa later filed in the court' of ap peals. It is expected that the entire rec ord In the case, will be filed within a few weeks and a hearing had uprn the appeal within a short time. Thief Tonehes Live Wire. NEW YORK. Deo. 14-Pulllo Brunette met a horrible death while attempting to steal wire at Hoinpslead. L. I. lie had Climbed a pole and cut a telephone wire. but while attempting to null It rinn i came In contact with a hlirh m.r .i. trlcal service wire and B ft... vnit t trlclty passed through his body. He was Instantly killed, his body being terribly burned.. ' GENERAL SEARCH FOR GIRL Rntlre Comninnlty "Near Irene Llllle Olson's Disappearance Will Join. of BANCROFT. . Neb., Dec. 11 (Special Telegram.) A general search will be made from here Sunday for Llllle Olson, the 4-year-old daughter of Olaf Olson." who wan dered away front home near Rosalie and has not been heart of since then. Men are expected from the surrounding country to aid In the search. BELL . RENOVATING EAGLES rident on Crusade of Weeding Ori the Membership. REVOKES CHARTERS OF LODGES Chlrasvot vrltk Five Tfcoasaaa Member shin. Will Lose a Franchise This Week, He Aanonnree te Omaha Kaglea. 'I may reduce your membership, but when I get through you will have a better membership and this order will be on a much blither standard and enjoy a much better place In the estimation of the !eoplo of this country.". Bo Theodore A. Bell of Napa. Cel., presi dent of the 'Fugles In the t'nlted States, twice congressman from his state and once democratic nominee for governor, told the Ragles of Omaha In his address at their banquet. He told them ef Ms plana to "weed out'' the order and bring It up to a standard of character and efficiency not Inferior to that of any other order In the country. ' "We do not at present enjoy the full confidence of the people and we may as well recognise thla fact," he ssld. "Beat ing about the bush will not help matters. We want to realise conditions and then proceed to meet them. The fact Is It has been too easy to obtain membership In this order. "I make this propossl and If my Influ ence and authority aa president permits or enables me to do it, I shall see that hereafter the requirements are such that no man can gain membership In the Eagles who does not actually earn his own living by genuine work. We don't went the Idlers, the parasites. " They will not help us, but they will hurt na. We want-to get rid of them and keep them out." He Kevokea Two Charter. And then he threw a bomb Into the camt with this utterance: "Within' the week I have revoked th charter of a lodge of Eagles In Mtnneapolli consisting of LOCO members and next weel I shall revoke the charter of another !odg In Chicago with 6,000 members. I take thli notion because of the undesirable charactei of the memberships. And it shall be my policy from now on to revoke charters wherever lodges violate the true principles of decent fraternallsm. We do not wsnt members who are not fit for other orders. We are not a catch-basin for the scum of society and If people have thought we were they must have those Impressions cor- ' rected by striking object lesson which will bring home to them the solemn truth." Omaha Eagles have not yet ceased to applaud the address of Mr. Bell. They are determined to stand with him and see that, so far as Omaha Is concerned, he will never -have occasion to think ef revoking -the charter here. He paid a tribute to the lodge here and said he only wished there were more such. "Don't get the idea that I'hold pessimis tic Ideas about this order. The majority of lodges are not bad, but good, but that don't destroy the fact that we need to do some missionary work In the matter of weeding out." President Bell was entertained at dinner yesterday at the Commercial club by rep resentative business men of Omaha who are determined to land the Eagles' national ccnventlon for thla city. The order has a total membership of 300,000 and Omaha business men realise the significance at tached to a national gathering of this else and character. Mr. Bell paid a tribute to the Industri ous efforts of J. A. Tuthlll to land the na tional convention of this order for Omaha "For the last ten years "Geographical Tuthlll has been pounding It into us that Omaha Is the geographical center of this country and should be given the conven tion on that account, together with th fact It Is eminently qualified In other ways to care for such a convention. So you may be sure Eagles everywhere have a pretty good Idea of where Omaha la located." FIRE RECORD 1 1 C Peterson Kestnarant. ST. PAUL. Neb.. Dec. 14.-Speclal.)-Early this morning a gasoline coffee heater exploded In the reataurant room of C. Peterson A Co., In the Taylor block, caus Jng a fire that badly damaged the Interior fixtures and stock. The Are waa also com municated to the basement, where ' the bake shop was located. Mr. Peterson es timates his loss at about 11.600, and ths damage to ths building, which Is owned by F. J. Taylor, will reaoh a similar amount. Both losses are covered kg UV surance. LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine removes ths oause. Used the world over to cure a cold In ono day. E. W. Grove's signature on box. z&o Sxso That You Have a Case of WILLOW SPRINGS STARS AND STRIPES BEER In Vour Hem For Christmas Time i .... The proper use of good beer Is beneficial. It is the best of tonics, aids digestion and purifies the blood. - Order a case as a trial and you will always want blais and Hlrlpes because of lu goodness. Thirty f 3. 00-3-Green Trading Stamps with every case 2 dozen large bottles price 2.1t Fifteen $1.60 Green Trading Stamps with every case dozen small bottles price 11.21 Out-of-town customers add 11. IS for case and bottles, which will; be refunded en tholr return. Willow Springs Brewing Co. WALTIB klOISa. Free. X. V. IATW1M, Office 1407 Harney St. Fhoas D. 130. ' -Brewery, Third and Klekory sits. Fbeae . leas. Trsaa. QfflQtCSS 25Sa MENDEL Made by the House of ... The FLOR do MENDEL CIGAR Are admitted by all manufacturers to be without an equal amona? domestic cigars. Special Holiday Packages. iA vrrra